I want to start this book out by answering the the Random Courtesans Tables, the book did not most obvious . Did Sexcetera need an really address them very much. If you are expecting expansion book, after the main book had already detailed statistical information as it relates to the been given a major revision? game for them, you will probably be disappointed. What you will find, however, is some of the factual Not really, no. information that I was able to find.

Obviously that is not an answer that explains why As a warning, this book did not go through the this book exists. For those who did not know, editing process. I worked on this one almost Tammra and I were without power for about three completely by myself, so I am sure it is full of months (in the summer no less, yuck). Not being able grammatical errors, typos, layout mistakes, poor to get on the computer, watch TV, play video games, spelling, and terrible writing. After a few months of etc., provided us very little in the way of editing on “The Director’s Cut”, and a very entertainment. disappointing amount of downloads, I elected to skip that process, and not put my editing staff (aka, Luckily, we are gamers. I dug out my 3.0/3.5 usually Firebomb doing it by himself) through the edition Dungeons and Dragons books, because she hassle. wanted a break from running Marvel RPG (the horror!). As I went through some of the ones in our If anyone who reads this wonders why I would collection, I found several things that should have bother with a project only a handful of people other gone into the “Director’s Cut” version of Sexcetera. than I enjoy, the answer is simple. I make these books for use in the games I play and run. I share Therefore, I made some notes, and when we went them because it is my hope at least one person finds it places to charge our laptops, I worked on the book a useful, and it enhances their games. little. When we got our power back on, I wanted to get back to work on some of my RPG projects. Since So here is the Encore, I hope you enjoy! we did get a few donations along the way from some - MTS fans/friends, I wanted to give something back.

Was this the best project to finish first? Again, not really no. Still, much of the work was completed, and it would be one of my quicker projects. I looked over my notes, looked up a few more things, and found some additional material that would fit into the book nicely.

I wanted to add in information about hermaphrodites/intersex. I had been asked some questions about them after completing “The Director’s Cut”. Other than the fact they appear in

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! I Chapter One: Sex & Sexuality in Role-Play Page 1 Chapter Two: Plus Parallèle Réalités Page 6 Chapter Three: Tous Les Deux Page 14 Chapter Four: Menagerie & Genesis Page 25 Appendix One: Les Chambres Du Juge Page 35 Addenda One: Perdu Page 41 Addenda Two: Transidentité Page 74 À Demain Page 94 Répertoire Page 95 Lettres D'Amour Page 98

II Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!

MTS Note: The following content was are reading this article I assume that you want sex in paraphrased from two online articles: "Introducing your games. So let’s get started. sex (the sexy kind) into your role-playing games" and "Why would you want sex in your role playing One of the first questions that comes up when game?" by Elin Dalstål. She wrote them for an discussing sexual content in games often is: amazing site called “Gaming as Women”. Isn’t It Embarrassing? http://www.gamingaswomen.com The answer to that question is: Yes, it is. She is an articulate, and brilliant writer like the other ladies on the website. It is well worth the visit. Sex in role-playing games is a lot like sex in real life. It is awfully embarrassing the first time. With When finishing up this book, I looked up another practice it gets less embarrassing, but every now and guide on helping Judges and Players introduce adult then there is a relapse and it becomes extremely themes into the game. This can be difficult for many embarrassing again. Like when you are doing it with to do it in a non-tacky fashion. a new person you’re not comfortable with, or when something goes wrong, or when your mom walks into Besides, no one is better to ask than a woman how the room while you are doing it. Like sex in real life, to handle sensitive matters. sex in role-playing games is worth doing in spite of the initial embarrassment. Introducing Sex (The Sexy Kind) Into Your Role-Playing Games

As an adult gamer, you may want to include adult themes in your role-playing games. This often means broaching the topic of sex.

Many people find it scary to introduce the topic of sex into their games. Not everyone wants to play the actual sex acts, but sex is so much more than the acts. Sexual relationships, sexual tension, and sex as a part of the story even if it not on-screen, can all be interesting and rewarding elements in your stories.

This is an article about how to introduce sexual Also just like sex in real life, sex in role-playing content into you role-playing games, so I will not games can make you feel vulnerable, so it is address why sexual content is nice to include. If you important to be respectful and careful when

1 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! introducing it into the game. Fortunately, the same a bit vulnerable and tense as well. It is okay to methods to deal with embarrassment usually also approach the subject with humor to ease the tension. help people to deal with feelings of vulnerability. Use as much humor as you need to. Perhaps you To help with both of these issues here are some just need a few funny out of character laughs or tips on how to survive the first embarrassing phase comments to get through it, or perhaps your group when introducing sex into the game: needs to play the Monty Python version of sex the first time you breach the subject. That is okay. Talk About It Humor is a great tool for getting comfortable with sensitive material. Get the group talking about how and why you want to introduce sexual content. How to introduce Veils it, what pitfalls you want to to avoid, what people expect to be comfortable with, what they aren’t Just because you want to include sex in your game comfortable with, and what methods you want to use. doesn’t mean you want to actually play the act. It’s okay to say that the scene fades to black after the Admit that sex is scary! Once the groups admits young lovers close the door behind them. Or to agree that, it often helps set a tone where it is okay to be out of character that the two characters who just had nervous and make mistakes. sex had bad sex which left none of them satisfied, and breakfast the next morning was filled with uncomfortable silences.

Agreeing what happened without playing the scene can be a great tool for including mature content in the story.


Even if you don’t normally have any problem taking about sex, talking about sex during your game can feel like talking about sex with you grandparents, if sexual content hasn’t been a part of the gaming culture at your table before. Sometimes it can be surprisingly hard to say ”And then they have sex” and a lot easier to say ”And then they do the beast with two backs.”

Euphemisms are fun, so don’t be afraid to hide behind them. Using more or less poetic metaphors and expressions just adds some spice to the game.


Usually people aren’t all that happy about playing stereotypes or clichés, but they can be helpful tools to make people feel comfortable when playing stories with sexual elements. Having some kind of ”script” to go by reinforces that what you’re doing is part of a dramaturgy, not having verbal sex with the other player. Humor Playing James Bond movie sex, or nervous Laugh. It helps a lot. You are probably going to teenager sex, or mythological sex can be a lot easier feel embarrassed about the whole thing, and perhaps than just playing ”sex.”

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 2 Distance We laughed and used a lot humor during the scene leading up to the sex, as well as after the scene. Playing a character you have a lot of distance from can also make you feel safer. That can mean The actual sex in the scene happened under a veil, playing a character very dissimilar from yourself, or the scene was faded to black once he and the girl dissimilar from the kinds of characters you usually headed up to the hayloft. I didn’t try or expect to play play. This often goes hand in hand with using the best sex or seduction scene ever, and wasn’t stereotypes, since it also provides the safety of discouraged when the scene wasn’t a masterpiece. reinforces that you are not having verbal sex, you are We even used euphemisms when describing what an actor playing a character. was done, all that was said about the act was :

Changing genre of game, running a one shot “It was the first time a girl gave him bedhead hair, game, playing a character type you don’t usually and she was sweet and patient with him.” play, playing a different gender, a different age or choosing to play in third person, rather than in first At the time, doing it that way meant that we all person are other methods for creating distance. felt comfortable with the scene, and even though there was some blushing, no one was scarred for life Play With the People You Feel Most or died of embarrassment.

Comfortable With

This is true on both a player level and on a character level. If it’s easier to play against the GM with an NPC then a PC, play it against an NPC. If it feels easier to play against a character or a player of a certain gender, try it with the combination everyone feels comfortable with.

Expect That It Won’t Be All That Great in the Beginning

If you expect that the first times you include sex into a game it will be awesome and add a whole new dimension to your game the first time you do it… You will be disappointed. Awesomeness and whole new dimensions to you character and story might show up later, but not the first time.

It might just possibly be the worst sex scene in Closing Words history. But don’t let that scare you. Do it anyway, laugh at it, and then try it again. That is all the advice I have to offer at the moment on how to survive the embarrassing phase when you An Actual Play Example introduce sex into a game. Once you have played sex and sexual scenes for a while and people have gotten In one of my gaming groups when we first comfortable you might feel that you don’t have to introduced sex into the play many years ago I rely on a technique like this to feel comfortable to managed to use all techniques above in the same play games with sexual elements. That is great. The scene: advice in the article are just tips to help you start out and survive the first terrifying encounters. My teenage character Kym lost his virginity with a tavern girl. Kym wasn’t the sort of character I Thanks to Darla Magdalene Shockley, and normally play, and he wasn’t much like me. I relied Meguey Baker, for help with language and editing. on a teenage stereotype when playing his seduction. I was playing with people I was comfortable with and we had talked about including sex in the campaign.

3 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Why Would You Want Sex in Think of your favorite movies and books. Often sex will have played some part in the story. In some Your Role Playing Game? stories, sex might be really central to the plot, like in A Game of Thrones. In other stories, sex might play a Like in the previous article, the word ”sex” is very small part, like in The Lord of the Rings where occasionally used as shorthand for sexual content, there are some hints of sexual attraction and a few sexual acts, sexual relationships, sexual feelings sweet kisses, but nothing more. In some of your and/or sexual tension. I’ll just write “sex”, that way I favorite stories, sex might not at play a part at all, like can say it with three letters, instead of 88 letters every in Spirited Away. time I bring up. All three examples are good stories. You can tell Why Would You Want Sex in Your fantastic stories without including sexual content. But Games? if you do say no to including sex, you are also saying no to all the kinds of great stories where sex plays a You could argue that sex is part of human nature, part. and that it is unrealistic to not have it as a factor in the game, blablabla. Bah. I’m not going to go there. What Does Sex Add to Stories? For me it is about stories. What stories you want to tell, and how you want to tell them. Realism can be a Humans have a lot of emotions, some of them part of the story, but it doesn’t have to be. sexual. Sexual emotions change how people relate to other people and to the world. Sexual emotions make In my opinion you should include sex if it fits the people act in ways they otherwise wouldn’t. stories you want to tell. Sexual content might not have a place in all stories, but in some kinds of When you choose to include sexual elements, you stories, sex is important. Sometimes just hinted, get a whole bunch of a new ingredients to use in your sometimes as a part of the story in a very explicit games. Let me give you some examples: way. • A tale about how someone is torn between duty and honor makes a fine story, and so does a story about someone torn between love and desire. It will be a different story, but with as much potential to be interesting. • The relationship of a friend is different from the relationship of a lover. If you want to explore human relationships in games, then including sexual relationships gives you even more to explore. • If you wanna play an epic heroic story, then using an antagonist motivated by desire will shape the story differently than having an enemy motivated by revenge. • Sex is funny. Perhaps you want to include sex into a humor game just because you want to joke about it. • Lastly, you as player or a game-master probably have a lot of feelings about sex. Having sex in the story might change how you feel about the game. Sometimes that can be the most interesting thing to explore.

Sexual content adds new things into the story you tell at the gaming table. It as easy as that.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 4 “Sex is Fine in Movies and Books, but I’m Not Sure I Want It in Role-Playing Games”

Reading the article, I suspect that some people will probably feel this way. I got two simple answers for you. First, if you don’t want sex in your games, don’t include it. Tell other sorts of stories. You are free to choose, and I think you will have a great game anyway.

Secondly, if you are not sure you want sex, but are a bit curious, you can wait until you feel sure you want to include it and include it then. Or you can try it, give it a chance, and then figure out if you want it to be a part of your games or not. If the subject feels embarrassing, you can check out my first article to get some tips on how to introduce it into your role- playing games.

Thanks to Vivian for proofreading and editing.

5 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!

of shadows and lurking killers. If Azzagrat at first Azzagrat appears safe, it does so only to draw you in.

The chattering markets and writhing pleasure Everything on the gloomy 45th layer of the Abyss palaces of Azzagrat draw visitors from around the is somehow doused or subdued, taking on an equally Great Wheel. They come seeking obscure magical gray pallor. All Move Silently and Hide FEATs made lore or perverse delights unavailable elsewhere, on the layer gain a +1CS bonus, but because the place confident in the safety of the most germane society in does not live long in one’s memory, all Knowledge the Abyss, where even demons present a veneer of (dimensions) FEATs concerning the layer take a civility and courtly comity. However, for all its –2CS penalty. reputation for safety, Azzagrat holds just as many dangers as any layer of the infinite Abyss — and perhaps a good deal more.

The Triple Realm of Azzagrat consists of three distinct layers woven together by the demon lord Graz’zt, the Dark Prince of tyranny and despotism who controls the largest empire in the Abyss through a combination of fear, political manipulation, and cunning intelligence. The inhabitants of Azzagrat obey the will of Prince Graz’zt because their fortunes rise with his, and because he has eliminated all disloyal inhabitants of his realm over the course of generations.

Azzagrat’s markets boast a staggering variety of products, services, and exotic slaves surpassing anything available in the Abyss. Graz’zt himself profits greatly from this business, and by the Dark Prince’s personal decree any merchant bearing his Sunlight rises up from the ground of the 46th six-fingered sign is to be considered safe from layer, where shadows rise like dark columns far into harassment from the inhabitants of the layer. the sky, which is dark by day and gray at night. Thievery is bad for business and is not tolerated under any circumstances (although a good deal of it A wan cerulean sun feebly illuminates the dark goes on without the knowledge of the authorities). sky of the 47th layer, where cold is hot and hot is cold. Flames glow blue and deal cold damage, The theme of Azzagrat is one of hidden danger whereas blisteringly cold gales cause fire damage. beneath a cosmopolitan surface. The layer’s cities are The magical properties of the layer reduce fire all like mazes, and its forests are intractable and full resistance by half. The layer can be reached only by

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 6 way of Azzagrat’s other layers and has no connection Otherwise, he must succeed on an In 36 Search to Pazunia. FEAT to reach his destination.

Three things bind the layers: massive ovens of Graz’zt has issued a decree giving merchants green flame that serve as gates, the River of Salt, and protection in his realm, and while his will is not the triple-city of Zelatar, which exists simultaneously uniformly enforced, it is law in Zelatar, where Earth on all three layers. dimension “merchants” often receive a small retinue of tieflings and half-demons as their official guards Only one specific location within Azzagrat is while they remain in the city. The “guards” exist to within the scope of this book. watch the merchants as much as would-be bilkers, and Graz’zt is not above inviting a stranger to his Samora: Any fantasy can be had in the pleasure- abode simply to rob him of a particularly coveted pits of Samora, for a price, of course. Its gaudy magic item. parlors and perfumed spires attract merchants and dilettantes alike. Here mortals and demons coexist The city’s three major boroughs are Fogtown, on more or less peacefully, since the mortals come to the colorless 45th layer, cosmopolitan Gallenghast on spend coin and spiritual capital and the town’s the 46th, and Darkflame on the 47th layer, where heat demons are mostly hiding out from the Blood War. and cold are reversed and torches flicker with blue Graz’zt pours an enormous amount of coin into that and purple flames. conflict to prevent the babau and molydei from • Fogtown: The poorest laborers of Azzagrat checking in on Samora, and as a result its palaces are toil just outside the scythe-topped walls of havens for fugitives and deserters. this moody neighborhood, harvesting colorless edible fungi from the featureless plains surrounding the city. Fogtown is a place of slave gulags and rickety insane asylums, where hope is even more scarce than coin and violence lurks at the dark heart of every shadow.

Because the nature of the Triple Realm’s 45th layer can make details difficult to remember, the city’s inhabitants often use Fogtown as a rendezvous point or contraband drop, reasoning that participants are automatically safer when they cannot remember each other’s faces.

Fogtown connects to Gallenghast, the heart of Zelatar, by way of a vast undermarket called the Queen’s Causeway, named in honor of Zuggtmoy, Queen of Fungi. The gray, chalky fungus is Zelatar’s primary food source, and the markets of the Queen’s Causeway sell the usually tasteless The ruler of Samora is a succubus named Maretta. stuff in a staggering array of fl avors. Wide She is a brilliant manipulator who manages the stairs at the south end of the market lead to town’s all three layers simultaneously, but the city Fogtown, while a much more well-traveled surrounding it is different on each layer, meaning that flight on the opposite side leads to each of the city’s three primary neighborhoods falls Gallenghast. on a different layer. To make matters worse, Zelatar’s streets wind and weave in a thoroughly perplexing The Queen’s Causeway and nearly all manner that sometimes seems to defy the laws of buildings in Fogtown are currently reality. threatened by a significant rat infestation, with a seemingly endless multitude Until someone has lived in the city for a year or thronging the streets and making life more, he must rely upon a guide to find his way from difficult for the inhabitants. The rats move to one part of town to another (on purpose, that is). the instructions of Raxivort, a goblin-like

7 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! creature that once served as Graz’zt’s ground-light and casting dolorous shadows Master of Slaves before breaking into the high into the air. The temple’s lilitu high Dark Prince’s secret vaults and making off priestess, Lavendeth, is a manipulative with incalculable spoils. Enraged at this administrator with the appeal of a succubus betrayal, Graz’zt has ordered Raxivort and a head for dirty dealing that makes her a destroyed, but the wily Night Flutterer has favorite consort of the Dark Prince. thus far eluded the Dark Prince’s assassins. • Darkflame: The most remote of Zelatar’s • Gallenghast: The largest of Zelatar’s three three neighborhoods, Darkflame is a haven neighborhoods is packed with the villas of for those who do not wish to be found. demonic nobles and the markets of traders Graz’zt houses many of his deadliest from every corner of the Great Wheel. assassins and agents within the district. All Numerous inns and lodging houses of maintain deep cover identities that mask dubious character crowd the peripheries of their true natures from even their closest vast market squares. Here and there, absent neighbors. Shadow demons, succubi, and paving stones allow the natural light of the alkiliths abound in the twisting mazelike 46th layer of the Abyss to blast upward in alleys, seeking out those who would use the vibrant towers of eerie luminescence, obscurity of Darkflame to hatch seditious casting the neighborhood in moody lighting. plots against their ebon-skinned prince.

Visitors seeking a safe refuge often flock A walled enclosure called Zul’s Hanging to Gallenghast’s chapterhouse of the Garden writhes with carnivorous plants in a Planewalkers Guild, the rag-tag assembly thousand riotous colors. Their grasping that bases itself on the Infinite Staircase. The fronts and snapping traps yearn to reach ever Staircase itself connects to a secluded upward, toward the dangling feet of doorway under an artist’s studio in a hundreds of impaled traitors kept impossibly deserted alleyway nearby. The artist, a alive by the powers of magical chains sadistic ogre mage named Erballux Klint, hanging from a glass ceiling. Their piteous specializes in making statues of actual moans are like music to the vines and corpses, their resin-hardened organs, veins, creepers, who dine on their dripping blood and flensed skin peeled back to reveal a riot and spilled bile. When a growth reaches a of natural coloration. Klint is a member in victim, his sentence is declared fulfi lled and good standing of the Planewalkers Guild, he escapes into the aromatic embrace of a and a handful of his animated life-statues vegetal death. protect the door from unwanted explorers. Interlopers who are not members of the Graz’zt guild can access the door to the Infinite Staircase by donating an unusual specimen The figure standing before the throne is darkly to his studio’s “waiting chamber.” handsome, an ebon-skinned man nearly 9 feet tall. His slightly pointed ears, yellow fangs, and six- A sweeping grass clearing near fingered hands mark him for the demon he is. Gallenghast’s walls attracts martial visitors throughout the year. These Hollowfield Grounds serve as the site of monthly tournaments known throughout the Abyss for their savagery and their extreme formality. Winning a particularly spectacular death match at the Grounds is enough to make any resident of Zelatar and instant celebrity, and might even warrant a personal audience with the Dark Prince himself.

The Chosen’s Tabernacle, profane cathedral of Graz’zt’s wicked cult, dominates the large central square of this neighborhood, bathed in the layer’s eerie

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 8 Of the demon princes, none appears more human Eventually, Iggwilv faltered in her control, and than Graz’zt, the Dark Prince, patron of tyrants, Graz’zt turned on her. An epic battle ensued, forcing despots, and all those who would rule by force. Iggwilv to expend every spell, artifact, and ally she could, and although she managed to banish Graz’zt Graz’zt’s war with the other demon lords of the back to the Abyss, consigning him to a century of Abyss is legendary. He controls the largest kingdom imprisonment, she was herself weakened to the point — his realm covers three adjacent layers of the where she was forced to go into hiding. Eventually, Abyss. Unfortunately, control of a larger realm Graz’zt had his revenge and managed to lure her into doesn’t exactly translate into an advantage to a the Abyss where he imprisoned her for a time and demon lord. was finally able to regain his stolen power, and then some. Iggwilv eventually escaped back to the Earth Graz’zt’s goal is nothing less than total conquest dimension, and today she and Graz’zt maintain a of the Abyss. He despises the fact that Demogorgon love-hate relationship, each seeking to use the other is known as the Prince of Demons — he covets that to gain power in their own domains. title more than anything else. His crusade to dominate the Abyss proceeds apace. His most recent triumph was the deposing of the Demon Prince of Madness, Adimarchus. With the aid of his son, Athux, Graz’zt was able to engineer Adimarchus’s imprisonment on Carceri. Unfortunately, Graz’zt was unable to conquer Adimarchus’s realm, Occipitus. The Dark Prince’s cold war of intrigue, sabotage, and slander against Malcanthet has also been consuming much of his time of late, and Abyssal rumor holds that an all- out war between their realms is drawing nigh.

Although a master tactician and accomplished swordfighter, Graz’zt’s true strengths lie in seduction and guile. It is not by force alone, he realizes, that one can win control, but by controlling those who think they are in control. He enjoys the notion that he is the most intelligent, cunning creature in the Abyss; Graz’zt’s cult is small except among certain certainly, there are few who can match him in this monstrous races such as the lamias. Most of his arena (with the possible exceptions of Malcanthet and priests, known as the Chosen, are female — a Pazuzu). testament to his insatiable libido, although the Dark Prince has been known to take on male priests as Unlike many other Demon Princes, Graz’zt pays a well. His temples are dark, secluded places often great deal of attention (through spies, mostly) to what guarded by lamias, harpies, or succubi. goes on in the Earth dimension. He is fond of trading favors with mortals, giving aid or information now Graz’zt enjoys contrasts, oppositions, and for services to be demanded later. His most infamous mismatches others find jarring or disgusting. Despite alliance with a mortal is his relationship with the his fantastic wealth and love of the grotesque, he witch-queen Iggwilv. lives fairly simply. Wily and cunning, he keeps his mind clear from distractions so he can focus on Using lore stolen from the mad archmage Zagig, claiming more land and minions by defeating his Iggwilv managed the audacious and shocking feats of enemies, one at a time. conjuring Graz’zt and imprisoning him on the Earth dimension. The two became unlikely lovers, and Dis before long a child was born. However, as time wore

on, Graz’zt began to suspect Iggwilv had no intention Dis, the second layer of Baator, is taken up almost of ever releasing him. He could see how his aid had entirely by the city of the same name. Blackened, elevated her power significantly, and the time finally sizzling, and confusing to the senses, the city of Dis came when he could use some of what she had taught sits unevenly in a vale ringed by jagged mountains. him to increase his own power, if only he could


9 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Only one specific location within Dis is within the The garden is designed to corrupt souls — or, scope of this book. failing that, to simply kill enemies of evil. Imps in human form mingle among the guests attempting to The Garden of Delights: Behind sandstone walls determine each visitor’s spiritual susceptibility. Then lies the Garden of Delights, an oasis of pleasure they set to work on those they deem corruptible, inside the inhospitable city of Dis. To gain entrance, urging them into corrupt or obeisant acts. The a visitor need only knock on its delicately filigreed incorruptible are left alone to die of thirst or wooden doors. Comely servants beckon the weary starvation in a place where all the food and drink are travelers inside and quickly usher them to the side of illusory. a beautiful azure pool. Cool beverages are placed in their hands, as innocent or intoxicating as the visitor The garden’s complex series of interwoven specifies. Then the newcomers lean back on silken illusions includes figments, glamers, patterns, and pillows to watch lovely faeries disport on the water’s shadows. Any character who carefully studies the surface. Sweetmeats and fruits appear on trays of environment for 1 minute without interruption can gleaming silver, and palm fronds bend obligingly attempt a Am 46 Intuition FEAT to detect its down to fan the visitors’ brows. Colorfully attired unreality. However, imps and illusory servants musicians serenade all present with soothing and attempt to distract any visitors who appear to be sensuous melodies. concentrating too intently on their surroundings.

Even characters aware of the garden’s falseness often find it too intoxicatingly pleasant to leave. Voluntarily exiting the garden requires a successful Mn 63 Intuition FEAT. Only one such FEAT attempt can be made per day, but a +1CS bonus applies if the character knows that the garden is illusory. A character can, however, persuade another to leave by making a Reason FEAT opposed by the subject’s Intuition FEAT.

Spending undue time in the garden saps one’s sense of self and motivation. For each day after the first spent there, a character takes a cumulative –1CS penalty on her Intuition FEATs. When a character leaves the garden, this penalty vanishes.


Breathtaking Shendilavri, seat of the Succubus Queen Malcanthet, looks, feels, and smells like a heavenly paradise. Situated on a verdant sliver of land balanced between sweeping panoramic mountains and a lush ocean cast red under a heart- stirring permanent sunset, Shendilavri looks more like a romantic painting than a layer of the Abyss, but When asked how long visitors can remain here, the magnificent vistas conceal a deadly truth: the lovely and charming wait staff responds with Shendilavri is paradise to Malcanthet alone, and its naïve surprise. No one, once admitted to the Garden every charming feature exists only to lull its visitors of Delights, is ever required to leave. into a false sense of safety and relaxation.

