

An introduction to the world

A. Perez-Lorenzana´ Departamento de F´ısica, Centro de Investigacion´ y de Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N., Apartado Postal 14-740, 07000, Mexico,´ D.F., Mexico´ Recibido el 18 de julio de 2005; aceptado el 14 de marzo de 2005

The study of the so called brane world models has introduced completely new ways of looking at standard problems in many areas of theoretical . Inspired in the recent developments of theory, the Brane World picture involves the introduction of new extra beyond the four we see, which could either be compact or even open (infinite). The sole existence of those new dimensions may have non-trivial observable effects in short distance experiments, as well as in our understanding of the of the early , among many other issues. The goal of the present notes is to provide a short introduction to Brane World models, to their motivations and consequences. We cover some of their basic aspects. The discussion includes models with flat compact , as well as the so-called Randall-Sundrum models.

Keywords: Brane world; extra dimensions; Randall-Sundrum models.

En anos˜ recientes, el avance en el estudio de los llamados Mundos Brana ha provisto de nuevas formas de mirar viejos problemas de la f´ısica teorica.´ Los modelos de mundo brana se inspiran en desarrollos recientes de la teor´ıa de cuerdas (la teoria de branas), y suponen la existencia de nuevas dimensiones espaciales mas´ alla de las cuatro que vemos cotidianamente, las cuales pueden ser tanto compactas como infinitas. La existencia de dimensiones extras podr´ıa ser identificable en el comportamiento de la interaccion´ gravitacional a pequenas˜ distancias. Su presencia puede, ademas,´ impactar de manera importante nuestra actual comprension´ del Universo temprano y su cosmolog´ıa, entre otras cosas. A lo largo de las presentes notas, cuyo interes´ es servir como una introduccion´ breve al estudio de los mundos brana, revisamos algunos aspectos de estos modelos. Se discuten tanto los modelos con dimensiones extra planas y compactas, como los llamados modelos de Randall-Sundrum.

Descriptores: Mundos Brana; dimensiones extra; cosmolog´ıa.

PACS: 04.50.+h; 98.80.-k; 11.10.Kk

1. Introduction however, should be localized on a hypersurface (the brane) embedded in a higher dimensional world (the bulk). Again, the main motivation for these models comes from In the course of the last five years there has been consider- string theories where the Horava-Witten solution [8] of the able activity in the study of models that involve new, extra non perturbative regime of the E × E pro- dimensions. The possible existence of such dimensions has 8 8 vided one of the first models of this kind. To answer the got strong motivation from theories that try to incorporate second question many phenomenological studies have been gravity and (gauge) interactions in a unique scheme, in a re- done in a truly bottom-up approach, often based on simpli- liable manner. The idea dates back to the 1920’s to the works fied field theoretical models, trying to provide new insights of Kaluza and Klein [1], who tried to unify to the possible implications of the fundamental theory at the with Einstein gravity by assuming that the photon originates observable level, although it is unclear whether any of those from the fifth component of the metric. With the advent of models are realized in nature. Nevertheless, they may help to string theory, the idea has gained support since all versions of find the way to search for extra dimensions, if there are any. string theory are naturally and consistently formulated only in a space-time of more than four dimensions (actually 10D, It is fair to say that similar ideas were proposed in the or 11D for M-theory). Until recently, however, it was con- 80’s by several authors [9]; nevertheless, they were missed ventional to assume that such extra dimensions were com- for some time, until recent developments on string theory, pactified to manifolds of small radii with sizes of the order of basically the rise of M-theory, provided an independent real- −1 1/2 −33 ization to such models [8, 10–12], given them certain credi- the inverse scale, `P = MP = GN ∼ 10 cm. or so, such that they would remain hidden to the experiment. bility. It was only during the last years of the 20th century when It is the goal of the present notes to provide a brief in- people started to ask the question of how large these extra troduction for the beginner to the general aspects of theories dimensions could be without coming into conflict with ob- with extra dimensions. Many variants of the very first model servations, and even more interesting, where and how these by Arkani-Hammed, Dimopoulos and D’vali [2] have been extra dimensions could manifest themselves. The intriguing proposed over the years, and there is no way we could com- answer to the first question points towards the possibility that ment on all those results in a short review such as the present extra dimensions as large as millimeters [2] could exist and one. We shall rather concentrate on some of the most gen- yet remain hidden to the experiments [3–7]. To allow that, eral characteristics shared by these models. With particular 86 A. PEREZ-LORENZANA´

−2 2 interest, we shall address dimensional reduction, which pro- be dimensionless, so [R(4+δ)] = [length] or [Energy] in vides the effective four dimensional theory on which most natural units. calculations are actually based. The determination of the ef- Now, in order to extract the four dimensional gravity ac- fective gravity coupling, and the also effective gravitational tion, let us assume that the extra dimensions are flat; thus, the potential in four dimensions will be discussed in the notes. metric has the form We will also cover some aspects of the cosmology of models ds2 = g (x)dxµdxν − δ dyadyb, (3) in more than four dimensions. Of particular interest in our µν ab discussions are the models of Randall and Sundrum [13–16] where gµν gives the four-dimensional part of the metric for warped backgrounds, with compact or even infinite extra which depends only on the four-dimensional coordinates xµ, a b dimensions. We will show in detail how these solutions arise, for µ = 0, 1, 2, 3; and δabdy dy gives the line element a as well as how gravity behaves in such theories. Some further on the torus, whose coordinates are parameterizedp p by y , ideas include: why and how the size of the compact extra di- a = 1, . . . , δ. It is now easy to see that |g(4+δ)| = |g(4)| mensions remain stable; localization at ; and and R(4+δ) = R(4), so that one can integrate over the extra are also covered. The interested reader that dimensions in Eq. (1) to obtain the effective action would like to go beyond the present notes can consult any of Z q Vδ 4 the excellent reviews that are now in the literature, some of Sgrav = − d x |g(4)| R(4) , (4) 16πG which are given in Ref. 17. ∗ where Vδ stands for the volume of the extra space, for the torus V = (2πR)δ. This last equation is precisely the stan- 2. General Aspects: Flat Extra Dimensions dard gravity action in 4D if one makes the identification

2.1. Planck versus the Fundamental Gravity Scale GN = G∗/Vδ . (5)

The possible existence of more than four dimensions in na- The newton constant is therefore given by a volumetric scal- ture, even if they were small, may not be completely harm- ing of the truly fundamental gravity scale. Thus, GN is in fact less, and in principle, they could have some visible mani- an effective quantity. Notice that, even if G∗ were a large festations in our (now effective) four-dimensional world. To coupling, one can still understand the smallness of GN via look for such signals, one has first to understand how the ef- the volumetric suppression. fective four dimensional theory arises from the higher dimen- To obtain a more physical meaning of these observations, sional one. Formally, this can be achieved by dimensionally let us consider a simple experiment. Let us assume a couple of particles of masses m1 and m2, respectively, located on reducing the complete theory, a concept that we shall discuss a further in the following section. One of the first things we the hypersurface y = 0, and separated from each other by should notice is that since gravity is a geometric property of a distance r. The gravitational flux between these two parti- space, in a higher dimensional world, where Einstein gravity cles would spread over the entire (4 + δ) D space; however, is assumed to hold, the gravitational coupling does not nec- since the extra dimensions are compact, the effective strength of the gravity interaction would have two clear limits: essarily coincide with the well-known Newton constant GN , which is, nevertheless, the gravity coupling we do observe. (i) If the two test particles are separated by a distance To explain this more clearly, let us assume as in Ref. 2 that r À R, the torus would effectively disappear for there are δ extra space-like which are compactified the four-dimensional observer; the gravitational flux into circles of the same radius R (so the space is factorized as is then diluted by the extra volume and the observer δ an M4 × T manifold). We will call the fundamental grav- would see the usual (weak) 4D gravitational potential ity coupling G∗, and then write down the higher dimensional m m U (r) = −G 1 2 . (6) gravity action: N N r Z q 1 4+δ (ii) However, if r ¿ R, the 4D observer would be able to Sgrav = − d x |g(4+δ)| R(4+δ) , (1) 16πG∗ feel the presence of the bulk through the missing flux that goes into the extra space, and thus, the potential where g(4+δ) stands for the metric in the whole (4 + δ)D between each particle would appear to be stronger: space, 2 M N m1m2 ds = g dx dx , (2) U∗(r) = −G∗ . (7) MN rδ+1 for which we will always use the (+, −, −, −,... ) sign con- It is precisely the volumetric factor which matches both vention, and M,N = 0, 1, . . . , δ + 3. The above action must regimes of the theory. The change in the short distance have the proper dimensions, meaning that the extra length di- behavior of Newton’s gravity law should be observable mensions that come from the extra volume integration must in the experiment when measuring U(r) for distances be equilibrated by the dimensions on the gravity coupling. less than R. The current search for such deviations has Notice that in natural units, c = ~ = 1, S has no dimensions. reached as low as 200 microns, with no signs of extra We are also assuming for simplicity that g(4+δ) is taken to dimensions so far [3].

