[email protected] 22017-TRRG_EN_PRESS_v7.indd017-TRRG_EN_PRESS_v7.indd SpreadSpread 1 ofof 4646 - Pages(90,Pages(90, 1)1) 66/10/17/10/17 55:40:40 PMPM GUUIIDDE WWEBBSITE The online version of the Guide can be found at KCTRANSGUIDE.ORG QUUEESSTIOONNSS, COMMMENNTSS, CORRREECTTIOONNSS ORR WANNT MMORRE PAAPEERR COPIEES? Email us:
[email protected] 22017-TRRG_EN_PRESS_v7.indd017-TRRG_EN_PRESS_v7.indd SpreadSpread 2 ofof 4646 - Pages(2,Pages(2, 89)89) 66/10/17/10/17 55:40:40 PMPM 2017 TRANS RESOURCE & REFERRAL GUIDE BATHROOM LAWS For many trans and gender non-conforming people, using gender separated public restrooms can be a high- ly stressful experience. On June 6th 2016, the City of Seattle passed an All-Gender Restroom Ordinance that LOVE LETTERS 4 mandates that all public single-occupancy bathrooms be DIRECTORY 10 open by people of any gender identity or sex. Signage should be present and indicate that the restroom is open Activism 12 to all genders. Arts 14 Crisis Support 16 If you find a public building in violation of this ordinance, FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE SEATTLE OFFICE OF Disability Support 17 CIVIL RIGHTS: 206-684-4500 For Elders 22 seattle.gov/civilrights/file-complaint Employment Resources 24 Health Services 26 FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS ORDINANCE, PLEASE VISIT: Housing & Shelter 32 https://seattle.gov/civilrights/programs/gender-jus- HIV/AIDS Support 40 tice-project/all-gender-restrooms/frequently-asked-ques- tions Government Services 42 Legal Aid 44 If you have a smartphone, DOWNLOAD REFUGE RESTROOMS TO SEE ALL SINGLE-OCCUPANCY Loved Ones Support 46 ALL-GENDER RESTROOMS IN YOUR AREA: refugerestrooms.org/ For Native Peoples 48 & People of Color If you need support around this, REACH OUT TO WASH- Recovery 51 INGTON SAFE ALLIANCE: Social Life 52 wasafealliance.org/ 22017-TRRG_EN_PRESS_v7.indd017-TRRG_EN_PRESS_v7.indd SpreadSpread 3 ofof 4646 - Pages(88,Pages(88, 1)1) 66/10/17/10/17 55:40:40 PMPM FOR TRANS 87 legal support services on page 44 of this guide, or contact one of the offices below to initiate a complaint.