BISHOP N. C. MATZr DIES THURSDAY MORNING Expires Just As Sister, Mrs, Mayers, Arrives Here From Indiana BBHOP MATZ ASKED Pray for the Get Your Next- H e a d o f De n v e r d io c e s e LAST AUGUST T H A T Success of the DoorNeighbor HAS HOLY, p e a c e f u l END; COADJUTOR BISHOP Catholic Press to Subscribe BE NAMED FOR STATE ARCHBISHOP J. B. PITAVAL OF SANTE FE CAME WEDNESDAY Death May Hasten Announce­ ment of New Head of Diocese.' Two Sisters, Hospital Chaplain and Nuns CHOICE IS BELIEVED MADE With Our Ordinary as Death Arrives But Utmost Secrecy Prevails Among Authorities as to FUNERAL WILL BE HELD MONDAY His Identity. VOL. XIII. NO. 1. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917. $2 PER YEAR. It has lioen known for some time in Denver that a coadjutor bishop was to The Rt. Rev. Nicholas C. Matz, D. D., bishop of Denver, died be named here. Bishop Matz himself this morning (Thursday) at St. Anthony's ho.spital, at 8:15, asked for one last August, and the clergy M'ith him, at the time, tvere his ttvo sisters, Miss Elizabeth Matz, and laity have been expecting some word from Rome ever since. There have been his housekeeper, and Mrs. Mary Maj^ens, of Connersville, Ind., many rumors, but all seemed without who had arrived in DenVer only at 7 :20 this morning, and who foundation. New rules for the naming of M as hurried by motor from the train to the hospital by the Rev. bishops were promulgated last year, and the selection of tlie names was left to the Garrett J. Burke. The had been ill for two years, and his. bishops of the province. It Is known that serious sickness began on Monday of last week. He rallied then, a meeting was held several months ago when the bishops made their choice. Who filtho it was thought that he Avould be dead before his sister he is, nobody outside the bishops them­ Elizabeth reached his side. ^Late in the Aveek he had another selves and their superiors knows. The sinking siKill, and he becante Avorse on Sunday. On Monday, bishops are put under the strictest se­ crecy in a matter of this kind. Since his jihysician. Dr. McKlveen, felt sure that he would not surviA'e their meeting, rumors have died down, the day. HoAvever, the bishop lived and became a little better on for everybody who knew the rules of the Tuesday, Avhile there Avas quite an improA’einent on Wednesday. Church realized that it was next door to impossible for the information to leak On ThursdaA', the bishop Avas considerably AA’eakcr. The end, out. Avhen it did come, arrived rather unexpectedly. Whether the. death of Bishop Matz Archbishop Pitaval of Santa Fc ar­ Matz, is buried in Denver. His father, will result in ‘another postponement re­ rived in Denver yesterday morning and -Antoine, is buried in Europe. mains to be seen. Probably the clergy­ immediately went to the hospital. The When the bishop died, besides his two man named as coadjutor will now be­ bishop recognized him. The archbishop sisters. Father Sweeney, chaplain of the come the bishop of Denver. There is no Avas on his way to the hospital this hospital, and some of the Poor Sisters way of knowing positively when he will iiiorning when the bishop dierman domination. with pontificirf mass at the Cathedf-al. Archbishop Pitaval will he the celebrant, many ways. The need of a modern Ig­ He came as a young man to America, natius Ix>yola, a mighty general in the and studied in Ohio. He was ordained and Bishop .1. Henry. Tihen of Lincoln, Neh., will preach. cause of CTirist, was shown. Tlie sermon in Denver on May 31, 1874, by the Rt. follows. Rev. Joseph Projectus Machebeuf, first It is known that a number of bishops bishop of Denver, whom he later suc­ and practically all the priests of the ceeded. Bishop Machebeuf, on a visit to "Digitus Dei hie est”—“ The Finger of Denver diocese, with a number from God is here.” (Exodus viii, 19.) the East, when he was on his way to other dioceses, will attend. Interment France in 1869, busied himself trying to will be made in Mount Olivet cemeterv, Little did the French storming party get priests for this wild Western coun­ l^nvor, where tlic first bishop of Denver realize what a lucky shot it fired that try. He conferred the diaconate on a lies. Bjshop Matz's mother, Elizalmth memorable 20th day of May, 1521, when it struck down, from the ramparts of Pam­ plona, that finely fighting Spanish cava­ lier, standing so defiantly in the breach of the wall to defend it. As epoch mak­ ing in the world's history as the first volley aimed at the Minute Men of Lex­ ington and Concord, or the iron hail which fell upon Fort Sumpti-r, or any other shot ever fired in all the history of all the wars of humanity, was that iron c.annon ball which tore the left calf and broke the right leg of that young Spanish officer, 30 years of ago, on that Whit-Monday morning of the sixteenth century. For, with it went tumbling down from the lieights in mangled, bleed­ ing flesh and bone a vain, polished dandy of the Spanish court of Ferdinand and Isabella, to rise soon after a sojdicr of Clirist, enrolled now under the banner of the Naz-arene; a general of a company of Jesus; a defender of the faith against the soon-onrushing tides of the so-called Reformation; a saint of God—Ignatius of Loyola, whose feast we celebrate this morning. Indeed, the report of that shot has been beard around the earth, until even today, in the twentietli century, the (liristian world is filled with its echoes and re-eehoings. For “their sound has gone forth into all the world and their M i words unto the very end of the earth.” To recall the salient f<>atures of this romantic, majestic and saintly life is the purpose today of the celebration in this Denver manifestation of his still breath­ ing spirit. And we. do this stingy honor to his name not only because it is worthy of all such, and more, hut, and especially, for onr own personal devotion and edifi­ cation, since, as we all know, “ Ijongiim est iter per praecepta, breve ot efiicax jier cxenipla”— is the way to sanc­ tity by precept but short and effacacioiis liy example.” Or, as the Greek sages would have it: “ Precept teaches hut ex­ ample ilraws.” “Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sub­ lime. aud, departing, leave behind us footprints in the sands of time.” In the year when Ignatius—or, rather, “Enico” or “ Inigo,” as he was known in lioyhood (he having taken the name of 'Tgnatin.s” later from the 'aintly bishop of Antioch)—was born, the world needed him badly. For the times were pregnant with great things, both goorl and evil. AVitliin just one year from that date, a certain Columbus was to weigh anchor in a nearby harbor, “to sail on and on” until he landed in a new world. Across the French frontier in Germany another certain prccix-ions nine-year-old boy was at the time attending his grammar school RT. REV. NH'HOLAS CHRV SOSTOM ilATZ, D.D., 8ECOX D BISHOP OF DENVER. and learning his Catechism—the same number of young ecclesiastics at Cincin-: got such a scare that he left the semin­ is now pastor. He finished tlie church , While in Georgetown, his lord.ship had hern gigantic. .An idea of the progress Catechism he was soon to repudiate.. nati; 0., and got permission from Arch - ' ary and beeame a farmer. there, erected a parish school building: Antony J. Schuler as an altar boy. He 1 can lie gained by glancing over the This was the future .Augiistinian monk, bishop Purcell to address the students } With Nicholas Matz, however, things and was responsible for the establish­ cncoiiragiHi tlie lad to study for the names of the religious orders that have Martin Luther, soon to upset the world in the seminary, depicting the life of a j were different. He came West with tlic ment of a Catholic hospital. Georgetown : priestliowl, personally instructing him. come to the state since Bishop Matz as­ in the most extensive religious revolt of missionary in the Rocky Mountains. i expectation of meeting many hardships. 1 was of considerably greater prominence and not only had the pleasure of having sumed charge. The Dominican Fathers. all limes. Over across the channel, the Two young men oflered themselves as i but he bad the satisfaction of seeing I in the early days than it is now. Silver | him ordained, but was able to witness Rinlemptorist Fathers. Servitc Fathers, hand of Augustine wa.« still “ Merrie Eng­ missionaries, one of them being Nicholas i Colorado emerge from a frontier coun- . was then at its height of glory. It was . bis consecration as the first bishop of El ' Thcatine Fathers and A'incentian Fath­ land,” but a gospel light was soon to C. Matz. The other liacked out later, | try into one of the best known dio- ■ one of the best towns in the state at . Paso, Tex., on October 28, 191.A. , ers, have all arrived since 1889. The fol sTiine from the eves of a certain Annie having been terrified by the stories of ceses of the American Church. the time Bishop Matz was there. The ; Progress Under Bishop Matz. lowing orders of women have also come: i Boleyn and English ladies were soon to fellow students, who, in pretended ser­ After his ordination, he was stationed school ami hospital he established bail to ; The diocese of Denver had a tremen- ■ Sisters of St. Benislict. Sisters of the leam the danger to their heads when iousness, told him almut the way the for a time at the old .''tout street Cath­ he closcsi in later years, due to the fall- j dons growth under Bishop JIatz’s regime. Third Order of Saint Dominic, Sisters of surroundeil by a crown, followed eventu­ Indians would scalp him, tie him to a edral here. Then he went to Our Liuly i ine off in the population of the town. I Tlie number of ohurches that have been Charity, B. V. M., Sisters of St Francis ally by the ghastly gibbets erected thru- tree, dance the war dance around him. of I.ouriles’ parish in Georgetown, Clear The church was ruined by fire some j built., the institutions erected, the in-, of the Perpetual Adoration. Missionary out the countryside. and roast him to death. The vouth Creek county, where Father M. P. Boyl *-j months ago, but will soon be replaced, i creases in the Catholic population, have | (Continued on Page 4, <.'olumn 2.) (Continued on Page Two.) P « r e Two. DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917. Romantic Life of Founder m SHAM-HATER OUR CEREMONIES (Written especially for Tlie Register.) FULL OF MEANING Don’t steal the leather and give away the shoes in God’s name. of Jesuits is Reviewed Written for This Newspaper by Rev. William Demouy, D.D., of St. After the Civil war, it was said that Rosa's Home, Denver. many returned who could not give a {Contimiwl from Page 1) Clirist,” by LudoI])h, a Carthusian monk, good account of the battle-and many ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER In civil life the old order was yielding. and the oth«r “Lives of the Saints.” At gave a good account of the battle who . Idle fall of fendaliam was giving place first he turneil away in disgust. But, as never returned from the war. to the reign of absohiU' nionareliiea. In has been so learnedly remarked, “Idfc And, taking him from the crowd apart. the ruins of war and the havoe of the a,s,sumes a dilTercnt aspect from a liori- tVhen a conceited man hears another He put His fingers into his oars, and spoils Christianity itself, its faith and zontal position,” and after a time he praised, he thinks himself injured. If He spat, and touching his tongue and the morals of the i>eople had sutferod began listlessly to read. Tlien he read you don't wish to hear other persons looking up to heaven. He groaned and terribly. In fact, the whole world was some more. Gradually, slowly but surely, complimented Vou will be able to diag­ said to him, "Ephphcta,” whicli is "be living in feverish e.\()ectation of the prompted by the giace of God, tlic truth nose vour own disease. opened.” (Mark vii, 33.) storms 90 soon to break. of the whole situation began to dawn The signs and ceremonies in the Cath­ To olfset this revolt shortly to follow, upon him. .-Vfter all, these were the only Xo real man ran be a pacifist. Too olic Church have a deep and significant God had imprinted the seal of His finger people who ever did anything any­ many shams and humbugs that need to meaning. They are one of the most effi­ upon the youngest son of a noble Siianish way. These were the only ones who he fought. cacious and compelling ways of teaching College of Saint Teresa family, Castle of l.oyola, tho the young were ever wise. Tliese the only success­ the truth. They are not merely a mater­ WINONA, MINNESOTA boy was quite uncouseious of it at the ful men and women who ever livisl— In all wars there are hut two things I ial sign, but have attached to them a Surveyed by the National Bureau of Kducatlon J915. time. Cervanf<'3 had not yet laughed thesi' saints of God. He iH'gan to con­ of which we may be absolutely certain symbolic meaning, and indicate spme- Holds membership in the North Central Association of Colleges. Standard degree course.s In Arts and Science leading to the degrees of Spanish chivalry away anil this am­ trast his worldly, void, meaningless life --newspaper editors will be the first to thing far superior to the mere material Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. bitious, passionate and energetic young with theirs—laying up stores where can­ survive—aqil, the last to sign itself. ABE&ESS, THE SECHETABV man had thrown himself into all the non balls could not enter in, moths eat If one seek for the origin of the vise arts and crafts of the knighthood of old. away nor time corrupt. Over and over The daily newspapers of this city don't of signs and ceremonies in religious wor- Conservatory of St. Cecilia Saint Clare Seminary I use the terra “ passionate” not in any again he found himself repeating tliese, seem to have much infiuence. After four sliip, it will easily he seen that it is State Music Teachers Examinations A Classical High School, immoral sense, for, according to the best jn-ohahly the most potent words of all weeks’ constant hammering and red ink co-existciit ivith every page of the his­ for Licentiate required for graduation. College Preparatory. chroniclers of the time, tlic courtier from .sicripture: "What does it (irofib a man explosions, they succeeded in polling a I tory of man. In the Old Law they were Departments of Home Economics Loyola kept himself free from most of if he gain the whole world and suffer paltry 11,000 votes against two unpop- : frequent; and in the New Law were and Art. Course units are all prescribed. the evil aspects of a dissolute court. Hut the loss of his own soul?” He decided ular school directors. Had it not been ; used often to indicate and symbolize he was strong of character and ambi­ on the spot that what they had doiu' he for the civic association, with its 3.000 j spiritual things. That they were in­ tious, burning to e.xcell in all the daring could likewise do. members *nd the .?0,000 which they ap- i tended by God to he put to use by EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY qualities of love, romance and chivalry With the return of his physical propriated to hire workers at the elec- , man cannot be doubted, for, if they liad Particular Attention Given to Order Work in which the knights were supposed to strength came back that old-time energy, tion. we dread to think what might have j not been introduced 'at His suggestion abound. that strength of eharaeter to la* up and Mrs. K. Cullen Take Lawrence St. PHONE happened to the four dailies. .\nd. j or inspiration. He would not have toler­ Car to Colfax Ave. M .7272 1462 Lipan St At the siege of Pamplona, fighting doing, that tireless-iletermination to ac- strange to say. two of these newspapers, ated their continuous use in the worship under his uncle, he refused to retreat— com])lish whatever he had set out to do. affeet to be jiroud of winning sucli a \ given Him by man. tinfil a French cannon ball laid him low. Only now he had changed his Hag. He pyrrhic victory. Many outside of the Church arc in­ His gallant defense on that occasion was renounced his human lonl to serve his clined to think these signs and cere­ recognized even by his French captors, Heavenly Alasti'r. He hung his kingly Perhaps, after all, it is well that peo­ monies useless—or, at least, superflous For Good Work — C o l O F a d O who tended him in honor for fifteen days sword up by the statue of the Blessed ple should do their own thinking. Very —not to say detrimental, to true w-or- CALL UP and then bore him on a litter to his Virgin, in token of his future undying often a new.spaper editor does not ex- ship. However, this attitude springs brother at the Castle of Loyola. Here loyalty to her and her Divine Son, and jiress his honest sentiments. He is paid from prejudice, or ignorance, for, apart it was discovered that the rapidly mend­ broke forth from the remonstrating arms to write down the thoughts of others. from the history of these signs, if we PHONE 741 2 2 0 7 Larimer ing bones had been badly set, and, if he of his brother—the penitential, bare­ There is no freedom outside-of truth. view the life and actions of Christ, we Laundry were ever to present anything like a footed. gray-clothed i»ilgrim of 31 years Error is the only slavery. When a news­ shall sec that He, too, made use of knightly appearance in the court dress of age—following from that day in the paper editor is not free to say what he them. In the instance recorded in the of the time, a rebreaking and resetting footsteps of .lesus and Him erueitied. thinks, hut must parrot the thoughts of text cited, wc have a convincing illus­ of the leg were necessary. To this ordeal, But mere volition does not mean en­ others we ni'cd not he surprised tliat the tration. Wlio would say that it was devoid of anesthetics of course, he sub­ tire conversion, and to consolidate his people generally are beginning to dis­ necessary for Christ to use these signs mitted without a murmur. On removing forces he, by and penance, pre­ trust the newspapers. The realization in curing the deaf and dumb man? the second cast it was found that a pared for and made his general confes­ of this fact is the cause of their waning Yet, tlie gospel tells us that He used particle of the bone protruded thru the sion. lasting three days. To the cave of influence, and this is evidenced by re­ not only one but several; and, if they flesh and. if the fashionable court hose Manresa he then repaired, where, in­ cent election, returns. had never possessed a dignity before, were not in after years to be drawn over structed only by the Divine Teacher and (Continued on Page 4.) the fact of this practice of our Savior, a pronounced bump of deformity to the with no knowledge of theology and hard­ would raise them to a place fitting in sad loss of his trim, courtly figure, it ly any previous acquaintance with the edifies.” the services of the aiiirch. would be necessary to open the flesh laws of the spiritual life, he drew up God is .spiritual, it is true, and needs again and cut away a part of the bone. those memorahle “ Spiritual Kxerciscs”— Suffice it to recall tliat epocli-inaking not material attachment to the worship To this also he consented, in the cause to stand for all ages as the guide-posts to incident on tlie greensward outside the and homage paid him. But man is a i of human vanity, his tightly-clenched true sanctity and which have, according little chapel then surrounding the famous liill of MoiitMarte—the niont of the combination of the-spiritual and the | fists being the only indication he sliowed to St. Francis de Sales, brought as many material—in both of his constituents. 1 of the terror of the operation. conversions a.s there are letters contained martyrs—high overlooking the city of Paris. At 3 o’clock in the morning of he owes homage and worship to God, and We mention this characteristic inci­ therein. Indeed, no human hand but they are so connected that they mutally dent for two reasons: to show the per­ "the finger of flod was here.’’ August 15, 1534, a lame man left his help each other. The spiritual is aided sonal vanity at this time of the future In fact, it was these same “Spiritual lodging in Paris and laboriously climbed by the material; and the material,-in expouser of poverty, renouncer of tlie K.xerciscs” which he “ tried out" later on the slope upon which today stands the turn, by the spiritual. This appears VERY DELICIOUS world and founder of the Order of .Jesus, the brilliant young .Spanish, professor gigantic basilica of the Sacred Heart pro­ tecting the French capital. Kneeling on evident if wc consider that exterior re­ Made of best bleached Jamaica and the grim determination, courage and teaching in the great University of Paris, collection is very helpful—nay, almost Ginger, sugar and purest and endurance of the character of tlic man, bringing forth that young man, no long­ the ground, he began to say his rosary, casting a glance around him from time necessary—to interior, and vice versa. softest of water, tlic .. Deep Rock Artesian since, after all, the great saints of God er the ambitious scholar of literary fame The would-be iconoclasts of today are made after just this type—not the but St. Francis Xavier, the apostle of to time as if he expected company. Soon It docs not bite nor burn like'the ordinary hard water peppery al* At the rising sun revealed to him the like­ might well broaden their service, if, in all high-class stores, tearooms and restaurants. Insist on the inert, senseless, spineless ones, but men India, .lapan and China. imitation of our Savior, they introduced arid women of strong, determined, pas­ To follow the now transformed sou of wise kneeling forms of six other young men, whom he had invited to be there and used signs and ceremonies. They sionate natures. Only, they swung those the Castle of Ixiyola as he came forth would also in this manner he acting live, energetic, fiery forces into the serv­ out of his retreat, pouring out to tlie but unknown each to another. In the breaking light they looked into each oth­ more consistently with their present ac­ U E iM h r f tU v li ice of Gos of this wonderful man. Many, indeed, in the world the things | Wtiehouia, 1001 Bannock St. the tremendous thought comes singing in that have a tendency to distance us : upon HS: Where are our Loyolas today? from God, and fortunate that we can |Phone Main 1310 Office. 601 Fifteenth St The world needs them in this hour as : offset this infiuence by the use of things i mueli as then. If we only liad a few I that have a sacred significance. Any- ^ Imndrisl Ignatiuses in this time of dis­ ; thing that tends to lead us towards God ' Clearance of Low Shoes tress ! 1 in spirit and mind is worth more than i Wholesale and Retail. Fresh and Cured Eastern Corn-Fed Ixioking out upon tlie world's havoe any treasure of earth; and there is no ! Meats, Fmiti, Vegetables, Poultry and Game. today—and the present times arc .strik­ ' heart tliat will not yearn for something ' ingly like those upon which the Spanish that will help it in its love for Goii.' Womens Pumps and Strap Slippers, $2.95 lighter east his gaze when he set forth and no mind so ill-directed that it w ill! The Market Company to do battle for the cause of Christ—wc not perceive the light of things tliat 0. X. Smith. Mgz. Values ?.j.riO to ?(i— Black or tan calf— English lasts— j are tein|ited to exelaim, in the words of draw it towards infinite intelligence. 1 tlie ])Oet laureate of England, spoken 1 People are greatly influenced by what Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fish and Oysters leather or neolin soles. they see and hear and observe. It is I regarding another champion of the cross: 15th and California, Denver. Colo. ‘Are we devils, or are we men? , in this manner that all instruction is ; carried on. There is no other way of Fhontii Bctell, Kols Tonz Kothtr'a Btor*. Sweet .''aint Francis—would he were here 4303, 4303, 4304, 4S0B Why Xot TonrsT Men’s Oxiords, $2.95 a Pair again.” i imparting knowledge to the mind. No Would wc had today just a few loyijl one regrets this; no one rebels against Values to .?(» a pair— Batent leather and kid— in (’iiban hearts who would imbibe the spirit of ; it.. If these same things can take on 1 an Ignatius, for his was es.sentially the . a higher significance, and have a ten-; and half Louis heels— the iieAvest lasts. spirit of fight—unrelenting warfare for ' dency to lead us—even to a slight de-1 Hianizo tiie ways of God. gree—towards the fount of all knowl- \ Witli tlie speetaelc of war and of fight I edge and the Creator of all things, who ' which confronts us at this iioiir—thir­ : will begrudge it? . teen of Hr' principal nations of the earth 1 It is only the selfishly inclined and ' ' asting at each other's throats, involving ; the maliciou.sly ignorant wlio will try I lO c IO g fttlcbaielson's thereby over 500.000.000 human' beings, ^ to .separate from G S r i A ^ land in tlie trenches or upon the seas, He will certainly not reject them, when with multitudes of eliildren and women offered as an aid to His recognition, and 'Utfering the conseiinenees tliereof you to onr homage and respect due Hi.-n. BUTTER NUT BREAD know they are separating the .starving from the hungry ehildren in Belgium, Bishop Glorieux Better. Made With Milk tiecause there are no other kind there Kt. Ui'v. A. J. Glorieux, hi-ihop of Lavin Bros.’ Furniture Co. today -with monsters of destruetion Boise. Ida., who was stricken with ]iar- plowing the earth, the air. the sea, yea, nlysis rwently, is now reported to he The Place of Bargains. and under the sea. with Gibraltars of on the road to recoverv. You lose if you do not inspect our stock first. mined fortre-ses looking down upon all Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Rugs,Carpets,Trunks the main waterways of the earth—cer­ IT*MATTERS NOT tainly have we not one jiowerful fighter THEUTESTFAD how closely you look at our work, y^in'll NEW AND SECONDHAND for (!od. one Ixiyola who would gTasji find it perfect. We clean your garments and understand that there is only one Your Own Picture Phone Champa 3674. 1439 Larimer Street on Your Stationery thoroughly and do it at a price that baf­ war. ami flint is the war of Christian ORRESPOXDK>TE PAPER fles competition. It is because we use Highest prices paid for used furniture. morality: tliat there is only one helmet, with s small portrait of Uie C writer, this size. U the new, the latest improved methods and are and that is the helmet of faith: that popular fad in New York. We artists in bur line. Won't you let us there is only one shield, and that is the can furnish tlda new style of sta­ tionery In the beautiful Hlfhllcht. Linen Finish have your next order and demonstrate shield of salvation: tliat there is only one Paper, each sheet imprinted with your own pic­ our worth? PHONE MAIN 7377 HENRY WARNECKE, Prop sword, and that is the sword of truth; ture. Large boxes containinf 100 sheets and 100 enreloiies of same paper to match. Samples aeat that therais only one trumpet, and that If desired. is the call to a holy and virtuous* life; Order now and enior usinc the latest porclty In stationery. Send your pboto with order. We will T H E GIGANTIC THE CAPITAL CITY SHOE MFG. CO. that there is only one cannon, and that return it utKlamafed. is the fire of Divine and human love; Price, IS.OO per box, complete, postpaid. Cleaners and Tailors Repair Work Our Specialty, While You Wait. that there is only one thing necessary, mCHARD O. BOUT Ct for Quality and that is the salvation of our immortal Engravers and Designers 1511 CHAMPA ST. DENVER, COLO souls. 1424 Lawrcacs St DENVER, COLO. 700 E. COLFAX. PHONE YORE 499 THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917. DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Page Three.

FREE PUEBLO SISTERS AT TRINIDAD DOUBLES WILL FINISH CHURCH Important Facts About TEA FOR TRIAL SUMMER INSTITUTE K. OF e. FUND QUOTA CENSUS THIS WEEK 15 WONDEKTUL KZBBS Comprise Sensational Medical Discovery—FATHXB xoum iosB's rAxous k e r b t e a . If you have Kheumatlsm. Constipation, Benedictines from St. There­ Holy Trinity Council Gets Three Colorado Springs Ladies to Gaining Blood Impurities. Stomach Troubles, In­ digestion, Sick and Nervous Headaches. sa’s Convent Prove Pop­ Hundred Dollars Over Complete Task for Liver or Kidney Disorders, send your ular Students. Its Assessments. St. Mary’s. name on post card and get free pacl^ge. By AIATTHEW J. W. SMITH. have the requisite intention, must be in Address Tlie word indulgenee is taken from the state of graoe, and must fulfill the MOLLINGER MEDICINE CO. OTHER NEW^S FROM CITY NEWMAN CONCERT AUG. 25 OTHER NEWS FROM CITY indulgentia, a technical term in the conditions set forth for obtaining the 79 MoUInger Building, Roman law, meaning amnesty or pardon. . 14 East Park Way (H, S.) (By Georgia Zeiger.) (By William G. Code.) (By Frank It. Prior.) In the language of the Church, the word The intention can be actual, that is, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pueblo, -4ug. 8.—Five of the sisters Trinidad, Colo., Aug. 8.—Holy Trinity Colorado Springs. Aug. 8.—The ladies has a more restricted meaning. An in­ formed with the direct desire of obtain­ of -St.’s convent of the Benedic­ council is closing a successful cami>aigu of the various societies of St'. Mary's dulgence is defined by Amort as "a re- ing the indulgence in question; or it can tine order have been attending the nor­ for the Knights of Columbus’ war camp parish are hard at work on the church mi.ssiqn of the punishment which is still be virtual, as would happen -when one mal in.stitute, whieb has been lield dur­ fund, having raised over $3,0(X) over as­ census and expect to finish tliis week. due to sin after sacramental absolution, formed the intention in the morning to ing the past week at Centennial liigh sessments and again as much as its pro Mr. Biglcy of St. Louis is a visitor this remission being valid in tlie court gain all the indulgences annexed to the school under the auspices of the county rata. It will he some time before at St. Francis’ hospital. of conscience and before God, and being good works done that day. Some au­ iWANTEDI superintendents of this district. Mrs. the final figures are in the hands of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Hennessy of Wichita made by application of the treasure of thorities hold that an habitual or inter­ Lillie 0. Baker of Pueblo county was committee as donations continue to come. Kan., spent a few days lierc last week the Cburcli on tlie part of a lawful pretative intention is sufficient. An delighteti to have the nuns attend and The patriotic meeting lield in the hall Elsie M. Pettigrew of Jlonument, Colo, superior.” habitual intention is one which was she says tliey have been the most jiop- during the week of the campaign added is sick at St. Francis’ hospital. Not Permission to Sin. formed and not retracted, but which does \ TW O BOYS ular students in the classes. The other materially to the results. Talks were J. P. Hines and Mrs. William Brown An indulgence is not a permission to not influence the performing of one’s pupils extend them every courtesy. The made by J. M. Madrid, John J. Boyle, and daughter, all of Grand Junction, commit sin, as many non-Catholics ig­ actions any longer. An interpretative IN PUEBLO sisters a^rc doing the regular work, tak­ Earl G. Morand and J. E. Kane. Mrs. Colo., are here visiting Mrs. F. C. Hob- norantly believe, nor does it remit the intention does not c.xist in reality, but ( i to sell The Dextor Cath- ing in wl of the classes. J. F. McDonough sang a solo and musical erti and Mrs. X. J. Remacklc. guilt of sin already committed nor would be elicited if the person thought (! OLic Register at Sacred The ladies of Sacred Heart church are selections were rendered by the Knights R. L. Ix)pes, aged 37, died at liis home, eternal punishment due to mortal sin. of the matter. This opinion is not cer­ working very hard on the plans for their of Columbus’ quartet. Circulars sent by 356 East I^s Vegas street, early Tues An indulgence cannot lie obtained for tain, and it is safer to have at least a Heart and St. Patrick’s social to be held August 17 and 18 on State Deputy Fairall, who was chairman day morning The funeral was held on unforgiven sin. The desire to obtain an virtual intention. Church Sunday mornings the parish grounds. There will he cards, of the Denver campaign, were di.stribut- Wednesday from St. Mary’s church. In indulgence, far from being a motive for Must Be in State of Grace. after Mass. Applicants music' and refreshments each evening. cd and also mailed to a large number of ternient was made in Evergreen ecme sinning, aids repentance. The Church requires that those who On Saturday evening tliere will be a Trinidad Catholics. tcry. Even after the guilt of sin is removed gain indulgences should have received must have references from home-cooked supper, which will he one Joe Newman to Visit Trinidad. Willie Hopper of Chicago is visitin' and tlie penalty of eternal punishment the sacrament of penance, or at least their pastors. Good profits of the best ever served by the members Joe Newman and company of Denver here with friends and relativc.s. has been wiped away, a temporal pun­ have made an act of perfect contrition, of this parish. All members of the par­ will pay Trinidad a visit August '29 un­ Mrs. Ralph Riggs of Winchester, III. ishment may remain. We have Biblical if they had fallen into grievous sin. to wide-awake hustlers. ish arc urged to attend as well as friends der the auspices of Holy Trinity council, is spending the summer at 807 X'orth proof of this in the sin of David. Nathan When several actions are prescribed for Write to circulation man­ from all parishes. Knights of Columbus. It is rei)orted Weber street. She is accompanied by informed the king that the latter’s sin gaining an indulgence, it is necessary ager, Dexi'er Catholic The regular semi-monthly social at that Mr. Newman has one of the best her three nieces, Sarali Virginia, Harriet had been forgiven, yet David was pun- only to be in tlie state of grace when the the Day Nursery will he held this week. bundles of entertainers he lias ever had. and Helen Metzler, the daughters of Mr i.shed for it afteritirds. Baptism for­ last condition is fulfilled in order to get Register. Perhaps one of the largest funerals The committee from Holy Trinity coun­ Frank Metzler. Mrs. Riggs is a sister gives all actual as well as original sin the indulgence. ever held from St. Patrick’s was that cil in charge of arrangements consists of of Mr. J. il. Jletzler and Mr. Frank and wipes away the temporal punish­ The conditions must be fully fulfilled. on Thursday morning, when re?oturer Clyde Ashen, Frank Hanley and Metzler. ment due for the actual sin. But the Indulgenced prayers must be really said, rkoAN: Oalluf 171, Otliuy 183 mass was sung for Stephen Grady. Rev. Joseph ilausser. Sister M. Benedicta of St. Xavier’s sacrament of penance does not go so far. not merely thought. Dcafmutes may ob­ Father Schimpf celebrated the mass and convent, Chicago, is a visitor here. The tliureh in all ages has imposed pen­ tain a commutation from their confess­ the church was filled with friends from LA JUNTA CATHOLIC SOCIAL Rev. J. A. liuhhert of St. Louis spent ances on the forgiven sinner. St. Paul, ors of prayers into good works, and if J . B . Garvin & Co. all parts of the city. The children’s the week-end at .St. Francis’ hospital. for instance, imposed one on the incestu­ one of tlie conditions for an indulgence is choir furnished the music. The casket AND PERSONAL DOINGS Ralph Mcnier of Seattle is visiting ous Corinthian. 'The Cliurch recognizes a visit to a church with prayers for the was banked with floral tributes, two in Colorado Springs. Mr. Menier for­ the difference between the guilt and the intentions of the Holy Father, this pray­ DRUGGISTS of the handsomest pieces being presented (By Kathrine O'Neil.) merly lived here. penalty involved thru the commission of ing may he done mentally by them. La Junta" Aug. 8.—The regular meet­ sin. I401 W. n i Are Deurer, Colo. by his brothers, and another piece being Dr. and Mrs. William G. Hopper and To gain a plenary indulgence, the from the local police department, of ing of the Knights of Columbus was held daughter, Miss Geraldine Hopper, of Clii- Only Pure Enter Heaven. usual conditions prescribed, outside the which his brother, Arthur Grady, is a last Thursday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. oago, were honor guests at a party given We are told in Holy Weit that noth­ specific work named in the grant of the member. A pillow from the employes Harry Atherton and son Stewart left Tuesday evening by Jlrs. Harry Sehnitz- ing impure can enter heaven. If a per­ indulgence, are prayers for the intentions E. E. ROST of the Model Dairy company, in which last week for Long Beach, Cal. Mr. ius and Mrs. L. E. Terry, at 311 Xortb son dies without having obtained a re­ of the pope, confession and holy Com­ his brother, .lolin S. Grady, is interested, Atherton will return in atxiut two weeks First street, Colorado Springs. The mission of the temporal punishment due munion. Authorities are agreed that five was very handsome. Tlie Knights of Co- and Mrs. Atherton .will remain the rest guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Hopper. Miss for forgiven mortal sins, or if lie dies Our F'atherq and five Hail Marys will Groceries and Provisions himbus attended in a body. Father of the summer.—Mrs. Albert Burbank Geraldine Hopper, Miss Lneile Huff, Mrs. ill venial sin, lie must go thru purgatory suffice for the prayers. The pope’s in­ and little daughter returned to their before he can see God. tentions are the common good of the * Coi. 38th Ave. and Franklin S t Schimpf gave a sermon in which he Huff, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hopper, Mr, home in Ordway after spending the week Tlie Catholic Church claims that lier Qnircli, the propagation of the faith, the Phone Main 4276 brought out the idea that our being on and Mrs. Thomas Hopper, Mr. and Mrs. tills earth was only that we may earn with Mrs. Burbank’s parents, Mr. and Mountain and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Divine Founder empowered her ministers conversion of sinners, heretics and schis­ the right to heaven. His words were Mrs. IL G. Dalton.—Miss Mary Kranz Eastwood, Mrs. .1. H. Eastwood, Miss G. to forgive sin, provided the sinner has matics, and peace and concord among surely a consolation to the bereaved left Tuesday for a two weeks’ visit with Byrnes, Mr. and ilrs. L. E. Terry, Ro­ the necessary dispositions, and she also Christian peoples. It is not necessary to J.J.HARRINGTON widow and the family. The pall bearers friends at Trinidad.—Mra. Josepli Rine­ salia and Goldine Terry and Jlr. Elmer claims to have the power to remit the keep these things specifically in mind. HEATING AND VENTILATING were Henry SlcCarthy, Raymond McCar­ hart of Kansas City is visiting at the Hanson of Chicago. temporal punishment due to, sins thru It is enough merely to pray for the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bradish on CONTRACTOR thy, .John A. C. Kretchmer, Charles Close, P. T. Kramer of St. Louis is a visitor the ministration of the sacraments and pope’s intentions. Russell Nichols and P. J. Mallahan. The Raton avenue.—Mrs. Joe Warner spent by indulgences. Tlie right to grant in­ How Prayers Must Be Said. Jobbing and Repairing a Specialty. a few days in Denver last week.—Mr. here. dulgences is contained in the' power to flower bearers were L. R. Balleweg. Fred A well attended lawn social, under the The prayers may be said alone or with Phone Champa 2548. Waddell, John T. West and Vance Dris­ S. Moyemont left Saturday for Estes hind and loose, specifically granted to others alternately,, and they may be said m FOURTEENTH STREET Park, where he will spend some time auspices of the Corpus Chri.sti guild, was the apostles by Christ. The pope, hav­ coll. Interment was in the family plot held last Tuesday evening at the homo anywhere, unless it is set forth that they in Roselawn, in charge of Mc(,'arthy i fishing and hunting. Mr. Moyemont will ing jurisdiction over the world, can grant must be said in a church. £ ouro, I— 11 0, M. 1—6.