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9-27-1967 Kabul Times (September 27, 1967, vol. 6, no. 151) Bakhtar News Agency

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PAGE 4 • -' Political MefdOraitiVis't05Pl far preCise C11leulatfonl / (Cantil fr<>m page 2) htIcal torees are at play m the nuclear confrontation, as aggres­ SIve alliances, the cold war has .clsa· greatlY thawed, and thIs marks important progress But now we see a resurgenge ft Profit .. ot rLvalry m the more mdlrect Pre,Jtlge fo11DS of m tervenflomSll1 and m all manner ot antI-Charter s0­ Port8bUlty phistrY We maY approPriately ask has the cold war gone un­ derground- Has It shifted from representaHVC,J/T Parconl PlUCE AF 3 the bIg bombs to the small na­ ~ ne~ t .... r\glv~\ih f'" th tIons? concepts of IJDPlementatlon; Mocumbl ese l Igllres to e If thIS IS so, then the world We WIll have to re~ocus our VI­ press 01), the occasIOn of Moumbl­ faces a new type of power at!'­ SIOn on the new hOrIzons, to que S&ll~arity Week wblcl!<,~as been Big 4 Sit Down With TRant uggle, thIS one wIthout even the apply new remedIes for new orgamsed here J f I I moral JustifIcatIon of an Ideo­ maladIes and to meet new ex­ Mocumbl said Fre)!mo fgrces had 10IDcal crusade The partiea pectations WIth new hopes aUacked '2~~ p,ortu!IUese ml1llsry ba In! First Meeting Since 1965 themselves have tIme and agam In short, we shall be called ses Wllh: mor\!'rs, destroying or ba- , Sept 27, his major pohcy Btatement to the dIsavowed t/Je pUrsUIt of pohcles upon to accord recogmtlon to dIy ,1i,maglDll them _ (Reu,er)~The first gathe~lni of the General Assembly based on IdeologIes, and this IS what IS now the ObVIous-that Frchmo had also destroyed morc big four foreIgn minIster. sIDce 1965 On RhOdesia, Brown said BrItain happIly eVIdent In Europe and ours IS a world of seethmg chan­ than 100 Portuguese military venl­ was the centre of attention at the , In...ted ,1lDd wilL continue to insist to some extent between the two ge-revolutionary change, but cies of all sorts and four aIrcraft, KABUL, Sept 27, (Bakhtar)­ UN yesterday, wIth delegates look on raCial non-disCrlmination and Mlm~ter dalton stone of 20·bed annex to the ing for some signs of agreement on gIant powers Therefore, what that these mutat,ons themselves and had also sabotagcd roads and Pubhc Heallh MISS Kub­ Kabul Matermty House guaranteed progress towards majo-­ can the new struggle portend, are not always eVIdent In such bndges ra Nourul yesterday laId the foun- Vietnam and the MIddle Easl rity rule and full democratic gov­ a dynamIC world all elements­ Her Royal H,ghness Pnncess No deciSions were expected to be evemment' but a stnVlng tor power-not Mocpmbi saId thaI 1J1 the semI­ Khatol, WIfe of HRH Prmce Ahmad for prmclple-but for power It­ pohtIcal and eConomlC~re In taken but some feeling of relief waa On Southwest AfrIca, Brown said hbcrated" rcgJOns under: Frelfmo , Shah, was among those present at expre.sed at tbe fact that all four lIa self-raw, naked power, rooted a perpetual state of transitIon, control 10 Cabo Delgado !,Ild N,a­ HM Receives the ceremony it was matter of great regret" m purely selfIsh, natIOnal mter­ and only one factor remaIns fIX­ ssa prOVInces the popu\alton lhad gtw had agreed to attend the "working to Brltain that the Unlled Nal1pns The eIght-room annex WIll cOS! dlDner" gIven last mght by Secrotary­ ests and tactIcally translated ed our goal for world peace, our AI 600,000 • bad "not been prepared to Ibrilt It­ mto actIons that play havoc with steadfast determmatIon to attam French Scholar General U Thant .elf to acUon which Is clearly prac the dehcate structure of world that goal And thIS undymg hop£: In a bnef speech on the occasion British Foreign Secretary Georll'l tical ahd Positive" By A Stall Wrlter MISS Nourzat SOld that when the Brown descrIbed South A.(rlca'a Britain supported limited but peace? we shall never abandon Prof Andre Mathlot, dIrector ot Thank you Kabul Maternity House was ope,ClI apartheid syslem ... "detestable' In constructive proposal. for the terrl­ More dangerous IS the fact French Juridical mission in Kabul ,t had only a few beds, since at that thIS new rivalry goes on torr, Includlni a proposal for a University wa. received in audJence that time not mnny women would behInd the facade of so-called UnIted Nll'Uons special representa­ last nIght by HIS Majesty the KIng go to It BUf now more and more tive coexIstence Of course we Can 10 Gulkhana Palace Jordan Hopeful Of Talks Open On Aid womcn have been seeking Its SCT The resolution adopted at the only welcome evey step that Mathiot hils been here a month furthers a chmate of coexIsten­ VIces and so the PubliC Health General A.sembly's lut seSllon, lecturing at the College at Law, u~ ;:J Mideast Solution ce among the powers but th,s To Small Firms Wilson Wants End Pak Ministry has drawn plans for however, seemed to contain "what is obser ving the work of the French larger and modern moternIty hou now clearly Impoulble of achiew should Dot be hmlted to the affiliatIOn team there bIg powers It should not beco , Sept 26 (AFP)-A Centre For FRG se She hoped work on the project ment" and thus offered no solution flve-day conference aImed at Of VeitDmp. War An expert In the constitutional and would begm soon to the problem me theIr monOpoly and theIr sole adtmmstrative law Prof Mathiot Is blessmg It should not be to the heIpmg small and medIUm-slZ LONDON Sept 26, (AFP)- But thiS might take some lime AP .ald a UN subcommittee on ed fIrms to contnbute more DUESSELDORF, Sept 26 lectUring on comparative govern. and th!lt was why It was deCided to apartheId Tuesday urred the Geoe­ exclUSIon of the smaller natIOns Pnme Mmister Harold Wilson said ment This is the forth hme he is fully to economic growth In de­ (AFP) -A PakistanI invest- bUild an annex to the Matermty ral Assembly to recoplsc "the r1i'bt -and certamly not at theIr ex­ last mght that his government would \"lsltlng AfghanIstan He first ViSIted velopIng countnes opened here ment promotIOn was maugura JAKARTA, Sept 26 (Reuter) bouse The annex WIll be ready In of the South AfrIcan people to re­ pense In Its qUIntessence co ImmedIately dissociate ftset! from c.\fghamstan In September 1964 ac yesterday ~Indoneslan less than two months minister saId sort to all forms ot Ittu8'rle" eXIstence hke peace should the Vietnam policy lf ted here yesterday students yesterday companied by the dean of Faculty MaIn dISCUSSIons In the con­ ~ Last year there were 3 407 births The SUbcommittee sold the BBJemb be mdlVlslble he thought such a gesture would S Jafr, PakIstan's Secre- I demanded the publlC execu- of Law of the ference WIll be focussed on In the Maternity House Its person Iy should also appeal "once more Some WIll have certam reser­ end the war "even a day earUer". tary of state for Industries m tlOn of food sepculators 10 Prof MalhlQt has laught at vatiOns regardmg thIS analysIs the posslb,htIes of promotmg He said 'We want to get the hiS inaugural speech saId West the .tart of a serIes of ma's de­ nel also delivered 704 ch Idren 10 to all .tates to give direct polltlcal the faculty of law of Paris Univer home VISIts mornl and above all material a.: but one thmg IS sure New po- collectIve actIOn between these war over and we shall take whatever Germany's mIracle had InC'lt- monstrations agamst the sPIral Slty fOl the last 10 years He also firms so as to enable them to bene­ The director of the Matermty slstance.1o the natJontll IDOverDeDtI steps are necessary to play our part ed PaklBtan to choose s site to. lmg prIce of nce serves as adVisor to Afghan students fit from the resultlDg economIes I thmk we came pretty close to it Its fIrst European promotion studlng law there House Mrs Nazlfa Nawaz said and all those combating the poUcica WIthOut sacrIficmg them indepen the mstrtutlon which "'ad seven of apartheid' Algerian Official when Kosygm (SOViet Premier) was centre In thIS country SYDNEY, Sept 26, (DPA)- There are four French professors dence ThIS takes the form of pool beds when It was opened now had here In February The objective of the centre Austraha's schoolchildren are now teaching in the college of law 109 such serVIces as research or mar In a debate televised by the Brl was to help West German bu to be ttillned for the "world of I65 beds ketmg and stabilising common pr(}oo here Kabul Umversity s college of Visits Tshombe !Ish Broadcastmg Corporation smessmen bettel'l understand lpak· tomorrow" In WhIch computers law has had an affiliation program ductlon facilities or Joint traimng (B]ilC) Wilson also spoke about Rho ,stan's eConoffi'C pohcy wIll be an every-day feature me WIth the University of Paris Law USSR Decides To schemes desta and Britain s economIc sItua To Investment Law ALGIERS Sept 26 (AFP)­ The centre WIll also mtrothink -Benjamin Frankhn wcrk "'.s done-most oC It left Portugal last y~ar troops Crom pther rel.llvely well hotels, both prlvale and govern tratlon room where classes dre inll over from ID~dequale conference~ According to Preton. reports armed countn~ WIll presumably be ment owned / been opened lD held The school h.s got most oC W. Uve In an AlIe With ~ore , 1n pfevlOus years, .mee tlie 0 A U, on~ thousand Sout/! ACncan reslS~ suppl,ed Ij!hen tbe stal[ officers, pro dll[erent p.rls oC the country Ail ' til<: 'UtenSIls (rom West GjOrmany­ and dUletent ldbds of prob1cDII THE KABUL TIMES \ was CoundM m.d963 But iii~ m.lO tance fighters \are gatbermg In Tan- mlSed for the near [tlturo, have done urgent need h.. also been Celt for It hopes to get a wider range of than hlld eon1ionted OUI< fim:f8then beadllne hiltmg work of the meet z.nla and zambia almmg to .tart thell prell.ratory work Ir.,ned personnel to run the hotels cblnaware, as thIS atS Import.nt Cor the poper aaya. exc~t ~Dhan pu.blished eVeT)' MlI FndClll and A pUl).. 