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We should now recall that the Planck scale, MP , usually theory [8]. We may also imagine our world as a domain wall −1 assumed to be the fundamental energy scale typically associ- of size M∗ , where the particle fields are trapped by some ated with the scale at which (or string the- dynamical mechanism [2]. A hypersurface or brane would ory) should make itself manifest, is defined in terms of the then be located at a specific point on the extra space, usually, Newton constant, via at the fixed points of the compact manifold. Clearly, this pic- ture violates translational invariance, which may be reflected · 5 ¸1/2 2 ~c 18 in two ways in the physics of the model, affecting the flat- MP c = ∼ 2.4 × 10 GeV . (8) 8πGN ness of the extra space (which compensates for the required flatness of the brane), and introducing a source of violation In the present picture, it is clear then that M is not funda- P of the extra linear momentum. The first would drive us to mental anymore. The true scale for quantum gravity should the Randall-Sundrum Models, that we shall discuss latter on. be given in terms of G instead. We then define the string ∗ The second will be a constant issue throughowt our discus- scale as · 1+δ 5+δ ¸1/(2+δ) sions. 2 ~ c M∗c = . (9) What we have called a brane in our previous paragraph is 8πG∗ actually an effective theory description. We have chosen to Switching to natural units (c = ~ = 1) from here on, both think of them as topological defects (domain walls) of almost scales are then related to each other by [2] zero width, which could have fields localized on its surface.

2 δ+2 String theory D-branes (Dirichlet branes) are, however, sur- MP = M Vδ . (10) faces where an open string can end on. Open strings give rise to all kinds of fields localized on the brane, including gauge From the world we already know that there fields. In the approximation, these D-branes will is no evidence of quantum gravity (either , or also appear as solitons of the supergravity equations of mo- string effects) well up to energies around one hundred GeV, tion. In our approach, we shall care little about where these which means that M ≥ 1 TeV. If the volume were large ∗ branes come from, and rather simply assume there is some enough, then the fundamental scale could be as low as the consistent high-energy theory that would give rise to these electroweak scale, and there would be no hierarchy in the objects, and which should appear at the fundamental scale fundamental scales of physics, which so far has been consid- M . Thus the natural cutoff of our models would always be ered a puzzle. Of course, the price of solving the hierarchy ∗ given by the quantum gravity scale. problem this way would be now to explain why the extra di- D-branes are usually characterized by the number of spa- mensions are so large. Using V ∼ Rδ, one can reverse the tial dimensions on the surface. Hence, a p-brane is described above relation and get a feeling of the possible values of R for by a flat space time with p space-like and one time-like coor- a given M . This is done precisely for our above-mentioned ∗ dinates. Unless otherwise stated, we shall always work with wish for having the quantum gravity scale as low as possi- models of 3-branes. We need to be able to describe theories ble, although the actual value is unknown. As an example, if that live both in the brane (as the ) and in the one takes M to be 1 TeV then, for δ = 1, R turns out to be ∗ bulk (like gravity), as well as the possible interactions among about the size of the solar system (R ∼ 1011 m)!, whereas for these two theories. To do so we use the following prescrip- δ = 2 one gets R ∼ 0.2 mm, that is, just at the current limit tions: of the experiments. More than two extra dimensions are in fact expected (strings predict six more), but in the final theory (i) Bulk theories are, as usual, described by the higher these dimensions may turn out to have different sizes, or even dimensional action, defined in terms of a Lagrangian geometries. More complex scenarios with a hierarchical dis- density of φ(x, y) fields valued on all space-time coor- tribution of the sizes could be natural. To have an insight into dinates of the bulk Z q the theory, however, one usually relies on toy models with a 4 δ single extra dimension, compactified into circles or . Sbulk[φ] = d x d y |g(4+δ)|L(φ(x, y)) , (11) where, as before, x stands for the (3+1) coordinates of 2.2. Brane World theory prescriptions the brane and y for the δ extra dimensions. While submillimeter dimensions remain untested for gravity, (ii) Brane theories are described by the (3+1)D action of particle physics forces have certainly been accurately mea- the brane fields, ϕ, which is naturally promoted to a −18 sured up to weak scale distances (about 10 cm). There- higher dimensional expression by the use of a delta fore, the matter particles cannot freely propagate in those density: , but must be constrained to live in a Z q 4 δ δ four-dimensional submanifold. Then the scenario we have in Sbrane[ϕ]= d xd y |g(4)|L(ϕ(x))δ (~y−~y0), (12) mind is one where we live in a four-dimensional surface em- bedded in a higher dimensional space. Such a surface shall be where we have taken the brane to be located at the posi- called a “brane” (a short name for membrane). This picture is tion ~y = ~y0 along the extra dimensions, and the metric similar to the D-brane models [12], as in the Horava-Witten g(4) stands for the 4D induced metric on the brane.

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(iii) Finally, the action may contain terms that couple bulk Notice that all excited modes are fields with the same to brane fields. The latter are localized on the space, spin, and quantum numbers as φ. But they differ in the KK thus, it is natural that a delta density would be involved number n, which is also associated with the fifth component in such terms, say for instance of the momentum. From a formal point of view, KK modes Z q are only a manifestation of the discretization of the (other- 4 δ 2 δ ∝ d x d y |g(4+δ)| φ (x, y) ϕ(x) δ (~y − ~y0) wise continuum) extra momentum of the particle. We would Z q see particles with a different higher dimensional momentum 4 2 as having different masses. This can also be understood from = d x |g(4)|φ (x, 0), ϕ(x) . (13) A 2 the higher dimensional invariant p pA = m , which can be rewritten as the effective four-dimensional squared momen- 2.3. Dimensional reduction: Kaluza-Klein Decomposi- tum invariant pµp = m2 + ~p 2, where ~p stands for the tion µ ⊥ ⊥ extra momentum components. The presence of delta functions in the previous actions does Dimensionally reducing any higher dimensional field the- not allow for a transparent interpretation, nor for an easy ory would indeed give a similar spectrum for each particle. reading of the theory dynamics. When they are present it is For m = 0, it is clear that, for energies below 1/R, only the more useful to work in the effective four-dimensional theory massless zero mode will be kinematically accessible, making which is obtained after integrating over the extra dimensions. the theory looking four-dimensional. The appreciation of the This procedure is generically called dimensional reduction. impact of KK excitations thus depends on the relevant energy It also helps to identify the low energy limit of the theory of the experiment, and on the compactification scale 1/R: (where the extra dimensions are not visible). To get some insight into what the effective 4D theory (i) For energies E ¿ 1/R, physics would behave purely looks like, let us consider a simplified five-dimensional toy four dimensionally. model where the fifth dimension has been compactified on a circle of radius R. The generalization of these results to more (ii) At larger energies, 1/R < E < M∗, or equivalently dimensions would be straightforward. Let φ be a bulk scalar as we do measurements at shorter distances, a large field for which the action on flat space time has the form number of KK excitations, ∼ (ER)δ, become kine- Z matically accessible, and their contributions relevant 1 4 ¡ A 2 2¢ S[φ] = d x dy ∂ φ∂Aφ − m φ ; (14) for physics. Therefore, right above the threshold of the 2 first excited level, the manifestation of the KK modes where now A = 1,..., 5, and y denotes the fifth dimension. will start showing the higher dimensional nature of the The compactness of the internal manifold is reflected in the theory. periodicity of the field, φ(y) = φ(y + 2πR), which allows for a Fourier expansion of the field as (iii) At energies above M∗, however, our effective approach ∞ must be replaced by the use of the fundamental theory 1 X 1 h ³ny ´ φ(x, y) = √ φ (x) + √ φ (x) cos that describes quantum gravity phenomena. 0 n R 2πR n=1 πR ³ny ´i Furthermore, notice that the five dimensional field φ we con- + φˆ (x) sin . (15) n R sidered before has mass dimension 3/2, in natural units. This can be easily see from the kinetic part of the Lagrangian, The very first term, φ , with no dependence on the fifth 0 which involves two partial derivatives, each with mass di- dimension, is usually referred to as the zero mode. Other mension one, and the fact that the action should be dimen- Fourier modes, φ and φˆ ; are called the excited or Kaluza- n n sionless. In contrast, by similar arguments, all excited modes Klein (KK) modes of the field. Notice the different normal- have mass dimension one, which is consistent with the KK ization on all the excited modes, φ and φˆ , with respect to n n expansion (15). In general, for δ extra dimensions we get the the zero mode. mass dimension for an arbitrary field to be [φ] = d + δ/2, By introducing the last expansion into the action and in- 4 where d is the natural mass dimension of φ in four dimen- tegrating over the extra dimension, one obtains 4 sions. Because this change in the dimensionality of φ, most Z X∞ 1 ¡ ¢ interaction terms on the Lagrangian (apart from the mass S[φ] = d4x ∂µφ ∂ φ − m2 φ2 2 n µ n n n term) would all have dimensionful couplings. To keep them n=0 dimensionless, a mass parameter should be introduced to cor- Z X∞ ³ ´ rect the dimensions. It is common to use as the natural choice 1 4 µ ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ2 + d x ∂ φn∂µφn − m φ ,(16) 2 n n for this parameter the cut-off of the theory, M∗. For in- n=1 stance, let us consider the quartic couplings of φ in 5D. Since 2 2 2 2 where the KK mass is given as mn = m + n /R . There- all potential terms should be of dimension five, we should 4 fore, in the effective theory, the higher dimensional field ap- write down (λ/M∗)φ . After integrating the fifth dimension, pears as an infinite tower of fields with masses mn. this operator will generate quartic couplings among all KK

