Newsletter June 2003

Pictures from Wales trip 2 The Alvis Trip to 10 Directors and Officers 3 The “Poker Charity Run” 11 Poem: “Our Trip to South Wales” 4 WestRun 2003 12 The John Folan Page 5 Meals after Wheels 13 The Quiz Page 6 Other Club’s Events 14 Available Car Storage 6 Current Membership 15 Local Events 7 Current Membership 16 Overseas Trip to Wales 8 Current Membership 17 Vintage Day in 9 Current Membership 18 For Sale 9 More Pictures from Wales 19

1936 Alvis Silver Eagle

1 Photographs from theTrip to Wales




W.V.V.M.C. Limited, Registered Office: 25 Nun’s Island, . Reg. No.: 132186

Directors and Officers for 2003:

President: Bill Fennell ………. Tel. 091-757208, 086-8282356 Vice President: Ray O’Donoghue … Tel. 091-794241, 087-2798122 Chairperson: Larry Murphy …… Tel. 091-794639, 087-2257996 Treasurer: Padraic Giblin ……… Tel. 091-631306 Secretary: Frank Mullan ……... Tel. 091-523012, 086-2327678 Membership: John Dooley ….… Tel. 091-791970, 086-8819458 Summer Run: Sergio Magnetti …... Tel. 091-592256 Summer Run Assistant: Pat Mullins …... Tel. 091-525289 Overseas Run: John Downes ….. Tel. 091-796722, 087-2339557 Insurance: Larry Murphy ….... Tel. 091-794639, 087-2257996 Scrutineering: James McDonagh …….. Tel. 091-755482 Technical: John Folan ……..... Tel. 087-2680616 Hon. Member: Jimmy Francis …..… Tel. 091-561943 Communications Committee: Ray O’Donoghue (091 794241), David Fennell (091 757208), Ernst Wijnekus (091 794889). Social Committee: Helen Quinlan (093 24762), Pat Conacur(091 794975), Joe O’Neill (0907 59022), Ray O’Donoghue ( 091 794241).

From the editor …….

WVVMC newsletter is published quarterly. Letters, trip reports, articles, cars for sale or parts wanted, interesting articles, advertisements etc. etc. for the Club’s Newsletter, can be sent to: Ray O’Donoghue, Dublin Road, or e- mailed to: [email protected] See also our website: www.wvvmc.com

If you want to have a photograph of your classic or vintage car printed on the front page of the cover please send me a good photograph + car details (colour or black/white but no Polaroids). 3 “Our Trip to South Wales” By Mick Feeney.

We are here in Wales for the weekend, We came without a jerk, After all why shouldn’t we? Sure we came in Paddy’s Merc.

The weather today is lovely, It really is a God send, We are staying in the Best Western, In a place they call Bridgend.

We were just sitting down to dinner When a message came on the wire, We could hardly believe it, when we heard John Folan’s car was on fire.

John was back on the road the next morning With another car he had acquired, So we all set off in convoy To explore the Welsh countryside.

From the Brecon Mountain Railway We saw valleys, hills and streams. Wales—a land of beauty To remember in our dreams.

To finish the day I’m glad to say They surely proved a winner We enjoyed Welsh hospitality As they treated us all to dinner.

This is my first time away from home, I’m glad I came to Wales, There is nothing more certain when I go home I’ll surely tell some tales.

Of the people I met, the best you could get, I don’t know how they all came together, They must have a pull with whoever it is That has something to do with the weather.

We went on a trip to Cowbridge, And then on to the museum, Oh what an experience everyone said, It really was like a dream.

On Sunday morning we went to the show And of course the ladies went shopping, You’d swear they were rich, and hadn’t a stitch The way they came home laughing.

Now the trip is over but we can’t forget The people who organised it. So I’ll say thanks, and thanks again, They surely did surprise us.

I’m bad at names, but I think of John James, He really made an impression, And I want to thank him and the others we met, And look forward to a future session.

Poem written by Mick Feeney giving his thoughts on the Trip to Wales. See also page 8.

4 The John Folan Page

Hello again! In this issue I put pen to paper to talk about fuel leaks and what can and will go wrong as a result (Stop laughing, Paddy Fahy!). On our overseas run to Wales just before I turned off the Motorway for Bridgend I noticed the smell of petrol in the car.. As I was only a few miles from the hotel I decided to keep going and take a look as soon as we got there (bad idea). About a mile or so from the hotel the car cut out and stupidly I tried to start it again and ig- nited the fumes that had gathered in the engine bay. By keeping the bonnet closed it slowed the spread of the fire and luckily the fire brigade were on the scene in minutes, so the only damage was to the engine bay. So folks, what happened to me may be of some help to someone else. Always, as soon as you smell petrol, check to see what it is, no matter where you are, motorway or not or even half a mile from home. Do not attempt to start the car until you are certain there are no fumes trapped in the confined area under the bonnet. Open the bonnet and vent the area well for a few moments even if you have repaired the leak. So now to something that could prevent all this (again I hear a certain Mr. Fahy laughing). Check all hoses that carry fuel, the connections on these hoses and the carburettor overflow pipe for leaks. Look for signs of cracking on older hoses and replace. Check all hose clips and make sure they are tight. It is worth remembering that today’s unleaded petrol is more volatile and less kind to old hoses. So do a regular check …….. Now back to the Wales run, it was a wonderful few days, and we all had a great time. For those of you who decided not to go, it is something you should con- sider on our next overseas run. It was great to see our friends from Burnley - Phil, Margaret and Ronnie - who made the trip down in two lovely ‘Y’ type Fords, and also all the gang from the South Wales Club. The show on Sunday was superb, with a huge display of fine cars and an autojumble - they even found some fire extin- guishers which were pointed out to me (very funny guys!). All in all, it was worth doing. As for the car, it will repair, just got to bring it home.

