Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being

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Topography of Great Britain Or, British Traveller's Pocket Directory : Being THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES : : TOPOGRAPHY OF OR, BRITISH TRAVELLER'S POCKET DIRECTORY; BEING AN ACCURATE AND C0MPREHE3JSIVE TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN WITH THE ADJACENT ISLANDS ItLDSTRATED WITH MAPS OF THE COUNTIES, WHICH FORU A COMPLETE BRITISH ATLAS. BY G. A. COOKE, ESQ. VOL. VIII. CONTAINING HERTFORDSHIRE AND ESSEX. Uontron Printed^ by Assignment from the Executors of the late C, Cooke^ FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW; AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, JJf\ v. f 3" « tJ .3 ^ fS^ — AN ITINERARY OF ALL THE DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS HERTFORDSHIRE. h\ which are included the Stages, In^'S, and Gentlemen's Seats. N. B. The first Column contains the Names of Places pax^id through ; the Figures that follozv ihezv the DL^tanccs front Place to Place, Tonn to Tozim, and Stages ; and in f/'ic last Column ctrs the namci of Gcntlenan's Seats and Iff s. The right and left of the Roads are distinguished Inj the letters li and L. JOURNEY FROM TRING TO LONDON TilUOUGII BERKHEMPSl EaD, AND WAliOra). Tiing to Xorihcote Court, WiHiem Smart, Esq. E North Church Woodcock Hi//, Sir Stephen Lannato?!, II Berk HEMPSTEAD bl Inn King\ ^imis. A t Be? k- j hempsteod, Bcrk/tempstead CuKfie, Jo/ni Rooper, Esq. I and Tii/dngtnn ?,ia/i(fT House, Joaepli KirJ^man, CSf/. V^ '^Bartie't^, Auij:v.<ifns TcclceU, e.?<7. R. ]\\^co Ludiie, John j Broadway n C-l J'iaorr. es<j. h. Bourn End 71' See H'lck^ters End, Jo/in Fie/d, esq. L i [West Brook Kci/, T. IL Luard., enq. R, Bi«maor ! a^ Eocmoor Ha/d,-— Mead, Two Waters 91 esq. n. At Two \Vafen\ -'^ L a T. M. t.M Ucmel Kdinpc.tcad. j — iTINEnARY OF THE King's Lani^ley Hunton Bridge 13X Langley Bury, Kinss- CrobS the Glide man, esq. R Rivtr. Riissell\i Farm, Ladies Ann and Muria Capel. L Grove Farky Earl of Clarendon, R Cashiobin\y Fark, Earl of Essex, R IVigaen Hall, DeacoUy esq. n Watford ici Inns JV/iite Hart, Rose At Watford o^?i and Cronn: L a T. li. to St. Albans, on R to Hickmanszj'Orth. Cross the Colne River. Busliey Grove, D. Huli- barton, esq. L. Wiggen Hall, Capper, esq. L Bushev Fjvni Bushej/ Heath see the foUoicing seats : 21var Fark, C. Williams, esq. O.inri/ House, Hon. Wil- liam Biicknal. Finiu — eaq. Hill, — Briilges, , and Hartshorn Alanor Flace, Mrs. Brezccr, l\. Forftrs, Earl of Alio- mont ; and Wrnthain House, Gtorge jBj/v/-, esq. L Btnt/ei/ Frio/ 1/, ^larquis of Abe rcorn. Scats of Forbes, esq ; Cfiural, esq. unU — Torri".n.<. r-^q, L —— ROADS IN HE ITF0RD3HIRE. 7 Stanmore At Stanmore Drum- mond, esq. R Edi^vvarc 23| Inns Crane, White Hart. At Edgicare on Canons Fa?