Week IP Free reasonable Live In That Will _.AU Infamy LXXXII California; Friday, December 12, 1980 Number II Caltech Enters Twentieth Century Phone Age

By Eric H. Eichorn Some sort of improvement Plant; Bill Wong, admin- Cal tech's aging and was necessitated bv the fact istrative services supervisor; overloaded telephone system, that the current 2600 campus and Jo Wilson, telephone with its step-by-step switching extensions are used up, and clerk. relays and cord-in-hole switch­ two new buildings are under The new switching equip­ board, is being replaced by a construction. Since the current ment will be brought up at ap­ solid-state Custom Dimension long-distance system is inade­ proxima tely 8:00 pm, Friday, 2000 system. A plethora of quate, and direct inward dial­ December 19. At that time all space-age bells and whistles ing has long been desired, the conversations in progress will (detailed below) are included, decision was made to get a new be terminated, the dial tone but the most notable improve­ system rather than expanding will acquire a hi gher pitch, the ment will be the capability for the old one. The changeover is Institute swit chboard number direct dialing campus phones bei ng supervised by Robert will cha nge from 795-6811 to from off campus. Fort, director of Phys ical 356-6811, direct inward dial­ ing to unrestricted phones will ~ g be enabled, all extension o numbers will change (most ac­ !i DNA Recombined cording to a simple algorithm), ~ a nd all extensions will be enabled for Touch Tone dial­ '"~ for Fun and Profit ~ ing. By Monday morning, Undergraduate Laboratories, on the eve of its remodeling, December 22, 70'70 of the rotary dial telephone sets will to hold a massive sale of various objets d'chimie. A group by Tracy Furutani t:ollce,rne'd undergrads helped advertise the bargains with ban· be replaced by Touch Tone plastered on the side of the building (above). A group of holi­ Spectacular new methods in hard-to-find proteins. He sets, with the rest replaced by "" shoppers pondering the great selection (below). recombinant DNA research began with some background early Ja nuary. were revealed by Dr. Norman in molecular biology; namely, Most extensions will retain Davidson, professor of the DNA molecule is the the same last three digits they chemistry, in his Watson Series blueprint off of which working have now, with leading I lecture Wednesday. copies, in the guise of RNA, becoming 4, and leading 2 Accompanied by a huge ar- are- made. The RNA, in turn, becoming 6. Some new exten­ ray of color slides, he covered go to the ribosomes where the sions will be created with how companies like Genetech proteins encoded within them leading 3. To dial an make money by producing are finally manufactured out of unrestricted extension from all the random amino acids outside the Caltech phone floating around in the system , one dials '356' followed cytoplasm. by the ex.ension. For example, Josten's Until ten years ago, the current California Tech ex­ ' molecular biologists had only tension is 2153. This changes to the electron microscope to see extension 6153, and can be the workings of the cell. Now, dialed from outside as Screws however, there are many 356-6153. Simple, right? To techniques, such as gel elec­ call a restricted extension or an trophoresis and the use of unknown extension from out­ Up restriction enzymes, to break side, one dials 356 - 6811 and up long strands of DNA into interacts with the operator. By Doug MacKenzie shorter, more usable strands. O ne temporary exception to As you may have noticed, In fact, many of the less the above renumbering the Big T is not out yet this lengthy DNA molecules can be algorithm is the student year, even though it arrived synthesized in the lab. houses. They are being tem­ ~ during the first week of classes. Dr. Davidson's main topic, porarily assigned restricted ex­ ~ That's because it's gone again. though, was on the use of tensions bearing no relation to ~ U's been sent back to Josten's bacteria to clone a protein; this their current numbers. In 1I because the company did such was the gist of the recombinant January they will be changed ~ a bad job of publishing it. DNA revolution. In this pro­ to unrestricted extensions based ~ The problem was' that the cess, a specific portion of a o n thei r current numbers. ~ printing and graphics were . CONTiNUEd lONTiNUEd poorly done in many spots ON PAGE 7 while the contrast was bad in ON PAGE 8 several of the pictures. One Dialing Changes Eulogy for section, which was intended to have the same style throughout, had three different Function Old New styles because J osten's used three different people to do it. Switchboard 795-6811 356-6811 - a Friend ' These mistakes mean that the '1218/ 80, . 10:25 pm. John John Lennon was a well­ publisher will have to replace Campus Ext. lxyz 4xyz Lennon is dead. His body is known singer and writer. eight to ten pages. Even though Campus Ext. 2xyz 6xyz \II'Obably not yet cold, but I read the Playboy inter­ Josten's did such a bad job this Inward dialing 356 ext. !llrough the miracle of modern view with John Lennon and time, ASCIT is going to use Outward dialing(213) 6,7,8,or 9 9 I already Yoko Ono Saturday night, two them again next year. This is 8 all about his death. He nights ago. I felt like I'd had a mainly becausse they have Direct long distance 3 Was shot in the back, at least long talk with him. At first I agreed to do some expensive Operator long distance 53 or 55 o brice, outside his apartment on thought this was the reason color work next year for free Emergency 50 5000 IIIe upper side of west Manhat­ that the news of his murder hit and also absorb the cost of this JPL 57 77 The police said the man CONTiNUEd year's errors. The entire correc­ Paging 54 74 shot him was a well­ tion is going to cost them ON PAGE 4 Biology Dictation 51 71 li!l''''.~''' "screwball". about $1000. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

