Open Letter to the University of Michigan February 12, 2019

Re: SPG 601.38: “Required Disclosure of Felony Charges and/or Felony Convictions” and Related University of Michigan Policies

We, the Carceral State Project at the University of Michigan--along with the undersigned faculty, students, and staff at the University of Michigan, as well as members of the larger community--wish to register our grave concern regarding the University’s recent implementation of a new policy, SPG 601.38.1 This policy requires faculty, staff, student employees, volunteers, and visiting scholars who find ​ themselves convicted of a felony, and even those merely charged but not convicted, to report it to the University.

The University of Michigan already requires all prospective undergraduate and graduate students, faculty ​ members, and staff employees to disclose any previous criminal record (both felonies and misdemeanors) during the admissions or employment application process, including, in some cases, information from otherwise sealed juvenile records.2 The University also currently requires prospective employees, ​ ​ including graduate students, to undergo a criminal background check conducted by a private, for-profit company to identify any felony and misdemeanors convictions or pending charges.3 Although the ​ University argues that SPG 601.38 will “better promote safety and security and mitigate potential risk,” this self-disclosure mandate adds a newly punitive element to already invasive and unjust policies that ​ cause far more harm than good.4 Taken together, these policies promote over-criminalization rather than ​ public safety, reinforce the racial and economic inequalities in the criminal justice system and on our campus, and have other devastating collateral consequences.5 ​

The role of the University should be to offer education and employment rather than act as an extension of the carceral state.

The Carceral State Project at the University of Michigan and its undersigned supporters call on the University administration to rescind SPG 601.38 immediately. We also call on the University to join the ever-growing number of public and private universities, as well as public and private employers, that have repealed policies that require disclosure of criminal records and pending charges during the admissions and employment application processes and have rejected criminal background checks of employees and students, except to the extent mandated by federal and state law.


In support of these requests, we call attention to the following:

1. The preponderance of academic research rejects the presumption that policies mandating the disclosure of criminal records and requiring criminal background checks reduce violence and promote greater public safety. Moreover, there is overwhelming evidence that such policies have produced devastating ​ consequences for marginalized groups and impacted individuals.6 ​ ​ a. The mere existence of these requirements discourages many highly qualified candidates from ​ seeking admission or employment.7 ​ ​ b. Because communities of color are disproportionately policed, arrested, prosecuted, and convicted, and the poor are criminalized far more aggressively than those with means, disclosure and ​ criminal background check policies serve to exacerbate existing racial and class inequalities

by limiting access to education and employment for members of vulnerable communities.8 ​ c. The Carceral State Project has documented the devastating consequences for individuals who ​ have disclosed their criminal records to the University. In one case, a student was asked to ​ ​ leave school immediately, and in another a student had an offer of employment rescinded. These students' previous records had absolutely no bearing on their role as student or employee and 9 posed no safety danger to any other member of the U-M community. T​ hese are just a few of the ​ ​ cases we have witnessed.

2. The University of Michigan developed these policies without an open and democratic process, without sufficient consultation with campus constituencies, and without robust community input. The University has in its employ some of the world’s leading experts on the U.S. criminal justice system, a number of whom have experienced its devastation personally and directly. These experts are well versed in the leading research about the efficacy and consequences of criminal record disclosure policies, understand how those policies work on the ground, and have contributed their own research and perspectives to many widely respected studies. Contrary to the University’s assertion that SPG 601.38 will “better promote safety and security and mitigate potential risk” on campus, there is no compelling evidence to indicate ​ that felony self-disclosure, criminal background checks, and other related policies have made, or will make, the University community safer.

3. The university’s promise to offer an “individualized assessment” of the fate of those who disclose previous criminal records or pending charges or whose criminal records are flagged in background checks raises serious concerns.

a. A discretionary, non-transparent assessment process will necessarily create an atmosphere of ​ fear and constant self-surveillance among impacted members of our community. ​ b. It is not possible for the University to implement a discretionary system of risk assessment without reproducing and enhancing the discriminatory aspects of the broader system of criminal justice in the United States, including policies that exacerbate racial/economic inequality and ​ the criminalization of marginalized communities.10 ​ c. Criminal record disclosure policies and background checks, therefore, actively subvert the ​ University’s commitment to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.11 ​

4. The University of Michigan is moving in the opposite direction of the national movement to “ban the box” by continuing policies that criminalize prospective and existing members of its community.

a. In 2018, the Common Application, due to pressure from the national “ban the box” movement, removed mandatory questions about involvement with the criminal justice system from undergraduate college applications.12 The University of Michigan has chosen to maintain such ​ questions, despite widespread recognition of the harm they cause to the principle of equal educational opportunity. b. Rackham Graduate School continues to ask prospective graduate students to disclose their past and pending criminal records, including juvenile records that are sealed under many state laws, and since 2013 has conducted criminal background checks on all graduate student employees. c. In its “Beyond the Box” report (2016), the Department of Education concluded that the “effect of inquiring early in the application process” about criminal records is “chilling” and estimated that two-thirds of individuals with felony offenses actually stop the application process when asked about their criminal history. As importantly, the DOE has made abundantly clear “that colleges and universities that admit students with a criminal justice history have no greater crime than those that do not.” The report also found that “disparities in the criminal justice system, ranging from arrests to sentencing decisions, disproportionately impact individuals of color, and, in turn,

disproportionately require students of color to respond to questions about criminal history.”13 ​

For the above reasons and based on the evidence contained in the notes attached to this letter, we, the Carceral State Project at the University of Michigan--along with the undersigned faculty, students, and staff at the University of Michigan, as well as members of the larger community--ask the University of Michigan to join the nationwide movement to eliminate any and all policies that require individuals to disclose their relationship to the criminal justice system or that investigate their criminal records, past or present.

