An Inventory of the Merrimon Cuninggim papers

Revised May 5, 2017 [work in progress]

Title: Merrimon Cuninggim papers

Merrimon Cuninggim (1911–1995) was a Methodist minister and educator who served as Dean of Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, from 1951 until 1960.

Date range: 1943-1993

Bulk date range: 1951-1960

Extent: 16 boxes (16 linear feet) [Boxes 15-31]

Collection BridArch 1.006


The folder-level inventory that follows describes the collection before processing.

Box File Contents 15 01 A – General 02 Abingdon 03 Abingdon – Emory S. Buck, 1956-1960 04 Adkins, Carl 05 Admission of Vanderbilt St., 1960 06 Ahmad-Shah, E. 07 Akin, Dr. Nita 08 Allen, Yorke 09-14 Alumni Association, 1953-1960 15 American Airlines 16 American Association of C. for T. Ed., 1953-1954 17-24 American Association of Theological Schools, 1951-1960 25-37 American Association of Theological Schools – Commission on Accrediting, 1954-1959 38-41 American Association of Theological Schools – Faculty Fellowship Commission, 1956- 1960

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42 American Association of Theological Schools – Guides for Self-Study 43-45 American Association of Theological Schools – Lilly Foundation, 1956-1959 46 American Association of Theological Schools – Motives in Christian Service, 1957 47 American Association of Theological Schools – Procedure in Re-inspection, 1958-1959 48 American Association of Theological Schools – Report, 1956 49-50 American Association of Theological Schools – Senior Scholarship Awards, 1958-1960 51 American Association of University Professors 52 American Council on Education 53 American Foundation Information Service 54 American Jewish Committee 55 Anderson, Bernard 56 Anderson, Thomas J., 1952 57 Applications for Positions, 1951-1952 58-59 Appointments – Reappointments, 1954-1956 60 Arnott, Robert J. 61 Ashby, Philip H. 62-67 Association of Methodist Theological Schools, 1951-1957

16 01-03 Association of Methodist Theological Schools, 1957-1960 04 Athletics, 1959-1960 05 Aubrey, Edwin E., 1951 06 Audio-Visual Committee 07-13 Awards, 1952-1960 14-20 B – General, 1953-1960 21 Back to God, Gerald Barradas, 1954 22-23 Bailey, Layton, 1954-1957 24 Baker, Eric W., 1956 25 Barbieri, Sante Uberto, 1955-1956 26 Barcus, Ed, 1959-1960 27 Barnett, Albert E., Candler School of Theology, 1957 28 Barron, J. Daniel, 1955-1956 29 Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo, 1958-1959 30 Beardslee, William A., 1958 31 Bell, Cooper. 1958 32 Bells, 1958-1959 33 Bennett, John R., Danforth Foundation, 1955-1956 34 Benton, W. E., 1954 35 Berea College, 1959-1960 36 Berner, Bill, 1954-1955 37 Best, James S., Harper and Bros., 1959-1960 38-39 Bibliographies, 1955-1959 40 Bishop, Neal, 1955-1956 41 Blanchard, William 42-43 Blanton, Paul, Meaning of Vocation for Univ., 1956-1958

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44 Board of Development, 1956-1957 45 Board of Education – Bullock, 1956-1957 46-48 Board of Education – Commission on Christian Higher Education, 1957-1960 49 Board of Education – Committee of One Hundred, 1957-1958 50 Board of Education – Department of Theological Schools, 1952-1953 51-57 Board of Education – Division of Education, 1951-1957 58-66 Board of Education – General, 1951-1960 67-68 Board of Education – Hargraves, 1951-1953 69-75 Board of Education – Gerald O. McCulloh, 1953-1960 76-78 Board of Education – National Methodist Scholarship Travel Sem., 1957-1960 79-80 Board of Education – Reports, 1955-1956