'liIg was on t1ie lfber.hon of whIte a beacbbe.d for gu~nilla J! In fn counliles like Aogql. and Mo and restaur.nts ThIS demand s be. propet tratqlng Since dishes .re oc· But we see around U/I:IDIIt1 and 111 holtdays by the Kahul TImes Puhitshu;1l Agency oC 1111 11I111 I 11I11 III ruled soUtliern ACnca-and even on the tougbest territones all, South zamblque wHere" forcsls olfer cover 109 met by the Hotel Man.geme/!. ten broken 1t IS neces.arY to women whose atUtud.. Illll ...... wle '''''''''''''''''''I'''''''''~ ••I•I 111 I 111I this emotional topic the plsnnmg se .nd Southwest ACnc. [rom all and necessitate the .,school' • constanj supply to keep lbe e1as- those of the They stubbornly erned to sound a pragm.hc note The 0 AU, cl~.rly beitevID8 tbat Camous 'twenty to olie r.tio for The school now two gIl. ses gomg 'The sc\lool ,IUsa needs believe tliat reincdlesccif the ~¢are For the fCSlstance movements serious rCSI'stance ls now underway, repressive fotces, Ol:thodox guerrilla ups of students The first study f"r more equtpmenJ an~ Curnlture-the still good for today s a1lmentl, ~ , ( \themselves-IncreaslOgly In eVIdence and th.t ACnca must largely depend warfare will contlOue it potenh.1 three from the 7th to 9th Idea .s'to the classes look .s Some fatmera stick to tliiIi,old A Treaty To Ban An ABM Arims ~ I ~ ,in Angola MozambIque and Rho· on Itself to solve the .sSue oC whtte member of the army counc.1 s.,d and get tr.IDlng 'S W'llers much Irke a reslaOlant or a hotel ways ot raising crops Craftmnen I cieSla .nd n0l" eVen ID South Afn· mlOonty gcvernments on the conti- In RhodeSIB 'lind poSSibly furtber and cooks The second also stuay dmlng room -as pos.lb1e still shy awol' from new mutdials The decision of the United States to go This wlll surely make the Job of reaclJlng illtl· c. .nd Southwest ACnca-th,s was nent deCIded to dl.burse two thllds south m'jar ACts of sabotage and for three from the 9th to The sohool hopes to acqQlre a new methods and new tool. and ahead with the hulldlng of a limited anti missile mate agteement on the nonproUferation agree the" coMerence For the IOdepen oC Its new $ 3 I million budget for selective attocks on m'Jor goJern. 12th .nd get IralDlng as receplion good, modern Icltchen where slu- m~ehlnery defence system seemingly Involves many poll ment difficult dent states represe9ted by Ig pre'l the .rmmg of Creedom fighters ment figures m.y be attempted In j,to, head. of dep.rtments etc dents wlll a ch.nce to learn If we are to bridge the gap In w~y our development the edltorlril say. tIcal and military Issues It ...ay mean the Start Ways should he studied to reach an agree- dents and prenrters aod 19 senior The grant ot funds tS cond,tlon.1 'RhodeSla all stocks are an obVIOUS Practical worlc plays an lmport to cook In a sCientific Ster ment on the ending a new arms'race before mlDlsters the concentrahon on the on (.} the formlDg oC a naltonsl and Imjmr'.nt t.rg~t > we have to chonge our attitudes. lag of a new arms race It may signal the com Clf .nt role ID the educ.lIOn o[ thl Sc ncr beheves th.t the students oC It starts senously Once this anti lnisSile l\IIiiIUe southern ACr,can crus.dC>--'-anl! on resistanCe councilor, .t ffilDlmum The Nlgenan dolegatlon leader students Much emphasIS h.s been lhe school wlll some d.y have Ihe SupersJtltion and preconceived Ideal menclag of a new era of mistrust and hatred defencc arms race gets underway, tbeie WIn be problems like • continental extra .n hlter p.rty worklDg -agreement ChleC Ob.Cem. Awolowo, expressed laid on thIS and methods are being chance to visJt otber countr ell about the \\fOY things work are de-­ between the super powers of the world It may no limlt to It It will be too ..fate to :tJiffiJt of dltlon treaty anil care Cor polltic.1 ID of tbe fiye'southern coun the view that ACllc. could IC it conSIdered 10 Improve the progrnm and Improve their cubnary range trlmentnl to D notion determined to help revive the cold war, which is not com reachmg any .ort of agreement amone,'the re[ugees-gave.t an encoura tnes coordln.hng the el[orls oC di w.nted.t leost deCeat the Sm.1I me SubJect& like kltcncn sClence;/\ pro~nr an~ progreso tile editorial concludes pletely lIead, as Amhaosador Abdul Rahman maJor powers And the fantastically high cost gcment to the ch.llenglDg word vldcd n.tlOnalist movem~nlS and Rhodcsla~ army Whtte Rhodesl.ns Thr~ days a week the students o;crvlce recep Ion geolj;rapby ana J Students getting practical training Pazhwak of AfghaJilstan said In his farewell of constructing such a system wlll surely aJreet unity In the organisation s hCe (b) on these movements re[ralDmg dISmISS clan,.,s like this .s unreahs- work at restaurants and hotels In typing are gIven prominen...e In the Jalalabad s dolly Nangarhar ot speech as PresIdent of the General AsseDIbly of the economic life of the people Only M.l.wl shunned the conCe [rom fight 109 or betraymg each Itc But IC Soulh ACncan IDterven Kabul Ap.rt [rom thIS they .Iso urrlculum Ch.rts help lbe .tudents last week eornts on editorial on the Uulted Nations last weak In thiS context. the admISSion of the\People's renee lIs PreSIdent Dr Kamuzu otber Iton IDcre.sed what would Bntalo work on Fndays and hohdays when and give colour 10 the c1a..sroom concern or Ihe people tor increasing Construction of a new anti missile defence B d d h f Also on uns conditIon Africa s do? there arc more people vlsltmg the~e Pashto Dan and Engu h are al~o the output and lmprovlna the pro­ Republic oC China to the United Is a an. .nnounce an exc .ngc 0 maID mlhtary powers Will loan staff Bnlnln s current polley tn el[cc~ A GAME FOR SIX TO SIXTY • system however limited It may be is sure to NatiollS places They also help at part C:s aught In Ihe last two years senIor cessing and exports ot plslnshlo must Unless the Inalleaable rights of 'l!eople's emb.SSles With Preton. on the very elbeers-.nd eventually volunt~r leaves Afnc•• free h.nd to .ttempt held at embaSSIes and houses students take a course in German Co nuts he expensive. The estimated cost seems to be One ot BrItain s big export sue Stales Australia France Denmark Plans are under way to hold a ChlDa to Uulted Nations membership IS restor· :::,~ ;~v;"~~:'tw~;::;'e~ :.~ :..~:n combat.nts to tackle the Smltb regime IC It bas Only by domg the work them help them If lhey get 51..hJluo.;hlOS much higher than that Involved In the deploy cesses mmlature slot car racmg SWitzerland Italy Japan Canada world slot car racing championship Plstashlo nuts have always been IS se ves wlll the students Jearn the to c.ountnes where Germah IS Wrie ment of any past defence system Conventional ed hopes for reachmg agreement on a planned sured subtlety M.I.wl was not A 17 n.t,on counCil of seOlor a m nd to Arnc. to turn ch.1 has finaBy found popularity In this Sweden and Germany electrically one ot the Important export treaty banDing deployment of anti mlssUe mls- expelled B.nd. was not censured officers w.1l now coordm.te pl.ns Icnglng Bnl.1D to sbow th.t it bas 1\ rllken war materials require much lower expenses country-where It was In\'lCnted 11 powered model car.! have at last &,ot (REUTER) commodities at Afgbanlltan In the slles wlll be sheer fantasy the wbole IDeldent was m fact com [or the I1berl\tlon o[ sub Zambezt teeth wllh which to deal With Sml and the cost of nuclear weapons has never years ago over their slow start in thiS country past plstashlo groves In the country The admlssJon of the People's Republic of pletely ignored to bour the confe Africa .11ccnttog .rms .nd fnuds th But the 0 AU c.ullously turn After bemg b g busmess for Bri beeu as fantastJ~ as that of the anti missile mis and raced mto the shops as Sr were damaged one otter another Chma Will solve the alleged fear of some na· rence and the commuruques The Soviet UOIon-represented by -d down plnn. for • Zimbabwe.n Ush manufacturers in the UOited ta n s fastesl growIng hobby due 10 carelessness .1Ie system tlOOS about the n~.. develop and. deploy anti The main thrust of the parley was more corrospondents at Kmshasa government In eXile notmg that w In almost all the plslashjo grow The deCISIon comes at a very .peclal time mIssile mIssile def It will also have a post on southern Afnca where ID recenl than any olher smgle country-am lhls would assert that BrHam had no The thnlls and spills of dlcmg Ing areas the editorial says there The Umted NatIOns General Assembly IS m tlve effect on solving:d some other Issues of moo weeks much as happened FRELI be expected to mcrcase Jts contnbu responSibilIties In RhcdesI3 and With scale model racmg cars exact session, and the draft treaty on nonproliferation •· b F ~) lion of arms alsc So can China would unWillIngly recogOlse Rho are no lrees on the lower slopes be ternatIonal Importance MO (MozambIque LI eraltOn rout to the last detaJi bad long been cause animals have eaten them up of nuclear weapons Is before It The need for R~Yerse Theory We think that the Geneva conference on resistance successes In MozambIque Transferrmg the coordination of (.,.cSla S Independence popular BUl Wlth the mventlon of as they came up from tbe ground tlte draft treaty on nuclear weapons Is .undoubt­ hid ff f d t d freedom fighter actiVity from po Although Invited 10 by PreSIdent electrified tracks In Britam in 1956 disarmament is the best forum lor serioDs talks ave e to 0 ers 0 con uc e 1111c.1 to soldIers hands IS perhaps Mobutu the conference shled 10 a new dimenSion was added to the However recently the AgrIculture edly great After years of meeting, debating I lours for c( rrespondents ternto Smce Charles Darwin sCle on preparing a draft treaty to ban the d ep oy- rles won from Portuguese control as ~lgOlficant a move as the greatly :1t getting Involved 1n military sport and slot car racmg was born and Irrigation Ministry has bee~ mterrupttng despairing and SignS of breaking (Zlmb~ nllsts have been slowly bUll ment of anti mIssile missUe defence to be held In RhodeSia both ZAPU Increased "udgel for aId to reSist assistance to the Congo- once more An mstant success In the Umted paYing closer attention to the pre down Corever the Geneva meeting finally dmg an elabor.te theorellcal The Issue was brought before the Geneva bwe Afncan Peoples U01on) And ance movements Five countrIes on (Con/d on page 4) States racmg model cars soon be se vallOn ot pistashio orchards One arrived at a draft treaty edifice to explam the anglO of eonCerence some t)me ago Besides It has came an nternal anal craze and the mportant nchle\"'Cment Js prohib t lICe on earth by chemlcal evo­ The Importance of the agreement on the achieved a certain measure oC success on the sales of sets complete With two lane ng people tram p cking Ihe pJstashlo dr.ft nonprolifet'atIon treaty becomes all the lutIon figure of eIght shaped tracks and lOtll they ore ripe nonprohferatlon treaty and the experts there The modern versIon of the more clear when we recall the obJecttons and are 11Ighly qualificd to consider the pros and cars began to boom as children of Biologists Plan Wide Research theory IS that Itle evolved over In the past people WOuld enter Indian all ages from SIX to 60 took to thi pressures put by some of the big Industrial and cons of tlte matter eons startmg With tlte forma the orchards ahead of rime to pick neutral nations Now that agreement has sport them When Plstashio nuts ~re pIck By Adrelnne Farrell sunshtne on flce productlOn lion of SImple chemlc.1 comp­ been reached and hopes are high that the third On a draIt resulutton mtroduced by any Indian bIOlogists are gomg ThiS Will be based on the obser from InOrganiC ehd before they