UE Workers in Chicago Facing Another Plant Closure
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INDUSTRIAL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER oF T H E I NDUS T R I A L Wo R K EWORKER R S O F T H E Wo R L D July 2009 #1717 Vol. 106 N o . 6 $1/ £ 1/ €1 More repression of Mexican workers Special: Wobbly art Massacre of ICE detainees stealing jobs? and poetry Indigenous in Peru 3 5 9 13 UE Workers in Chicago Facing Another Plant Closure By UE Local 1174 Workers at the Quad City Die Cast- The victory at Republic Windows ing plant in Moline, IL, which is slated and Doors Factory in Chicago would not to close on July 12, are facing the same have been possible without the support threat that the Republic workers faced: of thousands of people from around the being thrown out on the streets with world. We stood together in the face of nothing after years of hard work. This threats from bailed-out banks through plant closure could lead to a loss of 100 foreclosures, evictions and layoffs. A key jobs. piece of support was when international To fight this, the workers—who are unionists called the Bank of America members of UE Local 1174—are calling CEO and took action against local bank for local and international solidarity, branches. with action against Quad City Die Cast- The United Electrical, Radio and ing’s financier, Wells Fargo Bank. Machine Workers (UE) began a move- Wells Fargo received $25 billion ment exemplifying that with bold action in taxpayer money and immediately and support from around the country we planned a lavish retreat to Las Vegas in can win. Now, another group of workers the midst of the economic recession. need the power of global solidarity. Continued on 7 Photo: flickr.com/photos/ueunion QC Die Casting worker Deb Johann rallies at Wells Fargo’s offices on June 11. Starbucks Settles Sixth Labor Complaint No Contract, No Cookies: Labor Violations Fan the Flames of Escalating Public Outcry The Stella D’Oro Strike Continues By the IWW Starbucks Workers environment when one labor case after By Thomas Good Black Trade Unionists (CBT) and the Union another exposes its lack of respect for BRONX, NY — Workers at the Stella NY Metro Postal Union (APWU). MINNEAPOLIS, MN — The Star- employees?" D’Oro bakery have been on strike for As the protesters proceeded north bucks Coffee Co. settled a complaint on Pursuant to the settlement, which more than nine months. Brynwood on Broadway the orderly march was June 1 from the National Labor Rela- stems from charges filed by the SWU, Partners, the Wall Street equity firm that briefly disrupted when someone threw tions Board over charges of violating the corporation must cease engaging owns the factory, is using strike-breakers a bottle from an apartment building. workers' rights—the sixth such settle- in a slew of illegal measures, including to operate the plant. The strikers, repre- Marchers took to the street and the ment in three years for the ailing coffee threatening to call security to interfere sented by Local 50 of the Bakery, Con- procession continued. giant. The case comes as a new website, with protected activity, prohibiting fectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain At the end of the march, members StopStarbucks.com and viral video call- workers from discussing the union and Millers International Union (BCTGM), of BCTGM Local 50 came face-to-face ing on CEO Howard Schultz to respect expelling union sympathizers from com- argue that Brynwood is intent on busting with officers from the 50th Precinct out- workers' right to join a labor union pany stores. the union by slashing wages, pensions, side the factory gates. Warnings were spread like wildfire across the internet. The settlement is the first since a La- holidays and sick pay. issued by police—whose actions ap- The new media initiative, from Robert bor Board judge found Starbucks guilty On May 30, more than 700 strik- peared uncoordinated at the end of the Greenwald's "Brave New Films," was of similar rights violations in the first ers and their supporters rallied outside march—after strikers advanced beyond viewed more than 60,000 times with a ever trial between baristas and the coffee the New York City Housing Authority the police barriers and stood outside related petition garnering almost 15,000 chain in December 2008. (NYCHA) Marble Hill Houses, in the the main entrance to the plant. Despite signatures. "Howard Schultz needs to create South Bronx, and then marched to the some tension and a few standoffs be- "This settlement proves that Star- quality jobs for hardworking families, Stella D’Oro plant—located at West 237 tween protesters and police, there were bucks executives are not above the law not just line the pockets of the fat cats Street and Broadway—where a second no arrests. The National Lawyers Guild and cannot block hardworking baristas at corporate headquarters," said Erik rally was held. The strikers were