THE LAST ADAM The Secret of Genesis

Cafer Gezgez Abdullah

Translated by Gülfer Coskun Cafer Gezgez Abdullah was born in Malatya, Turkey in 1954. There, he penned the knowledge in 2002 which was revealed to him as a result of the abstemiousness he entered in 1992.

Cafer Gezgez Abdullah has endowed the works on this site to the humanity of the world with no thought of personal gain.

Internet Edition April 2020 Dear reader,

This book was written as manuscripts by Cafer Abdullah Gezgez in 6 months in 2002. The main purpose of “The Last Adam”, put into current form by a group volunteers from 2002 till today, is to contribute people, who are in pursuit of the Truth, to find their truth and to lead them to understand the universal system by divulging the secret of genesis. From the formation of galaxies, solar systems and planets, to a new model of atoms from, From how the first life started on the Earth to the first human’s being out of the earth, From how the first human appeared to what the first human’s gender was, From the creation of Eve from the rib bone of Adam to how Jesus was born without a father, From how the apocalypse would break to the more, are some of the many issues discussed within this book. The book also provides all these issues within integrity. Besides many other issues such as spirit, angel, jinn, the Mahdi, Messiah, the dajjal are touched on from a new perspective. While bringing a new perspective to all issues mentioned above, a specific terminology is established. However, it should not be kept in mind that the limits of language cannot overlap with the limits of meaning. Therefore, footnotes and/ or parentheses are frequently used in translation. Since this book belonging to the world of meaning, is not a research or an academic study, it does not claim to be compatible with scientific writing methods in terms of both form and content. In the translation of the book which has a very plain form in Turkish, from Turkish to English, the same plainness and a language appealing to a vast audience have been tried to be caught. You can kindly dispatch both your questions about the content to be answered in detail and all kinds of your opinions and suggestions to “”, the website of the book. As a last word, we would like to express our sincere thanks both all those showing an effort to compile the manuscripts and to Gülfer Coşkun, who said “yes” to the translation of the book and gave consent to “open translation” to your contributions. “Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.” (John, 16:25)

“Then We will surely relate [their deeds] to them with knowledge” (Qur’an, 7:7)


“So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.” (Genesis, 1:27)

“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7)

“When your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay. So, when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My soul, then fall down to him in prostration.” (Qur’an, 38:71-72)

What is meant with the verses mentioned above? For what purpose has humankind been created? What does the universe mean? What is the essence of the “anything”? We have perceived the universe just as “Cosmos” (matter world, matter realm) that we live in. However, the Universe is a triple system composed of the “Sup-matter”, “Matter” and “Meta-matter.” Sup-matter is the “Holistic Reason” that is our true origin. The whole realms (worlds) and living beings are conditioned in the Holistic Reason before they are created. The Holistic Reason is eternity and obscurity. No Physics Laws can be mentioned in sup-matter. It is both in close touch with matter and it is distinct as well. The main secret for humankind is sup-matter. Very few people of the World have achieved this kind of awareness; they have had the part of the knowledge as much as their competence. This point is indefinable with the letters from A to Z, as the letters get eternalized at this point. 8 || The Last Adam

The matter is the limitless universe in which we live at present and it consists of eternal realms. It has neither inner nor outer formations. It continues its existence by Physics Laws. The meta-matter is the eternal dimension having its laws where we’ll live in everlastingly. It consists of lives in which countless realms are one within the other and no human reason can perceive. In the triple system that we call as the Universe, “Sup- matter, Matter and Meta-matter” constitute a whole that isn’t distinct from each other. To exemplify, when one-third of glass is filled with water at 90 degrees, likewise, by a third of tea at 60 degrees is added slowly and water at 10 degrees is included, it is observed that these three layers –even if they reach at the equal heat over time –never intermingle so long as the glass isn’t moved. The unity of the Universe is similar to the case exemplified. In the Blue World (physical world), where we live, is dominated by a triple system; human bings, animals and plants. Human beings are in the positions of standing, sitting or lying. Human beings are high-headed, animals are bent- headed and plants are ground-headed. To exemplify, walnut has a green crust in the external part, it has rough crust in its middle part and nutmeat in the internal part. That is the case for other fruits, as well. A piece of the loaf may be rather too small, may equally fit or be rather too big for a bolt; is there any other probability? Additionally, all the formations go through three stages. For human beings, these stages are childhood, adulthood and old age. Atoms, as well, have three- phased data. The elements of “air”, “earth” and “water” are triple integrity. Sun is out of this integrity, it is the fourth one and it is essential for vitality. Human beings, animals and plants belong to the World. Adam is out of this triple concept, He is the fourth one and The Secret of Genesis || 9 the essence of the Universe; it is the Reason. The essence of an entity is the Spirit, Power, and Reason. Spirit isn’t able to act without Power. For instance, water is alive but it doesn’t move without power, it keeps staying where it is. Water’s vitality depends on a locomotive force. The earth and air are alive, and their motions depend on power, as well. “What about the Reason?” The Reason is both reflected in the Power and it is the Power, itself. Besides, the Spirit is both the Reason and objected to the Reason’s command. Briefly, the trilogy of the Spirit, the Power, and the Reason is one and it generates the “ONE.ness”. Therefore, in some of the Qur’an verses, Allah addresses as “WE”. Anything we perceive as multiplicity is “ONE”. The letter of “A” refers to entity and unity, the number of “0” (zero) refers to eternity and non-existence. The letter of “H” that is relative refers to abundance. Our reason consisted of a combination of words is the reflection and shade of the Holistic Reason in the apparent. The more a person knows words, the more he seems reasonable to us. All the letters are derived from “A”. We can’t comprehend the essence of the entity as we are limited by the sequence of letters from A to Z. A person who has never left his house perceives the World as a place as much as he sees from his window. A person who has reached the peak of the Mount Everest can see a limited distance when he looks through binoculars, the rest keeps foggy. Can anyone claim that “The World is as big as how far he sees”? What misleads us is the matter eye. Even if we observe the Universe with a telescope, the observing-looking eye is the matter. The “matter brain” is subject to the matter eye and it is shaped according to what the matter eye sees and it confines us to limited and vicious consciousness. What we see on the surface misleads us; we have to be aware of this. Our vision depends on the matter should be a tool in reaching the 10 || The Last Adam

Reason rather than be an obstacle. Well, which is the real beholder? Is it the eye or the brain? Just as the eye is a device, the brain is a device too. Eye and brain are matter. So, the apparent thing is the matter, as well. What does it mean when we say “I” or “WE”? Do we mean the material body (flesh and bones)? Are we material bodies in real terms? No! Our essence is sup-brain. We don’t know ourselves and we consider ourselves only as physical bodies. The body is a piece of flesh, looking at the brain; we see it is a piece of flesh, as well. We smell, talk and hear. How is a piece of flesh able to do such things? We have the ability of thinking. “Is it ever possible for a piece of flesh to think?” Of course, it is not. It is ‘we’ who can think. Then, what do we mean by ‘WE’? Anything in the Universe exists with its opponent. A thing that doesn’t have its opponent can’t be comprehended yet everything is known with its opponent. To exemplify, the intercourse of male and female produces children, the unity of soil and water produces plants. Galaxies, as well, are formed by the combination of two counterparts Hell and Heaven, also, are two counters meta-matter realms. As they belong to meta-matter realms, we aren’t able to see them with the matter eye. As the divine law validates, we can know neither our origin nor the final point we can reach. Additionally, if someone doesn’t believe his destination, it means he doesn’t believe where he has come. The Secret of Genesis is based on that two opponents’ combinations and leading a third meaning. Provided that we make of this secret, we can be aware of our essence and reach the absolute Power. Getting out of the Solar System, we can get into contact with the other human beings and start to know more about the Universe. To make our way, we can find the answers to such questions as “what our origin is, why we are in the current position and what the point to reach is”. Think about the power of a seed. On the contrary of a seed, The Secret of Genesis || 11 concrete is hard. However, a seed, if necessary, has the power of growing up inside from stone by making it cracked. But what is the force making that seed so powerful? How can a seed make a stone cracked? What is the source of the power of even the tiniest grass to make the stone cracked? The power of it is an abstract one. The olds call it “destiny”; we can call it “program”. Both mean the same. The universe is a concept eternally programmed. We and the ones in other realms are the practitioners of this program. Before building an apartment, an architect determines the design and how to build it. The building is completed with the stage of planning but in fact, there is no building in apparent at that time. When the constructor sets down to work, it is thought that it is him who builds it, but in fact, he is the one who puts the plan into practice. In this case, design(s) and designer(s) aren’t apparent. The situation is similar for the Universe, too. Can human beings determine their life course? Are our appearance and intelligence determined at our request in the mother’s womb? Are we asked about how it should be? What determines all of them? We see colors everywhere when we look around. Our matter eye is programmed according to the colors. The matter is something uncolored, the Sun is uncolored, and centers of the galaxies are uncolored. The ocean seems us as blue. In reality, water is plain, uncolored. From inside of the ocean, no color is seen, it is seen from the surface. Water is blue in the ocean; the eye sees it blue there. The eye sees water as white or black in clouds, the eye sees it clean in the form of rain, and the eye sees it white again in the form of snow and hail. Back to the ocean, it sees it blue again. Inside the tree, combined with the soul, the eye sees the water green and so on. With no change in its form, how come the water is seen in different colors and resumed to the original form again? Matter always changes 12 || The Last Adam colors as taking different forms. Seeing different colors with the eye is, actually, an illusion. Galaxy centers are generally covered by three basic layers. The formation of the colors is based on the matters’ spreading from the galaxy centers and infiltration from these layers covering these centers. Each galaxy has a main color. The main color is the aspect that is formed by matters’-which are spread from galaxy centers- flowing motion from layers covering centers. We have named this aspect as “seftenni”. The particles moving along from the core of the Milky Way – our galaxy- get transmuted and go out of the core with a certain heat after the last collision with the particles moving from outside through inside. The particles going out from the core are filtered at the first and second layers covering the core. Getting through the outer layer (the third one), the particles get filtered for last time and change color. The last state of particles spreading from the third layer of the center with a velocity generated by a certain heat is the seftenni of the Milky Way. Seftenni is different in each galaxy and in our galaxy –the Milky Way– it is green. As we are inside the galaxy, we can’t see the sole color (green seftenni). Green seftenni’s spreading from the third layer framing the core to the boundaries of the Milky Way is fast. The highest velocity in the Universe is seftenni velocity, namely, the color velocity. Green seftenni spreading from the Milky Way collides with the oceans after passing through the Earth’s atmosphere and turns into blue due to the state of water. Rather, it acquires the color blue because of a reduction in its velocity as a result of colliding. As oceans cover three-quarters of Earth’s surface, the blue color reflected from the oceans in the open air makes the sky seem blue. So, the sky takes its blue color from the gleam of the oceans. It isn’t the oceans taking their color from the sky. The main color (green), which is unique, is multiplied as The Secret of Genesis || 13 a result of colliding with the sky, from the oceans to the sky and from the sky to the earth in different states and varies. Every object appears in different colors related to its state. Seftenni emerging from the atmosphere heads towards the atmosphere again after colliding the Earth’s surface, but it can’t get out of the atmosphere as its velocity has declined, and the single color is multiplied. Thus, the atmosphere redirects them to the Earth’s surface by the Physics Laws. If the colors went out of the atmosphere, they would reach other solar systems and create chaos. Even the green seftenni of the Milky Way can’t infiltrate outwards. Galaxies’ seftennies are confined inside by the layers covering them, so color chaos with other galaxies is prevented. No object can move by itself; it needs a driving force. As an example, explosions in the Sun are rather vital for the wind and airflow. As they reach the equator vertically, the explosions in the Sun make the air move towards both South and North. The clouds forwarded by warm air in equatorial travel through the north during winters of the northern hemisphere. The hot air reaches the Northern Hemisphere, it gets cold and in the same direction, it moves on towards South from the North Pole. It encounters the warm air mass which has headed towards North but hasn’t reached the North Pole yet. If the warm air mass coming from the South is cloud-loaded, on the contrary to the one coming from the North, it becomes faster as it isn’t cloud-loaded. This leads to the faster cold air’s twisting the warm air. After the heat is balanced, water (rain) is formed at first; if the temperature is really low, the water formed by twisting freezes in the air and there, it hails. If the temperature is even lower, the water formed in the first place turns into snow before reaching the Earth’s surface. During spring and fall months, two airwaves loaded cloud, having the same heat and velocity meet by colliding. As the heat and velocity (power) are balanced, no twisting occurs 14 || The Last Adam after colliding and electricity released there to make the lightning occur with a great noise. Supposing that, the velocity of a warm airwave moving along from South to the North velocity is 300 km/h and velocity of a cold air mass moving along from North to the South is 250 km/h. When they meet, there happens friction and the one with the higher velocity twist the other one. No collision occurs unless they are different types; another third object doesn’t occur and there occurs a space at the center. If this space enlarges towards the ground, it hurls and throws everything aside. The objects hitting the center go up just like in an elevator until the velocity is balanced. After the balancing, all the objects (stone, earth and so on) taken from ground fall to the ground again. The cyclones in the oceans hail salty water and fish to the ground when they get unpowered. Whirlwinds occur in this way. The major whirlwinds occur in the oceans and American Continent, the minor ones occur in the other continents, often occur in the same places. The reason why they often occur in America is that its surface area is smaller than Asia and the mountains in Asia have a greater impact. Asia and America are equilibrant landmasses for the occurrence of weather events. High mountains affect the air masses. Just like magnets, they push the air masses. These air masses rarely flow away towards the Atlantic Ocean. When two air masses that are cloudless and at the same velocity meet, at the place of friction – all the things (planes, ships and so on) in the air or ocean – fall into pieces all of a sudden. The rotational velocity of the air atoms decreases substantially while passing through the poles. The atoms moving along from the poles to the equator get clustered according to their rotational velocity. The atoms rotating at the same velocity accumulate around a center and create an invisible disk rotating around itself. The water atoms between the ground and cloud layer – it is a 15 km distance- blend with The Secret of Genesis || 15 these rotating clusters. If the velocity of water atoms reaches the velocity of air atoms, the water atoms freeze in the clusters and get crystalized; they become visible all of a sudden in the form of a bright disk rotating around itself with the light reflecting from the ground and the moon. On the other hand, air atoms twisted inward by the heat particles coming from the Sun and when its own top spiral particles’ rotating velocity reaches the rotating velocity of the heat particles coming from the Sun, they get flowed and generate a warm wind. The crystallized clusters mentioned above disperse and become invisible upon meeting such a warm wind. The ones witnessing a bright rotating disk being visible and getting out of sight suddenly believe that they are UFOs. However, they witness an ordinary weather event. The Milky Way doesn’t rotate from the center to periphery; rather, it rotates inwards by contracting. Including the Sun, all the stars are on the way to the center of the Milky Way. The reason why the surrounding galaxies appear to move away is that both the Milky Way and the other galaxies are in the position of contracting. We can exemplify the formation of galaxies with a figurative sample: During fishing, fisherman spreads the fishnet firstly and then gathers it. Both galaxies and solar systems were spread like this in some way. Now they are getting together. Currently, the Milky Way is being rolled up. The result of rolled up galaxies is humankind’s perfection (maturity). The Milky Way has a spiral shape and it is a part of another spiral structure just like itself. This spiral structure contains billions of large and small galaxies including the Milky Way and its center absorbs the galaxies just as the galaxy centers absorb stars. This spiral structure involving billions of galaxies is inside a seven-storied structure that prophets name as “seven heavens”. Every storey1 is a center by itself. We have named each of these centers as “Kömbe” and the

1 The term “center” means “gathering point”, not the midpoint. 16 || The Last Adam seven-storied structure as “the Seven Kömbes.”

“Do you not consider how Allah has created seven heavens in layers?” (Qur’an 71:15)

We understand that “the Seven Kömbes” is so enormous that no one can perceive its greatness in real terms under the light of this information: Among storeys, the first Kömbe (center) is the smallest one containing about one trillion galaxies including the Milky Way. The second Kömbe above the first one involves about three trillions of Kömbes, each of which is as big and crowded as ours. The third Kömbe involves about nine trillions of Kömbes, each of which is as big and crowded as the second one; and in this way, thinking that in each Kömbe until the seventh one, galaxies’ greatness and numbers increase. We can understand that the Seven Kömbes involving all of them is so great that no human brain can perceive it in real terms. However, the great Seven Kömbes and quadrillions like them, mean nearly nothing comparing with the whole universe. The structure of Seven Kömbes structure is like one of the thousands of seeds in fig and there are countless of fig trees in the Universe. All these structures (solar systems, galaxies, Kömbes and upper structures) are connected. Each system has a peculiar sense and a program. Having a closer look at the Seven Kömbe; the Universe involves numerous galaxies. The Blue World we live in is contained by the Solar System. The Solar System is a part of the Milky Way that also contains billions of solar systems. The Milky Way is in the First Kömbe that holds about one trillion galaxies similar to the Milky Way. The heat in the center of the Milky Way is so high that it is impossible to measure it, and the essence of it is black. The external part has seemingly a light color because of the low heat coverings and the gleam caused by the collisions on the surface. The central heat of the first Kömbe is higher than the The Secret of Genesis || 17 heat of the galaxies which it holds, and its color is different. This is valid for each Kömbe and upper Kömbes. The first Kömbe will absorb all the galaxies -including the Milky Way- one by one like a swirl and later on, it will unite with the other six Kömbes. It is nearly impossible to imagine how a state it will reach after the unity of the Seven Kömbes. The Seven Kömbes will transmute after the unity and continue its existence in that state. In addition, there are numerous structures. Their features and magnitudes are different from the Seven Kömbes. The Seven Kömbes isn’t as big as even a mosquito, and it is one of the smallest among the other ones. It is impossible to explain the other structures. Words are inadequate and there is nothing similar to them to compare. Anyway, we have nothing to do with them. Firstly, we are going to get to know ourselves. Our environment and the system will follow it. We are going to find out answers to such questions such as what our origin is, why we are here, where we will reach, what final destination of existence is, what distinguishes us from plants and animals, etc. There are three phases of the brain. Common people’s brain is lower than in the first phase. The intellection of the people whose brain is in the first phase is naturally different from the ones whose brains haven’t had any progress. They are aware of the meaning of the matter. The intellection of the people reached the second phase alternate between the matter and the meta-matter. These people are called “havas”. Their knowledge is “Discovery”. The ones who have reached the third phase perceive the things discovered by the others. They are called “hass-ul havas”. Their knowledge is via “sight”. They have a visible power from the Divine Power. They reveal states of miracles (extraordinary states) as a power form the Holistic Power. These people have gone beyond the servitude and reached divinity. They 18 || The Last Adam experience their worship and divinity concurrently. Besides, in case of necessity, prophets are the ones whom doors of knowing darkness are opened. Prophets brain structures and programs are convenient for them. They can see it but no one else. The revelation comes off for them and some of them are assigned to explain holy books. It isn’t right to call them “philosophers”. Their positions are different; they have experienced a great leap in their brains. No wise people can have the position that prophets have. If anyone thinks that wise people can reach the dignity of prophets, as well, it means nothing but just their own opinion. The Secret of Genesis || 19


Just as the human body is corrupted (death) and disintegrates into the matters composing it in due time, infinite worlds in the infinite matter universe get corrupted and transform into other realms. The Genesis and the Fall momently occur in numerous places in the Universe. A created brain can’t grasp everything going on in the universe. The Seven Kömbes is a holistic structure with its components. The formations of Kömbe and galaxies are similar. The things we are going to mention about the formation of the Milky Way and Solar System will help comprehension of the Seven Kömbes better. The most powerful element of the First Kömbe is fire, and the other one is AEW (The raw material of Air, Earth, and Water is named as AEW). Fire and AEW are counters. A combination of these counters generates galaxies. Thus, these two counters are mixed in the galaxies of the First Kömbe. The Milky Way, as well, has been formed by the combination of a specific fire and AEW mass. The character of fire is to be hot and the character of AEW is to be cold due to the air in it. Fire is more powerful than AEW in terms of velocity and temperature. In this structure, fire symbolizes male character and AEW symbolizes female one. The fire was the sole structure holding different types of fire inside. AEW was the sole structure as the primary material of air, earth, and water. They were on the move as two separate invisible smoky matters before forming the Milky Way. Upon meeting, they draw each other –just as 20 || The Last Adam the interaction between male and female characters. As the velocity of fire was higher than AEW’s velocity, it covered AEW and twisted it inward. Just like a whirlwind, they started to rotate by intermingling. We are going to call the warmest, the most intense and the purest form of the fire as “essence-fire”. The essence-fire was accumulating in the center by resolving and filtering just as how oil of milk comes out via decomposing after shaking. Until the velocities of the fire and AEW were balanced, the essence-fire kept on accumulating in the center by flowing. Until velocities of essence-fire and AEW were balanced, the flow of essence-fire through the center continued without any collision between them; because there wasn’t a counter activity at that time. On the contrary, there was general compaction towards the center. However, this counter activity of AEW led new states to emerge by colliding with each other after the velocity balance was achieved. The rest of the essence-fire that couldn’t reach the center after the velocity balance went on moving towards the center of the fire-AEW mixture rotating like a swirl. When the essence-fire slid through the center as its density and velocity decreased to a degree under its normal velocity, on the contrary, AEW’s velocity increased and moved outwards, a kind of being driven away. In the center of curling transformed into a nebulous swirl with the early collisions, a little spark (light) emerged. The spark was expanding as the collisions were spreading out from the center to outwards in parallel with AEW activity. The spark in the center whose brightness and extent were increasing was the gleam emitted by the center rotating with the nebulous formation. The pure light spreading up and down from the center is still that gleam at the beginning; it doesn’t mean the fire moves from inward to outward. Because the center doesn’t let the essence move out as it curves inward like a swirl, but this The Secret of Genesis || 21 gleam radiates heat like fire. As the fire twisted AEW inwards, velocity balancing occurred from inside to outside. Thus, AEW condensed in the inner parts started going out. This led to collisions expanding from inside to outside and caused different successive fire-AEW mixture layers to emerge the center in the Milky Way firstly. The fire that moved to the center with the early collisions that we name as “first collision” shifted from the pure state to the first state that we call “first fire”. Then, it started to accumulate around the essence-fire that was in the deepest part of the curve and formed the first circle. The intensity and heat of the first fire are lower than the intensity and heat of the essence-fire; because as long as the fire changes state, its intensity decreases and its heat drop. AEW spread outward from the first circle during that time. While the second collision was in progress, the fire changed state from the first state to the second state, which we name as “second fire”, and started to accumulate around the first fire, it formed the second circle. AEW, as well, passed to the second circle in this process. While the third collision was in progress, the fire changed state from the second state to the third one, which we name as the third fire, and started to accumulate around the second fire, it formedthe third circle. AEW, as well, passed to the third circle in this process. While the fourth collision was in progress, the fire changed its state from the third state to the fourth one, which we name as the fourth fire, and started to accumulate around the third fire, it formed the fourth circle. AEW, as well, passed to the fourth circle in this process. While the fifth collision was in progress, the fire changed state from the fourth state to the fifth one, which we name as the fifth fire, and started to accumulate around the fourth fire, it formed the fifth circle. AEW, as well, passed to the fifth circle in this process. 22 || The Last Adam

While the sixth collision was in progress, the fire changed state from the fifth state to the sixth one, which we name as the sixth fire, and started to accumulate around the fifth fire, it formed the sixth circle. AEW spread out by going through the sixth circle. At the end of the six collisions, the center of the galaxy became rather evident by the superimposition of the six layers each of that had specifically density. The state that fire and AEW reached after the sixth collision had a low density. This state of fire and AEW surrounded the sixth circle constantly expanded to outwards and formed a depth that was perceived as space. It took the center apart from the entire structure by creating a tear around the layer underneath in some way. Therefore, a spiral annulus was formed around it. Both the center and annulus continued to rotate around the same axis.

“Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne.” (, 7:54)

Meanwhile, the essence-fire bulks in the circle surrounding the central part unceasingly continued to move to the central part in a row as if they were following lines of a disk on their spiral orbits. In this process, the collision of AEW with essence-fire bulks enabled them to twist the essence-fire bulks. Because of the velocity of the essence-fire bulks in the spiral annulus was higher than AEW’s, these masses included the fire-AEW mixture in its body by absorbing them asif they were sweeping with the gravitation coming out by the curling. Besides, they condensed by squeezing through the centers. The opposing activity formed by the velocity balance of the billions of disconnected bulks, which were twisted by the essence-fire and became a fire-AEW mixture caused the fire to collide with AEW as in the center of the galaxy and change their state. The Secret of Genesis || 23

Billions of fire masses moving along to the center of galaxy wandering on one hand, and concentrating into their centers by colliding with AEW, on the other hand, looked like baby galaxies that wanted to meet their moms. All the solar systems were formed by the concentration towards the centers of these masses of the fire-AEW mixture. It cannot be concluded that a stagnancy remains in the Milky Way and other galaxies. Each galaxy continues its dynamism by taking in its suns in turn. Galaxies don’t move away from each other. As solar systems of each galaxy go through the centers on spiral orbits, galaxies shrink. In other words, their diameters decrease. Thus, when the distance between the outermost solar systems of any two galaxies rises, the distance between their centers doesn’t change. In the Qur’an, the move of the Solar System towards the center of the Galaxy is mentioned in the verse below:

“And the Sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point” (Qur’an 36:38)

The target of the Sun (headquarter) is the center of the Milky Way. When the Milky Way was still nebulous; the flow of the essence-fire bulks spread around all the nebulous towards the center continued perpetually by the movement of solar systems through the center after the completion of the Milky Way’s formation. It still goes on. The fire changes color as its velocity and heat increase and somewhere it starts to turn into black. To exemplify, the Sun looks red at first sight, the light which it radiates is white and this is the way how it appears filtered in the third layer after the last collision. The gas in the gas cylinder is red when it is first ignited, it becomes blue when it is a bit accelerated and when a bit more accelerated, it becomes white. The galaxy centers that have consumed its AEW are pure fire patterns and no gleam occurs in these centers, as there is no collision.2 That’s why, they are jet-black; however, they continue moving through inwards, the essence-fire pulls the other fire layers towards itself. The different rotating velocity of these fire layers reaches the rotating velocity of the essence-fire from inside to outside. At the end of this process, at the all over the center, the velocity at its peak reaches the center of the First Kömbe. The process of moving away from AEW is valid not only for galaxies but also for the Solar Systems that are smaller than galaxies and the Seven Kömbes that are much more gigantic than galaxies and its sub-Kömbes. So, these jet-black structures, as they can be as large as a star, might be as big as a center of a galaxy that is billions of times bigger than a star, or as big as a center of Kömbe which is quadrillion times larger than a star. In the Milky Way, star centers that moved away from AEW before reaching the center continue their journey towards the center in black color. The formation of solar systems comes out there with contraction of fire and AEW toward their centers after the collision of fire masses that reached a certain width and AEW. Following this contraction, firstly, planets were formed from outside in. Later on, the Suns completed their formation in the centers. We mean; planets aren’t spread to the orbits after drawing apart from the Sun, rather, they are formed on the

2 Gleam occurs in the places where the heat bits radiated from the galaxy or the Sun hit. Heat is a kind of matter and gleam (light) is appearance. Even, that a system radiates gleam, that means it is alive. To exemplify, we can see the Sun owing to the gleam from the collisions on its surface. Gleam (light) only occurs when these heat bits hit somewhere; namely, it isn’t the light that generates heat, it is the heat that generates the gleam (light). If the bits mentioned is filtered without collision, there occurs no gleam (light). That is why we cannot see the layer surrounding the Sun, the depth perceived as space and the layers of the atmosphere. As another example, there occurs gleam (light) when atomic particles touch the wires but these particles spread around the bulb as heat, not as a gleam. Likewise, they radiate gleam in the surfaces they hit. According to the quality of the gleam radiated, the surface be- comes visible. The quality of this gleam depends on the quality of heat bits hitting the surface and quality of the surface orbits where they are placed. The Solar System also contracted from outside to inside by the twisting of essence-fire as in other systems, and the outspread fire contracted towards the center. At the end of this contraction, the Sun came up; but it was divided into three-part as if it was fluttering outside inwards as a result of the collision of mass, fire, and AEW, which formed the system already, the first, second and third states’ occurring. Each part was subdivided and generated planet groups. While two planets that have yet to be discovered in the outer part; three in the middle part, and four in the interior part were formed, between the outer and the middle part, Pluto and between the middle and interior part, Jupiter came out as spotted planets. In the center of the planets of the outer part, two collisions came out. As the centers were moved away from AEW, collisions decreased to one and then ended. That AEW changed into second state and fire remained at the first state caused them to freeze (solidify). So these planets were fixed; because when AEW changed state and became a second state, the fire remained in the first state, and therefore the fire was stuck to AEW.3 That is how the three planets from outside were formed.4 The reason why the planets in this group, which haven’t been explored yet is that they are distant and separate. Following the outer group, the middle group Neptune- Uranus-Saturn all left as a whole structure. The central accumulation of the Neptune-Uranus-Saturn group is the

3 Normally the fire is stronger. If AEW changes its states, but fire doesn’t, this time AEW becomes stronger than the fire and imprisons the fire. This state goes on until they reach their essence. Normally being stronger remain the same for the fire, col- liding but not changing state allows AEW. Essences of both; the fire and AEW, are such different that any person hasn’t seen them until now. 4 Two planets, actually, apart from the planets we have named C and G for now, there was formed a meteoric object on the outermost planet; three objects with it. Lots of big and small stonelike objects came out in the outer parts at the time of generation. 26 || The Last Adam third fire. It left the outer group as there occurred collisions for three times in the center of this group. After the middle group left, there, a planet named Pluto remained between the middle group and the outer one. That is why Pluto has the features of both groups. In the center of Jupiter, the inward contraction increased rapidly as the second fire was more intense near the first fire. The center was formed in Jupiter differently since the inward collisions in the first fire were delayed in the areas that were close to the surface. Jupiter couldn’t leak the first fire inward, so it collected AEW at most in its center. In the areas close to the outer surface, there were leftovers of the first fire. There, an imbalance occurred when the first fire to move inward collided with AEW filtered to the surface by the inner collision. The first fire slides in by its nature due to curling. In Jupiter, normalizing of the earth, no perpetual motion of water and the first fire’s move from inside to opposite direction (not towards the center, but outwards) in the last period caused the earth storm on the surface. The storm didn’t stay on the surface of Jupiter but reached Saturn along with the stones, but the stony-earthy ring around Saturn was formed in the process of Saturn’s forming stuck inward. The earth formed firstly couldn’t stay on the surface while Saturn was compressing inward. It remained as a ring on the crust that formed the surface of the mass that sustained the compression. When it comes to the separation of the inner group… The first fire formed at the end of the first collision in the spiral of fire-AEW that generated the Solar System. The essence-fire accumulated in the depth of the spiral center didn’t turn into the first fire because it didn’t have a collision. Until the division into three parts, the first fire highly flowed through the center and covered the essence-fire as a layer. When division occurred, in the center of mass where the inner group was formed, in a very small amount essence-fire had been twisting. The Secret of Genesis || 27

This center twisted by the first fire was different in two significant terms from the main center where the Sun was formed. Firstly, it was very small. It was pulling the first-fire into itself but the first fire had already flowed into the main center at a high amount. Secondly, the gravity at the main center – even it’s a little - was a lot more than the gravity of the center where the first fire was twisted as the essence-fire, itself, was there. However, unlike Solar Systems’ approaching towards the center of galaxies, the center where the first fire twisted was turning around the main center that is much bigger than it, but the distance between them wasn’t decreasing. There were two major reasons for that: The first reason was the non-existence of essence-fire in the center where the first fire twisted. The other reason was that the center where the first fire twisted came out at a distance, which the main center’s gravity domination completed –at a point where the balance had already kept-. The second state of fire and AEW came out at the distance where the first fire accumulated at the center of the inner group’s mass was purged. At that distance, when the second fire started to twist in two separate centers, the whole mass was divided into three. The center where the first fire was twisted is the current center of the Earth (its core). That’s why we will name the first fire as the core-fire hereupon. The Earth was formed from the mass in the gravity of this center, Venus and Mars were formed from the masses related to the gravity of two centers where the second fire was twisted. The inner compression of Mars and the excess mass of Venus caused them to break away. The Earth began to form. The core-fire in the center of Earth increased the gravity and density of it. Venus is the first one to break away from the Mars-Earth- 28 || The Last Adam

Venus mass. It is the opposite compared with other groups.5 During the waving from outside in; Mars remained a kind of down there, Venus was slightly above in some way before Mars. However, Venus was influenced before Mars. They broke away from the entire structure just in a few seconds difference.6 Mercury broke from Venus and its center is the third fire. Because of these breakaways, both sides of the Earth moved in millimeters. The Earth first leaned towards Venus, then to Mars and then straightened. The leaning and straightening movements increasingly continued millimeter by millimeter until the formation of the Earth’s atmosphere and its contraction was substantially completed. After a very long time, bending time towards one direction was fixed as a period of six months. The Earth has been steadily bending from north to south in six months and from the south to the north in six months until now since the moment this period was fixed. The Earth periodically bends to the forefront -towards the Sun- in every three months; then it straightens up, leans back to the other side, to backward respectively. The Earth spends three months for each of the mentioned movements, too. The angle between the eccentric plane and the equatorial plane reaches to the greatest degree twice a year. The seasons don’t come out of the Earth’s rotating around the Sun in an elliptical orbit with a fixed elliptical angle. On the contrary, they come out by the periodic change of the Earth’s angle with the ecliptic plane of the Earth axis. The rotation orbit of the Earth is circular, and the seasons are formed separately from the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. Planets have several missions. For instance, they balance the vitality on the World and provide differences between all beings; they form diversity and so on… The Earth is a unique place having suitable conditions for living beings. 5 They are separated from each other by the effect of waving outside in. 6 In other clusters, while the planets are divided from outside to inside, in the cluster of Mars - Earth – Venus, firstly the inner side is split and the mass of Venus and Mercury formed is separated from Mars. The Secret of Genesis || 29

To sum up, the total number of planets in the Solar System is twelve out of the nine known planets, along with two unexplored outer planets and another planet that looks like a meteorite. Twelve planets all already have different features and missions. Having the same features and missions would be against the law of “ONE.ness”. Moreover, if it weren’t twelve planets, it wouldn’t be twelve months in a year.7 The Sun completed its formation after the planets had completed theirs. The essence-fire relating us to the Milky Way is currently in the center of the Sun. In the Sun; the essence-fire was surrounded by the core-fire, the core-fire was surrounded by the second fire, then the third and the fourth fire, respectively. The five layers of the Sun were completed at the end of five collisions. The core-fire exists in the deepest layer of the Earth’s center. In time, the core was surrounded by the second, third and fourth fires. These all occurred as a result of four collisions in the Earth. In the planets formed by the twisting of the second fire, the second fire in the center was surrounded by the third fire and the third fire was surrounded by the fourth fire, as well. In the planets formed by the third fire’s twisting, the third fire in the center was surrounded by the fourth and fifth fire. There, three collisions occurred in the planets formed by both the second and third fire’s twisting. As the core-fire wasn’t present in the center of the planets except for the Earth, before t second and third fire cleared off, AEW inside them had already frozen. That is why the other planets are inactive and lifeless.

7 When Yusuf said to his father, “O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the Sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me.” As conclud- ed from this verse, eleven planets, Sun and moon prostrated to Yusuf in this event indicated by a dream. Yusuf means the Universe. The information given doesn’t contradict with the Quran; because the number of the planet reported in the Quran with this verse is twelve. The Solar System already was created for the Universe with all its elements. 30 || The Last Adam

The situation for two planets that haven’t been explored yet is different. Just two collisions occurred in them. Briefly, the Sun, the Earth and the planets except undiscovered two ones were rotating in five, four and three circles respectively. As the core-fire twisted the center of the Earth from inside, it pulls the fire genus to itself. The fire has no weight at all; but because of that center rotates via twisting through inside, the fire is pulled to the center and this makes gravity occurred. The gravity isn’t related to the self-rotation of the Earth. For example, an object may weigh differently in different parts of the Earth. The reason why that object weighs differently is that the core-fire rotating in the center has different impacts on those places. Also, the impact of the gravitation is different for the mobile and immobile objects. The tides in large water bodies occur as the gravity of core- fire gravity prompts the waters depending on the rotation of the core-fire in the center of the Earth around the outer circle. As the core-fire completes its circle in the center in 12 hours, tides occur twice a day. The tide varies according to the regions, as the impact of the core-fire rotating at the center depends on the distance to the Earth’s crust. It has been concluded from the harmony between the rotation of the moon around the Earth and the rotation of the core-fire in the center that the moon has a gravitational force. The moon has no such effect on the waters of the Earth. The reason why the gravitation in the Moon and the other planets is less than the Earth is that they don’t have core-fire in their centers. In their structure, as the twists are caused by the second and upper fires, the twists in the center remain weaker. These planets aren’t convenient for living beings as the atmosphere is different, and many of the elements that are present on the Earth aren’t found in other planets. The gravitation on the Earth was too much before the primary living things were created and it only became The Secret of Genesis || 31 convenient in the period of creation of the primary walking animals. All the living things have core-fire and it is in the birds at least. The most significant factor making the birds fly is that the core-fire in their system is too little. If the amount of core-fire in the mainlanders were more than normal, they wouldn’t be able to walk due to the gravitation of the core-fire in the center. We have mentioned, “The core of the Earth is related to the Sun”. Large and small masses from bursts of solar flares (from recent collisions in the outer circle of the Sun) move thousands of kilometers away from the surface and go back to the surface of the Sun. Because of that gravitation occurs in the Sun due to the revolving of the core-fire and other types of fire, the masses exploding and moving away are withdrawn to the surface. Otherwise, since there is no force (friction) like the weather in the Earth that would block them in the depths of the Milky Way, perhaps the masses fifty times bigger than the Earth would spread around the Sun and never come back. Moreover, this gravitation depends on the velocity of internal rotation and the volume of fire. For example, an object that weighs a million kilos in the world weighs a kilo in the Sun. Otherwise, the masses pulled by the Sun would have caused great damage to the surface after their fall there. These damages would have also been visible with a telescope. The layers surrounding the Sun prevent the sound and heat of the final collision in the Sun from spreading around. These layers shouldn’t be considered as the layers of the Sun, because these layers surround the Sun in three circles intimately. They cannot be observed by the matter-eye. The first layer returns a large part of the sound and heat of the last collision on the Sun’s surface to the Sun. Sound and heat, which can be filtered from the first layer, are caught in the second layer; and the ones that are filtered in the second layer are returned from the third layer. Only the heat leaking from the last layer spreads around. If the heat from the last 32 || The Last Adam collision of the Sun spread around invariably, it would melt the Earth. The heat radiated from the heater in the Earth is reduced as it goes away. The air cools the heat from the heater about which, we have mentioned as “The feature of the air is to be cold.” The heat doesn’t decrease depending on the distance because there is no air outside the atmosphere. Outside the Earth’s atmosphere, there is no air in the depth perceived as space.8 A burning substance doesn’t die down after it reaches out of the atmosphere; it keeps on with its former state before leaving the atmosphere. The case for the comets is similar, as well. The amount of heat spreading from the Sun through each planet is equal. The heat doesn’t decrease as they move away from the Sun. The heat of the planets depends on their atmosphere, not on their distance to the Sun. The intensity of the heat coming from the last collision of the Sun is low and it spreads around rather fast. The heat filtered in the third layer is still intense even though the layers surrounding the Sun make the velocity lower. The most important mission of the atmosphere is to reduce the intensity of the heat a bit more and to brighten its light. This is also beneficial instead of being harmful to living things. The Sun has traction and impulse in itself. The escape of the AEW in the Sun makes out its impulse, and moving of the fire through inside the Sun makes out its traction. The initial form of the Sun was bigger than its current form. Due to the decrease in AEW and the compression inward, there is a constant shrinkage in the Sun. The final collision occurred in the outer surface very loudly (just like roaring). The surface constantly swashes due to the last collision. Initially, as the outer layer covering the core was thicker,

8 Just as the atmosphere is perceived as empty, but actually, it is filled with air, this depth is not empty, either. Some elements have not yet been discovered in the point. The air we breathe is the third form of the air. The air that fills the depth is raw. For this reason, we cannot perceive the air filling the space. Also, these elements are not gas; but in their nature, they are not stable and move faster than gas. The Secret of Genesis || 33 the heat radiated from the Sun was less comparing with current heat. Let’s say, the temperature of the hottest place in the Earth is 60 degrees now, it was 45 degrees at that time. The temperature of the other regions can be calculated regarding this. With the last collision on the surface of the Sun, AEW reaches a form just like a kind of vitamin and spreads around. The light is the gleam of the lightning that comes out with the power of the collision. The fire in the outermost circle slides in with this collision. If it slides out, it will instantly burn the living beings on the Earth. The Sun was formed by that the essence-fire at the center of the system pulled the fire towards itself and concentrated it at the final phase of the Solar System’s formation. The opposite directional movement of AEW caused fire-AEW collisions. Because of the collisions, the fire and AEW changed the state. Collisions completed in five steps caused five different types of fire to form five layers one after another. We named the entrance and exit surfaces of the fire layers as “Circle.” The formation process of the Sun, just like the Milky Way’s; In the first collision process, the fire changed its state from the pure state to the first one as we call the first fire and it formed the first circle by accumulating around the essence- fire. AEW spread outward from the first circle in the opposite direction. In the second collision process, the fire changed its state from the first state to the second one that we call the second fire and it formed the second circle by accumulating around the first fire. AEW passed to the second circle. In the third collision process, the fire changed its state from the second state to the third one that we call the third fire and it formed the third circle by accumulating around the second fire. AEW passed to the third circle. In the fourth collision process, the fire changed its state from the third state to the fourth one that we call the fourth fire 34 || The Last Adam and it formed the fourth circle by accumulating around the third fire. AEW passed to the fourth circle. In the fifth collision process, the fire changed its state from the fourth state to the fifth one that we call the fifth fire and it formed the fifth circle by accumulating around the fourth fire. AEW spread outward passing through the fifth circle. At the end of five collisions, the Sun became more marked as the five layers at a certain density were rolled up. The state of the fire and AEW after these five collisions were low in terms of density.9 We named this state as “Gezgez”. Surrounding the fifth circle, Gezgez kept expanding outwards and formed a depth perceived as space and the Sun became marked as a fireball. In the same process, in the Earth; In the first collision process, while the fire was forming the core during the first state, AEW spread around from the nucleus outward in the opposite direction. In the second collision process, the fire changed its state from the first state to the second one that we call thesecond fire and while accumulating around the first fire, formed the second circle, AEW passed to the second circle. In the third collision process, the fire changed its state from the second state to the third one that we call the third fire and while accumulating around the second fire, formed the third circle, AEW passed to the third circle. In the fourth collision process, the fire changed its state from the third state to the fourth one that we call the fourth fire and while accumulating around the third fire, formed the fourth circle, AEW passed to the fourth circle and spread out. At the end of the four collisions, the world became marked when the four layers at a certain density were rolled up. The state that the fire and AEW reached after the fourth collision was low in terms of density.10 We named this state as “Gez”.

9 A denser state compared to the sixth state of fire and AEW 10 A denser state compared to the fifth state of fire and AEW The Secret of Genesis || 35

Gez surrounding the fourth circle kept expanding outwards and formed the depth perceived as space around the Earth. At the end of these four collisions, the Earth became marked as a fireball. Initially, like the Sun, the Earth was continually shaken by its surface of the fire, and it seemed like a younger form of the Sun. In the cleaning process of the essence-fire at the center of Earth, Gez (the fourth state of AEW mixed with the essence- fire) that spread out from the surface of the Earth that day met with Gezgez (the fifth state of AEW mixed with essence- fire) that was moved away from the Sun. Because they didn’t have similar states from each other – because the essence-fire is mixed in Gezgez at a rate of per million comparing with Gez – they collided and emerged out another state. The layer that came out from this state is the outermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere started to be formed out by the collision of these two different fire states; one was the fifth state of AEW mixed with essence-fire, the other was the fourth state of AEW mixed with core-fire. One of them fed the atmosphere’s forming process from outside, the other fed it from inside. At the layer between Gez and Gezgez, Gezgez coming from outside formed the upper part and Gez coming from inside formed the lower part. Neither the one coming from outside could enter in, nor the one coming from inside could go out. Gezgez supporting the atmosphere from outside, started to accumulate outside as it couldn’t enter in and Gez supporting the atmosphere from inside started to accumulate inside since it couldn’t go out. Gez and Gezgez layers balanced each other with this intermediate layer. We have named the start and finish points of the distance at which the collisions took place as “Circle”. Suppose that we divide the distance between two circles into 100 equidistant points. The air started to accumulate in the atmosphere when the collision fell to 3.99 from 4; because AEW filtered from other 36 || The Last Adam layers and core-fire was thrown away like air from the circle of the last collision until the collision fell to 3.5. When the collision fell to 3.5, the formation of water started, but it wasn’t the one that we drink. The water’s formation continued until the collision fell to 3. The earth (meaning land/soil, not the World as a planet) is the AEW’s state between the second and the third circle. The earth started to form after the collisions fell to 2.99 from 3 upon the formation of air and water. This formation continued until it reached 2. If AEW stays under the second circle, the earth doesn’t form or if it goes above the third circle, the earth loses its edge. Between 2.99 and 2.90, more or less the same kind of earth was formed. Another kind was formed between 2.89 and 2,80. It continued so on until it reached 2. When the collision fell to 3, fire (core-fire, 2nd fire, 3rd fire) and AEW (air, earth, water) were formed out in three different states and this led to the diversification of their mixtures and generated many kinds of earth. Let’s say, AEW has completed its collision at fewer than 2.90. AEW has both air and earth and water features at this point. If there is little air and lots of water in AEW and core- fire is mixed with the AEW there while passing from the 2nd circle to the 1st one, oil is formed. The flammability of petroleum is due to the mixture of water and core-fire, and its heaviness is due to the mixture of earth. The earth doesn’t form in case of the mixture in which the air accumulation is more than water and the water and the core-fire balance each other. In this case, natural gas forms. The inflammableness of natural gas is due to the fire and its lightness is due to the air. Moreover, AEW rarely slips during intermittent times. Precious metals get formed during these slips.11

11 We mention this knowledge briefly. In case of necessity, we are ready to share all the knowledge we have and nothing –except “time”- can limit us. The Secret of Genesis || 37

Furthermore, AEW rarely passes to other layers. If it passes, at those times precious metals consist. The Earth’s Crust started to be formed by the continued increase in accumulation of AEW which was at 2.99 before the third collision; after the collision fell to 3, it had its second collision. At this stage, AEW steps up to the third collision, continued to accumulate above the ground and in the atmosphere until a definite point. The earth started to condense as a result of the earth’s accumulation increase at the surface and the fire’s compressing inwards. As the fire slipped inwards, the earth on the surface became more condensed. This took a long time. Further condensation of the earth led to the formation of a state similar to the boiling of bulgur pilaf cooked in the cooker. The mountains began to be formed with the accumulation of earth that was bubbling noisily by the continuous filtering with boiling and along the sides where the earth was thrown out. The plains today surrounded by the mountains in the Earth were the holes those days. In the same period, stones were formed at the time AEW had the second collision. The stones are soil-fire mixtures that were thrown out together with the boiling earth -as soon as the AEW has passed to the second collision before the time required for the complete conversion of the soil. Therefore, there is too little air and water in the stones. While the boiling was still going on, the surface of the Earth was gradually solidified and the Earth’s crust was formed, as the AEW was thrown out of the inner circles, the soil accumulated on the surface and the fire continued to be filtered into the inner parts. Before the earth was solidified, the earth had the feature of being bent and twisted like dough; but it wasn’t like mud; because the water wasn’t on the crust yet, but it was above, trapped in the atmosphere and not grounded yet. The heat of earth prevented water from going down to the Earth’s surface. 38 || The Last Adam

The fact that the heat of the dough-like earth was a lot high and the air in the atmosphere was cold caused the water in the atmosphere to circulate between earth and sky. The water-cooled and densified by coming down to the Earth’s surface and went back to the atmosphere evaporating in some way by the heat of the earth. The water circulated for such a long time that way. Meanwhile, as the collisions in the Earth were more intense in some places, the accumulation of dough-like earth that was pushed out increased in those places. The surface of the Earth began to solidify from the endpoints of these accumulations to the downside with the cooled waters descending from the atmosphere to the Earth’s crust. Thus, while the mountains were being formed, the initial cooling occurred at the high places of the mountains. Another factor that accelerated the cooling process was that the air, soil, water mixture, which wasn’t decomposed yet between a certain distance of the atmosphere and the Earth’s crust, prevented the Sun’s heat from coming down. In this period, there was a special state of the earth in the water -which came out in the collisions between 4 and 3 of AEW-. The fire wasn’t a proper fire; it was like a kind of ray. The process of cooling continued along with the further condensation of earth and the water’s cooling and raining heavily. While the circulations were cooling the water, the heat rose from earth at a very high degree; but as the altitude increased from the Earth’s crust to the water layer, which is the first layer of the atmosphere, there was a decline in the temperature. That the cooled and condensed water’s reaching the Earth’s crust which was a lot hotter over a short period (just as a cold bottle of water’s suddenly being taken out of the fridge to a warmer place) generated an opposition leading to the fog formation. At that time, nothing at all would have been visible if looked from outside. The atmosphere became clear after the cooled water came down, left the special earth to the ground and was sent The Secret of Genesis || 39 to the atmosphere again by the heat of the ground, and this situation was repeated for a long time. The raining water was a kind of muddy one. The water between the atmosphere and the Earth’s crust became clear by the separation of the special earth from the water by the circulations. The special earth that was diffused from the water collapsed on the cooled the Earth’s crust by the circulations. Therefore, the Earth’s crust got cooled and it was covered with a different state of the earth. We named this special state of soil as “Cream”. In the inner circles, the end of the second circle after the nucleus was forming the third collision. As long as the AEW continued to decline and the earth continued to thicken, AEW coming from inside missed the time to move to the third state because of that the core-fire became clear and expanded its volume. Thus, the number of collisions decreased to two. So, when the collision fell from 3 to 2.90, and then fell through to the second circle, the ground cover got thicker inwards even more. That the air element mixed in AEW was cold and light made it easier for the soil to go out of the circle where the collisions occurred and to thicken by accumulating under the Earth’s crust. After the Earth’s surface got cooled and normalized, a part of the AEW between the two circles where it was close to the outer circle was erupting out of the channels on the circles revolving inside (from volcanoes) without attaching to the earth. The filtered AEW has to throw itself out at its first state. The first state of AEW is the crude form of air, earth, and water. Since the air in the inner part didn’t have its current clarity, AEW tending to go out while weaving around on the top accumulates and it is compressed in certain parts of the interior part. AEW in the form of mixed with the fire has one collision in the last circle where it is trapped. The interior of the earth is shaped in curvature, but there are indented points in many parts of that curve. If there is an AEW 40 || The Last Adam accumulation in the indentation where the earth thickness is reduced, the AEW accumulation that the inner rotation brings from behind hits the AEW accumulation in the indentation violently while passing through and cracks the upper layers. So the accumulation in the indentation comes up from the crack. The reason why the first quake is severe is that the first ones coming out of the crack are massive in size. The intensity of subsequent collisions reduces gradually. As the accumulating elements decrease, the quakes also weaken and end. This is the first cause of the earthquake. These cracks are just like a person’s facial movement when compared to those of early times. For example; the greatest earthquake ever causing the separation of the continents in the world occurred at that time. Besides, fire doesn’t rotate only at one point. For example, AEW mixed with fire rotates around various circles12 in its state, according to the inner shape of the Earth’s center. As soon as it finds a place to pass through easily erupts out at that point because of a small collision. It comes out of volcanoes and thin and weak layers of oceans. Another important cause of earthquakes is the collapse in the last circle. The collapses that occur when the AEW accumulated in the recesses are swept towards the direction of rotation by the AEW coming in the next place and exit from a nearby volcano yet the continuous accumulation of AEW in the recess leads to compression at the point after a while. When the recess is empty, that part collapses.13 Additionally, the spaces formed by billions of barrels of oil taken out causes collapses under the ground in the areas

12 By the expression of various circles, the fire layers surrounding the core-fire are meant. In the outer layer, large and small fire masses rotate in various directions. 13 The reason for the earthquake in Turkey in August 1999 was that the AEW accu- mulation in the region slid towards the West and emptied the place by collapsing. AEW accumulation sliding towards West came out of the Etna volcano. The increase in the activities of Etna was the precursor of the earthquake in August. Active volca- noes indicate the earthquakes in the region beforehand this way. The Secret of Genesis || 41 where rich oil deposits are located. The third reason for earthquakes is the ongoing compression in the Earth. The most significant and fundamental cause of the earthquake is this compression. The traces of the inner compression can be seen from outside, provided that the Earth -mountains, for example- is investigated well. Because of the compression inwards, continuous slides occur towards the center in the Earth’s crust. As the Earth is still compressing inwards, it is still getting smaller -even a little- with loud and shaky earthquakes. During the process of getting clear, water’s intensive accumulation in some places led to the emergence of high mountains; during this process, the mountains have been formed and destroyed many times. The first cooling and solidification began at the high places of the set mountains. The recirculating water, when it came down, was pushed through the atmosphere each time due to the heat of the earth. Going down gradually and expanding its accumulated volume on the earth took a long time for the water in the atmosphere. The infiltration of the fire inwards in the outer circle and sliding of the collisions underside provided solidification of the earth on the surface. Events such as; earth accumulated at certain points, earth which cooled from the top slid to the underside and earth which erupted to outside accumulated again by cooling, just because of the lower part is like a dough, huge earth accumulations collapsed through lower- level caused to the dents continued over and over again for a long time. On one hand, the cooling of the earth and the accumulation of the water to the holes continued and on the other hand, the waters deposited at the holes gradually cooled off. The core layer is the deepest (the first layer) of the Earth. On the above, the earth layer follows it as a second layer. The outer part of the earth layer is the crust and the third layer formed out of the water and air lower grades surround it. The fourth layer from the top named as Gez surrounds the third 42 || The Last Adam one. The water layer is made up of two layers, namely, cloud and rain. These layers cannot leave the Earth because they are subjected to the gravity of the rotation in the center of the Earth. By the cooling down at the peaks of the high mountains, increasing of the water masses deposited in the Earth, and declining at the circulation, the water fell from the top of the cloud layer to the rain layer; that is to say, the distance from the Earth’s crust to the top of the rain layer was covered with water. Today, the water that is evaporated from the oceans by the Sun’s heat is invisible; because sun rays come from above and heat the air; they are one-sided. As the evaporated water changes state after hitting the upper limit of the cloud layer, it appears as a cloud; however, the form of the water appearing as a cloud is its crude state. The holes also cooled off following the earth formed firstly and mountains set firstly. That waters cooled offin time and fought14 with the baking earth continuously started the cooling process there, and then, the water level fell from the cloud layer to the rain layer in the atmosphere. At that time, the Earth’s surface was entirely covered with water. At last, water fell to the level of the Earth and the oceans came into being. The earth wasn’t that much tight, however, the cooling down of the Earth kept acceleration as the thickening continued internally. During the formation of the oceans, there was no water accumulation in the poles. The activity of AEW erupted by not completely cooling down of layers was preventing water accumulation in the poles. During the process of water falling to the earth from the upper parts of the rain layer, the water masses sliding from the high parts mountains to the holes by

14 What we mean by the “fight” is: While the enormous water masses meet with a burning ground covering a large area and forming a steam environment with a daunting sound and in this steam environment, it’s taking a very long time for the ground to cool down. The Secret of Genesis || 43 cooling started to cool off the water masses in the holes by interfering in the eruptions instantly. In other words, while the water with high temperature was sliding to one side, the cooled water slid to another side. These interferences caused quakes on the surface. Hence, the cooling of the water accelerated; but the agitation of the water was too slight in the mountainous regions. During this process, in the inner parts, the fire was both rotating like a swirl compressing itself inside and spreading AEW to around like a millstone. That the amount of the fire in the inner parts and water on the surface was too high make AEW erupted from the surface. Following the eruptions, the land layer of the crust cracked. The burning AEW leaking from the crack was spreading here and there. The water flowing down from around was cooling off the AEW leaking to the surface from the crack. In the meantime, the burning AEW, was constantly infiltrated from the crack as the volume of the fire rotating inside is very huge pushed the light part of the crust broken into half just as a ship swims on the water and drew it away from the other part. This pushing movement continued until the parts took their current places. This is how the continents separated from each other. The roundish shape of the inner part and its rotational movements were the other factors at the division and separation process of the continents. After that, the earth became much tighter.15 Before the water, air and earth completed their qualities; they hadn’t been as little and balanced as they are now. At that time, a large part of the earth was under the water as there wasn’t ice in the poles, snow on the mountains, water in the underground, plants having water deposit -even a little-,

15 If the continents weren’t separated from each other in the process explained above, for example if America and Asia were a single land, the life would be difficult for ani- mals and human beings; because the waves in the oceans would be bigger and faster, severe floods, storms and cyclones- that are much bigger than the current ones- would come out. Therefore, America continent makes out the surface balance. It protects Asia, Africa and European continents in some way. 44 || The Last Adam animals or human beings as in now. The earth freed by cracks and breakings started to form high altitudes by going up and ocean strata stayed at the bottom. At last, when the volume of the circulating water decreased to a little degree, the heat radiated from the Sun started to reach the Earth’s surface. At this level at which the Earth’s crust was cooling downwards, the heat radiated from the upper layer of the Sun was lower than today’s. Then, as the Earth leaned and straightened towards north and south, the freezing in poles started as the Sun’s heat came to the equator region upright and the polar region got too little heat. The water masses, then, froze and formed the glaciers. Thus, along with the freezing in poles, waters regressed from certain regions in time.16 During formation, three different types of water came out in three different layers of the atmosphere. Thus, waters of three oceans are different from each other and they don’t transgress. Human beings drink the water of different oceans each year. Let’s say, the water evaporated from the Indian Ocean fell to Europe as rain. In Europe, the same water flows into seas again by way of rivers and moves towards the oceans it belongs to. Waters search for their types in the form of currents. The vitality of waters is based on this activity.