17 01-03 Board of Education – Reports, 1957-1960 04 Board of Education – Scholarship, 1952 05-08 Board of Education – Student Loans, 1951-1960 09 Board of Education – Study Commission 10 Bolivia Fellowship Group, 1960 11 Boren, Carter E., 1951-1952 12-13 Bracewell, J. S., 1956-1958 14-15 Braden, Charles S., 1952-1956 16 Brady, Charles R., Jr., 1958-1959 17 Braisted, Paul J., Hazen Foundation, 1955-1956 18 Bramer, John C., Fiscal Officer Survey, 1957 19 Branscomb, Harvie, , 1958-1959 20 Brawner, R. B., 1959-1960 21-24 Breihan, Bob, Texas Methodist Student Movement, 1955-1960 25 Bremond School Case, 1959 26-34 Bridwell Library, 1951-1960 35-37 Bridwell, J. S., 1957-1960 38 Brown, Earl Kent, 1955-1956 39 Brown, Guy, MacMillan Company 40 Brown, Kenneth, 1952 41 Brown, Kenneth I., Danforth Foundation, 1956 42-43 Bryan, Monk, 1952-1958 44 Bryant, H. Boel, 1956-1957 45 Bucknole, H. Ellen, 1956 46 Bunche, Ralph, 1957-1958 47-51 Business office correspondence, 1951-1957 52 Business office of SMU, 1953-1955 53-57 Business office receipts, 1955-1960 58 Bush, Richard C., 1957-1958 59 Bywaters, Jerry, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1959-1960 60-66 C – General, 1953-1960 67 Calendar, 1959-1960

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68 Camp, Thomas E. 69 Campus blueprint, 1953 70-72 Campus News, 1956-1960 73 Cannon, Neal, 1957 74-75 Cannon, William R., Emory University, 1953-1957 76 Cardwell, Paul, 1953-1959 77 Carr, Aute L., Yale Divinity School, 1954-1955 78 Carrier, Blanche, 1954 79 Carter, Orion W. 80 Carter, William Burt, 1957-1958 81 Caswell, Bervin 82-83 Catalog, 1953-1957 84 Central Texas Conference 85-88 Chair of Evangelism, 1954-1957 89-93 Chapel, 1953-1960 94 Chaplain’s Group, 1958-1959 95-103 Chaplaincy, 1951-1960

18 01 Chowdry, D. S., 1959 02-04 Christian Action, 1953-1956 05 Christian Advocate, 1959 06 Christian Athletes, Fellowship of, 1957-1959 07-11 Christian Century, 1953-1960 12 Christian Vocations, 1953-1954 13 Christie, Francis, 1954-1955 14 Church History self-study project, 1959 15 Civil and Defense mobilization, 1960 16 Civil Rights, 1959 17 Civil War Centennial 18 Clavier, Henri, 1953-1954 19-22 Clinical Training, 1956-1960 23 Cokesbury Bookstore, 1954-1960 24 Collins, James M. 25-33 Commencement, 1951-1960 34-35 Commission on Ecumenical Consultation, 1958-1960 36 Committee on Committees, 1956-1957 37 Committee on Instruction, 1951-1952 38-40 Committee on the School of Theology, Board of Trustees, 1954-1960 41-42 Committees – Academic procedures, 1954-1958 43-44 Committees – Administration, 1955-1957 45-48 Committees – Admissions, 1953-1958 49-51 Committees – Approved Supply Pastors’ School, 1955-1958 52-54 Committees – Audio-Visual, 1955-1958 55-58 Committees – Community Affairs, 1956-1959

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59 Committees – Comprehensive Lab. Program, 1955-1956 60 Committees – Course of Study, 1955-1956 61 Committees – Curricular Reorganization, 1953 62 Committees – Curricular Review, 1956-1959 63 Committees – Fellowships and Awards, 1956-1958 64-66 Committees – Field Work, 1954-1958 67-68 Committees – Graduate Studies, 1955-1958 69-71 Committees – House, 1955-1958 72-73 Committees – Library, 1956-1958 74-76 Committees – Orientation and Student Life, 1955-1958 77 Committees – Parish Week, 1956-1957 78-80 Committees – Publications, 1955-1958 81-82 Committees – Research, 1955-1957 83-84 Committees – Research – American Jewish Committee, 1955-1957