.,•~ ...... •..•.....•••...•...... •...... • EDITORIAL •~ A Conversation Between a COMMENT AR\T Caltech Student and His Advisor FAUSTUS But have they[the planets) all one motion, both situ et tempore? Draft registration has voluntary servitude without register, th e law could not MEPHOSTOPHILIS returned. In case some of you due process of law." Need enforced. have been too busy or too more be said? It is al so helpful to cOln si(ja All move from east to west in four and twenty apathetic to nOlice, President Above necessit y and law, the situation from a hi hours, upon the poles of the world, but differ In Carter has decreed that those however, is the simple fac t that perspective. During the their motions upon the poles of the zodiac. persons who have committed 18-year-old males are human nam War, for every 1000 FAUSTUS the cri me of being born males beings. No government has the pie who fail ed to regi ster, These slender questions Wagner can decide! in the year 1962 shall register right to order a human bei ng to I was ever convicted . That for the draft this January. fight. No government even has person out of a thousand Hath Mephostophilis no greater skill? Who Don't do it! the right to order a human be- invari ably an activist or knows not the double motion of the planets? The draft is unnecessary, ing to register to fight. Any one else wi th a talent These are freshmen's suppositions. But tell me, unconsti tutional, and a viola- such government is a violator trouble-makin g. In hath every sphere a dominion or intelligentia? tion of human rights. It is no of basic human rights. those who did register and MEPHOSTOPHILIS secret that if Ih e United States Enough of theory. There is refused induction, ever fought a war (note: war, no practi cal reason to register more significant or()o(lrttOn Ay. not "police action") the war ef- for the d raft either. The were convicted. FAUSTUS fort wo uld consist of th e chances of a non-registeree be­ who did register and How many heavens, or spheres, are there? pushing of small red buttons ing caught are slim and rapidly induction , a very MEPHOSTOPHILIS and would result in the an- approaching none. Last July, proportion came Nine: the seven planets, the firmament, and the nihilation of all parties in volv- of the 4 million men who were bags looking like ed. The only use for a large to have registered, at least 8 eggs. Where do the odds lie? empyreal heaven. suppl y of personnel is that of percent did not. Of that 8 per­ Your decision to register FAUSTUS marching into some small cent , exactly 0 persons have not to register is your vote. But is there not coelum igneum? et cristallinum? country for the purpose of been arrested for failing to draft can only be MEPHOSTOPHILIS bashing some peasant brains. register. The U.S. government through a vote of no No Faustus, they be but fables. All in good fun, of course . adm itted before regi stration fidence. Consider your The 14th amendment to the bega n in July that if more than carefull y. FAUSTUS Consti tutio n prohibits "in- about 2 percent fail ed to Resolve me then in this one question: why are not conjunctions, oppositions, aspects, eclipses, ****************************** ,...------all at one time, but in some years we have more, in some less? Published weekly MEPHOSTOPHILIS iLETTERSj examination ,a~~n~d~c,;~.~~~:;;':; Per inaequalem motum, respectu totius. periods by t;:he ~ dents o f the California ,I":~~~ ;~;;: FAUSTUS -:..;*************************** ~- of TechnOlogy. Inc. C Well, I am answered. Now tell me who made the e xpressed in a ll I strictly those of the eu" n,,~ world? and do not necessarily ref lect MEPHOSTOPHILIS those of the editors or of the Teen. j 1980 by I will not. Helmet Laws Associated Students of the FAUSTUS Californ' a Institute of Technology. Inc. Sweet Mephostophilis, tell me. To th e Editor: ed helmet-use laws in three MEPHOSTOPHILIS The "Commentary", printed to Editor-in-Cnief years, leading a welcome Stuart Goodnick Move me not Faustus. in the December 5th iss ue, plummeting of fatalities among FAUSTUS deriding the possibility of re­ motorcycli s ts. H owever. Aaaociete Editora quiring helmet use by motor­ California was one of three A lan Loh Villain, have not I bound thee to tell me cyclists, needs a response. At states that never had such a D a Vid Younge anything? first, I thought it must be a law. Senator Alan Cranston Staff Lieiaon MEPHOSTOPHILIS spoof, but apparently, that was (D-Calif.) sponsored a federal Grover Ay, that is not against our kingdom. This IS: not the intent. The article is CONTiNUEd based on the assertion that the Writer. thou art damned, think thou on hell. ON PAGE 6 M ignon Belongie. Dwein David, consequences of not wearing a FAUSTUS Mar gie Ferrell. T racy Furute ni. helmet at the time of collisions Les Grate. L isa Grenier. Peter Think, Faustus, upon God, that made the world. were the concern of the in­ Grieve. Charles H e rshey, MEPHOSTOPHILIS Kaminski. Muha mmed K han. dividual involved alone, for she .John Krehbiel. David LePolre, Remember this! or he alone would bear the Doug MacKenzie. H .N .1. (Exit) associated problems. This is Mayhem, Chuck N ichols , simply not true in modern R icha rd P ogge, Steve Rabin, - Christopher Marlowe society since we have accepted B n.Jce Sams, L e e Sunderlin, DaDa M ike Welsh the responsibility to care for THE CALTECH V . • • . • • . . • fly-by the injured, disabled, and those Cartooniat whose problems are com­ Luke Wi!! Saturday, December 13: pounded by the serious To the Editor: DECOMPRESSION. Festivities Photogrepner. Sunday, December 14: disability of or sudden death of We remain convinced that Ken Gant. Bob G o,odr,cn. \ begin at 8:30 P.M. and will go on until I :30 A.M. a family member. it is possible and desirable to Grove r . Paul Ste. Marie, Swans on Come and relax, detach yourself from the academic life, These are the facts. I) keep part of one's con­ Following a National Highway sciousness perpetually in a state and enjoy the Cal tech Y award-winning films starring Production Traffic Safety Administration of revolution. In this way we Rocky and Bullwinkle. Remember the free munchies Margie Farrell. Tracy F urucani. to withhold funds from states mentally transcend the. sticky R ichard Pegge. N ick Sm'th, and intellectual games which will be available! not requiring hel met use by CONTINUEd E dwa rd Suranyi motorcycl ists, forty states pass- ON PAGE 8 Bualne•• Menager Gavin Cla ypool

Circulation Managar NEW COURSE OFFERING Paul Eskridge Spacla' Conaulttlnt Manny ApPLIED BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT The CaUfornle Teoh publica­ tion offices are located In AHEM lOOabc. Applied Business Mangling. 20 units (0-20-0); first, rooms 1 15 e nd 107 in Winnett S tude nt Cente r on the Caltech second, third terms. Recommended: REM 100a. Primarily open to campus. The address 15 107-51 , California Institute of THE HAIR CUTTERS sophomores and juniors. This course endeavors to bridge the gap Technology. Pasaden a . Calif or­ nia 91 125. T e lephone: [213J between theory and practice. The principal responsibilities are: 795-6811 , Editor - ext. 2153.