^ m return about September 15.—Mrs. Qias. of Mrs. if. J. Dwyer, 1805 Xorth Tejon Undertaking company. ? street. indulgences to all the faithful. A bishop Unless some special church is selected DR. J. J. MEEHAN A congenial party of friends, afl-mem­ McDonald spent Sunday in Pueblo with can giant them only to those who are for the visit ordinarily prescribed, any her 'son Bert at Camp Gunter.- JIrs. Mrs. (Torhet and daughter, M’ ss Kate within his diocese and within the limits bers of the Fireside eluh, motored to Corliet. of Chicago, are spending a few church or public oratory to which there Beulah last week for their weekly meet­ McDonald will go from Pueblo to points imposed on him by the Church. Primates, is free access may be selected. Some­ in Kansas, where she will visit relatives weeks in Colorado Springs. metropolitans, nuncios and papal legates times the conditions name a specific Dentist ing. After several hours of ga.Ties and Mrs. J. F. Clark. 2018 East Evans cards, they enjoyed an old-fashioned pic­ for about two weeks.—Mrs. J. R. Sexton have wider powers to give indulgences, church. • u n s Ml, MACK BLK. PH. M. IMS is spending a short vacation in Manitou street, Pueblo, is sick at St. Francis’ hut not nearly so wide as the pope. nic supper. In the party were Dr. and hospital. When confession is prescribed, it must lath and Califonda. Mrs. J. J. MeDonncll, Mr. and Mrs. W. and Colorado Springs.—Mr. P. J. Smith Cardinals have limited powers of grant­ be made even when the penitent has only and daugliter Josephine, wlio had been Air. and Airs. James G. Purcell of ing indulgences, and so has the Great venial sins, but in this case absolution B. McMinn, Mr. and Mrs. Edward ile- Casper, Wyo., are visiting at the home SYMPTOMS OF Cahe, Mr. and Mrs. William O’Grady, visiting at the MeVay home, returned to Penitentiary. Any cleric can have the is not necessary. Those who confess once their home in Denver tlie last of the of Air. and Airs. AI. W. Purcell at Broad­ power delegated to him. a week can gain all indulgences of that EYE TROUBLE Mr. and Mrs. M. Farrell, l>r. and Mrs. moor. Headacbe, DUatneoA Luke MaeLean, JIrs. Daniel Mahoney, week.—Mrs. George O’Leary' has returned How an Indulgence Works. week in Y^hich confession is a requisite; Pains at Bass of Brain from Santa Rita, X. M., where she, had C. J. Vollmer made a business trip to AVlien the Clmrcli grants an indulgence, in some dioceses, this privilege is extend­ Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs. X'ancy Mar­ Denver last Thursday. Neuralaia, Fainting, tin, James Murray, Patrick Prendergast been visiting her parents.—Mrs. John s|ic doe? not simply condone things out­ ed to those who confess every fortnight. Wo AbnolnMy •maiu8M Ona Slnwea (Jansliaw was called to Casper, Wyo.. on The condition of Sergeant of Police right'ir. the name of God. She pays the Daily communicants, even tho on some and James Clynes. This week the same William H. McDermott, who has been •out n u n •AAMBS, members will motor to Rye and hold account of the death of her sister, Mrs. debt due to God out of the treasury of days they omit Communion, may gain Bradley.—Mr. C. J. Stommel, local man­ confined to his home, 231 Xorth Frank­ the Oiurch. 'fhis treasure is made up indulgences without weekly confessions, Schwab, Modern Opticians their meeting. lin street, is still serious. Mrs. Fred White and daughter. Miss ager of the telephone company, went to of the satisfactions of Christ and the according to a decree of Feb. 14, 1906. Pk. Main S17L M l istk S i Pueblo Saturday, where he will join his Airs. Richard Clough has gone to Glen- saints. Christ and all the members of It frequently happens that plenary in­ Katlieryn White, spent a few days of wood Springs to spend a month or six this week in Denver. wife and baby. Before returning to La tlie Church, the Bible teaclies us, form dulgences cannot be gained in full be­ .Junta Mr. and Mrs. Stommel will go to weeks, after which she will join Air. one mystical body. By virtue of this cause of some obstacle, like unforgiven FRED F. FISHER iliss Genevieve Langdon has returned Clough at Portland, Ore. from a delightful trip to Cliicago and Rye, Colo., where they will enjoy a ten oneness in Christ, the communion of venial sin. In such a case, it is com­ Catholic Goods Madison, Wis. days’ outing.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hansen Airs. L. X. Depeyre, 1604 Colorado ave­ saints exists among the faithful. With monly held that the indulgence becomes Members of the St. lycander’s Lyceum spent a few days last week in Denver Catholics the communion of saints is not effective so far as possible, becoming a Opp. at. EUaabMh’A attending to business matters. nue, is spending several days in Denver. a mere empty phrase. Nine-tenths of partial indulgence. Almost all indul­ Ftayar Booka, RoaartaA Scapnlan^ Bta gave a social in the parish hall last Xext Sunday is Communion day for Wednesday evening. A goml-sized crowd the Protestants today do not know what gences are applicable to the souls in loss ELEVENTH 8T 8M T . the Young Ladies’ sodality and the Holy they mean when they profess belief in purgatory. The person gaining them Phone Mala 8364 attended. These parties will be held Retreat for Drafted Men. Xame society. regularly during the coming season. the communion of saints while reciting should make the intention of the appli: The most reverend archbishop of Cin­ The Very Rev. Father Walter, prior the apostles’ creed. cation. Whether such an application is Mr. and Sirs. Frank E. Leonard and cinnati, with fatherly solicitude for the of the Benedictine college, Pueblo, The good works of each member of infallible in its effect is a controverted Hie Frank M. HaU family left Sunday for a two-weeks' welfare of young men, is ananging a elimhcd Pikes Peak Tuesday. the Church benefit all other members. point among theologians. It is also in motor trip thru Estes Park and viein three days’ retreat for those who are Si.ster Joseph Alaria of Santa Fe, X. All members, too, share in the benefits dispute whether one who gains indul­ ify- called to the colors by the selective draft. AL, is a guest at the Gloekner. of the sacrifice of the mass and sacra­ gences for the poor souls must be in the D m g Co. The aid society to the Saereil Heart i The archbishop plans to hold the serv­ Sister Rose Alexius left for Loretto ments. state of grace himself. It is safer, how­ orphanage will not meet again until 1 ices of the retreat in the Catheslral on Heights on Alonday to enter the retreat ever, to be in the state of grace. To cot. LARIMER a 17TH STt. October. I the last three davs of this week. there tliis week. Every Good Act Effective. n«iT*r. Ool*. The merit which every good action gain a plenary indulgence, one must de­ posse.sses with God, with a view to an test ami be determined to avoid even the eternal reward, belongs to the doer; but least sin. every good action also has the power of Mlien rosaries are indulgenced, the in­ Directory of TO INVESTORS: placating God and satisfying for sin. as dulgence attaches to the beads, not the ■We own and offer, subject to prior sale, the following unsold portions of first mortgage real estate .serial note Issues. offerings are a few examples of the regular line of first mortgage |500 real estate notes we offer at well as of impetrating God's graces and string. If a few heads are replaced, or Attorneys-at-Law all times. blessings. Tlie satisfactory part of the a new string is inserted, the indulgence Each note sold by the Mercantile Trust Company has first been bought outright by us and held as an investment actions of CTirist was not required for is not lost. When a crucifix is indul­ OP COLORADO. until It Is disposed of. thus permitting us to make other loans. Each loan has passed the scrutiny and examina­ tion of the Officers and Directors of this Institution, who have had long experience in such work. any personal offenses, and, with the sat­ genced, tlie indulgence attaches to the The Legal Department of the Mercantile Trust Company prepares all papers and passes upon the validity of isfaction also gained by saints who did image, not the cross. To prevent simony, JAMES J. McFEELY the titles, and holds the Insurance required by the mortgage for the protection o f the noteholders. not need it, is available to satisfy for the indulgence automatically passes when Attorney-at-Law ON REQUEST WE WILL MAIL DETAILED CIRCULARS REGARDING THESE ISSUES showing the char­ acter of the moral as well as the physical security behind them. The notes are all payable to bearer but if desired the sins of the members of the (Thurch an indulgenced movable object changes 425 Foster Building principal may be registered In the name of the purchaser without cost. Every facility furnished non-resident pur­ militant and suffering who form one owners^ A person may get objects in- Phone 4295 chasers. Reservations can be made for delivery any time within thirty days. mystical body with Christ and the bless­ dulgenccil, however, with the intention ed in heaven. The way this satisfaction of giving them to others and the indul­ MORRISSEY, MAHONEY & SCOFIeT d is applied to the individual soul is thru gences will not be lost by transfer, no Attorneya-at-Law Congregation of the Sisters Marianites of Church of the Immaculate indulgences. The right of dispensing this matter how many hands the object 305-07 Symes Building the Holy Cross Seattle, Washington Phone Main 4310 Denver, Colo. satisfaction, thru indulgences, is given to passes thru, provided the person .passing l-ake Charles, La. Total issue was $100,000.00; paid and canceled to date. the proper authorities of the Cliurch by tlie object on does not apply it to his own $7,000.00; now outstanding, $93,000.00. Secured by first the power of keys which they possess. use. It is all right to lend one’s indul­ WH.LIAM H. ANDREW Total issue was J25.000.00; paid and canceled to date, mortgage on entire block of ground in Seattle, Washing­ Attorney-at-Law SI.OOO.OO; now outstanding, $24,000.00. Secured by school ton, together with church and school building, all valued As we can pray for the souls in purga­ genced rosary to another, for then there 616 Charlee Building and convent property at Lake Charles, Louisiana, valued by us at $200,000.00. tory and they are assisted by our suf­ is no intention of transferring the in­ by us at $48,000.00. Notes executed by Alotherhouse at Maturities now available: January 15th, 1924. TeL Main 1369 Denver, Colo New Orleans frages, so we can apply indulgences dulgence. (.Slater’s Manual of Moral Maturities now available: August 1st, 1914 and 1925. gained by ourselves to them, when the Theology, \'ol. II, and the Catholic Dic­ JOHN H. REDDIN, Pioneer Educational Society Church gives this permission. tionary consulted.) Attorn^ and Counselor at Law Kinds of Indulgences. 612-614 Ernest and Cranmer Block Saint Thomas Hospital Spokane, Washington A plenary indulgence is one by which Negro Nun Attacked. Seventeenth and Curtis Streets Total issue. $200,000.00; value o f real estate security, all the debt of temporal punishment due Willie Marrero, a negro, 27 years old, Nashville, Tenn. $470,000.00. These notes are the obligation of/the Pio­ Phone Main 557 Denver, Cola Total Issue was $200,000.00; paid and canceled to date, neer Educational Society (Jesuit Order) secured by a to a person for sins is remitted, while rang the door hell of the Holy Family $10,000.00; now outstanding, $190,000.00. Secured by deed of trust on a tract of land containing 480 acres, a partial indulgence, say of 100 days, convent. New Orleans, recently,"and when hospital property In Nashville. Tennessee, conducted by together with four-story and basement, fireproof build­ remits the same amount of temporal Sister eBrehmans, colored," 04 years the Daughters o f Charity o f St. Vincent de Paul, valued ing. used as a scholasticate for the Western Province of by us at $465:000.00. the Jesuit Order. punishment which would have been re­ old, appearerl at the door, he struck Maturities now available: May 1st, 1923 and 1924. Maturities now available: December 1st, 1924, mitted by undergoing canonical penance her in the face, felled her and then for the time named, like 100 days, ac­ kicked her prostrate form. cording to the ancient discipline of the Loans I T c Have Made and Sold on This Plan in the Last Few Years Include: Oiurcli. It docs not mean that the pun­ Mexican Archbishop Grateful. Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate W ord.. Amarillo, Tex. Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.Portland, Ore. ishment of purgatory is cut off 100 days. The Archbishop of Mexico, on behalf Reverend F. G. Hoi week...... St. Louis, Mo. U niversity o f D allas...... Dallas, Tex. To gain an indulgenee. one must he a of the Mexican hierarchy, has sent a Knights of Columbus Building Co...... St. Louis. Mo. R ight Rev. M. F. B urke...... St. Joseph, Mo. Loretto Lit. & Ben. Institute...... St. Louis, Mo. Reverend J. T. F o le y ...... St. Louis, Mo. member of the Otholic Cfiiureli, must touching letter to Cardinal Gibbons, St. V incent’s C ollege...... Cape Girardeau, Mo. Hotel D ieu ...... New Orleans, La. thanking the archbishops of the United Right Rev. John B. M orris...... Little Rock. Ark. Reverend George P. Kuhlman...... St. Louts, Mo. States for their protest against religious R edem ptorist F athers...... K ansas City, Mo. Redem ptorist F athers...... San Antonio, Texas «-Mi********»***»**»66 ♦# >6 conditions in Mexico. Retreat of Passlonist Fathers...... Normandy, Mo. St. Francis’ Passionist Miss. Inst...... St. Paul. Kans. Sisters o f St, M ary...... K ansas C*Ity, Mo. St. John’s Catholic C hurch...... Hot Springs. Ark. St. Teresa’s A cad em y...... Kan.'^as City, Mo. Sisters of Charity of Providence...... M edford. Ore- St. Thomas’ Theological Seminary...... Denver. Colo. Sisters o f Charity o f P rovidence...... Vancouvt^r, W ash. I D r. Watkins i FRANK F. CRUMP, St. Vincent’s Free School...... St. Louis, Mo. Sisters of the Good Shepherd...... New Orleans, La. St. Vincent’s H osp ita l...... Little R ock, Ark. Sisters o f M ercy ...... Janesville, W’ is. Catholic Bishop of Chicago...... Chicago, 111. Sisters of Mercy ...... Little Rock, Ark. DENTIST Columbus College...... ChamberlalrwS. D. Sisters o f St. Mary ...... Madison. Wis. Florist L oretto Lit. & Ben. In stitu te...... D enverTcolo. Sisters of St. Francis ...... Tacoma, Wash. Pueblo, Colo. Phone Main 1537 Right Rev. T. Meerschaert...... Oklahoma City, Okla. Sisters of St. Mary...... Blue Island, 111. 511 EAST COLUMBIA. R ight Rev. P. J. M uldoon...... Aurora. 111. Rev. C. Splgardi...... St. Louis, Mo. Phone Main 600. Oolorid* SkHup- 8t.. Mary’s Branch No. 298—Meets 2d Pioneer Educational S o ciety ...... Spokane. W’ash. Ursuline Nuns...... New Orleans, La.' Rev. T. T. P udlow skl...... St. Louis, Mo. Rev. F rancis G llfillan...... St. Louis, Mo. and 4th Tuesdays in Charles building. St. Anne’s W idow s’ H o m e ...'...... St. Louis, Mo. House of the Good Shepherd...... Milwaukee. Wis. Sacred Heart Branch No. 316—Meets St. Edward's Catholic Church...... Little Rock, Ark. Sisters of Charity of Incarnate W ord.. .Shreveport, La. second and fourth Wednesday evenings St. Joseph's Convent o f M ercy...... St. Louis, Mo. S t Paul Sanitarium ...... Dallas. Texas in Charles building. Reverend Joseph T. S hields...... St. Louis. Mo, Slster.s of the Immaculate Conception. .Okla. City. Okla. St. Joseph’s Branch No. 611 — Meets Sisters of the Humility of Mary...... Ottumwa, la. Rev. F. J, O’C onnor...... St. Louis. Mo. second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month at St. Joseph’s hall. Sixth We solicit applications for loans on hospital and church property in cities having a population in excess of avenue and Galapago street Mrs. Ellen 30.000, and where the amount of the loan and margin of security are sufficient to warrant our making a personal examination of the property. Correspondence invited. THE JOYCE HOTEL T. Devlin, president; Miss Mamie Clan­ Stop a t ton, secretary. MERCAXTILE TRUST COMPAXY St. Mary Magdalene Branch No. 1094— Meets every 6rst and third Tuesday of Real Estate Loan Department When in Colorado Springs each month at 8 p. m. at 221 Charles EIGHTH AND LOCUST STREETS, ST. UX'IS. AIO. building. Mra. Mary S. Wirtz, presi- FESTUS J. WADE. President ^ J. B. MOBERLY, Real Estate Loan Officer ■ n t) Mrs. C. M. Whitcomb, recorder-


The Denver Catholic Register Riahnn MnH r'c KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HAVE GIANT Entered a« lecond-claes matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. uibliup lumz lb UtUU g r o w t h, REPORTS AT CONVENTION SHOW Published Weekly by The Catholic Publishing Society (Inc.) (Continued from Page 1.) returned to Denver in April, 1916, and Tlie provinciiil of the Krani’isoan Sis­ entered St. Anthony’s hospital, where W. J. Bryan Offers $10 and more arc being appoinfed. 'fhe work 1828 Curtis Street ters is on lier way here from laifayette, he had been a patient ever since. He is progressing with all possible speed, Telephone Main M13 Denver, Colo. Ind, and liad hoped to see tlie bishop frequently visited the episcopal resi­ Month to Fund for War and there is no busier office in the coun­ alive. dence, 1536 Logan, and often went out Camp Centers. try where war work is being, conducted Ill for Long Period. on automobile rides around the city. than that of Chairman P. H. Callahan THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917. Bishop Matz had been seriously ill for At first, after his return from the of the K. of C. war activities committee almost two years. About six years ago, east, he continued to look after the af­ Reports given Tuesday by the su­ in Washington^ D. C. when he was on his way to Europe to fairs of the diocese. As time went on, preme secretary, M'illiam J. ilcGinley. at As an instance of the general interest visit Pope Pius X, to report on the af­ he grew weaker and weaker, and it was the supreme convention of the Knights taken in the work bv those not of the fairs of the Denver diocese, he fell on .leccssary to keep lessening .his work. of Columbus in Cliicago, showed a total faith, the fact is pertinent that ATilliam shipboard and suffered a severe injury However, it must not be thought that membership on June 30, 1917, of 389,331, Jennings Bryan, on hearing of the K. of of the knee, which partially crippled him he relinquished his burden altogether as compared with 368,135 on June 30, C. war fund and its purpose, promptly for the rest of his life. His health, after It was he personally who arranged for 1916. 'This made a gain of 21,196 dur­ contributed $10 and Requested that hi.s m, that, was never quite the same- He did the opening of the new mission at Craig ing the year. Twentv-nine nfew councils name be put down for a similar sum for not alight from the ship when he reached colony and who. named it' in honor of St. were organized. 'Tfie membership of each month during the continuance of A KurojK' after the accident, but returned Bonaventure, just a few weeks ago. Colorado was given as 2,.538. in fifteen the work. Daily newspapers in large and home. He went to Rome almut three , Expert Nurse Attends hih. councils; of Wyoming as 315, in two small towns have praised the work edi­ yeare later for a visit, getting away On his visit to the east. Bishop Matz councils; of New Mexico, as .,509, in six torially. The entire undertaking has from Paris on his return just as the war was accompanied by his sister. Miss councils; of Utah as .581. in four coun­ created an impression highly favorable broke out. In the spring o f 191,), the Elizabeth Matz, who has been his house­ cils. New Y'ork has the largest,member­ to Catholics'. bishoj) was in poor health, but, in his keeper. The Franciscan order put Sister ship of any state, with .54,431. The Knights, at the Tue.eday session zeal, undertook long confirmation trips Constantine, an expert nurse, in charge .