INTRA-OIC AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INVESTMENT MAGAZINE ISSUETIJARIS 131 - MAY/JULY 2013 - ISLAMIC CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE REPUBLIC OF GABON ICDT CELEBRATING ITS 30TH ANNIVERSARY THE CENTRAL AFRICAN THE BANK OF THE 48TH ANNUAL ECONOMIC CENTRAL MEETINGS OF THE AND MONETARY AFRICAN AFDB: THE COMMUNITY STATES STRUCTURAL (CEMAC) (BEAC) TRANSFORMATION OF AFRICA IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT TRUST TIJARIS Since “Tijaris” is disseminated to 57 Member States and read by economic operators, take advantage of the business opportunities appearing on it to generate more trade opportunities. We want indeed to make of this magazine a suitable space for economic operators to get their products well known... So entrust the advertisements of your products and services to us, trust “Tijaris” and be sure that your adverts will be widely disseminated by this magazine in such a manner as to meet market requirements... We are thus convinced that “Tijaris” is an advertising medium to make known your products and services by the economic operators of the Islamic World which constitutes a market of 1.5 billion of consumers. So subscribe now and make your adverts on our magazine. To subscribe to “Tijaris” and use its advertising services, visit our website or contact Mrs. Kadiatou DIALLO at: ISLAMIC CENTRE FOR Tel: 0522314974 DEVELOPMENT OF Fax:0522310110 TRADE (ICDT)
[email protected] TIJARIS 131 MAY-JULY 2013 2 EDITORIAL By EL Hassane HZAINE DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS OF HALAL PRODUCTS IN OIC MEMBER COUNTRIES HE GLOBAL MARKET value for trade in Halal foods is estimated at US$547 billion a year.