are completely ripe tlCn Since the vegetanamsm ounds maten Dr.;s gned lo exactly one thlrt)'\­ arlicle of the treaty which has been left blank member of the Umted NatIons, the General As back IOta the flelds forests vatlOn that nce geam Yleld dl sIs Then followed the forma t ey tu n black ol most IndlBns demes them seco ld of actual s ze the model cars will be completed and approval wll1 be reached sembly WIll be able to ask the member nations and mountains to seek new mlDlshed durmg the monsoon tlOn of complex compounds ways of producmg more nut Iysme .nd other nutnents av a c usually bu It from kits by the Because of th s the reputation at m the same way that the partial nuelear test se.son when both the mtenS! such as nuclels aCids and pro­ to stop the bUlldmg oC such a system pendliig allable from anlm.1 protem. ace 5 themselves the Afto-han pJstashJO s was damaged T1 t,OUS food ty and durallon oC sunlIght IS tems from the Simple ones and for a t1me ban treaty of Moesow was concluded It wll1 be the final preparatlon of a draCt treaty on the They WIll study SUCh d.verse and essential to mtellectu.1 de N early every car ever made IS redu,ed Cmally the Corm.tlOn of s.m The r reputation has been greatly a sorry state of affairs If a new arms race starts matter problems as velopment there IS a gre.t need now avaIlable as a model and all to CortlCy vegetable protems Dr Seshachar says th.t IndlB pie lIvmg organIsms one cell arc perfect replicas down to the Improved Ihrough measures laken -The effect of sunshme on rIce has done pract.cally nothmg to ed creatures capable oC self -The extractIOn of proteIn Research mstltutes WIll stu laSt detnrl Even the tmy heads 10 bv the AgrIculture and Irrigation explOit the food which can be replicatIOn or reproductIOn In dy the extractIon oC protems models of today s grand priX cars Ministry COOperalion with from waste harvested from the reservqlrs .More complex Ilte forms foll~ vlOclal authoritles. pro DOME PRESSAT GLANCE - Fencmg orr m~ects Crom Crom agncultural and other are made to resemble thelr present A wasle such as sugarcane bagas- created durmg the last 15 years wed culmlnatmg m man drivers-men like the world cham Today s lslah carned an eduorlal Yesterday s Anu In an editOrial fire fightmg faCIlities in the pro­ crops We now hope that p.stashJo pro­ se corncobs groundnut husks under Irng.tlon projects Even Inherent tn thIS body oC the­ enhUed Israel and the Occupied urged the authontles concerned to vmces be further Improved and -Harvestmg Clsh from reser p on J 1m Clarke 10 a Lotus or the Miss Julia Lydon, a Peace Corp volunte"r teachlnll' a class duction WIIJ increase Since steps to dIStIllery sludge trash fISh and the natural lakes have been ory 18 the nobon that the ear British ace John Surtees m a Japa Arab TerrItory The June five make arrangements for proper fire people taught how to aVOid fires ID votrs plant more saplings are also under prawn heads only cursortly exammed lIest hVlng orgarusm arose full way braeh premeditated attack on ~he fighting facJ11bes In the provmces the first place -The economIc ratIO of cattle nese Honda The success of these prOjects One project Will try to 1m blown WIth the abilIty to rep­ nelghbourmg countries It said not With a reference to the recent fire A letter to the editor published 10 to land Authentic copies of pre-war road could correct ~he present ana prove stocks of trout m tbe roduce Itself The orgarusm The echtocJal conclUdes that as only dLsturbed peace and the poll In Aqcha In northern AfghaDJstan the same Issue of the paper urged -The creatIOn oC breeding sters such as a model Mercedes m.lous sltllatlon ln which Ind lakes .nd streams oC Kashmir came first the capaCIty to rep much as Our country still remains tical atmosphere 1fi the MIddle East the edltonal saJd one can ne,'Cr ten all owners ot homes and apartments Carms for qU.lls Benz about eJght Inches long, sell for la sells protem nch prawns by artifICIal mductlon of spa roduce second largely dependent on agricultural but also brought about certaUl legal when another fire IS gomg to creak m the city to pave the walks m -The long term effects oC ex about 6 sterlmg Smaller models exports lor Its development we can cheap to the Umted States and wmng bY pltwtary Injecbons questiOns 10 mternational relations out 10 that city or 10 any other pro front of, their property ThiS Will 1m portmg frogs legs another WIll study the effect Now a mIcrobIOlogIst of like the Ferran formula one grand not afford to neglect such an unpor -These are just some of the buys at a hIgh pnce Amencan The m06t dangerous act which was vmclal area prove the appearance of the City oC the pollubon of the RIver Emory Uruvers!ty (Atlanta prIX racer about [our IOches long lant product as p stash 0 nuts wheat Whll;h IS nutntlOnally An amateur skydIver who plung A report .trom Paucara central a penalty kicked by tullback Bruce resorted to by Israel was the IDte Will ehromate dust and help peo 56 projecls proposed by Ind· Jumna on fIshing and Deihl s Georg,.) Dr Peter Fang says cosi about 4 sterlihg ta as part oC a year coope poorer mad~ ed to hIS death five weeks after his Peru said Juan Taype 23 and Lucas Bams IUefaqt Islam at. Herat, published grahon of the occupied Arab tern As a safeguard agalfist losses of pie mau'ltam domestJc hygeme and w.ter supply Another WIll 01>­ it 15 more reasonable to assume The cars are out of plastic hfe and property It IS essential that cleanliness effort by bIologISts and Another group oC 11 prOjects young Wife died 10 the same way Huaman 22 were tatally gored in a prOVInce where the people are tones As an example the editorial serve the rnter relationship of the reverse That the reprodu and nylon and powered by an ami The Phillpgmes defeated India went on Israel publicly announced SCIentISts m 40 countnes to Will study environmental and was Monday dented his last request whe:;Vthey attempted to /lght • bull devoted to gardenmg and where a nuttJents plankton and fish m cbve process came tnto belpg mature electriC motor A small 1it 63 .fter le.dmg 53 25 at balf study how to get more out oC phYSIologIcal factors mfluenc -to be buned on then flrst wed under the mfluence ot alcohol great amount of busmess JS done tbat It will not vacate the Jordanian the temple tanks of Madras before any IIvrng orgamsm steer ng bar and electriC contacts time on the third day at the tourth part of Jerusalem the land forests lakes nvers mg agrIcultural .nd forest plant underneath lhe car fit lightly mto dmg anniversary In the pJstashlo trade and other specIes state The problem of explammg The request was found m a note A plate of .l<:amlng sp.ghclti and ASian Men s basketball Champion forests products takes a slmilar tack E\~n the Israehs themselves can and se.s so that many may not the sudden appearance oC the tmy electrified slots in the track only hve hut ltve well One project aUljS at d,scover The Army WIll proVIde the on the body ot newsppaer reporter a glass. at best Wine have come to Sh1P in Seoul In a recent edlton'll not deny the fact that Jerusalem power of self rephcatlOn m an When a hand control IS pressed The Flhpmo cagers bad little belongs not only to Jordan but also They Will be IndIa s contfl mg why an msect att.cks cer b.Sls Cor a study of human ad John WaSik who made no attempt mean one thing tor New York s orgamsm 'disappears If we down contact IS made and the car difficulty 10 reachmg thelr three The editorial IS concerned with .~~ butlon to the mternatlonal biO­ tam plants and not others m ItS to open his parachute as he teU thousands at boxing tans-Nino to the 500 ml1hon Moslems of the aptabthty based on the prob take the Vlew that reproduc shoots down the track Put on too figure score as they overwhelmed forests and orchards We need them THe New YITk Times reported the newspaper the defence he put locahty It IS belteved that the 3 200 feet (975 metres) to the ground Benvenuti world champion Italian world logical programme orgamsed by lems whIch arose when soldiers tlon goes before the orgamsm much power and the car will skid theIr opponents WIth superb techDl all the editorial says We need more that the Johnson adnUnlstratlon for\'.ard 10 a Spanish court-that he mformatlon could be used Wildly out of control at the Green Air Park IJI Florida style Simllarly Israel JS plannmg to In the InternatIOnal CounCil oC SCI from the platns were suddenlY mstead of the Vtew that the que for most of the match umber mare fuei pulp as well as tegrate the Gaza strip IOta Its own whu;h las~ week announced plans to thought the bundles In his rucksack entlfic Umons for the study to cultIvate useCul plant. transported to the hIgh Hlma hand control but IWhere hiS 22 year old wlfe RIckie That 15 the way the city s press organism goes before repro P ressure on the I d d It was oniy 10 the last two m nu\es almonds pme and plstasbl0 nuts the deploy a lImtted Nlke X antI miSSile conramed propaganda leaflets-was In such manner as fence has chrIstened the Italtan who territory What IS more Israel JS al of the bIological baSIS of pro­ layas to conCront the acchm.,. ton directs the car and as the en so ie that the Indians started to narrow editorJal says de.tence system agBlnst any possible untrue and he knew they were ex off the msects ducllon he wntes thuslasts themselves stress It take~ But local authontles ordered a when he steps IOta the Shea stadium ready sending new settlers to these ductiVIty and human welfare tlsed Chmese 10 1962 A com The development of the ge­ Chinese attack was now serJously plosives Conservatlon of edIble amm a lot oj s~ull and practlce to make post mortem on 27 year old Wasik ring tomorrow to defend his middle the g.p True the department of forest freshly occupied terrtlones The Indian programme takes Jauson ill Je lade etweer The star of the Indian squad was considenog totally rt\'3.mpmg 1tS The Spamsb court sentenced ChriS als 16 the concern of several nellc system and the machm ckly n and out meamng he could not be burled as welghC crown against former champ preservatIon In the Mmlstry of Airi m ItS sweep the higher rem­ Inchan troops Crom the plarns ery mvolved m laymg down the car weave qUI 1 he asked the towering Sarb)l] Smgh He and The motIves behmd this move IS defences agamst SOVlct bombers tie to 20 years Impnsonment .tor ches oC the HImalayas the prOjects One of these posted m t/)e mountamous Lad Emile Griffith will have attracted culture and Irrigation ha~ done only too obVIOUS Once Israeli set the bluepnnt for a duphcate of the trtcky bends WIthout hurtling S f t ffi LIG dd f th more attention and newsprint than Swamy were the top scorers With In a Washmgton dispatch the terronst achvltles bUI he served ram Corests of Central Indl' alms