Banged Up Abroad 1 Research and Notes The information and specifically the tables within this document are a key part of my research into my Banged up Aboard project in which I am seeking to capture as a series of documentary and indexed images the site of the former World War Two (WWII) Prisoner of War (PoW) sites in England, Scotland and Wales1. In complying this data it has become evident that the Camp numbers for whatever reason have been duplicated and a camp may have had more than one number as such it is acknowledged that discrepancies exist within not just my table but also with the source information. This may have in some cases camps being moved from one location to another, a camp being divided and given two number such as one for German one for Italian, or one number for Officers and a different number for other ranks. Also many “Subcamps exist for which I have in the most part been unable to obtain the Camp, in cases like this they have been given a nominal number of 00. The intent is to capture the sites as they are now although as part of the research, I will also be accumulating images and data as to the sites when they were in use during and slightly after the end of WWII. It is intended that the images captured as part of this project will form a historic data source for other to come. This as a project is being undertaken by myself Martin J Richards as an integral part of a Mater in Arts Degree being undertaken by myself through the University of Falmouth: Martin J Richards BA(Hons) ARPS
[email protected] [email protected] 1.9461109999999735&z=6 It is anticipated that in addition to the basic documentary images produced as part of this project other images and videos along with written work will be produced for formal exhibition.