The Alabama EPISCOPALIAN 4HE %PISCOPAL $IOCESE OF !LABAMA s 3EPTEMBER /CTOBER s 6O L .O Hands-On Learning at Camp McDowell Environmental Center “Remembrance, Repentance, and Reconciliation”— The 13th Annual Jonathan Daniels Pilgrimage ÓÊUÊ/ iÊ>L>>Ê «ÃV«>> ÀÕ`Ê"ÕÀÊ ViÃi The Alabama Episcopalian 3EPTEMBER /CTOBER / À`Ê >ÃÃÊvÊ i>VÃÊ"À`>i` By Diocesan Staff; Photo by the Rev. Deacon Dave Drachlis In This Issue Bishop Parsley and empower the and Bishop people of God in Sloan ordained reaching out, so 13 women and that, in the words men to the of the Ordinal, Sacred Order of Christ’s people Deacons on Sat- may know that ‘in urday, October 1, helping the help- during a service less they are serv- at the Cathe- ing Christ himself dral Church of . ..’ They make the Advent in a healing con- Junior High Summer Camper Samuel Sutherland Birmingham. nection between “wearing” a nonpoisonous gray rat snake; photo by the Rev. Mark Waldo Jr. The new per- the Church and manent deacons, the needs of the For the past seven years, the gentle female gray rat snake who come from world.” in the cover photo has helped educate children and adults parishes through- (Front row) Kelly Hudlow, Jeannie Robison, Cindy Rolf, (second row) Judy Lee, Norbert Wilson, Permanent about snakes and helped many people overcome their fear out our diocese, Maria Asson, Kim Beckett, (third row) David Whetstone, Charlotte Van Slyke, Jerry Jacob, Judy deacons, who are of nonpoisonous snakes through Camp McDowell Envi- Quick, (fourth row) Marti Holmes, Bishop Sloan, David Barfield, and Bishop Parsley are Marla Asson non-stipendiary, ronmental Center’s Alabama Neighbors Program, taught by senior environmentalist Dave Hollaway.
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