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 53 (2) (2007) 85–102 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BRANE WORLD 89 √ modes. Four normalization factors containing 1/ R appear where the induced metric g(ya = 0) now includes the small 4 in the expansion of φ . Two of them will be removed by metric fluctuations hM,N over the flat space, which are also the integration; thus, we are left with the effective coupling called the graviton, such that λ/M R. By introducing Eq. (10), we observe that the effec- ∗ 1 tive couplings have the form g = η + h . M,N M,N δ/2+1 M,N (19) µ ¶ 2M∗ M 2 λ ∗ φ φ φ φ , (17) The source of those fluctuations are of course the en- M k l m k+l+m P ergy on the brane, i.e. the matter energy momentum tensor √ µν where the indices are arranged to respect the conservation gT = δS/δgµν , that apperars on the RHS of the Einstein of the fifth momentum. From the last expression, we con- equations: clude that, in the low energy theory (E < M∗), even at the 1 1 µ ν (δ) zero mode level, the effective coupling appears suppressed RM,N − R gM,N = − Tµν η η δ (y) . 2 (4+δ) 2+δ M N with respect to the bulk theory. Therefore, the effective four- M∗ dimensional theory would be weaker interacting compared to The effective linearized coupling of matter to graviton fields the bulk theory. Let us recall that same happened to gravity is then described by the action on the bulk, where the coupling constant is stronger than the Z effective 4D coupling, due to the volume suppression given in 4 hµν µν Sint = d x n T . (20) Eq. (5), or equivalently in Eq. (10). Similar arguments apply M∗ /2 + 1 in general for the brane-bulk couplings. We shall use these It is clear that, from the effective four-dimensional point of facts when considering gravity interactions more carefully for view, the fluctuations h would have different 4D Lorentz test particles on the brane, which we shall do throughout the M,N components. next section. Different compactifications would lead to different mode (i) hµν clearly contain 4D Lorentz tensors, the true, actual expansions. Eq.(15), would had to be chosen according to the four-dimensional . geometry of the extra space, by typically using wave func- tions for free particles on this space as the basis for the ex- (ii) haµ behaves as a vector, the graviphotons. pansion. Extra boundary conditions associated with specific topological properties of the compact space may also help (iii) Finally, hab behaves as a group of scalars (graviscalar for a proper selection of the basis. A useful example is the fields), one of which corresponds to the partial trace of h (ha) that we shall later call the radion field. one dimensional , U(1)/Z2, which is built out of the a circle, by identifying the opposite points around zero. The To count the number of degrees of freedom in h we operations can be seen as reducing the interval of the origi- M,N should first note that h is an n × n a symmetric tensor, for nal circle to [0, π] only. Operatively, this is done by requir- n = 4 + δ. Next, general coordinate invariance of general ing the theory to be invariant under the extra parity symme- relativity can be translated into 2n independent gauge fix- try Z :y → −y. Under these symmetries, all fields should 2 ing conditions, half usually chosen as the harmonic gauge pick up a specific parity. Even (odd) fields would then be ex- ∂ hM = (1/2)∂ hM . In all, there are n(n − 3)/2 inde- panded into only cosine (sine) modes. Thus, odd fields do not M N N M pendent degrees of freedom. Clearly, for n = 4, one has the appear at the zero mode level of the theory, which also means usual two helicity states of a massless spin-two particle. that the orbifolding projects half of the modes out of the KK All those effective fields would of course have a KK de- expansion. composition,

2.4. Graviton couplings and the effective gravity inter- X (~n) hMN (x) i~n·~y/R action law hMN (x, y) = √ e . (21) V ~n δ One of the first physical examples of a brane-bulk interac- tion one may be interested in analyzing with some care is Here ~n = (n1, . . . , nδ), with all na integer numbers. Once the effective gravitational coupling of particles located on the we insert the above expansion back into Sint, it is not hard brane, which needs to understand the way gravitons couple to to see that the volume suppression will exchange the M∗ by brane fields. The problem has been extensively discussed by an MP suppression in the effective interaction Lagrangian Giudice, Ratazzi and Wells [18] and independently by Han, of a single KK mode. Therefore, all modes couple with the Lykken and Zhang [19], assuming a flat bulk. Here we sum- strength of standard gravity. Briefly, only the 4D gravitons, marize some of the main points. Starting from the action that Gµν and the radion field σ, are coupled at the first order level describes a particle on the brane to the brane energy momentum tensor [18, 19] Z X h i p 1 (~n)µν κ (~n) µν 4 a L = − G − σ η Tµν . (22) S = d x |g(y = 0)| L , (18) MP 3 ~n

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Here, κ is a parameter of order one. Notice that G(0)µν present picture lies completely on the brane. How much is massless since the higher dimensional graviton hMN has of this energy could have gone into the bulk without affect- no mass itself. That is the source of long range, four- ing cosmological evolution? For large extra dimensions, the dimensional gravity interactions. It is worth remarking that splitting between two excited modes is pretty small, 1/R. For (0) on the contrary, σ would not be massless, otherwise δ = 2 and M∗ at the TeV scale this means a splitting of just it should violate the equivalence principle, since it would about 10−3 eV! For a process where the center mass energy mean a long-range scalar (gravitational) interaction also. σ(0) is E, up to N = (ER)δ KK modes would be kinematically should get a mass from the stabilization mechanism that accessible. During Nucleosynthesis (BBN), for in- keeps the extra volume finite. We shall come back to this stance, where E was about a few MeV, this already means problem later on. From supernova constraints, such a mass more than 1018 modes. So many modes may be troublesome, should be larger than 10−3 eV [6]. and one has to ask the question how hot the Universe could go Above Lagrangian runs over all KK levels, meaning that without losing too much energy. By looking at the effective brane particles can release any kind of KK gravitons into the Lagrangian in Eq. (22), one can immediately notice that the bulk. KK index ~n is also the extra component of the momen- graviton creation rate, per unit time and volume, from brane tum, so they leave the brane, taking its energy away, in a clear thermal processes at temperature T is violation of the 4D conservation of energy. This could appear (TR)δ T δ in the future high-energy collider experiments, for instance, σtotal = 2 = δ+2 . as missing energy [5, 7]. MP M∗ We started the section asking for the actual form of the ef- The standard Universe evolution would be conserved, as far fective gravitation interaction among particles on the brane. as the total number density of KK gravitons produced re- Now that we know how gravitons couple to brane matter, we mains small when compared to photon number density. This can use this effective field theory point of view to calculate is a sufficient condition that however can be translated into a what the effective gravitational interaction law should be. KK bound for the reheating energy, since the hotter the medium gravitons are indeed massive, thus, the interaction mediated the more gravitons can be excited. It is not hard to see that by them is short-range. More precisely, each KK mode con- this condition implies [2] tribute to the gravitational potential between two test parti- δ+1 cles of masses m1 and m2 located on the brane, separated by ng T MP ≈ δ+2 < 1 . (26) a distance r, with a Yukawa potential nγ M∗

m1m2 Equivalently, the maximun temperature our Universe could ∆ U(r) ' −G e−m~nr = U (r)e−m~nr . (23) ~n N r N reach without producing to many gravitons must satisfy The total contribution of all KK modes, the sum over all KK M δ+2 2 2 δ+1 ∗ masses m = ~n /R, can be estimated by the continuum KK Tr < . (27) ~n M modes limit, to get P To give numbers, consider for instance M = 10 TeV and m m ∗ 1 2 δ = 2, which means T < 100 MeV, just about to what UT (r) ' −GN Vδ(δ − 1)! δ ' U∗(r) . (24) r r + 1 is needed to have BBN working. The brane Universe with Experimentally, however, for r just below R, only the very large extra dimensions is then rather cold. This would be first excited modes would be relevant, and so, the potential reflected in some difficulties for those models trying to im- one would see in short distance tests of Newton’s law [3] plement baryogenesis or leptogenesis based on electroweak should rather be of the form energy physics or higher. ³ ´ −r/R As a complementary note, we should mention that, since U(r) ' UN (r) 1 + αe , (25) thermal graviton emission is not restricted to the early Uni- verse, one can expect this to be happening in any other en- where α is to account for the multiplicity of the very first vironment. We have already mentioned colliders as an ex- excited level. ample. But even the hot astrophysical objects can be sources of gravitons. Gravitons emitted by stellar objects take away 3. Cosmology in models with flat extra dimen- energy, which contribute to cooling the star. The stringent sions bounds on M∗ actually come from the study of this pro- cess [6]. 3.1. Limits on Reheating Temperature due to Graviton emission 3.2. Dimensional reduction and the radion field

Graviton production by brane processes may not be such a We are now ready to postulate the model that should de- harmless phenomenon. It may rather possess strong con- scribe the brane Universe evolution where the 4D Friedmann- straints on the theory when considering that the early Uni- Robertson-Walker model must now be obtained as the effec- verse was an important resource of energy, which in the tive zero limit, after dimensional reduction. To simplify the

