2014, Congratulations! St

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2014, Congratulations! St 1 “1 / ( J ( £ c ] II 1 Class of 2014, Congratulations! St. Bonaventure University has sent you on your way to do great things, and it is no surprise that you are exceeding expectations. Although you have moved away from the Bona bubble, know it is always with you. Here at Bona's the door will be held open no matter how far from our home you are. The Bonnies will support you where ever you go, and you will always find home with the #BONANATION. Love, The Bonadieu Editor Congratulations Class of 2014! 3 Kateri Anderson Nicole Albright Kyle Alpha Julia Anderson George Anthony Megan Bagley Chelsea Barker Paulina Behrens . -ig -m CLASS OF 2014 Siobhan Bigsby Kyle Braham Peter Brotea Alexandra Broughton Jessie Brower Nick Brown Marissa Bruno Mike Burud Frank Buscemi Jameson Bush Jesse Byrnes Cara Callahan 5 Brandon Camille Jen Cappuccilli Nazarine Caraccioli Kevin Caufield Kyle Cecchi Joseph Cerami Hannah Chesley Cody Clifford Matthew Connolly Sean Corey Kevin Corley Kristen Cornish CLASS OF 2014 Joe Covley Tim Crino Joe Crispino Margaret Crowe Trey Didio Jeanette Dietrich Megan DiMartino Richard DiMartino Kylie Dineen Cecelia Dixon Peter Dolliver Whitney Dougherty 7 SS OF 2014 Ethan Duncan Kristen Durow Jenna Ehmann Peter Eller Elliot Fanshel Chloe Farmer Danny Farrell Greg Faughnan i Michelle Fedonyshyn Mike Felter Stephanie Fisk Myranda Garfield I 8 CLASS OF 2014 Sarah Gaulin Rebecca Gunning Meredith Haggerty Patrick Hanna Timothy Harfmann Abby Harrington Elizabeth Hebdon Sarah Hicks 1 / Nicholas Hillman Emmariah Holcomb Samantha Humphrey Thomas Hura 9 CLASS OF 2014 Sophia Imperioli Mike lulianello Joei Jackson Kathryn Jacobs Annastasia Jacques Amy Jarrell Kayla Jasper Lizzy Johnson Kyle Jose Stephen Kaminsky Devin Kane Megan Kennedy CLASS OF 2014 Sara Klinkbeil Brandon Kowalski Kelsey Kryszak Andrew Lannon Chloe Laundrie Paul Leonardo Leah Leuthauser Alex Lewis Jcricca Linderman Kerri Linsenbigler Anthony Little Lauren Loftin 11 CLASS OF 2014 Makeda Loney Caroline Lynett Xenia Machado Steven Marcus Jonathan Marquez Frank Matuszak James McCarthy Shannon McGlew Killeen McGovern Casey McGuire Courtney McMinds Jessica McNulty CLASS OF 2014 Meghan Meehan Alexis Mento Kaitlyn Metera Andrew Metoyer Lauren Michaels Steve Molchiorre Salvatore Montefiori Kelly Moore Billy Morehouse Dale Morley Brooke Munella Jair Neverson 13 CLASS OF 2014 Philip Nichols Chelsea O'Connor-Rosiek Gladys Ofori Doris Ortega CLASS OF 2014 Nicholas Perillo Chasity Perkins Alexandra Perl Terence Petty Taylor Phillips Lindsey Piegay Jonathan Pierce Elizabeth Pray Jaclyn Prechtl Alyssa Pnmerano Lindsay Pullan Heather Rafan 15 CLASS OF 2014 James Reed Abigail Reville Heather Richardson Kristine Rivera Nicky Rivera Courtney Robinson Abigail Rocque Angelia Roggie y y CLASS OF 2014 Molly Schaefer Kristie Schiefer Maximilian Schneller Matthew Scotto Katie Shaheen Kevin Shea Brad Shepard Anthony Shoff Brandon Shute Marquise Simmons Christiana Simi Tate Slaven 17 LASS OF 2014 Tohnnie Smock Eric Sonnylal Sarah Southwell Dierdre Spilman 8 CLASS OF 2014 Zack Tanner James Tantolo Madison Thieman Erin Thomas I Jessica Thompson Larisa Ana Tivadar Lacey Travers Skye Tulio Brad Vanino 19 Hannah Walker Sara Ward Andrew Wartella Alyssa West 20 CLASS OF 2014 7H&m iruAZnjCuicM Michael J. Fischer, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., S.T.D. University President Brenda McGee, B.S. Br. F. Edward Coughlin, O.F.M. Kate Dillan Hogan Senior Vice President for Vice President for the Associate Vice President Finance and Administration Franciscan Mission for Enrollment Mary Driscoll Emily F. Sinsabaugh, Ph.D. Richard Trietley Jr. Vice President for Vice President for Vice Provost University Advancement University Relations for Student Life eans I Dr. Joseph Zimmer Dr. Peggy Burke Dean of the School Associate Provost and Dean of Education of Graduate Studies Dr. Pierre Balthazard Dr. Wolfgang Natter Dean of the School of Dean of the School of Arts Business and Sciences Carol Fischer Dr. Pauline Hoffman Associate Dean of the Dean of the School of School of Business Journalism/Mass Communication Br. Ed Coughlin, OFM Dean of the School of Franciscan Studies Faculty List Sr. Margaret C arn e^u ^j^trrn t. ( 1 9 1 */) .................................................University President B.S. Ed., DuqueaMihnveisuy; M.A. Ibid; M.A., Si. Bonaventure University; ncium Athenaeum Antonianum, Rome M a ry C). A d e k so n ( 1 9 9 8 ) ............................................. Associate Professor, Counselor Education B.A., Brandeis University; M.Ed., Obafetni Awolowo University, Nigeria; Ph.D., Ohio University Colleen T. Assad (2013) .................................................................. Associate Professor, Finance B.S.B.A, Georgetown