“He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress. (Qur’an, 55:19-20)

The water of the oceans is a conserved one. There are three reasons for this. Firstly, it is the salt retarding the deterioration of the water. The second factor is the earthquakes in the oceans. The state of the AEW leaking from the cracks that it got from the last collision is like gas. When this mixes with the water, it

16 Two poles make out the tension of the Earth. The cold wind comes from the poles and the hot wind comes from the Equator. The Secret of Genesis || 45 airs the water in some way, gives freshness to the water. The third reason is related to the Sun rays which are in close position to the fifth state of AEW. These rays separate the water from the salt and give the water its entire quality upon hitting the ocean. The mixing of Sun rays with the water until the time that water turns into the cloud and falls to the ground makes the water different from the water in oceans nearly indemonstrably. Just as tomato paste and spoiling of jam is delayed if kept in the Sun, the drinkable water’s spoiling is delayed, as well. During the formation of the mountains, escaping of the residual part of the burning AEW led to the formation of channels in the underground. When the water evaporating from oceans rains on the Earth’s surface again as rain or snow, it accumulates in the underground and goes out of these channels. The water mixes with various matters at places it passes until it reaches out of those springs. Therefore, the water boiled from the ground and the water pooled without falling is different. One can understand it when he drinks it. The water evaporating from an ocean becomes a source of life for the living beings on the Earth after a while when it falls to the Earth and the rest of it returns to the ocean; that is, the water is in a circulation that prevents its deterioration. For example; if the water is pooled in one place and kept inactive state, after a while it will be got spoilt by the air; because water is also alive, more precisely, it is the ONE.ness of the invisible living things. Although all living beings are formed by the collision of two opposites in the Cosmos, the collisions that form living beings of the Solar System are too quiet to be felt yet their volumes –compared with the Sun’s- are too small. In the Solar System, fire beings (creatures) invisible to matter eye were formed firstly. There has been a little amount of “kosegi” (Granule; the basic material of fire.) mixed with essence-fire colliding with the AEW on the surface of the Sun. 46 || The Last Adam

The particles of essence-fire leaking out due to the severity of these collisions form the invisible beings that live in the Solar System. The balance of two opposite heats formed the Jinn, for example of these invisible living beings. There are seven kinds of jinn. Although all of them are called “jinn”, they are different from each other as they are formed in different processes; but we are going to generalize all of them as “jinn”, as well.

“And the jinn We created before from scorching fire.” (Qur’an 15:27)

The fire particles forming the bodies of jinn are smaller than the bodies of atoms. Their rotation velocity increases as the particles and grains get smaller. Therefore, the grains of jinn bodies rotate faster than the particles of electrical current. Moreover, according to their rotation, a faster current is generated. Due to their rotational form, a gravity keeping these particles together occurs. As their bodies are like electricity, they move without falling apart, but they are faster than electricity. The jinn living out of the atmosphere are named as “Ifrit, Hin, Tan, and Iblees”. They harm all the visible and invisible living things on the Earth. Their thoughts and wills are weak. So they are unbalanced. The main reason for this situation is the essence-fire in their structure. Some of them are more gifted –just as human beings have different capabilities– compared to the other ones. Due to the excess of essence-fire in their form, they used to move much faster, go and return to the Zodiac just about fifteen centuries ago. They used to get knowledge of what would happen on the Earth. They informed the pharaoh’s soothsayers that Moses (alayhi salam) would be born. Around the Milky Way, three layers push heat and color The Secret of Genesis || 47 inside rather than leaving them out -just as the same edges of a magnet push each other-. The Solar System is a system in the Milky Way that has its special heat. Like the layers surrounding the Sun, three layers are surrounding the entire Solar System. These layers don’t let the heat out of the Solar System and don’t let the radiation into the Solar System.17 Collisions in the center of the Milky Way are one more than collisions in the center of the Sun. In the center of the Milky Way, as in the Sun, collisions are steadily decreasing. In the beginning, there were six collisions in the center of the Milky Way and five collisions in the center of the Sun. The consumption of the sixth layer of the Milky Way center was completed about fifteen centuries ago. After the consumption of this layer, more powerful rays started to leak from the layers surrounding the center. Thus, it hasn’t been possible for the jinn to go out of the Solar System ever since. They cannot get out of their systems. If the jinn pass over the third layer of the Solar System, the powerful rays coming from the center of the galaxy center will burn them. That is why they haven’t been able to get out of the Zodiac ever since then. This came out, according to the eternal plan when the last Prophet Muhammad (sallallahou alayhe wasallam -peace be upon him-) was given his position; the jinn was prevented from going out of the Solar System since that time.

“And we have sought [to reach] the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames. And we used to sit therein in positions for hearing, but whoever listens now will find a burning flame lying in wait for him.” (Qur’an 72:8-9)

The other three types of jinn were created inside the atmosphere with the formation of the Earth. The ones living in the upmost level (Gez and above) are called as the Demon.

17 The heat of the Earth cannot be calculated according to the Solar System, because there are numerous nested systems with different temperatures in the Universe. Thus, the Universe doesn’t have a certain heat to be measured. 48 || The Last Adam

These kinds are harmful and disbelievers like the ones out of the atmosphere. The ones known as jinn live in the lowermost layer (bottom layer of water). Among them, there are both infidels and members of different religions. Also, the ones in the middle layer (bottom layer of air) have inconsistent characteristics that stay between faith and abjuration. The jinn are worth less than human beings but the superior to animals. Adam (human beings) is superior to the jinn and angels. In Qur’an, Allah verses as “Prostrate to Adam” referring to his superiority. It is not versed as “Some of the demons are superior to the Adam (humans); do not let them prostrate.” That is why all the angels and the jinn must accept the supremacy of Adam unconditionally. The reason why Iblees did not prostrate to Adam with arrogance expressed in the Qur’an metaphorically is the heat (fire) in its form. Iblees was punished for it.

“[Allah] said, O Iblees, what is [the matter] with you that you are not with those who prostrate? He said, Never would I prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay from an altered black mud. [Allah] said, then get out of it, for indeed, you are expelled. And indeed, upon you is the curse until the Day of Recompense. He said, “My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected. [Allah] said, “So indeed, you are of those reprieved Until the Day of the time well-known.” [Iblees] said, “My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all Except, among them, Your chosen servants.” [Allah] said, “This is a path [of return] to Me [that is] straight. Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators.” (Qur’an 15 :32-42)

Death of the jinn comes true by the disintegration of the particles forming their bodies in a flash. The disintegration of human bodies takes a longer time than the jinn’s bodies; it is because of that, atomic particles of human bodies are three times bigger than the particle of the jinn’s bodies. The jinn The Secret of Genesis || 49 live fast and die early. Human beings live for about 70-80 years whereas the jinn live for 40 years at most. Apart from other reasons, the jinn are not able to reach perfection as much as human beings because of their short lifetime. Even believers among the jinn cannot be aware of the secrecy of wahdat and destiny. It is based on a short lifetime. As human beings live longer, they can get more knowledge and experience than the jinn and they can feel the wahdat. All prophets except Jesus received their tasks after the age of 40. It is mostly after the age of 40 for humans to reach perfection and gain intellect in real terms. Time is a relative concept. What misleads us is that we have a sense of time depending on the mobility and transformation of things. However, the slower the bodies grow old, the slower the time gets; the faster they grow old the faster the time gets. When the transformation of a body stops, that means time also stops for that body. Our bodies don’t depend on time. On the contrary, time depends on our bodies. The jinn are also bodily beings, and some of them can be visible to people. These are called as “hin”. Nevertheless, they cannot change their shapes just as water that takes the shape of the container. Even people who have achieved to reach the meta-matter area -including prophets- don’t have this ability. The ability to change shape is only characteristic of some angels; the jinn have not been gifted with this ability. The jinn might only be visible for a very short time when a very sensitive second sight period is opened in some people. Divisions concerned so far have been expressed to make a better understanding of the following ones. It is impossible to make out how the liveliness in the Universe has been created without knowing how the Milky Way, the Solar System, and the Earth have been formed; because all these formations are related. Before explaining how plants, animals and human beings have been created, let’s address the atoms that make up their structures. 50 || The Last Adam

The formation of living beings varies according to different elements. The basic four elements (air, earth, water, fire) are moveable. Nothing can exist without motion, but they all need support to move. The strongest element of AEW is air. The Sun mobilizes the air, air mobilizes water and water mobilizes earth. Without air, earth, water, and the Sun, no movement can take place without their unification. Each object moving in the Cosmos takes its mobility from another object which is subject to timing. To give an example about the rotation of sub-atomic particles: When an aspirator works, its fan begins to rotate around an axis. The fun becomes invisible as its velocity increases. As the velocity increases more, the fan appears as if it is moving back very slowly, when its velocity increases a bit more, it seems as if it is motionless. Since these atomic particles rotate in various velocities, they seem in such various forms as flesh or bones to the matter eye. The human body is a combination of core-fire and atoms each of which has a different code. Atoms fundamentally have three forms; air, earth, and water. Each of these three kinds is grouped into three kinds among themselves. Each of these three is again parted into three among themselves, and diversity, increasingly, continues in the same way. Each atom also contains three nested parts. There are 999 spirals in each section and 99 particles in each spiral. Thereby each atom consists of 296703 in total, and about 300,000 particles, roughly.18 Each particle has a natural rotation velocity (energy) that connects it to the spiral. Also, each particle is loaded with data. We named these data-loaded particles as energetic data particles. Each energetic data particle is used in just one formation. Atoms keep their mobility even after they consume all the data-loaded energetic particles,

18 “He has encompassed whatever is with them and has enumerated all things in number.” (Quran 72:28). Everything goings-on in every corner of the universe is numbered. For example, the number of the atoms of which the earth consists, how many times a person will breathe from birth to death The Secret of Genesis || 51 but they are empty anymore and useless. If we call the dimension in which the Blue World exists as “atomic dimension”, we can qualify each kömbe of the Seven Kömbes, consisting structures that are billions of times larger than the Blue World, as “sup-atomic dimensions”, as well. Hence, it can be said that the Seven Kömbes consist of seven nested dimensions beyond atoms. A structure in the sup-atomic dimensions is only a particle compared to an upper dimension. Even the Seven Kömbes, the incredibly large structure, is inside an eight-dimensional upper structure that houses countless the Seven Kömbes like itself, and this structure is like an atom. The structure that houses the Seven Kömbes is also a small part of a larger structure. This continues in this way forever. Briefly, the number of subunits contained in by sup-atomic structures increases as going towards the upper dimensions. That is why the infinity of the Universe makes eyes pop. The infinity of the Universe includes not only sup-atomic dimensions but also sub-atomic dimensions. Just as the Seven Kömbes has sup-atomic seven dimensions, sub-atomic is also seven dimensions and they cover themselves like a cabbage. That is, the first sub-atomic dimension is where almost 300,000 energetic data particles placed in all the spirals of each three parts of atoms. Each of these particles has 900,000 sub-particles in the lower dimension; and in turn, each of the 900,000 sub-particles is formed by about 2.700.000 lower particles in the lower dimension. This goes down to the seventh dimension in this way. The dimension called “seven-storied sky and seven-storied Earth” by elders is the sup-atomic and sub-atomic seven dimensions that we have mentioned about. As this system continues in the lower dimensions beyond the seventh sub-atomic dimension, the infinity of the universe also includes sub-atomic dimensions. When human beings can reach the sub-atomic dimensions, they can perform a similar miracle displayed by prophets by 52 || The Last Adam learning to use these particles. For example, they can produce foods in seconds. If the seven sub-atomic forms of the matter were discovered, there would be no need for the hospitals today. Doctors would cure even the deadliest diseases easily in a rather short time. The basis of Cosmos is made up of two opposites. The first of these opposites that makes up the Seven Kömbes is particles of the seventh sub-atomic dimension, which is also the basis of our matter bodies. Let’s call these particles at the sub-atomic seventh dimension as “cilgi”. The fragments of cilgi are everywhere in the Seven Kömbes and each has a different code. The fragments of the cilgi are not the same as each other; they are unique by the meaning that Allah is “unique”, and they are on the move rotating around their axis fast in various groups. Their rotation velocity isn’t equal. We named the type of particle that is the opposite of cilgi as “kosegi”. Kosegi particles vary according to their density. These opposite particles move together like smoke in the Universe. To see them with matter eye is impossible. “Well, what is their origin?” Nowhere. They have always existed in the Cosmos and they will exist forever. The fundamental of fire and AEW that take place at forming of the galaxies is based on kosegi and cilgi particles. The Milky Way also started to be formed by the encounter of kosegi and cilgi. In this encounter, kosegi whose velocity was higher and rotating vertically pulled cilgi whose velocity was lower and rotating horizontally towards it, and kosegi started to cover cilgi inwards and the balance of their velocities was disturbed. Then they were balanced at a common velocity. While cilgi whose velocity rose above its velocity was dispersing from inside to outwards, kosegi whose velocity declined started to slide inwards. At this point, at the velocity cilgi particles rose, they started to merge with the other particles at the same velocity and formed the AEW particles that are essentials for the seventh sub-atomic dimension. In The Secret of Genesis || 53 the same way, at the velocity the kosegi particles rose, they started to merge with the other particles at the same velocity and formed the fire particles. While AEW particles were forming different particle groups because of the outward expansion, fire particles started a total accumulation in the center according to the particle size because of the curling inwards. Due to their density, the first ones moving between the other particles and accumulating in the center compressing were the essence-fire particles. The essence-fire sliding in from outwards with the effect of curling inwards prevented the dispersion of the AEW particles accelerating gradually at the sub-atomic seventh dimension and compressed them. This situation led to the formation of the particle groups of the sixth sub-atomic dimension by the combination of the particles at the seventh sub-atomic dimension. With further compression of the fire, the particles of the sixth sub-atomic dimension formed sub-atomic fifth dimension particle groups. This process continued until energetic data particles of atoms were formed. All visible things (eg. fruits and vegetables) are formed by the combination of these energetic data particles. The combination of atoms depends on the adaptation of rotation velocity of their sub-particles. Thus, atoms are coded one by one for each formation. The encoding is performed via the setting of the rotation of the outermost sub-particle. As a result of encoding, that atom gains the ability to connect with other encoded atoms. Each adjustment encoded at sub-atomic particles bases on data. Therefore, adjusted sub-particles are energetic data particles. Their function is to ensure that the atom to which they belong is fixated to a specified location. The program of a growing fruit tree is encrypted in the kernel. The atoms of earth and water rotate in the same direction, but their velocities are different. When earth and water atoms are combined, velocities of the outermost particles change due 54 || The Last Adam to the mutual interaction. The kernel planted in the earth adjusts the velocity of the particles according to the position of the structure to be formed and sends it to the right place by pulling them towards itself. In this way, the encrypted earth and water atoms are combined to grow into vitamin-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits. In the matter universe, each structure meaning large or small, visible or invisible such as; sub-atomic particles, atoms, planets, solar systems, galaxies, Kömbes rotates around an axis according to the program of the form (destiny) determined by the Holistic Reason and moves towards a certain direction according to its rotation. The bodies of human beings, animals and planets whatever we see are formed by the combination of particles and grain groups that are combined at the same velocity. When the rotation velocity of particles and grains decreases, these groups begin to deteriorate (changing form) and the body falls apart in time. Water flows down from the top by the law of gravity and it only goes up if it turns into steam. Water needs to be heated to turn into steam. Warming occurs, for example, when in large debris of water, the heat particles from the Sun hit the water and make the water atoms resemble (by the increase of the velocity of water atoms to their rotation velocity) to themselves. Water atoms whose rotation velocities rise also turn into steam and rise to the cloud layer in the sky. After a while, their velocity decreases again and come out like clouds. In the plants, since the rotation velocities of the earth and water atoms rise with the heat coming from the Sun, they are mounted one above the other despite the gravity to form a body. In plants, the root is formed firstly. The plant roots beginning to take an atom into its body both regulate their rotational velocity and informs them by encrypting the senseless particles that are at the sub-atomic first dimension. Each atom knows which cell to include itself in the process of formation; it goes The Secret of Genesis || 55 to that cell and takes its place in the cell or participates in the formation of a new cell. Through the code in the root, that plant completes its formation. The activity of matter universe is based on physical laws. The falling movement -from top to bottom- of a stone that is subject to gravity, activity in a stable stone’s atoms, the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the flow of stars to the galaxy centers take place according to physic laws. The vitalism is that sup-matter processes activity at the matter and it creates a new meaning, beyond the matter, called “LIFE”. Those atoms of earth, air, and water generate a young tree after being encryption with fire particles via the orientation of the sup-matter orientation is activity and vitality in the Earth. The activity that we call “vitality in the Earth” is based on the rotation of energetic data particles on the outmost spiral of structures with seven dimensions called atoms. The period in which a living thing is formed and deteriorated depends on the rotation velocity of the energetic data particles in the last spiral of the atoms. For example, the ripening of fruit, and then its beginning to go bad depends on the rotation velocity given by its tree root to the particles at the last spiral of the atoms belonging to that tree. When the rotation velocities of particles reach the peak point, fruit ripens, and energetic data particles are released. In the meantime, the rotation velocity of air atoms is lower than the rotation velocity of energetic data particles of fruits. Thus, air atoms break the velocity of the energetic data particles of fruit atoms (the velocity given by the root, the shape code) and fruit starts to go bad. The process of going bad continues with the separation of energetic data particles from the upper spirals of atoms. The separated energetic data particles get into the air. We named these energetic data particles as “static magnetic”. As the velocity of these particles is equal to the velocity of air atoms, they do not harm us even though we breathe them while inhaling and exhaling. 56 || The Last Adam

An atom, from whose upper spiral a particle leaves, starts to spread another energetic data particle not used yet. Atoms protect their mobility after they use up all the energetic data particles, but they have been emptied, so they are of no use. Looking at the cells, we can see that they are formed of atoms arranged in perfect order. After a while, cells get deteriorated and dispersed. Well then, “what is the main factor holding cell atoms together and making them dispersed in a planned way? Surely, you have witnessed the flood of people turning around the Kaaba. We cannot distinguish circling people when we look at them from a few kilometres above. We perceive the community turning in curls as a living cell from that distance. Looked from above, circumambulating the Kaaba is very similar to the rotation of the galaxies. Every human being acts like a solar system. When looked at closely, we see that all of them are people with their consciousness, knowing what they perform. Atoms of our bodies are just like this. Encrypted by the brain, they come together and form the cells consciously. The brain mechanism of the human being is programmed by the “Holistic Reason” during they are still in the womb. Atoms of the food are encrypted separately while passing through the brain mechanism through blood composition. Thus, the formation of flesh, bones, skin, and hair and so on is a continuous process. This encryption is that the related circuits of the brain adjust the rotation velocity of each atom. Each atom passing through the brain mechanism is accelerated according to the place it is going to be installed. With the velocity adjusted by the brain, atoms rotate inwards waddlingly; however, the rotation of each atom is different. Among atoms whose outer particles are accelerated in the same way, gravity is formed with the form and velocity of rotation given to the outer particles by the brain. So, gravity between atoms keeps cells together just like concrete grout The Secret of Genesis || 57 that keeps bricks used for walling. As further information about this part… The rotation in atomic size compresses particles of the atom by creating a pushing force inwards. That’s why; even outermost particles cannot separate from the atomic structure by themselves. The atomic particles go on their rotation at the velocity in which they are formed. Just as there are no factors such as friction which will reduce the velocity of their rotation in sup-atomic dimensions (galaxies, solar systems, etc.), there aren’t such factors in the sub-atomic dimensions, either. Their separation is possible only if their velocity increases or reduces. The outermost particles are separated from atoms after a period when their velocities fall due to several factors. This leads to the disintegration of that cell. That is, cells begin to disintegrate by decreasing in rotation velocity of outermost particles of the atom to a lower level than the level activated by the brain. Therefore, we experience hair loss, skin death and so on. To understand how atoms form the matter, examining our bodies can be helpful. Let’s say we have eaten a tomato. A part of tomato’s atoms mixes with our blood and it is directed to the brain. Brain programs the rotation velocity of these atomic particles as they should be and spreads them to the entire body so that they can set themselves up to various groups of cells. For example, skin cells take the suitable ones out of these atoms into themselves and as the last time, they adjust the rotation velocity of the coming energetic data according to the position they will take inside the cell. Skin is formed by trillions of encrypted atoms that come together in this way. When the rotation velocity of particles reaches its peak, atoms take their exact places in the skin. After the particles reach their peak, they encounter the interference of air atoms in the atmosphere and so, their rotation velocity declines gradually. At last, when their velocity falls to a certain limit, they separate from the atom in which they are connected. 58 || The Last Adam

Atomic groups, from which energetic data particles missed, also separate from the skin cell. The separated atoms are dead skin cells as we call “dirt”. Everything is formed and fallen in decay in this way. When the energy is concentrated, rough substances are formed and when rough substances are dissolved, it turns into energy again. A seed planted into the land pulls the atoms that have been activated by the collision of earth and water towards itself and it encrypts them according to the shape to be formed. Once encrypted atoms come together and mount to each other, the seed begins to grow as a young tree in the direction of the encrypted program. While the particles belonging to the earth and water atoms are passing through the shape code in the root of the tree, they form the tissue of tree with the other particles and this is the transformation of the energy into a rough substance. Naturally, vice versa (the transformation of the rough material into energy) occurs in living things every moment. Because a living body made of cells needs energy (accelerated atoms) to move, and the living things obtain this energy by taking apart energetic data pieces radiated from the upper spiral of the atoms. For example, a fruit that we eat falls to pieces in the stomach and materials forming that fruit are sorted out. Then, atoms of these substances are encoded and sent to the brain along with the blood. The brain mechanism recodes these incoming atoms in such a way as to create cells according to the need of the body and forms new cells by spreading them through the body. Other atoms are thrown away from the human body in the form that their final spiral particles are reduced. Thus, what enters the body leaves it in a very different state and with less weight. While the atoms are passing through the brain mechanism, the particles in their last spiral are rotated at a great velocity. These particles also form energy according to their velocity and number. They leave the human body after that energy The Secret of Genesis || 59 is consumed for an activity such as taking something from the ground. That the particles leave the body is the energy consumption needed for any action. When we step on the gas, the fuel goes out of the exhaust by changing shape and just like this; these particles changed state because they waste the velocity forming the power named “energy”. When the accelerated atomic pieces are consumed, we feel hungry and eat something. Therefore, we reinforce these kinds of particles that wrap the atoms with the nutrients we eat. The stand-alone rotation velocities of sub-atomic particles are much higher than the velocity of an upper dimension which they form as a whole. The incremental increase in the rotation velocity continues until the seventh dimension at the sub-atomic level. That the sub-atomic particles rotate very fast in nested dimensions underlies the energy. Let’s think about how particles in the first sub-atomic dimension are small when they are compared to an atom which is about 300,000 times larger. Atoms formed by the combination of 300,000 particles are spherical, and when they are arranged like a wall, gaps occur just like the gaps between the balls of football laid together. Herein, let’s consider the size of these gaps by comparing them with particles in the sub-atomic first dimension. That is, if particles in the atomic first dimension are directed into the human body rapidly, it creates great damage to the points where they rub on as they are passing through the spaces between the atoms in the body. Its reason is that the rotation of these particles is much faster than the rotation of atoms in the body, and it is sided opposite. This event is called “electric shock”. The heat coming from the Sun is the raid of particles in the second sub-dimension of the atoms. Therefore, the heat of the Sun, for example, passes through gaps between atoms of glass and enters to room without breaking glass. These particles are about 900,000 times smaller than the particles that form them. Therefore, they easily pass through 60 || The Last Adam interstitial spaces of atoms without harming the body. Their rotation is compatible with the rotation of atoms of the body. These particles penetrate from one side of the body, accelerate atoms of the body, and go out of the other side of the body at a low velocity (cooled). That is why our body warms up under the Sun. It is time to mention how living beings are created. Among vital physical factors in the creation of living beings on the Earth: Solar heat reflected on the Earth depending on the number of layers of the Sun and the Earth’s atmosphere; the heat radiating to the surface from fire circles in the center of the Earth; the first state and heat of cream earth and water can be mentioned about. We have mentioned before that the essence of earth, a special form of earth, collapsed to the Earth by the time, while the water was circulating from the atmosphere to the surface. There was only air, earth and water on the surface before the existence of living beings on the Earth. Then waters spread this special state of earth to around, and some of it got mixed with oceans and it collapsed to the base. Thus, the cream earth, which is the essence of earth, covered all places on the Earth. The current earth is baked (burnt) one. The unbaked state of the earth may not be a cover on the ground but it is still mixed in baked earth. If the earth were not baked, it would smell, spoil, and take another state when it was mixed with water in a couple of weeks. However, since the earth is baked it has not gone bad or smelt for millions of years. Water is ascended with solar heat, becomes cleaned and takes its essence shape. It goes down to the surface again, mixes with earth and comes out of the earth as vegetables, for example. The vegetable coming out of the earth is an unbaked form of the earth. So, vegetables we eat - like human and animal bodies - are the essence of earth, and after they have been picked, they soon deteriorate and smell because The Secret of Genesis || 61 they are unbaked. The cream earth is unbaked one. Although it consisted of the various particles of unbaked earth, it was different from baked one and it was very susceptible. The first bodies that form liveliness were created out of cream earth covering the top of baked earth, which is about 3 meters in thickness. In the verse,

“And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud.” (Qur’an, 15:26)

“altered mud” is used as a reference to this form of unbaked earth. Forms of the first living species emerged from the Seven by hitting signs of the Zodiac first and then to planets were imprinted to the cream earth with a scientific transmission reflecting the Earth with an ever-changing angle. That is the shape of living beings was imprinted on the cream layer of the Earth just as shapes of objects are to film strips with a camera. There were no cells in that period. Cells came into being after the nuclei of the living beings had been formed. Let’s deal a fruit pip for a better understanding of how the Seven imprints the figures to cream earth. Inside a fruit pip, a tree figure is coded. This figure is just a lifeless program. As the pip receives water and soil, atoms make up cells, and those cells makeup body and branches and so, the code inside the pip comes out. Some precious wise people in the past said, “Everything is organized by transmission coming from the Zodiac.” That is true. The transmission receives to the horoscopes from the Kömbes and from the Seven to the Kömbes. The knowledge spread from the Seven to the Kömbes covers the whole of the Seven Kömbes and affects everything inside them. The knowledge emerged from the Seven comes by hitting and colliding with the Earth. Various beings are formed as a 62 || The Last Adam result of these collisions. Whatever happens at wherever is all organized in the Seven.19 This is the capability of the “POWER” named Allah, God, Jehovah, or Krishna. Nothing is out of His power. Transmissions receiving to all planets depend on the position of solar systems inside galaxies; because, during their journeys through galaxy centers, solar systems cannot pass from a point where they have passed once due to their spiral orbits. Although unlimited transmission goes over planets due to countless variables like this, the same transmission doesn’t occur again. This difference underlies the basis of innovations and inventions made with the knowledge revealed in the human brain. If it were not so, the same things would occur on the Earth, again and again, the mind would remain at the same level, and there would be no innovations. Besides, people’s thoughts and faces would not change; people would have the same thoughts and faces with their ancients. The effects coming from the Seven cannot be seen with any tools no matter how much they are magnified. They are so tiny that they can enter into every object. These effects are like the velocity of colors but they are too fast to compare with it. Waves spread from the Seven imprinted shape programs to the cream earth, they coded the program into the cream earth as in seed. Water mixed within the earth after rainfalls, coding and gathering of various atoms in the earth according to each figure’s program and some other factors started to form the first cells. A tomato pip code atoms that it pulls to itself and by this code, tomato cells are formed later. As known, water takes the shape of the container in which it is; the container doesn’t take the water’s form. Atoms are just like this. They are loaded data and transformed according to

19 The Seven Kömbes is a body and its brain is in the Seven. The Secret of Genesis || 63 the shape code. But no cells could occur without code. First, the shape program is imprinted as the shape code and then, this code forms the cell. An atom in any formation means the consumption of one of the energetic data pieces of that atom. One of the remaining pieces of the same atom can be used by getting encoded in another formation. Thus, atoms can be used until the last energetic data particle of that atom is consumed. The same piece cannot be used twice. Since the first places to cool down are mountains, vitality began in the mountains. The first living things created in the World were plants. What creates each being is the nucleus code formed by its shape program. Quality of living creatures on the Earth is largely dependent on two external factors: The first factor is the state of the earth. The second and most significant one is solar heat. For this reason, the qualities of creatures vary according to regions. For example, vegetables and fruits grown in the northern hemisphere are more delicious than fruits and vegetables of the southern hemisphere. The most important reason for this is large amounts of land in the northern hemisphere in comparison to the southern one. In the same way, the numbers of mountains are more and their layouts are different. The humidity rate and heat are also different. For example; the orange core does not grow in the northern parts of Europe; even if it grows, it will not produce any fruits. If a fruit from the north is planted in the south, it produces fruits; but for this time, the taste changes. The reason for this; in trees with pip, the first pip’s shape program is encoded depending on not only the cream earth and solar heat but also the characteristic of the region where they are imprinted. In the same way, there are differences in animals according to regions. Even the life span of living beings is related to the 64 || The Last Adam mixture of energetic data pieces spread by heat and air atoms during the first formation. Likewise, the apprentice-foreman-master analogy; shape programs, the most suitable ones for earth and climate and coded in the same process were fixed in seeds and pips. So plants were created in one step. So, until today, there has not been much change in plants, and when compared to animals, very few types of plants have been extinct. The first formation of trees began in seedless ones. Some tree species can be reproduced by their roots even though they don’t have seeds. For example; poplar doesn’t contain seeds, that is, its core is not fully developed. The state called as “fruitless” comes out in this way. Fruit trees were formed after fruitless trees. Wave transmission (the effect from the Seven) generated separate core codes until the fruity tree. A tree seed carries shape code inside. In what form the tree will be is subject to this; because the seed grows according to the shape code. The figure of the tree starts to appear after atoms of air, earth, and water coming from outside pass through the shape code. No trees resemble another tree due to differences of the energetic data pieces in atoms and secret code of figure in the seed. All creatures in the Earth, namely, human beings, animals and plants are subject to this difference. The vitality (mobility) of trees is the circulation that takes place without moving in the place where they are. Thousands of tree species have not been formed from one tree. Only one species is formed from each wing (root). Transformation of a tree into another one only occurs by implantation done by human hands. For example; to transform a fruity tree into another one, that tree is implanted from another tree and the fruit of the implanted tree changes, but there may also be trees that don’t take the vaccination. To talk about the creation of animals and human beings… When rainwater gets mixed with the cream earth, the The Secret of Genesis || 65 first ovum started to get formed by loading the information in the shape program to atoms pulled to places where shape programs coming from the Seven are imprinted. Herein, the first question to be asked is: Where the first ova come from, or how they were formed. Let’s explain it with an example: Skin residues (dirt) on the outer surface of the human body start to accumulate if it has not been cleaned for a long time. As a person moves, the elastic part of clothes rubs on the body. As a result of rubbing, a kind of heat occurs in the dirt accumulation on the skin. As known, the temperature of the human body is 37 degrees. Body heat inner side, the heat generated by rubbing of elastic part from outside, causes the formation of nits in skin dirt. Rubbing of the elastic part constantly rotates the energetic particles of atoms towards the direction of rubbing. With this rotation, nits are formed. Just as the heat reflected by a hen in incubation, with the heat given by the body, the incubation period of nits starts. After a while eggs are cracked, lice appear and then lay eggs. So in a body that has never had lice or nit before, nits appear for the first time, and then female lice come out of these eggs. Female lice lay eggs after a while, even though there aren’t male lice on the body. Both male and female offsprings start to get reproduced from these eggs. It is assumed that whoever has lice infests them from an external factor. As we mentioned above, lice don’t always infest bodies from outside. Lice can also occur in an environment where there are no lice. It only requires suitable conditions.20 The beam form of AEW coming out from the Sun and turning to the fifth state rubbed to the cream earth from the Sunrise till the Sunset and water of rain got mixed with earth, as a result, the first eggs of animal species were formed in a

20 We are aware of the fact that especially, the scientists, subject to conditionings, will oppose, but this is the truth. Scientists who can give up their conditioning will see that this is the case when they research this approach. 66 || The Last Adam certain heat of the cream earth. The diversity of living things originated from transmission coming from the Seven, heat and the diversity of the cream earth. The early creation of animals took place in three stages. Vertebrated skeletons on the first-stage were abnormal and lived both in the sea and on land. They were bigger than dinosaurs. They did not step onto the aging process because their bodies’ development continued constantly. Their skeleton bones were very soft. They lost the ability to move in time as they were constantly puffed up like balloons. They used to die at the points where they could not move anymore. Skeletons of ones at the second stage were nearly normal. Animals at the second stage were like the first animals; their bodies were constantly developing; besides skeleton structures were stronger than the first animals. The ones at the third stage are current animals living now. These species were smaller than the ones at the first stage because the aging process (also called “transformation”) went into action at them. Animals created in the first and second stages were very different from the ones created in the third stage. Ifwe describe the shapes of these animals, they would sound like fairy tales characters. Some of them lived both on land and in the sea. Species of which fossilized skeletons have been found today belong to animals of the first and second periods of the third phase. Many animal species belonging to the first two stages of the last phase and living both in the sea and on land became extinct until the time of Noah, as natural conditions got unfavorable. The creation of animals was completed at nine stages, each of which consists of three phases. During these nine phases, countless animal bodies were created on the cream earth. Dinosaur species were created in the first phase of animals at the third-stage. Development and transformation (aging) were balanced in the first phase of animals at the third stage. The Secret of Genesis || 67

The first species created on the cream earth were female.21 Female animals increased by giving birth to only female animals for a short time. In the first phase of the animals at the third stage, the creation of human beings began. The first human being was also female and was formed inside an egg just like the vertebrates. The shape programs embodied on the cream earth formed the shape codes of the first ova. Atoms were pulled to the places where the codes were embodied; they were encoded one by one and redeployed. Then they were all sent to their places according to the shape code of the body. The first cells were formed by the combination of atoms that were oriented in the direction of the shape code. Each cell performs a task for what it is encrypted. Cells are a holistic community of atomic information. The first atom passing through the shape code is encoded as the first one and informed more strongly than other atoms. Therefore, that atom becomes the chef atom. The following atoms gather around it. Each atom sticks in the cell for which it is encoded. Each atom encoded for the cell formation circulates along with blood until it is removed from the blood, and finally, it is used for the formation of such strong structures as flesh, nails, hair, and biceps. Besides, cells only take appropriate atoms into their structures; because the code of each cell is different. Atoms taken into cells are re-coded in the cell. Cells multiply by separation of redundant atoms from their bodies. They are reproduced by division in some way. Let’s think of each cell as a factory. Knowledge of factory’s employees is at different levels; some are apprentices, some are masters, some are managers, etc. When a second factory is going to be established, different workers come together for that factory,

21 The first created animal species is a worm, and the last one is monkeys. Ani- mals were created in stages and the process ended up with monkeys. The skeleton structure of each creature is distinct, and this structure cannot change over time; If so, human beings would transform into another species because it has been nearly three million centuries since the time human beings were first created. 68 || The Last Adam and another director is appointed there. Formation of a cell via atoms gathering together and division of that cell is just like factory analogy. Since veins are exit points, atoms are exposed to alteration during passing to the cell. This is also a collision. These collisions bring about body heat, except about 37 degrees of the main heat. If atoms were single structure (if there were not the energetic data particles consumed in atoms continuously), the physical lifetime of any beings composed of atoms would be as long as the atoms. The mobility of atoms varies according to the rotation velocity of their particles around their axes in their final spirals, and an image from their pile appears. For example, when we drip a drop of shampoo into the bathtub and turn the tap on, the flow of water from top to bottom change the form of that shampoo drop. A drop of shampoo puffs up as a pile of foam. The pile of foam is a sum of the foam particles. Each particle is an air bubble. An air bubble is nothing, but an air volume surrounded by a thinned spiral of shampoo. We cannot see air volume; we see the volume of foam formed out of thinned shampoo spiral. In the same way, the rotational velocities of the outermost spirals of atoms formed out of sub-atomic energetic data particles vary while atoms pass through the brain mechanism, and form of the outer spiral change according to the cell to be mounted. A body image is formed by the formation of atoms, cells, tissues, and piles respectively. Since the rate of water in our bodies is three quarters, our body can be named as water foam. Thus, our body is a temporary dream. Truth is the meanings formed by dreams and it is eternal. The shape of human beings created along with cell formation began to swell in a sheltered environment, like the mother’s womb, in the cream earth. Likewise, human beings’ formation involves a three- phased process. Human beings coming out of the cream earth The Secret of Genesis || 69 at the first stage of this process were females as in animals’ formation. Brain cells were missing; they did not survive. It appeared once and disappeared. Human beings in the second phase came out of the cream earth in four regions as four groups. Unlike the first ones, however, their brain cells were more organized. This difference allowed human beings of the second phase to live and to give birth once. After completing its formation in an environment in which we can describe like eggs in some way, coming out of it from the cream earth is given in the following verse of the Qur’an as below:

“And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a [progressive] growth” (Qur’an 71:17)

What was born by human beings in the second phase was mankind. On the contrary of human beings, mankind didn’t come out of the cream earth. It was created out of the human formed at the second phase as we call “mother earth”. That is, it was created from sperm inside the ovum. It was also female and perfect. Unlike the general opinion, the first mankind was not a man but a woman. The first women born from the mother earth resumed their generation via giving birth. Women reproduced in the world first. The creation of mother earth and women born from it in four regions of the Earth was completed in the centennial centuries (300.000 years). Human beings of the third phase were like the ones at the first phase; its brain was deficient. The completion of all these phases took a long time. In the second human phase (the eighth phase of animals), felidae was formed in animals. These species had been formed before, but they were different from current species of today. After felidae, dogs and wolves were formed, and 70 || The Last Adam then others. When animals are examined, it can be seen that cats are the closest ones to the mankind. The characteristics of felidae are very similar to the characteristics of mankind. For example; after eating, it cleans its own body and it does not smell. It relieves itself for toilet needs by digging up the soil. The cleanest one of animal species is the cat.22 “Well, how did the mother earth give birth to mankind? How did women continue the lineage without men? Can a female get pregnant without a man?” Yes, it is possible. To understand it, let us remember a normal conditioned- fertilization process. The semen reproduced in man (father) is similar to a pin as shape. These are called sperms. The mother’s semen is the center of the ovum. Three types of semen are formed in mother and father. We called the first type as “sergeant”, the other two types of as “soldiers”. If sperm belonging to father is sergeant, it grasps one of the soldier centers in the ovum of mother and curls it inwards. The curling occurring in ovum during the formation of the embryo is similar to the formation of the galaxy in which cilgi and kosegi meet and curl each other. If the soldier type from the mother enters the middle part, the child becomes a girl. If one of soldier type semen from father enters in the middle part, this time one of the mother’s sergeant centers gets and curls it. Since soldier type semen from the father takes place in the middle part, the child becomes a boy; because the brain starts to get formed in the middle part firstly and then other organs are completed. Formation of the ova, their entrance into the womb, their fertilization and subsequent phases don’t occur coincidently. Every organ is in communication with each other, just as there is no milk accumulation in the breast of the woman before giving birth.

22 How do they get this training? Even in a weekly kitten, these states occur auto- matically. So, the features of the cat come from the main program of the cat. Other animals also exhibit their characteristics. No matter how hard we try to train a mon- key today, we can’t even teach how to meet needs The Secret of Genesis || 71

Each of the semen passing through the brains of both men and women is different from each other. Therefore, a sperm is attracted by the center for which it is suitable, that sperm enters into the ovum, and they are merged.23 The compatible semen produced by both sides is well matched just like bolts and nuts. This happens in line with the program organized by the Sup-matter Power. For example, a soldier sperm going to womb from man’s semen attracts a sergeant ovum24 waiting in the womb. At this point, the ovum of the mother is like a transmitter, and the father’s semen is in the receiver position. The sergeant sperm of a man (father) never merges with a sergeant center in the ovum of a woman. The sergeant sperm of the man (father) gets the soldier center of the woman and starts curling. Sergeant sperm of man outside, soldier ovum of the woman inside become center. In this curling, the fetus becomes a girl since the outer factor is from man and the inner factor is from the woman. Another issue is: one of two kinds of soldier semen is empty, and we have named this semen as “empty soldier”. “Well, why does sergeant center curls soldier sperm or sergeant sperm curls soldier center but the empty soldier isn’t curled in ovum?” Fully-grown ovum goes into channels (tubes). Maturation of ovum depends on passing order through mechanism encoding the energetic data particles. This mechanism, likewise, encodes atoms in the centers of ovum according to their order of the sort. Under normal circumstances, ovum centers are ordered in such a way that the other two center types are ready before empty centers. This is valid for the man (father); the first sperms to ripen are the ones that are not empty.

23 The evidence to this situation is the balancing of the population rates of women and men over the world with new births. However, for this balance to keep stable, pregnancies must occur by natural ways 24 Because the soldier sperm of the man enters into the ovum, the whole ovum has been called as “sergeant ovum”. Actually, what calls the solider sperm is a sergeant center in the ovum. 72 || The Last Adam

It isn’t right that empty soldier ovum centers and empty soldier sperms are dysfunctional. In rare cases, they become children too. If a sergeant ovum center curls empty soldier sperm, the fetus becomes a boy but if a sergeant sperm curls an empty ovum center, the fetus becomes a girl; but the reproduction mechanism in that child is not active for his/her whole life. Infertile men or women are made up of these kinds of ovum centers and sperms. Therefore, we can call empty ovum centers as infertile soldier center and empty sperms as infertile soldier sperm. “Well, how are infertile ovum centers and infertile soldier sperms curled even if it occurs rarely?” If the mother or father is affected by external influences during the formation of ovum or sperm or if they encounter with highly shocking events, the natural order of sperm and ovum kinds is distorted at that moment. Abnormal events experienced by a person may suddenly lead to the fertilization of infertile types by getting them ahead of others. A building is constructed according to a project drawn by an engineer. If there is wrong or forgotten something with the project, those mistakes come out when the building is completed. It isn’t reasonable to put blame on the contractor as it is projected by the engineer. Contractor builds structure according to project. Therefore, it won’t be right to find fault with infertile persons except whoever (especially men) eats unhealthy food and/or dresses wrong clothes. The reason for genetic diseases is anomalies in brains where semen forming the fetus is coded. Sometimes, during the formation of the fetus, the brain of the fetus is loaded with information that leads to a phase responsible for genetic diseases. This information is loaded by a special phase in the brain forming semen. Such phases are extra phases opened at certain times for various reasons, and these phases are not active in healthy brains. Provided that these kinds of phrases are found and canceled, the transmission of genetic diseases The Secret of Genesis || 73 to children can be prevented. Likewise, to save a person from genetic diseases, we also need to find and cancel the phase coded with atoms belonging to cell groups responsible for that disease. A person is significantly shaped by the knowledge in his parents’ semen. For this reason, particular attention should be paid to what is done, told, seen, heard or thought before pregnancy period, and especially till the 4th month of pregnancy. If more than one sperm enters the same ovum during fertilization, more than one curling can occur inside. For example; in the same ovum, while one sperm and ovum center are being curled, if another sperm and another ovum center are curled, two fetuses are formed, and they become maternal (identical) twins. Identical triplets and quadruplets are formed in this way. When two consecutive sperms curl the center in two different ova or are curled by the center, fetuses become fraternal twins. Fraternal triplets and quadruplets are formed in this way. Identical twins are different from each other in at least one aspect, even though their brain codes are the same; because the same core program isn’t encrypted in two different places. Moreover, unlike formations in the cream earth, only the shape program coming from the Seven doesn’t determine character (temperament) of formations occurring with fertilization. Let’s explain it in a more detailed way. Atoms of cell groups of the semen performing fertilization are encoded while they are passing through the brain. The energetic data particles transmitted by atoms are also dependent on the moment of passage through brain code; and depending on the difference between their formation times, each sperm or ovum center is exactly different from another one. The character of a child is determined by parents’ family characteristics along with 74 || The Last Adam transmission from the Seven. Since any sperm or ovum center isn’t as same as the other one, even in twins, a fetus is certainly less different than the other one. This difference increases in proportion to the elapsed time between curls; because the shape program of the fetus is transmission by the Seven at the time of curling, and this transmission varies with time. Rarely, two sperms or two ovum centers may be involved in curling in a way attached. If curled ones (soldiers) are attached, the fetus becomes united, two-headed, with one-body. If both curled ones (soldiers) and curlers (sergeants) are attached, the fetus becomes two-headed and two bodied. Depending on the state of both sperm and ovum centers involved in the curling, further formations may appear. Herein, let us respond to questions such as: “How did the mother earth give birth to mankind? How could women maintain their family lineage without men? Can a woman get pregnant without a man?” Ovariums of past and present are significantly different. Ovariums of the past period led women to get pregnant without men. Soldier ovum centers that are empty today were not empty at that time. These centers had sergeant sperm’s characteristics. One out of each three centers in ova was like this. They were curling one of the soldier centers in the ovum, so women used to get pregnant by themselves and give birth to only females. In that process, sergeant ovum centers remained out of the fertilization process. Since women could get pregnant by themselves, there was no menstruation at that time Mother earth became apparent in different four continents and in these continents, the generation of mankind started to be reproduced under convenient conditions. All of them were single species, and all were called as the man (mankind). Humanity hasn’t been reproduced from a single man. That Gabriel (Cebrail) gets earth from all across the universe refers The Secret of Genesis || 75 to this meaning.25 Each living thing has been formed out of its code. For this reason, environmental influences can’t arise the mind by changing the shape of the body and/or for a living thing to turn into another thing in time. Deciding based on appearances is a kind of negligence. What is important is not the similarity in appearance, but the brain in which the shape code of species takes place. The human body is used to adapt to external factors of the region in which it is located. If a new-born child is left naked in a cold area, his body takes due precautions; but no species can transform into another one by taking due precautions. During the formation process of the Earth, the number of inner circles in the center was four along with the core-fire. The number of inner circles including the core-fire was five in the Sun; it was six in the center of the galaxy, three in other planets of the Solar System. Circles in centers are significant for the formation process. An effect coming from the Seven during the initial period of vitality imprinted the mother earth’s shape to the cream earth for a period. In the same way, this special effect led to a significant change in the formation of one of the three types of ovum centers by programming the energetic data particles of atoms passing through the brain cells of women. The ovum centers received the effect were single ovum centers that served as sergeant sperm until that time. That effect eliminated the code of phase belonging to that kind of center and loaded soldier sperm program suddenly. The programmed soldier sperm went down to ovary. After they had grown in ova, they passed to channels (tubes). A center

25 The idea that people have been reproduced from a man and a woman is a con- tinuation of misapprehension of expressions in sacred books. To claim that people have been reproduced by the marriage of siblings can only be a claim of narrow brains. Is Allah so incapable that He does not create more than one woman and man, and so siblings marry each other? Conditions (physical and/or mental) of chil- dren born from close blood marriages are how all we know... 76 || The Last Adam having soldier sperm characteristic, formed by the influence of a grown ovum in channels, was curled by a sergeant center in the same ovum. We have mentioned before; “Brain is the first to be formed.” Formation of the brain begins from the inner part of curling; if the inner part of curling consists of sperm, the fetus becomes a boy. Thus, women fertilized on their own got pregnant to the first male children after receiving this special effect. In this way, following the mother earth and human, Adam appeared in the last phase of a three- stage process. Up to that time, there were only females in the animals, as well. They, like women, fertilized themselves and maintained their family lineage, increased their numbers in the meantime. Even today, there are female animals that can breed without male because dualism cannot pass to the ONE.ness due to brain programs. That effect also influenced animals in the same way. After this effect, breeding of animals also changed into this type. After the effect goes down, when the center type transformed into soldier sperm got the form of the empty center, women had menstruation for the first time. Menstruation is a residual effluent of that time; because the effect was fixed into brain code that phase responsible for changing type of center was connected. Therefore, empty centers in ripened ova passing through tubes from ovary make pregnancy start in women with the effect of stabilized brain coding; but no center can curl the other one. If there is no curling within a certain period, the ripened ova passing through tubes and other materials prepared for feeding of the fetus are corrupted. This time, pregnancy process is stopped, both fluids prepared for the fetus in body and the ovaare thrown out. Deposited substances are normally cleaned from the womb between three and nine days, and the womb gets ready for a new formation. With the special effect that ended the auto-pregnancy of The Secret of Genesis || 77 women and let the first men’s birth, the generation of women who became pregnant without a man is extinct after a short time. Later on, women having relationships with the first men aged to adolescence period started to get pregnant. All sacred books refer to the first Adam and reproduction of its descendants. Let’s review the last sacred book, namely, Qur’an:

“While He has created you in stages?” (Qur’an 71:14)

“Who perfected everything He created and began the creation of man from clay. Then He made his posterity out of the extract of a liquid disdained. Then He proportioned him and breathed into him from His [created] soul and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.” (Qur’an 32:7-9)

What is created out of unbaked mud/clay is the human; what is created out of semen is mankind; the one into whom the soul is breathed is “Adam”. It isn’t mentioned as “He (the Lord, God) created Adam” in the verse. It is mentioned as “He breathed into him from his soul”. Apart from the male sex, it is the characteristic of Adam given to mankind with that special effect by breathing into the soul. Because Adam is not only a body, we name a man that has characteristics of Adam. Therefore, it’s not born as an Adam, he isn’t given birth; he only becomes apparent in mankind. By the word “Adam”, it was supposed that a single person was created suddenly in a single place. However, Adam became apparent in four main regions in communities. That the cream earth and the mother earth had different characteristics in each region caused women and the first men born in different appearances according to regions. Reproduction of Adam in separate regions made up diversity; but that doesn’t mean, “They are different kinds of Adam in the universe”. For example, with the concept of “tree”, all three species are recalled and with the concept of 78 || The Last Adam

“human”, all human beings are recalled. The statement of “Adam” in the sacred books refers to the same usage type. Therefore, the concept of “Adam” involves all regions and races. Even though we have differences in terms of skin color and facial characteristics according to regions, as being “Adam”, we originate from common essence, common soul.

“And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed, in that are signs for those of knowledge.” (Qur’an, 30:22)

Each being is a different strain. For example, the willpower of animals is subject to a steady program. As a result, animals can’t contemplate. No animal being can wonder and finding answers to questions that human beings have. The thing that makes Adam peculiar is the ability to contemplate and willpower present in him. Besides superior qualities and powers that cannot be grasped with an ordinary mind, Adam embodies all features of the Universe. After the first “Adam” reached puberty and had intercourse with the opposite sex, descendants of “Adam” were balanced as men and women via children born over time. Creation of the first women out of the first “Adam” is referred in the verse as below:

“The lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man and broughter to the man.” (Genesis, 2:22)

What meant by saying, “woman has been created out of Adam’s rib” is the fact that sergeant sperm passing through the backbone of the man generates a girl child by curling one of the soldier centers in a woman’s ovum. As concluded from the verse below clearly, the semen of the man is implicated by the word “the rip bone received”. The Secret of Genesis || 79

“Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs.” (Qur’an, 86:7)

In the same way, when a soldier sperm passing through the man’s rip curls one of the sergeant centers in a woman’s ovum, a boy is created. In general, the first created women were called “Eve” and the first men created were called “Adam”. However, no matter what their gender is, whoever reaches the “Reason” is the “Adam”. The elders called both the sup-matter and meta-matter as “Soul”. The sup-matter soul is eternal and it is the Reason in Adam. This soul is the power increasing the velocity of atoms and rotating them in different forms; it gives spirit to the matter body, it is individualized through the oppositions in the matter, the meta-matter conscious (individualized spirit) becomes “Life”. Consciousness is present in the eternal plan as “soul”. The soul isn’t created afterward. Just as before a building is constructed, its plan is drawn, all meanings that will be apparent in the matter is pre-planned in the Sup-matter. Whoever thinks, “People have spirits, but animals and plants don’t”, it is mistaken. Not only a created human being but also all living beings have a soul, a preeternity. No life can be apparent as at the matter body without the Sup-matter soul. The soul in the eternal plan will appear as conscious. The first phase of consciousness is its encryption as semen before the creation of the body in which the spirit will be apparent. Brain cycles carry out encryption. Atoms forming semen are encoded by brain cycles of parents with a continuously reflecting transmission in different angles from planets while passing through the brain. Such outer factors as climatic conditions are influential in the encoding of semen atoms. Meanwhile, the lifestyles of parents and the information of their ancestry back to the first 80 || The Last Adam

Adam are recorded by a second code. Spirits of all mankind belonging to a family have been encoded in a lump as semen by the brain of the first member of that family. We call it “the next genealogical information”. In other words, the core (semen) codes of all human race belonging to a family is gathered in the core code present in the first semen. Spirits become apparent in turn in line with the encoding in the first semen. As stated in the verse below and termed as “Kalu Bela” by Muslims, the signification of spirits gathering in the face of Allah before human bodies were created points to this stage of consciousness.