However, in fact, the garden is a complex illusion Beyond the manicured hanging gardens and the created by a staff of efreeti puppet-masters. Once gleaming marble facades, Shendilavri hides endless managed by a single bound efreeti, it proved so torture chambers, laboratories, and murderous successful as a collector of souls that an entire group political schemes. Most mortal residents of the layer, of the deception-loving fire creatures are now drawn unwittingly into the Abyss by succubi or handsomely rewarded to maintain it. incubi posing as vivacious lovers, never experience

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 10 the darker side of the layer, instead living out a life of The Fields of Harmony: This lush plain produces utter luxury and decadence until they have become the succulent fruits and delicious grains that stock utterly corrupted. Then, their demonic lovers murder Rivenheart’s pantries and banquet halls. Vineyards in them — often slowly and with great precision—and the foothills of the picturesque western mountains their souls are utterly consumed to fuel Malcanthet’s produce some of the finest (and most intoxicating) arcane power and command over the layer. wines in the Abyss, with vintages so memorable and addictive that they are known by the most discerning The queen’s palace in the coastal city of connoisseurs of the Earth dimension. Rivenheart caps a series of subterranean chambers and tunnels that lead throughout the layer, a haven All of this agriculture requires a staggering for demonic rivals seeking to betray her and claim number of slaves, usually political prisoners shipped her title for their own. Despite endless attempts, by galley to the large seaside town of Miomanta from Malcanthet has never been overthrown, and coup Rivenheart. By the decree of Malcanthet’s Radiant attempts seldom gain much traction thanks to the Sisters, the slaves must serve for eternity (in the case efforts of the Radiant Sisters, a cadre of 13 of petitioners) or until they die and become enslaved unswervingly loyal lilitu bards, but Malcanthet petitioners (in the case of mortals). Lilitu prefers to allow would-be betrayers to work their slavewardens and succubi disguised as common angles as long as possible before personally torturing slaves ensure that few workers ever escape their them, almost as if she makes it easy to plot against wretched servitude. her only because she enjoys little more than meticulously murdering her rivals. Those dissidents deemed unworthy of torture and elimination are instead shackled to slave galleons bound for Miomanta and the Fields of Harmony.

Several locations in Shendilavri deserve further mention.

Elluvia’s Arch: Named for one of Malcanthet’s greatest mortal followers, the Elluvia Maure, this monumental arch of rose-hued stone commemorates Malcanthet’s many Earth dimension victories. Its breathtaking bas-reliefs and lurid inscriptions highlight the legends of Malcanthet’s many sexual conquests and progeny, including the names of important noble families tainted with her influence on several different worlds. Those spending at least an hour in consultation with the lore of the arch receive a +4CS bonus on Knowledge (dimensions) FEATs related to Malcanthet’s history, and the secrets inscribed here would be invaluable if transcribed into a book that could be used to unseat powerful political figures in the Earth dimension.

Sexual unions consummated below the eaves of Elluvia’s Arch with a succubus or incubus always result in a pregnancy that produces a half-fiend child. It is said that at least once every 600 days, a lone female human garbed in purple robes visits the site The Puzzling Hedge: The lore of Shendilavri and pays her respects to the Queen of Succubi. The suggests that those who enter this great leafy hedge pattern has repeated itself for hundreds of years, and maze alone and manage to find its center without many suspect the unusual stranger to be Elluvia being devoured by carnivorous plants are granted herself, despite the wizard’s presumed death nearly a their heart’s desire by the largesse of Malcanthet millennium ago. herself. Dead-end switchbacks sometimes lead to the Endless Maze of Baphomet, but the true center of the hedge labyrinth contains a portal to the Infinite

11 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Staircase. Characters who attempt to cheat by flying demonic souls. A powerful wastrilith emissary of into the air and surveying the maze or moving Malcanthet’s professed ally Demogorgon ensures that immediately to its center incur the of no interloper befouls the sacred pools, and Gulmengluum, a fiendish adult green dragon who occasionally tempts a visiting succubi to turn her keeps a constant vigil from the skies above the maze back on Malcanthet and become an agent of the for exactly this purpose. Those who stay within the Prince of Demons. confines of the hedge maze have nothing to fear from the woeful wyrm, but those who attempt to steal their Malcanthet way into Malcanthet’s gift risk a terrible fate. This statuesque beauty wears a sardonic smile on Rivenheart: It is said that all desires can be sated her ruby lips. Curved horns jut from her brow and in Rivenheart, the vibrant capital of Shendilavri. hold back her long dark hair — and her eyes smolder Nearly all of the city’s inhabitants are mortals or with dangerous red sensuality. Large leathery wings pretending to be mortals, each seeking or providing a stretch from her back, the joints of which are laced host of perversions, debaucheries, and euphoric with razorlike claws, and a sinuous tail ending in a experiences. Along avenues flanked with crumbling thin curved spike completes the image of demonic marble statues and delicately crafted free-standing beauty. She wears a revealing gown of diaphanous pillars, succubi and incubi lead their dupes to a life of silk and razor-studded leather straps, and she idly capitulation to the senses, for when the mortals toys with a glittering and sparkling scourge made of finally give themselves fully to the pursuit of new fine adamantine spiked chains. sensations and addictions they belong to Malcanthet.

The Queen of the Succubi dwells in an immense palace of domed towers and skylit courtyards. The demesne has no doors, and all who dwell in Rivenheart are invited to enter its shaded halls and experience its forbidden pleasures. Such invitations bring uncounted thousands to the plane, but it is much easier to number those who manage to leave Malcanthet’s abode than those who enter it.

Shudderwall: A free-standing cathedral in the foothills north of the Puzzling Hedge serves as the personal retreat of Malcanthet, where she takes some of her most-favored consorts for week-long erotic excursions designed to sap them of their will and make them forever her creatures. Numerous private chambers allow the Succubus Queen to invite vast retinues of followers and enraptured mortals to her retreats, during which all participants freely exchange partners in a panoply of carnal excess. “Do what thou wilt” is the whole of the law within the halls and bedchambers of Shudderwall, and many visitors find the ordeal too much to take, as affairs grow progressively violent and debauched. By the time the locked gates open to allow participants to return to Rivenheart or farther destinations, several mortals lay dead upon the cathedral floor, naked and broken amid As seductive as she is dangerous, Malcanthet is scraps of clothing and unidentifiable organic liquids. the patron of the hedonistic, the lustful, and those who would use their beauty and magic charms to The Six Sacred Pools: Temptation demons from control and ruin those around them. Rivenheart often alight to this terraced series of natural pools to reflect upon their latest mortal targets Malcanthet dwells on an exquisitely beautiful and conquests, for the gorgeous scenery and calmly plane of the Abyss known as Shendilavri. To the babbling waterfalls that connect the pools to the casual observer, this realm might seem like a Scarlet Sea are tranquil enough to soothe even hedonistic paradise — in a way; this is exactly what

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 12 it is. The problem for visitors is that it serves only as Only her relationship with Graz’zt is worse. Malcanthet’s paradise, and the Queen of the Succubi Malcanthet maintains that she spurned Graz’zt for often takes great pleasure in the torment and ruin of being unworthy of her attentions eons ago when he her guests. tried to court her, and that his wounded pride created the legendary rift between the two. Graz’zt, of Malcanthet is served in her palace by numerous course, maintains the opposite. In any event, the incubi and succubi, along with a cabal of 13 lilitu conflict between these two is less one of open bards called the Radiant Sisters. These lilitus do not warfare and more one of constant scheming on how exhibit their kind’s notorious intolerance for other best to upset and ruin the other’s realms and plans. lilitus or succubi, and their songs can be heard throughout Malcanthet’s palace at all times, haunting Malcanthet has many cults — groups of and erotic melodies that can have unwelcome effects courtesans, hedonists, and bored nobles seeking a on those whom Malcanthet has not invited into her dangerous thrill to add to their lives. Her symbol is an realm. Lamias, harpies, and half-fiend nymphs serve iron thorn drawing a drop of blood from the lower her as well. edge of a pair of feminine lips.

Among the demon lords, Malcanthet’s greatest allegiances are with her sometime lovers Pazuzu (with whom she has sired numerous particularly deadly succubi children) and Demogorgon (with whom she has sired things best left unmentioned). She has had trysts with most of the other demon lords, although these were idle affairs engineered by the Queen of the Succubi to gain some favor or prize. Many other minor demon lords such as Shami- Amourae and Lynkhab vie for the title of Queen of the Succubi, but none have been able to usurp Malcanthet from her throne as of yet.

She has long been in confl ict with Yeenoghu, and her only contact with him now is when she sends armies to his realm to assault his kingdom (or vice versa). The exact source of their conflict is unclear, but it seems tied to the Maures, a powerful family of wizards who dwelt years ago in a massive castle on the Earth Dimenasion. Among the Maures, Malcanthet’s greatest servant was a woman named Elluvia. Other factions in the Maure family served Yeenoghu, and when Elluvia attempted a coup to gain control over the family’s holdings (with Malcanthet’s support), the resulting magical catastrophe ruined the entire family and left none (except perhaps Malcanthet herself) the victor. In any event, Malcanthet and Yeenoghu have been at war ever since.

13 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!

genitalia, true intersex in humans differs from Hermaphroditism pseudohermaphroditism in that the person's

karyotype has both XX and XY chromosome pairs In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that (46XX/46XY, 46XX/47XXY or 45X/XY mosaic). has reproductive organs normally associated with Some people who are intersex have both testicular both male and female sexes. and ovarian tissue. One possible pathophysiologic Historically, the term hermaphrodite has also been explanation of this rare phenomenon is a used to describe ambiguous genitalia and gonadal parthenogenetic division of a haploid ovum into two mosaicism in individuals of gonochoristic species, haploid ova. Upon fertilization of the two ova by two especially human beings. The word intersex has sperm cells (one carrying an X and the other carrying come into preferred usage for humans, since the word a Y chromosome), the two fertilized ova are then hermaphrodite is considered to be misleading and fused together resulting in a person having dual stigmatizing, as well as "scientifically specious and genitalial, gonadal (ovotestes) and genetic sex. clinically problematic".


The term derives from the Latin: hermaphroditus, from Ancient Greek: ἑρμαφρόδιτος hermaphroditos, which derives from Hermaphroditos ( Ἑρμαϕρόδιτος), the son of Hermes and Aphrodite in Greek mythology. According to Ovid, he fused with the nymph Salmacis resulting in one individual possessing physical traits of male and female sexes; according to the earlier Diodorus Siculus, he was born with a physical body combining male and female sexes. The word hermaphrodite entered the English lexicon as early as the late fourteenth

century. Alexander ab Alexandro stated, using the term hermaphrodite, that the people who bore the Another common cause of being intersex is the sexes of both man and woman were regarded by the crossing over of the SRY from the Y chromosome to Athenians and the Romans as monsters, and thrown the X chromosome during meiosis. The SRY is then into the sea at Athens and into the Tiber at Rome. activated in only certain areas, causing development of testes in some areas by beginning a series of Intersex events starting with the upregulation of SOX9, and in other areas not being active (causing the growth of Intersex describes a wide variety of combinations ovarian tissues). Thus, testicular and ovarian tissues of what are considered male and female biology. will both be present in the same individual. Aside from having an ambiguous-looking external

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 14 Some intersex infants and children, such as those "not", and phallos for "penis". It is classified as an with ambiguous outer genitalia, are surgically or intersex condition. hormonally altered to create more socially acceptable sex characteristics. However, this is considered Clitoromegaly controversial, with no firm evidence of good outcomes. Such treatments may involve sterilization. Clitoromegaly (or macroclitoris) is an abnormal Adults, including elite female athletes, have also been enlargement of the clitoris that is mostly congenital subjects of such treatment. Increasingly these issues or acquired, though deliberately induced clitoris are recognized as human rights abuses, with enlargement as a form of female genital body statements from international and national human modification is achieved through various uses of rights and ethics institutions. Intersex organizations anabolic steroids, including testosterone, and may have also issued statements, including joint also be referred to as clitoromegaly. Clitoromegaly is statements as part of an International Intersex Forum. not the same as normal enlargement of the clitoris seen during sexual arousal.


Micropenis is an unusually small penis. A common criterion is a dorsal (measured on top) erect penile length of at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the mean human penis size, or smaller than about 7 cm (2 3⁄4 in) for an adult when compared to an average erection of 12.5 cm (5 in). The condition is usually recognized shortly after birth. The term is most often used medically when the rest of the penis, scrotum, and perineum are without ambiguity, such as hypospadias. Micropenis occurs in about 0.6% of males.

True Hermaphroditism

True hermaphroditism, also known as

ovotesticular disorder of sex development, is a Like all individuals, intersex people have various medical term for an intersex condition in which an gender identities. Some intersex individuals may be individual is born with ovarian and testicular tissue. raised as a woman or man but then identify with There may be an ovary underneath one testicle or the another gender identity later in life, while most do other, but more commonly one or both gonads is an not. Most identify as either a woman or man, while ovotestis containing both types of tissue. some may identify as neither exclusively a woman nor exclusively a man. Although similar in some ways to mixed gonadal dysgenesis, the conditions can be distinguished Roughly, 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births result in histologically. intersexed babies. There are no documented cases in which both MTS Note: The following is but a few examples types of gonadal tissue function. Encountered of intersex types. While it would be more accurate to karyotypes are 47XXY, 46XX/46XY, or list all of them, it would be well beyond the scope of 46XX/47XXY, and various degrees of mosaicism this book, and could easily wind up being a volume (with one interesting case of a person with XY- of work in and of itself. predominant (96%) mosaic giving birth).

Aphallia Although fertility is possible in true hermaphrodites (as of 2010 there have been at least Aphallia is a congenital malformation in which 11 reported cases of fertility in true hermaphrodite the phallus (penis or clitoris) is absent. It is the humans in scientific literature), there has yet to be a female counterpart of penile agenesis and testicular documented case where both gonadal tissues agenesis. The word is derived from the Greek a- for function; contrary to rumors of hermaphrodites being able to impregnate themselves.

15 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! The Intersex Flag Cerebus the Aardvark

The Intersex flag was created by Organization Intersex International Australia in July 2013 to create a flag "that is not derivative, but is yet firmly grounded in meaning". The organization aimed to create a symbol without gendered pink and blue colors. It describes yellow and purple as "hermaphrodite" colors. The organization describes it as freely available "for use by any intersex person or organization who wishes to use it, in a human rights affirming community context". F A S E R I P A range of media and human rights organizations Am Ex Ex Ex Am In 36 In 36 has utilized the flag. 46 16 16 16 46 Health: 114 Karma: 98 Game Mechanics Known Powers: For those of you who like to keep the “classic” • Magic: Ex 16 Marvel RPG as random as possible, the following charts have been included. With the numbers above, Universe: Cerebus the Aardvark it should be obvious the numbers are not 100% : Cerebus the Aardvark #1 accurate. This chart was been designed to include the (December, 1977) “new” character option. Besides, only a few Players roll a “normal” humans” in the Marvel RPG. Even a Cerebus, while considered male in the overall Random Mutant might have a larger chance of being story, is a hermaphrodite, and would have been able born intersex. to impregnate himself had his uterus not been irreparably damaged by being stabbed in the belly as The following table should be 100% optional, as a youth. not everyone might be comfortable playing different genders. Cerebus is intricately tied to the religious and political fate of the fictional world of Estarcion and Random Gender Chart becomes, at various points in the storyline, a mercenary, a Prime Minister, a Pope, a house guest, a Die Roll Gender bartender, and a messiah. Cerebus refers to himself 01-49 Female by name, in the third person, with occasional 50 Intersex exceptions in the early issues. The name was 51-00 Male originally an accidental misspelling of Cerberus.

Cerebus is a morally ambiguous character, at Characters times sympathetic, at others unpalatably callous. He is often foul-mouthed and uncouth, has a vicious MTS Note: These were the only characters of this temper, and loves getting drunk, to the point where type was able to find when searching. I knew Desire, he could be considered an alcoholic. In the Guys as I am a fan of the series, and I learned about Rebis story arc, Cerebus is described as having "a self- when doing research for the original Sexcetera. absorption that borders on the pathological." Church

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 16 and State contains two notorious scenes where Known Powers: Cerebus, after becoming Pope, uses brutal methods to • Chameleon: Un 100 teach twisted morality lessons. After a mother begs • Emotion Control: Am 46 Cerebus to bless her baby, he does so and then hurls • Hypnosis: Am 46 it away, and later kicks an old man off the roof of a • Immortal hotel. • Mesmerism: Am 46 • Despite his moral deficiencies, he is brave, crafty, Omni-lingual: Un 100 • and can show genuine affection to those he considers Pheromone Control: Am 46 equals or those he has feelings for. He is also a Universe: New Earth skilled tactician and strategist, is very proficient at First Appearance: The Sandman #10 - The Doll's hand-to-hand combat, and has a knack for House, Part 1: The Doll's House (November 1989) improvisation and for being able to talk his way out of sticky situations. He also has some skill with Like the rest of his/her siblings, Desire is neither a magic, although his talents lie mainly in recognizing mortal being nor a god, s/he is the personification of magic and dealing with it rather than utilizing it. Sim desire itself. Desire is androgynous, appearing as the has described Cerebus' voice as sounding like George most beautiful person or being to anyone. His/her C. Scott's. skin is pale and his/her eyes are gold. S/he is not about love, s/he is about wanting, and as such, can be Cerebus's most unusual quality is an innate treacherous, vindictive and cruel. His/Her realm is "magnifier" ability that he possesses for most of the “the Threshold”, an immense statue of his/herself series' run. This ability, which he shows little to no standing in mists of sunset red. He/she dwells in its conscious awareness of, is a quasi-magical tendency heart. for events to fall into place around him and become unusually focused and ordered, sometimes with Many, many eons ago, Desire and Dream were effects that appear to be paranormal, then fall back friendly, but when s/he caused one of his love affairs out of place into chaos in his absence. This ability to collapse they became nemeses. Desire found also affects the people around him to varying Dream to be “…rude and boorish, he’s been stuffy degrees. and stupid and he thinks he knows everything. And there’s just something about him that gets on my Desire nerves” and so after losing a competition between him/herself, Despair and Delirium vs. Dream over Emperor Norton I, Desire swore to make Dream shed family blood, bringing the wrath of the Furies upon him. S/he attempted to do this by fathering a child on Unity Kinkaid, a woman who was supposed to be the Dream Vortex, an event that came along once in many eons that broke down all the barriers between dreamers in a world, destroying them and wreaking havoc on the Dreaming.

Dream had been captured at this time and Kinkaid was many people affected with a sleeping sickness that took hold during his imprisonment. Unity gave birth while still unconscious and her daughter was adopted. The Vortex passed along the family line to Unity’s granddaughter, Rose Walker. Dream was about to kill Rose when Unity, at the edge of death, took the Vortex back and died naturally, preventing the Vortex from coming into being and Dream from killing his own grandniece. He suspected Desire immediately, and threatened him/her if s/he ever F A S E R I P interfered in his affairs again. Ex Ex Un Rm Am In 36 In 36 16 16 100 26 46 S/he did not, but took some sadistic delight in watching Dream's romantic relationships fail. It was Health: 168 Karma: 108

17 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! s/he that taunted him into journeying into Hell to free crime. To finish things up, He-She forged a note, the lover, Nada, whom he had condemned there for saying she had gone to visit a sick aunt in Canada. millennia after rejecting him. When Dream finally did shed family blood - setting into motion the events One of Maggie's tenants called Crimebusters of his own destruction - it was not Desire’s doing. stating "A lot of fightin' and screamin' in my Though s/he felt s/he should be pleased, s/he felt landlady's room like someone was being murdered! sorry for him and was frightened. Suddenly it stopped an' I ain't seen hide nor hair of the landlady since".

He-She When Crimebuster and the police arrived, they met He-She who was leaving, and had a cloth over the male side of his face stating "he" had a toothache, and presented them with the forged note. Crimebuster thought it was odd that the husband had the note so handy, so he and his monkey, Squeeks looked around. The sound of the cat led them to open up the basement wall, where the cat was, and revealed Maggie's arm. Crimebuster and He-She fought (with help from Squeeks), and when the fight was no longer in He-She's favor, he/she fled, and asked a neighbor for help claiming Crimebuster was her drunk brother who was beating her. The neighbor managed to detain Crimebuster long enough for He- She to escape.

While he waited for the coroner, Crimebuster looked around and found He-She's hidden stash of thirty-five thousand dollars, and hid in the closet. He- She scaled the large building with a rope. He-She, and climbed down, entering though the window, only to walk into Crimebuster's trap. A brief fight ensued, F A S E R I P and once again, He-She fled. This time he/she Ty 5 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 escaped down the rope. Crimebuster and Squeeks Health: 23 Karma: 18 gave chase, but He-She used his/her charms to get a passing driver in a truck to give him/her a ride. Once, Known Powers: inside, the driver asked him/her for a kiss, and He- • None She threw them out and drove away.

Universe: Boy Comics Crimebuster came up with another trap, and put an First Appearance: Boy Comics #9 (April, 1943) ad in the newspaper that stated, "Wanted - girl companion for wealthy ailing gentlemen". He-She "The deadliest of the species is the female! The fell for the trap, but this time, the police were there to strongest of the species is the male! Combine these back Crimebuster up, and He-She was captured. He- with the killer instinct and you have the most She was found guilty of murder in the first degree, cunning, the most vicious, the most fiendish killer of and sentenced to death. The last time He-She is all time!" shown, he/she is being escorted to the electric chair and stated "No, no! I don't want to die! I'm too young He-She was a half-man, half-woman villain who to die!" fought Crimebuster once. He-She tricked a landlady named Maggie into marrying him/her to de-fraud her of her money. When Maggie discovered the truth about her “husband”, He-She flipped her over his/her shoulder, and then jumped on her, snapping her back. He-She then drug her body to the basement, and using a pick, dug a hole in the wall, and buried her inside with her cat which had followed them to the basement. He-She also added it was another prefect

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 18 Rebis of giving him a permanent soft glow. Only his special chemically- treated bandages allow him to associate with people without causing them serious harm

Universe: DC First Appearance: #19 - Crawling from the Wreckage (February 1989)

After leaving Valentina Vostok, the Negative Spirit (now a sentient being capable of speech) returned to Larry Trainor who was recovering from his injuries in Alamance Memorial Hospital. Appearing seemingly out of nowhere, it forced Larry to open his ward's window and then press the alarm button. The sound of alarm caught attention of Larry's physician, Eleanor Poole, whose presence was needed to conduct a ceremony called "the alchemical marriage." Once she was there, the Spirit forcefully merged itself with Eleanor and Trainor, forming Rebis, who retained all the memories of the three and had both male and female physical F A S E R I P characteristics. Ex Ex Ex Ex Rm Ty 5 In 36 16 16 16 16 26 Rebis accepted Niles Caulder's offer to join the Health: 53 Karma: 68 new incarnation of Doom Patrol and fought alongside them a long time (including their battles with Known Powers: Scissormen, Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E., Red Jack • Energy Doppelganger: Larry Trainor could and others). Around the time of Doom Patrol's release a strange being called Negative Man encounter with Shadowy Mr. Evans Rebis shut itself from his body, it was composed of an in a room to undergo a process called the Aenigma unknown form of energy. It took the form of Rebis, which included having sex with itself and a man, had no individual consciousness of being reborn. It took about two weeks to complete its own, and was subject to Trainor's and Rebis joined his teammates during Mr. Nobody's commands. Trainor was physically presidential campaign but shortly after this left them weakened whenever the being left his body again. (all physical stats change to Fe while Negative Man is free), and he was in danger While Rebis was absent, the team had one of its of death if Negative Man was out of his hardest times, which was mostly caused by the body for longer than sixty seconds. The Candlemaker who was brought into this world by being had the following abilities: Dorothy Spinner. It reappeared once again when the o Flight: Am Candlemaker was about to destroy Robotman and o Phasing: Am, Negative Man could saved the life of old teammate. Together, they almost pass through any solid matter, with killed malicious entity, but just before delivering the the exception of lead. final blow, the Negative Spirit left this body, which o Clairvoyance/Clairaudience: Mn was subsequently destroyed by their foe. ability to see and hear anything that the energy duplicate saw or heard Later, the remnants of Doom Patrol once again o Explosions: Negative Man could faced the Candlemaker in their headquarters. He create Rm explosions, range was 5 defeated Will Magnus and Robotman who were areas, with an area of effect of one trying to stop him, but his attempts to kill Dorothy area. were interrupted by Willoughby Kipling, who came o Hard Radiation Emission: Larry in carrying a grocery cart with giant glowing egg in Trainor constantly emits dangerous it. The egg contained reborn Rebis in a new body radiation, which has the side-effect who was able to shatter the body of the Candlemaker.

19 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! The Phantom Futa Her only true weakness is that when The Phantom Futa orgasms, she loses her superhuman powers until she can build up and sustain an erection again.

