TENNISBALL CRICKET ASSOCIATION P a g e | 1 2016 TCA Confidential| BAY AREA CHAPTER 2016 FLT+ Copyright © 2003-2016 by Tennisball Cricket Association. All rights reserved. 870 Corriente Point Dr, Redwood City, CA 94065 ICC 2000 Code 2nd Edition – 2003 are Copyright of Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC). No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the copyright holder. The information contained herein and on the website and on other communique of TCA, including but not limited to member e-mails, e-mail aliases mentioned in this document are properties of TCA. Unauthorized use of this property or disclosure of any information without prior written approval of the TCA constitutes a criminal offense. TCA reserve the right to make changes to this document without notice and without incurring any liability. The information is provided in this document “as is” and is subject to change without notice. P a g e | 2 2016 TCA Confidential| REGISTRATION AND MEMBERSHIP Registration Deadline: Sep 4, 2016 (via web document) . Registration documents can be found here: . Regular Mail: TCA, 870 Corriente Point Dr, Redwood City, CA 94065 . Email:
[email protected] . FEE: $350/team (FLT+ tournament only) TOURNAMENT SUMMARY Format Max # of Teams: 48 Round Robin Grouping: 12 groups (A to L) of 4 teams each. Team will play across groups. Groups: A vs L B vs K C vs J D vs I E vs H F vs G After Round if the points are the same, the tie breaker will be Number of wins than Ties than Losses than DRR than Rank at start of round.