“And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we have testified.” [This] - lest you should say on the , “Indeed, we were of this unaware.” (Qur’an, 7:172)

This knowledge is a sup-matter kind. Influences coming from the Seven to the Zodiac (star clusters) reflect onto the Earth by hitting firmaments. Cycles in the human brain are in contact with angles that are generated by those influence reflection to firmaments. The coming influences go beyond the time, they are timeless. Therefore, the program of the semen to be formed newly is already done. The creation program of the fetus comes before the fetus itself and it is not random, it is subject to a program. The influence wave of the semen to be formed has already planned the program of the third semen while the first semen is being created even before the formation of the second one. They program the energetic data particles spread by the atoms passing through the brain. The data particles spread by the atom in function from the first part is energetic and while passing through the brain, the brain structure imprints it. The atom printed forms the cells after passing through the brain. The information in The Secret of Genesis || 81 the cell has been adapted later. Indeed, the cell has already been formed. Mankind has information not only about the future but also about the past. Every moment of the past is recorded at the meta-matter consciousness body. When a person recalls of the past, things experienced are imaged at the color velocity in the related brain circuits and can be watched by him. How could a person recall such things as images unless the consciousness body existed? Each action performed by five sense organs, even secret thoughts –shortly all pieces of life- are recorded at the consciousness body moment by moment without missing. For example, when we meet someone, we are aware of whether we know him or not. Unless the brain had the mechanism providing the connection with the consciousness body, how we could remember that person. As another example, looking at a tree, learning its type and experiencing its fruit makes us remember its fruits for next time. But at a new fruit tree, since it is not recorded at our conscious, we are not able to know its taste. The information recorded at the consciousness body through the brain is loaded at the semen materially. Therefore, the genealogy information both about the past and about the future is present in the semen. That is, the living of the apparent bodies from the first member of the family is loaded at the semen generated by those bodies. When the semen atoms to create a baby are passing through the parents’ brains, everything that has been done and thought by the parents until that time is loaded at these atoms. The former genealogical information of the mother is imprinted in mother’s semen and the father’s former genealogical information is imprinted in father’s. All information of the next generations is present in the first member; it is likewise the all information of predecessors is present in the semen of that family’s last member. Hence, this information is apparent 82 || The Last Adam within the child as actions. For this reason, the secret of Adam is hidden in the semen. From time to time, some people can reach these information records present in them. If the person is a male, he can enter into the records of his grandfather or grand grandfather, if the person is female, she can enter into the records of one of her grandmothers. S/he can talk about these records as if they were his/her memories. Even in some people, the circuits connected to these records are more sensitive. Thus, they suppose that they have lived in a different identity before. Thanks to these records, people can see and recognize the places where they have perceived like in dreams. In addition to the records of their lineages, they can perceive the lives of other people they record by seeing or hearing. Even the images of fairy tale characters that their neighbours or close friends visualize in their minds can be perceived. In plants and animals, the next (future) and former (past) genealogical information are encoded as the core at the first phase of consciousness. In a tree, the root engraves all next and former genealogical information into each kernel by encoding the atoms forming them one by one. At the second stage of the conscious, when the semen curl each other, the records in the semen of the parents unite with the “complemental conscious wave” coming from the Seven by hitting the Zodiac. During the time of uniting the parents’ semen, the shape program coming from the Seven determines the shape of the human body. In the time of creation, if there weren’t effect coming from the Seven and the shape of the human body were determined only in line with the information of parents’ semen, the child would be identical with father. Children have physical similarities with their parents. Besides, they have different characteristics, which parents do not have. Tall parents may have short child/children and vice versa. A couple may have five children but each of them is different. This is the same for the animals, as well. The Secret of Genesis || 83

The union of the parents’ semen in the womb is also a collision. It takes an aspect like blood in the first stage. In the meantime, the influence coming according to the angle of the planets comes from the stars out of the Zodiac and they get fixed by what the parents have thought for the last three days and determine the character of the child. This specific influence is the shape program of the man. The man starts to be created in body and mind with the direction of this program which is expressed in one of the verses of the Qur’an; “I breathed into Adam from my soul”. It is a shape issue that humankind is created out of the earth and mankind is created out of semen. The soul breathed into the truth determines the basis of mankind. Fundamentally, the matter body –as galaxy- is a mixture of cilgi and kosegi but only one of them; either cilgi or kösegi slides to the basis of the body according to the soul breathed into it. Semen is exposed at the time of curling to these effects. There are two kinds of influences here; one is called “angelic”, the other is “Jinny influence”. In milliseconds, one of these two influences fixes the basis of the body; that is, either kosegi or cilgi covers the core-fire present in the semen according to influence receiving. The jinny effect is the one spread from “hins”. If the hin influences, kosegi slides towards the center, the kosegi covers the core-fire; they collide with each other and get mixed. On this basis, that person lives a life away from the faith. The meaning of this situation at meta-matter is that “the Life” is Shakee. Angelic influence is more powerful than core-fire. Thus, in angelic influence, “cilgi” slides towards the center; it twists the core-fire inside and traps it; that person becomes “Said”. Basis always remains the same. Another meaning of the ensouling (breathing soul) mentioned in the verse is the “angelic” influence expressed here. 84 || The Last Adam

“Allah created what He created in darkness, and then He shattered the light. Those receiving this light have found the true path but the ones who haven’t received it have gone astray.” ()

The verse above refers to this point. Darkness is the womb. The dispersion of the angelic influence coming from the Seven takes place by way of the Zodiac and planets’ angles. Influences coming from the Stars reach the womb by hitting the planets. Also, this state is referred in another verse as below:

“And landmarks. And by the stars they are [also] guided.” (Qur’an, 16:16)

The soul breathed into “Adam” is the one we call “Holistic Spirit” and the old call as “Rûh’ul Â’zam”. The spirit isn’t breathed into; it is an allusion. It is a definition used to grasp the truth. There is no other solution, otherwise how it could be described. This soul makes out the principal of the unity of matter, sup-matter and meta-matter. The essence of what we can or cannot see is this soul. Nothing exists further to that. We don’t usually sense the air although we breathe it and pass it through with our bodies. While we are walking, the air mobilizes due to our movements. There isn’t any space in the air, even as small as a pinpoint. As known, people can live without eating or drinking for a time; but when left with no air for about three to five minutes, they will die. Air provides continuity of vitality. Holistic Reason is something just like this. It is the spirit making up our minds. Indeed, it isn’t a spirit. To be definable, it is called spirit. This spirit never gets being created. If a person hasn’t reached the Reason in the world, he is far from Allah. Each spirit is both apart this Spirit and together with it. The spirit that hasn’t reached this Reason is only a shade of it. The Secret of Genesis || 85

To become “Said” or “Shakee” isn’t a matter of option; it is a result of an effect required by the eternal plan. The one receiving angelic influence becomes Adam, they are “Said”; if one doesn’t receive, s/he becomes “shakee” and goes astray. The effect of the planets on the determination of fate in this way is even mentioned at folk songs. The basis of the conscious isn’t not only determined by “angelic” or “jinny” influence as a requirement of the eternal plan but also genealogical information has a decisive role. The ovum of parents meeting in the womb cover each other as kosegi and cilgi do in the formation of the galaxy. In the meantime, form and face start to generate with the program coming from the Zodiac cluster called as “vizaç” (face, countenance structure). The genealogical information (the living and character of the parents, grandparents’ and their ancestors’ experiences and states) recorded in the ovum of parents mix with the “vizaç” program. “Vizaç” consists of three codes; mother, father, and the Zodiac. If the cluster of “vizaç” weren’t, the child would be completely the same as their parents Lots of things are learned from parents. Well, how do the parents learn? They learn from their parents. If there weren’t a triple effect, everybody would know the same things. We would know only the same things the first Adam knew, we couldn’t go beyond it. Knowledge differs from time to time, it continuously expands, and it develops. While the brains are formed, separate circuits are opened in each of them. That’s why some circuits are accessible in some brains but not in others. Millions of cells and circuits… If it weren’t like that, everybody would think in the same way, do the same things. Including all people more than seven trillion in the Blue World, all the living beings resemble their homogeneous kinds in terms of appearance and character, but, all are unique. All feelings, thoughts, and deeds are recorded. The 86 || The Last Adam corruption of societies is based on that negative genealogical info becomes more predominant than the basic program; it is not based on the decreasing number of people who have the guidance of the right way. So, the moral code needs to be followed so that corruption doesn’t occur. In sacred books, the lineage of mankind is depicted by a tree. As the people are descended by females, women resemble the tree. The fruit mentioned in these books refer to the female genital organ and these books call all the women in the right or wrong way as “Eve”. Adam should keep away from women in the wrong way to protect his blood. If Adam is concerned with Eve in the wrong way, that means he has eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree. In the Reality, each act of Adam including getting close to the forbidden tree, each step is programmed in the divine system. If Adam hadn’t eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree, how would we have been created? Additionally, if he hadn’t eaten it, he wouldn’t have reached perfection. People designed the cars and they drive them however they want. Can a machine, for instance, a car, go against people? Then, how can the people created by Allah live against his rules? In the holy books, verses express the meanings with figuratively as if there is a dialogue. There is no other way. The first Adam didn’t know any letters except for “A”, so there was nobody to talk. The verses are interpreted as if the first Adam was living in this century. Thus, there have been a lot of misunderstandings. As mentioned before, forbidden fruit here is kind of a metaphor. What is meant with the forbidden fruit, Adam touched the women who were created in the second phase and were not in the right path. However, he should have had a relation with just the women who were on the right path. The verse about sins committed by Adam somehow involves the people revealing this meaning today. If a person has a relationship with someone from whom he/she should The Secret of Genesis || 87 stay away, the meaning of this verse makes sense. When people commit something bad, they conceal it; the meaning of leaf is “being dressed”. If there had been no one apart from Adam and Eve, then why would have they hidden their private parts?

“And We said, “O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an, 2:35)

The first Adam didn’t experience all these things in the meta-matter heaven; he experienced them all in the Earth. How forbidden things can be in heaven! At that period, life on the Earth was just like living in heaven. The women to Adam were the ones in the right path; the ones who were in the wrong path were forbidden, but Adam wasn’t informed about who was right or who was wrong. So, he also touched the wrong women. The children born from these women were unbalanced; they fought with the children of the women in the right way, they killed these children. The first fight came out this way. This disturbed Adam and the others who had lived a life like heaven till that time. This meaning is expressed as “they were sacked from heaven” in the Holy books. In short, heaven and fruit mentioned in these verses are neither the fruit we truly know, nor heaven is the real one. The beginning of the Earth’s formation process is the center of the galaxy. So, the cycles of galaxy centers are mentioned as “We created the Universe in six days” in the verse. Six days concept in the verse isn’t a time regarding the earthly time; because there isn’t a fact of the absolute day for Allah, the concepts involving times such as “day” are relative. In another meaning, the concept of “six days” corresponds to the time for a fetus to be created with our time concept. It takes for the food atoms being programmed as semen atoms 88 || The Last Adam in the brain mechanism after they are taken to the stomach. In the verse, it is expressed as “It got dark and it got light”. It takes three days of semen atoms passing through the brain to reach the ovum. In the ovum channel, the formation of a fetus is also completed in three days. In this period, the semen of the parents get mixed by the direction of the influence coming from the Seven and they form the first brain cells. So, in a total of six days, the core forming the body of a person is completed. Later, the atoms decomposed from the food taken by the mother starts to swell out in the form of a person just like a balloon. At the end of the fourth month, the body form is completed with all its organs. The fetus gets blood and air by way of the umbilical cord. The air in the vessels of the fetus gets different from the air coming from the mother. The fetus lives with the air coming from the mother. In the fourth month, when the blood coming from the mother enters the vessels of the fetus, the air coming from the mother provides the circulation in the vessels. Blood collides and curls while passing through the brain cells of the fetus. We have mentioned that the curl of the blood in the brain is the sixth collision. With the sixth collision, the first electricity, the first blood circulation, and the first body activities start in the fetus. As a result, AEW and fire get mixed and create a universe/life in six stages (six days).26

26 Plants, animals, and humans are all separate realms and they have one, two and three different characteristics respectively. Human has characteristics of both plants and animals. For instance, some people are hard shells. They believe in what- ever they believed from childhood, they deny the truth even they know it, they are obsessed about their conditionings. These kinds of persons have characteristics of trees that don’t act the vaccination. However, a favorable and efficient person is very similar to a fruity tree. As soon as fault of his thoughts and/or beliefs are proven, he gets at the truth immediately and removes his conditionings. Human has many extraordinary unknown and unspecified characteristics and powers of which any creature doesn’t have, besides characteristics of other animals such as the sight of cats, the hearing ability of dogs and so on. However, in some sense, humankind is sub-animals. The nutrients of animals vary according to their species. Some of them are carnivorous, some are herbivorous, and some are both. A cow never eats meat, no matter how it is forced; it starves and dies but never eats meat. A man can con- sume every kind of food or beverage, for instance. The Secret of Genesis || 89

There is the same mobility in the cells which are formed by the sperm and egg center’s being curled up. This mobility is their vitality and the beginning of Life in them, but a human body hasn’t come out yet. The human body comes into existence with the creation of organs by cells in four months, depending on this vitality. At the end of the fourth month; with the first electric inception in the brain, beyond the cellular mobility, the first body mobility which is controlled by the brain side of the body has begun and the embryo has come to life as a completed body. This body isn’t a living being, it is a move. Thus, through the brain’s going back to principal activity (through the passage of matter, sup- matter, and meta-matter), it has been a spirit beyond matter more than vitality. Here is the real spirit! This spirit is the power that velocities the atoms of the body and turns them in different shapes. That is the individuality of the eternal and everlasting supernatural soul, one part from the mind quality as transcendent conscious. In the meantime, if the connection of “Life” with the material body is cut off at this stage, consciousness body in an instant -like airbag deployment during an accident- take on the form of age 33. It isn’t kept as a fetus, but the knowledge and experience have been loaded in the consciousness body of the fetus. So they are called as the child in the meta-matter. In the meta-matter, childhood and adulthood don’t depend on the age of body but to the Reason. Man isn’t lifeless in his mother’s womb until four months, it is unmoving. If he were lifeless, he wouldn’t grow until he was four months old. Therefore, it is not Life after four months old, but a movement. The mobility of the body ends with death. The view of the still body looks like the view of the fetus in the first four months. The human body is the union of air-earth-water atoms. In terms of vitality, the structure of the body is similar to that of the watermill. The wheel mill turns when the water flows 90 || The Last Adam to the mill wheel from above quickly, the mill rotates the millstone and the turning millstone grinds the wheat. Thus, flour is obtained with an inanimate mill pattern. There is no consciousness in the matter. The matter is the whole of unconscious particles and grains. When the grains and particles coming together fall apart with decomposition, they return to their essence. Matter bodies are made of the matter core; they belong to the material, they can not go out of it. Consciousness is beyond the matter, it doesn’t die. To illustrate this with an example: The brain must give order to fingers to press the keyboard keys. Fingers can’t know what to write. The fingers press the keys which the brain orders to press and the letters which symbolize the keys appear on the screen. The Sup-matter Holistic Reason directs and shapes the body in this way. Consciousness is the transcendent record of every moment and all the activities of this shape at any moment. We can liken the connection between our bodies and consciousness to the link between the letters on the screen and the keys on the keyboard. The whole experience of man is begun to be recorded as a meta-matter conscious when the human is a four months old fetus in her mother’s womb. In this way, consciousness goes to the third stage and the recording starts. Thus, a branch from the Holistic Spirit at sup-matter begins to clear out after it has been encrypted separately in the parents’ brain in the matter and taken as a basis for fertilization in the mother’s tomb for four months. The real Life beyond the vitality of matter body is the meta-matter conscious that comes off at this stage. Spirit, when the child is four months old, organizes the array of brain cells according to the distance and angles of the planets to each other. Especially in the arrangements of the cells, the planet which has a stronger transmission before the beginning time of the child’s blood circulation is more effective. Each planet has a character. The child is influenced by all planets, but the impact of the planet at that time is The Secret of Genesis || 91 more. If any slip comes out at the beginning moment of the mobility, the knowledge record channel between consciousness body and physical body (flesh-bone body) gets closed according to the angle of that time. The consciousness body doesn’t save the knowledge like matter brain. If the record connection doesn’t get activated because of the slip at that time, it never goes in action later. So, as in public expressions, the child becomes “mad”. These characteristics forming the fetus have already been recorded. If medical scientists knew these points, they could manage to treat many mental illnesses. It is assumed that the program of the child is determined by the effect received from the Zodiac during the child grows in the womb. However, the growth progress of semen in the womb occurs in the direction of a previously completed program. The seed of three is completed in fruit likewise. When the seed is planted, by taking earth and water, the shape previously completed in fruit expands; otherwise, the seed isn’t encoded in the earth. The array of body and brain is kept by the energetic data particles of atoms in their structures. Atoms transmitting energetic data particles are building blocks of forming the semen and provide the descent. Most importantly, they conduce the forming of our consciousness body; but just as the electricity isn’t the same with water forming it by rolling tribunes, the consciousness body isn’t a material structure formed with atoms. The consciousness body is a meta-matter in which all emotions, thoughts, information learned and acts are recorded. With the beginning moment of Life, all things seen, heard, felt, smelt are recorded to consciousness body. If there weren’t records of consciousness body, it would be as if we see for the first time whatever we saw. Thinking of the past, 92 || The Last Adam we remember meta-matter records in the consciousness body with our brain. The brain provides the connection between matter body and consciousness body; it is a tool just as matter body, the main one is consciousness body. When it’s mentioned about the human, the science revealed should behold, not the body; including human beings, everything we see is the knowledge. Are prophets, scholars, scientists who have come to the world until today recognized via their matter body or their knowledge? The matter body is a dream, science is truth. Such as, a flower is a combination of water and earth but its truth is the science in its structure and the form it got. The body of flower gets out of order after a while, it transforms to the earth and water, it decomposes but its shape and smell are recorded into human consciousness once, so it never gets lost. A human brain is a tool created to open the eternal knowledge gate. Supposing that we manage to use our brain to open that gate, it never gets closed and we live with that knowledge forever. The body is like a robot. There is a structure like electricity hardware. It isn’t possible to reconnect once if the body loses the connection with the system –in case of expiring- which provides the body moving, seeing, and thinking. Some people die even their body is very healthy. All organs work properly, but the body is piled up because those people lose the connection with the conscious that is “Life”. In some cases, it’s said that a person is dead. When the dead one is examined, it can be seen that the body loses its function, it shows no vitality. After a short while, it resurrects. Let’s ask that person; whether he verily died or watched the flesh-bone body by passing through conscious. Even in some cases, some people aware of the Intermediate Realm which they will go. The intermediate realm covers the meta-matter twin of the world. Life isn’t over, even if it loses connection with the flesh-bone body, that connection can be reestablished later. The Secret of Genesis || 93

There are many people among us experiencing these kinds of things. Seeing there is death, we will return to dust and there isn’t a meta-matter life, how can all of these experiences be real? The truth is that: Coming out of nothing is not possible, existing things never disappear. Every created living surely effectuates its meta-matter twin. During sleeping, our consciousness body becomes free because our presumption that we call as “I”/”Ego” dies. We travel around matter universe and meta-matter. We call this situation as a dream. What is preventing us is our ego. If we remove our ego, we can wander around, see and even watch other realms as if they have been brought right in front of us, without sleeping. The consciousness body, during this exemption time, sometimes goes to the past and wander there. We see whatever experienced and/or relatives lived in that time. Sometimes, it goes to the future. This time, we see whatever hasn’t been experienced yet. We are amazed after a while when we meet the same events and we say “I have seen them before”. If the future and past weren’t programmed, how could we see all of them? Can an inexistent thing be seen? Some people claim that dreams are fantastic and nonsense. Verily, to find dreams absurd is nonsense! However, both Muhammad (saw) and other prophets have received revelation through dreams in their early periods. Prophets have experienced similar events with dreamy ones when they are awake too.

“We called to him, ‘O Abraham, You have fulfilled the vision.’ Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.” (Qur’an, 37:104-105)

In Qur’an, many verses have been such as verses about dreams of his holiness Joseph (as) and Abraham (as). Whoever ignores the valid vision becomes heretic due to denying verses. Meanwhile, people who have a dream of prophets 94 || The Last Adam genuinely see them.

“Whoever dreamt of me, it is truth. Because the devil isn’t able to have my appearance.” (Hadith)

The things I wrote about dreams aren’t remotely stuffed information, guessing or my own opinions. All have been experienced personally. Years ago, during my abstinence periods, in my dreams, I used to watch what I would live the day after. When I woke up, I said my family members what kind of events would happen and/or who would come to us. People around me were amazed by I had known the events beforehand. I advised them “be in submission, make free your mind from hardships of this world, practice abstinence, you will see, too”. What a man has in mind is also what he utters. Since people around me couldn’t leave physical pleasures, of course, they couldn’t experience those states. Every person whoever applies its conditions can experience them. The inhabitants of the American Continent, very precious people, used to send their children to mountains when children reach adolescence ages. That young man kept staying in the mountains without food or water until he dreamt of something. The dream of him was interpreted by elders of tribal. The personality of that young man, what kind of a life he would have, for which reason he was created was determined and the young man was directed according to that dream. Therefore, they lived happier than us. Matter body (physical body) is formed of the essence of the matter. Matter body cannot pass through beyond matter. The spirit isn’t the essence of the matter, but the spirit needs contradiction in the matter to individualize variously. The essence of the matter is particles. The matter, due to being formed of particles, is divided and decomposed. The meaning is unique; thus, it can neither be divided nor destroyed. In meaning, there are neither atom, light, energy nor other The Secret of Genesis || 95 particles. Let us think of the body and its shadow. Can shadow be divided or taken to pieces? The meta-matter Life isn’t material, it isn’t formed of particles, and it’s the meaning, a monolithic structure The spirit is the basis of consciousness. All created things including humans, plants, and animals get their shapes according to the spirit in matter and when they gain mobility, the spirit turns into consciousness depending on this shape and mobility. Even a grass in the matter isn’t created without spirit. Every created grass is also consciousness at meta-matter. The grass fades/dies in apparent, but the consciousness at meta-matter keeps living forever. Just as how we walk on grass in this world, our consciousness body walks on consciousness body of grass. We consider and say “we have a mind”. Where do our thoughts come from? How is our consciousness body formed? People ignoring the existence of the spirit may need to examine milk. The most precious part of milk is invisible butter in it. After the milk is churned, it changes the status and the butter appears. Man is like it, too. When the man passes through oppositions in this world, he is pollinated a kind. When it is said “he’s dead”; his essence comes into apparent as conscious spirit (The Life) at the meta-matter realm.

“And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, “The soul is of the affair of my Lord. And mankind has not been given of knowledge except a little.” (Qur’an, 17:85)

In some Meanings of Qur’an, “knowledge except a little” is interpreted as “a little thing”. Of course, Adam is given a little from spirit. The meaning of “given” in verse is expressed as “the soul breathed” in other verses. The soul given and/ or breathed into Adam is just a little part (Cüz) of infinite/ unlimited the Pure Spirit (Rûh’ul Qudus). Therefore, neither 96 || The Last Adam its creation nor destruction is out of the question. The created is Adam’s matter body in the world that is called “human”. Even that matter body is formed according to the spirit given him, as we have expressed previously. In another meaning: Adam knows himself and the universe via the spirit breathed in. When the infinity and limitlessness of knowledge covering all the universe is considered, the given/breathed in is always condemned remaining a little knowledge. Our soul is a mechanism formed by four angelic powers and it’s programmed before the birth. Raphael collects atoms of our body and programs them as a body. Our mind/ reason is from Gabriel. Michael programs our meta-matter consciousness. Azrael, the angel of death, keeps atoms of our body together in order not to be dissolved; at the time of death, He releases them and our matter body dissolves. All living beings have spirits but the dimension of Gabriel and Michael is only open to people. The soul breathed by Allah, in another meaning, is an expression for those open dimensions. Dignities of prophecy and sainthood/ guardianship are also open to people. Before human beings are created; there were angels, jinn and animals. Since angels have intelligence, they were superior. As Adam was created from Reason, angels prostrated to him. Angels supported the reason with their intelligence and they keep on supporting. That the jinn created after angels don’t have a reason, their intelligence is rather weak. Dimensions of Gabriel and Michael are closed to the jinn, dignities of Prophecy and sainthood are likewise.27 The spirit is from Holistic Reason. We call the Holistic Reason as Holistic Spirit. The Holistic Reason takes the name of “Life” when it is divided into little parts (cüz) which aren’t

27 It should be stated that so-called saints of masters claiming jinny demons as very smart praise jinny demons (as if they dispraise) by getting knowledge given in the books of saints like Ibn Arabi. Today, an intelligent person doesn’t fall into the trap of those so-called saints. If verses of Quran is searched deeply, this can be understood easily. The Secret of Genesis || 97 separated from it. The matter is an infinite universe in which we have been living and where separate particles come together, form countless structures and vice versa. Such as in the sample of that waves in ocean generate and scatter, a permanent formation and disruption is the subject in the universe. In this much-known sample, the ignored point generally is that the wave isn’t formed by itself. The formation of the wave is based on the wind blow. The thing formed in Truth is a meaning beyond the mobility. Briefly, the meta-matter leads the matter and meanings beyond matter come to the fore. The entity cannot be explained apart from ONE.ness of sup-matter, matter, meta-matter. Before a cine-record, scenarist writes a script. Artists play their roles according to the script; the camera records them. When the cine-record, is completed, only a lifeless film strip remains back. We watch the movie exhibited by reflecting on the screen. On the screen, artists act if artists are alive. Can these images on the screen be divided and disrupted or can the movements of artists be changed while the movie is being displayed? No. Likewise, it isn’t possible to put someone born and grow back in the mother’s womb. As an analogy, the script of that movie is the meta-matter program, from the Holistic Reason. The movie set where it is shot, the material used in film and artists playing are all matter. The records of the movie are meta-matter. The director says “action” as soon as semen and ovum merge, “stop” with last breathe and finishes shooting in “ the set of the world”; but a movie that doesn’t have a beginning at pre- eternity never comes to an end forever. Jesus and His life should be mentioned to comprehend Adam and the Genesis Secret better, because;

“Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, “Be,” and he was.” (Qur’an 3:59) 98 || The Last Adam

Jesus lived, long time after Noah, approximately 24 centuries ago. Before Noah, various super ages have dwelled; however, after Noah, comprehensions of people became like the first people again. Let’s go through time before the Virgin Mary was born, think about the perception and knowledge level of people who lived at that time. The Virgin, mother of Jesus (as), was from Îmran Family, a family from the ancestry of Abraham (as). Îmran Family was the most well-mannered ancestry of that age. They believed in Torah and Psalm. Since the last Prophet of that time was Moses (as), their worships were done by Moses. They read Torahand didn’t practice idolatry. Their will for a baby was to be a boy who would be both believer and helpful to people. They vowed that baby to Allah; but instead of an expected boy, the Virgin Mother was born. The Virgin Mother, one of the most well-mannered women, always spent her time at the temple. She kept away from people, was very religious and She is also praised in the Qur’an.

“And [mention] when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds.” (Qur’an, 3:42)

The Virgin Mother never married and never saw a man. Her pregnancy as a result of an automatic mechanism in the brain, like the mechanism of onetime’s women, was activated by an angelic influence. So she got pregnant with Jesus. The angel affected her pregnancy mechanism is from Rûh’ul Â’zam. The old say; “Angels doesn’t eat, drink, sleep; they aren’t male or female.” Except for these words; they also make some illustrations. Think about what kind of structures angels have, without words and illustrations of the old. Angels The Secret of Genesis || 99 are countless and infinite, so their diversities are. Angels are partial powers from the power of Allah. Some angels of Rûh’ul Â’zam are entirely power and consciousness. These angels, if need be, have the ability to enter various forms. The function of automatic getting pregnant mechanism of women has been deactivated by an effect coming from the Seven. We mentioned that the periodic bleeding in women (menstrual bleeding) is a residue left by that deactivated mechanism. While the Virgin Mary was praying at the temple, an angel from Rûh’ul Â’zam concentrated his power and appeared to the Virgin Mary as a man and affected Her brain circuit which encodes the ovum. At that moment, to form an empty ovum center, all sub-atomic particles passing through that circuit were specially encoded one by one. Soldier semen was formed – just as the creation of the first Adam- of these sub- atomic particles.’ This effect was just for once. This special center, maturing with the ovum, impregnated the ovum. The zygote moved through the womb. Because of that this center was covered and curled by a sergeant ovum center, the Virgin Mary got pregnant with a boy. Very well, “How did that angel use power by appearing in the shape of a human?” The coming power was from Rûh’ul Â’zam. There, that Consciousness intensified as Power. For instance; people believe evil eye. The visual center (eye) is powerful with some people. Only with their one look; things can get broken or the person right across them can have some bruises on his face, neck, etc. Even sometimes, a person looked with an evil eye can die. Many people have witnessed this kind of event. There is a favorable eye as strong, highly effective as an evil one. The heat intensified on a specific point becomes power; it burns wherever it strikes in a short time. Similarly, if someone doesn’t distract his power of thinking, his brain becomes very powerful; he can dominate the weak brain across his brain. 100 || The Last Adam

Let’s think how strong an eye/look can be powerful; without talking, without a hand, without a touch. If the transmission from the Seven that conduced to the genesis of the first man reached the world again, all women living at the time of the Virgin Mary would get pregnant without contact with a man. That is why angelic influence chose only the Virgin Mary. At the creation of Jesus; the mechanism of getting pregnant automatically was activated exceptionally for the Virgin, for once. The misconception of that incoming angel was Gabriel (Jibrael) is common. Gabriel is the dimension of consciousness and communication. The coming angel from Rûh’ul Â’zam was Power, who came from the Seven. It appeared as consciousness at the brain and affected the Virgin’s brain. The speech between the Virgin Mary and angel, expressed in verses, is an illustration. This speech is a contact of the sup- brain reason with matter brain. This state only can be known by experience. Whoever meets with a person living experience like that may suppose him as mad; because this state keeps that person under pressure, his face color changes, he sweats, his lips move as if he is talking by himself. These kinds of angels are too much to count in the Universe. They are structures of unique/only power. After the human brain progresses, it receives these powers. Even a progressed brain can conduct every wave and power as desired. When Jesus was born, his tribe said; “A child cannot be born without a father” and blamed the Virgin Mary. Jesus in cradle said;

“Indeed, I am the servant of Allah. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet.” (Qur’an, 19:30)

On that day, many of his fellow countrymen couldn’t comprehend it. Although they witnessed that Jesus in the cradle was speaking –as if they saw evil-, they ignored the The Secret of Genesis || 101 truth by saying; “it is work of the devil (Shayâtin)”. They couldn’t admit this event and exiled the Virgin from there. Thus, the Virgin Mary is the most suffering one between mothers’ of all prophets. The time Jesus lived was the kingdom period. Nothing could be without the permission of the king. Whoever admitted a crime was hanged on a wooden framework in the shape of a cross.28 When Jesus explained Allah to believers, He described Allah according to the comprehension of that time. He described Allah by illustrating father and said; “We are His children. You will reach Him if you listen to me and obey his rules.” He mentioned meta-matter dimensions (hell and heaven) as “skies”, He didn’t mention about earthly sky which we recognize. Think about the knowledge level of people at that age! Truth only could be explained to those people in this way. The meaning of that Jesus is the son of Allah cannot be concluded. The place we know as “sky” can be arrived in twelve hours. Let’s go to another galaxy or planet! When we arrive there, let’s calculate. This time, the Blue World appears in the sky. Let’s get out 100 million kilometers from the world, let’s look around; we will see that there is neither earth nor the sky, neither right nor left. So, even the sky is relative. Today, these are explored and known. Let’s remind us we live in our age, not at the age of two thousand years ago. It is time to hear the realities and renounce a God living in the sky! It is the time of realities, not dreams! None of these is controversial to the Torah, Bible, and Quran. Mankind is with head held high and predominates to all beings. Thus, the head is supreme and called “sky”; because the knowledge arrives from the brain (sky) to tongue and gets

28 The cross used to crucify guilty people by Romans wasn’t in the shape of “+” as it is supposed by Christians, but in the shape of “X”. 102 || The Last Adam out from the tongue. When “sky” and “above” are mentioned, they refer to our “head” and “brain”. Why is our brain created? To reach the Reason… To reach the reason is possible via knowing who we are. A person who doesn’t expand his eye of the mind in this world by reaching his essence cannot open it again after passing away this world. He lives and passes away blindly and there, torments blindly forever. There, in the divine system, pulling strings is not possible, so he can be forgiven. When Jesus was asked how they would reach the Father, Jesus answered with three signs. He showed his heart firstly, then right and left shoulder and forehead respectively. With these three signs, Jesus said: “Keep your heart in the right firstly, and then become ‘One.’ Two shoulders symbolize ONE.ness. With the sign of forehead; he mentioned that ‘Reach the Father’, namely; ‘Reach your mind, and reach your essence’”. These signs are determined according to the conditions of our realm (the world). These signs express the triple system. Three signs have three meanings. These three meanings make people receive the Truth and essence. What is it done, today? Firstly the forehead is signed and then others. The meaning of these signs - unfortunately - isn’t understood; it is followed down instead of up.

3- Alın (Forehead) A 2- İki Kol (Two arms (shoulders) S 1- Kalp (Heart) İ

The name varies according to the languages of nations; it becomes Isa, Jesus, etc. In Turkish, when you follow the order given above from up to down, the first letters bring the fourth word of “ASİ” meaning “rebel”. When it is read reversely, from down to up, the first letters bring the fourth word of “İSA”, name of Jesus in Turkish. The Secret of Genesis || 103

The followers of Jesus, to exalting him, referred these signs and said: “Before Jesus died, He knew that he would be crucified”. Irrelevant! Seeing that Jesus was killed by crucified, why is that crucifix not broken instead of standing in front respectively, using in ceremonies? Are these manners reasonable? All are apocryphal. Jesus said to them; “Keep your heart in the right place, be ONE.ness, activate your eye of the mind. Otherwise, you cannot find Father, the Truth”. Without a heart not in the right way, peace cannot be found; peace is the only way of gaining the reason. At first, the apostles of Jesus were four. Then they became 12, finally, it was 13. Jesus advised them; “You should bea Jesus like me in terms of wisdom”. His apostles used to dress similar to him, they endeavored to resemble Him. As it’s known, everyone desires to follow and have a resemblance to his beloved person. One of the apostles was saying repeatedly that “the real king, the real sovereign is Father”. These words were heard by the governor of the city. The men of Governor caught that apostle and brought him to the presence of the governor. The governor asked that “Choose one: Is the King ours or your Father?” In response; “Father is the King” apostle said. He went on saying that he was faithful to Jesus and he, himself, was a Jesus, too. The men (soldiers) of the governor had never seen Jesus before. Although some people who had known Jesus insisted on that he wasn’t Jesus, the governor’s soldier, because they couldn’t find Jesus, claimed; “He is Jesus”. The captured apostle was commentated to accept that “Father is not king, the real king is our king; neither Jesus nor Father. If you reject Christianity, we will forgive you”, but he didn’t and became the first martyr of Christianity. Likewise, many similar events were realized during the time of Muhammad (saw). The believers, due to not denying Allah, were killed. After that, Jesus went to Cydnus (Tarsus) with His two 104 || The Last Adam apostles firstly. He stayed for a while, then moved to Ephesus, settled there. The Virgin Mother came to Ephesus with the other two closest apostles of Jesus. They lived in Ephesus for a while. Idolaters used to live in Ephesus at that time. They moved to a fountainhead at Nightingale Mountain (mountainside overlooking both Ephesus and the Aegean) where is known as “the Virgin Mary” today.

“And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign and sheltered them within a high ground having level [areas] and flowing water.” (Qur’an, 23:50)

Jesus (as) lived there until He was 54, He passed away and was buried there. One should be very careful while s/he is reading Torah and the Bible. It is known that hundreds of different Injell were written after Jesus. Statements such as “they crossed, tortured and killed Jesus” which are written in later are apocryphal. They aren’t ayâts (verses) Whoever claims it (they are ayâts) has become a kafîr (disbeliever, infidel). Only prophets have been inspired by Ayât. It’s revealed by angelic conveyance and it is divine inspiration. Words of prophets are called . Words except those said by prophets are neither ayât nor hadith. Since the Bible has been received through transfer two centuries after Jesus, the words which don’t belong to Jesus are added. However, the Bible inspired to Jesus –if it’s found- is still valid. Many verses have been removed from Torah and Bible; instead of them, words would not be never accepted by the human mind have been added. Thus, both books have many discrepancies. To give a case in point; in Torah, Bible and Psalm and other papers inspired to other prophets, it is said that:

“And Amram took him Jochebed his father’s sister to wife, and she bares him Aaron and Moses: and the years of the life of Amram The Secret of Genesis || 105

(were) a hundred and thirty and seven years.” (Exodus, 6:20)

Supposedly, Abraham married his sister.

“Besides, she is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife.” (Genesis 20:12)

Daughter of Lut (as) has also supposedly done:

“One day the older daughter said to the younger, ‘Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children - as is the custom all over the earth. Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.’ That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again, he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. So, both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father.” (Genesis, 19-31-36)

Imbiber (alcohol drinkers) knows; in case of drinking alcohol too much until losing himself, the erection doesn’t occur. It’s written above that Lut (as) was not aware of sleeping with her daughter because he had become drunk. How can this slander be accepted? Herein, let’s address this issue through provision Sherry:

“If a man marries his sister, the daughter of either his father or his mother, and they have sexual relations, it is a disgrace. They are to be publicly removed from their people. He has dishonored his sister and will be held responsible.” (Leviticus, 20:17) 106 || The Last Adam

“If a man marries both a woman and her mothers, it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire so that no wickedness will be among you.” (Leviticus, 20:14)

Despite all these falsifications, some verses of previous holy books are approved, some are revised, and some are nullified by the Qur’an, the last sacred book.

“And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous. And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are defiantly disobedient. And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth. To each of you, We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ” (Qur’an, 5:46-48)

Whoever indoctrinates claims such as “the body of Jesus is crossed, not his soul” are groups from the jinn unrelated to religion. The cross mentioned by Jesus, as it is seen at verse given below are signs those we have explained previously. Another meaning of the sentence “shoulder your crucifix (the cross) and follow me” is that “Leave everything you have (self) and yield.”

“And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny The Secret of Genesis || 107 himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luca, 9:23)

At that time, criminals weren’t crucified with nails; they were lashed to a wooden cross with rope. “He has worn a crown from thorny wood!” It is also another apocryphal, faked up two centuries after Jesus (as). Jesus lived the beginning in the last, lived the last in the beginning. The meaning of it is that comparing with other prophets; other prophets reached prophesying during the second half of their life, unlike them, Jesus become prophet during the first half of His life and lived the second half of His life as a good believer. Since Jesus (as) had died at the age of 33 before he died; it can be said that the age of 33 is the time when He left this world.29 When Jesus (as) offered bread and a pot of grape juice to people around Him, by signifying the bread, He said that “Bread is your body made of flesh and bone, grape juice is your blood. These things are our matter body. They don’t form our essence; these things are air, earth, and water. Your (our) essence is HE (the God).” Because the following generations haven’t perceived these words, they assumed them as religious rules, kept on practicing them as worship. Everyone has added a new approach until today, so “God’s Great Dinner” has emerged. It is assumed that “Jesus is the son of God” because he was born without a father. With this approach, the first Adam was born without a father. Moreover, he didn’t have a mother. Abracadabra is not valid for the system. Everything depends on a layout and this 29 Age 33 has many meanings. It is the time of the most beautiful youthfulness. It is the transformation age in which growth stops. Growing stops in 33 and the body starts to exhaustion. In the consciousness body, all people are 33. Since the outer body dress of man is affected by the atmosphere, but its inner conditions have the characteristic of the planet, man has two-stage. He is subject to the atmosphere before age of 33, after 33, he lives up to planets. He lives the first until 33, then he works up to final after 33. 108 || The Last Adam layout is the knowledge To think that Jesus sacrificed Himself for the redemption of humanity would be a mistake. Depending on the divine system, everyone should redeem himself. How the Power that is All-creator, the owner of space and sky had to sacrifice his son for the redemption of humanity! Doesn’t He have enough Power to redeem people, so He sacrifices His son? How can He be God, if He doesn’t enough Power to redeem? It’s said that: “Adam wrongdid but Jesus did not. Adam was in Heaven, if he hadn’t wrongdone we would have been in there today.” Whoever never married used to be called as “sinless” in the past. Jesus (as) never touched and married a woman. When considered from this point of view, it is right that Jesus was sinless, but it is not true to determine Jesus only with this point. Let’s not keep these approaches anymore! Childhood has ended. We will grow up and be man/Adam. We will make our minds grow up not our bodies. Furthermore, every society reads coming of Jesus in different meanings. Most of them have seen metaphors heard from the old or word made up by the time as truth. To illustrate; some Muslims say “Jesus will alight to white minaret in Damascus among two angels. After that, He will be Muslim and obey the Qur’an, perform the Friday , then, pull the swords and attack the unbelievers, hereticide them. He will redeem the world with Qur’an.” However, there wasn’t minaret at the time of Muhammad (saw). Who is meant with “heretic”? People from Europe, people from America…? Well then, won’t they ask that “We are Christians, we come after you and our book is Gospel, why do you kill us?” Assuming that Qur’an and will redeem the world! Both Qur’an and Muslims are here, if so, why will Jesus come down? Let’s think about these questions. We wonder who Jesus will punish when He comes. Let’s forsake to determine prophets as armed people with swords and daggers. They did not attack anyone, they only The Secret of Genesis || 109 protected themselves. These manners are shirks for believers. Both works and ideas of fanatic people are to attack, hit, break and kill. It is necessary to overcome these kinds of unhealthy thoughts and lean-to love all beings created by Allah. None of prophets wage war against people and force them to believe. On the contrary, idolaters of those times attacked prophets and their believers by saying “our idols are lost”. So, prophets and their believers defended themselves. Jews haven’t understood Moses; Christians haven’t understood Jesus. But Muhammad (saw) was understood by some people in his first period. The number of people understanding Him has steadily declined until the time of İbrahim Hakkı Erzurumi. Today, that number is almost zero and everything has been reversed. Christians claim that “God is sitting in the sky like a king”. According to others; Allah is on the air, at right, at left, everywhere. Has it been seen? If not, there is a false witness at this point. They contradict with Qur’an saying the verse below:

“(...) and know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart (...)” (Qur’an, 8:24)

When the Seven Kömbes is looked at from a specific angle and distance, it looks like a human. The Seven is like the human brain. All living and non-living beings in the Seven Kömbe is organized in the Seven. The Seven is the uppermost one among the other structures of the Seven Kömbes. On the other side, transmission spread from the Seven is everywhere, at any moment. These transmissions arrange the human brain, the uppermost part of the human body, and energetic knowledge particles with brain code. That is why God has always been perceived at the upside. The brain leads the body. Don’t our thoughts and deeds depend on the brain? Doesn’t whatever we do materialize 110 || The Last Adam with the command of the brain? When people asked Muhammad (saw) whether God is in the Earth or on the sky, He answered, “Neither the Earth nor the sky is he in; He is in the hearts of Muslims.” It is the heart where meaning is kept. Whose eye of the heart is not opened is in the darkness. If the eye of the heart were opened, they would perceive whatever goes on. Whoever learns the knowledge and practices it reaches redemption. Can anyone be full up only by saying; “That person is eating instead of me, every day”? No! Just as how conditions of the matter body are food and beverage, how the body cannot maintain its existence without them, food and beverage of the consciousness body is knowledge and deeds. Without knowledge and related deeds, heavenly life at the unseen dimensions isn’t possible. The opposite of this is just superstition. Everything depends on the system. The thing coming from earth is the matter body, it turns back to earth. The thing coming from the Spirit becomes the consciousness; it remains as the consciousness. Every prophet conveys knowledge. Believers tell that “Prophets come to the World”. What is conveyed at the truth is the knowledge given to prophets. Every prophet is also knowledge. In this context, Jesus who is believed to come on doomsday is not his person; it is the knowledge that will come. Because the knowledge revealed to Jesus (as) were too much for people living at that age, the revelation of some of that knowledge was discontinued.

“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.” (John, 16:12)

“(…) O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself (…)” (Qur’an, 3:55)

The verses given above refer to the deactivation of scientific The Secret of Genesis || 111

(holy) transmission. Stop looking for Jesus at the space of the sky!30

30 According to the Holy Book, Jesus is resurged by God three days after he is crucified, and he is ascended to the sky, by Him. Many Christian sects believe in that Jesus has a seat right beside his Father, he will re-come for the Judgment Day, on that day deaths will rise from the dead, God’s Kingdom will be established, and life similar to thousands of years of heaven life will start.


Many prophets were revealed with sahifa (leaves) to guide humanity. Prophets; Moses (as), David (as), Jesus (as), Ahmad (saw) are the last four prophets. These sahifas are gathered in the last four holy books; Torah, Psalm, Bible (Gospel) and Qur’an. Thus, these four holy books are directories. Today; Torah, Bible, and Qur’an are available, but Psalm is not. The psalm may not be available, but it does not mean that the divine words of Psalm are disappeared. Its divine words have been conveyed to the two subsequent holy books (Bible and Qur’an). Neither divine words disappear nor can no one change them. If one divine word is removed from one book, that word is transferred into the next book via revelation. Briefly, the words removed from the Torah are transferred to Psalm and the Bible; the words removed from the Bible are inscribed in Qur’an. Four sacred books are One Book in the Truth; this is a verse from the Main Book. The earth signs to Moses, water to David, air to Jesus and sun to Ahmad. Four elements, four prophets… All of them sign a system. Common characters of four prophets are ONE, but their dignities are different. Someone who wants to complete his education in this meaning needs the knowledge of four prophets.

In the second meaning, these four prophets are; Moses is the Letter/Kalam(Word), David is the Paper, Jesus is the Pen/Writer, Ahmad is the Reader 114 || The Last Adam

In the third meaning, Moses (as) is the kalam, (the word) of God. Jesus (as) has knowledge of the soul. He is created as a marvel to the people and this world.

“(…) We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us (…)” (Qur’an, 19:21)

Muhammad (saw) is created as a mercy to the worlds.

“And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” (Qur’an, 21:107)

Accepting one of these prophets but ignoring other(s) deprives the person of this knowledge. None of the prophets can convey the Truth without reaching Allah. Knowing that even saints are the ones who have reached the Truth, not reaching to the Truth cannot be an option for a prophet. For instance; when Moses went to Mount Sinai and said that “Oh God, I cannot see you”, the address of Allah was so: “Moses, two (things) cannot be (exist) together, firstly you should die to see me”. (To die before physical death). Moses prayed in Mountain Sinai for a long time and in the end, He reached the Truth, his mission started after that. Consequently, no wonder all prophets reached the knowledge of the soul. Whoever doesn’t know his soul neither knows himself nor he cannot be a prophet. How can a person who doesn’t know thyself convey the knowledge of the Truth to other people? Throughout history, prophets are slandered. Supposedly, prophets took the religion to be king and maintain their kingdom. Moses (as) grew in a palace; He was clever and honest. He would accede to the throne of Pharaoh. Moses did not accept it because of the divine injunction. If real purposes of prophets had been to have a kingdom, Moses would have The Secret of Genesis || 115 accepted the throne of Pharaoh. When Muhammad (saw) was requested to take the authority of Mecca in consideration of prophethood, he refused that offer. So where’s prophets’ desire for the kingdom? However, they all have passed the knowledge down to the world and passed away. Every society has monopolized a prophet; they are deprived of the knowledge. Some claim that “our knowledge/religion/ prophet is the right one”, some says that “the knowledge of other(s) isn’t right”. Thus, people are confused at believing in whom. Whoever believes in must embrace six pillars of faith. These pillars are to believe in Allah, angels, holy books, prophets, the Last Day, and that destiny, charity and enormity come from Allah. According to these pillars, to have faith in books and prophets of Allah and not to distinguish among them is required but today, people still insist that “Our and their books-prophets are different”. Whoever verily makes a distinction between them puts his faith on the line.

“Say, [O believers], ‘We have believed in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.’” (Qur’an, 2:136)

How a Muslim reacts in case of an insult against Muhammad (saw), he should have the same response for insult(s) against Jesus (as) and other prophets. People who don’t do it also put their faith in the line.

“And Abraham instructed his sons [to do the same] and [so did] Jacob, [saying], ‘O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims.’” (Qur’an, 2:132) 116 || The Last Adam

Today, most people have backslid as a result of deeds of those who say “I am a devout person”. So-called devout people live in reverse practically. Inconstancies between their words and deeds are hypocrisy, and their punishment will be given in the sub-Seven. Punishment of an atheist (a disbeliever) is in the sub-One; because a disbeliever talks frankly and doesn’t dissemble. A disbeliever says, “I am atheist” and s/he dwells as a disbeliever. It is known what should be expected from a disbeliever. A person who claims that he is devout but dwells in reverse cannot be predictable about what he is going to do. They are the most dangerous of living beings. They discriminate prophets and stroll by claiming that “my faith is superior”. They aren’t aware of the factiousness that they make. To perceive prophets, we must be superior to them so that we can grade them. A person whoever tries to grade prophets through their superiorities loses his faith, he is the pharaoh. All prophets and holy books are integrated as ONE in the Qur’an because prophets are One and servant of Allah. Only Absolute Power, the creator can grade them. It is a big mistake to call people going after Moses as Jews and people going after Jesus as Christians. Both Jews and Christians are all Islam. Therefore, people saying “Everybody who isn’t in accord with Muhammad (saw) is deserving of hell.” have a perverted sense which is contrary to the Qur’an.

“They are not [all] the same; among the People of the Scripture is a community standing [in obedience], reciting the verses of Allah during periods of the night and prostrating [in prayer]. They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and they enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and hasten to good deeds. And those are among the righteous.” (Qur’an, 3:113-114)

“Here you are loving them, but they are not loving you, while you believe in the Scripture - all of it. And when they meet you, they say, ‘We believe.’ But when they are alone, they bite their fingertips at you in rage. Say, ‘Die in your rage. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of The Secret of Genesis || 117 that within the breasts.’” (Qur’an, 3:119)

Including Muhammad (saw), Moses (as), David (as) and Jesus (as), they all followed the faith and the way of Abraham (as). Besides these four prophets are descendants of Abraham (as).

Say, “Indeed, my Lord has guided me to a straight path - a correct religion - the way of Abraham, inclining toward truth. And he was not among those who associated others with Allah.” (Qur’an, 6:161)

“Whether they are the ones who believe (in the Arabian Prophet), or whether they are Jews, Christians or Sabians – all who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and do righteous deeds – their reward is surely secure with their Lord; they need have no fear, nor shall they grieve” (Qur’an, 2:62)

These verses are evidence that whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day -no matter in which religion he believes- will ascend to heaven. One of the reasons why Muslims are so miserable today is to ignore verses of the Qur’an knowingly or unknowingly and fall into fanaticism. The most significant difference between the Islamic Ummah and other ummahs is which heaven they will go. Muslims will ascend to Adn (Eden) Heaven. Other ummahs will go to other heavens. Have we ever seen master copies of the books which we read to reach the knowledge? Do we know interpreters of those books? When religious works are studied well, it will be noticed that many perverted meanings have been imposed on religious communities by enemies of the religion. These kinds of fanatic minds have been seen at every age, and this situation sets Jews, Christians, and Muslims against each other.

“Say: ‘We believe in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Issac and Jacob and his 118 || The Last Adam descendants, and the teachings which Allah gave to Moses and Jesus and other prophets. We make no distinction between any of them and to Him do we submit.’” (Qur’an, 3:84)

Moses (as) was before Jesus (as). Buddha was long before Moses (as). Whose ummah would they be if people saying that “I am Christian, from the ummah of Jesus.” or “I am a Jew, from the ummah of Moses.” were born in Asia during the time of Buddha? Of course, they would follow Buddha and be Buddhist. Similarly, the ummah of Jesus was before Ahmad (saw). If Muslims were born before Him, whose ummah would they be? Any prophet cannot be monopolized by anyone. Each of the prophets was created in a specific characteristic and given different knowledge. The knowledge of all eventually converges at the same point. If not, only a prophet and a book would come. A person who says “My prophet is superior to them” is neither Muslim nor Christian or Jew, he is the only factionist. Everybody will finally reach the world where “who is who” will be seen. Let’s read the Qur’an carefully. All prophets and holy books are gathered in the Qur’an. How we start to our education life with primary school, humanity started to primary school with the first Adam and graduated from the university with Muhammad (saw). As a result of that Moses referred to David, and David referred to Jesus (as) by saying, “Messiah will come”, Jesus has been named as Messiah. Moses (as) said; “Messiah will confirm what I brought and let you have the words of Allah”. None of verses or hadiths indicates that; “Jesus will reborn to the world”. They indicate, “He will come” and/or “Messiah will come”. Muhammad also said to His people allegorically that Messiah would come. The meaning of “Christ” is corrector and teller of the Truth. All prophets after Adam are Messiahs. Muhammad (saw) has proclaimed the last coming one as Messiah in this sense. Additionally, because of Muhammad’s The Secret of Genesis || 119 some say such as “When Jesus, son of Mary, descends…” it was supposed that “Jesus will come again” and related verses were misinterpreted. The last prophet is Mohammad (saw). No other prophet will come after Him. Thereby, the second coming of the Prophet Jesus (as) cannot be thought. The religion is completed with Muhammad (saw). The most intelligent of prophets is He. If the passing from the meta-matter through the matter realm (this world) were possible, the re-coming One would be Muhammad. The Holy Bible explicitly states that Jesus will not come back again.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John, 14:26)

“When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father -the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father- he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.” (John, 15:26-27)

“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment.” (John, 16:7-8)

Many verses similar to the above ones are in the Holy Bible. Besides, the dimension of all prophets is available with man, but it isn’t active. Is Allah so incapable of bringing back Jesus to this world from the meta-matter realm? Instead of it, if it is needed, Allah activates the dimension of Jesus in any person, and that person carries out the duty of Jesus! People living at that time weren’t aware of the knowledge known nowadays. Even, they thought that the blue world (planet) was flat. That is why some truths were explained in 120 || The Last Adam a way how they could manage. Otherwise, a living being of which connection is cut with the matter lives in the meta- matter realm according to conditions of there. It is not an option to return to the matter realm and live as a material being again. The beings of the meta-matter dimension can communicate with people of the matter world, but it is only possible on the condition that people of the matter world experience change in perception and appearance. It is an experience only known by who lives it, but impossible for the rest. Jesus has described the characteristics of subsequent prophets. This is one of His miracles, too. Priests and saints of the Prophet Ahmad’s time (saw) followed him because His characteristic was subject to the description given in the Bible. The Holy Bible of today doesn’t have those verses. If it is researched very well, manuscripts of original the Bible including the above verses will be found. When Jesus (as) came to the world, some believers of Moses (as) accepted Jesus (as) as a prophet; however, the great majority opposed and intended to kill Him. Hereby, Jews have been slandered. It’s said, “Jews hung Jesus (as).” People crossed the apostle of Jesus (as) were not Jews, they were fanatics of that time. Although Moses (as) had said; “After me, Messiah will come, and you will go follow Him”, they insisted on “No, you aren’t Messiah” and not believing in him because they had thought Messiah would have descended from the sky. The first apostles following Jesus (as) were believers who read the Torah and believed in Moses (as). Just as fanatic Jews did not embrace Jesus (as), most Christians didn’t believe in Muhammad (saw). The same fanaticism still goes on. Neither Jesus (as) nor Mohammad (saw) fought against People of the Scripture. Both who slandered prophets and got into a panic because of losing their gods were idolaters. Those who didn’t embrace both Jesus (as) and Muhammad (saw) were their relative at first since some of those relatives The Secret of Genesis || 121 were idolaters dissembled by being arrogant.

“And Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his household.’” (Marcos, 6:4)

Mohammad (saw) has been sent to the world as God’s mercy. This is the verse of God. That mercy is the shari’a of Mohammad (saw). The shari’a is the knowledge, justice, and judgment of God. Many subjects have been put under taboo and prophets and holy books have been idolized by the time. All prophets and holy books speak to the human mind. Any hadith contrary to the Qur’an is falsification; because both verse and hadith originate from the same point, a contradiction between them cannot be an option. Muhammad (saw) hasn’t disseminated a new religion. He has expressed that the truth is based on a single principle by explaining articles of faiths and the existence and unity of Allah that all people believe in. He has invited all humanity to the ONE.ness. The unique purpose of religious instructions of prophets is to make people reach the Holistic Reason. So, how can people reach the Holistic Reason? The Holistic Reason can be reached via faith predicted in instructions of prophets and applying the shari’a. The aim of shari’a is not to cut the arm but reach the Holistic Reason. Everything is evaluated in an apparent way, this has caused many mistakes. Yes, an arm of anyone who steals something is cut off by force, so that arm cannot be used for theft again. In the truth; if a person applies the shari’a in his self and doesn’t do any robbery, it means that arm is cut off. What is indeed cut off here? Doing robbery is cut off because he vows not to do it again. If it weren’t, Allah would say, “Cut off the thief’s arm immediately, I don’t accept the repentance!” 122 || The Last Adam

“But whoever repents after his wrongdoing and reforms, indeed, Allah will turn to him in forgiveness. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Qur’an. 5:39)

So, why didn’t Muhammad (saw) forbid strict shari’a punishments such as stone to death? One day, a woman comes and says to Mohammad (saw); “O! Rasoolu Allah (the messenger of Allah), I committed adultery, enforce the rules of shari’a for me”. Whereas, Muhammad (saw) tells people around, “Look here, to this woman, is she insane or in right mind?” After her clarity of mind is understood, Mohammad (saw) counsels her to wait for four months to see whether she is pregnant or not. The woman comes for the second time as pregnant and says;” That I fornicated has been proved”. Muhammad (saw) says, “Go and give birth to the child.” The woman comes for the third time after birth. This time, Muhammad (saw) says, “Now, go and grow this child.” In this case, Muhammad wants to see repentance of that woman via a strong influence of motherhood compassion, so the woman can give up insisting on enforcing the apparent aspect of the shari’a law. But the woman comes again after she grows up her child; finally, her demand becomes real. According to the hadith even if a man is seen while he is getting into a woman’s house, the adultery accusation cannot be accepted unless it is openly seen. Herein, the aim isn’t to punish, but it is mystic decency. Muhammad (saw) has spoken to people of both His own time and people of in ages to come. People’s perception of that time was different; they were not able to comprehend mystic aspects of shari’a. Muhammad (saw) has made it as difficult as possible to enforce strict punishments of shari’a and He has had to leave comprehending mystic aspects of shari’a. Muhammad (saw) hasn’t brought a new shari’a law. The shari’a ongoing from the time of Abraham (as) was The Secret of Genesis || 123 consummated during His prophecy. The significant point of shari’a is to practice its rules at himself.31 Muhammad (saw) who comes with Mercy for the worlds doesn’t persecute anyone. Thus, the gate of repentance has been kept open in Qur’an, unlike other books. These words shouldn’t be supposed as my (writer of this book) words. These words were taught to me by Muhammad (saw). Jesus (as) started to disseminate his religious teachings from Jews; Muhammad (saw) started from Christians, then to Jews. The laws of shari’a were stricter on the time of Moses and Jesus. Muhammad (saw) could not abruptly dismantle strict aspects of the shari’a to which Christians and Jews were strongly faithful. The conditioning and comprehension of that time’s people weren’t convenient. To give an example of the shari’a provisions in the Torah and the Bible;

“Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their head. If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death” (Leviticus, 20:9-10)

“But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body is thrown into hell. And if your right-hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body goes into hell.” (Matthew, 5:28- 30)

“(…) And said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such

31 Dear readers, we strongly recommend not to reach any judgment about Mu- hammad and Muslims by only considering manners of today’s believers without searching and/or reading the Qur’an, hadiths and historical conditions of that time. 124 || The Last Adam women. Now, what do you say?’ But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John, 8:4-7)

Many verses similar to the above ones in the Torah, Bible, and Qur’an have been used as a fig leaf by ignorant people who haven’t comprehended the mystic meaning of those verses. As it is seen; contrary to what most everyone thinks, strict punishments such as stone to death and cutting a body member off haven’t been put into practice by Muhammad (saw) for the first time. On the contrary Hz. Muhammad (saw) has made it as difficult as possible to witness apparent imposing of these strict punishments that have been established for thousands of years. Muslim women try to preserve their chastity by adopting the dressing style of Mother Mary. Christians of today suppose that Muslims made up covered dressing style. That is why they despise Muslim women. They say; “We are Christians” but they object to the dressing style of the Virgin Mary.

