estiva! Play Opens onight; Recitals ill Start Tuesday HV DAI I EDMONDS ,.. :, bant oi Yonkers," the Fim dramatii :i open at I p.m. today In the Littli Xhi I 11 «d l'"V(' by Thornton Wilder, also v.ii; u ,,,, • and Tuesday through Saturday ol next week, \ program <>f M—art piano I—tai will begin next week'a jtival musical prtaeatatieai at 1:19 a m Tuesdaj in Ed Lantlrcth Hitorium • i be featured are sonatas in A major, C major, f majoi and Fantasia. Pianists will be Misses Billie Li tie. ' Jan —Skiff Phut.. I» IIHRI KS DOWH I. Qji] Wllllama, Mary White and Harns Cavender. "OOll. MS. HACKL," gurgles Mrs. Mary Lynn Brush, second from ram of Mozart and Schumann vocal and pia no works will right, as she tickles.. the chin of Cornelius Hack! <Dennis Brutoni. Miss : at 8:15 p_m. Wednesday--j ...In —Ed ..Landrethu,,v..>i, Voice students Barbara Jones, left and Miss Carlene Waters, react differently. All ll perform are Miss ( arol ( almea, Jack Vandagriff, Miss Elaine appear in "The Merchant of Yonkers v! IcnMcClaskej opening tonight. Lalsti »1H * ■*»" Su' „„ ,s, rerl] "«■ viI. unit jnd llainlrr. America Is .,1 H 15 p in in ia itudenti im ,,t Schu rkj Mlsa K.iy Like Child, Henricha, Miss I ,i. Eliza will plaj Merchant ol Says Bash Bobby Pal America is an adolescent na- ion, Kiln.olid tion lacking in emotional and ■ Creson, political security, Dr. Lawrence :i. nnls Bru Bash, minister of University I - tralgi au Christian Church of Austin I and Mrs and mam speaker for Religious isti Emphasis Week, sod Wed H MISS Barbara laatca, da] ll„nv Sol in.
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