-Among the interesting data brought of the convention, decidwl to increase and handled other difficult tasks, and it of his case just, as soon as he became out in the convention were the reports the million dollar fund for war ramp was overwork of this period that brought seriously ill, and she had taken care of dealing with the K. of C. war camp fund. purposes to three millions. The money PROGRESS OF THE DIOCESE UNDER BISHOP MATZ. about the collapse which fiimlly resulted nim ever since. .Already chaplains have been attaelu'il. will be raised among Catholics in gen­ in death. Much credit must be given to the Rt. at the order’s expense, to various camps. eral. The career of our late venerable Bishop viewed in relation Late in 1915, the bishop went to St. Rev. Monsignor P. A. Phillips^ for the to material growth of the Diocese of which he was the second Elizabeth’s hospital, I-afayette, Ind., care of the diocese since Bishop Matz kin'dness, may see fit to spare His serv­ motherhouse of the Poor Sisters of St. took seriously in. The monsignor, altho ant yet many years among Iris flock in head is remarkable in this, that he saw its beginning and wit- Frauds of the Perpet)ial Adoration, who in poor health himself, has handled Christ. THE SHAM-HATER iie.ssed and was part of the development which makes Denver conduct St. Anthony’s hospital here and things exceptionally well, fulfilling the “ Signeil by the com m ittw: Jno. W. St. Francis’ in Colorado Springs. He one of the great episcopal secs of the country. The various duties of cliancellor and vicar general, Boiison. Dr. Ed Delehanty, M. J. O'Fal­ spent some time there, then went to and. taking over, with the bishop’s sartb- (Continued from Page 2) duties of the epicoi)acy, ])articularly in a new country, preclude lon, -Jas. E. Behcn. -las. P. AlcParland, Memphis, Tenn., where he also entered tion, that part of his lordship’s work Jno. K. Mullen, Dr. D. G. Monaghan, William T. Stead, -the -well known specialization. There are long confirmation trips to be made, a hospital of the Franciscan Sisters. He which he could handle. Chas. A. Nast, John H. Reddin, Frank British publicist, who met with untimely frequent dedications at churches to be performed, and the mul­ -J. Mannix, W. P. Horan, pand knight; death in the Titanic disaster, gave use­ ful advice to those desiring to become about two y^ars'ago that a former altar Father E. J. Mannix, chaplain.” titudinous duties involved in his relation to his priests, of which public speakers. Of the ten rules laid boy of Bishop Matz, the Rt. Rev. A. J. the world at large knows nothing, all of which are so trying and UFE OF BISHOP MATZ down for the guidance of those who Schuler, S.J., had been named bishop of would instruct or entertain an audience absorbing that active and close participation in the growth of El Paso, Tex., it was the intention of or congregation none is more important (Continued from Page 1.) Bishop Schuler to have Bishop Matz as those institutions which express the grandeur and chai’ity of ASSUMPTION DAY IS than the lafet, which Mr. Stead bor­ Sisters of the .Sacred Heart, Sisters of his consecrator. But Bishop Matz’s rowed from Cardinal Manning. They the Church seems impossible. But our late Bishop had a gift .'■'t. Joseph. Sisters of ,St. Francis of As­ health had already given aw-ay to such are: of sjTupathy which made every project of diocesan exjiansion sisi and Sisters of St. Benedict. Three an extent that it was impossible for him NEXT WEDNESDAY 1. Never speak without having some­ orders of men—the Jesuits, Benedictines to act, and Archbishop J. P. Pitaval, of so dear to him that he was not content until he mastered the thing to say. and Franciscaps—and seven orders of Santa Fe, acted, with the assistance of 2. Sit down immediately that you various problems they presented. The constant interest thus sisters had come while Bishop Mache- Bishop P. J. McGovern and Bishop Henry Tlie Feast of the Assumption, a holy have said it. beuf ruled the diocese. Granjon. Bishop Matz was present, but day of obligation, occurs August 15, aroused in him gave him an opportunity of acquiring knowledge 3. Remember that .there is no use The number of religious communities merely as a spectator. It was a happy Wednesday of next week. There will be a which made his advice invaluable in many matters in which you speaking without you are heard. m a diocese is sure proof of its Catholic day tor him. “ Just to think,” he said, mass at 12:15 at the Holy Ghost church, 4. het your thoughts be precise, your could hardly expect anything like expert help. The writer was activities. The fact that there are four­ “ my little Tony is a .bishop.” He had 1950 Curtis street, for business people diction clear, your position natural. teen Catholic hospitals, five orphan asy­ personally taught Bishop Schuler for a who cannot attend the early masses in helped very materially by him in regard to the heating of a Don't speak too quickly. lums, an industrial and reform school, a time and" had brought him along from the Denver churches. 5. Meet interruption good-naturedly. church and parochial residence, and a business man who was seminary, two colleges for boys, a home Georgetown when transferred to St. Tlie Feast of the Assumption recalls 6. Two things never lose—your head present at the interview in whicli this help was given was much for working girls, four academies for .Anne’s, Denver. the Catholic belief that, following her or the thread of your discourse. young women and thirty parochial Bishop Matz, like most Western bish­ death, the Blessed Virgin's body was impressed by its sound practicability. 7. Remember that your eyes are as schools, in addition to the many ops, had many difficult problems to face. assumed into heaven and united with her eloquent as your tongue. Hospitals and orphanages in the earlier days of his reign churches, shriws that Bishop Matz heads To rule a diocese whose territory is just soul, this union not being postponed in 8. Never fear to follow the inspiration a diocese which is certainly doing its being reclaimed from pristine wilderness her case until the final judgment, as it demanded much of his attention, and of the value of his symj)a- of the moment. share to educate the people and care for is a burdensome task. The physical hard­ will be in the case of our souls and thy and support in these projects the various sisterhoods have the unfortunate; Unless we had a bishop ships Bishop Matz underwent are almost bodies. 9. Have the whole canvas of your speech before your memory, but nevej- long given eloquent te.stimony. Perhaps the feature of dioce.san who was vitally interested in these indescribable. read it. things, could so many institutions have The writer visited the bisliop fr^uent- growth that was dearest to him was the parochial school. He 10. Never forget Cardinal Manning's arisen 1 ly to.obtain news for this publication, saying, “Let your subject absorb you;, was keenly alive to the dangers of an education which did not Opinion of Bishop Machebeuf. and had an opportunity to learn many SWINDLERS AT WORK forget yourself entirely.” take account of God, and he could never regard a new church Bishop Matz enjoyed the highest things about the private life of his lord- esteem of Bishop Machebeuf. Father ship. Bishop Matz was an intensely in a new parish as anything more than a temporary expedient W. I. Hewlett, in his “Life of Bishop pious man. It was surprising how much The foregoing is a generouij^ dose of COLLECTING FU N D S counsel, and even if rule one would put which in due time should serve as a school. And tho this prac­ Machebeuf,” records the following heart- time he spent in prayer. His house con­ congress and the state legislature out to-heart talk by Bishop Machebeuf with nects with the ^ c k of the Cathedral, tical bent might seem at times to interfere with artistic value, of action at once, and the second make the late Father Ussell, when the prelate and, before he became seriously ill, the IN NAME OF K. OF C. some churches silent as the grave, it he has left behind him a monument in the Cathedral which is a spoke of the coming of a coadjutor bishop frequently used to enter the big would be well for aspiring orators, lasting proof and vindication of his appreciation of the beautiful. bishop: church and pray before the Blessed Sac­ whether priests or laymen, to read them “ Yes, a coadjutor is to be given me. rament. But, in order to hide his piety, The rapid rhultiplication of parishes and the encouragement Find It Is Easy to Get Money all and 'work them but, too, in practice, I am getting old, and there is work for he ajways went down to a pew, where for the alleviation of the common suffer­ given to every work of charity, while involving a burden under two. For some time I feared that Rome he w-as liable to be mistaken for one of from Catholics and ings of humanity. w'hich those without vision might chafe, evidences after all the might send i ic an outside man. ♦ • » the several laymen who can be found in Protestants. The clergy is mostly European, yet the church at any time.. strongest faith that any man or institution has displayed in the The king of , who has proved wc are all in America and in time The Cathedral, one of the most beau­ The Knights of Columbus committee himself the most capable, and as The future of Colorado. David T. O’DAvyer. must all be Americanized, and a very tiful in .America, was the climax of the on war activities finds it necessary to Cincinnati Post remarks, “ in many ways sjK'cial man is reejuired-'■ at the head tremendous amount of building work issue a warning to the Protestant and one of the wisest of modern sovereigns,” 1 ... t t t of the. Church here. An eastern man done in the Diocese of Denver while he Catholic people of .America that many recently said the war would cause an would hardly suit, and Fathef Eguillon was bishop. It is not generally known, ENGLAND AND HER CATHOLIC SOLDIERS. unauthorizeel persons have been soliciting immense upheaval in modern countries, of .Santa Fe, of whom you are thinking, but this edifice is almost a replica of his contributions in various cities. They have and future governments would lean to­ If anyone in the middle of the last centurj- had written that would not do. He knows very little native church in Munster. pretended to represent this committee, ward a sort of state socialism. England was to furnish her soldiers and sailors with a pr.ayer- English, and he is too old to accommo­ Good Friend of Catholic Press. and its work embodies such a wide ap­ date himself to conditions here where The bishop was always extremely kind book of purest orthodoxy, he would have been laughed to scorn. peal that they have been very success­ President Wilson has done many there are so many Americans and a in dealing with the men who conduct this ful in .securing funds. They have not things for which he is entitled to the However, such is the fact. Her statesmen and military chiefs mi.xed clergy. He is a saintly man, and publisrtion. The finances of the Denver confined their work to Catliolies, but thanks of the nation, but nothing that his virtues would be appreciated at diocese did not permit any subsidization are .so convinced that morality is impossible without religion, have found it easy to interest Protes­ he has done or attcmptcil to do can their full value, but he would not wield of Tlie Register during the difficult times that they have thrown to the winds all their Protestant tradi­ tants. many of whom are enthusiastic equal in importance the work that lies the intiuence which a bishop should have when the paper was being established, as over the plan of this committee to pro­ before him—not alone making the world tions and prejudices, and have printed and distributed to the in a community so progressive as we is customary in most places with the tect the Catholic soldiers, and give them safe for democracy, but making the have in Colorado. Catholic press, but Bishop Matz encour­ Catholics of the army and navy a prayer-book— a purely Catholic every guidance and care. United States unsafe for the food pirates “ I know now who it will be. I have aged the publication in every way possi­ The committee directs particular at­ and monied kings. W e Imve kaisers of prayer-book. Here follow a few' extracts from the sam e: reliable information that it will be ble, and it is largely due to him that the tention to one Collins, who has colIe<-ted our own that must be taught respect “Gustavf Adolphus used to say: The best Christians are the Father Matz, and I am glad to think paper has finally been put on a firm money in New A’ork and other cities and for human rights. Democracy, if it is that it is so. I must tell you that be basis. The editor of The Register is the best soldiers. As to the enemies from without, your officers will has converted it to his own use. Finding to live and endure, must become more was my choice from the very first. I youngest man in such a position in the work of the Knights of Columbus i fundamental. It must get to the tap signal them to you in the hour of the fight. But there are your juugcd him fit for the place, and I know America, probably in the world. He was in this new field of endeavor was at­ root of the trouble, to-wit: The absoip- enemies from within; impurity, drunkenness, human respect, of no one more worthy of that position. so very young when he assumed charge tracting nation-wide attention, he was tion of property by those w ho do not I ordained him and he has always given of The Register that he naturally made profanity, sloth.” quick to seize the opportunity to vary make it. This disregard of property full satisfaction in both parish and some mistakes at first. The bishop his rascally energies and proelaimqd him­ rights is also a violation of human W e find also the following counsels to the soldiers: “1, On school work. He is well liked by priests used to advise him frequently, but al­ self the personal representative of the rights. awakening, offer your heart to God. 2, Never omit your morning and people— a man of study, and easlt ways adopteil the kindliest attitude pos­ eommittee on war activities. Collins the |M-er of any priest, in Colorado o1 sible. Never once did his lordship show pretends to be on intimate terms with I.«gaUzed privilege to seize upon the prayer, however short it may be. 3, Before retiring, praise God, ivew .Mexico. Born in Europe, but ident Hhe least sign of impatience. And when Catholic leaders all over the country, property of others contravenes the prin­ at least in your heart! 4, Do not fall asleep without having said ified with .America since his early years, the time arrived when The Register was and even hints at certain confidential ciple upon which all goveniment must he will know how to deal with the saved from the rocks of financial ruin your night ]>rayer and made a sincere act of contrition. 5, If you services he is rendering to the national rest: the securing to everybody the French, the Italian and other European that hovered only a few inches ahead of government. hapi>en to pass near a church, and have time, enter and pray a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of priests in the common land of their it, the good bishop congratulated the The many lines of Catholic activities happiness. For this end governments few moments. C, Go to confession and Communion, if possible, adoption, and he has the advantage of business manager and the editor, not have not yet been ]ierfectly co-ordinated, have been instituted among men. Any knowing English, French, German and once but many times. It was a delight and, therefore, we arc apt to suffer the on the prim ipal feasts. 7, Assist at mass with devotion on Sun­ government that violates the command, ItaliaTi, and sufficient S])anish to treat to work under such an appreciative pre­ consequences, but after the meeting of “thou shalt not steal,'’ is a traitorous days and holy days. 8, Obey youi- officers Avith respect and good with the .Alcxicans. Aly poor Mexicans late. the Catholic congress in Washington on usurpation. It is destructive of the very will, as the Lord commands.' 9, From time to time during the will have a father in Father Matz. AA’ith .Justin Casey, of Tlie Kansas City .Aumist 11 very definite lines of organi­ object for which is was established and all their defects, or rather their sim­ Catholic Register, one of the founders of zation will be completed to facilitate the day offer to God your heart and your work. 10, If you fall into invites chaos, anarchy and revolution. plicity, they have the ardent faith that The I'tenvcr Catholic Register, recently eollections of funds and direct the efforts There is one infallible cure for industrial sin, ask pardon and go to confession Avhen possible. 11, Have moves mountains. During all my years told of the launching of this newspaper. of all Catholics in war work, as a sequel disturbances, one absolutely sure pre­ in (Mlorado, New ilexico and .Arizona, Bishop Matz, on being told the plans to the campaign now being held by the great confidemee in the Sacred Heart, the Blessed Virgin and St. ventive of financial disasters, one certain I have felt so much at home among these of the Casey brothers, who had just ar­ Knights of Coliimbus. Michael. 12, If you are seriously sick, have the priest called. safeguard against tyrants of wealth or good people, and were it in my power rived in town, and on .seeing their excel­ I. W . AV. firebrands. The prescription 13, Remember frequently the souls in purgatory. 14, W ear al­ to .select I would choose my place ns recommendations, immediately gave them a letter encouraging the IJenver is tremendously effective and yet very ways some blessed object under your uniform.” bishop among them. The American, the German and the Irish Catholic is really enterprise. The g<«)d bishop was ever I simple. The formula is easily under- MOVEMENT TO GET stood. I shall write it down in English ('ould Ave do anvthing better than imitate England? L. good, but give me the childlike and ih- active to any movement that meant the j t t t comparable faith of the good Mexican. furtherance of the faith that was so dear ' preferring to let other jihysicians use Father Matz has a good heart. I know to him. Uie attitude he took towards SWIMMING POOL AND I Latin for hiding mistakes. It follows: The. Register at its birth he maintained 1 Property to be ownwl by the produc- PANEGYRIC OF ST. IGNATIUS, BY A PROTESTANT. him well, and I am sure he will show himself the friend and father of my until his dving dav. I erg. Privileges to be owned by the Sam. W . Lancaster, in The Pittsburgh Christian Advocate, faithful Mexicans. GYMNASIUM IS AGAIN ’ state. No monopoly of Owl’s gifts and - no tax on those who use them. has this to say of St. Ignatius of Loyola: "It is true that Father Alatz is young, Tlie following “ resolutions of deep con­ but a young man is best for this young “ It is true that Protestant Britain ga\'e us Z. Macauley and cern, affection and hope," concerning diocese, for he wi)l have more energy to Bishop Matz. were passed by Denver OPENED BY K. OF C. David Livingstone, that our own country has sent forth a Thor- ])ush forward the _ work for more council. Knights of Colunibiis, on Tues­ burn, a Bashford and a Headland to work mightily for the Gos- churches, more schools, and for an earlier day evening, and were taken by the FR. ATHANASIUS IS realization of the new Cathedral.” eommittiv) in charge to Miss Elizabeth I>el; yet it A\as Catholic Spain that gaA'e birth to the first real The movi-nu-nf to get a gynmasiiiin Bishop Matz Gets Appointment. Matz at 8t. .Anthony's hospital yester­ and, swimming pool for Denver council. modem missionary. This was Ignatius Loyola, a man Avith a News cami; to Bishop Machebeuf from day, to be read to the bishop; Knights of t’oluinbiis. in order to give SENT TO PATERSON Rome on .lune 12, 1887, that Father world vision. “Whereas. Denver council. No. .539. the Catholic young men of Denver some­ .Matz had been named coadjutor bishop, Knights of Columbus, is informed of the thing that will do for the Catholic “ It was the Jesuit priest who first broke doA\*n the barrier with the right of succession. .At the serious illness, at .