“And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests” (Qur’an, 24:31)

If something is asked to do in the Qur’an, it is fardh for those who believe in the Qur’an. For example, the headscarf is fardh for women. Both saying, “I am Muslim” and “Do not cover your head” takes someone to shirk. It makes no difference whether he introduces himself as a scholarly person. Nonbelievers, on the other hand, are not spoken by this verse. Any verses don’t claim; “Women who don’t cover their head cannot go to heaven”. Pillars of Islam are five, the headscarf is not the sixth one. Everyone is judged according The Secret of Genesis || 125 to his position. As the word comes to sects; neither the Qur’an nor Torah nor Bible has a verse expressing “O people, you, get divided into sects”. This discourse cannot be heard from the words of prophets. Sectarianism is made up, it is superstition and separatism; on the contrary, holy books have common commination saying; “Be ONE.ness, do not separate”. In the age of four imams known as imams of the sect, the Qur’an was scripted. Contrary to our time, there weren’t facileness (like printing press). Naturally, the number of books was less and books couldn’t be reached everywhere. People had to learn the religion from imams. Thus, imams both taught religion to the public and chose talented ones to educate them as imam. Muhammad (saw) has shown differences in his worships and judge differently in various matters according to the situation. Imams taught religion according to their disposition and provisions appropriate to the structure of their society. So, over time, four practices called as four sects belonging to four imams emerged in the Ahl-i Ve’l Ashâb. However, these four imams have never aimed to divide the religion into four sects. Thereby, whoever sees the sects as a separation slanders to these four imams! Each of these imams has taught the teachings of Muhammad (saw). Thus, how four imams followed is the true one. Sectarianism is a separate faction meaning separate leadership; it causes bid’ah (innovation in religious matters). Four imams are the same faction, not separate factions.

“[Or] of those who have divided their religion and become sects, every faction rejoicing in what it has.” (Qur’an, 30:32)

We want to remind that to anyone who carries out an idea about a verse and say “those words are for believers of other religions”: When this verse was revealed, Muslims were 126 || The Last Adam in ONE.ness. Sects of today emerged two or three centuries after Muhammad (saw). Today, Muslims have been divided into dozens faction.

“Ummah of Moses will be divided into seventy-one factions, ummah of Jesus will be seventy-two factions and mine will be seventy-three. From each of them, only one faction will ascend to heaven.” (Hadith)

What about His Holiness Hassan and Hussein… They had to be martyred; because being Siddiq and martyrdom follows prophecy. Only his holiness Abu Bakr reached to the dignity of Siddiqness. Thus, His Holiness Omar, Osman, and Ali have been martyred. This is for togetherness at heaven (Adn Heaven), but it should be kept in mind not to confuse being martyred for Allah and being martyred for the motherland. Martyrdom has different levels. Some Muslims slander Muhammad (saw) by saying; “When Aisha was five years old, the Prophet got married to her.” It is seven or nine according to some narratives. The manuscript book of Bukhari has been changed under the name of “Interpretation” lately and the relevant section of the book has been used as a means of slander. Supposedly, Gabriel brings a picture of Aisha on a leaf and says to Muhammad (saw) “Allah orders you to marry with this child”. At first, no one knows the child on the picture but then, a woman says, “Here is Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr”. How cannot a person who goes to Abu Bakr’s house almost every day recognize Aisha, daughter of Abu Bakr? As though, Arabia’s climate is so hot that girls at 6-7 ages grow fast and have a woman body! Many people go to pilgrimage to Arabia and of course, people from Arabia visits other countries with their children. Is there anyone who meets a girl child at 6-7 age but looks like a woman? These slanderers, sure enough, will serve their sentences in the meta-matter. The Secret of Genesis || 127

Muhammad (saw) got married Mother Aisha when she was seventeen years old; the nuptial night was when she was nineteen. Those two years were for Aisha to get used to new life. Because of disparity in age between the Prophet and Aisha, she was called as “child”. They both say; “We are Muslims” and lay this slander on with a trowel. If they don’t be embarrassed, they will claim that Aisha was two or three years old, but they hesitate that other people won’t have it. These kinds of slanders have been made up a long time after the Prophet (saw) and His Ashâb (His companions). Many Muslims digenesis by making daughters marry at a very early age because of these slanders. Among the Muslims, being committed to sheiks, masters, murshids (spiritual guide or teacher, master), etc. and going after their mistakes by saying; “If a man doesn’t have a sheik, his sheik is the devil” has become widespread. Because getting a book was challenging in the past, people were seeking for a sheik or a murshid. Today, it is not necessary. Furthermore; ancient sheiks, contrary to today’s sheiks taught their murids/ mureeds (those who seek spiritual enlightenment) to love all creatures, not hostility. They shared their food, they didn’t leave their murids. What about today’s sheiks! They are always at five-star hotels. Books are everywhere, it is time to pull us together, start to read and learn. Anyone shouldn’t be obeyed except prophets. Prophets are gates opened to the Truth. The gate of Truth isn’t opened to anyone who doesn’t knock those gates. To obey alleged wise persons is not fardh but obeying the book and prophet is. We shouldn’t pick up, we should learn by reading and researching! To surrender anyone except Allah, to submit anyone except prophets is to serve someone slavishly. The end of submission in anyone except Allah by saying “I am committed to this master, this wise man, etc.” is hell as the given verse below: 128 || The Last Adam

“The Day We will call forth every people with their record [of deeds]. (…)And whoever is blind in this [life] will be blind in the Hereafter and more astray in way.” (Qur’an, 17:71-72)

If a genuine saint reaches the position of Safîye (purity) by getting at essence, he sees the jinn and angels, meets with prophets, and if he scripts a book, he receives signs from prophets and completes that book via their help. The Saint means wise man, he means the knowledge. A person who has reached the Truth, reached the maturity doesn’t show miraculous deed; because without going beyond the miracle, the Truth cannot be reached. A miracle is the event of transition to the Truth, it should be passed. If it isn’t passed and one stays on that stage, it becomes istîdrac (a kind of magic realized by disbelievers), not a miracle. In the end, someone not overcoming miraculous deeds becomes a disbeliever. His effort is to magnify himself by doing magic. Only those who overcome magic can reach the essence. A miracle is seen at anyone who practices abstinence with submission. Miracle doesn’t mean that a person has reached Allah. Marvel Dignity starts after overcoming the Miracle Dignity. A smart person doesn’t follow the lead of people who are said to work miracle, he keeps away from wise people, sheiks, saints or murshids who have left worshipping. He escapes from them how a gazelle does against a lion. I have witnessed many religious communities which have given up following prophets and obeyed supposed wise people. They defend them, even worship them! They divided into groups saying; “I am from this community, from that one ...” I (writer) advised them, but they didn’t give heed to my advice. I offered them to read; they said to me, “Devil read too, his knowledge is so high, that is why he becomes devil”. You, dear readers, Devil is the most ignorant of the creatures. If Devil had the knowledge, he wouldn’t be Devil. Does any creature which has the knowledge revolt against Allah? Only The Secret of Genesis || 129 ignorant people revolt against his Lord. The communities which I visited showed me some wise people’s books. I noticed the words of the devil in those books… We have mentioned about how books of wise people have been changed under the name of interpretation. Supposedly, the devil had been an angel; he was fired from heaven and become a devil. Firstly, what is he doing in heaven? It is written in the holy books that the devil cannot enter heaven. Secondly, angels are created from nûr (divine light), the devil is created from nâr (fire). “How does an angel become devil later on?” It’s enough to praising devil, stop doing it! Do not confuse angels with devils! Let’s look at and read the Qur’an carefully!

“When We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam,’ and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord.” (Qur’an, 18:50)

The meaning of prostration is superiority. The demonic jinn haven’t accepted the superiority of Adam since they have assumed Him as a stony-earthy (material) body. That Allah commanded everything to prostrate Adam is a metaphor. Via this metaphor, it is explained that Adam is superior to everything because his essential power is from an infinite power. Dear readers; keep away from those who praise the devil and claim that devil was an angel once upon a time, seek refuge in Allah from both jinny devils and two-legged devils, do not afraid of jinny devils; because being afraid of them is shirk. Neither the jinn nor devil can get near any believer who performs ritual prayers of Islam with loyalty. The human brain has been created superiorly and perfectly compared to the brains of the jinn and animals. To see the jinn, the first sight circuit should be activated. In the case of activation of the second circuit, angels can be seen; in 130 || The Last Adam case of activation of the third circuit, the meta-matter world can be seen easily. The jinn are weaker than whose will is strong, but stronger than whose will is weak. The jinn can only have an impact on shakee people; their impact on servants of Allah is out of the question.

“Indeed, My servants - no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you of the deviators” (Qur’an, 15:42)

Today, as same as in the past, devil squads in the appearance of humans have been living. They also have a stony-earthy body like us. One of your relatives and/or anyone from your family can be a member of this squad. They do the of jinny devils in this world. Some between them who are good at rhetoric introduce themselves as wise to other people. These kinds of natterers confuse the knowledge of saints and prophets with diabolical ideas. They denigrate jinny devils supposedly, indeed they praise devils. Unfortunately, most people believe in them. Because of that, the jinn aren’t breathed from the soul of Allah, they are lack of mind- because mind looks at the future but the jinn are denier about their future. That is why the mind is out of the question while talking about the jinn, their intelligence is less than a human’s. The jinn envy Adam (human) because he has a superior mind, they try to praise themselves and denigrate Adam. More information about the jinn: We have mentioned that the jinn could go and return to the Zodiac until almost fifteen centuries ago. This visit may have taken for months. Nevertheless, a person who reached his essence, from where he sits, can perceive the knowledge at the Zodiac, even things beyond can be perceived in a shorter time than a second. A person living in that age could perceive the knowledge coming from the Zodiac months and even centuries before The Secret of Genesis || 131 the jinn reached them. For instance; signs of the doom stated by Muhammad (saw) 15 ages ago are the result of this kind of knowledge. The genesis of the universe, events before the creation of living beings and the knowledge about the future cannot be known by any jinn, but they can be known by a person who reached his essence. To illustrate; a man’s death time is a secret in his destiny and the secret of destiny can only be opened to a person who has reached his essence, not to the jinn or other creatures. Who claims that the jinn can know the future contradicts with the verse given below:

“(…) But when he fell, it became clear to the jinn that if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in humiliating punishment.” (Qur’an, 34:14)

Solomon (as) was gifted with the dominion of nature and the jinn. Although the demonic jinn had to bow Solomon, they never tolerated his domination. He –Solomon (as) did all jinn his servant. That was a torture for the jinn. However, they had no choice except waiting for the death of Solomon (as). One day, Solomon died while sitting on his back by a tree, his hands and his chest leaning on the scepter. The body was in the balance between tree and scepter, so it didn’t fall. The body of Solomon remained there without any movement for months. The jinn were so afraid of him that they couldn’t go near him; they thought that He was still alive. When did they notice he wasn’t alive anymore? Until when?

“And when We decreed for Solomon death, nothing indicated to the jinn his death except a creature of the earth eating his staff.” (Qur’an, 34:14)

A large number of flies appear on vegetables and fruits like watermelon binned after a while. As in the sample of 132 || The Last Adam lice, these flies don’t come from outside, they are formed by the waste of vegetables and fruits which have started to decay. Vegetables and fruits have features of unbaked earth like the cream earth. The shape program of living beings of the world is originated from the Seven, it continuously travels all around the world every minute. Shape programs are only imprinted to places meeting certain conditions. A fertile environment for every living being differs. Decaying vegetable and fruits in an environment under a certain temperature presents appropriate conditions for fly’s shaping programs. Then, the formation of flies is completed with a process similar to other creatures’ formation. Every being in the matter universe is only fed with what its body material is. These flies formed out from watermelon are fed with watermelon. Therefore, when watermelon is taken out of that place, flies disappear. As it is seen in this sample, the human body (blood, flesh, and bone) is a special form of earth and water (cilgi) those are also food resource for humanity, the food of jinn is a special form of kosegi which is their food resource. Just as how bodies formed of water, air and earth are fed with water, air, and earth; bodies formed of fire are fed with fire. Essence-fire and core-fire are in the center of the Sun. The Sun is shrinking from outside to inside because of that kosegi compresses and cilgi constantly is wiped out. Kosegi and cilgi are always spread with collisions on the surface of the Sun. The heat spreading to the Solar System at external collision is the first status of kosegi and the fourth status of cilgi, it is matter. This mixture of kosegi-cilgi which is spread fast and not able to run away out of the Solar System dissociates when it is reversed to internal parts of the System with reduced velocity and being thinned, this dissociation cannot be seen by eyes, but the mixture of compound maintains. The jinn eats the matter of kosegi which is dissociated from that mixture and has the appropriate velocity with the velocity of particles forming bodies of the jinn, they don’t eat cilgi. Just The Secret of Genesis || 133 as how we don’t eat earth but food growing in the earth, it is also the case with jinn. People get their food into their bodies by mouth; the jinn reinforces that igneous matter to their bodies. After a while, the rotation velocity of those reinforced particles increases, and these particles leave the bodies of jinn. Therefore, the jinn reinforces these particles regularly. The sayings of ancient Saints such as “the jinn eat pilaf etc.” are only metaphors. When tobacco and tobacco products are burned, a kind of feces of cilgi comes up. That is why tobacco smoke smells bitter and reeky. As tobacco smoke discomforts people who don’t smoke, it discomforts the jinn similarly, but the activity of smell in the jinn is different from people. The rotation velocity of particles that the jinn reinforced to their body is faster than cilgi, slower than the first form of kosegi. Yet every matter in the world contains core-fire, when tobacco is burned, the velocity of fire particles in the spreading smoke increases at the velocity of particles of kosegi’s first form. In another mesaning, fire particles retransform into their essence. Just as man doesn’t eat food which retransforms into the earth, the jinn doesn’t eat particles which transform into the first form of kosegi; they feel uncomfortable with them; because these particles are a kind of feces for the jinn.32 Some ancient wise people had reached their essence and become a mystery from the Truth. In those times, there wasn’t copiousness as it is now. Anyone who couldn’t find food to eat went to dervish convent and found a remedy. Those dervishes (wise people) didn’t take, they used to give, to share

32 In the past, many saints have smoked. For example; Ladikli Ahmed Aga or Mah- mut Sâminî Harputlu who is mostly known “man with hand-rodded, eyes-crust- ed” and also the trainer of Osman Bedreettin, one of high graded saints, lived in Elazığ smoked. Besides, Ibn-i Abidin expresses that smoking is permissible, because it conducts the jinn away. However, the ancients also say “smoking is (makruh) mushbooh” because it is harmful for the body. Herein, keep attention, to not misun- derstand that I mention about unknown benefits of cigarette. I, Cafer Abdullah, do not smoke and never advise to smoke. 134 || The Last Adam with others. But how and from where could they find and share with other people? Since they had reached the essence, they could bring forth with brainpower (by a miracle). Saints of that time could watch other people from where they were sitting, communicate with people of other cities, and go from one place to another instantly. To give example for brain power; a karate player who uses his brainpower can break laminated ten-fifteen bricks. What breaks bricks are supposed to be arm and muscle force. However, the karate player makes will power in the brain ready after long exercises. At that moment, he –karate player- cleans his mind and only thinks to break bricks. As the balance is provided, the arm rises and falls in a shorter time than a second and breaks bricks. That power rising and falling instantly can be evaluated as blue light. Although the arm rises and falls via that blue light, it becomes out of order. One can take a photo of that blue light with a specially developed camera. If any minimal shift comes out at that balance, the arm is broken instead of bricks. A person with stronger muscles than the karate player who catches balance in his brain even breaks three bricks hard; his arm is broken at the fourth brick, but this point is known by neither the karate player nor the audience. Additionally, the showman- karate player- has arrogance. If he gets rid of his arrogance, he can reach the power of breaking a thick stone in a meter like a smooth razor blade. Today, stones are cut by machines. Maybe, we suppose that we cut stones with machines. Is it machinery that cuts stone? Western societies mostly have materialistic ideas. They supply matter as an innovation at each time by shaping matter in various forms. Other societies get these innovations and spend time with them instead of researching or asking by which knowledge these innovations are made. The ore of all mankind is similar. Just as we -more than seven billion people of this world- don’t look like each other in appearance, our The Secret of Genesis || 135 ingenuities are different. We all have various ingenuities, but they are kept as deactivated. Instead of dealing with others’ innovations-inventions, we should spend our time on what we have. When it is said, “Today, man landed on the Moon”; a person calling himself as Muslim can state, “O yes, it is written in the Qur’an”. One may claim that the science of making an automobile or a plane originated from the Qur’an. Now that they inspire from the Quran and make inventions, is it not asked, “You have the Qur’an, why you require their science, why don’t you do inventions?” It means so-called Muslims don’t read the Qur’an, but those who do inventions read It. The word “Qur’an distorts you” belongs to Satan. “Oh, do not read the Qur’an.” Why? “You don’t get, scholars know.” “Qur’an must be hung on walls”, “Oh, do not pass from its right”, “Do not pass from its left”, “Do not hold it right”, and “Do not keep it below belly level”. All these words make people stay away from reading the Qur’an. Most Muslims don’t know almost the meaning of only one verse. The Qur’an’s name is idolized, the same as the name of Allah. They haven’t comprehended both what Allah and the Qur’an mean yet. They only idolize the names. Some of them say, “Do not touch the Qur’an without ritual ablution.” However, don’t we say pray (Surah al-Fatihah) whether with or without ritual ablution? Isn’t Surah al-Fatihah from the Qur’an? Read, read Quran! Don’t worry, you won’t be struck. If you don’t read, you will be struck; most people have already been struck. The first verse of the Qur’an is “Read...” The Qur’an is self of you, you are only not aware of it! Read self of you, read the system, read the universe… everything depends on the knowledge.

“None touch it except the purified.” (Qur’an, 56:79) 136 || The Last Adam

The meaning of the verse given above is “Whoever hasn’t reached his ore-essence-self shouldn’t touch the Qur’an”. Many people considering themselves wise people who have interpreted the Qur’an. None of those interpretations matches the other one. The Qur’an is written in the language of Quraysh. Muhammad (saw) is from Quraysh Family and descendant of Abraham (as). Well, which family is Abraham (as) from? Is he from an family or another one? Both Jesus (as) and Moses (as) have the same ancestry. Today, even Arabs haven’t fully comprehended the Qur’an, how will a person grow in a different culture and language able to demystify the Quran? Any interpreter/translator of the Qur’an should have reached the Truth. Without redemption, the Qur’an cannot be translated. People have been at a loss about which one is real. There are many translations of the Qur’an. Since translators touch/translate the Qur’an without redemption, of course, they will be punished with the great suffering in the dimension which they will go. The resource of mysteries’ knowledge is Esrahîman and Ledûn Knowledge. A person who manages to outgo his brain reaches the Holistic Reason and this is the computer of the universe. The Reacher of this point starts to find answers to all questions. All answers are crystal there for him. If he goes further, his questions finish. He knows all answers about the universal program any more. If he goes further, this time he sees. Here is the Esrahîman Knowledge, it hasn’t appeared to anyone until today. These cannot be known without fulfilling the pillars of Islam. It is not enough to fulfill five pillars; if it is in the program, this knowledge can be known. Most verses in holy books are allegorized. The verses have at least three different meanings and they refer to infinite knowledge. It is unfair to express verses with only a few words; because verses are translated one-to-one to other languages. The meaning and translation of verses do not meet each other. Besides, the verse is explained, not exemplified. A verse The Secret of Genesis || 137 has meaning with thousands of tomes. A truth wise person has to make a clear meaning of his time’s verse. A person who imitates others judges the world only via appearance and ingratiates other people surrounding him hasn’t reached the essence and the Holistic Reason. He is null as much as stone-earth! People who say; “I believe in Allah” aren’t aware of this knowledge, so they do wrong.

“Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried?” (Qur’an, 29:2)

Societies supposed to be part of the Islamic World become victims of so-called preachers and so-called wise persons who suppress the verses which don’t fit their fancies. This kind of preachers especially tries not to make some verses current issues. In minbars, they shirk by explaining God in the sky which is called Allah. They aren’t aware of it. Today, in , it is only mentioned about anecdotes stated in the Qur’an, but not about verses referring very significant meanings. Whereas people of their age watch other worlds from the place where they still sit and communicate with people of other worlds. A bomb that has the power of destroying a whole city only with a press button has been invented but those preachers still live in a time of swords and shields. The bodies of those preachers belong to today, but their minds belong to 2000 years ago. People are so bored of those preachers that they don’t want to go to mosques. Moreover, this kind of preachers yields those who don’t worship or believe as hostile, claiming that they fight with those people in the name of Allah. Fighting for Allah shouldn’t be against disbelievers and people from other religions or sects but self-entity. They act as if they are “Sovereign of the Day of Recompense” (maliki yawmid deen). They also say, “I am pious”. The others behold them and of course, suppose the 138 || The Last Adam religion as a reaction. Therefore, religion is ignored because of them but they aren’t aware of it. Unknowers try to teach religion to others. No one can make others believe. If it were possible to make someone believe in, Noah (as) would make his son believe; Abraham (as) would make his biological father believe and Muhammad (saw) would make his favorite uncle believe. Some sheiks of today have good intentions. What some of them are is known by us, but sheiks with good intentions haven’t reached the dignity of guidance. Some of them have stuck in the dignity of wahdat (the unity). Various states are experienced in this dignity. A person who reaches this dignity firstly comprehends that entity is UNIQUE; he says, “Everything is He (the God)”. Some of them leave worship. They are exhausted. Those of them who return to worship can accept everything permissible; because they are in the dignity of the truth, but they haven’t reached perfection yet. Hereby, qamalat (the perfection) isn’t truly completed; because, this time, the most dangerous thing which is a passion for leadership and savior starts. This dignity is such a level that a person feels as if he experiences infinity, only he knows everything and there isn’t anyone else except him who knows the truth. He writes and expresses such knowledge that no one doubts his guidance. Many people become his murids. He wants everyone to be his murid. He listens to no one, no one can warn him. He supposes himself in the highest dignity. He sometimes whispers to people surrounding him that he is a savior, but never can he declare it to everyone. Even, he believes that he is the expected Mahdi or Messiah. He doesn’t mind whatever he lives; because he practices the necessities of his position. He will be able to overcome this obstacle if he reads the verse given below:

“Say, If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, The Secret of Genesis || 139 even if We brought the like of it as a supplement.” (Qur’an, 18:109)

Then he understands that the real knowledge is infinite and unlimited; on the other hand, the knowledge opened to him is only as much as a grain of sand in the desert. So, he becomes unleashed and finds peace and happiness in both worlds, he knows his place; though thoughts about being Mahdi or Messiah pass from depths of his brain, he doesn’t regard those thoughts. Someone who cannot get rid of the passion of dignity and leadership cannot find peace. This passion is too dangerous; it makes that person exhausted. If he is verily given leadership by God or created to be a leader why does he exert every effort, make vows? He should be comfortable about it, stand aside by overcoming self-essence. Does the system of Allah change? That dignity finds him; even he doesn’t demand, he is made to do what is necessary. Whoever doesn’t go after his self-essence and follow my advice will see that; he will find peace and get out of the hole, and the gates of paradise are opened to him. Reputation and leadership are not so easy things to challenge. Think about that while people cannot deal with and discipline their children; can it be easy to deal with so many people? A person who doesn’t want the leadership of here (this world) becomes the leader of other worlds where he will go, forever and ever! Everyone has a passion for leadership/guidance, but this dignity cannot be reached before getting perfection; everyone isn’t awarded with that dignity. Nobody becomes a saint ex nihilo. Not even training 124 thousand saints, it is not possible to find a sheik to train only one saint. It is time to understand and think about them. Let’s see in which condition we are. My advice is for the sheiks of today. We see their murids/followers. Some of them say; “my sheik is Gavs (Kutub and Kutbu’l Aktab or Gavs’ul Âzam)”. 140 || The Last Adam

However, there is only one Gavs for each age. Ten or more Gavs in one age cannot be seen. The mission of Gavs is a mystery, not to train a murid. Sainthood or sheikhdom doesn’t descend from father to son. The one appreciated by curatorship/ sheikhdom becomes a saint or sheik. For example, the father is Said, but his son is Shakee, the reverse of it is possible. These dignities are the knowledge levels of Allah. Among the public, it is said; “so and so is prophet’s descendant”. These words are said with high unawareness; because all of us come from a descendant of the prophet. Aren’t we, as a whole world family, the descendant of the Prophet Adam? Some of them say, “My master is Mahdi”. Whereas Mahdi or Messiah expected to come on doomsday, whose coming is informed by Muhammad (saw) isn’t a personality, it is the knowledge. More precisely, Mahdi is the knowledge of sharia, Christ (Messiah) is the knowledge of the truth. The Christ (Messiah) who humanity has been expecting is the knowledge of a new period that we have been entering; it is the new lifestyle of humanity. Before one overcomes his self and personality, he learns visal (union with truelove) and ONE.ness of the Truth from books of saints. When things he sees and things he reads have the opposite effect, he supposes ideas and the knowledge which he gains from that opposite effect as revelation and he assumes as if he experiences eternity. He thinks himself as a saint, ally of Allah. He has various chats, writes books and gives conferences. Those who hear the ideas in this person’s books for the first time also think he is a high-grade saint who has been a mutmaîn (Arabic: Satisfied, believer). However, things he has written or said aren’t new things; they are another expression of ideas and the knowledge taken from other saints. A person verily reached the dignity of sainthood presents infinitive and unknown knowledge coming from the essence instead of different expressions of others’ knowledge. He doesn’t rearrange the knowledge of others according to The Secret of Genesis || 141 himself but explains them to people via verses and hadiths. He gives answers to what humanity needs. The knowledge explained by him is heard for the first time by humanity; because there is a constant going forward at the system and the knowledge tree grows up constantly. Behaviors of a genuine saint don’t change according to whether he is alone or in public. Thus, the public didn’t understand that saints living between them were real ones. On the contrary, those who assume themselves as saints act differently when they are alone or in the people. They try not to do mistakes, so people don’t ask what kinds of saints they are. They reply every question because they avoid sayings such as; “he doesn’t know the answer”; but that answer is only sidetracking. A genuine saint doesn’t reply questions which can be objectionable for the questioner. The knowledge made public by them appeals not only to their period but also time beyond their period. The genuine saints aren’t generally understood in their ages; on the contrary, they are given the gate from where they live, even some of them are tortured and killed. Every piece of the world is the same for a saint who has reached the Truth. He doesn’t need to leave where he lives; because from his place, he can search and watches things whatever he needs. He isn’t scared of anyone. He knows what will happen to him, how he will die, and he is aware that none of them will change. Wise people have explained the religion in the direction of knowledge level, conditions, and understandings of their societies. Ismail Fakirullah, the last Gavs is the master of Ibrahim (Abraham) Hakkı Erzurumî, the last saint with dignity. Saints following Ibrahim Hakkı have ranked with sainthood. The last mujaddid (mujaddid is an Islamic term for one who brings renewal to the religion) is Bediüzzaman Said Nursî. In sharia of prophets, there are common worships. The 142 || The Last Adam most important of these common worships is the salah. Those saying; “Jesus (as) didn’t perform the salah” are misguided. The salah performed by Jesus only included standing and the ruku. Christians, like the Earth bending forward and straightening up again, move the upper part of their body twice, and then stand up. The salah becomes fardh (obligatory) for Muslims after the Miraj (the ascension of Muhammad into heaven) of Muhammad (saw). Until that time, Muslims haven’t performed the salah. Muhammad (saw) leads other prophets to perform a two- rakat salah at Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa (The Farthest ) in Jerusalem, the place where used to be a church until Muhammad’s Miraj. This salah is the same with which one performed by Jesus (as.) Sajdah (prostrating) is added to the salah after Miraj and so, the salah takes its present style. The first mosque is constructed in Median after Hejira. Though prophets until Muhammad (saw) reached the Essence and allied with Allah, they couldn’t proceed in the Essence. Muhammad (saw), after reaching the Essence, is the unique prophet who proceeded in the infinite Essence. Another aspect of Miraj event, like the salah brought from the Miraj by Muhammad (saw), is to be available for every believer who performs other worships. The eye of the heart of a person whoever worships with submission is opened. Every Muslim following the knowledge of Muhammad (saw) has the opportunity to proceed in the Essence; namely, to experience the event of Miraj. Miraj is the event of being free in the Universe, and it is a significant privilege of Muslims. “The salah is Miraj of a believer” says Muhammad (saw) Today, some people assert that salah is a liability. Today, unfortunately, an understanding of “it is a debt of shop, go, pay it and then live how you wish” has been developed for the salah. They want to grab both heaven and the World. Allah is excluded from lending and borrowing. Everyone is responsible for what they do. The Secret of Genesis || 143

The salah is basic dhikr and the power come out from dhikr is mercy that surrounds us. Prayers read with concentration during the salah carry that person to the sup-brain level. No Miraj means any salah! The salah is performed to have Miraj; otherwise, its aim is not to say; “see that, I pray but he/she doesn’t” and blame others. To interfere with other people’s believes whether they pray or not, cause that person to be a pharaoh. “How dare someone to interfere with other’s belief or worship, who does he think he is, God?” People who act like that will have more trouble in Hereafter dimensions than those who don’t worship. Committing to Muhammad (saw) goes on until reaching Allah. Being subject to the Prophet isn’t a matter for a believer after reaching Allah, and no one can stand between Allah and that believer. This is the most significant character of Muhammad (saw) and His ummah. Ummah of Moses (as) named as Jew, Jesus’s (Christ) (as) ummah is named as Christian but ummah of Muhammad (saw) is not named as Muhammadan! Christians name it as Muhammadan according to their understanding. Muhammad’s ummah) starts with “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah”, and it lasts with “La ilaha illa Allah”.33 For Jews and Christians, a guide (intermediary) is needed between Allah and His servants in any case. A catholic goes to a priest to confess his sins and hopes to get help from him. In this manner, a human being takes place between Allah and another human being. Priest/Dominee forgives the sins of that person on behalf of Allah. This kind of manner is “shirk” not only for Muslims but also for some Christian sects. According to Christian sects which accept confessing

33 By the way let us remind, stay away from braggart, liar and astray people who say “I have reached Allah. Worship such as salah and fasting are physical. After reaching Allah, performing those worships is not needed, even it is shirk”. Mu- hammad (saw) increases his worship after the Miraj and keeps on proceeding at infinite/limitless the Essence. Besides proceeding at Essence means to increase the knowledge of the truth by performed worships. 144 || The Last Adam sins to a priest and hoping help from him, the priest can only pray to God for forgiveness on behalf of that person, he is not authorized to forgive sins. The needs of people degenerate in time and shirk becomes a part of large communities’ believes. A Christian, who desires to proceed on the way of Allah reaches Jesus (as) lastly, cannot go forward beyond. To reach Allah for Christians means nothing more than reaching Jesus (as). In time, the fallacy that Jesus is the son of God because he was born without a father spreads and roots in Christian communities via the influence of old superstitions in the preference of political authority at that time. However, it doesn’t comply with the truth. Whoever defends or insists on this kind of fallacy becomes a disbeliever. One of the most significant worships of believers is . Zakat means mercy and blessing. Stinginess, arrogance, and hatred are the worst diseases of the heart. If anyone has even one of these characteristics, he cannot go to heaven. If a person is faithful, he doesn’t try to be rich in today’s conditions; because there are children, young people, women, and elders dying due to famine and poverty in many countries of the world every minute. None believer who is aware of this reality cannot save money and/or goods. The mercy of Muslims doesn’t allow them to be insensitive to needy-indigent people. Due to this mercy, prophets and believers in the past did not make a fortune, they shared their all goods with needy people, their heritages are only the knowledge they have left. The wealthy people –except those who help others and pay alms- cannot go to heaven; because the way of being rich is to be stinginess. Many of you will not accept this thought. But this judge doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to holy books and it is certain in verses. Those who ignore this thought make up articles of faith for their benefits instead of obeying religious rules.

“Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your The Secret of Genesis || 145 possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. Then Jesus said to his murids, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich someone to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich someone to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew, 19:21-24)

“And let not those who [greedily] withhold what Allah has given them of His bounty ever think that it is better for them. Rather, it is worse for them. Their necks will be encircled by what they withheld on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth. And Allah, with what you do, is [fully] Acquainted” (Qur’an, 3:180)

Many other verses of the Qur’an treat this subject. Muhammad (saw) distributed the wealth of His wife, Khadija, to needy people with her consent; they had only wicker mat left. Abu Bakr also gave His all goods until his kaftan remained. In the same way, all companions of Muhammad gave their goods and never saved again. Who says “You see I save for the future of my children. If I die what they do!” relies on bricks and mortar, not on Allah, and it means that he commends these children to his property, not to Allah. Well, weren’t you who said “Only Allah is the giver of sustenance? –Surely, He is-” A believer (Muslim) may have many sins but he is not allowed to lie. If those children are enough smart, they can save property by themselves. If not, no matter how much property is left, they will have them to burn and finally, those children will be down, their mistakes are recorded on their consciousness body in the hereafter. A person who doesn’t have the knowledge suffers in his both life; in this world and the hereafter. Sayings, “I am Jew, Christian or Muslim” but not living like Moses (as), Jesus (as) of Muhammad (saw) in practice, that tongue is torn off there. During my journey in the intermediate realm, I have 146 || The Last Adam witnessed that these kinds of hypocrites are the ones who suffer the greatest torments. People direct their life by thinking of “I should guarantee my future.” What can be the future of the Life of this world? People focus on what/how their end will be. What will happen? Of course, we are going to die! Is it possible to guarantee not to die? The real future is life after death that is what we must guarantee. Days come and pass either we eat steak, bread or cottage cheese. All food and beverages are the needs of the body. Let us not spend our life on temporary enjoyment. To aspire for the wealth of this world and then, to desire heaven in the hereafter is a fool’s errand. Fill a glass with water, the air goes out; drain the water, the air goes into it. Both (air and water) do not stand together in the same place, at the same time. In the same way; one of them must be chosen: either heaven in the world or everlasting heaven in the hereafter. Words such as; “Be rich, give its alms and be free” are of the devil! If it were true, Jesus (as) would be wealthy, Muhammad (saw) and His companions would be wealthy. Muhammad (saw) would say, “You, believers; be wealthy, give alms to everyone and so, get rid of your sins”. Is there a hadith like that? It is said that “Work”. It is a believer’s responsibility to work for the knowledge and worship except for times out of sleep, rest and working required for worldly goods. It is turned deaf to words such as; “Allah gives wealth whoever He wants but gives the knowledge whoever demands it”. Ears are closed to: “The knowledge from cradle to grave.” If the way of being rich is obstructed to anyone, that person cannot be wealthy. What does he do to get it? He applies to falsity. However, property and offspring keep the person away from Allah. He keeps behind from dhikr due to take on them. Just as everything harmful for people is sin, everything useful for people is a good deed. For instance; being unfair The Secret of Genesis || 147 at rightful share is sin. People suppose that rightful share only means money or property. Those are too insignificant. The main unfair at rightful share is to backbite and slander. Backbite and slanders are one of the seven biggest sins.

“O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. ….” (Qur’an, 49:12)

Let’s say; someone slanders other and the third one listens. He repeats the same lie to others. Then, he defends himself by saying; “I didn’t slander.” He lies, lies, lies! He shares the same slander unwittingly. Another man leer at the wife of someone else or he puts good words for his relatives in a case. These are some samples to being unfair at rightful share. Countless samples can be given. Then, that person deceives himself by saying; “I am not unfair”. Let’s say, he borrows money or goods of someone, he can pay or give them back; so, he saves himself. Well then, how can he get rid of those sins? He has already got rid of but how? The answer is to send divine light of his good deeds to the consciousness body of whom he has been unfair. What if he has no good deeds? This time, sins of opposite party pass and gets recorded on his consciousness body. Neither he nor the opposite party becomes aware of this situation. No one is wrongdone. The account is paid on the instant.

“(…) and Allah is swift in account.” (Qur’an, 24:39)

It shouldn’t be supposed that every worshipper reaches the hereafter full of good deeds; most of them go there unrecorded but they are not aware of it! Those who work for others, it is time to do good things for yourself. Well, what can they do? They have learned the all, they 148 || The Last Adam should repent and don’t wrongdo again from now on! In this condition, their wrongdoings are forgiven. How are? They should take a back seat, focus on their wrongdoings, remember their mistakes and then decide not to do them again by being sorry and in tears. If they are sincere with this repentance, wrongdoings that have been performed until now and recorded on their consciousness body will be erased. On condition of not repeating the same wrongs, they will get off. All sins including rightful share are forgiven, even though the frustrated person doesn’t forgive.

“(…) Indeed, it is He who is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.” (Qur’an, 2:37)

Expressions such as; “At the Last Day; scales will be found, wrongdoings and good deeds of person will be calculated” are illustrations appropriate for people of that time. The truth is what is written here. We all will see how the account will be on the Last Day. Everyone will see what has been recorded on their consciousness; each one will give an account to himself, not to anyone else. It is stated that the biggest sin is the rightful share. No, the biggest sin is to shirk. Shirk cannot be erased in the meta- matter but in the world.

“Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.” (Qur’an, 4:48)

All right, what does it mean to say; “Man will go to the hereafter, there he will give account to Allah”? Our deeds, our thoughts, and the knowledge we have learned constitute our consciousness. Just as we raise our selves, form our characteristics with wrongs and goods, and finally, we leave The Secret of Genesis || 149 the matter body, we will remain the same in the meta-matter life. In there, everyone will see and understand that there is no God in the sky. No one can bring another one to book in the meta-matter. Why? We will have been whatever we have done. That is why; every one will give an account to himself. If we have lived with wrongs, we will see it and suffer in tears. It is not possible to reconnect with the dispersed matter body to correct ourselves. We will confess; “I did it to myself.” A God, like a king, will not stand against and call us to account, on the contrary to as majority expect. To see God in the hereafter means to see and understand this system. No one can help others on the Last Day. Some will be in panic; some will be happy. Everyone will go to the place determined according to his position. The Last Day is the final destination where everyone will see each other for the last time. There, feelings such as parental love will remove, and everyone will run away from each other. There are unspeakable mysteries about the Last Day. After the consciousness body leaves the matter body, some feelings disappear, the man sees the realities. There, the earthly inside of the man is everted. If he has experienced or made somebody else experience too bad-wrong things, his consciousness body becomes too ugly. This is valid for most of us, including our parents. Does anyone who witnesses the genuine of his loved ones want to live with them? The matter body of earthly life is formed through the program (destiny), but it is a temporary life. Just as how we cannot call anyone to account for; “Why did you create me so ugly” in the world; there, it will be similar. Everyone will be preoccupied with his trouble. Each person builds up his meta-matter consciousness when he lives in this world. If we follow, act and worship signed by prophets, and if we don’t have bad ideas against others, the seventh state divine light (positive energy or good deed) coming out from 150 || The Last Adam them is recorded on the right side of our consciousness body. Negative energy coming out reverse behaviors is recorded on the left side. As those who record the seventh state divine light at the right side focus on the knowledge –if they have it-, a circuit is activated in the brain and the seventh state divine light spreads to him, to his all body. The body of that person is covered by the universal divine light. Because he has recorded the knowledge in his brain, he lives in heavens till the Seven. If someone only records the seventh divine light without the knowledge, he lives in the first or second heaven realms, and of course; it is better than living in the hell realms. If someone only records the knowledge on his consciousness body without the seventh state divine light, he remains in the hell dimension. “Sacrifice” is the leading one of the oldest common worships. The worship of sacrifice traces until Abraham (as). It is not only the worship of Muslims but also Jew and Christians. In the past, Jews and Christians used to sacrifice.

“And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath met with us: let us go, we pray thee, three days’ journey into the desert, and sacrifice unto the LORD our God (…)” (Exodus, 5:3)

To sacrifice means not to lose his heart for creating things and goods which you have, to mortify the flesh, to leave everything for Allah. The life of this world is mortal. What a person likes/loves or to what person is attached becomes his idol. When he leaves this world, he also leaves whatever he is attached delightedly, that is why he suffers torment. Why are we so possessed with property, what do we verily have in this world? The wealth of the people who lived in the old ages was animals; their trade was also livestock. They sacrificed their most valued animal. It has become a tradition to sacrifice animals by the time. We should sacrifice our most precious The Secret of Genesis || 151 asset. For instance; we have a luxury car, we will sell it and distribute its money in the way of Allah. If we do this, it will be a genuine sacrifice. A man should be willing to sacrifice the most significant thing to him; otherwise, he cannot experience the truth of sacrifice event. Abraham (as) sets about sacrificing his best-loved being, his son.

“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it”. (Qur’an, 3:92)

Like (pilgrimage to Mecca), sacrifice is not worship started on the time of Muhammad (saw). This worship has been known and performed since before the time of Noah (as). After Noah, Kaaba and its habitat submerged for a long time. This area has been explored during the time of Abraham (as) and gained its earlier feature. People who circumambulated the Kaaba for the first time after the biblical flood were Abraham (as) and His followers. As soon as Abraham (as) completes the building of Kaaba, He becomes proud of finishing it. At that time, a revelation from Allah reaches to him: “O, Abraham, why are you so happy, did you create a soul?” Breaking someone’s heart is worse than pulling down the Kaaba for seventy times. That is to say; let to consider killing someone, breaking down a heart means to destroy the Kaaba. Is not everything we call earthly possessions form of a complex of stone, earth, and water? Is it worth breaking a heart for such valueless things? Regarding characteristics of the Kaaba… Two streams are covering the World; one is black, the other is white. These streams don’t intermingle. The white stream is positive power spreading to the World from where Mecca is. It begins from where people put on the pilgrim’s garment, becomes extensive through Mecca. Thus, the pilgrim’s garment is put on before arriving in Mecca. If it weren’t so, 152 || The Last Adam pilgrim’s garment would be put on in Mecca. This positive power doesn’t descend from the sky, it erupts from the ground, it cannot be stable because of its structure, therefore it spreads to the whole World. Prayers turn towards Mecca; because, no matter where prayer is, he receives this divine light (white stream) through his forehead (between the two eyebrows). This is the reason why kiblah is the Kaaba. If it weren’t so, prayers would turn towards anywhere they prefer, instead of the Kaaba. “How is this transmission (white stream or divine light) received from the forehead?” This transmission is received such as light enters a room without breaking the glass. This divine light is needed to make the brain work and activate the cognition, but if the prayer’s mind is focused on anything else when he performs the salah, he cannot benefit from this power. To receive the divine light spreading from Mecca is only possible via activating a specific circuit in the brain. To activate that circuit, the prayer should concentrate on Mecca before starting the salah. If he says; “I think about different things during performing the salah”, the solution is that: Almost everyone knows the appearance of the Kaaba through various communication instruments. When the salah is performed, let’s imagine the Kaaba’s appearance and dream as if we circumambulate It. So, the purpose is obtained. The energy of water in places where white stream passes are high. Zamzam water squeezed around the Kaaba has the highest energy. Even if water or beverage from other parts of the World is brought here and waited for a while, that water or beverage returns to zamzam. And so forth, negative waves which are recorded on the basic information lately and which gloom our mind system and genealogy information are wiped off. This provides excelling of the heart. In this way, purifying the invisible system that forms our physical body (matter body) and the brain reflects on consciousness body and consciousness body becomes positive according to The Secret of Genesis || 153 conditions of the meta-matter. With the old saying, redeem from the sins means this event. White stream also spreads from other parts of the World like Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa, but it is not as powerful as one in Mecca. This stream spreads in small quantities from places where graves of some saints are graves of those saints who have experienced death before dying. For instance; Mevlana Tomb (Konya/Turkey), Haji Bektash Veli’s Tomb (Nevşehir/ Turkey), As-hab al-Kahf (Seven sleepers) Cave (Tarsus/ Turkey), Shah Naqshbandi Tomb (Uzbekistan) are some of those places. The spreading style of the white stream is similar to big watercourses forming rivers and small watercourses forming the fountains. “Well, do those saints know that white stream has spread from their settlement?” Everything depends on the system. Since places where white stream spreads make people feel better, these saints travel, and they settle where they feel comfortable. Even people who go to those places to visit and to find peace, if they have irritability, it heals, and they become more tolerant. This statement goes on even for a while after leaving these places. Disbelievers can also take a crack at going to these places. They will be aware of changes with themselves in a few days. Just as everything has its opposite, the white stream has its opposite. We call it “black stream”. Black stream covers the world, too. White and black streams don’t intermingle even when they pass from the same point. The place where black stream ascends from the ground is the old Yugoslavia region; Serbia and its peripheral are the most concentrated areas of the black stream. This stream also spreads from British Isles, North America and the region where borders of Egypt and Israel meet. It spreads from some other parts of the World but little. These streams, black and white, have an impact on people those places where they pass through. While people of areas 154 || The Last Adam where with stream passes live in peace, people of areas where the black stream passes become un-peaceful and stress-filled. For example, a house or a workplace in an area affected by the black stream is always under a negative effect. Residents of these areas are constantly stressful and the business firm loses money. If it is settled where the white stream passes, people can reach peace, neighborhood relations improve and commercials profit. You should have heard that some people say; “We moved so and so place and struck luckily”; but do not think that these both streams will not end! After a while, both will consume with “cilgi”, and Hajj will complete its mission! Hajj is one of the . I have taught many secrets of hajj and the universe. Unfortunately, many pilgrims are destitute of being purified in there. When I was in Arafat Mountain, some people from a group in which I went together started to make propaganda for a political party. At that time, I was signed to “get up the hill”. I was terrified. I stood on a small hill. Those people had carried political propagandas into the hajj and they had been declaring others who hadn’t voted for them as deservers of hell. I saw such weird things that I had never seen until that day. During the hajj, worldly kalams (words) shouldn’t be done. A prospective pilgrim should leave earthly concerns when he is there. Some people suppose that the hajj is only to wear winding- clothes and imitate death, but they line up for telephones to fulfill families and/or friends longing even before they haven’t spent a week for hajj. How can this manner be an imitation of death? A dead person’s connection with the world is cut off. If we wear winding-clothes, let’s wear them and spend that month in our room and not go out. Why is it necessary to go until Arabia? A pilgrim should concentrate on the hajj by disconnection with the world; so, circuits of his brain can be activated, and the prospective pilgrim can be free from his burdens (sins). If the body is in Mecca but the soul is in the homeland, the The Secret of Genesis || 155 blessings of pilgrimage cannot be experienced. Besides, if a pilgrim-during returning from Arafat- hesitates about whether his hajj is accepted or not, his hajj will not be accepted. Today, even pilgrims don’t have decency. When I see these manners of them, I feel sorry without being upset. They are impolite against each other for getting their suitcases firstly when boarding or leaving the plane. Most of them don’t have respect and/or love for each other even in Mecca. However, whoever cannot overcome his self also cannot go to heaven. The events I saw in the stoning evil area astonished me. Although it is a symbolic area, a man threw his umbrella, he supposedly stoned evil. Sometimes, it is said that “Give alms to a poor, it is hajj, instead of going to Mecca”. Be aware of that meaning of alms- giving and hajj is different. Alms-giving doesn’t provide full redemption, it meets how much it is, but a pilgrim is purified as a new-born! It shouldn’t be thought that other prophets didn’t have this knowledge! As in many other topics, fanatics have distorted facts to divide prophets. Why don’t People of the Script strengthen and rid their consciousness body by abandoning being victims of these fanatics although they know that Abraham (as) and Ishmael (as) built the Kaaba? Most people believe in what they see, and don’t believe in what they don’t see. This is blindness. Can we claim that seawater isn’t salty, just because of that we don’t see it? No. It means when we taste it, we can understand it via our tongue. As well, is it possible to claim; “This seed isn’t anything, I don’t see the three inside it” while talking about a seed? No. In this case, our apparent eye is defective. If we manage to activate the upper visual center in the brain, we can see meta-matter realms when we are here. As long as the eye of the mind is blind, our vision will be limited. If we agree to the terms and pay the price, our mind eye will 156 || The Last Adam be activated. At that time, we will understand that things we see with our apparent eyes are dreams, and we will say; “All universe is One Reason”. Visible things (physical things) are seen by the physical eye. Invisible mind (the meaning) is seen by the reason. Our apparent mind is a collection of words formed by the permutation of letters from A to Z. Though words are steps to reach the true reason, we have dwelled on words. Prophets from Noah (as) till today and saints have said; “Seek for Allah in the self of you, everything is within your self”. Isn’t it the brain that leads plants, animals and human beings? Yes, it is. So, what is it we seek on skies? During the creation of brains, codes of brains are organized through their missions. No brain can get out of that mission. All beings are subject to this array. The universe is a holistic structure. Bodies of plants, animals and human beings are only puppets. Whoever has reached the Holistic Reason -which becomes real with will and faith- takes control of both his consciousness and matter (physical) body. For this, he should know that the self doesn’t mean matter body and he should get rid of the assumption that the self is her/him. To get rid of this assumption is possible via bringing into action what he knows. The body receives permission from the brain to act. A person whose mind power is active can energize a paralytic person’s brain, activate circuits responsible for walking and make a paralytic person walk again. Even defective nerve cells and cut vessels can be restored by re-activating some circuits in the brains of patients. Like replacement of any part, cells of defective circuits in the brain can be replaced. Some circuits organize brain cells. For instance, in cells where a foot has chopped, the information of cells belonging to the chopped part is also available. With the help of a second brain, the brain circuits can be activated to initiate the formation of new cells from the cut-off point. In this way, a The Secret of Genesis || 157 new foot can be reproduced. Some reptiles lose their tails but a new tail is reproduced by itself. These kinds of circuits are active inherently. Moreover, they die when these circuits go out of order. Similarly, horns of the deer, which are harder and stronger than all bones of a man, grow again when they are ripped off. These kinds of circuits are also active in deers’ brains. Just as a full car battery can charge and actuate another discharged battery, similarly, a brain can put circuits of another brain into operation by affecting it. A center in the human brain controls all circuits. Whenever activities of this center end, the human body dies. Except for this center, when any circuit connected to the human body breaks off, that person doesn’t die but s/he gets disabled or sick. In the brain, there is a specific circuit for each organ. When someone loses his finger in this world, it doesn’t mean that he losses the finger formed in the meta-matter world. A vision shot by an eye camera is transmitted to the consciousness body. Even the thing recorded by that camera is lost, its vision doesn’t disappear. It is not possible to take and throw that vision out of consciousness. It is impossible to divide and dismember the figure which is recorded on the consciousness. That is why we have mentioned the truth is the consciousness that cannot be divided and split. The recorded figure of a chopped finger can be reproduced in flesh and bone via our will by using the related circuit. To manage it, we should actuate responsible circuits and generate new cells from atoms of earth and water in a velocity beyond the time. In our age, people have difficulties in understanding this situation because they aren’t aware of sup-material power/ authority. They aren’t aware of that we are connected to the all-creator, the all-inclusive infinite power. Supposing that, a tree will be cut down. You have a chainsaw, electricity, and manpower. Who or what is going to cut down this tree? Saw, electricity or manpower? You have 158 || The Last Adam electricity, chainsaw but no manpower; in this case, the tree cannot be cut down. If you have the manpower, chainsaw but no electricity, the tree won’t be able to be cut down. In the third situation tree cannot be cut if manpower and electricity exist but no chainsaw. So what or who cuts down the tree? Do three of them (manpower, chainsaw, and electricity) cut down the tree? Or is it power other than them? To comprehend it, let’s seek the answer to this question: Could anyone who is mad or lived thousand years ago and never met with a chainsaw cut down the tree? The tree is cut by a common difference between who can use a chainsaw and who cannot use it. We should find this common difference. This difference is the main characteristic that separates us from other beings. We wonder when this difference cut down the tree; it was when the chainsaw is rubbed against the tree or it was before contacting the tree. Adam has invented the electricity via his characteristic which separates him from other beings. Then, he has invented the chainsaw and cut down trees with it. Adam having this characteristic is capable of not only cutting down trees but also uniting a cut tree. There are three different vision circuits in the visual center of the brain. The apparent eye circuit (left eye) that sees matter is opened with birth. The apparent eye circuit is activated as a sample when the child is born, to support the child activate other circuits. Others are inactive. When we look at the mirror, we cannot see both pupils together but only one. Though we have two apparent eyes, indeed they are one, what is meant with “one-eyed” is that: It doesn’t differ whether we see with one eye or with both of them; we still see the same things. What deceives mankind is the apparent eye. He supposes everything is how it appears. He isn’t able to see the truth beyond things. The appearance of the matter is a mirage. Moreover, there is an eye in the sup-brain structure. When this eye looks at objects, it sees their truth. If mankind doesn’t The Secret of Genesis || 159 open this eye, he is blind, even his life becomes brutish. Today, science hasn’t found out exact characteristics of the right eye yet. The right eye is connected to the circuit of the left eye with birth. That is why the right eye sees whatever left one sees. The existence of the right eye is to see the meta-matter things which cannot be seen with the left eye. This can only be possible via activating circuits belonging to the right eye. Left eye is apparent, right eye is mystic one. A person who cannot activate his second eye (the right one) is one-eyed. His right eye is blind. He supposes that he owns his body. He makes his body comfortable, lives for his body’s enjoyment. Indeed, his body has become his dajjal. According to a common approach, sense organs are ears, nose, eyes, tongue, and skin. It is wrong to determine mankind with these organs. Our existent mind is a sample mind. Five senses are inactive in unopened brains. An owner of the real mind is the one who has activated those five senses. The man should overcome copied information and reach his brain. At that time, five senses start to be opened. For example, when the sense of smell is activated, even smells of flowers on another continent can be felt. If the sense of smell is fully activated, to feel the smell of flowers on the nearest solar systems is possible. The sight of a person whose unopened visual circuits are activated becomes infinite; he reaches the ability to watch lives on other galaxies as if they are just in front of him. It is stated in the Qur’an;

“You were certainly in unmindfulness of this, and We have removed from you your cover, so your sight, this Day, is sharp.” (Qur’an, 50:20-22)

This statement refers to unopened vision circuits. After the connection of consciousness body with matter body is ended, sleep removes and sight becomes sharper. Someone 160 || The Last Adam who manages to open his brain can communicate in inter- brain levels without using his tongue. Our matter eye is a supporter of us to reach the Holistic Reason. The first step which should be taken is to identify the matter body. At that time, we comprehend whether we are mankind or Adam, who is all-creator and who is created. A wise person who says, “Meta-matter cannot be sighted via matter eye” is in the realm of meaning. His brain evaluates what he sees through thoughts. He knows how a thing is formed through thought; he observes and says; “The appearance is a dream”. For instance, he looks at an applewood and contemplates it. He realizes that the essence of that tree is earth and water. He knows that the shape of the tree becomes inflated with earth and water. This is the eye of the heart. This spiritual eye sees that the shape changes into the matter. Someone whoever has this eye is named a saint. He states; “Existence is Unique, we are meanings from this unique meaning”. He evaluates the ONE.ness and the UNIQUE.ness in various meanings through thought and inspirations received from the sensitivity of his heart. Even a person reached this position isn’t able to know the sup-brain eye since he remains at the level of the meaning realm. He supposes that the truth of everything is limited to these meanings. It is true, but since he isn’t capable of seeing beyond it, he supposes his position is the highest one. This person believes that to see the meta-matter realm (hereafter) is not possible as to how we see the matter world. Whereas, if he manages to activate his other sup-matter circuit with the right eye, he will be able to see the meta-matter and sup- matter realms such as the matter realm. Even he can talk with ones in the hereafter life. Anyone managed to activate his right eye can see both the earliest forms of earth, water, the Blue World, the Milky Way, and their essential truths. The infinity and essential truth are different things. Naturally, infinity can’t be seen because it doesn’t have an end The Secret of Genesis || 161 but the truth of meanings in this infinity is seen, beyond of which cannot be passed. To exemplify; we sleep and our eyes are closed. Don’t we see trees, villages, mountains, our father, our friends, etc. through dreaming? Since the vision circuit belonging to the left eye is opened, we can see the matter when we are awake except for dreaming. However, during sleeping with closed eyes, we see places where we have never seen before as if we are awake. Somehow, because of various reasons, we may visit those places and say in amazement; “I have seen this place before in my dreams”. Moreover, we dream of our relatives and friends passed away, hell or heaven in our dream. If we make a connection between our right eye and two circuits other than the circuit providing the left eye to see the matter, we can see the meta-matter too. “So, how can the right eye be connected to the other two circuits?” During sleeping, sleeping part of us is our relative self. The body never sleeps; it keeps on functioning; heart, brain and all other organs go on working. The cover in front of other vision circuits is our relative self. When a relative self is ruled out, we can see things that we dream of. We suppose that things seen with matter eye are the truth. The objects of matter are imaginations but it should be kept in mind that they are the truth as they appear. Vision circuits of some people are too sensitive. Sometimes, the second eye (right eye) slides to those circuits. That time, those people see creatures that we cannot see. They can witness Adams living between us or living in the other solar systems. Those places (other galaxies) are approached to them as if they are next to them or against them. In those people, other vision circuits are activated but it doesn’t maintain for a long time; it gets foggy, dies down and the circuit is got closed again. Those people are blamed as, “you have dreamt” when they claim; “I have witnessed or seen things such as…” The dream means seeing nonexistence things, it means “nonexistence”. How can a nonexistence thing be seen or dreamt? They 162 || The Last Adam become anxious about themselves and are conditioned as “I am mad or I have a mental disorder”. Because they are treated as if they are sick or mad. Besides, medicines prescribed by medical physicians make their situation worse. If those people start to learn this knowledge, to have abstinence and are guided by someone who is authorized in this knowledge, their circuits in the visual center will be fully activated and they will be able to have sight of other things which haven’t seen by anyone before. By the way, to mention the soul, the soul should be seen. It is assumed that the soul gets worse and better. The soul doesn’t get ill, better or worse. The deformity occurs in both the brain and thoughts, not in the soul. Humanity has been experiencing chaos about this issue. We will start to overcome our brain after a while if we ask questions such as; “Who I am, where I come, why I am here, where I am going to go?” and then; search the mystery of things we see, have dhikr and contemplation with utter devotion. So the mind becomes more activated at us, we see the truth. If the feeling of going on dhikr doesn’t end, the dhikr practice shouldn’t be left. As long as we continue to dhikr and contemplation practices without explaining to others what we have seen, the mind at us expands and finally, we reach the first stage of the Holistic Reason. If we go forward, we start to see and know the essence of everything. No one can be aware of the limits of what we know. Let’s say, someone else kept on practicing like us, his knowings and seeings are different. How our faces and personalities are different, the knowledge reached to each person is different from each other, because the knowledge is infinite, if it were limited, only one prophet would be descended. We say; “I have an idea” or, “I think…” Well, where does it come from? The human body has seven kinds of electricity. The thought, the first of those seven kinds of electricity, is a kind of electricity of the human body. Any electric circuit in The Secret of Genesis || 163 the brain exists through thinking. Our speeches are loaded with electricity. Words emerge from our mouth through tongue and enter into an electrical circuit in the brain through ears. The vision we have received through the eyes is also loaded with electricity. Our five senses are loaded electricity connected and each of them is processed in the brain. At the end of these processes, the thought appears as power loaded electricity. “A thought comes up to my mind” is said, where is it originated? Another electric circuit appears through dhikr. When a person has dhikr, he directs the electricity that emerged from the movement of the tongue to form a new connection between neurons and to program them according to that dhikr. Most neurons in the brain aren’t connected; they maintain their situations without an electrical connection between them. The tongue programs brain by repeating dhikr for many times in line with the name of that dhikr. New connections and arrays start to be formed between neurons. So, neurons maintaining without any program are reorganized. That is why there isn’t any kind of dhikr which can be performed secretly. To be effective, dhikr should be done through the tongue, in another meaning, they should be spoken up. It is a necessity to be competent on this knowledge to offer any kind of dhikr, particularly which includes names of Allah. Name dhikres are chosen from ninety-nine names of Allah and given according to the needs of the person. That person performs the name dhikr chosen according to a feature in which he is lack. Every person isn’t advised to perform dhikr, the dhikr is offered according to his personality structure. For example; an impatient person is advised to perform the name of Sabur for a definite number. If he performs it in a definite number, the name of Sabur becomes functional, teaches to endure and he starts to perceive Sabur, the name of Allah. So, the connections between circuits that provide to be patient 164 || The Last Adam are created and the meaning according to that dhikr is loaded to his consciousness body. The electricity of performed dhikr becomes the Power in this way. A person, without awareness, starts to practice his thought with that energy. The energy of thoughts that come out through dhikr is too high. Unless dhikrer spends his energy for thoughts or deeds called a sin by prophets, after a while whatever he thinks becomes real. Talking, eating and having sexual intercourse too much impair this energy. The man should hold his tongue; keep his power and his elbow. More dhikr more electricity sends to the brain and it increases using the brain’s capacity (new connection rate between cells). Nowadays, as even scientists accepted as genius can use a small capacity of their brain, this rate in prophets and saints were more. Our ideas and words that are expressions of our thoughts are the community of letters. Each letter and sound has a cellular provision. We cannot see the jinn because their structures resemble electricity but they see us. Our brain cells and structure are accessible to them. Since they can see cellular provisions of letters, they can change arrays of cells (electrical structure in the brain) like keying with a computer. They play with brain cells as if they play with billiard-balls; they mix thoughts and mislead people. Even they can mix related cells and convince that person to the non-existence of jinn. Just as invisible electricity shock us in a high voltage, the event called “possession” by the public is similar. Someone who is not able to protect himself via worships and dhikres taught by prophets is like a robot under the control of evils and the jinn; because the jinn aims to keep away people from doctrines of prophets, to prevent people from reaching the Holistic Reason, and to make them remain in imagination life. When they first hear that mankind will go to the moon, they got panic thinking that mankind would learn how to use his mind. In our age, many people live under The Secret of Genesis || 165 their influence and captivity. However, someone reaching the Holistic Reason ensures the jinn. Each of the verses and each name of Allah have eight servants. Four of them are angelic and the other four are jinny. Let’s say; dhikrer starts to perform dhikr but leaves it without completing. The jinny servant of that verse or name restrains the brain of that person. That person lives under the influence of the jinn from that moment, but he doesn’t realize it; either he abdicates performing the salah or he thinks that he is capable of knowing everything. This person cannot be persuaded. He is unwilling to hear nobody. He desires for being listened to all the time. When it is tried to make clear his misunderstandings or mistakes, he sidetracks. He only accepts his knowings as right-doings. He assumes that others’ doings are wrong. He becomes atheistic but he doesn’t notice it.

