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C.Are of Body Is ''I. ' 'Member of Intercollegiate Press North Carolina Collegiate a_nd College Humor Press Association Mail Service <inlb auil fllurh .. Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College v~~ ====================~================================================================================================================~~/Q~============== Vol. 13, No. 15 WAKE FOREST, N.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1930 ·\;.,n Cents Per Copy ====~==~~==========~==========~========================~==~==~====~================~~============================~~ Improvement In Law School Dean Credited Tryouts For Trip I Dr. A. W~ Beaven Deli~~rs Founders' Day Address; C.are of Body Is With One-Half of Lawyers To Forensic Meet Plea of Speaker Licensed By Supreme Court To Be Held Soon College Necrology Read + ------------------------------+ Bostic and Early, Phis., Dr. Morgan Prescribes ( ·· s.can d a..1' JFounder of .Law School Two Men To Make Two- ( Gentleme&! J Win Anniversary Common Sense As a '------------' Rounds Out 36th Year Week Trip With Var- ---------.-J London. - Scientific study of Day Debate Cure for Indigestion Delaware, o.-Two youths were With High Record sity Debaters b·londes to go further than dis­ freed here by police following. cover whether or not gentlemen their arrest in connection with the PROMINENT ALUMNI ARE ENTIRE SQUAD TO GO TO prefer them is suggested by E. N. PROMINENT PHYSICIANS circulation of a so-called "scandal LEADS SOUTH IN NUMBER Fallaize, secretary of the Royal An­ PRESENT AT EXERCISES sheet"· ridiculing students, profes­ OF SUCCESSFUL STUOONTS CONVENTION IN KANSAS BEAR ASSOCIATION BEAD thropological Institute. sors, and fraternities at. Ohio Wes­ "From the earliest times," he leyan University. The sheet was Preparing of Competent Minis Thirty-nine Regular and Thir­ Lo;cal Winners to Compete in Na­ says, "the fair Nordic types have President North Carolina Medi· printed in Marion, 0., and is be­ been the rulers and the leaders of ters Is Most Essential In- lieved to be the work of a student teen Special Students Pass tional Meet With Orations and cal Association Introduces the communities largely composed dustry, Says Speaker in .the University. Sale of the pa­ State Bar Examination Extemporaneous Speeches of conquered people. I now ques- I Visiting Speaker pers was suppressed by police and tiou if this is always to be true, all available copies confiscated. A plea that, along with automobile --~ Rounding out 36 years as founder rwo men will be chosen at tryouts and believe science should try to I "The furnishing of a high-grade . anrl dean of the ·wake Forest College lto: be held on :L\iarch 28, who will ascertain the future of the blonde." lwell-trained leadership for the and airplane engines, man pay some School of Law, Dr. Needham Y. Gul· m·•!{e the two-weeks trip with the de- Ichurches of tomorrow is the most es attention to the engine of the human Preachers Need Jey seemed happy this morning upon ba .ing team to Kansas, where the Bi-, D c II R d sential industry today," said Dr. A. W, body, was made by Dr. William Gerry To Know' Sci·ence learning that there was chalked up in ICllllial National Contest sponsored by I r. u om ea s I s:a;e_n. president of Colgate-Rochest~r Morgan, of Washington, D. C., presi· his column exactly one-hal! of all the thr; P. Kappa Delta national forensic i · 1 Divmrty School, Rochester, N. Y., m 1 dent-elect of the American Medical As· 104 successful barristers recently li-! h'<·temity will be held. 1 Paper ~t Meet•ng' Fom1ders' Day address at Wake For sociation, in an address at Wake For· censed by the Supreme Court of North I One of these two men will lJe an I J est College, Ii'ebruary 4. est College, January 25. Preacher of Future Must Distin- Carolina. The veteran dean enjoys on~tor who will deliver au oration In introdncing Dr. Beaven, Presi Dr. Morgan was introduced by Dr. guish Between Sin and Ton- the distinction of having more sons i coJ,Iposed of not more than 1,500 , • d)ent-em;eritus \Yilliam Louis Poteat L. A, Crowell, of Lincolnton, presi· in law possibly than any man in the Wl'hls and containing not more than II Attends Convention of Teachers stated that 96 years ago Samuel Waite dent of the North Carolina Medical sillitis, Says Chicago Dean South. Associated with him in· the 15t' words of quotation. This oration, of Bible and ReliO'ious Edu- swept out Dr. Calvin Jones' carriage Society. Other prominent physicians department are Professors R. Bruce will he given in the nationwide con-I ., house and with 16 boys began this who came here for the speech were Dr. Ohicago.