Records of the First Congregational Church of Newbury, Vt.


MSA 347:12

Partial transcription by Robert M. Murphy May 2017

page 1 Records of the First Congregational Church of Newbury, Vt. 1786-1835 MSA 347:12 Partial transcription by Robert M. Murphy May 2017

These records reside in the vault of the Historical Society, 60 St., Barre, Vermont. They document proceedings of the church from 1786-1835, covering the period of the ministries of Nathaniel Lambert, Luther Jewett and Clark Perry. In addition to the church proceedings, a list of church members, with death dates of many, is included. Also, baptisms and marriages, as well as a separate list of deaths is included. The following is an incomplete transcription of records from the above source. The purpose was to capture all of the baptismal, marriage and death information that appeared, as well as church admissions, dismissions, and familial relationships. Those desiring more detailed information about other aspects of the church (for example, interactions with other nearby churches, appointment of ministers, church rules, admonishment of members, including excommunications, etc.) may wish to view the original document at the VHS in Barre. The folder containing the records is supplemented by a complete every-name index. For the most part, spelling as it appears in the records is faithful to the original, and names are spelled as they were written. For a brief period, Dea. William Burroughs was the clerk entering information into the record, and spelling generally became quite unusual. Those entries appear, to the best of the transcriber’s ability, as they were written. Throughout this transcription, however, punctuation has been added for clarity. p. 8 Samuel Hadley was admitted as a member of this Church April 3, 1791. Sally Chamberlin was received as a member April 17, 1791. Molly Chapman & James Dodge were admitted in this Chh. Webster Bayley & Rebeckah Litch were admitted as members of this Chh. Novr. 6, 1791. Charles Johnston & wife requesting to have their particular relation to this Chh. transferred to the Chh. in Haverhill – the Chh. [ac]ted to comply with their request -- & accordingly recommended them Novr. 13, 1791. Thomas Chamberlin was admitted as a member of this Chh. Jany. 8, 1792. Jeremiah Ingalls & Polly Ingalls his wife were received into this Chh. May 6, 1792. p. 10 Mary Pratt was received into this Chh. Novr. 11th, 1792. John Mills junr. was admitted into this Chh. Decemr. 2d, 1792. At the request of brother Asher Chamberlin, the Chh. voted Jany. 6, 1793, to dismiss him from this particular Chh. & recommend him to the Chh. of Christ in Thetford. The Chh. received Josiah Pratt as a member, March 10, 1793. Agreeable to the request of sister Mabel Abbot to have her relation removed from this to the Chh. in Haverhill, voted, March 10, 1793, to comply with said request & accordingly recommended her to that Chh. p. 11 On May 2d, 1793, the Chh. being together & receiving a request from sister Abigail Bayley to have her particular relation to this Chh. removed to the Chh. of Christ in Haverhill, voted a compliance with her request.

page 2 May 5, 1793. The wife of brother John Mills was admitted as a member of this Chh. p. 14 Jany. 19, 1794. Chh. voted that the request of sister Susanna Howard be complied with, viz., that her particular relation to us be transferred to the Chh. in the town in which she lives, Haverhill. p. 15 May 1, 1794. Whereas sister Mary Cross, now residing in Danville, expresses a desire that her special relation to us be transferred to the Chh. in Danville, & a letter be sent accordingly. Chh. voted a compliance. p. 17 July 6, 1794. Chh. voted to receive Sally Brickett as a member of this Chh. Septemr. 14[, 1794]. Abraham Brickett was admitted as a member of this Chh. Feby. 1795. Mrs. Barton (formerly Mrs. Wood) now living in Tuexbury, on expressing her desire for the removal of her relation from this to the Chh. in that place, Chh. voted a willingness, accordingly notified the same by letter to that Chh. p. 18 June 8, 1795. Whereas our brother Robert Hunkins & his wife, members of this Chh., desire to have their special relation to us removed to the Chh. in Bradford, Chh. voted a willingness & to give them a letter of recommendation. p. 20 Novr. 27, 1796. Ruth Ricker was admitted as a member of this Chh. p. 23 Jany. 24, 1798. At a meeting of the Chh., on motion, the following question was considered & acted upon: whether we comply with the request of our brethren Thos. Brock & wife, & Ezra Abbot, in showing a willingness that they, under present circumstances, should leave this, & join Haverhill Chh.? The question was decided in the negative. July 1, 1798. Mrs. Mary Bayley (the wife of Col. Frye Bayley) was admitted into this Chh. Septr. 16, 1798. Chh. voted to receive Moses P. Clark as a member, at which time he (as is usual for the person admitted) assented to the Confession of Faith & took upon him the Covenant. Octobr. [1798]. Mrs. Elizabeth Hamlet brings a letter of recommendation from the Chh. in Dunbarton – by which it appears that she is entitled to our charity & fellowship. Decemr. 23, 1798. Chh. received a letter from Thomas Brock, Ezra Abbot & Judith Brock, dated 22 inst. (which is in p. 24 [continued from previous page] the files of the Chh.) containing or expressing their desire to return to a state of fellowship with the Chh. (which for a season they had not seen their way clear to do), upon the reception of said letter, the Chh. voted a willingness for their return – joyfully receiving them. Feby. 28, 1799. Deborah Bayley (formerly Debh. Child) was admitted, by letter, from the Chh. in Lime, as a member of this Chh. March, 1800. Lucretia Spear was received into the Chh. – About the same time, Hardy L. Chamberlin was also received as a member.

page 3 Sepr. 4, 1801. Samuel Grow was admitted, by letter, as a member of this Chh. Sepr. 4, 1801. Chh. voted to comply with the request of Shuah Crocker to have her relation to this Chh. (on account of her local situation) transferred to Havll. Chh. July 1, 1803. Mr. Samuel Tucker & his wife Elizabeth were, by letter, admitted as members of this Chh. August 4, 1803. Dean. James Abbot departed this life – exchanging it, as is hoped, for a better. p. 25 In transcribing these records it is much regretted that minutes of all particular dates, &c. are not found & at hand, so that the transciptn. might be more complete: The following persons (though not at one & the same time) have been received as members of this Chh. – viz., Nancy Misservy, Mary White, Samuel Powers, Amy Burroughs, Molly Chamberlin, of Topsham – Nabby Jenness, Ruth Sylvester. [no date associated with this entry] p. 29 May 7, 1809. Elizabeth Salter was admitted as a member of this Chh. p. 35 June 18, 1811. The Chh. being together, a request from sister Mary Smith, now living in Rochester, was made known & considered, viz., that she be dismissed from p. 36 [continued from previous page] this Church & recommended to that in sd. Rochester. Voted that her request be granted. Accordingly, a letter was prepared & sent. 1811 August 10. At a church mettin, voted to receve Willim Borroughs, Sarah White, Betsay Borroughs, Anna Abbot, Mason Young, Polley Abbot, Ruth Chambland, Olive Brock, Nansey Johnson, Dorcas Hibbard, Mary Tucker, Margait Brock, Nancy Chambland, Betsy Gipson. p. 37 1811 October 27. At a church mittin, voted to receve Benjamin Brock, Martha Porter. May 9, 1812. At a church mettin, voted to receve Abigal Johson. 1812 July. A church mettin, voted to receve Samuel White, Hannah Wallis. 1812 September. A church mittin, voted to receve Thomis Johnson, Mary Tenney, Moses H. White, Anney Averay, Hannah Marten. p. 38 Newbury, April 16, 1812. At a church mittin the church votted to give Sarah Brockelbank fornely Bricket of this place was for many years a member in this connection and recommend her to the fellowship of the churches of the Saints wear providece ma cast her lot particularly to that one where she now resdes as a sister dearley beloved. Novembe[r] 12, 1812. At a meatin, voted to reiceved Hepzibah Johnson as a member of this church. Hannah Bayley was reiceved and baptized. 1813 May. Dudley Calton was reiced a member of this church. 1813 September. Jabish Speicer & Mary Speicer, Moley Bayley, Eunis Leet, at a church metin receved a member of this church. p. 39 1815 October. At a church metin, voted to reiceved Ruch Wethersbon, Betsay Bayley & baptized Mary Chambland.

page 4 1816 July. A church metin voted to reicevied Mehitbel Calton & Betsay Dorgay & Hannah Bayley & Mary Peach. Newb., October 13, 1816. At a church metin voted to give a rekmend to Jabish & Mary Spicer, his wife, a recomed to the church or aney of our sisters churches whare Providence may col them they ware regarlar members of this church and in good standing we wood rekmend them as christens brethren. p. 40 August 10th, 1817. Joshua Hale, Esqr., Betsey Brickett & Betsey Putnam were received as members of the church. May 7th, 1819. At a Church meeting, at the meeting house, voted to receive Moses Brock, Jacob Brock & Otho Stevens as members of this Church. p. 42 1819 July 24th. After a preparatory lecture on Saturday and examination of the candidates, the following persons were admitted to our communion. The Lord’s supper was administered by the Revd. Sameul Godard. Names of the persons: Ebenezer Ruggles (died June 22, 1823), Perses Ruggles, Thomas Downer (Ex. Dec. 1824, Restored June 1828), Electa Downer, Philarman Ruggles, Edmund Holmes, Pollay Swasey, Elisabeth Brooks, Phebe Bayley, Eliza Holmes, Sally Smith, Lydia B. Brock, Mary Tucker, Mary Tenney, Adaline Bayley, Abigail J. Bayley, Phebe Johnson, Dorithy Imerson, Finett Chamberlin, Louisa Ruggles, Hannah Stevens, John Buxton, Ester Truesdal (died Sept. 26, 1823, aged 90 years), Ruth Holmes, Joyhn Bayley, Jun., John Buxton, Jun., William Holmes, Hannah Chamberlin & Laban Pike. Lucy Johnson, wife of David Johnson, members of the Chh. of Bath, admitted the same time by letter. p. 43 1819 July 2[5]th. List of adults baptized by Revd. Samuel Godard. Perses Ruggles, Thomas Downer, Electa Downer, Philarnon Ruggles, Louisa Ruggles, Hannah Stevens, Phebe Johnson, Elisabeth Brooks, Sally Smith, Polly Swasey, Abigail J. Bayley, Hannah Chamberlin, Finett Chamberlin, John Bayley, Jun., John Buxton, Jun. & Laban Pike. 1819 August 8th. Sister Polly Swasey being about to remove to the State of , & wishing for a letter of recommendation, the Chh. voted to giver her a letter recommending her to the Chh. of Christ wherever Providence may cast her lot. p. 44 October 17th, 1819. After seval meetings & a preparatory lecture the following persons were admitted to the Chh. & the Lord’s supper, this administered by the Revd. Grant Powers. Horace Stebbens, Hannah Stebbens, Betsey Banfill, Lorenza Wright, Deborah C. Bayley, Eliza Preston, Lavina Buxton, Sarah Burbank (dis. to. Chh. Enfield, Conn., Sept. 182[8]), Syntha Russell, James Brock, Ruth Brock, Jemime Bugbee, Phebe Twombly, Martha Kent, Elisabeth Meeder (died Sepr. 28, 1823), Susan Ewen & Eliza Burroughs. p. 45 October 17th, 1819. The ordinance of baptism was administered on the following persons by the Revd. Grant Powers. Horace Stebbens, Hannah Stebbens, Betsey Banfill, Jemime Bugbee, Susan Ewen, Ruth Brock, Elsabeth Meder, Elisa Preston, Phebe Twombly (the above were adults). Also Betsey Bayley, Emeline [Buxton],

page 5 Lucyan [Buxton] & Hariet [Buxton] (children of John & Lavina Buxton), Charlotte [O]thea, Asa Steward [Holmes] & Sophia [Holmes] (children of Asa & Ruth Holmes), Alvah [Bugbee] (son of Jemime Bugbee), and Sally Test [Ewen] (dau. of Susan Ewen). October 17th, 1819. Cloe Brock, wife of James Brock, a member from the Chh. of Bath, was admitted by letter. p. 46 Nov. 21st, 1819. After a preparatory lecture on Saturday, & examination of candidates, the following persons were admitted in to the Chh. & the Lord’s supper was administered by the Rev. David Sutherland. Sarah Hale, Rachel Clark, Sophia Webber, Maryan Nichols. Rachel Clark & Maryan Nichols were baptized. p. 47 1820 July 12. At a lecture at the meeting house by the Revd. Grant Powers, Henry Woodward, son of Thomas & Electa Downer, was baptized. 1820 Dec. 31st. The Lord’s supper was administered by the Revd. Grant Powers, a lecture the same evening at Wm. Burroughs house, baptism was administered on Samuel Edwin, son of Wm. & Betsey Burroughs, & Helen Maria, daughter of John & Hannah Stevens. p. 50 Record of Baptisms AD 1791 March 13th Baptized David, son of Saml. & Elh. Tucker. May 15 William, son of Ths. & Judh. Brock. July 13 Warner, Nabby, James & John, children of Samuel Hadley. Octr. 29 Polly, Esther, Lydia, Dorothy, Nathaniel, Blasdal, Samuel & Abigail, children of Molly Chapman. 1792 Febuy. 15 Sally Twister, daugr. Of Wm. & Elizh. Peach. March 22 Nathaniel, son of Nathl. & D. Lambert. May 6 Calvin, son of Abigail Bayley. May 6 Smith, son of Jerh. & Polly Ingalls. May 20 Susanna, daughr. of Asher Chamberlin. June 10 Parker, son of Webr. & Mary Bayley. June 10 _____, son of Lucy Hibbard. July 15 Joseph, son of Hannah Hammond. July 15 Matthew, son of James Dodge. Augt. 12 Ruth, daughr. of Tort. & Eune. Putnam. Augt. 12 Zimri, son of James Dodge. Augt. 12 Nancy, daughr. of Sally Vaunce. Augt. 19 Judith, daughr. of Abigl. Bayley. Augt. 20 Patience, daughr. of Abl. Bayley. Novr. 11 Noah, son of Ruth White. 1793 Jany. 3 Wear & Betsey, childn. of Mrs. McConnel. Jany. 3 Olive, daughr. of Ths. & Judh. Brock. March 15 Anna, daughr. of Saml. Hadley.

