Married at the R. G. Cathedral Yesterday Half-Yearly Meeting Of
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J 4- I. j PAGE SIX THE DAILY GlXANER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1991k ment, and to throw these men ists no special organisation for }he _ I out of work at *> moment when promotion, ot international peace in Jamaica. In Canada,' South Dismissal Notices they had been coaxed into believ Dr. Rushbrooke,M.A., Africa, Australia and other Brit ing tlint their services would not ish, Dominions and Colonies, such be dispensed with so Jong as ihey organisations do exl«t, and I Mn- rendered faithful service, was not cerely hope that Jamaicans will form oho, To Be Withdrawn the way to deal with human be- D.D., On Armistice Day HOPJBS FOR THIJf MOVK. fleje^^ al woUld chiove "I am perfectly certain that Mm eight years and bad HOT* been given ^Corporation Employees Will He waa not going to be a party to Work of League of Natioiw| ^ * Bishop ot Jamaica, whom I ha\ notice to leave. had the privilege of meeting, and Continue In Their any Union And'Alliance "Is there any such organisation There might be oilier rasr.-t, ami dlrocting its efforts to the same end the leaders of other Churches, Employment HKIHTTIOX OK SALUUKS OK some of whom I have also met, be. thought that insinul nf dis Of Churches. in the other countries?" asked the OFFICIALS. interviewer. are at one in theJr earnent dMre charging them they mUlit he able 1 for peace, and I doubt, not STAFFING QUESTION Whon they reduced salaries they af- "There are,* I>r. Runhbrooke to Mud employment Tor lin-m in EUROPE OF TO-DAY. they will And opportunities to wiv« feeted trade and commerce. If they replied, "organisation* in France expression to this desire—possibly other ilepa it MM lit- I ^ ""ly and Belgium and. other lands, Peparlment Heads Will Re* took away some of the spending in association with the World Al speaking on broad lines. Sin-siUing Close Study After Much bill except in Switzerland, Hoi- liance of Churches. power of a man, the shops and In ml and In the Scandinavian »A the propi'lelor n| n Jm.-inr^s in [_ Retrenchment si ores would fee! If. Thai would Travels Through Russia count rletf—Sweden Norway and Kingston, lu' was tct-liiij; ihe de- nol he a wise tbinv to do. He also And Other Lands. Denmark'—it cannot be said that HE QUESTION of retrench pn-Ksiuii atoii^ with mh»'t's, hut | public opinion Is folly informed Coining Case Sent ' thought that In tin re canes where and solidly behind the demand ment in the staffing of the U*> did iifif ilifnk Hiat fli".v j RMISTICE DAY, and j notices of disminsal h d been given for disarmament." To Circuit Court. * should di^rbari:e a u> oin . tor i teje^Bh^VB^a^^Baveaeb^eajj i what it stands for, is'per T various departments of the h the Council should g.v. directions Dr. Rushbrooke proceeded to UtJIEKT WALKKK t'HAJUJMJJ Corporation, involving some re then they would he increasing the A haps this year worthy of Hpeak upon another movement in that they should be withdrawn. WITH G1YINO BASE MONEY cent dismissals, and the giving 11 nemployment problem, arui I ha[ f The Deputy Mayor asked t he as much thought and prayer for the interest of peace, with which TO A HIGGLER. lie has personally been associated of notice to other employees, was a problem liiai was v«ry Town Clerk whether he knew bow the guidance qf th* world's from the very beginning. A preliminary examination was was diacusted at the meeting of slnmn in thi'ir midst. I many employees had Keen given statesmen, as during the years Mr. Carglll said Lhar Mr. M<*el(s "It is now known by the awk held on Tuesday by His Honour the Council of the Corporation notice. since the signing of the Armis ward snd lengthy title of "The Mr. Bertram Burrowes, Resident held on Tuesday, when the fol bad nut made any statement about, The Town Clerk said that he tice. Tor with our councils of World Alliance For Promoting In Magistrate for Kingston, into a lowing motion was moved by ilismlssini; anyone, hut he ihotmht could not give the numbers. peace set up and functioning, it ternational Friendship Through charge of uttering counterfeit thai ihey should <iuquire into the may well have been that at the The Churches." It began before coins preferred against Hubert Councillor W, N. Meeks: The Deputy Mayor said thai, he the War with an .effort to draw to Walker. wlnde matter. Jle thuu^bi that Mr. 11th hour of yesterday, when W'hprrns TIITP is a IIIM-IIIIC