Howard Zinn | 288 pages | 30 May 2008 | Henry Holt & Company Inc | 9780805087444 | English | New York, NY, A People's History of American Empire: A Graphic Adaptation - Zinn Education Project

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Questions for Discussion 1. One thing that sets this book apart, particularly as a work in the "graphic novel" genre, is its great variety of visual imagery. We find within these pages various photographs, maps, printed-page excerpts, diagrams, posters and poster-like advertisements, newspaper and magazine clippings, political cartoons, and, of course, many A Peoples History of American Empire both comics-based and realistic. Point out memorable examples of each A Peoples History of American Empire these categories. What is meant in this book by the word "empire"? Discuss this key term with your fellow students. Define "ghost dance. What does he mean when he states on page 17 : "The nation's hoop is broken and scattered"? The phrase A Peoples History of American Empire White Men" appears on more than one occasion A Peoples History of American Empire these pages. When, and in what context, does the phrase first appear? Who does this phrase signify, both specifically and generally? Eugene V. Debs makes his first appearance in this book on page Who was Debs? Why was he both revered and hated? For what is he best known today? And where else do we encounter him in these pages? How does it work? Where has it been utilized, over the years and across the globe? In the bottom panel of page 33, we see a maid or domestic servant waiting on a wealthy white person. It's a scene that we find more than once in A People's History although in this case, given the speech balloon appearing at far right, the drawing might be ironic. Where else in this book do we see such an illustration? Explain the origin of the term "yellow journalism," as detailed in Chapter II. What was the Sykes-Picot Agreement? For whom was the agreement named? What did it achieve? And how, per page 87, was this agreement "essentially codified" by the Peace Treaty of Versailles? Who was Emma Goldman? Why is she remembered by history? Can you find where? This work is presented, both visually and textually, as though its main author, the great historian , were delivering a lecture. Zinn is our narrator; we as readers are "attending" his lecture. The American story, then, includes however partially the Zinn story. Discuss how Zinn's life has informed his arguments and beliefs. How has his biography has shaped his personal philosophy? Just above the sequence of five photographs at the bottom of pagewe read: "Many of our wars were launched on the quicksand of public deception. Who are the two men depicted at A Peoples History of American Empire bottom right of page ? Where have we seen them before in this book as represented with these very same portraits? What is each saying about race and the U. Who are the four girls shown amid flames in the bottom- right panel of page ? Can you tell who they are, even though they are not named specifically? On pagein the "Manifesto of the Wounded Knee Airlift," we read: "The frustration and disillusionment we may at times feel are only the result of a misunderstanding of our real ability to affect the course of this country's policies. What is the gist of this self-contained political cartoon? Name as many of the faces and logos in this illustration as you can. On pageZinn asks us, rhetorically, "Was there a connection between Watergate and Vietnam? Of course! It was the same policy. And do you agree with him? As a reader of this book, and as a viewer of its graphic imagery, account for the "secret agent" or even "film noir"? Did this seem apt, or credible, to you? Or foolish? Or ironic? Or naive? Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview Adapted from the bestselling grassroots history of the United States, the story of America in the world, told in comics form Since its landmark publication inA Peoples History of American Empire People's History of the United States has had six new editions, sold more than 1. More than a successful book, A People's History triggered a revolution in the way history is told, displacing the official versions with their A Peoples History of American Empire on great men in high places to chronicle events as they were lived, from the bottom up. Now Howard Zinn, historian Paul A Peoples History of American Empire, and cartoonist Mike Konopacki have collaborated to retell, in vibrant comics form, a most immediate and relevant chapter of A People's History : the centuries-long story of America's actions in the world. The book also follows A Peoples History of American Empire story of Zinn, the son of poor Jewish immigrants, from his childhood in the Brooklyn slums to his role as one of America's leading historians. Shifting from world-shattering events to one family's small revolutions, A People's History of American Empire presents the classic ground-level history of America in a dazzling new form. Pages: Sales rank:Product dimensions: 8. About the Author Howard Zinnauthor of numerous acclaimed histories, taught history at Spelman College and Boston University, and received the Lannan Literary Award, among many others. Born inZinn died in Mike Konopacki has collaborated on five collections of cartoons, and his work is regularly syndicated. He lives in Madison, . is a senior lecturer in history A Peoples History of American Empire Brown University and the editor of the Encyclopedia of the American Leftamong other books. He lives in Providence, Rhode Island. Reading Group Guide Questions for Discussion 1. Show More. Related Searches. American Flagg! View Product. Bohemians: A Graphic History. The nineteenth-century countercultures that came to define the bohemian lifestyle spanned both sides of the The nineteenth-century countercultures that came to define the bohemian lifestyle spanned both sides of the Atlantic, ranging from Walt A Peoples History of American Empire to Josephine Baker, and from Gertrude Stein to Thelonius Monk. Bohemians is the graphic history of this movement and its The Complete Idiot's Guide to U. History, Graphic. History comes alive! History, Graphic Illustrated is a visually exciting and easy-to- understand alternative to boring textbooks. Innovative design and lively illustrations transport readers back in time to Gettysburg: The Graphic Novel. Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is familiar to all Americans. But never has his most famous But never has his most famous speech—his indelible words—been presented in such a visual and accessible format. Graphic artist and Civil War aficionado C. Butzer deftly uses a detailed, Graphic Devices and the Early Decorated Book. In our electronic age, we are accustomed to the use of icons, symbols, graphs, charts, In our electronic age, we are accustomed to the use of icons, symbols, graphs, charts, diagrams and visualisations as part of the vocabulary of communication. A People's History of American Empire | American Empire Project

