IASSNS–HEP–99/15 hep-th/9902033 On Mirror Symmetry in Three Dimensional Abelian Gauge Theories Anton Kapustin and Matthew J. Strassler School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA kapustin,
[email protected] Abstract We present an identity relating the partition function of = 4 supersym- N metric QED to that of its dual under mirror symmetry. The identity is a gen- eralized Fourier transform. Many known properties of abelian theories can be derived from this formula, including the mirror transforms for more general gauge and matter content. We show that = 3 Chern-Simons QED and N = 4 QED with BF-type couplings are conformal field theories with exactly N marginal couplings. Mirror symmetry acts on these theories as strong-weak coupling duality. After identifying the mirror of the gauge coupling (some- times called the “magnetic coupling”) we construct a theory which is exactly mirror — at all scales — to = 4 SQED. We also study vortex-creation N operators in the large Nf limit. arXiv:hep-th/9902033v2 1 Apr 1999 1 I. INTRODUCTION Major advances in supersymmetric field theory and string theory in various dimensions have led to the understanding that it is common for apparently different quantum field theories to be quantum-mechanically equivalent. Two theories which are “dual” in this way may be thought of as two choices of variables in a path integral representation for the same generating functional. Not that such “duality relations” are new; the relation between position space and momentum space representations of quantum mechanical systems are of this type; the order-disorder-fermion representations of the Ising model, the identity of the sine-Gordon model and the Thirring model, and target-space duality in two-dimensional sigma-models are well known from two dimensions; and it has long been conjectured that = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions is a conformal field theory with aN duality symmetry.