page 6 Marh. 15 John, son of Molly Chapman. Apl. 7 Levi, Sarah, Jacob, Jonah & Mary, childn. of Josh. & Mary Pratt. May 5 Nathan, son of John Mills, jur. p. 51 1793 July 9 Baptized Susanna, daughr. of Ezra Abbot. Octobr. 6 two children of Ashbel Shepherd. 1794 Feby. 24 Jeremiah, son of Jerh. & Poly. Ingalls. Augt. 17 Hannah, daughr. of Wm. & My. Bayley. Augt. 21 Lydia, daughter of Ephm. & La. Weston. Augt. 24 Elisha, son of Torrt. & Eue. Putnam. Augt. 24 Thomas, son of Thos. & Margt. Chamberlin. Augt. 24 Joseph, son of Sally Vaunce. 1795 April Joshua, son of Jerh. & Polly Ingalls. June 7 Lydia, daughr. of Josh. & Mary Pratt. June 7 Abraham Adams, son of A. & S. Briket. 1796 Sepr. 20 Joel, son of Danl. & Sarah Putnam. Septr. 21 Stephen & Josiah, sons of Molly Chapman. Sepr. 25 Susanna, daughr. of John Mills junr. 1797 Feby. 5 Jeremiah, son of J. & P. Ingalls. Marh. 26 Lydia & John, chiln. of Ruth Ricker. Apl. 23 Therista Matilda, daughr. of Debh. Bayley. Septr. 25 Charles, John, Alexander, James, Thomas & Archibald, children of Jane Mellen. Decr. 31 Sally, daughr. of Abm. & S. Bricket. 1798 April 3 Phebe, daughr. of Wr. & Mary Bayley. April 29 Betsey, daughr. of John Mills junr. June 3 Polly, daughr. of Jerh. & Poly. Ingalls. June 5 Billy, son of Debh. Bayley. Augt. 6 Frye, Gardiner, Hannah & John Morris, children of Mary Bayley. p. 52 1798 October Baptized Caleb, son of Elizh. Hamlet. Novr. 18 John, son of Sally Vaunce. Elizabeth, daughr. of S. Vaunce. 1799 July Eunice, daughr. of Jonh. & May. Pratt. Septr. 8 Robert, son of Jane Mellon. Mindwell, daughr. of John Mills jr.

page 7 Novr. 10 Roger Newton, son of Nathl. Lambert. Lowell, son of Hardy L. Chamberlin. 1800 March Lucretia Spear. April 11 Enoch, son of Mary Bayley. Moses, son of Jerh. & Poly. Ingalls. Augt. 31 Abraham, son of Abm. & S. Bricket. Augt. 31 Sally, daughr. of Danl. & S. Putnam. Augt. 31 Charles Johnston, son of S. Vaunce. October Samuel, son of Samuel Grow. 1801 Septr. 4 John Clark, son of Hardy L. Chamberlin. N.B. By reason of the dates being lost, or the minutes of records mislaid, it is impossible now to fix this with accuracy. Nehemiah Lovewell, son of Moses P. Clark. Sally, daughr. of Elizh. Hamlet. Betsey Lovewell, daughr. of M. P. Clark. Lowell, son of H.L. Chamberlin. 1806 July 3 Amy, Rebecca, Eliza, Sally, Thomas & Nancy, childn. of Amy Burroughs. Betsey, Sally, Thomas, Rebecca, Blanchard, Polly, James & Merriam, children of Molly Chamberli (Topsham). p. 53 List of adults baptized or their being admitted into this church since Feb. 28, AD 1821. 1821 May 6 Mrs. Rebecca Putnam. Miss Eliza Swasey. July 8 Miss Sarah Sawyer. 1822 Jany. 13 Mrs. Sally Chamberlin.

March 10 Mrs. Nancy Tucker. May 12 Mr. Andrew Webber. Mr. T. Tufts Chamberlin. Mrs. Lucy Randal. Mrs. Betsy Bartlett. July 14 Mr. Ebenezer Abbot. Miss Sarah Abbot. Miss Fanny Jewell. Miss Mary White. Sept. 8 Mrs. Polly Bartlett. Miss Hannah Lindsey. Novr. 10 Miss Sabre Chamberlin. p. 55 Baptisms [Note: entire page crossed out.]

page 8 1821 May 6 Mrs. Rebecca Putnam – Miss Eliza Swasey. Also, Lorenzo & Azro, children of sister Sophia Webber. June 3 Moses Ben Porter, son of brother Moses P. Clark baptized. June 21 Loisa, Benjamin, Charles, Russel, Susan, Philinda & Sarah Ann, children of sister Unice Leet. Jonathan, son of sister Mary Peach. July 8 Miss Sarah Sawyer. Also, Abigail, daughter of sister Ruth Holmes. Sept. 9 Mary Freeman, daughter of Deac. John Buxton & his wife, sister Lavina Buxton. Mary Jane, daughter of brother Hazen White & his wife, sister S. p. 56 Baptisms. A list of persons baptized on being presented by others, together with the names of the believers by whom they were presented, since Feby. 28 AD 1821. 1821 Children Believing Parents May 6 Lorenzo } Azro } Sophia Webber June 3 Moses Ben Porter }Moses P. Clark June 21 Loisa } Benjamin } Charles } Russel } Susan } Philinda } Sarah Ann }Eunice Leet Jonathan }Mary Peach Sept. 9 Mary Freeman }John Buxton & wife Mary Jane }Hazen White & wife Decr. 16 John } Oren }Moses Brock & wife 1822 Jany. 18 Elenor } Adeline } Jacob } Samuel } Alden } Ethan } Harriet } Abigail }Jacob Brock & wife March 30 Edwin } Nelson }Betsy Bayley p. 57 1822 May 12 George }Andrew Webber & wife

page 9 July 14 Hepza Eliza } Mira Jane } Levi Livermore } Abi Johnston } Lucinda Ann }Jonas Tucker & wife Harry } Sarah Ann }Betsy Bricket July 26 Emily } William } Martha } Mary }Thomas Abbot & wife Sept. 8 Mary C. }Persis Thompson Amos Christopher } Lucy Jane }Lucy Mellen [Sept.] 29 Eliza Ann }Philamon Ruggles & wife Octr. 13 George Woodward }Samuel White & wife [Octr.] 25 Paschal Paoli } Eber Jones } Sarah } Hannah Elizabeth }Eber Chapin 1823 Jan. 24 Aphia } Christern } Matthew } Mark } Luke } Betsy } John } Rebecca } Abigail }Ebenezer Temple & wife p. 58 Jan, 31 Amanda } Thomas } Betsy } Nathaniel }Polly Bartlett Harriet }Betsy Bartlett Feb. 14 Juliann } Chester } Warren } Wright }Sally Chamberlin Sally } Alvin } Alfred } Alden }T. Tufts Chamberlin Prescot }Moody Powers

page 10 June 4 Sally Jennis }Mary Peach July 27 Samuel }Andrew Webber & wife Sept. 28 Sarah Louisa }John Buxton & wife William Ladd }Persis Thompson October 2[9] Lucinda Tucker }Betsy McAlister April 7 Ruth }Ruth Witherspoon Mary }Asa Holmes & wife Augt. 1 Lemuel }Eunice Leet Sept. 10 Lydia Johnston }Jonas Tucker & wife Decr. 26 Samuel } William }Caleb Gould & wife 1825 Feby. 6 Fayette }Calvin Jewett & wife p. 66 1821 April 26. At a meeting of the church duly notified, Mr. Erasmus Johnson & Mrs. Mary Chamberlin, wife of Charles Chamberlin, having made application to be admitted to occasional communion with this church, voted that their request be complied with & that they be admitted accordingly. p. 67 At a meeting of the church May 2, 1821, Deac. Lemuel Holmes of the chh. in Surrey, Mrs. Sophrania Little of the chh. in Newbury, Ms., Mrs. Nancy Jewett of the chh. in St. Johnsbury, having presented letters of recommendation from the churches with which they were connected, & having been duly examined, voted, that upon their assenting to the confession of faith and the covenant of this church they shall be received as members of the same. At the same meeting, Mrs. Rebecca Putnam, Miss Sally Putnam, Miss Eliza Swasey & Miss Clarissa Barnet were severally examined & a vote to admit them passed. Also, Mr. James Spear, Mr. Benjn. Atwood & Mr. Gage, having requested to be admitted to occasional communion, voted, that their request be complied with. p. 68 May 6, 1821. Mrs. Rebecca Putnam and Miss Eliza Swasey were baptized. Deac. Lemuel Holmes, Mrs. Sophrania Little, Mrs. Nancy Jewett, Mrs. Rebecca Putnam, Miss Sally Putnam, Miss Eliza Swasey & Miss Clarissa Barnet, having publickly assented to the Confession of Faith and to the Covenant, wee admitted as members of this church. Lorenzo & Azra, children of sister Sophia Webber, were baptized. p. 69 June 3, 1821. Moses Ben Porter, son of brother Moses P. Clark, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett. p. 70 June 21, 1821. Baptized, Loisa, Benjamin, Charles, Russel, Susan, Philinda & Sarah Ann, children of sister Unice Leet, & Jonathan, son of sister Mary Peach. July 5. At a meeting of the church, Mr. Eber Chapin, Timothy Clark, Mrs. Betsey Clark, wife of Timo. Clark, Miss Sarah Sawyer & Mrs. Ann Austin, having been publickly examined, voted, then upon their assenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant, they be received as members.

page 11 Ephraim Stevens & wife, & Mrs. Melon, having made application to be admitted as occasional communicants with this church, voted, that their request be complied with. p. 71 July 8, 1821. Miss Sarah Sawyer was baptized. Also, Abigail, daughter of sister Ruth Holmes. Eber Chapin, Mrs. Betsy Clark, wife of T. Clark, Mrs. Ann Austin & Miss Sarah Sawyer, having publickly assented to the Confession of Faith & Covenant, were admitted members of this church. p. 72 August 23, 1821. At a meeting of the church, the wife of John Johnson & the wife of Moses Johnson 2d, having sent a request to be admitted to occasional communion, voted, that their request be complied with. Sept. 8, 1821. Mrs. Lydia White of Topsham, having been examined, it was voted that upon her assenting to the Confession of Faith and Covenant of this church, she shall be received as a member of the same. p. 73 Sept. 9, 1821. Mrs. Lydia White was received into membership with this chh. Also, Mary Freeman, daughter of Deac. John Buxton and Lavina Buxton, and Mary Jane, daughter of brother Hazen White and Sarah White, were baptized. Novr. 10, 1821. Miss Rebekah Jewett, having been examined, it was voted that on her assenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant of this church, she be admitted a member of the same. Nov. 11. Miss Rebekah Jewett was admitted a member of this church. p. 74 December 16, 1821. John and Oren, children of brother Moses Brock & sister Brock, his wife, were baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. p. 75 January 12, 1822. Voted, that Ebenezer Burbank (by letter), Bancroft Abbot, Sally Chamberlin & Abigail Brock, on their assenting to the Confession and Covenant, be received as members. p. 76 January 13, 1822. Agreeably to vote of yesterday, brothers Ebenezer Burbank & Bancroft Abbot, & sisters Sally Chamberlin & Abigail Brock were admitted members of this church. Sisters Sally Chamberlin & Abigail Brock were baptized. January 18, 1822. Baptized the household of brother Jacob Brock and sister Abigail Brock, consisting of the following children, viz. Eldnor, Adeline, Jacob, Samuel, Alden, Ethan, Harriet, Abigail & Moses. (Ednor died Aug. 1829, Aet. 22; Adeline died Oct. 3d, 1829, Aet. 20.) p. 77 March 9, 1822. At a meeting of the church, voted that Jonas Tucker, Nancy Tucker (his wife), Mrs. Roxa Matthews, Mrs. Jane Doe and Miss Betsy Tucker be admitted as members of this church on their assenting to the Confession of Faith and Covenant of this church. March 10. Agreeably to the above vote the persons named therein were this day received to membership in this church. Nancy Tucker was baptized. March 30. This day Edwin and Nelson, children of sister Betsy Bayley, wife of Abner Bayley, were baptized by me. L. Jewett, Pastor.