Universe: The Phantom Futa First Appearance: Unknown

MTS Note: So, apparently this is an online comic style character. I elected to include her, as I was able to find detailed information about her. As a note, I would not recommend searching for images of her unless you are prepared to see certain things (that can never been unseen).

Jamie Blair grew up in the suburbs outside of Freedom City and spent her youth reading comics, dreaming of one day becoming a superhero. Jamie had no powers of her own but that did not stop her from training constantly to become the best hero Freedom City had ever seen. Although her older brother Eric mocked her hopes of becoming a superhero, her father Barry, a comic book artist, F A S E R I P encouraged his daughter’s dream and taught her how Ex Ex Rm Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 to think and act like the heroes he depicted. He even 16 16 26 arranged for Jamie to attend martial arts classes much Health: 66 Karma: 24 to the consternation of Jamie’s mother Stephanie, who worried what these wild ideas would do to her Known Powers: daughter’s future. • The Phantom Futa’s powers grow and manifest as she becomes aroused, essentially Jamie proved to be exceptionally talented at the becoming more powerful the hornier she is. martial arts. By the time she was a junior in high With even minimal arousal The Phantom school Jamie had already won two state Futa develops super-strength, near- championships in mixed martial arts fighting. Having invulnerability (though she can still feel been taught by her father that heroes must be strong pain), the ability to fly, and to project in mind as well as strong in body, Jamie pushed concentrated energy beams from her hands. herself to excel academically.

No one, not even The Phantom Futa herself, Much to her mother’s relief, as Jamie grew older knows the extent of her powers. If she does her dreams of super-heroism faded away a bit. Still not relieve herself then her powers could driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, Jamie grow indefinitely but as this happens she applied to and was promptly accepted by the criminal begins to lose control. justice program at Freedom City University.

In this aroused state, few are able to match One night when she was walking back to her dorm The Phantom Futa in physical combat as her after a night of partying with her friends Jamie Blair strength and durability enable her to fight was attacked by three men. They pulled her into a opponents many times her size and mass. dark alley with the intention to rape and rob her but Her flight speed approaches supersonic Jamie proved too much for them. Her years of levels and her energy blasts can melt training paid off and she dispatched each man with through bank vaults. Combined with incredible ease and swiftness. Although she tried to advanced martial arts training, keen put the incident behind her, Jamie’s mind remained intellect, and sharp reflexes, The Phantom fixated on that one night. The sense of empowerment, Futa is a dangerous foe for any criminal. the thrill of combat, and the satisfaction of seeing her would-be attackers arrested, knowing that the streets were a little safer thanks to her.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 20 Soon afterwards, Jamie spent her nights patrolling was a golden fertility idol shaped in the image of the FCU campus in a makeshift purple costume. The Chicoxoqtl, a hermaphroditic goddess. As Clint college newspaper named her “The Purple Phantom” Adams’ bomb exploded, Jamie was sent flying into and her popularity as a local legend grew. the idol of Chicoxoqtl, drawing the attention of the goddess. Sensing Jamie had a greater destiny ahead After a few months in the spotlight The Purple of her, the goddess intervened to save her life. Phantom craze was at its peak and Jamie Blair loved every minute. She appeared in costume at various Chicoxoqtl used her vast power to halt the flow of events around campus where she signed autographs time so that she could bestow her blessings upon and posed for pictures with her fans. Though she was Jamie. With a kiss that held both the tenderness of a careful to always wear a traditional superhero mask mother and the passion of a lover, the goddess shared Jamie Blair was unable to keep her true identity a a part of her divine essence with the wounded Jamie secret from one obsessed fan. Blair. The arcane magic of the goddess transformed Jamie’s body, as a penis and testicles sprouted from With the help of modern facial mapping her groin. technology, Clint Adams, a security guard at FCU, was able to narrow down the identity of The Purple Phantom by using all the images of her online as references and comparing them to the college’s student registry. Once he figured out who Jamie Blair really was he began stalking her, learning her patrol patterns at night and school schedule during the day until Clint finally made his move.

At the height of her popularity, The Purple Phantom was invited by the mayor’s office to be the guest of honor at the grand opening of the Aztec Mythology exhibit at the Freedom City Natural History Museum. Once Jamie arrived in costume, Clint Adams emerged from the crowd demanding she expose her true identity or he would blow up the whole exhibit, including all the guests, with the makeshift bomb-vest he was wearing. Seeing no other option The Purple Phantom was forced to comply and reveal herself to the public.

Overcome with joy Clint Adams got down on one knee and professed his love for Jamie but thanks to her quick reflexes and years of training she used that moment of vulnerability to tackle Clint, sending them both into the Aztec exhibit room. This gave the mayor and the rest of the hostages a chance to escape from the museum before Clint detonated the bombs. Using the phallus as a conduit, Chicoxoqtl poured more of her essence into Jamie, granting incredible The explosion tore apart the museum and both powers to the young hero including great strength Clint Adams and The Purple Phantom were destroyed and resistance to harm. Being a goddess of fertility, in the blast. The public mourned the death of their Chicoxoqtl’s blessings were all fueled by sexual hero while her family mourned the loss of their energy. To ensure that she would never be beloved daughter and sister. Distraught and hounded completely vulnerable, Chicoxoqtl also endowed by the media, the Blair family left Freedom City Jamie with an impressive libido. behind to start anew. Having worked her craft, Chicoxoqtl restored the Unbeknownst to them all, the night of the museum flow of time and left the mortal realm. bombing, a lone figure emerged from the rubble. Against all odds, Jamie had miraculously survived While Jamie’s newly manifested superhuman the explosion. The centerpiece of the Aztec exhibit durability saved her from being killed, the force of

21 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! the explosion was great enough that she still suffered Shaalis a serious concussion that resulted in retrograde amnesia.

Jamie was left with no memories prior to waking up in the rubble of the ruined museum. Dazed and confused, she stumbled into the dark alleyways of the city’s derelict industrial district. Her costume had been nearly disintegrated by the explosion and Jamie was almost naked as she wandered into the seedier part of Freedom City where she was confronted by a local gang.

Taking advantage of Jamie’s memory loss, the gangsters attempted to rape her. However, Jamie’s years of martial arts training were still intact somewhere in the recesses of her mind and aided by her new super-strength, she quickly beat the gang members to bloody pulps. When one gang member pulled a gun Jamie hurled a of energy at him, melting the weapon to slag.

Surprised by her own fighting prowess and unnatural abilities, Jamie took shelter in an F A S E R I P Ex Ex Ex Rm Rm abandoned warehouse as she tried to remember who Gd 8 Gd 8 she was. Her thoughts were interrupted by the 16 16 16 26 26 shocking realization that she had grown a fully Health: 74 Karma: 32 functional penis and testicles to accompany her vagina. Known Powers: • None Her mind still jumbled after the severe trauma of the explosion, bits and pieces of superhero comics Universe: Spider Garden began to mix with her own memories. Combined First Appearance: The Spider Garden - Book One with the revelation she had received martial arts (January, 1995) training and had superpowers, Jamie came to the inevitable conclusion that she was a superhero. She "The mansion of the androgyne Shaalis rises in constructed an origin story for herself, believing that uneartthly silence. In the surrounding garden, Hir her family had been murdered and that she had since human pets roam with Hir intelligent machines. dedicated her life to stopping criminals as a costumed Within, where leather concubines wait to serve Hir . every whim, Shaalis walks the twilight halls - a capricious and erotic ghost." The woman once known as Jamie Blair and the Purple Phantom refashioned herself as The Phantom Shaalis is the Sacred Androgyne, Mastress of the Futa and set out to once again wage her eternal war Spider Garden. The series revolves around a far- on crime. future clan-based society of genetically-modified "metahumans", s/he seems to be the only true hermaphrodite. Inside her special Garden, leather dressed concubines exist to service her every whim while she engages in party-political intrigues with her many other world aristocrats.

The Spider Garden, home of Shaalis tand the Metal Spider Clan. It is an organic self-sustaining environment in which erotic experimentation is raised to an artistic level and the interplay of

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 22 dominance and submission brings a new kind of a sip from the Holy Grail, granted freedom. immortality but also created within him a drive to seek out the Grail once more. Shining Knight II Snixors

F A S E R I P Rm Ex Ex Ex Ex Primary Ability Chart; Column Five Gd 8 Gd 8 26 16 16 16 16 From the Ultimate Powers Book

Health: 74 Karma: 32 Die Roll Initial Score Known Powers: 01-10 Fb 1 • Animal Control: Rm 26 11-20 Pr 3 • Invulnerability: Ex 16 21-30 Ty 5 • Longevity 31-40 Gd 8 • Magic: Ex 16 41-60 Ex 16 61-70 Rm 26 Universe: DC 71-80 In 36 First Appearance: #1 (November, 81-95 Am 46 2011) 96-00 Mn 63 Ten thousand years ago, in a time before the Biblical flood, Sir Ystin fought alongside the Knights Additional Creation Notes of the Broken Table in a last stand against the • Snixors can raise any one Ability +1CS. 's harrowing. These knights were led by Sir • Starting Resources are set at Poor. Lancelot, as Arthur had already fallen. Sir Ystin is • Snixors start out with only one Contact, also called Justin at various times. Ystin is their race. presumably an ancient version of the name and is similar to the Cornish Yestin. Universe: XXXenophile First Appearance: XXXenophile Collection - Ystin was initially introduced as male, like his Volume Five (August, 2000) predecessor, but he is later revealed to be intersex and genderqueer. The Shining Knight is both MTS Note: While this rate is not very defined physically male and physically female, and regards given the nature of the comic it appeared in, I elected himself as both, though he prefers male pronouns. to include them after learning about them. As I have During the fall of , Merlin give a dying Ystin said before, sometimes only having a bare-bones

23 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! outline can be fun, as it allows the Players and/or Judge to fill in the blanks.

This unnamed alien race (called Snixors after the only member encountered for convenience) does not have separate sexes. Each of them can be either male or female as required. Snixor said, "It usually depends on who buys dinner".

They have three eyes. Snixor was encountered when Omar and Trillby were in a cluster that contains over 100 suns, hunting Scorvian slavers. Apparently the Scorvian slavers unload their cargo in that cluster. Omar and Snixor had co-led a rebellion while Omar and Trillby were separated, and Snixor and Omar were placed in charge of the government. After a threesome, Snixor announces they had planned to stop at his/her homeworld first. Trilliby asked if he/she had left someone behind. Snixor replied "Several. For us a Boord Group consists of a party of four. He/she added that they hate dull parties.

MTS Note: I want to apologize for so many entries from “adult themed” sources. When I was searching for comic book characters that qualify as intersex, I came across a few lists. While some of these might not viewed as coming from “standard” comic sources, they fit within the scope of this chapter, as well as the Sexcetera series.

Some of the sources might not be to everyone’s taste. You can always ignore the sources, and fill in the blanks on your own should you wish to use any of these characters.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 24

Aspect of Fierna on their heads and they have almost impossibly perfect features.

As , the aspects do not need to eat or sleep. Fierna creates them fully formed when she needs them, so they do not have an ecology.

Aspects of Fierna love combat, and they gleefully ignite their flame spells and wade into a melee. They rely on their Body Armor to protect them, and they know they are doing more damage to foes (usually) than the foe does in return. They use Mortalbane as often and as soon as they can, relying on the extra damage to whittle down foes. Since aspects of Fierna cannot teleport, they do not try to escape when things begin to go badly for them.

Environment: Phlegethos is the fiery layer of the Nine Hells, but aspects of Fierna are immune to fire so they do not really notice it. The landscape is bleak otherwise, since anything not a devil is burned up by

the flames. On other planes, they like to create fiery F A S E R I P environments that match home, because their Rm Ex Ex Ex Gd Gd Ex immunity to fire gives them a real advantage. 26 16 16 16 8 8 16 Known Powers: Health: 74 Karma: 32 • Darkvision: Ex 16. Aspects of Fierna are

able to see in darkness. A sensuous beauty, this humanlike creature has • small horns that somehow enhance her sensuality. Immunities: Total immunity to poison and Her fine but scant clothing invites the eye to linger on fire. her body, and her red eyes glow with a mysterious • Resistances: Rm 26: Acid and Cold. promise of pleasure. • Spell-Like Abilities: Ex 16. At will — Flame Blade. 3/day — Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fire Aspects of Fierna are sensuous and exotic, and Shield strongly attractive in a lustful sense. Though less • Summon Baatezu: Once per day an aspect of charismatic than their mistress, they still evoke desire Fierna can summon a bearded devil with a on sight. They are humanlike except for small horns 45% chance of success.

25 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Bayou Seer Of all the different krewe members, bayou seers are the ones most likely to have been outside of the Bay of Tears, for unscrupulous nobles of other lands, who covet the seers’ powers of divination, often employ them. Most of these itinerant “diviners” are actually spies for the Jack of Tears. On the surface, bayou seers seem quite loyal to those whom they supposedly serve - but in truth, they serve only the Jack of Tears.

Bayou seers turn their mortal patrons to evil in insidious ways, promoting a thirst for sensual pleasures and a disregard for common folk and common decency. One can often, but certainly not always, discern those courts in which a bayou seer holds sway by the decadence and callousness of the ruler.

Bayou seers loathe combat (although they can certainly appreciate bloodshed), and go to great lengths to negotiate in any conflict. When the need

for protection arises, they always have several F A S E R I P charmed servants nearby to take the brunt of any Gd Gd Gd Gd Gd assault. Given their benign aura ability, bayou seers Ty 5 Ty 5 8 8 8 8 8 use most of their actions to support their minions or cast defensive spells. Only as a last resort do they Health: 28 Karma: 18 take the offensive. When they must, they use

enchantment spells to control their attackers, hoping MTS Note: For more information about the to turn them against each other. "Carnival of Shadows", please see the "Creature

Collection" series of books for the D20 system by These monsters serve best as support for more "Sword and Sorcery". While they make for powerful villains, or perhaps, when advanced interesting villains, most are outside the scope of this sufficiently, as villains themselves. Their powers book. of divination make them excellent foils, justifying

NPC knowledge of PC activities. The creature resembles a tall, slender elven

female. Though she gazes at you with disturbingly Known Powers: empty black eyes, you cannot imagine that she is a • Alternate Form: A bayou seer can assume threat to you - in fact, she seems quite harmless, an alternate form at will as a standard action. despite her striking appearance. This ability functions as a polymorph spell

cast on itself, except that the seer does not These beautiful and seductive creatures from the regain hit points for changing form, and any Krewe of Mangroves appear to be more “human” individual bayou seer can assume only one than most anything else from the Carnival of particular form. This form is determined at Shadows, but only fools judge by appearance. Bayou the seer's birth, and must be an animal or seers are always female. Their natural form is that of no larger than Tiny. Typically, a seer a tall, graceful, pale, and extremely thin humanoid takes the form of a , lizard, , or with slightly pointed ears. They can take alternate , although other forms have been forms, most commonly those of a raven, spider, or known. lizard. Bayou seers can easily be mistaken for elves, • except that their eyes are completely black, with no Benign Aura: Gd 8. Bayou seers exude an distinguishable pupils, and they have long black aura that makes them seem harmless and fingernails. It has been conjectured that they may be friendly to those who would attack them. the rare offspring of elves and silken parasites. This aura is similar in effect to the sanctuary spell, except that opponents must save each time they wish to attack the seer. This aura can be dispelled, but the seer can create it

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 26 again as a free action on its next turn. If the sight of a glaistig’s goat , it will become very bayou seer itself attacks, its benign aura is angered and attack the offender. suppressed for 10 rounds. Despite their single-minded lust for blood, Glaistig glaistigs are unpredictable and capricious. If they have recently fed (say, within a month), then they are just as likely to help someone as they are to attack. More than a few people have been attacked by a glaistig, even if it has talked and been friendly to them in the past. Glaistigs also enjoy dancing, and some lure their victims to caper and dance for many hours before attacking them.

Glaistigs are solitary by nature and do not even like other fey all that much. While they gain no sustenance from the blood of sylvan creatures, glaistigs have been known to attack fey that come too close into their territory. Perhaps because of their similar nature, glaistigs in particular do not like dryads, and it is extremely rare to find the two beings in the same territory. An average glaistig is about 5 feet 2 in height and weighs about 90 pounds.

A glaistig uses its beguiling song to lure victims close to the water, targeting specific individuals. If a

large group comes close to its lair, it will lurk beneath F A S E R I P the surface until only one or two targets remain. A Gd Gd Gd Gd Gd Gd Gd glaistig is mystically bound to its watery lair and 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 cannot move more than 300 yards away from it.

Health: 32 Karma: 24 Once a victim is within striking distance, a glaistig

will cease singing and grapple the opponent. If the A staggeringly beautiful maiden stands waist-deep grab is successful, it will drain blood for as long as in the water, swaying back and forth as she sings a possible. If reinforcements arrive, the glaistig will try haunting song. to use suggestion, hypnotism, or fog cloud to cause a

diversion and slip beneath the surface of its watery Beautiful and enchanting, glaistigs are fey that home. lurk in and around pools, lakes, and streams. They

have an insatiable craving for the blood of mortals, Known Powers beguiling victims to come close to their lair in order • Beguiling Song: Ex 16. A glaistig can to drain them. They are commonly mistaken for attempt to beguile creatures with its song. A vampires because of their bloodsucking technique, glaistig sings, targeting a single creature it but they are not undead. can see within 300 yards of the body of

water to which it is linked (see Water Glaistigs resemble incredibly attractive female Symbiosis, below). This is a sonic charm humans or half-elves, but instead of normal legs, they effect, and the creature must be able to hear have goat legs with long, white fur. Most have snow- the glaistig for it to take effect. The targeted white hair and eyes that shimmer like water. When creature must succed in a Psyche FEAT to they smile, glaistigs try not to show their teeth, which resist. A creature that successfully resists are sharpened to cruel-looking fangs and revealed cannot be affected again by the same only when they are about to strike. Glaistigs wear glaistig’s song for 24 hours. long, f ne robes and dresses that drape along the

ground, which are used to hide their legs. Glaistigs Failure indicates the creature is beguiled loathe showing their legs to anyone, and will only and moves toward the glaistig, taking the reveal them to lash out in anger. If someone catches most direct route available. If that path leads into a dangerous area (such as very deep or

27 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! fast-moving water), the beguiled creature Jade Empress gets a second Psyche FEAT. If that FEAT is successful, the beguiling effect is broken, and that creature cannot be affected by that glaistig’s song for 24 hours.

A glaistig that desires a companion often moves out of the water and bestows water breathing upon its beguiled victim so it can take him underwater. A beguiled creature takes no actions other than to defend himself. (Thus, a character cannot run away or attack, but takes no defensive penalties.) A beguiled victim that moves within 5 feet of the glaistig must make a Psyche FEAT or be charmed. A creature that rolls successfully on their Psyche FEAT cannot be affected again by the same glaistig’s song for 24 hours. The beguiling effect continues so long as the glaistig sings. A glaistig does not need to continue singing to keep a victim charmed.

A glaistig can use its beguiling song both F A S E R I P above and below the water. Most glaistigs Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Gd Ex move into deep water, forcing a beguiled 16 16 16 16 16 8 16 victim to move toward them. If these Health: 64 Karma: 40 unlucky creatures fail their second Psyche FEAT, they usually drown. The creature looks an elf with unnaturally pale • Blood Drain: A glaistig can suck blood from skin and a sultry, seductive gaze. From her back a living victim with its fangs by making a sprout two bony, jade-green wing-like extensions, successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it bristling with spines and razor-sharp ridges.

drains blood, dealing a -1CS to Endurance Jade empresses’ bony “wings” allow limited each round the pin is maintained. flight, but they are more useful as weapons. These • Water Breathing: A glaistig can breathe wings range from jade green to a greenish-white, either water or air. providing the daemon part of her name; the title • Water Symbiosis: Each glaistig is mystically “empress” comes from the regal disdain these bound to a body of water or a waterway as daemons show other races - including other daemons. small as a pond or as large as a lake or river. A glaistig cannot move more than 300 yards Jade empresses were initially released into the away from its body of water and still breathe Earth Dimension from the dimensional rifts that normally. If a glaistig strays farther away, it appeared over the Eternal Isle when the titans sought must hold its breath or immediately start to to destroy the Citadel of the Rose. The first of them suffocate. appeared as elven females to better seduce and destroy the Citadel’s forces. Their seduction attempts often failed even among the haughty elves, however, as the daemons’ irrepressible arrogance turned their intended conquests awry.

Some believe that the jade empresses are Belsameth’s creations, or else creations of her herald Sashanae the Corrupted, but most think them to be extra-dimensional creatures summoned by the titans. They are rare outside the continent of Termana.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 28 A jade empress attacks with a magical jaded blade jahi, beautiful demons that captivate mortals with (+1CS to hit and damage crafted from one of her own erotic dances before swallowing their souls. molted wings), and with her wickedly sharp wings. She typically uses her spell-like abilities to turn Jahi resemble human women, allowing them to females against males. blend easily into mortal settlements. Somewhat dark of skin, jahi have exotic physical characteristics that Jade empress daemons can voluntarily shed their make a specific human heritage difficult to bone wings at will; although they are loathe to do so determine. Most folk assume them to be from some without good reason. A jade empress without wings unknown foreign land and leave it at that. A jahi's is virtually indistinguishable from a female high or seductive glances and persuasive bluffs generally get forsaken elf. Once the wings are shed, the empress it out of trouble with more persistent inquisitors. cannot fly; she can cause her wings to regrow with one full hour of concentration. Despite their creation by the Patron of the Tents and Tabernacles of the Daughters, jahi have come to Known Powers: serve dozens of demon princes as spies and • Serrated Wings: Rm 26 damage, and flight. kidnappers. Unsuited to the hostile climes of most Maneuverability is Pr 3. Abyssal layers, most jahi spend their whole lives on a • Summon Daemon: Once per day, a jade Material world and visits the Abyss only to deliver a empress daemon can attempt to summon captured prize to their sovereign, usually in exchange another jade empress daemon with a 40% for a sizable reward. chance of success. Jahi eschew combat unless confronted in their Jahi espionage activity or while attempting to kidnap a victim's soul at the behest of a demon prince. If faced with a single opponent. a jahi attempts to befriend it with Charm Person and do away with it when convenient. Larger groups of enemies invariably are treated to its beguiling dance.

Known Powers • Beguiling Dance: Ex 16. Though masters of several forms of traditional (and not-so- traditional) dance, jahi specialize in beguiling rhythmic motions using their inherent magical essence to bewitch all who look upon them. The ability operates as a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet. Anyone viewing the dance must make a successful Psyche FEAT or be dazed with fascination for two rounds. A dazed creature can take no actions (but defends itself normally). Creatures that succeed are immune to that jahi 's beguiling dance for one day.

• Spell-Like Abilities: Ex 16. At will - Alter Self, Blur, Cat's Grace (self only), Charm F A S E R I P Person, Detect Thoughts, Knock, Mage Gd Ex Gd Gd Gd Gd Ex Armor, Message, Mirror Image, 8 16 8 8 8 8 16 Misdirection, Obscure Object, Shatter, and Health: 40 Karma: 32 Unseen Servant. • Swallow Soul: Ex 16. As a standard action, a Despite the best efforts of the courtesans and jahi can open its mouth and inhale a great whores who follow him, the demon prince gust of air, subjecting a single mortal target Socothbwnoth knows that the resilient spirits and within 30 feet to a horrifying magical attack. moral fortitude of some mortals help them resist the Those who make a successful Endurance temptation that leads to an afterlife of servitude in the FEAT are immune to the jahi's swallow soul Abyss. In response to such frustrations, he created the ability for 24 hours. If the target fails, its

29 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! soul is torn forcibly from its body and into Love-Scorned Soul the jahi's; mouth, where it is imprisoned in a special organ in her abdomen. The soul appears as a wispy, translucent manifestation of the creature, and screams a terrible keen in the seconds of transition. The creature suffers mental anguish and must succeed another Endurance FEAT to avoid becoming stunned. Soulless creatures cannot return from the dead via any means short of a miracle, true resurrection, or wish. A jahi can contain but a single soul at any one time. Further, once ii has done so ii becomes significantly more difficult for it to operate in normal society. As the soul struggles fruitlessly to escape, it reaches for freedom so that impressions of its hands and face sometimes appear upon the jahi's belly. A jahi can disgorge the soul from its body as a standard action. Doing so returns the soul to its rightful place in 4 rounds (no matter

the distance between body and soul). Those demon princes who employ jahi as F A S E R I P kidnappers generally have some means of Ex Ex Gd Gd Gd N/A N/A trapping captured souls in small cages or 16 16 8 8 8 gems so that they might bargain with the 32 24 mortals for services. Though they could Health: Karma:

doubtless destroy the captured souls, they The figure is stunning - a finely dressed female gain no sustenance from doing so as they do with flawless features and sorrowful eyes. When she from the annihilated souls of the chaotic evil meets your gaze, you feel a sense of melancholy and dead. Creatures that lack souls, naturally, are sadness, but also one of dread and malevolence. immune to a jahi's swallow soul attack.

These sad creatures are the undead remains of particularly strong-willed people who died tragically because of their love for another. A woman slain en route to the altar, a man who fell from his bedroom window after finding his lover in the arms of another, victims of the unhallowed monster known as the false lover - any of these might return as a love-scorned soul. Embittered and warped by their deaths, love- scorned souls appear as spectral versions of their former lives, their once happy features twisted by sorrow, anger, despair, and hatred. Denied love as mortals, they now exist only to crush and hurt the living.

