JAN TICHY 1974 Born in Prague, Czech Republic Assistant Professor
JAN TICHY 1974 Born in Prague, Czech Republic Assistant Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA Education !!7"!9 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Sculpture Depart$ent, %&A !!'"!7 Bezalel Acade$) of Art and Design, *el A+i+, A(+anced Studies in &ine Art 1999" !! ,erusale$ School of Photograph) - .e/ %edia, Photograph) Depart$ent 199'-99 *he 0ebre/ Uni+ersit) of ,erusale$, Political Science and 1eneral Studies Public Presentations !12 Li+ing Architecture, 4!12 .orth, Chicago's 0o$e for 67peri$ental Arts and Culture, Chicago, IL, USA Up is Do/n, .orth/estern Uni+ersit), Block %useu$ of Art, Chicago, IL, USA Art on the%art9 Chicago, IL, USA 6:P; Chicago, 1alerie <ornfeld, Chicago, IL, USA !14 Installation .r9 1, 0)de Park Art Center, Chicago, IL, USA Installation .r9 9 =.eues Rathaus>, <unsthalle ;snabr?ck, ;snabr?ck, 1er$an) Screening of the +ideos things to co$e9 6+er) &riday during the e7hibition, 1uggen" hei$, .e/ @ork, USA Se+en Doors, Santa Barbara %useu$ of Art, Santa Barbara, USA !1' <unsthalle ;snabr?ck, 1er$an) Selected solo exhibitions !17 1no$onics, Ber$an %useu$ of Art, College+ille, PA, USA Be)ond Streaming, %SU Broad %useu$, East Lansing, %I, USA %riz, Drdo+a 1aller), Prague, Czech Republic !14 Aeight of 1lass, 1alerie <ornfeld, Berlin, 1er$an) Art, CA Long Lines, &ri($an 1aller), .@C !1' 0ezi Cohen 1aller), *el A+i+, Israel &ri($an 1aller), .e/ @ork, USA 0)de Park Art Center, Chicago, USA sur-round-things, Circle 1 1aller), Berlin, 1er$an) !14 aroundcenter, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, USA 1A3ERI6KORNFE ! &asanenstr.
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