The Musical Critic and Trade Review
THE MUSICAL CRITIC AND TRADE REVIEW. SHEET MUSIC. —Snoring. A DISHONEST EMPLOYEE.—For nine months past Joseph Andrie, aged 21, of No. 531 Sixth avenue, has been in the employ of D'Oyley Carte, operatic DE VEEE.—Mile. De Vere, soprano, has been engaged at the Grand Opera manager, at No. 1193 Broadway, and enjoyed the confidence of his employer. in Paris. Recently Mr. William White, Mr. Carte's agent, sent Andrie to the Bowery BOHEER.—Mme. Chatterton-Bohrer, the famous English harpist, is the National Bank to get a check for $300 cashed. As the young man did not gnest of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. White, Jr., at Squantum. return within a reasonable time, Mr. White made inquiries, and found that Andrie had been to the bank and had drawn the money. Acting-Sergeant STUB.—Professor Stub, the leader of the United States Hotel at Sara- Wallace, of the Twenty-ninth Precinct, arrested Andrie last week. The young- toga, had his annual benefit on the night of the 7th inst. man confessed his guilt, and said he had spent the money in dissipation. SCHARWENKA.—Xaver Scharvvenka and Gustav Hollander are giving a He was remanded to prison by Justice Murray to await examination. series of concerts at the principal German watering places. ADOLPH FRANOSCH.—This well-known singer in German opera, died VAN ZANDT.—The Opera Comique, Paris, will begin the next season with suddenly on Wednesday, August 4, at No. 909 Sixth avenue, from disease of "Jean de Nivelle," and " Mignon," for the reappearance of Mile. Van the heart.
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