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Paul M. Buhle. Mike Konopacki. Dave Wagner script, adaptation. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published April 1st by Metropolitan Books first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this A Peoples History of American Empire, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 16, Michael rated it liked it Shelves: shistory. See, a while back, I reserved Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything A Peoples History of American Empire, and what I ended up arriving on the holds shelf was the children's version, complete with funny illustrations to try and walk teenagers through the theory of relativity. It's quite possible I just suck at placing holds. Anywho, I'll start with this graphic novel, and then launch into my A Peoples History of American Empire. However, the same people who dismiss him for this join the Taxed Enough Already party, even though the party has no tea, nor any dancing or spiked punch. So, let us be consistent for a minute: IS the government overriding our freedoms or not? These parties BOTH support constant foreign wars that are motivated by partially empirical motives. These parties BOTH supported big checks for the big banks as soon as they started whining. That said, even if you know you reject socialism as a political structure, you should read this book. In whichever form you prefer. Zinn believes the U. It means he refuses to be blinded by nationalism. When we look at the history of any other country, in A Peoples History of American Empire other time period, we can see intrigue, corruption, and a power structure that disfavors the poor. It is. Howard Zinn was one of our great historians, because he challenged the mainstream A Peoples History of American Empire saw his job as more than teaching history: he was a social activist that fought against injustices. View all 11 comments. Feb 28, Jim rated it really liked it. I highly appreciate Howard Zinn, and thought I would know most of what was in the book. No, in fact there were quite a number of things that were either new or that expanded my knowledge. I have been very interested lately in that fork in the road taken in the 's when Teddy Roosevelt, William Randolph Hearst and others successfully argued for the imperialism road. This book expanded my knowledge of the US war in Cuba and in the Philippines. Also included is a fascinating section on Zoot Suits I highly appreciate Howard Zinn, and thought I would know most of what was in the book. Finally, it was personally interesting to learn of Howard Zinn's role in the efforts to de-segregate Public libraries in the Atlanta, Georgia area in the early A Peoples History of American Empire and the price he paid. View 1 comment. May 28, Sarah Maddaford rated it liked it Shelves: modernpoliticalarlingtongraphic-novelstopped-readinghistoricalnon-fiction. I didn't put it down because I disagreed with the presentation of history although I do think it is a bit harsh. I put it down because it is a large book filled with a single version of historical events. While I do not think that the author is anti-America or anti- American, he is certainly anti-establishment, anti-expansionist, and rather bitter. He served in the military, which gives him more right to be upset with American foreign policy and military action in my opinion. If I sat down wi I didn't put it down because I disagreed with the presentation of history although I do think it is a bit harsh. If I sat down with the intention to read about one side of the debate's view of every conflict in which Americans acted more like terrorists and conquerors, then I would probably really enjoy this. The art is interesting and the panels are fairly varied. I just wasn't in the mood to read such an extreme view of history even though I do agree that America needs to be more careful with how it deals with foreign nations. We probably should have learned to discontinue some of the patterns of violence A Peoples History of American Empire retaliation, but A Peoples History of American Empire is an awful big book to just say that. View all 4 comments. Aug 05, Diz rated it really liked it Shelves: historyamerican-historygraphic-novels. Howard Zinn is not afraid to point out the darker moments in American history. This graphic novel highlights some of those moments. These moments are shared so that readers may be aware of how America has not lived up to its potential in order that they may make changes to improve its future. The final message is hopeful, as long as citizens remain vigilant. The only negative point for me is that the art could have been better. Jul 15, Eric rated it A Peoples History of American Empire not like it Shelves: graphic-novels. A real disappointment. As a historian, probably I was hoping for too A Peoples History of American Empire, but I thought that the attempt to mix history and graphics could be interesting. It was not. Graphically the book was bland, historically it was highly tendentious, and as a work of literature it was poorly written and executed. Zinn is not a nuanced historian, this is understood from the get-go, but his flaws in distorting and simplifying a complex past for explicit political purpose are even more pronounced here because A real disappointment. Zinn is not a nuanced historian, this is understood from the get-go, but his flaws in