at the creatIon of .kh regIOn of Kashm>r and the clean off the track a e y 0 cer yeo In 0 e valuable service 10 this field the 10 hfe form IS such a complex any middleweIght SInce 'tho great 12 pomts eaeh The FIlip no top tiers Bre firmly settled these areas newspaper quoted Pentagon offiCials only three the .nd deserts oC Raj.sthan breedmg farms for qu.tls 10c.1 Ladakhl mhabltants The sport first became established Falling Stars Skydlvmg Club saJd editOrIal says the Arab mhabitants wJ1l be driven phenomenon that the prob.b Sugar Ray Robinson scorer was NarCiSO Barnardo With 18 as saymg that Defence Secretary He told The People hiS treatment and the estuanes of the e.stern which are proltfIc and Another human problem to In the Umted States and In 1957 the WaSik appeared relaxed as he fell Ihty of ItS occurrence .t once The current Sport Illustrated pOints But a department whose personnel ou t of their homes once agam Robert McNamara looked favourably by thl\, Spamsh authontJes after his .nd western coasts offer .n excellent source oC pro­ be mvestlgated Will be the ef n t bl e track complete WIth and seemed to hold hiS hands In a ThiS attitude of the Israell gov IS pr.ctlcally nil he wntes rs pu IC rac prayIng posltton one of the Umted States top weekly The Phlllppmes now have three and monetary resources arc as hmt on the posSlble replacement ot sentence was exemplary and ad A 10 member natIOnal com tem food Another seeks to de­ Cect 10 mbreedmg among the ernment IS contrary to all mterna huge permanent land scaped CirCUIt W k k d to be buned In a magaZIneS-IS given up completely straight wins and India three de­ ed as tbose of the M lnIstry of much of the present aIr defence ded r am still an anarchIst mtttee headed by Dr B R termme the longen-term effect P.rsee commumty of Bombay was 0 coed 10 Hollywood aSI as e AgrIculture and Irngation Forest tlOnal laws and norms ot responSible structure IOvolvmg hundreds of Jet The Soviet CommUnist Party Moreover tt cannot appear soo: afterwards ubhc tracks sliver coffin he had chosen beSide to the spaghettI eating wme drink teats of Deihl Umverslty of (he contmuous dr.m of ad and oC uncle nelce and first Japan now bas three straJght Preservation Department can never behaVIOur the editonaJ emphaslscd fighters and ground based radars newspaper Pravda sald the UDlted step by step because each step Pth ountry/ the body of hiS Wile who was killed mg champion WIll coordmate the work and ult frogs m the South IndIan cousin marrIages among some wereOpened aII over e c h b btl The Untted Arab RepubliC and taken out of the whole has no S g leading 34 32 at half time hope to achieve tull success around With an entirely new $4000 mLlhon Slales vould have to understand relate It to efforts oC 40 other stnte oC Kemla Cor the export South Indians and enthusiasts flocked to the model w en h e ~came en ed m her MUSIC books and other entertain Jordan are aoveccign nations and are surVIval value and the DarWll­ a:: Japan now have three straight the counlry syslem that SOViet aid to North Vietnam frog s legs Several proposals from COl'- centres to hire time on the tracks 10 ~~~:~n~te mes--wate ed by her ment are all prOVIded at Benvenuti s members of tbe Untted Nations countnes who have JOIned to nJan mechanism (evolulton) WinS and IndonesJO three defeats The system would mclude cons wou Id continue A third project whicb may face their own hand bUllt replicas of J T Catskill mountams traming camp It It expands its operaUon In one Theretore the land under tbeir so gether to do Cor btologlcal elgn groups for collaboration Will not seleGt and retaIn It tantly airborne radar picket planes SCiences what the 1957 58 In arcect the proposals for a total under the mtematlonal blOlogl the "World s most famous cars ump master erry Allard said where he combmes rlgourous physl part ot the country It must curtail verelgnty IS part and parcel o.t theIr emploYlOg a new type of radar toge.­ The paper was commenting on the ban on cow slaugbter WIll de Therefore Dr Fang argues Earlier thiS year the first pubhc ;vasJ~ h;s;tated for three or four cal punishment With mental rest and 1t 10 another part since 11 can Dot native soil and nOr> power in the terna1I0nai GeophySIcal Year cal programme have reached In the vetY earhest appearance Newfound Risk For ther With eJther the A 11 spy plane agreement signed Saturda;y under did Cor earth sCIences clde the optimum Cap,clty of d,a Among them IS one from mimature race track opened 10 West econ s e ore Jumpmg As he feU relaxation work everywhere Simultaneously world can change the geographic or the F III lormerly known as which the Soviet UnlOn pledged fuX'" of hfe IS strnply the repltea In D!" Sesbachar saId m an m the land to carry the c.ttle PO­ the Soviet Umon whIch would Lo;Jdon and proved as lDstantly po he went flat on hJS back tucked For GrIffith It IS a different story We suggest, the editorial says that boundanes ot a nation the TFX the newspaper said ther supplies of rockets planes and tm~ molecule which makes hls arms and legs and then turned Air Hostesses tervlew that he IS laymg SpecIal pulation without dettiment hke to jom Indl8 m a specIal pular as Its predecessors In the Umt Since losmg hiS crown to the Italian the department should concentrate It IS not pOSSible tN 11 country Scottish anarchist Stuart Christie guns to HanOI dUring 1968 coptes ot Itself ID a Way rou over so that he was falling tace emphaSIS on 11 projects which to vegetatIOn SOIl cover and study oC the c.mel m Afghan ed St ates down m May he has Il\''ed for the chance SYDNEY Sept 27 (Reuter)- on tralnmg personnel pro\'ldmg to take a pencil and draw a few treed from a Spanish jail last week The agreement was a new manI ghly anaiagous to the way SOme ann at exploratton of new other forms oC hCe Istan ot gett10g it back quickly and de Air hostcsses on Jetliners risk nus­ hterature and devlSlDg new tools hnes on the map and then announce has admitted he was Involved in a festatlOn of the loyalty ot the So­ crystals grow In solutIOns All kinds of ra t: meetmgs from All 1 could do was hoUer for him b.ologlCal resources and unprov Calcutta UniversIty Wlll un clSJvely carriages during early pregnancy a for forestry use I that Its geographical boundaries plot to blow up General Franco ac viet Union and Jts people to their dragster racmg tt. tUll grand prlX to hit the chute All any of us could cd methods oC food preserva a study of the effect of (REUTER) His trammg sessions arc: channeled West German doctor warned here These can then be put at the diS have changed almost overnJght cordIng to a newspaper tnterview internatIOnal duty the paper dec­ The molecule carnes <,lno ge­ events are held the centre s two do was holler and scream We knew to one main objective 10 give him Monday posat of the provincial departments Both tbe United N.tions and nil published in London lared ------_.------nellc mformatlon whatsoever twisting eight lane tracks one 95 he had no chance Allord said the strength to slug Benvenuti so pea("'C lOVing nations are trYlOg to However as time passes ran teet long and the other 155 .teet Dr HG Mutke of the West Ger ot agnculture which In turn can Christie 21 wbo was released as Quickly and so continually thai the find a settlement tor the Middle It must be clear to the unpcrlalist dom acc.dents (mutatIon) oc­ Now international time !rials are Two drunken bullfight .tans were man Aerospace Medical Association put them at the disposal of the a result of his mother S plea to mterventlOD1sts that the fighting Hahan will drop from sheer punish told of tbe danger hanging over wo­ people of each province East problem No settlement is pos CUI' In the rephcatton process also bemg held there with learns killed when they Jumped 10(0 tbe General Franco told the Sunday Vlelnaffi people will not be Jett Nasser And Amer-30 Years Of Friendship ment men who fty regularly on bill mod We can not hope tor any large Sible unless consequences ot the Is which produce .rrelevant pro­ 10 London Copenhagen Gene\1a Bnd rlOg 10 a small Andean town near newspaper People that he earned ex Without the assistance of their true raell aggression has been ehmmat ducts th.t m.gbt be usef\ll 10 Paris Hnked by telephone and racmg Lima Peru and tned to cape a bull ern jets measure of success Without the ploslves and detonators to Spam friends Personal tragedies and Indlvlduallowcr middle class ongln ]0 the ed completely next Ihree years and lhey started survival agamst each other With their .ltirts It a hostess In an early stage at active parhclpatJon of the people The editorial expressed che hope 11 was only when be reached The SOVlet Commumst Parly and dramas usually lie submerged 10 same group were Abdul Latif Do- rhmkmg and talking of revolution There was a big recepUon for the pregnancy flies either mtentionally It IS the pcmple who work m the that the present seuren of tbe United Spam that he learned they were to government have been pursumg and moments of natIOnal c.;atastrophc: ghdadl Anwar el Sadat zakaneh Most Egypti.n Army officers oC world flyweight champJon Chart or without being aware of her con forests and orchards Nations General Assembly would be have been set off under the General s will contlOue to pursue actively a But 10 the present state of events Muhleddlo-all future members of thal peClod were hopeless dllettantes chal ChInoi lrom Thailand when he dillon abe heighlens the dangers of It we let them utlhse forest re able to force Israel to see sense and box at MadCJd s Bemabeu Stadium polley of support for the Vietnamese In the UAR the buman dr~ma of the revolutionary counCil which ous who spent their ttme dClliilkmg aud came IOta the rmg at the EmflJre a ml.earrlage' he told the fifth world sources untlefl provincial supervi condemn Ihe aggressive Israeli re during a football match people to help It defeat the .Arneri Field Marshal Abdul H.k,m Arne< s ted KIDg F.rouk In 1952 plaYIng cards The exceptions to Pool to defend hiS title agamst \the congress o.t gynaecology and obste­ Sian we can get better results the ChCJstie now back in Bntam told can aggressors sUlctde tmd and Its effect on the ar During the next two years when thiS were Nasser and Amer whose former hoider and relgnmg Brihsh trics here editOrial says glme for dJstOrbtng world peace ) chiteci o[ today s UAR gives .t the Nasser and Amer were 20 years old [nendshlp dUllng those three ye.r. bantamwelght champion Walter Some women passengers suffered A recent ed!torial 10 Baghlan s 11111111 II I 11111I II 11111I1111111111 I III III dramatl~ ~ 111111111 IlllllUllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllUUlIIl1II aura of anctent Greek tra they became very close fnends Ap matured Il1to somell:ung