ORIGO Slate Flare Troubleshooting Guide

Some users have experienced an issue loading Flare as evidenced by a progress bar hanging at 100% or by the appearance of a blank screen. You can try to solve the problem by following the troubleshooting tips for your browser (, , or Chrome).

Safari Player might have been disabled in your browser. You can re-enable it as follows: 1. In the Safari browser, click on Safari at the top left, and then click Preferences. 2. Click the Security icon, and then click Plug-in Settings. 3. Make sure the Adobe Flash Player checkbox is ticked and the “When Visiting Other Websites” option is set to On. 4. Click Done to save. 5. Restart Safari and go back to Slate to access Flare again.

Firefox If Firefox has not been restarted in some time, automatic updates may not have been installed. Restart Firefox and then go back to Slate to access Flare again.

Flash plug-in for Firefox may be outdated. To update it, follow the instructions below: 1. In the Firefox browser, go to Firefox’s plug-ins checker at https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/ 2. Look for Adobe Flash Player in the list. If it is available, click on the Update Now button. 3. A new window will open on the Adobe website. Click Install Now to download the new Flash player installer. 4. Once it has downloaded, follow the prompts to run the installer. 5. Restart Firefox and then go back to Slate to access Flare again. If Flare asks for you to activate Flash, activate it by selecting the option to Allow and Remember.

If your Flash plug-in for Firefox is up to date, make sure it has been activated as follows: 1. In the Firefox browser, click on the Menu button (which looks like three horizontal bars) on the top left. Then click Add-ons. On a Mac, the Menu button is under the Tools menu. 2. Under Plug-ins, next to Flash, select Always Activate from the dropdown menu. 3. Restart Firefox and then go back to Slate to access Flare again.

Chrome If Chrome has not been restarted in some time, automatic updates may not have been installed. Restart Chrome and then go back to Slate to access Flare again.

If Chrome shows a message that Adobe Flash Player is out of date, you will be given the option to update the plug-in or to continue running without updating.

1. If you choose Update Plug-in, follow the prompts on screen. 2. If you do not wish to update the plug-in, click Run This Time to allow Flare to run this time.

To update the Flash plug-in even if you are not prompted, follow the steps below: 3. In the Chrome browser, go to https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ 4. Select your and version (select the option with FP for Opera and ). 5. Click Download Now. 6. Once the installer has downloaded, follow the prompts to run it. 7. Restart Chrome and then go back to Slate to access Flare again.

Flash plug-in might have been disabled in your browser. If so, enable it by doing the following:

1. In the Chrome browser, click on the Menu icon (which looks like three dots) on the top right and then click Settings. On a Mac, click on Preferences under the Chrome menu, and then choose Settings. 2. At the bottom of the Settings box, click on Show advanced settings… 3. Under Privacy, click on Content settings. 4. In the pop-up, scroll down to Flash and select the option to Allow sites to run Flash. 5. Click on Manage exceptions… 6. In the exceptions list, find any addresses containing origoslate and select Allow. Then click Done. 7. Restart Chrome and then go back to Slate to access Flare again.