in HIP would move that all notices be with gether the Churches of Brltaln'"*nd The accused was committed to Meeks suggested that the heads of the civilised world was bowing rrvrn up *tf f hi? CarpuvMe Ami. drawn pending the report with re Germany in the interest of friend take his trial at the Home Circuit departments should go into the mut its head in memory of the glori ship. Something was accomplish Court, which meets on January whifh nf ')''' ''ssiiy m;iUo n iucum* gard to retrenchment. ter and see what could be done. ous dead of the Great "War, the ed, but the political situation was 4th. He was allowed bail in the liptii nn ihis ('nuiiril In redure ex- | Mr. Da Cost a: I seennd (bat. such that it proved impossible to sum of £50 with a surety in With regard to the dismissals, he bursting shells from enimous in pem»c». ami \\h*»rens it would appear i Mr, Cargill said thci he felt .some avert war in 19i4, Scarcely, how £ 50. Uioiijulil thai in ibut matter the the Sino-Japanose conflict were from the intimates Cor 1931-32 Uuu ; dtftU'uUy in deciding ihl_s without ever, was the war concluded, whe The Acting Clerk of the Court, i heads of departments would he belter reaping an awful toll of lives. the \&r&er organization referred to (Mr. A. D. Plxley) conducted the the number nf employees in certain knowing the facts. head of a 1 Judge* than ihe Council. Dr. J. H, Rushbrooke, M.A., above began its active wdrk. Their case for the prosecution, and ilie department?* and the amnnui expend department might be right in dis Councils are in almost every Euro accused appeared in person. ,He Mr, Duval said that he aiereeil with D.D., who 'with, Mr. Thomas S. ed for salaries could be considerably missing a man for whom he had no pean country except Russia,, and cross-examined only the arresiing Mr. Meeks, and he thought Ural ihey Penny, J.P., arrived in the island thev represent all Police Officers. reduced, bearing In mind the pre furl her work. should do their best to eftecf a .-av- last week Monday, has been, in TMM NON-HOMAN HRAXOHKR THK KVIDKXOK sent financial depression, he it re Councillor Simpson: Never mind little talks with a representative of the. Church—the Anglican, Josephine Gaynor said she was ing. But what bad been happening ! a feed at C.hrlslmas. m solved thai ihe Finance Committee lhal; give them ot the "Gleaner," referring to the Presbyterian, Baptist, Congrega a higgler On the .10th September, in the past few weekt* was thai some MR. AND MRS. ASTON LEVY: Th« Vfeddiug ot Mr. Leyf, solicitor, cud tional, Lutheran, anil so forth; in she was at the Victoria Market sel of this Council be specially directed t He then moved that the motion great work ahead of the League of the heads of departments be referred to'the Finance Commit Mis« Kinice-Maynier took-place »t Holy Trinity Cathedral yesterdayi cluding even the Eastern Ortho ling fruit. She saw Roalyn Cocklt to Investigate the staffing of the office of Nations Union, and the effort dox. These Councils have their and two men. one of whom was the HAD BKK\ KHIGHTK.NKI) tee, that all heads of departments 1 with a view to effecting economies. being made in England during the National Committees and organiza accused. Both men naked her how because of certain remarks, and they ,)e requiml to furnigh ft report on Half-Yearly Meeting tion. The President of the British she sold the sweet sops she had, In moving the motion, Councillor Married At The R. G. past months to make this year's had been Indiscriminately dlscharg- , economies, and that all Council, for example, is ihe Bishop as they wanted to purchase a lid. Meeks said ho did not think that 108sIble Cathedral Yesterday Of J. A. S, Branches Armistice Day a Witness for Peace, j of Repon. The national organiza worth. She served the accused who ing people and reducing salaries. U 110tke(| whrdl had been Riven to and a time of sincere prayer for there was any need for him to labour Holy Trinity Cathedral was the In St. Andrew Parish. tions are In turn united in an In gave her a coin like a shilling. She either meant that heads of depart- j terniinate employment be withdrawn - *i • _ _ i • r success in the Councils of State. question. that scene "of another pretty little wed ternational Committee, and of this gave him 10ad. change. As the the They had heard ments had been keeping peopla on , i„ . penuing the Teport of the P aiM e ding yesterday afternoon, when Mr. The 'agenda for the half yearly In flew of Dr.