We understand that the University intends to act in the interest of the safety of its community members. We share this commitment and strongly condemn any act of violence against any member of our campus community. As well, we specifically condemn the environment in which reports of such violence, particularly sexual harassment and assault, have been ignored and even excused on our campus and at others across the nation. We urge the University to address the various harms to which these community members are vulnerable through a commitment to restorative justice and to trauma-informed response practices, rather than to policies that condone and extend the failures, excesses, and discriminatory features of the criminal justice system.

We call on the University to pursue robust public debate on these issues and to utilize the expertise of faculty, staff, students, and community members beyond the university who have researched and experienced the criminal justice system in the United States. And we offer our expertise as members of this and surrounding communities—both formerly incarcerated and not—so that together with the administration we might craft campus practices and policies that would, in fact, increase the well-being of all members of our community.



The Carceral State Project at the University of Michigan

Steering Committee:

Amanda Alexander Senior Research Scholar, University of Michigan School of Law and Executive Director, Justice Center

Nora Krinitsky Michigan Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Egalitarianism and the Metropolis, Department of History of Art

Matthew Lassiter Professor, Department of History

Ashley Lucas Associate Professor, Residential College and Department of Theatre & Drama, Director of the Prison Creative Arts Project

Ruby Tapia Associate Professor, Departments of English Language and Literature and Women’s Studies

Heather Ann Thompson Professor, Departments of Afroamerican and African Studies and History and the Residential College

See additional signatories below endnotes beginning on page 6.

1. ​ ​ ​ 2. The University asks potential graduate students questions about criminal history during the application process and makes many admissions offers contingent on a criminal background check, including for Ph.D. students whose funding packages include GSI/GSRA/GSSA positions. The Rackham admissions process asks for self-disclosure of felony and misdemeanor convictions, and any pending charges, and inquires about juvenile delinquency records. 3. The University conducts criminal background checks through a private ​ ​ contractor, General Information Services/General Information Solutions (and related subsidiaries), that has repeatedly been found to violate the rights of individuals subject to investigation. In 2012, General Information Services lost a legal challenge to the constitutionality of the Fair Credit Reporting Act in an attempt to shield itself from class action lawsuits. In 2015, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined the company $13 million and entered into a consent decree as a penalty for extensive errors including misidentifying criminal records to the wrong individuals, reporting dismissed arrests as convictions, using expunged records, and misclassifying misdemeanors as felonies. In 2017, the company settled another class action lawsuit that exposed its continued improper practices in violation of individual rights. See -information-services-and-sides-with-the-united-states-government-and-classaction-plaintiffs-313844.php; ​; ​ d-check-class-action-settlement/. ​ 4. ​ ​ 5. It is particularly egregious that SPG 601.38 requires disclosure of any pending felony charge, not just a criminal conviction, given the systematic inequalities in the criminal justice system and its alleged presumption of innocence and due process. Furthermore, the SPG 601.38 policy is legally convoluted since it promises an individualized assessment regarding the “nature and gravity of the offense,” in apparent mis-recognition that a non-adjudicated felony charge is not in fact a criminal “offense.” 6. National Research Council, The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and ​ Consequences (Washington: The National Academies Press, 2014), ​ Also see: ​; ​ 7. Research shows that these policies discourage potential applicants with criminal records from seeking admission ​ ​ or employment at universities that inquire about criminal history and conduct background checks. An estimated 120,000 college and university applicants per year have criminal records, as do a total of 80 million Americans. Deterring applications for education and employment from these individuals represents an even greater potential harm than the likelihood that deserving students or employees will be mistreated in the internal discretionary risk-assessment process. It is not possible to know how many people--potentially valuable contributors to our community--have chosen not to apply to the University because of these policies. But there is massive evidence that such punitive policies increase recidivism, exacerbate inequality, and therefore make the broader society less safe under the false promise of protecting institutions. See ​ 8. For some of the most important work on this topic, see footnote 6 and articles by Devah Pager (, Bruce Western ​ ​ (, and Becky Pettit ​ ​ ( ​ ​ 9. Faculty members across the university have rallied to ​ ​ ​ support these individuals when this has happened. Their time, and even more so the time of those harmed by disclosure policies, could be spent much more productively in the classroom and providing other needed services at this university. 10. An internal discretionary process of risk assessment will reproduce more than mitigate the comprehensively ​ ​ discriminatory aspects of the broader carceral system in the United States, including over-criminalization and selective enforcement based on race, economic status, and geographic location. These inequitable processes--not the alleged danger of the perpetrator or the specific nature of the alleged crime--often shape the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor charge, between a criminal conviction or a diversion program, between being arrested for or insulated from the consequences of identical acts of law-breaking. As one example of this, the University includes the sex offender registry in its disclosure and background check policies with no acknowledgment of the considerable research showing that a majority of individuals listed are not dangerous and should not be included under any reasonable standard. See: and ​ ​ ct. Just this month, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessell filed legal briefs arguing that the Michigan Sex ​ Offender Registry does not distinguish between dangerous criminals and individuals who constitute no threat to others (in her words, the registry “has swelled without any focus on individualized assessment of risk to the community . . . which makes it difficult for offenders to rehabilitate and reintegrate into the community” and inhibits rather than enhances public safety). See: It is not possible for ​ the University to create an internal risk assessment process that corrects for the systematic inequalities and rampant criminalization in the state and federal sex offender registries. 11. “The University of Michigan is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not ​ discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions.” ​ ​ ​ ​ 12.; ​ ​ n-although-colleges. ​ 13.; ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