19 01-07 Committees – Research – Christianity and Communism, 1957 08 Committees – Research – Church and Community Development 09-14 Committees – Research – Leadership training 15-16 Committees – School-Church Relations, 1954-1957 17-19 Committees – Student Aid and Scholarships, 1955-1958 20-22 Committees – Worship, 1955-1958 23 Committees and Commission Reports, 1953-1954 24-27 Committees – General, 1952-1957 28 Community Chest, 1959-1960 29-30 Community Day, 1954-1959 31 Community House at SMU, 1958-1959 32 Compendium of Academic Customs, Rules and Procedures 33 Conference – North Texas 34-35 Conference on Church Music, 1955-1956 36 Conference on Christian Faith and Human Relations, 1957 37 Conference on Theological Education in the Southwest, 1954 38-42 Conference visitations, 1954-1959 43-44 Consultation on Church Music, 1955 45-49 Convocation, 1955-1960 50-51 Correspondence School, 1956-1959 52-57 Council of Churches, Greater Dallas, 1954-1960 58-61 Council of Churches, Texas, 1956-1960 62-63 Council of Churches, World, 1956-1958 64 Council of Deans, 1956-1957 65 Council of Division, 1957-1958 66-78 Council of Southwestern Theological Schools, 1957-1960

20 01-02 Council on Social Agencies, 1956-1958 03-08 Council of Southwestern Theological Seminaries, 1958-1960

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09-10 Council of World Affairs, Dallas, 1958-1960 11 Counseling Program to Students, 1955 12-15 Courses, 1956-1960 16 Craven, Byron, 1954 17 Crawford, Hadley, 1953-1954 18 Crawford, Leonidas W. 19 Crawford, Meredith, 1952 20 Crosby, Stanley W. 21 Crossman, Jerome K. 22 Crutchfield, Finis, 1955 23 Culver, Maurice 24 Cuninggim, Merrimon, 1952 25 Cuninggim, Merrimon, “… To Fashion as We Feel,” Conference on Christian Faith and Human Relations, Nashville, 1957 26-31 Cuninggim, Merrimon, “Brother, We Are Treading,” Ministers Week, Emory University, 1956 32 Cuninggim, Merrimon, “Freedom of Belief for All” 33 Cuninggim, Merrimon, “Freedom to Believe” (manuscript) 34 Cuninggim, Merrimon, “The Idea of America” (Indianola) 35 Cuninggim, Merrimon, “This Nation under God” (Indianola) 36-37 Cuninggim, Merrimon, reprints, 1955-1956 38 Cuninggim, Merrimon, Study Commission, 1952-1955 39 Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl 40 Curl, R. F., 1952 41 Curriculum Study Committee, 1953-1954 42-43 Curriculum (New), 1951-1954 44 Curry, J. L., 1959 45 Cushman, Robert E. 46-52 D – General, 1953-1960 53 Dallas Council on World Affairs, 1955-1956 54 Dallas Museum of Find Arts, 1959-1959 55 Dallas Pastors Association, 1954-1960 56 Danforth Foundation, 1953-1960 67 Daughenbaugh, Howard, 1959-1960 68 Deaconess Work, W.S.C.S., 1959 69-72 Dean’s Breakfast, 1956-1960 73 Deats, Richard, 1959-1960 74 Dedications, 1951-1959 75 Degrees conferred, 1958 77-78 Desegregation, 1954-1956 79-80 Dirks, J. Edward, 1954-1960 81 Dirks, W. Ed, 1959-1960 82 Discipline, 1956-1960 83-84 Division I, 1956-1958

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85-86 Division II, 1956-1958 87-88 Division III, 1956-1958 89 Division IV, 1956-1958 90-91 Divisions I, II, III, and IV, 1958-1960 92 Donaldson, James Walter, 1954-1955 93-94 Donations, 1951-1953 95 Donoho, John, 1954-1955