“And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful - We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion.” (Quran, 43:36)

Like most things, the knowledge of dhikr is corrupted. To performing dhikr by gathering a place as groups have yielded to make nonsense voices and unreasonable nods, noisy clamors. These manners are not performing dhikr; on the contrary, it is heresy. None of the prophets has done it. Performing dhikr doesn’t only mean to repeat verses, it is self of man. Performing dhikr is to learning the knowledge, to pray, to look at beauties, to be respectful against both men and women, not to hurt herbs and stocks, and to love them; briefly, it means to live properly. Prophets lived in this way. Collective dhikr is the salah. The salah is also the main dhikr and it is a religious duty for all Muslims. Dhikr performed by repeating verses and names of Allah are significant and everyone has to perform the right dhikr which 166 || The Last Adam is compatible with his structure. If you complain about that “We cannot find experts of this subject in our age”, follow this solution: Read Al-Falaq, An-Nas, Al-Ikhlas one hundred times, read “Lâ havle ve lâ kuvvete illâ billâhil aliyyil azim” five hundred times. Additionally, if you know Āyat al-Kursī (the Throne Verse, 256th verse of Surah Bakara), read it 40 times daily. Yet, even the most powerful jinn are resistless against Āyat al-Kursī read seven times. Each nation can read the right meaning of verses in their language. Allah knows not only Arabic but also all languages. Suras of Al-Falaq and An-Nas, two from protective dhikres, protect the brain from the negative transmission of other brains. Āyat al-Kursī protects the person from the negative effects of visible or invisible powers. The brain must be taken under protection through this dhikr. If a fruited but derelict garden isn’t hedged around, it will be haunted by many. Because Êsma dhikres (dhikres performed via repeating names of Allah) sensitize the brain, the brain becomes defenseless against the effects of the jinn and other powers. Therefore, to protect the brain from harmful effects, everyone should perform dhikres in specific numbers throughout his life.

“And remember your Lord within yourself humbly and fearing and in a voice not loud in the morning and the evening and be not of the heedless ones.” (Quran, 7:205)

A person needs to perform dhikr (remembrance of Allah) to redeem by knowing himself and to reach the Holistic Reason. The Holistic Reason organizes everything including the sub-atomic and sup-atomic dimensions excellently and leads their movements. Only the One Reason; but numerous meanings come out… A person can know his deeds superficially, but he cannot see the Reason. Who is thinking one; that person or the The Secret of Genesis || 167

Reason? Who does lead the things assumed by that person as; “I did them” Who has sealed to born into the world? Has he wanted to born or has the Reason wanted him born? He will pass away after a while; who makes it real, another person or is it organized by the Reason? Every man has the Holistic Reason in his self. As long as man supposes himself only as a matter body, he cannot reach the Reason, he is ensured by the matter and he serves the matter; in another word, he serves slavishly. On the contrary, if a man reaches the Holistic Reason, matter serves man and atoms don’t lead man but vice versa. It is a worthy man to use his mind, not his body. Must atoms not serve us? Haven’t we, as Adam, come out of the essence of Allah? Animals are used to be not attracted by precious metals like gold and silver, worthless things in the truth. Some of the people kill others, even the closest friends or relatives for those metals. Herein, doesn’t he become inferior to animals in case he treasures those metals? The lifetime of a person in this world is 70 years averagely, but this long time is only a moment in the time of divine system, it isn’t time passed. Just as a wave of the ocean appears for a few minutes and then disappears, 70 years is a moment for the system. However, some people prize matter, lack of universal knowledge, some of them never treasure the matter and reach the universality. The reality which doesn’t change anytime is that each man comes to maturity in this world one day. Nothing belongs to the man in the world. The matter only remains in the matter world. Instead of owning and aiming the matter presented to him, he should use it as a tool to spend his time in the best way. Whoever treasures the matter lives within a fear of losing it; he never gets aware of this state. Whenever he loses them, he gets upset and suffers. However, these kinds of people will inevitably lose whatever he possesses; and in the meta- matter, will comprehend how much lives in this world are 168 || The Last Adam spent meaninglessly and purposelessly, he will suffer torment forever. The Unique Reason reigns in the universe. What else can go counter to it! Someone who comprehends it knows that his self is the Truth and he is verily the Truth; he is called “heavenly host” by the public. Do not misunderstand that: When a person comprehends that he is the Truth, he becomes a mystery, not Allah! Whoever claims that he is Allah attributes himself to God (shirk) like a pharaoh. It is called “soul” in the verses. This soul is our essence. Some people following salutation may say; “Do not torture to your soul, get everything whatever your body desires” or “Do whatever your soul wants”. Those people assume the desires or wishes of the body as their souls’ desires. They misconstruct body and soul. The body desires everything; to comfort, to eat much more, to sleep much more, briefly each pleasure. As long as they fulfill desires of the body, they torture themselves (their souls), they don’t realize. If they want to reach the point we have mentioned, they should practice the opposite of what body desires. Who is willing about it practices and experiences all. Proofs come out within him. Try and see, whether it is true or not! Whoever doesn’t have self-awareness, whoever lets his body lead his life serves his body, not to Allah. So, he attributes shirk. It is another meaning of “to be a servant of servants”. In the universe, nothing can exist and move without the program. So, what about opposites; good and bad, beautiful and ugly, angel and devil and so on… The existence of two opposites is the rule; otherwise maturing cannot be possible, self-consciousness doesn’t form. When it struggles against oppositions, self-consciousness forms and all oppositions disappear after a while. How do they disappear? In the universe, nothing is created accidentally. Any wrongness originates from the comprehension of the person. As everything is generated from the Reason, when it is reached The Secret of Genesis || 169 to the Truth, it can be seen that everything is a feature of the Holistic Reason. That time, nobody is vexed with the other one. Herein, love starts to come out for every creature. This love is the unique one, the love for Allah. Every being gets his power from one Power. Nothing is separated from that Power. The skills of all people differ such as their faces. One does for what purpose he is created. His body and his brain are organized according to it. Neither physical structures nor skills of human beings are determined through their will. Those are determined by the will of all-Creator. Thus, to force someone in the opposite of his skills is torturing. Man cannot overreach his skills and character. The particular reason is the deeds of a person throughout for what he is created. The program of what a person is created for is implicit in him. Because he cannot realize it, he supposes that he does everything through his free will. If we say someone that “Allah makes you do what you do”, he responds as “No, I do them with my particular will; I think and I do what I think”. No doubt, he does. So, where do his thoughts come from? Does he ever think it?

“And you do not will except that Allah wills. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.” (Quran, 76:30)

We appear from sup-matter ONE structure; we shape in earth and stone in this matter world. The duration we will spend in matter world is determined. During this time, we reach perfection and appear in another world which is the opposite of this world. In that world, two opposites exist; either we live in heavens where every desire of us become real or we live in hells where we start life under the harrow forever if we couldn’t reach perfection and have freedom/ redemption. The term “death” is a fiction; because non-being is not 170 || The Last Adam possible. When all living beings; animals, human beings, plants are examined, their essence cannot be observed. The earthly life is a transformation process of the sup-matter particular reason to consciousness body via matter body. Death is the completion of the consciousness body’s basis drifted apart from the matter body by the termination of a process. It is a process of part from the sup-matter Holistic Soul to become the Life. Thus, for a matter body lost connection with consciousness body, a soul that holds its particles together and provides mobility is out of the question. This causes the body to stop and decomposition of its particles. The consciousness body lost connection with the matter body also lose connection with this world; it finds itself where it belongs, in the meta-matter world. This is, indeed, a newborn. Who dies in the world is born in the meta-matter. From this aspect, the death is the birth in the Truth. All beings whatever we see in this world return from one state to another and keep on existing, there is no death, but transformation. When our flesh-bone body formed of stone- earth-water completes its time, it decomposes again and takes the form of earth. It, indeed, was earth and turns into it again, but this earth is a bit different. Even one small particle doesn’t disappear in the universe. This world has a lifetime. It decomposes into its components; transforms into another state and continues its existence in different states forever. If it is, where does its original remain? Where does it come from? Where does it go? People who reach the essence know that; it comes out from the truth and turns back to it again. Who /what is left, who/what leaves? Where does it go and then, turn back to its truth? What are we talking about? There are no two different existences so they can separate from each other. Let’s go back to the sample of sea/ocean waves. Are sea and wave called differently? Are they different? Aren’t both the water? Where does wave go after it gets formed? Wave The Secret of Genesis || 171 isn’t a different existence except for the sea; it is the shaped form of water. Both waves and sea are the same water, with no separation. This sample is misconstructed as; “We come from spirit and we will go back to it again”. However, a coming or going back in that meaning isn’t a matter of the truth. Herein, our matter bodies’ formation is mentioned. Our matter bodies formed of earth and water decompose and become earth and water again; in another word, energy become solid matter and then, returns to energy again, it goes back its origin; but the wind is needed to form the wave in the sea. Without waft, no movement appears in the sea. To form the meta-matter consciousness, it is needed sup-matter to mobilize and lead the matter. Via this mobilization, the mere sup-matter reason in man transforms to the meta-matter consciousness on the occasion of matter body. Namely, whatever comes from earth turn back to earth, whatever comes from the reason turns to the reason. Nothing lasts forever in the universe. Every component of each unity including our Kömbe decomposes in any case after a while. For this reason, the universe has neither the beginning nor the end. The universe is a total of sub-atomic particles of which seven dimensions are explained by us before. If the universe were generated of monolithic waves, bodies of living beings wouldn’t form and decompose again. Meanings come out during life in the matter world are formed in the meta-matter life and maintain its existence in the meta-matter. Herein, the thing that maintains is mind and neither its weight nor weightlessness is beside the point. We try to keep out of new terms and names in this book as possible because new terms usually cause deceptions. For example; we have named kinds of semen as sergeant and soldier. If these names are confused with sergeant and soldier we know, we get on wrong. Hasn’t everything been named later? It means that to be stuck in names leads to the wrong perception. 172 || The Last Adam

The old who witness to any formation evaluate it as “come out of nothing”, because they don’t see its previous formation stages; so, descendants misunderstand it. Verses about this subject are for those at misunderstanding and misapprehension level. For example, anyone who reads the Qur’an or Bible may say; “I’m reading but it claims something at some point, next time it differs, it is inconsistent”. Besides verses talking to every understanding, some verses can only be understood by people who make progress. Verses that we haven’t understood become apprehensible when we make progress. That time, we wonder at it. The address form of Allah is sometimes as “We” in the Qur’an. What meant by “We” is the Holistic Reason, the infinite/unlimited knowledge. Even the Holistic Reason is an attribute. Allah sometimes addresses as “I”. The word “I” refers to “UNIQE.ness”. In this UNIQE.ness, countless attributions are available, it is agnosia. It is UNIQE because everything is connected. All created beings are meanings in the eternal kalam (word) of Allah. The ONE.ness of Allah covers apparent and mystic realms eternally. Endless meanings come out from the Holistic Reason, but this reason doesn’t mean Allah! Reason is just attribution of Allah. Earth, air, water, and fire are needed for the appearance of the Reason in the matter world. Nevertheless; earth, air, water, and fire are a reflection of the Reason in another state. But Allah is excluded from them. Oh Dervish, Oh Adorer! Contemplate all very well. “Being wise” is a term; it isn’t separate from the whole. We appear in this world via reason attribution of Allah. Both the matter world and meta-matter world have neither a beginning nor an end. If there were a beginning, the end would be. The universe is infinite. Beginning and end depend on the transmutation of matter, as it transmutes every second. Allah is excluded from creating and being created. The verse of “creating” is for guidance, it is an allusion. We are not separate The Secret of Genesis || 173 from Allah, but it doesn’t mean that we are Allah. We are not the whole itself but we are not separated from it either. All living beings have the power of Allah. However, the difference of human power, because of being caliph of Allah, releases unrestrictedly if it is needed. Allah has infinite attributions and names. That is why Allah can never be defined by any living being. The more reason attribution of Allah becomes understandable to a person, the more he can define Allah. To know Allah completely is not an option, but as man knows Allah more, he becomes closer to Him. Man cannot comprehend the infinity of Allah, the mind of man cannot comprehend Him; but Allah, if He wishes, understands. If people who don’t know himself and haven’t reached the Truth attempt to define Allah, they mislead everyone. Every deal should be charged to its component. Allah cannot be defined via jinny inspirations. Let’s deeply think the meaning of “We’re going to return to Allah again”. We are not separate from Him, so we return to Him. To return to Allah means “to know our self, to know our essence”. To know Allah truly is possible by neither researching nor learning the knowledge or thinking. If Allah wishes, He presents Himself to that person. We are souls of Allah, not separated from Him. For instance; let’s think of a tree. That tree used to be a seed; firstly, it becomes body and branches and then, fruit. We are fruits. Can a fruit claim that it is a tree? Fruit, leave, main body/structure, all are different but all are together; a unique tree, a unique body. Neither is fruit separate from tree nor is tree separate from the fruit. When it is said; “Allah is apart, we are apart”, it becomes “shirk”, because self-ness emerges. What should be said? We should say; “We are from Allah”. The verse mentions; “Created your body”, but it doesn’t say; “Created your soul”! To be from the soul of Allah means that we, mankind, have been from all eternity to forever and ever. 174 || The Last Adam

In another word, our body created later is only our humanity. Our individuality is UNIQUE.ness; our togetherness is ONE. ness. UNIQUE.ness and ONE.ness of Allah are like that. Whoever thinks differently shirks.

“Who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.’” (Qur’an, 2:156)

“So well, where were we before?” We were trees in the infinite forest. When we were cut off and thrown into this world, we cried. We have been made as doors and windows of this building. Why is it said in the verse; “Allah breathed into him (Adam) from His soul” instead of “Allah created Adam”? That means Adam hasn’t been created. Divinity and servanthood are together in mankind. The man is a servant by his body, divine by being Adam. If a man cannot know himself, he is human and servant. If he makes required practices and overcomes his body, he realizes that the body belonging to him is only components of air, water, and earth. So he finds the point of being Adam, comprehends his divinity and reaches the Truth and the essence. At that time, he gets that his reason, not separated from the Reason, appears in the shape of stone- earth, like a human. When he reaches this level, if he keeps on doing his requirements of being servant truly, the real will comes out and at that time, no deal which he cannot achieve remains. Therefore, the man is a servant by his matter body; he is also divine by the soul breathed into him (Adam). The divinity is the essence of man. There is no divinity of the matter.

“He is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Intimate, and He is, of all things, Knowing.” (Qur’an, 57:3)

There was nothing except Allah, eternal of eternal, it is The Secret of Genesis || 175 still so!

“Allah was on âmâ, a point without weather in under and above.” (Hadith)

“What is our role in the holistic system?” Let’s think about the factory. One of the gearwheels of machines is me, another is you. Just as a factory is a holistic system formed by the coexistence of many machines and tools, the universe is a system covering all meanings which are infinite/unlimited, visible and invisible. The main reason for our servanthood is because of that we subject to the holistic system. When we see and comprehend this system, we will have reached the truth of wahdat’s secrecy, to the UNIQUE.ness. Whoever seen his self by reaching the UNIQUE.ness doesn’t leave his worship. On the contrary, he prays more. Because the more praying the more meanings in life. Saying; “I have reached the UNIQUE.ness; my body doesn’t need worship anymore” means to be influenced by jinny effects. Because many people are not able to reach the Holistic Reason, they are mostly like clockwork toys. If you set the toy with its key, it starts to jump or move. As this kind of person is said; “someone claimed … about you” He becomes ready to go and fight with the third person. He breaks each other’s heart and gets cross with others. Even, he is not aware that he is moved and manipulated by the second person’s words. People don’t use to read holy books; they are used to move throughout words of the devil and hearsay information. For instance; when a worshipper makes wrongs, others blame religion, but not the worshipper. Whereas, conditions of religion shouldn’t be expected to comply with the lives and thoughts of people; on the contrary, people must obey conditions of religion and live under those conditions. What does “theophobia” mean? Is Allah a monster, so we fear from Allah? Who has sins and wrongdoings should fear. 176 || The Last Adam

Let me explain one of my experiences: I grew up in the village. My beloved mother was a religious woman, she was well-behaved. Through the end of summer, she used to take me and my brother to a hill to harvest tea. One day, bandogs of another village attacked us. My mother said to us; “Sit and recite bismillah”. By that time, dogs surrounded us in a moment. My mother talked to the dogs and said; “What do you want from us? These are my children”. Dogs acted as if they got what had been said and they left us. After that, a man, owner of dogs arrived in sweat. He said distractedly; “What are you doing here? I was too afraid of that dogs had savaged you. Our dogs are very mad. How they didn’t touch you is so surprising”. My mother replied him immediately; “We haven’t misbehaved to anyone, there is no reason for us to be attacked by dogs.” Real believers like my mother always know that if they wrongdo, they will inevitably face it one day and they only fear from results of wrongdoings which they do. This is the real fear. (from Allah) What balances every being is heat dissipated by the sun. Yet, the heat varies from region to region; atoms of objects are programmed according to heat in their region. For instance, as the heat that a tree takes raises the color of its leaves changes from green to yellow and then to brown. If the color weren’t relative but changeless, the green color would maintain. The color is a temporary situation like energetic data particles of an atom. When leaf fall, it changes more; it is decomposed, mixed into earth and becomes earth. So, what is the truth of this leaf? The truth is the shape of that leaf and that shape is recorded to our mind; in another word, things seen by us are imaginations but shapes of them are their truth. The human body is the same; imagination like a leaf, temporary situation but consciousness, the fruit of body, is its truth. Both water and earth are alive. Do earth and water ever die? No. We have mentioned; “Your flesh is earth, your blood The Secret of Genesis || 177 is water” Body which is earth and water never dies. The earth-water body maintains its aliveness after being buried. So, who died? Did we die? We don’t die, because we are the consciousness. Does consciousness die? Consciousness body is formed according to conditions of meta-matter in the meta- matter realm. When we get free from the body, we will leave our lives in this world and find ourselves in another life, this is the real birth. Any person who we suppose as dead has a real birth; because he comes from the sub-matter, is shaped in flesh and bones, then passes through a new life. How he has lived in this world, he will live in other realms, too. He cannot change his infinite life’s base (life in this world). Cement is added to sand; mortar is mixed and becomes concrete. After the concrete dries, it cannot return to its previous state. It is the same for consciousness. The body system is proof of that life continuously goes on in the meta-matter. It is a mistake to think that consciousness leaves the body after death; because the consciousness isn’t generated in the body. “Everybody lives in where it is formed” is what we have mentioned. The transformation of matter to energy doesn’t mean that it goes out of the matter; if it were so, the matter world should come to an end gradually. This approach is contrary to physics rules. Hence, both the flesh-stone body and the meta-matter body maintain their existence in the world where they are formed. The energy that is the essence of matter can take any shape, but the shape of a body formed in the meta-matter doesn’t change and decompose. The cells of the meta-matter body work normally until the age of 33. In this age, transformation starts. We keep on eating the same things from 7 to 70 ages. On the contrary, we should change our nutrition. Thereafter we turn this age (33), growth and development stop and the body needs eating less. After an age, circuits that cells of the body are connected get weakened as a result of being forced by consuming excessive 178 || The Last Adam and intense food, they become unable to connect with cells. This situation makes the person lazy, affects his nervous system and puts under stress. Except for seven kinds of electricity output by the human brain, daily issues cause excess electricity and this draws the human brain to chaos and chaos brings stress. Mostly, residents of metropolis experience this stress. To expel this negative electricity, it should step on the ground with naked feet for one-two hours at least twice a week or sit under a tree –with naked feet-, so the electricity that causes stress can be flown away from the ground. Our body is earth and that is why its remedy is earth. The main reason for the lack of blindness (imperceptions) and forgetfulness is to eat intemperately. Damages of eating too much are countless. We are used to getting three meals a day. Only two meals should be got at the most. Someone who hopes for a pure brain should divide his dinner into two parts and have half in the morning, the other half in the evening. If he works professionally –in fact, a person who doesn’t have a full-time job eats more- he should arrange his meals according to his work hours. Let’s not eat too much and not occupy hospitals and prisons. The rate of core-fire in foods has a significant effect on human health. Foods including a high rate of core-fire affect electric equipment adversely. This effect decreases the brain’s power, increases the weight of the body and limits mobility and causes unnecessary talks done by that person. When we get incompatible foods or those including high rated core-fire, these foods, with collisions in our stomach, creates harmful atoms. These atoms damage the brain during passing through the brain. Then, core-fire accumulates in different parts of the body and diseases like cancer appear by the time. This is the secret of foods forbidden by the prophets. In the meantime, garlic is highly effective to cure damaged brain cells. After garlic atoms pass through the brain; they The Secret of Genesis || 179 reach a very strong level, touch at parts of the body where core-fire is accumulated, annihilates residues of core-fire. The secret in garlic is to have no core-fire. If any smoker consumes two cloves of garlic with a bowl of yogurt twice a week just before sleeping, and keep doing it constantly, his lungs become completely healthy. The risk of cancer disease decreases in people who have this habit. Besides, if non-smokers do it once a week, they have resistant against getting cancer and other diseases. If a believer fasting for three days without iftar eats a bowl of yogurt with a big clove of garlic on the third day and repeat it three times in a month, this believer will be never stung by mosquitos and/or other kinds of flies. Whoever wishes can try and experience it. The bodies of wild animals consist of a high rate of core- fire, but birds almost have zero core-fire. Chickens have too much core-fire in their skins and backs; it is more in their eggs. That is why chickens cannot fly comparing with other birds. Although raptors have core-fire in their bodies, they can fly owing to the flyable structure and their meat isn’t consumed. The meat of quail, partridge and similar birds is the healthiest in the world. Instead of chickens, the meat of these kinds of birds should be consumed; because chicken eats everything; meat and all other kinds of cruds. The animal whose meat consists of the highest rate of core- fire is pork. Today, even dogs and cats aren’t fed with pork meat. The same damage that pork meat creates on dogs and cats is valid for the human body. Pork also has other features. The Qur’an doesn’t find to eat pork meat acceptable due to this reason. Some people claim that pork meat is forbidden because that pork eats its excreta. Don’t they know that chicken even eats its excreta? Nowadays, many people say that they follow the Qur’an’s orders and that they are Muslim but their morals do not comply with Islamic morality. If they are asked whether they 180 || The Last Adam eat pork meat or not, they will reply as; “I am Muslim, I do not pork meat”; but they break other people’s hearts, backbite, commit adultery and drink (alcohol). The Qur’an, under desperate conditions, allows eating pork from the butch; but it never permits the slander, the heartbreak, and the adultery.

“And the pig, though it has a split hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.” (Leviticus, 11:7-8)

“He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. But whoever is forced [by necessity], neither desiring [it] nor transgressing [its limit], there is no sin upon him. (…)” (Qur’an, 2:173)

Today, pork meat parting, there is such an abundance of foods that even eating red meat is not required. Anyone who persists on eating hurts himself. As much as possible, it should be avoided with eating meat. In a person who eats too much meat, feeling for mercy decreases but the propensity for violence increases. The proof of this situation –as a sample- is animals. Carnivorous animals are mostly aggressive but herbivorous animals are docile. Meats of birds should be preferred as meat. Eat herbs for forty days; eat meat one day respectively; so, you can keep healthy. Comparing with a crowded group of people, for example, 6 or 7 people, it is a minimal chance to discuss two people. The more people come together, the more discussion, rumors, and bobbers come out; because every person has a different character. Disagreements occur between different characters, as well as incompatibility between different foods eaten together. The brain is affected adversely by these incompatibilities. An unhealthy brain may provoke disturbance, backbites, and slanders. A healthy brain can consider and judge healthy. A person who knows what should be eaten and/or drunk with what will not get ill quickly. The Secret of Genesis || 181

Wrong feeding habits are at the bottom of diseases, even at the bottom of some strokes. In our age, people seek for remedies of illnesses after they get ill. Instead, we should seek before getting ill. If we become aware of the reasons for diseases, we can take measures and we will not get ill. That time, we can build flower gardens instead of hospitals. Furthermore, no need for prisons; because every crime is based on a behavioral disorder. Behavioral disorders are caused by negative collisions in the brain as a result of wrong feeding. If we eat things that are not our body’s need, our structure is altered, we get used to discussing, fight and misbehave. The greatest enemy of our body is to eat too much, to consume alcohol and to undergo noise. “What does ‘coming of bad stock (family)’ mean? How can blood be bad?” Everything eaten or drunk gets collided and extracted in the stomach, then mixes with blood. If the food and beverages are not halal, the stock gets bad in this way. Drinks like wine and liqueur are made of grapes that are nearly at corruption. After some phases, particles of core-fire mix into these kinds of drinks. Core-fire in these drinks mixes into the blood and when it passes through the brain, it causes an imbalance in the brain; because the structure and rotating type of the core-fire are incompatible to brain cells. That is why people can not give the right decisions when they are drunk. If these kinds of drinks are consumed for a long time, they damage the connection between brain cells and ruin the brain. Sexual intercourse is significant for people, but because of the highest loss of energy is lived during sex, the frequency of having sex should depend on a limit. As a response to sexual pleasure received, accumulation of power that can let one have the universal knowledge is consumed. In this subject, even animals are more ordered than people; they don’t get on the wrong track, they act and copulate according to their program. What people don’t understand is that sexual 182 || The Last Adam pleasure is given to humanity to keep the re-productivity of the hominid line. On the contrary, if the circuit of getting pleasure were not active, all people would stay away from sexual intercourse. People claim about that pleasure; “I want it; I am having”. It is not under the control of them. In the Truth, it is not the brain that gets pleasure; it is the sup-brain. The normal body temperature of the human body is 37 Celsius degrees. We have named it “the basic temperature of the body”. Well, where does this temperature originate from? Four elements; the core-fire, air, earth, and water generate the structure of the world.34 One-quarter of the human body is earth, one quarter is air, one quarter is water and the last quarter is fire; but this rate is not arranged according to equal distribution, it depends on a different rate. The human body collects these four elements. Rotating velocity of particles is arranged according to cells and the basic temperature of the human body is balanced at 37 Celsius degrees. If these particles didn’t balance heats both derived from collision of body and foods and daily activities, people could not live more. The electricity in the body is also subject to the basic temperature. The semen fallen into the mother’s womb can only form the fetus on condition of this temperature. The basic temperature is different from animals. For instance; the temperature required to form a chick is 21-22 Celsius degree. If it goes out of this temperature, the egg gets corrupted. When a person moves too much, his body gets heated. This heat and the basic temperature of the body are different heats. When the body moves, the rotating velocity of atoms in the cells increases; the velocity of atoms in fat cells exceeds a definite limit, fat cells disintegrate. Water atoms, when rotating velocity exceeds a definite limit, drift apart from

34 When looking only at surface of the world, three quarters is water, one quarter is soil. However, except from visible soil on the surface, there is also soil existing from ocean floor to the collusion distance which we cannot see. The Secret of Genesis || 183 the cells. So, their rotating velocity decreases and they are removed from the body as sweat. If sweating which prevents internal heating were not, the heat derived from activities would raise the basic temperature till 39-40 Celcius degrees. Any going over the limits at the temperature of the body can cause death. However, despite the movement(s) of the body, the basic temperature is kept in this way. The basic temperature of the body doesn’t depend on the foods consumed. If it were so, the basic temperature of some animals would be the same as ours; because those animals consume almost the same foods that we eat. The basic temperature of the human body is generated by rotations of kosegi particles which are restrained by sub-atomic AEW particles in the body. If we go out sweaty, without dressing well, atoms of air penetrate from expanded skin pores and there, they collide with atoms of skin. Thus, the balanced velocity becomes unbalanced. This raises the basic temperature of the body. According to the intensity of collision, heating in the body (internal heating) starts. “I have a fever” is said. This situation goes on till rotation of sub-atomic particles normalizes. If the raised basic temperature goes over the third state of AEW, the balance occurred by sub-atomic AEW particles is lost. Particles of kosegi spin out of the control like a fire that is out of control due to strong wind and dominates to all the body. The brain loses its function; the consciousness body disconnects with the matter body, and this situation leads the death. For instance; let’s think of a person who overloves but repress this love. If his feelings are not ceased and if they proceed, the brain always focuses on the same point. By the end of this emotional extremism, everything in the brain is deleted and a sudden gap occurs in the brain. In this gap, the connection between the consciousness and matter bodies for a moment. When reconnection is provided, if the basic temperature reflects body, this temperature collides with hidden core-fire and that person is burnt out 184 || The Last Adam or he dies without any reason. No physician can diagnose this situation. The brain is what keeps under control the connection between the matter and consciousness bodies. A momentary gap in the brain causes loss of control. If a person takes under control this center in his brain with his will, no matter how cold in winter, he does not get cold, his blood does not freeze. No matter how hot in summer, he is not affected by weather; because he, via his will, can arrange the electricity generated by AEW particles and hidden core- fire particles. Let me share an event I have experienced about this subject: In the morning of Konya, I went to basins of the bath at Mevlana (Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi) Tomb to perform ablution. There, no one else except me. It was so icy cold that no one was out at early morning hours. The basin I wanted to use was frozen, I warmed that basin by keeping my hand on it for a few minutes, water started to flow. After I performed ablution, I shouldered my jacket, I hadn’t had a coat. Water drops on my face, hand and arms were evaporation instead of freezing. In the meantime, a police car passing from there stopped and one of the policemen warned me from the glass; “Do not you chill? You are going to freeze, freeze!” I replied as; “No, it is not so cold”. In return to my reply, another policeman talked to his friend and said; “Leave him, he is abnormal! At this hour, in this icy weather, does a normal person get out?” They left me and went. They were right. A normal person cannot, but Adam can. I went to the mosque; there were two olds. I discovered in which state they had been, but the imam was feeling chilly. In everything including the smallest particles to the biggest structure rotates. Rotation of every unit brings its being that we call “life”; but “Life in the Life” is different. The Real Life is the infinite power that rotates everything from particle to out and out. The sub-atomic particles radiated from the Sun generate The Secret of Genesis || 185 a movement by hitting the water and raising sub-atomic particles’ velocity of the water. With the guidance of the sup- matter, this movement forms vitality. Rotation velocities of water and earth atoms are different from rotation velocities of air and fire. Besides, water atoms, apart from earth atoms, are flat. Therefore, atoms affected easily by cold and hot are water atoms. Heat particles radiated by the Sun rotate too rapidly and by the reason of that these particles hit atoms vertically, they raise rotation velocity of water and air atoms. So, water and air get warm. By sunset, rotation velocity of air atoms decreases through the previous velocity and the air gets cold. By the way; the more hitting vertically on the ground, the more plants outgrow. On condition that during the entrance of heat particles radiated by the Sun into the world is broken, the velocity of air atoms starts to decrease through their natural level and the weather gets cold. The velocity of air atoms keeps on decreasing as long as to break of heat radiation from the Sun. When rotation of air atoms stops, it re-rotates reversely. After a velocity level, the weather loses its state and become another thing; however, since the Sun’s heat radiation isn’t obscured for 100%, the air does not cool to the full. Water atoms change their rotation velocities very quickly by air and fire particles’ intervention. After the amount of water in the human body three-quarters of which is water is reduced to a certain level, the body is not affected by the cold if the electricity-generating the basic temperature is sent onto water atoms. The fact that the water content in their bodies is so low prevents the birds from chilling and freezing in winter. Birds drink very little water in winter. Likewise, animals that do not drink too much water are not affected by the summer’s heat. For instance; animals living in the desert do not drink water for days since they minimize the water amount of their body, they are not affected by the heat. 186 || The Last Adam

The more water is drunk; the body gets heated more. As the water amount of the body decreases; heat decreases, the body loses weight, walking becomes easier, and rheumatism pains decrease. The human body gets used to everything in forty days. Whoever wishes can experience it. Not only that water is affected by heat and cold easy bases on these kinds of diseases, but also water’s tendency to flow down bases. Since the sixth state of AEW and the third state -from the opposite side- of core-fire is hidden in foods and foods compose our body, these states are hidden in our body, too. If hidden fire particles in the body are sent onto hidden air atoms without touching hidden water atoms, the hidden air atoms get warm. When this heat is balanced, the body loses weight. The body does not have weight. By the twisting of core-fire composing the center of the world, gravity appears and it is assumed as weight. When we walk, it is who/what wants us to walk! Is it our legs? No! The activity of walking- like others- comes into appearing with activation of a brain circuit. To go somewhere from somewhere in an instant is similar. That person acts as quickly as he wishes and goes wherever he wants. Just as the velocity of ordinary walking and running can be arranged, the collision velocity of fire and air can be arranged according to the intended rate. However, this event is only within the Solar System. It is not possible to go out of the Solar System. The universe is traveled by the consciousness body, not by the matter body. The matter is space. Even if the matter body is got under control and it is reached to a certain velocity in this way, space will be transcended. This mobility in which point space is transcended cannot be observed by apparent eyes. In the meantime, the body is not injured by the friction of outer air; because, in this condition, a new circuit is activated in the brain to be protected from friction. We can sample it as: When some people walk on the fire or lie down the glass The Secret of Genesis || 187 shards, their bodies aren’t affected in any way. These people, unwittingly, use the circuit we have mentioned. There have been millions of different circuits, including invisibility circuit. Air and fire, two of four elements that form the world- consequentially the human body, are in balance momently. Provided that someone balances the earth and water of his body and if he doesn’t have any hereditary disorder, he never gets sick. Unless he occupies his brain with temporary issues and follows fanaticism if he always thinks positively and does require brain exercises, after a while his brain exceeds the meta-matter and starts to see things which others aren’t able to see. These are not things that can be believed by people who are conditioned. To get conditioned easily is lead by suspicion (sense of self). Suspicion is more dangerous than the devil, for people. Every man grows up with suspicion after birth. Whoever achieves to overcome his suspicion Islamizes jinni of suspicion –which is always with him- and saves himself. What blinds human thoughts is suspicion. That is why people are conditioned with wrong or right things heard and they live without knowing right from wrong. During the decision phase, everyone meets two influences; “do” or “don’t do”, one is angelic, other jinny. The angelic influence has an impact on those who trust in God, the jinny influence goes down. The evil cannot capture one whoever overcomes his suspicions. It has become that birds get up earlier than humans instead of vice-versa. As all animals and plants save no property and all trust in Allah, people have lost “the trust in Allah”. Animals have got ahead of people. Animals and plants are beings given to our service. What distinguishes us from them is the reason and will that we have. All of the animals swim. Well, who has taught them swimming? Suspicion is caused by thought; animals are lack of thought, but they have will power, even it is limited and static. Animals use this will. New-born babies, thanks to 188 || The Last Adam the fact that they don’t have any suspicion, can swim easily but adults cannot swim without learning. Why? Since adult people have suspicions. They say and hesitate; “Oh, how should I do, this way or other?” Dear readers, I would like to remind a hadith of Muhammad (saw): “Tether your camel and then trust in Him.” In this hadith, the Prophet advises Muslims to leave “whatever is going to be” to the Will of Allah, after taking measurements with their particular will. All other issues except suspicion what prevents people from reaching the Holistic Reason are selfishness and most importantly, a sense of ownership. Sense of ownership makes human lose himself. Free will is not to be addicted to anything. Adam gets addicted to nothing. A human feels sad because of two things; to lose what he owns and things that don’t realize as he wishes. Sadness affects the brain cells; the brain cells affect organs negatively and lead the man to hurt himself. He suffers from the consequences of this condition as a disease or in other ways. Whoever hasn’t reached the Holistic Reason sees him different from others. Due to the sense of self, he thinks as if the parting is a part of existence; and collection of words supposes that his reason is in existence. If he could leave his apparent reason, he would reach the Holistic Reason, and his self (suspicious) disappears. Whoever reaches the Holistic Reason sees things that previously are a mystery to him, no mystery is kept as hidden to him. Our consciousness is both apart from the Holistic reason and not apart from It. Do not ask how it can be! This subject cannot be explained with words formed with letters from A to Z. Herein, it is about sight. The mind which is the collection of words formed with letters from A to Z is only a step to reach it. What makes us mobilize are words? When we hear words The Secret of Genesis || 189 such as; “come, go, do that, etc.” we act through what is said. On the other hand, the Holistic Reason is free of words or letters. Whoever reaches it can move visible or invisible things without speaking from the place where he sits. Just as how our apparent mind is objected to the collection of words, every being is objected to the Holistic Reason. To be more precise; who has reached the Holistic Reason takes everything under his command. Whatever this man desires becomes real. None of the created beings can disobey him. Man is on the horns of a dilemma and under control of his body. The body commands him; he acts through his body’s desires and lives at unawares of unlimited will power. If only man could learn how to use his will, he could split the sea by reaching the Holistic Reason; commands to air, earth, water; because the will of man is Qudrat (Supremacy) of infinite/unlimited Al-Qadr, it is Power. The most significant characteristic of Adam is this attribution, attribution of Qudrat. This attribution used by societies before Noah (as), also used by Muslims until three centuries ago. Unfortunately, humanity has forgotten these attributions for the last three centuries. Today, many people are obsessed with money, food and beverage, earthly pleasure and acting superior. A man is as what his thoughts and deeds are, in another word he is what he does. He is what he mostly loves or values. Therefore, most people with a wiped out brain lead life like jinny evils in an inferior level than animals. Well, how is the attribution of Qudrat gained? It is gained via “love for Allah”. As love is the first and foremost, it is the first love for Allah. So, what is love, what does love mean? Love bases on belief. Love has two types; an apparent one and the other is mystic one. The apparent one is physical; herein, love at issue is enthusiasm and lustfulness. The mystic love is the truth; it is eternal and derived from the heart. A real lover desires for being like the beloved. A person in apparent love 190 || The Last Adam approaches with an untruthful love pretends to be in love. His unique aim is to satisfy his enthusiasm/ambition. After he achieves his aim, he looks down on his supposed beloved or has animosity. This person is dregs of living beings and the most dangerous one. We have supposed that love for the opposite sex is the real one. If any interest is hidden in love, it cannot be real love but lustfulness. If both pain and pleasure of our love lead the same effect for us, especially if we can stand against our love’s pain, if we consider what’s the happiest for beloved, that is the real love and endless love. Either we are jealous or we commit suicide, etc. Herein, real love cannot be talked about; it is selfishness, lust or passion. Let’s suppose that someone with full selfishness and passion gets married to who he claims to be in love. Satisfied his lustfulness got his enthusiasm and after a few years, he has no caring about that relationship. If he sees superior virtues at somebody else, he shows interest to them. However, real love means self-devotion, to be in love with all created beings. Of course, the end of real love is the ultimate union. What is the love of Allah? Without seeing, how can we love Allah? What we see are plants, animals and people. Well, who creates them? Allah is the Creator. We are created by Allah, too. To love Allah means to love all plants, animals, and humanity. To love all created beings is the love of Allah. Who loves Allah carries His morality. What does Allah’s morality mean? It is the orders of Allah conveyed by holy books. The lover is tied to the beloved’s apron strings. Who loves Allah, likewise, obey His commands. The lover of Allah stands against both pain and pleasure caused by the servants of Allah. Both pain and pleasure of Allah descend through his servants, not from the skies. Creatures are owned by Allah; He makes them whatever His content. Islam means the morality of Allah. A believer (Muslim) behaves following this morality. He The Secret of Genesis || 191 leads by example. He judges no one as deserving heaven or hell. He says “Allah knows” with the awareness that not carrying love for created beings means not to love Allah. Both his parents and other people are superior to the self of him. Neither does he condemn someone nor does he hurt feelings of neighbors. This person is love. He does good to even anyone who messes him over, he doesn’t imprecate, and he distributes a portion of his income to those who need... He stands against all difficulties, with no complaining. He is not a hypocrite. He has awareness of that Allah doesn’t create a vain being and everything comes from Him. Today, all efforts of the so-called believers are empty talks, trade; worship becomes habits as a ticket to heaven. They aren’t cognizant of what they do, why they do it. They have divided into hundreds of societies; every society idolizes its leader. The ONE.ness has fallen into decay, it has fallen apart. They have given up reading holy books and been the man of property. They have lost the way of prophets and holy books. They have believed in superstitions supposing them as worship. The system has its own rules; invisible, secret and perfect rules, except our rules. For instance; someone committed any crime can escape from sanctions of our rules by keeping. However, he can never escape from sanctions of the system’s secret rules! “He would get prison sentence or pecuniary punishment; he has eluded” It does not matter; the system gives him another penalty. According to the quantity of his crime; for example, he experiences a house fire, car accident, gets disabled, gets sick, his child dies, etc. No matter how he is successful at keeping his crime; nothing – the smallest thing done by man and mankind- disappears, the all is chronicled. Whether secrets are hidden behind seven domes, it must not be supposed that no one has not seen or heard. In any case, there is absolutely someone who sees and hears. Comparing with our knowings, what we do not know are endless but 192 || The Last Adam absolutely, they are known by the ONE. “Do plants have reason (mind)?” Yes! If a person reached the Holistic Reason, he would recognize the reason that plants have. Plants have an amazing structure and array. Don’t you see that their structure is proof of their reason? All plants have two kinds of transmission; negative and positive and plants have communication between each other. Let’s think about a tree. The tree likes anyone who waters and tells nice words by the time. That tree comprehends this situation. For instance; if that person goes and has a rest under that tree when he feels stressed, he feels relieved. Let’s say; he exhibited love and behaved well against one or more trees. After a while, all trees know him; under whichever tree he sits, he doesn’t want to leave there; because tree transmits positive energy and removes negative energy waves of his body. He starts to feel energetic without even realizing it. After he leaves there, that beautiful mood goes on for a few days. Let’s say; he continues this communication and gets stressed, again. If he goes near that tree and takes a seat by the tree, his stress disappears. This mood becomes a passion by the time. At this point, a secret love against that tree arises in him. He cannot recognize it, but the tree knows. Trees fall in love with him, too. Let’s suppose –again-, when he is there, by the trees, it rains. Normally, when it rains, water drops reach ground between leaves of trees; but because of his existence, that tree fills the volume of its leaves and leads water drops to out. Let’s say; when he sits there, a malicious person comes and sits with him. The tree recognizes and transmits negative energy through that malicious person and dismisses him in this way. After five minutes, that malicious person says; “I am bored” and leaves. If a good man comes, the tree transmits positive energy and he sits for a longer time. This situation changes over time. Trees start to communicate with him via the brain (telepathy). They respond to the questions which prepossess his mind but no one knows. That man, after a The Secret of Genesis || 193 while, comprehends this situation and gets astonished. At that time, real love arises in him; even against everything! He starts to love all living beings. As there is a very significant connection between birds and trees, that person, unknowingly, has communication with birds and other animals. Birds talks to him, too. As follows; he starts to know some birds, because he becomes aware that he has seen them before. He thinks it as a coincidence at first and has suspicion; “I wonder whether I am seeing things?” says. Then, he realizes that it is not a coincidence. Even, if needed, birds help him. In such cases; when he forgets something when someone comes to his house when he has to decide about a struggling issue, a bird appears at his balcony and/or window. He recognizes that bird because he has already seen it. This bird lets him know and helps. The man gets astonished by this situation but gets used to them by the time. Lately, birds confide in him and start to breathe some words. None of the ordinary people can comprehend this situation. He learns how to talk with birds, he is taught by birds. He never explains this situation to others, because he knows that most people suppose themselves as all-knowers of everything, smarter than others. By the time, he, deeply, comprehends that birds and trees, indeed, are smarter than those people. At first, birds lead that man; but then, he starts to take command. He starts to lead them (plants and animals); none of them can get out of his order. Anyone between us cannot have this experience by only saying; “let’s try and see”. He should exhibit a real interest and love against all parts of nature; because plants and animals cannot be deceived by anyone. Just as all electrical devices are worked by the same electricity; it is valid for plants, human beings, and animals. Only One Life makes them work. On the base of connection between human beings, animals and plants, that Life underlies. 194 || The Last Adam

Just as, in case of power loss, none of the devices can work, if that Life disappears, all living beings disappear with Him, since all living beings are commanded by a unique remote control. Inside of trees resembles a heating system. The root of a tree is its brain and it is subterranean. Feet and arms are trunk and branches of a tree; they are aboveground. Nourishment and water gotten from the earth by tree brain (root) are sent to the trunk, branches, and leaves through streaks. Atoms required for the formation of trunk, branches, and leaves are encoded by the root. Water is on circulation in the tree. Supposing that, when the heat of the Sun rises, the root sends reaches more water to trunk and branches; coming water quenches leaves. Water heated in leaves evaporates and fresh cool water reaches to leaves immediately. Very slender leaves are not affected by heat, although they are constantly open to sunbeams owing to the perpetual motion of water. If it were not so; the Sun would burn leaves and dry them. If the amount of water decreases, the root cannot send enough water and the leaves commence to dry. Length of plants of the same strain is approximately equal. If it were not the program (destiny) in the tree-core, the length of plants would reach kilometers because they constantly take water and nourishment. In one way; by coincidence, some plants would get longer and longer as they receive vitamins and water from the earth. The growing height of plants stops at a certain point, just like people. As soon as it becomes a little hot, people get under shades. Therefore, man is not resistant as much as a leaf. Some animals have super physical powers. But the superiority of Adam doesn’t originate from his body; it is hidden in the power of Allah. Man’s brain has a superior structure than all other beings. Nevertheless, he doesn’t know himself and he is obsessed with ephemera, he is resistless than both animals and plants, he lives a more miserable life. He makes The Secret of Genesis || 195 a fuss about everything and so, spends his energy which will provide to reach the Holistic Reason. Because he is powerless of preventing his desires and passion; he distributes his brainpower to around, he never reaches the Holistic Reason. The other main factor for the man is the absence of faith; because submission is impossible in the absence of faith. Unfortunately, humanity hasn’t been cognizant of ore (hidden potential) in him. Man cannot use his will power without knowing himself; he keeps living miserably. If man comprehended this power, he would be competent in doing anything in the universe; he would travel the universe, see the meta-matter. Love for Allah becomes real through a pure-heart, by getting rid of wrongdoings and leaving sins in addition to love all plants, animals, and people. Thinking ill of others, behaving honestly ensure having a heart of gold. Whatever he thinks about himself, if he doesn’t have mercy, his life and situation get worse; and of course, someone like that hurts other living beings. The ONE.ness is the love for Allah, it is to not hurt any living beings, and on the contrary, it is to love them. The same of a killed being never births, because any atom cannot transmit the same data energy twice. Therefore, killing or hurting a living being is a major ignorance. We, just like everyone, are created, we should not blame anyone. Are we enough perfect to blame others? To be authorized to blame others, we should have no sins. Additionally, a person reaching that point never blames others.

“Say, [O Muhammad], ‘If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.’” (Qur’an, 3:31)

“Follow me with goodness, taqwa, submission, and nonindulgence.” (Hadith) 196 || The Last Adam

Religion is actualized by living-practicing, not in name only. The salah (praying) has a standard. Grindstone of a good part of Muslims has become only to perform the salah. They suppose that; “we performed the salah, everything is done”.

