Supplementum 228 (May 17, 2018)

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Supplementum 228 (May 17, 2018) SMW Established in 1871 Swiss Medical Weekly Formerly: Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift An open access, online journal • Supplementum 228 Joint Annual Meeting ad Swiss Med Wkly Swiss Society of Paediatrics, Swiss Society of Paediatric 2018;148 May 17, 2018 Surgery and Swiss Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Lausanne (Switzerland), May 24/25, 2018 Abstracts TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 S Oral Communications 2 S O01 – O02 Plenar Session SwissPedNet 2 S O03 – O09 Presentations NaCHwuchs 5 S O11 – O16 Workshop – Swiss PedNet 1 8 S O17 – O23 Workshop – Swiss PedNet 2 10 S O24 – O31 Oral Presentations SSP 1 12 S O32 – O39 Oral Presentations SSP 2 15 S O40 – O50 Gong show 18 S O51 – O56 Oral Presentations SSCP 1 20 S O58 – O64 Oral Presentations SSP 3 23 S O65 – O72 Oral Presentations SSPPEA 1 Posters 25 S P001 – P103 Posters 55 S PF01 – PF18 Poster Flash 1 61 S PF19 – PF36 Poster Flash 2 66 S PF37 – PF54 Poster Flash 3 Index of first authors 72 S Impressum Editorial board: © EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd. All communications to: Listed in: Prof. Adriano Aguzzi, Zurich (ed. in chief) (EMH), 2018. The Swiss Medical Weekly EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd. Index Medicus / MEDLINE Prof. Manuel Battegay, Basel is an open access publication of EMH. Swiss Medical Weekly Web of science Prof. Jean-Michel Dayer, Geneva Accordingly, EMH grants to all users Farnsburgerstrassse 8 Current Contents Prof. André P. Perruchoud, Basel on the basis of the Creative Commons CH-4132 Muttenz, Switzerland Science Citation Index (senior editor) license “Attribution – Non commercial – Phone +41 61 467 85 55 EMBASE Prof. Christian Seiler, Berne No Derivative Works” for an unlimited Fax +41 61 467 85 56 Prof. Peter Suter, Genève (senior editor) period the right to copy, distribute, dis- [email protected] Guidelines for authors play, and perform the work as well as to The Guidelines for authors are published Head of publications make it publicly available on condition on our website Natalie Marty, MD ([email protected]) that (1) the work is clearly attributed to Cover photo: Submission to this journal proceeds totally the author or licensor (2) the work is not © Amanda Ponce | on-line: Papers administrator used for commercial purposes and (3) Gisela Wagner ([email protected]) the work is not altered, transformed, or ISSN printed supplement: 1661-6855 built upon. Any use of the work for com- ISSN online supplement: 2504–1622 mercial purposes needs the explicit prior authorisation of EMH on the basis of a written agreement. PLENAR SESSION SWISSPEDNET 2 S O01 O02 DIAGNOSTIC PERFORMANCE OF AN UNSUPERVISED THE SIMPLE 10-ITEM PARC TOOL PREDICTS CHILDHOOD ELECTRONIC STETHOSCOPE FOR COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED ASTHMA IN AN EXTERNAL VALIDATION COHORT CHILDHOOD PNEUMONIA IN A PAEDIATRIC EMERGENCY E. S. Pedersen1,*, B. Spycher1, C. de Jong1, F. Halbeisen1, DEPARTMENT: A FEASIBILITY CASE-CONTROL STUDY A. Ramette2, E. Gaillard3, A. J. Henderson4, R. Granell5, C. E. Kuehni6 B. Mohamed-Rida1,2,*, P. Starkov3, S. Manzano1, F. Hugon1, 1Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine; 2Institute for Infectious J. Solà i Caros3, A. Gervaix1 Diseases, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3University of 1Pediatric Emergency Department, University Hospital of Geneva; Leicester, Leicester; 4School of Social and Community Medicine, 2Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva, Geneva; University of Bristol; 5Paediatric Respiratory Department, Bristol Royal 3CSEM, Neuchâtel, Switzerland Hospital for Children, Bristol, United Kingdom; 6Institute of Social and Introduction: With 1 million deaths, pneumonia is the leading cause Preventive Medicine, Bern, Switzerland of child mortality under five years of age worldwide. World Health Introduction: External validation of prediction models is important Organization (WHO) developed a case management algorithm for the for assessing applicability in populations other than the development diagnosis of pneumonia. We primary aimed to characterise population. The Predicting Asthma Risk in Children (PARC) tool, auscultation sounds by a digital stethoscope in acute lower respiratory developed in the Leicestershire Respiratory Cohort (LRC), uses infection and to develop an integrated algorithm to precise if these information on preschool respiratory symptoms to predict asthma at physiopathological patterns could be differentiated from normal clinical school age. We performed an external validation of PARC using the auscultation. We also compared automated lung sounds analysis with Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). current WHO algorithm for consolidated bacterial pneumonia. Methods: We