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Congressional Record E474 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2006 the difference and embody the true spirit of HONORING THE MEMORY OF CALI- GOSPEL MUSIC WEEK the American people, which is to help out our FORNIA STATE SENATOR AL- fellow man in times of trouble. FRED E. ALQUIST HON. JIM COOPER In May, the American Red Cross will turn OF TENNESSEE 125 years old. This organization, while having HON. JIM COSTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES its roots firmly steeped in the past, is eagerly OF CALIFORNIA Thursday, March 30, 2006 looking towards the future and overcoming the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES challenges that come our way. I have con- Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, beginning this fidence they will succeed. The Red Cross is a Thursday, March 30, 2006 weekend, more than 3,000 individuals will vehicle for the common American to help their Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to gather in my hometown of Nashville to cele- neighbor and that spirit will never fade. I com- honor the memory of former California State brate one of the most exciting and fastest- mend the Red Cross for serving the United Senator Alfred E. Alquist. He is survived by growing segments of the music industry. While States and its international neighbors for 125 his wife, State Senator Elaine White Alquist; most people around the world think of Nash- years. son Alan Alquist; stepsons Peter and Bryan ville—Music City—as the place to come to White; and five grandchildren. enjoy the best country and bluegrass music in f Alfred Ernest Alquist was born in Memphis, the world, Nashville is also home to another Tennessee on August 2, 1908. He began his powerful music force: the Gospel Music Asso- PERSONAL EXPLANATION professional life as a railroad yardmaster and ciation. transportation supervisor, in which he dutifully From April 1st through April 5th, Nashville HON. MARILYN N. MUSGRAVE served for 40 years. In his time with the rail- will host Gospel Music Week. It is five days of concerts, worship services, performance OF COLORADO road industry, Senator Alquist developed and cultivated a keen interest in transportation showcases, educational seminars and exhib- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES issues. With a passion for policy nested, Sen- its, all culminating on Wednesday evening with Thursday, March 30, 2006 ator Alquist joined his local Democratic Club in the GMA Music Awards. Known as the Dove San Jose, California, which proved to be a Awards, this year’s ceremony will be held at Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Mr. Speaker, I was un- stepping stone for his political career. the Grand Ole Opry House and hosted by Re- available on the evening of Tuesday, March Ever the dedicated citizen, Senator Alquist becca St. James and Kirk Franklin, both 28, 2006, and as a result, was not able to cast embarked on the campaign trail and was Grammy and Dove Award winners them- my vote on rollcall vote 69. The matter under elected to the California State Assembly in selves. St. James and Franklin will also per- consideration was passage of the Milk Regu- 1962. After his years in the Assembly, Senator form during the evening’s program that will latory Equity Act, S. 2120. Alquist was elected to the State Senate in feature artists ranging from soulful gospel to Mr. Speaker, had I been present, I would 1966 and became the first full-time Legislature guitar driven pop to powerful quartet harmo- have recorded my vote on rollcall vote 69 as that same year. nizing and more. ‘‘yea’’ in support of passage for S. 2120, the Senator Alquist’s legislative legacy includes The sold-out event is a testimony to the Milk Regulatory Equity Act. serving as Chair of the Senate’s Budget Com- popularity and power of gospel music today. mittee for 15 years. His concern for Califor- Christian and gospel music sales have in- f nia’s future earthquake preparedness led him creased from $381 million in 1995 to over $700 million annually, an 80 percent increase TRIBUTE TO A FALLEN SOLDIER to author landmark legislation that created the state’s Seismic Safety Commission and the over the last decade. Over 43.5 million units of Energy Commission. Senator Alquist spear- Christian and gospel music CDs, cassettes, HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS headed a bill that established the Santa Clara digital albums, and digital tracks were sold in OF FLORIDA Valley Transportation Authority and was the 2005. That figure represents over 6 percent of all music sales in 2005 and ranks higher than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pioneer in leading an almost two decade effort to build a state office in San Jose, California. Latin, Soundtracks, Jazz or Classical releases. Thursday, March 30, 2006 When the building was completed in 1983, it As John W. Styll, president of the Gospel Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to was named in Mr. Alquist’s honor. Music Association has said, this growth in the pay tribute to a fallen soldier from the Ninth Senator Alquist retired from the State Legis- Christian and gospel music isn’t surprising. Congressional District of Florida. Army Ser- lature in 1996. He was 88 years old when he ‘‘The heart of gospel music may be in the geant Michael D. Rowe, from New Port ended his tenure and made history by becom- lyrics, but the soul is in the passion with which Richey, Florida, was killed by a roadside bomb ing the State Senate’s longest-serving mem- these artists perform.’’ in Rutbah, Iraq. His death came just before his ber. Clearly, the world is passionate about gos- 24th birthday. Senator Alfred Ernest Alquist passed away pel music and the many outstanding artists who will appear in Nashville in the coming Michael’s decision to join the military dem- on Monday, March 27, 2006 at the age of 97. days. I salute each of these individuals, and onstrates his dedication and service to this na- I had the great pleasure of being Senator the Gospel Music Association, as they prepare tion. Following high school, our young people Alquist’s seatmate while we served together in for the 37th Annual GMA Music Awards and have many opportunities and wide open doors the Senate. Senator Alquist touched the lives Gospel Music Week and another year of in- to pursue their dreams. Michael chose the of many people and his legacy will remain spiring performances that touch the hearts and path of the Army because he believed that it vivid for generations to come. His genuine souls of music lovers worldwide. was his honor and duty to serve his nation concern and vision for the future have all and protect our freedom. In fact, he had told made the state of California a much better f his mother that the Army would be his career place. REGARDING RESOLUTION OF IN- and had re-enlisted for another four years of f QUIRY SEEKING DOCUMENTS service shortly before he died. He did not CONCERNING WHITE HOUSE choose this path because he thought that he PERSONAL EXPLANATION KNOWLEDGE OF THE CONSTITU- would one day become a war hero or that this TIONAL INFIRMITY OF S. 1932 career would provide him a lucrative and ex- HON. DAN BOREN travagant life. OF OKLAHOMA HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN I know it has been a very hard and difficult IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA time for Michael’s family and friends, espe- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cially since Michael’s wife, Rebecca, is expect- Thursday, March 30, 2006 ing their first child in July. I hope they know Mr. BOREN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Nos. Thursday, March 30, 2006 that the nation thanks him for his service and 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 59, 60, and Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, today, I and a we appreciate the sacrifices they had to make 63, had I been present, I would have voted number of my colleagues are introducing leg- for us as well. ‘‘yes’’. islation to investigate the White House’s Let freedom ring where all can hear it and Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Nos. 44, 46, 53, 54, knowledge of the constitutional defects of S. let Sergeant Michael Rowe’s memory be eter- 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, and 67, had I 1932, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, at the nal. been present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ time the President signed the bill into law. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:05 Mar 31, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30MR8.045 E30MRPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS March 30, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E475 On February 8, 2006, President Bush bus Reconciliation Act of 2005. During the House and Senate had voted for different bills, signed into law a version of S. 1932 that was House-Senate conference committee on the the House having adopted a version that pro- different in substance from the version the bill, a significant last-minute issue arose in the vided for 36 months for DME and the Senate U.S. House of Representatives passed on conference involving how long Medicare having adopted a version that provided for 13 February 1, 2006. The House-passed version should pay for durable medical equipment, months. of the legislation required the Medicare pro- DME. Existing Medicare law provided for pay- Because the budget legislation originated in gram to lease ‘‘durable medical equipment,’’ ments for DME by Medicare under a fee the Senate, the official version was returned to such as wheelchairs, for seniors and other schedule for an unlimited period of time.
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