21 01 Drake, Dorothy, 1952 02 Draper, Edgar, 1958-1959 03 Druml, Mark, 1954-1955 04 Duke Seminar, 1953-1959 05 Duke Trip, 1956 06 Duncan, Gordon B., 1954 07 Dunlap, E. Dale, 1959 08 Dustman, Kenneth L., 1954-1955 09 Duvall, Sylvanus M. 10 Dyer, J. Frank, 1955-1956 11-17 E – General, 1953-1960 18 Ebright, Donald F., 1956-1957 19-26 Ecumenical Institute, 1956-1958 27 Ecumenics, 1953-1954 28 Edison, Thomas A. Industries, Voicewriter Division, 1958-1960 29 Edwards, Maldwyn, 1955-1958 30 Elliott, Lloyd H, 1958 31 Emory – Candler, Minister’s Week, 1956 32 Employment and Placement Services, 1953-1954 33-39 Engagements, 1953-1960 40 English B 41-43 Enrollment, 1953-1959 44 Evans, J. Claude, 1957-1958 45-51 F – General, 1953-1960 52-82 Faculty, 1951-1960 83-84 Faculty Club, SMU, 1953-1958 85 Faculty Fellowship Program, 1958-1959

22 01 Fellows, 1953-1954 02 Fellowship of Christian Athletes 03-05 Field Work, 1951-1956 06 Field Work Car, 1953-1954 07 Finances, 1957 08 Finch, William C., 1954-1955 09 Fine Arts Survey, 1959 10 Finegan, Jack, 1956

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11 Finger, Ellis, 1954-1955 12 Fleming, Durwood, 1955-1956 13 Fort, Homer T., 1953-1955 15 Freedom’s Holy Light, 1953-1957 16 Freeman, Alfred H., 1953-1959 17 Frei, Hans, 1954-1955 18 Friends of Bridwell Library, 1954 19 Fund for the Republic, 1957-1958 20-26 G – General, 1953-1960 27 General Conference Study Commission, 1953-1954 28 Gifts, 1953 29 Graduate Comm. On Religion 30-36 Graduate Studies in Religion, 1951-1960 37-44 H – General, 1951-1960 45 Hallock, Everett F., American Leprosy Missions 46 Hardin, Grady 47 Harper and Brothers, 1952 48 Harrison, Thomas J., Bible Collection, 1958-1959 49 Hazelton Class Exam problem, 1953 50-54 Hazen Foundation, 1954-1959 55 Hicks, Goodloe and Seneker 56 Hicks, John H. 57 Hill, B. O.

23 01 Historical Library, Methodist – Bishop F. D. Leete, 1956-1957 02 Holt, Ivan Lee, 1954-1955 03-04 Holy Week, 1953-1955 05-12 Hosford, Hemphill, 1951-1960 13 Housing, 1951 14 Hungarian Relief, 1957 15 Hymnal Responses 16-24 Hysteria, 1951-1960 25-29 I – General, 1953-1959 30 Iglehart, Charles, 1953-1955 31 Institute of American Affairs 32-38 Institute of Religion, 1955-1959 39-41 Insurance, 1956-1960 42-49 Integration, 1957-1959 50-53 Interseminary Movement, 1954-1960 54-59 Invitations from other schools, 1954-1960 60 Invitations issues 61-67 J – General, 1953-1960 68 Jersey Roundtable Conference

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24 01 Jewish-American, 1956-1957 02 John Wesley prospectus 03-10 Journal of Perkins School of Theology, 1951-1959 11 Judicial Council of the Methodist Church, 1953-1954 12 Junior College 13-26 Junior College Conference on Religious Higher Education, 1953-1958 27 Jurisdictional Meeting, Oklahoma City, 1952 28-34 K- General, 1953-1960 35 Kansas Conference, 1953-1954 36 Knight, James Allen 37-43 L- General, 1953-1960 44 Landrum, Lynn W. 45 Layman’s Day 46 Lee, John 47-50 Lee, Umphrey, 1943-1958 51 Library 52 Lindstrom, Harold, 1956-1960 53-59 Lists, 1953-1960 60 Little Rock, Arkansas, 1957-1958 61 Loans, 1951 62-67 Log, 1953-1960 68 Lovelace, Austin