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 53 (2) (2007) 85–102 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BRANE WORLD 91 discussion, we will assume the extra space compactified into Obviously, the physical volume of the extra space is dynami- δ an orbifolded torus, T /Z2, such that the extra coordinates cal, and given as ya take on values in the interval [0, 1], and the theory is in- √ δ variant under the mapping Z2:~y → −~y. As before, the brane volphys = h = b (t) . should be located at ya = 0. Consider the metric in 4 + δ dimensions parameterized by If the bulk is stable, meaning that b 6= b(t), the physical size of the extra dimension is given by the identification b = R. 2 A B µ ν a b ds = gABdx dx = gµν dx dx − habdy dy . (28) This turns out to be the stabilized condition, when one as- sumes the volume to have some dynamics, which should be a Note that since we have taken y to be dimensionless, hab reached at some given finite time t. has length dimension two. Also note that we are not con- The action can be simplified by defining the radion field sidering in our parameterization the presence of vector-like by a r µ ¶ connection Aµ pieces, which are common in Kaluza Klein δ(δ + 2) b(t) theories. This is because we would only be interested in the σ(t) = MP ln . (36) a 2 R zero mode part of the metric, and Aµ is odd under Z2 par- ity transformation, and therefore it vanishes at the zero mode This has a straightforward physical interpretation: it is related level. to the variation of the physical size of the volume. Notice that Next, let us reduce the Einstein-Hilbert action set to zero when the stabilized volume is reached. In these Z terms one gets the effective action 1 q S = d4x dδy |g | R (29) Z p Z p 2 (4+δ) (4+δ) −g −g 2k∗ 4 (4) 4 (4) µ S= d x 2 R(4)+ d x (∂ σ)(∂µσ) . (37) to four dimensions, considering only the zero mode level. 2k 2 2 2+d Here, 1/k∗ = M∗ . One then obtains The very first term corresponds precisely to the 4D gravity Z √ ½ action of the FRW model. On the other hand, last term can be 1 4 p h 1 ab µ S = 2 d x −g(4) R(4) − ∂µh ∂ hab identified as the action of a running mode. It is unstable under 2k Vδ 4 ¾ perturbations, which means that any small perturbation on the 1 radion field can make the volume of the extra space expand − hab∂ h · hcd∂µh , (30) 4 µ ab cd or contract without control. This is what is called the radion stabilization problem, and it is a particular case of the more 2 2 where 1/k = Mp . Here Vδ stands for the stable volume of general moduli problem inherited from string theory. Under- the extra space that corresponds to relationship (10). standing the stability of the volume of the compact space can In order to obtain the 4 dimensional scalar curvature term be seen as finding the mechanism that provides the force that in canonical form, we need to perform a conformal transfor- keeps the radion fixed at its zero value. Thus, one must find mation on the metric, the potential σ which provides such a force. The origin of this potential is largely unknown so far, although some ideas can g → e2ϕg , (31) µν µν be found in the literature, see for instance [20, 21]. We shall √ designed to cancel the extra h/Vδ coefficient of R(4) in not comment on this here, but rather assume that such a po- Eq. (30). We take ϕ such that tential should exist. As we shall discuss later on, the detailed √ form of U(σv) may also be important to understanding the 2ϕ e h/Vδ = 1 . (32) dynamics of the radions during and after inflation. As a par- enthetical note, the physical mass of the radion is actually re- The action in Eq. (30) is then transformed into lated to the second derivative of the potential at its minimum, Z ½ and certainly, to avoid violation of the equivalence principle, 1 4 p 1 ab µ S = d x −g R − ∂ h ∂ h −3 2k2 (4) (4) 4 µ ab it should be larger than about 10 eV. ¾ As already mentioned, radion couples to matter fields. 1 ab cd µ This is regardless of whether they are brane or bulk fields. + h ∂µhab · h ∂ hcd . (33) 8 After dimensionally reducing the action in Eq. (11), and in- cluding the conformal transformation that we performed on Next, for the four-dimensional part of the metric, gµν , we can now assume the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker the metric, we get for the scalar field the effective action at (FRW) metric with a flat geometry, i.e. the zero mode level Z · ¸ p 1 g = diag(1, −a(t), −a(t), −a(t)) , (34) S[φ]= d4x −g ∂µφ∂ φ−e−ασ/Mp V (φ) , (38) µν (4) 2 µ for an isotropic and homogeneous (brane) Universe, whereas p we consider a diagonal form for the h part of the metric: where the coupling constant is given by α = 2/δ(δ + 2). The case of a brane scalar field turns out to have the same 2 hab = b(t) δab (35) functional form for the effective action as above.

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3.3. Inflation dimensions, (δρ/ρ) ∼ λ1/2. Assuming Hybrid inflation [24], with the potential It is still possible that, due to some dynamical mechanism, 1 ¡ ¢2 1 the extra dimension gets stabilized long before the Universe V (φ, σ) = M 2 − λσ2 + m2φ2 + g2φ2σ2, exited from inflation, as in some scenarios in Kaluza-Klein 4λ 2 (KK) theories, where the stabilization potential is generated does not help either [22], since it needs either a value of m by the Casimir force [20, 21]. Other possible sources for this six orders of magnitude smaller or a strong fine tuning on stabilizing potential could be present in brane-bulk theories; the parameters, to match the COBE result (δρ/ρ) ∼ 10−5. for instance, the formation of the brane at very early times Certainly, the problem would be relaxed if the fundamental may give rise to vacuum energy that plays a role in eventu- scale M∗ were much larger than a few TeV; nevertheless, this ally stabilizing the extra dimension. Let us for the moment means a shorter radius and most of the phenomenological in- consider stable bulk (b = R), and then address the problem of terest in the model would also be gone. brane cosmological evolution. It is clear from the results of A simple way to solve this problem could be by assuming the previous section, by taking σ = 0, that the brane cosmo- that the inflaton is the zero mode of a bulk scalar field [25]. logical theory behaves as four-dimensional. The usual FRW As such, its effective potential energy is enhanced by the vol- model is therefore a good set up to analyze cosmology on the ume of the extra space, which allows it to have larger densi- brane. During the inflation period, Hubble expansion is given ties contributing to the Hubble expansion. Indeed, one now as usual by s has V (φ) V (φ ) = V V (φ ) ≤ M 2M ; H ∼ , (39) eff 0 δ bulk 0 ∗ P 3M 2 P where the RHS comes from the natural upper bound 4+δ with V (φ) the potential of the slow rolling inflaton. A brane Vbulk(φ0) < M∗ . This immediately means that a non- inflaton, however, is troublesome [22]. Consider for instance stringent bound exists for Hubble, H ≤ M∗, and non su- a typical chaotic inflation scenario [23], where the potential is perlight inflaton is required. This also keeps the explanation simply given by V (φ) = (1/2)m2φ2. If the highest scale in of the flatness and horizon problems as usual, since now the the theory is M∗, during inflation, a brane inflaton potential time for inflation could be as short as in the standard theory. 4 A hybrid inflation model now accommodates a nice predic- can-not have values larger than M∗ , regardless of the number of extra dimensions, just as in the usual 4D theories where the tion for density perturbations [25], scale of the potential is not supposed to be larger than Planck δρ ³ g ´ M 3 scale. Next, since successful inflation (the slow roll condi- ∼ ∗ , 3/2 2 (42) tion) requires that the inflaton mass be less than the Hubble ρ 2λ m0MP parameter, we have the inequality which can easily give COBE normalization. Reheating would

2 now be produced by the decay of the inflaton into brane stan- m ≤ H ≤ M∗ /MP . (40) dard fields. The effective brane-bulk coupling has a Planck suppression on it, which amounts to a low reheating temper- For M ∼ 1 TeV, one then gets the bound m ≤ 10−3 eV, ∗ ature, that nevertheless comes out to be just right to allow for which is a severe fine tuning constraint on the parameters of a successful BBN process. To give numbers, let us consider the theory. Furthermore, such a light inflaton would certainly p T ∼ 0.1 Γ M and a typical rate for the decay into hig- face troubles for reheating. Such a light inflaton would only R φ P ` gses Γ ∼ M 4/(32πM 2 m ), and use m around 0.1M , decay into photons. The inflaton is believed to be - φ ∗ P φ φ ∗ with M ∼ 100T eV , one then gets T ∼ 100 MeV. It is less, so that, such a decay can only occur via suppressed loop ∗ R worth mentioning that this number is well within the con- processes. The above constraint further implies that inflation straints due to graviton thermal production (27), discussed occurs on a time scale H−1 much greater than M −1. As ∗ previously. emphasized by Kaloper and Linde [22], this is conceptually It is worth noticing that the number of e-foldings is usu- very problematic since it requires that the Universe should ally much less than 60 if the scale of inflation is low, espe- be large and homogeneous enough from the very beginning cially if the scale of inflation is as low as H ≈ M ∼ TeV. so as to survive the large period of time from t = M −1 to inf ∗ ∗ It has already been shown in extra dimensional mod- t = H−1. els [26, 27] that the number of e-foldings required for struc- Moreover, for chaotic inflation one gets a tiny contribu- ture formation would be 43, provided the universe reheats tion to density perturbations by Trh ∼ 10 − 100 MeV. Therefore, it is only the last 43 e- foldings of inflation which are important for the purpose of δρ m −31 ∼ 50 ≤ 10 . (41) density perturbations. ρ MP As an alternative way to solve inflaton problems, Arkani- The situation does not improve for more elaborate models. Hamed et al. [28] proposed a scenario where it was assumed For the case where the λφ4 term dominates the density, for that inflation occurs before the stabilization of the internal instance, one gets the same fine tuning condition as in four dimensions. With the field playing the role of the