Until next time, enjoy the summer season of shows, runs and our own big one, the WestRun 2003.

Lisdoonvarna and and the Olympic Torch

On Tuesday morning, June 17th, thirteen cars from WVVMC left Oranmore at 8.30am, picked up two more in , two more in Ballyvaughan and were joined by two others who were already in Lisdoonvarna for a memorable occasion with the Lisdoon- varna Events Group who were celebrating the arrival of the Olympic Torch and the hosting of the Ukrainian Special Olympics Team. After Lisdoonvarna, many of the cars trav- elled to Gort and led the Olympic teams from Serbia and Montenegro to the presentation stand.

5 The Quiz Page 1. In what year was the last Alvis car built? ______2. Name the main sponsors for WestRun 2002? ______3. What Classic Car event takes place on August 17th.? ______4. Name the editor of “Classic Car Weekly”? ______5. To which car group did the “Velox PA” belong? ______6. The abbreviations for the host committee of WestRun 2001? ______7. Which carmaker had “Arnage” and “Brooklands”? ______8. Which WVVMC Committee member lives in Glenbrack Road? ______9. Which car won the “European car of the year” for 2000? ______10. What is the Reg. No. of Jimmy Francis’ Anglia? ______11. What do the letters VSR stand for? ______12. When was the official launch of the Range Rover? ______13. What make is the Z600? ______14. Name four former presidents of W.V.V.M.C.? ______15. Which Galway Town is hosting WestRun 2003? ______

Please send your answers, with your name, address and phone no. to Ray O’Donoghue, Dublin Road, Oranmore, Co. Galway before August 15th.

The winner of the last issue quiz was Mr. Michael Spellman, ‘Fuchsia Lodge’ Clogher, . The correct answers were: 1) 1948, 2) Back Axle, 3) Acclaim, 4) All con- vertibles, 5) Increase octane rating, 6) Setting Timing, 7) Buick, 8) Ford, 9) Induction, Compression, Ignition, Exhaust. 10) 1966, 11) Headlight Dipping, 12) 3-door, 13) Datsun, 14) Carburettors, 15) Reliant. Garage space in

Storage space in Monivea has recently been offered to the W.V.V.M.C. • This garage is located beside a private house in Monivea. • Privately owned by the people in the house. • It appears to be very secure. • It is 20ft. x 40ft. in size. • There is a covered pit towards the rear. • It is about 12 miles from Oran- more and about 15 miles from Galway. • It is available for immediate lease/rent. If interested, please phone 087 2798122 View of building from front gate.

6 Western Veteran and Vintage Motor Club Ltd.

Calendar of events

June 26th-27th Stockport (UK) Alvis Club in the Coast Hotel

July 25th-27th. Summer Run - WestRun 2003 - (See page 12)

Sept. 7th. Static display in (See below)

Sept. 13th-14th. Autumn Run. A run to Liscannor in Co. Clare with an overnight stay in the Liscannor Bay Hotel is tentatively planned for this week-end, but it will take place only if there is an interest from the members. If interested, please contact Ray O’Donoghue at 087 2798122 or 091 794241 before 31st. July.

Nov. 3rd. Annual General Meeting.

Subscriptions now due - Final Reminder

A small number of members have not renewed their membership and some have failed (forgotten?) to update their standing orders for the currency changeover. This is a final appeal to those members who have not paid at all or who have paid the incorrect amount, to rectify the situation immediately. The amount for this year has not changed from last year i.e. €38.00 in cash or a standing order for €32.00. If you have any queries re. the above please contact the membership Director, John Dooley at 091 791970 or 086 8819458.

Static Display in Ardrahan

A “Vintage Day” will take place in Ardrahan on Sunday, September 7th to raise funds for the very necessary re- pair of the local church. As many mem- bers as possible are requested to attend and support this worthy cause. Please make a note in your diary as no further communication is intended.

