Hart Phinneynames Selectedcontestants Critical Fraternity Friction Vs. Res. C
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V C0 ' I U ^3 CV Htffai'wsf Borge To Present Performance Tonight HARTFORD «&M w Weather Ef/nm-hti Fair Letters Coverall Cloudy— (See PJJ«?| Psliaw "(Eonttprttrut ia% (Eamptta ^Serving Storrs Since 1896" VOL CXIV, No. 44 Oliices in Student Union Building STORRS, CONNECTICUT Complete UPI Wire Service WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30. I960 Hart PhinneyNames Movement Of /trot her Reveals — SelectedContestants Critical Fraternity The contestants vieing (or Kent and Jacque;> n I'lanrhcn. fmahsts tor her couit will he Miss University Of Connecticut were chosen from the Dairy chosen at this coffee. Also al were announced today by Hart Queen's Contest. tending these coffee will be Friction Vs. Res. C. Phinney, chalman of the In all cases. If the list nf Miss Diana Klog, last year's Queen's Contest tine queen's courts is not com- "Miss University of Conn." Tiie sudden administrative been threatened bj Mrs Smith other Incidents he deai ,i in othei from his A. in past years, the Com- piete. it is because the con- and Donald Wilson. AP lo have Ihem movo unless as "pettj." faunity Chest Carnival Queen testant is no longer in school. * fraternii i lelta (!hl they behave." - President to an indc|>einlcut dorm has Ambrose said Mr Cohen or will be a "Queen of Queens.'' (offer Tomorrow Queen's Float Contest According to (raternitj mem dered him lo move on the baa. brought io light s warning to ben in thai -he will be chosen Tne ,jlsl Queen., Coffpe to A contest is under way now I he inn ii of .i listing of slleged pre- fiom the queens and their ,.,,,. •. r. the iraiein.iv lo "clear up" a ,i,.„, „!,„.,, reeulted In Am vious incidents, as well as i ist sp|p,t l to choose t.'ie living unit win. i courts who have reigned over »«" niveralty ol "situation" involving its real brose's transfer was pan of a week's (allure it pass the cof- I'coiin activities In the past necticut will be held tomor- will construct the Queen's e counselot oi fa< e the i "silent treatment and tee.' possibility of being pui ofi year. row night at 8 p.m. at Chi float for the carnival parade policy of non-cooperation" bj Ordered Out Among the contestants se- Phi. Judges for this coffee Following the tradition which. campus. ihe (raternitj brothers to Mrs, lected are: from the Junior will be Mr. Skipper, the U- Moved Out He ii-t,-ii in,Idents in vvhlcti was set up last year, each Smith. he fell Mrs. Smith "hod" lo Prom, Donna Carluccio, Mar- briarian; Dr. John Rankin and I ii-ha Chi Brother Raj mond silent Treatment about him, Aniin ose -,nd "I lo ilyn Koval, Deborah Mariani. Dr. Stanley Wcdlicrg of the living unit will be given an opportunity to submit a draw- A. Aniin ose was ordered The "alien! treatment" eled nol stand outside Ol her i Judith Qangemi and Dorothy faculty; Mr. Russell Gavitt, ing of their proposed Idea foi da] by Men's Housing H ed in ihe brothers, aci ording and glare al her. All the broth- Bowciing. Contestants from cianman of tihe Community Sumnor Cohen, to move from Homecoming are: Marian Cheat Carnival; and Mr. Hart- the construction of the queen': io them, »as In luin s repris- ers play Ihe Hi Fi loud It's a the (raternitj to Utchfleld al to Mrs Smith (oi their (eel new one with a 50-Watl ampli- Davison, NeitCy Macavvlry, ly Phinney. chairman of the float. Hall. Beverlv Ruoff, Jane Karsten, Queen's Committee. The eonteet -loses at noon Ing u was she uho was respon- fier." and Judith Wright; from the Al this Coffee, ten contes- On April 7. lhat afternoon. oilier than scknowledging ilble (or Iheli being placed on He offered sn Incident In Military Ball, Heather Nunn, tants will be chosen, who will Russ Gavitt, CCC Uhairman ihe movemenl ol the student, nocial probation las) week. The which Mrs. Smith allegedlj or- Patricia Nelson, Doris Brown- return to the second coffee to Han Phinney. Queens Chan Mr. Cohen declined to com brotheii says Mrs, Smith ds dered ins ,,iicampus data out lee and llvie Joe. be held at Alpha Gamma Rho man. and Don Wilson am men) to the Daily CaMpas nlea having called Ihe main of the Delta Chi lounge on A From the Winter Weekend on April 5. Mr. Skipper, Dr. George Ulrlch, Carnival Asalt when contacted yeeterday. lenance men who (ound the non-party nlghi while he was royalty comes Leslie Barrett. Rankin, and Dr. H',iiiips will tants, will chooae Uiewlnnlnj Ambrose, student leaders, beer keg which led* to their to go upstall s In oh1.mi sitme Cues. Cah be tine judges for this coffee, "oat from the entires