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 53 (2) (2007) 85–102 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BRANE WORLD 93 inflaton field, they argued that early inflation, when the in- Also interesting is the possibility of producing inflation ternal dimensions are small, can overcome the complications with the help of a bulk inflaton in the presence of the ra- we mention at the beginning of the present section. How- dion field. This analysis can help us to understand whether ever, one cannot allow the extra dimension to grow too much our previous discussion makes sense at all . We now turn during inflation, since large changes in the internal size will our attention to the action in Eq. (38). Notice that the in- significantly affect the scale invariance of the density per- flaton to radion coupling is given only through the infla- turbations, The radius of the extra dimension must remain ton potential. The coupling induces an effective mass term essentially static while the Universe expands (slow rolling); for the radion which is proportional to the Hubble scale, 2 2 2 2 this needs quite a flat potential which may cause trouble for meff ∼ α Veff (φ)/MP = α H . Consequently, the radion later stabilization. The scenario may also pose some compli- gets a very steep effective potential term, which easily drives cations for the understanding of reheating since the radion is the radion towards the minimum within a Hubble time [30]. long-lived, and its mass could be very small (about 1/R). Indeed, once the Hubble induced mass term is switched on Another possible way out was proposed in Ref. 30, where the radion will follow the evolution it was suggested that the brane could be out of its stable point at early times, and inflation is induced on the brane by its −(m2 /3H)t σ(t) ∼ σ e eff , (44) movement through the extra space. The common point of 0 last two scenarios is that they assume an unstable extra di- mension throughout the inflation process. This may also be where σ0 is the initial amplitude. Naively, one could think troublesome, as we shall discuss in the next section that this should solve the problem of stabilization, provided inflation lasts a bit longer than this dynamical stabilization 3.4. Cosmological Radion problem process. Nevertheless, it has been realized that, although this stabilization does take place, it happens that the ef- It is conceptually hard to accept the fact that the extra di- fective minimum of the potential does not coincide with mensions were at all times as large as suggested by the ADD σ = 0 [31, 32]. Actually, it generally happens that the global model. Just as it is natural to think that all our observable minimum for σ is displaced during inflation when the radion −1 Universe started as a small patch of size ∼ M∗ , it seems potential is quite flat [31]. To see this, let us notice that the so for the extra dimensions. From its definition, an initial total potential has the form −1 value bin = M∗ means that the radion started with a large negative value, −ασ/MP Utotal(σ, φ) = U(σ) + e Veff (φ) , (45) r µ ¶ 2(δ + 2) Mp σv(0) = − Mp ln . (43) δ M∗ where by definition, U(σ) has a minimum at σ = 0. Dur- ing inflation, Veff defines the Hubble scale, as already men- Since the stable point has been defined such that σ|b=R = 0, tioned, and it is taken as a constant. The global minimum for one has to conclude that the radion should roll down its po- σ of this potential is the solution to the equation tential from negative values as the extra dimensions expand. If the radion potential were flat enough in this range of values, α 0 −ασ/MP it would be natural to think that the radion could play the role U (σ) − e Veff = 0 . (46) of the inflaton. The idea is enforced by the large absolute MP initial value of σ, which may already satisfy chaotic initial conditions for driving inflation. To complete the picture, one Clearly, σ = 0 is not a global minimum. In fact, in order has at some point to be able to calculate the radion potential to match both terms of the equation, the minimum should from some fundamental physics and prove that it is indeed lie within the positive range of σ values. This implies that, flat for negative σ values, whereas it grows fast enough for during inflation, the extra space grows beyond its stable size positive σ’s to avoid dynamically driving the volume much (b = R), and gradually comes back to the final stable volume beyond the expected stable value b = R. Without the ac- Vδ as the inflaton energy diminishes [31,32]. How far we are tual potential, it is hard to make any serious calculation for from the expected value Vδ depends on the actual profile of density perturbations or even reheating temperatures. Cer- the radion potential. For steeper potentials, it is easy to see tainly a simple mass term like potential U(σ) ∼ m2σ2 would that the displacement could be negligible for practical pro- not do it. The reason is two-fold. First, we are far away poses; however, that is not so for flatter radion potentials [32], from the stable point where the radion mass is defined, so since a larger value on σ would be needed in the exponential the potential would hardly be well described by just the sec- of the last equation to match a small value of U 0(σ). One ond term of its Taylor expansion. Second, and more impor- interesting conclusion arises: inflation could in principle be tant, the simple chaotic potential predicts insufficient density consistently analyzed in the setup of a stable bulk, as we did fluctuations for small M∗. Indeed, the calculation gives [25] in the previous section; nevertheless, post-inflationary effects δρ/ρ ' m/MP ¿ M∗/MP . of the radion dynamics have yet to be studied carrefully.

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4. Non Factorizable Geometries: Randall- at every point along the fifth dimension, the induced metric Sundrum Models. should be the ordinary flat 4D Minkowski metric. Therefore, the components of the 5D metric depend only on the fifth 4.1. Warped Extra Dimensions coordinate. Hence, one gets the ansatz

2 A B 2 µ ν 2 So far we have been working on the simplest picture, where ds = gABdx dx = ω (y)ηµν dx dx − dy , (47) the energy density on the brane does not affect the space-time where we parameterize ω(y) = e−β(y). The metric, of curvature, but rather it has been taken as a perturbation on the course, can always be written in different coordinate systems. flat extra space. For large brane densities, this may not be the Particularly, notice that one can easily go to the conformally case. The first approximation to the problem can be done by flat metric, where there is an overall factor in front of all co- considering a five dimensional model where branes are lo- 2 2 µ ν 2 ordinates, ds = ω (z)[ηµν dx dx − dz ], where the new cated at the two ends of a closed fifth-dimension. Clearly, coordinate z is a of the old coordinate y only. with a single extra dimension, the gravity flux produced by Classical action contains S = Sgrav + Sh + Sv, where a single brane at y = 0 cannot softly close into itself at the Z µ ¶ other end of the space, making the model unstable, just as a 4 √ 1 Sgrav = d x dy g(5) 2 R5 + Λ (48) charged particle living in a one-dimensional world does not 2k∗ define a stable configuration. Stability can only be insured by gives the bulk contribution, whereas the visible and hidden the introduction of a second charge (brane). Furthermore, to brane actions are given by balance brane energy and still get flat (stable) brane metrics, Z p one has to compensate for the effect on the space by the in- 4 Sv,h = ± τ d x −gv,h , (49) troduction of a negative on the bulk. Thus, the fifth dimension would be a slice of an Anti de-Siter where gv,h stands for the induced metric at the visible and space with a flat brane at its edges. Thus, one can keep the hidden branes, respectively. branes flat by paying the price of curving the extra dimen- Five-dimensional Einstein equations for the given action, sion. Such curved extra dimensions are usually referred to 1 as warped extra dimensions. Historically, the possibility was G = R − g R MN MN 2 MN (5) first mentioned by Rubakov and Shaposhnikov in Ref. [9], s suggesting that the cosmological constant problem could be 2 2 −gh µ ν understood in this light: the matter field vacuum energy on = −k∗Λ gMN + k∗τ δM δN gµν δ(y) g(5) the brane could be canceled by the bulk vacuum, leaving a zero (or almost zero) cosmological constant for the brane ob- s server. No specific model was given there, though. It was 2 −gv µ ν − k∗τ δM δN gµν δ(y − πr) (50) actually Gogberashvili [13] who provided the first exact so- g(5) lution for a warped metric; nevertheless, the model is best are easily reduced into two simple, independent equations. now after Randall and Sundrum (RS) presented the solution First, we can expand the G tensor components on the in the context of the [14]. Later devel- MN LHS of the last equation, using the metric ansatz (47), to opments suggested that the warped metrics could even pro- show vide an alternative to compactification for the extra dimen- ¡ 00 0 2¢ sions [15, 16]. In what follows we shall discuss the concrete Gµν = −3 gµν −β + 2(β ) ; (51) example as presented by Randall and Sundrum. 0 2 Gµ5 = 0 ; and G55 = −6 g55(β ) . (52) 4.2. Randall-Sundrum background Next, using the RHS of Eq. (50), one gets

0 2 2 Let us consider the following setup. A five dimensional space 6(β ) = k∗Λ; (53) with an orbifolded fifth dimension of radius r and coordinate and y which takes values in the interval [0, πr]. Consider two 3β00 = k2τ [δ(y) − δ(y − πr)] . (54) branes at the fixed (end) points y = 0, πr. with tensions τ ∗ and −τ respectively. For reasons that should become clear This last equation clearly defines the boundary conditions later on, the brane at y = 0 (y = πr) is usually called the for the function β0(y) at the two branes (Israel conditions). hidden (visible) or Planck (SM) brane. We shall also assign Clearly, the solution is β(y) = µ|y|, where to the bulk a negative cosmological constant −Λ. Contrary to k2Λ Λ our previous philosophy in the ADD model, we shall here as- µ2 = ∗ = , (55) 6 6M 3 sume that all parameters are of the order of the Planck scale. ∗ Next, we ask for the solution that gives a flat induced met- with the subsidiary fine tuning condition ric on the branes such that the 4D Lorentz invariance is re- τ Λ = , (56) spected. To get a consistent answer, one has to require that, 3 6M∗

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 53 (2) (2007) 85–102 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BRANE WORLD 95 obtained from the boundary conditions, which is equivalent 4.4. Kaluza Klein decomposition to the exact cancellation of the effective four-dimensional cosmological constant. The background metric is therefore As a further note, notice that since there is 4D Poincare´ invariance everywhere, every bulk field on the RS back- 2 −2µ|y| µ ν 2 ground can be expanded into four-dimensional plane waves ds = e ηµν dx dx − dy . (57) µ ipµx φ(x, y) ∝ e φp(y). This would be the basis of the Kaluza Klein decomposition, that we shall now discuss. Note The effective Planck scale in the theory is then given by also that the physical four momentum of the particle at any µ −1 µ M 3 ¡ ¢ position of the brane goes as pphys(y) = ω (y)p . There- M 2 = ∗ 1 − e−2µrπ . (58) fore, modes which are soft on the hidden brane, become P µ harder at any other point of the bulk. Notice that for a large r, the exponential piece becomes neg- Let us consider again a bulk scalar field, now on the RS ligible, and the above expression has the familiar form given background metric. The action is then Z in Eq. (10) for one extra dimension, of (effective) size 1/µ. 1 √ ¡ ¢ S[φ] = d4x dy g gMN ∂ φ∂ φ − m2ϕ2 . (60) 2 (5) M N

