Parks and Open Space Master Plan 2008-2020
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BEXAR COUNTY INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT PARKS AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 2008-2020 PREPARED BY: HNTB CORPORATION JANUARY 2008 DRAFT TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................. 1 PA R T O N E ................................................................................................ 5 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION................................................................... 5 1. Plan Development Process ....................................................................... 7 2. Precinct Profi les................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER II: INVENTORY......................................................................... 14 1. County-wide Parks and Recreational Facilities................................................ 14 2. County-Owned Parks and Recreational Facilities.............................................. 15 CHAPTER III: NEEDS ASSESSMENT......................................................... 21 1. Approach............................................................................................ 21 2. Level of Service Analysis.......................................................................... 21 3. Demands Assessment.............................................................................. 23 4. Signifi cant Natural and Cultural Resources..................................................... 25 PA R T T W O ............................................................................................... 27 CHAPTER IV: FUNDING AND IMPLEMENTATION..................................... 27 1. Goals and Objectives.............................................................................. 27 2. Proposed Implementation......................................................................... 27 3. Funding Options.................................................................................... 33 4. Bexar County Visitor Tax Extension ............................................................. 35 5. Related Economic Development Initiatives.................................................... 38 Bexar County Infrastructure Services Department Parks and Open Space 2008-2020 Master Plan i TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDICES............................................................................................ 41 Appendix A: Bexar County Parks Inventory............................................................. 43 Appendix B: Cultural Resources Inventory.............................................................. 47 Appendix C: Stakeholder Questionnaire................................................................ 53 Appendix D: User-Intercept Survey...................................................................... 61 Appendix E: NRPA Park Classifi cations and Standards for Park Acreage........................... 79 Appendix F: NRPA Park Maintenance Standards (excerpt)........................................... 83 Bexar County Infrastructure Services Department Parks and Open Space 2008-2020 Master Plan ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background For planning purposes, the county was divided The Bexar County parks and open space system into four sub-areas that follow current Bexar will consist of parks, natural areas, and linear County precinct boundaries. Precinct 1 has the greenways that foster community gatherings, largest total area and the most number of de- provide opportunities for active and passive rec- velopable acres. It also incorporates the historic reation for area residents, and preserve signifi- Mission Reach project. Precinct 2 has the small- cant natural and cultural resources. Accordingly, est geographical area but the most number of this Parks and Open Space Master Plan has been park acres. Precinct 3 has the most undeveloped developed to reflect these values. acres, with Camp Bullis accounting for approxi- mately 12,000 acres. Precinct 4, which includes The master plan follows the Texas Parks and Wild- much of downtown San Antonio, has the greatest life Department (TPWD) guidelines for a locally number of cultural resources and also incorpo- prepared master plan, which would make the rates the historic Museum Reach project. county eligible for future grant funding for parks, if pursued. The planning horizon is 12 years, and Park Usage covers the period from 2008 to 2020. According to the Bexar County Parks Department estimates, county parks served approximately Inventory 1.6 and 1.7 million attendees in Fiscal Year (FY) Currently, there are approximately 25,066 acres 2005-2006 and FY 2006-2007, respectively. The of parkland in Bexar County which represents data also shows that Mission and Comanche are 235 parks. Approximately 4.7 percent (1,182 the most used parks in terms of attendance. When acres) of the parks are owned by Bexar County. compared to the Bexar County parks system-wide Most parks fit into the neighborhood (10 acres or average, the data suggests that Mission, Coman- less) or community park (10-25 acres) categories. che, Rodriguez, and Raymond Russell are over- Government Canyon, located over the Edward burdened in terms of number of attendees per Aquifer Recharge Zone in precinct 2, accounts park acre. This has resulted in noticeable erosion for a significant portion of the Bexar County park of park resources within these facilities. acreage with approximately 8,622 acres. Addi- tionally, with the exception of Bullis, Govern- Public/Stakeholder Input ment Canyon and Calaveras Lake Park, most of Input from the public and other stakeholders the area outside San Antonio city limits is not in the development of Bexar County Parks and currently being served by a park. Open Space Master Plan was obtained through Bexar County Infrastructure Services Department Parks and Open Space 2008-2020 Master Plan 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY stakeholder interviews and questionnaires, park 4.provide more efficient maintenance and secu- user-intercept surveying, and community infor- rity in existing park facilities. mational meetings. Existing and potential park users responded that the highest priorities of the Needs Assessment and Recommendations Bexar County parks system should be to: TPWD in its Park, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan Guidelines, effective January 27, 1. provide better maintenance of existing 2005 suggests three methods for assessing needs parks; for a locally prepared master plan: (1) demand- based, (2) standard-based, and (3) resource- 2. provide more park amenities and comfort based. Since a single approach would not ade- items including restrooms, water fountains, quately assess parks and natural areas needs for shade areas, and trash receptacles; and the county, a combination of these three meth- ods was used. 3. provide more recreational amenities, includ ing basketball courts, swimming pools, tennis A total of ten new park acquisition sites are rec- courts, and nature trails. ommended for completion by the year 2020 (Fig- ure 1). In addition, improvements to seven ex- Local park experts and county staff were also isting facilities, as well as a facility maintenance asked to identify priorities for the parks system. plan are included in the overall parks program The highest priorities listed were to: for a total budget of $19,630,000. In addition, funding options and recommended strategies are 1. expand the existing park system through the outlined in Chapter IV. Listed below is a sum- acquisition of additional park lands and natu mary of recommended improvements identified ral areas; from the needs assessment. These are divided into three categories: 1) operations and main- 2. provide park facilities to unincorporated tenance; 2) existing park improvements; and 3) areas of the county to accommodate future new acquisitions. demand; 3. develop the newly acquired county park facilities, including Lakewood and Hilltop Acres; and 2 Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Figure 1. Proposed Park Sites Bexar County Infrastructure Services Department Parks and Open Space 2008-2020 Master Plan 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table ES-1. Draft Recommendations for Bexar County Parks System: 2008-2020 1. Operations and Maintenance . Based on current park acreages and usage trends, Bexar County would benefit from a Mode III maintenance plan for the majority of the parks system (see Chapter IV: Section 2). A Mode II maintenance plan would be appropriate for higher use parks, including MacArthur, Mission, Comanche, and Raymond Russell. 2. New Park Acquisitions . Provide additional park acreage with comparable facilities within the areas currently served by Mission, MacArthur, Comanche, and Raymond Russell to relieve these over-burdened parks . Acquire park acreage for preservation of significant environmental areas in Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone (Site C) and Blue Wing Lake (Site H) . Acquire additional park acreage to provide adequate level of service by 2020 at sites D, I, J 3. Existing Park Improvements . Develop the recently acquired Lakewood and Hilltop Acres . Complete the park improvements identified in the 2003 Bexar County Bond ackageP for Bullis, Comanche, Orsinger, Raymond Russell, and Rodriguez parks 4 Executive Summary INTRODUCTION Introduction in the top 25 counties with the largest number The Excellent City Park System, a publication of new private housing units.2 by the Trust for Public Land, finds that a quality parks and open space system is a form of natu- Bexar County is served by four major interstate ral infrastructure that can provide many benefits