... ~ ."0 .. t " S Busine ss Manage r - ext. 2154. ~ '1· . l., .... NC,S 1) solicitation and layout of advertising; 2) billing of advertising; P rinted by News-Type Serv ice. G lenda le , California. P o stage ..'·IOU 3) payment of bills; 4) billing and maintenance of office machines; paid a t Pasedena. California .

5) maintenance of proper books of account; and 6) making lots of Subacrlptlona $2.00 per term 1009 E. (Ot.OItAOO 'A~ money for you and the Tech. Limited enrollment; not offered for $5.00 per yeer ..... T TO THE ACADEM" Jt«ATItf: $100 for life .aaNOOOa_115BI2 ,...... t~ credit; commissions and G&C available. Instructor: Claypool. 'day, December 12, 1980 THE CALIFORNIA TECH Page Three

The path grew steadily ~~ij)ij)~~~~ij)~~ij)~~~~ij)~~~~~~ more difficult. Occasionally he ij) ij) found the remains of those who had died seeking, and brought them to safety. Still he ! TItE Body Sltop i moved on, resting little, gather· ing only when need overcame ~~~~ij)~ij)~~ij)ij)ij)ij)ij)~~ij)~~~~~ij) He rose, slowly, like a tiny sustenance, he set off for the him, learning from the few bubble, toward the light. It was edge. It was a very hard who yet shared his path. How has the world been 6. Take a shower-it's like pOt as much an awakening as a journey, and often he was for· Sadly, hi s quest could not treating you lately? Are your starting your day over. birth. He lay for a very long ced to deprive himselF. Finally continue forever. After a long parents breathing down your 7. Smile, it 's simple, quick, time thus-time had no mean- he came upon a well-worn while he realized that he, too, neck (to get an A in physics)? and doesn't cost a dime. ing for him yet. Beneath him path, which seemed to go on in was growing old. During hi s Do you find yourself sharpen- - 8. Try Relaxation Therapy. be felt a solid supporting sur- both directions forever. He life he had ri sen a great ing your Bic pen before the big Relaxation Therapy face, perhaps the crust of a halted the first to pass him on distance, through lands both exam? Is your roommate trying Relaxation therapy is a way planet, though he would never the path, who was moving flat and steep. Those he met to short sheet your bed wit h of reducing anxiety without know. downhill, and asked him of the were continually improving in you in it? You may well be drugs. To get the most benefit Hi s perception s ac- path. He learned that the other the quality of their perception, stressed . from relaxation therapy, try to cumulated slowly. He became was much like himself, but was and even those off the paths, What is Stress? set aside 10-20 minutes once aware First of hi s own ex- a gatherer, not a seeker or a he saw, shared with him a deep Stress is a normal part of or twice a day. During this islence, his body. He became teacher. The other continued understanding of life. This he every day and is actually time, completely relax your en­ aware of its needs. First he was on his way. suspected was due to those helpful. HOWEVER, stress left tire body and try not to thing bungry, thirsty, then afraid, The next along the path was seekers who had left the path unchecked and all owed to of anything except the digit I. then curious. He felt a deep moving uphill. He was nearly to become teachers. Even the build can result in: decreased Some people find it easier emotion you would call as o ld as the teacher had been, landscape here struck him as productivity, loss of self- con- to relax while li stening to a loneliness, and he lay steeped and travelled slowly. He was a more beautiful. His apprecia- fidence, insomnia, lo nel iness, tape recording that tells them in it an aeon. seeker also, so they moved tion of life was ever growing. change in moods, fatigue and what to do step-by-step. When he knew his body uphill together. They talked of His infirmity grew ever headache. Following is a script you may more, he began to learn to the world and shared many more bothersome. His progress Try This! use to make a recording to help mOve about. Slowly at first, mysteries. They met others, along the path grew ever I . Take a hike, get away from you relax. For best results, then faster, he moved and sometimes stopped to slower. Finally, he knew he campus, not everyone lives in record in a quiet room, downhill, bumping into and s h are perception s or could go no further. This concrete. preferably one with drapes and steering around objects, until sustenance. He learned of observation did not sadden 2. Take a fr iend, walk around carpets. Speak slowly in a be tired of the effort, and many faraway regions and him, however. He did not the block and share the load. soothing voice, pausing for a apin he lay still. Soon his need knew many new sati sfactions. know if the path ever came to 3. "The play's the thing". Ex- couple of seconds between overcame hi s exhaustion and Sometimes the path would an end, or what he would have ereise, running, tenn is, phrases. If you feel strange be continued on. fork. More often two paths done upon reaching it. He only anything to reduce your moun- li stening to your own voice, An object in the distance would converge, and those knew that his journey had not tain to a mole hill. then have a friend make the beckoned to his mind. He from the other paths would been futile. 4. Take a number, put recording. sought it out, though with dif- bring new ideas to his mind. He died a seeker. That somebody else first. When you wi sh to practice ficulty , and found to hi s joy He found most of those mov- which rose from his remains 5. Read a chapter or two out CONTiNUEd another like himselF. They ing uphill to be seekers, those continued on. of your favorite book, NOT merged , then lay together con- downhill to be gatherers . He - Chuck Nichols PHYSICS. ON PAGE ~ tentedly. Later the other show- met no teachers. Several of his .1Il1ll1ll1lJij][j]/j]lIIfjJlIIlIllllllllllllllillillillll.lIIlII. III him some small objects, fellow seekers left the path, ij) ~ route, are missing this event, lOIIIe of which it consumed. He however, expressing the idea !Y1 , Cf" t'- CUJ ()() you must clearly be either consumed also, and knew that they would become !!!'-lA h ~ IlO l!V1. Vle e.\:::.\::: ij) suicida ll y depressed or com- satiation. They exi sted thus, teachers. They were far away ij) t" ij) pletely out of your tiny little "Ihering and satisfying and from their native lands, and he .1II[jJ(jJij]IiI(jJij]1Il1ill1ll1ll1ll1il1ll1il1iJ1il1il1il1iJ1il1ll1l mind. In either case, the pawing strong. Sometimes thought them brave to do such remedy is obvious: get up, bun- they encountered others in a thing, but he continued uphill It 's a Monday evening in in all its forms is making the die up, trundle off, and tlleir gathering, and with these with his aged companion. Pasadena and the air is devoid rounds; and even the cops are mingle. I enjoyed the social at- be shared perceptions, and At length hi s companion of apathy, more so than any mellowed out considerably. mosphere possibly more than lhen they too merged and grew grew suddenly tired and told bonfire has been responsible It's II :40 on the eve of watching the parade (I commit- 1Dgether. him to go on alone. He refused for (in my recollection, 1980. The people are gathered ted the unpardonable sin of Once he met a n older one to leave, and shortly witnessed least ways). In fact , the natives both to ring in a new year, and leaving the parade at least 45 who had gathered perceptions his friend's death and return to of Pasadena, not to mention to observe on the following minutes early, compounded by from far and wide, and knew the void. He kept a lonely vigil all these furriners I can see, are morning the. Tournament of not designating a person to in- auch. They lay together long protecting the remains and just busting out with ex- Roses parade (many also came herit my place; most of the and frequently. His curiosit y venting his grieF. Much later he uberance. Impromptu parties to see the Doo-Dah parade, people were so polite that the pew with his knowledge, and began to understand what had are coalescing out of the swirl- held a few hours earlier). A space I vacated must have lOOn he had questions hi s happened. From the remains, a ing knots of humanity; by and three-to-four block section of stayed free for a t least 10 _her could not answer. Hi s new, still unformed entity was large, it's one of the most Pasadena has been transformed minutes). Inasmuch as the only lincerity deeply touched hi s beginning to emerge. He took good-natured crowds in my ex- into a gypsy caravan of RV's, severe shortcoming of seeing _her, who told him, "Go to it to a safe place and then perience. Sleeping bags are parties, buses, etc., not to men- the paraae live- namely, driv- tile edge of this place. There resumed hi s journey with a stretched here a.nd there, dot- tion a lot of randomness. ing into and out of Pasadena JOU will find seekers and mixture of sorrow and joy, and ting the sidewalks and parking If you, a Techer, a person on I January-is neatly avoid- teachers who can help you." a more complete knowledge of lots like an in vasion of oversiz- who lives within walking ed by living in this area, you Taking a coll ection of that which was himselF. ed, stuffed caterpillars; alcohol dis/ance of the famed parade CONTiNUEd ON PAGE 6 r---~------Buy Calt8(~ C.cIs Buy Caltech Cards aid saY. 20% aid sav. 20% 113 IU Il:2f171E 11:2 Ie I() ~ lr II ~ It ~ lrA\ IL will offer you a deal you cannot refuse. good food at reasonable prices refills on soft drinks at all times seconds on salad bar

