Wiltshire Macro-Moth List

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Wiltshire Macro-Moth List WILTSHIRE MACRO-MOTH LIST Compiled by John Muggleton Version: 8th May 2021 Agassiz Bradley Scientific name English vernacular name Family name Status in Wiltshire number numbers 3.0010 15 Hepialus sylvina Orange Swift Hepialidae common 3.0020 17 Hepialus lupulinus Common Swift Hepialidae common 3.0030 18 Hepialus fusconebulosa Map-winged Swift Hepialidae local 3.0040 16 Hepialus hecta Gold Swift Hepialidae local 3.0050 14 Hepialus humuli Ghost Moth Hepialidae throughout in small numbers 50.0010 162 Cossus cossus Goat Moth Cossidae very rare 50.0020 161 Zeuzera pyrina Leopard Moth Cossidae throughout in very small numbers 52.0020 370 Sesia apiformis Hornet Moth Sesiidae very local 52.0030 371 Sesia bembeciformis Lunar Hornet Moth Sesiidae very local 52.0070 381 Synanthedon culiciformis Large Red-belted Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 52.0080 380 Synanthedon formicaeformis Red-tipped Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 52.0090 377 Synanthedon flaviventris Sallow Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 52.0100 378 Synanthedon andrenaeformis Orange-tailed Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 52.0110 379 Synanthedon myopaeformis Red-belted Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 52.0120 374 Synanthedon vespiformis Yellow-legged Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 52.0130 373 Synanthedon tipuliformis Currant Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 52.0140 382 Bembecia ichneumoniformis Six-belted Clearwing Sesiidae insufficient information 53.0010 173 Apoda limacodes Festoon Limacodidae very local in South Wilts only 53.0020 174 Heterogenea asella Triangle Limacodidae in SE Wilts woods very local 54.0010 165 Jordanita globulariae Scarce Forester Zygaenidae rare 54.0020 163 Adscita statices Forester Zygaenidae local 54.0030 164 Adscita geryon Cistus Forester Zygaenidae local 54.0080 169 Zygaena filipendulae Six-spot Burnet Zygaenidae common 54.0090 171 Zygaena lonicerae Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Zygaenidae common 54.0100 170 Zygaena trifolii Five-spot Burnet Zygaenidae local 65.0010 1645 Falcaria lacertinaria Scalloped Hook-tip Drepanidae uncommon 65.0020 1646 Watsonalla binaria Oak Hook-tip Drepanidae local 65.0030 1647 Watsonalla cultraria Barred Hook-tip Drepanidae local 65.0050 1648 Drepana falcataria Pebble Hook-tip Drepanidae local 65.0070 1651 Cilix glaucata Chinese Character Drepanidae found regularly 65.0080 1652 Thyatira batis Peach Blossom Drepanidae uncommon 65.0090 1653 Habrosyne pyritoides Buff Arches Drepanidae found regularly 65.0100 1654 Tethea ocularis Figure of Eighty Drepanidae uncommon 65.0110 1655 Tethea or Poplar Lutestring Drepanidae rare 65.0120 1656 Tetheella fluctuosa Satin Lutestring Drepanidae one record from 2013 65.0130 1657 Ochropacha duplaris Common Lutestring Drepanidae local probably decreasing 65.0140 1658 Cymatophorima diluta Oak Lutestring Drepanidae rare 65.0150 1660 Polyploca ridens Frosted Green Drepanidae local 65.0160 1659 Achlya flavicornis Yellow Horned Drepanidae local 66.0010 1631 Poecilocampa populi December Moth Lasiocampidae common 66.0020 1632 Trichiura crataegi Pale Eggar