exception McGowan lifter long /ligbts Dr Itlehad deals with the problem ot #!.edy personal misfortunes art from a natural affinity between ally solid .nd endurmg HI$ recephon however was com Mutkc said Tho causes were air l1hteracy The edflorial recpmmends S KOALIL Editor ADVERTISING aATES m-Chll' sway the hlstoncal events of a na them they both resented their supe Tn 1942 Nasser now a captam pletely drowned by the rOBr whtch sickness emotional stress continual literacy should before .nythlne else DISplay Column mch Af 100 Telophone 24047, tlon nors of the landed BClstocracy Wbo returned to Egypt WIth Amer and greeted McGowan who came vibration~ven abrupt cltmatic and become a desirable and profitable ClaSS/fted per Ime, bold type Af 20 It was m October 1937-exactly were arrogant towards them and started orgamsmg a clandestine re through the ropes and straight over time changes thing for tbe prospecUve lil<:rate (minImum seven lines ~r lllSl5'rtfon) SHAFtE RAHEL Eduor 30 years agq-tbat Nasser met Arner sUbServ.ient to the Hrltish vo)uttonary movement He orgaOlS to Chmol s corner to Wish hIm luck Dt Mutke said smce the intI:oduc Vtlla,er. now see thllt • large for the first time They h.d botb In 1939 when G.mal Abdul ed Jhe movement In such a way that tion ot jets women might log as number of youth witb six --yean of SUBSCRIPTJON KATES For other numbers fust dial SWitchboard _ been accepted m the EgyptIan MI Nasser was 21 and already a sec ~e held nil the strlDgs ID his h.nds many as 800 flymg hours a year schoohng are roamlOg around and Yearly Af 1000 number 23043 2402g 20026 Ilt.ry Ac.demy .nd they Immed,. ond Iteu\cnanl he was transferred yet only Amer and himself knew Engl.nd s touring Rugby Union The consequences were menstrual becommg Jl1lterate again It they Half Yearly At 600 tely Caund themselves In the to Sudan-nommally an Anglo Eg th.t he was the leader These two team be.t Alberta by 22 points to disturbances sleeplessness, depres can t earn mOre or live better than three In Calg~ry Canada In the q,D Illiterate feUow villager why Quancrly At. '00 EditOrial Ex 24 58 small group ThiS was no aCCident yptJlln condomlmum but 10 lact nsked thell lives d.I1y by wnllr.g sions loss of concentration and good FOREIGN Cveu!lIJton and Advert1S1ng it was the first ye.r th.1 the Mlli ruled by the BntlSh Nasser did not revolUtionary Iracts orgamsing first at their five matches Ifl Canada memory chronic tiredness and varl should do lhey want to become They led 11 3 .t hal1 time case veins. literate Yearly .40 tary Academy was open to young want to be seperated from Arner cells and trylDg to re<;rult new uC England centre Danny Hearn Dr Mutke told the I 400 delegates The edllorlal .uggest. that literacy Half Yearly .25 men from classes other tban the and after much pullang of stnngs fleers to their movement They ltv land pwmg aristocracy and thiS Arner maoaged to Jom htrn 10 Su ed In the s;ame dlstCict m CaITO -lnd sc;ored two tries one in each halt trom 60 nations that aerospace me-­ courses must it they are to become Quarterly $15 ~on 59 t § small group was the firs~ to be of dan They remamed there for lhe (Contd on page 4) and fullback Bobb Hiller converted dlcnl research bad not paid proper meaningful promote some sort ot II II II lill UUUII I Ililltlll 1I111111l1lUl IUlUIl I 111I 1lI1111I11Wlll 11I11Ilir "I 1II1I1I1IlIIIHiUIIIIllIIIII III II 1II1l 1lI11111l1l1ll1l11 UIIlIlIllIIIIIIIII II I both Irles and klcked four penalUes attention to the problem at physical .k,ll which will belp raise a penoo. Alberta s three pomts came trom work in pressurlaed cabins standard ot UVlne 1< 'I" fc _~'l1Ii' Zl'l" ~;M"~' I ~\,,~ ~ 1 (I.d~ ~~~~:;""'~1Af~ , f ..I.. tl~1tj ",l't) I ',f' 'W \"r, (I. ~ I "i ~ 1~!t.; I , f' '-i.:...P".A~G.....:.E~2 ~..;..-:--: -.:~::'':THEi'-"'-KAB~...;.;._pL''"1!,Tp.'lI!8''''":'";j;~~ ~-+~~l":lI~"'t~~,i7,..\ \~~..JW~~t~;~~1 ....._...;._...;.._-:-__...... -:,__-=, ...;.,:,",_ •__-:'':'::';':''"'C:-'":....':-...-;I-;-;;:;...:...,.:...... r sf \ ~ ~\~:~ic ~~I~N~ n ·1i~1i~fm1~.liiflJ~lr ~'Ii • w ~"l~ < ,\1. \J ," ., ,100 ~~ ~ J:, i'.J "I l • " 'I' I. i ) ~ 1. coriUni(lco-th~ A new mood oC teaUsm marlr.Od ZANU (ZlmbabW<\ Afnca"'l Natton- th'l UAR, Algena tf~rf:.(.~ the Orl/ants.tlon of ACricaa UDlty .1 Unlcn) .re pressing I.n SmIth s Morocco,~Eihl0l!la an~J1be Con~ 'I , f't f 1 r~ln td\~ j B1 ~ 8ti11f'$'~'" Expenence keep. a DOod school, summit tn Klnsbasa tb,s month forces so Ih.t South ACncsq eacli Ilh'i(. armies 10 Urnes the DISsenSIons were rel.lIvely Cew' and forcements bave bb:n requested .nd I Sll..' ",0C: Rhod~,a's' Wen equipped Bad4~:tn'~ did IIot Impair tbe conC~rence it- dellverethink -Benjamin Frankhn wcrk "'.s done-most oC It left Portugal last y~ar troops Crom pther rel.llvely well hotels, both prlvale and govern tratlon room where classes dre inll over from ID~dequale conference~ According to Preton. reports armed countn~ WIll presumably be ment owned / been opened lD held The school h.s got most oC W. Uve In an AlIe With ~ore , 1n pfevlOus years, .mee tlie 0 A U, on~ thousand Sout/! ACncan reslS~ suppl,ed Ij!hen tbe stal[ officers, pro dll[erent p.rls oC the country Ail ' til<: 'UtenSIls (rom West GjOrmany­ and dUletent ldbds of prob1cDII THE KABUL TIMES \ was CoundM m.d963 But iii~ m.lO tance fighters \are gatbermg In Tan- mlSed for the near [tlturo, have done urgent need h.. also been Celt for It hopes to get a wider range of than hlld eon1ionted OUI< fim:f8then beadllne hiltmg work of the meet z.nla and zambia almmg to .tart thell prell.ratory work Ir.,ned personnel to run the hotels cblnaware, as thIS atS Import.nt Cor the poper aaya. exc~t ~Dhan pu.blished eVeT)' MlI FndClll and A pUl).. 'liIg was on t1ie lfber.hon of whIte a beacbbe.d for gu~nilla J! In fn counliles like Aogql. and Mo and restaur.nts ThIS demand s be. propet tratqlng Since dishes .re oc· But we see around U/I:IDIIt1 and 111 holtdays by the Kahul TImes Puhitshu;1l Agency oC 1111 11I111 I 11I11 III ruled soUtliern ACnca-and even on the tougbest territones all, South zamblque wHere" forcsls olfer cover 109 met by the Hotel Man.geme/!. ten broken 1t IS neces.arY to women whose atUtud.. Illll ...... wle '''''''''''''''''''I'''''''''~ ••I•I 111 I 111I this emotional topic the plsnnmg se .nd Southwest ACnc. [rom all and necessitate the .,school' • constanj supply to keep lbe e1as- those of the They stubbornly erned to sound a pragm.hc note The 0 AU, cl~.rly beitevID8 tbat Camous 'twenty to olie r.tio for The school now two gIl. ses gomg 'The sc\lool ,IUsa needs believe tliat reincdlesccif the ~¢are For the fCSlstance movements serious rCSI'stance ls now underway, repressive fotces, Ol:thodox guerrilla ups of students The first study f"r more equtpmenJ an~ Curnlture-the still good for today s a1lmentl, ~ , ( \themselves-IncreaslOgly In eVIdence and th.t ACnca must largely depend warfare will contlOue it potenh.1 three from the 7th to 9th Idea .s'to the classes look .s Some fatmera stick to tliiIi,old A Treaty To Ban An ABM Arims ~ I ~ ,in Angola MozambIque and Rho· on Itself to solve the .sSue oC whtte member of the army counc.1 s.,d and get tr.IDlng 'S W'llers much Irke a reslaOlant or a hotel ways ot raising crops Craftmnen I cieSla .nd n0l" eVen ID South Afn· mlOonty gcvernments on the conti- In RhodeSIB 'lind poSSibly furtber and cooks The second also stuay dmlng room -as pos.lb1e still shy awol' from new mutdials The decision of the United States to go This wlll surely make the Job of reaclJlng illtl· c. .nd Southwest ACnca-th,s was nent deCIded to dl.burse two thllds south m'jar ACts of sabotage and for three from the 9th to The sohool hopes to acqQlre a new methods and new tool. and ahead with the hulldlng of a limited anti missile mate agteement on the nonproUferation agree the" coMerence For the IOdepen oC Its new $ 3 I million budget for selective attocks on m'Jor goJern. 12th .nd get IralDlng as receplion good, modern Icltchen where slu- m~ehlnery defence system seemingly Involves many poll ment difficult dent states represe9ted by Ig pre'l the .rmmg of Creedom fighters ment figures m.y be attempted In j,to, head. of dep.rtments etc dents wlll a ch.nce to learn If we are to bridge the gap In w~y our development the edltorlril say. tIcal and military Issues It ...ay mean the Start Ways should he studied to reach an agree- dents and prenrters aod 19 senior The grant ot funds tS cond,tlon.1 'RhodeSla all stocks are an obVIOUS Practical worlc plays an lmport to cook In a sCientific Ster ment on the ending a new arms'race before mlDlsters the concentrahon on the on (.} the formlDg oC a naltonsl and Imjmr'.nt t.rg~t > we have to chonge our attitudes. lag of a new arms race It may signal the com Clf .nt role ID the educ.lIOn o[ thl Sc ncr beheves th.t the students oC It starts senously Once this anti lnisSile l\IIiiIUe southern ACr,can crus.dC>--'-anl! on resistanCe councilor, .t ffilDlmum The Nlgenan dolegatlon leader students Much emphasIS h.s been lhe school wlll some d.y have Ihe SupersJtltion and preconceived Ideal menclag of a new era of mistrust and hatred defencc arms race gets underway, tbeie WIn be problems like • continental extra .n hlter p.rty worklDg -agreement ChleC Ob.Cem. Awolowo, expressed laid on thIS and methods are being chance to visJt otber countr ell about the \\fOY things work are de-­ between the super powers of the world It may no limlt to It It will be too ..fate to :tJiffiJt of dltlon treaty anil care Cor polltic.1 ID of tbe fiye'southern coun the view that ACllc. could IC it conSIdered 10 Improve the progrnm and Improve their cubnary range trlmentnl to D notion determined to help revive the cold war, which is not com reachmg any .ort of agreement amone,'the re[ugees-gave.t an encoura tnes coordln.hng the el[orls oC di w.nted.t leost deCeat the Sm.1I me SubJect& like kltcncn sClence;/\ pro~nr an~ progreso tile editorial concludes pletely lIead, as Amhaosador Abdul Rahman maJor powers And the fantastically high cost gcment to the ch.llenglDg word vldcd n.tlOnalist movem~nlS and Rhodcsla~ army Whtte Rhodesl.ns Thr~ days a week the students o;crvlce recep Ion geolj;rapby ana J Students getting practical training Pazhwak of AfghaJilstan said In his farewell of constructing such a system wlll surely aJreet unity In the organisation s hCe (b) on these movements re[ralDmg dISmISS clan,.,s like this .s unreahs- work at restaurants and hotels In typing are gIven prominen...e In the Jalalabad s dolly Nangarhar ot speech as PresIdent of the General AsseDIbly of the economic life of the people Only M.l.wl shunned the conCe [rom fight 109 or betraymg each Itc But IC Soulh ACncan IDterven Kabul Ap.rt [rom thIS they .Iso urrlculum Ch.rts help lbe .tudents last week eornts on editorial on the Uulted Nations last weak In thiS context. the admISSion of the\People's renee lIs PreSIdent Dr Kamuzu otber Iton IDcre.sed what would Bntalo work on Fndays and hohdays when and give colour 10 the c1a..sroom concern or Ihe people tor increasing Construction of a new anti missile defence B d d h f Also on uns conditIon Africa s do? there arc more people vlsltmg the~e Pashto Dan and Engu h are al~o the output and lmprovlna the pro­ Republic oC China to the United Is a an. .nnounce an exc .ngc 0 maID mlhtary powers Will loan staff Bnlnln s current polley tn el[cc~ A GAME FOR SIX TO SIXTY • system however limited It may be is sure to NatiollS places They also help at part C:s aught In Ihe last two years senIor cessing and exports ot plslnshlo must Unless the Inalleaable rights of 'l!eople's emb.SSles With Preton. on the very elbeers-.nd eventually volunt~r leaves Afnc•• free h.nd to .ttempt held at embaSSIes and houses students take a course in German Co nuts he expensive. The estimated cost seems to be One ot BrItain s big export sue Stales Australia France Denmark Plans are under way to hold a ChlDa to Uulted Nations membership IS restor· :::,~ ;~v;"~~:'tw~;::;'e~ :.