joined had observers present, which may have from making positive change," said Forman, a barista and member of the by members of several unions: New York helped defuse the situation. Angel Gardner, a barista and member Starbucks Workers Union. "Our cam- State United Teachers (NYSUT), Trans- Strikers are on the picket line in of the Starbucks Workers Union (SWU) paign for secure work hours, fair pay, portation Workers Union (TWU) Local front of the Stella D’Oro plant every in the Twin Cities. "How can Starbucks and a voice at work gains momentum 100, City University’s Professional Staff day. For more information visit http:// claim that it maintains a positive work every day." Congress (PSC-CUNY), the Coalition of www.stelladorostrike2008.com. Industrial Worker Periodicals Postage PO Box 23085 PAID California CWA Locals Preparing to Strike Cincinnati, OH 45223-3085, USA Cincinatti, OH By Freedom Socialist and Professional Employees Interna- and additional Instead of punching time clocks at tional Union (OPEIU) Local 3, as well mailing offices ISSN 0019-8870 the University of California (UC) Berke- as the San Francisco Labor Council. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ley on May 6, members of University The campus American Federation of Professional and Technical Employees- State, County, and Municipal Employ- Communications Workers of America ees (AFSCME) union also backs UPTE, (UPTE-CWA) Local 1 mounted spirited as they were on strike one year ago and picket lines on the campus. They are fed won contract protections for immi- up with the university’s management, grant workers. UPTE solidarity pickets which has obstructed bargaining a new closed down a construction site during contract for more than a year. The UC that action, reported Nancy Kato, a UC administration has imposed increased worker and activist with Bay Area Radi- healthcare and parking costs without cal Women. “AFSCME’s strike was our negotiating— and have also harassed strike too,” she said. “Same boss, same and laid off a union bargainer. struggle, same fight.” The one-day Unfair Labor Practice Meanwhile, CWA workers at AT&T strike brought out impressive support— have been working without a contract both on- and off-campus—including since April 4. The company is demand- endorsements and donations from the ing concessions that would destroy gains faculty union at City College, the Office Continued on 7 Page 2 • Industrial Worker • July 2009 Corrections and Gratitude Huw Jones’ article, “First IWW Event in Wales Celebrates Past & Present” on page 5 of the June 2009 Industrial Worker, incorrectly states that the May Day walking tour was the first IWW event in Wales. A previous issue of the IW carried a photo of the IWW Centenary Stone that was unveiled in 2005 in a public access for- est in Pembrey, Wales. At this event, Coast Redwoods were also planted in memory of Judi Bari, and the Unofficial Reform Committee of the South Wales Miners’ Fed- Letters welcome! eration were saluted. According to a letter submitted to the IW by Ilyan Thomas, ap- Send your letters to: [email protected] proaching the story as “...bringing the IWW to Wales” is insulting. Thomas suggests with “Letter” in the subject. that IWW was highly influenced by ideas that came from Wales. According to Ph.D. student at Greenwich University, Ken John, infamous Mailing address: anarchist and labor organizer Emma Goldman said that Sam Mainwaring, Sr., from IW, PO Box 7430, JAF Station, New Wales, coined the phrase “anarcho-syndicalism” as she was spreading his ideas to York, NY 10116, United States the United States in 1870s. Additionally, a London poster announcing a commemo- rative mass meeting about the murder of the Chicago Haymarket anarchists, listed Get the Word Out! Sam Mainwaring as the opening speaker, followed by Peter Kropotkin, Errico Ma- IWW members, branches, job shops and latesta, Frank Kitz, Louise Michel, Lothrop Withington, Temma Kaplan and others. other affiliated bodies can get the word Each spoke their own language; Mainwaring spoke in Welsh. out about their project, event, campaign Additionally, IWW member Sam Mainwaring, Jr., ran training events around Graphic: depts.washington.edu or protest each month in the Industrial Neath at the time of the Spanish Civil War. The IWW is not new in Wales. Dear Editors, Worker. Send announcements to iw@ The column, “Industrial Worker Mailing Issues Resolved” on page 2 of the June I think the Industrial Worker iww.org. Much appreciated donations 2009 Industrial Worker failed to thank FWs Walt Weber, Peter Moore and Chris should have a column devoted entirely for the following sizes should be sent to Lytle for their hard work in helping to resolve the mailing issues. Thanks FWs! to unemployed workers. The IW hardly IWW GHQ, PO Box 23085, Cincinnati The editor thanks the IW Final Edit Committee for their hard work and dedica- ever speaks to this problem that is OH 45223 USA.