page 12 May 11. At a meeting of the church, voted, that on their assenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant, the following persons be received as members of this church, viz. Thomas Abbot, Andrew Webber, Moody Powers, T. Tufts Chamberlin, Samuel Thompson, Anna Abbot, Lucy Randal & Betsy Bartlet. p. 78 May 12, 1822. Agreeably to the vote of yesterday, Thomas Abbot, Andrew Webber, Moody Powers, T. Tufts Chamberlin, Samuel Thompson, Anna Abbot, Lucy Randal & Betsy Bartlett were admitted to membership in this church. Andrew Webber, T. Tufts Chamberlin, Lucy Randal & Betsy Bartlett were baptized. Also, George, son of brother Andrew Webber & sister Sophia Webber. July 13. At a meeting of the church this day, the following persons were examined & a vote passed that they be admitted as members of this church, viz. Ebenezer Abbot, Mrs. Lydia Abbot, Miss Sarah Abbot, Miss Fanny Jewell, Miss Mary White, Miss Judith Tucker, Miss Hannah Carleton, Mrs. Betsy Stearns, Miss Mary Bayley, Miss Fanny Doake & Miss Nancy Doake. p. 79 July 14, 1822. This day the persons named in the vote of yesterday were received into membership in this church. Mr. Ebenezer Abbot, Miss Sarah Abbot, Miss Fanny Jewell & Miss Mary White were baptized. At the same time were baptized the following children of brother Jonas Tucker & sister Nancy Tucker, his wife, viz. Hepza Eliza, Mira Jane, Levi Livermore, Abi Johnston & Lucinda Ann. Also, the following children of sister Betsy Brickett, the wife of John Bricket, were, Harry & Sarah Ann. July 26. this day baptized the household of brother Thomas Abbot & sister Anna Abbot, his wife, consisting of the following children, viz. Emily, William, Martha & Mary. p. 80 Sept. 6, 1822. This day at a meeting of the church the following persons were examined and a vote passed to admit them as members of this church, viz. Mr. Ebenezer Temple, Mrs. Rebecca Temple, Mrs. Anna White, Mrs. Mehitable Lindsey, Mrs. Betsy McAlister & Miss Hannah Lindsey. Sept. 7. At a meeting of the chh. this day the following persons were examined and a vote passed to admit them as memberfs of this chh., viz. Mrs. Polly Bartlett, Mrs. Susanna Shedd & Mrs. Lucy Mellen. Note: Mrs. Shedd by letter from the chh. in Bath; Mrs. Mellen with a letter from the chh. in Portland. Sept. 8. This day all the persons named in the votes of the 6th & the 7th instant were publickly received. Mrs. Bartlett, & Miss Hannah Lindsey were baptized. p. 81 Sept. 8, 1822. This day Mary C., daughter of Mrs. Persis Thompson of Haverhill chh. was baptized. Also, Amos Christopher & Lucy Jane, children of sister Lucy Mellen of this chh. Sept. 29. This day Eliza Ann, daughter of brother Philamon Ruggles and sister Eliza Ruggles, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. October 13. This day George Woodward, son of brother Samuel White & his wife was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. October 25. this day, Paschal Paoli, Eber Jones, Sarah and Hannah Elisabeth, children of brother Eber Chapin, were baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor.

page 13 November 9. At a meeting of the church this day Mrs. Hannah Chamberlin & Miss Sabre Chamberlin were examined & a vote passed to admit them as members of this church. Novr. 10. this day the persons named in the vote of yesterday were publickly received. Sabre Chamberlin was baptized. p. 83 January 17, 1823. This day baptized Sophronia and Isaac, children of sister Betsy Ste[vens]. January 24. This day baptized the household of brother Ebenezer Temple & sister Temple, consisting of the following children, viz. Aphia, Christern, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Betsy, John, Rebecca & Abigail. January 31. This day baptized Amanda, Thomas, Betsy & Nathaniel, children of sister Polly Bartlett, wife of Thos. B. [Also,] Harriet, child of sister Betsy Bartlett, wife of Hosea B. February 14. This day baptized Juliann, Chester, Warren & Wright, children of sister Sally Chamberlin, wife of Ben. C. jr. Also, baptized Alvin, Alfred & Alden, children of brother Trueal T. Chamberlin. Also, baptized Prescott, child of brother Moody Powers. p. 85 At a meeting of the church March 29, 1823, brother Philamon Ruggles and his wife Eliza Ruggles, formerly Eliza Burroughs, having requested to be recommended to the church in Dalton, N.H., to be dismissed from this church, upon their being received by that, voted, to comply with their request. Hitty Nutt, having requested to be admitted as a member of this church, she was examined and it was voted, that on her assenting to the Confession & Covenant she be received. 30th March, Hitty Nutt was received agreeably to the above vote. p. 87 June 4, 1823. This day Sally Jennis, child of sister Mary Peach, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. July 27, 1823. This baptized Samuel, son of brother Andrew Webber & sister Sophia Webber. Sept. 26. At a meeting of the chh, voted that Mrs. Persis Thompson, a member of the chh. in Haverhill S.P. & who brings a letter from that church on her publickly assenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant. Sept. 28. Mrs. Persis Thompson was received as a member of this church. Sept. 28, Sarah Loisa, daughter of John Buxton & Lavinia Buxton, and William Ladd, son of sister Persis Thompson, were baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. p. 88 October 29, 1823. Lucinda Tucker, child of sister Betsy McAlister, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. February 26, 1824. At a meeting of the church, Mr. Daniel Thompson, having been examined, it was voted that upon his consenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant, he be received a member of this church. Received accordingly.

page 14 p. 89 April 7, 1824. Ruth, daughter of sister Ruth Witherspoon, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. p. 90 April 25, 1824. This day, Mary, daughter of Asa & Ruth Holmes, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. June 6, 1824. Church being in session, Sister Mary Chamberlin having removed to Jersey, N.Y., & requests to be recommended to the church in that place & dismissed from this, voted to comply with her request. June 26, 1824. Church in session, Esther M. Robinson recommended to our fellowship by the church in Barton was examined, and it was voted that on her assenting to the Confession & Covenant she be received. p. 91 June 27, 1824. This day, Esther M. Robinson was publickly admitted as a member of this church. August 1, 1824. This day, Lemuel, son of sister Eunice Leet, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. August 27, 1824. Church in session, Caleb Gould, Mrs. Hepzibah Gould, his wife, and Miss Mary Gould, members of the church in Lyman being recommended to this church, were severally examined, whereupon voted, that on their publickly assenting to the Confession & Covenant of this church, they be received as members of the same. August 29, 1824. Caleb Gould, Mrs. Hepzibah Gould & Mary Gould were received by the Church agreeably to the above vote. September 10, 1824. This day baptized Lydia Johnston, daughter of brother Jonas Tucker & Nancy, his wife. September 24, 1824. Church being in session, a request was communicated from brother Moses P. Clark to be recommended to the chh. in Danville & dismissed from this church, voted to comply with his request. p. 94 1824 Decr. 26. This day Samuel and William, children of brother Caleb Gould and sister Gould were by them presented for baptism, and baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. 1825 Feby. 6. This day Fayette, son of Calvin Jewett & wife, members of the church in St. Johnsbury, was baptized by me. Luther Jewett, Pastor. p. 96 1825. At a meting of the Church April 23 sister Nancy Jewett & sister Rebeca Bayly having requested to be recomended to the 2d Church in St. Johnsbury & to be dismised from this Church on there being recieved in that. Voted to comply with there request. 1825. At a meeting of the Church April 23, Brother Laban Pike having removd to Newbury Port & requesting a letter of recomindation to the Church of Luther Dimick. Voted to comply with his request. p. 97 May 14, 1825. Mr. Consider Chapin, having been examined, it was voted that he be received into this Church by his assenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant.

page 15 p. 98 1825 June 12th. Brother Moses P. Clark, having requested a letter of recomendation to the Church in Danville & a dismsion from this Church, voted to comply with his request. April 12, 1826. Sister Sally Badger, formerly Sally Smith, having removed to Waterford & wishing for a dismission from this Church & a recommendation to the Church there, voted to comply with her request. p. 99 1826 July 30th. The following persons were admitted to the church, having been previously examined. Ruth George, Nancy Heath, Mehitable Barrett, Cynthia Chapin, Deidama Chamberlin, Betsy Chamberlin, Caroline Wetherbee, Eunice Chamberlin, Lucia Leslie, Azubah Wetherbee, Esther Robinson. Baptism was administered by Rev. Mr. White. 1826 July 30th. At the same time, George & Mary Ann, children of Andrew & Sophia Webber, were baptized. Also, Marianne, child of sister Mary Peach. 1826 July 30. The same dayu, voted to receive Mrs. Dinah Chapin, a member of the Church in Derby, by letter to our communion. p. 100 1826 July 30th. At a third meeting by Mr. White were babtized Milo & Ruth, children of Abner & Betsey Bayley. 1826 August 8th. Mary, daughter of Jonas & Nancy Tucker, was babtized by the Rev. Silas McKeen, pastor of the Church in Bradford. 1827 August 12. Sister Betsey Stearns having removed to Bradford & wishing for a dismision from this Church & a reccommendation to that Church, voted to comply with her request. p. 103 March 8th, 1828. At a meeting of the Church at the meeting house voted to receive Marshall Southard as a member of this Church, by letter from the Church at Dartmouth College. At the same meeting, after hearing the religious experience of Laura Maria Sheldon, voted to receive her as a member of this Church. March 9th, 1828. The Lord’s supper was administered by the Revd. Silas McKeen & babtism on Laura Maria Sheldon. [March 9th, 1828.] Oscar, son of brother Andrew & sister Sophia Webber, were babtized. [March 9th, 1828.] Helen Eliza, daughter of sister Lucy Mellen, was babtized. p. 104 May 2d, 1828. The same day, voted to receive the following persons in to the chh. Ephraim Clark, Sally Vance, George Roper & wife, Peabody W. Ladd & wife, Louisa Ladd, Elizabeth Haseltine, Nancy Burroughs, Emeline Buxton, Everitt Hurd, Alva Chapin T. Twing & Syrena A. Robinson. The same time, Isaac Porter, a member from the Chh. in Lyme N.H. was received by letter. p. 105 [apparently continued from previous page] The following Sabbath the sacrament of the Lord’s supper was administered & the afore named persons were received into the Chh. & baptism was administered on the following persons. Ephraim Clark, Syrena A. Robinson, Martha (daughter of Abner & Betsy Bayley), George Ropes, Mirain

page 16 Ropes, Henry Martin (son of John & Lavina Buxton), Alvi T. Twing, Everett Hurd, Elizabeth Hasletine, & Jane Eunice (daughter of John & Betsy Brickett). p. 110 June 6th, 1828. At a meeting of the Church at the Meeting House the following persons were examined and propounded for admission to this church: John B. Bliss, Gilman Barnet, Alva Bugbee, Mary Jane Rowe, Lucy Ann Buxton, Azubah Buxton, Jonathan Clark & Allen Burroughs. The church also attended to the oral confession of Thomas Downer, excommunicated Dec. 1824, and after mature discussion voted that his confession is satisfactory and that he be received again into this church, being cordially forgiven. p. 111 June 20th, 1828. At a meeting of the church at the Me. The following persons were examined and propounded for admission to this church: Maria Bliss (wife of J.B.B.), Sarah Chapin (wife of Eber C.), widow Azubah Heath, Horatio Brock, Clark Elliot Jr., Abiel Chamberlin, Rebekah Brock, Lucy Witherspoon, Lucy Ruggles, Susan French & Elza Alice D. Kelly. p. 112 June 25th, 1828. At a meeting of the Church at the house of David Tucker in Newbury, the following persons were examined and propounded for admission to this church, viz.: William Brock, Nathaniel Niles, Wm. H. Carter & Hannah H. Carter (his wife), John Blake, Jacob Kent 3d & Samuel F. Weatherspoon. July 3d, 1828. At the church conference previous to the lecture preparatory at the Meeting House, Abner Bayley & Hannah French were examined & propounded for admission to this church, to be received next Sabbath. Also, after hearing the report of the committee Mrs. Martha Clark was propounded as above. Also, Mr. Wm. Russel by letter from the Church in Montpelier. July 6. The following persons were admitted members of this church: the 15 first named were baptized, viz.: Abner Bayley, Jonathan Clark, Abiel Chamberlin, Clark Elliot Jr., John Blake, Jacob Kent 3d, Sarah Chapin (wife of Eber C.), p. 113 [continued from previous page] Elizabeth Lowell Ladd (wife of P.W. Ladd), Azubah Buxton (wife of John Buxton Jr.), Rebekah Brock, Lucy Ruggles, Alice Dennis Kelly, Mary Jane Rowe, Hannah French & Susan French. The following had been previously baptized, viz.: John B. Bliss & wife, Gilman Barnet, Alvah Bugbee, Allen Burroughs, Lucy Ann Buxton, Horatio Brock, Lucy Weatherspoon, Dr. Wm. Henry Carter, Nathaniel Niles, Samuel F. Weatherspoon, Wm. Russel by letter & Martha Clark (wife of Timy. Clark). In all 27! These were admitted on thir publicly assenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant of this Church. The following children were baptized upon the faith of their parents. Charlotte Merrill (daughter of Eber & Sarah Chapin), John Johnson (son of Peabody & Elizabeth Ladd) & Hannah Elson (daughter of George & Miriam Ropes). p. 114 July 11th, 1828. Abigail, infant daughter of John B. Bliss, was baptized by me at the house of Mr. Bliss, there being an apprehension of its being near to dissolution. C. Perry, Pastor.