And the undersigned: 1. Christian Davenport; Professor of Political Science 2. Robin Wilson; Associate Professor, Department of Dance 3. Isabel Neal; UM English Graduate Student 4. Johanna Bleckman; University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research 5. Nadine Hubbs; Women's Studies and Music 6. Irene Suh; University Graduate LSA 2015 & Social Work 2016 7. Joseph Gamble; PhD Candidate, Departments of English Language and Literature and Women's Studies 8. Megan Diebboll; Graduate Student/ MSW intern at PCAP 9. Lucy Smith; Graduate Student 10. Emily Hopkins; School of Social Work 11. Celia Oleshansky; Student 12. Hayden Jackson; PhD Student, Political Science & Central Student Government representative for the Rackham School of Graduate Studies 13. Val Kutchko; Graduate student, Departments of Psychology & Women's Studies 14. Michael Gawlik; Women's Studies/History 15. Adam Ashforth; Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan 16. Ai Binh Thi Ho; PhD Candidate, Department of English, Language and Literature 17. Emily Harris, MSW; Alumni 04 and 06, Prison Creative Arts Project Associate 18. Megan Sweeney; Associate Professor of English, DAAS, and Women's Studies 19. Janice Feng; Department of Political Science 20. Antoine Traisnel; English and Comparative Literature, UM Ann Arbor 21. Sarah Higuchi-Crowell; Volunteer, Prison Creative Arts Project, Student, University of Michigan 22. Peggy McCracken; Professor of French, Women's Studies, and Comparative Literature 23. Daphna Atias; PhD candidate, English Language and Literature, U-M 24. Becca Pickus; Lecturer, University of Michigan Residential College 25. Constanza Contreras; Graduate Student 26. Paul Christopher Johnson; Professor, History, Afroamerican and African Studies, Doctoral Program in Anthropology and History 27. Connor Wilkinson; Student 28. Lio Riley; Undergraduate student 29. Monica Kim; Student 30. Aviva Nemeth; LSA and Residential College 31. Marko Mwipopo; DAAS/ASC 32. Julie Ellison; Professor of American Culture and English, Director of Graduate Studies Department of American Culture , Faculty Associate in DAAS and Stamps School of Art and Design, University of Michigan 33. Neela Ghoshal; U of M alum, LSA-RC 1999 34. David Caron; Romance Languages and Literatures, Women's Studies 35. Henry Greenspan; Residential College, Social Theory and Practice 36. Holly Hughes; Professor, Stamps School of Art and Design, Women's Studies, Theater and Drama 37. Shannon Deasy; UM Alum/Former PCAP Staff 38. Zoey Horowitz; Student, PCAP 39. Sara McClelland; Associate Professor, Women's Studies and Psychology 40. Scott Ellsworth; Lecturer IV, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies 41. Caroline Garau; Former PCAP executive committee member 42. Koritha Mitchell; Associate Professor of English, Ohio State University 43. Stephanie Bahorski; Alumni, Class of 2014 44. Joshua B. Hoe; Decarceration Nation Podcast, Nation Outside 45. Elizabeth Hinton; Harvard University 46. Michael Gould; Residential College, LS&A/SMTD 47. Charles Lennes; University of Michigan Student 48. Alan Wald; H. Chandler Davis Collegiate Professor Emeritus 49. Jallicia Jolly; University of Michigan 50. Petra Kuppers; Professor, English and Women’s Studies 51. Ebony Coletu; Pennsylvania State University 52. Dana El-khatib; Student 53. Justin Helepololei; University of Massachusetts Amherst 54. Katy Rossing; PhD Student, Dept. of English 55. Esha Biswas; Residential College Staff, School for Environment and Sustainabilty Student 56. Anton Shammas; Professor, MES & CompLit, U of M 57. Sophia Schwartz 58. Annabelle Luescher; Student, LSA 59. Richard Hoffman Reinhardt; PhD Candidate, Anthropology & History 60. Margerie Snider; Student 61. Deb Gordon-Gurfinkel; Residential College Faculty & Director Telling It 62. Félix Zamora Gómez; Romance Languages and Literatures 63. Emma Ashford; University of Michigan undergraduate student, PCAP 64. Graham Hamilton; Prison Creative Arts Project 65. Blake Gutt; Postdoctoral Scholar, Michigan Society of Fellows; Assistant Professor, Dept of Romance Languages and Literatures 66. Marianna Hagler; Department of English 67. Cristian Capotescu; Department of History 68. Jessa Webber 69. Thomas Weisskopf; University of Michigan 70. Melanie Yergeau; University of Michigan, Department of English 71. Rachael (Hudak) Zafer; Class of 2006, PCAP Associate 72. Amber Bryant, Ph.D. 73. Gregory Dowd; Department of History 74. Gianna May Sanchez; UM History 75. Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof; History and American Culture 76. Trevor Kilgore, Ph.D.; Newnan Academic Advising Center 77. Alexis Crochran; Undergraduate Student 78. Rahsaan Mahadeo; University of Minnesota 79. Christine Neejer; LSA 80. Kathleen Tremel; Residential College and Stamps School of Art & Design 81. LaKisha Simmons; History Department 82. Andrea Zemgulys; English Language & Literature 83. Felecia Webb; Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 84. Kali Israel; History/LSA 85. Andrea Negrete; University of Virginia 86. Anne Berg; History 87. Kristin Nelson; Graduate student 88. Emerson Smith; Student, School of Music, Theater and Dance 89. Tamara Culler; Staff 90. Jessica Joslin; SoE Ph.D. alum & lecturer 91. Thomas Laub; Student 92. Isabel Olson; Student - LSA History, SMTD Theater 93. Deborah Dash Moore; LS&A, University of Michigan 94. Joshua L. Miller; Department of