The Isaac Cowie Collection of Plains Cree Material Culture from Central Alberta
572.05 FA N.S. no. 14-20 1990-93 r/ Anthropology SfEW SERIES, NO. 17 The Isaac Cowie Collection of Plains Cree Material Culture from Central Alberta James W. VanStone September 30, 1991 Publication 1427 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Information for Tontributors to Field iana (J€neral: fwiaiarij is a tor licicJ Museum staff members, and a.s^ « prinianij' journal research ugh manuscripts from nonaffiliated authors may be considered as space permits. The Journal c. of $65.00 or fraction thereof. rgc per printed page Payment of at least 50% of pag« a -d clwrges qualifies processing, which reduces the publication time. Contributions from staff, rcsearcl- c considered for publication regardless of ability to pay page charges, however, the ful i authors of unsolicited Three manuscripts. complete copies of the text (including titk ' the illustrations should be submitted P (one original copy plus two review copies which may b( HKi win be considered for to nil , nuscripts nubliration or suhmittcrt xp\newcr^ h^fore rnater-?!*; -i-c complete and in the hands of the Scientific Editor. \f;iniisrrlnis >;h(^iild he^ cnhrtiiMcf f'^ 'v'''*"^''"'''^ ' AiUSi^Uill (./i ;>;ilUiiU iiibi^'lX, K illCilj;'.), lill Text: must be on Manuscnpt.s typewrilicn doubie-spaced standard-weight, 81/2- by 11-inch paper with wide margin; on all four sides. If typed on an IBM-compatible computer using MS-DOS, also submit text on 5y4-inch diskette ^ > (WordPerfect 4.1, 4.2, or 5.0, MultiMate, Displaywr PC, Samna, Microsoft Word, Volkswri ^V" I ^tar programs or ASCII). over 100 authors arc to papers manuscript pages, requested submit a Table of Contents," a "List of Illustrations,' ist of Tables" title In most shoul/i immediately following page.
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