SPECIALTIES: SHISH·KABOB. SHAORMA. SOUVLAKI-STEAK HOMEMADE PASTRIES: BAKLAVA. BURMA. AND NAPOLEONS A SpeCial Treat for December! A Free Root Beer Float To All Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Faculty, Grad Students, Attend! On Lake Avenue Mondays and Tuesdays are Beer Days. Buy 1 pitcher, get the second one free! 't. Block North of California Friday December 12, Lennon: 1~11~IAI~4lI~1 Friend FROM ONE Plays SJlI{14l 11'1~I S me with such force. Bur this others admitted to ...... was not right. drugs, when they grew The reason I felt the sense hair very lo ng and grew of a perso nal loss is th at it was and moustaches and a perso nal loss. I've kn ow n the ve ry strange John Lennon since the fourth Mystery Tour and grade, since he was 24 and I Pepper's Lonely Hearts was nine years old. I loved him Band, when they grew in the purely adul atory way a understand - I sti ll lik ed Pretty Boys, Pretty Void boy of nin e or te n must love a I thought hi s walrus ""'U" "" ..I man of twenty-four. I wanted was handsome and wanted John (and Paul and Ringo and grow one like it. My George) to be my friend . I didn't like them at a ll , They were almost in spired, leading edge of rock: they ill­ The hoped-for revival of wa nted to meet him, to kn ow them irreverent and i',mnl oral this wierd group with the nerve vellted. Though thei r sound rock and roll is, in fact, a him. I wanted him to come to but I sti ll believed John A to call themselves Pretty never reall y caught on, they th oro ugh disaster. coll ection my town with the ot her good heart. I still beli eve t Things. These days names like kept at it for years afterward , of boring, inane songs a ll Bearles, to sta y in my house . He left a lot. A Day in "Dead Kenned ys" and supported by a small but loyal . played in the same time, with When the Beatie cards came Life. I Feel Fine. I'm A "Psychotic Pineapple" hardly group of fans, and made some the same dull, stupid lyrics out (the first set, not th e se­ Revolution. A Hard we've come to expect in the late get a second glance but I still fine but unnot iced . co nd, which see med slicker, Night. find "" hard to Some of th eir bes t were 70's and early 80's. Who gives a more commercial, less per· So 1 shared in hi s life. cope with even though they've Parachute, , and fuck about a song like "Office sonal), the first four, which I wonder if the lunatic been toge ther for sevent een -all solid rock Love" that offers such bits of featured pictures of the in­ shot him for reasons years. While the Beatles were records with occas ional fl as hes wisdom as: di vidual Beatles on the front minds may never fathom still shocking the world as the of brilliance to set them apart he swears (0 step cleanly si de and their v it a l prompted by the same i "moptops", the Pretty Things from average . It's been five from a marriage statisti cs - age, height, weight, view I read myself. The i had hair down to their years since they released fh at's become so {angled color of eyes - on the back, view that put John's shoulders a nd a mean Savage Eye, and now they've and confused were rarities. But I obtained a the cover of Playboy, the i do n ' t- mess-with-me look got a new one: Cross Talk. I she knows he's lying for his copy of the ca rd with John's view demanded by people designed to scare off any but was intri gued by the plain pleasures face on the front, the lean face, myself because we bought the ha rdiest and most white cover - could it be? he doesn't see her cry the aquiline nose, the in­ read. dedicated rockers. Could thi s simplicit y and lack Oh no office love is such a tellige nt , teasing eyes. He look­ Maybe shared The Who copied Tommy of pretense reall y ex tend a ll the bitch ed as if he was thinking about deat h, too. directly from the Pretty Things' way int o the vin yl in si de? Have Oh no .like a knife in the a joke he wanted to let me in I'm sorry, John. It's a S.F. Sorrow, and Townshend they retu rned from the grave back on. of a reward you gel a ft er freely admits it. In those days like Paul Revere to wake us CONTiNUEd Later, when he and the my friend for sixteen years. the Prett y Things were at the from slumber? Hardl y. - A nO"II'I.1IOIIJ ON PAGE 7