distorting and simplifying a complex past for explicit political purpose are even more pronounced here because a graphic history is by necessity simplified. Skip this, and read Zinn's A People's History of the United States, which is a good corrective to the triumphalist, nationalist history Americans most often are fed, but be sure to leaven even that book with other historical perspectives. View all 3 comments. When I picked it up, I thought it would be a good way to discover A Peoples History of American Empire vision of History, since I read bits and pieces of it before but no complete work. Though being a leftist myself, I hope this is not a good example of Zinn's thought. All I've read in this book was heavily biased; the premise is clearly that the USA have tried for the last century to establish a world empire, through aggressive trade strategies, "liberation" wars, etc. It is undeniable, yes. But it is presented thro When I picked it up, I thought it would be a good way to discover Zinn's vision of History, since I read bits and pieces of it before but no complete work. But it is presented through often unsubstantiated claims, with facts just thrown to the reader without any background or analysis -- as with the depression ofcalled "the greatest the US ever known, but whose causes are not explained at all. These claims and facts are mixed with parallels that are at best uninteresting, at worst highly suspicious, for instance the anecdote that Sandino's watch was stolen by his murderers, A Peoples History of American Empire like it was done with Che Guevara Add to this a good deal of hypocrisy, with Zinn telling the story of how he became a radical leftist by seeing the way the US behaved during WW2, but completely omitting the fact that he got his higher education thanks to the GI Bill; there's nothing wrong with criticizing the country that educated A Peoples History of American Empire, but it is more honest to present all faces of your relation to said country. The absence of context is also quite problematic, as it sometimes makes the events look very different from what they were; the use of napalm in Royan for instance is presented as being a random act of cruelty, while it was part of a general, long-lasting battle against remaining nazi forces, just like in Brest and other cities of France. Another example of that it the sinking of the Lusitania, of which Zinn says "but what the general public didn't know is that the ship was filled with ammunitions and war supply", as if it lessened the fact that, by sinking this ship, the Germans killed close to 1. Some events are also surprisingly ommitted, the Korean War for instance -- which might have been more interesting imperialism-wise than Zinn's private life and childhood -- or the support given to many far-right terrorist movements in Europe through the "stay-behind" policy Gladio in Italy for instance, or the Grey Wolves in Turkey. Finally, one of the worst issues of the book in my opinion is the complete lack of critical point of view on those who oppose American imperialism. Of course, those in A Peoples History of American Empire CIA and the Army who massacred civilians, staged coups and overthrew legitimately elected governments are evil and despicable. Same goes with Khomeini, who is quoted saying that the American system is bad because it would give women the right to vote -- and this opinion goes completely unchallenged by the very men who pretend to be all for equal rights and democracy! In short: a debatable and heavily biased view of History and historical facts; a highly unthrilling writing; and an under-average drawing, that often looks like a really poor imitation of Tardi's drawing. Jul 17, Mark rated it it was ok. I don't dispute that much of what is presented here is factual. I would however dispute A Peoples History of American Empire ALL of the facts are being presented. I understand that those who believe in "radical" politics feel that their viewpoints have been massively underrepresented - but that doesn't give you a A Peoples History of American Empire on dealing with historical facts that don't support your overarching thesis. A People's History of American Empire - Wikipedia

As nonfiction sequential art narrative, this stellar volume is compelling both as historical interpretation and you-are-there observation during many eras and in many climes. Each episode has its own period-specific narrator: Woody Guthrie sings about the Ludlow Massacre, a zoot suiter recounts the convergence of racial politics with popular music, and Zinn remembers his class-conscious boyhood through World War II soldiering and activism undertaken as a Civil Rights-era college professor. Howard Zinnauthor of numerous acclaimed histories, taught history at Spelman College and Boston University, and received the Lannan Literary Award, among many others. Mike Konopacki has collaborated on five collections of cartoons, and his work is regularly syndicated. A Peoples History of American Empire lives in Madison, Wisconsin. Paul Buhle is a senior lecturer in history at Brown University and the editor of the Encyclopedia of the American Leftamong other books. He A Peoples History of American Empire in Providence, Rhode Island. Empire or Humanity? Narrated by Viggo Mortensen. Art by Mike Konopacki. Video editing by Eric Wold. By Bill Bigelow. Textbooks downplay or misrepresent the U. Book — Non-fiction. By Juan Gonzalez. An updated and thorough account of the role the United States in the mass migration of Latinos to the U. Edited by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove. Documentary that examines the direct connection between the long history of U. None of the countries that had fought for decades for their freedom were represented at signing of the treaty. Search for:. Related Resource : Empire or Humanity? Click A Peoples History of American Empire email this to a friend Opens in new window Click to share on Pinterest Opens in new window Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window Click to share on Facebook Opens in new window. Order online. Related Resources. By Ursula Wolfe-Rocca. If We Knew Our History series. Books: Non-Fiction. This Day in History. More Teaching Resources.