GORT SHOW - Sunday, 10th. August Further information from Padraic Giblin at (091)631306

7 The Trip to Wales 8th. - 12th. May, 2003 Last December, for our overseas run, the W.V.V.M.C. decided to attend the Annual Classic Car Show and Auto Jumble organised by the South Wales Classic Car Club. Our contact person on that side of the water was Mr. John James. John and his committee have attended our West Run on numerous occasions.

35 adults and 3 children in a total of 16 cars left Ireland and set out on what was a most pleasurable trip to Wales.

On Wednesday evening 7th May, many of us set off early on our journey and had a pleasant stay in the Hibernian Hotel in Kilkenny. Early next morning we departed for Rosslare where we met up with the rest of the group. Sailing to Fishguard, on board Stena Lynx, we had a very smooth crossing. On arriving the other side we drove in convoy to Bridgend, South Wales and arrived at the Heronston Hotel where shortly after checking in we got an S.O.S. call from John Folan to say his car had gone on fire a few miles out the road. Padraic Giblin, Bill Fennell, Robert and myself went on a 999 call out to help. Fortunately the Fire Brigade had arrived very quickly and put out the fire and we took both John and a shocked Taz back to the Hotel. Nobody was hurt thankfully. On Thursday night, the committee from the South Wales Classic Car Club arrived at the Hotel to meet and greet us. We got a great welcome from them and joined them for a drink before dinner. We dined in the Hotel that night and sat around and chatted afterwards until well after midnight. Friday morning after breakfast, we set off with our friends from Wales to visit the Brecon Beacons National Park and Vintage Steam Railway. This was a very pleasant journey for the old cars and we travelled through picturesque valleys and Welsh countryside. The scenery was truly spectacular. On arriving at the National Park, we took a trip on the Vintage Steam Railway which was a lovely experience. After a long lunch there, we took a different route back to the Hotel , again through country side with breath taking views.

On Friday night we set off to the 20th Anniversary dinner dance of the Welsh Club. An en- joyable night was had by all, plenty of music, craic and spot prizes. John James presented us all with a lovely bronze plaque. Again another late night. The next morning, some of the group went shopping to the McArthur Glen Outlet Malls and the rest of us visited a lovely town called Cowbridge. This was a beautiful old town with lots of nice quaint shops. We soaked up the atmosphere as we strolled through the historic market town. After lunch we set off on a coastal scenic route to visit the Museum of Welsh Life at St. Fagans which followed with evening dinner. On Sunday we all headed off to the Annual Show at Pencoed College. This was the highlight of the weekend, with over 500 entrants on the day. It was their 17th annual classic car show. The Club has over the years donated large sums of money to many charities through this fund raising event, something they can be truly proud of. Everybody enjoyed the day, lots to do and see, bric a brac stalls, bouncing castles, quads etc. for the children and lots of nice cars for the big boys!!! It was interesting to walk around and hear the comments from people about the cars. The preservation of the old vehicles is very much here to stay and the vehicles which were once thrown away are fashionable yet again and to hear a comment like; “ Oh, I wish I had kept that car of mine from years ago”

On Monday we left early to make our way back to Fishguard for our afternoon sailing. On route we stopped off in a lovely town called ‘Carmarthen’ for lunch, it was also a nice shop- ping town. We had a very pleasant crossing back to Rosslare and many of us stopped off in Kilkenny for evening tea before we said farewell and headed for the West. I would like to thank all of you who attended the overseas run and made it such an enjoyable weekend for everybody. John Downes. 8 Vintage Day in Eyrecourt

A very successful “Vintage Day” took place in Eyrecourt, Co. Galway on Sunday, 15th. June. There was an enormous display of vintage and classic cars, tractors and farm machinery, with many great displays of how some farm work was mechanised in past generations. The event was very well organised by Michael Hogan and his efficient committee and helpers. The photographs below give only a very small indication of the sheer size of this display.

For Sale

The following videos are available from David Fennell at €15 each:

* WestRun 2002 * 25th. Anniversary * Wales Trip 2003

Phone David at 087 2273747, or 091 757208 after 6.00pm.

***************** 1970 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow Black over Silver Grey, Red Leather seating. 63,800 miles. 3rd. owner. Excellent condition. A very good example. Phone Frank McNabb at 086 2559617 or 091-796773 (evenings). ****************** 1964 Triumph Herald Convertible 1200. White with white hood (perfect condition) and tonneau cover. Run- ning well, interior in good condition, no leaks! Waxoyled under- neath, however body needs slight attention. Price Eur 2,000. Contact John Courtenay at 071-41396 or 086-8500700.

