A River Runs Through Us Ond Annual Athletic Event Featuring Diocesan Cler- Gy Members and Youth
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Serving the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Volume XXXV, No. 8 AUGUST 2015 KICKBALL WITH CLERICS Ryan Pruitt, above, was one of the over 200 esti- mated spectators in attendance Sunday, August 2, as Midland hosted Kickball with Clerics, the sec- A River Runs Through Us ond annual athletic event featuring diocesan cler- gy members and youth. For a rundown on the game and photos, please see Pgs. 12-13 and Pg. San Angelo Bishop Michael J. Sis visits the remotest area of our diocese: 24. (Photo by Karen J. Patterson) The Texas-Mexico border, south of Sanderson INSIDE ... The Synod and your family The World Meeting of Families will con- vene in Philadelphia September 22, 2015, and the Fourteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will con- vene October 4th. The theme of the Synod is "The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the World." What is the sig- nificance of these meetings for our families, and what can we do to prepare for them? / Pg. 8 Caitlyn nee Bruce The famous Olympian Bruce Jenner made headlines recently when he told ABC News, “For all intents and purposes, I’m a woman… That female side is part of me. That’s who I am.” He has been receiving hor- monal treatments to acquire feminine traits, and is not yet sure whether he will undergo DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO NONPROFIT ORG. PO BOX 1829 US POSTAGE PAID surgery to “complete” the SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 SAN ANGELO, TX process. His dramatic case PERMIT NO. 44 raises important ethical and ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED medical concerns about properly understanding our identity and respecting the given order of our bodies. / Pg. 11 A River Runs Through Us On July 11, Bishop Michael J. Sis, at left, accompanied by a handful of parishioners from St. James Parish in Sanderson, trav- eled four hours out and back across rugged, unpaved roads which took the party to the Rio Grande River, the south- ernmost, remotest border of the Diocese of San Angelo. Read the bishop’s impres- sions and see photos, Pgs. 5-6. Page 2 AUGUST 2015 The Angelus From The Bishop’s Desk College years: Faith enrichment or faith abandonment? By Bishop Michael J. Sis When choosing a college, an important question to factor into the decision is the Every year the month of August brings a availability of Catholic campus ministry. familiar scene to many families. Young Campus ministry is the active presence of La Pastoral Universitaria adults in their late teens and early twenties the Church in the university community. Obispo MIguel J. Sis ellos en ese momento fértil de desar- start the school year in colleges and universi- The first Catholic campus ministry in the rollo personal. Después de su grad- ties, sometimes very far United States began in 1883 at the Cada año, el mes de agosto trae una uación, se han convertido en líderes from home. University of Wisconsin. The first president escena común para muchas familias. activos en sus parroquias en el esta- Moms have a tear in of the Catholic Club at Wisconsin was a stu- Los jóvenes adultos en su adolescencia do, a través del país, y alrededor del their eye as they watch dent named John McAnaw. He was inspired y en sus veintes comienzan el año mundo. their child go off to to form a supportive Catholic student group escolar en los colegios y universi- Al elegir una universidad, una pre- school. Dads worry about because his professor had slandered dades, a veces muy lejos de casa. gunta importante de tener en cuenta en the finances. Young col- Catholicism during class. Las mamás tienen una lágrima en la decisión es la disponibilidad de la lege students wonder how Today, Catholic students comprise approxi- sus ojos al ver que sus hijos se van a la pastoral universitaria Católica. La pas- hard their classes will be, mately 35 percent of freshman classes on escuela. Los papás se preocupan por toral universitaria es la presencia acti- whether they will eventu- public university campuses in this country. Bishop Sis las finanzas. Estudiantes universitarios va de la Iglesia en la comunidad uni- ally graduate, and who There are approximately 5.5 million Catholic jóvenes se preguntan cuán difíciles versitaria. their friends will be. college students in the U.S., with approxi- serán sus clases, si finalmente se grad- La primera pastoral universitaria As students prepare for the new academic mately 90 percent of them attending non- uarán, y quiénes serán sus amigos. Católica en los Estados Unidos comen- year at college, they should remember to Catholic institutions. Al prepararse para el nuevo año zó en 1883 en la Universidad de bring along their faith. The college years The mission of Catholic campus ministry académico en la universidad, los estu- Wisconsin. El primer presidente del can be either a time of tremendous growth in includes the following elements: diantes deben recordar de llevar consi- Club Católico en Wisconsin era un adult faith, or a time of abandonment of reli- 4offering a welcoming faith community 4 go su fe. Los años universitarios estudiante llamado John McAnaw. Se gion, depending on the choices the student helping students appropriate the faith pueden ser o un momento de gran inspiró a formar un grupo de estudi- makes. 