25 01-08 M – General, 1952-1960 09 Manschreck, Clyde, 1951-1954 10 Marlatt Prayer Chapel, 1954-1958 11 Marlatt, Earl B., 1948-1958 12 Marsh, Thomas 13 Marti, Fritz, 1953 14 Martin, A. W., 1951-1957 15 Martin, Paul, 1954-1955 16-22 Martin, William C., 1953-1960 23 Master’s degree, 1954 24-30 Mc – General, 1952-1960 31-32 McCutchan, Robert Guy, 1951-1958 33 McDonald, Lee, 1952 34 McNeill, John T., 1953-1957 35 Methodism, 1957-1958 36 Methodist Archives Commission, 1959-1960 37 Methodist Hospital, 1952-1953 38 Methodist Mission Home 39 Methodist Reporter, 1956-1957 40-45 Methodist Student Movement, 1953-1959 46 Meyer, Henry Cord, 1951-1952

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47 Miller, Mrs. Ormal 48-56 Minister’s Week, 1952-1959 57 Ministerial Education, 1959 58 Ministerial Training, 1959 59 Ministers of Music program, 1957 60-66 Missionary Emphasis Week, 1953-1960

26 01 Missionary Housing, 1953-1954 02-03 Missouri Conference, 1953-1955 04-07 Moore, John M. Fellowship, 1952-1960 08 Moreland, Earl, 1953-1954 09 Music, Worship and Liturgics, 1952-1955 10 Mustang magazine, 1953-1956 11-18 N – General, 1952-1960 19-20 National Association of College and University Chaplains, 1952-1954 21 National Association of Biblical Instructors, 1954-1955 22-23 National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1958-1959 24-36 National Council of Churches of Christ, 1954-1960 37 National Fellowship of Methodist Musicians, 1958-1959 38 Neel, Virginia, 1951 39-41 Negro Scholarships, 1952-1955 42-44 News Bureau, 1953-1959 45 Nielsen, Niels C, Jr., 1953 46 North American Faith and Order, Section 10, 1957 47-49 North Texas Conference, 1951-1956 50-51 Northwest Texas Conference, 1953-1955 52-59 O – General, 1952-1960

27 01 Oberlin, 1957-1958 02-04 Ohio – Methodist Theological Seminary, 1956-1959 05 Olds, Glenn A. 06 Omaha trip 07-08 Orientation, 1953-1955 09-16 P – General, 1952-1960 17-18 Parish Week, 1955-1957 19 Patterson, Stanley, 1953-1954 20-26 Payroll, 1953-1960 27 Perkins Chapel, 1951-1952 28-31 Perkins Outreach, 1956-1960 32 Perkins Perspective, 1957-1960 33-34 Perkins, J. J. and Lois, 1951-1953 35-37 Personnel, 1953-1957 38 Petty, Benjamin, 1955-1956 39 Pledger, W. F., 1960

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40 , 1951-1952 41 Pre-Enrollment, 1943-1954 42 Press – SMU 43 Programs, 1952-1953 44 Prospectus of an untitled work 45-47 Public Relations, 1956-1959 48 Publicity – Other schools 49-55 Q – General, 1952-1959 56 Quillian, Joseph D. 57-65 R – General, 1951-1960 66 Racial Tension, 1960 67 Railroad pass, 1960 68-69 Receipts, 1951-1953 70 Recommendations, 1951-1952 71 Reg. meeting of prof. of hom., 1960 72 Registrar, 1959-1960 73 Registration, 1954-1955 74-77 Registration Procedures, 1956-1960 78 Religion and Labor 79-84 Religion in Higher Education, 1952-1958