page 17 July 22nd. At the house of Mr. B. Chamberlin, Hale, Joshua & Ephraim, children of Bro. Moody Powers, were baptized by me. C. Perry. Aug. 28. At a meeting of the Chh. at the Me. The following persons were examined and propounded for admission to the Chh.: Twissen B. Peach, Persis Barnet & Azubah Mulliken. Sept. 5. At the Preparatory Lecture at the Me. Moses Johnson Sen. was examined & propounded to become a member of this church. Also, Willard Stevens & Mary Stevens his wife by letter from the Church in Barnet and Lyman. Chh. voted to give a letter of Dismission & Recommendation to Ebenr. Burbank & Sarah Burbank to the Chh. of Christ in Enfield, Conn. p. 115 Sept. 7, 1828. The following persons were admitted to this church: Moses Johnson Sen., Twissen B. Peach, Willard Stevens & Mary Stevens (his wife) by letter, Maria Bliss (wife of John B.B.), Persis Barnet & Azubah Mulliken. Moses Johnson was baptized. Also, Mary Elizabeth Lucy Stevens, foster child of Willard & Mary Stevens, and Charles Smith, child of Twissen B. & Mary Peach, were baptized by me. C. Perry, Pastor. Oct. 9th. At a meeting of the Chh. at the Me., the following persons presented themselves for examination, and by vote of the Chh. were propounded for admission at the next communion, viz.: David Tucker, John Bayley Sen., Samuel Avery, Sophia Stevens, Mary Burroughs & Louiza Leet. Also, by letter, Nathan Avery Jr. & Sarah Avery, his wife, from the Chh. North Parish Haverhill & Mary Bayley (daughter of Jacob Bayley) from the Chh. South Parish Haverhill. It appearing that Mrs. Powers, wife of Samuel Powers, has been considered a member of this Chh. for many years, though by mistake or carelessness her name is not on the records of the Chh; therefore voted, that she be considered a member in regular standing of this Chh. p. 116 Oct. 12th, 1828. Mrs. Lydia Tucker, wife of David Tucker, was propounded by letter from the Chh. in Bradford. Oct. 20th. At an evening Lecture at the school house near Dea. Burroughs, Eunice & George Washington, children of sister Eunice Leet, & George Edward, child of brother Thomas & sister Anna Abbot, were baptized by me. C. Perry, Pastor. Oct. 23. At a church meeting at the Me., Benjamin Leet Jr. & Greenleaf Rowe were examined and propounded for admission to the church. Oct. 31. At the preparatory lecture the Church appointed Brs. Jonas Tucker, Samuel Grow & Wm. H. Carter a committee with discretionary power to admit Louiza Lunn, a sick person, p. 117 [continued from previous page] a member of this church (living West) at a meeting to be appointed for the purpose. Nov. 2, 1828. The following persons were admitted to this church on assenting to the Covenant: John Bayley Sen., David Tucker & Lydia Tucker (his wife), Nathan Avery & Sarah Avery (his wife), Mary Bayley (the four last by letter), Samuel P. Avery, Benjamin Leet Jr., Greenleaf Rowe, Louiza Leet, Sophia Stevens & Mary

page 18 Burroughs. Greenleaf Rowe & Sophia Stevens were baptized by me, C. Perry, Pastor. Nov. 30. Sabbath Eve, Louiza Davis Lunn was baptized and received into this church on assenting to the Covenant at a meeting appointed at her father’s house. Dec. 4th. Thanksgiving Day – Church votes to give dismission and a letter of recommendation to Sally Putnam Kimball, formerly Sally Putnam, a member of this church, and recommend her to the watch and care of the Church in Haverhill, N.H., N. Parish. p. 118 Dec. 19th, 1828. At a meeting of the church at the Meeting House, Paul Wheeler and John Johnson 2d were examined and propounded to become members of this church. Also, Betsey P.S. Johnson, wife of John Johnson 2d, by letter from the Chh. in Plymouth, Vt. Jan. 1st, 1829. At the Preparatory Lecture at the Me., Josiah Obear, an apprentice of Mr. G. Ropes, and Hanes Johnson were examined and propounded for admission to the Chh. Jan. 4. Communion Day. Paul Wheeler, John Johnson 2d, Betsey P. Johnson, his wife, Josiah Obear and Hanes Johnson assented to the Covenant of the church. Baptism administered to each of them except Mrs. Johnson. Jan. 25. Sabbath. Charles Richard and Roswell Parker, children of J.B. Bliss and Maria, his wife, were baptized by me, C. Perry, Pastor. p. 119 Feb. 26, 1829. At a meeting of the church, voted a letter of dismission and recommendation of Clarissa B. Bryant (once Barnet) to the Church of Christ in Montpelier. March 1st. Communion was administered to the Church. Hannah Hadley Carter, wife of Dr. Carter, was baptized and received into the Church. p. 120 [April 26th, 1829]. At a third meeting same place, Hannah Brickett, child of Bro. Jonas Tucker & Jesse Carleton, child of sister Rebecca Putnam, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. April 30th, 1829. At a Preparatory Lecture Asa Coburn, Charlotte Coburn, his wife, & Asa Coburn Jr. were propounded by letter from the Church in Thetford, Vt. Also, Anna Tuthill by letter from the Church in Montpelier; and Anna G. Webber from Chh. in Bath, N.H. Carlton Barnet was examined and propounded for admission next Sabbath. May 3rd. Communion was administered by Rev. G. Powers and the following persons admitted to the church: Asa Coburn & Charlotte Coburn (his wife), Asa Coburn Jr., Carlton Barnet & Anna G. Webber (wife of Joseph Webber). p. 121 June 12th, 1829. At the Chh. conference, Hannah Barnet was examined and propounded to be received at communion in July. July 5th. Hannah Barnet was received into Chh. fellowship. August 2d. Baptism was administered to the following children: Elizabeth Wyatt, child of Rev. C. & Mary J. Perry; Allen, child of Abner & Betsey Bayley; Thomas,

page 19 Leonard, Alfred, Abigail, Mehetable, Amelia Barron, John, Mary Elizabeth, Edwin Hanes & Perry, children of Hanes & Phebe Johnson. August 7th. At the Chh. conference at the Meeting House, the following persons were examined and propounded to be received next communion: Col. A.B.W. Tenney & Sophia Tenney, his wife, Harry Brickett & Charles Leet. Also, Rosetta Tuthill by letter from the Chh. Montpelier, Vt. Aug. 9th. Sabbath evening at the school room at the Upper Meadow, the following children were baptized: Alanson Greenleaf, Polly Maria, Harriet Rider, Melissa Jane & Emiline Bayley, children of Consider & Cynthia Chapin; Lucy, Rachel, Elizabeth & Charles, children of Abiel & Eunice Chamberlin. p. 122 Sept. 4th, 1829. At a preparatory lecture, Susanna Brown was propounded by letter from the Chh. in Peacham, & Miss Martha Burnside by letter from the Chh. in Colebrook, N.H. Sept. 6th. The following persons were admitted [in]to the Chh.: A.B.W. Tenney & Sophia Tenney (his wife), Charles Leet, Harry Bricket, Anna Tuthill & Rosetta Tuthill, the two last by letter from the Chh. in Montpelier. Abner Bayley White Tenney was baptized. The following children were also at the same time baptized: Edward Josiah Little, child or sister Martha Clark, wife of Timy. Clark; Horace Hutchins, child of Timothy Bayley & wife (members of sister churches); Martha Greely, Mary, Lydia Jane, Joseph Quimby, Sally, Nancy Maria, Calvin Powers & James Flanders, children of bro. Jonathan Clark & wife; Joanna Mallet, Anderson Adams, Ruth Ann & Athela Olive, children of sister Anna G. Webber, wife of Jos. Webber; Mary, Sophia Cutler & Hepzibah Ann, children of Bro. A.B.W. Tenney & wife. Oct. 18th. Chh. voted a letter of Dismission & Recommendation to Mrs. Sophronia Little to the Chh. in Newbury (Belleville), Ms. p. 123 Oct. 30th, 1829. At a preparatory lecture the following persons were propounded by letter: Mary J. Perry from Chh. Framingham, Ms.; Timothy B. Bailey fr. Chh. Haverhill (S.P.), N.H.; Phebe Bailey (his wife) Chh. West Rutland. Nov. 1st. The following persons were admitted to the Chh., all by letter from other Chhs.: Timothy B. Bailey & Phebe Bailey (his wife), Mary J. Perry (wife of Rev. C.P.) & Susanna Brown (w. of John Brown 2d). Nov. 22. At Topsham, baptized Daniel, child of Daniel & Persis Thompson, and Eleanor, child of sister Betsey B. Bayley, w. of Ephraim Bayley. Dec. 13th. The Chh. voted a letter of Dismission & Recommendation to Andrew Webber and Sophia Webber, his wife, to Jersey, Steuben Co., N.Y. Also, to Susan Ewen, to Chh. in Hardwick, Vt. p. 124 Dec. 15th, 1829. At the Chh. conf. a letter of Dismission and was voted for the several members in Topsham, for the purpose of forming a Cong. Chh. in that place. Viz., to Daniel Thompson and Persis Thompson (his wife), Louiza B. Ives (w. of Warren Ives, Esq.), Betsey B. Bayley (w. of Eph. Bayley), Moses Hazen White, Lydia White (w. of Jesse White), Ruth R. Sawyer, Fanny J. Bayley, Ruth George, Azubah Buxton (w. of John B. Jr.), Jacob Brock & Abigail Brock (his wife).

page 20 Jan. 8th, 1830. Miriam Johnson, child of Geo. & Miriam Ropes, was baptized by me. Clark Perry, Minister. April 11th. Chh. voted a letter of Dismission and Recommendation to Mrs. Olive Wyatt of Milton, Vt. April 16th. At the Chh. conference Horace Whitcomb & Martha G. Clark were examined and propounded to be received p. 125 [continued from previous page] into this church at the next communion. A letter of Dismission and Recommendation was voted to Edmund Holmes to the Chh. in Dalton, N.H., and to Lucy Randall to the Chh. in Groton, Vt. May 2d. Horace Whitcomb & Martha G. Clark were received into the Chh. Horace Whitcomb was baptized. July 2. At the preparatory lecture a letter of Dismission and Recommendation was voted to Bro. Willard Stevens and Mary Stevens, his wife, & Sophia Stevens (now Mrs. Skinner) to the Cong. Chh. of Christ in Barnet, Vt. p. 126 July 4th, 1830. At the Communion, Cynthia Ann, child of Consider & Cynthia Chapin and Asa Adonijah, child of Abner B.W. & Sophia Tenney, were baptized by me. Clark Perry, Pastor. Sept. 10th. At the preparatory lecture, a letter of Dismission & Recommendation was voted to Laura M. Sheldon to the Chh. in Barnet, Vt. Sept. 12th. At Communion, Hazen, son of Ebenr. & Rebecca Abbot, was baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. Sept. 26th. At the meeting West, Susan, child of Wm. H. & Hannah H. Carter, & Elizabeth Laura, child of David & Lydia Tucker, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. p. 127 Dec. 5, 1830. Chh. voted a letter of Dismission to Mrs. Mary Tenny, wife of Rev. A.P. Tenny, to the Chh. of Christ in Hebron, N.H. Feb. 20th, 1831. Mr. John Atwood and his wife Mehetable Atwood were propounded for admission to the Chh. by letter from the Chh. in Orford under the Pastoral care of Rev. J.D. Farnsworth. March 6th. At the communion season, Charles Shedd, son of Rev. Clark Perry & Mary, his wife, and Marianne, child of Twissen B. & Mary Peach, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. p. 128 April 1st, 1831. Chh. voted a letter of Dismission & Recommendation to Mrs. Mehetable Barrett to the Chh. in Bradford. April 10th. Voted general letters of Dismission to Anna Tuthill and her daughter Rosetta Tuthill with permission to join any Chh. where God in his Providence may cast their lot. April 29. At preparatory lecture, Augustus Robinson and his wife Hannah Robinson were propounded to join this Chh. by letter from the Chh. in North Haverhill. May 1st. At Communion, John Atwood and his wife Mehetable Atwood, Augustus Robinson and his wife Hannah Robinson, on assenting to the Confession of Faith & Covenant, were recd. Into this Chh. Also, Mary Elizabeth, child of P.W. Ladd &