defined inclusion criteria, prediction score items and Methods: An electronic stethoscope was evaluated (Littman 3200) in outcomes in ALSPAC to match those used in LRC. The prediction an ongoing feasibility prospective case-control study at the paediatric score was calculated as the sum of score-points from each scoring emergency department of the Geneva University Hospital from item. We assessed discrimination of PARC by calculating sensitivity, January 2016 to December 2017. Inclusion criteria were clinical specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios, receiver operator curves diagnostic of a chest infection, age <5 years and signed informed and area under the curve (AUC). Overall performance was assessed consent by legal representative. Two experts in respiratory paediatrics using Brier score and Nagelkerke’s R-squared. Sensitivity analyses segmented inspiratory from expiratory time and labelled each were performed by altering the definitions of inclusion, scoring items segmentation. Chest sounds were first transformed into Mel- and outcome. spectrograms, and patches were created for the machine learning Results: The ALSPAC validation population included 2690 children process. A pipeline containing a Convolutional Neural Network and a with preschool respiratory symptoms of which 373 (14%) had asthma Hidden Markov Model was used for inspiratory and expiratory event at school age. Discriminative performance of PARC was equally good prediction. Inter-observer reliability of lung auscultation sounds was in ALSPAC (AUC = 0.77, Brier score 0.13) as in LRC (0.78, 0.22). The assessed by using Fleiss’Kappa. Association between manual and score cut-off of 4 showed the best sensitivity (69%) and specificity computer generated respiratory rates was performed using Pearson (76%). Changes to inclusion criteria, scoring items or outcome correlation coefficient. Local Ethics Committee approved this protocol. definitions barely altered the prediction performance. Results: We recruited 60 cases, analysed 48 patients in a complete Conclusion: PARC performed equally well in the validation cohort as cases analysis, and 5 controls, with 424 recordings segmented and in the development cohort. PARC is a valid tool for predicting asthma analysed. Mean age was 31 months, with 32 males and 16 female in birth cohorts and its use in clinical practice is ready to be tested. patients. Mean time procedure was 5.2 minutes [4.1–6.3]. We diagnosed 21 bacterial pneumonia, 5 viral pneumonia, and 22 Funding: SNF32003B_162820 bronchiolitis. For bacterial pneumonia, inter-observer reliability among Disclosure of Interest: None declared the experts was good, with a Fleiss’ Kappa of 0.89 [0.77–0.92], CI 95%. This method significantly differentiates consolidated bacterial pneumonia from other patterns of auscultation, with an Area Under Curve of 0.89 [0.79–0.99], significantly higher than the WHO algorithm specificity. Conclusion: The digital stethoscope provides a good diagnostic performance. This method is more objective and can be more readily standardized than subjective auscultation. It could become an unsupervised diagnostic tool for paediatric pneumonia diagnostic in low-resource settings. Disclosure of Interest: None declared PRESENTATIONS NACHWUCHS O03 Results: AQP1 expression significantly increases cell water AQP1 INFLUENCES CELL WATER PERMEABILITY permeability as measured by stopped flow analysis. This effect can AND MOBILITY IN NEUROBLASTOMA CELLS be visualized by confocal microscopy. There are significant changes 1,* 2 1 1 in cell motility depending on the level of AQP1 expression and AQP1 S. Gros , M. Lomora , U. Kym , S. Holland-Cunz localization. 1Pediatric Surgery, University Children’s Hospital Basel UKBB; 2 Conclusion: Neuroblastoma cell permeability and motility is Physical Chemistry, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland influenced by the varying the levels of AQP1 expression thus Introduction: Cell water permeability has been implicated in modifying their ability to move. The potential of tumor cell to adapt their mechanisms of tumor cell migration and agility. Aquaporin 1 (AQP1) is behavior by changing AQP1 expression might significantly contribute a water channel that is up regulated in several solid tumors. The aim of to tumor cell migration and the development of metastases. this study was to elucidate how AQP1 expression influences functional behaviour of neuroblastoma cells. Plaschke Prize: I wish to apply Methods: Cell permeability of neuroblastoma cells was visualized I have read and understand application rules: Ye s using confocal microscopy and quantified using stopped flow analysis. Disclosure of Interest: None declared For assessment of AQP1 dependent cell motility AQP1 knockdown cells were compared to AQP1 positive cells. SWISS MEDICAL WEEKLY 2018;148 (SUPPL 228) WWW.SMW.CH PRESENTATIONS
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