~ :..~:n combat.nts to tackle the Smltb regime IC It bas Only by domg the work them help them If lhey get 51..hJluo.;hlOS much higher than that Involved In the deploy cesses mmlature slot car racmg SWitzerland Italy Japan Canada world slot car racing championship Plstashlo nuts have always been IS se ves wlll the students Jearn the to c.ountnes where Germah IS Wrie ment of any past defence system Conventional ed hopes for reachmg agreement on a planned sured subtlety M.I.wl was not A 17 n.t,on counCil of seOlor a m nd to Arnc. to turn ch.1 has finaBy found popularity In this Sweden and Germany electrically one ot the Important export treaty banDing deployment of anti mlssUe mls- expelled B.nd. was not censured officers w.1l now coordm.te pl.ns Icnglng Bnl.1D to sbow th.t it bas 1\ rllken war materials require much lower expenses country-where It was In\'lCnted 11 powered model car.! have at last &,ot (REUTER) commodities at Afgbanlltan In the slles wlll be sheer fantasy the wbole IDeldent was m fact com [or the I1berl\tlon o[ sub Zambezt teeth wllh which to deal With Sml and the cost of nuclear weapons has never years ago over their slow start in thiS country past plstashlo groves In the country The admlssJon of the People's Republic of pletely ignored to bour the confe Africa .11ccnttog .rms .nd fnuds th But the 0 AU c.ullously turn After bemg b g busmess for Bri beeu as fantastJ~ as that of the anti missile mis and raced mto the shops as Sr were damaged one otter another Chma Will solve the alleged fear of some na· rence and the commuruques The Soviet UOIon-represented by -d down plnn. for • Zimbabwe.n Ush manufacturers in the UOited ta n s fastesl growIng hobby due 10 carelessness .1Ie system tlOOS about the n~.. develop and. deploy anti The main thrust of the parley was more corrospondents at Kmshasa government In eXile notmg that w In almost all the plslashjo grow The deCISIon comes at a very .peclal time mIssile mIssile def It will also have a post on southern Afnca where ID recenl than any olher smgle country-am lhls would assert that BrHam had no The thnlls and spills of dlcmg Ing areas the editorial says there The Umted NatIOns General Assembly IS m tlve effect on solving:d some other Issues of moo weeks much as happened FRELI be expected to mcrcase Jts contnbu responSibilIties In RhcdesI3 and With scale model racmg cars exact session, and the draft treaty on nonproliferation •· b F ~) lion of arms alsc So can China would unWillIngly recogOlse Rho are no lrees on the lower slopes be ternatIonal Importance MO (MozambIque LI eraltOn rout to the last detaJi bad long been cause animals have eaten them up of nuclear weapons Is before It The need for R~Yerse Theory We think that the Geneva conference on resistance successes In MozambIque Transferrmg the coordination of (.,.cSla S Independence popular BUl Wlth the mventlon of as they came up from tbe ground tlte draft treaty on nuclear weapons Is .undoubt­ hid ff f d t d freedom fighter actiVity from po Although Invited 10 by PreSIdent electrified tracks In Britam in 1956 disarmament is the best forum lor serioDs talks ave e to 0 ers 0 con uc e 1111c.1 to soldIers hands IS perhaps Mobutu the conference shled 10 a new dimenSion was added to the However recently the AgrIculture edly great After years of meeting, debating I lours for c( rrespondents ternto Smce Charles Darwin sCle on preparing a draft treaty to ban the d ep oy- rles won from Portuguese control as ~lgOlficant a move as the greatly :1t getting Involved 1n military sport and slot car racmg was born and Irrigation Ministry has bee~ mterrupttng despairing and SignS of breaking (Zlmb~ nllsts have been slowly bUll ment of anti mIssile missUe defence to be held In RhodeSia both ZAPU Increased "udgel for aId to reSist assistance to the Congo- once more An mstant success In the Umted paYing closer attention to the pre down Corever the Geneva meeting finally dmg an elabor.te theorellcal The Issue was brought before the Geneva bwe Afncan Peoples U01on) And ance movements Five countrIes on (Con/d on page 4) States racmg model cars soon be se vallOn ot pistashio orchards One arrived at a draft treaty edifice to explam the anglO of eonCerence some t)me ago Besides It has came an nternal anal craze and the mportant nchle\"'Cment Js prohib t lICe on earth by chemlcal evo­ The Importance of the agreement on the achieved a certain measure oC success on the sales of sets complete With two lane ng people tram p cking Ihe pJstashlo dr.ft nonprolifet'atIon treaty becomes all the lutIon figure of eIght shaped tracks and lOtll they ore ripe nonprohferatlon treaty and the experts there The modern versIon of the more clear when we recall the obJecttons and are 11Ighly qualificd to consider the pros and cars began to boom as children of Biologists Plan Wide Research theory IS that Itle evolved over In the past people WOuld enter Indian all ages from SIX to 60 took to thi pressures put by some of the big Industrial and cons of tlte matter eons startmg With tlte forma the orchards ahead of rime to pick neutral nations Now that agreement has sport them When Plstashio nuts ~re pIck By Adrelnne Farrell sunshtne on flce productlOn lion of SImple chemlc.1 comp­ been reached and hopes are high that the third On a draIt resulutton mtroduced by any Indian bIOlogists are gomg ThiS Will be based on the obser from InOrganiC ehd before they are completely ripe tlCn Since the vegetanamsm ounds maten Dr.;s gned lo exactly one thlrt)'\­ arlicle of the treaty which has been left blank member of the Umted NatIons, the General As back IOta the flelds forests vatlOn that nce geam Yleld dl sIs Then followed the forma t ey tu n black ol most IndlBns demes them seco ld of actual s ze the model cars will be completed and approval wll1 be reached sembly WIll be able to ask the member nations and mountains to seek new mlDlshed durmg the monsoon tlOn of complex compounds ways of producmg more nut Iysme .nd other nutnents av a c usually bu It from kits by the Because of th s the reputation at m the same way that the partial nuelear test se.son when both the mtenS! such as nuclels aCids and pro­ to stop the bUlldmg oC such a system pendliig allable from anlm.1 protem. ace 5 themselves the Afto-han pJstashJO s was damaged T1 t,OUS food ty and durallon oC sunlIght IS tems from the Simple ones and for a t1me ban treaty of Moesow was concluded It wll1 be the final preparatlon of a draCt treaty on the They WIll study SUCh d.verse and essential to mtellectu.1 de N early every car ever made IS redu,ed Cmally the Corm.tlOn of s.m The r reputation has been greatly a sorry state of affairs If a new arms race starts matter problems as velopment there IS a gre.t need now avaIlable as a model and all to CortlCy vegetable protems Dr Seshachar says th.t IndlB pie lIvmg organIsms one cell arc perfect replicas down to the Improved Ihrough measures laken -The effect of sunshme on rIce has done pract.cally nothmg to ed creatures capable oC self -The extractIOn of proteIn Research mstltutes WIll stu laSt detnrl Even the tmy heads 10 bv the AgrIculture and Irrigation explOit the food which can be replicatIOn or reproductIOn In dy the extractIon oC protems models of today s grand priX cars Ministry COOperalion with from waste harvested from the reservqlrs .More complex Ilte forms foll~ vlOclal authoritles. pro DOME PRESSAT GLANCE - Fencmg orr m~ects Crom Crom agncultural and other are made to resemble thelr present A wasle such as sugarcane bagas- created durmg the last 15 years wed culmlnatmg m man drivers-men like the world cham Today s lslah carned an eduorlal Yesterday s Anu In an editOrial fire fightmg faCIlities in the pro­ crops We now hope that p.stashJo pro­ se corncobs groundnut husks under Irng.tlon projects Even Inherent tn thIS body oC the­ enhUed Israel and the Occupied urged the authontles concerned to vmces be further Improved and -Harvestmg Clsh from reser p on J 1m Clarke 10 a Lotus or the Miss Julia Lydon, a Peace Corp volunte"r teachlnll' a class duction WIIJ increase Since steps to dIStIllery sludge trash fISh and the natural lakes have been ory 18 the nobon that the ear British ace John Surtees m a Japa Arab TerrItory The June five make arrangements for proper fire people taught how to aVOid fires ID votrs plant more saplings are also under prawn heads only cursortly exammed lIest hVlng orgarusm arose full way braeh premeditated attack on ~he fighting facJ11bes In the provmces the first place -The economIc ratIO of cattle nese Honda The success of these prOjects One project Will try to 1m blown WIth the abilIty to rep­ nelghbourmg countries It said not With a reference to the recent fire A letter to the editor published 10 to land Authentic copies of pre-war road could correct ~he present ana prove stocks of trout m tbe roduce Itself The orgarusm The echtocJal conclUdes that as only dLsturbed peace and the poll In Aqcha In northern AfghaDJstan the same Issue of the paper urged -The creatIOn oC breeding sters such as a model Mercedes m.lous sltllatlon ln which Ind lakes .nd streams oC Kashmir came first the capaCIty to rep much as Our country still remains tical atmosphere 1fi the MIddle East the edltonal saJd one can ne,'Cr ten all owners ot homes and apartments Carms for qU.lls Benz about eJght Inches long, sell for la sells protem nch prawns by artifICIal mductlon of spa roduce second largely dependent on agricultural but also brought about certaUl legal when another fire IS gomg to creak m the city to pave the walks m -The long term effects oC ex about 6 sterlmg