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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ Script Body Get into a comfortable postilion ... are you com for· tab le?" ,C lo s e your ChrlSIOPherRObblni Baxart eyes ... Start relaxing your en­ Shop tire body", begin with your ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ toes and slowly move to the ...... by Lisa Grenier FROM TItREE top of your head " , Concen­ By C.R.G. The new exhibit a t Baxter relaxatio n therapy, find a quiet trate on relaxing , , , When other You guys just don't know more will wake up Chri stmas Art Gall ery is a wlecome place where you will not be thoughts enter your head, what you're missing. Christmas morning to fi nd a small gift or change from such works as the disturbed and get into a com­ disregard them a nd return your Wl11 be here in two weeks and two under their tree, It should Horizontal Pillar. Terry Allen fortable position, Sitting is attention to your muscles ... you can still go outside in a make you feel very lucky that is an a rtist who approaches the probably better than lying First, relax your short sleeve shirt! These you've got friends and family subject of art with a refreshing down, because you don't want toes, , ,Relax the rest of your southern California to spend the holid ay season lack of pretentiousness . The to fall asleep, Play the tape foot. , ,Now relax your calf Olristmases are nothing com­ with. Why don't you put a exhibit was divided into fou r recordin g; when the voice muscles . . . Move up to your pared to back East. The only dollar in the Salvatio n Army sections: "slUdies for ob· finishes, stay relaxed for 10 thighs", Make them feel way you can tell it's Christmas pot, or donate a toy to the jecr/ drama ... Whisper," "some more minutes while you can· limp, , , The whole leg should out here is when Santa Claus is "Toys for Tots" in your in betweens," "a regional grow· centrate on the digit I. feel limp , , ,Now start relaxing stOlen from Lake and the neighborhood, Hey' we're the ing," a nd " Ring." Even if you choose not to your lo wer abdo minal arandstands go up on lucky ones, we're the ones who The section entitled "studies use the tape, you will want to area". Your buttocks " ,get all Colorado. should be sharing our good for object/ drama", Whisper" read the script over carefully to the tightness out, , , Today is Friday the 12th fortune. consists of seven works labeled learn the basics of relaxation Start relaxing YOllr chest and my family is cutting down No, I'm not saying "Buy as possible explainations for therapy, musc les ... the back" ,t he Ibis year's tree back home. every orphan a Rolls Royce." modern art, arson, weather, front ... Concentrate on relax· That's right, not all trees come I'm just telling you to share and other aspects of modern in g your chest muscles , . . Now out of boxes with silver needles yourself. Help a n old lady life. All works consist o f a s ta rt relaxing yo ur and "ready to plug in" lights. across the street. Say "Merry composition 'explaining' the Let There fingers .. . the muscles in the Tomorrow they'll start string­ C hristmas" to people, That's subject and a border. In the rest of your hand ", Start at iDa popcorn and baking right, say "Merry C hristmas". border are silhouettes of two the wrists ... move up to the cookies. Dad just bought a Go outside and do some caroll­ people who are whispering Be Light s h o ulders" .re lax yo ur couple of cords so the fire'll be ing (even if you do live in about the composition. This arms, , ,Get all the tension out marin'. My sister is learning Southern California)! Believe it gro up of work pokes fun at the Hy Joe Balke of your shoulders , . , some Christmas songs for the or not Christmas only comes pretentiousness surrounding art The "Festival of Light" was Then re lax the neck piano and my brother's getting once a year. Merry Christmas and raises the idea that creating once again a spectacular and muscles, , . make your neck feel die snow shovel out for some & Happy New Year, is better than criticizing. successful show, leavin g the ex­ limp " ,Start relaxin g your extra shopping money. "Some in bet weens" and pectations of its audiences face ... you r c h in . . . your I'm getting home Monday " Ring" further expound the more than fulfilled. The c h ee k s ... around yo ur .t and we plan to go out concept that criticism is un· forcefulness and emotion of eyes, , ,your forehead. , . Now carolling. We go to all the necessary and that the creati on the performances combined relax the top of your head, , , bouses up a nd down the street, of art and ideas should be en­ with the ti ght control of the S tay relaxed " ,breathe adding more people. By the Personals couraged rather than stifled. vocal groups by Olaf deeply through you r time you get to the end of the These groups are compri sed of Frodsham and Monica Roegler nose. , ,breathe slowly and block, you've got a mob! Peo­ three dimensional collages Bown led to an expressive evenl y ... Picture the digit ple usually invite you in for hot Somehow "Hapiness is a made of lead, tacks, glitter. demonstration of the spirit of I, , , Keep breathing slowly and chocolate or warm rum. You Warm Gun," will never be a nd other unconventional art Hanukka h and C hristmas, evenly . . . Say "one" over and wind up back home and break quire the same. materials, Allen clarifies that It was evident that much over to yourself .. . Say "one" out the egg nag. And those hi s support of creating does time and labor was put into the each time yo u ex· ~stmas cookies melt in your not require the absence of preparation of the show. The hale .. . Concentrate on your " th. Everyone si ts around thinking in The Nelson which actors posing on stage for the mental picture of the digit * tree by the fireplace. Some­ states " It is by the real that we various scenes did magnificent I, , , When other thoughts enter cIIe starts reminiscing about live, It is by the ideal that we jobs, the costumes and li ghting your mind. di s regard stmas past, and you realize To the Editor of The Califor­ exist ." were dazzling, and the musical them .. ,Keep s ay ing special this time of year is. nia Tech, "A regional grouping" is a accomplishment was majestic ·'one" ...... ··olle' · .. . get a warm feeling inside. more somber grouping which is a nd crisp. The lightin g and the .. . . "olle" ...... • y every minute, every se­ I am writing in referene to a strongly infused with the soloists seemed to set the mood To learn morc about relaxa· . You don't know when 'proof that was printed in the regional flavor of the Texas for the show, a solemn and tion therapy. you may want to 11 see t hose people again. Nov, 21, 1980 issue of The where Allen grew up. These joyous observance of two read The Relaxation Response, ISo what are you doing California Tech, In the 'proof, works consist of starkly religious festivals, Ha nukkah written by Herbert Benso n. this Christmas? Are you a crucial assumption was made beautiful oil pastel scenes of and Chri stmas, united by a M,D .. New York, Avon, 1976, to sit around the house but not noted. The 'proof Lubbock, Texas bordered by common theme of light and You've got friends here at waiting till vacation's read: written and pictoral comments. hope, the Healt h Center who care, so Are you gonna go out (I) ME-SHE=O The dramatic construction and Altogether, it was a very please be aware that you can "Party Hearty"? 'W hat a (2) ME;SHE oppressive mood of "a regional moving performance. and it s count on us it the going gets to spend a holiday. (3) M.S H grouping" act as a balance for participants should be proud of rough, about helping some­ The step from (2) to (3) can the sly witticisms of "studies the way they touched the hearts - Rh onda Campbell, v " ,,"'" been given a very only be made if one assumes for object/ drama ... whisper." and souls of their audiences. R,N.N,P, gift: the ability to be a that E does not equal 0, person. I mean, you Wi thout this assumption, the two eyes, two ears, two 'proof fall to tiny shriveled Espre sso two legs, a working pieces of useless nonsen se,fAs Enjoy Lunch & Dinner Cappuccino IIIiod. There are a lot of people does this leller- eds./ who will spend Christmas in Most Sincerely Yours, And Pizza With Us hospitals, a lot will spend Leland C. Mah Christmas alone, and even MIT orTakeltOut Earn $50.00 - $150.00 On New Year's Day PRIMO !Jta[ian ~f:!£cia[tiL~ Join our FuJler Kodak Film Sales force and sell film at the Rose Parade on §OU'l..m£~ ; New Year's Day. For more information, 350 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena . 795-4749 ._ call Sue Stephens after 6:30 p.m. " - -::- ~? ;; 1/_ at 351-0592 by December 18.