9 British Alvis Run Comes to Galway

A group of twenty-four people in twelve Alvis cars who have holidayed together in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal and in Ireland in 1995 are returning to Ireland for their 2003 holidays and are visiting Galway on June 26th and 27th. The Alvis cars coming to Ireland this year, and shown in this page, range from a 1935 Speed 20, 1936 Silver Eagle, 1939 4.3 litre and a 12/70, three TA 14s, two TE21s, and three TF 21s, the last model to be made by Alvis in 1967. They sail to Ireland on Monday 23 June and after a one-night stay in Cavan they are having two-night stays in Sligo, Galway, Tralee, Kinsale, Portlaoise and the final night will be just outside Dublin on Friday 4th. July, sailing back to England the following day. They are staying at the Conne- mara Coast Hotel, Galway on Thurs- day 26th and Friday 27th June. There is an open invitation to view their cars and join them for a drink in the hotel on the Thursday night at about 9.00pm. A social evening, including dinner, is arranged for the Friday eve- ning in the Golf and Country Club (on the Barna/ road) starting at 8.00pm. Tickets are €30 per person and must be pre-booked with Helen Quinlan at 093-24762. The group are moving to Tralee on Satur- day and they have invited the WVVMC to join them for part of the journey. They are driving through the Burren and it is intended to travel with them as far as Kilfenora, have a light lunch and return home. Anybody interested, please contact Ray O’Donoghue at These are pictures of the actual cars 087 2798122, or [email protected] coming to Ireland. 10 The DAVID HICKEY POKER RUN

A very interesting Run took place on Sunday, June 1st. This was a charity run to aid the work of former All-Ireland winning Dublin foot- baller, David Hickey, who is a noted transplant specialist and carries out major work in Cuba and other deprived areas. The Run was mod- elled on a poker game, starting in Gort where all participants were given one playing card, Dr. David Hickey (2nd from left) pictured with another card was handed out at a stop in Club President Bill Fennell, Chairman Larry , another at the next stop in , Murphy, organiser Linda Meyler and Club mem- bers Joe O’Neill and Sean Casey. another at a stop in Oranmore and the “hand” was completed with the final card on the return to Gort. It was then possible to buy new cards in exchange for unwanted cards after which the final adjudication took place by Mr. John Richards, well-known to Galway Bay FM lis- teners. The event was organised by Ms. Linda Meyler, assisted by her husband Sean, who both live in Athenry. Linda herself was a transplant patient of Mr. Hickey and decided to show her thanks Club President Bill Fennell in conversation with former President, Sean McGreevey and James by organising this event. The WVVMC were McGough. delighted to accept the invitation to take part.

Prizewinners were John Downes, AnneMarie McGreevy and Larry Murphy. A very enjoy- able day appeared to be had by all who at- tended and the organisers wish to thank the club for taking part and the various sponsors for their contributions.

Below, the prizewinners being presented with their prizes by the organiser, Ms. Linda Meyler. From left: John Downes, the winner; Sean McGreevey Joe O’Neill from and John representing his wife AnnMarie who came second and Richards from Galway Bay FM. Larry Murphy, who was third.

11 WestRun 2003 announcement

'WestRun 2003', Galway-Clifden.

26th Summer Run, 25th-27th July 2003

Summary of events:

Friday 25th July

Spanish Arch, Galway, 2.00-6.00pm.

Static display, registration and scrutineering of cars.

Corrib Great Southern Hotel 7.30pm.

Registration and scrutineering of cars followed by pre-rally reception.

Saturday 26th July

'WestRun 2003' starts at 10.15am Route, Vintage Cars: Galway-Moycullen--- Derryneen-Recess-Derrylea-Clifden.

Route, Classic Cars: Galway-Moycullen-Oughterard-Maam Cross- Derryneen-Recess-Inagh Valley--Moyard-Clifden.

Return to Galway for our Gala Dinner Dance & prize- giving, at 8.30pm in the Corrib Great Southern Hotel.

Sunday 27th July

Depart Corrib Great Southern Hotel at 12.00 noon for a short drive to the Oyster Manor Hotel in Clarenbridge for informal lunch at 1.00pm. Dispersal at 3.00pm.

For Entry forms or further details contact:

Sergio Magnetti, Aille, Barna, Co. Galway.

12 Meals after Wheels

This Year’s “Meals after Wheels” was a tremendous success. On a day of glo- rious sunshine and with over forty cars and almost seventy people this “run” took off from the promenade carpark in Salthill shortly after 2.00pm on Sun- day, April 6th. After a rendevous outside the Connemara Coast Hotel and an- other “progress review” near TG4, the soup and sandwiches at Óstán an Cheathrú were very welcome. The re- turn journey was through Maam Cross and Oughterard and back to the Sacre Couer Hotel for an excellent evening

Selling Coke? Not really!

meal. This event was organised by John Folan and under his steward- ship all afternoon and evening, everybody appeared to have a very enjoyable day. His after-dinner speech was greeted with much ac- Enjoying the meal in the Sacre Couer Hotel claim and the whole event was

At the starting point in Salthill Consolidation point outside TG4

Some cars outside the Sacre Couer Some cars at

13 Trips to other classic car events

The WVVMC, through it’s social sub-committee, is endeavouring to organise trips to other club’s events. Below we give a list of events, as we now know them, and we ask anybody who intends to take part in any of these events to get in touch with Pat Mullins at 091 525289.

Date Club Event

June 26th-27th Stockport (UK) Alvis Club Staying 2 nights in Conne- mara Coast Hotel.