4.3. Visible versus Hidden Scale Hierarchy µ By introducing the factorization φ(x, y) = eipµx ϕ(y) into The RS metric has a peculiar feature. Consider a given dis- the equation of motion, one gets that the KK modes satisfy tance, ds2, defined by fixed intervals dx dxµ from brane co- £ ¤ 0 µ −∂2 + 4µ sgn(y)∂ + m2 + ω−2(y) p2 ϕ(y) = 0 , (61) ordinates. If one maps the interval from hidden to visible y y brane, it would appear here exponentially smaller than what where p2 = pµp can also be interpreted as the effective is measured at the hidden brane, i.e. ds2| = ω2(y)ds2| . µ 0 v 0 h four-dimensional invariant mass, m2 . It is possible, through This scaling property would have interesting consequences n a functional re-parameterization and a change of variable, to when introducing fields to live on any of the branes. Particu- show that the solution for ϕ can be written in terms of Bessel larly, let us discuss what happens for a theory defined on the p functions of index ν = 4 + m2/µ2 [33, 34], as follows visible brane. · µ ¶ µ ¶¸ The effect of the RS background on visible brane field pa- 1 mn mn ϕn(z)= 2 Jν +bnν Yν , (62) rameters is non-trivial. Consider for instance the scalar field Nnω (y) µω(y) µω(y) action for the visible brane at the end of the space given by where N is a normalization factor, n labels the KK index, Z h i n ¡ ¢2 and the constant coefficient b has to be fixed by the conti- S = d4xω4(πr) ω−2(πr)∂µH∂ H − λ H2 − vˆ2 . nν H µ 0 nuity conditions at one of the boundaries. The other boundary condition would serve to quantize the spectrum. For more de- As a rule, we choose all dimensionful parameters on the the- tails the interested reader can see Ref. 34. Here we will just ory to be naturally given in terms of M∗, and this to be close make some few comments about. First, for ω(πr) ¿ 1, the to MP . So we take v0 ∼ M∗. After introducing the normal- discretization condition that one gets for xnµ = mn/µω(y) ization H → ω−1(πr)H = eµrπH to recover the canonical looks as kinetic term, the above action becomes 0 2Jν (xnµ) + xnν Jν (xnµ) = 0 . (63) Z h i 4 √ µν ¡ 2 2¢2 Therefore, the lowest mode satisfies x1µ ∼ O(1), which SH = d x −g η ∂µH∂ν H − λ H − v , (59) −µrπ means that m1 ' µe . For the same range of parame- ters we considered before to solve the hierarchy problem, one −µrπ where the vacuum v = e vˆ0. Therefore, by choosing gets that lightest KK mode would have a mass of order TeV µr ∼ 12, the physical mass of the scalar field, and its vac- or so. Next, for the special case of an originally massless field uum, would naturally appear at the TeV scale rather than at (m = 0), one has ν = 2, and thus the first solution to Eq. (63) the Planck scale, without the need for any large hierarchy on is just x12 = 0, which indicates the existence of a massless the radius [14]. Notice that, on the contrary, any field lo- mode in the spectrum. The next zero of the equation would cated on the other brane will have a mass of the order of M∗. be of order one again, and thus the KK tower would start Moreover, it also implies that no particles exist in the visible at µe−µrπ. The spacing between two consecutive KK levels brane with masses larger than TeV. This observation has been would again be of about the same order. There is no need considered a nice possible way of solving the scale hierarchy to stress that this would actually be the case of the graviton problem. For this reason, the original model proposed that spectrum. This makes the whole spectrum completely dis- our resided on the brane located at the tinct from the former ADD model. With such heavy graviton end of the space, the visible brane. So the other brane really modes, one would not expect to have visible deviations on becomes hidden. This two brane model is sometimes called the short distance gravity experiments, nor constraints from RSI model. BBN or star cooling.

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4.5. Radion Stabilization Hence, for ln(vh/vv) of order one, the stable value for the radius is proportional to the curvature µ parameter, and in- The way the RSI model solves the hierarchy problem be- versely to the squared mass of the scalar field. Thus, one tween mEW and MP depends on the interbrane spacing πr. only needs that m2/µ2 ∼ 10 to get µr ∼ 10, as needed for Stabilizing the bulk becomes in this case an important issue the RSI model. if one is willing to keep this solution. The dynamics of the One might get a bit suspicious about whether the vac- extra dimension would give rise to a runaway radion field, as uum energy hφi(y) may disturb the background metric. It it does for the ADD case. A simple exploration of the met- actually does, although the correction is negligible as the cal- ric (57), by setting a time dependent bulk radius r(t), shows culations for the Einstein-scalar field coupled equations may that show [33, 36]. 2 −2µr(t)|φ| µ ν 2 2 ds → e ηµν dx dx − r (t)dφ , (64) with φ the angular coordinate on the half circle [0, π]. This suggests that, if the interbrane distance changes, the visible 5. Infinite Extra Dimensions brane expands (or contracts) exponentially. The radion field associated whit the fluctuations of the radius, b(t) = r(t)−r, The background metric solution (57) does not actually need is again massless and thus it violates the equivalence princi- the presence of the negative tension brane to hold as an ple. Moreover, without a stabilization mechanism for the ra- exact solution to Einstein equations. Indeed the warp dius, our brane could expand forever. Some early discussions factor ω(y)=e−µ|y| has been determined only by the Is- on this and other issues can be found in Refs. 34, 36, and 37. rael conditions at the y = 0 boundary, that is, by us- The simplest and most elegant solution for stabilization ing ω00=µ2ω−µωδ(y) in Einstein equations, which implies in RSI was proposed by Goldberger and Wise [33]. The equations (55) and (56). It is then tempting to ‘move’ the central idea is really simple: if there is a vacuum energy on negative tension brane to infinity, which gives a non-compact the bulk, whose configuration breaks translational invariance fifth dimension. The picture becomes esthetically more ap- along a fifth dimension, say hEi(y). Then, the effective four- pealing; it has no need for compactification. Nevertheless, dimensional theory would contain a radius-dependent poten- one must now ask the question of whether such a possibil- tial energy Z ity is at all consistent with observations. It is clear that the V (r) = dy ω4(y) hEi(y) . Newton’s constant is now simply Clearly, if such a potential has a non-trivial minimum, stabi- G = µG (69) lization would be insured. The radion would feel a force that N ∗ would tend to keep it at the minimum. The vacuum energy hEi(y) may come from many sources. The simplest possi- –just take the limit r → ∞ in Eq. (58)–, which reflects the bility one could think of is a vacuum induced by a bulk scalar fact that although the extra dimension is infinite, gravity re- field, with non-trivial boundary conditions, mains four dimensional at large distances (for µr À 1). This is, in other words, only a consequence of the flatness of the hφi(0) = vh and hφi(πr) = vv . (65) brane. We shall expand our discussion on this point in the The boundary conditions would amount for a non-trivial pro- following sections. Obviously, with this setup, usually called file of hφi(y) along the bulk. Such boundary conditions may the RSII model, we are giving up the possibility of explaining arise, for instance, if φ has localized interaction terms on the the hierarchy between Planck and electroweak scales. The in- 2 2 2 terest on this model remains, however, due to potentially in- branes, as λh,v(φ −vh,v) , which by themselves develop non zero vacuum expectation values for φ located on the branes. teresting physics at low energy, and also due to its connection The vacuum is then the x-independent solution to the equa- to the AdS/CFT correspondence [37]. tion of motion (61), which can be written as Although the fifth dimension is infinite, the point y = ∞ −1 £ −ν ν ¤ is in fact a particle horizon. Indeed, the first indication comes hφi(y) = ω (y) Aω (y) + Bω (y) , (66) from the metric, since ω(y → ∞)=0. The confirmation where A and B are constants to be fixed by the boundary would come from considering a particle moving away from 2 2 conditions. One then obtains the effective 4D vacuum energy the brane on the geodesics yg(t)=(1/2µ) ln(1 + µ t ) [38]. 2 ¡ −2ν ¢ The particle accelerates towards infinity, and its velocity Vφ(r) = µ(ν + 2)A ω (πr) − 1 tends to the speed of light. The proper time interval is then 2 ¡ 2ν ¢ + µ(ν − 2)B 1 − ω (πr) (67) µ ¶ dy 2 After a lengthly calculation, and in the limit where m ¿ µ, dτ 2 = ω2(y (t))dt2 − g dt2 . (70) g dt one finds that the above potential has a non trivial minimum for µ ¶ 2 · ¸ 4 µ vh Thus, the particle reaches infinity at an infinite time t, but in µr = 2 ln . (68) π m vv a finite proper time τ = π/2µ.