-The preacher of the fu- White, Edgar W. Timberlake, and R. tes". the winner of which will receiYe I cation at Birmingham j enterprise in the forest of Walce Coun- L. B. McBrayer, 'of Sou~bern~ P_in':s, I ture has got to be able to distinguish L. McMillan. a nJedal and will at the sme time re- \ ty. This pygmy of the past has en- secretary,of the Sta~e Medwrul Society; Ibetween between sin and merely a Dr. Gulley could not cope with cei·:e a lov~ng_ cup for· his school. I In a paper read before the teachers rolle_d 600 stude~ts ~nd 39 ~~ofessor~. Dr. C. 0 H. Laughmghouse, secretary bad case of to'nsi!litis, Dean Shailer "Hardrock" Simpson in a cross-coun- 'llle othei of the two speakers Will of Bible and Religious Education at Dr. Beaven said further, There 15 of th~ State Board of ~ealth; Dr, Mathews of Chicago University said try marathon, but in the business of be an extemporaneous speaker, who f Birmingham, Ala .. Fel.Jruary 4, Dr. \V. constantly going on .. in our society a Northmgton, <?harlotte, editor of the in announcing a closer hookup be- training lawyers he has shown con- wilt talk for at least eight minutes and! R. Cullom, head of the Department of struggle between the forees that tear Southern Surgtc~l Journal; Dr. Albert 1 tween science and religion in the siderably more endurance, and is still not more than ten on some phase of IReligion here, maintains that the down and those that build up. The Anderson, supermtendent of the State Iuniversity's divinity school. going strong. When other professors "Cellege Athletics." One hour before forces that oppose religious idealism future progress of our civilization de- Hospital at Raleigh; Dr. \Vilburt C. .. "take out" at commencement in June . his time to speak he will draw from today call strongly for men and worn- pends upon the success of the latter. , k d "t - e IS Just warming up for another a as ·et a sea ed envelope which will en of the largest calibre and possessed a t e mstitutions that contribute Davl·son dean of the Duke Uni·verst"ty It seems wrong to me," he re- h · · ' b k l Of 11 h · • - th t f h0 h roun WI t e upreme Court aspi- contam the specific topic \\:hich he of the strongest character to lead in o e constructive side, the church Medl·cal School,· Dr. Isaac H. Mannt"ng, mar e ' fnghten P_eople with d "th h S · 01~ t tb 0 11 the State University Medical Schooi. rea s e w en their_ h_ e.ll may rant s. Whi 1e ot11er instructors enjoy 1s· to tallc ·with one hour's prepara- this field. He quotes Professor HeJll'I. 1 stan(l s preeminent.·· Of b e on Iy a b a d case o.f t ons1 II 1t1s. H ow · In all there Were about 150 to 200 may we cure despair and the sense a regu1 ar college calendar for Christ- t1~1r he must give- his impromptu Bergson as saying that the trouble "Its actual usefulness to the com- visiting physicians. J. Sam Holbrook, of sin unless we know the workings mas. he is just beginning a new class spet>cll. carrying to tbe floor with him with the world is that men's bodies mnnity." he continued, "is greatly af- president of the William Edgar of the mental states involved?" to "~one. up" on :Blackstone preparing ~~ot _m0re than 1_00 words of notes. A, haYe become enormously enlarged fecte~ by . its leadership. An unwise Marshall Medical Society, student or­ In other words, according to tile to vte wtth the Supreme Court exam- I suniiar reward Is offered to the win·, without a corresponding enlargement and meffictent leader can often make ganization under whose auspices ' the dean, the new type of minister must iners in January.. ner in this contest as is offered to the of the soul. He also quotes Professor a church not only impotent in the address was delivered, spoke briefly be something of the country doctor And so it has gone throughout the orator. Charles A. Ellwood, of the University struggle for better things, but make of the history of the society. or general practitioner in the field of years. I£ teaching could kif! a man, The two debaters who will make the of Missouri, as saying that democratic such church a scandal to the cause l'eligion. Dr. Gulley would long. since have trip are to be chosen from the varsity civilization is imperiled because mere of ?hrist and the elements that build "When the whole world seems to be I speed-min<led and motor mad," the He must stop scaring people into quaffed of oblivion's potion, but in- team l.Jy the coach. intellEctual development has so . far soctety. Washington physician said, "there is being good and substitute for this stead of this he thrives on it. He These positions are well worth work- outstt•ipped growth in moral character.
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