June 28th-29th. Connaught Veteran and Main Weekend Run, Ballina. Vintage Car Club.

July 4th, 5th, 6th. Mallow Veteran Vintage Annual Vintage Weekend. Classic Car Club.

July 13th. Donegal Vintage and Annual Run, Ballybofey. Classic Car Club.

July 20th. Trim Vintage and Veteran Trim Show. Car Club.

August 3rd. Breffni Vintage Club. Bawnboy Vintage Show.

August 17th. Limerick Classic and Hot August Run. Vintage Car Club.

August 17th. Irish Morris Minor Club. Trip to Powerscourt.

August 22nd-24th Midland Classic Car Club. Leisure Weekend.

August 24th. Carrick-on-Suir Motor Club. Fun Run.

August 31st. Duhallow Veteran, Vintage Annual Run. Classic Car and M/cycle Club.

14 W.V.V.M.C. Membership List for 2003

Mem. No. Name Address Tel. No. 2003086 Allen, Nicky 36 Dún an Óir, Caheronaun, Loughrea, Co. Galway 086 8603101 2003128 Barr, James W. Dunguaire Cottage, Kinvara, Co. Galway 091 637247 2003008 Barrett, Gerry Shanbally, , Co. Galway 087 6283429 2003145 Barry, W.J. 56 Windfield Gardens, Clybaun Rd. Galway 091 528891 2003140 Bird, Stephen Castlegar Village, Castlegar,Co. Galway 087 2501843 2003083 Blake, Gabriel Feigh West, , Co. Galway 093 49466 2003130 Bray, Malcolm Moyglass, Loughrea, Co. Galway 0509 49221 2003061 Brett, Tom Gortard, , Co. Galway 091 794817 2003022 Brophy, Brian Caoran, Taylor's Hill, Galway 091 522086 2003035 Browne, Tom & Ml. Circular Road, Gort, Co. Galway 2003084 Burke, Noel 22 Parnell Ave, Mervue, Galway 091 751882 2003103 Burke, Gerry Carraghy, Claregalway, Co. Galway 2003112 Burke, Tom Knockdoe, Claregalway, Co. Galway 2003143 Burke, Frank Louth Lodge, , Co. Galway 093 38290 2003175 Burke, Frank Louth Lodge, Dunmore, Co Galway 093 38290 2003110 Canney, Jarlath The Square, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 24141 2003183 Caron, James 25 Bar Na Carraige, Fort Lorenzo, Galway 091 509906 2003184 Caron, Michael 25 Bar Na Carraige, Fort Lorenzo, Galway 091 509906 2003157 Casey, Colm Gorthoose, Scramogue,Co Roscommon 2003167 Casey, Sean & Patricia Ard Aobhoinn, Athenry, Co Galway 091 844821 2003049 Casserley, Patsy 27 Davis Rd. Shantalla, Galway 087 9983053 2003190 Clancy, Cathleen AIB Bank, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo 092 41041 2003127 Clarke, Jimmy 15 Tudor Vale, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794993 2003171 Coen, Kieran Kilgill, Claregalway, Co. Galway 2003097 Coffey, Gerard Main Street, Kilkelly, Co. Mayo 094 67010 2003178 Collins, Nuala & Jim Lios Ciuin, Woodlawn, Co. Galway 0905 87606 2003053 Conacur, Pat 9 Carrowmeanish, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794975 2003163 Conlon, Michael Lacklea, Barna, Co. Galway 091 591825 2003189 Connole, John Mount Aven, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare 065 7077061 2003098 Connolly, Edward Moyne, , Co. Galway 2003180 Connolly, Michael Newtown, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare 065 7077223 2003020 Conroy, Frank Dringeen, Cong, Co. Mayo 092 46106 2003057 Conroy, Padraig Cluggan, Maam, Co. Galway 092 48284 2003186 Conway, Richard L. Cahertubber, Athenry, Co. Galway 091 850013 2003148 Cooney, Austin 50 St. Joseph's Tce. Clarecastle, Co. Clare 065 6824804 2003099 Coughlan, Sharon 9 The Spires, , Co. Galway 0509 41933 2003156 Courcey, Brian , , Co. Galway 0905 88647 2003105 Courtenay, John Copes Mountain, Colga P.O. Co. Sligo 071 41396 2003159 Coyle, Stephen Oakleigh Wood, Tulla Rd. Ennis, Co. Clare 065 6822712 2003003 Coyne, Anne Frances St. Vincent's Ave. Woodquay, Galway 091 561943 2003034 Coyne, Martin John Glangimla, Leenane, Co. Galway 087 4101323 2003045 Coyne, Anne Frances Menlo, Galway, Co. Galway 091 761960 2003109 Craughwell, Christy 4 Fuschia Drive, Renmore, Galway 2003108 Curran, Patrick E. 13 Ard Fraoigh, Clybaun Rd. Galway 2003196 Curtin, Bernard Castlecreevey, Corrandulla, Co. Galway. 091 791814 2003005 Daly, Michael Newtown, Castletroy, Limerick 061 337580 2003169 Daly, Gerard Glenbrack Road, Gort, Co. Galway 091 631363 2003046 Darcy, Martin John 29 Beach Court, Salthill, Galway 091 582748 2003050 Darcy, Gavin 29 Lurgan Park, Renmore, Galway 087 2381244 2003002 Denson, Douglas Phil Hapton Rd. Padingham, Burnley, U.K 1282 774768 2003152 Dillion, Dave 15 Grattan Park, Salthill, Galway 091 584455