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5.1. Graviton Localization whereas the KK mode wave functions in the continuum are written in terms of Bessel functions, in close analogy to In order to understand why gravity on the brane remains four- Eq. (62), as dimensional at large distances, even though the fifth dimen- · µ ¶ µ ¶¸ sion is non-compact, one has to consider again the KK de- 1 4µ2 1 Ψ ∼ s(z) Y m|z| + + J m|z| + , composition for the graviton modes, with particular interest m 2 µ πm2 2 µ in the shape for the zero mode . Consider first 1/2 the generic form of the perturbed background metric where s(z) = (|z| + 1/µ) . By properly normalizing these wave functions using the asymptotics of the Bessel functions, 2 2 µ ν µ 2 2 ds = ω (y)gµν dx dx + Aµdx dy − b dy . it is possible to show that for m < µ the wave function at brane has the value Due to the orbifold projection, y → −y, the vector com- r m ponent Aµ must be odd, and thus it does not contain a zero hm(0) ≈ . (75) mode. Therefore, at the zero mode level only the true four- µ dimensional graviton and the scalar (radion) should survive. The coupling of gravitons to the brane is therefore weak for Let us concentrate on the 4D graviton perturbations only. In- −2 the lightest KK graviton states. The volcano potential acts as troducing the small field expansion as gµν = ηµν + ω hµν , µ µ a barrier for those modes. The production of gravitons at low and using the gauge fixing conditions ∂µhν = 0 = hµ, one energies would then be negligible. obtains the wave equation

· 2 ¸ 5.2. Gravity on the RSII brane 2 2 m ∂y − 4µ − − 4µδ(y) h = 0 , (71) ω2(y) The immediate application of our last calculations is on the estimation of the effective gravitational interaction law at the where the Lorentz indices should be understood. In the brane. The reader should remember that the effective interac- above equation the mass m2 stands for the effective four- tion of brane matter to gravitons is h (0)T µν . So it involves dimensional mass pµp = m2. It should be noticed that µν µ the evaluation of the graviton wave function at the brane po- the mass spectrum would now be continuous, and starts at sition, as expected. Therefore the graviton exchange between m = 0. InR this situation the KK are normalized to the delta −2 0 two test particles on the brane separated by a distance r gives function, dyω (y) h (y) h 0 = δ(m − m ). m m the effective potential Introducing the functional re-parameterization   Z∞ 1 ¡ −1 ¢ dm m z = sgn(y) ω (y) − 1 U (r) ≈ U (r) 1 + e−mr (76) µ RSII N µ µ 0 and · ¸ 1 Ψ(z) = ω−1/2(y)h(y) , = U (r) 1 + . (77) N µ2r2 one can write the equation of motion for the KK modes as the Schodinger¨ equation Notice that the correction looks exactly like in the two ex- · ¸ tra dimensional ADD case, with 1/µ as the effective size of 1 the extra dimensions. Thus, from the brane point of view, − ∂2 + V (z) Ψ(z) = m2Ψ(z) (72) 2 z the bulk should appear as compact, at least from the gravita- tional point of view. The conclusion is striking. There could with a ‘volcano potential’ be non-compact extra dimensions and yet scope to our obser- 15µ2 3µ vations!. V (z) = 2 − δ(z) , (73) 8(µ|z| + 1) 2 5.3. Higher dimensional generalization which peaks as |z| → 0 but has a negative singularity right The RSII model, which provides a serious alternative to com- at the origin. It is well known from the quantum mechan- pactification, can immediately be extended to a larger num- ics analog that such delta potential has a bound state, whose ber of dimensions. First, notice that the metric (57) has come wave function peaks at z = 0, which also means at y = 0. from the peculiar properties of co-dimension one objects in In other words, it appears to be localized at the brane. Such gravity. Thus, it is obvious that the straightforward general- a state is identified as our four-dimensional graviton. Its lo- ization should also contain some co-dimension one branes in calization is the physical reason why gravity still behaves as the configuration. Our brane, however should have a larger four dimensional at the brane. co-dimension. Let us consider a system of δ mutually inter- Indeed, the wave function for the localized state is secting (2 + δ) branes in a (4 + δ) dimensional AdS space, of 1 cosmological constant −Λ. All branes should have a positive Ψ (z) = , (74) o µ(|z| + 1/µ)3/2 tension τ. Clearly, the brane intersection is a 4 dimensional

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(δ+2)/2 brane, where we assume our Universe lives. Intuitively, each (z = 0), which is Ψbound ∼ Ω (z). Since the potential of the (2 + δ) branes would try to localize the graviton to falls off to zero for a large z, there would also be a continuum itself, just as the RSII brane does. Consequently, the zero of modes. Since the height of the potential near the origin mode graviton would be localized at the intersection of all is µ2, all modes with small masses, m < µ will have sup- branes. This naive observation can indeed be confirmed by pressed wave functions, while those with large masses will solving the Einstein equations for the action [16] be unsuppressed at the origin. Therefore, the contribution of Z µ ¶ the lightest modes to the gravitational potential for two test 4 δ √ 1 S = d x d y g(4+δ) R(4+δ) + Λ particles at the brane would again be suppressed as in the 2k∗ RSII case. The correction to Newton’s law is [16] X Z 4 δ−1 √ µ ¶ − τ d x d y g(3+δ). (78) L δ ∆U(r) ∼ U (r) , (86) all branes N r If the branes are all orthogonal to each other, it is straightfor- ward to see that the space consists of 2δ equivalent slices of which again behaves as in the ADD case, mimicking the case AdS space, glued together along the flat branes. The metric, of compact dimensions, though this is not the case. therefore, would be conformally flat. Thus, one can write it, using appropriate bulk coordinates, as 6. Brane Cosmology 2 ¡ µ ν k l¢ ds(4+δ) = Ω(z) ηµν dx dx − δkl dz dz (79) Let us now discuss what modifications are introduced to cos- with the warp factor mology if one considers the RSII setup. One of the first things 1 that one needs to know is the time dependence of the metric. Ω(z) = P , (80) i As the bulk curvature arose to compensate for the brane ten- µ j |z | + 1 sion in order to keep the brane flat, once a time dependent en- where the µ curvature parameter is now ergy density Tµν is introduced on the brane, as needed for our 2k2Λ Universe, the warping will also become time dependent, and µ2 = ∗ , (81) so one must reconsider the RS solution to five-dimensional δ(δ + 2)(δ + 3) Einstein equations. The problem was first addressed by Bi- which is a generalization of the relation given in Eq. (55). netruy et al. in Refs. 40 and 41. It has also been noted that Similarly, the fine tuning condition (56) now looks like the Friedmann equation could be recovered on the brane in the low energy limit (ρ <¿ τ), on the basis of the fine tun- δ(δ + 3) 2 2 Λ = τ k∗ . (82) ing (56), even thought the metric is not static [41–43]. Here 8(δ + 2) we shall discuss some of these results. The effective Planck scale is now calculated to be We start by considering what the metric ansatz should be Z δ δ/2 for brane cosmology, assuming that the only energy sources 2 (δ+2) δ (2+δ) 2 δ (δ+2) δ MP = M∗ d zΩ = M∗ L , (83) are the brane energy momentum tensor, Tµν , and the negative (δ + 1)! cosmological constant of the brane. We adopt the cosmolog- √ for L = 1/ δµ. Notice that this expression resembles the ical principle of isotropy and homogeneity in the three space ADD relationship given in Eq. (10), with L as the effective dimensions of the brane; thus, the most general Tµν has a size of the extra dimensions. diagonal form, parameterized by energy density, ρ, and pres- Graviton localization can now be seen by perturbing the sure, P , µ metric with ηµν → ηµν + hµν in Eq. (79), and writing the T ν = diag(ρ, −P, −P, −P ) . µ µν equation of motion for hµν in the gauge h µ = 0 = ∂µh , and in conformal coordinates, to obtain for Ψ = Ω(δ+2)/2h Also, this implies that gMN = gMN (y, t), only, where the the linearized equation y dependence reflects the breaking of translational invariance · µ ¶¸ along the fifth dimension due to the presence of the brane. 1 1 − m2 + − ∇2 + V (z) Ψˆ = 0 , (84) Finally, and for simplicity, we shall consider that distance in- 2 2 z tervals along the fifth dimensions are fixed along time. We then choose the following ansatz for the metric which is again nothing other than a Schodinger¨ equation with the effective potential 2 2 2 2 i j 2 ds = w (y, t) dt − a (y, t) γij dx dx − dy , (87) 2 X δ(δ + 2)(δ + 4)µ (δ + 2)µ j V (z) = Ω− Ω δ(z ). (85) −1 2 8 2 where γij = f(r)δij , with f (r) = 1 − kr being the j usual Robertson-Walker curvature term, where k = −1, 0, 1. Indeed, the spectrum has a massless bound state local- For simplicity, we shall restrict our discussion to the flat ized around the intersection of all delta function potentials Universe case. It is worth noticing that such a metric does

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 53 (2) (2007) 85–102 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BRANE WORLD 99 reduce to the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker met- where we have introduced the brane Hubble function, H0(t), ric (34) when evaluating distance intervals at the brane, pro- as the y = 0 value of the more general bulk Hubble func- vided w(0, t) = 1. As in RS models, we shall here assume tion [43] µ ¶ a˙ that the orbifold symmetry P : y → −y is present, thus, a H(y, t) ≡ . (93) and n would depend only on |y|. a