Smaller models exports lor Its development we can cheap to the Umted States and wmng bY pltwtary Injecbons questiOns 10 mternational relations out 10 that city or 10 any other pro front of, their property ThiS Will 1m portmg frogs legs another WIll study the effect Now a mIcrobIOlogIst of like the Ferran formula one grand not afford to neglect such an unpor -These are just some of the buys at a hIgh pnce Amencan The m06t dangerous act which was vmclal area prove the appearance of the City oC the pollubon of the RIver Emory Uruvers!ty (Atlanta prIX racer about [our IOches long lant product as p stash 0 nuts wheat Whll;h IS nutntlOnally An amateur skydIver who plung A report .trom Paucara central a penalty kicked by tullback Bruce resorted to by Israel was the IDte Will ehromate dust and help peo 56 projecls proposed by Ind· Jumna on fIshing and Deihl s Georg,.) Dr Peter Fang says cosi about 4 sterlihg ta as part oC a year coope poorer mad~ ed to hIS death five weeks after his Peru said Juan Taype 23 and Lucas Bams IUefaqt Islam at. Herat, published grahon of the occupied Arab tern As a safeguard agalfist losses of pie mau'ltam domestJc hygeme and w.ter supply Another WIll 01>­ it 15 more reasonable to assume The cars are out of plastic hfe and property It IS essential that cleanliness effort by bIologISts and Another group oC 11 prOjects young Wife died 10 the same way Huaman 22 were tatally gored in a prOVInce where the people are tones As an example the editorial serve the rnter relationship of the reverse That the reprodu and nylon and powered by an ami The Phillpgmes defeated India went on Israel publicly announced SCIentISts m 40 countnes to Will study environmental and was Monday dented his last request whe:;Vthey attempted to /lght • bull devoted to gardenmg and where a nuttJents plankton and fish m cbve process came tnto belpg mature electriC motor A small 1it 63 .fter le.dmg 53 25 at balf study how to get more out oC phYSIologIcal factors mfluenc -to be buned on then flrst wed under the mfluence ot alcohol great amount of busmess JS done tbat It will not vacate the Jordanian the temple tanks of Madras before any IIvrng orgamsm steer ng bar and electriC contacts time on the third day at the tourth part of Jerusalem the land forests lakes nvers mg agrIcultural .nd forest plant underneath lhe car fit lightly mto dmg anniversary In the pJstashlo trade and other specIes state The problem of explammg The request was found m a note A plate of .l<:amlng sp.ghclti and ASian Men s basketball Champion forests products takes a slmilar tack E\~n the Israehs themselves can and se.s so that many may not the sudden appearance oC the tmy electrified slots in the track only hve hut ltve well One project aUljS at d,scover The Army WIll proVIde the on the body ot newsppaer reporter a glass. at best Wine have come to Sh1P in Seoul In a recent edlton'll not deny the fact that Jerusalem power of self rephcatlOn m an When a hand control IS pressed The Flhpmo cagers bad little belongs not only to Jordan but also They Will be IndIa s contfl mg why an msect att.cks cer b.Sls Cor a study of human ad John WaSik who made no attempt mean one thing tor New York s orgamsm 'disappears If we down contact IS made and the car difficulty 10 reachmg thelr three The editorial IS concerned with .~~ butlon to the mternatlonal biO­ tam plants and not others m ItS to open his parachute as he teU thousands at boxing tans-Nino to the 500 ml1hon Moslems of the aptabthty based on the prob take the Vlew that reproduc shoots down the track Put on too figure score as they overwhelmed forests and orchards We need them THe New YITk Times reported the newspaper the defence he put locahty It IS belteved that the 3 200 feet (975 metres) to the ground Benvenuti world champion Italian world logical programme orgamsed by lems whIch arose when soldiers tlon goes before the orgamsm much power and the car will skid theIr opponents WIth superb techDl all the editorial says We need more that the Johnson adnUnlstratlon for\'.ard 10 a Spanish court-that he mformatlon could be used Wildly out of control at the Green Air Park IJI Florida style Simllarly Israel JS plannmg to In the InternatIOnal CounCil oC SCI from the platns were suddenlY mstead of the Vtew that the que for most of the match umber mare fuei pulp as well as tegrate the Gaza strip IOta Its own whu;h las~ week announced plans to thought the bundles In his rucksack entlfic Umons for the study to cultIvate useCul plant. transported to the hIgh Hlma hand control but IWhere hiS 22 year old wlfe RIckie That 15 the way the city s press organism goes before repro P ressure on the I d d It was oniy 10 the last two m nu\es almonds pme and plstasbl0 nuts the deploy a lImtted Nlke X antI miSSile conramed propaganda leaflets-was In such manner as fence has chrIstened the Italtan who territory What IS more Israel JS al of the bIological baSIS of pro­ layas to conCront the acchm.,. ton directs the car and as the en so ie that the Indians started to narrow editorJal says de.tence system agBlnst any possible untrue and he knew they were ex off the msects ducllon he wntes thuslasts themselves stress It take~ But local authontles ordered a when he steps IOta the Shea stadium ready sending new settlers to these ductiVIty and human welfare tlsed Chmese 10 1962 A com The development of the ge­ Chinese attack was now serJously plosives Conservatlon of edIble amm a lot oj s~ull and practlce to make post mortem on 27 year old Wasik ring tomorrow to defend his middle the g.p True the department of forest freshly occupied terrtlones The Indian programme takes Jauson ill Je lade etweer The star of the Indian squad was considenog totally rt\'3.mpmg 1tS The Spamsb court sentenced ChriS als 16 the concern of several nellc system and the machm ckly n and out meamng he could not be burled as welghC crown against former champ preservatIon In the Mmlstry of Airi m ItS sweep the higher rem­ Inchan troops Crom the plarns ery mvolved m laymg down the car weave qUI 1 he asked the towering Sarb)l] Smgh He and The motIves behmd this move IS defences agamst SOVlct bombers tie to 20 years Impnsonment .tor ches oC the HImalayas the prOjects One of these posted m t/)e mountamous Lad Emile Griffith will have attracted culture and Irrigation ha~ done only too obVIOUS Once Israeli set the bluepnnt for a duphcate of the trtcky bends WIthout hurtling S f t ffi LIG dd f th more attention and newsprint than Swamy were the top scorers With In a Washmgton dispatch the terronst achvltles bUI he served ram Corests of Central Indl' alms at the creatIon of .kh regIOn of Kashm>r and the clean off the track a e y 0 cer yeo In 0 e valuable service 10 this field the 10 hfe form IS such a complex any middleweIght SInce 'tho great 12 pomts eaeh The FIlip no top tiers Bre firmly settled these areas newspaper quoted Pentagon offiCials only three the .nd deserts oC Raj.sthan breedmg farms for qu.tls 10c.1 Ladakhl mhabltants The sport first became established Falling Stars Skydlvmg Club saJd editOrIal says the Arab mhabitants wJ1l be driven phenomenon that the prob.b Sugar Ray Robinson scorer was NarCiSO Barnardo With 18 as saymg that Defence Secretary He told The People hiS treatment and the estuanes of the e.stern which are proltfIc and Another human problem to In the Umted States and In 1957 the WaSik appeared relaxed as he fell Ihty of ItS occurrence .t once The current Sport Illustrated pOints But a department whose personnel ou t of their homes once agam Robert McNamara looked favourably by thl\, Spamsh authontJes after his .nd western coasts offer .n excellent source oC pro­ be mvestlgated Will be the ef n t bl e track complete WIth and seemed to hold hiS hands In a ThiS attitude of the Israell gov IS pr.ctlcally nil he wntes rs pu IC rac prayIng posltton one of the Umted States top weekly The Phlllppmes now have three and monetary resources arc as hmt on the posSlble replacement ot sentence was exemplary and ad A 10 member natIOnal com tem food Another seeks to de­ Cect 10 mbreedmg among the ernment IS contrary to all mterna huge permanent land scaped CirCUIt W k k d to be buned In a magaZIneS-IS given up completely straight wins and India three de­ ed as tbose of the M lnIstry of much of the present aIr defence ded r am still an anarchIst mtttee headed by Dr B R termme the longen-term effect P.rsee commumty of Bombay was 0 coed 10 Hollywood aSI as e AgrIculture and Irngation Forest tlOnal laws and norms ot responSible structure IOvolvmg hundreds of Jet The Soviet CommUnist Party Moreover tt cannot appear soo: afterwards ubhc tracks sliver coffin he had chosen beSide to the spaghettI eating wme drink teats of Deihl Umverslty of (he contmuous dr.m of ad and oC uncle nelce and first Japan now bas three straJght Preservation Department can never behaVIOur the editonaJ emphaslscd fighters and ground based radars newspaper Pravda sald the UDlted step by step because each step Pth ountry/ the body of hiS Wile who was killed mg champion WIll coordmate the work and ult frogs m the South IndIan cousin marrIages among some wereOpened aII over e c h b btl The Untted Arab RepubliC and taken out of the whole has no S g leading 34 32 at half time hope to achieve tull success around With an entirely new $4000 mLlhon Slales vould have to understand relate It to efforts oC 40 other stnte oC Kemla Cor the export South Indians and enthusiasts flocked to the model w en h e ~came en ed m her MUSIC books and other entertain Jordan are aoveccign nations and are surVIval value and the DarWll­ a:: Japan now have three straight the counlry syslem that SOViet aid to North Vietnam frog s legs Several proposals from COl'- centres to hire time on the tracks 10 ~~~:~n~te mes--wate ed by her ment are all prOVIded at Benvenuti s members of tbe Untted Nations countnes who have JOIned to nJan mechanism (evolulton) WinS and IndonesJO three defeats The system would mclude cons wou Id continue A third project whicb may face their own hand bUllt replicas of J T Catskill mountams traming camp It It expands its operaUon In one Theretore the land under tbeir so gether to do Cor btologlcal elgn groups for collaboration Will not seleGt and retaIn It tantly airborne radar picket planes SCiences what the 1957 58 In arcect the proposals for a total under the mtematlonal blOlogl the "World s most famous cars ump master erry Allard said where he combmes rlgourous physl part ot the country It must curtail verelgnty IS part and parcel o.t theIr emploYlOg a new type of radar toge.