page 21 wife; John, child of Abiel Chamberlin & wife; & George, child of Abner Bayley & wife, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Minister. p. 129 June 5th, 1831. A letter of Dismission and Recommendation was voted to Mrs. Ann Austin to the Chh. in Bradford. June 6th. At a meeting of the Chh. at the Meeting House, a letter of Dismission and Recommendation was voted to Marianne Nichols to the Chh. in Guilford, N.H. June 12th. Mrs. Azubah Heath was admitted a member of this Chh. at her own dwelling house, and the communion was administered. June 26th. At a lecture preached at the school house by Thos. Abbott’s, Elizabeth Chamberlin, child of sister Finette C. Johnston, was baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. July 2d. At the preparatory lecture Saturday a letter of Dismission and Recommendation was voted to Sarah Sawyer to the Chh. in Lunenburg, Vt. p. 130 July 31st, 1831. At a lecture preached at the school house near Mr. John Doe’s (extreme West) this Sabbath eve, Robert, Samuel Franklin & John, children of sister Betsey McAlister, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. Aug. 11th. At a Chh. meeting at the Meeting House, Mrs. Mehetable Saunders was examined for admission to the Chh., and a vote to propound her next Sabbath was passed. Aug. 17th. At a meeting of the Chh. at the Methodist Chapel (on occasion of the protracted meeting commenced the 16th and closing the 19th) Mrs. Christian Wallace, wid. of the late James Wallace and formerly a member of a Chh. in Scotland, was examined and propounded for admission to the Chh. The same day at the Me., Miss Martha Burnside propounded some time ago by letter from the Chh. in Colebrook, N.H., gave assent to the Covenant & Confession of Faith and was received a member of this Chh. Aug. 26th. At a Chh. meeting at the Me., Mr. James Abbott & Elizabeth W. Abbott, his wife, Mrs. Abiah Johnson, wife of John Johnson, Mrs. Betsey Ruggles (Wid.) [and] Susan Leet were examined and pro- p. 131 [continued from previous page] pounded for admission to this Chh. at the next communion. Also, Mrs. Betsey Johnson, w. of Moses Johnson, by letter from the Chh. in Boscawen, N.H. Aug. 28th, 1831. At the dwelling house of Nathan Avery, Esq., it being the public exercises of the Sabbath, Lydia Patience, child of Marshall Southard & Sarah, his wife, & Moody, child of Moody Powers & wife, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Minister. Sept. 4th. Being communion season, Mehetable Saunders, James Abbott, Abiah Johnson, Betsey Johnson, Christian Wallace, Elizabeth W. Abbott, Betsey Ruggles & Susan Leet, on assenting to the Confession of Faith and Covenant, were admitted to this Chh. Same date – Henry Edwin (8 yrs., 9 mos.) & Harriet Elizabeth (6 yrs., 8 mos.), children of Widow Betsey Ruggles, grandchildren of Dea. Burroughs, together with Nancy,

page 22 John Ewen, Charlotte Ann & Jarvis, children of sister Betsey Bartlett, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Minister. Sept. 30th. At a Chh. prayer meeting at the Meeting House, voted to give a letter of Dismission and Recommendation to Eliza H. Fogg (formerly Holmes) to the Chh. in Alexandria, N.H. p. 132 Oct. 29, 1831. The Chh. observed this as a day of fasting & prayer, the Chh. having been visited the day previous. In the afternoon the following persons were examined and pr[op]ounded for admission next communion: Parker Bayley & Eliza Bayley (his wife), Daniel Putnam & Emily Abbott. Also, Ebenezer Kendrick & Susannah Kendrick (his wife) & Hannah Coburn, by letter from the Chh. in Thetford. Mrs. Mehetable Saunders-Willard was recommended to the Chh. in Bradford, being dismissed when recd. Nov. 12th. At a meeting of the Chh. at the Meeting House at 1 o’c P.M. and at 4 o’c P.M. adjourned till evening, the following persons were examined and by vote of the Chh. propounded to be received into the Chh. next communion, if no objection. 15 were examined in the P.M., and eight in the evening. They are as follows: p. 133 [continued from previous page] William Bayley, James R. Webster, Joseph Berry & Betsey B. Berry (his w.), Phebe Johnson (w. of Hanes J.), Ruth Bayley (w. of Isaac B. Jr.), Freeman Keyes & Emiline J. Keyes, Hannah Bailey, Angeline Bailey, Sarah Almenia White, Catharine Johnson, Harriet Buxton, Joanna Holmes, Ruth Nourse, Sarah Walden, Charlotte Coburn, Almira Coburn, Paschal P. Evans, John Brock, George Brown, William Goodwin & George Atkinson. The Chh. voted a letter of Dismission and Recommendation to Mary B. Runnels, formerly Mary Bayley, daughter of Jacob Bayley, to the Chh. in Warner, N.H. Nov. 19th. At the preparatory lecture the following persons were examined and propounded to be received tomorrow if no objection: Betsey B. Berry (Miss), Elizabeth Scott, Lucretia Belknap Winn & Henry W. Bayley. Also by letter from the 2d Chh. in Newbury, Mass., Mrs. Anna Atkinson & Joseph Atkinson. p. 134 Nov. 20th, 1831. Today the sacrament of the Lord’s supper was administered, and the following persons were received as members, the ordinance of baptism having been administered to: Joseph Berry, Betsey Bailey Berry (his wife), James Rollins Webster, Betsey Bailey Berry (Miss), Phebe Johnson (w. of Hanes J.), Ruth Bayley (w. of Isaac B.), Lucretia Belknap Winn, Catharine Johnson, Ruth Nourse, Sarah Walden, Elizabeth Scott, Paschal Paoli Evans, George Brown, William Farmer Goodwin, & Henry Webster Bayley. The following persons who had been previously baptized, viz.: William Bayley, Daniel Putnam, Parker Bayley & Eliza Bayley (his wife), Freeman Keyes & Emiline J. Keyes (his wife), John Brock, George Atkinson, Emily Abbott, Sarah Almena White, Hannah Bailey, Angeline Bailey, Harriet Buxton, Joanna Holmes, Charlotte Coburn & Almira Coburn. Also, by letter, Hannah Coburn (w. of Asa C. Jr.), Anna Atkinson (w. of Wm. A.), Joseph Atkinson, Ebenezer Kendrick & Susannah Kendrick (his w.).

page 23 The following children were also baptized: William Uriah, son of Parker Bayley & wife, Hezekiah Sanford, child of John Johnson 2d & wife, & Nelson, child of Horace Stebbins & wife. p. 135 Nov. 27, 1831. Preached at the dwelling house of Bro. J. Abbott, and the following children, viz.: George Nelson, Alonzo James & Elizabeth Chastina, children of James & Elizabeth Abbott, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. Dec. 22d. At a meeting at the school house near Esq. Tucker’s, Mrs. Mindwell Putnam, wife of Joel Putnam, & Lucinda Ann Tucker, daughter of James Tucker, Esq., were examined and propounded for admission to the Chh. Dec. 24th. At a meeting at the Meeting House, Charlotte Swasey, Esther Coburn, Joanna Webber, Betsey Powers (w. of John Powers) & Sally Ann Aldrich were examined and propounded for admission to the Chh. Dec. 31st. At the preparatory lecture at the Me., the following persons were examined and propounded to be received tomorrow: Hardy Ropes by letter from the Chh. in Lyme, N.H.; by examination: Sally Avery, Martha Abbott, Abigail C. Johnson. Also, in the evening, Frye B. Briggs of Wells River. A letter of Dismission & Recommendation was voted to Samuel P. Avery to the Chh. in South Reading, Mass. p.134a Jan. 1st, 1832. Being communion season, the following persons were received into this Chh.: Hardy Ropes (by letter), Fry B. Briggs, Mindwell Putnam, Esther Coburn, Charlotte Swasey, Joanna Webber, Sally Avery, Martha Abbott, Lucinda A. Tucker, Sally A. Aldrich & Abigail C. Johnson. Fry Bayley Briggs, Charlotte Swasey & Sally Ann Aldrich were baptized . Jan. 15th. Afternoon service – Richard Baxter, child of Hanes & Phebe Johnson, was baptized by me, Clark Perry, Minister. Jan. 22d. A letter of Dismission & Recommendation to the 1st Cong. Chh. in East Stockholm, N.York, was voted to Isaac Porter, a member of this Chh. Feb. 25th. At a Chh. meeting at the Me., Hannah M. Kelly & Ruth Meader were examined and propounded for admission to the Church. A letter of Dismission & Recommendation was voted to Wm. Russel & Cynthia Russel, his mother, to the Chh. in Cabot, Vt. p.135a March 1st, 1832. At a meeting in the evening at the school house beyond Esq. Tucker’s, Mrs. Anne Jones was examined and propounded for admission to the Chh. March 4th. The following persons were admitted to this Chh. on assenting to the Covenant, viz.: Betsey Powers, Anne Jones, Hannah M. Kelly & Ruth Meader. Hannah McMurphy Kelly was baptized. April 22d. A letter of Dismission & Recommendation was voted to Mrs. Eliza Page, wife of Capt. Saml. Page, to the Chh. in Haverhill (S.P.), N.H. p. 136 [May 5th, 1832]. A letter from the Chh. Bradford, Vt., was read recommending Jonathan Tenny & Lydia Tenny, his wife, who are accordingly propounded to be received tomorrow . Charles Atkinson & Eliza Ann Atkinson, his wife, were propounded 2 weeks ago by letter from the Chh. Lowell, Mass. Also, Jeremiah Boynton & Relief

page 24 Kent to be examined. Annah Kent & Maria M. Brown were examined and a vote to receive them passed. May 6th. Being communion season, the following persons were admitted to the Chh., viz.: Charles Atkinson & Eliza Ann Atkinson (his wife), Jonathan Tenny & Lydia Tenny (his wife), Annah Kent & Mary Maria Brown. The two last were baptized, viz.: Annah Kent and Mary Maria Brown. p. 137 June 30th, 1832. At the preparatory lecture a letter of Dismission was voted to Ruth Nourse with the expectation of her uniting with the Methodist Society. July 1st. At communion, Lydia Ann, child of Jonathan & Lydia Tenny was baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. p. 138 Sept. 2d, 1832. At the communion season, Charles Taylor, son of Asa Coburn Jr. & Hannah, his wife, was baptized by me, Clark Perry, Minister. Sept. 30th. At a 3d meeting at the school house near J. Tucker’s, Esq., the following children were baptized, viz.: Joel Porter, Samuel Tucker, Mindwell & Mary, children of Joel & sister Mindwell Tucker (Putnam) by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. Oct. 19th. At a Chh. meeting at the Meeting House, Relief Kent was examined, and a vote to admit her passed. Oct. 21st. Harriet Johnson was propounded for admission to the Chh. p. 139 Nov. 4th, 1832. Jeremiah Boynton, Anne Powers (wife of Moody Powers) & Harriet Johnson were admitted to the Chh., having been examined at the lecture yesterday. Dec. 14th. Baptized Judith Tucker, child of Roger & Judith Eastman, at their dwelling house (being the funeral of their child Mary). Jan. 6th, 1833. At the communion season, Relief Kent, some time since propounded & examined, was baptized and admitted to the Chh. Feb., 10th. A letter of Dissmission & Recommendation was voted to Horace & Catharine J. Whitcomb to the Congl. Chh. Lancaster, N.H. March 28th, 1833. Baptized by Rev. Marshall Southard, Evangelist: Emily Ann, child of Marshall & Sarah A. Southard – a record of this baptism was handed to Rev. G.W. Campbell (Pastor of the Chh.) in 1836 by Mr. Southard. p. 140 Feb. 28th, 1833. At the concert of prayer for college and exercises preparatory to communion, Mrs. Jane B. Meserve, wife of Jonas Meserve, was examined and a vote passed to receive her on the Sabbath. March 3rd. Jonas Meserve from the Chh. Haverhill South Parish & Mrs. Jane B. Meserve, his wife, were received into the Chh. as assenting to Covenant. p. 141 May 4th, 1833. After the preparatory lecture Mr. Hiram Tyrrel & Mary Abigail Tyrrel (his wife) were examined for admission to the Chh. and a vote to receive them passed. May 5th. Hiram Tyrrel & Mary A., his wife, were baptized and admitted to the Chh. July 7th. At the communion season the following children were baptized: Mary Jarvis, child of Rev. C. & M.J. Perry, Lucinda, child of Bro. Abner & Betsey Bayley,

page 25 p. 142 [continued from previous page] Ezra, child of P.W. & Elizabeth Ladd & George & Julia, children of Geo. & Miriam Ropes, by me, Clark Perry, Minister. July 12th[, 1833]. Bro. Augustus Robinson & wife were recommended to the Chh. in Meredith village, N.H. Sept. 7th. At the preparatory lecture a letter of Dismission was voted to Mrs. Hannah Blaisdell (formerly Chamberlin) to the Chh. in the West Parish, Boscawen, N.H. A letter in favor of Mrs. Anne Blake, wife of Charles Blake from the Cong. Chh. in Malone, N.Y., was read. p. 143 Sept. 8th, 1833. At the communion service the letter excommunicating Susan French was publicly read. Mrs. Anne Blake was admitted to the Chh. The following children were baptized: Charlotte Foxcroft, child of Hanes & Phebe Johnson; Harvey Whitney & Amelia, children of sister Ruth Bayley & husband Isaac A. Bayley; Thomas & Mary, children of the Widow Lucy Mellen; James Bancroft, son of Ebenr. & Rebecca Abbott, by me, Clark Perry, Minister. p. 144 Sept. 15th, 1833. At the public meeting at the dwelling house of Esq. Avery (Sabbath) the following children were baptized: Charles Johnston, son of Moody & Anne Powers; Mary Abigail, Hiram Harvey, Lucia Wallace & John Robinson, children of Bro. Hiram & sister Mary Tyrrel, by me, Clark Perry, Minister. Nov. 3d. Mrs. Mary Hibbard from the Chh. N. Haverhill & Mira Jane Tucker from the 3d Congregational Chh., Lowell, Mass., recommended by letter, were received to this Chh. Dec. 2d. At a meeting of the Chh. after the monthly concert, the following minute was accepted by the Chh. p. 145 [continued from previous page] & Mrs. Martha R. Hutchins, wife of Saml. Hutchins, merchant at Wells River, is considered as a member of this Chh. The minute is as follows, viz.: At a meeting of several members of the Chh. in Bath & Newbury & of other professed friends of Christ at the sick room of Mrs. Samuel Hutchins, Wells River, on Monday, Nov. 18th, 1833 – convened at her special request – that she might be admitted to the Chh. at being apprehended that she had but a short time to live. Rev. D. Sutherland was present & officiated & with the consent of Professing Christians there present, Mrs. Martha Rix Hutchins, wife of Samuel Hutchins, Esq., was admitted to a standing in the visible Church, after which the ordinance was administered. Also, Julia Helen & Charles Henry, children of Samuel Hutchins & wife were baptized by Rev. D. Sutherland in presence of me, Clark Perry, Pastor. Omitted! (in proper place) Sept. 22d, 1833 or thereabouts – Alvi T Twing was dismissed from this Chh. to the Chh. in Burlington, Vt., pastoral care of J.[K.] Converse. p. 146 Jan. 6th, 1834. At the close of the fast & concert the Chh. voted a letter of recommendation to Mrs. Eliza Preston-Eldridge of Lenoxville, Lower Canada, to unite with a Chh. to be formed there. Also, that as it appears Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks of the same place united to the Chh. in Stanstead & stands connected there, she be considered no longer a member of this Chh. Voted also, that the vote recorded pp. 125&6 be applied to Mrs. Azubah W. Perry, who has irregularly joined a Chh. in