“So woe to those who pray, [But] who are heedless of their prayer -” (Qur’an, 107:4-5)

We have mentioned above; a believer has good morality, he talks sweetly. When you go to a believer, you find peace. A believer never blames, finds mistakes of others. He finds fault with himself. He prays for wrongdoers to be good. If needed, he reserves the good thing for others, bad things for himself. He stands against all troubles. He knows that everything is from Allah, he never rebels. He is aware that complaining about someone means to complain about Allah and it is shirk. It is said that “Let’s dismiss bad persons, exterminate them” “Why?” “To have more comfort in the world”. This cannot be accepted; without its pain, without suffering, heaven cannot be reached. Life in this world is a torment for a Muslim. Someone who doesn’t suffer from these torments will have them there forever. Allah’s command and operations are practiced by people (servants). Allah has ınfinite/unlimited blessings and sophia perennis (Eternal wisdom). Today, believers have been struggling to please Allah. Yet, no one can please Allah. For instance; can all people be pleased? Instead of pleasing Allah, they should be pleased by Allah, so they can have peace both in the world and hereafter. This point means to have a love for all created beings and to be pleased despite both pleasure and pain originated by them. Ummah of Moses is cognoscente at Sharî’a, Ummah of David is cognoscente at Tarîqa, Ummah of Jesus is at Marifa The Secret of Genesis || 197 and Ummah of Muhammad is cognoscente at Haqîqa. Being from Muhammad’s ummah doesn’t become real only by saying “I am from His ummah”. To make it real is possible by living like Muhammad (saw) and His ashâb. Muhammad’s ummah doesn’t wrongdo or cooperate with wrongdoers. We are how our lifestyle is and we are from ummah who lives like that. A significant number of people supposing themselves as ummah of Muhammad are members of ummahs of Jesus or Moses or members of different faith ways like Buddhism and Hinduism. The morality of Muhammad’s ummah is the morality of the Qur’an. The living of Muhammad’s ummah is in line with the statements of the Qur’an. Any person from Muhammad’s ummah doesn’t adore to the Qur’an, he lives Its reality. Today, many religious people have adapted rules of religion to their customs and usages, instead of complying with rules of religion. For instance; during the pilgrimage, the Kaaba is circumambulated half-nakedly and meanwhile, the salah is performed half-nakedly in hot-air, a man with short pants is not allowed to enter a mosque. One of the reasons why the Islamic Alâm has had a downfall and state of disorder is to mix rules of religion with usages. However, Muhammad (saw) has stated that man should dress from belly till knee. Beard and mustache are lengthened thinking that it is Sunnah. Even, some people claim that beard and mustache are religious duties. It is advised by neither the Qur’an nor hadiths. Any wisher can lengthen his beard or mustache. Sunnah is not based on hair. The most significant Sunnah is to have good morality. No one can escape other; everyone will pay for whatever he has done. It is the System. Let’s clear our minds from pulling strings! We cannot redeem only by saying, “Allah” or “my Prophet”. To praise them brings us nothing. If we say; “I like that fabricator”, and if we praise him; does fabricator put us on salary? If we work, we can get that salary, otherwise, 198 || The Last Adam we get nothing. To praise prophets means to learn knowledge conveyed by them and to follow them in practices. Praising is not a part of the language but the state. Redemption depends on how much we follow the prophet’s advice. Today, those who praise Jesus (as) unknowingly slander to Him, likewise those praising Muhammad (saw). Whereas; Muhammad has forbidden to praise by saying;

“He (Muhammad) has heard that a man praised and glorified another. Hereon; Muhammad claims “you have overwhelmed him.” (Hadith)

Prophets can only be praised by Allah; because to praise any prophet, you should be superior to him. Thus, who praises and differs them gets in shirk. Everything is meaning. Let’s think about a man called Hans. Hans has various organs. Feet are organs, the brain is another organ. While Hans is walking, what is it walking? The walking organ(s) is feet but what makes them move is the brain. All body depends on the brain; without permission of brain, none of the organs can move. Let’s suppose that Hans slaps in someone’s face. The organ which slaps is hand; the organ which makes the hand slap is the brain. So who is guilty; brain or hand? We know that Hans has slapped. The brain of Hans orders; hand obeys to it. So, what are we going to blame? Are we going to blame his hand or his brain? Therefore; the brain claims, “I am not slappers”, the hand claims, “I am not commander”. Just as hands depend on the brain, all universes and countless beings in the universe depend on Allah. How Hans is a whole with his mind, body, and consciousness; all universe is a whole with the ONE.ness of sup-matter, matter, and meta-matter. It doesn’t matter whatever or however we call; as “Allah, God, Jehovah, Krishna, etc.”! As Allah is named, He is thought The Secret of Genesis || 199 separately. Both Allah is excluded from names and all names belong to Him. When you think about names, all seem as separate creatures but all are meanings, dreams. When your mind becomes free of names, holism appears, like Hans who is a whole with his mind, body, and consciousness. Are Hans’ hands, feet, ears, and his eyes apart from Hans? No, all is with Hans; however, we have named all parts with different names. In another meaning; names belong to the ONE.nees, belong to holism. In the absence of submission, it doesn’t matter whatever we state. In the Truth, there is only one Reason and everything is the creature of that Reason. As a holistic infiniteness/limitlessness is discussed, we state; “Allah is ONE”. Just as, in a city, electricity is a unique power by which all electronic devices are run; the ONE.ness of Allah can be read like it. When it is said; “Allah created”, that being is a meaning from Allah. Its movement is His power; depends on Him, it is from the unique Power called Life. To comprehend this power, let’s think about devices run by electricity: For instance, washer washes clothes, refrigerator ices/keeps cool foods, cooker glows fire, bulb gives light, etc. All these machines derive their power from one power called electric and set out their features. When electricity is cut off, or without electricity, features of these machines don’t appear, they do not run. Can we see this power? No, we cannot. That means; the apparent eye is not able to see everything. We can understand the power of electricity only if it shocks us. The human body is the same as a refrigerator, oven, bulb, etc. Man is born without his will. Everything belonging to man; body shape, sex, aging, death, work, ability, etc. is determined in the womb. Who determines all of them? The Power that creates us determines. All practices of a person revealed with organization and knowledge of the Holistic Reason constitute his personality and consciousness in the meta-matter. 200 || The Last Adam

Let’s think about another person. Suppose his name as Ali. Ali thinks firstly, and then he makes and programs a machine- a washing machine- from metal pieces. Finally, he washes his clothes. The machine cannot go out of the orders of the program. Who arrayed machine’s brain is Ali. Will we call the machine as “Ali”, because Ali has made it? No! What planned brain of a washing machine is Ali’s brain but can machine know thoughts of Ali’s brain? Supposing that a second machine made by Ali says to the first one that; “Ali made you, your program is coded by him, too. You are under his control, his orders; you wash clothes how he wishes”. The machine- made formerly refuses it and claims; “No, who is Ali? I wash clothes with my free will, I meant; with my particular will.” The washing machine is an occasion to wash clothes. It is a robot. When it goes out of date or breaks down, it is chucked out and it decays, turns into earth. Ali has shaped metals which he unearthed, he has made washing machine, washing machine ran for a while, then it broke down and it is chucked out, again. Well, does any fluctuation in the earth come out? The material of the matter body of a man returns to its origin just as that machine. By a difference; the Holistic Reason, soul of Allah, transforms to individual reason and constitutes a consciousness. So, what comes from Allah returns to Him. For ages; wise people have been divided about whether there is a particular will or not. Some wise people claim “yes”, others object. The Qur’an has many statements such as;

“And it is not for no one to act, it is not for a soul to believe except by permission of Allah” and “…Whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful - We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion”. (Qur’an, 43:36)

Readers of these statements can evaluate them as contradictory by saying; “In one point, the Qur’an states something, in another a different one”. This kind of miscomprehensions is The Secret of Genesis || 201 also corrected by the Qur’an. To have a correct reading, that person should comprehend that he is not a matter body and he should be aware of him. Unless Ore-self is known and he comprehends verses, he will have faith. At this point, faith is everything. Both particular will and universal are real. We are reasons separated into fascicles in the matter bodies and meanings. What does “I breathed into him from my soul” mean? The soul is the truth of being, and it is itself. Have attention! The soul is not created. The Soul existing since pre-eternity has appeared in the shape of mud-body on the Earth. None verses exist about how the soul is created. We are acceptors of address that says; “we belong to Allah; we will return to Him”. Our body from mud will eventually return to mud. To understand particular will; it should be known that we are particular will which is not separate from the Universal Will. For instance; electricity doesn’t contain fire, light or ice. Electricity is pure power. A refrigerator/any cooler, oven and bulb run and bring out the ice, fire, and light respectively. Electricity does not bring out any of them, but machines/ devices cannot bring out/run without electricity. Thereby, what happens here is that different formations occur except for electricity but at a non-living mechanism mobilized by electricity. What mobilizes the mechanism of the body is sup-matter power. The brain, control center of the body, is fed by atoms including body from outside and organizes to meet things that other parts of body need. If we claim; “everything is done by universal will but particular will”, we get mistaken. Saying “universal will is completely apart from them” is also a mistake; as universal will constitutes holism with the particular will. The ONE.ness and UNIQUE.ness of Allah have been misunderstood. An infinitive/unlimited holism exists and none of the fascicles (parts) is apart from the whole. As we are 202 || The Last Adam souls of Allah, we are partial beings that are not apart from Him. After we comprehend what our essence is by reaching the Holistic Reason, we become a caliph of Allah, appeared on the Earth. We will get a response to what kind of a life we maintain in this world in the meta-matter; because we, seal our fate in the meta-matter. If we insist on “No, it is shaped by Allah”, we get into shirk because we evaluate Him and us separately.

“(…) Not a leaf falls but that He knows it.” (Qur’an, 6:59)

Despite the verse; there have been people still claiming; “Allah is apart, I am apart. What I do is done by me, not by Him. I move with my mind”. Of course, whatever we do is done by us, who else will? Those kinds of people although they live in shirk, suppose themselves as believers. Man is also in the ONE.ness with sup-matter soul, matter body and meta-matter consciousness. Due to this ONE.ness, the man is the essence of the universe, while the essence of man is the Truth. Shakee and Said form in the mother’s womb. Well, aren’t we in the womb now? Is not the womb of woman (her body) state of the compound of air, earth and water atoms? All right, what about our bodies? Aren’t our bodies the same? So, it means that we are still in the mother’s womb. When we drift away from matter body, we drift leave the matter world; we are born with our meta-matter consciousness body through sealing our fate. Fate/destiny is a holistic program covering all characteristics of a person; but, praying for changes the fate. With a big mistake, the idea mooted as; “I pray if I have to pray in my fate” is a superstitious belief. Who claims “we are robots” are also wrong. Our matter bodies are robots. We are not robots but souls from Allah’s soul. In another word; our bodies are matter but our essence, our core has divinity. Therefore, man The Secret of Genesis || 203 has both divinity and servitude. If we comprehend it and practice in our lives, we get “death before death” and carry our divinity in the meta-matter eternally. On the contrary; if we do not comprehend and if we suppose our matter body as our essence, we go on being a servant of the body (servant of the servant) by realizing wishes and desires of it. The Sup-matter infinitive power generates galaxies, solar systems, planets and every being inside of them by gathering and shaping sub-atomic energetic data particles that found the base of the universe. Pay attention; we take mines which are air, earth, and water and shape-make them as cars, white goods or any other products through designs reflected from the depths of our brains. Our creativity is based on our divinity shaping energetic data particles that form the matter. Both Reason and the energy forming this matter world are attributions of Allah. Power is energy, but Reason is not; it is from Esrahîman. The Reason leads to various meanings to form.

“(…) So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah…” (Qur’an, 2:115)

The verse given above addresses the Reason shaping matter, not matter itself. In another word, our essence is not energy. Energy is matter. Let’s try to explain it with a sample that sea represents the all matter world. Sea is an accumulation of water and this water is the totality of energy. Likewise, waves are water and they are energy. The wind that waves the sea is apart from that energy, so the energy corresponding wind is apart from our matter body. Same as in this sample; our sup-matter soul is apart from our energy body (matter body) and individualized as consciousness body in sup-matter. To look at skies when it is said Allah is to have shirk. Whereas God the owner of the worlds and his son sit on the 204 || The Last Adam skies, why isn’t he seen when he comes to the world and walks around? So if the world belongs to a God living on the skies, let Him come between us, drink a coffee, beat wrongdoers and or people who don’t work well enough. We should leave minds and thoughts belonging to previous ages and search our brains. It is time to have our place in the knowledge of the twenty-first century. Instead of looking for God on skies, we should canalize to our brain and look there. The reason why we come to the world is to learn who we are by having perfection in this matter body. Allah is the infinitive Life, Power, and Reason covering the entire universe. We aren’t apart from that power. He is what moves everything. Even, everything is HE. We are meanings raised from that power, not apart. Wishes of Him, not ours, become real. Our bodies are tools. All wise people have advised that “look inside you for the rest”. Those who seek Allah on around, on skies; finally gain nothing. Hazrat (Holiness) is an appellation used for special people. When it is said Hazrat, selfhood is referred, that is why Allah is not called as Hazrat. If it is used for Allah, Allah is perceived as a person and duality occur. This duality is the biggest shirk.

“(…) and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein.” (Qur’an, 50:16)

What does it mean? Jugular vein keeps the human body standing as a matter body. What else can be closer to us than our jugular vein? So, what prevails in us, what directs us, what forms us is HE. Let’s look for everything in the self of us. Let’s search and read our self and the system! We are not apart from Allah but do not dare to think as if we are Allah. Let’s be aware of and keep our place/level in this holism. The Truth is reached by combining fardhs and supererogatory prayers. None of the saints reached the Truth never gives up the The Secret of Genesis || 205 salah. Although Muhammad (saw) has the Miraj and he has been heralded with heaven, he never gives up worshipping, he, even, goes on performing night salah and fasts without iftar for three days. The more worship, the more people get closer to Allah. The meaning of being closer to Allah is to have more knowledge. Muhammad (saw), knowingly this, worship as much as possible but He warns His companions as; “you do not do the same, you cannot put up with so much praying”. Since Allah doesn’t have an end, to reach Him is an endless process. In religious societies, the knowledge left by prophets hasn’t been noised around for a long time. Religious people are wide of the contemplation by believing in a God that sovereigns from skies like a king and a God that expects people to worship in return of His blessings, so He will send people to hell or heaven in line with how much people follow His words. Some of them become far away from worshipping by believing in nonsense things such as servitude are meaningless because hell is a black hole, Allah is a pure sub- atomic energetic dimension, and heaven is a thing formed by human consciousness. Those who say; “I have a heart of gold; I do not need praying or obeying other religious rules” have wrongs. If it were so, prophets would state that “just having a golden heart is enough for you, believers”. Of course, our hearts should be of gold. Let’s make a mistake against the self of a person whoever claims that his heart is of gold, then watch what kind of evils he is capable of doing. Neither heart nor gold remains if we lead him to fail in profit. Anyone can give neither the divine power nor the divine to another one. Via knowledge or supererogatory prayers, persons called as perfect human being or saints brings out the power of Allah in the rate of his submission that is hidden within him. I am revealed that to follow things whatever we encounter 206 || The Last Adam blindly, to obey anyone else except prophets is wrong, and the life-knowledge levels of a murshid should be researched. To be a murshid; to reach the essence completely, to know the Ledûn Knowledge and its some mystic secrets are required. It does not mean that everyone who claims that he has reached the essence is right. These kinds of persons supposing themselves as ones reached the essence are under influence of the jinn or their suspicions. Similarly, it does not mean that every murid can reach the essence, but he can raise his position. While passing through the intermediate dimension and hell in the Hereafter, he does not suffer. Whoever has raised his position is next to prophets there. Even there, the muridship of a real murid is not valid. If we are members of Muhammad’s (saw) ummah and, if it is confirmed when we live in this world, we stand in the room/ place under of authority of Muhammad (saw). However, being murids and taught by a murshid is valid for a while. Being murid cannot be sustained until death. When the right time comes; murshid becomes aware it through the signs he has received and he talks to his murid; “you are free, now”. For instance, a murid who has a powerful murshid learns in forty days and he doesn’t need a murshid anymore. Nowadays a murshid followed by many people even doesn’t know his followers; moreover, some people follow a saint passed away. There cannot be a bond from so far. Instead of being bonded with a saint left this world; by being bonded to Muhammad (saw) from the heart and joining the society of mosque, to learn knowledge there and not to gossip will be better for them. These people can ask their wonders to imams of mosques, but they should keep in mind that imams are human, not prophets. Well, they can have mistakes or wrongs. Once, I want to see a few so-called murshids. They are so arrogant that they do not condescend to talk with people who come to visit them; because, as though they become The Secret of Genesis || 207 murshids, great men. They have caliphs with them and those caliphs deal with visitors. I see the jinn with those caliphs, too. Those caliphs take inspiration from the jinn. However, the murshid should deal with visitors one by one and warn them against all moral issues. When Muhammad (saw) lived in Medina; everyone -whether Muslims or people of the Script or idolater- could come into His presence, ask questions, talk about troubles. Muhammad replied to all. His companion never prevented visitors and said: “O, come and share with me whatever you want, what your wish is, etc.” They were well-behaved. So, what is a caliphate? Do prophets have caliph? No, they do not have. Abu Bak’r, Omar, Osman were caliphs of Allah. More precisely, every caliph is the caliph of Allah. So-called murshids of today are unaware of these issues and have had shirk. Everybody will see what status they have in the hereafter. Who bonded to this kind of murshids is created as a shake. Saids do not make these mistakes; even if they do, they come to sense in a short time or they go back mistakes. Some authors of today hint like; “It is forbidden for me to write some mysteries, only masters can” when they treat heavy issues like destiny or wahdat. Their readers yield by thinking; “Allah, this man has mysteries, meaning he is a wise person”. However, after treating destiny and wahdat, what else remains to be hidden? According to their intellection, technology is at such a high level that it challenges the religion, so what else remains to be hidden? Let them tell everything they have! Of course, readers of these books think as “This man is Mahdi or Massiah”. Main aims of those so-called murshids, and/or so- called wise people are to have good standing, to make people bonded to them and to satisfy their egos by reading ancient books, copying and then combining knowledge of books with their ideas and presenting all as if this final knowledge is their revelations. Additionally, they claim both “Wisdom is not spoken out of 208 || The Last Adam one person” and “Anyone who does not accept my knowledge is not one of us; other books except my books are wrong, do not read them”. Those words of them demonstrate that they haven’t comprehended the mystery of destiny and wahdat; because everything is from Allah. What else except Allah is there, so they can ignore? They live duality at this point without realizing it. They have read books of many, make researches to understand how the UNIQUE.ness maintains, in the simple terms “how Allah can be reached”; they suppose that they have been living the UNIQUE.ness via knowledge they have gotten. Brain is the top point of the body. The brain is in the sky. Shortly, thoughts in the brain are formed by the effect of organs and the brain’s comprehension of formation and transformation mysteries beyond the matter. During the formation of our thoughts, many chemical reactions are realized and various hormones are secreted; because our robotic body is also a factory formed by a mixture of particles. The first center of the body is the brain; the second is uterus for women and ovary for men. For a long time after birth, man lives dependently on the second center of his body. It cannot be judged wholesomely by thoughts formed with the effect of this center. The man starts to make advances in the early ages of childhood as a result of this center’s effects. This situation becomes a determinant impulse at the decision- making mechanism by the time. All the effort of a person is to gain an appreciation of the opposite sex. Depending on this center is based on addiction to matter. The inferiority complex of mankind depends on the effect of the body’s second center in the brain. Some people do some researches during their maturity term; read the information given by books, memorize and expect affection and respect, because they assume themselves as wise people as a result of copied information. The interest of the opposite sex also charms so-called wise people and makes them arrogant. The Secret of Genesis || 209

We have mentioned that what directs the body is the brain. If a small pinprick becomes, it is felt momently. Why? For sensorium is stimulated immediately. Thus, mankind is forced to take precautions to protect the body. The brain protects the body both internally and externally. The brain has determinative functions in healing a body with disease. For instance; it is witnessed many times that mortal diseases have come around. The brain is so powerful that it can overcome any disease. In some cases, unless the brain of a sick person has enough power, a few real believers can transmit their brainpower to the sick person through prayers. So, the healing process of that sick person becomes easier and quicker. This is the way how the brain protects the body internally. The way how the brain protects the body from the outside is realized through worship/prayers and dhikr. Worship/ prayers and dhikr performed to transmit power from the brain which is transformed into the seventh state. This power, like a steel shield, covers the whole body and protects it from both visible and invisible threats. The most powerful transmission conveyed by the Sun is the fifth state. The most powerful transmission of the Milky Way’s center is the sixth center; layers around the Solar System have been formed by the fifth and sixth transmissions. The seventh transmission comes out by prayer and dhikr is the most powerful transmission of Kömbe.

“Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so, on the seventh day, he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” (Genesis, 2:1-3)

The seventh day (seven thousand years) stated in the Torah is this seventh state that forms the consciousness body. 210 || The Last Adam

As there are countless worlds, every human being is also a different world. In the divine system, there isn’t a “time”, and it is the “moment” that is valid. Time is a relative concept which has been cogitated. What stated in the Torah is the consciousness body? No one can change the verses of Allah’s books; the Torah, Bible, and Qur’an! Because these books are related to each other, they express one system. It does not mean that Allah’s kalams (words) lose its validity just because a holy book has been revealed after another. The power derived from dhikr protects man from all external effects. Transmission brought out by jinny creatures is between the fifth and sixth state; so, their transmissions are resistless against the power of dhikr. Collisions (explosions) both in and out of the Sun sound very drastically. In case this sound surpasses three layers covering around the Sun, it becomes so effective when it is heard by a human; it directly makes the brain split. Whoever prays and performs dhikr regularly, through their protection, does not hear that sound and whoever acts inversely falls to the ground, bursts of blood from ears.

“And the shriek seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes [corpses] fallen prone.” (Qur’an, 11:67)

As the power transmitted by the human brain is invisible, both effects of the Sun’s transmissions and power of atmosphere that directs meteors are invisible. The bigger of meteors enter into the Solar System by passing through three layers around the System. Those meteors crack while passing from the first layer, they fly to pieces in the second layer. The velocity of these pieces is cut down by the third layer and so, they strike on the Sun and other planets. In the past, meteorites stroke on our world, too. Comparing with meteorites of the past, meteorites of today have different structure and the The Secret of Genesis || 211 world’s atmosphere canalizes these meteors, so strike of them is prevented. Let us explain how these meteors are directed. Like layers surrounding the Sun, the world has three layers around it. During formation, the world planet has continuously created layers by intensifying and twisting AEW inward. These layers (frames) are counter energy circles. The twisting movement of core-fire causes these layers of the world to be different and stronger than layers of other planets. So, meteorites are canalized through the Sun or planets surrounded by weaker layers. Due to the non- existence of an atmosphere around those planets, bigger meteorites strike on them. Residual meteorites or pieces do not even enter into the world’s atmosphere; however, the atmosphere ignites them before they reach the ground. If the effects of collisions on the Sun’s surface could pass the atmosphere, the electric cellular system in brains of human and animal bodies would get unbalanced and man and animals would attack each other, the mind of all would be lost. It is only one of the atmosphere’s missions to protect the world in this way. Just as a human is directed by his brain, the brain of the world is the atmosphere. The fire rotating in the center of the world is its heart. Brain and heart are related and intercommunicated. Meteors are residual matters that remained after the formation of solar systems. Generally, meteors have a mixture of air, earth, water, and fire, but there are plain meteors, too. Meteors do not come and enter into the Solar System from outside. When the Solar System moves across the center of the Milky Way in a high-speed, it catches the other meteors moving slowly on the same route and encloses those meteors. The prayer of a fasting person is very effective. In the old days, there was no clock and people used to break their fast according to sunset, five-six minutes either before or after sunset. So, people settling in the same meridian region did 212 || The Last Adam not have the opportunity to break the fast collectively (at the same time). Today it is possible. If people of the same meridian pray at the same time, the effect comes out of their brain become very powerful because all are united, so prayers become true. Therefore, let’s pray and break the fast at the exact time. By programming his brain, man can do whatever he wishes via power he gains. Because a person corresponds to whatever he does or thinks. For instance, a newly waken person says, “I am like new-born, I feel very well” he encounters all good things until evening; because his brain is programmed through goodness. When it is daily asked, “how are you?”, in response “very well” even makes a person feel better. We should name our children with beautiful meaning words. Word repeated continuously by tongue becomes a kind of dhikr, so positive and negative power is transmitted by the brain according to the meaning of that word (the name of that child). For instance; let’s say we have named our child with “Savaş” of “Cenk” (in Turkish, both means “war, battle”); this child is called “war” three times at least during a day. As this situation can cause negative events, it also builds negative energy/power in his brain. After a long time, this child can be disabled or he can die because of various reasons. To make mention of these kinds of names for long times can even cause real wars. We should be aware of what kind of a power our brains carry. If we make mention of beauteousness and goodness, we witness and experience them. We have stated about “Superiority of mankind is based on the difference of will and contemplation”. The way how they should be used has been taught to people by prophets. For instance; one of the most significant worships is to contemplate. Otherwise, Muhammad (saw) would not say;

“Contemplation for an hour is sometimes more blessing than praying for a year.” (Hadith) The Secret of Genesis || 213

Fast of contemplation is one of two fasts that is performed by the Virgin Mary. The other is fast of silence (leaving talking for a while). Silence fast is one of those which are also performed by Muhammad (saw). For us, the following main worships will be contemplation and to talk less. The essence of mankind is the knowledge, the reason. It is a particular reason that is not separated from the Holistic Reason, the infinite/unlimited Reason. Well, what are the ways of reaching that Reason? The first way is the dhikr. The second is to contemplate by comparing oppositions with each other. The third is not to move through second-hand information. We should know our selves (essences) and get our freedom. One day, Muhammad (saw) speaks to His companions;

“No one can go to Heaven with only his deeds”. He is asked; “O, including you, rasoolu Allah?” He replies; “Yes, including me! But I am blessed by Him, so I will.” (Hadith)

Without Mercy of Allah, to reach heaven is not possible; even it is worshipped for days and nights. The question is how the man can get His Mercy. Of course, he can get it by practicing rules of religion consciously. Worships change the lives and morals of the man day by day. Any living beings are injured by those who pray honestly. As a result of the transformation process in the brain of a prayer person, a divine light starts to accompany him. The color of that divine light varies from case to case. That divine light never leaves that person evermore; wherever he goes, it stays with him. Sometimes he sees that divine light, sometimes he does not, but he is aware of being accompanied by that divine light. If he wrongdoes, he doesn’t notice it. When he doesn’t wrongdo or when he gives up his wrongs, he sees it. If he never wrongdoes, he always sees it. That divine light becomes his murshid. He is 214 || The Last Adam a believer whether he sees or not, he has the light and Mercy of Allah. That divine light is a gleam of the mercy.

“So is one whose breast Allah has expanded to [accept] Islam and he is upon a light from his Lord [like one whose heart rejects it]? Then woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. Those are in manifest error.” (Qur’an, 39:22)

I see this divine light at a couple of people. I go to the mosque for Friday’s salah; thousands of people are praying, there is no one having divine light. Whereas a person like that (having divine light) is only a believer (Muslim), he is not even a real saint. Sainthood is a different case. As it is stated in hadith;

“The merit of salah performed at mosque is 27 times more effective than one performed at home.” (Hadith)

In case of the absence of people with divine light, we cannot talk about that powerful effect stated in hadith. Any person with divine light attracts the white stream transmitted from the Kaaba and he conveys it to other people in the mosque. If any of them does not get the mercy, it does not matter how many times he performs the salah, he ascends to heaven. Munkar and Nakir (angels of the first query in the Last Day) will see whether the dead person does have or not divine light, and the dead person will be treated up to the divine light that he has gained during earthly life. Like a person without a visa, therein a person without divine light will be prisoned in those structures until the Last Day. In case the divine light is not gained in earthly life, as-sirāt (the hair-narrow bridge which every human must pass on the Day of Judgment to enter Heaven.) Just as useless earthly properties cannot be brought there, the salah performed without honesty cannot go there. The Secret of Genesis || 215

“On the Day you see the believing men and believing women, their light proceeding before them and on their right, (…)” (Qur’an, 57:12)

Believers have been misled with false discourses. For instance; there is a statement saying; “The property/venue in the world, the faith in the hereafter” On the contrary, what mankind needs is a venue in the hereafter, faith in the world. Have faith in here, so you can ascend the heavenly venue in there. There is no opportunity to worship in the hereafter. Aim of worshipping is to make brain level, to get closer to Allah. Remember the hadith that says; “The salah is Miraj of a believer”. Miraj is an opportunity of knowing Allah. To learn knowledge is also worship and fardh; because the nutrition of the body is food and beverage, the nutrition of the brain is to read and the knowledge. The more man acquires knowledge the more he gets closer to Allah.

“To acquire knowledge is fardh to every Muslim man and woman” (Hadith)

Faith is the foundation of worship. The faith of whoever doesn’t worship is an assumption, but ascending to heaven is not possible only by worship, it is possible via faith.

“One of you whoever has a little faith will ascend to heaven.” (Hadith)

The stronger faith a person has the more quickly his prayers become real. A person who honestly has a strong faith does not go after goods and save money. The faith is to trust in Allah, not in property/goods. Whoever wishes from heart and soul, he will finally gain it in this world! A person gained attribution of being 216 || The Last Adam a believer (Muslim) submits to Islam (the system of Allah) unconditionally. For instance, if he prays, he focuses on it. He clarifies his mind from all earthly things. He faces through the Kaaba and focuses on thinking about the Kaaba. This condition becomes so real that, in a moment, when he says “Allahuakbar” to start the salah, the Kaaba appears to him. He thinks as if he dreams. After a few times, he realizes that the Kaaba is actually in front of him and he sees it. At first, he is very surprised but he doesn’t stop to pray. He does not talk about this condition with anyone, because it is an incredible and unbelievable event. By the time, he gets used to living it. After that, he concentrates so deeply that he does not say “Allahuakbar” before he sees the Kaaba when he starts the salah. Then, this condition proceeds so much that not only he sees the Kaaba during salah but also he performs his salah in the Kaaba from the moment he brings the takbir (saying “Allahuakbar”). Let’s say this person is someone who lives in Germany. People around him suppose that they are performing salah in Germany together but indeed, he performs his salah both in Germany and the Kaaba. If he has a friend who lives in around the Kaaba, that friend can see him while performing salah. If his friends call others and say “he is here, he is praying in the Kaaba”, nobody believes in that friend; “No, you are wrong, he is here in Germany, with us”. Proceeding of this condition reaches an incredible level that he can see, watch and visit all around the world. Layers disappear, walls are not obstacles for him anymore. The distance of places becomes non-existent. He goes beyond the place and time. To sum up, Tayy-ı Mekan (rolling up space, traveling from one place to another in the universe metaphysically) is this condition. First, the place is over- passed, then the time. Without passing over the place, it is not possible to pass over time. Someone who achieves this point can see what others do, but he does not interfere with anyone; The Secret of Genesis || 217 because he knows that everything is in its proper place. One of the main reasons for diseases is a disorder with the brain. To criticize everything, not like others’ deeds, to force others to agree with him, effort, to direct everything under his desires, to think that what others do is wrong but his doings are right, to rejoice over or to get upset over against events, met during earthly life, all causes chaos between cells of the brain. This chaos starts to make the body ill; because all organs of the body are related to specific groups of cells. Chaos in these groups of cells prevents them from doing their functions. No wonder any organ led by chaotic groups of cells goes out of order/gets ill. Similarly, harmful substances from a chimney of any factory spread to the atmosphere as incompatible energy and it destroys the electrical system of atmosphere and chaos exists. As the chaos in the atmosphere makes the atmosphere (the brain of the world) ill, the array of nature conditions destroys the balance of nature. This is the illness in the world. For instance; the atmosphere becomes unable to extract vitamins receiving from the Sun and the world becomes sick. The human body also belongs to the world; it is a part of the world. As the basic materials of mankind and the world are the same, there is a significant connection between the atmosphere and the human brain. Therefore, the atmosphere affects the human brain. For instance; air conditions formed by the power of the atmosphere sometimes make us feel better but sometimes make us feel weak. Knowledge of destiny has been a mystery especially for religious people for ages. There are, basically, two views about this issue. The first view espouses that particular will does not exist and destiny is sealed by Allah. The second view espouses the existence of the particular will and accepts that everyone seals his destiny. In the first view, no one can be out of the destiny sealed by Allah. Allah compels him what he has done. There are many 218 || The Last Adam verses and hadiths about this view:

“And upon Allah is the direction of the [right] way, and among the various paths are those deviating. And if He willed, He could have guided you all.” (Qur’an, 16:9)

“He whom Allah guides is the [rightly] guided, but he whom He leaves astray - never will you find for him a protecting guide.” (Qur’an, 18:17)

“And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, [O Muhammad], would you compel the people so that they become believers? And it is not for a soul to believe except by permission of Allah, and He will place defilement upon those who will not use reason.” (Qur’an, 10:99-100)

“Allah created the kalam at first; ordered as “Write”. The pen asked, “Writing what?” Allah ordered once more “Write the fate, what is happening and what is going to happen.” (Hadith)

As it is seen, according to this hadith mankind experiences what is predestined to him. In the second view, man does whatever he does with his free will. Allah does not compel or make him do. There are many verses and hadiths, too:

“Whoever does righteousness - it is for his [own] soul; and whoever does evil [does so] against it. And your Lord is not ever unjust to [His] servants.” (Qur’an, 41:46)

“Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful.”(Qur’an, 76:3)

“And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is for what your hands have earned, but He pardons much.” (Qur’an, 42:0)

“Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. The Secret of Genesis || 219

And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.” (Qur’an, 17:15)

“Every newborn is only born upon Islamic disposition. Then, parents make him Jew or Christian.” (Hadith)

At Hadiths and verses given as proves by the second view, it is stated that after birth, the man is directed in line with wantings of parents or his wantings. In hadiths forwarded by the first view, fate is sealed previously, if the pen were dry, it would not be possible. Words of Muhammad supporting both ideas are parallel with words of the Qur’an supporting both ideas, too. So well, how will we understand the fate/destiny by following verses and hadiths which support both views? Holy books have three different appeals for three perception level; one for common/public, one for havas (notable people; saints who have a specific level in the knowledge) and one for hass- ûl havas (Those who have reached the perfection, murshid-i kamil, grandmasters). Due to the misreading of these appeals, it is confronted with many issues like destiny. For instance, supporters of the first view by looking at the meaning of a verse in the Qur’an, saying “We have sealed fate of beings” limit mankind as a creature and rules out that mankind is a creature beyond his matter body. The term “creature” refers to the matter dimensions of bodies of mankind, animals, plants, galaxies, stars, planets and invisible fired bodies of jinn, atoms, particles of atoms. What its fate is sealed before being created, it is matter/ material dimensions of beings. Just as it is a mistake to limit all existence with the matter, it is also mistaken to limit mankind with the matter body which is the essence of beings. For both existence and mankind that is the essence of existence are the ONE.ness of matter, sup- 220 || The Last Adam matter, and meta-matter. The matter dimension of mankind is to be a human being, and whose fate has been sealed before is humanity. Man is a being which is superior to human; because his soul, as exactly clarified by verses, belongs to Allah’s soul. The soul breathed into mankind constitutes the sup-matter dimension of him, but only a little/a particular is breathed into him from the sup-matter. That is what we have mentioned with the particular will. Particular soul breathed into mankind is not separate from the sup-matter Holistic Soul. The particular will (free will of a person) is not separate from the absolute of the good. The sup-matter dimension is excluded from both being creature and being subjected to predestination. Thanks to its sup-matter dimension, mankind is a being superior to humanity, he is Adam. Unless Adam was a superior being, angels would not grovel to him. This truth causes many people who have reached the level of mulhime (In ; a level of self-ness that mostly known as shuttling between the matter and consciousness body) think themselves as Allah. Those who have this presumption think themselves as Allah. People with this presumption start to do every kind of wrongs by claiming; “Allah is all-wisher, there are no wrongdoings or good deeds” and esteem themselves non-liable for wrongdoings. They give up performing some rules of sharia like salah or believe in –like a supporter of the first view about destiny- that Allah makes people all doings both goods and wrongs by claiming; “ Even if mankind does not have a free will, it is Allah who does or make us do”. People of this approach assume that they have lived the UNIQUE.ness but in fact, they fall in duality due to believing in both Allah as predestinator, and mankind as a prisoner in predestination. This approach is a kind of shirk. UNIQUE.ness is not an approach or understanding, it is an attribution. Nothing has its exact sample in the universe, every unit/part/particle whatever exists is unique. Even any snowing The Secret of Genesis || 221 flake is not the same with another one. Planets, solar systems, galaxies, likewise, are unique units. The pair of created being has never been created again. Thus, being is UNIQUE and it is very precious, and of course; this preciousness is valid for living beings of the meta-matter world, too. This is what is meant by Allah’s UNIQUE.ness. Besides, all units are related to each other and they constitute the Holistic UNIQUE. All of them are called as the ONE.ness of Allah. Everybody knowingly or unknowingly lives the UNIQUE.ness of Allah. People who assume that they experience the UNIQUE.ness with ignoring sins and good deeds and say; “Allah is One and Unique. I have comprehended it and reached the mystery of wahdat. Nothing exists, except Allah. As far as I am He/Allah, I live as how I wish, Allah needs no salah” are mistaken. Many narrow-minded people support ideas of like that “Allah is creator, He has set us free in the world. We have a particular will, on the one hand, we seal our destiny, and on the other hand, we are subjected to the destiny sealed by Allah.” For a development that is appropriate for himself, he says “I have done it with my particular will”. In case of unexpected development, he surrenders and says “this is my destiny, what else I can do” and so, he regards Allah as responsible. To understand destiny, it is needed to evaluate mankind properly. Mankind is ONE.ness of the sup-matter soul, matter body and meta-matter consciousness. If mankind is evaluated as only soul, body or consciousness, it becomes harder to understand destiny. Controversies are based on these differentiations. When it is mentioned by “destiny”; if we construe verses given as proof by the first view under the humanity of mankind and construe verses given as proof by the second view in line with his divinity, we understand those verses better. To respond only one of two views wrong means to ignore some of those verses. Verses given as proof by both views are true. 222 || The Last Adam

As it is known; to ignore any verse of the Qur’an means to ignore the Qur’an utterly.

“Have you been ordered with this? Have I been revealed for this? Have attention; when previous ummahs got discussions like these, they became perished. I preclude you from these discussions.” (Hadith)

The issue of destiny is not an issue that can be comprehended fully before reaching Allah. It is not possible to express such an unlimited meaning with words, even for reachers. Destiny is a providential issue. That is why we should only have faith when our minds become simple; because destiny means having belief, and having belief for destiny is one of the six faith pillars. Those who have reached the meaning of destiny are aware of that mankind is the essence of the universe because of ONE.ness including the sup-matter soul, matter body and meta-matter consciousness

“So, God created mankind in his own image,) in the image of God he created them.” (Genesis, 1:27) the verse given above refers to the Truth. The man is a part of Him due to the soul breathed by Allah, but apart due to the partiality of that soul. Man is a particle being from the sup-matter Holistic Soul excluded from selfhood, but it gains selfhood via humanity shaped in the matter. The term of “Man” is a name given Adam during his process of gaining his self-ness and perfection. In this period, the man is both who make worship and who is a maker. The meta-matter consciousness of man gets perfection by making his matter body perform worships like salah and having knowledge via sup-matter reason. As Muhammad (saw) states in hadith given below, who finds the right path and gets The Secret of Genesis || 223 perfection is the man.

“Allah created beings in a darkness, then He Enlighted them. Those who received this divine light found the truth, others remained in fallacy.” (Hadith)

Metaphorically, herein, darkness can refer to the mother’s womb. The womb belongs to this world and it is earthly matter. Thus, man is in darkness not only before birth but also after birth. Divine light spread darkness is opportunities of knowledge and worship presented via various tools during his earthly life. Reachers of that divine light and the true path are those who have evaluated opportunities of the knowledge and worship. No privilege is granted in this issue; it does not matter whether that person is a prophet, he will finally get in returns of his doings. Therefore, Muhammad (saw) used to perform salah and other worship continuously.

“That Day, the people will depart separated [into categories] to be shown [the result of] their deeds. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” (Qur’an, 99:6-8)

Humanity comes to the end by death. The eternal one is Adam who has completed selfhood and the process of reaching perfection. Every man will finally see that what comes from the soul returns to the soul (to the consciousness), and what comes from earth returns to it. So, comers from Allah go back to Him. Societies seal their destiny significantly. If a person underestimates, despises others and supposes himself superior, then, his descendants will be despised by others in the next generations; because genealogical information affects the main program. In the past, some societies of 224 || The Last Adam high moral standing used to predominate to other societies, but when they hold in disrespect and tyrannized over, and became doomed to fail or fall under the hegemony of others. Allah spoke to the first Adam how He speaks to us today. Does He (Allah) call out us from clouds? How we get perfection today is the same as how the first Adam got the perfection. Doing wrongs and rights becomes evident to us as soon as we are born? Are not we who learn by making mistakes (sins)? The first Adam had to face consequences of his sins just as we face today. Some women before the creation of the first Adam received the angelic influence coming from the Seven, but some did not. Adam (the first males), after puberty, not only touched women who had perfection but also to others. The holy books explain the relation of Adam with women who were not in true path as; “Adam ate fruits from the forbidden tree” Adam witnessed the difference between his children whose mothers were in the right path and whose mothers were in the wrong path. He understood his mistake and regretted it.

“So he made them fall, through deception. And when they tasted of the tree, their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten together over themselves from the leaves of Paradise (…)” (Qur’ an, 7:22)

There has not been a supposed dialogue between Adam and Allah. The holy books express a meaning come out from an experience and lived process as a dialogue. People fall into wrong by interpreting these kinds of expressions exactly. So, it has been understood as if a God called out to Adam from clouds, forbade fruits a specific tree, and that person (Adam) wrongdid by violating Allah’s order. These verses of holy books refer to meanings that come out from experiences of the first Adam’s period. Those who have given rise to disturbance and fights are The Secret of Genesis || 225 descendants of women in the wrong path, though their fathers are Adam! That is why many ages were ended, people were destroyed, and only chosen persons remained. People increased in number again, but corruption started again. This loop has continued until today. Societies get corrupted as every other thing, then they are destroyed and new generations come into existence. Well, how does a society corrupt? People are formed in line with two states; one is the main program, other is the genealogical information. The main program and genealogical information are not the same things. The main program is formed by transmissions coming from the Seven. In case of the non-existence of the main program; people, animals, and plants would be cast in the same mold. Let’s think about a bird with a colorful body and wings. Is this bird not a combination of air, earth, and water? What is the color of water or earth; isn’t it uncolored? Well then, where does that bird get so many colors? The main program of the bird is stabilized with the genealogical information coming from parents during the formation of the ovum. Then, atoms in the ovum are withdrawn through the center where the shape code is, and information is loaded on the outermost particles of upper spirals by adjusting velocity. This is the encryption of atoms. Every atom is used only in one place of bird’s body in line with its code. When all encrypted atoms come together, a chick appears/is formed. This chick grows up and becomes a colorful bird by the time. This is how a bird is created according to the main program. Atoms are colorless. Colors are various reflections of the main color (seftenni) from the upper spirals of atoms, and the color is relative. It (color) provides to distinguish shapes of matters from each other. Cells are formed by the programs of atoms and brain code which programs energetic information particles of atoms. Unless it was, genealogical information would not exist. In case a person misbehaves to his parents, these behaviors are 226 || The Last Adam encrypted and never get lost. When that person has child/ children, that encryption is transmitted from parents to children. Now, it is his time to be misbehaved. He laments; “My children are undutiful; they oppress me”. Well, does he forget what he has done against his parents? He can forget, but the divine system never forgets. Today, people, with the whole family including children, watch movies, series, etc. on which people are killed. Eyes record them into the consciousness like a camera. Then, they wonder about why our children are so aggressive; “We have not done such awful things, why are my children like that?” Yes, it might be right; even though parents have never had those behaviors, but those behaviors are recorded while watching. Some people haven’t cared about medical warnings and continued their tradition and custom. They have had intermarriage, when their children are born disabled, by saying; “That is how Allah created”. What ancient people say; “Watch your hand, mouth, back, eyes and ears.” So are the orders in religion. It will be suffered the consequences both in here and in the meta-matter that the warnings of prophets are not taken into account and the recommendations in the holy books are not followed. It means that a God of sky-dwelling does not decree the bad things which we experience. Religion is the knowledge; it is not to worship to God in the sky. We should think as; “Where have I done wrong?” Before accusing anyone else when something bad happens to us. At that time, we become wiser. We understand that nothing happens coincidentally. Everything moves in direction of a reason and consists of a meaning. Well, which reason are we created for? Suppose that a mother despises other people. To censure others is recorded on the genealogical information of that mother, she does not realize it. In which points or ways she has despised others return and find her children or grandchildren. The Secret of Genesis || 227

Her descendants exhibit similar attitudes. That is what meant by; “Rightful share is unforgivable.” Because of despising or slandering, she becomes unfair. Significance of monetary rights is less than equal financial damage is experienced in return of unjust enrichment of physical injury is seen, but slandering and back-biting affect all-descendants. That is such an important issue that imprints the main program, all family line corrupts. It is also valid for societies.

“And whatever strikes you of disaster -it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much.” (Qur’an, 42:30)

“Why do children have to pay for the doings of their parents?” Suppose that we are in 2002. Today, humanity harms the world for luxurious life intentionally or not. When children who are born today get 40 years old, the world will have started fighting against floods and harmful solar rays. These children witness those harms or grand-grandchildren of them die out in a flood like the biblical flood. Father and grandfather harm the world just for a more luxurious life. Who pays for it? Children and grandchildren… In this case, can “Children do not suffer the consequences of what their parents do” be said? We decree our children’s destiny both before and after they enwomb. We are not aware of that either. Let’s say, a man ogles at a woman who is (forbidden by religion) for him. This manner is coded on both his consciousness and his semen. His child goes after a haram woman, proceeds in the wrong manner and kisses her. These events are recorded on his semen. His grandchild outstrips and has sexual intercourse with a haram woman. That is how a family corrupts, that is one of the most significant points of the genealogical information It is also the reason why the old used to make serious research about the family of someone who would be married 228 || The Last Adam in the previous ages. Otherwise, today, Adam eats forbidden fruit as much as he has never eaten before, and he makes his children eat forbidden fruits, no one is aware of that. Let’s exemplify from animals: When pedigreed animals copulate, their baby is born pedigreed, too. Training of this baby animal is very easy. Training is a vaccine and if a pedigreed animal is vaccinated, it is taken easily. If a pedigreed animal copulates with a non-pedigreed animal, their baby is born crossbreed (fruitless). Training of crossbreed animals is barely possible. “Well, how can a corrupted family regenerate?” Only by prayers! The holy Qur’an teaches us how we should live. The mercy of Allah and the gate of praying are always open for us to return the right path and outright our wrongs. “If our parents have done wrongs and if they are responsible for our existing condition, what is our guilt?” You are right by questioning it; that is why we have been given a last chance. To redeem us, let’s swear off our sins! Then, let’s pray and apply all the knowledge given by this book that you have been reading.

“And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.” (Qur’an, 2:186)

It is Muhammad who responds to Allah’s order at first and He frequently calls upon as below: “O, Allah, converter of hearts! Commit my heart to religion” His companions ask as: “-We have had faith in what is revealed. O! Rasoolu (the messenger of Allah), do you concern for us? “-Yes; because it is easier than finger clicking for Allah to command hearts. He commands how He wishes.” (Hadith) The Secret of Genesis || 229

Praying changes destiny and protects from accidents and bad things. People can direct their destiny by praying. Saying “If your destiny is to pray, you are going to do it. Otherwise, you cannot” is an approach which belongs to Jabriyah Sect, and it is only a demonic word putting people off praying. There are not any sayings like that among Muhammad’s hadiths. Besides; wise people, believers, and guiders do not discuss destiny since it is forbidden by Muhammad (saw). Thus, I’d like to mention that, after all, expression done till now, I do not have any claim about destiny. The main thing for me is orders of the Qur’an and hadiths of Muhammad (saw), I believe in them unquestionably. Today, minds are really confused about what the gravial realm and the intermediate realm are. Have we demanded to born? Have we chosen our physical features, sex, etc.? Is it up to our wish to leave the world? No! What happened to our freedom? Let’s take a look at our bodies. Can we prevent our hair or nails from growing? No one wants to get old. Can we prevent aging? What about the sleeping activity? We sleep but all organs keep on the activity, we do not even notice it. When we die, we find the self of us in the consciousness body; the stone-bone-earth body decomposes and we rise from the grave. It is assumed that we are buried under the ground. If it is so, they should reopen it and look, where are we? They bury earth in the ground. Our flesh melds with earth, it sustains its vitality as earth; our bones remain, they are already stone. The emphasis on grave given in some verses refers to this meaning.

“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out.” (John, 5:28)

“(…) but you cannot make hear those in the graves.” (Qur’an, 35:22) 230 || The Last Adam

“They will say, “O woe to us! Who has raised us from our sleeping place?” [The reply will be], “This is what the Most Merciful had promised, and the messengers told the truth.” (Qur’an, 36:52)

We are imprisoned in the matter body in this world. Our body is not under our command; we are under its command. Well, how? When we are hungry, if we do not feed, our body starts to oppress us. So, we have to respond to their needs. How a body needs bread and water (food), a person needs praying and the knowledge to find himself. Without praying, it will be suffered in the meta-matter realms just as sufferings of a starving body in this world. After leaving this world (leaving the flesh&bone body), it cannot be talked about something called “grave”. We awake from the dream and are born! Life of consciousness body is life just after the flesh&bone body gravel life. If deeds required are not performed, the consciousness body becomes the grave of that person in the meta-matter, he suffers continuously. Those who do not follow sayings of here, who call words of prophets and holy books as apocryphal, who live through commands, wishes, and pleasures of the matter body will cry when they face the truth. Coming back is impossible, likewise dying; the beginning of an endless life which is shaped via doings of this world. As soon as a man enwombs, he becomes prisoned. No one knows where he has been before. We have mentioned about this issue while explaining stages of consciousness. Leaving the womb is called as birth. The matter body is formed in the womb. Isn’t it the same matter body after it gets out of the womb? The first birth is the first formation in the womb. The second birth happens when the connection is lost with this the matter body. That, indeed, is the real birth! After this real birth, a new life with the consciousness body begins. The Secret of Genesis || 231

So are we the body of consciousness? No! We are not consciousness; we are consciousness, a particle from the Holistic Reason! Just as we move with the stone-earth body in the world, we will move with the body of consciousness wherever we go; that is, we will come out of this stone-earth body tomb as a body of consciousness. Here, the flesh- bone body appears; but the reason is not visible. There, the consciousness body will appear.

“They will say, “Our Lord, You made us lifeless twice and grave us life twice, and we have confessed our sins. So is there to an exit any way?” (Qur’an, 40:11)

The third birth is not a birth, but a crossing to one of two opposite dimensions called hell and heaven. When the crossing is completed, the time stops and life becomes infinitive. Meta-matter realms are realms beyond the matter. It is possible to call them idea(l) realms. When we see via the eye-camera, we record shapes of bodies as illustrations formed by unity of atoms which originals are energy. The recorded illustration is neither the matter nor the energy. By recording the illustration of something in our consciousness, no diminution arises in that thing. Just the visible shape is recorded into the invisible side. Sometimes, we hear that a person is dead. Dying does not come out in the matter world. The matter body is an atomic structure formed by energetic data particles of an atom, in the end; it falls like leaves of a tree and merges with its congeneric structure. Air, earth, and water are in perpetual motion, and thus, the same atoms can generate a second human body if it is needed. Neither in the meta-matter world nor the matter world, there is death or disappearance. Dying and disappearing are events of our matter eyes. The disappearance of an existing 232 || The Last Adam being is impossible. Existing beings transform into one state to another, and life keeps on. All beings are in a transformation/ change according to their volume every second and every minute. Energetic data particles transmitted by atoms are also impermanent. Meaning to say, each of 999 energetic data particles transmitted by a spiral unit is different from another. If information is used, it is passed to the next information, but the latter is different from the former. Coming-back of any consumed information is not possible. Thus, for instance, apricot trees and their fruits are different from each other although they live on the same earth and water. Although men and women eat the same foods, one has ovum, the other has sperm. If energetic data particles formed cells directly without a proper arrangement during passing from the brain, cells of man and woman would not be different. As all cells were the same, humanity would consist of only either man or woman. The shape code of all beings is private to itself and it is UNIQUE. During the first formation process, the Holistic Reason, it is also UNIQUE, has imprinted the first shape codes on the cream earth one by one. Then, atoms coming out from those energetic data particles have united under imprinted shape codes, and bodies have appeared. Reproduction of every species including human beings is started by these first bodies.35 That is why holy books express it as; “Everything is created from the One.”

“O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul (…)” (Qur’an, 4:1)

What amazed me during Miraj was neither heaven nor hell. It was the intermediate realm.

35 The firsts of species weren’t created as only one sample, they were manyof them. The Secret of Genesis || 233

In the intermediate realm, the most horrible place is the gravial realm, a crossing from Munkar and Nakir (angels of the first query in after death). Therein, pulling strings is not possible, no one can escape. It is seen that life in the intermediate realm is endless, but preparations are not made. It is desperateness, why? Because things which are commanded is not applied and believed in! Burning in flames is nothing comparing with suffering torments of there. No one will push others into the fire; no one will question others, either. Everyone will account for himself.

“[It will be said], “Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as accountant.” (Qur’an, 17:14)

The activity of our hands depends on our brains in this world. If the brain does not order, the hand does not move. It is not the same in the meta-matter. Hand acts according to itself.

“On a Day when their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness against them as to what they used to do.” (Qur’an, 24:24)

According to some Muslims, “We are going to sleep in the grave and rise on the Last Day”. These words belong to those who are not aware of themselves and religion. If they were right, there would not be any sufferings during crossing dimensions until the Last Day which is expressed grave. He, Muhammad (saw), would not say; “None of the realms I have witnessed in the Hereafter realm is not as terrifying as grave.” If a person has not acquired his freedom when he lives in this world, he is imprisoned by his consciousness body during the crossing from Munkar and Nakir which are verily compelling dimensions during passing through the 234 || The Last Adam

Intermediate Realm named as the Gravial Real. Things that imprison him are money, property, offsprings, fame, and reputation, things that he keens on. He suffers greatly when he leaves them. As leaving those things causes suffering, he is also imprisoned into his consciousness body. There is no “time” during the crossing to the consciousness body. Crossing occurs at the moment. During the crossing, it is met with two structures; one is blue and the other is black. These are very slender angelic beings; Munkar and Nakir. A person who has not recognized himself and reached freedom of earthly things passes from the black, this structure tightens and not let that person go forward or back as if he is in a hole. A mind-bending panic is experienced at that time because that person has not had faith in the Hereafter and has lived life through his pleasures. These kinds of people suffer torments in there for a million years. Then, they cross to the Intermediate Realm. This time, like a prisoner punished with a life sentence, live with deprivation of everything in the consciousness body. The base of consciousness body is at least three-layered within mankind. The layers of consciousness body following the third layers are layers of the knowledge and power. The consciousness body has seven layers in maximum and each wraps other. For instance; the fourth consciousness body covers the basic three layers. All layers are nested and seem like a unique consciousness body. When a man is looked at from out, we see a structure, but every man has various features and states. That is similar. Those whoever gain four layers, even being in this world, can use four layers and go around anywhere in the Milky Way. The other galaxies can be traveled. Flesh-bone body of someone who travels between galaxies via the fourth or fifth layer does not die because the first three layers are connected with matter body and maintain its existence. A person, compared with life in this world, has three- The Secret of Genesis || 235 layered at least, seven-layered consciousness body at most. Every layer covers not only a consciousness body but also almost countless consciousness body; because every doings in the world performed by that person form a different consciousness body in the meta-matter. These consciousness bodies wrap each other and form layers. Those who have wrongdoings have only three layers of consciousness body. These people cannot gain other layers and stay in hell. Those who have right-doings can gain all seven layers. For instance; high ranked saints could appear in two, three or more places at the same time. Furthermore, many extraordinary events can be actualized which is out of an ordinary mind’s comprehension. Let’s talk about the blue. Faith circuits of those who have faith in the world are active. Believers aren’t aware of this state. An active faith circuit is needed to form the fourth consciousness body layer. A person who gains the fourth layer cross from the blue, and he faces tightening according to its grade (the knowledge and power level). A believer suffers too much if he keens on money, property, opposite sex, etc. when he crosses the blue. Until giving up/losing dependency for those earthly things, his torment in the blue goes on. If he leaves dependency on earthly things in this world, he passes the blue easily. It is a different realm, a different dimension from the world. Whoever goes there becomes free by the level of the power and the knowledge he has gained in this world, but still, he cannot go out a specific area. Besides, there is a third. Those who have gained their freedom fully can pass the third. Those who have compensated recognized their consciousness body and live in (to believe in unseen) and ikan (the state/level of having sight of what is believed in). Saints are from those who are in the third. These people, even without crossing the blue, pass through the white layer like a nebula. Just as a prime minister or minister passes from a country to another without a visa, 236 || The Last Adam those pass at the moment and they do not understand that they have died. They learn there that they have tasted death.

“The ones whom the angels take in death, [being] good and pure; [the angels] will say, “Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise for what you used to do.” (Qur’an, 16:32)

This dimension is a different one. The name of this dimension is the Barzah (the intermediate) in the world. Indeed, it involves all dimensions between this world and hell and heaven, it is mentioned as; “a dimension, a place of those who are free until the Last Day.” Those who are free until the Last Day, because they overcome everything, even do not face with Munkar and Nakir . For instance, in this world, if someone obeys rules and does not commit any crime, no one comes and puts him in prison. This man is not sentenced to anything. He just hears the name of the prison. Similarly, those who are in the Barzah, after passing through the Last Day, find themselves in heaven without nearly any sight of hell in a moment shorter than a second. Even, they do not account for the Last Day, because they have suffered when they were in this world. So what else remained for them to suffer? These are the first dimensions of the Hereafter Realm. The Barzah is a kind of school. Those who have faith, follow the advice of prophets, worship, be helpful and kind to around but cannot overcome him, those who have passed in the ages of childhood are trained by some saints in there. So, their deficiencies are remedied. There, no one can escape another. Intercession is comprehended as “pulling strings/ privilege”. No one is favored just for that he has cried out as “Allah, the holy book!” If it were possible, Muhammad (saw) would not say to Fatima, His daughter;

“O, daughter of Allah’s Rasoolu! Whatever you are going to do, do it here; there, even I won’t be able to escape you.” (Hadith) The Secret of Genesis || 237

We cannot call anyone to account for why you have created me so ugly. It would be an account without an answerer! Beauty and gender are determined by programming the brain before we are born. Beauty and ugliness do not depend on people’s wishes. Today, beauty competitions are organized. Those beautiful men and women, as if they owe their beauty to their wish or order, get spoiled and hurt others’ feelings. When we go to other dimensions, we all will see together what real beauty is. On the other hand, we constitute our consciousness by ourselves, because our consciousness is formed according to our character, belief, good or bad lifestyle. For instance; in brains of those who believe that we are ape-descendant beings, some circuits compatible with their assumption become active. So, their consciousness bodies get formed in forms of apes.36

“So when they were insolent about that which they had been forbidden, We said to them, “Be apes, despised.” (Qur’an, 7:166)

Beauty or ugliness of consciousness body depends on the faith and deeds. What forms a person’s consciousness body are his thoughts, his character, his all manners both good ones and bad ones, shortly his all life. The beauty of

36 Do not think that we judge those who believe that mankind is ape-descendent. This is the way to go. The professor, owner of this view, performed his duty. “Ev- erything consists of two opposites” is what we have said. So are the ideas. If that professor did not put forward this thesis, it would not be the opposite, the accuracy of his claim would not be investigated. This view has a share even in today’s techno- logical inventions. The thesis put forward by the professor is wrong; but its service is correct. It is free to believe whatever you want! Let’s consider a fruit-bearing tree: This tree consists of body, leaf and fruit. We cannot object to the leaf by asking “Why didn’t you become a fruit?” Even if we do, we cannot change it. Both a body and leaves are needed to have a fruit. Those leaves protect the fruit from the sun, wind, rain and other things. The question of the system solver ends and he does not object to anything 238 || The Last Adam consciousness body blooms with worship. When we cross the life of consciousness body, we all will be able to see these realities. Those who have beautiful consciousness bodies regret not to do more in this world by saying; “I wish I did more”, but as a result of saving themselves, they become happy. For instance, a person witnesses an event; but he distorts the facts when he testifies or explains to other people. Both events he has seen and sayings of him during testimony are recorded. This record remains eternally. On condition that he regrets when he is still in this world, the negative effect of this record is deleted by a newly activated circuit in his brain. Think about a man who is wangler, but he is successful at hiding it in appearance. Let’s suppose that we have managed to shoot him with a hidden camera and exposed his tricks. Can he deny them? Likewise, in the meta-matter, everyone will respond whatever he does in this world and he will see no injustice to anyone. This is a secret from genesis secrecy. While I was being led around the Barzah, I saw people who had crossed there with bad states, some who were esteemed very highly in this world. I could not eat and drink for almost a month when I turned back to the world. Those states I witnessed in the Barzah Realm ruined me. If a child of 10 years old saw them, his hair would go grey. People around me cried, saying; “Cafer is crazy, he will die” “Well, why can we not see the dimension of Barzah?” For, our capacity is not enough to bear it. If we had a chance to see, we would lose our composure. At that time, oppositions would disappear, it would be lived as only one structure, and reaching perfection would not occur. The system would fall into decay. If we get prepared by doing needed duties (worships), we gain enough power to face with realities of the Berzah, and we see it. It is not forbidden. Nothing comes without a price, if we pay for it we get it. All for mankind! On one condition, nothing can be received without plenty of effort. The Secret of Genesis || 239

If we have done needed workings, and if our consciousness body reaches the freedom, we can go anywhere we wish at the moment. At that time, we rejoice, because we notice that we can live eternal beauties in infinitive/unlimited realms and dimensions. In my abstinence periods, I witnessed unimagined things for nine years; even, I nearly gave up living. Then, I saw mystic dimensions. What I have seen are particular things from infinity. Some places were foggy, I could not see them. When I asked, “Why can I not see them?” It was replied as;” If you see all those places, you drift apart from your body, leave the world, you are not ready to see them”. Death would be salvation for those who saw the heaven dimensions. He would always pray to be born from this matter womb to real life. Another question; “Is there time in the Berzah?” Yes, it is galaxy time. Galaxy time is too slow. A thousand years of our world equal to one day of galaxy time. If it were not so, the sins of people would remain constant, their consciousness would not redeem.