­ The paper was commenting on the ban on cow slaugbter WIll de Therefore Dr Fang argues Earlier thiS year the first pubhc ;vasJ~ h;s;tated for three or four cal punishment With mental rest and 1t 10 another part since 11 can Dot native soil and nOr> power in the terna1I0nai GeophySIcal Year cal programme have reached In the vetY earhest appearance Newfound Risk For ther With eJther the A 11 spy plane agreement signed Saturda;y under did Cor earth sCIences clde the optimum Cap,clty of d,a Among them IS one from mimature race track opened 10 West econ s e ore Jumpmg As he feU relaxation work everywhere Simultaneously world can change the geographic or the F III lormerly known as which the Soviet UnlOn pledged fuX'" of hfe IS strnply the repltea In D!" Sesbachar saId m an m the land to carry the c.ttle PO­ the Soviet Umon whIch would Lo;Jdon and proved as lDstantly po he went flat on hJS back tucked For GrIffith It IS a different story We suggest, the editorial says that boundanes ot a nation the TFX the newspaper said ther supplies of rockets planes and tm~ molecule which makes hls arms and legs and then turned Air Hostesses tervlew that he IS laymg SpecIal pulation without dettiment hke to jom Indl8 m a specIal pular as Its predecessors In the Umt Since losmg hiS crown to the Italian the department should concentrate It IS not pOSSible tN 11 country Scottish anarchist Stuart Christie guns to HanOI dUring 1968 coptes ot Itself ID a Way rou over so that he was falling tace emphaSIS on 11 projects which to vegetatIOn SOIl cover and study oC the c.mel m Afghan ed St ates down m May he has Il\''ed for the chance SYDNEY Sept 27 (Reuter)- on tralnmg personnel pro\'ldmg to take a pencil and draw a few treed from a Spanish jail last week The agreement was a new manI ghly anaiagous to the way SOme ann at exploratton of new other forms oC hCe Istan ot gett10g it back quickly and de Air hostcsses on Jetliners risk nus­ hterature and devlSlDg new tools hnes on the map and then announce has admitted he was Involved in a festatlOn of the loyalty ot the So­ crystals grow In solutIOns All kinds of ra t: meetmgs from All 1 could do was hoUer for him b.ologlCal resources and unprov Calcutta UniversIty Wlll un clSJvely carriages during early pregnancy a for forestry use I that Its geographical boundaries plot to blow up General Franco ac viet Union and Jts people to their dragster racmg tt. tUll grand prlX to hit the chute All any of us could cd methods oC food preserva a study of the effect of (REUTER) His trammg sessions arc: channeled West German doctor warned here These can then be put at the diS have changed almost overnJght cordIng to a newspaper tnterview internatIOnal duty the paper dec­ The molecule carnes <,lno ge­ events are held the centre s two do was holler and scream We knew to one main objective 10 give him Monday posat of the provincial departments Both tbe United N.tions and nil published in London lared ------_.------nellc mformatlon whatsoever twisting eight lane tracks one 95 he had no chance Allord said the strength to slug Benvenuti so pea("'C lOVing nations are trYlOg to However as time passes ran teet long and the other 155 .teet Dr HG Mutke of the West Ger ot agnculture which In turn can Christie 21 wbo was released as Quickly and so continually thai the find a settlement tor the Middle It must be clear to the unpcrlalist dom acc.dents (mutatIon) oc­ Now international time !rials are Two drunken bullfight .tans were man Aerospace Medical Association put them at the disposal of the a result of his mother S plea to mterventlOD1sts that the fighting Hahan will drop from sheer punish told of tbe danger hanging over wo­ people of each province East problem No settlement is pos CUI' In the rephcatton process also bemg held there with learns killed when they Jumped 10(0 tbe General Franco told the Sunday Vlelnaffi people will not be Jett Nasser And Amer-30 Years Of Friendship ment men who fty regularly on bill mod We can not hope tor any large Sible unless consequences ot the Is which produce .rrelevant pro­ 10 London Copenhagen Gene\1a Bnd rlOg 10 a small Andean town near newspaper People that he earned ex Without the assistance of their true raell aggression has been ehmmat ducts th.t m.gbt be usef\ll 10 Paris Hnked by telephone and racmg Lima Peru and tned to cape a bull ern jets measure of success Without the ploslves and detonators to Spam friends Personal tragedies and Indlvlduallowcr middle class ongln ]0 the ed completely next Ihree years and lhey started survival agamst each other With their .ltirts It a hostess In an early stage at active parhclpatJon of the people The editorial expressed che hope 11 was only when be reached The SOVlet Commumst Parly and dramas usually lie submerged 10 same group were Abdul Latif Do- rhmkmg and talking of revolution There was a big recepUon for the pregnancy flies either mtentionally It IS the pcmple who work m the that the present seuren of tbe United Spam that he learned they were to government have been pursumg and moments of natIOnal c.;atastrophc: ghdadl Anwar el Sadat zakaneh Most Egypti.n Army officers oC world flyweight champJon Chart or without being aware of her con forests and orchards Nations General Assembly would be have been set off under the General s will contlOue to pursue actively a But 10 the present state of events Muhleddlo-all future members of thal peClod were hopeless dllettantes chal ChInoi lrom Thailand when he dillon abe heighlens the dangers of It we let them utlhse forest re able to force Israel to see sense and box at MadCJd s Bemabeu Stadium polley of support for the Vietnamese In the UAR the buman dr~ma of the revolutionary counCil which ous who spent their ttme dClliilkmg aud came IOta the rmg at the EmflJre a ml.earrlage' he told the fifth world sources untlefl provincial supervi condemn Ihe aggressive Israeli re during a football match people to help It defeat the .Arneri Field Marshal Abdul H.k,m Arne< s ted KIDg F.rouk In 1952 plaYIng cards The exceptions to Pool to defend hiS title agamst \the congress o.t gynaecology and obste­ Sian we can get better results the ChCJstie now back in Bntam told can aggressors sUlctde tmd and Its effect on the ar During the next two years when thiS were Nasser and Amer whose former hoider and relgnmg Brihsh trics here editOrial says glme for dJstOrbtng world peace ) chiteci o[ today s UAR gives .t the Nasser and Amer were 20 years old [nendshlp dUllng those three ye.r. bantamwelght champion Walter Some women passengers suffered A recent ed!torial 10 Baghlan s 11111111 II I 11111I II 11111I1111111111 I III III dramatl~ ~ 111111111 IlllllUllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllUUlIIl1II aura of anctent Greek tra they became very close fnends Ap matured Il1to somell:ung exception McGowan lifter long /ligbts Dr Itlehad deals with the problem ot #!.edy personal misfortunes art from a natural affinity between ally solid .nd endurmg HI$ recephon however was com Mutkc said Tho causes were air l1hteracy The edflorial recpmmends S KOALIL Editor ADVERTISING aATES m-Chll' sway the hlstoncal events of a na them they both resented their supe Tn 1942 Nasser now a captam pletely drowned by the rOBr whtch sickness emotional stress continual literacy should before .nythlne else DISplay Column mch Af 100 Telophone 24047, tlon nors of the landed BClstocracy Wbo returned to Egypt WIth Amer and greeted McGowan who came vibration~ven abrupt cltmatic and become a desirable and profitable ClaSS/fted per Ime, bold type Af 20 It was m October 1937-exactly were arrogant towards them and started orgamsmg a clandestine re through the ropes and straight over time changes thing for tbe prospecUve lil<:rate (minImum seven lines ~r lllSl5'rtfon) SHAFtE RAHEL Eduor 30 years agq-tbat Nasser met Arner sUbServ.ient to the Hrltish vo)uttonary movement He orgaOlS to Chmol s corner to Wish hIm luck Dt Mutke said smce the intI:oduc Vtlla,er. now see thllt • large for the first time They h.d botb In 1939 when G.mal Abdul ed Jhe movement In such a way that tion ot jets women might log as number of youth witb six --yean of SUBSCRIPTJON KATES For other numbers fust dial SWitchboard _ been accepted m the EgyptIan MI Nasser was 21 and already a sec ~e held nil the strlDgs ID his h.nds many as 800 flymg hours a year schoohng are roamlOg around and Yearly Af 1000 number 23043 2402g 20026 Ilt.ry Ac.demy .nd they Immed,. ond Iteu\cnanl he was transferred yet only Amer and himself knew Engl.nd s touring Rugby Union The consequences were menstrual becommg Jl1lterate again It they Half Yearly At 600 tely Caund themselves In the to Sudan-nommally an Anglo Eg th.t he was the leader These two team be.t Alberta by 22 points to disturbances sleeplessness, depres can t earn mOre or live better than three In Calg~ry Canada In the q,D Illiterate feUow villager why Quancrly At. '00 EditOrial Ex 24 58 small group ThiS was no aCCident yptJlln condomlmum but 10 lact nsked thell lives d.I1y by wnllr.g sions loss of concentration and good FOREIGN Cveu!lIJton and Advert1S1ng it was the first ye.r th.1 the Mlli ruled by the BntlSh Nasser did not revolUtionary Iracts orgamsing first at their five matches Ifl Canada memory chronic tiredness and varl should do lhey want to become They led 11 3 .t hal1 time case veins. literate Yearly .40 tary Academy was open to young want to be seperated from Arner cells and trylDg to re<;rult new uC England centre Danny Hearn Dr Mutke told the I 400 delegates The edllorlal .uggest. that literacy Half Yearly .25 men from classes other tban the and after much pullang of stnngs fleers to their movement They ltv land pwmg aristocracy and thiS Arner maoaged to Jom htrn 10 Su ed In the s;ame dlstCict m CaITO -lnd sc;ored two tries one in each halt trom 60 nations that aerospace me-­ courses must it they are to become Quarterly $15 ~on 59 t § small group was the firs~ to be of dan They remamed there for lhe (Contd on page 4) and fullback Bobb Hiller converted dlcnl research bad not paid proper meaningful promote some sort ot II II II lill UUUII I Ililltlll 1I111111l1lUl IUlUIl I 111I 1lI1111I11Wlll 11I11Ilir "I 1II1I1I1IlIIIHiUIIIIllIIIII III II 1II1l 1lI11111l1l1ll1l11 UIIlIlIllIIIIIIIII II I both Irles and klcked four penalUes attention to the problem at physical .k,ll which will belp raise a penoo. Alberta s three pomts came trom work in pressurlaed cabins standard ot UVlne ,. , " , " / .. \ . • ',l I ", \, ." -, , , "':1 ' \ '.' .... ,' •.• ~t.,' f ' "; , • ~ I, ( , '. PAGE 4 . '-.' ';'THE,KABUL T.Il4I8 ., . ~, SEPTEMBER 'rT, 1967 " '! '.,,- ~ ...' I - I !' • I .... I - ~... .'~ .. . /7 , . ... , . ':',--" . I .. , '.. •• CEN'r,Q·.'~l~iice': , . for precise calculations F9~ler '~9~t¢E~~e t.., .wat('h ,Tells Rio' -, (Faces Dissqlution Donar~GoU1A':mite:, You~ . I" \ 'lIS'-Firm -In I ,"I ':'l "Atc/eta,· ~ ~ ~: ANKARA, Sepl. 27, (OPA).­ , >1, p , , • lJ I ,,\. I ri'tmt ,~ i , , .1 , , ' " 'I~ I' • , ' "i , \.~' '\, ·Ths: