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The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

Index of maps Map 1. Commonwealth of Independent States Region (2017) ...... 35 Map 2. Map of Eurasian Economic Union (2017) ...... 41 Map 3. Map of the territory of Shanghai Cooperation Organization ...... 45 Map 4. Military districts of Russia (2017) ...... 59 Map 5. Assessment of the Western War Theatre (2016) ...... 61 Map 6. Estimated Stand-off Warfare Assets in the Western War Theatre (2016) .. 62 Map 7. Assessment of the Eastern War Theatre (2016)...... 64 Map 8. Assessment of the Central Asian War Theatre (2016)...... 65 Map 9. Assessment of the Southern War Theatre (2016) ...... 67 Map 10. Assessment of the Arctic War Theatre (2016) ...... 69 Map 11. Overview of Russian Ground and Airborne Forces formations and military bases abroad (2016) ...... 70 Map 12. Overview of selected Russian Aerospace Forces formations and units (2016) ...... 71 Map 13. Overview of selected Russian Navy formations and units (2016) ...... 72 Map 14. Overview of Russian nuclear force disposition (2016) ...... 73 Map 15. Overview of Interior and Border Troops selected units and locations (2016) ...... 75 Map 16. Assessed fighting of Russia’s Armed Forces (2016) ...... 76 Map 17. Russian Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2AD) Range (2016) ...... 80 Map 18. Russia’s potential missile capability in Kaliningrad Oblast (2016)...... 94 Map 19. Russia’s Major Defence Industries Facility (1992) ...... 102 Map 20. Five Eurasia catchment areas ...... 163 Map 21. Geographic position of Russia in Eurasia ...... 164 Map 22. Geographical breakdown of Russia ...... 165 Map 23. Contractual East Europe border on the Ural Mountains ...... 165 Map 24. The European Peninsula and Russia...... 166 Map 25. Russia’s maritime choke points ...... 167 Map 26. Geographic situation of the Kaliningrad Oblast ...... 168 Map 27. Territory of the Kaliningrad Oblast ...... 169 Map 28. Physical map of Russia ...... 172 Map 29. Russian largest rivers and lakes ...... 173 Map 30. Russian sea transportation geography ...... 175 Map 31. Russian major airports (2016) ...... 179 Map 32. Russia’s roads map ...... 182 Map 33. Existing and planned Russian railroads (2017) ...... 183 Map 34. Russia’s agricultural regions ...... 185 Map 35. Russia’s federal districts (2017) ...... 186 Map 36. Administrative divisions of Russia ...... 187 Map 37. Russia and Eurasia Climate ...... 188 Map 38. Average annual temperature in Russia ...... 188 Map 39. Average annual precipitation in Russia ...... 189 Map 40. Russia’s population density ...... 198

300 Robert Białoskórski

Map 41. Percentage of working age adults in Russia (2013) ...... 203 Map 42. Unemployment in Russia (2013) ...... 204 Map 43. Russian main ethnic groups map (2015) ...... 206 Map 44. Religious map of Russia (2017) ...... 207 Map 45. Russian oil and natural gas resources area and pipelines (2014) ...... 261

Index of diagrams

Graph 1. The general concept of research methodology ...... 21 Graph 2. The research field of the geostrategic position of the Russian Federation ...... 28 Graph 3. Russia’s military expenditures (2010-2016; world=100%) ...... 50 Graph 4. Change of Russia’s ME1 volume (2015-2016; world=100%) ...... 50 Graph 5. Change of Russia’s ME2 volume (2015-2016; world=100%) ...... 51 Graph 6. Russia’s ME dynamic (1992-2016; world=100%) ...... 51 Graph 7. Russia’s ME and GDP logarithmic trendlines (2005-2016; world=100%) 52 Graph 8. Russia’s military expenditures relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, SCO, BRICS and NATO member states (2016; world=100%) ...... 52 Graph 9. Russia’s Active Armed Forces (AAF) relative to top 15 states (2016; world=100%; change of AAF from 2015 to 2016) ...... 55 Graph 10. Russia’s Active Armed Forces (AAF) relative to the United States and China (1992-2016; thous.) ...... 55 Graph 11. Russia’s AAF to reservists ratio relative to top 15 states (2016; world=100%; change of AAF from 2015 to 2016) ...... 57 Graph 12. Russia’s Active Armed Forces relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, SCO, BRICS and NATO member states (2016; world=100%) ...... 57 Graph 13. The world arms export (1992-2016; constant prices 1990) ...... 96 Graph 14. Russia’s arms export (1992-2016; constant prices 1990) ...... 101 Graph 15. The main importers of the Russian arms (2014-2015; constant prices 1990) ...... 101 Graph 16. Russia’s Defence Posture Index relative to top 10 states (2016) ...... 104 Graph 17. Russia’s overall power relative to top 10 states (2016; %) ...... 107 Graph 18. Russia’s overall power (1992-2016; %; world=100%) ...... 108 Graph 19. Russia’s overall power forecast (%; polynomial trendline of 2nd degree) ...... 108 Graph 20. Russia’s overall power forecast relative to the United States and China (EP1; %; polynomial trendlines of 2nd degree) ...... 109 Graph 21. Russia’s overall power forecast relative to the United States and China (EP2; %; polynomial trendlines of 2nd degree) ...... 109 Graph 22. Russia’s overall power relative to top 10 states (%; 2016) ...... 110 Graph 23. Russia’s overall power position rate (1992-2016) ...... 112 Graph 24. Russia’s overall power relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, BRICS, SCO and NATO (2016; %; world=100%) ...... 112 Graph 25. Distribution of votes for the position no. 1 of overall power (%) ...... 113

301 The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

Graph 26. Russia’s overall efficiency relative to the United States and China (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 115 Graph 27. Russia’s overall efficiency (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 115 Graph 28. Russia’s overall efficiency relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, BRICS, SCO and NATO (2016; world=1.000) ...... 116 Graph 29. Russia’s overall density relative to the United States and China (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 118 Graph 30. Russia’s overall efficiency relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, BRICS, SCO and NATO (2016; world=1.000) ...... 118 Graph 31. Russia’s overall power status relative to China and the United States (1992-2016) ...... 119 Graph 32. Russia’s overall power status in opinion of Polish and Russian student groups (number of votes in group = 100%) (Question #2: What kind of overall power is Russia?) (2016; %) ...... 120 Graph 33. The distribution of votes of Polish students related to question 2 (number of votes in group = 100%) (Question #2: What kind of overall power is Russia?) (2016; %) ...... 120 Graph 34. Russia’s overall power forecast relative to the United States, China, India, Brazil and Japan (2050; mM) ...... 122 Graph 35. Trends of Russia’s overall power according to the Polish and Russian student’s group estimation (Question #8: How do you assess the future of the Russia’s overall power?) (2016; %) ...... 122 Graph 36. The distribution of the Polish students votes for trend of Russia’s overall power (2016; %) ...... 123 Graph 37. Russia’s military power rate relative to top 20 states (2016) ...... 125 Graph 38. Russia’s position in the military power relative to the United States and China (1992-2016) ...... 127 Graph 39. Russia’s military power relative to top 10 states (2016; %; world=100%) ...... 128 Graph 40. Russia’s military power relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, BRICS, SCO and NATO (2016; %; world=100%) ...... 129 Graph 41. Russia’s military power relative to the top NATO’s states (%; 2016)..... 130 Graph 42. Russia’s military and overall power (1992-2016; %; world=100%) ...... 131 Graph 43. The distribution of votes of Polish Students for position no. 1 (%) ...... 133 Graph 44. The most dangerous states for Russia from the Kremlin authorities’ point of view (Question #4: Which states are the biggest threats of the national security from the Russian authorities’ point of view?) 133 Graph 45. Distribution of Polish student’s votes related to question 4 (Question #4: Which states are the biggest threats to the national security from the Russian authorities’ point of view?) ...... 134 Graph 46. The most dangerous states for Russia from the Polish and Russian students’ point of view (Question #5: Which states are the biggest threats of national security from your point of view?) ...... 134

302 Robert Białoskórski

Graph 47. Distribution of Polish student’s votes related to question 5 (Question #5: Which states are the biggest threats to national security from your point of view?) ...... 135 Graph 48. Russia’s militarization position (1992-2016) ...... 137 Graph 49. Russia’s militarization relative to China and the United States (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 138 Graph 50. Russia’s militarization relative to other CIS full member states (2016; world=1.000) ...... 139 Graph 51. Russia’s militarization relative to other BRICS full member states (2016; world=1.000) ...... 140 Graph 52. Militarization of CIS, CSTO, USRB, SCO, BRICS and NATO (2016; world=1.000) ...... 140 Graph 53. Russia’s Global Militarization Index (GMI) relative to top 15 states (2015) ...... 141 Graph 54. Russia’s military efficiency relative to the United States and China (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 143 Graph 55. Russia’s military and overall efficiency (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 144 Graph 56. Russia’s military efficiency position (1992-2016) ...... 145 Graph 57. Russia’s military efficiency relative to other CIS full-member states (2016; world=1.000) ...... 146 Graph 58. Military efficiency of CIS, CSTO, USRB, SCO, BRICS and NATO (2016; world=1.000) ...... 146 Graph 59. Russia’s military density relative to the United States and China (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 149 Graph 60. Russia’s military and overall density (1992-2016; world=1.000) ...... 150 Graph 61. Russia’s military density position (1992-2016) ...... 151 Graph 62. Russia’s military density relative to other CIS full-member states (2016; world=1.000) ...... 151 Graph 63. Military density of CIS, CSTO, USRB, SCO, BRICS and NATO (2016; world=1.000) ...... 152 Graph 64. Russia’s military power status relative to the United States and China (1992-2016) ...... 154 Graph 65. Russia’s military power status in the opinion of Polish and Russian student groups (number of votes in group = 100%) (Question #3: What kind of military power is Russia? ...... 155 Graph 66. The distribution of Polish students’ votes related to question 3 (number of votes in group = 100%) (Question #3: What kind of military power is Russia?) ...... 155 Graph 67. Russia’s military and overall power status in opinion of Polish and Russian student groups related to results of Sułek formal model (total %) ...... 156 Graph 68. Concentration of power of CIS, CSTO, USRB, SCO, BRICS and NATO (2016) ...... 157 Graph 69. Russia’s military power forecast relative to the United States and China (%; polynomial trendline of 2nd degree; 2030) ...... 160

303 The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

Graph 70. Russia’s military power forecast (%; polynomial trendline of 2nd degree) ...... 161 Graph 71. Trends of Russia’s military power according to Polish and Russian students’ survey (Question #9: How do you assess the future of the Russia’s military power?) ...... 161 Graph 72. The distribution of votes of Polish students for trend of Russia’s military power (%) ...... 162 Graph 73. Territory of Russia relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, BRICS and NATO (2016; world=100%) ...... 171 Graph 74. Russia waterways relative to selected states (km) ...... 175 Graph 75. Russian maritime cargo turnover structure by category (2014)...... 178 Graph 76. Russian maritime cargo turnover structure by ports (2014; mln tons) 178 Graph 77. Russian sea port market share structure (2014) ...... 179 Graph 78. Russian civilian airports relative to selected states (2014) ...... 180 Graph 79. Russian air passenger traffic (2004-2015; thous. pass.)...... 181 Graph 80. Russia’s position in the Logistic Performance Index ...... 183 Graph 81. Russian railways relative to selected states (2014, km) ...... 184 Graph 82. Population of Russia (1992-2016; forecast 2017-2100; million) ...... 193 Graph 83. Population in Russia relative to CIS, CSTO, USRB, BRICS and NATO (2016) ...... 194 Graph 84. Natural growth in Russia (1992-2015)...... 195 Graph 85. Forecast of natural growth in Russia (2016-2100) ...... 196 Graph 86. Density of Russian population (1992-2015) ...... 198 Graph 87. Crude vital rates of Russia (1992-2015) ...... 200 Graph 88. Ethnic structure of Russia (2010) ...... 205 Graph 89. Muslims in Russia (1990-2030; %) ...... 208 Graph 90. Russian power generation relative to selected states (2015; mln) ...... 210 Graph 91. Russian power generation relative to selected states (2015; % of total population)*) ...... 211 Graph 92. Russia’s Human Development Index structure (1990-2015) ...... 215 Graph 93. Russia’s Human Development Index relative to selected states (1990-2015) ...... 217 Graph 94. Russia’s Democracy Score Index (2007-2016) ...... 225 Graph 95. Russia’s dimensions of Democracy Score Index (2016) ...... 226 Graph 96. Russia’s Political Risk Index relative to selected states (2016) ...... 227 Graph 97. Russia’s dimensions of Worldwide Governance Indicators (1996; 2005; 2015) ...... 231 Graph 98. Russia’s dimensions of Globalization Index (2014) ...... 233 Graph 99. Russia’s political power status in opinion of Polish and Russian student groups (number of votes in group = 100%) (Question #1: Is the Russia political power?) ...... 236 Graph 100. The Russia’s GDP evolution (1992-2016; %; world=100%) ...... 239 Graph 101. The Russia’s position of the GDP evolution (1992-2016; position number in negative scale) ...... 239 Graph 102. Russia’s GDP position and values rate (1992-2016) ...... 240