28 01-02 Religion in Higher Education 03-06 Religious Education, 1953-1959 07 Religious Emphasis Week, Oklahoma, 1956-1957 08 Religious Film Association, 1952 09-11 Reports, 1951-1953 12-16 Requests for pastors, 1955-1960 17-25 Requisitions, 1951-1960 26-30 Reservations, 1954-1959 31 Responses to congratulations on appointment as Dean, 1951 32 Retirement, 1957-1958 33 Rhodes Collections, 1951 34-36 Rhodes Scholarship Committee, 1955-1958 37-40 Rhodes Scholarship Trust, 1951-1960 41 Richey, McMurry, 1957-1958 42 Riley, Sara Ruth, 1957-1959 43-48 Rockefeller Theological Fellowship Program, 1954-1960 49 Rockover, Cecil Andrew, 1951-1958 50-54 Root, Trent, 1951-1960 55-59 Rotary Club, 1951-1956 60 Ruffin, David, 1955 61-62 S – General, 1952-1954

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29 01-06 S- General, 1954-1960 07-09 Sabbaticals, 1958-1960 10 Saint Louis Conference, 1953-1954 11 Sample, 1960 12-15 Scholarship, 1952-1955 16 Sealantic Fundy, Inc., 1955-1957 17-19 Selecman Hall, 1952-1955 20 Selective Service 21 Seminaries of the Southwest, 1956-1957 22 Seminars, 1954-1955 23-26 Seminary Singers, 1952-1960 27 Shedd Memorial volumes, 1952-1953 28 Shedd Symposium 29 Shipley, David C. 30-31 Smith, A. Frank, 1951-1954 32 Smith, John Sylvester 33 Smith, Orcenith 34 Smith, Seymour, 1951-1952 35-37 Social Security, 1951-1960 38 South Central Jurisdiction, 1952-1953 39-40 Southern Methodist University, 1953 41 Southwest Texas Conference, 1954-1955 42 Special Study of Methodist Theological Schools, 1952 43-44 Stamping Machine – Pitney-Bowes, 1957-1959 45 Steel, Marshall T., 1951-1952 46 Stierwalt, Jeanne, 1960 47 Student – General information, 1959-1960 48-53 Student Council, 1955-1960 54 Student-Faculty Committee 55-57 Students, 1952-1955 58 Study Tour 59-61 Summer School Program, 1954-1960 62 Survey, 1955 63-69 T – General, 1952-1959 70-79 Tate, Willis, 1951-1960 80 Television

30 01 Texas College, Tyler, 1955-1956 02 Texas Council of Churches, 1954-1955 03-07 Texas Methodist Commission on Higher Education, 1956-1960 08-10 Theological Discussion Grouop of the Southwest, 1954-1958 11-12 Theological Education, 1954-1955 13 Thrift, Charles T., Jr. 14-19 Town and Country Commission, 1956-1960

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20-21 Town and Gown Club, 1952-1959 22 Trevor, John C. 23 Trice, William E. 24-25 Trip – Columbia, Missouri, 1953-1955 26-27 Trustees of SMU, 1957-1960 28 Trustees of Perkins School of Theology, 1957-1958 29-32 U – General, 1952-1960 33-36 University Council of Religious Activities, 1954-1958 37-42 University Senate, 1954-1960 43-48 V – General, 1951-1960 49 Van Nuys, Kelvin 50 Vanderbilt University – Lawson Case, 1960 51 Veteran, 1952-1953 52 Visiting Professorship, 1959 53-54 Von Rohr, John, 1951-1956 55-62 W – General, 1951-1960 63 Waring, E. Graham, 1951-1952 64 Welcome to Perkins School of Theology, 1951-1952 65 Wesley Foundation 66 Wesley Society, 1959-1960 67-71 Wheeler, Sterling, 1951-1960 72 Whittlesey, F. L., 1955-1956 73 Willson Lectures, Georgetown, Texas, 1953-1954 74 Witten, Livingston Helson, 1953 75 World Council, 1953-1954 76 Y – General, 1959-1960 77 Y.M.C.A., 1952 78 , 1958-1960 79 Yarborough, James W., 1958-1959 80 Yoder, Theodore C. 81 Yonan Syriac manuscript, 1952-1953 82 Young, J. Otis

31 01-?? Integration [see also Box 23]

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