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D0UBLE4^.T;>^ GREEK STAMPS r. , 4 ■ ---- -— 1 .,i. \: V ') •/’ V» - ’ •■.' • "■•T i ,*•• ; JL.,-. PAGE TWENTY-mCOT WEDNTESDAY, MAY t, IWS ilaiir^^atpr Si»ipttiit0 Upralb .Ycrage Daily Net Preaa Run The Weather ' ft' For tke Week JEwM Pereeut of 0 . 8, Weetbor May I, 1»58 NooOy oletidy, fool, duum of • . - .... '- . .... ' - - I - ■■ /■ . ' - ' * X*- . 12,701 few light ahovron toelgirt. Ixnr MM- 40. Frltey pertly tOoMy, lUinfcer of fiw AshUI \ y milder. High wser 60. BttNM«.jef Olretibittoa Manchester— A City o f ViUagi Charm ^ VOL. LXXV^,. |fO. 186 (TWI5NTY.F0UR |»AGiS-^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, C0NN., THURSDAY, MAY 8. 1958 . (CUtfolfled Advertising on Pege t t ) tICE FIVE CENTS l).>- MOTHER'S DAY, MAY llth MOTHER'S DAY, M A Y ■•up D0UBLE4^.t;>^ GREEK STAMPS Thurs., May 8th Cash Sa U.S. Schodi h :-.. \ Washington, May 8 (/P)—President Eiaenhower today or- deredBlthdrawal May 2p of all federal troops enforcing school X integration at Little Rock, Ark. ARDONS HOSIERY The Pnssident said in a statement that he hopes it will be unneceoMry to,retum the^ troops otb We have an excelliint D rip *n Dry the start of the school year nfext ' '^ r is Cuts Short choice of aprons for for Mather September. Mother’s Day ipfts. Eyelvt Embroidery . IGtsenhower's orders on with­ drawal were relayed by Sepretary Dulles Sees Flop Plorined^ Choose from coverall of the Army Bnicker.to MaJ. den. Part of Trip or waist band styles in Edwin A. Walker, commander of N avy Reports regular and extra BLOUSE the troope which have been en­ Plbt in Red ^large sizes. forcing a;fourt order for uitegra- Al^out Lima X" by Sybil tlon at Uttle Rock’s Central High ^ Cape Canaveral, Fla., 'Mfay c. School since last September. Talk M o ^ s A Polaris test vehid^ Eisenhower’s statement said; bursb^part with a brilliant Lima, P6<u, May 8 (A>)—A . Easy to care for,A joy "Since last September the fed­ shower of greets .Vice eral government has stationed Berlin,* May 8 {/P)—U.S. splash bf ..fire shortly after Presi(Jent Nixoir-ioday as he to.,wear! One of the -sMldlere at Ute Little > Rock' High takeoff today'but the Navy maityxe.xcitihg styles Secretary of State John Fos­ .sought to vi.sit San Marcos Sbhpol to prevent obstruction of ter . Dulles accused Russia announced that the/ocket be­ availaoTejn our Siwrts- the order* of the .U . 8. Dtetrict haved as expected. \ Uhiversity!s rector am4alk to TO wear Dept.'Sizes 32 to Court. today; of using disarmament students. One rock graz^the \ / "Since ClMuniiin&er recess starts The trim Lockheed htiSsile. 38. White only. talk as a gmokescreoh to "pro­ about 35 feet long, roared up bn touring Vice President’s n8c] t the CentraH|lgli School on May duce a world dominated by nd aliice theietwill be no fur- what appeared to be a perfect and another chipped the tooti \ ther'ytraseat need reikthe Ouarda- the military power of the take off at 11:36 a.m. of a member of Nixon’s party, men, lXha.vo directed iqey be re- Chinese-Soviet bloc.” It climbed vertically for 20 sec­ Jack Sherw()od. ■ First quality full fashioned rtyjons with He warned the West against onds, Then, just as it was about to Nixon then canceled his .visit, 'n ' / . $ ' leaa^ M; ‘ level off., a violent explosion oc­ » The newent styjes in "Follow lhgi^t daU I trudt^hat abam^ing Ita nuclear deterrent saying it wits, obvious someone X plain or dark seams. Also sheer seamle^ ahid,# because of what*he', galled curred and the rocket appeared V a lu e s ,to . the mo8t w ai«d state, and toeuNqfDctals and to break In two. would-be badly htirt. if he ptersist- sens niU.aaaume raU respbnslbillt: a|l)iring Soviet promlseii. He ; de­ ed. He then paid a citU on nearby colore. White, blacItX clared Soviet failure to honor in- 'Burning Fiercely''' Catholic University to tklk to stu­ 11.15 Alba Career Sheers.............^i^ir 9 7 < 8Po b t s w y :a r d k p t . and duty for seeing'that the orders The two sections pouied but a $5.98 n avy, red, orange, of the federal court are not oby ^eriiallnnal pledges constitutes, a > J 5 - 'JK dent groups there. SECOND IXOOR grave bh^Ucle, loow^iwking out an twirtihg vapor trail as they 11.35 Alba'^oss Sheers . , ^v^.pair $ 1 .0 9 lime, pink and ice. stmeted. spiraled downward. Both appeared Two' thousand students were as­ •.The faithful execution 'bCrthe eaat-weat'*^oi^. ' Saved and Happy to be burning fiercely. sembled as Nixon approached 40()- 11.35 Alba Seml^fervic^^rT... .pair $ 1 .0 9 responsibility will make uNjn- Deiiw^atratlan Falls Two minutes after the launch­ year*old San Marcos. The Univer­ necessary for the, federal/govertK Dulles made nia attack on the Hank Washington, .45, had .’good reason to be happy yesterday. ing, a w’hlte puff of smoke awelled sity Student Federation early this He flashed jthi huge grin after being rescued from a sewer cave­ No-Mend Sheer Nylons /• went to preserve the IntegHly of Kremlin in a speech/iellvered to up from the Atlantic some five morning adopted a resolution say­ j a i r .6 5 our judicial processes./ - \Yeet Berlin’s Parliaihent. Later in at Portland, Ore. v Rescuers, dug him out— unharnied—20 min- miles off the copst. Apparqptiy. ing Nixon was* unwelcome in Peru DaiighirSt Samplit \ ejn- tvpif- -to a question-, -While- he fibw^on to Paris -for-w-nieeting UtOB1=.later,-'.' “'-Washington -rewarded hi* -neeeueps by -taking them,- bhe'bf tli^ sectldns' had plummeted because "he Teprqserits -the plutor ’ ’Nb-Mend Seini Service pair $ 1 .3 5 House press secretary James C. of U.S'.'ambassadors. The ''-Cjotn- to a night baseball game where alt sat in box scats. (AP Photo^ into the ocean. , t cratlc and imperialist interests of O f Exelufiva Hagerty aald he did not know how munists in neighboring HUis't Ber­ faxi. "The breakup that occurred was 4he North American -goverpment.” Richard’s Semi Sheer............. .pair $ 1 .0 0 many federal ivoopt atlll are on lin called fdr .demonstrations durX expected and the test appeared ’iTia.federation denied hi's visit any du^ in LUUwjteck. ing his 54-hoiir.atay .in West Ber­ normal." the N avyannounced student., sponsorship. ThO local Arkwright Sheer ......................... .pair 79g PRICE Militnary \ ‘The nuniber la .^ucb tmaller lin, but they fallbd to materialize. later. It declined to ^ive further press Identified the main backers of. the resolution )ui Communist, Charming dne of a kind. than it wa« when -tile troops took The East German party organ, details. Seamless Sheers . .p.air 7 9 < to $ T .$ 0 / ov^intifgration duty last Septem- Neues Deutschland, kicked off the All thal was left to marie the tympathizers. ■ Xber; campaign for a demonstraUon un­ expeiimental rocket's short lived t had ' . X-'. / ' - - Elseiihqwer . ordered- r^ulsr der the 8logailrt."Cha4e Dupas out journej' were two fat vapor trails nt be- Creation Army tr i^ s and federalizea Na­ of Berlin." * shaped like question marks hang, nreps tional Guaraamen Into the area "Workers .wUI see to it that Oie last Walkout ing in a clear blue sky. ilence. /•. ‘American foreign mihistier learns If the test was a aucce^rit was shout-' by You knotcii a gift from^ (Continued - Sixteen) the true opinion of the city,” Neu- another atep toward preparing the e Vice New ee Deutschland said. The paper l^s Angeles, M»>’ 6 (A0-X6 laat-hour decision headed off a Polaris for its operational goal — rh'en a -phafged Dulles was flying here- to strike of 98i300 aircraft worfcegrs »et for last midnight. But a launching.' frpm a nuclear pow­ iC Adm ils^tarl stir up . oppdaition to a aunimU ered submariAe above or under the conference and create an atom iX the strike threajfhad Rof been ei“a4^ today. - \ SR&* - e HALE’S DOIIOil& DEP^^ *^ e Bqiaria la the Navy’s 1,600- Umbrella OTlRaeific N -T^ts war atmo^here. X^Internatk^l Association of Ma^nists and United Auto MAJ. HOWAKD C. JOHNSON t Dulles flew into pommuniat en­ Wdrkera.agraa^o continue talks •• mire balliaUc missile,' taller and rRACTlCAL HAND PRINTED FUAfCNEl».^ACK PLASTIC Fashions circled West .Berlin direct from a with Cdnvair.TDpUglas Aircraft lighter than the present IRBM |n gh ths Perlcrest designs a WaahingtonX May 8 </P)—’The meeting of North Atlantic ’IVeaty Corp. and N orW il^riran Avig- the U.S. arsehal.- Despite its size, ' j it is expected to pack a wallop as ‘ TERRY A PRO N S and / tablecloths Atbndc Eneigy dbn^mlesimt (AEC) Organization foreign mindaters ,.at tina. Inc., for s A lil^ n ite period. GeorghkJ^Bion Climbt to 91,249 Feet las had delightful new Parisian type umbreljae i potent aa either the Air Force Ctopanliagen. The NATO mlniatera “ We can rn^mlSmss dead­ e '«rtii8- “Twinarama” slip MATCHING KITCHEN that are high in fashion— hai e dwflrreed the e^^ing of this i Thor or the Army Jupiter. ' S2x52 $ M agreed to invite the Rassla'ns anew line just like that7*aaid' a union rd core in no-iron nylon tri­ yet low in price. Many ex­ e o u n ^ ’a long-heralded, nuclear official, ankpplng his fingers. j Newsmen were permitted to ob- TOWELS citing handles including im- test e«rlee in the pdclflc. X to create machinery'for safe, Strikers rieket ' serve a Polaris test launching at or Red-led students. \ cot .
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