page 26 Ryegate not in fellowship – without a letter, and she is accordingly disfellowshipped by the Chh. p. 147 Jan. 31st, 1834. At a prayer meeting at Bro. M. Johnson’s Tuesday Jan. 29th, Dea. Buxton & Bro. A.B.W. Tenny were appointed a committee on the part of the Chh. to receive Mrs. Tenny of Wells River to the fellowship of the Chh. Accordingly, a few brethren & sisters met at her sick room today, & she was recd. to the fellowship of the Chh. & the communion was administered. (Jane Eliza S. Tracy, daughter of Esq. Shedd.) Approved by the Chh., May 3d, 1834. p. 148 May 3d, 1834. At the preparatory lecture Mrs. Mehetable W. Leslie, wife of George W. Leslie, was examined for admission to the Chh., and a vote to receive her passed. Also, Mrs. Hannah Stevens, wife of Dr. John Stevens, was dismissed & recommended with a view to her uniting with the Methodist Society. p. 149 May 4th, 1834. Communion season. Mrs. Mehetable Williams Leslie was baptized & admitted to the Chh. Also, Mrs. Sarah Ladd, wife [of] Jon. Ladd, by letter from the Chh. in Haverhill, South Parish. Also, Henry, child of Reding & Esther Douse, was baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. May 25th. Sabbath Eve. At the dwelling house of Jonas Meservie, after a lecture, George Pierce & Jonas Henry, children of Jonas & Jane B. Meservie, were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Minister. At the same time, M. Southard, member of the Chh., handed me the following minute (copy): “March 28th, 1833, baptized Emily Ann Southard, daughter of M. & S.A. Southard, aged 8 days, very sick. M. Southard, Evangelist.” June 2d. At the monthly concert a letter of dismission & recommendation to Mrs. Ruth Holmes, wife of Asa Holmes, Esq., now of Dalton, N.H., and to Joanna Holmes, their daughter, was voted. July 6th. T the communion the following children were baptized: Manly, child of Asa & Hannah Coburn; Lucius Clark, child of John Johnson 2d & Betsey, his wife; Jane & Mary Peak, children of Geo. & Mehetable Leslie (Mrs. Leslie believer), by me, C. Perry, Minister. p. 150 Sept. 1st, 1834. At the monthly concert Mrs. Emeline Buxton Saunders was by vote of the Church dismissed and recommended to any Chh. in fellowship with us with which it may suit her after convenience to unite. Sept. 6th. Mrs. Esther Spear, widow of the late James Spear, was examined for admission to the Chh., and a vote to receive her past. p. 151 Sept. 7th, 1834. Communion season. Mrs. Esther Spear was admitted to the Chh. on receiving the covenant. The following children received baptism: Adaline, child of Moses & Adaline Rogers; Sally, child of Abiel & Eunice Chamberlin; Andrew Pettengell Flanders, child of Jona. & Lydia Tenny, by me, Clark Perry, Minister. Nov. 1st. Charlotte A. Buxton was examined & accepted for admission to the Chh., having been previously propounded. Nov. 2d. Charlotte A. Buxton was admitted to the Chh. by assenting to the covenant.

page 27 Feb. 8th, 1835. A letter of confession was received from Bro. Frye B. Briggs, a member of this Chh. residing in Suffield, Conn., & was read to the Chh. & accepted as satisfactory. p. 152 Feb. 15th, 1835. Sabbath. A letter of dismission & recommendation was voted to Parker Bayley & Eliza, his wife, & Henry W., their son, to the Chh., Stanstead, Lower Canada. Minute – Mrs. Celina R. Thacher, wife of Dr. Enoch p. 153 [continued from previous page] Thacher of Wells River village, apprehending herself to be near her end, requested the privilege of being admitted to the Chh. & partaking of the Lord’s supper – which duty was attended to on Thursday, April 23d, 1835, at the house of her residence by the Pastor in presence of two brethren of the Chh., & Rev. D. Sutherland of Bath, who administered the ordinance. At the same time, Henry Orland, son of Enoch & Celina R. Thacher, was baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. April 29th. The above minute accepted by the Chh. [N.B. Mrs. Thacher died Sabbath morning, April 26th, Aet. 23.] April 29th. At a meeting appointed for the purpose, the following persons were examined & are to be propounded for admission to the Chh.: Joel Putnam, William Atkinson, Daniel Linsay, Justin Linsay, Tempy Bayley, Amy Burroughs & Sarah Clark. May 16th. At the lecture preparatory to communion a letter from the Chh. in Bradford recommending Mrs. Betsey Wells & David, her son, was read, who are to be received tomorrow. Also, the following persons in addition to the above written, were examined for admission to the Chh., & a vote to receive them passed, viz.: Moses Little Atkinson, a member of Dart. College, Biah White, Mary Abbott & Philinda Leet, to be received tomorrow. p. 154 May 17th, 1835. Being communion season, the following persons were admitted to the Church, viz.: William Atkinson, Moses L. Atkinson, Joel Putnam, Daniel Linsay, Justin S. Linsay, Tempy Bayley, Amy Burroughs, Biah White, Sarah Clark, Mary Abbott, & Philinda Leet, & by letter, Mrs. Betsey Wells & David Wells. William Atkinson, Daniel Linsay & Justin Smith Linsay were baptized by me, Clark Perry, Pastor. p. 155 May 31st, 1835. Rev. Marshall Southard, Evang., baptized Sarah Elizabeth, child of Marshall & Sarah A. Southard, this record was handed to Rev. G.W. Campbell in 1836 by M. Southard. Died, June 12th, 1835, Dea. Wm. Burroughs, for 23 years an officer of this Chh., a firm & active pillar in the Chh., universally respected & beloved & at his death deeply lamented. Aet. 58. His funeral was attended on the Sabbath, June 14th, at the Meeting House. June 14th. The following children were baptized, at the dwelling of Dea. Wm. Burroughs at his funeral: Mary Elizabeth, child of Gilman Barnet & wife, & at the Meeting House, John, child of John Powers & wife; & Moses Hale, child of Rev. C.

page 28 & M.J. Perry, (baptism administered by Rev. A.P. Tenny of Concord, N.H.) & at the West Meeting House, William Kirkland, child of Joel Putnam & wife. p. 157 July 19, 1835. At a lecture holden at the dwelling house of Bro. Thomas Abbott, Samuel Smith, child of Twisen B. & Mary Peach, was baptized by Revd. Clark Perry. p. 165.

List of persons admitted into this church since February A.D. 1821.

Date of Admission 1821 May 6 * Lemuel Holmes }by let- Died Novr. 2, 1822. + Sophronia Little }Dis. to Chh. In Newbury (Belleville) (Ms.), Oct. 1829. + Nancy Jewett }ter Dis. to Chh. St. Johnsbury, Apr. 1825. Rebbecca Putnam + Sally Putnam-Kimball. Dis. to Chh. N. Haverhill, Dec. 1828. + Eliza Swasey-Page. Dis. to Chh. [S.] Haverhill, N.H., Apr. 1832. + Clarissa Barnett-Bryant Dis. to Chh. Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 182[9]. July 8 * Eber J. Chapin Died July 26, 1838. * Betsy Clark Died Augt. 3, 1822. + Ann Austin Dis. to Chh. in Bradford, Vt., June 1831. Sarah Sawyer Dis. to Chh. Lunenburg, Vt., July 1831. Did not unite. Sept. 9 + Lydia White Dis. to form Chh. Topsham, Dec. 1829. Novr. 11 + Rebekah Jewett-Bayley (by letter) Dis. to 2d Chh. St. Johnsbury, Apr 1825. 1822 Jan. 13 + Ebenr. Burbank (by letter) Dis. to Chh. Enfield, Conn., Sept. 1828. * Bancroft Abbot Died Oct. 29th, 1829, Aet. 72. Sally Chamberlin + Abigail Brock Dis. to Topsham Chh., Dec. 1829. Mar. 10 Jonas Tucker * Nancy Tucker Died Nov. 30th, 1830, Aet. 45y, 8 mos. Roxa Matthews + Jane Doe Dismissed to Chh. Corinth, Augt. 1824. * Betsy Tucker Died April 1825. p. 166

1822 May 12 Thomas Abbot by letter. + Andrew Webber Dis. to Chh. Jersey, N.Y., Dec. 1829. Moody Powers # T. Tufts Chamberlin Excommunicated, March 4th, 1832. Samuel Thompson

page 29 # Anna Abbot Died Sept. 1, 1841. + Lucy Randal Dis. to Groton, Vt., April 1830. Betsy Bartlett July 14 Ebenezer Abbot Lydia Abbot Sarah Abbot-Southard D.R., Lyme, N.H. + Fanny Jewell-Bayley Dis. to Topsham Chh., 1829. * Mary White Died Novr. 26, 1823. Judith Tucker-Eastman (Saml.) * Hannah Carleton Died May 1838. + Betsy Stearns Dis. to Bradford, Aug. 1827. Mary Bayley Fanny Doake Nancy Doake Sept. 8 * Susanna Shedd} by Died Bath, N.H., March 19th, 1833, Aet. 49. Lucy Mellen } letter # Ebenezer Temple Excommunicated, March 2d, 1834. # Rebecca Temple Excommunicated, March 2d, 1834. Anna White * Mahitable Lindsey Died Jan. 19, 1823. Betsy McAlister Hannah Lindsey Polly Bartlett Nov. 10 * Hannah Chamberlin Died May 10th, 1833, Aet. 84. Sabre Chamberlin-Ames p. 167

1823 March 30 * Hitty Nutt Died 1826. September 28 + Persis Thompson Dis. to form Topsham Chh., Dec. 1829. 1824 Feb. + Daniel Thompson Dis. to form Topsham Chh., Dec. 1829. June 27 Esther M. Robinson, letter Barton August 29 Caleb Gould Mary Gould Mrs. Hepzibah Gould 1825 May 14 Consider Chapin 1826 July 30th + Ruth George Dis. to form Topsham Chh., Dec. 1829. Nancy Heath-Heaton + Mehitable Barret Dis. to Chh. Bradford, Vt., Apr. 1831. Cynthia Chapin Deidama Chamberlin-Scales Betsy Chamberlin

page 30 Caroline Wetherbee Eunice Chamberlin Lucia Leslie # Azubah Wetherbee-Perry Dis. fellowship, Jan. 1834. Esther Robinson Dinah Chapin (by letter) p. 168