English, University of Michigan 95. Sidonie Smith; Professor of English/Women's Studies 96. Michael Reyes; PhD Candidate in Program in Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin 97. Hailey Dotterer; Rackham, LSA, Clinical Psychology 98. Matt Villeneuve; PhD Candidate in History 99. Aric D. Knuth 100. Irène Lucía Delaney; PhD Student/Graduate Student Instructor, Romance Languages & Literatures 101. David Helps; History 102. Alex Elkins; Residential College/Department of Afroamerican and African Studies 103. Grace Argo; History & Women's Studies 104. Jennifer M. Gomez, Ph.D.; Wayne State University 105. Ian Shin; Departments of History and American Culture 106. Ryan McCarty; English and Education PhD Candidate 107. John Whittier-Ferguson; Faculty, English Dept. 108. Perrin Selcer; Department of History, University of Michigan 109. Christine Hwang; UM Urban Planning PhD Student 110. Justine Wood; PCAP Member 111. Joana Dos Santos; Staff-Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist 112. Lissa Stapleton; Assistant Professor, CSU Northridge Deaf Studies department 113. Nicole Navarro; PhD Candidate, History Department 114. Shanice Battle; UMSPH 115. Dario Gaggio; Department of History, University of Michigan 116. Sara Abelson; School of Public Health 117. John F. Buckley; English Language & Literature 118. Vanessa Mayesky; Associate Director, Prison Creative Arts Project (Residential College); MPA student (CASL, UM-Dearborn) 119. Corine Jackman; PhD Candidate, Chemical Engineering at U of M 120. Tahany Alsabahi; Program Specialist, Inclusive Campus Corps 121. Katherine L. French; Dept. of History 122. Hannah Ensor; Staff 123. Matthew Countryman; Chair, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan 124. Allie Goodman; Graduate Student, Department of History 125. Efe Osagie; Student 126. Lindsey Burnside; Research Associate, Institute for Social Research 127. Gregory Ramos; Professor, The University of Vermont 128. Cecilia Morales; English Department 129. Juan Cole; History 130. Silke-Maria Weineck; Professor of Comparative Literature and German Studies 131. Maria Sobrino; UM Ann Arbor Undergraduate 132. Domenic DeSocio; PhD Candidate, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan 133. Victoria Langland; Departments of History and Romance Languages and Literatures 134. Madalyn Osbourne; Undergraduate Student 135. Chloe Thompson; History Department 136. David M. Halperin; Distinguished University Professor, Department of English 137. Corin Bowen; Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan 138. Kristefer Stojanovski; PhD Candidate 139. Melissa Creary; School of Public Health 140. Anna Mester; Assistant Professor UMass Boston 141. Silvina Yi; Romance Languages and Literatures 142. Timothy O'Brien; Staff (Academic Innovation) 143. Nadia Nurhussein; Johns Hopkins University 144. Christina Sharpe; Professor, Humanities, York University 145. Hubert I. Cohen; Professor: Dept. of Film, Television, and Media, and the Residential College 146. Paul Fleming; School of Public Health 147. Jordan Pond; Masters Student 148. Roberto Alvarez; University of California, San Diego 149. Susan Montgomery; Lecturer IV, Chemical Engineering 150. Kayla Hunter; murp/mph student 151. Hitomi Tonomura; Department of History 152. Leanna Papp; Women's Studies and Psychology 153. Ronald Simpson-Bey; 154. Dory Fox; English Department 155. Erin Johnson; History 156. Chris Campbell; Ph.D Candidate, Department of Political Science 157. Irene Mora; History & WS 158. Anna Watkins Fisher; Dept. of American Culture and Digital Studies Institute, UM 159. Donna Ainsworth; Women's Studies Department staff 160. Marena Dieden; undergraduate student 161. Amanda Reid; Department of History 162. Alexa Eisenberg; Health Behavior and Health Education 163. Kerstin Barndt; Assoc. Professor of German Studies 164. Sumeet Patwardhan; Philosophy 165. Vinita Chaudhary; Student 166. Priya Rajendran; Alumni 167. Amber Hughson; Community member 168. Lisa Garcia; Undergraduate Student 169. Nicolas Suarez; School of Public Health, Health Behavior and Health Education 170. Mary King; Executive Director, Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency 171. Kira Thurman; Assistant Professor of History and German Studies 172. Carrli Cooper; SMTD Student in Performing Arts Management 173. Raya Naamneh; graduate student, Comparative Literature 174. Brian Garcia; Graduate 175. Amelia Burke; PhD student - Anthropology & History 176. Anna Haskins; Cornell University 177. Allison Alexy; Women's Studies / Asian Languages and Cultures 178. Kamaria Porter; PhD Candidate, School of Education 179. Andrea Scott; BA-1970, MA-1973, Chair-PCAP Development Board 180. Kenneth M Pass; Northwestern University 181. Johanna Folland; UM History 182. David Hutcheson; partner of U of M employee 183. Andria B. Eisman; School of Public Health, University of Michigan 184. Edward Mei; Cornell Prison Education Program 185. Kelly Davenport; Michigan Medicine 186. Sarah Ensor; Department of English and Program in the Environment, University of Michigan 187. Derek W. Vaillant; Communication 188. Isaac Wingfield; Lecturer IV, Residential College 189. Chris Coombe; Assistant Research Scientist, School of Public Health 190. Jordyn Baker; Student 191. Alex Chertok; Cornell University 192. Dan Meisler; U-M Staff 193. Elena Sobrino; UM Alum 194. Philip Christman; English Department Writing Program 195. Richard Nunn; PhD Student-School of Education, UM Alum 196. Dylan Summers; Alumni/Employee 197. Jackie Wolf; Michigan Medicine 198. Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes; Associate Professor, Department of American Culture, Romance Languages and Literatures, and Women's Studies 199. Kelly Elizabeth Wright; LSA Department of Linguistics 200. David Scott; Alumnus 201. Rachel Cawkwell; PhD Candidate, Department of English Language and Literature 202. Maureen Allwood; John Jay College of Criminal Justice 203. Jasmine An; Graduate student, English & Women's Studies 204. Martin S. Pernick; Department of History 205. Jocelyn Frelier; Sam Houston State University 206. Helmut Puff 207. John Carson; History Department 208. Charles Bright; Professor of History, Emeritus, Residential College 209. Paul J Draus; Professor of Sociology, Department of Behavioral Sciences, the University of Michigan-Dearborn 210. Kristina Primorac; RLL Lecturer IV 211. Jasmine Ehrhardt; American Culture 212. Marianetta Porter; Stamps School of Art and Design 213. Jodie Lawston; California State University San Marcos 214. Pete Wetherbee; Cornell University 215. Kathy Meyer; Lecturer IV / Coordinator, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures 216. Allison Waters; Ford School of Public Policy (Graduate Student) 217. Lauren Beriont; Alumni 218. Logan Drummond; School of Social Work 219. Grace Zanotti; PhD Candidate, University of Michigan Department of Comparative Literature 220. Briana Starks; PhD Student in Social Work and Sociology 221. Katharine Yugo; Former Student 222. Sascha Crasnow; Lecturer, Residential College 223. David Collinge; Union College 224. Carla Maria Kayanan; Urban and Regional Plannin 225. E.J. Westlake; Theatre & Drama, English 226. Allison McElroy; LSA 227. Penny Ryder; Retired prisoner rights advocate 228. Rachel Williams; The University of Iowa 229. Amanna Virk; Student -Ross School of Business; PCAP Member 230. Brendan Jackson; Computer Science and History Undergraduate Student 231. Anne Blumenthal; School of Social Work 232. Julie Burnett; Staff 233. Kyle Frisina; American Culture 234. Lolita Moss; Social Work/Psychology grad student 235. Sunny Lin; School of Public Health 236. Margaret Michalowski; Student, Pre-Law 237. John M. Petoskey; University of Michigan Law School/SEAS 238. Leslie Alexander; University of Oregon 239. Stephanie Marroki; University of Michigan MSW Student 240. Bayan Founas; Graduate Student, Educational Leadership & Policy, School of Education 241. Rachel Szymarek; University of Michigan V-BID Center / Fostering Success Michigan / National Foster Youth Institute 242. Belinda Needham; Department of Epidemiology 243. Justin Gordon; UM Alumni/ Employee 244. Daphne Li; Masters Student at University of Michigan School of Education 245. Rosalie DeFino; Doctoral student, University of Michigan School of Education 246. Violeta Donawa; MSW Candidate, University of Michigan School of Social Work 247. Hoai An Pham; Undergraduate, Residential College 248. Deirdre de la Cruz; Department of History 249. Terri Conley; Psychology 250. Katherine Browne; PhD Candidate, School for Environment and Sustainability 251. Cait Clough; MSW Student 252. Amanda DelMonico 253. Brian Chang; UMMS 254. Emily Brochu; MSW canadiate 255. Michael Elliott; University of Michigan 256. Dana Nickson; Doctoral Student, UM School of Education 257. Sacha-Rose Phillips; School for Environment and Sustainability 258. Adrienne Jacaruso; Comparative Literature 259. Myra Marie Tetteh; University of Michigan School of Public Health 260. Olivia Anderson; Student 261. Devi Mays; Assistant Professor, Judaic Studies and History 262. Olivia Herbert; Staff and Alumni 263. Roi Livne; Sociology, University of Michigan 264. Pär Cassel; Department of History, University of Michigan 265. Yvonne Garcia; student 266. Christina Cross; University of Michigan 267. Thomas J Powell; School of Social Work 268. Pooja Patel; UofM School of Public Health 269. Taylor Luthe; Prison Re-Entry Project, Department of History 270. Cathie Spino; School of Public Health 271. Susan Aaronson; School of Public Health 272. Hadji Bakara; English faculty 273. Raymond Silverman; History of Art, DAAS 274. Adela Pinch; Professor of English 275. Ava Purkiss; U-M American Culture and Women's Studies 276. Laura Jones; Research and design specialist, School of Education 277. Eshe Sherley; History 278. Hannah French; Undergraduate student, LSA; Mortar Board Honor Society, TEDxUofM, Mythbusting Our Biases, Prison Creative Arts Project, "While We Were Away." 279. Finn Bell; School of Social Work and Department of Sociology 280. Meredith McGehee; School of Public Health 281. Shanna Kattari; Assistant Professor, University of Michigan School of Social Work 282. Augusta Funk; Graduate Student 283. Joseph H. Summers; Alumnus, Fomer staff, Local Clergy 284. Joel Howell; History and Internal Medicine 285. Amber George; Student 286. Doug Piper 287. Fernando Furquim; CSHPE 288. Áine McGehee Marley 289. Paul Sawyer; Cornell University - UMich alum 290. Sean Smith; Staff 291. Kerry White; American Culture 292. Doug Ferguson; Student 293. Charlotte Karem Albrecht; Assistant Professor of American Culture and Women's Studies 294. Robert Pfaff; PhD Student, Taubman College 295. Jennifer Shikes Haines; LSA 1981 296. Xiomara Santamarina; Department of Afroamerican and African Studies and English 