‘'t. .Anthony’s hospital, yoiith.s of the city what the Young Men's Well-Known Franciscan Had of seclusion in China and Japan, and gaA'e to a Avondeiung pos­ same time, word arrived that the A'icar- this city, of its deeply respectetl and be- Christian association is doing for the iate of Colorado was to become the Dio­ Been in Denver Eleven terity its first authentic news of these distant lands; it was the IovzhI spiritual head in this diocese of non-Catholu'S. has been revived again. cese of Denver, and that Bishop Mache- Colorado, His Dirdsliip, N. C. Matz, Bish­ The question -has come up several times Y e a r s . •Jesuit priest in the days of French dominion in the valleys of beiifs title was to be changed to bishop op of Denver, and in the past, but lias been dropped be-^ the St. Lawrence and ^lississippi, who bore w’ith him the story of Ikmver. This change was made by “ Whereas. Denver council, and all cause some of the members did not be­ a brief of .August 18, 1887. and on .Au­ knights of Colorado, in communion with FR. RAYMOND COMES tiERE of the Cross to the Indians, and who nurtured the soul life of lieve that the time was ripe yet for the gust 19 the bulls were issued consti­ i the Catholics of the state, recognize, de- venture. The movement has grown tlie hardy French settlers in lower Canada; it was the Jesuit tuting' the Rev. Nicholas C. Matz “ Bishop ' spite his retiring nature, the long years strong again within the last few- months, Tlie Rev. .Atliansius Hiinfeld. O.F.M., for eleven years attached to the Fran­ mis.sionary Avho first planted education among his felloAvmen, of Telmessa in part. inf. and coadjutor I of ceaseless lalxir. sacrifioe and devotion due in part to the influx of a lot of with the right of succession to the Rt. I he has spent in frontier, mountain and young blood into the council. ciscan monastery in .‘-t. Elizabeth’s par­ whercA'er the armies of Europe planted the flag of conquest and Rev. Joseph P. Machebeuf. recently pro­ lonely plain among them from the early On Tuesday evening. Grand Knight ish, Di'nver, has lieen transferred to dominion. W e owe two debts to Ignatius Loyola— the splendid claimed bishop of Denver.” days of his young priesthood until the , William P. Horan, following a vote of Paterson, N. J.. and left for the East on Tuesday of this week. His place is to ideal of uniA'ersal missionary enterprise, and the union of a doc­ Bishop Matz intended to receive con­ present, and ; the council, named the following secration from Bishop Machebeuf, but, “ AMiercas. public prayers for his speedy - committee to look into the qiies- be taken by the Rev. Raymond Walsch, trinal loyalty and an efficient educational scheme.” owing to the presence of .Archbishop Sal- recovery have been offered this night by , tiOn: Janies Mi-.'^wigan, .John D. De- O. F. M., who comes here from Butler, pointe of Santa Fe, Bishop Machebeuf Dimver knights in council as.sembled: vine. Joseph C. Maguire, Harry Zook. N. J. t t t Father Athanasius, because of his long In 1340, the University of Oxford had 30,000 students; in yielded in favor of the archbishop, and “Be it resolved, that Denver council. Fshvard MeSbeeby, James E. Behen. acted as first assistant consecralor. The No. 539. Knights of Columbus, keenly CTiarles Conroy, John J. Morrissey. Jo­ residence in Denver, was one of the best 1408, that of Prague had 36,000; in 1538, that of Paris had 20,000. otfice of seomd assistant was filled by expresses its deep concern in the present seph Walsh. Jr.. Howard ,App, .1. Harry known priests here. For the past six years, he had been attacheil to .St. Elizji- The so-called Reformation did not occur until the sixteenth cen­ the mitred -Abbot Frowenus Conrad, 0. state of His l/)rd.ship. loyal affection for Reilly, -John E. Cronin, all members of S.B.. of Cowception, Missouri. The cer­ him. sympathetic regards for his estima­ the “pep" committee: .John Reardon. beth’s parish; previous to that, he did tury. Yet to this day Protestant leadtu’s are able, somehoAv, to emony toof place in Denver. ble sister, and the sincere hope and •John K. Mullen. John TL Reddin. Thomas missionary work, but lived at the Fran­ ciscan monastery in the parish. make many believe that Catholicity is a foe to education. S. AVl;en tjtjrd was received in Denver luayer that tliir Divine Lord, in His Russell and Roger Sheehy. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9. 1917. DKN7EB CATHOLIC REOISTSB


(Sacred Heart Parish.) Frank Fischer, well known in K. of $1,000 ^ORPHANS Rev. Father Lonergan is this week C. circles, has been very critically ill "Strength of W ill and H ow preaching the annual retreat to the pro­ at the Oakes home. Prayers were asked fessors of the Sacred Heart college. for him at the Cathedral last Sunday Bad Weather Comes on Day of Father McDonnell is preaching the re­ morning. St. Vincent’s Orphanage treat for the Sisters of the Blessed Sac­ Gt>orge Pcavey has returned from a rament at the St. Michael's Indian school, six weeks’ stay in Glenwood Springs, to D evelop It” Benefit. Arirona. during which time he was the house Xext Sunday will be Communion day guest of the Holland family. “A Remarkable Book .”— The Netc York World. for the Married Ladies’ smlality. In the Mr. and Sirs. H. H. Tarbcll, of 1727 T1m> lawn foto for the benefit of St. afternoon, meeting for the Young laidies’ narksqn street, are the happy parents Vineenfs Home for Boys, lield last .'Sat­ sodality. of a baby girl, born at St. Joseph’s hos­ By Rev. E. Boyd Barrett, S.J., Ph. D. This book will give you exercises urday at the institution, struck the only pital. Sirs. Tarbcll was Sliss Francis day of bad weather Denver has haiUfor by which you can strengthen your will just as you strengthen your Robertson before her marriage. weeks, but the attendance was good nev­ MT. ST. GERTRUDE’S WILL muscles by athletic exercises or your memory by mental exercises. T. ,L Fisher, of 2734 Curtis street, was ertheless. Full returns are not yet in, BE'BOARDING SCHOOL operated on at Slercy hospital on Tues- but it is known that about $l,tH)0 has PRICE $1.25 NET, POSTAGE 10c EXTRA . ' , t ' ' art were Xloiint Airy, Ohio, was the transfer of cured officers’ commissions at the Fort Mrs. Morse Langley, .Mrs. Frank Moore, Father Albert Daeger from Farmington Riley training school were Aloyains A. BOULDER PASTOR GOES Miss Anna V. Andersee to Roswell, X. ON TRIP TO PENNSYLVANIA SlcCabe. Smith and Mr. C. Oren Ijincaster. Master M. The appointments for Xew Mexico Sister Slary Cecelia, superior of St. .To- Jack Halter played the national airs on and -Vrizona follow (the Father Celestin Father Agatho Strittmatter, O.S.B., seph's hospital, is out of the city, at­ the violin and took the “boys” by storm. Matz nameil is a nephew of Bishop X. C. pastor of the Sacred Heart parish, Boul­ tending a retreat. Mrs. Halter accompanied. The officers M atz); der, is spending tliree weeks visiting rel­ All the employes of the Olinger under­ ])rewailed on Mrs. Halter to repeat the Lukachukai, .Vriz.—Father Bernard atives and the headquarters of the Bene­ taking firm and Crown Hill cemetery are program at Camp Baldwin this, Tlmrs- Haile. dictine order in Pennsylvania. ONLY V /2 DAYS! gathered together every Sfonday morn­ day. evening. ,Iemez, X . M.-^Fathers Albert Daeger, ing at fi:.30 for a religious service at Mrs. Halter, son .Jack, Mrs. M. A. Sixtus Kopp and ilattlicw P opp.. (Vown Hill cemetery. The Rev. E. J. JOSEPH D. MULLIGAN IS Myles and Miss Monica Kloepfer spent Xaciraiento, X. M.— Father Camillus Slannix spoke last Slonda.v morning. BURIED AT LEADVILLE Are You Securing for Yourself the Truly Sur­ the past week in Idaho fspriiigs and Fangniann. The Rev. Linus .V. Lill.v, S.J., of St. Park View, X. M.—Fathers Turibius Silver Plume. Louis university, S(. Louis, visited his prising price saving extended to y ou thru our Christman, Barnabas Jleyer and Egbert Leadvillc, Aug. 8.—Joseph D. Slulligan, -An apology is due the young ladies of mother and his sister,' Sirs. Philip Fischer. who, until eight years ago, when he re­ the sodality for the absence of singing Clarke, of 2(53 South Sherman, from at their mass last Sunday. Our organist Pena Blanca, X. M.— Fathers Francis moved to Santa F'e, was one of the lead­ Wednesday until Sunday, wlien on his ing undertakers of Leadville, was buried being absent from the city, a misunder­ de Sales Stuerenberg, Theodore Stephan way to Wyoming, where he was to con­ liere Monday morning. His remains were standing with the assistant organist was and Jerome Hesse. duct two retreats. brought here Sunday night from Santa the cause. It will not happen again. St. Michaels, Ariz.— Fathers .Vnselm The Rev. Christopher V. Walsh gave Weber, Celestin Matz, Marcellus Troester Fe, wliere he died last Friday after a an excellent sermon at the Cathedral lingering illness of leakage of the heart. and Emmanuel Trockur. last Sunday morning, on the parable of Roswell, X. M. — Fathers Diinstan Dozens of present-day- residents of PICNIC FOR BENEFIT OF the pharisee and the publican who went Leary, Ijiwrence Rossniann and Valerian Ijeadville had been warm friends of to the temple to pray. MERCY HOSPITAL, AUG. 25 Renier. the former business man, and the at­ Elizabeth Jane, the infant daughter of CarLbad, X , XI.—Fathers .Vrlaigast tendance at the Church of the Annuncia­ Sir. and Mrs. I,eo Connelly, was bap­ (St. Patrick's Parish.) Reisler, Gilbert Schulte and Fabian tion was consequently larae. All of M r. MID-SUMMER tized at the Cathedral last Sunday. Sir. Hoemer. Slulligan’s brothers attends the services, St. Patrick's parish will give a picnic Connelly left during the week on a busi­ at Jilitch's Gardens on Saturday. Aug. Gallui>, X. M.— Fathers Eligius Kunkel, witli his wife, formerly Sirs. Xellie Hand, ness trip. Robert Kalt, Fridolin Sehuster, Rembcrt who accompanied lier liusband’s body to 2.5, for the benefit of Mercy liospita). The Sacred Heart school will open for Mr. and Mrs. .Tames 11. Kelly, who Ko'walski and Dithbert Knit. Leadville with his brother, L. T. Slulli- registration on Tuesday morning, Sep­ were married recently, have gone to Farmington, X’. M,—Fathers Fintan gaii of Salt Lake City, wlio reached tember 4. Glasses w'ill be formed the make their home in Springfield, til. Mrs. Zumbahlen and Fclician Sandfort. Santa Fe a week before Mr. Slulligan following day. CLEARING SALE Kelly was formerly Mary Murphy. died. James E. Slulligan, one of the four The Holy Name society will receive FINE NEW PARISH SCHOOL brothers, is a pioneer undertaker here, ADMIRAL BENSON WIRES and'it was from his home at 218 East Comniiihion in a body next Sunday at BUILDING READY TO OPEN the 7:30 mass. FELICITATIONS TO STACKS Eleventh street that the cortege passed No Other Mid-Summer Event in the There will be an anniversary mass on to the church Slonday morning. W . P. 'I'lie magnificent new parish school and Frank Slulligan, tlie other brothers, Denver’s History Has Equaled This Satunlay for the repose of the soul of Sir. and Sirs. Jolin Leo Stack are the building at Boulder, Colo., just erected who live at Longmont, Colo., arrived Dr. John B.' Murphy. parents of a new baby girl. Among the by the Sacrerl Heart eongregation. will Sunday, and Graton Reardon of Port Mr. David Xevans unde'rwent an oper­ telegrams of congratulation tliey re­ We are selling thousands of dollars’ 'worth of ation for appendicitis week at St. be opened next month. The structure Washington, Wis., a brother of Mrs. Mul- \ is the most beautiful edifice of its kind eeived was one from Admiral and Sirs. ligan, was also in attendance. Two sis­ our finest merchandise at PRICES FAB BELOW Joseph's hospital. W. S. Benson. Admiral Benson is the in the entire Rocky Mountain region, ters of the deceased. Sirs. Charles Sle- Mr. Thomas Lynch of .1437 Peeos spent bead of the LTnited States navy. Sir. ACTUAL EASTERN COST IN TODAY’S BIAR- and was erected at a cost of $40,000. Lean and Sirs. August Benson, reside the week-end in Omaha. Stack came here from Washington for Iiere. Sir. Slulligan’s throe sisters who EET AND STILL PRICES CONTINUE THEIB Margaret and Esther McVeigh have the birth and returned again this week. are in the Order o f the Holy O oss in ,.one to Colorado Springs for a few GERLACH CONVICTION WAS He will represent The Denver Catholic ADVANCE. different parts of the country were un­ weeks. Register at the great Catholic congress FRAME-UP— SWISS PAPER able to come to Leadville. The services Tip- Young T>adies‘ sodality will have in Washington next week, when plans X’pup Znrclier Xachrichten, piiblislicd at the church were conducted by the Rev. a piciiic at Evergre»-n on Sunday. will be made for the work of the Cath- in Switzerland, copies of which liavc just Father W. J. O’Malley. Sir. and Mrs. Ed Taylor of Binediaiu. olie Church in connection witli the Amer­ been reeeived in this country, declares Mr. and Sirs. Harry J. X'adon are the Utah, are visiting with Mrs. I. J. Scott. ican war activities. Mr. Stack has pro­ that the finding of Monsignor Gerlach proud parents of a baby boy, born Fri­ cured a large autographed picture of Ad­ H E Last Furni’ guilty b.v a court which recently con­ day, July 24. miral Benson, a convert and a weekly + •> + + ♦ ♦ + + + ♦ + + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ demned liiin to death (he is now in Swit­ Miss Ruth Dooly left Thursday morn­ Communicant, for the Denver Kni.gjits ♦ CALENDAR OF THE WEEK. ♦ zerland) for abusing his rights at the ing for Steamboat Springs to visit her of Columbus. ♦ ------+ Vatican to furnish military secrets to sister. Sirs. R. W . Smith. tare Sale of the ♦ .■Vug. 12, Sunday—Eleventh after ♦ Austria, was a frame-up. It declares Sirs. Tliomas Slavin and little daugh­ ♦ Pentwost. Gospel, St. Mark vii, ♦ that the conviction was the work of " i CENTRAL VEREIN TO HEAR ter are visiting friends at Glenwood only one and one- ♦ 31-37: Jesus cures the dumb man. ♦ forces wliieh were trying to put tlie SOCIOLOGICAL EXPERTS Springs. ♦ St. Clara, virgin, foundre?\ + tlie home of her parents, Mr. and Sirs. selection for delivery any time svithin ninety Engclen, S. J „ (Solidarity); Sir. Aug. ♦ A\ig. Hi, Thursday—St. Joachim, ♦ J. SI. Hopfinger. d a v s . Brockland. (Soldier IVclfare W ork ); and + father of the Bh-ssed Virgin, "St. + P. J. Slalia of Salida is visiting liis ♦ Koch, pilgrim. 30 VV. Fr., 13'29. + Sir. Paul G. Rohr, (S'oung Sicn's organi­ mother, Mrs. Roger O’Malia of l‘2a West zation). + Aug. 17, Fridav—St. Hvaeinth, ♦ Seventli street. Sir. O’SIalia was one of ♦ O.P., 12,57. ■ ♦ Convert in Cedaredge. A t the conclusion of the convention a the six lucky ones to be drawn for mili­ + .Vug. 18, Saturday -*St. Helen, ♦ The little chapel of Cedaredge, Colo., two days’ intensive study course on so­ tary service in Oiaffee county, that being ♦ mother of Constantine the Great, ♦ saw an impressive ceremony last Sun­ cial topics will be held. Authoritative tlie number called for there. ♦ 328. ,St. Agapitus, 1.5 years ohl, + day a week ago, when Sir. Harvey SI. lecturers will discuss: “ Solidaric Sogiet.v,” ♦ martvT, '274. ♦ Pugh, formerly of Denver, who had taken Rev. Wm. Engelen, S. J .; “ Solidarity and APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER + ------♦ Ills instructions in this city, received the the State,''' by the same; “ Solidarity and + League of the Sacred Heart. + saeraments of penance, conditional bap­ Co-operative Endeavor,” Rev. Dr. C. INTENTION FOR AUGUST + General Intention for .Vugu't; + tism and bis first holy Communion. Tlie Bruelil; “Co-operation and. Rural Cred­ + Industriat adjustments after the + popular Denver boy has taken up a ranch its.” Sir. Herman W. Danforth, of the The general intention of prayer for + war. ♦ in that hwality and is receiving the con­ federal land bank of St. Louis. August, 1917, recommended by His Holi­ + + + + + + gratulations of his many Denver fris-nds. The program Is a striking illustration ness, Pope Benedict XV, is ‘“ilie Speedy of the interest in and the constructive Adjustment of Industrial Conditions A ft­ work being done b.v this pioneer society er the War.” E. W. Anderson, Preo. H. C. Harrington, Seo’y-TroM. of German-American Catholics. This intention will appeal to associ­ C. R Anderson, Vlce-PrsA W. P. Anderson, Qen. Mgr. A notable feature of the first day of ates. It will be vital after the war. the convention will be the dedication of Class hatred between capital and labor The Anderson-Harrington Coal Company STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS (he new orplianage, erected at a cost of allayed by the war, unless self-control is Our Motto. .S250.000, by the German St. Vincent’s used in adjusting conditions, will be in­ HIGH-GRADE Orjihpn society, an organization affiliated tensified and strengthened. to the Central Verein and dating its ori­ Capital must see to it that w^ages are NO FAMILY TOO POOR TO COMMAND gin back almost 70 years. Rt. Rev. Bish­ just; conditions, work and living im­ COAL COKE WOOD op Kondelka, of Superior, will speak. IJe proved; hours of labor shortened; in one HAY AND GRAIN word, tliat the human machine be treat­ OUR SERVICE recently gave a mission in Pueblo, Colo, liast Bids Bronoh and Main Offloe BonUi Uda Bmniifc ed with at least the same care that is SBNTZm, 35TK Aim WAUrUT 38 M i r r a BSOASW AT given to macliinery and dead instru­ Flionaa Main 886 and 366 COLO. Phona gontk SIM ^ Motor or Carriage Equipment Furnished. MISS McKENNA ments of production. Capital must ad­ mit labor to its rights and to a fuller EXPERT MASSEUSE and fairer, share of its profits. Catholic Chui'ch Services Conducted Without Confusion. Fhon* Champa 3414. Labor must cultivate an interest in its 1335 Delaware St. production and give not its poorest, not Denver. Colo. its meanest, but its best. The laboring- man lias the riglit to unionize for the Going Camping? Horan’s Funeral C h a p e l protection of liis riglits and for the urg­ ing of his claims. But he must look to HELEN WALSH it that these are not defended by unjust 1527 CLEVELAND PLACE. Optometrist and Optician means. He must try to forget and for­ give the past, for he has a jiast to for­ M ain 1363. All work receives my personal Camp Outfits for Rent or for Sale attention. give and forget. The workingman must OPTICAL SHOP guard against the principles of Socialism which draw him away from his Church. 325 Sixteenth Street In his efforts for just wages, shorter Champa 1880. Denver, Colo. liours, better conditions and fuller par­ The Schaefer Tent & Awning Co. ticipation in profits, the sympathy and THE JOHN A. MARTIN DRUG CO. the efforts o f his Church are with him. JEtlZELEB The Cliurz'h will support him in every 1421 LARIMER ST. Corner Fifteenth anii Curtis Charles Building OPTOMBTBIST legitimate effort against injustice. Ini- OPTICIAN I Seipel Lateat Eqnlpznent provement.s are slow. He must not be and Convanlencoi ; led away into hasty rejection of his used In exam ining j religious principles. 'The figlit for justice For Reliable Drugs and Family Medicines of Eyes. 20 years’ ■ practical experience. 1 must be carried On by brains and not G la sse s fitted, re- { by bullets, but by law, public opinion, aired and adjusted, i and prayer. Scullsts’ prescrip- i The Miles & Dryer Printing Co. Prescription Department 11 0 n 8 accurately I filled. Prices right, i Cardinal for Military DriUs. In charge of State registered pharmacist Satisfaction guaran- : • Cardinal Gibbons has become president 1732-34 L A W R E N C E ST. teed. Diamondi, WatolKi, Jewalry, of the hoard of governors of St. John Telephone Main 1900 •to. W atch and Jew ­ college, Washington, which is taught by Catholic Work a Specialty. Estimates Given on Work elry repairing. CTiristian'brothers. He is in favor of a Tr** OtUvery to All Furti of tli* City Say and Xlght, Champa 387. from out of the City. Telephone 2851. 1744 Direlton military training for the students.


♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Nan § f Denver Preferred Parish Trading List These Merchants, Eager to Secxre OathoUe Trade and to Help the Cause of the Catholic Press, Solicit Tour Patronage. Trade Oiven to Our Advertisers Means a Bettor M u s ic P^>er for Tou. Tdl Theso Men Ton Saw Their Cards in The Register. Boost for the Catholic Prou! It Is as Necessary to the Church as Parish Schools. Mountain Loyoh (S . H .) Parish St. Leo’ s and St. Elizabeth’ s St. PhOoinena’ s Parisli St. DoBiiiic’ s

I C. ERB & 00. W. H. Hensler John Hensler J. H. MALONE THODE’S PHARMACY Estimates cheerfully furnished B r { The Five Points Fuel, Feed & Express Co. HENSLER BROS. We make a Specialty of f r a n k H. SPEARMAN Staple and Fancy Groceries and Meats. ' A, J. GUMLICK & CO. of “WHISPERINQ SMITH'' i Coal, Coke, Wood, Hay, Grain MODERN PLUMBERS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery. BemodeUng and Jobbing a Upeoialty Phone York 0030. PLUMBING I Poultry Supplies. Esg Producing Mash. ! 3363 W. S9th Av*., j We guarantee full weight. 1449 MABirOBA BT. COR. COLFAX AND ST. .PAUL 248 South Broadway. Phone Gallup 718. Denver. Colo. ir^ifcilgil bj Chaties SorlbaarA8om^ ! Phone Main 6835. 3700 Welton Free Delivery to any part of city. Fbone Main 8367 Phone Sontlt' 153. Bee. Phone, Bo. 1659. Express 397 3222 Lowell Blvd. The Rudolph Bros. Mercantile Go. Phone Oollnp 1147. Decorating In all Its branches. (Continued from last week.) THOMPSON THEATER Estimates cheerfully furnished. staple and Fancy Orocerlea CONFIDENCE COXTAX AVS ADAMS Corn Fed Meats. Can Best Be Assured by Having Lowell Moving and Storage Co. CHAPTER XX. OUR LABEL OPEN EVERY NIGHT M. Anglemyer, Prop. H. A HOLMBEBG t __ Bakery Specialties for Receptions and On your Prescriptions or Family Recelpta Regular Matinees Saturday and Sunday Special Matinees Announced In Program Household Goods Moved and Stored. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS Gale Persists. Parties Baked in Onr Own Bakery. A Store for Everybody Express. General Teaming. When within an hour De Spain f S20. j Only High-Class Photo Plays 252 SOUTH BROADWAY Phones York ( 8489. 28th & Downing Sts. I HANEY’S PHARMACY Sand and Gravel. Denver. Colo. joined Han, tense with suspense and Goods delivered free and freely. Our Theater is well ventilated and Phone South 482. Denver. heated with fresh air. anxiety, at the hospital, she tried nard R. H. BLAlfCHARD & CO. Fbones Main 3353 and 8353. 1100 BanU Te J. J. NAUGHTON to read bis news in bis face. Shop Telephone Res. Telephone De TUBCK BROTHERS CHARLES E. THOMAS York 1698 York 4525 “Ha?e you seen him?” she asked RETAIL PR0V3SI0NERS PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST eagerly. De Spain nodded. “What Gravel Roofing and Cement Work. ALBERT E. PARADICE FANCY GROCERIES & MEATS Try our Telephone Service. does he say?" Plumbing and Heating Free Delivery. 2059 Franklin Street, Denver. Reinforced concrete Ash Pit |6.00, Deliv­ “Nothing very reasonable.” ered and Set Up. New and Repair Work Solicited. 701 South Logan St. Her face fell. “I knew he wouldn’t. Phones York 208-209-2705. W, 32d Ave. and Perry. Phone Gal. 341. 1317 Kalamatb S t Residence 276 Meade. 3325 E. Colfax Ave. Phone South 764, Denver, Colo. Tell me ail about It, Henry—every­ Residence, 1476 Fillmore DENVER H. Qrossman, Prea F. L. Grossman, Secy. Phone Champa 64. Phone South 2594. COTTON PHARMACY thing.” LUSK PHARMACY She listened keenly to each word. De DOWNEY’S GARAGE The Five Points Hardware Co, ALBERT STAHL C. W. Cotton, Mgr. Spain gave her n pretty accurate re­ P. V. Downey, Prop. (Incorporated) Cor. South Logan Avs. and Bayaud Bt. cital of the Interview, and Nun’s appre­ Groceries and Meats, Fruits and Antomohiile Storage and Bepairt hension grew with her hearing of It Tin, Sheet Iron and Furnace Work. Vegetables. GasoUne and OUs. WE DEUVER FREE. We give Service, Quality, Accuracy and Reasonable Prices “I knew It” she repeated with co.n- 2643 Welton Street 1046 W. Colfax Ave. Phone Main 6784. Full line of Tires and Accessories. Tlctlon. “I know him better than you Phone Champa 2078. Denver, Colo. 2902 Irving St. Phone Gallup 2067. All things being equal—price, quality 3312 East Colfax Ave.nue, at Adams St Phone 221 South Denver, Colo. know him. What shall we do?” and service—why not support the mer­ Phone York 3998 Denver, Colo, chant in your own parish? De Spain took both her hands. He BROWK & CONSTANT VERNON J. ROBINSON, YORK held them against his breast and stood PLUMBING AND HEATING GROCERIES AND MEATS. Koklng into her eyes. When he re­ Holf Fainjlf Parish SHOE REPAIRING FANCY & STAPLE GROCERIZI garded her In such a way her doubts VINCENT KANDORF Home Dressed Poultry a Specialty. Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Corn-fed Meats First-Class Workmanship Phone Gallup 605. WANTS TOUR BUSINESS. and fears seemed mean and taivial. Be Edwards-Tallant Grocery Co. spoke only one word, but there was a I 1710 E. Sixtli Ave, S. B. DeLacy (Corner W. 29th Ave. and Lake Place. 801 Bonth Logan Street. world of confidence in his tone: Dealers In Phone York 7542. 2318 East Colfax Avenue. Phone South 1596. “ Stick.” FANCY GROCERIES She arched her brows as she re- MEATS First Class Work at Reasonable Prices. MRS. C. M. GOINS tam ed bis gaze, and with a little trou­ Sacred Heart Parish bled laugh drew closer. “Stick, Nan,” Phone Gallup 556. 3936 W. 32d Ave. EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY Denver, Colo. St. James Parisk Aurora, CiiL he repented. “It will come out all St. Patrick’ s Parish WALTER EAST 683 South Pearl Street, right” F. W. FELDHAUSER AURORA GARAGE She paused a moment “How can you Denver, Colo. I. W. Hunt, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In know?” FANCY GROCERIES AND MEATS Phone Gallup 473 Phone Gallup 740W Automobile Repairs and Supplies. Open Evenings. “ I know because It’s got to. I talked CAMPBELL BROS. COAL CO. it all over with my best friend in Medi­ MEATS AND GROCERIES We sell at down-town prices. Tazd 1400 W . 33sd Av*. cine Bend, tbe other day.” Offioa 1401 W. 3Sth At*. 2300-8306 Ziorlmer B t Telephone 1441 “Who, Henry?” Phone Gallup 297. 4170 Tennyson St FORD AGENCY Hay, Grain, Coal, Coke, Wood Phone Aurora 2. "Whispering Smith. He laughed at and Poultry Supplies BUNDY FOB COAL your uncle's opposing us. He said If He regarded her fixedly. Paying no AURORA HARDWARE CO. Phone York 141. Bervlca and Quality our Motto We Want and W ill Appreciate Tour Trade attention to him, but bending In the HOFFMAN’S PHARMACY your nnde only knew it, it’s tbe best Bnndy Dmnp, OentenninI and Tampa Phone Gallup 264 or 104. •THIRD AND DETROIT thing that could happen for him. And sunshine over her sewing, her hand fly­ Dealer in General Hardware Talley Bontt Oonn^ Goals, Ooke We guarantee purity of drugs used and he said If ail the marriages opposed ing with the needle, her masses of and Wood Onr BpeoialUM absolute accuracy In compounding phy­ J. B. JOHNSON sician’s prescrlptiona or your family by old folks had been stopped, there brown hair sweeping back around her Paints, Oils and Glass. Office and Yard, 2600 Blake St receipts at reasonable prlcea We would 'Wouldn’t be young folks enough left pink ears and curling In stray ringlets Groceries and Meats Phones: Main 569 and Main 1891 like to be your to milk the cows.” that the wind danced with while she AURORA, COLO. FAMILY DRUGGIST "H enry, what is this report about the worked, she Inflamed her brawny cous­ The Store That Appreciates Your Trade. H. A. HAMES W. H. EINN, QUALITY AND SERVICE Calsbssas bams burning?” in’s ardor afresh. “You used to care 3505 ISTK BTBEZT SEHVEB, OOLO. “H ie old Number One barn is gone for me. Nun. You can't deny that.” Grocery and Market Her silence was irritating. “Can you?” WHY NOT PATRONIZE THE THE NEAREST PLUMBER and some of tbe old stages. We didn’t Prloea Gnaranteed. Please Gall and. kMe any horses, and the other barns he demanded. “Come, put up your Repairing a Specialty Give Vs a Trial are all right Some of our Calabasas work and talk it out. I didn’t use to DENVER WET WASH? Shop 9393 Dast Colfax Avsnne 3703-i THE CHAMPA PHARMACY er gap friends, probably. No matter, have to coax you for a word and a Phone Anrora 19 Phone Main 3381 we’ll get them all rounded up after a smile. What’s come over you?” PHONE GALLUP 1234. Jao. B. ThraU, Prop. “Nothing has come over me. Gale. I while. Nan. Then, some fine day, B. SPEIER & CO. Prescriptions Carefully Filled we’re going to get married.” did use to like you—when I first came 1834-40 Central St De Spain rode that night to Uala- back from school. You seemed so big House and Sign Painters PHONE MAIN 2421 and fine then, and were so nice to me. QUEEN CITY MFG. CO. Calkedial Parisli basas to look into the story of tbe fire. Dealers In Wall Paper. Window Glass, Corner 20th and Champa Sta I did like you.” , Manufacturers of McAlpln, swathed In bandages, made Paints, Oils, Brushes. “V/hy didn’t you keep on liking me?” “GOLDEN WEST BRAND.” ■ Take your next prescription to so bones about accusing tbe common Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicelli, Egg Nan made no answer. Her cousin Noodles and All Sorts of Cut Paste. PHONE MAIN 1947. enemy. No witnesses could be found 3705 and 3707 Larimer St. DENVER Blessed Sacrament Q tt?) persisted. “You used to talk about G. Oaco, Manager. Cathedral Branch to throw any more light on the Inquiry thinking the world of me,” she said at than the bam himself. And De 3143 to 3147 Osage Street Temple Drug Stores Company last; “then I saw you one Frontier day, Phone Gallup 2134W. Denver, Colo. A. A. GEISLER PARK HILL PHARMACY Spain made only a pretense of a formal riding around Sleepy Cut with a car­ Colfax and Logan. investigation. If he had had any Pure Quality Drugs, Toilet and Rubber N. A. Steinbrunner, Prop. riage full of women.” a sport yourself, girlie, right now.” He doubts about the origin of the fire they Phones—Champa 808 and 809. Gale burst into a huge laugh. Nan’s stepped nearer her. Nan retreated. Goods, Patent Medicines. 33d and Dexter Bts. Dhone York 4900 would have been resolved by an anony­ face flushed. She bent over her work. "Kiss and make up,” he exclaimed with Prescriptions Correctly Compounded. mous scrawl, sent through the mall, Ninth Avenue Branch “Oh, that’s what’s the matter with you, a laugh. But she knew he was angry, Prescriptions Carefully promising more if be didn’t get out of 3248 Downing Ave. Phone Champa 638. is It?” he demanded Jocularly. “You and knew what to guard against. Still Temple Drug Stores Company Compounded. the country. never mentioned that before.” laughing, he sprang toward her and Ninth and Corona. Phone York 3746. But Instead of getting out of the “That isn’t the only thing,” she con­ tried to catch her arm. country, De Spain continued as a mat­ Elarnestly solicits your valuable patron­ THE STORE THAT APPRECIATES tinued after a pause. “Don’t touch me I” she cried, Jump­ age. Prompt delivery service. S t Louis Parish, EiiiJewood YOUR TRADHL ter of energetic policy to get Into It. “Why, that was Just some Frontier ing away with her hand In her blouse. U. S. P. O. Station 17. He rode the deserts stripped, so to say, day fun. Nan. A man’s got to be a lit­ “You little vixen,” he exclaimed with Phones—York 361, 362. ------T H E - ^ PARK HILL for action and walked the streets of tle bit of a sport once in a while, hasn’t an oath, “what have you got there?” Sleepy Cut welcoming every chance to THE DENVER CREAMERY CO. LITTLETON ABSTRACT CO. he?” But he halted at her gesture, and Nan, GROCERY AND MARKET aoeet men from Music mountain or the When Transferring Property Tou Will “Not If he likes me.” She spoke with panting, stood her ground. Everything pertaining to the Creamery 1841 Blm Bt. F. W. MePike, Prop. sinks. It was on Nan that the real Need Our Services. an ominous distinctness, but under her “Keep away!” she cried. line. hardships of tbe situation fell, and Arapahoe County Abstracts. breath. He caught her words and “Where did you get that knife?” Nan who had to bear them alone and 107 East Main St. Zdttlston, Goto. laughed again. "Pshaw, I didn’t think thundered Gale. 2145 COURT PLACE almost unaided. T. E. Jenkins, Manager. you’d get Jealous over a little thing “From one who showed me how to TeL Main 1413. Duke came home a day or two Inter like that. Nan. When there’s a cele­ use it on a coward I” THE ENGLEWOOD GARAGE without a word for Nan concerning his bration on in town, everybody’s friend­ He affected amusement and tried to H. F. McAE’raUR Q. A ALENIUS Gas, Oils, Storage and Repairing encounter with De Spain. He was ly with everybody else. If you lay a pass the incident off as a Joke. But shorter In the grain than ever, crustier little thing like that up against me, his dissimulation was more dangerous, GROCER Oxy-Acetylene Welding Littleton, Colo. to everyone than she had ever known wnere would the rest of the men get she knew, than his brutality, and he Uni—and toward Nan herself fiercely 3530 So. Broadway off? Your strawberry-faced Medicine left her the prey to more than one Phone South 1831 Dry Goods, Men's and Ladiw’ resentful. Sassoon was in his com­ Bend friend is celebrating in town ulorm and the renewed resolve never Phone Englewood 222. pany a great deal, and Nan knew of most of the time.” to be taken off her guard. That night Fnmishings and ShoM eld that Sassoon was a bad symptom. 303 East 7th Avenue Her face turned white. “What a he came back. He told her uncle, I. W. Hunt. C. E. Stephenson. Gale, too, came often, and the three falsehood!” she exclaimed hotly. Look­ glancing admiringly at Nun us he re­ P. J. Moffat E. E. Zook Phones Littleton 17 and 18. were mnch together. In some way, ing at her, satisfied, he laughed whole­ counted the story, how she hud stood Moffat-Zook Motor Car Co. Annunciatioii Parish Nan felt that she herself was in part heartedly again. She rose, furious. her ground against him in the morn­ LITTLETON GARAGE the subject of their talks, but no infor­ Storage, Repairing “It’s a falsehood,” she repeated, “and ing. T. 0. BOWLES & CO. mation concerning them could she ever Supplies and Filling Station. Remember the name. Center o f Town. I know it.” Nor did Nan like the way her uncle get We' give all Cars our personal attention. Repair Work and Suppllea “I suppose," retorted Gale, regarding acted while he listened—and after­ Fancy Groceries and Meats One morning she sat on the p«>rch 1818 E. Sixteenth Ave. Never Closed. her Jocosely, “you asked him about it.” ward. He talked a good deal about Phone York 4566. Denver. Colo. sewing when Gale rode up. He asked Tour Credit Good for Thirty Days. He had never seen her so angry. She Gale and the way she was treating David Duckworth Ezra Allard for her ancle. Bouita told him Duke stamped her foot “How dare you say her cousin. When Nan declared she No Balances Carried. 310-16 Main Bt. Phone LlttMton 33 W. had gone to Calabasas. Gale an- Spain or not, uncie Duke.” such a thing! One of those women never would have anything to do with 0. P. C. H. Bounced be was boumi for Calabasas “What do you have to go for?” Phone Champa 873. 1603-7 34th Avs. was at the hospital—she Is there yet him, her uncle told her with disconcert­ One Price Cash House kilqself, and dismounted near Nan. “Why, for mail, supplies—every­ Phans Main 1018. and she is going to die there. She told ing bluntness to get all that out of her DEPAXTMEVT BTOBB professedly to cinch his saddle. He thing.” Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies’ and Men'a Uncle Duke’s nurse the men they knew, head, for she was going to marry him. MODEL Furnishings and Shoes. fussed with the straps for a minute, “Pardaloe can attend to all that.” and whom they didn’t know, at that Wlien she protested she never would, GROCERY & MARKET CO. Good, Honest Merchandise at Reasonabla trying to engage Nan in the interval, Duke told her, with many harsh oaths, Nan shook her head. “Whether he Prices. Littleton, Golo. place. And Henry de Spain, when he STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES without success, in conversation. “Look can or not, I’m not going to be cut off Phone Littleton 69. heard this miserable creature had been that she should never marry De Spain FRESH AND SALTED MEATS here. Nan,” he said at length, studious­ from going to Sleepy Cat, Uncle Duke Your Patronage Solicited. taken to the hospital, and Doctor even If he had to kill him or get killed 3000 Champa Street ly amiable, “don’t you think you’re —nor from seeing Henry de Spain.” Torpy said she could never get well, to stop it, and that if she had any I. Saplro, Manager. DENVER, COLO. pretty hard on me, latelyT’ “Meaning to say you won’t obey, THE LITTLETON MEAT CO. told the sister to take care of her and sense she would get ready to marry eh?” “No, I don't” she answered. “If send the bills to him, because he knew her cousin peaceably, adding, that if Successors to Kauer & Co. “When I’m going to marry a man It Uncle Duke didn’t make me. I’d" never her father and mother in Medicine she didn’t have sense, he would see Ratcliff & Bailey, Propa isn’t right to forbid me seeing him.” St. Joseph’ s Parish look at you, or speak to you—or live Bend and went to school with her there himself it was provided for her. “You’re not going to marry him; LITTLETON. COLORADO in the same mountains with you.” when she was a decent girl. Go and His threats loft Nan aghast. For two you’re going to marry Gale, and th^ "I don’t think when a fellow cares hear what she has to say about Henry days she thought them all over. Tlien Leaders In Quality and Low Prlceo. SAAR BROTHERS for you as much as I do, and gets out she dressed to go to town. On her quicker you make up your mind to It de Spain, you contemptible falsifier.' the better.” •f patience once In a while, just be­ Gale laughed sardonically. ‘That’s way to the bam her uncle Intercepted THE SCHAEFER GROCERY CO Cash Grocery “You might better tell me I am going cause he loves a girl the way a red- right. I like to see a girl stick to her her. “Where you going?” FRUITS AND VEGETABLES to marry Bull Page—>1 would marry staple and Fancy Groceries blooded man can’t help loving her, she friends. De Spain ought to take care •To Sleepy Cat,” returned Nan, re­ Best Cornfed Meats. him first. I will never marry Gale Fresh Roasted Coffee ought to hold It against him forever. of her. Good story.” garding him collectedly. Orders called for and promptly delivered Morgan In the living world, and I’ve Think she cught to. Nan?” he demand­ “And she has other good stories, too, “No, you're not,” he announced 813-816 Santa Ps Drlva. tom you so more than once.” Phone Sonth 116. Phone Littleton 35. ed after a pause. She was sewing and you ought to hear,” continued Nan un­ bluntly. kept silence. (Continuod Next Week.) dismayed. “Most of them about yon Nan looked at him In silence. “I Orders Called for. Prompt Delivery *1 think,” she responded, showing Fish and Gams In Season. Nayes Does Not Make Much and your fine friends in town. She told don’t want you mnning to town any ker aversion In every syllable, “before Jesuits to Train Signal Corps. THE A. PETERSON Noise, but He Does Sell the nurse it’s you who ought to be pay­ more to meet De Spain,” added Duke, a man begins to talk red-blood rot, he In co-operation with the Western ing her bills till .she dies.” without any attempt to soften his In­ GROCERY 00. Hardware. ought to find out whether the girl cares I'nion Telegraph eontpany. the St. Loiiis- GROCERIES, MEATS, FRUITS Gale made a disclaiming face and a junction. university will open a school of tele for him, or Just loathes tbe sight of VEGETABLES, ETC. S. A, NOYES HARDWARE CO deprecating gesture. “No, no. Nan— “But I’ve got to go to town onco In graphy. to train young men for the sig W m ." PhODSs: South 1792-1793. De.Spain take care qt his QJYD. Be a. sJiil.e, whether I meet Henry de nal corps. United States army. 734-736 BAVTA PE D SITS UTTLETON, COLO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9. 1917 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Pag« 8«vml