15 Mem. No. Name Address Tel. No.

2003044 Doody, Brian Moyveela, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 790428 2003024 Dooley, John Ballybeg, Corrandulla, Co. Galway 091 791970 2003181 Doorhy, William Caherbrian, Gort, Co. Galway 091 631133 2003013 Downes, John Blackthorn Lodge, , Co. Galway 091 796722 2003188 Duffy, Christopher Derrydonnell Nth, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 795813 2003070 Faherty, Michael J. Maumeen, , Co. Galway 091 551008 2003006 Fahy, Gerry 11 Parklands, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway 091 777038 2003032 Fahy, Patrick Bushfield, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794231 2003058 Fahy, Tom 4 Carragh Grove, Knocknacarra, Galway 091 524807 2003073 Fahy, John Lakeview, Claregalway, Co. Galway 091 799098 2003082 Farragher, James C. Galway Road, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 24586 2003051 Fennell, David 12 Ardaun, Oranmore, Co. Galway 087 2273747 2003075 Fennell, William 12 Ardaun, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 757208 2003176 Finn, Paddy Ballyglunin, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 43548 2003066 Finnerty, Martin Derrydonnell, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794372 2003144 Fitzmaurice, Tom Convent Rd, Roscommon,Co Roscommon 086 8282254 2003040 Fleming, J.J. Tuam Road, Galway 091 755451 2003107 Flynn, John R. Ahascragh, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway 2003135 Flynn, Noel M. 1 Aughnacurra, Dangan Lower, Galway 091 581975 2003080 Folan, John Dooyeher, Carna, Co. Galway 087 2680616 2003001 Francis, Jimmy St. Vincent's Ave., Woodquay, Galway 091 561943 2003120 Gannon, Seamus Ballygaddy Road, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 24988 2003139 Gannon, Paul Cloonluane, Renvyle, Co. Galway 095 43905 2003041 Giblin, Padraig Glenbrack Road, Gort, Co. Galway 091 631306 2003122 Gilligan, Michael Cartoonrue, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 25992 2003010 Glynn, Michael Derrydonnell, Oranmore, Co. Galway 087 2528691 2003173 Glynn, Tommy Lakeview, , Co. Galway 087 8119305 2003037 Grealish, Gerard , Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 790320 2003134 Grealish, Martin Carnmore, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794034 2003153 Griffin, Paul Moneymore, Oranmore, Co, Galway 091 756363 2003095 Guckian, Mark 27 Rockhill Avenue, Salthill, Galway 086 8715264 2003015 Hanley, Damien P. Woodbrook House, Barna, Co. Galway 091 587116 2003123 Hanna, Herbert Ballynerrin Rd, Ballynerrin Lr, Co. Wicklow 0404 61123 2003118 Hardiman, Jarlath Mace, Corrandulla, Co. Galway 091 791680 2003076 Harlowe, John Rockvilla, 52 Shantalla Rd. Galway 087 2263497 2003068 Healy, Patrick Avenue House, , Co. Galway 0905 79228 2003069 Heatley, Kevin & Mary Farraunmacfarrell, Dromore West, Co. Sligo 096 47155 2003192 Heavey, Thomas Moyvilla, Oranmore, Co. Galway 087 2999251 2003048 Hickey, Edmond J. Owenriff Cottage, Oughterard, Co. Galway 091 552000 2003187 Higgins, Patrick J. Sylane, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 55452 2003132 Hogan, Michael Eyrecourt, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway 0905 75184 2003133 Horan, Michael Glantaun, , Ballinasloe, Co. Galway 0905 44109 2003138 Howard, Pat Murrough, Fanore, Co. Clare 086 8519977 2003019 Hynes, Monica Tynagh, Loughrea, Co. Galway 0509 45127 2003047 Kavanagh, Des Mincloon, Clybaun Road, Co Galway 091 522368 2003009 Keating, Patrick 4 Middle St Court, Middle St. Galway 091 567413 2003113 Keating, Chris 5 Dalton Drive, Salthill, Galway 087 2556659 2003036 Kelly, T.J. Clybaun Rd. Knocknacarra, Galway 091 523045 2003101 Kennedy, Patrick G. AnTogher Rd, Roscommon,Co Roscommon 0903 30296 2003018 Kenny, John Meadow Lodge, via Banagher, Co. Galway 0509 51431 2003091 Kilbane, Thomas 10 Greenfields Rd. Newcastle, Galway 091 528413 2003121 Lacey, Gearóid Derrydonnell, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 754816