The five-dimensional Einstein equations take the form It is also not difficult to show that the equation G04=0 im- 1 plies the more general condition G = R − g R AB AB 2 AB w(y, t) = λ(t)˙a(y, t) . (94) 2 µ ν = k∗ [−ΛgAB + Tµν δA δB δ(y)] , (88) It is very illustrative to rewrite the equation for G00 as the The delta function on the RHS of Eqs. (88) can be understood bulk Friedmann equation [43] as a boundary condition. We then proceed by solving first the " µ ¶ # equations away from the brane. The global metric solution k2 a0 2 a00 H2(y, t) = w2 − ∗ Λ + + R , (95) clearly shall be continuous everywhere. Is naturally solved 3 a a by the orbifold condition. Metric derivatives on y, however, are not continuous; they should have a gap at y = 0, which 00 where aR stands for the regular part of the function. It is then should match the brane energy momentum tensor, clear that, upon evaluation at the brane, the Friedmann equa- 2 2 Z0+ tion presents the ‘wrong’ dependence H0 ∝ ρ [39] coming from the second term on the RHS of Eq. (95). Also, we may dy G = k2T . (89) µν ∗ µν identify the last term of the same equation as the contribu- 0− tion of the Weyl tensor of the bulk [44]. We shall come back Let us now proceed to the details. We use the metric to this point a bit later. Now we turn to the other equations. ansatz (87) to explicitely expand the RHS of Eqs. (88) to First, Gij gives a non-independent equation. Indeed, it can be get [39] derived from Eq. (95) by taking a time derivative, and com- ( " #) bining the result with G04. This is the same as in the usual µ ¶2 µ 0 ¶2 00 a˙ 2 a a 4D case, where Gij gives the acceleration equation. Finally, G00 = 3 − w + a a a G44 represents the only truly new equation in the system. It · ½ µ ¶ ¾ is also the window to solving the y dependence of the metric a0 w0 a0 a00 w00 since, combined with the bulk Friedmann equation (95) and G = a2 2 + + 2 + ij a w a a w the acceleration equation, it simplifies to ½ µ ¶ ¾¸ a2 a˙ w˙ a˙ a¨ 00 00 a w 2 2 + 2 − − 2 δij , (90) 3 + = k Λ . (96) w2 a w a a a w 3 ∗ µ ¶ w0 a˙ a˙ 0 Solving this equation, together with (94), we get the result G = 3 − , 04 w a a µ 2 ¶ ½ µ ¶ · µ ¶ ¸¾ k∗ a0 a0 w0 1 a˙ a˙ w˙ a¨ a(y, t) = a0(t) cosh(µ|y|) − ρ sinh(µ|y|) , G = 3 + − − + 6µ 44 a a w w2 a a w a k2 w(y, t) = cosh(µ|y|) + ∗ (3P + 2ρ) sinh(µ|y|), (97) where primes denote derivatives with respect to y and dots 6µ derivatives with respect to t. Our boundary (Israel) condi- 2 2 tions are then where the bulk curvature parameter µ = k∗Λ/6. Notice that ¯ at the static limit (a = 1), where ρ = −P = τ, with the ∆a0 ¯ k2 0 ¯ = − ∗ ρ, (91) brane tension obeying the fine tuning condition (56), we re- a ¯ 3 y=0 cover the RS metric solution a(y) = w(y) = e−µ|y|. Notice ¯ ∆w0 ¯ k2 also that in the time-dependent case, we get the FRW metric ¯ = ∗ (3P + 2ρ); (92) w ¯ 3 on the brane. y=0 We can now completely evaluate the Friedmann equa- here the gap function ∆a0(0) = a0(0+) − a0(0−) = 2a0(0+) tion (95) on the brane by using the fact that the total energy give the size of the jump for the y derivative of a at zero. The density ρ = ρm + τ, with ρm the actual brane matter density, same applies to ∆w0. We can straightforwardly use these to get [42] ³ ´ ρm ρm boundary conditions to evaluate the Einstein tensor compo- H0(t) = 1 + , (98) 3MP 2τ nents at the brane. In particular, the equation for G04 gives the energy conservation formula which has a quadratic term on the matter density. A Universe described by such a modified Friedmann equation evolves ρ˙ + 3H0 (ρ + P ) = 0, faster than the standard one. This may not be a problem

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 53 (2) (2007) 85–102 100 A. PEREZ-LORENZANA´ during the very early stages of the Universe, whereas just speaking, SMN should be evaluated by the variational prin- before Nucleosynthesis the standard cosmological evolution ciple of the 4D Lagrangian for matter fields. The decomposi- 2 H0 ∼ ρm must had be restored in order not to disturb the tion (102) can be ambiguous. Again, the delta function would success of the theory. Clearly, for small matter densities lead us to the Israel junction conditions ρm ¿ τ, one recovers the standard Hubble expansion. [γ ] = 0 and It is interesting to note, on the other hand, that infla- MN µ ¶ tion when driven by a scalar field whose energy density 1 [K ] = −k2 S − γ S , (103) exceeds the brane tension, is more efficient in the brane MN ∗ MN 3 MN world. This can be seen from the equation of motion 0 where [X] ≡ ∆X(0) = 2X(0+), due to the Z symmetry. ϕ¨+3H0ϕ+V (ϕ)=0, where the friction term becomes larger 2 for larger energy densities. Thus the slow roll is enhanced The first of these expressions only states the continuity of the by the modification to the Friedmann equation (98). Inflation metric at the brane, whereas the other allows us to completely would then last longer than in the standard 4D models, and determine the extrinsic curvature of the brane in terms of the even some steep potentials that were unable to drive infla- energy momentum tensor. Putting it all these equations to- tion in the 4D case could now be successful [45]. Expansion gether, one gets the effective brane Einstein equations at high energies drives the tilt of the spectrum of adiabatic 2 G(4) = Λ4γMN +8πGN tMN +k πMN −EMN , (104) density perturbations to zero and it seems not to alter their ex- MN ∗ pected amplitude [45]. The physics of reheating [46,47], pre- where the effective brane cosmological constant heating, and other pre-BBN phenomena may also be affected, µ ¶ 1 1 depending on the energy scale at which they take place. Λ = k2 k2τ − Λ (105) 4 2 ∗ 6 ∗

6.1. Geometric approach is null only if the fine condition (56) holds. The Newton con- stant is defined in terms of the brane tension by A more formal and general treatment of the brane model for 2 k∗τ the derivation of the effective Einstein equations on the brane 8πGN = , (106) 6 was presented in Ref. 45. It uses a covariant geometric ap- proach that does not rely on the metric ansatz, and I believe, an expression that is equivalent to Eq. (69), with the proper insertion of the parameter µ as defined in Eq. (55). EMN it is worth underlining in here. Let us denote the unit vector + nA stands for the limit value at χ = 0 of the 5D Weyl ten- normal to the brane by , and the induced brane metric as (5) A B (5) sor C MANBn n , with C the 5D Weyl curvature ten- γAB = gAB − nAnB. Next we consider the extrinsic cur- C D sor. This gives the non-local effects from the free gravita- vature of the brane KAB = γA γB ∇C nD writing down the Gauss–Codacci equations tional field in the bulk, and it cancels when the bulk is purely AdS. And last but not least, the tensor πMN gives the local A M A N P Q A quadratic contribution of the brane energy momentum tensor R(4) = R(5) γM γB γC γ + 2K KB]D , (99) BCD NPQ D [C that arises from the extrinsic curvature terms. They are given

N Q P as DN KM − DM K = R(5)PQn γM , (100) 1 1 A πMN = t tMN − tMAtM where DM is the covariant differentiation with respect to 12 4 γMN . The brane Ricci tensor is then obtained by con- 1 £ ¤ + γ 3t tAB − t2 . (107) tracting the first of above equations on A and C, and one 24 MN AB C D A B C D gets R(4)MN = R(4)CD γM γN − R(4)BCDnA γM n γN + A KKMN − KM KNA. A further contraction on M and N 7. Concluding remarks will provide us with the scalar curvature R(4). All together this shall define the five-dimensional Einstein equation with Throughout the present notes, I have introduced the reader a source given by to some aspects of models with extra dimensions, where our Universe is constrained to live on a four-dimensional hyper-

TMN = ΛgMN + SMN δ(χ) , (101) surface. The study of the brane world has become a fruitful industry that has involved several areas of where we have explicitely chosen χ as the locally orthogonal in the matter of a few years. It is fair to say, however, that coordinate to the brane, without los of generality. Here, SMN many of the current leading directions of research obey spec- represents the brane energy density, which is given as ulative ideas more than well-established facts. Nevertheless, as happens with any other physics speculations, the studies SMN = −τ γMN + tMN , (102) on the brane world are guided by the principle of physical and mathematical consistency, and the further possibility of with tMN the brane energy momentum tensor, which clearly connecting the models with the more fundamental theories, M satisfies tMN n = 0. It should be noted that, properly i.e. string theory, from which the idea of extra dimensions

Rev. Mex. F´ıs. S 53 (2) (2007) 85–102 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BRANE WORLD 101 and branes has been borrowed; and so with experiments in the reader to this area of research. The list of what is left the near future. out is extensive, it includes the recent discussions on the cos- It is difficult to address the very many interesting topics mological constant problem [48], higher dimensional warped of the area, in the detail I intended here, without facing dif- spaces [49] from KK modes [50], Black Holes in ficulties with the space of these short notes. In exchange, I both ADD and RS models [51, 52], deconstruction of extra have concentrated the mainly on the construction of the main dimensions [53], and the list goes on. I urge the interested frameworks (ADD, and RS models), the calculation of the reader to turn to the more extensive reviews [17] and to hunt effective gravity interactions on the brane, and brane cos- for further references. mology. I hope these will serve the propose of introducing

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