Prison Ombudsman Listens to Inmates GOP Leader Vows Bv Brent Lavmon Three Assistants Work for the Rections Officials Accept the Om­ Policy That They’Re Never Wrong

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Prison Ombudsman Listens to Inmates GOP Leader Vows Bv Brent Lavmon Three Assistants Work for the Rections Officials Accept the Om­ Policy That They’Re Never Wrong CONNECTICUT U.S./WORLD \ u ll Official defuses Villagers want Wobbly Whalers prison tensions Duvalier out continue losing ... page 11 ... page 5 ... page 9 maiidiPBtpr HpralJi Manchester — A City ol Village Charm Monday. Feb. 10, 1986 U.S. expects Marcos victory Bv United Press Internatlonol ' The administration, breaking its silence, today expressed concern about rep o rt^ electorai fraud in the Philip­ pines, but called on both sides to "work together to form a viable government without violence.” “ We’ve seen the reports of violence and fraud,” White House spokesman Larry Speakes told reporters. “ We're concerned, but the outcome of the election is not clear and the facts are not in.” With President Ferdinand Marcos and challenger Corazon Aquino neck- and-neck in unofficial tabulations of an election now in the hands of the Marcos-dominated parliament, the White House declined comment on the possible outcome. However, the administration was known to expect a Marcos victory and in its first official comments in days indicated that Marcos must somehow accommodate the Aquino-led opposi­ tion with political, economic and military reforms. The parliament, where members of Marcos’ New Society Movement ruling party heavily outnumber the opposi­ tion, is charged with untangling results of the election and determining a winner. It adjourned four hours after opening without counting a ballot. A White House-appointed observer team issued a damning report on the voting and ballot-counting today before returning to Washington to turn over its findings to President Reagan. “ The word 'clq,an‘ Is absolutely foreign and obviously not appropriate An exhausted Filipino takes an impromptu nap today began the task of untangling the results to what we have observed,” said Sen. of Friday’s election, but it adjourned without Richard Lugar, R-Ind.. Senate Foreign at a Manila intersection late Sunday near some Relations Committee Chairman and now-faded campaign posters for President counting a ballot. head of the White House observer Ferdinand Marcos. The Philippine parliament group. Aquino told a prayer rally attended U. iresidnitP by about 5,000 people in Manila that Duvalier,” referring to the recent walked off their jolt late Sunday, Batasang Pambansa — shouting down Sendcei O M i^ &<r a 40-yil Marcos, who has ruled the Philippines abdication and flight of Halt ian dictator charging there nad been massive attempts to raise cheers for Marcos. falsification of results to favor Marcos. iisncb^farp said iii a Tccanli for 20 years, was “ staring defeat in the Jean-Claude Duvalier last week. “ Cory, Cory,” the spectators chanted Marcos, interviewed on ABC's “ Good face.” An Aquino supporter riding a banner- until Speaker Nicano Yniquez warned Morning America.” said, “ We have the “ Let me be absolutely clear,” she draped truck bound for the parliament them to “ keep your cool” or he would ^Jwwwtte<ialf-«ui>p<»gtlng.' |i evidence in our legal department said. “ We are going to take power. The building was shot and killed following close the gallery. Tally sheets for 60 r '' But Susag. who t>Ss teen act{ showing that it’s the other way around people have won this election. The only the rally, and his female companion cities, provinces and districts repres­ > committees, salld the town f question left is when 1 shall take power was grazed by a bullet, Makati Medical — that it's the oppositon that's been mostdn s trin g tli| iieods <1 enting 44 percent of the vote were in their name." Center officials said. buying” votes and cheating. delivered to the parliament. Vrom his freouedit troveljg. Aquino warned members of the The early presidential election Fri­ “We have (film) clips, we have |>oQi te‘0 reitresentative oft parliament their count should be fair. day was marred by charges of vote­ pictures, and we have sworn state­ Another 500 demonstrators milled ; of GlolMl Mi|tetri*B of. tte' “ The people will watch the Batasans buying. intimidation, ballot theft, unex­ ments on the this matter," Marcos said. around in the Parliament lobby and ' Churches anii. as a'- del every move, and I serve warning to its plained counting delays and a “ Now. what kind of evdence do they thousands more waited on the lawns FriendshioJtorce^^^ members they must act like the tabulation scandal. At least 73 people have?” outside for the lawmakers to begin their representatives of the people they died in election-day violence. The 3,000 clapping and cheering work and end the suspense of the ’ tbotpopp^iMrevei^n^tM inconclusive unofficial tabulations. die ghtt of peace... | claim to be.” she said. In the most dramatic protest against Aquino supporters vastly outnumbered One Aquino backer carried a poster alleged fraud by Marcos, 30 employees pro-government forces in the galleries Riot police moved in to seperate the two <■ , Ho said mat when tectrptti groups and keep the peace. <,Union and China. :Vltevert saying, “Marcos: Why not follow of the government vote-counting center of the nation's parliament — the ^ any people that wemoteic^ ipfi^that rame^ infbhtr : of people.’'’ . Besides the Community Latin ministers urge end to Contra aid Stung has served on a co., — a t u f b ^ congregate bousing and thcl, jf^f^SIdiliea- and Japan. The Caraballeda document also calls ' tion, and has been active I irchrifolificat By Brian Barger Their visit marks the most formida­ The Associated Press ble diplomatic challenge to date the The declaration calls for the removal for freezing the region’s military and human service activitiar Reagan adminsitration has faced in its of all foreign military advisers from the buildup, removing ail foreign military Tfie Mtiniteapolis native n||< WASHINGTON — Eight Latin Ameri­ efforts against Nicaragua's leftist region, a suspension of foreign military bases, and respect for political plural­ (hr to work as an engineer aitj can foreign ministers are urging the government. maneuvers, a halt to support for ism and human rights. : and sald'he and his wife h Reagan administration to stop support­ guerrilla armies and respect for The Washington visit comes less than The initiative revived the stalled . tbeir decision to relocate, ing anti-government rebels in Nicara­ self-determination and territorial .sov­ Contadora Group negotiations, begun Susag is-as direct today gua , and instead put its muscle behind a a month after the foreign ministers met ereignty of each country. in Caraballeda, Venezuela, where they three years ago by Mexico, Colombia, the iBoard of fiducatt negotiated settlement to Central Amer­ Administration officials have been Venezuela and Panama. ica’s conflicts. worked out a new regional peace sharply critical of Cuban and East-bloc servingior fiveyearsi Boart! initiative, known as the Caraballeda the- time that they %rouklsii|^^ia The foreign ministers also want the military advisers in Nicaragua, but Congress is preparing to consider an administration to resume bilateral Message. have been reluctant to consider the administration request for up to $100 dOdtcatioo and fc»thrightna|B|Jv^.i^. talks with the Sandinista government in removal of American military person­ million in aid to CIA-organized rebels Soaog left Pratt k W hiti^ftlM l. "I hSta Argentine Foreign Minister Dante Nicaragua. The United States broke off Caputo said upon arrival in Washington nel from El Salvador and Honduras, as fighting to overthrow the Nicaraguan tte wo^ retire,” he said, bdonPft is taken to the talks last year. on Sunday that he hoped to win U.S. the declaration calls for. government. mean that someone is no MMir Representing Colombia. Mexico, P a­ backing for the plan, which he called The administration has been support­ Last week. 31 moderate-to- society. ■ t nama, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, “ the only peaceful road to resolve the ing Nicaraguan anti-government guer­ conservative House Democrats wrote Turn to page 3 for excerpt^ the infe^ieiK' Peru and Uruguay, the foreign minis­ problems” in Central America. rillas, known as Contras, contending President Reagan urging him to i:\with herald reporter Susan ters are meeting today with Secretary Caputo said the declaration has been Central America's security is endan­ postpone the aid request, and to of State George P. Shultz and other endorsed by 13 Latin American nations, gered by Nicaragua’s close relationship “ unequivocally” back Central Am eri­ administration officials. the European Economic Community with Cuba and the Soviet Union. can peace talks. Former judge, director among TODAY’S HERALD Budget law has Democrats’ charter selections Fund-raiser starts Index legislators wary By Alex GIrelll consider two sections of the charter that David S, De La Mater of Spruce 20 pages, 1 section Herald Reporter require a separate and f avorable vote within HARTFORD (UPI) — No one knows exactly what it Street was walking home in will mean, but state officials already are bracing to the district before consolidation can occur, October when he was hit by a car cope with the possible loss of millions of dollars in Former Superior Court Judge Jay E. Rubinow is one of the framers of the 1947 and thrown 120 feet. He broke eight 17 Rubinow is among five members who will be Town Charter. Coltman is a former town 18-19 federal aid under federal deficit-cutting legislation. bones, including both legs, his There are widely varying estimates of just how named by Manchester Democrats Tuesday director and a former member of the Board arms and some ribs. Today he P n m i r c 8 much the Gramm-Rudman-Hollingsbalanced-budget night to a commission whose chief task will of Education. Schaffer is executive director 4 .8 began traveling up and down Main P.nnnflr.tiriit law could cost Connecticut and its municipal be to consider changes that could pave the of the Instititute for Public Service.
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