“And they urge you to hasten the punishment. But Allah will never fail in His promise. And indeed, a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of those which you count.” (Qur’an, 22:47)

When it is passed through the Last Day dimension, the time comes to a point of stopping, this is the time of the first Kömbe. Fifty thousand years of the world equal to one day there.

“The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.” (Qur’an, 70:4)

Time for consciousness bodies stops when the Sun completes its travel by arriving in the center of the Milky Way. 240 || The Last Adam

Time-stop means to be fixed on the existing state. At that time, there is no going forward or back, so someone can be free of his sins. Freedom limit of a consciousness body depends on the base gained by matter body in the world. Meta-matter dimensions, upon the base, are hell and heaven. The matter body lives and forms under rules of the matter in the world. We, as a meta-matter consciousness, come into existence and keep living under the rules of the meta-matter. Those who do not practice advice of prophets cannot leave where they are; we go into a twin of galaxy center with the meta-matter twin of the Solar System. Meta-matter twin of the galaxy center will go into a meta-matter twin of the First Kömbe center. There, life will get more punishment. Twin of the First Kömbe is the beginning of an infinite life fulfilled with punishment (Hell). The First Kömbe travels through the second one. This travel goes on until the seventh. Time is out of minds, to comprehend it is not possible for minds. Time stops, it is not recognized what “time” is. We have mentioned above that time does not exist there. In this world, fraying of bodies leads people to think as if there is a time. The moment for Allah is the same. Any person who has faith, not in behaviors but speech, can not reach the redemption if he has acted reversely to his sayings. If he does not gain the needed base, he can not escape from the Last Day and stays (be imprisoned) in the Seven One. He keeps living in one of those terrible dimensions. All those dimensions are hell, those are seven centers and infinitive/ unlimited. The first entrance of hell is the twin of the Milky Way’s center in the meta-matter that all suns are in a journey through the center of the Milky Way. It can be named as the consciousness body of the galaxy. The beginning of hell is the entrance to the twin of the First The Secret of Genesis || 241

Kömbe. Hell has various states until the twin of the Seventh Kömbe. If it is thought that the First Kömbe will absorb almost one trillion galaxies, it will be comprehended that the center of the Milky Way –even though it collects all suns- is like a light spark comparing with real hell. Do not think hell as only the Seven Kömbe! Do not fall into heedlessness about supposing the Sun or galaxies as hell! Hell and heaven cannot be limited to the Seven Kömbes. Dimensions of heaven are infinitive, likewise hell. The Seven Kömbes will sustain its structure by rolling up and changing its form. Hell, meta-matter twin of the Seven Kömbes, still sustain its formation and it will go on until unknown times. Those who cross from the first layer to the second layer of hell’s seven layers (from the center of the First Kömbe) will beg as; “I wish I could stay in the first layer”. Because by crossing a new layer, punishment gives more pain.

“Abiding eternally therein. The punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.” (Qur’an, 2:162)

Those who live in dimensions of heaven are very beautiful beings. They only recognize beauteousness and goodness. There is a simple layout, no contradictions or oppositions like in here. As all beauteousness and flavors of this world can be found in the meta-matter, there are more; unimaginable beauteousness and goodness. The old told; houris, gilmans, vildans (purified spouses), etc. The beauteousness of women and men in there is unimaginable, it can not be explained by words. Both hell and heaven are unique structures in themselves. Beings of hell and heavens are opposites like devil and angel. We are beings from Allah; we are part of the Truth. Oppositions of this world are for us to reach perfection by comprehending and overcoming them that we can command 242 || The Last Adam one of infinitive/unlimited heaven dimensions where we will go. We will be the commander of there forever. Since we pass from the school of this world by training us with the opposite we will be smarter and more powerful than those beings. That is why we have been in this world; to extend our comprehension, to get perfection. Those who do not recognize Allah, who are not close to Him go there blindly and remain blind in hell forever. Anyone who does not recognize Allah is not already allowed to enter into heaven. He misbehaves to beings by assuming that heavens will last one day. His grindstone will be stinginess, hubris, and arrogance. How will a person without self-control achieve to command beings of heaven? One who is not at the level of self-control cannot enter into heaven, he remains in the sub- seven. He is commanded by beings of there. He is told and despised as; “Smarter ones escape and go into heaven, these miserable ones are stuck in here”. Beings of hell are lack from conscience. They do not recognize goodness. I am not willing to write what they are capable to do. Heavens have completed their formation. Hells are still on the formation process. As follows; the state of cilgi before encountering fire has formed meta-matter heaven dimensions by encountering an opposite luminous structure. This formation has completed eight dimensions. Beings in heaven dimensions are made of the meta-matter twin of that opposite luminous structure’s essence. Structures in heaven dimensions; (pavilions, rivers, landscapes, gold, silver and other precious metals, etc.) are made of the meta-matter twin of cilgi’s previous state. Precious metals like gold, silver, diamond are kind of residuals of cilgi nutriment of structures in heavens. Naturally, these formations have occurred countless times. The last state of cilgi, AEW appears after collisions emerged during the construction of structures in heavens. The Secret of Genesis || 243

For heaven, it is possible to live all periods of the world including million ages from the first man to the last one who will be seen in Asia, because all is recorded within us, none can be deleted.37 However, the flavors and pleasures of the world cannot be compared with flavors and pleasures of the heavens. Pleasures of heavens are far beyond the world. Muhammad (saw) has mentioned about eight heavens. These heavens are various meta-matter dimensions. Just as there are countless realms in matter universe, meta-matter dimensions are countless. The first four layers are layers where believers from different faith groups live. People of Sharî’a in the fifth layer, People of Tarîqa in the sixth layer, People of Marifa in the seventh layer and People of Haqîqa in the eighth layer will live. The name of the eighth layer is “ADN” (Eden) Heaven. Each of those eight layers has countless heaven dimensions in itself. I met with Muhammad (saw) during my visit to the first dimension of heaven. I saw him in the second layer again. This continued until the seventh dimension. In the seventh dimension, he said to me; “You will stay here” and he disappeared. I got suspicious; I thought that I had seen images of Him, and I started to bewail. At that time, someone else came to near me and could not convince me that He was Muhammad (saw), not imagination. I went on bewailing. Muhammad (saw) appeared once more stated that the things I had seen were real. I did not convince again. I begged him; “I want to be near you, let me stay with you”. He replied as; “there is a line between us, if you want to see me, call me, I will be there”. That line was the border of dimensions. I was not satisfied with that reply. I went on bewailing, He appeared and told; “What do you wish more? You are in the seventh dimension”. I begged again to stay with Him. That time, He said; “O, come with me, I removed the line”. After I passed the

37 Besides of our past life, how we are going to live is recorded in our brain, but we record our deeds in our consciousness body. Deeds not explored aren’t recorded. 244 || The Last Adam seventh dimension, I got amazed, because there was infinity. There were so secrets that can not be explained by words. He told me; “You are free”. Then, I have understood completely what gaining real freedom and mercifulness of realms means. I have understood that infinity can not be observed. Anyone who passes to heaven dimensions can meet with his relatives and have a conversation with them. Beings of meta-matter do not have power and the knowledge of Adam, because they can not pass through the matter. These beings can not comprehend the power and the knowledge of Adam and go out the command of Adam consequently. A routinized life in meta-matter is not at stake. Man sustains to get records when he is in form of consciousness body. If the consciousness body were out of getting records, Muhammad (saw) would not advise praying for and on behalf of decedents.

“Pray for decedents, do favors in behalf of them” (Hadith)

A person of this world can make the pilgrimage, give alms, do good things on behalf of a decedent, so that person can be saved from torments in the Berzah. Doings of a person in this world form his consciousness body. During praying or worshipping, if a decedent is dreamed, a connection between the brain of a living person in this world and consciousness of decedent person in the Hereafter comes out, and just as person loads divine light (merit) on his consciousness, he loads it on decedent’s consciousness. It is the meaning of the word; “Leave behind dutiful child after you” Nothing, neither wrong nor good, is deleted. If doings were deleted, neither heaven nor hell would be lived. A person unaware of his doings is similar to a mad; he does not recognize what bitter or sweet is. To enjoy flavors of heaven, he should be familiar with those feelings, he should have those records. If he does not that record, he can not make The Secret of Genesis || 245 comparison and say; “I have tasted something like this, but this is better than the previous one”. Living is recorded on consciousness both in heaven and hell continuously. If we and our beloveds have preparation as we have warned before, we can meet with each other and move as how we wish in heaven dimensions. There is no sun, no day, any night, no sleeping in the meta-matter realms. The realm we are in (heaven) is colored and lighted how we want. All beings of there are under our command. Therein, time stops, life becomes endless. Both people of heaven and hell are liable to grade difference. Knowledge of Soul is given to Jesus. It is Jesus’s knowledge. Knowledge of Soul is not revealed to people of that time. Even, Muhammad (saw) has kept this knowledge closed to other people. No one, until today- except highly graded saints lived before-, is not able to get (open) this knowledge. Knowledge of Soul was opened to me when I came by Jesus (as), but it was closed until line remained between me and Muhammad (saw). After that line was removed, it started to appear. At the first met with Jesus (as), He took me His right side, indicated across. There was a black curtain made of light. I was called out from there as; “The knowledge bestowed to Jesus is given you, too. Besides, the more is given”. However, this speech was being done in the brain. Afterwords from a curtain, I looked at Jesus (as), he nodded those words.

“And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal, by His permission, what He wills. Indeed, He is Most High and Wise.” (Qur’an, 42:51)

That time, I looked at His face and eyes carefully. He has a very beautiful face. I give so many details that you do not have doubts about the knowledge I speak of. Indeed, things I speak of aren’t one per thousand of what I have seen. 246 || The Last Adam

People of town away from the sea have heard about it but never seen it. One day, one of the burghers becomes curious about the sea and leaves the town. He arrives at the sea after a long way and various troubles. Seeing blue water accumulation, but he wonders inside the sea. He learns swimming from people there. He dives in and sees countless fish, various beings and beauties… He keeps swimming as he can, he observes a different realm. Returning to town, he tells people what he has seen. Such beauties, such as realms… By the time, another man seeing the sea but not diving in claims as; “I went too, but, there, neither such beauties nor realms were there, he is lying”. Story by me, to point a moral from it is up to you. Allah cannot be seen, known or described in full. Creatures are excluded from it. Those who try to describe Allah, indeed, try to describe His attributions such as the Life, the Power, and the Reason. Another reason why people are unable to know Allah is descriptions done by those who haven’t reached the essence. A person isn’t recognized via his body, but his knowledge. For instance, do we recognize the body of a wise person? No, we recognize the knowledge in books written by him. To see matter-body doesn’t mean anything, the truth of man is his knowledge. We know people via their knowledge. It means people are knowledge, consciousness. As we assume us as matter-body, we cannot recognize sup-brain power and make progress. If we intend to pass to the mystic dimension by challenging our self, at that time, Gabriel helps us, He instructs us. More clearly; He guides us, teaches the knowledge, and then we make progress. Otherwise, it is impossible. Gabriel is one of four great angelic powers; dimension, consciousness, a power between apparent (visible) and mystic (invisible) worlds. The way of the mystic dimension passes from Gabriel’s consciousness dimension. After Gabriel, it is the turn of The Secret of Genesis || 247

Michael and Raphael. After these angelic powers, it is reached to the truth where assumption belonging to matter-body is lost; being a part of infinite reason becomes real. The secret of everything visible and hearable in the universe is now disclosed to us. Let’s remember the Miraj of Muhammad (saw). Gabriel comes with Him until a point, and then says; “O, Muhammad, you will go on alone after this place!” Muhammad (saw) replies as, “How can it be? Do not leave me alone!” In response, he gets; “After this border, I burn out” Gabriel means “I transform to another thing” by saying “I burn out”. Muhammad (saw) goes on with Michael and Raphael after that border and reaches Allah. This is a sup-brain event that comes out in the brain. Otherwise, is Allah on the sky or anywhere else so He can be reached? People thinking in this way –as if Allah is on skies etc. - are those who take their fancies as their God. Allah is excluded from the space. According to some people, Gabriel is Allah’s messenger, but Gabriel cannot ascend to Allah. So, why is Gabriel responsible for revelation? Gabriel, himself, is the revelation. Raphael means who generates new formations, and His power is available in himself. If shape programs of plants, animals, and people weren’t imprinted into the earth, no living beings would be in the world. These imprinted shape programs come from Raphael, the angelic power. Either as man or Adam, we are ONE.ness form of four angelic powers. (Gabriel, Azrael, Michael, Raphael) It is the same four angelic power bringing consciousness body into being. When hell or heaven dimension is passed, our consciousness bodies go beyond these four angelic powers, but keep in mind: the soul is beyond the consciousness body. Only mankind can reach the power of Allah and he can be directed as much as his capacity. As long as we assume us 248 || The Last Adam as matter-body, neither recognizing nor reaching that power will be possible for us. If we live apprehensively, feelings like apprehensive and suspicion restrain us from reaching that power. It drives us to a brutish life, even an inferior life fulfilled with selfishness and arrogance. We find our’s self in infinite life with punishment and frustration when we become alone with our consciousness body. How are miracles worked by prophets, wise people and saints of previous ages? For instance, how does Jesus (as) augment the grape water? Miracles become real only if a person reaches the truth and ascend to infinite consciousness and power. None of us is apart from that power. Giving an example; when the earth, water, and grain are separate things, they seem as non-living things, but when they come together, liveliness (growth) arises. Well then, which of them is stronger; earth, water or grain? Of course, grain. Since grain is stronger, it attracts water and earth (in fact, atoms of them). The grain is also the unity of atoms. The power within grain holds thousands of atoms united, attracts other atoms around it one by one and re-programs energetic data particles of those atoms as its atoms. More clearly, atoms of grain, with power in grain, re-identify and re-program energetic data particles of attracted atoms. Atoms of air, earth, and water continuously transmit energetic data particles. Normally, energetic data particles being transmitted by atoms are unadjusted. For instance, electricity is generated via the reversing of used particles of atoms by stationary order. These particles are invisible and basic, but when they get into a current, their power can be so powerful that they can destroy structures which/ where electricity is generated. Electricity doesn’t have atoms, it has particles sundering from it. These particles are unprogrammed and we divert them. A fridge is engineered to produce ice and it is programmed under this aim. When the electricity in the fridge, even it is stronger than atoms of The Secret of Genesis || 249 the fridge, conforms to the fridge’s program. It becomes ingle in the oven, light in the bulb. There, it conforms to programs of oven and bulb. Energetic data particles of atoms resemble that. We have said, “Shape programs are Raphael, the angelic power.” Animals have one dimension, plants have two, and people have three dimensions. Raphael, angelic power, presents in the structure of plants. Animals have two angelic powers; Raphael and Azrael. Three angelic powers forming the human body are Raphael, Azrael, and Gabriel. Michael is separate from this trio. When the man goes beyond the dimension of Gabriel, he reaches the dimension of Michael. Animals cannot reach the dimension of Michael since the dimension of Gabriel is closed, they cannot think like people. During the Miraj, Muhammad (saw) reaches Michael after going beyond Gabriel. Only if the man reaches the dimension of Micheal, he becomes able to know the secrets of everything. This knowing is from Michael, the infinite knowledge. Michael is the Holistic Reason; He gets his power from infinite/unlimited power. Gabriel has appeared within prophets in the past, He has guided them, taught them the knowledge. Well, why should He be away from us? What have we done to Him? Has He disappeared after the death of prophets? After Muhammad (saw), the last Prophet, Gabriel (the angelic power and consciousness) has become available within brains. That is how people can potencies new sciences in the size of their brain programs and capacity without the need for prophets. Today, it can be determined whether a child in the womb is male or female by medical science. How do they know? They know via equipment. Who has invented them? People of today have invented them. Astronomers can calculate exact times of eclipses of the Sun and the Moon. It is also known when comets will visit the Earth. If the dimension of Gabriel weren’t available for people, so many scientific 250 || The Last Adam achievements wouldn’t be possible. In another word, Gabriel is both who/what organizes the brain of people and power, the knowledge revealed in people’s brains by Allah.

“We created and began the creation of man from clay. (…) Then We proportioned him and breathed into him from Our soul.” (Qur’an, 32:7-9)

What is meant with “soul”? Herein, what meant by “soul” is four angelic powers. Supposing “Gabriel has disappeared after prophets” is an empty approach, and it belongs to people away from understanding Allah. Allah is the All-Creator, but except brains and knowledge of scientists! Can it possible? To go against science and scientists is also a type of shirk. Of course, it is shirk to go against the real science and scientists… Reaching the Holistic Reason, it is seen that everything, including Himself, is the power and knowledge of this Reason. Herein, selfhood doesn’t exist, neither created nor the creator is separate. Everything called “it is being created, it has been created” is the appearance of this Holistic Reason’s meanings. The Holistic and Infinite Power, herein, talks, listens, sometimes cries, sometimes smiles, etc. All these aspects constitute the meaning of this power. All are parts of this power. Selfhood what is supposed by people as themselves disappears as a result of this understanding. Understanding of “Allah is eternal” tells its tale. The Reason/mind of mankind is a partiality comes out from the Holistic Reason. Whoever has reached the Holistic Reason, he is the essence and caliph of Allah appeared in the world. To understand this point, it should be reached the essence. Since we have been stating all these truths, so-called saints and those away from Allah and will slander us, saying “He is in the pocket of jinn”. We are no stranger to this kind of slander. For, even prophets become the target of these slanders. The Secret of Genesis || 251

Angels close to Allah prostrate to Adam because they know what soul breathed into Adam means. At first, after Allah’s appeal, angels ask;

“Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood? (…)” (Qur’an, 2:30)

But when Allah breaths his soul into the clayed body, angels prostrate immediately. These expressions include imageries. Allah is excluded from breathing and being breathed. Angels’ prostration means “to meet supremacy of Allah”. As angels feel the existence of Allah within Adam in the meta-matter, as angels recognize Him, they prostrate him. Since “Allah has never become apparent in any creature as much as in mankind”, stated Abdul Qadir Gilani. Except for angels, jinn, plants, and animals are appealed. The jinn are inferior creatures comparing with angels. Jinn, plants, and animals have to prostrate to someone who is prostrated by angels. The jinn are created before man. They were superior to plants and animals until Adam’s existence. Since Iblees doesn’t recognize will power and character of qudrat within Adam, he envies and refuses mankind’s superiority. He still refuses.

“[ Allah ] said, ‘ O Iblees, what is [the matter] with you that you are not with those who prostrate?’, He said, ‘Never would I prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay from an altered black mud.’ [ Allah ] said, ‘Then get out of it, for indeed, you are expelled’” (Qur’an, 15:32-34)

This expulsion means “expulsion from Allah’s mercy”, but the verse given above is read as “the jinn are expulsed out from angels” According to the book of Allah, the most superior being in the world is mankind. Besides this verse has a very profound meaning, and likewise other verses, it is 252 || The Last Adam valid forever. Abiding this verse, for instance, a saint should prostrate to a new knowledge that is superior to his current knowledge by regarding its supremacy. If he refuses and does not accept it with arrogance, he becomes a demon (Ibless). Every name refers to meaning. The name of Allah comprises holism. The meaning of the Truth is partiality within the being, the true partiality. The sight of a person reached the Holistic Reason is His sight when he talks, his sayings are wisdom. If a person is honored by being the truth, he says “I am the Truth (Anal Haq), and he is a mystery from the Power. He can easily perform extraordinary states determined as a miracle, mysteries from the Power. Of course, if it is needed, not for flatulency or arrogance. Moreover, due to the inexistence of selfhood with that person reached that level, he doesn’t have personal desires or fancies, He is who does, and He is who makes it done. At this point, he becomes pharaoh if he claims “I am Allah”. For a brain to reach the level expressed above, just thinking to augment grape water will be enough. When this person thinks augmentation, atoms of earth, air, water (humidity) attack to one drop of grape water one by one via sup-brain power. Energetic data particles of those atoms turn into the shape of grape water’s atoms. So, the grape water is augmented, even in a very short time, but it becomes so fast that it is out of time. A wheat seed collects enough atoms to form thirty-forty wheat grain in six months. Infinite power transmitted by the brain does the same work in a shorter time than a second. Furthermore, a drop of grape water or a wheat seed is needed for augmentation, because there are ready programmed atoms in that drop or seed. The Sun heat leads ocean water to rise. When it is raised, it is invisible. Ascended water crashes to rain layer, intensifies, becomes visible and clouds are formed. Atoms forming the grape water, at first, are attracted through water drop, The Secret of Genesis || 253 intensified and become visible. This is how the augmentation of grape water comes out. All matters including our bodies are formed through shape and rotating velocity of particles and pieces minimalized until the sub-atomic seventh dimension. If one of you saw it, both wondering, thinking and laughing would be what you would experience. You would think, because you would wonder the Power organizing, forming and make moving enormous galaxies by gathering these particles and pieces. Laughing including a feeling mixed with wonder, because of understanding how materials of these beings are such simple particles and pieces that nearly mean nothing. Seeing “Life in the Life” means to see this program that is our essence and the main program. This is the supreme position, the Marvel Dignity. The first vitality appears with the human body’s formation by the unification of earth and water. The second vitality is information, the knowledge, shortly, the Reason. Neither the Reason is apart from the Life, nor vice-versa. There is only one single difference between them. Life is both under the command of the Reason and it is the Reason, itself. This is “Life in the Life”. The answer to why man makes mistakes or falls into wrongs is that he cannot overcome this point. Duties of prophets are for us to overcome this point. The only way to reach- go beyond- this point is to follow the teachings of prophets. If we perform the required practices with full submission, we can reach there. That time, we understand those things are not able to be explained via words and we keep quiet. At this point, being become UNIQUE, our selfhood disappears. Someone evaluating a reacher of this point from outside only sees his physical body and thinks that person as himself. Whereas he has joined to the Holistic Reason, he knows unknown things, he sees unseen things. Just as how earth and water forming the human body returns into their 254 || The Last Adam former state after death, the reason returns to the place where it has come.

“Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power and that he had come from God and was returning to God” (John, 13:3)

“Say, ‘The angel of death will take you who has been entrusted with you. Then to your Lord, you will be returned.’” (Qur’an, 32:11)

Nevertheless, this reason includes selfhood. He experiences both sides; being from the Holistic Reason and the selfhood. Since he reaches the Holistic Reason by passing through two opposites across the world, he can go to which one he wants, whether to selfhood or the Holistic Reason. So, he gets his freedom in the universe. He is both the created and the creator. It is what meant by hadith, “Allah created mankind in his image.” The universe hosts countless meanings; none of them is the same as another. Variedness of essence-fire and AEW twisted by suns has caused the suns to be different from each other. For each system, the amount of essence-fire in the center, effects of essence-fire’s and AEW’S drifting density on all divided systems and timing of transmission coming from the Seven are different during formation. So, all living beings (colors, characters, etc.) in the worlds- including ours- become different from each other. It is also valid for the human brain. Every brain is formed by different codes, but the structure of brains features the infinity. Besides having millions of cells, a brain has millions of circuits. These confirm brain mechanisms. The human brain is open to infinite, and all brains are created as subject to this infinite mechanism because of human brain forms in line with the sup-matter program which isn’t apart from the infinity. This program not apart from the infinity transforms The Secret of Genesis || 255 into a personality via the brain. If the human brain were based on limitation at comprehension, there wouldn’t be infinite life in the meta-matter. In this context, people of the heaven dimensions will live with new pleasures and knowledge forever. On the other side, people of the hell dimensions will live in pain and regrets forever. The limitation is out of the question for being/existence People are split up into four groups through their characters. The Zodiac has a great effect on the formation of characters. These four groups also split in different 12 groups/ signs. Everyone, in its time, participates the group which he belongs to. This participation becomes real via thinking; various people from various societies unite in the same group. These participations UNITE the whole of humanity as groups. A man, if created with an active mystic circuit in his brain, becomes religious; he joins to a religious group. If his philosophy circuit is active but mystic is not, he joins the group of philosophers. Someone whose all circuits are inactive except apparent one joins to disbelievers’ group. Thus, to force people to do anything (to make them religious or atheist) means to force them to hypocrisy. No one has the right to force others.

“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion (…)” (Qur’an, 2:256)

Anas Ibn Malik says “I have served to the Prophet for ten years, He hasn’t asked anything about why I did, or not”. Because Muhammad (saw) knows that everything depends on Allah’s permission, He knows the destiny knowledge and religion more than anyone. In general, people can be divided into two groups; people of the true path and those of not. This is not up to the wish of people, it becomes real in accordance with the program received before entering the mother’s womb. So well, who are we going to blame? No one! Allah has created everything in its proper place. Whatever we refuse, we refuse His system. Aren’t things that are wrong to us created by Allah? Is it possible for us to know the best of things as if He has forgotten or created accidentally? For instance, we have a child, then the compassion circuit becomes active, and we bring him up, etc. It means that man doesn’t have free will, there is a system. Those who understand the essence of religion keep quiet because whoever keeps quiet redeems. Let’s teach all of these to our child until he gets the age of 18, then he will find his way. Some of the people grow as an atheist, but then become religious. It is vice versa for some. Everyone does finally for what he is created, this condition doesn’t change. For instance, let’s suppose a man is religious, he has received guidance for the true path during creation, his mystic circuit is active. The one across him is atheist, his mystic circuit is inactive, but the circuit for apparent is active. An Atheist doesn’t accept ideas and thoughts of a religious one, accuses him of being ignorant, opposes him and defends his ideas. A man who accuses a religious one without knowing that opposites and diversities should be in the world, indeed, is ignorant. He creates trouble unwittingly. He disturbs both his peace and other’s peace. The religious one, even he is religious since he hasn’t guided by a talented master, thinks that all humanity is in the wrong path. He thinks everyone should be religious. He objects ideas of an atheist. He accuses him of being ignorant and infidel. This man, even he is religious, is also ignorant, he also creates trouble unwittingly. If he understood the Qur’an, he wouldn’t be in wrong.

“(…) Then, [O Muhammad], would you compel the people in order that they become believers? (…)” (Qur’an, 10:99)

Who are infidel, hypocrite, and atheist? These terms are generally misused instead of each other. People of the Script sometimes suppose some other People of the Script as an infidel. Indeed, an infidel is someone who knows the truth but says or witnesses the contrary. He is who denies the truth for his interest, he is a false witness. A hypocrite is someone claiming that he is a religious man, but who doesn’t live in line with rules of religion; pay lip service to Allah by only using His name, but being keen on only love for property, offspring, and woman. On the other hand, an atheist is someone who doesn’t believe in Allah and religion just because of incongruous behavior hypocrites. An infidel hides Allah consciously. An atheist doesn’t know Allah. A hypocrite pretends as if he believes in, but he doesn’t. The most dangerous and the slinkiest is hypocrite one. Metaphors given by religion are mostly thought as if they are real. Those who act with suspicious feelings, via their sayings, “those drinkers, those infidels, those disbelievers, etc.” make good people enemy to the Script and most of the other people. Thus, today Islam is presented as terror. Islam is neither terrorism nor only a regime. Islam is the knowledge of the universe, the unity of matter, sup-matter and meta-matter, and corruption is out of the question for this knowledge. Corruption occurs in the mentality of people. Religion/Islam is the array and system of the universe. Religion/Islam is the man himself. A man knowing himself becomes religious. A man knowing himself also knows Allah. It is one of the meanings being close to Allah, otherwise, Allah is not at a place where to go. A man reading himself knows the knowledge of the universe, which is why religion is the knowledge, it is the common knowledge revealed by all prophets to help people understand the system in which they are living. If we get together and assemble all revelations of prophets, we will be able to see holism of the system. This is called System of Allah or Divine System. Everything is created on this disposition. 258 || The Last Adam

“Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. (…)” (Qur’an, 3:19)

It is what meant by the verse given above. The second meaning of the verse is to submit to Allah and follow His orders. Both believers and disbelievers are created on this disposition. No religion exists, except Islam. “Well, what about others? Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Muslimism, etc. There are many religious faiths, what are they?” These are faith ways that are resulted from Islamic disposition. The ones practicing these ways are ONE. They believe in Allah, but ways to reach Allah are different. Since they follow different ways, their positions and grades are different. Besides, if someone gets a position, he is guided through that way without his knowledge, he says, “I think and believe so” and goes through there, but he isn’t aware of these questions, “how has he thought, what is thought, where does it come from?” It is out of his will. To create, to be created has completed by the will of the eternity of eternities. The Secret of Genesis || 259


The periods from Adam (as) to Idrees (as) are seven. 24 thousand prophets serve in each period. No prophets, including Muhammad (saw), are notified with the existence of all prophets living in these periods.

“We have already sent messengers before you. Among them are those [whose stories] We have related to you, and among them are those [whose stories] We have not related to you (…)” (Qur’an, 40:78)

The appearance of the first man in the world goes back to 216 million years before the period of Idrees (as). From Adam to the present, 900 million people have passed the world. From the period of Idrees (as) to the present, 200 billion of them have passed. In the meantime, the first knowledge about the universe is given to Idrees (as). In every period, mankind has known the fire via lightning causing flames in forestlands. The predecessors of Idrees (as) are grandfathers of ancient Greeks. The knowledge of those who lived in their period was more advanced than the knowledge of today. The letter “A” was multiplied in the opposite direction by them, so, many different letters and words were obtained. Today people fly by plane, they used to fly by different methods. They used to approach the world from above. Their society collapsed a thousand ages before Noah. They lived on the big island, one of the four regions where the first Adam was created. That island, then, disappeared. Noah’s period comes after the period of Idrees (as). In the 260 || The Last Adam ages thousand years before the Flood, some civilizations advanced in technology. You shape the mines which are air, earth, water and go on naming them as a new invention, technology! The man who learns how to use mind power controls such immense powers from his seat that there remains nothing he cannot succeed or cannot do. He activates the water, the air, and the wind. These are unbelievable things, but that’s it. Their technology was intelligence. Compared to theirs, modern civilization and technology remain very primitive. They, later, became arrogant with their superiority and began to persecute both continents and people they lived with, and they became, as most of the present people, civilized! They were two-faced; they corrupted and were destroyed, except chosen and protected ones. Even animals didn’t touch people at that time. You do more damage both yourself and nature than they did recently, you destroy nature. It will no longer be allowed. Until the time of Noah; the human race was corrupted, figures of people who used brainpower in the past were sculptured and they were begun to be worshiped as gods. Names such as the gods of water, sun, earth were used. Finally, in time of Noah (as), this order came to an end. Until the period of Noah, there were three periods. The period after Noah is the fourth period and the last period we are in. Life to be passed in a short time will be like in heaven but it will be very short. Like others, some will be protected during the crossing. So how will this protection be gained? Via faith! Noah’s (as) people were a different society. The Flood is the beginning of the last period of the world, the end of the world; not too far from today. The Flood is a centennial process of about 100 centers. At the end of this process, freezing of the poles was completed about twelve thousand years ago. The Secret of Genesis || 261

The amount of earth on the Earth’s surface, from the first Adam up to Noah (as) and from Noah (as) to the present day, has decreased by one fifth, mostly in islands and peninsula. For instance; the island in the north of Madagascar Island, one of the four places where the first kingdom lived, is underwater. It was submerged during Noah’s reign. It is known as Noah’s Flood when glaciers in poles melt and waters covered many places around the world with the Sun’s effect. Those living in the period of Noah (as) were in groups on separate continents. The region where Noah lived was the triangle between Africa and Asia. When the tribe of Noah (as) was annihilated, 21 families with him came aboard and were saved. Before the Flood, those who got on the board had taken some of the animal species in that area to the ship, along with their animals. After the Flood, inhabitants of the American continent didn’t entirely disappear. Some of the inhabitants of South America lived in mountainous regions during Noah. People and animals protected in the mountains were able to save their lives. In the Flood, not only region where Noah and his people had been living but also other regions and continents were damaged. The Flood was a lesson for them. Since, events before Noah (as), events in his time and events after him have been told from generation to generation, all the disasters that have taken place in a long period have been understood as a single event. After The Flood, Noah’s (as) lineage began to increase in Mesopotamia. All of today’s Europe, American citizens except for the Indians, Turks, Kurds, some Arabs, and Jews have descended from the three sons of Noah (as), and been the seed of Noah which was in the first region. People living in the USA and some parts of Europe are descendants of Sam, one of Noah’s three sons; other Europeans are descendants of Ham and the rest are descendants of Jafes. All are relatives and siblings. Moses (as), David (as) and Jesus (as) are descendants of 262 || The Last Adam

Isaac (as). Isaac (as) is brother of Ishmael (as); their father is Abraham (as), their grandfather is Noah (as). You claim, “Everything is achieved by working”, but you don’t know how to work. The work done with brute strength is generally applied to animals, and the work done with brainpower is applied to mankind. Instruments are produced with man’s brainpower. These tools (machines) serve as muscles and make your work easier. Another work except for those done with brute strength has been forgotten. Prophets, saints and wise people of the past used to apply this forgotten method. Miracles are the outcomes of this kind of works. This work is realized with mind power. Prophets taught how to do it, but the old people had worshiped masters, rather than doing the work of those who taught it because the feelings of conservation and worship were predominant. Very few people understanding prophets who managed to do what prophets did were called as saints or wise people. Over time, the teachings that lead to the mind power are used for fraud. The clergymen have committed fraud to be respected. Therefore, the teachings providing to achieve the mind power, today, are incomplete, fuzzy and corrupted. This has caused people to be distracted from the realities. Everything is surrounded by a system; it isn’t possible to be out. Nothing happens spontaneously; it is needed for an occasion. Nothing comes of nothing. Miracle or even any extraordinary event/action occurs in a system. As everything becomes corrupted over time, insights also become corrupt. Man is charmed and deceived by the innovation of the century in which man is. Extraordinary events and miracles of prophets are presented as mythological stories or tales. Just as every society names the Sun in different terms – though it is the same Sun - according to its language, the Creative Power has been named differently by every society. The people of centuries ago commented on the knowledge The Secret of Genesis || 263 that was taught by prophets, saints or wise people but according to conditions. Let us give an example of how the truths transformed into tales over time: hundreds of centuries ago, in North Asia, animals looking like elephants, but larger than them used to live. At that time, the world wasn’t so broad and transportation was done with animals. People who went far places and saw those large animals told others what they had seen. The narratives have been exaggerated over time and conveyed to the present day as the Land of Giants behind Cuff Mountain. We used to listen to these tales in our childhood; we were very afraid of the giants. However, these giants were mammoths. The mammoths were larger than elephants but smarter and meeker than elephants. Auricular information changes over time. Similarly, prophets, saints, wise people and scientists were attacked, were mocked, accused with madness and even condemned to death due to their explanations not accepted by others. Things evaluated as imagination are parts of our lives today. For instance, could you imagine what kind of reactions a wise person had faced when he mentioned about flying carpet had faced in the past? How else could that wise person explain planes clad with carpet? We tell his story as a tale to our children. The past is full of similar stories. Extraordinary events or miracles come out in people who have reached perfection involuntarily but with the permission of Allah. Dear readers! The hadith of Muhammad (saw) saying “Salah is the Miraj of a believer” is what I have experienced by the permission of Allah. I followed the trail of all prophets, from the first one until Muhammad (saw), the last. Finally, I have reached Muhammad (saw). This was the essential level. These aren’t my achievements. Allah so wished in his eternal word. Allah does what He wills. In 1994, I used to perform intensive meditations. I used to have fasts longing for two days in which I drank nothing. Over time, I experienced 264 || The Last Adam incredible states. For example, I started to hear thoughts and wishes of people before they expressed themselves; they said, “You’re a holy man” When I had a request from people around me, I made them know and fulfill it without utterance. To think my wishes was enough to provide them to be fulfilled. This has progressed further; when someone came to me, I displayed miracles. I was also amazed. Those who knew me, those people around me began to lean in front of me by calling me “master, saint” So I thought myself as a prophet or saint. I said myself, “You passed both Jesus and Moses” I supposedly became/reached the Truth. In the meantime, if I were spoken as “Everything is free to you; somehow you have matured, the Truth does whatever he wishes” Can sin or good deeds be calculated for the Truth? It was the point when I started to fall into some wrongs. For example; I quit the night salah by supposing “for anyone who is the Truth, who has become the Truth, no need to perform the salah”. I also used to perform dhikr in the early times of morning before birdsongs; I lost my desire for dhikr. I had felt some moods as if I had been in heaven; those feelings gradually left me. Although I was warned in my dream many times, I didn’t notice those warnings. One day I got up before the morning salah, I would perform dhikr, but I felt like not to want to do it. I said to myself “You don’t need dhikr” I had already left the night salah; I also quit performing dhikr. I was sitting on the bed, felt drowsy. “Today, I won’t perform the morning salah, I’ll do when I wake up” I said. Sleep even more overcome, neither awake nor was sleeping I. That moment, as if the wall in front of me disappeared. I noticed that Muhammad (saw) came to me with anger. At the same time, suddenly something jumped off my left; it went through the wall. I saw it too; it was very ugly. Muhammad (saw) spoke to me; but not the language, the brain. The one who fled; outside the atmosphere, inside the Solar System, the fourth floor said it was anifrit. In the meantime, I became The Secret of Genesis || 265 fully awakened; Muhammad (saw) didn’t go away from me but disappeared. I’ve had a big breakthrough. There, as if Muhammad (saw) had done something like squeezing my brain; I did not understand what happened. Then, I repented. From that day on, I have continued my former worship and my arrogance disappeared. Then I resorted to Allah from those kinds of wrongdoings. I have told these in case it can be necessary for those who don’t know what the miracle, fortune, and the mastery of the ifrit mean. Nowadays, people are in great hesitation about what the right is and what the wrong is. People struck with consternation about whom they believe. Therefore, I’d like to remind you of the hadith of Muhammad (saw),

“When you hesitate on something, have a sleep of istihare (a ritual performed before sleeping, such as praying Ikhlas, Kafirun) to decide” (Hadith)

Of course, anyone who wishes is free to have istihare sleep to decide about me or the knowledge which I have tried to express via this book. Allah knows and reveals the truth of everything. Nowadays, atoms and other particles, not the Power, which perfectly regulates and moves matter, are being explored to reach the origin of matter. Thus, science cannot solve the power of reason and expose satisfying answers about many issues such as miracle and extraordinary events. The miracle occurs with the power of reason. How to use the power of reason, how to reach this power is ignored. The Knowings of today’s people is limited to the information they learn from each other. The human reason, which is composed of the letters from A to Z, cannot grasp these miracles. In this respect, science has run into a stone wall of matter because it moves blindly; since that Power isn’t visible for matter eyes. In every century there were people, who reached their 266 || The Last Adam essence, and they led the science of their time to rise and leap forward; but people of their time mostly opposed them. They were even accused of madness. However, lifestyles in the past centuries have always been predicament in later centuries. One reason for this situation is that the system constantly proceeds. The system cannot go backward. Another reason is that until today there has not been a clear idea of creation and satisfactory knowledge about the universe; because everything has its own time, nothing happens before its time. Nowadays, education and training are the one-way slopes, whereas education and training should be two-way. The second direction is the doctrine of the Prophet, which is present in the sacred books. The man born in the matter universe, as long as he is unaware of his essence, recognizes everything with only its apparent side. Humanity needs a guide to find a way over the matter. It is the end of knowledge of Apparent. The discovery and sight begin with the knowledge of mystics. If scientists combined these two aspects instead of proceeding in only one way, today’s science and life level would be a thousand years ahead. You would have lived at a level that you can’t think of right now. If you combine your scientific education gained via universities with unknown mystic knowledge, you will be graduated from not only universities of the world, but also university of the galaxy where you are. You live in a galaxy that has a huge array of billions of solar systems without falling into chaos. You are swimming in an unlimited treasury of treasures. What is the final destination you came from the first Adam to the present? Have your developing technology and inventions satisfied you? Of course, technological advances are necessary; nevertheless, the time is not in your favor, but against you. Are you aware of this? You have remained behind your original goal by ignoring for what reason you are created. Because you haven’t transcended The Secret of Genesis || 267 your matter brain yet, you are deprived of the knowledge of the universe. You’re still living your childhood. As a child, you were playing with small toys, you grew up, and you play with big toys. The toys you play with are made of stone-earth like your body! Most of you, who worship, have had shirk by having a thought that there is a God in the sky. You are used to living without reading, without considering. Numerous galaxies and solar systems weren’t created just for the sake of conversation. It’s the human brain that will process them. Unfortunately, today humanity is far from practices that will make their brain proceed what is necessary to evaluate all of these. The human brain is the most superior being created in the universe; and created to recognize the essence of the being. The essence of mankind is Reason. You are not animalistic beings formed of flesh-bone body. Due to some misunderstandings and those who lead you to wrong maliciously, some of you are engrossed in the understanding of “we will die and our body will decompose to soil”; some of you, without even realizing it, live similarly with those who act in this understanding. Thus, most of you keep living in chaos. Those from you, who act in line with this understanding, ignore the moral rules and pursue the pleasure of the matter bodies and exhibit all kinds of negative behaviors to live well in the world. You forget that you are the Holistic Reason. Living such obsessions does not befit your dignity! No more seeing via matter eye, it is time to start to see via your brain. Until now, your brain has been captured by your eyes. From now on, your eyes will be captured by your brain; not according to your eyes, make your decisions according to your brain what will make you realize the wrong and to reach your Reason. There are countless kinds of waves transmitted from the Seven. Even in the most advanced worlds, there is no Adam who can handle all of them. The waves that the Blue Earth’s 268 || The Last Adam people can handle are as much as sand grain in the desert. The human brain is capable of processing these waves without the need for any tools. Both the receiver and transmitter are present in the brain. You can claim “We have determined very important waves. Thanks to them, we can easily watch an event from anywhere in the world, for example with television, and talk with people from other countries with the phone.” Determined waves are only a small part of the countless waves on the Earth. You are already unable to use them without tools. Most of you don’t know how the tools surrounding you any time work. You’ve been making researches to go into space for many years. The conditions valid from the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface vary outside the atmosphere. When a piece of iron rubs hard and vertical into the lighter stone, the fire occurs because stone and iron are two opposing matters. Therefore, it is not possible to overcome the intergalactic depth with tools; but it is possible for a man to see visible universes from his seat, or even to go there. According to the rules of physics, you can go anywhere which can be seen. Now it is the time of it. The greatest force in the universe is the power of sup-brain reason. Brains are wrapped by fanaticism, superiority, and selfishness. Instead of going forward, you look for everything in electronics, and you make no headway. The most despicable being in the universe is mankind who cannot overcome the character of humanity. The most superior beings in the universe are the man who carries the character of Adam.ness. Adam is who can use the power of will. Whoever can use will power can go wherever he wishes. Today, in many schools, you teach that our ancestors are apes, our end is earth, the Earth is the unique realm in the universe, and there is no eternal life in the meta-matter. Those who accept this information as true lead a wickeder life The Secret of Genesis || 269 than animals by doing every kind of madness and defending themselves by saying “since, there is no life beyond the death, both good and bad get away scot-free, I will turn into the earth when I die, no need to be honest, no need to live in a right path”. Thus, mankind is led to depression and chaos. When I went to Germany 25 years ago, I saw that the Germans were very honest and brave. Even they have received their share from this chaos today. You live as a blind consciousness; you condemn your reason in hearsay information. You move, think and decide according to what apparent eyes see. You lead a life obsessive to the matter because your thoughts are involved within both your suspicions and suggestions of jinn living in the Solar System. You are in a presumption of “We know everything”. Don’t think about bread; don’t think about money, look at beyond the sky, not on the ground! Billions of galaxies, solar systems, and planets... Have all these been created to be toys? What are all these? You don’t know how they were being created because you didn’t see their previous states. You would be astonished if you had seen the previous states. Just like cars, aircraft, their essence is stone-earth, but look like completely different, the essence of what we eat is similar, completely different in its last shape. You look at them by apparent eye and you see diversities in appearance. You’re condemning your reason for your actions. However, you are shaping the matter what is the stone-soil, and then you perceive them as the truth. The essence of what you see is three things: air, earth, water, which is not the truth. Indeed, you’re dreaming. You say, “We have gone forward in technology.” You used to ride the camel way back now by air shortly, you don’t make laundry by hand, but the machine, you don’t communicate with the message, not by letter, you do it via waves immediately; in short, you have made life easier on the world, you call it technology and pride. You think you have gone forward. These are very nice and useful, of course; 270 || The Last Adam but you have gone backward in real knowledge, you are not aware of it. In the Solar System, you live on a planet that can be considered as a point-sized. You are still questioning the existence of Adam communities in the universe. Until now, you should have been in contact with Adam communities in other systems; however, the Solar System egg must break. As there is no core-fire in the centers of planets except the world, the core-fire isn’t mixed with the earth of these planets. Thus, it is not suitable for living beings there. To explore life on other planets is a waste of money and time. If you had spent money on the brain instead of wasting it for astronomy and archeology, you would have watched lives in solar systems around you. Even, you would have been able to watch memories of your ancestors going back until the first Adam via a special tool to be developed, connected to specific points on the head that would provide to reach specific areas of the brain. You are neither the first nor the last one of Adam beings. Only in the Milky Way, now, trillions of Adams live. Think of other galaxies. Each community from the Seven Kömbes is the same as the essence, but different as the body material. How different organs of our body are, life types and conditions in the Seven Kömbes are so different from each other. There are different colors as many as several galaxies in the Seven Kömbes. When worlds in the Milky Way are wandered, there is not much foreignness in color; but if you go to another galaxy nearby, you will be astonished; you will encounter color tones you have never seen. Your eye can see seven colors and other colors reproduced by these colors. If you had overcome the matter brain, you would first see everything as colorless and simple. Then you would see countless colors, you would understand what I mean. You wouldn’t want to live in your world; because then you would be tired of seeing the same things every day; but a person who The Secret of Genesis || 271 has transcended himself is always in peace.38 Life types in numerous centers can only be known via experiencing, not via word. For example, the main matter of one galaxy is just color. People there are created from color. This color is a kind of matter. There is no sample of this matter in the Milky Way. How you eat the essence of soil, they eat the essence of color. After specific training, they overcome the limitations of their brains and become free in the galaxy. Each face emits a separate color. They recognize each other by color change. Those who live in other systems of the Milky Way have flesh-bone bodies like you. Adam’s community of a solar system which is in front of your Solar System feed once every three days. One of the foods they eat is very similar to rice and leaves no residue in the body. They, by sight, are more beautiful than you. Their body smells well, and everyone emits a different smell. When people sit next to them, they find peace. They don’t have insulting words. The diameter of their world is larger than yours. The population is about half of the current world population. The carriages aren’t like your car, airplane and so on, they are different. Those who live in the neighboring systems called Iben and Lug moving in front of the Solar System have been able to leave this primitive lifestyle similar to yours for centuries. Now, they’re being trained in galaxy school by recognizing other solar systems. Sometimes, some people of Iben that formed 40 thousand years before the Solar System come here; however, it is not possible to travel around here with a matter body. Nowadays, most of you have materialist views and you refuse such explanations.

“And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth

38 According to divine laws, those who receive their dignity by maturing himself leave the world; whoever reaches his goal during his worldly life doesn’t stay in the world. This is why people say, “Goods die early.” 272 || The Last Adam and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge.” (Qur’an, 30:22)

The Milky Way is being rolled up. The fruit of the Milky Way’s rolling is the matured-man. With the completion of the formation of the galaxy, it began to be rolled. Galaxy has surpassed its age of 33, as people’s exhaustion after receiving the age of 33 years. At the moment, it has been both swallowing Suns and traveling towards the First Kömbe. All Kömbes are on the same plane, flat as a tray. When viewed from a certain angle and distance, the Seven Kömbes (the Seven Sema) appear in human form. The Seven is like the human brain. Just as the death of a man begins with an order transmitted from the brain and the electricity is first drawn up from toes and completed in the brain, so will the death of Seven Kömbe. Think of the Milky Way as a chicken and the solar systems as eggs. You know, the egg is balanced at a temperature and the chick starts to form. If there are one or two degrees of a slip in the heat balance, the chicks will not come out; the egg becomes skinny, thrown away. If our Solar System, one of the billions of solar systems becomes skinny and is thrown, in the galaxy, nothing will change, nobody hears about it. A leaf falls from the tree; who cares? A cell dies from the body; who hears? You’re people more than six billion from the countless Adam communities. Because you see with the matter eye, you evaluate everything according to it. You perceive everything as separate entities. Fish in the water, you are in the atmosphere, in the Kömbe and you are imprisoned in matter body. Your body needs air, water, soil, sun, and much more. You can’t even control your body. Where is your freedom? Even, your body doesn’t belong to you. Who does it belong to? Who are you? You worship your bodies without being aware. Our bodies are created, but the reason is not created. Think about The Secret of Genesis || 273 all this, look for yourself and find yourself! Those who work (pray) to find him-self save him-self and gain his freedom. Free in here, free in the universe! However, to be free, man must be purged from diseases like arrogance and hatred. You didn’t come here to dominate each other. Everything you are trying to possess is the shape of stone and earth, including your bodies. What you eat and drink is for your body’s needs. It doesn’t matter whether you eat bread and cottage cheese or you eat steak in this world, time is passing. Let those who are over 40 years old think. When looking back on, you ate sweet, you ate hot pepper, you suffered, you had happy days, and you had unhappy days. Stop and look back on; isn’t it like a five-minute dream? What do you have in your hand from those tastes? Don’t waste your life on temporary pleasures. Some of you may slander “time determined by Allah” as “No, this is the time, there is no such”, “this time is corrupted” etc. Don’t deceive yourself and don’t believe everyone! The essence of religion doesn’t change; the essence of the system never changes! Those are your thoughts changing. You are created between the 20th and the 21st century, and you’re stuck in the century you are in, you can’t get out of it. You can’t say “I’ll be born again after ten centuries” Therefore, you should spend your time and life very well. Don’t waste your life. There’s no crossing over here from the meta-matter dimension you’re going through. How you have raised yourself here, you will remain there, and your life will last forever. Therefore, don’t deal with unnecessary works. Love each other and benefit from each other’s knowledge. What are you fighting for, in your short life? Everything here will stay here. Back-biting becomes a habit for most of you. You can’t keep yourself from doing it. You’re gossipy. However, a silent- person is saved. You did not consider the verse in the Qur’an that back-biting is the greatest sin and is strictly forbidden 274 || The Last Adam and you have violated the verse.