IMMIGIUITIOII flTTO~IIEY In the Colonnade Mall across from Buflock's STUART I. FoliNSky Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.- 8:30 p.m.

2459 Mission Road I San Marino I WITH THIS COUPON - GOOD AFTER 5 P.M. I Phona: 799-0651 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER I o ;;• You may buy ONE drink in a glass : L,A, Office: • beer or wine, or a soft drink : 386-8540 for 5~ with purchase of any dinner or pizza I ._------I I Friday, December 1 tend to be risk-takers. dependent on the injured or ri sks inherent in exposing one's helm eted. In the second, However. helmet laws are easi­ killed rider is significant; it is brains unprotected to the Caltech grad student on ly enforced so in states with in addition to the direct costs possibility of such a collision motorcycle and a motor these laws, compliance is to families involved in this and would support the specious collided. He was helmeted; Helmets almost 1000J0. Repeal has led to problem. The Los Angeles argument that it is an in­ day, despite the pain of hi s drops in usage of 40-to-500J0. It Times reported on December dividual's right to destroy or juries, he is a productive is often those who are young, 7th that, in California within incapacitate himselfI herself to talented member of FROM TWO inexperienced, and ignorant of the next months, the typical the point of dependency on the community. bill rescinding the federal the potential consequences who cost of one day in a · hospital rest of us . I ask your writers to Any motorcyclist, financial sanctions; in the are exposed to the trauma. will be $411 and of the average reconsider their position in moped and bicycle three-year period following 3) The helmet less injured hospital stay, $2874; just im­ light of the facts and to con­ travelling on streets this, 27 states repealed or cost taxpayers money. for the agine the cost for a head­ sider what it would be like to with larger motor weakened their laws. Since majority do not have insurance injured motorcyclist! li ve in this country if we did needs to protect nun/ ln ers. then, deaths have ri sen 46070, to pay for their hospitalization. 4)The vast majority of not require immunization with a helmet. It although sales and registration In Maryland, the unpaid bills, Americans have never studied against serious disease as a the experience of the figures have remained cons­ which taxpayers had to cover, physics and therefore are facet of public health respon­ years, that the most tant. In fact, in Colorado, for at one trauma ce nter was unaware of the forces present sibility. I invite those way to reach that goal is to instance, along with a 50"70 in­ $433,200 for injured motor­ in even a low-speed col1ision. unhelmeted riders to observe quire the use of a helmet. crease in deaths, there has been cyclists. By April 1978, the They do not realize that the the condition of injured cyclists Sincerely yours, a 260% increase in serious average cost of treatment was force of impact is approximate­ and to consider if they really - Stephanie M. head injuries associated with over $11,000; this did not ly the product of the speed of had the awareness to choose moto'rcycle accidents. cover: rehabilitation or con­ the vehicle and the weight of those terrible consequences for P.S. A summary of the 2) UCLA researchers have tinued treatment at other the object, whether animate or themselves. noted is in "Status found that "use of a safety hospitals; Disability Insurance inanimate. They do not con­ Finally, I would like to con­ Vol. 15, No.7, May 6, I helmet is the single critical fac­ payments; or the effects on in­ sider that their heads may hit trast two collisions which oc­ publication of the InsllTand tor in the prevention or reduc­ surance rates of the losses in­ solid objects with a force of curred in Pasadena about a Institute for Highway "a'<'Y.ill ' tion of head injury" in their curred by unhelmeted but in­ over 3000 pounds, even assum­ year ago. In one, the Pasadena study of motorcycle crashes in sured riders. It did not deal ing the person to be only 100 City College Homecoming Los Angeles. In other studies, with the loss of earnings, a fac­ pounds in a 30 mph collision. Queen, while riding on a it has been shown that helmet tor which the previous article It is surprisi ng to me that moped, had a low-speed colli­ use is lower for those involved ridiculed, but one which has a members of a community sion with a car; within days, in crashes; it seems likely that serious effect on society. The where the study of physics is she was dead of head injuries, those who do not wear helmets loss of earnings for a family universal would ignore the preventable had she been