297. Elana Maloul; Graduate Student 298. Mary Winn Granum; School of Social Work 299. Chelsea Rinnig; Michigan Law student 300. Talia Eisenstein 301. Elliot Popoff; School of Public Health 302. Adelia Davis; Alumni (2017) 303. Hannah Agnew; Undergraduate Student 304. Jordan Tafari 305. Luis Flores; Graduate student, sociology 306. Andrew Herscher; Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan 307. KeAndra Hollis; University of Michigan 308. Nicole Bedera; Department of Sociology 309. Emily Goodrich; Student / PCAP Volunteer 310. Keiran Miller; CSHPE 311. Jonathan Wells; Director, Residential College 312. Maria Thomas; UM Health System 313. Melanie S. Tanielian; History Department 314. Chanel Beebe; 2014 Alumni, College of Engineering 315. Eloise Reid; SEAS MS in Environmental Justice 316. David Agnew 317. Dean S. Qureshi JD; PCAP 318. Manan Desai; Assistant Professor, Department of American Culture and Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies 319. Brenna Twohy; Michigan Law, 2020 320. Elizabeth Tacke; Doctoral Candidate 321. Megan Van Kooten; Graduate Student, School of Social Work 322. Spencer Garrison; Graduate student 323. Meagan DeGrand; Friend 324. Caleb Ward 325. Savithry Namboodiripad; Collegiate Fellow, LSA Linguistics 326. Julie Agnew 327. Chrisitian Noyce; UM SEAS Masters Student 328. Alexander Abramowitz; Urban Planning Student at Taubman College. 329. Katie N. Kim; MSW Student 330. Stephen Berrey; Department of American Culture and History 331. Susan Juster; Department of History 332. Mary Kelley; Faculty, History and American Culture 333. Victor Mendoza; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 334. Tsukumo Niwa; SMTD & LSA 2017, Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP) Volunteer 335. Peter Ceglarek; Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health 336. Michael Franczak; Henry Chauncey Jr. '57 Postdoctoral Fellow, International Security Studies, Yale University 337. Andrew Biggs 338. Kevin Finnegan; Ford School of Public Policy Graduate Student 339. James S Koopman; Dept. of Epidemiology, UofM 340. Nick Meier; Class of 2018, LSA Alumnus 341. Jordon Drohner; School of Social Work MSW student 342. Raevin Jimenez; History 343. Hertha Gast PhD, Retred Faculty; Psychiatric Nursing, Wayne State University 344. Matthew Liberti; PhD Candidate, English Language and Literature 345. Max Gigle; Ford School of Public Policy (MPP) 346. Katie Allan; MPP Candidate, Ford School of Public Policy 347. Mariam Kazanjian; Visiting Scholar 348. Brett Zeuner; U of M - SEAS 349. Andrew Gilroy; MSW/MPA Student 350. Meghan Harrington; University of Michigan 351. Juliette K Roddy; University of Michigan-Dearborn, Criminology and Criminal Justice Programs 352. Rebeca Villegas; Graduate Student 353. K. E. Allen; Comprehensive Studies Program 354. Erica Ito 355. John Simpkins; Staff 356. Pamela J. Smock; Department of Sociology 357. Elon Ullman; Graduate Student 358. Portia K. Maultsby. Ph.D.; Indiana University 359. Drew Leder; University of Michigan School of Social Work 360. Patti Aron; UM Alumna - Ann Arbor Community 361. Jason A. Brown; University of California, Irvine; Department of Criminology, Law and Society 362. Kristina Shull; Harvard University 363. Molly Blondell; School for Environment and Sustainability 364. Arline T. Geronimus; Professor, School of Public Health 365. Gail Luera; Professor, University of Michigan-Dearborn 366. Lorraine Gutierrez; Director of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, School of Social Work; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor LSA Psychology Department 367. Hussein Fancy; Associate Professor, History 368. Sierra Teadt; Student 369. Todd Ziegler; School of Public Health & Department of Sociology 370. Matthew Bakko; Graduate Student 371. David A. Miller; Associate Professor of Economics 372. Haley Mayes; Undergraduate Student at Taubman College 373. Dr. Sarah Shelby; LSA Biophysics 374. Liam McGehee Marley; Alumni 375. Soren Frykholm 376. Kat King; Staff 377. NaTasha Coley; Michigan Medicine 378. Michael Stauch; Universoty of Toledo 379. Lauren Benjamin; U of M Comp Lit/English 380. Miriam Meisler; Michigan Medicine 381. Alexandra Friedman; UM grad student SMTD/SSW 382. Martha A Henzy; English Language and Literature 383. DeAnna Smith; Department of Sociology 384. Caroline Glazier 385. Peter Linebaugh; Independent historian 386. Elizabeth Nesbitt; MSW Candidate '19 387. Jennifer Alzate; PhD candidate, English language and literature 388. Melissa Phruksachart; LSA Collegiate Fellow, Dept. of Film, Television, & Media 389. Gabriel Cuéllar; Taubman College Architecture Urban Planning 390. Allyson Green; Alum 391. Ellen Muehlberger; Middle East Studies and History 392. Brett Kellett; Undergraduate Chapter of the ACLU 393. Danielle Dobias; School of Social Work graduate student 394. David William Cohen; Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and History 395. Owen Watson; UM - SEAS 396. Sonja Starr; Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School 397. Jeremy Glover; Graduate Student, Department of English Language and Literature 398. Roland Zullo; School of Social Work 399. Laurel Billings; PhD Candidate in Women's Studies and English 400. Casey Quigley 401. Stephanie Guralnick; Student 402. Scott Tompkins; Sponsored Affiliate- LINKAGE PROJECT 403. Carly Vargo; Student at the School of Social Work 404. Elizabeth