Margaret Whidden
SAMUEL COLMAN 1780 - 1845 Margaret Whidden Ph.D. University of Edinburgh 1985 ' ' INDEX ^ ^ , ■ ■ ■ :'s ' ■ . ■ ' ' ■ ■ . ■ ■ - . ■ , " . ' ' . 533 Acraman, D.W: 55 verses): Addison, Joseph: 113-114, 123 Canticles: see Song of Solo¬ Alciati (or Alciato), Andreas: mon 353, 393 I Chronicles: 368-369 Alison, Archibald: 115, 122 (Chapters 15 and 16) Allan, David: 164 II Chronicles: 343 (36.5-23), Allston, Washington:- 48, 255 370 (Chs 5 and 6, Altdorfer, Albrecht: 315 especially verse 5 of 'Amicus Protestans': 210, 224 Ch. 5), 371 (6.41) Angelico, Fra: 355 Colossians: 400 (1.12) Apocalypse, The: 87, 136, 148, I Corinthians: 302 (15.31), 214, 323, 380-382, 394, 457-458 (7.29-31), and Chapter Nine (pp. 402- 460 (13.8-10), 461 462) especially pages 412, (13.13), 462 (13.12) 417, 442, 451 and 461 Daniel: 134 (5.31), 248, 250 Apollo Belvedere: 443 (Ch. 5), 251-252 (5. 1-10), Ash, Richard: 169, 205, 231 ■253 (5.12 and 5.29), 254 (politics), 233 (Church (5.30), 419 (7.9, 10) Rates), 234-235 (scandal at Ephesians: 398 (6.12) Zion Chapel), 244, 289 Exodus: 242-243 and 248 Associationalist theory: 115, 330 (Ch. 14), 248 (Ch. 15), Atherstone, Edwin: 399 313 (6.4, 14.24 and Ch. 15), 314 (15.20,21 and Babylon (as a symbol of Rome or 14.24), 315 (14.25,26), of Roman Catholicism): 316-317 (33.20-23), 320 246, 381, 382, 383 (17.6), 374 (15.13, 17) Baillie, James Evan: 203, 206, Ezra: 248, 253 (Ch. 1) 244 Galatians: 198 (3.28), 302 Baines, Edward: 226-227, 456 (6.14) Baptists: 80, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, Genesis: 134 (3.15), 240 100, 217 (3.14, 15), 297 (10.5), Barker family, panorama artists: 340 (2.10), 343 (11.1-9), 110 360 (2.21-24), 375 (3.15), 430 Barret, George: 339 .
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