have a prime opportunity. It even worth cutting a day two off of your vacation to come back in to witness the (Seeing as how registration' usually scheduled for 2 J you might want to come on the I st anyway.) One warning: dress If your experiences run Iy to mine, you'll be too to notice the cold during of the evening and early ing, but once you settle to watch the parade you free your tuchis if you wearing a good, warm . "II see you there. your vacation and God you. -the P.S.: the snowline is still ping. ETA Caltech on January 1981. Classified Ads DISCOVER R SALE DATSUN-4-door 610 Lu xury sedan, '75. Big economical 1.96-ltr motor. EXCELLENT ANEW WORLD. Auto trans , air co nd , Sony AMIFM wi cassette , $2,895. Phone 794-1445 eves. In the field of Semiconductor technical team. we·re committing GENE AUBIN AUDIO. We carry Technology_there ·s an exciting substantial resources towards the those products which highest quality and valu e. future awaiting up-and-coming cost effective exploration and appli­ feature: PS Audio , Thiel , engineers_ cation of LSI and VLSI technologies_ 3D Acoustics, Chartwell In it. is the chance to break Here-s your chance to probe Spendor, Cizek , VPI , noisseur, KM existing barriers_ And to impact the deep into a world of the future_ And Grace, LAST , Li ve sophistication of tomorrow·s you can start right now by checking Matter , and more. MIC computing power. with your placement office and (21 571-1299. Here. at Sperry Univac·s new signing up on our schedule_ Or, send Semiconductor Division_you'll have a resume to Bill Dahlen_ Sperry the chance to share in the excite­ Univac Semiconductor Division, tive secretary. IBM I Resumes , theses , reports , ment of discovery- To contribute P.o_ Box 3525_ St. PaUl, MN 55165_ Grammar , spelling corre new ideas_ And. experience the rich Our recruiter will be on campus Fast , dependable , satisfaction of achievement. JANUARY 13_ Call 257-4300. For nearly three decades_ OPPORTUNITI Sperry Univac has been providing advanced solutions to the data 5PE~Y+UNIVAC processing· needs of companies_ governments_ and industries SEMICONDUCTOR DIVISION around the world_ And now_through the creation of a new Semiconductor Division Buying or selling something? and the concentrated efforts of our too, can take out an ad in California Tech! $2.50 per plus 4Dc per extra line lor An Equal OpporcuniCIj Emploljer M IF lieds. Bring ad copy to office or call extension 2154. December 12, 1980 • umnl Pretty B-Ball Clone Void FROM ONE DNA molecule is obtained, Game FROM FOUR either through synthesis or Or if that's not bad enough, from the natural source, and is considcr "Falling Again" - a combined with the DNA of a Played piss·poor imitation of rockabil­ host bacterium. Thus, the host Iy boogie. This o ne boogies like bacterium DNA will accept the By P. G. Hepzibah an overturned cement truck. foreign DNA as its own and After losing the first three As the lyrics proclaim of the will make the RNA from the of the year. the Caltech beautiful lover: DNA. Once the RNA is put together a string of I jumped a / reighrer bound created, the protein can be victories on for Mombassa formed in the ribosome and court and will go I worked every day nealli a taken out of the bacterium. 1981 with a 3·3 record. burning sky Finally, the bacterium's protein BBall Beavers opened their I wrote her sea poems and is dissolved, leaving the foreign season last Friday with naufical leflers protein. In this way, proteins 71-33 win over i I remember her words fill such as somatostatin, a College. The vic- ~ rhe day rhar I die. stomach enzyme and the malegin was the biggest for < pituitary hormone have been Ulll.

We would like to thank the Caltech Community for your continued support and remind you that we will always continue to offer a tremendous discount to Caltech and J PL.

We would also like to announce the moving of our store at 2390 East Foothill to 1244 East Colorado (Colorado and Chester). Our move to this new and bigger store will be completed after finals.

We will be carrying a variety of brands including: Adcom, Aiwa, Akai, Amber, Audio Interface, Audire, Blaupunkt, Dbx, Denon, Discwasher, Dynavector, Hafler, Harmon Kardon, Jensen, JVe, Koetsu, Koss, Lustre, Maxell, Micro Acoustics, NAD, Ortofon, Proprius, Sennheiser, Sheffield, TDK, Teac, Technics, and of course GNP Speakers.

Pasadena The GNP Lead Cylinder Speaker 795-4672. 577-7767 This unique design eliminates the problems of South Boy/LJ>..X Area diffraction, standing wat'es, and resonances. Interested? Come in for an audition. GROSS NATlON.AL PRODUCTS 322-3112 HIGH PERFORMANG LOlDSPEf.KERS San FranCisco & AlDIO COMPONENTS 415-961-1728 Page Eight THE CALIFORNIA TECH Friday, December 12 ,