A number of these creatures are believed to have been welcomed by the Ghoul King to the Isle of the Dead. Some historians fear that he has learned well from his two failed invasions, and that he now employs love-scorned souls to create hatred and dissent among the people of Termana, shattering already fragile alliances, in preparation of his next assault.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 30 A love-scorned soul often chooses a particular Nasimir individual or a couple to be the object of its malicious attention. It then shadows its targets, waiting for the best moment to strike. When possible, it traps the lovers together, using its hateful gaze to drive them to destroy one another.

Alternatively, the love-scorned soul may employ its gaze against only one of the couple, perhaps even retreating from its victim to fool it into believing that the spirit has been defeated. The victim then “escapes)’ and returns to the lover - whom he or she now sees as a deadly enemy. The love-scorned soul then uses its deadly incorporeal touch attack to finish the heartbroken victim.

Known Powers: • Drain: Ex 16. Living creatures hit by a love- scorned soul’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed at an Endurance FEAT or take -2CS of Appearance/Presence drain.

Those reduced to Shift-0 Appearance F A S E R I P and/or Presence by a love-scorned soul’s Gd Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 touch have become so loathsome and 8 repulsive to themselves that they retreat into Health: 20 Karma: 18 a comatose state and are no longer aware of themselves or their environment. In this The nasimir are a rare breed, the children of a comatose state, the creature loses 10 health union (legitimate or otherwise) between a rakshasa points per day until it perishes. and a nymph. Possessed of a feral beauty and a • Hateful Gaze: Ex 16. Gaze, 30 feet. A fiendisb cunning, these tiger-women live out character that fails in a FEAT against the precarious existences, in constant dread of the wrath love-scorned soul’s hateful gaze believes of one of their parents. Their volatile natures make that her closest friend or lover is a hated them unlikely allies or unpredictable enemies. enemy. She seeks at once to kill the “enemy,” using the most efficacious means Personality: The typical nasimir views herself at her disposal. The effect lasts 2 to 6 hours, apart from the world. She believes that she deserves or until the love-scorned soul is destroyed. the finest of everything, whether it is in clothing or in The effect of the hateful gaze can be love. Though some view themselves as natural removed with a successful dispel magic or masters of the more mortal chattel, others either do remove curse. not care for them either way, or protect and support • Incorporeal: Love-scorned souls are them out of a sense of noblesse oblige. unaffected by most physical attacks. Physical Description: The nasimir are a strange and beautiful race, they are beautiful women bearing the feral features of a tiger. A light fur covers their entire body, with orange and black tiger patterns along their backs, arms, face, and hair, and white from the tips of their chins to their bellies. Their faces carry definite feline features - a cat-like nose and long, pointed ears, but attractively so, and the nasimir never want for suitors. They prefer to dress in only finery, and have a great fondness for anklets and bracelets. Nasimir are taller than the average human woman is.

31 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Relations: The nasimir, as a race, do not have any slender women, seemingly of half-elf or elf stock, strong ties to each other, much less other races as a with milky skin, vestigial horns, and comparatively whole. Each nasimir chooses her own allies and small wings. However, in the Earth Dimension, they enemies. generally use magic to hide their diabolic appearance. A pain devil often wears a deceivingly empathetic Known Powers: expression on her face, even in combat - but under • Low-light Vision: Gd 8. Nasimir can see this soft exterior is a heart of darkest evil. twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, or similar conditions A pain maiden is, simply, a diabolic spirit of pain. of poor illumination. They retain the ability Pain devils are most often found as torturers and to distinguish color and detail under these inquisitors in the employ of more powerful evil conditions. beings. The mere gaze of the painmaiden offers a • Charm Person: Ex 16. Nasimir may cast perfect tool to those wishing to uncover information, charm person, as per the spell, by looking and a well-employed pain devil can often manage an into the eyes of her intended target, and entire dungeon of captives for her master, all the whispering soft promises in a language the while enjoying great sport with her charges. target understands. Pain devils avoid direct combat if possible, as Pain Devil their strengths are better suited to situations where they can extract information from helpless captives.

When forced into battle they fight with their sharp claws, with the ultimate goal of escaping the combat as quickly as possible.

Known Powers: • Domination: In 36. A pan devil can crush and subdue an opponent's will merely by looking into his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack, except that the devil must use a standard action, and those merely looking at her are not affected. Anyone the devil targets must succeed at a Psyche FEAT or fall instantly under her influence as though by a dominate monster spell. A creature that passes the FEAT is immune to that pain devil's domination ability for 24 hours. This ability has a range of 30 feet. • Painful Embrace: In 36. If a pain maiden successfully touches or grapples a 1iving

opponent, she may, as part of the touch or F A S E R I P grapple action, expose a portion of her Ex Gd Gd Gd Gd Ex Ex diabolic essence to the target. This inflicts 16 8 8 8 8 16 16 agonizing pain on the victim, dealing -1CS to Reason, and affecting the creature as if by Health: 40 Karma: 40 a symbol of pain. There is no resistance roll

against this effect. The shapely woman may haw a mace of elven

blood she wears a seductive expression, a slight While this ability can be used during combat, it is smirk with an amused lift to her eyebrows. she also most often used on helpless captives, especially after has tiny horns, and bat-like wings sprout from her a failed attempt with her domination ability. This back. ability may be used any number of times per day, but

only once per day on any given opponent. These beautiful devils, also called "painmaidens,"

are often mistaken for succubi (and in fact often work

in much the same lower-dimensional circles as those

creatures). In their true forms, they appear as tall,

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 32 Tanarukk and double its normal radius of illumination. This magical effect does not change the heat or fuel consumption of the fire. The ability lasts for 5 minutes. • Fire Resistance: Gd 8

Sexcetera: Encore! - Random Origin Chart

Die Roll Origin 01-06 Aasimar 07-09 Alu-Fiend 10 Allurin (Addenda One) 11 Aspect of Fierna 12 Bayou Seer 13 Bliss Mote 14-16 Brachina 17-19 Cambion 20 Cenobite 21-24 Cherub, Celestial 25-26 Cherub, Fallen

27-29 Erinye F A S E R I P 30-33 Faun Ex Gd Gd Ty 5 Ty 5 Pr 3 Pr 3 34 Ferrolith (Addenda One) 16 8 8 35-40 Fey’ri Health: 37 Karma: 11 41 Fire Nymph

42 Forlarren A tanarukk is a tiefling descended from the mingling of orcs and demons. 43 Glaistig 44 Golem, Pleasure Tanarukks appear as short, stocky humanoids with 45-48 Gorilla Ranch Girl stooped postures. Coarse hair grows atop their heads 49-52 Half-Nymph and in various patches about their bodies. Their 53-54 Half-Phoenix Succubus razor-sharp teeth and tusks are prominent, as their 55-58 Hooker from Atlantis lower jaws jut out from under smallish snouts. Their 59-61 Incubus eyes are reddish in hue, and glow dimly in darkness. They have thick horn - or scale-like ridges along their 62 Jahi low, sloped foreheads. In addition, many of the 63 Jade Empress tanarukk tribes ritually scar their young during their 64-65 Kocrachon rites of passage into adulthood. Tanarukk skin tones 66-68 Lilitu vary from gray-green to dun brown. They rarely wear 69 Love-Scorned Soul armor, since their skin is naturally tough (but not 70-71 Malady scaled). They are heavier than their height would 72-78 Mutant, X-Ranch suggest, averaging about 4 1/2 feet tall and nearly 79 Nasimir 200 pounds. 80-81 Nereid Tanarukks fight fiercely, but make intelligent use 82-83 Nymph of tactics and carefully follow the orders of their 84 Pain Devil immediate superiors (out of fear rather than any 85-86 Satyr respect for the chain of command). 87 Snixor (Chapter Three) 88-90 Succubus Known Powers: 91 Succubus, Greater • Control Flame: Gd 8. Twice per day, a 92-94 Tanarukk tanarukk can cause any non-magical flame within a 10-foot radius to either diminish to 95-00 Tiefling coals or flare to the brightness of daylight

33 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!

MTS Note: Obviously, there is no way to prevent to benefit their masters. No other demon serves the Players from looking over this section of the book. In Abyss’s goals so directly while using such a my experience, many Players are often Judges as seemingly non-demonic strategy. well. This section is intended for use by the Judge in games, but there is nothing that says it cannot be used by Players as well.

The Corruptor

Power corrupts, and fiends enjoy corruption. The Abyss reaches out through Corruptor demons to twist mortals and the Earth Dimension into mirror images of itself. The Corruptor does not revel in overt destruction, but in lasting decay.

The Corruptor subtly brings the Abyss to the Material Plane. While it does employ temptation and lures beings into its influence with offers of favors and service, the Corruptor’s evil nature keeps it from living up to all of its long-term bargains. While demons are known for impulsiveness, as ageless creatures, Corruptors have learned to look at least a short time into the future, recognizing that a little patience now might pay off with more chaos later.

Corruptors usually set up a base of operations somewhere on the Earth Dimension, finding or

creating lairs reminiscent of their home. Indeed, Corruptor demons seek to corrupt more than just Corruptor Combat Tactics living creatures. They endeavor to change the Earth Dimension, and all other dimensions, into reflections As a Corruptor, you might face combat at the or extensions of the Abyss. A haunted castle, a beginning or end of any . . . relationship. You are not bottomless well, a labyrinthine maze of caverns a devil, so you do not use word play or contractual hidden in a nearby hillside — any of these places tricks to snare your victims. You use force — the could be home to a demonic Corruptor. offer, the promise, the threat, and the application. Your goal is generally to manipulate others into Corruptor demons do venture out into the open, serving your cause, willingly or unwillingly. As such, but they use disguises and possession (the ultimate you usually do not want to kill your enemy. You demon weapon) to collect souls and change the land

35 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! might want to make him beg, but you don’t want to chaos into your victim’s soul. Make it quite kill him. apparent that while he might gain access to demonic powers and abilities, he should be Single Out Your Opponent: Corruptors set up terrified of crossing you. Demonstrating lairs on the Earth Dimension for several reasons, but your abilities can help with this, and using none are more important than gaining the home field your considerable Intelligence to decide advantage. Use your knowledge of the dwelling you what frightens your lowly target is essential. have prepared to lure in foes, separate them, and confront them separately. Minions, traps, and even Negotiation: Once you have separated and primed simple terrain features make this remarkably easy. your target, move on to the negotiation. Remember, When you isolate a character, then you can bargain, the best way to lure someone into your service is to threaten, or simply converse. make him feel like he’s getting something valuable in return. Here are a couple of ways to accomplish that. • Provide Immediate Benefits: Nothing cements a good demonic bargain better than a few “free samples,” some of which can be good — and some of which can be very, very bad. If you feel you can tempt your victim with promises of power, let him try out whatever you’re offering. If he has an affinity for strength, chaos, and evil, this can cement the bargain. Otherwise, providing a little negative reinforcement might be worthwhile. Show how you can use the powers you offer to destroy innocents (perhaps one or two of your victim’s friends). • Offer Something the Victim Wants: If you’re bargaining to spare the mortal’s miserable life, this is easy, but some Corruptors have difficulty determining exactly what mortals will trade for their souls and service. Before you begin the negotiation, have a few things ready. If you wish to offer your personal services, show the mortal an easy way to summon or call you. You can always modify the rules later (perhaps requiring human

sacrifice or other suitably evil acts), as your Plant the Seed: Once you get one of your relationship solidifies. Have a few magic opponents alone, you can use one of many different items on hand as well. If they contain tactics to begin the process of corrupting your new demonic curses or evil spirits, so much the minion. better. • Show Off: Make it obvious that anyone who attempts to fight you or refuses your offers Corruptors in the Campaign of “help” faces only frustration, terror, and death. As a demon, you have special Corruptors do not simply show up at someone’s abilities and resistances your mortal victim doorstep, offering the dimensions on a silver platter. cannot hope to emulate. Kill unimportant A demonic Corruptor plans ahead, often observing a victims in sight of your target, showing that target for weeks or months before springing its trap. you mean business. Sometimes, Corruptors work together, pursuing • Terrify Your Target: A devil might appear in multiple targets, perhaps ones that are close friends. a pleasing form, and a few of the best If they can tempt more than one person at the same Corruptors (such as the succubus) can do time (especially if this eventually puts the mortals at this as well. However, you are a creature of cross-purposes), this makes the ensuing chaos even power. At some point during the sweeter. negotiations, you need to put the fear of

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 36 Additionally, Corruptors frequently rely on demons, or find themselves possessed by them as the powers not commonly employed by other demons, demon begins to take over their body. such as possession. In fact, while PCs sometimes find themselves the direct targets of Corruptor fiends, When a character gains demonic characteristics — more likely adventures include those where the from possession either by a transformer demon or by characters have to prevent a Corruptor from taking some other means — certain mechanical benefits or over another individual or even a whole community drawbacks might come with his altered limbs. The or region. exact mechanics are up to the Judge, but the following table provides a few suggestions. Possession is a powerful tool for Corruptors. Unlike other demons, they commonly begin an A character might gain a benefit and no drawback, encounter by offering to possess a weakened, or a drawback and no benefit, or both a benefit and a desperate, or power-hungry individual. By offering to drawback (provided that they do not conflict) from a become a known rider or mutterer, the demon gives single transformation. Various combinations of the mortal some of its power in exchange for a very effects are recommended for multiple subtle link to the Earth Dimension. The demon transformations. PCs should not aspire to possession undoubtedly plans on eventually establishing more by a transformer demon, since such a creature can control over the possessed mortal, but it seldom tells kill them fairly easily, given time. But the acquisition its victim that up front. of benefits and drawbacks can make the fight against transformation that much more interesting. Object possession also makes for an excellent Corruptor tool. A Corruptor could possess an Transformation Table innocuous object (or even a dangerous one) and observe intended victims while they remain unaware Affected Body of its presence. Some fiendishly clever Corruptors Benefit Drawback Part have been known to possess magic items (possibly Unarmed pretending to be intelligent swords or rings), and Loss of fine Claw/arm/hand damage gullible PCs often accept them at face value. manipulation ability bonus

Strength Loss of fine All upper limbs bonus manipulation ability Natural Torso armor Resistant to healing bonus Legs/lower Speed Speed penalty body parts Bonus One spell- Appearance/Presence Head like Ability penalty


Should Players begin to deal with dark entities, over time, they will become corrupt. The Judge (or the Player) can roll on the following chart. This roll cannot be modified in any way. Those corruptions that may be gained multiple times are noted as such in their description. Otherwise, reroll duplicated corruptions.

Corruptions cannot be healed in any way short of a miracle, or divine intervention. Demon princes consider these to be badges of honor. Fiendish Characteristics

MTS Note: The following information can be used for characters who either make deals with

37 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Lesser Corruptions Die Effect Roll Die Effect Terrible Breath: Something within you has Roll 76-80 become very, very' rotten, and it makes itself Raspy Voice: Your voice becomes harsh and 01-05 known every time you open your mouth. unpleasant. Tail Spur: A fleshy growth about 2 inches long Club Foot: One of your feet becomes badly 81-85 and I inch thick emerges from the base of defom1cd. The arch rises and ultimately your spine. buckles. and the ankle turns inward. making 06-10 Webbed Fingers: Your hands grow a thin film walking extremely difficult. Reduce your base of skin between each finger and thumb. Due 86-90 speed by 5 feel. You may gain this corruption to an excess of flesh, you can no longer wear as many times as you have feet. rings. Fangs: Your canines and incisors sharpen Shifty Eyes: You have extraordinary trouble 11-15 slightly. giving you a more fearsome focusing your eyes-for longer than a moment, 91-95 appearance. giving others the impression that you are Milky Eye: One of your eyes becomes clouded untrustworthy. and milky. You may gain this No Corruption: Somehow, your body has 16-20 corruption :is many times as you have eyes. If 96-00 managed to stave off corrupting influence - all eyes become corrupted, you are completely for now. blind. Lose All Hair: Your exposure to corruption Greater Corruptions 21-25 has caused all of your hair to fall out. It never will regrow. Die Effect Vestigial Horns: A pair of small horns grows Roll 26-30 from your forehead, giving you a demonic Bestial Snout: Your nose twists and warps 01-10 appearance. wildly, taking on an animalistic appearance. Fingernails Fall Out: Your fingernails fall from Cloven Foot: Your toes curl into the sole of your fingers, leaving behind tender flesh that your foot, which hardens into a cloven hoof. 31-35 never fully hardens. The affliction will remain You can no longer wear boots of any kind. 11-20 a minor inconvenience for the rest of your You can gain this corruption as many times as life. you have feet. Should all of your feet become Unpleasant Odor: Your body emits a rank, cloven, you may wear magical horseshoes. 36-40 pungent odor that can be masked only by the Forked Tail: You gain a fiendishly barbed tail. sweetest perfumes. 21-30 It is relatively easy to conceal the tail by Forked Tongue: Your tongue becomes forked dressing carefully. 41-45 like that of a snake. Melted Eye: One of your eyes liquefies and Splotchy Skin: Your skin develops unsightly completely melts, leaving behind a fleshy 46-50 empty socket. You can gain this corruption as splotches of bright red rash from head to toe. 31-40 Irises of Fire: Your irises glow with a faint red many times as you have eyes. If all of your 51-55 radiance. eyes have been corrupted, you are completely Unsettling Presence: The taint has grown so blind. Third Eye: You develop a third eye, situated in 56-60 strong in you that animals have trouble 41-50 controlling themselves in your presence. the middle of your forehead. Spine Ridges: The vertebrae in your spine Mark of the Beast: A large birthmark appears in a prominent location on your body, such as 61-65 become slightly spiky. giving your back a 51-60 ridged contour. on your face or hands, that marks you as an Unseemly Girth: You instantly gain 100 pounds agent of evil. Scaly Skin: Your skin grows a thin layer of 66-70 of body fat. You can gain this corruption any 61-70 number of times. transparent scales. Pointed Ears: Your ears become elongated and Tears of Blood: You no longer weep ordinary 71-75 jagged, growing to about twice as long as 71-80 tears. Instead, stinging blood flows from your those of the average elf do. tear ducts.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 38 Greater Corruptions (Continued)

Die Effect Roll Appetite Loss: You have lost the ability to cat and process foods or drink liquids. and arc kept sustained only through the magical link 81-90 to your dark patron. Should that link be interrupted, such as if you enter an antimagic- field, you immediately begin to starve. Cursed Progeny: Your obsession with evil has so warped your body that it now passes on to 91-95 future generations. Your sexual fluid becomes ice cold to the touch. Any child sired or birthed by you is a half-fiend. No Corruption: Somehow, your body has 96-00 managed to stave off corrupting influence — for now.

39 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!

Die Roll Type of Harlot 75-85 Expensive Doxy 86-90 Haughty Courtesan 66-75 Wanton Wench 91-92 Aged Madam 93-94 Wealthy Procuress 95-98 Sly Pimp 99-00 Rich Panderer Random Harlot Types An expensive doxy will resemble a MTS Note: I had forgotten about this old gentlewoman, a haughty couriesan a table, found in the first Edition Dungeon noblewoman, the other harlots might be Master’s Guide, by Gary Gygax (RIP). Once I mistaken for goodwives, and so forth. rediscovered it, I had to include it, as this was the first ever random prostitute table!

Harlot encounters can be with brazen strumpets or haughty courtesans, thus making it difficult for the party to distinguish each encounter for what it is. (in fact, the encounter could be with a dancer only prostituting herself as it pleases her, an elderly madam, or even a pimp.) In addition to the offering of the usual fare, the harlot is 30% likely to know some valuable information. 15% likely to make something up in order to gain a reward, and 20% likely to be, or work with, a thief. You may find it useful to use the sub-table below to see which sort of harlot encounter takes place.

Type of Harlot Table

Die Roll Type of Harlot 01-10 Slovenly Trull 11-25 Brazen Strumpet 36-50 Typical Streetwalker 51-65 Saucy Tart 66-75 Wanton Wench

42 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Die Roll Second Element 01-05 a Dozen 06-10 Countless 11-15 Silent 16-20 Golden 21-25 Forbidden 26-30 Incredible 31-35 Gilded MTS Note: I stumbled across these rules for 36-40 Wanton D&D, amd I thought I would include them in the 41-45 One Thousand book as an alternative to the ones prsented in the 45-50 Beautiful original Sexcetera. I had to remove the base cost 51-55 Wondrous (as it was in gold pieces), and add “roll again” at 56-60 Lovely the end of the table since the author used dice othe than percentile for these charts. As someone 61-65 Heavenly who stuggles to come up with names, I 66-70 Common absolutely love the Random name charts. 71-75 Welcome 76-80 Secret To determine the name of the local house of 81-85 Earthly ill repute, roll a three times on the table below 86-90 Jade and put the three elements in a row to determine 91-95 Simple the name. 96-00 Painted

Business Name Die Roll Third Element Die Roll First Element 01-05 Wenches 01-05 Bordello of 06-10 Delights 06-10 Parlour of 11-15 Relaxation(s) 11-15 Den of 16-20 Secrets 16-20 House of 21-25 Company 21-25 Boudoir of 26-30 Harlots 26-30 Garden of 31-35 Lust(s) 31-35 Brothel of 36-40 Tarts 36-40 Haven of 41-45 Comfort(s) 41-45 Grand (Roll Again) 46-50 Petals 46-50 Chateau of 51-55 Ladies 51-55 Temple of 56-60 Flowers 56-60 Home of 61-65 Massages 61-65 Hall of 66-70 Treasures 66-70 Palace of 71-75 Lasses 71-75 Dress-House of 76-80 Pleasures 76-80 Shrine of 81-85 Lanterns 81-85 Madam (Name)'s 86-90 Courtesans 86-90 (Name)'s (Roll Again) 91-95 Acts 91-95 (Name)'s (Roll Again) 96-00 Seamstresses 96-00 (Reverse 1 & 2) Next, determine the particulars of the house of ill repute – namely the size of the house, the number of courtesans there, and the quality of the establishment (which will affect the base price). These are both rolled for on the tables below.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 43 House of Ill Repute House Particulars MTS Note: So I stumbled across another set of random brothel tables for D&D, and since this Die Roll Quality & Price book already adds a second option, why not a 01-14 Filthy & Flea Infested (1/6) third? I really liked the food and drink options. 15-28 Dirty & Poor (1/2) 29-42 Pooly Maintained (4/5) Brothels, Whore Houses, Palaces of Pleasure, 43-56 Average (Full) and sometimes the grotty room at the back of a 57-70 Well Maintained (x2) pub, are a part of most worlds. Some of the more interesting characters fill these establishments, 71-84 Upper Class (x5) and they add an interesting bit of colour to any 86-98 5-Star Accomodations (x10) town, village, temple complex, etc. So here you 99-00 Roll Again go.

Die Roll Size & Courtesans Note: Some of the result outside of the Name 01-14 Single Romm (1-2) chart are the same. This is because not every 15-28 Two Room House (1-4) single brothel should have something interesting. 29-42 Multi-Room House (1-7) Sometimes they are just your run of the mill 43-56 Two-Story Building (1-9) whore house.

57-70 Large Building(s) (2-12) Brothel Name Table 71-84 Mansion (2-20)

85-98 Estate (2-40) Die Name 97-00 Roll Again Roll 01 Daisies Finally, determine if the house offers any 02 The Don specialties. These will increase the price if the customer wants to take advantage of the 03 Blinkers specialties. The chance of specialties being 04 The Prudes Suspenders offered depends on the number of courtesans in 05 Gold’s the house, as larger houses can offer more 06 The Velvet Fang variety. The chance of special services being 07 The Whisper Home offered is (20 + ( 3 x courtesans) ). In addition, 08 The Hook there is a 5% chance that the house of ill repute 09 Over the River only offers special services, and doesn’t offer the 10 Slooshes “standard” service. 11 The Rapid Rascal House Specialties 12 The Stoat 13 The Fidgety Ferret Die Roll Specialty 14 Long Shaft 01-06 Roll Again Three Times 15 The Guards 07-12 Roll Again Twice 16 Chastity’s 13-18 Drugs/Narcotics (x2) 17 The Mask 19-24 Illusions (x3) 18 The Red Dress 25-30 Slaves 19 Jewels 31-36 Young Courtesans (x2) 20 Silken Flute 37-42 Massage Service (1/2) 21 The Nag’s Head 43-48 Large Courtesans 22 Drummers 49-60 Unusual Races/Origins (x2.5) 23 Sailors Choice 61-66 Domination (x3) 24 Blacksmiths Envy 67-72 Sodomy (x2) 25 The Nagging Wife 73-78 Monstrous Races/Origins (x5) 26 Colins Rubble 79-84 Unspeakable Acts (x2 - x8) 27 Drons Beat 85-90 Torture & Murder (x50) 28 The Wink 91-00 Roll Again 29 Maggie’s Horn

44 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Die Die Name Name Roll Roll 30 The Sun & Cider 77 The Great Big Globes 31 The Oakworm 78 The Glimmeric 32 Tickle & Feather 79 Loving Embrace 33 The Mistress 80 Chokers Necklace 34 Madam Zersannies The Grand Madams Emporium of Fine 81 35 The Kings Court Delicacies, Treats, and the Exotic 36 The Cursed Coin 82 Thug’s Retreat 37 Slit 83 Warriors Return 38 The Maiden Head 84 Gold Gobblers 39 The Rusty 85 Cackling Croons 40 The Silken Ferret 86 The Warty 41 Long Legs 87 Bessie’s Best 42 Elven Whispers 88 Corset 43 The Leg 89 Winkies 44 False Suspenders 90 The Shagger 45 Aunt Fannies Bloomers 91 Port of Call 46 Final Rest 92 The Home away from Hoes 47 Cocks Crow 93 Smooth 48 The Unblinking Eye 94 The Maiden Fair 49 The Bountiful Bosom 95 The Bit 50 Tuskers 96 Hosted 51 The Thrusting Gentleman 97 Glamourous Delights 52 Tally Hoes 98 Happily Ever After 53 Rutting 99 Sultry Stare 54 Pigs in Blankets 00 The Full Flush 55 The Delicate Touch 56 Aphrodite’s Wish 57 The Dirty Secret 58 Long Locks 59 Sweat 60 Brothel 61 Taters 62 The Swift Finish 63 Cumberlands 64 The Missing Sausage 65 The Fools Frolic 66 Dragons 67 The Bushel 68 Farmers Oats 69 The Raised Brow 70 Genies 71 The Farfetched Feather 72 Junk 73 The Connoisseur’s Choice 74 Colossus 75 The Smooth Ride 76 Bucking 77 The Great Big Globes

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 45 Random Brothel Location Table... Type of Drinks Served Table

Die Location Die Roll Type of Drinks Roll 01-16 Standard Tavern or Pub beverages. 01-05 The slums. 17-32 Cocktails 06-10 A shantytown. 33-48 Grog, nothing but grog. 11-15 A well-to-do residential neighborhood. 49-64 Standard Tavern or Pub beverages. 16-20 The docks district. 65-70 No drinks served. 21-25 The riverfront district. 71-86 The finest wines and champagnes. 26-30 The barracks district. 87-00 Roll Again 31-35 In an ally off a foreign bazaar.