-!:, — O'Kelli/, L to St.,^ Albhns, esq. R through Idestrey. Hyde " ^ 25 [nn Kinsi's Arms. Cross the Brent River. Seats of Earl of Maccles- field ; and Mon- tugne, esq. L. Mapes, White, esq. R Brands, Lady Salisbury, R Tvilhurn ll 29i At Kilburn, see Bellsize Paddin^ton 1-| 301- House, Richerdson, At Paddington esq. on R to Harrow on the Hill ; on L to Islington. London ^l JOURNEY FROM DU MSTABLE TO BARNET; THROL'CH ST. ALBANS. Dunstable to ' I I Market Street Ul 4| fnn 'Sun. Market Cell, Joseph Howeli, esq. L foinnerly a Nun-' neri/ of Benedictines.. Rf-dhurn 1 hm-^Black Bull Cross the Colne River. i Gorhamhiiry, Lord Grinision. St. Albans 41 81 \xin< —Angel, White Hurt, At St: Alhhns Woo/pack. on L a X. R. to Hollou'uy Home, Countess Hatfield and Lu- Dmcdger Spencer. St, — ITIKLKARY OF THE ton on R fa Wat- Stephms, Jilrs. Roward^ ford. R Croi^a the Colne River. Coliiev Bridge 11; See Porters, Eftrl of AUamont, Titfenhanger, FmtI of Barduick. L Seat ot' Mrs. Cranlei/, 1. Salcsbuiy, Siiell, esg.'R llidge Hill At Ridge mil, Shenleii Far- aonage. Rev. ][h\ Bulci/. South Mims U 1j Inn White Hart. JSorth ]\li?ns, H. BroiC7i, esq. L Duneei^s Hill, Captain Al- len ; a scat of Olton, esq. L Seat of Wilson, esq. R Durham, J. Trotter, esq. R Kitt's End ^ew Lodge, Buronneau, esq.; Barnet Pillar and Wrotha?n Bark, G. On L a T. R Bpig, esq. L to Hatfield and Uertford, Barnst 181 Iiins — Green Man, Red Lion. JOURNEY FROM ROYSTON TO WALTHAM CROSS, THROrCH BfNTINGFORD, PUCKRIDGt, WARF, AND —— ROADS IN HERTFORDSHIRE BCXTINGFOKD jlf: Inns Bell, George. Hormead Bury, Thomas Cross the Rib Welsh, esq. L. Aspenden River. Hall, Gilbe7t Frunkliny esq. R Coles Hill, T. Gregg, esq. and a seat of Rev. Dr. Laws. Hamelsj late John Mdlish, A T. R. to Ca?n- esq. bridge ori L. PUCKRIDGE 11 Inn— Bell. Old Hall, a R^oman Catholic Collier's End College. Wade's Mill Inn Feathers. Youngaberryj D. Giles, esq, L Thundridge Bury, P. Hoi- Cross the Quin lingu^orth, esq. L River. Ware ir Inns Bull, Saracen's Head. Ware Park, late Paul Bsn- On R a T. R field, esq. R to Stevenage. Cross the Nezv and Lea Rivers. Amwcll 19| AmzvellBuri/, Major Brozi-?i. Near the Nezv R River onRa T. R. to Hertford. Hah/ Hall, Leake, esq. HoDDESnoN Inns Black Lion, Bull. A T. R. to Hertford on R. Broxbourn Inn—Black Bull. Cross the New Broxbourn Bury, River. S. Bosanquet, esq. R Wormley Wormley Bury, Sir Abraham Hunce, bart, R —— 10 iirNEUAny or the Cheshunt Wash '^oj^\Cheshimt I^ini^tCrj/, Mrs, | ^ Blackuood. C^psliunt Street jl 24| Inn Haunch of Venison. Turner's Hili 1 j Waltham Cross i 26i fnns Falcon, Four Su(nis. Thcubaldsy Geo. Frescot, esq. H JOURNEY FROM BOURN BRIDGE TO SAWBRIDGEWORTH, THROUGH QUENDON, STANSTED, MOU N'l I ITC Iir.T,AN D HOCK£RIL OR BISHOPS SI OK Uu I! T). Bourn Bridge to Great Chester ford 4| [nn Crcun. A mile before ti'e come to Great Chesterford on R a T. -K. to Cam- hridge. Littlebury 2| 7 fnn ^ed Lion. A adley End, Lord Brayhrooke. Shortarove Hall, Percy V/i/d/ui))/, esg. L Newport H m [nn —Star^ Debden Hall, A mile before ice Mrs. C/tisuell. reach Neu-port a T. R. to S'.'ff'ron Waldcn,L. Quendun Flatt!