************************************************************** P . Proto n: As an elvish construct, must have a savoir loire for art of the whirling dervish. best of luck Sunday. i..~!!.. ~!!~**!!!!*~~***~!!~*~**!~.!~.*.!!!*.~~!!!~*.! -the Un "ampus Recruiting for All Job Seminar Get Strung Out Phony News Degree Candidates Mr. Donald Rowe - Vice Caltech will offer a new There w ill be two On campus interviews for President of Industrial Rela­ guitar class with guitarist Dar­ make-up sessions on how to permanent employment wi ll tions at General Valve Com­ ryl Denning starting in the use the new phone system on begin January 12 , 198 1. pany wi ll present a seminar on Winter term. The new In­ Dec. 16, at 2: 15PM, and Dec. Procedures for On-Campus " How to Approach Getting a termediate Guitar Class will 17, a t 2:00PM, in the Salvatori Interviews: J ob". The seminar wi ll cover emphasize note reading on the Room (365 South Mudd). Staff For every interview you topics on : How the make the entire guitar fingerboard and a nd students a re welcome. For have: initia l contact, how to inter­ wi ll enable students to make a more info call Betty Bosserman smooth tranSitIOn from the at xl741. Dada I. Research each company view after successful contact, before making an appointment. Homework required before in­ Beginning to the Advanced (Company literature is availible quiry and interviews, and how C lass. The Intermediate Class in the Career Resource Library to follow - up after the inter­ will a lso be scheduled on paralyzing goo of unaware located in Room 8, Dabney view. Tuesdays a nd wi ll be open to Hallelujiah! and, since every thought H all) Be sure to mark Ja nuary 8, st udents who have either com­ The Credit Union Offices parallel action, we '",mfA" 2. Resume mllst be submitted 1981 on your calendar! The pleted the Beginning class or (JPL and Campus) will be clos­ the world. at time appointment is made. seminar wi ll be held in 153 have equivalent experience. A ll ed for twelve days begi nning While the usual (Individual resume counseling Noyes from 4:00 -6:00PM. classes are free of charge to 3:30PM Dec. 23 . They will open revolution espouses a n.ct ;" ,,1. is provided by the Placement Caltech students. Mr. Denning for business at 9:00AM on goal, and religious rn,n ven,', wi ll also be availible for private January 5, · 1981. The Credit Staff.) (the other m~~t:I~~(~rv,>:~;'n~ 3. Write the name of the com­ instruction on all levels. For Union extends its warmest state) is seen as pany you are interviewing on further info call Mr. Denning wishes to the Cal tech Com­ something, we say that each resume submitted . at 465-0881. munity for the holiday season. state of revolutionary 4. Sign a transcri pt release scious awareness can form. operator aSS isted long distance, should exist even in the a A li st of organizations that 53 and 55, will be eliminated; of a specific symbol on will be recruiting on campus Phones to get operator assistance, j ust to fixate. If necessary we will be availible DECEMBER dia l the obvious O. The Biology be ready to settle for the 8, 1980. For further informa­ fROM ONE dictation number will change dom thermal agitation To call off campus within tion consult the Placement Of­ from 51 to 7 1. Pagers wi ll be which a stream in the the 213 area, it has been fice, Room 8, Dabney Ha ll . BigT accessed with 74 instead of 54. evaporates into clouds, to necessary to dial 6, 7, 8, or 9 to Many custom calling recondensed - itself but in get a trunk to the proper area. features wi ll be available with tra nsformed state- high on GDG fROM ONE lf you guess wrong, your call is the new system. Call Waiting side of Mount Meru. the Cal tech Gay Discussion The yearbook cost $9750 to aborted. Under the new notifies someone wi th a call in on the sllperiority of PW",",'. Group will have a meeting produce and the 800 copies system, one merely dials 9, and progress when another caller is tion over stagnation, we tonight in C lubroom 2 in Win­ should come out around the proper trunk is calling, and allows him to nett at 7PM. This wi ll be the temporarily resurrect Dada Christmas. It will be 208 pages automatically selected. For answer the second call while prescribe near-fatal doses last meeting of first term. Next and have a format similar to long distance calls charged to holding the first. Three-way meeting is Friday, 9 J anuary, anyone who is not yet that of '75 and '76. Sue Fuhs, an account number. 8 will calling a ll ows any call to be for true Zen. 198 1-watch for locatio n. Ron Mathieson and Joe replace 3. made into a conference call, or DiGiorgio were the chief The various two-digit access to be transferred to another ex­ DADA MANIFESTO XIII For Whom The Bell Tolls editors for this year's Big T. codes are also changing. The tension. Call forwarding is us­ We ha .. no use for the The Caltech Coffeehouse If you're interested in help­ J PL tie line will cha nge from ed to reroute received call s to and methods of the past, o n Holliston Avenue (look for ing with the be sure and Big T, 57 to 77. The 24-hour emergen­ a nother extension, o r to do so for those of the future, nor the red light) will close Friday see next year's editor, Mark cy number will cha nge fro m 50 only when the line is busy o r the present. The march for the winter break. Randolph. to 5000. The codes for not answered in three rings. mankind is a procession Speed calling allows program­ lavender lacquer. The ming of frequently called scooter does not taste numbers, which are then ac­ sister a nd Dada cessed with a two-digit code. abolishes physics. Be'Catl Se These and other features will o ne time there was be detailed in instruction sheets Dada hereby abolishes En~eers at Xerox which will be sent to telephone To stifle users. criticism of itself Seminars o n the new pro­ Dada hereby abo vvork miracles. cedures will be held today in psychology. WHO ARE the Salvatori Room (365 South We are artists. We are the Mudd), and in Millikan Board pretentious artists alive. Room. Times in both rooms are people more prJ,te," ti ". will be 8:30, 10:00, I :00, and tha n us, but they are not 2:30. Additional seminars will artists. To put the matter be held in the Salvatori Room rest Dada hereby abolishes at 2: 15 Monday and 2:00 Because certainty equals Wednesday of next week. Dada hereby abolishes Technical questions and Abby. As long as it's ,h.·o"". problems with the new system its weight around should be directed to Betty abolishes Chemistry. CC1mtlUle Bosserman at (new) extension Science, confusion 4741. Policy-level questions West Indies. To and complaints should be ideological purity directed to Bill Wong at (new) abolishes itself. extension 4875.

Our engineers convert part of it. Your future can complicated tasks into simple / / get off to a great start in our NON · PROFIT ORG. ones. With just the push of : / " reprographics technology. u.s. POSTAGE a button. Xerox equipment But did you know that Caltech 107-51 PAl D works wonders. Dependably. Xerox is also a leader in processor PASADENA , CALIFORNIA 91125 PASADENA, CA OUf engineers' reward? Success. memory discs and drives, PERMIT NO. 583 And Xerox technology is built electronic typing and printing and on success stories. telecommunications? Xerox is dedicated to new ideas. Xerox is a total information center. And to our engineers who are developing them. While our Give your ideas the attention they competition cut theif deserve. C heck with your college R&D budgets, we increased placement office for campus inter­ ours. (By \50/0) . Engineers at view dates and schedules. T hen Xerox work with almost $1 talk to our campus representatives. million a day converting the tech­ nology of the future into reality. O ur challenge of the SO's. Not everyone is ready for it. Xerox XEROX is. And we're looking for Xerox II an ~arivo: engineers who want to be ~KlII t'mployer (m ak/ fanak) Thll C,lifornia TlIch is published weekly exClpt during examination and vacation periods by the Associated Students 01 the California Institute of Technology , Inc., CAREERS THAT CAN'T BE DUPLICATED Winnett Clnter , Cahech 107-51 , Pasadena , California 91125 .