“(…) And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.” (Qur’an, 49:12)

It’s like four-time adultery to make back-biting only for once. If you saw to what the consciousness body of those who slandered looks like, you could not sleep again until your death. Think well; snap out of it! Read the books by yourself, search; learn the best in religion! Leave superstitions! Stop moving by words of others. Firstly, search for that. There is no other way! “Sir, he prays” What would he do to deceive you? He will pray, of course. How do you know he’s not a devil? A believer is intelligent; he acts on the orders of religion, not with the words of others. Unfortunately, you have forgotten what love is. Scripts are written and movies are made. Which television channel to look at Hitting, killing; shredding, breaking down; robbery; to oppress parents, neighbors... Bombs are blowing up, guns are fired... Against whom? They are blowing up against fellow creatures, to people. You’ve been fighting for centuries, still the same mentality: Superiority and interest warfare! Attacking, fighting, killing is sadism. Even an animal, after feeding itself, leaves the rest of its food to others. Have you been deprived of both loving and being loved so much? Don’t you have any love movies? You don’t recognize what beauty and happiness are. However, you are the most undeveloped man in the Milky Way. You haven’t been able to break the Solar System egg. As if wars in the world aren’t enough, you are dreaming to fight with other stars without knowing what the universe is. You suppose communities of other galaxies to be sadistic and primitive like yourself. You show creatures from other The Secret of Genesis || 275 worlds ugly and cruel. However, if you had seen Adams of other realms, you would be overwhelmed by their beauties. Things displayed by you are figures of demon and devil. You are inspired by them without being aware of it. Everyone is blown up by his own bomb, but he doesn’t even notice. That’s a rule you don’t know. You don’t get wise to what it can be resulted by transmission like grudge, hatred, cheating, cruelty. Brain(s) affects other brain(s). The previous event is revealed in the next as a result. Today, the sadistic state in which people are has been spreading from their brains to the whole world in waves. After a while, these transmissions become so intense that at a time the upper matter affects the pitch of voice waves and activates them. At that time, such a powerful sound is heard that brains explode because of it, blood spurts out of ears, people slump down and cross the meta-matter dimension in a miserable state. You don’t want to realize that you are close to the end. It isn’t comprehended how the annihilated societies were destroyed in the past centuries. The verse mentions;

“(…) in truth; and Allah wants no injustice to the worlds.” (Qur’an, 3:108)

Do not dare to think that someone living in the sky leads you and He will punish you with abracadabra. All universe is connected holistically. If people think the same thing repeatedly and commonly, whatever they think unconditionally becomes real. For example; Americans write scripts and make movies about the future; such as floods or hit by a meteor in America. Audiences watch those movies and perceive as if events in those movies are real or going to be real. It means that events in those movies are approved by the brains of audiences. Thus, America will surely experience these scenarios that have been approved by the brains of millions. 276 || The Last Adam

Today most people live in crowded cities. Children are born in stone-concrete houses, walking on stone-concrete roads, learning stereotypes in stone-concrete schools and graduating from universities as robotized, and then starting to work. However, mankind must commune with Mother Nature. Especially children should grow up with plants and animals. So, plants and animals give lessons to children. Children, grown up in a healthy environment in nature, tend to investigate the essence of existence. These children learn to read both plants and animals in time and then read themselves. They keep you away from these facts. Those who have grown away from nature, of course, cannot get out of certain patterns. There is no peace in societies composed of sick-brained people stuck in patterns. If a person’s thoughts, behavior, briefly, his life is ill, it means his brain is ill, too. The consciousness body of a person who departs this life with a sick brain, whoever leaves his matter-body with sickness remain sick in the meta-matter forever. Except for times for sleep and rest, you spend all your time working only for money; however, there are two kinds of working. The first one is to do enough business to survive, and the second is to focus on the knowledge and worship. You are overwhelmed by your ambition and spend almost your whole time for money, property, career, etc. Those of you who say “I am Muslim” go to the mosque, perform the salah in a hurry and return to their work. Those of you who say “I am Christian” go to church twice a week and continue to live as how they wish. You supposed; “We have deceived God; both the world and heaven are ours, now” No way! In mosques and churches, there is no one other than a few old men. Where are young people? The religion isn’t endeared to children but you are also proud of your child. You lead your children into faithlessness, you aren’t even aware of it. In this world, you teach your child how to rival but not the faith and how a believer should live. Even if you don’t leave The Secret of Genesis || 277 the church until the evening, your faith is in danger. Fasting and the salah are for the person himself. Allah doesn’t need them, so they would be valuable in the sight of Allah. Man’s greatest weakness is adoration. The biggest mistake is to adore people and objects. The essence of man is the Truth. The sense of superiority originates from here. Today, this superiority has been forgotten to mankind. You, believers, and you, disbelievers are in chaos and not aware of it. This period is the one when the abundance is the highest from the first Adam until now. In the past centuries, people suffered from food and clothing shortages. Nevertheless, the most ungrateful, the most selfish people in history are people of this century. Dajjal, along with the Industrial Revolution, broke the last link of the chain. Some states, which developed industry and accelerated technology, have gotten rich on the one hand, pillaged atmosphere and caused environmental pollution on the other hand. Up to today, almost all countries of the world have become a part of this destruction more or less. As if developing countries will complete their industry and become wealthy and live in luxury. In 1995, I was trying to explain to people around me that the Earth is being driven into a disaster, if it goes on so, the Earth will have a life span of 100-150 years and that atmosphere and poles will be disrupted in this time. All the people around me thought that I was exaggerating. Nowadays, global warming is now about to settle on the agenda of mankind. Therefore, harmless alternative technologies attract more attention day by day; however, the problem of mankind, as specialists grasping of the problem know, is not to develop harmless alternative technology; it is for some states to impose technology that is harmful to the environment, causing the world to disaster for the sake of their economic interests. This is the period in which mankind has been corrupted mostly. Today, mankind has come to the point of worshipping 278 || The Last Adam to money. Even the concept of God or Put, in the past centuries, was not so excessive. A man with money is seen as a god and is worshipped. All kinds of immorality and misdeeds are actualized for money without hesitation. Money is superior to people. Just as how people were sacrificed to idols in the past, they are cut and killed for money today. For the money, friendships are broken, prostitution is done, forests are slaughtered, and wild animals are killed. Even justice in societies depends on the economy today. Country laws have been in service of monetary policies. Governments are enslaved by money and under the name of politics; they are trying to get money from other societies through various games. The all is economy. Now the whole world knows what politics is. Politics is to produce lies; this fact cannot be denied by anyone today. The lie originates from the devil. The ruler of a society is a kind of the father of that society. Does a father ever lie to his children? Do not think that dajjal said to come out on doomsday will be a blind in the right eye, rawboned, bandy-legged person. When we look at the hadiths about dajjal, there is information expressing that “heretic” will be written on his forehead, and even illiterate people will recognize him. Don’t illiterate people recognize money as soon as they see it momently? So dajjal said to be coming on doomsday, meaningly, is money. Of course, Allah is the Best-Knower. Those who have lost their humanity in the way of money never see realities. Such people have been enslaved by dajjal; they even become dajjal itself. Referring to this meaning, “The right eye of the dajjal is blind” has been said. The right eyes of such people are blind. Those who have a blind right eye don’t have common sense, wisdom, and mercy. “More money, more heaven in this world” is their thought. This is the dajjal’s heaven. The greatest servant of dajjal is one-eyed giant, the television (including telephones and computers, as well as tools) that The Secret of Genesis || 279 have enslaved you, made you forget the truth and destroy the respect and love for parents. It has made a neighbor an enemy to another neighbor. This giant has taught you to be a caliban, and live like animals, and to have sex in public areas. It has caused an addiction by making you forget what love is and desensitizing you about issues like violence, selfishness, lies, slander, gossip, etc. This great giant has entered almost everyone’s house without exception. You have become believers of every saying of this giant of which right eye is blind; you have given your mind’s reins to that great giant. It has blinded your right eye by making you use your left eye constantly; because if you only use your left eye constantly, your right eye becomes inactive. And, what is the main purpose of this giant? To glorify money! You haven’t fully discovered your brain. It is the brain that directs the man to both wrong and right. If you don’t use your brain and yield it, you can’t get rid of wrong. Those who don’t know how to use his mind and whose brain says, “Everyone does it in this way, I’ll do the same”; acts in accordance with what he sees and hears, and he acts like others. Mankind is immortal by the spirit breathed into him. If everything were just a short world life, there would be no need to learn knowledge. If the end is death, and if the end is to return to earth, why should a man spend his life with learning knowledge? However, to understand them, it is necessary to sterilize the brain from micro-organisms which are fanaticism, nationalism, selfishness, hatred, arrogance, stinginess, ignorance… Some of you have strong brains, but you can’t use your brains because you don’t have the knowledge. You have blocked your brain; you fall into racism, you think yourself as separate nations. Nationalism is primitiveness. Isn’t it the land of the world that you call “my motherland”? The world is home for everyone born here. Isn’t everyone born in this world? You benefit from the Sun and air commonly; why did 280 || The Last Adam you divide the land? You have divided lands of the world into plots. You’ve seized water sources and you sell them. However, these are the common property of humanity. Every mankind born has the right to have as much free land as he can inhabit. Who did the current owner of land get it from? From those who seized lands by resorting force. If the Sun and the air were yours, you would sell them, too. You would lead people who couldn’t pay for air to die by not sharing air. Some of you despise others owing to the opportunities you have. You can’t imagine that you’re part of the same tree. We are all descendants of Adam, we are siblings… You’ve gone too far by overusing everything. You do all kinds of misdeeds for your interests. Except for the people of Lot, in an unprecedented manner, same-sex marriages have become legal even in churches. Priests who claim “We believe in the Bible” do the opposite of verses in the Bible.

“If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death.” (Leviticus, 20:13)

Like all other subjects, we have mentioned in this book, our aim of homosexuality is not to judge. Our concern is knowledge, to tell the truth to those both who are and who are not homosexual, to remind all believers provisions of the sacred book in which they believe.

“And the two who commit it among you, dishonor them both. But if they repent and correct themselves, leave them alone. Indeed, Allah is ever Accepting of repentance and Merciful.” (Qur’an, 4:16)

If you ask, “What are we going to do with homosexuals?” There is nothing to do. Can you return a wood which transformed into iron to its former state? The Secret of Genesis || 281

People have become hypocrites. Seriousness has been broken; everyone started to pretend against each other. The youth of the world has been made addicted to music and football, and they have become a mass without any benefit to humanity. People who are deprived of ethical morality come to the power of state administrations. The man supposedly finished college; become head of state or minister, but he still reads two words to make a speech from paper. That paper is also written by someone else. A brain that can’t keep two words in mind is an empty brain. Take his paper, he can’t continue to talk. That means he knows nothing. If you bring such abc’s to the state administration, laws will also be included with abc’s. Since very few of them are competent, there are disorders/ deviations in-law. Today, you elect people to represent the state. Have you ever thought about who may have leaked between elected representatives? Who are real rulers of you? Do you know rel colors of your elected representatives? Managers need to be people who have comprehended the rights and justice and had knowledge. You don’t know politicians; you don’t know their characters’ structures. Managers/Governors etc. are brains of society. If the brain has damaged cells, the body gets sick. In a country called “civilized”, a man raped a few children and then killed them. This monster was defended by lawyers. Everything is clear; where is left to be defended? Judges know what to do; but such laws have been coded: laws for the protection of monsters. Judges aren’t able to do anything; since those who have coded that legislation has the same heresy as that monster. They keep such laws and so, protect alike ones. Is it possible to call that monster as a human? Is every two-legged being a human? If these monsters have rights, what about the rights of those abused/raped innocent children? Don’t they have any 282 || The Last Adam rights? Their families have been miserable; what about their rights? Social unrest has begun in societies because of the disorder of laws and feloniousness is encouraged. There is a basic program in every living creature, you cannot change it. Can you return a substance from iron to be a tree? Is it possible? In some societies, formalistic evaluation is increased. They’re in an effort to be civilized with apparel. Apparel is not a sufficient condition to be civilized. Its conditions are humanity, morality in both minds and hearts. People of every century called the clothing of their century as fashion. Most of you go through primitiveness by wearing revealing clothes. Those who lived in the early periods were either half-naked or fully naked. Piercing, putting rings on the nose, ear, lip, tongue, etc. are traditions belonging to the past. Those who called them primitive on the one hand and imitate them, on the other hand, are neither reasonable nor civilized. Civilization is not at appearance but in the brain. Besides primitive people were wearing animal fur because they had no other chance. Today, people wear them though they do not have any obligation, who is primitive? Flowers fertilized with animal manure become more beautiful and magnificent, any vegetable becomes more delicious. That’s what people are. If you protect and foster yourself in corrupted civilization, you will be both wise and the most beautiful of creatures. It isn’t Sunnah to imitate the clothing of prophets. The real Sunnah is what they taught and which way they followed. Prophets are dressed according to the conditions of their century. The main aim of clothing is pudicity and is covered to protect the body from external conditions. A believer is recognized via his ethic, generosity, and tolerance; not via his clothes, mustache or beard. The greatest Sunnah is good morality. While nobody shares even his garbage with another in The Secret of Genesis || 283 civilized societies, there is help, hospitality and sincere love among people who are humiliated as primitive. How much could societies in which even neighborhood is corrupted be civilized? In rural areas, in places called undeveloped, there is patience against poverty; but when you decrease the wealth of civilized societies by half, they start to plunder everything and everywhere by rebelling against conditions. What kind of civilization is this? You are spoiled by the science of the century you are in. You accuse old people to be primitive and think you’re smart, but you haven’t even crossed your body’s limitations yet. You’re unaware of the sup-brain reason. You think you’re the matter body. Your grindstone is to make this body of soil more comfortable, to dress up, and to be proud of your physical beauty. As if your body was formed in your wishes’ direction. You live unaware of yourself (your consciousness). The beauty of the consciousness body is formed after the birth after a person grows and begins to understand everything; however, our matter body’s beauty and gender is determined after encoding of the brain before the birth. When faith is taken into consideration, people are divided into two groups: believers (pious) and non-believers (atheists). These pious or atheists are further divided into subgroups in various ways. Any sincere pious or atheist people who believe that democracy -people can live together in mutual respect- have indulgence. They aren’t formalistic. They don’t interfere with the clothes and thoughts of anyone. They experience the unique beauty of diversity by getting rid of thought fixed on one type of human. They don’t follow anyone as ideas, opinions and lifestyles blindly; constantly seek innovation. Evaluate the past and try to catch the future. They are aware that every being perfects life; they don’t break anybody’s heart or hurt anybody. They respect human, animal and plant rights. 284 || The Last Adam

Today, how the number of people who know what the true religion has reduced so as to be shown by finger, this situation is valid for the opposite ideas and opinions. Almost everyone who is pious or atheist has become a fanatic of the religion/ idea/opinion that he believes in. They deal with all the things in life, primarily the religion or life forms they believe, in their own interest, not in the frame of rights and justice. They force everyone to think like themselves, and they make hostility to those who don’t think like them. His thoughts, desires, and demands are all under the control of his egos. It is thought that people who have deeply assimilated religion are not religious because their lifestyles are not understood from the outside. Today, a significant part of those who call themselves as pious dogmatize in the name of religion. They are supposedly fighting in the name of Allah etc… Some soft touches, since they haven’t read the sacred books, follow them. They are divided into various groups. On the one hand, they refuse to accept others who don’t think like them; on the other hand, they accuse others by being on the wrong path. If the things what they believe in are so true, why are they divided into so many separate groups. A sincere pious and a sincere atheist resemble each other very much in point of understanding; for they know that everything exists only because of its opposite. We all originate from the same essence; nobody is superior to anyone. The notion of superiority is due to arrogance and ignorance. Everyone is created for a task and everyone needs each other. Everything is beautiful with people and precious with people. Ugliness and beauty, poverty and wealth create a balance. Everyone has a different role in this world life, and these roles have already been. A sense of equity is a great mistake. Equality can only be in the laws of the state. All people must benefit from laws equally, which is quite natural; but equality doesn’t mean justice every time. Trying to base equality, not justice, leads The Secret of Genesis || 285 people to the wrong. True justice is the conscience, the reason. Everyone has different characteristics. You can’t see two equal entities in the universe. Also, when you realize that each entity is created with separate features, you realize that a second being with the same characteristics will never be created again and that every being is priceless. Some of you always make women rights a current issue… It is primitiveness to find women justified or unjust under the shadow of the law, and to accord rights to them just because of that it is legislated. Whether with children or childless, whether the older or younger, all women are the mother. You cannot make the right of mothers up even if you work for your whole life. You don’t understand it here, but, you will comprehend how valuable they are, in the place where you will go. You should accept how much priceless they are, you should behave to them very well. Even, if you do these things, you won’t have made their right up. It’s all over the end. Wrongs are presented as rights; rights are presented as wrongs to people. Some people mislead incidents deliberately or indeliberately by drawing a conclusion from events around them. For example; “You should be as strong as a lion hunting gazelle and eating it” is said. In another meaning; you will persecute powerless people to survive, this is law of the jungle. The main problem of today is the fact that all systems of the world are based on this idea. Although plants, animals, human triads are a unique system, plants are a system in itself, animals are a system in itself, humanity is a system in itself. It is wrong to say that people should be like animals in all respects by comparing them. Animals and plants guide for people to reach the essence. A lion’s demolition of a gazelle is a fact of the animal world. Am I an animal? I, as a human, want to be like gazelle. The real power is faith, love. Adorer doesn’t persecute but spares; because the love is self-devotion. Today, it is no longer possible to encounter with the 286 || The Last Adam extraordinary states (miracles, events) exhibited by prophets or their followers in the past centuries. These states are still a myth or mystery to you. You live as imprisoned in a blind brain. Instead of proceeding, you have regressed, you run for matter, and finally, you’re stuck in atoms. Your essence isn’t the matter. The matter forms your body and virtual image called nature. Their essence is harmonized and planned energetic data particles hidden in atoms. Prophets appear during the period when the system changes. Prophets don’t appear before the time of formations that make up the change. People also corrupt as everything. This corruption accelerates when people get distracted by pleasures and games without any meaning when people quit worshipping and ignore the questions of “Where are we from, why are we here, where are we going?” With the corruption, disasters in nature occur and then, the collapse begins. Otherwise, disasters don’t occur only due to the demands of prophets. For example; in Noah’s time, a layer in the outer circle of the Sun is left. This caused worse weather conditions, evaporations of waters, glacial melting in the poles, etc. The world has a specific own mind, a specific body, and specific mobility. The world is fully alive (dynamic). We have mentioned that the brain of the world is its atmosphere. Atmosphere completed its evolution until the time of Noah, then, began to deteriorate; in other words, the people with sick brains live in a world with a sick brain. Substances emitted to atmosphere pass from the inner layer (Gez, the fourth state power) to the outer layer (gezgez, the fifth state power) of the atmosphere. Without your awareness, the substances you spread to the atmosphere from factory chimneys, cars, planes, etc. transmute to the fifth state due to colliding with other substances. Since substances transmute to the fifth state are stronger then the Gez formed by the fourth state cause ruptures while passing from inner layers and pass outer layers from those ruptured points The Secret of Genesis || 287 directly, force the outer layer (Gezgez). That is why the outer layer, Gezgez, is almost fully depleted. One of the scary results of the rupture of Gezgez is that substances coming to the world from out aren’t going to be filtered very well. As follows: The heat particles coming from the Sun pass through Gezgez smoothly; however, it is attached to the Trip, it turns over and hits the layer between Gez and Gezgez and turns again. In that way, it changes. Then it turns into a state that won’t damage the Earth; but, because of the rupture of Gezgez, heat particles coming from the Sun spread to the Earth’s surface directly and damage it. When the layer between Gez and Gezgez is ruptured, the water vapor from oceans doesn’t return back by hitting the cloud layer. Particles from oceans don’t form clouds; they go out of the atmosphere from ruptures of the outer layer! Rainfall decreases, and after a time, there is no rain or cloud. The Sun’s heat, which seeps through ruptures covering all layers, becomes so hot and poisonous that it gets man drunk. It kills beings living in areas where those ruptures are. There are other unbelievable oddities. This is what your super technology can never prevent! The outermost layer (Gezgez) is about to die. Its death would be the end of all of you; because this layer is the lifeblood of the atmosphere. God doesn’t come from heavenly skies (!) to tackle your problems when there are countless worlds within trillions of galaxies! What is the value of the world in such an infinite universe? Already God backed down by saying, “I am tired with this entire world’s people; fight in every century, wars in every century! I’m tired of sending prophets to them. Nothing changes if they die”. In the center of the world, AEW is also about to run out today. The circle on the core is contracted. While air, earth, and water were in unity, the ration of air was more than earth and the ration of the earth was more than water. Firstly, water; 288 || The Last Adam then earth; lately, the air element will run out. One-fourth of the world is the fire, one-fourth is the earth, one-fourth is the water, and one-fourth is the air. This balancing was completed in the sixth month of 2002. At that time, three of planets changed in terms of movement. No one realized that a very significant event occurred in the world. The second period of the world, the period of decadence, has begun and the decadence will be very fast. The core-fire continues its inner rotation with the circles of two thick flames in the out. Currently, AEW is decomposed between the core and the third circle. Cleaning in the second circle has ended. The third circle also subtilizes! The third circle is to be joined to the first circle, like the second circle being cleaned. With current collisions, AEW is thrown out of the third circle where water and air elements are formed before it can get the state of water. The AEW, which changed to the second state, forms earth types by freezing on the base and accumulating under the outer shell. As decomposition of AEW goes on, the fire that formed the inner circle starts to infiltrate in since the bottom of the earth is like dough, and AEW continues to thicken the earth. Since the core-fire moves to the core, the out fire layer becomes thinner by the time. Because collisions are decreased due to decomposition of AEW, rotation of fire circles gradually slows down. No more water is formed from AEW. Water ran out. The sea is dead. Deaths have started in oceans. You will understand by the time! The formation of the earth is almost running out. Following earth, air will run out. That air element comes last is due to divine law “The earth to Moses, the water to David, the air to Jesus refers” is what we mentioned. Entering the period of the Messiah is the time when the earth comes to end and it is the turn of air. In other words, nowadays, collisions can only form the earth and air. Therefore, there are still some earthquakes and AEW has erupted from volcanoes as lava. These events The Secret of Genesis || 289 indicate that the Earth is still alive; because activities in the core are heartbeats of the Earth. When the circles reduce to one from two on the Earth’s core, earthquakes will terminate; in another meaning, after the death of water, the death of earth and the death of air will occur, and the heartbeat of the Earth will come to end. After a while, self-destruction of the Earth will begin. The depletion of these elements and with contributions of your super technology, the rupture of the atmosphere will change the state of water, even if it is cloud it will not rain. In this case, don’t think that we can distillate ocean water and drink it; because the decay will be in the essence of water. Because you still do not know what exactly water is. The first water loss will be in Australia; then, in the continent of America and lastly, in Asia. Formerly plants, secondly animals, and latterly, people will disappear. The last man will be seen in Asia. The fact that the Earth’s core is mixed with AEW and continues to clean its interior obscures (weakens) the attraction between the Sun and the Earth’s cores undermine (weakens); the Earth resists to the attraction of the Sun. When the fire that forms the heart of the world completes its internal cleaning and volume, the heart of the Earth will fail and the gravity will end up. Since the inward curling stops, compression in the center will start to expand in reverse; this expansion will crack the Earth’s soil. With the cracking, the most severe earthquake ever will take place. Mountains will be tipped like cardboard toys. Since the Earth’s soil cracks from all sides, flames of the external fire coming out of crevices will squirt waters. Mountains will fall to these cracks and the expansion will continue.

“Of it there is no preventer. On the Day the heaven will sway with circular motion. And the mountains will pass on, departing.” (Qur’an, 52:8-10) 290 || The Last Adam

So, the curling event resisting against the attraction of the Sun will disappear. Since the curtain will remove with the stop of curling, the Earth will be entering into the magnetic field of the Sun. This will cause the balance to deteriorate and be pulled by the Sun core, the mother of the Earth’s core; because the core-fire in the center of the Earth belongs to the Sun. Weight of water and earth –due to no gravity- will end up, like scattered chicken feathers, water and earth will spread around. When the core-fire appears, all of them will instantly melt and evaporate, transforms them into an invisible state. The heat of core-fire, which becomes a nebula, will reach other planets because there is no air between planets, so it will melt and transform them into an invisible state, too; because no matter can withstand against the heat of the core-fire. For example; if a core-fire in the size of a soccer ball crashes or falls to the Earth, it leaves no living beings back, burns all of them. It roasts the soil, destroy the water by evaporating and destroy the atmosphere. The core-fire turned into a nebula, will spread over the Sun and cover the Sun. Since the cleaning in the Sun continues, that nebula won’t be able to enter the center but prevent the solidification on the Sun’s surface. The Earth’s Apocalypse will be real in this way and it will take a long time; in another word, the first blow of Sur (trumpet) will be done. While all these happen, we and previous people will watch these events. All the people of the world ever will see the apocalypse. Only, Earth’s doomsday will be watched by consciousness body, no matter body; because when the world destroys itself and being drawn through the Sun, there won’t remain any human on the Earth.

“Say, ‘Our Lord will bring us together on the Doomsday.” (Qur’an, 34:26) The Secret of Genesis || 291

“The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet for the records. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. [That is] a promise binding upon Us. Indeed, We will do it.” (Qur’an, 21:104)

So the Doom will not destroy people. During the destruction of the world, there won’t be any living beings in the world. The end of life in the world will be after the time when it is passed to the air element. The invisible layer of the meta-matter twin of the Sola Solar System will be folded with the meta-matter twin of the nebula state of the world at that time and get closer to the meta-matter twin of the Sun. In the meantime, all people will keep quiet. The Sun, with the nebula surrounding it, will proceed on its way through the center of the Milky Way. For example; when a passenger plane lands, there is a great silence in the plane. After landing, passengers unbuckle belts, an activity starts again and everyone leaves the plane. Likewise; when the Sun passes to the second circle after completing the third circle during the Doomsday, silence will end and resurrection and mobility will begin. This is the meaning of Raphael’s blowing the trumpet (Sur) for the second time. This change process in which the Sun will transform into a new state will take billions of years. In fact, this change is a new formation; system change. Otherwise, Raphael won’t take a trumpet and blow it. In the transition to the new formation, all people from the world ever will be together. The place where everyone will go according to his deeds of the worldly life will be revealed and breaks (escapes) will start from that environment. The second state of the Sun will slowly be depleted. When the Sun passes into the first circle, the core-fire will begin to expand and the Sun will get closer to the center of the Milky Way; it is already on its way to the center. The expansion of the Sun and entering into the center will take three thousand years 292 || The Last Adam

–not the year or the world-. Time will come very close to a stop. Those who haven’t done the required works (worshipping) in the life of the world and who haven’t wrapped their body with the seventh state’s divine light by completely purifying the core-fire from their body will begin to burn; this burning won’t be similar with the burning you know which is caused by the fire. On Earth, let’s say, you’ve reached a temperature of 50 degrees; without shadow. Just as you get sweaty from the heat, but this temperature doesn’t melt your body, it will be like that. The fire won’t melt your consciousness body as it is in the sixth state. If your consciousness body has wrapped with the seventh state divine light, you won’t be affected by the heat there as if you enter the shade in the world. The fire in the meta-matter is the fire out of the matter which is the twin of the matter fire. To escape the heavenly dimension from here differs according to the degree of faith in the world. The escape process will be complete in three thousand years. Do not think that everyone will escape in three thousand years. The first escapers will be the ones who have never valued the matter in the world and have kept their heart away from temporary tastes and pleasures of the world. In a shorter time than seconds, they will move to the heavenly dimensions. The escape of the rest will last three thousand years. The consciousness body of those who believe that they will be earth after death –since they don’t have faith- will be magnetized and absorbed – by the center of the Milky Way, including the Sun when the core-fire comes out from the Sun. If the consciousness body is loaded with the seventh state divine light during the life of the world, since the Sun is in the fifth state, the Milky Way is in the sixth, they cannot achieve to magnetize those consciousness bodies, and on the contrary, they push it. Due to the fact that divine light is in the seventh state, it can even rule to the fire in the center of the Milky Way. The program (fate) of the universe from all eternity is The Secret of Genesis || 293 determined, and neither its eternity nor post-eternity of it is known; because it is infinite. Only the part of infinity that is seen can be known. It is impossible to see it if you are subject to your brain. This place is beyond the brain and you can see if you overcome your matter brain’s limitation. Today, the science world is concentrated only on the matter and is stuck in the matter. Scientists only present the information they reach about human beings (apparent knowledge); however, what they have done is right; but the science world of today is close to mystic knowledge. Besides, the mystic knowledge isn’t opened to those who do not worship; because who doesn’t worship cannot speak from the essence. You must believe in the Qur’an, not the knowledge or the words of some scientists. The words of science may be wrong, but words of Allah are never wrong. However, the science, itself, has falsified many things accepted as scientific findings. The Qur’an guides you to whom you will believe and how you will live most correctly. Everyone has a talent. Every scientist makes progress in his field. Where they get stuck, those who come after them conduct their research to a further point. These explanations don’t contradict scientific discourses. This is the essence of scientific discourse. The point reached from the first Adam up to the present day demonstrates this. No scientist can claim, “I have solved the essence of being; that’s all up to here” A next scientist advances previous ones invention. It is not possible to solve the essence of existence. Since the essence of being and the being, itself, is endless/unlimited. By the end of the 1950s, the knowledge was revealed to some Western scholars (people of the Script). Instead of sharing common knowledge of humanity with other societies, Western civilization began to sell and that is why the revelation of the knowledge was stopped. Additionally, lies are involved in science. The worse; they benefit from the 294 || The Last Adam science to produce arms instead of using it for the benefit of humanity. They have supposed that both everything depends on a blind coincidence and the Blue World is ownerless. Today, neither pious people nor scientists can find answers to humanity’s questions. However, what they seek is in sacred books. The main thing in the verses is the meaning; but mostly, words are used to express meanings as examples. Thus, religion and science environments that confuse examples with realities have gone astray.

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable?’” (Marcus, 4:13)

“And We have certainly diversified in this Qur’an for the people from every [kind of] example, but man has ever been, most of anything, [prone to] dispute.” (Qur’an, 18:54)

Being disbeliever prevents to reach the truth. The truth is revealed to a believer at the rate of his contemplation, worshipping, and meditation. This happens either by discovering the truth-related meanings or by seeing the truth directly, like prophets or great saints. Therefore, neither the religious men whose contemplation, worshipping and meditations aren’t matured nor the scientists who have no faith can reach the truth of the creation of visible or invisible living beings in planets, solar systems, and galaxies.

“I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth or to the creation of themselves, and I would not have taken the misguiders as assistants” (Qur’an, 18:51)

Faith means believing. A real believer lives through the way which he believes. If you claim “I have faith” but live like disbelievers and appreciate whatever is valued by disbelievers, The Secret of Genesis || 295 who do you deceive? Just yourself! Today, most of those who say, “I have faith” have no knowledge. They suppose that the faith is to believe in the existence of a God that lives in the sky. Besides, you are obsessed with measures without knowing what real measure is. “O, take care of you, do not stay in cold, otherwise you get sick; do not stay in hot weather, otherwise you sweat and get sick” etc. In fact, if you leave a baby naked to a mountainside after his birth without any measure, his body becomes adapted to conditions and takes its own precautions. While urban people engage doctors, residents of the countryside rarely see a doctor for a whole life. I met some people in ages of over 80-90. We have become friends and had conversations. They told me that they had never gotten sick. I asked, “What kind of measure have you taken up to now?” I realized that they had been living faithfully. You will lead all your life in guidance of faith. You will absolutely believe that things happen. When you start living like that, meaningly when true faith appears, suspicion disappears and the will power will become active. Most people experience lives in the light of hearsay information, wrong information. Either they have read the sacred books roughly or they have memorized verses without knowing their meanings. That’s why they don’t know what the truth is. As if there is a God on the skies, they have been in a misunderstanding that He/God would send whatever they want, reveal everything through the loudspeaker from skies. Come closer to them, you will see that they are always complainers of everything. They judge other people in a moment. They have become pharaohs; they aren’t aware of it. To make a final judgment for a human only pertains to his Creator. Some, who ape those kinds of people, since they haven’t read the sacred books, think that the sacred books are nonsense. So they maintain deprived of the knowledge of the truth. They also live roughly. As if sacred books are revealed 296 || The Last Adam just for believers; however, the books are for all people. Do not be so interested in what others do or believe, take the books and read, learn by yourself and learn by heart. The sacred books are like the Sun. Just as the Sun is unique, all humanity benefits from it and this is the case. Everyone can benefit from them. The sacred books are not monopolized by anyone. They are all common knowledge of humanity. A person who reaches the Holistic Mind –which is realized via will and faith- takes both the body of consciousness and the body of matter under his control. For this he must know that the substance is not the body, the substance is the body is only a tool of clay. He should also get rid of his own self. Getting rid of this zigzag is not informational; it is possible by actualizing what you know. Most of you think that everything is uneven, like a coincidence. This is due to the chaos in your minds, due to the chaos of your thoughts. However, the array of cells in the brain in the time of creation is excellent. This array is affected by some kind of wrongs by the time, and chaos arises in the brain. Is there a way to re-arrange them? Yes, there is. Read once more what we have been stating from the introduction of this book till the end of it. In the last centuries, those who claim to be religious scholars punctuate the issues which they cannot clarify by saying, “Angel(s) did it”. Scientists, likewise, punctuate as coincidence when they cannot find satisfactory solutions or answers. A scientist shouldn’t be prejudiced; a scientist shouldn’t have blind confidence in the thesis of others. A scientist’s route is through forward, not to the back. A scientist leading advances cannot be a fanatic. Fanaticism causes wrongs. Almost all people, including both religious ones supposing themselves as saints and atheist ones supposing themselves as scholars, have started to strut about everything and so, they have fallen into wrongs. What invented by old The Secret of Genesis || 297 scholars is the seed of science. It is needed that a tree should grow up from that seed and that tree should fruit. A scientist who misinforms people only because he comes up against the religion falls into disgrace in the end. It is also valid for religious people behaving similarly. To be against or to bear hostility for someone due to his belief or disbelief leaves the man behind in the knowledge of Allah. Nowadays, most people live out of good manners. Both a believer person and a disbeliever person are the same at this point. For example, let’s say a specialist is talking on TV or on another platform. Some listeners start to object his ideas by saying, “No, it is false, this is false…” When you ask them what the true answer is, they cannot reply. In order to oppose a wise person or scientist, it is necessary to be superior to him in order to reveal his mistakes. In fact, the one who is a real specialist or a superior either in the knowledge or in the science doesn’t object; he accepts and only says, “it is the limit of their knowledge” Everyone should know his limits and his place. Accuracy and fallacy depend on the level of knowledge. The accuracy cannot be known without fallacy. The knowledge comes into existence with the togetherness of accuracy and fallacy. Someone who accepts contradictions and synthesizes them in his consciousness reaches the truth, becomes the Truth, watches the universe, realizes no fallacy, comprehends that everything is in its proper place, he reaches the peace, he becomes the essence of everything and keeps silent. What you name as everything is nothing, what you name as nothing is everything. I, as Cafer, realized how much I was unenlightened when I entered from the gate of infinite knowledge. I have still had the same understanding. This travel is the way of unenlightened people. You have a step into this gate! The worst arrogancy is to think of himself as clever and illuminated, to think others as ignorant. If a man claims, “I am intelligent”, it means that the reason has begun 298 || The Last Adam to leave him. If a man accepts, “How much I am ignorant?” it means that man has begun to learn new knowledge. The knowledge is endless; the reason is also endless. Thus it isn’t possible to put an end by saying, “I am intelligent”. Ignorance doesn’t mean to know anything; the ignorance is to claim, “I know everything”. Have peace! First, have peace with yourself; then, have peace with other people. Embrace each other in love, pray, wish for each other’s favor. Today, people with religious knowledge are over; those who claim, “We know the religion” live in accordance with their pleasures. Do not approach the knowledge of this book in a fanatic way; you have to obey the rules of the religion. Research first. You will never be able to prove the contradiction between statements written in this book and the sacred books. Even today, everyone has read and evaluated the religion according to his interests. The religion doesn’t have to follow your rules; you have to follow its rules. You will witness that everything will get better and better in the condition of when people of this Blue Earth become ONE, love each other, wish favor for all, and purify their brain from darkness and wrongs. Think all together that good thing will happen and pray; pray even for things which seem impossible to be real for you. In a short time, all your needs will be met without any trouble or suffering. Throw away all problems in your mind, accept everything as it is, do not object to anything, do not misbehave against the whole creature, think well, love everything because of their creation. You will see; all plants, animals, and people will love you in return. Whatever you do, you will get it in return. Appreciate someone or give a flower to someone; he will do the same to you. Insult him, he will insult you. If you seek the answer of who wrong is, be sure, that it is you. Instead of fiddling with each other, fiddle with yourself. None of six billion people are alike. Everyone has been The Secret of Genesis || 299 created with different abilities and characters. Everyone has a mission; nobody can be despised. You are born in this world lonely; you will leave this world lonely. If you have a reason, think about that and save yourself. You are what you are thinking, moving or living! You will keep being the same in the meta-matter dimension. Chew on why you are here! Why does Allah persecute you? You cannot go to heaven without experiencing difficulties in the world (without suffering). If you don’t learn how to control yourself in this world, how will you achieve to control beings of heaven? Everything is created for a purpose, and outcomes of everything will absolutely appear. You have a very short life in this world; your every second is priceless. Do not interfere in anyone’s religion and belief! This authority is not given to anyone. You respect his faith so that he may show respect to yours. If you swear his religion, he will swear your religion; after all, you will swear your own religion. No creature can go beyond fate; everything is created with its destiny. And yet why is this fight for? All of the sacred books state that there is no compulsion in religion.

“And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, [O Muhammad], would you compel the people in order that they become believers? And it is not for a soul to believe except by permission of Allah, and He will place defilement upon those who will not use reason.” (Qur’an, 10:99-100)

If Allah willed, everyone would worship. To compel people to worship or make them believe by force is a kind of shirk. It is an authority not even being recognized for prophets.

“If people did not commit sin, I would destroy them, I would create sinners; that they should sin and repent of me.” (Hadith) 300 || The Last Adam

Jihad is not terrorism, and it is a fight given firstly against the self of man. Those who present the as terrorism are heretics. Both terror and compelling people to any faith or opinion cannot be related to Islam. Do I have to accept your religion or opinion? Why don’t you accept my opinion? A Muslim wouldn’t even hurt a fly. Allah gives lives to all creatures that life is from his own soul. How dare you hurt that creature? Did you create it so that you are willing to take it? To hurt a living being is to kill, to attack Allah. To love all created beings is to love Allah. Aren’t you aware of it? Irreligion and religion are balance. Without irreligion, it is not clear what religion is. If one disappears, the other disappears, too. These two opposites are for the human being to reach perfection and this is the system of Allah. One is right, the other is left arm. If a man cuts off either his left arm or right arm, he becomes disabled. Instead of trying to change Allah’s order, change yourself. This is better for you. An intelligent person knows who has what. He understands what both the so-called religious and so-called democrats are, and he laughs off. The fact that everyone is religious means the end of the order. It is what will be soon. In a short period of time, there will be no disbeliever in Blue Earth, and everyone will be religious. For a while, a life-like heaven life will be lived and then the Blue Earth will come to an end. Many prophets and wise people have come to the world from the first Adam until today. Every prophet carries the knowledge of the previous centuries and the knowledge of his century. Therefore the next prophet is more knowledgeable than the previous one. This is the case for wise ones. If Allah wills/wishes, He reveals some secrets to His any servant who He chooses. You cannot claim, “No, it is not possible”! Who do you think you are, His partner?

“[He is] the Exalted above [all] degrees, Owner of the Throne; The Secret of Genesis || 301

He places the inspiration of His command upon whom He wills of His servants to warn of the Day of Meeting.” (Qur’an, 40:15)

Today, in the center of the Sun, the core-fire is completed. The core-fire is surrounded by the essence-fire. The collisions, which were five in the Sun at formerly, decreased to four with the discarding of the outermost layer (fifth layer) after a while. The Sun’s collisions continue in four circles and the fourth circle has become very thin! Very soon, with discarding the fourth circle, the Sun will change state. It can give a signal at any moment. The transition from the fourth circle to the third circle will begin; the extraordinary states that will be brought about by this transition process will affect everyone in the world; it will even destroy some of you. In the Sun, since the collision between AEW and the fire still, go on, it still heats us. When the process of transition to three collisions begins, a process similar to the Earth’s formation begins in the Sun. The outer surface of the Sun solidifies. This slows down the collision of the outer surface of the Sun and reduces the heat reflected on the Earth. When the Sun’s collisions fell from the fifth to the fourth layer, the Earth began to form; when it fell in four, living beings began to form. Until the Sun’s fourth layer erodes completely, there will be living beings on the Earth. When the fourth circle is eroded and passed to the third circle in the Sun, the life of living beings which has been in existence more than one billion years- according to your worldly year- will come to end as a result of that a stronger fire will emerge and AEW that solidates the surface during the transition process will decrease. The world has been living out its life. Find yourself! Take the necessary precautions to protect it. If you do not perform prayer and dhikr, you will go to the meta-matter dimension in a miserable manner. What will your loss be if you do? 302 || The Last Adam

Today, we are at the end of the End Times. The dignity of Gavsiyet (being head/leader of saints) has been withdrawn after Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumî. Dajjal has started to break the last links of his chain. If we had fighters of Rical-Gayb today, would this be the case of the Islamic World? People read these things from old books; they think everything is still the same. The transition period of the Sun to three collisions is the new period entered. The new period will be shorter than in other periods. The golden age, which was described from thousands of centuries ago to the present, which was explained as “lambs and wolves will live together”, is the last period to be entered. This period has fallen on you. Worship will become more effective; everyone will be wise! The Blue World system will end after a while. It is vain to expect the personality of Jesus (as). He cannot come again. It is against this system! Jesus is the name of knowledge/formation that will realize that change on the Earth. What the hadith says:

“When he descends from heaven, the dajjal will melt where he sees Him!” (Hadith)

The most significant meaning within this hadith is the knowledge that descends from the sky. The sky, as we mentioned earlier, is our brains. The knowledge that comes through the brain is spread out by language and presents the truth of the wrong things to humanity. With this knowledge, those wrongs which people know are wiped out; people are told that they do not know. Thus, the dajjal vanishes; because one of the meanings of the dajjal is ignorance. Just as the dajjal of money will be wiped out by faith, the dajjal of ignorance will be wiped out by the knowledge.

“O, company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not The Secret of Genesis || 303 pass except by authority [from Allah]” (Qur’an, 55:33)

What is the power required to overcome the sky? The power described in the verse is the Power of Kadir (al-Qadr); it’s Qudrat. This Power will soon be revealed in humanity, but how many people remain in the world, it is in the will of Allah.

“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another…” (Qur’an, 49:13)

The first meaning of this verse has now appeared to the world. The second meaning will be revealed in the galaxy, and the people of the Blue World will be introduced with the people communities in other solar systems. Transmissions loaded with knowledge and spread from the Seven are about to reach you. Discovering of the knowledge of this book –for example, transmissions receiving to the world and structure of atoms- by scientist will help you to learn and realize things what you have supposed as imagines until now. These transmissions will affect the human brain and raise its level. After a short brain exercise, you will be able to display the same extraordinary abilities similar to prophets’ abilities. An unbelievable life system will begin! If you don’t believe something, you cannot make it real. A believer becomes unite with what he believes. That is the meaning of faith. While the number of wise people and saints is decreased in the world, the tree of mankind has reached the level of mulhîme. Soon humanity will pass through the level of mutmaînne. This is the level of sainthood. Which of us remains back during this transition, which passes; it is within the knowledge of the Power that created us. That day is very close. You, all, become prepared for that day before it comes. When that day comes, faith or worship is also useless. Only 304 || The Last Adam by saying, “O, I got it, I have believed”, you cannot have faith; without faith, you will pass to another dimension in a very miserable situation. Do not say, “there is more time”, start to be prepared from now on. The period to be passed is the period of Personality/Individuality called as Messiah Period by the ancients. If all people of the world leave to fight and clean their brains from sadism and follow the knowledge of this book, they will have a new lifestyle and pass into (get) the attribution of Kuddûs. Otherwise, there will be a great loss of humanity since the creation of the world; the chosen ones will survive, others will be lost. You’ve always crucified Jesus until now. You have made them crucify idols and worship them. Beware; it may be your turn to be crucified on those crucifixes! Anything you love may be taken out. Unless the birth is stopped, children up to the age of nine may also be taken away. Leave everything you adore and find yourself! First, you have to understand what kind of direction your system is drawing. Let’s say, you are in summer and you are told, “You are in summer, you should work and take the necessary precautions to survive the winter” Did you believe it or not? Does it prevent the coming of the winter whether you believe it or not? Your faith only depends on you. If you believe; take measures, save yourself; otherwise; do not take measures, you will suffer anguish. No one will care. The universe law, which we call the divine system, continues on its way forward with no getting off course even a millimeter. Since a God, a Messiah, or a Mahdi will not come to save you from the sky, who will save you from these disasters? You will save yourself. By starting today, you will take a number of precautions and treat both yourself and the Blue Earth. You have no choice. The first precaution you need to take; to worship/pray and to perform dhikr religiously in order to be protected and to The Secret of Genesis || 305 get through coming vortex! Second; all births will be stopped immediately for the next seven years! All mankind will obey it. They will learn how to make a baby. At the end of seven years, every family will have a child. If the knowledge of this book is regarded, every child born seven years later will have wisdom. One of the greatest threats to the world is population growth. Third; all engines and factories running on fuels, oil, and gas and so on will be stopped immediately! If you claim, “our economy collapses if we stop them”, think about that atmosphere is about to die. Either your life or your money! Fourth; all weapons will be destroyed immediately! Military service all over the world will be ended! Fights in the world, wars of interest will be stopped! No other choice. Each community will spend the money to educate their own people instead of weapons and become ONE. How difficult you look after your young and elder children! But then, you give a gun to their hands and give them and teach them how to kill each other. Is this civilization? You product arms and sell them. You call yourself as “civilized” by building your reign on tears of innocents. Is this civilization? It can only be sadism. The world is enough for all of us. What kind an ambition, what sort of superiority is this? You have advanced in technology; but unfortunately, you’ve been deprived of mind and foresight... You are born into this world nakedly and you will pass away nakedly. What do you have in the world that you’re fighting for? An intelligent man takes forward by benefiting from others’ right ideas as steps and comes up with new ideas and scientific inventions. Allah is ONE. He likes the ONE.ness. The universal system is based on ONE.ness and togetherness; it doesn’t approve separation! From now on, we, all humanity will be in ONE.ness. A knower will guide to an unknower by teaching the knowledge. The 306 || The Last Adam ego fights will be quitted. The knowledge of Allah is infinite. Whoever says, “I know everything” falls into ignorance. We, all, including me as Cafer, need each other. I may learn even from children and those recognized as “ignorant.” We will achieve everything together; both the mischief and the mischief-maker will be eliminated! It won’t be said that “I’m European, I’m American, I’m Asian, and I’m African, etc”. You will purify nationalism from your brain. You will insist on only being on a man/human. Today, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others are experiencing the same fate. The devil commands to ifrit as, “divide and rule”. You will not evaluate any kind of living beings as if they are different from you, you will accept, “everything is in its proper place”, you will comprehend, “nothing has been created without a reason”. Then, you will reach the secrecy of creation and find peace. Read every book; learn all knowledge. How can a person be a perfect human without seeing the truth and the wrong? All knowledge is from Allah. Both apparent and mystic are the truth. Both who embrace this knowledge and who don’t embrace this knowledge are from us. Every creation of Allah has a different beauty; it is out of my bound to discriminate them. Six billion people mean six billion worlds. Keep in mind that everyone is being created with different talents. For a car to walk, the wheel, the engine, the gasoline, the driver must be together. Six billion people are like this. We’re going to be assembled by being ONE, so we can drive this car. If Mahdi is needed, we, all, are Mahdi; if Jesus is needed, we, all, will be Jesus; so we can fight against the dajjal and destroy it. Otherwise, it won’t be possible to survive from the coming crisis. A wheat grain grows in one year. Farmers who grow wheat; miller; baker so bread is made in a year, after a lot of people have passed their labor. You’re paying for a pound. Is The Secret of Genesis || 307 it a pound job to make bread? Can you find the bread if you don’t have people? That’s why you have to know each other. If you kill the baker, you will be hungry if you despise; if you kill the farmer, you will suffer from scarcity. If one of you is making shoes, the other is making trousers and jackets. Lean foot without a shoemaker; without the tailor, you will be naked. So everything is beautiful and precious to people. For example; what is the value of gold, silver, if one hundred people remain from six billion people? Then you will know each other’s worth; you’ll see yourself neither superior nor below to others. Who estimates himself as superior to others is a patient fell into arrogance; he has an inferiority complex. The life is HE, we, all, are ONE. The universe means ONE. ness. Instead of trying to find Allah on around, you should look deep inside you. The universe is an infinite, unique and non-internal power. We are partial powers not separate from that power. We act according to the program prescribed by the Holistic Power. The most super being in the world is the human being which has reached his essence. You must recognize and find the essence of yourself. All wise people of Ummahs of Christian, Jew and Muhammad, band together. Discuss them, be in ONE.ness! Is it so hard to be in ONE.ness? Let every society be trained where it is. It is not an obligation for all societies to come and live together but feel ONE.ness by heart. That’s what important is. This is the real civilization. “Moses is earth, David is water, Jesus is air, Muhammad is the sun” is what we have mentioned. Just as lack of one of these four elements leads to the end of life; to deny one of four prophets will end the faith of mankind. Not only these four prophets, but all prophets are like a body. To deny one of them is like denying an organ in the body. Not to accept that the unique creative power is ONE is as meaningless as to divide the Sun that we benefit commonly is how much meaningless. Likewise, all prophets are ONE. 308 || The Last Adam

Currently, both three books and three prophets are ONE. Other prophets are characters/features of these prophets. The ONE.ness of three prophets has started. Now, it is the last period of the world! I am not inviting you to be a Muslim; I invite you to be a believer! “Investigate what Islam (including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) is” is what I’m saying. You will understand that all ways/kinds of faith pass from the ONE. ness of the universal system. Islam is the array and system of the universe. Religiosity is to follow the rules of sacred books and to live unconditionally in accordance with the universal system and to submit to this perfect system. Your thoughts may have inaccuracy and be in chaos, but there is no mistake in the universe. Even in the Blue Earth, where you live as six billion people now, you do not agree due to various unrests, and you experience the chaos. Stop and have a glance at the galaxy we are in: The billions of solar systems continue to move in a tremendous order without chaos. So the real source of the chaos you live is your understanding, or rather your incompetence. Nobody is responsible for anyone. No persecution; everyone has the freedom of thought. Persecution can never defeat knowledge. The knowledge is the reflection of the reason. The most powerful weapon in the universe is the reason. The knowledge is given back by the knowledge, not bombs or weapons. In the realm you will pass, everyone will see the truth. I, as Cafer Abdullah, am a human; I came from Adam. I’ve seen the meta-matter. Herein, I’m writing what I think; I am explaining what I have seen. It depends on you whether you believe and follow this knowledge or not. It’s everyone’s own problem, a personal problem. When Judgment Day comes, there will be no more return! If you may claim, “O, Sir, we have the most superior technology; nothing will happen to us” You are very primitive compared with societies before Noah’s period. They used to The Secret of Genesis || 309 use mental power and have a super life. You are very primitive in addition to the societies that lived before Noah. They used the power of thought and lived a super life. Today, you are not able to shed light on very few works –like an airport in South America- remained from them.

“Have they not traveled through the land and observed how the end of those before them was? They were more numerous than themselves and greater in strength and in impression on the land, but they were not availed by what they used to earn.” (Qur’an, 40:82)

The transition to the time of Jesus has begun; you will understand it by time. Its transmissions about to reach the world and it will be released slowly in brains. What you dream will be real, you will have knowledge that you ever know; a new life is about to begin. From the period of Adam to the present was the period of Moses. The next period is the period of Jesus, the period beyond death is Ahmed’s period. We have mentioned that the paper refers to David. David passed away. So, you are deprived of writing. Moses gave the pen to Jesus. Jesus will write, you will read. You will read yourself, animals and plants; briefly you will read the matter world. Jesus doesn’t represent the matter world, the matter world represents Jesus. Besides, Moses is the sup-brain knowledge. Jesus is the knowledge of matter world. Ahmed is the knowledge of the meta-matter world.

“[Mention] when Allah said, “O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in submission to Allah alone] superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ.” (Qur’an, 3:55)

“And indeed, Jesus will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.” (Qur’an, 43:61) 310 || The Last Adam

It is the time of this verse. That moment is very close. The death of Dajjal at the time of Jesus’ re-coming is a formation as we have described above. Everyone will be subject to Jesus. Believe from now on. From then having faith is not worth, you’ll lose. Prepare yourself for that day; otherwise, those who haven’t believed will be destroyed when it appears. The chosen ones will remain, the rest will go. The world will end with righteous people. The head will be separated from the body. That moment is real and very close. Don’t abjure the faith.

“For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.” (Psalm, 37:9)

“This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew, 13:49-50)

“And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with severe punishment. That has ever been in the Register inscribed.” (Qur’an, 17:58)

The Solar System is now full of jelali angelic power from the Seven. All jinn, more than 70 billion populations, are now being destroyed. This situation hasn’t been reported to any human and animal before. Today, it is a great grace for you to be reported by this information. The religion (the knowledge) started with Adam was completed in Ahmed. The first letter of Adam is “A”; likewise, the first letter of Ahmed is “A”. It means that it started with “A”, also completed with “A”. So, how can you evaluate prophets as if there is discrimination between them? All prophets are ONE unite. Religion is the knowledge, as well as holistic knowledge. To deny only one prophet means, “I do not accept The Secret of Genesis || 311 one of the organs in my body”. When an organ of the body is missing, it means that person is disabled. Review again why you are created and which situation you live in. After a short time, you will not have this chance to re-evaluate them. A very significant event has occurred in the world. The letter A has taken away. There’s no turning back from this event. You may claim, “It (the letter: A) is in front of us, we can go on writing” but you will understand what we try to explain very soon! When you plant a flower seed in the soil, it grows slowly. First, body, branch, leaves; eventually blooms. Humanity is like a tree. The first Adam is the seed of the human tree; prophets are the body and the branches of this tree. Some people are leaves, some are the flower, and some are the fruit of this tree. Up to now, some of you have described the leaves, some have described the branches, some have described the body, and others have described the veins of this tree. I, as Cafer, have come to combine your all descriptions and make you see the whole tree. I’m not different from you. Remember, this tree is the tree of humanity. It was growing up until now; but today, its growth has been completed, the shape of the tree has emerged. This tree is now born and for the last time, the tree will give the fruit in the heat of the Sun of knowledge. You aren’t born into this world to be obsessed with fanatical things (football, dance, music, etc.); to be dajjal. Just as you enforce your laws punish criminals, event sentence to death; the legislation called universal or divine law that leads and rules you may sentence some of you to death. In such a case, the chosen ones remain and this tree fruit for last time. However, no society is destroyed without warning. This is an immutable provision in the same law. From the first Adam to Noah’s time, societies were destroyed many times and so, humanity tree was pruned. New bodies were fruited instead 312 || The Last Adam of destroyed ones. From the period of Noah to the time of Jesus, pruning was repeated in every three central centuries. (A central century is 300 years.) It has been almost 2400 years since the birth of Jesus. It has been more than 14 centuries since Muhammad (saw) passed away. The humanity tree is needed to be pruned; but as it has been too older that it doesn’t fruit anymore. Unless this knowledge is ignored, it will mean that the tree of humanity doesn’t take graft. A tree that doesn’t take graft is cut by the Owner of the Garden. Thus, the last fruits will be picked and the tree will be cut. This is the system’s requirement. It was enacted by the divine light! The humanity tree has received the first ax coup! These are the last warnings for you. There will be no more warning until the world comes to the end! After that, it’s your problem. You can’t defend yourself by saying, “We didn’t know these when we were in the world”. Everyone is free to act as they wish. The life of the world is already very short. Both believers and disbelievers will understand that this is true. This is the law, fate. The last destination for every other is the trashing floor. There, the wheat and the chaff are separated from each other. Storms start at the end of autumn, rain falls, the Sun rises after them, every side turns green, we call those days as days remained from the summer and after a short time, the winter comes. That is a similar metaphor for the world. The world is about to enter that period; it is about that storms and rains will start. Kalam/the word is only said for once by the divine law; there is no return from that point. When it is passed to the meta-matter dimension, no one will be able to object as, “I didn’t know”; there will be some of you blaming themselves by saying, “We were warned but didn’t believe”. Comprehend them very well; lead your life according to them! This knowledge is for all mankind; for both believers and disbelievers. Whether you read this knowledge and lead your life in this way, or you don’t but live how you wish. It is The Secret of Genesis || 313 up to you, it is your problem, your choice. There are three leaps in the brain. The brain achieved the first leap is encountered in every century. The brain achieved the second jump has been encountered for once in every three or five centuries, but the brain achieved the third leap has come to the world only for three times. The fourth coming gathers all the knowledge of the previous three leaps. It is the manifest of life from Adam until his appearance. This person is not a prophet, but he is the manifest of prophets. After the fourth one, the life of this world is ended. Before the life of this world comes to the end, the aim of creation should be completed. What you are going to say about this subject might be “This is something that cannot be accepted, and we have never either heard or seen anything like this before” You only know about the past, you are out of knowing the future. So, how you can hear or see this knowledge before! This is the order of the world in which you live. No creature can change verses of Allah. The verse of every century is different. A verse comes to light in a century for which it has been revealed. Every century runs in a verse. Whether you comprehend or not, the meaning of that verse appears in the regarded century. Therefore, it is stated that verses will continue until the Last Day. A real wise person should guide people by explaining the verse of the century. Allah explains Himself in Surah of al-Ikhlas of the Qur’an. The above narratives are made out of the meaning of al-Ikhlas. Allah has bestowed me to Surah al-Ikhlas. Surah al-Ikhlas is my essence; I am Surah of al-Ikhlas. In this book, Allah is described by Surah of al-Ikhlas. You will protect yourself against the dajjal by learning the meaning of Surah of al-Ikhlas in this book. From then on, all humanity will be ONE. We will gather under the umbrella of knowledge in this book; we, all, will be wised. If wise people of today are well- intentioned, they read what is written here and they repent. Those whoever continues to insist on prizing the matter 314 || The Last Adam will be brought to the meta-matter world, only chosen people will remain and Allah’s soul that has been breathed into will comes to light in them. Of course, you’re going to ask, “Did you see all of these?” Yes, I saw, I witnessed, I know that all things explained up to this point will be real. This knowledge is revealed to me by prophets and I watched all the goings-on. Well, who am I? I am one of you, living between you almost for fifty years. I am neither a prophet nor a saint. I am not conveying a new religion; I am not revealed or inspired. I try to make it clear, the aspects of religion that aren’t comprehended very well, and explain things that have been taught to me. I have no expectations of you. Even, I do not want your prayers. I haven’t received an order as, “Bring people together, guide them as a sheik/master/mentor, etc.” I was only warned about writing this book. It’s really bothering me even to write this book. You don’t need to find me. Even you find me and meet with me, it won’t be beneficial for you, because what you are going to find is only my matter body. If you dignify me, it will be a sin for you. I am a servant just like you, one of you. Don’t be a servant of another servant. If you insult me, I won’t take you to court. I know who will oppose all this knowledge. How do I not know? I am from His attribution of Vukuf (Infinite Wisdom), I am His attribution of Qudrat, and I am al-Qadr. I’m not here to save you. Let everyone know for themselves and let everyone save themselves. This knowledge is not mine, but from the Truth. If I am honored to write all these things, it is because of that He deputized me. It is destined in my eternal fate by the Truth. In short, I, as Cafer, am the servant of Allah; I am Abdullah (the name meaning servant of Allah in Arabic). All things are formed by His permission. I’m what you are. It is He who knows everything, the all-Knower. Very soon, the system will change. Everything has both a beginning and an end. Only The Secret of Genesis || 315 one person in seven hundred people can protect himself inour time. Others cannot use their own will and it falls to the wrong by saying, “veryone does it in this way” Perhaps the population of the world may decrease to a hundred million. This is an absolute warning to you. Whether you believe it or not, it will not change the system and what is going to be. Herein, this point is extremely important. You, believers, renew your faith; try to practice your religion’s rules! You, disbelievers, it is up to you, live how you wish. No one has the right to mess with others’ beliefs. Allah is the all-Commander of the whole universe.

“And We have already written in the book [of Psalms] after the [previous] mention that the land [of Paradise] is inherited by My righteous servants. Indeed, in this [Qur’an] is the notification for a worshipping people.” (Qur’an, 21:105-106)

Dear reader; You have read all this knowledge; if you didn’t find it logical or appropriate, hold and throw away! It’s nothing to me. Neither prophet I’m nor is this book a holy book! The essence of mankind is the Truth, what his eye sees is a mirage. Those who look with eye fall into separation, those who look from the essence see the ONE.ness. Animals live with the eye, acts in accordance with the eye. People live with the reason, act in accordance with it. The eye is an instrument. The apparent eye sees mirage. You, reach the essence, not the eye; be the controller, not the instrument! Those who look with the eye will have perished; those who look from the essence will save.

The created since the eternal was a part of the Creator, Such time passed was just a MOMENT, The Creator in the created.