University; M.S., M.B.A., John Carroll University R o b e rt P. A m ic o ( 1 9 8 5 ) ...............................................................................Professor, Philosophy B.A.. University of Massachusetts; M.A., University of Rochester, Ph.D., Ibid. S u s a n B. A n d e rs ( 1 9 9 8 ) .............................................................................Professor, Accounting B.B.A., Southern Methodist University; C.P.A., Texas; M.S., University of North Texas; M.S., Texas Tech University; Ph.D., Ibid. S te v e n K . A n d r ia n o f f ( 1 9 7 9 ) ...........................................Associate Professor, Computer Science B.A., Westminster College; M.S., Syracuse University; Ph.D., Ibid. Pierre A. Baltha/.ard (2012) ........................Dean, School of Business; Professor, Management B.Sc., McGill University: M.S., The University of Arizona; Ph.D., Ibid. P a u l G . B a r r e tta (2013) ................................................................Assistant Professor, Marketing B.B.A., Baruch College; M.B.A., Ibid.: Ph.D., University of Texas-Pan American M ic h a e l S. B e a rd sle y ( 2 0 1 2 ) ..................................................................Lecturer, Sport Studies B.S., Canisius College; M.S., University at Buffalo Jo e l H . B e n in g to n ( 1 9 9 6 ) ................................................................................Professor, Biology B.A.. St. John’s College; Ph.D., Stanford University David D. Blake, O.F.M. (2003) ..................................................... Assistant Professor, Sociology B.A., Siena College; M.Div., Washington Theological Union; M.A., SUNY at Buffalo; Ph.D., Ibid. G e r a ld B o e rs m a (2 0 1 2 )...................................................................................Assistant Professor B.A., Trinity Western (B.C.); M.A., Ave Maria University: Ph.D., University of Durham (U.K.) G ile s B o o th e w a y ( 2 0 0 2 ) ...................................................................................Lecturer, Finance M.A., Brown University; M.A., St. Andrews University, Scotland P a u l J. Brawdy (1998) ................................................... Associate Professor, Physical Education B.S.. Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.S., Ibid.; Ed.D.. University of Northern Colorado Donna M. Brestensky (1996) ................................ ......................Assistant Professor, Chemistry B.S. Allegheny College; Ph.D., Indiana University D a n e tte B ric k m a n (2 0 0 7 )............................................................Associate Professor, Political Science B.A.. Political Science, Niagara University; Ph.D., Political Science, Texas A&M University Adam Brown (2001)...................................................................... Associate Professor, Education B.A., SUNY Fredonia; M.S., C.A.S.; Ph.D., SUNY Albany S te v e n J . B ro w n ( 1 9 6 9 ) ...................................................................................Professor, Classics A. B., Clark University; A.M., Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D., Ibid. P eg g y Y . B u rk e (1978) ...........Associate Provost; Dean, School of Graduate Studies Associate Professor, Education B. S., St. Bonaventure University; M.Ed., Ibid.; Ed.D.. SUNY at Buffalo O leg V. B y c h k o v ( 1 9 9 9 ) ................................................................................. Professor, Theology M.A., University of Toronto, Centre for Medieval Studies; Ph.D.. Ibid.; M.S.L..Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Fr. Michael D. Calabria, O.F.M ........................................................ Lecturer, Modern Languages B.A., Johns Hopkins; M.A., Brown University; M.L.S., Columbia University; M.A., M.Div..Washington Theological Union C a r l J. C a se (1 9 9 9 )....................................................................................Professor, Management B.B.A., St. Bonaventure University; M.B.A., Ibid; Ph.D., University of North Texas N a n c y C . C a se y (1 9 9 8 )...................................................................Associate Professor, Education B.A., College of St. Elizabeth; M.Ed., Rutgers University; M.A., Teachers College.Columbia University, Ed.D., Ibid. Elizabeth E. Cashing (2005) B.A., State University C olleger ( ilva V. Cellini (1979) ...................................................................... Professor, Modern Languages .A., M.S., St. Bonaventure University; M.A., Graduate Certificate in Latin American tudies and Graduate Certificate in Translation, SUNY at Binghamton; Ph.D., Ibid. lichael V. Chiariello (1970) ........................................ Director of the Perugia, Italy, Program; Professor, Philosophy ,.B., Manhattan College; A.M., Boston University; Ph.D., Ibid.
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