Lasiocampidae uncommon 66.0030 1634 Malacosoma neustria Lackey Lasiocampidae common in VC7,uncommon in VC8 66.0050 1633 Eriogaster lanestris Small Eggar Lasiocampidae local 66.0070 1637 Lasiocampa quercus Oak Eggar Lasiocampidae local 66.0080 1638 Macrothylacia rubi Fox Moth Lasiocampidae found regularly on downland 66.0100 1640 Euthrix potatoria Drinker Lasiocampidae common 66.0120 1642 Gastropacha quercifolia Lappet Lasiocampidae local VC8 only 68.0010 1643 Saturnia pavonia Emperor Moth Saturniidae found regularly on the plain 69.0010 1979 Mimas tiliae Lime Hawk-moth Sphingidae uncommon 69.0020 1980 Smerinthus ocellata Eyed Hawk-moth Sphingidae uncommon 69.0030 1981 Laothoe populi Poplar Hawk-moth Sphingidae found regularly 69.0040 1972 Agrius convolvuli Convolvulus Hawk-moth Sphingidae rare migrant 69.0050 1973 Acherontia atropos Death's-head Hawk-moth Sphingidae rare migrant 69.0060 1976 Sphinx ligustri Privet Hawk-moth Sphingidae common in south, uncommon in north Wilts 69.0070 1978 Hyloicus pinastri Pine Hawk-moth Sphingidae found regularly in south, rare in north Wilts 69.0080 1982 Hemaris tityus Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk Sphingidae local 69.0090 1983 Hemaris fuciformis Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Sphingidae local 69.0100 1984 Macroglossum stellatarum Humming-bird Hawk-moth Sphingidae common & widespread migrant 69.0110 1985 Daphnis nerii Oleander Hawk-moth Sphingidae very rare migrant 69.0140 1987 Hyles gallii Bedstraw Hawk-moth Sphingidae very rare migrant 69.0150 1990 Hyles livornica Striped Hawk-moth Sphingidae very rare migrant 69.0160 1991 Deilephila elpenor Elephant Hawk-moth Sphingidae common 69.0170 1992 Deilephila porcellus Small Elephant Hawk-moth Sphingidae locally common 69.0180 1993 Hippotion celerio Silver-striped Hawk-moth Sphingidae very rare migrant 70.0020 1698 Idaea muricata Purple-bordered Gold Geometridae in SE Wilts rare 70.0040 1699 Idaea rusticata Least Carpet Geometridae uncommon but increasing 70.0041 1699a Idaea elongaria Rambur's Wave Geometridae adventive 70.0060 1705 Idaea fuscovenosa Dwarf Cream Wave Geometridae local 70.0080 1707 Idaea seriata Small Dusty Wave Geometridae found regularly 70.0090 1709 Idaea subsericeata Satin Wave Geometridae local 70.0100 1701 Idaea sylvestraria Dotted Border Wave Geometridae very rare 70.0110 1708 Idaea dimidiata Single-dotted Wave Geometridae common 70.0120 1711 Idaea trigeminata Treble Brown Spot Geometridae local but increasing 70.0130 1702 Idaea biselata Small Fan-footed Wave Geometridae common 70.0150 1712 Idaea emarginata Small Scallop Geometridae local 70.0160 1713 Idaea aversata Riband Wave Geometridae common 70.0180 1715 Idaea straminata Plain Wave Geometridae very local in SE Wilts 70.0230 1689 Scopula marginepunctata Mullein Wave Geometridae very rare 70.0240 1690 Scopula imitaria Small Blood-vein Geometridae local 70.0250 1692 Scopula immutata Lesser Cream Wave Geometridae local 70.0270 1693 Scopula floslactata Cream Wave Geometridae local 70.0280 1691 Scopula emutaria Rosy Wave Geometridae very rare 70.0290 1682 Timandra comae Blood-vein Geometridae found regularly 70.0300 1675 Cyclophora pendularia Dingy Mocha Geometridae very rare in SE Wilts 70.0310 1676 Cyclophora annularia Mocha Geometridae local 70.0320 1677 Cyclophora