4forming the Christian conscience 4 crecimiento en la fe del adulto, o un antes Católicos de apoyo porque su I have seen thousands of young adults educating for justice tiempo de abandono de la religión, profesor había calumniado el catolicis- whose Catholic faith grew by leaps and 4facilitating personal development 4 dependiente en las decisiones que el mo durante la clase. bounds during their college years because and forming leaders for the future. estudiante tome. Hoy en día, los estudiantes Católicos the Church was there for them in that fertile In the territory of the Diocese of San He visto miles de jóvenes adultos consisten aproximadamente de un 35 time of personal development. After gradua- Angelo, there are many different colleges cuya fe Católica creció a pasos agigan- por ciento de las clases de primer año tion, they have become active leaders in their and universities, including Angelo State, UT tados durante sus años en la universi- parishes in the state, across the country and dad porque la Iglesia estaba allí para (Mira OBISPO/18) around the world. (Please See BISHOP/18) DIOCESAN BRIEFS Deacon completes course in Safe environment information youth ministry studies The Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is This spring, Deacon Daniel firmly committed to creating and main- Shannahan, pictured, participated in an taining the safest possible environment on-line course of for our children and young people. To study toward his report allegations of sexual abuse by Youth Ministry church personnel, contact the Victim Certification spon- Assistance Coordinator, Lori Hines. To sored by the National ensure confidentiality in her outreach to Association of victims, she can be contacted privately at Catholic Youth (325) 374-7609 (cell). Alleged victims are Ministry Leaders. advised of their right to report alleged Dan earned five abuse to civil authorities. Continuing Education Units. This course Colin Raye to play at GRN event was “Fostering a Culture of Encounter Guadalupe Radio Network for West with Young Disciples,” conducted Texas will host the 2nd annual Fishers of between April 12 – May 16, 2015. It was Men Dinner, 7 p.m., Saturday, October based on Pope Francis’ Evangelii 3, 2015, Midland Center. This year’s Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel). keynote presenter is Collin Raye, former Deacon Dan ministers at St. Ambrose country music recording artist ... San in Wall. We are proud of him as he con- Angelo Bishop Michael J. Sis will also be tinues to learn more about Youth Ministry honored at the dinner. Also appearing will and the world of adolescents. be the Texas Congratulations! - Sr. Adelina Garcia, OSF The Angelus AUGUST 2015 Page 3 CALENDARS From The Editor BISHOP SIS' SCHEDULE of Labor Day 7 Heart of Mercy Prayer It’s not everyday you can hold a miracle AUGUST Group 11 — SAN ANGELO, 11-13 Deacon Formation By Jimmy Patterson middle child by Cesarean Section was families who would have likely never Diocesan Pastoral Center, 11-13 Beginning Experience the one event over all others in my had occasion to come together other- Diocesan Campus Ministry 14 Heart of Mercy Prayer Stop me if you’ve heard this one life that I will see forever. Caring for wise. One life has made the differ- meeting, 11:00 a.m. Group before: “Let me show you a picture of our newborn son as he fought tremen- ence. One life has brought love to an 12 — SAN ANGELO, 17-20 Lubbock Deacons my grandchild ...” dous odds and faced death in his extended family where maybe there Diocesan Pastoral Center, Annual Retreat #1 No, I won’t do infancy was a trial I would wish upon had not been love before. One life has 21 Heart of Mercy Prayer Priestly Life and Formation that to you. no one, but one that was overcome provided a bond where there had not Committee meeting, 1:30 p.m. Group 15 — EDEN, Detention 24-26 San Angelo Men’s (Although if you with the help of many healthcare pro- been one before. Center, Mass, 1 p.m. ACTS Retreat want to see pic- fessionals working together with a A baby not only brings families 16 — SAN ANGELO, Christ 28 Heart of Mercy Prayer tures of my beau- God that wanted our son to live.