The Study of the Absoiption Spectra of the Hydrocarbons Isolated from the Products of the Action of Alunzinium Chloride on Nup12tkccle.R~E
View Article Online / Journal Homepage / Table of Contents for this issue ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF HYDROCARBONS. 1319 Published on 01 January 1908. Downloaded by University of California - San Diego 12/04/2016 06:21:24. CXXV1.-The Study of the Absoiption Spectra of the Hydrocarbons isolated from the Products of the Action of Alunzinium Chloride on Nup12tkccle.r~e. By ANNIEHOMER, Fellow of Newnham College, and JOHNEDWARD PURVIS, M.A. FROMthe products of the action of aluminium chloride on naphthalene, besides PP-dinaphthyl previously isolated by Friedel and Crafts from the same reaction, there have been isolated three new hydrocarbons which have been described in detail by one of us (Homer, Trans., 1907, 9 1, 1103). The substances isolated were : (.i) CI4Hl6, a homologue of naphthalene, either tetramethyl- or 4s2 View Article Online 1320 HOMER AND PURVIS: THE STUDY OF THE diethyl-naphthalene, more probably the former ; (ii) CZ0Hl4, /3@-dinaphthyl; (iii) c26H22, a substance supposed to be a homologue of dinaphthanthracene, C,,H14 ; and (iv) C40H26, probably tetra- naph t h yl. @B-Dinaphthylis formed by the condensation of two naphthalene molecules. It was thought that the hydrocarbon C,,HZ6 was formed by the condensation of either two PP-dinaphthgl or four naphthalene molecules, more probably by the former, as an increase in the time allowed for the action of aluminium chloride on naphthalene, or a rise in the temperature at which the reaction was conducted, caused a decrease in the amount of the hydrocarbon aad an increase in the amount of the hydrocarbon C,,H,, produced. It was suggested that the substance C261322was a homologue of dinaphthanthracene, CZ2Hl4,and its formation from alkylnaphthalenes, which are also formed during the reaction, was given as follows : The intense fluorescence of the substance suggested the presence of an anthracenoid linking, In the method of formation thus proposed, hydrogen would be eliminated from a /3-methyl group of trimethylnaphthalene.
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