albipunctata Birch Mocha Geometridae local 70.0330 1678 Cyclophora puppillaria Blair's Mocha Geometridae rare migrant 70.0350 1679 Cyclophora porata False Mocha Geometridae very rare 70.0360 1680 Cyclophora punctaria Maiden's Blush Geometridae found regularly 70.0370 1681 Cyclophora linearia Clay Triple-lines Geometridae found regularly 70.0380 1716 Rhodometra sacraria Vestal Geometridae migrant 70.0390 1718 Phibalapteryx virgata Oblique Striped Geometridae local on downland 70.0410 1734 Scotopteryx luridata July Belle Geometridae very rare in south Wilts 70.0430 1731 Scotopteryx bipunctaria Chalk Carpet Geometridae local on downland 70.0450 1732 Scotopteryx chenopodiata Shaded Broad-bar Geometridae found regularly 70.0460 1719 Orthonama vittata Oblique Carpet Geometridae very rare 70.0470 1720 Orthonama obstipata Gem Geometridae migrant 70.0490 1728 Xanthorhoe fluctuata Garden Carpet Geometridae common 70.0500 1721 Xanthorhoe biriviata Balsam Carpet Geometridae very rare 70.0510 1724 Xanthorhoe spadicearia Red Twin-spot Carpet Geometridae common 70.0520 1725 Xanthorhoe ferrugata Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Geometridae local in south Wilts 70.0530 1722 Xanthorhoe designata Flame Carpet Geometridae uncommon 70.0540 1727 Xanthorhoe montanata Silver-ground Carpet Geometridae common 70.0550 1726 Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata Large Twin-spot Carpet Geometridae local 70.0560 1736 Catarhoe cuculata Royal Mantle Geometridae rare 70.0570 1735 Catarhoe rubidata Ruddy Carpet Geometridae rare 70.0590 1742 Camptogramma bilineata Yellow Shell Geometridae found regularly 70.0610 1738 Epirrhoe alternata Common Carpet Geometridae common 70.0620 1739 Epirrhoe rivata Wood Carpet Geometridae rare 70.0630 1740 Epirrhoe galiata Galium Carpet Geometridae rare 70.0640 1793 Euphyia biangulata Cloaked Carpet Geometridae very local 70.0650 1794 Euphyia unangulata Sharp-angled Carpet Geometridae very local 70.0660 1746 Anticlea badiata Shoulder Stripe Geometridae uncommon 70.0670 1747 Anticlea derivata Streamer Geometridae uncommon 70.0680 1748 Mesoleuca albicillata Beautiful Carpet Geometridae very local 70.0690 1749 Pelurga comitata Dark Spinach Geometridae local 70.0700 1745 Larentia clavaria Mallow Geometridae rare 70.0740 1777 Hydriomena furcata July Highflyer Geometridae found regularly 70.0750 1778 Hydriomena impluviata May Highflyer Geometridae uncommon 70.0760 1779 Hydriomena ruberata Ruddy Highflyer Geometridae very rare, last record 2018 70.0770 1767 Thera firmata Pine Carpet Geometridae uncommon 70.0790 1769 Thera britannica Spruce Carpet Geometridae found regularly 70.0810 1768 Thera obeliscata Grey Pine Carpet Geometridae found regularly 70.0820 1771 Thera juniperata Juniper Carpet Geometridae local 70.0830 1771a Thera cupressata Cypress Carpet Geometridae uncommon 70.0840 1766 Plemyria rubiginata Blue-bordered Carpet Geometridae uncommon 70.0850 1765 Cidaria fulvata Barred Yellow Geometridae uncommon 70.0860 1773 Electrophaes corylata Broken-barred Carpet Geometridae uncommon 70.0870 1752 Cosmorhoe ocellata Purple Bar Geometridae uncommon 70.0890 1754 Eulithis prunata Phoenix Geometridae found regularly 70.0900 1755 Eulithis testata Chevron Geometridae rare 70.0920 1757
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