Middleton Parish Plan 2004-2009 P ARISH P LAN 2004 - 2009 Middleton Parish Plan 2004-2009 Page 1
Middleton Parish Plan 2004-2009 P ARISH P LAN 2004 - 2009 Middleton Parish Plan 2004-2009 Page 1 I NTRODUCTION What is the Middleton Parish Plan? tage of being able to adapt and modify it’s policies if achieved then clearly the village will be a better place circumstances require it. The plan exists only to reflect to live. It is necessary to prioritise the Action Plan CONTENTS Parish Plans were announced In the Government’s the wishes of the people of Middleton, now and in fu- because some issues require more urgent action. High “Rural White Paper” in 2000. Through the Countryside ture years. priority may not guarantee rapid action however, road Agency’s Vital Villages initiative, parishes in rural areas safety in the village is an example. To bring about re- Environment 2,3,4 were given priority and grants made available to cover ductions in traffic speed through the village requires the costs of preparation and production. Who has produced the plan? Employment 5 considerably more resources and cooperation by other Although initiated by Middleton Parish Council in early authorities than say, tackling poor grass cutting . 6,7 Health and Social Care The purpose of the plan is to find out what the people of 2003, many people in the village have contributed substantial amounts of voluntary time and effort to the 8,9 Middleton think about the issues affecting life in the Because the rural scene is changing, and priorities can Education project. village, find out if anything needs changing, create shift, the Parish Plan needs to be dynamic and flexible.
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