List of members admitted to this Ch. since February A.D. 1828. Age When 1828 Admitted March 8th Marshall Southard (by letter), D.R. to Lyme, N.H. + Laura M. Sheldon-Wright Dis. to Chh. Barnet, Sept. 1830. 18 May 2nd Ephraim Clark 60 Sally Vance 59 George Ropes} 27 # Miriam Ropes} Died May 15, 1844, Aet. 37. 21 Peabody W. Ladd 22 18 * Elizabeth Hazeltine Died July 1831 (at Stanstead, L.C.) 20 + Louiza Ladd-Ives Dis. to form Topsham Chh. Dec. 1829 24 Nancy Burroughs Now Mrs. Crockett. Dis. to Salem St. Chh. Boston 22 * Emiline Buxton-Saunders Died at Macon Ga. Nov.6th, 1834, aet.25 19 Everett Hurd 19 + Alvi T. Chaffin Twing Dis. to Chh. Burlington Vt. Sept. 1833 16 Syrena A. Robinson 28 + Isaac Porter (by letter) Dis. to Chh. E. Stockholm N.Y. [Jun] 1832 July 6th Abner Bayley 50 Jonathan Clark 43 Abiel Chamberlin 28 Clark Elliot Jr. 19 John Blake 18 Jacob Kent 3d 17 Sarah Chapin 41 Elizabeth L. Ladd 22 Azubah Buxton 19 Rebecca Brock-Abbot 23 Lucy Ruggles 24 * Alice D. Kelly Died Nov. 15th 1830 23 M. Jane Rowe 15 Hannah French-Berry 16 # Susan French Excommunicated Sept. 7th 18[3]3 15 John B. Bliss 30 Gilman Barnet 24

page 31 p. 169 Age When 1828 Admitted Alva Bugbee 23 * Allen Burroughs Died Aug. 24th 1828 17 * Lucy Ann Buxton Died June 10th 1834, aet. 23 17 Horatio Brock 20 Lucy Weatherspoon 25 Wm. H. Carter 27 Nathaniel Niles 31 Saml. F. Weatherspoon 17 Martha Clark 44 + Wm. Russell (by letter) Dis. to Chh. Cabot Vt. Feb. 1832 Sept. 7 # Moses Johnson Sen. Excomd. March [2d] 1834 60 Twissen B. Peach 40 + Willard Stevens &} + Mary Stevens } (by letter) Dis. to Chh. Barnet Vt. July 2d 1830 Maria Bliss 29 Persis Barnet 21 Azubah Mulliken 20 Nov. 2d * John Bayley Sen. Died July 26, 1839, aet. 74 63 David Tucker } Dis. & Recm. 37 * Lydia Tucker } } dead Nathan Avery & } } Sarah Avery } } by letter + Mary Bayley-Runnels } Dis. to Warner N.H. Nov. 12th 1831 + Samuel P. Avery Dis. to Chh. S. Reading Ms. Dec. 1831 17 Greenleaf Rowe 17 Benjamin Leet, Jr. 17 Louiza Leet Dis. Rec. to Chh. Claremont 19 + Sophia Stevens-Skinner Dis. to Chh. Barnet Vt. July 2d 1830 23 Mary Burroughs-Barnet 21 Nov. 30 Louiza D. Lunn

1829 Jan. 4 Paul Wheeler 18 John Johnson 2d } 27 Betsey P. Johnson } (by letter) Josiah Obear 19 Hanes Johnson 41 p. 170 Age When 1829 Admitted

page 32 March 1st Hannah H. Carter 28 May 3d Asa Coburn }} Charlotte Coburn }} (by letter) Asa Coburn Jr. } Carlton Barnet 17 Anna G. Webber (by letter) July 5th * Hannah Barnet-Rowe Dead 16 Sept. 6 A.B.W. Tenny } 34 Sophia Tenny } Montpelier 35 Charles Leet 15 Harry Bricket 15 Anna Tuthill } Rosetta Tuthill } (by letter) from Montpelier Nov. 1st Timothy B. Bailey }} Phebe Bailey }} Mary J. Perry } Died March 1st 1836 at {Perkinsville 39 } {Weathersfield Susanna Brown } (by letter) 1830 May 2d + Horace Whitcomb Dis. Chh. Lancaster N.H. Feb 1833 23 Martha G. Clark-Leslie 18 1831 May 1st John Atwood } Mehetable Atwood } (by letter) + Augustus Robinson } + Hannah Robinson } (by letter) Dis. to Chh. Meredith N.H. July 1833 June 12th * Azubah Heath Died July 26th 1834 aet. 81 78 Aug. 17th * Martha Burnside (by letter) Died Feb. 3d 1839 p. 171 Age When 1831 Admitted Sept. 4th + Mehetable Saunders-Willard Dis. to Chh. Bradford Vt. Oct 1831 42 Christian Wallace 72 James Abbott } 39 Elizabeth W. Abbott } 40 Abiah Johnson 59 Betsey Ruggles 31 Betsey Johnson – by letter Susan Leet-Webber 15 Nov. 20th Joseph Berry } 43 Betsey B. Berry } 41 Bestey B. Berry Miss 16 James R. Webster 25 Phebe Johnson 36 Ruth Bayley 30 * Lucretia B. Winn Died at Boston Feb. 1833 15

page 33 + Catharine Johnson-Whitcomb Dis. to Chh. Lancaster N.H. 21 Feb. 10th 1833 + Ruth Nourse Dis. to the Methodists June 30th 1832 17 Sarah Walden-Renfrew 18 Elizabeth Scott 18 George Brown 15 William F. Goodwin Dis. & Rec. to Chh. in Boston 17 William Bayley 55 Parker Bayley } 39 Eliza Bayley } 31 Henry W. Bayley Now Mrs. Goodwin D. & R. to 4th Chh. 12 Springfield, [Ms.] Freeman Keyes } 24 Emiline J. Keyes } 22 Daniel Putnam 39 John Brock 15 Anna Atkinson } Joseph Atkinson } by letter George Atkinson 12 Emily Abbott 17 Hannah Bailey 22 Angeline Bailey 19 Sarah A. White-Robinson 20 Harriet Buxton 15 + Joanna Holmes Dis. to Chh. Dalton N.H. June 2d 1834 16 Hannah Coburn – by letter fm Thetford Chh. Charlotte Coburn-Webster 20 Almira Coburn 18 Ebenezer Kendrick } Susanna Kendrick } by letter Paschal P. Evans 16 p. 172 Age When 1832 Admitted Jan. 1st Hardy Ropes (by letter) Frye B. Briggs 23 Mindwell Putnam 32 Esther Coburn-Douse 21 Charlotte Swasey-Atkinson 17 Joanna Webber 17 Sally Avery-Hunter 16 Lucinda Ann Tucker-Vance 15 Sally Ann Aldrich-Johnson 14 Martha Abbott 14

page 34 Abigail C. Johnson-Brock 13 March 4th Betsey Powers 27 Anne Jones 15 * Ruth Meader-Brownhill Died in July 31, 1840 23 Hannah M. Kelly 21 May 6th Charles Atkinson } Eliza Ann Atkinson } by letter Jonathan Tenny } Lydia Tenny } by letter Annah Kent-Burroughs 26 Mary M. Brown-Hall Nov. 4th Jeremiah Boynton Anne Powers 37 Harriet Johnson-Hale 18 1833 Jan [5]th Relief Kent 30 March 3d Jonas Meserve } Jane B. Meserve } by letter 28 May 5th Hiram Tyrrel } 31 Mary A. Tyrrel } Dis. & Rec. to Chh. in Springfield Vt. 29 p. 173 Age When 1833 Admitted Sept. 8th Anne Blake - by letter Nov. 3d Mary Hibbard } * Mira Jane Tucker-Peck} by letter – died J[u]n. 30, 1845, aet. 32 Nov. 18th * Martha R. Hutchins Died Dec. 16th 1833 28 1834 Jan. 31st * Jane E. S. Tracy Died Feb. 9th 1834 20 May 4th Mehetable W. Leslie 27 Sarah Ladd – by letter Haverhill Sept. [7]th Esther Spear nearly 68 Nov. 2d Charlotte A. Buxton 17 1835 Apr. 23d * Celina R. Thacher Died April 26th 1835 aet. 23 23 May 17th William Atkinson 55 Moses L. Atkinson 20 Joel Putnam 38 Daniel Linsay 45 Justin S. Linsay 39 David Wells & } Betsey Wells } by letter * Tempy Bayley Died May 2d 1839 45 * Amy Burroughs Died March 31st 1841 42 Sarah Clark 16 Biah White 20 Mary Abbott 15

page 35 Philinda Leet – letter 16 Sept. 6 James B. Johnston Anne Martin Sarah L. Bricket-Chamberlin Dis. & Rec. to Hartford Ct. Martha Clark – by letter p. 178 Names of those who were members of the Congregational church in Newbury (so far as could be ascertained) on the 28th day of February A.D. 1821, being the day of my ordination. Luther Jewett * Webster Bayley – died Feb. 7th 1830 (Sabbath), aet. 82. * William Burroughs – died June 12th 1835, aet. 58. Samuel White * Joshua Hale Hardy L. Chamberlin * Ebenezer Ruggles – died June 22, 1823. + Laban Pike – dismissed to Chh. Newburyport, Ms., Apr 18[29]. + Edmund Holmes – dis. to Chh. Dalton N.H., April 1830. Thomas Downer * Horace Stebbins – died Jan. 31, 1842, aet. 68. John Buxton John Buxton Jun. + Otho Stevens – dismissed to Chh. Waterford Vt., March 1823. James Brock # Benjamin Brock – died June 9, 1841, aet. 62 yrs. Moses Brock + Jacob Brock – dis. to form Chh. in Topsham, Dec. 1829. * Dudley Carleton – died April 21st 1835, aet. 87. + Moses P. Clark – dismissed to Chh. in Danville, Sept. 1824. # Samuel Grow – died May 18, 1842, aet. 87. Samuel Powers + Moses Hazen White – dis. to form Chh. Topsham, Dec. 1829. + Philamon Ruggles – dis. to Chh. Dalton, N.H., March 1823. p. 179 1823 June 12, 1823. Moses Haseltine of Stanstead, L.C., and Lydia L. Sweet of Boston, Ms., were united in marriage at Newbury by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. August 27, 1823. Dudley C. Kimball of Haverhill, N.H., and Sally Putnam of Newbury were united in marriage by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. September 28, 1823. Manda T. Cushing of Stanstead, Lower Canada, and Sally Haseltine of Newbury, Vermont, were united in marriage at Newbury by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. December 3, 1823. Ethan S. Brock and Mary Dole, both of Newbury, were united in marriage by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. December 4, 1823. Thomas J. Stevens and Emily Smith, both of Newbury, were united in marriage by me. Luther Jewett, Minister.

page 36 1824 January 19, 1824. At Fairlee, John P. Mann and Hannah P. Baily, both of Fairlee, were united in marriage by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. p. 180 January 22, 1824. Timothy Clark of Newbury and Polly Je[wel] of Haverhill, N.H., were united in marriage at Newbury by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. April 12, 1824. William F. Lane and Mary Bayley, both of Topsham, were united in marriage at Topsham by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. September 23, 1824. Holland Devitt of Coventry and Thankful Robinson of Newbury were united in marriage at Newbury by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. November 1, 1824. David Tucker of Newbury and Lydia Barker of Bradford were united in marriage by me. Luther Jewett, Minister. Marriages October 9th, 182[8]. Frank P. Johnson & Eleanor F. Stevens, both of Newbury, were united in marriage by me. Clark Perry, Minister of the Gospel. p. 181 State of Vermont Orange Co., §. Be it remembered that on Thursday the eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord 1828 Moses Rodgers of Newbury in the County of Orange and State of Vermont and Adaline Bayley of Newbury in the county and state aforesaid were united in marriage. By me, Clark Perry, Minister. Newbury, Vt. , Dec. 12th, 1828.

State of Vermont Orange Co., §. Be it remembered that on Saturday the seventh day of February in the year of our Lord 1829 Marshall Sou[thard] of Newbury in the County of Orange and State of Vermont and Sarah Abbot of Newbury in the county and state aforesaid were united in marriage. By me, Clark Perry, Minister. Newbury, Vt. , Feb. 9th, 1829.

State of Vermont Orange Co., §. Be it remembered that on Thursday the twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord 1829 John Atwood and Mrs. Eliza Doe, both of Newbury in the County of Orange and State of Vermont were united in marriage. By me, Clark Perry, Minister. Newbury, Vt. , Feb. 13th, 1829. p. 181 State of Vermont Orange Co., §. Be it remembered that on the 12th day of March in the year of our Lord 1829 Josiah A. Johnson of Barnet in the County of Caledonia and State of Vermont and Jane J. Bayley of Newbury in the County of Orange and state aforesaid were united in marriage at Newbury. By me, Clark Perry, Minister. Newbury, Vt. , March 13th, 1829.

page 37

State of Vermont Orange Co., §. Be it remembered that on the 24th day of March 1829 Elijah Blaisdel of Canaan in the County of Grafton and State of and Hannah Chamberlin of Newbury in the County of Orange and State of Vermont were united in marriage. By me, Clark Perry, Minister. Newbury, Vt. , March 25th, 1829.