16 Mem. No. Name Address Tel. No.

2003194 Lally, Joe 43 Rockbarton Park, Salthill, Galway 091 582808 2003158 Lawford, Hayden K. 23 Dalysfort Road, Salthill, Galway 091 523942 2003168 Linnane, Francis Crossford, Gort, Co. Galway 091 633163 2003085 Livingstone, Paul Corofin, Ennis, Co. Clare 065 6837091 2003087 Lowry/Nolan, Pat/Helen Ballycolgan, Headford, Co. Galway 093 35202 2003030 Lyons, Frank Maam Cross, Recess P.O. Co. Galway 087 6706083 2003185 Madden, Patrick , Connemara, Co. Galway 095 33420 2003014 Magnetti, Sergio Aille, Barna, Co. Galway 091 592256 2003146 Margetts, Jonathan 1 Quay Street, Galway 091 555505 2003054 Markland, John 48 Dalysfort Road, Salthill, Galway 091 521655 2003165 Mason, Peter Uggool, Moycullen, Co. Galway 091 556120 2003115 Maughan, Francis , Castlerea, Co. Roscommon 0907 55260 2003059 McBride, Ronald J. 26 Oakley Crescent, Highfield Pk, Galway 091 527166 2003023 McDonagh, Seamus Roscahill, Moycullen, Co. Galway 091 550148 2003081 McDonagh, James 145 Castle Park, Ballybane, Galway 091 755482 2003093 McDonnell, Pat 67 Renmore Road, Galway 091 753984 2003174 McGagh, Tony Bawnmore, Claregalway, Co. Galway 091 799238 2003154 McGann, Padraig Monivea, Athenry, Co. Galway 091 849023 2003149 McGarry, Evelyn 23 Dalysfort Road, Salthill, Galway 091 523942 2003150 McGarry, Diarmuid 9 Saint Mary's Road, Galway 086 8137058 2003064 McGinley, John Brair Hill, Castlegar, Co. Galway 091 757804 2003198 McGough, James Meelick, Tuam, Co. Galway. 2003141 McGrath, Tom Dysart, Corofin, Co. Clare 065 37784 2003077 McGreevy, Sean Coast Road, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794916 2003078 McGreevy, AnneMarie Coast Road, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794916 2003021 McHugh-Jewell, Anthony Creganna Beag, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 792138 2003131 McMahon, Brian Barefield, Ennis, Co. Clare 065 41974 2003100 McNabb, Frank Slieveaun, Clarenbridge, Co. Galway 091 796773 2003117 McVickers, Kevin 15 Renville Village, Oranmore, Co. Galway 087 9485564 2003072 Mitchell, James Kiltulla, Athenry, Co. Galway 091 848106 2003164 Moisey, Frederick Kinvara, Co. Galway 086 8119513 2003027 Moloney, Nuala Kilmaley, Ennis, Co. Clare 065 6839739 2003179 Monaghan, Tom Galway Road, Headford, Co. Galway 093 35443 2003106 Moroney, Pat & Marie Smithstown Rd. Newmarket-on-Fergus,Co. Clare 061 364736 2003074 Mullan, Frank 25 Carragh Hill, Knocknacarra, Galway 091 523012 2003161 Mullen, Martin 1 Claremont, Circular Road, Galway 091 525379 2003055 Mullins, Pat & Anne No 1 Rockhill Avenue, Salthill, Galway 091 525289 2003011 Mulqueen, Billy Station Road, Ballyhooley, Co. Cork 025 39337 2003116 Mundy, Mary Ballinhalla, Moycullen, Co. Galway 091 555735 2003031 Murphy, Larry 18 Beech Grove, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794639 2003126 Murphy, John Castlehackett, Belclare, Co. Galway 093 55767 2003136 Murphy, Dermot Galway Road, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 25366 2003137 Murphy, Gerardine Galway Road, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 25366 2003170 Murphy, Eamon J. Bride Street, Loughrea, Co. Galway 091 841204 2003125 Murray, Ivan Cregg Castle, Corrandulla, Co. Galway 0907 59733 2003038 Nally, Noel Ballinvoher, , Co. Galway 091 797155 2003193 Nestor, Chris Munnia, New Quay, Co. Clare 065 7078240 2003199 Neville, Pat San Marino, Taylor’s Hill, Galway. 086 2583826 2003182 Nevin, Mary Kylebrack, Loughrea, Co. Galway 2003007 Neylon, Jude Main Street, Corofin, Co. Clare 065 6837683 2003012 Ngan, Kathryn Altenagh House, Nun's Island, Galway 087 9259444 2003090 Noone, Terry Athlone Rd. Ballinasloe, Co. Galway 0905 42724

17 Mem. No. Name Address Tel. No.

2003191 Noone, Peter Levenshulme, Manchester, M19 3HN, U.K. 0161 2246050 2003071 O'Connell, Noel Convent Road, Claremorris, Co. Mayo 094 62117 2003111 O'Connor D.P. Ardilea, Roebuck, Dublin 14 2003104 O'Domhnaill, Sean Caoran Beag, An Cheathrú Rua, Co. Galway 091 595207 2003079 O'Donoghue, Ray Dublin Road, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794241 2003119 O'Gorman, John Newline, Athenry, Co. Galway 091 844227 2003039 O'Halloran, Frank Coast Road, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare 065 7074387 2003056 O'Mahony, Patrick , Peterswell, Co. Galway 091 635397 2003162 O'Mahony, Maurice Bunatober, Corrandulla, Co. Galway 087 2273330 2003052 O'Neill, Joe Glenamaddy, Co. Galway 0907 59022 2003063 O'Neill, Petronella 23 White Point Moorings, Cobh, Co Cork 086 6078251 2003065 O'Neill, Michael Carrowkeel, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 794987 2003033 O'Toole, JohnJoe Cloosh Road, Oughterard, Co. Galway 091 557012 2003151 O'Tuairisg, Darach Lochan Beag, Indreabháin, Co. Galway 091 593287 2003129 Owens, Kevin Braemar, Merlin Park, Galway 091 757131 2003124 Parsons, Helen Ballygaddy Road, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 24762 2003197 Pryce, Patrick Leegaun, Moycullen, Co. Galway. 091 555778 2003028 Punch, Dave 8 Roselyn Gardens, Renmore, Galway 091 753555 2003088 Quinlan, Pat Seskin, Kilsheelin, Co. Tipperary 2003092 Rees, Wyn Newtown Hse. Abbeyknockmoy, Co. Galway 093 43765 2003029 Reid, Denise Marlboro Road, Bushfield Ave. Dublin 4 01 4961676 2003062 Reilly, Joseph 11 Mount Pleasant, Loughrea, Co. Galway 091 841764 2003147 Rushe, Angela Kilkerrin, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway 0907 59098 2003042 Ryan, Ray 6 Caheroyn Drive, Athenry, Co. Galway 086 8187755 2003089 Sexton, Chris Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare 065 7084283 2003102 Shaw, Willie Carnane, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway 091-796496 2003016 Spellman, Michael Clogher, Claregalway,Co Galway 091 798017 2003166 Spellman, Ray Oranbeg, Oranmore, Co. Galway 086 2407553 2003177 Spellman, Thomas Cahergowan, Claregalway, Co. Galway 091 798083 2003067 Stephens, John Cummer, Tuam, Co. Galway 086 8473040 2003025 Sullivan, Johnny The Square, Gort, Co. Galway 091 631257 2003026 Sullivan, Eamon J. , Co. Galway 092 48005 2003017 Sweeney, Michael 66 Beachpark Drive, Foxrock, Dublin 18 01 2895392 2003195 Sweeney, Joe Kiltycreighton, Boyle, Co. Roscommon 079 62786 2003060 Tierney, James Mulpit, Athenry, Co. Galway 091 844425 2003155 Tierney, Benen Dillonbrook, Miltown, Co. Galway 087 2771420 2003043 Tynan, Tony 21 Maunsells Park, Taylor's Hill, Galway 091 521639 2003172 Waldron, Gabriel Cathill, Dunmore, Co. Galway 087 2067655 2003096 Walsh, John Mayfield, Circular Road, Galway 091 521 296 2003094 Watters, Jon 15 Abbey Trinity Court, Tuam, Co. Galway 093 24316 2003142 Webb, Michael Claremount, Oughterard, Co. Galway 091 552973 2003160 Whelehan, Kevin Ardaun, Oranmore, Co. Galway 091 773772 2003004 Wijnekus, Ernst Tonroe, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway 091 794889

Please notify the Membership Director, John Dooley (091-791970 or 086-8819458), of any errors or omissions. We would particularly like to have correct phone numbers for all members.

18 More Photographs from the Trip to Wales

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Top Part Motor Stores are in:

Top Part, Ballast Quay, Sligo. 071 50050

Partway Auto Factors, Tuam Road, Galway. 091 755997

Partway Auto Factors, Vicar Street, Tuam. 093 28731

Banner Motor Factors, Cornmarket Street, Ennis. 065 6820355

Top Part, Dublin Road, Limerick. 061 417822

Kingdom Motor Factors, Rock Street, Tralee. 066 7122700

Top Part, Dosco Ind. Est., South Douglas Road, Cork. 021 897979

Main Sponsors to the Western Veteran and Vintage Motor Club Limited.

We thank the following contributors to this issue of the newsletter: John Folan, John Downes, John Dooley, Mick Feeney and Sergio Magnetti. Photographs from David Fennell and Ray O’Donoghue. Sincere thanks to all. …………… the editor

This newsletter is printed by Oranmore Community Enterprises Ltd, Oranmore, Co. Galway.