36-40 In an ally off the main market square. Additional Services Table 41-45 In the shadow of a temple. 46-50 Above a boisterous tavern. Die Type of Service 51-55 Behind a tavern teeming with criminals. Roll 56-60 Adjacent to a tavern full of gamblers. Really weird stuff, for those with the 01-10 61-65 Underground. most interesting fetishes. Outside the walls of the city, or the Illegal stuff. If this is found out, the 66-70 outskirts of a town. 11-20 place would be burnt down, the owners 71-75 At the base of a wizards tavern. hung. It is clearly kept in great secret. 76-80 In the now conquered cave a a monster. 21-30 It involves food. Doesn’t offer anything special or 81-85 By itself on a main trading route. 31-40 86-90 In the basement of a tavern. different. On the same street with many other 41-50 Exotic races. 91-95 The most beautiful women and men. Brothels. 51-60 96-00 In a park, forest, or large garden. Not just a claim, but the actual truth. Pay a lump sum for all you want Type of Food Served Table 61-70 (Whores, Drink, Food, everything included) Die Roll Food Doesn’t offer anything special or 71-80 01-10 Simple snacks different. Stuff with exotic/magical ingredients, 11-20 Banquets 81-90 21-30 Simple food potions, etc. 31-40 Often incorporated with what it offers. 91-00 Magical delights. 41-50 Exotic delights 51-60 Spicy treats Propritor of the Brothel Table

61-70 Simple food Die 71-80 No food Propritor Roll 81-90 Grubby poorly made meals. The workers themselves, in a 01-16 91-00 All you can eat buffets democracy. . 17-32 A Madam 33-48 A Surly Brute 49-64 A Tyrannical and Cruel Fellow 65-70 A Sultry Seductor 71-84 A Wizard or Witch 85-00 Roll Again

46 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Thing of Note Table

Die Thing of Note Roll The workers are underpaid and poorly 01-10 treated. Nothing really, it just your regular old 11-20 brothel.

It is a Patron of the King or Ruling 21-30 MTS Note: Sorry, I could not find an image Faction. for this from the comic series, so I had to use one It is blessed and a shrine or temple to the 31-40 from the TV show. God of Love or Fertility. Nothing really, it just your regular old 41-50 brothel. Comstock Brothel Once a month it offers it services for 51-60 free. 61-70 It is secretly home to a dark cult. 71-80 All those who work there are related. Nothing really, it just your regular old 81-90 brothel. It doesn’t trade in coin, but in many other 91-00 things (contracts, items, stock, secrets, etc)

Recent Occurance Table

Die Result Roll A nobleman has got one of the girls 01-10 pregnant, but refuses to acknowledge her or the child. The Comstock Brothel was a brothel, or location in which men can pay for prostitution, Someone slaughter half of the workers 11-20 or sexual favors. Located in San Francisco, and clients in the night. California, in the red-light district of Barbary 21-30 Nothing at all. Coast, the Comstock Brothel was ran by Madam A paragon of the God of Love has 31-40 Pamela Swynford de Beaufort (while she was appeared. still human) in the year 1905. It is where Pam A group of outrage townsfolk has started first meets Eric Northman, and has him turn her 41-50 protesting outside of the Brothel, into a vampire. It is also the site where Eric is disgusted with what it does. first introduced to Bill Compton (who, at the The oldest patron, who has come to the time, was a naive, teenaged vampire still under Brothel every day for the last fifty years the supervision of his maker, Lorena Krasiki). 51-60 has finally died. A day of mourning and celebration, along with a lavish funeral is Notable Employees being held for them. • Pamela Swynford de Beaufort: Madam 61-70 Nothing at all. Pam, the owner of the brothel. One of the working boys has fallen • Dorothy: A young prostitute being madly in love with one of his clients, but 71-80 eaten by vampires Lorena Krasiki and can’t go off with them since they are Bill Compton. already married. • Washcloth Helen: A prostitute working A sink hole has appeared in the basement for Madam Pam. of the Brothel. No one is sure what lies 81-90 • Rubber Ruby (aka "The Chink"): A at the bottom, and they worry it might flexible Asian prostitute appealing to grow bigger, and take the Brothel with it. "more exotic fancies". 91-00 Nothing at all.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 47 Suffragette City Unnamed Strip Club

Very little is revealed in v3 issue 32 about this club, other than it is located in Star City, California in the New Earth Universe. Like most clubs of this type, they do Suffragette City was a strip club in an serve alcohol as well. On the plus side, it is not undisclosed location in America. The attacked, damaged, or even destroyed during (or Babylonian Goddess Ishtar is working as dancer after) their visit. since she has lot most of her power due to the loss of her temples, and she can draw a little Roy takes Connor for a spin in his Ferrari. power form those who watch her. She does hold First they stop at a used book store, but Roy back her dancing skill for the protection of quickly grows bored, and decides to take Connor everyone involved. to an strip club. Connor is uncomfortable, but Roy feels right at home it quickly become When Sandman goes to the club, initially, she obvious that Roy is a regular, as the girls keep tries to run away from him. After they speak for greeting him by name and he, in turn, introduces a bit, she begins to dance again, this time holding them by name to Connor. When they arrive the nothing back. Those watching began to die, and girl dancing on the stage is named Elaine, who eventually the entire club blew up, killing Ishtar. according to Connor "At 11:30 does an act that has to be seen to be believed."

The other girls mentioned by name in the issue are Lisa, Ginger, Lucy, Debbie,

48 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! The Pleasure Palace


The Pleasure Palace is run by Madame X'arthalla, and it is located in Shadizar.

The chamber just beyond the entrance is full of pleasure-girls of spellbinding beauty, and is filled with clients drawn from the loftiest reaches of Zamoran society. There is a "hall of mirrors" where one can peer through special one-way panels to observe the goings-on in the various pleasure chambers.

It is said that any secret fantasy can be fulfilled within the Pleasure Palace. Some of the revealed fantasies include bondage, posing as a F A S E R I P tradesman commanding an army of obedient Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 women warriors, a sultan attended by adoring Health: 26 Karma: 15 slaves, rescuing damsels from a fearsome dragon, and voyeurism. Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Daredevil Vol 2 #67 (January, 2005)

Known Powers: • None

Amber is a stripper who was working for Slick Saul. One time, when Alexander Bont came in to see Saul, she was grossed out. She hoped she didn't have to perform for him as old guys grossed her out.

Later, Amber reported on this to FBI Agent Del Toro.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 49 Avril left to get some supplies, Buster showed up. She stood up to him, showing her newfound self- respect, but he beat her almost to death and left. When Susan returned, she found Avril just in time for them to say goodbye, and for Avril to say that she was still glad that she had this time with Susan. After Avril dies, Susan vowed revenge. She ended up killing both Buster and Sime.

Black Mamba

F A S E R I P Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ex 16 Ty 5 Ty 5 Pr 3 Health: 34 Karma: 13

Universe: Grendel First Appearance: Grendel Tales: Homecoming #1 - Part 1; Babylon Crash Part 1 (December, 1994)

Known Powers: • None F A S E R I P Ty Gd Ty Ty Ty Ty Am Avril was a prostitute who worked for Buster 5 8 5 5 5 5 46 the Large, leader of Orion's Bastards, the gang Health: 20 Karma: 56 that controls her town. She was also a junkie. Universe: Earth-616 One day she saw her old friend, Susan First Appearance: Marvel Two-In-One #64 Veraghen, at a bar. Susan left town years ago, (June, 1980) but when they were teens, they had a brief fling before Susan became embarrassed due to peer Known Powers: pressure. At first Susan doesn't recognize her, • Darkforce Manipulation: Mamba has because she used to be much more demure, but the ability to project a cloud of they eventually talk and catch up. Susan was Darkforce. She can telepathically scan already trying to escape her past, however, and the mind of someone within two areas walks out, with Avril following. They ran into for a single image, the image of some Sime, one of the local gangsters, and he started a trusted friend or companion, usually of fight with Susan. Susan is a trained soldier and the opposite sex. She then projects an assassin, however, and beats Sime and his men inky cloud of Darkforce as an illusion down. Avril was impressed, and they take off of that friend or companion and directs together. the illusion to embrace the target. The illusion is of Incredible intensity. The They bonded over their mutual feeling of target may resist with a Psyche FEAT being lost, and slept together. They made a pact vs Incredible intensity. Failure allows to leave town together. However, when Susan

50 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! the Darkforce illusion to approach and would take a job from Ghaur and Llyra embrace the character. The Darkforce to obtain four objects containing arcane mystic grips with Excellent strength, and powers. Cobra would split up members of the reduces the character's Endurance by Serpent Society and send them to various one rank at the end of each round. If the locations to retrieve these objects. , character's Endurance drops below , Coachwhip and Feeble, they die. A Psyche FEAT would come into conflict with Colossus, Rogue should be allowed each round to try and and Havok of the X-Men over a magical totem realize what is happening and try to located inside a shopping center in Lima, Ohio. break free. Black Mamba uses her dark force to form the image of Polaris on Havok. The dark force image Bombardment of the Darkforce begins to constrict but Havok fires a plasma blast projection by energy attacks related to that causes a huge amount of canned goods to heat or light will disrupt the illusion and explode. Black Mamba is covered in goo and require Mamba to roll on the Stun loses control of her dark force. Havok then plants Table. Black Mamba inside a huge can filled with gunk. • Underwater Breathing: In 36. This is achieved through an implant When Diamondback reformed from her criminal ways it affected Black Mamba. She, Tanya Sealy was born in Chicago. While alongside and Diamondback formed B.A.D. working as a call girl, Roxxon Oil Company Girls Inc., a mercenary group. (B.A.D. being hired her, Anaconda, and derived from the first letters of their respective to form a new Serpent Squad and go code names.) on a covert operation to retrieve the mystical Serpent Crown. Tanya was given a cerebral Black Mamba was also part of 's implant that granted her low-level telepathy as Femizons, but betrayed that group to help well as the ability to manipulate the energy and Paladin. Despite her heroic known as darkforce. Now known as Black turn, she was not above committing morally Mamba, she would combine these abilities to questionable acts, as she led a drugged Hercules telepathically pluck the image of an opponent's to an ambush. She would also later join Crimson loved one out of their mind and then manifest a Cowl's Masters of Evil, lured in by the darkforce illusion which would lure her temptation of a large profit. For a short time she opponent in and suffocate them. Black Mamba worked with the Serpent Society again, but proved herself to be a dangerous foe, facing off eventually found her way back to her friends against heroes such as the Thing and . Diamondback and Asp and rejoined B.A.D. Girls Inc. During one mission with B.A.D. Girls Inc. Although the Thing, Stingray and Triton she severely embarrassed when she managed to defeat the Serpent Squad, revealed his darkest fantasy - to be given a back Sidewinder escaped with the Serpent Crown and rub by his partner, Cable. Anaconda was able to free Black Mamba and Death Adder. Noting her talents, Sidewinder During the events of , Black invited Black Mamba to join his organization, Mamba joined Captain America's anti- the Serpent Society. Black Mamba immediately registration group alongside Asp and accepted - prior to working with Roxxon she had Diamondback. She was later taken into custody been a call-girl and, while the money was good, by the , though she escaped and was it was not steady and she was intrigued by the most recently seen with several other villains in opportunity to make a lot of money with the the Bar With No Name. Society. Black Mamba thrived in the Serpent Society, forming close friendships with fellow During Dark Reign, Black Mamba joined The members Diamondback and Asp as well as 's Army as a member of the Women becoming romantically involved with Warriors, alongside Diamondback, Asp, Sidewinder. Because of this, she remained loyal Quicksand, and Skein. They participated in the to Sidewinder when Viper managed to infiltrate attack on Asgard, and escaped when the battle and seize control of the Serpent Society, ended. something that almost cost Black Mamba her life.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 51 Black Mamba later appears as a member of One of his lieutenants, Sime, picked a fight the Assassins Guild and Belladonna calls upon with Susan Veraghen, but Veraghen beat him all her specialist in the United States to drop and his gang up. Veraghen then took off with their other assignments to come after Avril, a prostitute owned by Buster, who knew and Domino. Black Mamba is in Miami Susan long ago. strangling a man with her darkforce powers when she receives the phone call. Black Mamba Wanting revenge, Sime told Buster. After arrives in New Orleans and meets up with fellow initiating some new members into their gang members of the Guild including Bullet, through ritual violence and debasement, Buster Boomerang and Nakh. Belladonna tells her went off to find Avril. He beat her to death as a assassins to kill Wolverine and bring Domino to warning for Susan. her once they arrive to New Orleans. During the battle, X-Force appears and Black Mamba battles Susan, however, is a trained soldier and X-23, who promptly stabs her in the chest with assassin, and tracked down Buster's hideout. her foot-claw. Elixir quickly heals Black Buster, meanwhile, iwa not totally happy with Mamba, ensuring her survival. the outcome, feeling that the whole thing was more trouble than it's worth. When Susan Buster the Large showed up, he grabs a giant handful of the Grendel drug, going insane and bulking up into a huge mass of muscle. The drug was too much for him, though, and when he made a move to attack Susan, he collapsed and died from the overdose.

Susan hung his body from a tower outside of town, writing "bully" on his chest.


F A S E R I P Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ex 16 Ty 5 Ty 5 Pr 3 Health: 34 Karma: 13

Universe: Grendel First Appearance: Grendel Tales: Homecoming #1 - Part 1; Babylon Crash Part 1 (December, 1994)

Known Powers: F A S E R I P • None Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Buster the Large ran Orion's Bastards, a gang Health: 26 Karma: 15 of criminals and toughs that ran their local town and its Primacin, or Grendel, drug trade. Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Wolverine: Dangerous Games Vol 1 #1 (August, 2008)

52 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Known Powers: to discharge lights from her fingertips • None before the events of M-Day left her powerless. Dao came to Thailand from Burma and became a local crimelord in Bangkok, possibly Susan Svensson moved to New York to after enduring several years of forced attend Midtown University. Over the following prostitution. She had a dove tattoo on her hip. To two years, she took a job as an exotic dancer at counter Logan's and the monks' efforts against the X-Club in Brooklyn Heights, using the name crime syndicates, who lured him to her house Dynamite there. away from the temple so that four of her armed men could kill the monks. However, Logan She could discharge lights from her resisted her apparent amorous advances and he fingertips. On M-Day, Svensson lost her powers. went back to find the monks massacred and She was later murdered by Ghoul.A picture of brutally murdered their killers. He recognized Svensson's body was sent to reporter Sally one killer's dove tattoo to be the same as on Dao. Floyd. A caption on the corpse stated "Not Meanwhile, she was surprised to learn that all Enough Died". her men had been killed and was ready with a gun when Wolverine returned and shot him Ishtar several times at close range. Wolverine killed her.


F A S E R I P Ex Am Gd Rm Rm Rm Rm 16 46 8 26 26 26 26 Health: 96 Karma: 78 F A S E R I P Ex Ty Ex Ty Ty Ty Ty 5 Universe: New Earth 16 5 16 5 5 5 First Appearance: Madame Xanadu Special #1 Health: 48 Karma: 24 (1981)

Universe: Earth-616 Known Powers: First Appearance: Generation M #1 (January, • Seduction: Shift-X As a goddess of love 2006) and sexuality, Ishtar has a divine level of physical attractiveness Known Powers: • Divine Grace: Ishtar has been viewed • Photokinesis: Ex 16 (Formerly) as a naturally skilled exotic dancer with Dynamite was a mutant with the ability

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 53 a uncanny level of grace in her Known Powers: performances (factored in above) • Shapeshifting: Rm 26 X'arthalla had magic powers enabling her to take the Ishtar was a Babylonian Goddess who was form of any woman, man, or child she worshipped in the past but overtime lost her wanted. It is unknown if it was just an worshipped status and slipped into obscurity. illusion or if she had shape-shifting powers. She could project illusions. She In the Sandman storyline, she was originally also had good hypnotic powers. She the Goddess of Love who drew power from the probably could teleport herself over magic generated by money given for lust and short distances, appearing in a cloud of sexual practices made within her temples. smoke. Thousands of years later, she was reduced to dancing in an American strip club to gather Madame X'arthalla led the famous Palace of subtle worship from her clients. After Dream Pleasure in Shadizar. Tens of girls and men were appeared in the club along with Deliriium her "employees," and a lot of men of the nobility, seeking Ishtar's former lover, Destruction, old and rich and important people were clients of the feelings awoke. When she next took to the stage, Palace. The specialty of Madame X'arthalla was she did her true dance that tapped into her divine to change her shape to become exactly like the power. Neither she nor her audience survived the woman desired by the client. X'arthalla's release of her repressed longing and she was employees satisfied the most deep desires of destroyed along with the strip club in which she their clients, also performing a play and acting in danced fictional sceneries.

Madame X'arthalla Conan the Cimmerian was about 17 years old when he met Nadia, one of the girls of the

Palace, and he visited the Palace of Pleasure and saw Madame X'arthalla.

Madame X'arthalla wanted to rule Zamora and, with the Captain of the Guards plotted a plan to kill the King of Zamora.

During a hunt, X'arthalla created the illusion of Satrina, the dead wife of the King of Zamora, and attracted him on the top of a cliff. Conan managed to follow the King and to save him before he jumped from the hill to follow the illusion of her wife.

That night X'arthalla took the form of a young beautiful woman, hypnotized Conan and sent him to kill the King. But just before slaying the King, Conan reacquired his will. However, the King believed him to be an assassin and had

Conan imprisoned.

F A S E R I P Conan was put in the Cage of Death, used in Ty Gd Ty Gd Ex Ex Ex Zamora to execute the potential murderers of 5 8 5 8 16 16 16 Kings. But he survived the execution attempt. Health: 26 Karma: 13 Meanwhile Madame X'arthalla had attracted the

nobles of Zamora, and the King, too, to Universe: Earth-616 assassinate them all in the Palace. Conan First Appearance: Savage Sword of Conan #81 succeeded in reaching the Palace of Pleasure just (October, 1982) in time, and he freed the the Chamberlain, the Chancellor, the Minister of Protocol and killed many of the assassins. When Conan saved the

54 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! King, Madame X'arthalla appeared. She tried to Pam Swynford De Beaufort hypnotize the barbarian again, but he resisted. Then she tried to move him to pity using the form of a child, then, of a beautiful woman. Then she transformed into Conan's mother, getting the effect she wanted: Conan was stunned. A knife appeared in X'arthalla's hand, but Nadia stabbed X'arthalla just in time to save Conan. X''arthalla died and reacquired her true form.


F A S E R I P Ex In Rm Rm Ex Rm Rm 16 36 26 26 16 26 26 Health: 104 Karma: 68

Universe: True Blood First Appearance: True Blood: Tainted Love #3 (April, 2011)

Known Powers: F A S E R I P • Hypnosis: Rm 26 Gd Ex Ty Gd Gd Gd Ex • Super Hearing: Ex 16 8 16 5 8 8 8 16 • Super Sight: Ex 16 Health: 34 Karma: 13 • Super Scent: Ex 16

• Super Speed: Un 100 Universe: Dark Horse

First Appearance: Orchid #1 (October, 2011) Pam was born in 1871, the daughter of a Known Powers: wealthy London businessman and his peerage • None wife. They groomed her to be a respectable young lady of society. This bored Pam to no end Orchid is a sixteen-year-old street-smart Valk and she spent most of her 20's breaking (prostitute), Orchid used to be concerned only engagements and young man's hearts. with stealing a small profit from her pimp in order to take care of her mother and younger In 1905 San Francisco, Pam is running a brother, Yehzu. But when a run-in with a brothel as a Madam. When one of her girls does Shadow Rebel named Simon led to a series of not return, she enters the room to find her slain events that ended in the deaths of her mother and in bed. Later, while walking alone at the night, brother, Orchid decided it was time to quit taking she is attacked in the streets. The man puts a hits and start doling them out knife to her throat. As he does, Eric Northman swoops in and takes him out, slashing his throat. He is obviously smitten with Pam, telling her how lovely her dress is. He apologizes for the mess and gives her money to cover the cost of it.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 55 She says "Thank you Mister", before he vanishes After the Great Revelation, they established a at vampire speed. vampire bar, Fangtasia, along with another vampire named Longshadow. The following night, Pam shows Eric her prostitutes. She tells him she has something to Pris satisfy every man's fancy even the most exotic ones. She proceeds by showing him a Chinese woman they call Rubber Ruby, who is very flexible. Eric replies "Delightful, but it is you i came to see". Pam replies that a good merchant doesn't compete with her merchandise to which Eric states a good costumer knows everything has its price.

Later Pam is shown watching Lorena and the young vampire Bill feeding and killing one of Pam's girls, Eric intervenes at the behest of Pam. He forces Lorena and Bill to leave the Comstock brothel after apologizing to Pam. She requests they pay 500 dollars for every girl they drained, to which Lorena agrees. The couple leaves after Eric tells Lorena to get Bill under control. Pam tells Eric they have a debt to settle.

Eric and Pam are cuddling in bed. Pam

questions Eric about life as a vampire, and he tells her it takes many of her life times to answer F A S E R I P that question. She asks him to make her vampire. He refuses at first, saying that becoming a maker Ex Rm Ex Rm Ex Gd Gd is a huge responsibility. Pam then asks Eric to 16 26 16 26 16 8 8 turn her and leave her as she is confident she can Health: 84 Karma: 32 take care of herself. He still refuses and puts on his clothes as he prepares to leave, Pam walks up Universe: Blade Runner to a dresser with her back to Eric. She cuts her First Appearance: Blade Runner #2 arms open, then faces him crying. Shocked, Eric (November, 1982) asks her "What have you done?". As blood gushes out of her arms pam tells him "Let me Known Powers: walk the world with you Mr. Northman, or watch • None me die". After some serious internal debate Eric agrees, flashing up to Pam with vampire speed Pris is a Nexus-6 Replicant android "military and starts to turn her. and leisure" model, created for entertainment purposes, thus making her even more of a slave During her early years of being a vampire, than her Replicant counterparts. Incepted on Pam has a sexual relationship with Eric. This Valentine's Day, she is programmed to be quite fade over time. Afterwards, the pair formed an successful at manipulating human males, as extremely close bond, comparable to that of a evident when she utilized her wiles to befriend father and daughter. Pam appears to have stayed the creator J.F. Sebastian. Pris was also the with Northman for most of her vampire life, as girlfriend of fellow Nexus-6 Replicant Roy she references having been with him for "a Batty. hundred years". When Eric took up the mantle of Vampire Sheriff of Area 5 in Louisiana under She is at a Physical A level, and possesses Queen Sophie-Anne, Pam became his second in superhuman endurance. A Mental B Level, she is command in the area. less intelligent than her paramour. Pris lured the Blade Runner Rick Deckard into a trap at the Bradbury Hotel, where she made him believe she was a mannequin. Using her gymnastic skills to

56 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! ambush the bounty hunter, she attempts to break battle with him, Heater sought a savior Deckard's neck. When this failed, being that she somewhat with less to risk. Heater found the possessed no further combat training, Deckard man she was looking for in Pip the Troll, who managed to shoot and retire Pris. had just escaped from the advances of Mama Alpha at her Cabaret on Sirus X. Pro-Boscis Promising Pip "unbelievable pleasure," Heater convinced Pip to sever the wire trapping her in the Pleasure Cruiser. Pip unwittingly cut the wire, only to hear the alarm, which summoned Pro-Boscis, who promised to slay him quickly. Pip, threw some sand in Pro-Boscis' eyes and fled from his blows and blasts. Pip finally stopped Pro-Boscis temporarily by knocking over a large stack of boulders on him, but was nearly crushed in the process himself.