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Graph 103. The Russia’s GDP evolution relative to the United States and China (1992-2016; %; world=100%) ...... 241 Graph 104. The Russia’s GDP relative to member states of NATO, BRICS, SCO, CIS, CSTO and USRB (2016; world = 100%) ...... 242 Graph 105. Russia’s public debt to GDP evolution relative to the United States and China (2007-2015; %) ...... 244 Graph 106. Russia’s trade volume (2011-2015; thous. mln USD) ...... 247 Graph 107. The share of the Russian GDP income from the export of oil and petroleum products (2000-2015; %) ...... 247 Graph 108. Ural oil price (1999-2016; USD per barrel) ...... 248 Graph 109. Russia’s work productivity relative to the United States and EU (2008-2014; USD per workhour; constant USD) ...... 251 Graph 110. Russia’s employment structure (2014) ...... 251 Graph 111. Russia’s research and development funding structure relative to other states and organizations (2015; %) ...... 255 Graph 112. CIS oil resources and ‘lifetime’ relative to other states (2015; world=100%; R/P world=50.7) ...... 259 Graph 113. The main importers of the Russian oil in Europe ...... 259 Graph 114. CIS natural gas resources and ‘lifetime’ relative to other states (2015; world=100%; R/P world=52.8) ...... 261 Graph 115. CIS coal resources and ‘lifetime’ relative to other states (2015; world=100%; R/P world=114) ...... 262 Graph 116. Nuclear energy of CIS member states relative to other states (2015; world=100%) ...... 263 Graph 117. Hydroelectricity of CIS member states relative to other countries (2015; world=100%) ...... 264 Graph 118. Renewable energy of CIS member states relative to other countries (2015; world=100%) ...... 265 Graph 119. Russia’s energy sector structure (2014; market=100%) ...... 265 Graph 120. The development of renewable energy sources in Russia (2015-2024; megawatts) ...... 267 Graph 121. Russia’s gold resources (2016; mln tons) ...... 270 Graph 122. ‘Lifetime’ of Russia’s gold resources (2016; R/P world=18)...... 270 Graph 123. Russia’s PMGs (platinum and palladium) resources (2016; mln tons) ...... 272 Graph 124. ‘Lifetime’ of Russia’s PMGs (platinum and palladium) resources (2016; R/P world=176)...... 272 Graph 125. Russia’s silver resources (2016; mln tons)...... 273 Graph 126. ‘Lifetime’ of Russia’s silver resources (2016; R/P world=21) ...... 273

Index of tables Table 1. Russia and its alliances in the Central Asian security region (2017) ...... 34 Table 2. Member and associate states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (2017) ...... 35

