Publications of Hybrigenics Yeast Two-Hybrid Technology
20160816 PUBLICATIONS OF HYBRIGENICS YEAST TWO-HYBRID TECHNOLOGY Please find below the published articles that we are aware of reporting the biochemical and functional validation of protein interactions discovered with Hybrigenics Yeast Two-Hybrid technology, ULTImate Y2H™. The mean impact factor for these 321 publications is 8.1 and the top 18 papers have an impact factor above 19. 2016 Askarian, F., Ajayi, C., Hanssen, A.-M., van Sorge, N. M., Pettersen, I., Diep, D. B., Sollid, J. U. E. and Johannessen, M. (2016). The interaction between Staphylococcus aureus SdrD and desmoglein 1 is important for adhesion to host cells. Sci Rep, (6), 22134. Bober, J., Olsnes, S., Kostas, M., Bogacz, M., Zakrzewska, M. and Otlewski, J. (2016). Identification of new FGF1 binding partners-Implications for its intracellular function. IUBMB Life, (68), 242–251. Guerrera, D., Shah, J., Vasileva, E., Sluysmans, S., Mean, I., Jond, L., Poser, I., Mann, M., Hyman, A. A. and Citi, S. (2016). PLEKHA7 recruits PDZD11 to adherens junctions to stabilize nectins. J Biol Chem, (). Hodille, E., Alekseeva, L., Berkova, N., Serrier, A., Badiou, C., Gilquin, B., Brun, V., Vandenesch, F., Terman, D. S. and Lina, G. (2016). Staphylococcal Enterotoxin O Exhibits Cell Cycle Modulating Activity. Front Microbiol, (7), 441. Klinkert, K., Rocancourt, M., Houdusse, A. and Echard, A. (2016). Rab35 GTPase couples cell division with initiation of epithelial apico-basal polarity and lumen opening. Nat Commun, (7), 11166. Masuda, T., Wang, X., Maeda, M., Canver, M. C., Sher, F., Funnell, A. P. W., Fisher, C., Suciu, M., Martyn, G. E., Norton, L. J., Zhu, C., Kurita, R., Nakamura, Y., Xu, J., Higgs, D.
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