Eros then stepped forward and claimed Heater, who gave Pip his reward: the Pleasure Cruiser. Not having gained quite the reward he wanted, Pip imagined ways of gaining revenge on Eros and Heater, but decided instead to flee in the Cruiser when he noticed Pro-Boscis starting to claw his way out. Pip decided to make the best of the Cruiser and took off into space.

Years before the Planet story arc> - Pro- Boscis ordered the manufacture of seven F A S E R I P Pleasure Cruisers. En route from Sirus X to their Ex Gd In Am Ex Gd Gd intended destination in the orbit of the nearby 16 8 36 46 16 8 8 planet Kotzwinkle, the ships were enveloped in Health: 106 Karma: 32 the Great Portal wormhole and transported to the atmosphere of the planet Sakaar, where they Universe: Earth-616 crash-landed. First Appearance: Warlock I #12 (April, 1976)

Known Powers: • Teleportation: Un 100. It is not certain if he does this via his own ability, through the rings, or another source.

Equipment: • Rings of Vice: In 36 These enable him to fire destructive energy blasts from each hand. Pro-Boscis can also teleport interstellar distance

Pro-Boscis' past history is unrevealed, but he does work as an interstellar pimp. He recruits (either with or against their consent) women to serve as pleasure slaves to others, for payment. Under unknown means, he obtained Heater Delight, the intermittent lover of Eros, aka Starfox, to serve as one of his Pleasure Slaves. Knowing Pro-Boscis' strength, and not wishing

to take a chance of having Eros' face injured in

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 57 Raving Beauty motivations and her final target. The offered his help and the two made plans to hit Redmond's fortified homestead that night. As they approached the compound, they saw a helicopter be shot down by Redmond's men, and the two vigilantes helped the reporter Lourdes out of the wreckage. Meanwhile several of Redmond's hired killers approached the destroyed helicopter; Raving Beauty and the Punisher shot them apart. They then scaled the compound wall, brutally overpowering any resistance until only Redmond remained. The Punisher let Raving Beauty kill him. The next day, the two enjoyed drinks while reading Lourdes' account of the attack wherein he claimed that Raving Beauty had died in an explosion and that the massacres had ended.

Tony Stark was aware of Raving Beauty's true identity and status, and considered her a potential recruit for the Fifty State Initiative.

F A S E R I P Selina Kyle Rm Ex Ty Gd Gd Ex Gd 26 16 5 8 8 16 8 Health: 57 Karma: 32

Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Punisher Vol 2 #96 (November, 1994)

Known Powers: • None

A runner up in a Ms. U.S.A. pageant, Cheryl Gates sought Hollywood fame, finding a producer called Mr. Redmond who made her the lead in the movie "Horror of Hermit Beach", but he then had her pose for adult magazines, before shifting her into prostitution and drugs. She was eventually discarded by Redmond and his crew, but was able to reform herself and sought revenge, mercilessly killing his associates. She even developed a lethal toxin that she put into lipstick. F A S E R I P In In Gd Rm Ex In Rm Using poison lipstick, Gates killed Gil .36 36 8 26 16 36 26 Tremaine, a former friend of Redmond's. The Health: 106 Karma: 78 newspaper reports dubbed her the Raving Beauty, including the Hollywood Examiner by Universe: New Earth Mike Lourdes. This alerted Redmond and he sent First Appearance: #569 two hit-men to kill her at her hotel. However, the (December, 1986) Punisher intercepted the hit and the two vigilantes quickly killed the would-be assassins. After coy introductions, Gates revealed her

58 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Known Powers: her person either in her boot or in a • Seduction: Selina has a body that men small backpack. She is able to perform usually only find in their dreams. She several feats with this weapon, exudes a sensuality and sophistication including the following: that makes her very adept at seduction. o Entangle: can snap She has grown adept at guaging men's the out to wrap it around moods and learning how to offer them an object up to 8 feet away, what they want or need to appease leaving 4 feet of leather to them. She may do this with Excellent entwine itself around the ability. object • Animal Empathy: Catwoman has an o Swing: Selina may employ her Good affinity for cats. Feline species whip to help her climb surfaces tend to flock to her, accepting her or swing from one area to almost immediately, recognizing another somehow that she is not an enemy but a o Strike: Selina can strike an friend. This allows her to calm injured opponent with her whip and cats, train them, befriends them, and cause them Good damage form strong bonds with them. These animals will even sometimes come to Talents: Acrobatics, Tumbling, Animal her defense when she is attacked. Handling, Espionage, Martial Arts-All, Weapon • Stealth: Catwoman has mastered the art Specialist: Whips, Performer, Business/Finance of stealth. Although this is special training she is considered to have Selina started out as a prostitute working in Excellent ability to avoid being the East End. She watched over an underage girl seen/tracked named Holly Robinson while working for their abusive pimp Stan. Detective George Flannery Equipment: sent her to Ted Grant, who taught her how to • Costume: Catwoman's costume is fight after Stan beat her up. When she saw designed to give her maximum in action for the first time, he inspired flexibility and movement, while her to become Catwoman. providing her some protection, Selina returned the beating Stan gave her and anonymity, and stealth. Her mask took Holly with her. To distinguish herself, she covers her features, keeping her from would claw the faces of her victims starting with instant recognition in her civilian . Stan kidnapped her sister identity, The material is a thick Maggie Kyle which led to his death when insulating cloth, protecting her from fighting Catwoman. cold and wet, while being fire retardant. It doesn’t provide any damage Batman confronted her about this, but she protection from weapons or blows simply kissed him before wounding his chest, however does provide Good protection allowing her to flee. Holly was left with the nun from energy damage. Maggie to be raised in a convent. Following a • Claws: Catwoman's gloves and boots distortion of the time stream, Selina's history as a contain special retractable claws which prostitute was erased. She survived on the streets are formed of a strong steel which as a petty thief. extend from and retract into her gloved fingertips and boots when she triggers pressure switches. They can shred a bullet-proof vest, punch through an aluminum frame car door, or dig into porous surfaces to climb. o Remarkable edged damage. o Climbing: Remarkable. • Whip: Catwoman his highly proficient in the use of the bullwhip. She employs a 12 foot long, black leather braided bullwhip which is normally carried on

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 59 Sharona Shock

F A S E R I P F A S E R I P Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ex Ex Rm Rm Ex Ex Rm Health: 26 Karma: 15 16 16 26 26 16 16 26 Health: 84 Karma: 58 Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Presents Vol Universe: Earth-616 1 #60 (October, 1990) First Appearance: Daredevil Vol 1 #314 (March, 1993)

Known Powers: • None Known Powers: Sharona is a prostitute who had befriended • Pheromone Control: Rm 26 Shock can Joe Trinity, also known as Mop Man. Sharona's generate terror in others via generation own pimp, Leon, led Foxy to her because of this of a chemical similar to the "flight connection, in exchange for a small payment. scent" pheromone generated by herd Foxy beat her savagely, forcing her to reveal animals. She can also generate hatred Trinity's location. and rage. Rather than just generating raw, primal fear like her predecessors, she actually causes her victims to see their greatest fear. • Natural Weapomry - Claws: Ex 16

Ariel is the illegitimate daughter of Alan Fagan, who used her mother for a good time and then left her behind, refusing to accept responsibility for her care. Ariel's mother trained her from an early age to hate her father and to be better than him. Ariel's mother had to take a job at a poultry factor, during which time she was caught in a fire. After this, Ariel began to desperately accumulate money so that she could

60 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! achieve her life's goal. She stole and even sold Snapdragon sex in order to get the money.

Shock paid Slash and a group of other inmates to attack her imprisoned father, now Mr. Fear, cutting off a piece of his face. After receiving her father's skin, she had a chemist examine it and synthesize and rework the fear chemical which had impregnated it. Ariel then used the variant fear chemical to transform into Shock, Mistress of Fear.

Shock went out into New York, using her powers to steal from and terrorize others. Daredevil discovered her actions and tracked the scent of the fear gas to Ariel, who again transformed into Shock. She used her powers to fill Daredevil with rage, and then she tackled him off the top of a building.

Both Daredevil and Shock made it to the ground safely, where Shock then used her powers to terrorize the people on the streets. While Daredevil controlled the chaos she was F A S E R I P causing, Shock fled, visiting her father in the In Rm Gd Gd Gd Gd Gd hospital. Fagan's vital signs were initially weak, 36 26 8 8 8 8 8 but Shock tormented him until his signs began to Health: 78 Karma: 24 strengthen. Daredevil tracked her down again, and while she confronted him with images of Universe: Earth-616 being assaulted by Elektra, Daredevil managed First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare vol I #12 to keep his wits about him. He forced her to (January, 1984) consume another dose of the sample, returning her to normal so that she could be arrested. Known Powers: However, along the way, her hands returned to • None their taloned form, and she prepared to break Little is known about the past of Sheoke free. Sanada

Meanwhile from his hospital bed, Fagan In VI #2, as part of Nefaria's plotted revenge. underworld empire Sheoke led a stripper spy ring. She explained to the girls working for her that the information they gathered from the men visiting the club was the thing that would make them rich. Her speech was interrupted by Moon Knight, dressed up as Spider-Man, who assaulted Snapdragon and her two muscle-bound henchmen. Moon Knight got knocked out by a shot through the shoulder from one of Snapdragon's henchmen. Snapdragon planned to deliver Moon Knight to Nefaria, but , who was working undercover at the club, saved Moon Knight and brought him to safety by knocking out Snapdragon and her remaining henchman with a surprise attack.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 61 The Barehide Kid The Ecdysiast

F A S E R I P F A S E R I P Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Health: 26 Karma: 15 Health: 26 Karma: 15

Universe: Earth-616 Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #417 (May, First Appearance: Incredible Hulk #417 (May, 1994) 1994)

Known Powers: Known Powers: • None • None

For the bachelorette party held for Marlo While Captain America was preparing a Chandler prior to her wedding to , bachelor party for his one-time sidekick Rick She-Hulk brought her to a Chippendale's strip Jones, he was convinced by to hire the bar, where Marlo and the other ladies were Ecdysiast. Captain America did not know what entertained by the Barehide Kid. Betty Banner an ecdysiast was, but was told by Fury that it and Mrs. Chandler forced Marlo on to the stage meant she was a stage magician. to dance with the Barehide Kid as he removed his clothes. The partying was briefly interrupted The Ecdysiast appeared at Rick's bachelor by a gang of gunmen come to rob the bar's party, demanding that the super-heroes gathered patrons, but the Invisible Woman used a force turn Jones over to her. Captain America, still field to halt one of their bullets from hitting believing her to be a magician, had the other Marlo and the Barehide Kid. The assemebled heroes comply. She sat Rick down in a chair, super-women then proceeded to defeat the kissed him, then began to remove her clothes. It gunmen was only then that Captain America realized he had been tricked.

62 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Thumbelina to seduce men into leaving their normal, non- powered wives and lovers with promises of superheroics and glory.

F A S E R I P Gd Ex Gd Ex Gd Gd Gd 8 16 8 16 8 8 8 Health: 48 Karma: 24

Universe: DC First Appearance: : Bulleteer #3 (April, 2005)

Known Powers: • Shrinking: Rm 26

Thumbelina is an immortal teenage superhero/stripper, one of many eternally young superheroines who work in the seedy "super porn" business. She currently works for/with the web-group "Eternal Superteens". She starred in an X-rated films While sitting on a panel named "Sweethearts and Supervixens," she revealed "I was daubed with peanut butter for apocket Girls 2. That was a trip.”

Thumbelina can shrink herself using a special shrinking serum, which she has to inject into herself. Her purse is also outfitted as a tiny flying device, which she can use to get around while miniature.

While appearing at a superhero convention, she was approached by Alix Harrower, the Bulleteer, with questions about one of Thumbelina's co-workers, Sally Sonic.

Thumbelina explained that Sally typically liked

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 63 Trinity Cabranes John's throat. Together with the other thralls she brought Blade and John to LaVeau. Trinity stayed at Bible John's side and watched LaVeau's ceremony to bring back Varnae.

Still at Bible John's side, Trinity saw Varnae's spirit floating through a mystical portal. Bible John told her that the vampires and LaVeau lied to her and that they were using her worse than anyone before. Bible John's word had an effect on Trinity and disgusted by the bitter truth she tossed Blade's to him. After Varnae took over Night Terror's body the treacherous Trinity became his first victim.

F A S E R I P Allurin Gd Gd Rm Ex Ty Ty Ty 8 8 26 16 5 5 5 Health: 58 Karma: 15

Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Blade the Vampire-Hunter I #4 (October, 1994)

Known Powers: • Enhanced Strength: She was tainted by a vampire (most likely Steppin' Razor), but not turned into one which made her a thrall. As a thrall she possessed enhanced human strength. (Factored in above)

In her young life Trinity was a prostitute, junkie and thief. One day Steppin' Razor and Marie LaVeau appeared in her life and offered her empowerment and dignity. She gave her blood to the vampires which wasn't worse than the things she had to do in the past. She nearly F A S E R I P enjoyed her new life and became a thrall. Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Trinity waited with other thralls of LaVeau Health: 20 Karma: 15 for Blade and Bible John in the bad streets of Los Angeles. Blade was concerned about her Perfect cheekbones, perfect hair, tall, slim, when he saw her and didn't suspect that she was beautiful... this is the average-looking Allurin. working for LaVeau. Trinity knocked out Bible Humanoids of mostly human descent, a special John with by throwing a stone at his head while blood runs in their veins. The blood of succubi the other thralls attacked Blade. Blade and incubi. surrendered when she threatened to slit open

64 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Of how they came to be, two legends exist. but is not under any supernatural One romantic, one frightening. The romantic tale compulsion to allow another kiss. tells of Tylia, a succubus who fell in love with a human. She defied the lords of hell, but was Miscellaneous Bonuses/Penalties: stripped of her demonic powers and gave birth to • +1 CS bonus to Psyche to resist mind- his children. The other tale tells of incubi that affecting spells or powers visit maidens at night and leave demonic seed in • Iron does +1 CS damage to them their womb, to poison humanity with their evil • +1CS Bonus to heritage. Both legends may be true, or neither... Popularity/Presence/Appearance

Allurins blend into human society in a way only Changelings can match, but they still stick Ferrolith

out. Their striking and exotic looks make them the center of attention. Many of them enjoy it and become famed muses and performers. Others, aware of their dark heritage, try to hide their faces and even scar themselves, hoping to be left alone.

While they appear human at first glance, all Allurin share an attractive physique, with almost exaggerated features. Women have curvacious bust and hips, and men have athletic bodies and impressive equipment. While some try to hide it, most Allurin stress this even more by wearing tight-fit and revealing clothing. Many have unusual features like deeply violet eyes or an almost pink natural hair color, or naturally red nails.

Allurins that hide their true identity share the same racial relations as humans. Yet, they tend to be shunned by the elves, which see themselves as the epitome of beauty and perfection. Orc see F A S E R I P Allurin women as prized slaves. The sturdy, Ex Ex Gd Rm Ex Ex Ex down-to-earth dwarves shun them for their touch 16 16 8 26 16 16 16 of the supernatural. If Allurin are found out to be Health: 23 Karma: 15 what they are, they are often driven away, or worse. Only in the company of other outcasts, Sometimes in Hell referred to as Iron demons such as other half-races and planetouched, can or the Handmaidens of Pain, ferroliths are a they find kindred souls. twisted metallic mockery of the succubi that accompanied Graz'zt on his initial foray into the Known Powers: Abyss. • Resistance: Ty 5 resistance to fire and electricity. The succubi that accompanied Graz'zt on his • Darkvision: 60 ft. range flrst forays to the Abyss sought to betray him, • Delicious Kiss: An Allurin may use this but the Dark Prince uncovered their treachery ability when kissing a victim, or during and cast them into a pool of molten iron. The any other act of passion. If the target is succubi lost their supernatural beauty as this not willing to be kissed, the Allurin abyssal pool seared their flesh and bonded with must start a grapple. The victim is their bodies, and they became the first ferroliths. stunned for 1 round, and the Allurin is treated as though she has just consumed Since that time, more ferroliths have crawled a good meal. The victim feels as though from ancient pits and pools of molten abyssal the experience was highly pleasurable, iron. fcrroliths retain a spark of their succubus

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 65 origins. They love subterfuge and are incredibly As a final note, I apologize for the "roll cunning. again" options, but these tables belonging to D&D instead of Marvel had them other dice than A ferrolith's hair is a rippling net of razor- percentile. Since not all Marvel players take sharp wire capable of shredding flesh. Its skin is percentile with them when playing Marvel (or in tougher than any metal worked in a forge, and its some cases, own the others), I wanted to convert claws can tear through virtually any physical or all the tables to percentile without messing with magical defenses. the probability scores.

A powerful ferrolith known as the Iron Random Head Table Maiden has seized a small fortress crafted from the broken remnants of a million swords on the Die Roll Head Plain of a Thousand Portals. She has sent 01-12 Bat-Like emissaries to the Nine Hells in hopes of enticing 13-24 Bird-Like* Asmodeus into an alliance against the Dark 25-36 Crocodilian Prince. 37-48 Horse-Like

Ferroliths found in Graz'zt's service fight 49-60 Human-Like only because of the powerful bonds of servitude 61-72 Monkey-Like placed on them. These demons nurse a hatred for 73-84 Snake-Like Graz"z.t, and freely ally with other demons that 85-96 Weasel-Like actively oppose him. 97-00 Roll Again

Ferroliths fighting in groups target the Random Head Adornment Table strongest melee combatants, slicing into them with spiked webs and razor-sharp claws. A Die Roll Adornment solitary ferrolith hits softer targets first, 01-12 Antlers energized by the hope of a quick kill as it rends 13-24 Crest or Peak vulnerable flesh and bone. A whirling engine of 25-36 Horns (1-4) destruction on the battlefield, a ferrolith presents a formidable barrier to any enemy's advance. 37-48 Knobs 49-60 Ridge(s) Known Powers: 61-72 Ruff • Winged Flight: Rm 26 73-84 Spines • Natural Weaponry - Claws: In 36 85-96 None • Natural Weaponry - Fangs: In 36 97-00 Roll Again • Barrage of Razors: In 36 The target takes ongoing Gd 8 damage per round Random Overall Visage Table and is slowed unless they pass an Endurance FEAT Die Roll Visage 01-16 Gibbering, Drooling Plus Demonic 17-32 Glaring - Menacing 33-48 Rotting Appearance Tables 49-64 Skeletal 65-80 Twitching - Moving MTS Note: While I was looking through the 81-96 Wrinkled – Seamed tables at the end of the first edition Dungeon 97-00 Roll Again Master's Guide, I found the Random Generation of Creatures from the Lower Planes tables. I thought I would include them here as part of the Menagerie update, as they could be used to generate more options for random Demon appearances.

66 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Random Ears Table Random Eye Appearance Table

Die Roll Ears Die Roll Appearance 01-16 Dog-Like 01-16 Small, Multi-Faceted 17-32 Elephant-Like 17-32 Small, Slitted 33-48 Human, Tiny 33-48 Swivel Socketed 49-64 Human, Huge 49-64 Stalked 65-80 Trumpet-Like 65-80 Huge, Flat 81-96 None 81-96 Huge, Protruding 97-00 Roll Again 97-00 Roll Again

Random Eye Color Random Nose Table (If Necessary) Die Roll Color 01-16 Amber Die Roll Appearance 17-32 Black 01-16 Flat, Misshapen 33-48 Blue 17-32 Huge, Bulbous 49-64 Green 33-48 Slits Only 65-80 Metallic 49-64 Snouted 81-96 Orange-Red 64-80 Tiny 97-00 Roll Again 81-96 Trunk-Like 97-00 Roll Again

Random Mouth Size Table

Die Roll Size 01-20 Tiny 21-60 Average 61-00 Huge

Random Mouth Appearance Table

Die Roll Appearance 01-16 Fanged 17-32 Mandible** 34-48 Sucker-Like** 49-64 Toothed, Small or Ridged 65-80 Toothed, Large 81-96 Tusked 97-00 Roll Again

Random Body Attributes Table

Die Roll Attribute 01-64 Bipedal

Random Number of Eyes Table 65-96 Quadrupedal, et al. 97-00 Roll Again Die Roll Number 01-60 2

61-80 3

81-00 4

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 67 Random Bipedal Torso Random Tail Appearance

Die Roll Torso Die Roll Appearance 01-16 Ape-Like 01-12 Barbed** 17-32 Bear-Like 13-24 Dog-Like 33-48 Bird-Like 25-36 Goat-Like 49-64 Human-Like 37-48 Horse-Like 65-80 Pig-Like 49-60 Lion-Like 81-96 Rat-Like 61-72 Pig-Like 97-00 Roll Again 73-84 Prehensile***

***Since this is a free power, it counts as an Random Quadrupedal or Other Torso extra limb with Ty ability (unless the Player and Judge agree and one of the initial powers rolled Die Roll Torso by the Player is sacrificed - then a random rank 01-12 Amoeba-Like for the poison can be rolled normally). 13-24 Bison-Like 35-36 Cat-Like Random Body Odor Table

37-48 Crab-Like Die Roll Odor 49-60 Horse-Like 01-12 Bloody 61-72 Insect-Like 13-24 Fishy 73-84 Serpent-Like or Reptilian 25-36 Fecal 85-96 Spider-Like 37-48 Gangrenous 97-00 Roll Again 49-60 Moldy

61-72 Sweaty Random General Characteristics Tables (Roll Twice) 73-84 Urine 85-96 Vomit First Roll 97-00 Roll Again Die Roll Characteristic 01-25 Fat 26-50 Long 51-75 Short 76-00 Thin

Second Roll Die Roll Characteristic 01-25 Broad 26-50 Muscled 51-75 Narrow 76-00 Rubbery

Random Tail Determination Table

Die Roll Determination 01-60 Tail 61-00 No Tail

68 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Random Skin Texture Random Arms Table (2 or 4 if bipedal; 4, or 6 if otherwise) Die Roll Texture 01-12 Bald/Smooth Die Roll Appearance 13-24 Furred 01-25 Animal-Like 25-36 Hairy/Bristled 26-50 Human-Like 37-48 Leathery/Leprous 51-75 Insect-Like 49-60 Scaled 76-00 Tentacles 61-72 Slimy 73-84 Warted/Bumpy Hand Similarity Table 85-96 Wrinkled/Folded 97-00 Roll Again Die Roll Result 01-50 Alike

Random Predominant Skin Color Table 51-00 Different

Die Roll Predominant Color Hand Type Table 01-10 Blackish 11-20 Bluish Die Roll Appearance 21-30 Brownish 01-16 Clawed 31-40 Grayish - Whitish 17-32 Human-Nailed 41-50 Greenish 33-48 Pincered 51-60 Orangey 49-64 Taloned 61-70 Pinkish 65-80 Tentacle-Fingered 71-80 Purplish 81-96 Withered and Bony 81-90 Reddish 97-00 Roll Again 91-00 Yellowish - Tannish Random Legs and Feet Table

(As Applicable) Random Back Appearance

Die Roll Appearance Die Roll Appearance 01-25 Humped/Hunched 01-12 Clawed 26-50 Maned 13-24 Hooved 51-75` Normal 25-36 Human-Like 76-00 Spiked/Spined/Ridged 37-48 Insect-Like 49-60 Snake-Like Random Wings Table 61-72 Suctioned (If Any) 73-84 Taloned 85-96 Webbed (All Swimmers) Die Roll Appearance 97-00 Roll Again 01-25 Bat-Like 26-50 Bird-Like * Bird-Like Sub-Table 51-75 Insect-Like 76-00 Membranous or Fan-Like Die Roll Appearance 01-16 Duck-Like 17-32 Hawk-Like 33-48 Owl-Like 49-64 Pelican-Like 65-80 Stork-Like

81-96 Turkey-Like

97-00 Roll Again

** Poison Sub-Table

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 69 ** Poison Sub-Table I wanted to use these in the original Sexectera, but since I would have to change the MTS Note: Since things work differently in “weight” of some of the tables by converting Marvel than in D&D, I have had to adjust the them to percentile, it was problematic to me. In following table. Since poison gained in this the end, I elected to convert them to percentile, fashion is pretty much a "free" power, consider and use “roll again” at the end of the table. the strength to be Typical (unless the Player and Should that result come up more than once, you Judge agree and one of the initial powers rolled can always change it to “roll twice, thrice” et by the Player is sacrificed - then a random rank cetera. for the poison can be rolled normally). Note: Not all of these are as they appeared Die Result originally, as Alignment, class, and level Roll requirements for some of these have been 01-50 Poisoned (no adjustments) removed. Target gains a +1CS bonus to their 51-58 Endurance roll to resist Spouses

Target suffers a -1CS penalty to their 59-66 Die Roll Number of Spouses Endurance roll to resist 01-16 Monogamous Target suffers a -2CS penalty to their 67-74 17-32 Polygamous Endurance roll to resist 33-48 Polyandrous Target must make a Psyche Save or suffer 75-82 from a random type of insanity for 1-4 49-64 Group Unions rounds 65-80 Theogamous Weakness - Target loses 1/10 of their 81-96 Spouse(s) of X gender 83-90 Health Score in damage 97-00 Roll Again 91-00 Roll Again Fidelity

A bit of imaginative creation is helpful in Die using the tables above. For example, if the Fidelity creature's body is amoeba-like, you might well Roll descide to give it scores of tiny, bubbling sucker 01-16 Sex restricted to the marriage Only one spouse may have sex outside mouths over its entire body, and omit any mouth 17-32 or head; of course, body covering would have to the marriage Sex outside marriage permitted with be adjusted accordingly, and appendages 33-48 selected to suit the monster. Likewise, you consent should feel at ease adding to or amending the 49-64 Open relationship, no consent required tables as you desire in order to arrive at still Sex outside the marriage allowed X 65-80 more diverse and unexpected lower planes times a year creatures. Sex permitted outside the marriage if it's 81-96 kept secret 97-00 Roll Again


Die Officials Roll

01-33 Official of X Origin type Civil officials required, alone or with 34-66 Marriage Generation religious officials Priest of a marriage-related deity is 67-99 These tables were originally created by required Patricia “Kismet” Willenborg for use with 00 Roll Again Dungeons and Dragons. I have adapted them to work with Marvel. I thought they could be entertaining to use for “alien” customs on other

planets or dimensions.