305 The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

Table 3. Former member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States ..... 36 Table 4. Member and observer states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (2017) ...... 37 Table 5. Former member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization ... 37 Table 6. Military capability of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of CSTO ...... 39 Table 7. Member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (2017) ...... 41 Table 8. Member and partner states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (2017) ...... 44 Table 9. Russia’s military expenditures relative to top ten states (2015-2016; world=100%) ...... 48 Table 10. Russia’s Active Armed Forces relative to 15 states (2015-2016) ...... 54 Table 11. Russia’s AAF to reservists ratio relative to top 15 states (2015-2016) ...... 56 Table 12. Russia’s strategic nuclear power relative to other nuclear states (2015–2017) ...... 78 Table 13. Russia’s firepower relative to top 20 states (2015; 2017) ...... 81 Table 14. Conventional military potential of Russia relative to United States and China (2016) ...... 82 Table 15. Russian procurement of new weapons in 2011-15 and goals of the State Armament Programme to 2020 ...... 84 Table 16. Russia’s cyberpower relative to other states (Gomez model; 2015) ...... 87 Table 17. Attack type matrix (Gomez model)...... 87 Table 18. Russia’s position in rankings of CPI and GCI values relative to other states ...... 88 Table 19. Russian military units in Kaliningrad Oblast (2016) ...... 90 Table 20. Russia’s military abroad activity relative to the United States (2016) .... 94 Table 21. Russia’s military activity in the UN and OSCE operations (2016) ...... 96 Table 22. Russia’s export relative to top 25 exporters (2007-2016; world=100%) ... 98 Table 23. Russia’s arms import relative to other states (2014-2015) ...... 99 Table 24. Russia’s arms trade structure (2014-2015; mln USD; constant prices 1990) ...... 102 Table 25. Russia’s overall power relative to top 20 states (2016; %; world=100%) 105 Table 26. Russia’s overall power per million inhabitants relative to top 20 states (2016; mM; world=0.134 mM) ...... 106 Table 27. Russia’s overall power (1992-2016) ...... 111 Table 28. Russia’s overall power rank position in the opinion of Polish and Russian student groups (Question #6: What are position numbers of the following states in the overall power ranking?) ...... 113 Table 29. Russia’s economic efficiency relative to other states (2016; world=1.000)1 ...... 114 Table 30. Russia’s overall density relative to other states (2016; world=1.000) ...... 117 Table 31. Russia’s overall power forecast relative to top 10 states (2050) ...... 121 Table 32. Russia’s military power relative to top 20 states (%; 2016) ...... 124 Table 33. The Russia’s military power per million inhabitants relative to top 20 states (2016; mM; world=0.136 mM) ...... 126

306 Robert Białoskórski

Table 34. Russia’s military power rank position in opinion of Polish and Russian student groups (Question #7: What are the position’s numbers of the following states in the military power ranking?) ...... 132 Table 35. Russia’s militarization relative to top 20 states (2016; world=1.000) ...... 136 Table 36. The dynamics of Russia’s militarization (1994-2016) ...... 136 Table 37. Russia’s militarization relative to China and the United States (2015-2016; world=1.000) ...... 139 Table 38. Russia’s military efficiency relative to top 25 states (2016; world=1.000) ...... 142 Table 39. Russia’s military density relative to top 25 states (2016; world=1.000) .. 147 Table 40. Political-military aspirations of Russia related to top 20 states of economic and military power (2016) ...... 159 Table 41. Territory of Russia relative to selected states (2016) ...... 170 Table 42. Average perennial water storages in major rivers of Russia (2014; cubic km.) ...... 173 Table 43. Average perennial water storages in major lakes and water reservoirs of Russia (2014; cubic km.) ...... 174 Table 44. Russia merchant marine relative to top 20 states ...... 176 Table 45. SWOT analysis of seaport infrastructure in Russia ...... 177 Table 46. Russian road network relative to selected states ...... 181 Table 47. Russian passenger traffic relative to selected states (2015) ...... 184 Table 48. Demographic status of Russia relative to selected states (2016) ...... 192 Table 49. Natural growth in Russia relative to selected states (2015-2017) ...... 197 Table 50. Russian population by age group...... 202 Table 51. International migration in Russia (1992-2015) ...... 204 Table 52. Russian death rates structure (1992-2015; number of deaths per 100 thous. inhab.) ...... 212 Table 53. Russia position of Human Development Index relative to selected states (2015) ...... 214 Table 54. Russia’s Human Development Index (1990-2015) ...... 214 Table 55. Russia’s Gender Development Index relative to selected states (2015) .. 219 Table 56. Russia’s Gender Inequality Index relative to selected states (2015) ...... 219 Table 57. Russia’s Worldwide Governance Indicators relative to United States and China (1996, 2005, 2015; world=100%) ...... 228 Table 58. Russia’s Global Terrorism Index value relative to selected states (2015-2016) ...... 230 Table 59. Russia’s Global Peace Index value relative to selected states (2015-2016) ...... 230 Table 60. Russia’s Index of Globalization relative to the United States and China (2013-2014) ...... 232 Table 61. Russia’s dimensions of Index of Globalization relative to the United States and China (2014) ...... 232 Table 62. Russian Secret Services (1565-2017) ...... 233 Table 63. The Russia’s GDP relative to top 20 states (2016) ...... 237 Table 64. The Russia’s GDP per capita relative to top 20 states (2016) ...... 238