^, Henry QUENDON Cranmcr, esq. R Ugley STEAD > Fnns — Rfwc and Croun, Stan 161 MOUNTFITCUET^ Wlutc Bear. Sfansled Hall, William Heath, es^q. L Hock ER 1 1, on fnns Croicn, lied Lion. BiSHors 3 1P| Wulbnry, John Houblon, Stortford. esq. L — RO\DS IN HF.RIFORDSIIIRE. 1*^ Cross the Jiivcr Stort. Tliorley 1| Thorleii Hal', Crant^ eaq. ii elbrook 2]t Inn Grtyhound. ;awbk.idge- [nn White Lion. 2S|^" WOKTa ' Bi/de Hall, E<i rl of Roden, j j Fiahioburii, Mrsi Mills.. JGUilXEY FUOIM IIITCHEN TO nODDESDON, TlIIxOrGII STLV£NAC£ AND IirRTFORD. Ilitchcn to Little Wymi)nvi!ey > Stevkxagb j A\ Inn Szcan, At Stevemrye 07i La T. R. to'~Iiai- Jock. Kfiehzcorth Flace, Jonutlnnz, Morgan, esq. R. Kneb- zcorthy William Johnsvtt, esf^. It Frovmore Ilali, Sir T'lonuts Vurant, bgrt. [ L A-^ton House, j Alexander Ira in, esq. L ISficepliall Burt:, Michael }[cuth<iote, esq. I Broadwater Ci At Broudicuter, Williain 13 ragbury End 8| Whitiin<yton, e^q. Wattoii Wood/ia/l lOl Hvuse, Bon. Mr , A T. R. on L to Smith, L Ware, Stapieford Panshanger. Earl Cor-tprr. Water ford Gol'diugs, Richard Emmsf, esq. It IlFETIORr n 16|j[nns— Bf//, Fa'con, H::': Moon. —— 12 ITINERARY OF THB At the end of Hertford, on L ci T. R. to Ware ; on R to Chipping Burnet and Hat- field. u 18i Little Heath Balls, Lord \ John Toicnshend. (^^g. IJemiings Buri/, E. Calamj/l iHailt/ William BurJ/, Walker, esq, } JioDDESDON 2f QOl\lims— Black Lion, Bull. JOURNEY rRO:\I TRING TO R0Y8T0N, THROUGH DUNSTABLE, IIITCIIEX, AND BAI.DOCK. Trins to Stocks House, William Haj/ton, esq. Dunstable 10 10 Inns Bull, Crown, Sugar Loof. About A miles fromD unstuhls on L is Sun don House, LcacrravG 2f 12| Two miles and a halfhei/ond Lea- i^raie, on R a T. li. to Luton ; on L to Bedford. Lilli/ House, John Souerlw, esq. Little Offleii, Richard Shephard, esq. Jligkdojcn House, Henri/ Emilius Delmc/'isq. HiTCHIN 10 m Inn Sun. At Hit chin, on the R a T, R. to t;:ev€ii(.-ge,Barnet) —— P.OADS lis' ilERTtORDSHIRE, iS ^nd London, on L to Bedford. Walwbj-th li ^>3i Letch worth J^ ii> AVrt/' Buldock en L a T. R. tu Bedford. [an White Horn. Baldock '-^I: At Baldock, on- Ra T. li. to S/e- venege and Lon- don ; on L to St. Ne.ots. Odsey Granj^c l^',i31|: At Odacy, E. K. Fordham^ The Thirst l.'^'^i esq. lit) YS TON inn> Bu/'I, Red Lion. At lioj/ston, on At Roy.slon is a subterraneous R, a T. R. to Cave, said to have hten a Ware and Ubiidon; Roman Chapel, _ en L to Hunting- don, St. Ives, and | C<imhidge tkrougli Melbourn. JOURNEY FROM CHARLEY WOOD TO WARE, TilROUCII RrCKMANSWORTU, WATFORD, ST. ALBANSj HATFIELD, AND IlEllTfORD. Charley Wood to \i 1 C K M A N S W ORT H Inn—Sa-an. At Rickmam- Cross the Gade liorth, is Moor Fark, C River. WiUiums, esq. R. Bury Park, Futheriey Whitfield, esq. L Cashiobury, Earl of Essex. L Grove Park, Earl of C7a- rendon, L Rus.<>eir$ Farm, Ladies Ann and Maria Capcl, B —— i 14 EKARY OF THE Watford Inns — Rose and Crour\, White Hart.
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