submit- and (raternitj men have said being placed on probation Am thing (ram ins room, gent Micheai Fitzpatrle and along with Russel Qavltt and ted. The winning house will lhat Ambrose's movement ws brose and sn officer claim Gillson said he h ul been Patricia Edele; »nd the remain- Hart Phinney from Alpha Phi be notified alter Spring vaca- ins punishment (or slleged ihey "have evidence" to Ins warned In a fao.illv member ing two contestants, Gayle Omega. The queen and four lion. "disrespectful" Incidents invol contrai . "not to lei this IStOrJ I gel In- vlng Mrs. itose Smith, Delta Ambrose, s Senior pharmaej in the ■ i (ally) Camp When Victor Borge steps onto the stage of the Uni- Chi resident counselor. student, admits uni having co- operated with Mrs Smith »t Ambrose said he would like versity oi Connecticut's Auditorium tonight, the audience ii-v President Russell March lo be able lo relui n tor 1 ll> Etkind And Bonitati will see a man who might well be tagged "the modern day ASCI I'l esidenl Fill Ic Hales and Ihe Delta Chi dinner 'able last dencc to the house. Qlllson Bald Ulysses/' Wednesday, bul claims thai he Delta Ohl President elect Bill Amhnise is IWl allowed at This will mark Mr. Borge's third annual henrfit per- Is henig unfairij treated in Gillaon told the Dally Osmpua present to enter the house fur formance at the University. All proceeds from this will Ihey have been called 10 view n( the (act because he Debate Party Ideas go to the University's scholarship fund. This scholarship tonlghl with Di David C. Phil- «es participating In a geneiai meals, lounge purposes or \ is- fund was established when Mr. Borge first appeared in I ting, By IAHDBA (iOLD slinging". He felt that Miss Et- wages. He said that a raise in lips, [PC UWUltJ advisor, and pollcj of aloofness to Mis. the wages was passed by the 1951. Smith. "Ann has torn down muoh kind'i letter was "Weil-timed" At Mr. Borge's first performance at Uconn. a new current Delia CM president. of what we have tried to build for one "not meant to influ- siate legislature two years house record was made with 300 fans seated on the stage. ii.ii i > Atwood, concerning the Krletlmi In Past Schecriter And up," stated Robert Bonitati ence people in the coming elec- ago. Miss Etkind retorted that Tickets can still be bought at either the auditorium "situation." Fraternity and IFC leaders Pendleton Lock during a fiery debate between tion." student workers at the Uni- or the HUB. At present there are Student unreserved tick- Mrs. Smith was not s\ ill have said there have In ihe Whether or not the number the Senior Senator and Ann varsity of Connecticut do not ets for one dollar: 4 tickets at two dollars: 6 tickets at able tor comment yesterday i, ,s- I,,,, n marked Instances of Jaws On WHUS Etkind, vice president of the of bills introduced is a good come under State minimum three dollars: and several tickets at tour dollars. Tickets fi ii lion between the fratei nity I conn's tWO Semite will be sold at tht door tonight. —(Campus Photo) afternoon. lEd. Note; Resident Senate last night over WHl'S criteria for judging Student wage laws. cm leloi - are normally "off' and Mis Smith. President Ul candidates from 7:15 to 8 p.m. Acting as Senators was debated. The ISO aflei noons. I Ambrose admits having had will exchange views to- had initiated 21 bills and mo- night over WHUS, Matt moderator was Richard Rice, Heti!""* To Pass Coffee previous (rictlon with Mrs, Station .News Director. tions during the past senate Smith, notably an Incident las) ■checMar (ISOI ami .loe A fraternity official told the IVnilleton (IS* I will The. special broadcast was session and the USA had ini- Flag Waving- 'Just A Joke '- Fall In Which he and I wo com- Daily Campus ill it his (rater- lu.-sent their Ideas III " requested alter a letter by tialed one. p.,1 ions IUMI Mis. Smith's door Bonitati cited examples of tniv had been warned by a closed late at night. But, he HTCI dnhaas at 7:16 tonight Miss Etkind appeared in the high university official to which will lie rebroadcaat Daily Campus Monday com- senators who had never pro- ■ays, be admitted io \f*. Co- "clear- up" Us situation con- .a at i" c paring compaign promises of posed bills during their senate At Civil Rights Day March hen having done this, and hav- cerning Mas Smith, ui lacs be Topic* of illiM-usslon the two parties. careers but were lar from inel- ing apologised to the fraterni- ficient such as Set [to Sine Several student leaders have panying bund music has come the march was not taken as a ing pin off campus, will he the IMIHIIIOII of The article stated that: "ISO ty, Mrs.