307 The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

Table 65. Russia’s government debt to GDP (GD/GDP) relative to top 20 states (Dec. 2015; % of GDP) ...... 244 Table 66. Russia’s balance of trade relative to top 20 states (2015; world=100%) . 246 Table 67. Russia’s foreign direct investment relative to other states (2015; % of GDP) ...... 249 Table 68. Russia’s score of the Global Innovation Index relative to top 21 states (2016) ...... 253 Table 69. Russia’s Science and Technology Indicators relative to the other states (2015) ...... 254 Table 70. Russia’s energy raw materials resources (2015; %; world=100%) ...... 257 Table 71. ‘Lifetime’ of Russia’s energy raw materials resources relative to other states (2015; R/P ratio) ...... 258 Table 72. Russia’s mineral resources relative to other states (2016) ...... 269

Index of figures Figure 1. The assessed chain of command for combat operations ...... 58


The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

Index of names

A E Adamowski, Janusz, 223, 287 Ermolenko, G., 266, 267, 291 B F Baluk, Walenty, 289 Fontagné, Lionel, 121, 291 Bénassy-Quéré, gnes, 121, 291 Fouré Jean, 121, 122, 291 Bessolitsyn, Aleksey, 185, 289 Friedman, George, 82, 166, 167, 184, Białoskórski, Robert, 20, 30, 43, 86, 287, 298 87, 119, 121, 153, 156, 158, 287, 288, 289, 297 G Bieleń, Stanisław, 31, 288 Borisov, F., 180, 297 Gawęda, Marcin, 89, 291 Boryczko, Bożena, 265, 294 Girard, Michele, 276, 291 Brzeziński, Zbigniew, 17, 287 Głąb, nna, 206, 292 Goble, Paul, A., 182, 206, 261, 298 C Goloviznin, A., 175, 297 C Gomez, Miguel, Alberto, 86, 87, 292, Chełminiak, Marcin, 169, 290 307 Chudoliej, Ko0nstantin, 288 Górecki, Wojciech, 207, 292 Czajkowski, Marek, 77, 287 Gray, Colin S., 17, 287 Ć H Ćwiek-Karpowicz, J., 223, 290 Harris, Catherine, 292 Hass De, Marcel, 289 D Höhn, Karl, Hermann, 20, 290 Hubbard, Douglas W., 17, 287 Darczewska, Jolanta, 86, 290 Degaut, Marcos, 46, 297 I Domańska, Maria, 248, 291, 296 I Douhan, Alen F., 44, 288 Inkster, Nigel, 86, 287 Dutta, Soumitra, 252, 253, 291 Dyner, Anna, Maria, 83, 84, 291 J Janasz, Krzysztof, 249, 289 Jankowski, Dominik, 32, 292