70 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Children Duration

Die Die Children Duration Roll Roll Children are only legitimate within the Eternally (including afterlife; may 01-25 01-08 marriage include reincarnation) Children of one spouse's concubines are 09-16 Lifelong (ending at death a spouse) 26-50 legitimate 17-24 Lifelong (ending at death of all spouses) Children of one spouse are legitimate 51-75 35-32 A year and a day above all others 33-40 Until the next season Children are only legitimate in the Until a special act is willfully committed 76-00 41-48 marriage and born in X season by a spouse Until elders or superiors decide 49-56 Ceremony otherwise 57-64 Until a hale child is born Die Until the next major moon phase (full or Ceremony 65-72 Roll new) 01-10 d10 witnesses required Until a natural event occurs (eruption, 73-80 11-20 Witnesses must support union aurora borealis) 21-30 Witnesses must be relatives 81-88 Until X years have passed 31-40 (Un)holy ground required Until a man-made historical event has 89-96 41-50 Offering(s) during the ceremony passed (end of war) 51-60 Magical item(s) necessary 97-00 Roll Again 61-70 Spell(s) necessary Sacrifice(s) of (sentient or non-sentient) Levels of Support 71-80 beings required 81-90 Witness must be of X Origin Die Level of Support 91-00 No witnesses must see the ceremony Roll 01-08 Spouses must maintain separate wealth Acceptable Motives 09-16 Spouses must share all income One spouse must provide more than 17-24 Die 50% of wealth Acceptable Motive Roll One spouse is the sole breadwinner for 35-32 01-08 Love the household 09-16 Title, royal line Spellcasters must provide spells when 33-40 17-24 Guild, group membership asked Must perform a public deed in spouse's 35-32 Wealth 41-48 33-40 Tradition name(s) once a year Spouses must hold primary residence 41-48 Family approval and/or decree 49-56 49-56 Sex together Strengthening bloodlines (racial traits, Spouses must live for half the year under 57-64 57-64 keeping it in the family) the same roof 65-72 Lifestyle 65-72 Spouses must live separately 73-80 Strengthening ties between groups 73-80 Spouses can live apart with consent Spouses can live apart regardless of 81-88 Pregnancy, or for future procreation 81-88 consent Social pressure to conform or not be left 89-96 Must perform X class skill or feature behind 89-96 when asked 97-00 Roll Again 97-00 Roll Again

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 71 Spousal Requirements Die Deed Die Roll Spousal Requirement Roll 43-48 Must have served in X group 01-10 Of specific race or tribe 49-54 Must undergo X ritual 11-20 Unrelated within recent generations Must undergo X permanent body 55-60 Related by blood (at least verifiable modification 21-30 cousins) 61-66 Must convert faiths 31-40 Must have X statistic of X or higher Must conceive a child with spouse(s)-to- 67-72 One spouse must be significantly older be 41-50 than the other(s) 73-78 Must survive X affliction 51-60 Must have performed X deed Must suffer from X condition for X 79-84 61-70 Must be of X gender amount of time Must have no, some, or much prior Must survive X extreme environment or 71-80 85-90 sexual experience weather for X time 81-90 Must be worth X amount in Resources 91-00 Roll Again 91-00 Re-Roll (or roll twice)

Benefits (Short or Long Term)

Die Benefit Roll 01-08 Admittance to X group 09-16 Inherit property 17-24 Inherit title 35-32 Government or church gift Receive free or discounted services by 33-40 church of spouse(s)' deity Diplomacy bonuses with social group 41-48 related to spouse(s) 49-56 Dowry from family 57-64 Sexual access (with partner approval) 65-72 Sexual access (upon demand) Receive family heirloom (magical or Forbiddances 73-80 non-magical) Access to family specialty (spell Die 81-88 Forbiddance selection, training area, library) Roll 89-96 Discount on taxes and/or required tithes 01-05 Cannot change faith willingly Cannot purposefully kill creature of X 97-00 Roll Again 06-10 type

Deeds 11-15 Must avoid X site Must not perform X special act designed 16-20 Die to end the marriage Deed Must never cast particular spells or X Roll 21-25 01-06 Must pilgrimage to X site type of spells Must never go below X level of prestige 07-12 Must gain guardian's permission 26-30 13-18 Must learn X spell(s) in a group Must gain X level of prestige in a Must never voluntarily give up allegiance 19-24 31-35 group to X group Must not willingly undo body 25-30 Must join X group 36-40 modification 31-36 Proof(s) of devotion (tithe) Must never choose to cast offensive 37-42 Must defeat priest in contest(s) 41-45 spells at spouse(s)

72 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Die Forbiddance Roll Must never voluntarily strike spouse(s) 46-50 with violent intent Must never expose spouse(s) to sexually 51-55 transmitted diseases Must not willingly have sex outside of the 56-60 marriage Must not be publicly exposed for having 61-65 sex outside the marriage Must not produce children outside of the 66-70 marriage Must not be publicly exposed for 71-75 producing children outside the marriage Must never perform X ritual (such as 76-80 unholy rites, human sacrifice) Must not hide wealth, property from 81-85 spouse(s)' knowledge Must not have sex outside the marriage 86-90 without spouse(s) approval Must not abandon spouse(s) for a period 91-95 greater than X days 96-00 Roll Again

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 93

MTS Note: When I decided to revisit this book as avoid social contact that exposes it. Fearing the part of the Sexcetera updates to test the improved stigma of vanity, one usually hides the preoccupation. layout, I realized that transsexuals had not been Commonly unsuspected even by psychiatrists, BDD addressed in these books. Besides, it seems to go has been greatly underdiagnosed. Severely impairing hand-in-hand with Chapter Three: Tous Les Deux. quality of life via educational and occupational dysfunction and social isolation, BDD involves It seemed very remiss not to include information especially high rates of suicidal ideation and suicide about these people (especially with the war on them attempts. with American politicians, and sometimes from even the LGBT community).

As some of you that know me, know that I struggle with a mild case of dysmorphia myself.

The only reason this addenda is superseded by the other is because it was part of the Deluxe version of this book.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that some aspect of one's own appearance is severely flawed and warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it. In BDD's delusional variant, the flaw is imagined. If the flaw is actual, its importance is severely exaggerated. Either way, one's thoughts about it are pervasive and intrusive, occupying up to

several hours a day. The DSM-5 categorizes BDD in the obsessive–compulsive spectrum, and distinguishes it from anorexia nervosa. Transgender

BDD is estimated to affect up to 2.4% of the Transgender is an umbrella term for persons population. It usually starts during adolescence, and whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior affects men and women roughly equally. The BDD does not conform to that typically associated with the subtype muscle dysmorphia, perceiving the body as sex to which they were assigned at birth. Gender too small, affects mostly males. Besides thinking identity refers to a person’s internal sense of being about it, one repetitively checks and compares the male, female or something else; gender expression perceived flaw, and can adopt unusual routines to refers to the way a person communicates gender

74 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! identity to others through behavior, clothing, straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or asexual, just as hairstyles, voice or body characteristics. “Trans” is non-transgender people can be. Some recent research sometimes used as shorthand for “transgender.” has shown that a change or a new exploration period While transgender is generally a good term to use, in partner attraction may occur during the process of not everyone whose appearance or behavior is transition. However, transgender people usually gender-nonconforming will identify as a transgender remain as attached to loved ones after transition as person. The ways that transgender people are talked they were before transition. Transgender people about in popular culture, academia and science are usually label their sexual orientation using their constantly changing, particularly as individuals’ gender as a reference. For example, a transgender awareness, knowledge and openness about woman, or a person who is assigned male at birth and transgender people and their experiences grow. transitions to female, who is attracted to other women would be identified as a lesbian or gay woman. Likewise, a transgender man, or a person who is assigned female at birth and transitions to male, who is attracted to other men would be identified as a gay man.

Is being Transgender a Mental Disorder?

A psychological state is considered a mental disorder only if it causes significant distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or disabling, which implies that identifying as transgender does not constitute a mental disorder. For these individuals, the significant problem is finding affordable resources, such as counseling, hormone therapy, medical procedures and the social support necessary to freely express their gender identity and What is the Difference between Sex and minimize discrimination. Many other obstacles may Gender? lead to distress, including a lack of acceptance within society, direct or indirect experiences with Sex is assigned at birth, refers to one’s biological discrimination, or assault. These experiences may status as either male or female, and is associated lead many transgender people to suffer with anxiety, primarily with physical attributes such as depression or related disorders at higher rates than chromosomes, hormone prevalence, and external and non-transgender persons. internal anatomy. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes According to the Diagnostic and Statistical that a given society considers appropriate for boys Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), people who and men or girls and women. These influence the experience intense, persistent gender incongruence ways that people act, interact, and feel about can be given the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria." themselves. While aspects of biological sex are Some contend that the diagnosis inappropriately similar across different cultures, aspects of gender pathologizes gender non-congruence and should be may differ. eliminated. Others argue that it is essential to retain the diagnosis to ensure access to care. The What is the Relationship between International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is Gender Identity and Sexual under revision and there may be changes to its Orientation? current classification of intense persistent gender incongruence as "gender identity disorder." Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same. Sexual orientation refers to an individual’s Hormone Replacement Therapy enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional (Male-to-Female) attraction to another person, whereas gender identity refers to one’s internal sense of being male, female, Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) of the male- or something else. Transgender people may be to-female (MTF) type is a form of hormone therapy

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 75 and sex reassignment therapy that is used to change • Decreased sex drive and incidence of the secondary sexual characteristics of transgender spontaneous erections and transsexual people from masculine (or androgynous) to feminine. It is one of two types of HRT for transgender and transsexual people (the other being female-to-male), and is predominantly used to treat transgender women. Some intersex people also receive this form of HRT, either starting in childhood to confirm the assigned sex or later if the assignment proves to be incorrect.

The purpose of this form of HRT is to cause the development of the secondary sex characteristics of the desired sex, such as breasts and a feminine pattern of hair, fat, and muscle distribution. It cannot undo many of the changes produced by naturally occurring puberty, which may necessitate surgery and other treatments (see below). The medications used in HRT of the MTF type include estrogens, antiandrogens, and progestogens.

While HRT cannot undo the effects of a person's first puberty, developing secondary sex characteristics associated with a different gender can relieve some or all of the distress and discomfort associated with gender dysphoria, and can help the person to "pass" or be seen as the gender they identify with. Introducing exogenous hormones into the body impacts it at every level and many patients report changes in energy levels, mood, appetite, etc.

The goal of HRT, and indeed all somatic treatments, is to provide patients with a more satisfying body that Hormone Replacement Therapy is more congruent with their gender identity. (Female-to-Male) The main effects of HRT of the MTF Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) of the type are as follows: female-to-male (FTM) type is a form of hormone • Breast development and enlargement therapy and sex reassignment therapy that is used to • Softening and thinning of the skin change the secondary sexual characteristics of • Decreased body hair growth and density transgender and transsexual people from feminine (or • Redistribution of body fat in a feminine androgynous) to masculine. It is one of two types of pattern HRT for transgender and transsexual people (the • Decreased muscle mass and strength other being male-to-female), and is predominantly • Widening of the hips (if epiphyseal closure used to treat transgender men. Some intersex people has not yet occurred) also receive this form of HRT, either starting in • Decreased acne, skin oiliness, scalp hair childhood to confirm the assigned sex or later if the loss, and body odor assignment proves to be incorrect. • Decreased size of the penis, scrotum, testicles, and prostate The purpose of this form of HRT is to cause the • Suppressed or abolished spermatogenesis development of the secondary sex characteristics of and fertility the desired sex, such as voice deepening and a masculine pattern of hair, fat, and muscle • Decreased semen production/ejaculate distribution. It cannot undo many of the changes volume produced by naturally occurring puberty, which may • Changes in mood, emotionality, and necessitate surgery and other treatments (see below). behavior The medications used in HRT of the FTM type

76 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! include, mainly, androgens (namely testosterone) and SRS is a surgical procedure that entails removing the GnRH analogues. genitalia of one sex and constructing the genitals of While HRT cannot undo the effects of a person's the opposite sex. first puberty, developing secondary sex characteristics associated with a different gender can The procedure has very high rates of success relieve some or all of the distress and discomfort when it is performed by responsible and experienced associated with gender dysphoria, and can help the surgeons. However with current surgical technology person to "pass" or be seen as the gender they male to female individuals usually are more satisfied identify with. Introducing exogenous hormones into with their results than female to male. Modern sex the body impacts it at every level and many patients reassignment surgery has been performed for over 60 report changes in energy levels, mood, appetite, etc. years. There are on average 50 SRS procedures The goal of HRT, and indeed all somatic treatments, performed each week in North America alone. is to provide patients with a more satisfying body that is more congruent with their gender identity.

The main effects of HRT of the FTM type are as follows:

Reversible changes • Increased libido • Redistribution of body fat • Cessation of ovulation and menstruation • Increased musculature • Increased sweat and changes in body odor • Prominence of veins and coarser skin • Acne (especially in the first few years of therapy)

• Alterations in blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) MTF SRS • Increased red blood cell count There are several techniques that can be used to Irreversible changes create the vagina. The most common and least • Deepening of the voice invasive technique is using the inverted skin of the • Growth of facial and body hair penis to line the newly created vaginal cavity. An • Male-pattern baldness (in some individuals) incision is made from the base to the head of the • Enlargement of the clitoris penis, and the skin is peeled away from the shaft. • Growth spurt and closure of growth plates if given before the end of puberty In most techniques, a portion of the head of the • Breast atrophy – possible shrinking and/or penis is formed into a clitoris. This technique allows softening of breasts sexual stimulation and enjoyment. If the penis is long enough, no additional skin grafts will be necessary. If MTS Note: Additionally, HRT tends to cause a lot the penis isn't long enough then a scrotal, abdominal of mood swings for those taking them. They are or thigh skin graft is often used. Unfortunately, this brutal, as I have witnessed people going through it might leave scarring. Scrotal skin must have had all before. of the pubic hair removed before sex reassignment surgery. Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS): Another technique is to create the vagina using

"full thickness" skin grafts. These grafts are obtained Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) is also known as from hairless portions of the sides and the penile skin gender reassignment surgery (GRS), genital is then used to create the labia minora and the reassignment surgery, gender confirming surgery or scrotum skin to create the labia majora. The width simply a sex change operation. SRS is often the final and depth of the vagina are usually greater than with stage in the physical transitioning for a male to female (MTF) or female to male (FTM) transsexual.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 77 the inverted penile skin, and so the new vagina will Monica describes the meaning of the flag as be less likely to shrink over time. follows: Rectosigmoid vaginoplasty utilizes a piece of the rectosigmoid colon instead of skin grafts or inverted "The light blue is the traditional color for baby penile tissue. This technique allows for the creation boys, pink is for girls, and the white in the middle is of a deep and lubricated vagina, but is a more for those who are transitioning, those who feel they invasive, dangerous and expensive surgery. have a neutral gender or no gender, and those who are intersexed. The pattern is such that no matter FTM SRS which way you fly it, it will always be correct. This symbolizes us trying to find correctness in our own Female to male sex reassignment surgery has had lives". less success, because of the difficulty of building a functioning penis from the much smaller clitoral Characters tissue. For some, removing the breasts with top

surgery is enough. Some FTMs use a prosthetic penis MTS Note: These were the only characters of this called a packer that is either glued or strapped on. type was able to find when searching. I elected not to

include the shape-shifters (the ones who go back-and- For the FTMs that those options aren't enough, firth between genders), nor the beings who started off they can undergo a phalloplasty to surgically create a as one gender, then were wither transferred, or penis. Penis construction can be done a year after the possessed a body of the opposite gender. preliminary surgery, in which the uterus and ovaries

were removed. The procedure combines several As a note, Wanda from the Sandman Series was surgeries during which a penis shaped structure is the first trans character I had encountered. constructed by peeling and rolling skin from the

abdomen or upper thigh and attaching it over the I am disappointed at the lack for FTM characters clitoris to preserve as much sexual stimulation as in the various comic lines…. possible.

This procedure often creates unsatisfactory Alysia Yeoh urination ability and, while the penis can be used for intercourse, it is less than perfect. Men that get this surgery are very happy to have the presence of a penis. One study in Singapore found that a third of individuals who underwent female to male SRS would not choose to do so again, but they were all happy with the reassignment of their gender.

The Transgender Pride Flag

The Transgender Pride flag was designed by Monica Helms, and was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona, USA in 2000.

The flag represents the transgender community F A S E R I P and consists of five horizontal stripes, two light blue, Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 two pink, with a white stripe in the center. Health: 20 Karma: 15

78 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Known Powers: Bill Woolcott • None

Universe: Prime Earth First Appearance: Vol 4 #1 (November, 2011)

Alysia Yeoh was 's transgender roommate of Singaporean descent. She worked as a bartender, painted, and was occasionally involved in activism.

Barbara moved in with Alysia when she first left her father's home, answering an advertisement on "Greg's List." Alysia explained to Barbara that she painted during the day, and worked as a bartender at night, although her ambition was to be a professional chef one day. Though only knowing Barbara for a very brief amount of time, she was very outgoing, instantly becoming warmly receptive to her new roommate. Alysia did notice how secretive Barbara was at times, but she didn't keep pressing the issue.

Eventually she met Barbara's brother, James F A S E R I P Ex Ex Rm Gordon Jr., and they began dating. He later gave her Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 a pet cat named Alaska as a gift; one that Barbara 16 16 26 later noticed was very much like the cat named Health: 20 Karma: 58 Alaska that her family used to have. When Alysia returned home one day, she found Known Powers: Barbara standing over several unconscious members • None of the 's gang. Barbara apologized, explaining she hadn't been honest with Alysia. Barbara Universe: Earth-ABC suggested Alysia go to the police, and tell them there First Appearance: Promethea #1 (August, 1999) had been a break in, before mentioning that she'd never see her again. Instead of taking Barbara's Bill Woolcott was a former vessel of Promethea. advice, Alysia called James Jr., and together they He was a homosexual comics writer who became the drove to the church where the Joker was trying to female heroine Promethea. FBI Agent Dennis force Batgirl to marry him. Alysia witnessed the Drucker loved Promethea, and killed Woolcott when action from outside and became alerted to how he found out the heroine was a man.

psychopathic her boyfriend James truly was.

Soon afterwards, Barbara returned home and shared much of her personal background with Alysia, up to, but not including her identity as Batgirl.

Alysia, after having tried several times in the previous months to do so, finally confides that she was transgender. Barbara responded with a simple, but earnest statement of love and acceptance.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 79 turn of events, Braga turned her back on her Braga birthright, and was exiled from orc society.


F A S E R I P Ex Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 16 Health: 50 Karma: 15 F A S E R I P Ex Ex Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Known Powers: 16 16 • None Health: 48 Karma: 24

Universe: Rat Queens Known Powers: First Appearance: Rat Queens #1 - Gold, Guts and • Gravity Manipulation: In 36 Grog, Part 1 (October 2013) Universe: Aftershock Braga is an orc member of the Peaches Mercenary First Appearance: Alters #1 group, has a secret reputation amongst her people where she's known as "The Bastard." She is a MTF Charlie is a young man in the process of transgendered character. While the series never came transitioning into a woman. He’s already begun out and identified her that way, when he past was hormone therapy, but his parents and two siblings revealed though a flashback, it was undeniable. aren’t aware yet. As if that wasn’t enough,she find herself also transitioning into a powerful Alter.,this Braga was expected to be crowned the new leader universe’s equivalent to a mutant or metahuman. She of the orc clan for no other reason than being the will face the world as Chalice- a hero for a new age. firstborn son of the current leader, who was But as Chalice navigates the path to becoming her considered unfit for leadership because he had lost an true self, she must juggle the complications of her arm. Braga had grown intensely frustrated with the civilian life and the responsibilities of her newfound ongoing blood feud with the tribe’s neighbors, and power. with the general state of orc society, and grappled with the decision to stay or to go.

The decisions was made for Braga when her younger brother, who had planned on exploiting a loophole in the whole “eldest son takes over leadership” succession plan, staged a bloody coup

that no one gets out of unscathed. Disgusted with this

80 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! and Batgirl of being transphobic. An official apology Dagger Type was issued, and the dialogue was changed to “Dagger

Type? So you’re the --“ in a later TPB containing the issue.


F A S E R I P Ex Ex Ty 5 Ty 5 Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 16 16

Health: 42 Karma: 24 F A S E R I P Known Powers: Ex Mn Gd • In 36 In 36 Gd 8 Ty 5 None 16 63 10

Universe: New Earth Health: 96 Karma: 78

First Appearance: Batgirl #37 Double Exposure Known Powers: (February, 2015) • Enhanced Senses: Daredevil's senses of

taste, hearing, and smell have been enhanced Dagger Type is a performance artist and thief who to the Monstrous rank. She can identify tried to pass herself off as Batgirl. During one of their substances by taste, read raised printing on a fights, Batgirl manages to unmask her, and her wig page, or track by a specific order on a Power comes off with the cowl, causing Batgirl to exclaim rank FEAT roll. Overloading these senses "Dagger Type? But you're a --" and she was cut off (excessive noise, for example) reduces his by Dagger Type shooting at her and she fell in the Intuition by -1CS and any FEATs against river. specific attacks are at -2CS. Daredevil uses

her enhanced hearing in a Power stunt to Later, Batgirl as Barbara Gordon tacks Dagger determine if a character is lying (she listens Type to the Landmark Theatre where is is hosting a for an erratic heartbeats) with Amazing show entitled "Batgirl Revealed". Dagger Type ability. comes out in a male version of the Batgirl costume • and no wig, and informs the audience that she is Radar Sense: In addition to her enhanced Batgirl. The audience jeered her, and Dagger Type senses, Daredevil has developed an pulled out a gun and started taking shots at them. omnidirectional sense that operates as Barbara Gordon blinds Dagger Type with a primitive radar. She can "see" three- from her phone and tackles her, allowing the police dimensional images up to 3 areas away, to arrest her. regardless of light conditions. Rapid movements and chaotic conditions reduce Note: The Trans community was quite offended her Power and Intuition by -2CS/ Daredevil by Batgirl calling her a male, and accused the writers cannot be blindsided.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 81 • Blindness: Daredevil is blind. As such, he is Dini Torres unaffected by any light-based visual attacks, illusions, and hypnosis for this reason.

Equipment: • Billy Club: Daredevil carries a Billy Club made of Incredible strength material that she wields or throws for Excellent Blunt damage. She can throw it up to one area away and ricochet off multiple targets or hard surfaces with a Power Stunt.

Talents: Daredevil is a master of Acrobatics and possesses Martial Arts A, B, and E. She is a Weapons Specialist and receives a +2CS to hit with it. Though disbarred, Murdock retains her legal training.

Universe: Earth-1045 First Appearance: Marvel Knights Millennial Visions #2001 (February, 2002)

At one point, Daredevil underwent an operation that made her change her sex. Her new secret identity is not revealed, and it is assumed that she possesses F A S E R I P the same powers and abilities of Matthew Murdock Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 of Earth-616. Health: 26 Karma: 15

Known Powers: • None

Universe: Milestone First Appearance: Deathwish #4 - Silence of the Rahm (March, 1995)

Dini Torres was Marisa's Rahm's transsexual lover. She was murdered by Rahm's trans-phobic partner on the Dakota Police Department, Kevin Thorne.

While she was the top diva at the House of Luna, Dini would first meet Stanley, also known as "Boots".

One night, during an intimate moment on the pier, Boots attempted to rape Dini, and she kicked him in the groin, causing him to vomit. The scene caused Dini to laugh in hysterics. It would later be revealed via flashback that Dini allowed Boots to become her pimp.