State of Vermont Orange Co., §. Be it remembered that on Wednesday the 15th day of April 1829 Wm. N. Gardner of Ryegate in the County of Caledonia and State of Vermont and Eliza Nelson of Newbury in the County of Orange and state aforesaid were united in marriage. By me, Clark Perry, Minister. [Newbury, Vt.] , April 16th, 1829. p. 183 Deaths in Newbury, 1821. Jan. Leonard White Feb. child of Esqr. Grow child of Esqr. Grow March daughter of Jos. Kent, age 4 days. -- do. – of Wyman Smith, 9 yrs., 11 m[os.] Apr. 27 Saml. E., son of Wm. Burroughs August 4 Miss Lucinda Tucker Sept. Miss Polly Eastman Sept. child of Saml. Rogers daugh., 10 [--]. Octor. son of Barnard Bricket, 11 [--]. daughter of Tappan Stevens, [2 --]. Nov r. daughter of Moses Brock, 3 mos. Samuel Thompson, (about) 50 years. Dec r. 26 Mrs. Haseltine 29 child of Col. Moody Chamberlin 1822 March 26 Mrs. Dagget, Wells River June 14 daughter of M. P. Clark (Mary), 3 y. 22 child of Capt. Putnam, 11 [--]. July Mary Clark Samuel Brock, son of Jacob B. Augt. 3 Mrs. Clark, wife of Timo. C., 51 yrs. 19 son of Mr. Meder, 1 ½ [yrs.] 27 child of Mr. Henry female, 8 m. Sept. daughter of Mr. Sanborn, Jef. Hill, about, 2 y. 9 Olive White, daugh. Samuel White 27 Michael Johnson, son of Moses J., 2d, 2 y. Nov r. 2 Lemuel Holmes, 85. Dec r. son of Walter Wright.

page 38 p. 184. Deaths in Newbury – 1823. [--] 19 Mrs. Mehitable Lindsey. son of Mr. W. Wells, Wells River, 3 mo. March 17 Isa Farm[an], Wells River about, 30 years. April 20 Moses Ben Porter, son of Moses P. Clark, 4 yrs. infant on Jef. Hill (Bayleys), 4 days. 23 son of Moses Brock, 5 years. May 5 child of Mr. Rollins, stillborn, a few hours old. child of Mr. [Nebran], June 4 Saml. Meservy, drowned at Millers Falls 14 Old Mrs. Downer, 86 years. 22 Ebenezer Ruggles, 49 yrs. July 6 [child] Dunbar. 23 Jane J. Kelly, daughter of Col. K., 2 ys., 8 mo. Augt. 1 Moses Swasey, 55 yrs. 12 son of Jacob Brock, 2 yrs. child of Col. Kelly, [2] ys. Sept. 5 Geo. Webber, son of Andrew Webber, 2 yrs. child of Jas. Bayley, stillborn. son of Mr. Gould, 6 [yrs.] child of Joel Putnam, 1 [yr.] Esther, daughter of James Spear, 2 [yrs.] 26 Esther Trusdell, aged 90 years. Elizabeth Meder October 12 Polly Powers Virgins infant a few hours old. Nov r. 26 Mary White Dec r. child of Mr. Young, Jef. Hill, daugh., 9 yrs. child of Dr. White, daugh., 14 yrs. Miss Chapman. p. 185 Deaths in Newbury – 1824. Jan. Warren Evans, aged __. Feb. Josiah Bayley. Capt. Hazeltine, 64 yrs. Col. Robert Johnson, 86 yrs. March Nathl. Smith, 46 yrs. May 1 Miss Sweet, 16 yrs. Mrs. Cunningham. June 3 son of Parker Bayley, drowned, 1 ½ yrs. 7 Parley Ruggles, drowned at Millers Falls, 28 yrs. 13 Mary Witherspoon, about 15 yrs. 30 daughter of James Mellen, aged 11 weeks.

page 39 July 26 son of [T.] J. Stevens, age 3 days. Augt. 5 Mrs. Gould [wid.], age 72 yrs. 20 Miss Whitcher, Wells River, 12 yrs. Sept. 11 son of G. W. Avery, 13 mo. Octr. child of Downer, still born. Nov r. Mrs. Smith, Jefferson Hill. Dec r. Sophia Stevens, 2 yrs. p. 186 Deaths in Newbury since June 1828. Feb. Bradley Doe, [30]. child of [S]amuel Eastman, 7 weeks. July Mr. Scott (Jefferson Hill), about 70 yrs. Aug. 24th Allen Burroughs (dysentery), 17 yrs. 30 Martha Bayley, dr. of Abner Bayley }, 14 mos. Sept. 3 Lucinda Bayley, do. do. }dysentery, 11 yrs. & 10 mos. 16 twin child of Timo. Hazeltine, 3 days. 23 two children of Mr. Lowheed (West), 4 & 7 yrs. 23 Marianne, child of Twissen B. Peach, 2 yrs. & 6 mos. 23 Amy Burroughs, wife of T. Burroughs, 60 yrs. 28 child of Mr. Lowheed (West), 10 yrs. Oct. 1 Mrs. Chapman, wife of Stephen Joseph C. – West (perhaps), 30 yrs. 12 Old Mr. Eastman, 84 yrs. Nov. 21st Josiah Rodgers, 80 yrs. 1829 Jan. 10 Miles J. Chapin, son of Consider Chapin, 12 yrs. Feb. 8 Mother of Col. Chamberlin, 80 yrs. March [5th] child of Mr. Hamlet, 3 yr, 6 mo. May 22d Joseph Goold, aet. 31 yrs. June 3d Nancy, twin child of Wm. Lindsay, 2 weeks. July 9th Alvira Brock, child of Wm. Brock, 6 yrs. July 14th Mrs. Corliss, wife of John Corliss, fr. 40 to 50 yrs. July 29 Asa Tenny 2d, son of Col. Tenny, 10 yrs. Aug. 10th Ednor Brock, dr. of Jacob Brock, 22 yrs. Aug. 30th Mrs. Doake, aged lady, [--] West, 85 yrs. Oct. 3d Adaline Brock, sister of Ednor B. above, 20 yrs. Oct. 15th Miss Curtis, sr. of Dr. Curtis, Wells River, per. 30 yrs. Oct. 2[4] Bancroft Abbot, aet. 7[2] yrs. p. 187 Deaths Nov. 8th child of Marshall Southard, a few hours. 1830 Jan. 11th child of Charles Smith, 7 mo. Feb. 7th Webster Bayley, aet. 82 yrs. & 4 mo. Feb. Stephen George Jr., aet. about 24 yrs.

page 40 March 21st Mrs. Gibson, mother of Saml. G., aet. 77 yrs. March 31st Mrs. Sawyer (widow), about 52. March 31st Mrs. Stevens (Wells River), fr. 35 to 40 yrs. April 4th Polly Mellen (West), 26 yrs. April child of Thos. Burroughs Jr., died, 2 hours. May 3d Mrs. Mary Johnson, dr. of Mr. Leighton, aet. 19. May 30 child of James Johnston Jr., boy, 1 day. July 8th Margaret Burnside, 63 years. Aug. 16th Phebe Johnson, w. of Moses J., 58 yrs. “ 25th Mrs. Saml. Gibson, 47 yrs. Sept. 1st child of M. Southard, 2 hours. Sept. 5th Abigail J. Bayley, dr. of Esq. B., 30 yrs. “ 12 Molly Bayley, wid. of Webster Bayley, 77 yrs. Oct. 8th Wm. Chapin (son of E.J.C.), at Centre [H--lor], 24 yrs. Nov. 5th Charles H. Shedd, Wells River, aet. 20. “ 15 Alice D. Kelly (at Haverhill), aet. 25. “ 30 Nancy Tucker, w. of Jonas Tucker Esq., aet. 45. p. 188. 1831 Deaths. Jan. 13th child of Chas. Smith, few hours. Feb. 6th Mrs. John Peach (typ. fever), fr. 45 to 50 yrs. “ 12th child of Isaac Carlton (nearly) 2 yrs. March 25th Mrs. Eastman, mother of Daniel Eastman, 90th yr. April 27th Mrs. Jacob Brock (of consumption), 45 yrs. May 16th Mary Buel, dr. of __ Buel (near Thos. Abbotts), 10 yrs. May 25th Asa Tenny Esq. (very suddenly), 72 yrs. & 4 mos. May 30th a child of Mr. Meader, Wells River, drowned, ab. [2] yrs. June 29 Robert G., child of Wm. Brock, aet. ab. 21 mos. July child of Mr. Stevens (son), Wells River, aet. ab. 7 yrs. Aug. 24th Marianne, child of Wm. Linsay, aet. 2 yrs. 3 mos. Oct. 5th Hannah Wallace, wid. of Col. Wallace, 78 yrs. “ 10th Ruth Chamberlin, mother of Erastus C., 86 yrs. July Jonah Chapman, S. West District, 82 yrs. Oct. 27 William Morse, Jef. Hill, about 40. Nov. Mrs. Charles Sandborn Wheeler, Jef. Hill, about 46. Dec. 21st Everett, child of Abner Chamberlin, 8 mos. p. 1891 # Mehitable Carleton died Nov. 13, 1842, aet. 90. Hannah Bayley. Mary Renfrew Peach. Persis Ruggles-Burroughs. Electa Downer. + Elizabeth Brooks, united to Chh. Stanstead, L.C., 182_.

1 This page may be a continuation from p. 178, a listing of church members on the 28th day of February 1821.

page 41 Phebe Bayley. + Eliza Holmes-Fogg, dis. to Chh. Alexandria, N.H., Sept. 30th, 1831. + Sally Smith-Badger, dis. to Chh. Waterford, Apr. 1826. Lydia B. Brock. Mary Tucker Miss –Eastman. + Mary Tenny Miss Mrs., dis. to Chh. Hebron, N.H., Dec. 1830. Adeline Bayley-Rodgers. * Abigail J. Bayley, died Sept. 5th, 1830, aet. 30. * Phebe Johnson, died Aug. 16, 1830, aet. 58. Dorothy Imerson. Loisa Ruggles-Burroughs. Finette Chamberlin-Johnston. + Hannah Stevens, dis. to Methodist Society, May 3d, 1834. * Esther Truesdel, died Sept. 26, 1823, aged 90 years. Hannah Stebbins. + Betsy Banfield-Bayley, dis. to form Chh. Topsham, Dec. 1829. Lorenza Wright. Deborah C. Bayley-Boynton. Eliza Preston-Eldridge. Lavinia Buxton. + Sarah Burbank, dis. to Chh. Enfield, Conn., Sept. 1828. + Cynthia Russel, dis. to Chh. Cabot, Vt., Feb. 1832. Ruth Brock, died May 1838. Jemima Bugbee. Phebe Twombly. Martha Kent. p. 190 * Wid. Mary Kent, died June 7th, 1834, aet. 97 yrs. 9 mos. [& 24 dys.]. Nancy Meserve. * Elizabeth Tucker, died Jan. 1826. # Abigail Jennis (Fulton), disfellowshipped, see pp. 125th & 136th. * Amy Burroughs, died Sept. 23d, 1828, aet. 60. Sally Chamberlin. * Molly Chamberlin, Topsham, deceased several years. # Sally Smith, disfellowshipped, May 1832, see pp. 125th & 135th. Betsy Bricket. * Sarah White, died Aug. 2, 1841, aet. 64. # Anna Abbot, disfellowshipped, May 1832, see pp. 125 & 136. Polly Bayley. + Olive Wyatt, dis. to Chh. Milton, Vt., April 183[0]. * Dorcas Hibbard, died Jan. 1836. Betsy Burroughs. * Ruth Chamberlin, died Oct. 10th, 1831, aet. 86. * Mary Tucker Mrs., died Jan. 10th, 1840. Nancy Chamberlin.

page 42 * Betsy Gibson, died Sept. Aug. 25th, 1830, aet. 47. + Martha Porter, dis. to Chh. D. College, 1821. * Abigail Johnson, died March 23d, 1833, aet. 83. * Hannah Wallis, died Oct. 5th, 1831, aet. 78. * Mary Tenny Mrs. * Anna Avery, died May 22d, 1840, 80th year of her age. * Hannah Martin, died March 15th, 1840, aged 75 yrs. Hepzibah Johnston. Hannah Bayley. * Molly Bayley, died Sept. 12th, 1830, aet. 77. Eunice Leet. Ruth Witherspoon. Betsy Bayley. + Mary Chamberlin, dismissed to Chh. Jersey N.Y. 18__. p. 191. * John Mills Jr., died in Derby, Vt., 1832. Josiah Pratt. + Ezra Abbot, dis. to Bath, N.H. Polly Ingalls. * + Polly A. Bayley, dis. to Bath, N.H., now at Eavestown, N.Y. (died Oct. 1834). Betsey Durgan.

Ministers of Cong. Chh. Newbury gathered [privately] by information. Church formed September 1764. Died Ministers Settled Age Native Place Graduated Peter Powers Feb. 1765 72 Hollis, N.H. H. U. Dismissed 1785 Jacob Wood Jan. 9, 1788 32 Boxford, Ms. D. C. Died Feb. 1790 Nathl. Lambert Nov. 17, 1790 living Rowley, Ms. B. U. Dis. Apr. 4, 1809 63 Luther Jewett Feb. 28, 1821 56 Putney, Vt. D. C. Dis. Feb. 19, 1828 Clark Perry June 4, 1828 28 Worcester, Ms. H. U. Dec. 1828, Clark Perry p. 192

Names of the Members of the Congregational Chh. in Newbury. * Elizabeth Meder, died, Sept. 28, 1823. Susan Ewen. + Eliza Burroughs, dismissed to the Chh. Dalton, N.H., March 1823. Sarah Hale. Rachel Clark.

page 43 + Sophia Webber, dis. to Chh. Jersey N.Y., Dec. 1829. + Mariann Nichols, dis. to Chh. Guilford, N.H., June 6th, 1831. Chloe Brock. + Ruth Holmes, dis. to Chh. Dalton, N.H., June 2d, 1834.

For a list of members added since Feb. 1821 see the latter part of this book.

*** the following names should be added to the foregoing list, being still members of the church, so far as appears. C. Perry. * Margaret Chamberlin, died June 4th, 1835, 89 yrs. + Ruth Ricker-Sawyer (Topsham), dis. to form Chh. Topsham, Dec. 1829. Elizabeth Hamlet (Haverhill). * Elizabeth Salter (Ryegate), died (Fall) 1829, aet. 84. * Nancy Johnston, died May 17th, 1835, 75th year. Mary Powers. John H. Bayley. William Holmes. + Hannah Chamberlin, dis. to Chh., W. Boscawen, [N.H.]

page 44