310 Robert Białoskórski

Jasina, Łukasz, 225, 292 N K Nikitina, Yulia, 40, 294 Norwisz, Jan, 265, 294 Kagan, Frederick W., 292 Nye, Joseph S., 86, 287 Kapuśniak, Tomasz, 289 Kaszuba, Malina, 287, 288 Kazimierczuk Agnieszka, 53, 298 P Kile, Shannon, 79, 293 Panova, Yulia, 185, 289 Kobryński, Robert, 20, 121, 287, 288 Pawłowski, Jacek, 17, 286 Konończuk Wojciech, 247, 248, 293 Pereltsvaig, Asya, 203, 204, 294 Korovyakovsky, Eugene, 185, 289 Persson, Gudrun, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, Kristensen, Hans, M., 79, 293 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, Krzyczkowski, Wojciech, 266, 299 76, 294 Krzymowski, Adam, 30, 289 Przychodniak, Marcin, 128, 294 Kuehl, Daniel T., 86, 289, 293 Kuzmina, Anna, 43, 293 R L Raś, Maciej, 288 Rijck De André, 297 Lanvin, Bruno, 252, 253, 291 Rodkiewicz, Witold, 30, 221, 223, Legucka, Agnieszka, 225, 292 224, 294 Lelonek, Adam, 89, 293 Rogoża, Jadwiga, 223, 294 Lipka, Rafał, 77, 84, 293, 295 Rotfeld, Adam, Daniel, 30, 289 Rozanov, Anatolij Arkadʹevič, 46, M 288, 289 Maciążek, P., 248, 293 Mazur Marian, 21, 287 S Menkiszak, Marek, 79, 82, 89, 293, Saat, J.H., 40, 294 296 Sabak, Zbigniew, 287 Mickiewicz, Piotr, 287 Sierant, Oliwia, 250, 295 Minkina, Mirosław, 234, 235, 287, Skrzypek, Andrzej, 223, 287 288 Sloan, Geoffrey, 17, 287 Moczulski, Leszek, 17, 22, 163, 165, Smentek, Rafał, ., 221, 224, 295 209, 287 Smura, Tomasz, 84, 295 Mrvaljevic, Stefan, 40, 299 Staalessen, A., 187, 295 Musielak, Tomasz, 265, 294 Stopka, M., 248, 295 Mutschler, Max, M., 141, 294 Strzelecki, Jan, 207, 292, 296

311 The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

Sułek, Mirosław, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, W 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, Wilk, Andrzej, 84, 89, 296 122, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 135, Wiśniewska, Iwona, 27, 32, 169, 170, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 296 147, 148, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 159, Włodkowska, Agata, 33, 36, 289 287, 288 Wojnicz, Piotr, 206, 212, 290 Wojnowski, Michał, 223, 290 T Wunsch-Vincent Sacha, 252, 253, 291 Topolski, Ireneusz, 33, 288 Ż Żochowski, Piotr, 89, 296


The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study



Please indicate your status: Date of research ……………………...... University: …………………………………………………………………………..……. Faculty: Degree course: Security Undergraduate course International relations Year: Political studies 1 2 3 Type of study: Master course Stationary Year: Extramural 1 2 Doctoral studies


1. Is Russia a political power? (cross the selected answer) Yes No I don’t know 2. What kind of overall power is Russia? (cross the selected answer) superpower None world power It’s hard to say great power regional power local power 3. What kind of military power is Russia? (cross the selected answer) superpower None world power It’s hard to say great power regional power local power

314 Robert Białoskórski

4. Which states are the biggest threat to national security from Russian authorities’ point of view? (Cross the selected answers or specify in ‘other’ field). UNITED STATES None CHINA It’s hard to say GERMANY Other (specify) …………………… FRANCE UNITED KINGDOM POLAND INDIA JAPAN 5. Which states are the biggest threat to national security from your point of view? (cross the selected answers or specify in ‘other’ field). UNITED STATES None CHINA It’s hard to say GERMANY Other (specify) …………………… FRANCE UNITED KINGDOM POLAND INDIA JAPAN 6. What is the position of the following states in the overall power ranking? (number in order of weight from 1 – the highest to 7 – the lowest) CHINA – position no. ____ JAPAN – position no. ____ UNITED STATES – position no. ____ INDIA – position no. ____ RUSSIA – position no. ____ GERMANY – position no. ____ BRAZIL – position no. ____ It’s hard to say 7. What is the position of the following states in the military power ranking? (number in order of weight from 1 – the highest to 7 – the lowest) RUSSIA – position no. ____ CHINA – position no. ____ BRAZIL – position no. ____

315 The Geostrategic Position of the Russian Federation. A Powermetric Study

FRANCE – position no. ____ UNITED KINGDOM – position no. ____ UNITED STATES – position no. ____ INDIA – position no. ____ It’s hard to say 8. How do you assess the future of the Russia’s overall power? Up Down It’s hard to say 9. How do you assess the future of the Russia’s military power? Up Down It’s hard to say