82 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Doll Donatella

F A S E R I P F A S E R I P Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Health: 26 Karma: 15 Health: 20 Karma: 15

Known Powers: Known Powers: • None • None

Universe: Storm Dogs Universe: Vertigo First Appearance: Young Liars #1 - At a Thousand First Appearance: Young Liars #1 - At a Thousand Miles an Hour (May, 2008) Miles an Hour (May, 2008)

Doll is a “wire”, a futuristic sort of sex-worker in Donatella was amongst a group of club-goers in which an implant in her brain allows clients to, Manhattan, New York. Although Donatella's true effectively, “be” her for a period of time.. The service gender was never revealed, another character named is explicitly described and treated as being sexual in Danny referenced Donatella as a "guy" in his internal nature, and the various “wires” have generally been dialogue. Danny also mentions that Donatella's dream modified in ways to make this experience more is to one day open a cafe where "some of the waiters satisfying for the various kinks of differing clients are girls, and some aren't, but you can't tell which is which. Another character, Sadie, later explains that Doll was born male, but through an advanced Donatella performs fellatio on men for money to pay from or SRS in the Storm Dog universe, she now her bills. possesses a fully functional womb, but decided to become a whore instead. It is revealed that she had Donatella is badly beaten and referred to as a fathered two children with a high born female from "faggot punk" when a drug deal goes awry in one of Balaan Koth in the past, but she is no longer able to the club's restrooms. Later, when Young Liars' see them. storyline shifted from New York to various locations, Donatella is seen as both Donatella and Don, and believes he lives a typical, boring life as a therapist in a town dominated by the "Brown Bag" supermarket (A reference to Wal-Mart). Ultimately, the question of Donatella's sexuality would sadly never be explained, as the cancellation of the series prevented Lapham's elaboration on his creation.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 83 Once his lover was stopped by the second

Echo Corinthian and Matthew the Raven, Echo tried to get revenge for her loss, harming Matthew, and forcing Eve to summon all the previous ravens that had been at her service.

The Corinthian keep persecuting Echo in her dreams, and she just keep falling in despair, only been helped to survive by his new lover, Vangie.This probed not enough and Echo finally died, but that didn't meant the end of his existence. While been persecuted by the Corinthian, he found refuge on the Dreaming, where he found himself revived as a woman. As his death was cause of a Nightmare, Dream granted him a new existance as the third Corinthian, and the last one was casted as a human in the walking world, to learn.

As a nightmare, Echo used to visit the second Corinthian in dreams, and cause him nightmares, but never on a vengeance spree as the previous did, but as a way to make him understand the human pain that he caused to her. In this time happened that the old F A S E R I P archetypes nightmares, Glob and Brute escaped from Ex Ex Gd Am Rm In Mn the prison made for them by the first Dream, and 16 16 8 46 26 36 63 convinced her to help them make a new kingdom in Health: 86 Karma: 125 the Dreaming, just for Nightmares. Echo wasn't entirely convinced, but she followed the pair Universe: New Earth nevertheless to the now abandoned House of First Appearance: Dreaming #17 (October, 1997) Mystery, where she was possessed by the house. Glob and Brute didn't notice the change, just assumed Known Powers: that she, has been made of human stuff, besides • Unique Physiology: As a Nightmare, Echo dream stuff, she could connect better with the house. has an arrange of abilities given to her by In her new state, Echo started calling herself Dread of Dream of the Endless. the Endless, and started a civil war on the dreaming against Dream. She killed Abel, tortured Eve, Brute o Dreaming Reality Warping: Am 46 She can enters people's dreams, and and Glob, and freed the Night Terrors to roam the change them to make them suffer Dreaming from the Cave of Nightmares. Later Cain for her terrenal acts. discovered that Echo wasn't on control of her body, and that the House of Mystery was doing everything o Immortality: Been a Nightmare, she is not affected by the pass of as a revenge because he left the Dreaming, and time. neglected his duties as guardian of mysteries. • Occultism: In 36 When she used to be a human, she learned different tricks in order Finally, Cain told her one last mystery, which to get revenge from the Corinthian and made the house happy, and returned Echo spirit to Matthew the Raven, for what they did to her her body. Dream, noticing that she committed great consort, Gabe. crimes against the Dreaming, but it wasn't due to her will, promised that a place will be found for her in Echo was a boy abused by his step-father at a the Dreaming. Her present state is unknown young age. When he grew up started using dark colored woman clothes, and calling himself Echo, name that stuck. He met with Gabriel Ashe, a man who was victim of the first Corinthian, and together started a killing spree with the same M.O. of the Corinthian.

84 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Eugene Jessie Drake

F A S E R I P F A S E R I P Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Health: 26 Karma: 15 Health: 20 Karma: 15

Universe: Earth-616 Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Daredevil vs. Punisher #4 First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents #150 (November, 2006) (March, 1994)

Known Powers: Known Powers: • None • None

A cross-dressing prostitute, Eugene gave Jessie was kidnapped by the Fortress for study, so Daredevil information on the Punisher's whereabouts. Professor X sent Wolverine to retrieve her. Eugene then called the Punisher for a payoff, having Wolverine convinced Typhoid Mary to rescue Jessie. agreed to plant the information earlier. She eventually succeeded, but the man-hating Bloody Mary persona emerged and knocked Jessie unconscious.

When Jessie woke up, she went after Mary. Upon finding her, she revealed that she was transgender, feeling like a girl trapped in a boy's body. Mary accepted this, reverting to her more docile persona, and the two went in for psychiatry together.


Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 85 members against Scandal, Ragdoll and Jeannette.

Kani They travel with the team to confront , and are knocked unconscious. When they wake up they fight Big Shot, and escape the exploding docks with the rest of the team. They travel with the team to the bottom of the ocean to help destroy the White Gate.

In #4 (July 15, 2015) Porcelain, who had normally been presenting as fairly feminine, starts presenting in a more traditionally masculine way and explains to the team that some days they feel more like a man, some days they feel more like a woman.

Ken Shiga

F A S E R I P Ex Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 Gd 8 16 Health: 40 Karma: 24

Known Powers: • Density Control: Rm 26. Porcelain has the ability to make objects brittle simply by touching them. Harder materials are more susceptible to their powers, while they have little control over softer materials such as rubber.

Universe: Prime Earth F A S E R I P First Appearance: Secret Six Vol 4 #1 (February, Ex Gd Gd Ex Rm Rm Ex 2015) 16 8 8 16 26 26 16

Health: 48 Karma: 68 Very little is known about Porcelain. Probably

born and raised in , they became Universe: Earth-616 involved in crime at a young age, and were probably First Appearance: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2 a metahuman from birth. They were present on (April, 2015) Riddler's yacht during his party thrown in honour of

his recently acquired diamond. Later, they were Known Powers: captured by Riddler's forces and imprisoned • underwater along with the other members of the Marine Zoopathy: In 36 Koi Boi can Secret Six. communicate with fish. • Aquatic Physiological Adaptation: Am 46 Porcelain is one of the founding members of the Koi Boi's body appears specially developed Secret Six. They are trapped with the others in the for underwater conditions including the underwater coffin, and as the group is escaping, they ability to breathe underwater. make the coffin brittle so Catman can attack their o Enhanced Strength: +2CS captors. They move in with the other members at Big o Enhanced Agility: +2CS Shot's house, and fights there with their team

86 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! o Superhuman Speed: Koi Boi can swim at super speeds. Marisa Rahm

• Growth Retardation and Alteration: Ex 16 Koi Boi claims to be able to grow very slowly to fit the size of his container.

Ken Shiga is a computer science student at Empire State University and secretly the superhero crime- fighting partner to Chipmunk Hunk, known as Koi Boi.

Koi Boi has also fought alongside Squirrel Girl, against villains like Hippo the Hippo, Ratatoskr, Swarm, and Mole Man.

Ken was seen wearing a chest binder in Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 2 #9 and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe! #1. Although never explicitly stated in the comics, it was later confirmed by Koi Boi's co-creator, Erica Henderson, that he is indeed a transgender male.

F A S E R I P Ex Ex Ex Gd 8 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 16 16 16 Health: 29 Karma: 48

Known Powers: • None

Universe: Milestone First Appearance: Deathwish #1 - This Ain't No Cryin' Game (December, 1994)

Marisa Rahm is a pre-operative transsexual police lieutenant in Milestone Media's Deathwish.

Lieutenant Martin Rahm was a respected member of the Dakota Police Department, who was working on a case in which the perpetrator tortures, rapes, and murders transsexual women working as prostitutes in the city’s seedy district of Seaport.

One night, while working off-duty, Martin happened across the perpetrator terrorizing two potential victims, transsexual prostitute Dini Torres and an acquaintance, but flees before Rahm can apprehend him. Martin came face-to-face with the serial killer Deathwish, who told Martin he recognized him as one of the girls, before disappearing. Afterwards, Torres provided the first information to Rahm about her attacker’s identity. She told him that his nickname is “Boots”, after the silver-tipped boots he is never seen without.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 87 Four years later, Lieutenant Rahm had undergone hormone treatments and counseling to transition into Masquerade

Marisa "Maddie" Rahm, the first pre-operative transsexual Dakota has ever employed. Her transformation was met with disgust and contempt by her fellow officers. However, the decision did nothing but earn Marisa more respect in the eyes of her commander, known as Skipper, Skip, or Gil. Gil wanted Rahm off of the Seaport murder case, and notified her that the Internal Affairs Division suspected that she is romantically linked to one of the witnesses, producing a photograph of Dini as proof. Marisa denied the accusation, but she revealed through internal monologue that the two are indeed lovers, and have been living together for quite some time. Marisa was convinced that Deathwish, now imprisoned, would provide her invaluable information regarding the Seaport murder case, and bribed a guard in order to visit with the killer. In order for Deathwish to reveal what he knew, Marisa had to provide him with the details surrounding her decision to transition into womanhood.

Rahm revealed that following Dini's attack by F A S E R I P Ex Ex Ex Ex Boots, she repeatedly visited her future lover to check Gd 8 Gd 8 Ty 5 on her well-being. The visits were both therapeutic 16 16 16 16 and revelatory, as Martin came to terms that his Health: 37 Karma: 48 outside facade did not match the person living inside of his body. This realization was responsible for Known Powers: ending Martin's marriage. He transitioned into • Shape-Shifting: In 36 He able to assume Marisa, and began a new life with Dini. virtually any animal form. Masquerade usually presented as an African-American man in a red costume, when s/he wasn't turning into a wide assortment of strange and dangerous creatures.

Universe: Dakotaverse First Appearance: Blood Syndicate #1 (April, 1993)

He was a founding member of the Blood Syndicate. He is considered to be the first transgender superhero in comic books because he used his shape shifting abilities to live as a man. He can also change any animal as well.

Masquerade was a "Bang Baby" and member of the Blood Syndicate. Although a woman, since gaining her shapeshifting powers, Masquerade's form of choice is a man. He would later make the error of double-crossing the Blood Syndicate twice. First by stealing from them, and second by imitating Tech-9. The latter was brought about against his will

88 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! followed, and as she was about to be punished for the Sera transgression, Sera used a spell out of fear and threw the Hierophant into the furnace, killing her.

When a ferocious monster attacked the Temple of the Anchorites, Sera was ready to protect them. The Leader of the Hunt, Angela, appeared to kill the creature and only accomplished to do so thanks to Sera. As payment for Sera's aid, Angela got her out of the temple she lived as she wanted, and took her to live with her in her manor.

While hunting a fugitive in the Scintilant Sylvanias, Sera and Angela were confronted by a Hierophant who wanted to take Sera back to the Temple of the Anchorites. The Hierophant offered to reveal to Angela what had become of her mother in exchange for Sera, but Angela refused the offer and attacked the deity instead. Defeated, the Hierophant vanished, vowing to take revenge on Angela for defying the Temple. Confused, Sera asked why Angela didn't take the deal, which Angela replied by swearing she would never let her set foot in a Hell F A S E R I P like that again. Afterwards, Sera was kissed by Ex Rm Ex Ex Rm Angela. In 36 In 36 16 26 16 16 26 Health: 114 Karma: 58 After many adventures through the Endworlds, Sera died at the hands of one of their enemies. Known Powers: Angela tried anything and everything to bring Sera • Magic: Am 46. The full extent of her back to life, but all was in vain. magical repertoire is unknown. After her death, Sera was sent to Hel in Universe: Earth-616 consequence of a curse Freyja had cast upon the First Appearance: Angela: Asgard's Assassin #1 Angels of Heven for having stolen her daughter from (February, 2015) her in the past.

Sera was one of the Anchorites, the rare and For being insolent towards Hela, the Queen of wingless male Angels of Heven who were kept inside Hel, Sera was sent to a prison cell in the North Wing, a temple by the Hierophants to pray for the dead where she would be left alone in the dark, just like it Angels who had no soul. was when she was an Anchorite, and it was her worst fear. However, Sera found an ally in the form of Once, when speaking about her origin, Sera Leah, a servant of Hela who taught her everything explained that she was was born into the Anchorites, there was to know about Hel. an all-male (except for the trans women who sometimes end up there) group from Heven, the Sera was eventually found by Malekith the home of the angels. Accursed, who had discovered about the Angels' fate while researching the Tenth Realm with the Norns, Sera's curiosity led her to start practicing magic in who had helped Freyja with her curse, and went to secret from the Hierophants as it wasn't allowed. At Hel to see it with his own eyes. Sera made a deal with some point, Sera followed a Hierophant to the the Dark Elf that he would take her ring and become Temple's Furnace. Upon looking into it, Sera saw her vessel in exchange for information about Angela. past, present and many possible futures, and also As he thought he could use it to hurt Angela's father, discovered that the furnace was a powerful engine he accepted, and Sera told him everything about her that the Hierophants planned to use to overthrow the life, from the very beginning to its fatal end.Bonded Queen of Angels and take over the other Nine by her ring to Malekith, who disguised himself as Realms. Sera was caught by the Hierophant she had her, Sera went on a quest with Angela to purify the

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 89 newborn heir of Asgard, Laussa Odinsdottir, who With the group overpowered, Leah saw herself was possessed by Surtur's power. forced to make a deal with Faustia to save the lives of her friends. In return for seven years, Leah would After Angela succeeded in purifying her sister free Faustia from her curse and reunite her with Lady from Surtur's influence, Sera and Angela were taken Serah. Faustia accepted and thus gave them seven prisoners by the Asgardians, but were released by years to live. Back to the present, Faustia confronted Odin soon afterwards. As they prepared to leave Leah to make her fulfill her part of the bargain. Asgardia, Malekith was threatened by Angela, who Keeping her word, Leah took Faustia to Elysium, realized he wasn't Sera after all and pointed her iron turned her into the queen of the dead Angels of sword to his neck, forcing him to reveal himself to Heven, and reunited her with her beloved Lady her. After Malekith told Angela about Sera's fate, she Serah. After the incident, Leah decided she had to decided to go to Hel to rescue her. find herself and departed with Thori.

When Angela finally went to Hel to rescue her, Three days later, while on a tour through New Sera attacked her for abandoning her there and also York City, Angela proposed a deal to Sera: to love for not coming for her before.[4] Angela apologized each other as long as they had each other to love; for it and said she would do anything to take Sera out which Sera happily accepted. of Hel, but Sera told her soul already belonged to the Realm of the Dead, making it impossible for her to be alive again, no matter where she went to. The only way to change that would be by changing the rules and to change them, Angela would have to defeat Hela and take her place as Queen of Hel. However, Angela had to pass through three trials to acquire the power to beat Hela in her own domain.

Sera and Leah then helped Angela pass through the three trials of Hel, which were: overcome fear and defeat Draugr the Fear Avatar;[6] go against oneself nature, which Angela accomplished by sparing the life of the Angel Meresyn; and experience the greatest pain, which for Angela was a life where she never met Sera.[8] Sera assisted Angela against Hela and her army, prompting Angela to defeat Hela and become the new Queen of Hel. After being brought back to life by her lover, Sera convinced Angela, who had abdicated her role as queen, to live in New York City with her, Leah and Thori.

When strange murders started to happen in New York, the new confronted Angela suspecting she had something to do with it. After stopping their fight, Sera explained that the strange incidents were connected to "The Faustian Queen", an enchanted play created by an alternate version of herself to immortalize Witch Hunter Angela, who slew the Enchantress and was cursed with her power, becoming the Faustian Queen. Both the play and the Faustian Queen had ended up in their universe after the death and rebirth of the Multiverse, and after many years trapped in the Realm of Faerie, the Faustian Queen went mad and started to punish the wicked. With no other option, Sera, Angela, Thor, Leah and Thori confronted the Faustian Queen.

90 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Shvaughn Erin Sir

F A S E R I P F A S E R I P Ex Ex Am Gd 8 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Gd 8 In 36 Ty 5 In 36 Ty 5 Ty 5 Pr 3 16 16 46 29 40 Health: Karma: Health: 123 Karma: 13

Known Powers: Known Powers: • None • None Universe: Earth-928 First Appearance: Superboy and the Legion of Universe: Earth-616 Super-Heroes #241 (July, 1978) First Appearance: Daredevil #345 (October, 1995)

Shvaughn Erin was the first Science-Police liaison Martha Paterson undertook various surgical officer to the Legionnaires in the 30th Century. In implants and chemical treatments to become this position, she became an ally to the Legion of masculine by Dr. Angst, an agent of Norman Osborn. Super-Heroes. Psychologically unbalanced after the treatments, she began to call himself Sir and began to kill women Shvaughn has also been romantically involved that she saw as weak. After clashing with Daredevil with the hero Element Lad. It was later revealed that she wanted to take his place admiring his power; she Shvaughn's biological sex is male, and that for years managed then to knocked Daredevil unconscious and he — Sean Erin — has been taking a medication to take possession of his costume. However known as Profem to give her a female body. During a Daredevil was able to deduce the secret of Sir and war in which the Earth was invaded by the after it was revealed, she suffered a nervous Dominators, Sean is unable to maintain constant breakdown ending up locked in an institution. access to Profem. Jan is completely supportive when Sean physically reverts to his original male sex, After his escape by the institution, Sir was saiying: "Anything we ever shared physically... it was recruited by Norman Osborn to use against Spider- in spite of the Profem, not because of it...!" Man.

Ultimately the Dominators are defeated, and Sean is appointed chief of the Science Police contingent on New Earth.

Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! 91 new. My brothers: You have a sister. Are you still my Tong brothers? Are you still my family?”

Victoria October

F A S E R I P Pr 3 Ty 5 Gd 8 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Health: 24 Karma: 15 F A S E R I P Rm Ex Ex Known Powers: Ty 5 Pr 3 Ty 5 Ty 5 • Abnormal Sensitivity: Ex 16 ability to see in 26 16 16 apparent darkness, but she can be Health: 18 Karma: 58 temporarily blinded by normal light intensity. To prevent this, she can wear Known Powers: protective goggles. • None

Universe: New Earth Universe: Earth-616 First Appearance: Detective Comics #948 (March, First Appearance: #575 (March, 2017) 2010) Doctor Victoria October is an A.R.G.U.S doctor Tong was born in the Forgotten City of the High and post-human bio-weapons expert. She is an ally of Evolutionary, and was cast out for not being the same Batman and . as the devolved residents of the city. She was saved by the Thing and taken in by the Fantastic Four. She is shown to walk with the help of a cane.

Once safe from harm, Tong and her siblings joined the Future Foundation.

In FF #6 she shows up wearing a pink dress and explains to her brothers, “Brothers. I have this thing, and now you will have it as well. It will be ours and we will find out what ownership of this thing means. I have a girl inside of me. I tried to be a boy like you, but there is no boy here. And I do not wish to be what I not any longer. This is unexpected? It is unexpected.

And scary. And wonderful. It is new. Who I am… is

92 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel! Wanda Zhen

F A S E R I P F A S E R I P Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Gd 8 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 Ty 5 23 15 Health: 26 Karma: 15 Health: Karma:

Known Powers: Known Powers: • None • None Universe: Trees Universe: New Earth First Appearance: Trees #1 - 'All This is Normal' First Appearance: Sandman #32 - A Game of You, (May 2014:) Part 1: Slaughter on Fifth Avenue (September, 1991) Zhen is a Chinese woman in the Trees comic In A Game of You, the main character, Barbie, series. She stated that she is a woman, and tthat she who was last seen in The Doll's House, lived in an was born in a male body. Once achieving adult, she apartment block with her best friend Wanda (nee began curing herself, which was not an easy process Alvin) Mann, a pre-operative transsexual. in that country.

Wanda apparently grew up on a farm in the She moved to Shu so she could become herself, Midwest with extremely conservative parents. At because it is "freer" there. Acording to Zhen, they one stage when speaking about the past, Wanda accept each other there, and Shu is where you get to stated that her parents told others that Alvin was dead grow up in your own way. She also indicated a group whenever anyone asked how their son was doing. of people, and that they were her friends, and some of them are transgender too, and some were not. She After becoming involved in the Dreaming, Barbie told Chenglei that he would not be able to tell, and he and her friends learned that a storm, resulting from should not try. the witch Thessaly's spell, had killed Wanda. At the funeral, Barbie found Wanda buried under the name When Chenglei leaves her he goes to his uncle for Alvin Mann; and when left alone, altered the name advice on life and love, he finds out that his uncle is upon the tombstone to Wanda. actually a trans man (sorry, I could not find enough information on the uncle to give him his own She later dreamed of Wanda and Death, who both writeup). wave goodbye to her.

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This is one of the smallest RPG supplements I apparently “need praise and attention” (at least have completed. Mind you, this is simply an according to my keychain). Not sure if the praise part expansion of another book, and I did not want to re- is true, but feedback keeps me motivated, which is a do the book (again). I was rather embarrassed when I good thing (if you enjoy my work) with my ADD I originally released “The Ultimate Origins Book - struggle with daily. It keeps me focused and makes Supplement Two: Wildstorm Origins”. I noticed that me want to keep releasing as many books as I can, as I had made several layout foibles after completing quickly as I can. the textual editing corrections. I quickly corrected them, and added in Astro City. Once again, Firebomb Final Note: Originally, this book was going to be edited the new parts. I re-compiled, and uploaded 100% completed by me. I needed some help, so version 2 – only to hear one fan had already printed Tammra jumped in and helped. I wanted to add this and bound a copy of the original. Since “The note so no one blames her for the inevitable amount Director’s Cut” version of this book has been of errors contained in this book. on Gaming Nerds Я Us for a few months now, I elected to make this a “mini-sourcebook” to prevent the above from reoccurring.

I did my best to present the material within in a respectable manner. Sexual situations are not always present in my games, but when I do, I present them in a mature fashion. My biggest problem with many of the online RPG books seem as if misogynistic teenage boys wrote them.

If anyone is curious about why the main title of these books is Sexcetera, Tammra came up with the name (and the naming pattern of the chapters and appendixes). Neither of us knew that was the title of a show on Playboy, until I was Googling “Sexcetera” after my harddrive crash and website was off-line. I wanted a copy of this book for myself. If memory serves (she was sleeping at the time I wrote this), she chose that because of the faux-newspaper image on the original cover.

I know I mention this in almost every book I release, but please give me feedback on my work (good or bad – I prefer constructive when it is bad, but I can take it either way). As a Scorpio, I

94 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!


Allurin — 64 Cerebus the Aardvark — 16 Alysia Yeoh — 78 Chalice — 80 Amber — 49 Clitoromegaly — 15 Aphallia — 15 Comstock Brothel — 47 Aspect of Fierna — 25 Corruptions — 37 Avril — 50 Corruptor, The — 35 Azzagrat — 6 D B Dagger Type — 81 Barehide Kid, The — 61 Dao — 52 Bayou Seer — 26 Daredevil — 81 Bill Woolcott — 79 Desire — 17 Black Mamba — 50 Dini Torres — 82 Body Dysmorphic Disorder — 74 Dis — 9 Braga — 80 Doll — 83 Buster the Large — 52 Donatella — 83 Dynamite — 53


Ecdysiast, The — 61 Echo — 84 Elluvia’s Arch — 11 Eugene — 85


Ferrolith — 65 Fields of Harmony, The — 11

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F- Continued N

Fiendish Characteristics — 37 Nasimir — 31


Garden of Delights, The — 10 Orchid — 55 Glaistig — 27 Graz’zt — 8 Greater Corruption Table — 38 P

Pain Devil — 32 H Pam Swynford De Beaufort — 55 Phantom Futa, The — 20 He-She — 18 Pleasure Palace, The — 49 Pris — 56 Pro-Boscis –— 57 I Puzzling Hedge, The — 11

Intersex — 14 Ishtar — 53


Jade Empress — 28 Jahi — 29 Jessie Drake — 85


Kani — 86 Ken Shiga — 86


Lesser Corruption Table — 38 Love-Scorned Soul – 30


Madame X'arthalla — 54 R Malcanthet — 12 Marisa Rahm — 87 Raving Beauty — 58 Masquerade — 88 Rebis — 19 Micropenis — 15 Rivenheart — 12

96 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!


Samora — 7 Selina Kyle — 58 Sera — 89 Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) — 77 Shaalis — 22 Sharona — 60 Shendilavri — 10 Shining Knight II — 23 Shock — 60 Shudderwall — 12 Shvaughn Erin — 91 Sir — 91 Six Sacred Pools, The — 12 Snapdragon — 61 Snixors — 23 Suffragette City — 48


Tanarukk — 33 Tong — 92 Transformation Table — 37 Transgender — 74 Transgender Pride Flag, The — 78 Trinity Cabranes — 64 True Hermaphroditism — 15 Thumbelina — 63


Unnamed Strip Club — 48


Victoria October — 92


Wanda — 93


Zhen — 93

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98 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!

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100 Sexcetera: Encore - Rideau Appel!

MajorTomSawyer & Tammra Goodman