no sacred rites are permitUnl at the cre­ EDUCATIONAL. EDUCATIONAL. matory. It is a mortal sin for a Cath­ QUESTION BOX. olic to take a formal part in the crema­ tion of the body of a Catholic. rhe ONLY School We have 8 oflei*l and 11 onofiei*] How are we to know whether or not in Denver that a society is one which a Catholic should SIR HORACE PLUNKETT or w-ofBeiia 1 . St. Scholastica’s Academy laalifiea for (joort ^rk i8^ Goart Bcpttrtm not join? Some societies are forbidden by name. CANON CITY, COLORADO Reporting. in Denvar.' But the Third Plenary council of Balti­ Reporter’* Goan* aad Book* $75 Thorongh Orahaa Ihortlwa more set down two signs by which we might determine whether any other so­ ciety is in the forbidden class. One is, when the society enjoins a secret to be A Boarding School for Girls kept so fully as not to j>ermit any mani­ festation of it to ecclesiastical authority. Tlie other is, wlvcn the society e.vaets an Regular course.s of study in grammar and high school. oath or promise of blind obedience. The B enedictine C ollege first point, if insistwl upon by a society, Special courses in Music, Art, Domestic Science and Com­ would make a good confesisou of sin im­ mercial branches. possible in some cases. The second would PUEBLO, COLORADO make the person a party to many sins Fall Term' Opens September 4th. and acts of injustice. Among the societies forbidden by name F'or Catalog address, SISTER DIRECTRESS. are the Masonic order, which is really BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS a system of theology; the Knights of Pythias, the Odd Fellows, tlic Sons of Temperance and the Independent Order of Good Templars. AYith permission of the apostolic delegate, passive member­ St. Mary’s Academy CLASSICAL, COMMERCIAL AND ship may be retained in the K. of P., Odd 3300 Slanion Avenue Fellows and Sons of Temperance, to safe­ LOS AZrOELES, CALIFOBKIA PREPARATORY COURSES guard insurance. But it is necessary for Boarding and Day School for the member to have gone into the society Young Ladies and Girls. in good faith, without being aware of its For information address being condemned; that there be no scan­ Address, Sister Directress. dal in his retention of membership, or Very Rev. Father Walter, O.S.B., Rector that steps be taken to remove this scan­ Pueblo, Colo. dal; that the member ab.stain from com­ A Christian Brothers* School munication with or participation in the PrancGS Farm er - ^ rin etpa l- society; that grave loss would arise from Suite 315 Denham Bld^-.Denver. his renunciation of the society; that ST. JOSEPH’S there be no danger of perversion to him or to any member of his family from OFFICE POSITION'S ACADEMY the sectaries, particularly in time of The government and business firms Peralta Park, Berkeley, Calif. death or sickness; and that there be no Sir Horace Plunkett was chosen are calling on us for more book­ danger of his having a funeral at vari­ keepers and stenographerts than we A select boarding school for boys chairman of the convention assembled ance with the Catholic ritual. can supply. under fifteen years. Forty-five min­ to draft a home rule constitution for There are good places waiting for utes’ ride from San Francisco. Loca­ Tlie Catholic Church recognizes her all who will thoroughly prepare. We tion unsurpassed. California climate duty in protecting her children by a Ireland. give individual Instruction. Barge at its best. We offer expert teaching, jirohibition of nieint)crshiir w Ikoi she At the July 27tli session of the Irisli faculty. New .students may start at wholesome food, sane enjoyment and any time. Call or write for catalog. a refined and moral atmosphere. Ma­ finds a society holding to ideals that are convention, tlie official report announoes, trons look after younger boys. Com­ at variance with the religion which she a preliminary procedure committee was plete gymnasium. Send for booklet. appointed to prepare proposals, and it Fall term opens 1. believes to be Divinely constituted. Only Brother Xenophon, F.S.C., Director. those who wish to curtail religion dare was agreed tliat the convention adjourn to question her right in this. until A\igiist 8 to enable the ehairman, in conjunction with tlie secretaries, to COMAf£/9C/AJL SC/YOOL What is meant by the term" Last jirepare and is.snc to tlie members, in Things” ? circular form, the material neee.ssary to 1625-35 Champa Street, Denver; ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE By the Ijist Things we mean death, enable the convention to proceed witli Denver’s Larg’est Business School. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, judgment, heaven and hell. The first its task. SANTA FE, N. M. two, we all must face; the kind of lives we lead and our dispositions at death BOARDING SCHOOL for BOYS determine which of the last two will be The University of Primaries, High School, Commercial our portion. HOUSEWIVES CAN WIN Career. Will the present earth be obliterated after the General Judgment? WAR, PRIEST SAYS NOTRE DAME That it will he obliterated is not de­ Notre Dame, Indiana clared in Holy Writ. WTien it is spoken MOUNT DE CHANTAL Departments of Arts, Letters, ACADEMY ST. M A R Y ’S AC AD EM Y of as passing away, we merely under­ Father Kipp Speaks at Lake Journalism, Political Economy, 14th Ave. and Pennsylvania St. Denver, Colo. stand that it will pass from its present Sociology, Biology, Chemistry, WHEEUNG, W. VA. Pharmacy, Civil Engineering, Elec­ stage, which fits it as the abode of man. City on Food Con­ Academy for Girls, conducted by Sisters trical Engineering, Mechanical o f Visitation. EJstabllshed 1848. Complete servation. ^ Engineering, Chemical Engineer­ and thorough. One of the best Music A Select Academy for Young Ladies and Girls. Is ecclesiastical burial forbidden to all ing, Mining Engineering, Archi­ Schools in America. Write for prospectus. tecture. Commerce, Law. Medicine, The Directress, Mount De Chantoly Conducted by the Sisters of Loretto, For terms address Mother Superior, persons who are cremated? WESTERN ^ P E DOINGS Agriculture, Library Science. ’Wheeling, 'W. Va. The Chtholic Oiiirch from the very be­ Preparatory School. ginning ha^ been opposed to cremation, Lake City, Colo., Aug. 8.— Since the ^ St. Edward Hall for young boj-s. as it is a practice opposed to the idea mining rush lias started in this city, of “ sleep in Christ” which the boclies of with tile discovery of some $40,(KK) jier SL Mary-of-the-Woods the just will undergo until tlie I^ast Day, ton ore, the influx of outsiders lias been Persons who, of their own free will, ------77th YEAR------ST. BENEDICT’S COLLEGE great. Fatiier Win. Kipp of Gunnison chose to bo cremated and persevere in COLLEGE FOR WOMEN is in charge of the Catliolie mission here. Couraci iMdins to Degrees B. A. end B. 8. this until death are denied Christian CATIIOUC SPORTS Recently Father Kipp' arrived in the Jjurial. Tlie funeral rites of the Church, ACADEMY FOR GIRLS ATCmSON, KAN. city and conducted services in the Cath­ High School ADd Elective Coureea however, may be performed at the house (The Register wishes to keep track of An Ideal Boarding School for Boys and Young Men. and church in favor of those w-ho are to olic eliuroh Sunday and Monday morn- all Catholic amateur athletic assgeia- Select School of Four Generations be cremated at the wish of another, but ings. At tliese services he made a strong tions, and will bo pleased to receive Booth Tarhington write* ••The appeal for food conservation and his weekly reports from managers. In re­ msnoer of St Marj-ol'-lhc-Woods Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. porting games, please give us only a aiway* springs to my MlSCKl.L.a\b:ul’S M'laKUTS. talk was directed especially to the house­ skeleton of what has happened. Articles mind whenever I delve for the wives. He was emphatic in his declara­ must be brief and must be received by true meaniov of lady.*' Complete Academic, Science, College, Commercial, D IC .W K U m a u k l : t s . tion tliat the safety of freedom was Tuesday noon.) For Bullaltrn und l^irw-ttonle addr/'as Stenographic and Preparatory Courses. more wrappetl up in the kitchen than in Cnttlr, Cathedral Team Disbands. Tbe Registrar. Box 160, Grass steers, ffood to choice 9 [email protected] the trenches and he made the statement For catalogue address Rev. Director. that women must win tlie war for world The Cathedral team disbanded last S(. hi Grass steers, tair to KOod.. 8 0 0 # 9.00 week, and most of the players have al­ H eiters. prime ...... 925 ij 10.25 democracy. ready aligned themselves with other or- Cows, ^rassers, good to Services at Gunnison. 1 ganiz.atlons representing the Capitol Hill choice ...... 700® 8.00 district. Cows, ftrasaers, fair to itood 6 00®- 7.00 Gunnison. Aug. 8.—Services at flic i Cows, canners and cutters. 4.50® 6.00 Gunnison Catholic church will liereafter j St. Anthony Cadets Win Again. Veal calves ...... 10.00® 12.00 be as follows: Every first and third Sun- ! The St. Anthony Cadets won an excit­ Bulls ...... 5.00® 6.50 days, holy at 8 and 10 o'clock; i Feeders and Stockers, good ing twelve-inning game from the St. to choice ...... 775® 8,50 evening services at 7:30; Sunday school Joseph's team last Sunday. Wobido’s Feeders and Stockers, fair at 1 p. m.; week-day masses at 8 ofeloek; pitching and Downer’s hitting were fea­ tures. Janson hit timely and Connelly to good ...... 675® 8.50 services on tlie sm m d and foiirtli .Sun­ Feeders and Stockers, com-' showed all-around good form. The score: I days at Crested Butte. ST, JOSEPH’S. SACRED HEART COLLEGE, DENVER, COLO. mon to fair ...... 600 0 6.75 Father Carrigan on Church Tour. AB. H. PO. A. E. O’Hara, 3 b ...... 6 1 I 2 0 IfllgK. Cilenwood Springs. Aug. 8.— Father ,1. Lee, 2 b ...... 6 3 3 1 0 I BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS CONDUCTED BY THE JESUIT FATHERS Good hogs ...... 15.45® 15.90 P. Carrigan made a trip to Red.stoiie. Downer, c ...... 6 4 23 1 2 Aspen, Carhondale and otlier points this T. Smith, s s ...... 5 1 1 0 1 I ^brep. Lind, l b ...... 4 2 7 0 2 Spring lambs ...... 13.75 week ill tlie intere.sts of the ehuri-li. Horan. I f ...... 6 2 0 0 0 Feeder lambs ...... 13.DOm 13.75 Fattier Carrigan is mncli refreslied over L. W obido, c f ...... 5 '0 0 0 0 Ew es ...... 8.00^1 b.50 his vacation, which he spent in the East. Kearney, r f ...... 4 0 0 0 0 % W ethers ...... lU.OO tv. Wobido. p ...... 5 1 0 4 0 Yaarllng: wethers ...... lu.uuit 10.25 Wedding at Canon City. Canon City, Aug. 8.—A very pretty T otals. « ...... 47 14 35 8 5 CADETS. I I A V A M ) ImUMS M A U K K I 's Wedding took jilaee at St. Miehail's AB. H. PO. A. E. Catliolie chureli recently wlieii Miss An­ Downer, cf ...... 1 0 0 0 1 . McElroy, c ...... 5 1 13 ' 3 1 Buying Ih k fs—per Ton. Charles Felix Pogliano of Florence were Madden, If ...... 7 0 1 1 2 n a r a i f i i Colorado upland, per ton..20.00i? 24.00 married liy tlie Rev. Clirysostom Lock- 22.00 Burns, lb ...... 4 0 8 0 1 Nebraska upland ...... lb.004) seliniidt. in the presence of a large as- F. Smith, 3 b ...... 5 0 2 2 2 I'rulrle l»ay (old ctop> Co»o. Kessler, p -ss ...... 4 3 2 5 0 !21i L Ann Hitl and Nt.h., per ton ...... 19.00

SOME COLOMBIANS the “ sacred right” whuh deserves the respect of tlie president down to tlic last HIBERNIANS TO HOLD PICNIC FOR BENEFIT STILL ANTI-CATHOLIC village commissary I Such is liberal (?) logic. You Can’t Do Your Bit LATIN-AMERICA. Opening of Congress—Tlie date an­ OF QUEEN OF HEAVEN ORPHANAGE Mexico—Latest in Persecution. From nounced for the ojieiiing of the congress If your eyes are weak and you have not had them examined and fitted to private eorres]iondence, and also from a was .Inly 20. From private information Klaases. Wo must know something about the fitting o f eyes or we wouldn’t be located hero for 15 years. If you are hard to fit, give us a trial. letter of an exiled bishop, we learn that we know tliiit the liousc of representa­ Tlie Ancient Order of Hibernians will ingly difficult time making both ends religious jiersecution is renewed witli tives is eoiiijmsed of 04 (,'onservatives give a picnic at Elitch’s Gardens on Sat­ meet, decided to arrange the pitnic to fresli fury in Guadalajara (See ]>«ge I). and 28 Liberals, .and the ssmate of 20 urday, September 1, for the benefit of help the institution. Similar conditioiis .are prevailing in Low­ Conservatives and 12 Liberals. ‘Hie reu- tlie Queen of Heaven orptianage. The er California, which thus fur did not The following committee was selected; Kim that the Liberals are al) IlieSw igeit Bros. Optical Co high cost of living, which has made it so enjoy tlie ” bles.siiigs'’ of the new consti­ State President J. D. Sullivan, H. H. in congress is tliat the law of the minori­ hard for many families to exist, has hit tution! Persecution of the Catholics be­ WkMW ■ iftiM ai aad Mid Bqelpmeat aqdpiMat mtn Breen, C. W. McCormack, Dr. D. Eucy, ties is in vigor in Colombia, viz., that the charitable institutions even harder gan witli its promulgation. To carry Richard Morrison, .Tames P. McConaty, in a district, for instance, that elects Tm m » WyBert Blade of ■srrlse. SoTotod Bzelnatraly to than many individuals, for it is more out one of its clauses, which prohibits M. A. Burke, J. Doyle, and Frank Bark- six candidates, they vote only for four, the n ttla # aad Maanfae- difficult to increase the income in an foreigners from exercising the lioly min­ tw la d o f ClIaMM. hausen. and the jiarty that lias the majority gets 1S50 California St. Denver orphanage even than it is in a family— istry, they ;ilrove away the priests from four candidates elected and tlie minority and many families know that orphanages All the amusements of the park will tlieir cliiirelies, and even tlieir parocliial gets tile two remaining; thus, both par­ are not the only places where incomes be open, and there will be a numla'r of residences, "in a most lirutal way.’’ as ties are represented, but tlie Cpnserva- refuse to grow bigger. The Hibernians, special attractions. Fancy work made stated in ])iivate correspondence. X’ow. tives have a decisive majority, and with ^ i hearing that the Missionary Sisters of by the children of the, orphanage will be it happens that all tlie priests of that a different .system there would not be a ^ the Sacred Heart were having an exceed- on sale. A supper will be served. vicariate apostolic are foreigners; lienee single,Liberal electeil. the people are deprived of all religious Rebels Everywhere.—Wliilst the gov­ ussistanee, and the priests threatened ernment of Carranza is making a great Bank at the Hibernia with fine and prison should they iierforiii mess of its internal policy without co- Courtesy and •willingness to serve on the I WHY SOME WESTERN CATHOUCS CAN any act of worship. And yet, we have liesioil, it is confronted in the provinces our ambassador in Mexico, after proiiii.s- with a niiiltitnde of enemies, who, tho part of our officers will make your banking I ing not to recognize a government that not strong separately, however succeed transactions pleasant and easy. EAT MEAT ON FRIDAYS IS EXPLAINED would not grant "religious liberty as in in troubling the tranquility of a large the United States!” portion of the country. Thru Chihuahua, W e invite you to avail yourself of our I Colombia— The Jesuit College of Paste. few people venture out traveling, for the greater part of the peninsula of the fear of the Villistas who at any time modem and up-to-date facilities. (By Rev. Adolf Frenay, Santa Fe, N. M.) When it was rumored that Jesuits were We liave learned in our Baltimore Cat­ Pyrenees and that the Christian popula­ to give up their college in Pa.sto, for make sorties and raids; between Vera echism that Catholics are obliged under tion was forced to retire to the liigii lack of a buildjng large enough, tlie Cruz and Mexico, trains are still at­ pain of mortal sin to obstain from eating mountains in the northern part of that wliole city was so6n in eomniotioii and tacked by rebels with danger for the fiesli-mcat every Friday in tlie year. country. Finally, however, those Cliris- made all jiossible efforts with the proper passengers: Chiapas and Tabasco claim The Hibernia Bank & Trust Co. Since the Americana in the East con­ t'.aiis who had taken refuge in the moun­ authorities to retain those excellent the attention of the Carranzistas who FIFTKENTH AND CHAMPA STS. DENVER, COLO. sider it, with full right, a mortal sin to tains of tlie Pyrenees, of Cantaboia, teachers. They succeeilcd in finding a are to send out an expedition under cat meat on Friday, most of our people Asturia (do not read Austria) and Gali­ suitable location, and, among others, the Benjamin Hill and under the direction coining to the West follow this custom cia (ill tile northweslerii part of Spain; Assembly of Xariiio voted an appropria­ of Salvador Alvarado to fight the Feli- brought along from the eastern countries. do not mix with tlie province of Galizia tion of $20,000. cistas; Oa.xaca, said to be more quiet, Yet, in spite of the distinct tcacliing.of in Austria), not only visited their ene­ The New President— In the May elec­ still gives enough trouble; Zapata is the Baltimore council and the praise- mies but also succeeded in gradually re­ tions don .lose Gutierrez Guerra was still in his “ kingdom” at the head of ARTISTIC I worthy practice of the American people, capturing the lost provinces. It wa.s a elected jiresident of Colombia, for the ids roaming tribes; and, without count­ j our dear Mexican fellow citizens do not fight of centuries, as the Saracens de­ term of 1917-1920. Senor Gutierrez imule ing other states more or less free from fended every step with desperation. In Carranza influence, the provisional gov­ MEMORIALS Hartlord-McConaty take any trouble to abstain from fiesh- a name for himself by his knowledge in meat on Fridays. Mexicans are placed oi'iier to encourage tlie Piristians in treir and economical sciences. ernor of Nuevo Leon reports: “Armed before our eyes as an example because “crusade against the Saracens,” the popes He liogan liis public career as uiider- jiarties, starting from Tamaulipas and Undertaking Co. j of their love for Catholic practices and granted to the Christians of .Spain a seeretary of the interior. But he soon San Luis Potosi, frequently overrun the .soiitliern part of the state, lavored by j religious customs, and yet they soeming- number of indulgences and jirivileges. resigned and started at lai Paz the fa ­ the topography of the ground, and much 1455-57 GLEN ARM ST. I ly trespass one of tlie commandments of The first of tliese crusade-bulls wliich mous bank of liis iiaiiie. To liim is prin­ more by the discouragement of the pop­ PHONE MAIN 7779 i the Cliurcli without the slightest scruples. concerned Spain was that of Urban II cipally due the reform of the liaiikiiig ulation, who dare not defend themselves, ' Dear reader, please pay attention, for I to the Counts Berengueo Ramon de Bar­ system jiroposed by President Montes, and leave the work to the government j said “seemingly.” In reality, Mexicans celona and Armengal dc Besalii in 1089 and re.serving to tlie Bank of the Nation forces, whose operations are thus greatly ; and some other Westerners do not com- at the time of the reconqncat of Tarra­ e.xelusively the right of emitting notes. crippled.” , mit any mortal sin when eating flesh- gona, and that of Gelasius II to Alfonso On this occasion he had published some Death and Funeral Notices meat on Friday, altlio the people in the I of Aragon, wlien he undertook to re­ studies wliieli revealed him as a first- conquer Saragossa in 1118. Clement IV By The Olinger Mortuary , Fast would commit a mortal sin. We class economist. In 191.5 he was elected Must be Tried for Priests’ Murder. in 12(i5 issued a general bull for the ' wlio live in what used to be Spanish ter- deputy by one of tlie provinces, and occii- According to advices from Ottawa, whole of Spain, when the Kings of Ara­ i ritory arc permitted to eat meat on Fri- Iiied tlie chair of jiresident of tlie assem­ Canada, the department of justice has STROMBERGER—Kate Stroraberger, ! day (except during Lent), for we enjoy gon and Castile joined in the expedition bly, conquering by Ids conciliating spirit definitel.v decided to bring the 'Eskimos of Canon City, Colo., was buried at the especial privilege granted by the against Xuveia. In the course of time i the admiration even of his jiolitical op- cliarged with the murder of Fathers Rou- Mount Olivet cemetery on Tuesday. lioly see in tlie Bull of the Crusade. these pontifical concessions became more j jioiivnts. who at the close of the session vierc and Leroux. in the far North, to I Vou know, dear reader, that during the and more frequent; in tlie reign of the jiroposed a vote of applause, wliich was Edinondton, Alberta, for trial. i •.'iriy Middle Ages the Saracens occupied Catholic kings alone they were granted OBITUARY. unanimously carried. Some time later, The Eskimos are now at Hersclicll in 1478, 1479, 1481, 1482, 1485, 1494, 1593 President Montes called 1dm to his side island, where they were taken in the fall I ■ and 1505, and were continued during the as minister of the interior, but lie ac­ by Inspector Lanauze of the mounted fat™ 'of™ G 7or|e'‘w.‘ j^^'se'^t'd ! ENTERTAINMENT MARKS following reigns, that granted by Greg­ cepted only on "oondition flint, after car­ police. last Tliursday. His final illness was 1 DENVER K. OF 0. MEETING ory X III in 1573 being renewed by bis rying out tlic projiosed economical re­ brought on by the shock received wlien j ------successor-s. (dc Hinojosa in C. Em yl., forms. he would be allowed to resign; so lie was struck by a bicyclist. The funeral I A delightful entertainment was held Vol. IV, Crusade.) he did, and upon retiring to jirivate life Jesuits Turn Over Two Islands to U. S. As the privilege of tlie crusade-bull was held from St. Dominic’s church on j on Tuesday evening by the Knights of lie turned over to charitable institutions Two large islands in Lake Beulah, BILLS BROS. was granted not only to Spain but to the .Saturday, August 4. Columbus, following the regular business tlie wliole amount of his salary. Thus near Lake Michigan, witli all their build­ Spanish dominions, all those countries ■ . O. Propr. HOWLEY—The funeral of Bridget session of IXmvcr council. Several en­ Senor Gutierrez lias accepted the ings and equipment, sufficient to bouse which once belonged to the Spanish crown Howlcy, wife of Martin Howley of 1435 tertainers new to the council, all re­ jiresideiicy, yielding to tlie pre.s.sure of several thousand men, have been turned 771 Broadway and were colonized and populated by West Virginia avenue, was lield Tuesday cently initiated members, participated. jxilitieal friends and admirers, after liav- over to the government for training sta­ : Tata* f n Yom Mouy. Spaniards enjoyed tlie very same'privi­ afternoon, with services at the Presenta­ They were Leo Connell, Ross Hawkins, iiig rejieatedly refused to run as a con- tions by the Jesuits of tlie Aiiddle west, lege as the mother country. The people of tion churcli and interment at Mount Jack Hawkins, James Sullivan, Harry didate. who used the islands for the summer the Spanish territories made use of tliese ModAk SMt4qwurtw« Olivet. Morton, Leonard Connell and Malcolm A Religious Question in Columbia— vacations of about 3,000 students for favors granted to them by the holy see. COFFEY—!Mis8 Anna Coffey, aged 71 0. Marks. There is the "‘religious question” in Co­ the priesthood. years, died last Thursday afternoon at The Knights of Columbus will hold and as the latter never revokeil it offi­ cially, this privilege still exists by right. lombia. wliatevcr the liberal (?) press St. Rosa’s home. a dance at the I,«kewood Country club may say for interested motives or to '^KODAKS FIjAHERTY—Tlie funeral of Mrs. Thus it is that the Mexican people are on August 28. It will be under the throw dust in the eyes of the unawares; permitted to eat flesh-meat on every Fri­ FILMS AND Elizabeth Flaherty, wife of Patrick J. direction of the “ pep” committee and and this means that the Colombian lib­ REGISTER WANT ADS Flaherty of 1417 Fox street, and mother endeavors will be made to have it as day during the year (except Lent). Tlie PHOTO GOODS Americans, too, wlio happen to be eral (?) party is opjiosed to tlie Catholic of Mrs. Frank Brugger, was held on pleasing an affair as the one recently religion. Tliey would like to make us FOR SALE— Children’s embroidered Develop Film 10c SolL in that part of tlie country once occu­ Sunday afternoon, with services at St. held in the club rooms. believe it is but a “clerical" question, a sun-hats and baby-bonnets greatly re­ pied by a Spanish population are allowed Elizabeth’s churcli and interment at distinction wliich means notldng. No duced at Women’s Excliange, 107 East FORD $ Sixteenth St to make use of this privilege. 'Thus, the ilount Olivet. one is sinijde cnoiigli to tldnk it a cler- Colfa.x. SeBver, Colorado. inhabitants (Mexicans as well as Ameri­ .4’HERX— Mrs. Mary .^’Hern, a resident LAWS OF ABSTINENCE ieal and not a religious question, v. g., Man orders solicited. Catalogs malted of Denver for more tlian thirty-five years cans) of Colorado (part only). New Mex­ LOST—Rosary, hand-cut ametliyst, set free on request. IN CANON LAW CODE ico, Arizona (formerly lielonging to the eonstantly to attack Catliolic institu­ in sterling silver, in or near Cathedral. and a widow of a pioneer merchant, tions, Catholic teachings. Catholic mis­ died suddenly at the Jlome of her son- diooese of Durango, Mexico) and those of Please return to Dr. Lida B. Russell, Now that tlie new canon law code is sions, Catholic worshiji. the political •U rooc FUEL AND FEED OV in-law, Jose)ih A. McMeel, 222!) West some otlier parts of the United States 1130 Logan St. 1 out, canonists will be busy commenting. rights of the Catholic clergy, etc. True, 41st avenue, Tuesday night. She was are allowed to eat flesh meat on Fridays. Tlie bishops and consiiltors already know these “anticlericals’’ liave not yet gone FOR SALE—A 25-room apartment TIm American Fuel and aged 05 and was born in Milwaukee. According to tlie Lenten letters of tlie its contents, and it is probable tliat they bishops of tliose dioceses, however, tlie as far as Carranza in Mexico, because house; downtown location. First-elass .She hud been in doeliiiing health for sev­ tliese last thirty years they linve hail no Feed Co. will be aware of many an interesting abstinence from flesh-meat on Fridays business. Inquire at Catholic Register. eral inontlis. Mrs. .A’Hern is survived cliance to repeat the horrors of the years JL C. 8TORTZ, Prep. point whicli will escape the notice of the during the season of Lent is of obliga­ liy a son and tlirt>e duiigliters. Her son, j 181)1-1878, but their efforts are for the FOR RENT—Apartments equipped for ordinary reader. tion. O M U WOOD. HAY AND GRAIN Neal .A’llerii, formerly was employed a t' housekeeping; $2.50 to $8 weekly; 1358 'The law of abstinenoe, under para- (The prohibition of meat on Friibiy is same jmrpose. They jiarticnlarly object the Denver Gas & Electric Liglit com- i Emerson, Capitol Hill; plain, tidy, home­ PfeORi Main 2483 craphs 1250-54, forbids meat and soup not mentioned in tlie Colorado Lenten to the Catliolic clergy, wlien the latter, 4201 lossphint si pany, but now is a corporalrponu min ci.ethe army i ^ like ; general parlor, piano, porches, laun­ letter.—Ed.) as the born guardians of the Cliurcli, de­ at Fort Riley, Kan Her daupliters are from even animal fat. fend tlieinseive.s and the moral interests dry, steam heated in winter; conveniently Mrs. Joseph A. MoMcel, wife of a news­ Tlie law of fasting prescribes only one confided to them by tlieir legitimate in- near stores, school. Cathedral, churches, Murphy’s Root Beer paper man of Denver; Mrs. Frank .\r- flneme. their sjioeeh and tlieir vote; academies, the capitol and Civic Center meal a day, but does not forbid the tak- eliamliaiildt of 4.545 Raleigh court, and ; ing of food morning and evening, the wliilst. of course, the right of tlie drunk­ parks. Take Colfax car at depot or else­ 1634 and 1726 CURTIS STREET Mrs. Fred Xcwmeycr of Ixis .\ngeles, ard and the .scoundrel in an electioj is where. Cal. .■Vnolher son, William fnrmcrlv n i “ Pproved local custom being kept as re­ FIm m lU a (390. Denver, Cole gards quantity and quality. Xor is it mining engineer of Denver and Trinidad forbidden to have meat and fish at the JAMES SWEENEY. died several years ago. Funeral ar­ same meal, or to change the evening and rangements Imve not been conijileted. the midday meal. W. E. W e have The law of abstinence alone is to be J u s t a R e m i n d e r Ike A W. Clark Drue Co. NEW MUSEUM CORNERSTONE LAID Greenleo stood the observed on Fridays. TWO STORES: ON. POPE’S NAME DAY. Preeident test ol The law of simultaneous abstinence This is the seasonable time to have your Portiers, Cataor Geo. A. time. Es­ ttk Ave. and Jason St and fasting is to be observed on Ash Draperies and Rugs cleaned and dyed. Just phone and we On tlic pope’s name day, Wedne.sday,, GreenlM tablished Ml Avo. and Slati St. Wednesday, Fridays' and Saturdays in July 25, the feast of St. James, tlie apos-1 Treaauror 1874 will call and get your work and return it in a jiffy. We Lent, the Ember Days, the vigils of tie, the foundation stone of a new mu- ! know how to do this kind of work. EVERYTHING IN DRUGS Pentecost, tlie Assumption, All Saints seum in St. I’cter’s was lilessed and ! and Christmas. Tlie law of fasting alone The Oldest and Host Reliable Agents for laid. It will lie a two-story building, on the remaining days in Ijcnt. Hotel Help In the West. and will adjoin tlie portico of Cliarle- j _ _ ThE B y tliese canons • nothing is clianged magne, at the end of the left collonnade * Tel. Champa" Mole and Fsmale Help Sent Everywhere as regards particular iiidiilts, vows of 2009-11 approaching St. Peter’s. It will be used ; wben R. R. Fore Is Advanced. any pi'r.sonality, physical or moral, con­ for ancient relics. [ CHAMPA ST. 1374 -1378 ■ stitutions or rules of any religious order ewhuhod The celebration of the name day o f; N or approved institute, eitlicr of men or CANADIAN Pope Benedict XV recently—tlie feast of ______, , , , CLEANERS & DYERS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ women living in common even witliout JHE DENVER MARBLE St. James, apostle. Wednesday, July 25 ■ vows. —was of the usual quiet character., EMPLOYMENT By the law of abstinence are bound all Members of all tlie departiiieiits in tlie JAMES A. FLEMING, wild have completed their scvvntli year Vatican, of tlie pontifical court and of his ' ,, ^ ,, aod GRANITE CO. AGENCY fnmilvfamily w..ntwent «,„Iand nff.rmloffered teto hi, his holiness H*? Jo''' f“«tmg all from the twenty-first year to the beginning of the R e a l Estate, Loans, and Insurance Mote 4t«. 1626 Larimer. their homage and tlieir oongratiilatioiis. MONUMENTS AND sixtieth. Denver, Colo. The holy father also held a private re­ MAUSOLEUMS 1536 Stout Street, Room 222 ception for tlie cardinals at present in EatobUslMd 1880. Mrs. J. White, Prop. Catholic Young Men to Meet. Rome, at wliicli Cardinal Vanmitelli, the Office and Works PFTOVT nwjWTrn rrnA Plans for the forty-third annual con­ dean of the sacred college, expressed vention of the Catholic Young Men's Na­ 1224 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo their devotcdiiess and tlieir felicitations. tional Union, wliich will be held in Phil- .\fterward.s. lie cliatted familiarly witli Phone Main 1815 Doyle’s Pharmacy adelpliin, August 18-'22, are being com­ eacli of tlieiii, but be made no formal THE PARTICULAR DRUGGIST pleted. It is expected to be one of the address. Soldiers’ and ISth Ave. & Clarkson St. largest gatherings the union has ever Phone York 9335. Free Delivery. lield. Be a Missionary of the Pen. CAMERAS AND FIIAIS. W e want correspondents in every par­ Sailors’ Companion ish of Colorado. Who will volunteer. NEW HEAD OF SHIPPING BOARD IS HATS CATHOLIC. By Rev. Thomas S. McGrath. VEST POCKET SIZE 25C. Tbeo. Hackethal Geo. Hackethal Dr. Kenneth C. Reed The appointment of Edward X. Hur­ Wc also have the Pocket Folder, with .‘'oapiilar Medal, Crucifix, Identifica­ ley, of Cliieago. HI., one of tlie best SHOES 435 MAJESTIC BLDG., Denver. Hackethal Bros. tion Card, for Soldiers and Sailors. known of our Catholic laymen, as the DENTIST Faneral Directors successor of William Denman, chairman Champa 1060. of the shipping board, has given univer­ CLOTHING lain 730. Hours—9 to 12 a. m. except Saturday. Open Day and Night sal satisfaction thruout the cmintrv. Catholic Book Exchange X to 6 p. m. on Thursday only. Phone 3658 1451 Kalamath St. 1473 L0G.4N ST. PHONE CHAMPA 4484. DENVER, COLO. WM. E. RUSSELLy Dealer la M. m n c m r ig, President W. C. HANSE34, Secretary Coke, Wood Phonal) K ola S186-41S7 JUST THE THING FOR THE MAN & Charcoal BELTS WITH STERLING SILVER BUCKIiES, eesa*. issa w.itoB at The Windsor Farm Dairy CIGARETTE CASES, JIATCII CASES. FRATERNAL CARD Tord Vo. 1, Larimer and 4tl> Cor. Larimer and 23d Sts. Tord Vo. a, Ollpln and S9tb 1855 Blake Street '' CASES, PHOTO CASES, ebon*. Wain 088. 586. 687 IT’S FIRST WALDEMAR CHAINS, SCARF PINS. n H T O S n O FBXOATTTIORB —KIOH-OLABfl 8XBT10P — aZ O X b- CUFF BUTTONS CUFF AND SCARF SETS LEHOT OP ZQTTIPlCBn—QUALITT OP PSODUOT8. We Invite the patronage of particular people, who dealre a bl8;h elan Hours; I to 12, 1 to I. Phone Main 8428 article at a moderate price. We extend thli offer to readere of The Register. Blmply phone Ualn M. O’Keefe Jewelry Co. 6136 or drop ua a card, and a bottle of this exquisite muk will be lift at your door, free of cost, and without any obligation whntsoavir. The Store of Quality DR. J. J. O^NEIL—Denfisf THE WINDSOR FARM DAIRY COMPANY 827 Fifteenth St. Phone Main 6440 ■nlte 788 Wook Bnlldlnc ISth and OolUomla Btreeto PEOPLE ARB BATINO OUR BUTTERMILK la AWFUL OOOD M A R O A R E T CTKEHIFE. Treasurer W. J. KERVriN. Vice President