Anderson; Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies and Chair, Philosophy 405. Rev. Jeffery Harrold; LSA Student Academic Affairs/ Pastor, New Beginnings Community Church of Washtenaw County 406. Seamus Harrison; Grad student, University of Michigan 407. Pamela Wolpert; English Language and Literature 408. Alita Kelly; University of Michigan Student 409. Shannon Harper; Student 410. Steve Gray; Director of the Unemployment Insurance Clinic at the University of Michigan Law School 411. Anna Kirkland; Women's Studies and Institute for Research on Women and Gender 412. Valerie Traub; English and Women's Studies 413. Charlie Michaels; Associate Director, Center for Socially Engaged Design, College of Engineering | Curator, Prison Creative Arts Project 414. Maria E Cotera; University of Michigan 415. Alexandra Snyder; MSW student 416. Jason Enos; Alumnus, TCAUP. Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Washington DC 417. Logan Smith 418. Malaquias Montoya; Professor Emeritus/UC Davis guest scholar 419. Laura Romaine; English Language and Literature 420. Leece Lee-Oliver; California State University, Fresno 421. Jeffrey Veidlinger; Judaic Studies and History 422. Christiana Moyle; Student 423. Ahmad Alabed 424. Christiana Moyle; Student in Communications Studies and Theatre Performance 425. Aaron Ross; Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering 426. Rebecca M. Young; Attorney at Law 427. Nadja Beattie; University of Michigan MSW candidate 428. Matthew Haugen; UM SEAS grad student 429. Nishita Trisal; Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan 430. Katherine Hummel; Graduate Student, English Language and Literature 431. Rachel Elizabeth Weissler; Graduate Student, University of Michigan Department of Linguistics 432. Emine Seda Kayim; PhD Candidate, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning 433. Mandy Curnow; Student 434. Michael Lempert; Anthropology 435. Yasmin Moll; Department of Anthropology 436. Kathryn Lasich; School of Public Health 437. Emily Corryn Sluiter; Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan Consortium for Gender-Responsive Prisoner Healthcare 438. Keanu Heydari; University of Michigan, Dept. of History 439. Brianna Giese; Student of University of Michigan 440. Sitara Murali; University of Michigan 441. Rachel Sokolov; Student at UMICH and President of Prison Birth Project 442. Nicholas L Caverly; LSA Anthropology 443. Nancy Uffner; Dept. of Theatre and Drama 444. Peter Felsman; Social Work & Social Psychology Doctoral Student 445. Tim Berke; PhD Student 446. Colleen McGowan; Student 447. Leah Nap 448. Rogério M. Pinto; Social Work 449. Martha Abrams; student 450. Jessica Wang; Student 451. Nash Hall; U of M Law School and School for the Environment and Sustainability 452. Samantha Taylordean; Naval Architecture PhD student 453. Caroline Richburg; student, LSA 454. Molly Green; Doctoral Student, School of Public Health 455. Katte Summers; Graduate student, Clark University/Ann Arbor resident 456. Leah Josephson; Alum, U-M School of Social Work 457. Devlin Mallory; University of Michigan, Department of Mathematics 458. Audrey Pallmeyer; Staff & Alum 459. Dr. Jay Wallace Borchert; Former Prisoner UMich MA '12. PhD '16 460. Madeline Higgins; Alumni BA '15, MPH '18 461. Taylor Field; PhD candidate, Sociology 462. Megan Shaughnessy-Mogill; UM Staff 463. Iris M Wang; Univ of Michigan Dept of Psychology 464. Hailey Richards; University of Michigan Master of Social Work Student 465. Sophie Kehrig; Student 466. John Paul O'Neill; Student, LSA and Residential College 467. Gene Estrada; Anthropology 468. Sara Katz; PhD Candidate, History Department 469. Hakeem Jefferson; Stanford University/UM Alum 470. Scotti Peterson; Student 471. Bogdan Belei; Harvard Kennedy School of Government 472. Shane McParland; Community Member 473. Ruby Perez 474. Olivia Naimi; Student 475. Amy Androw; University of Michigan Student 476. Ben Campbell; Law School 477. Katie Hauschildt; Sociology, Univ. Of Michigan 478. Miranda Schaffer; UM Student 479. Nabighah Sofia Azim; Student 480. Abigail E. Celis 481. Amy Prather; Student 482. Ani Bezirdzhyan; English Language and Literature 483. Kira Angel 484. Isla Peterson; School of Social Work 485. Matthew Dargay 486. Evan C. Redmond; Graduate Student - University of Michigan Dearborn 487. Aidan Kane; Student 488. Shawna Queen 489. Saskia Thompson 490. Pnina Tranen; School of Public Health, School of Social Work 491. Maria A Militzer; Public Health, HBHE 492. Kaitlyn Plummer; Student 493. Mikayla Easley 494. Olivia Venus 495. Jacqueline Williams; IRWG Consortium Co-Director 496. Isabella Hartman 497. Casey Quigley 498. Amy Nowack; student 499. Krisztina Fehervary; University of Michigan, Anthropology 500. Leia Squillace; Alumnus of University of Michigan and the Prison Creative Arts Project 501. Madison R Lukomski; Student 502. Annelise Droste; Student 503. Jennifer Piemonte; Graduate Student; Psychology & Women's Studies 504. Tapsi Mathur; Postdoctoral Fellow, New York University Shanghai 505. Robert Joseph; Undergraduate Student 506. Lily Stackable; undergraduate student 507. Tabbye Chavous; Professor of Education and Psychology; Director, National Center for Institutional Diversity 508. Kathryn Liang; UM student 509. Grace Hermann 510. Yuxuan Chen; UM alum and current masters student 511. Ruby Schneider; student 512. Evan J. Swinehart ; Undergraduate- Ford School of Public Policy 513. Elizabeth Wingrove; Political Science and Women's Studies 514. Genta Nishku; PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature 515. Matt Henning; Film Television & Media Major UMich 516. Saachi Kuwayama; School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) 517. Saadia Toor; City University of New York 518. Azadeh Zohrabi; UC Berkeley Underground Scholars 519. Sara Morell; Graduate Student, Political Science 520. Matthew Neubacher; Student 521. Shao Wei Chia; U of M Alumnus 522. Bill Schrader 523. Philip Elmore; Graduate Student 524. Lisa Disch; Political Science 525. Barbara Ghoshal; graduate 1968 The University of Michigan 526. Brittany Puller; University of Michigan, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures 527. Larry M. Gant; Professor, School of Social Work; Professor, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design 528. Ana Celia Zentella; Professor Emerita, University of California/San Diego 529. Jonas McMullen; Student 530. Joshua Carn-Saferstein; PCAP member 531. Rebecca Hixon; Graduate Student 532. Nishaant Choksi; Alumni, UM 2014 533. Jessica Milne; University of Michigan School of Public Health (2018) 534. Salman Hussain; Anthropology and History 535. Ariana Peruzzi; Philosophy 536. Janet Vu; UM undergrad 537. Natasha Abner; Linguistics Department 538. Cristian Aquino-Sterling, Ph.D.; College of Education - San Diego State University 539. Cecilie Simonsen; UM Alumni 540. Yannick A. Viers; Romance Languages and Literatures 541. Ken. Ludwig; Lecturer 542. Selena Alonzo; Alumni, Law School 543. Ashley Hill; Alumna, BA ‘12, MPH ‘17, MBA ‘17 544. Julia Galliker; Michigan Liberation 545. Priscila Calatayud; Graduate Student at The University of Michigan 546. Melissa Stevenson 547. Kimberly Thomas; Clinical professor, University of Michigan Law School 548. Daniel Cantor 549. Nina Bhattacharya; Ford School Alumni - BA 2012 550. Alex Kime; LEO Lecturer I, LSA/IGR 551. Sara T.; UM Undergraduate Student 552. Marjorie Biel; School of Public Health 553. Sheldin Wilks; student 554. Yona Isaacs; Social Work student 555. Amanda Kubic; Graduate Student, Department of Comparative Literature 556. Molly Harwood; Alumna 557. Lise SoulierUniversity of Michigan / lecturer 558. Schuyler Hillard 559. Ellen M. Barry; Soros Senior Justice Fellow (1997); MacArthur Fellow (1998); Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (with 1000PeaceWomen) (2005, 2008) 560. Natalie Stephens; PCAP 561. Alice Elliott; U of M Alumnus 562. Carley Kleinhans 563. Eric Schwartz 564. Sarah Gettel; Alumna 565. Stephanie Mecham; SPH & UMSI Master's Student 566. Sharif-Ahmed Krabti; Student 567. Matthew Hiller; University of Michigan School of Social Work 568. Sarah DeFlon; Michigan Medicine staff 569. Sarah Gettel; Alumna 570. Kelly A Tressler; community member 571. Samuel Maves; LSA Student 572. Ariana Stickel; University of Arizona 573. Eric Ferguson; Alumni, staff 574. Joseph P. Gaughan; Lecturer II, UM-Dearborn. 575. Helena Harmon; Undergraduate student 576. Ben Rodenmeyer; Theatre Performance Student in the School of Music Theatre and Dance 577. Micheline Rice-Maximin; Swarthmore College 578. Katrina Stalcup; Student 579. Talha Ali; Epidemiology, School of Public Health 580. Jessica Lefort; Visiting Adjunct 581. Jamie Hein 582. Deborah Keller-Cohen; Linguistics/ Women’s Studies 583. Emma Tolman; Alumni, Residential College, LSA 2013 584. Jorge Huerta; Emeritus Professor, University of California, San Diego 585. Hayley Beckett; School of Social Work 586. Zoe Gerstle; University of Michigan, School of Public Health 587. David Maldonado; UC Berkeley 588. Jonathan Tan; staff 589. Piper Kerman; English instructor, Otterbein University 590. Charles Thomas; Sociology, University of Michigan-Flint 591. Robert Ramaswamy; PhD Candidate, American Culture 592. Jesse Self; University of Chicago 593. Katherine Brausch; PhD Student, Department of History 594. Talia Mayden; alum 595. Reuben Riggs-Bookman; PhD student - Anthropology & History 596. Hannah Thoms; Student 597. Deborah E. McDowell; University of Virginia 598. Michael Cerda-Jara; Underground Scholars Initiative 599. Yasmin; University of Cambridge (Doctoral Student) 600. Ella Tutlis; School of Social Work 601. Kevin Yanos; Alumni 602. Kannappan Sampath; Graduate Student 603. Larissa Marten; Alumni 604. Rachelle Mehdi; Graduate Student 605. Ian Pearsall; Community member, Family member of alumni 606. Erin Ringel; LSA Undergraduate Student 607. Cody Walker; Dept. of English 608. Morgan Locke 609. Meghan Clark; Student 610. Michelle Yvonne Gordon; Emory University 611. Brenna Turner; Alumni 612. Kristina Perkins; Alum (Women's Studies, American Culture, Prison Creative Arts Project) 613. Kathleen Patrick; Undergraduate Student 614. Ella Baker Center for Human Rights 615. Vidhya Aravind; Master's of information student 616. Hannah Lupi; Student 617. Neala Berkowski; UM grad 618. Cydni Seifert; LSA ‘18 619. Dwyer Loughran; student 620. Angela Laureano; BUS 621. Olivia Ngo; LSA 622. Rachel Stephenson 623. Ellie Epskamp-Hunt 624. Alec Scott; Student/Employee 625. Melissa Palma; University of Michigan Alumni 626. Serena Brown; University of Michigan- Ross School of Business 627. Maura Barry; Underground Scholars Initiative 628. Kristen Connor; PhD Candidate, Anthro-History 629. Tina Al-khersan; Michigan Alumnus 630. Alex Zittleman; Undergraduate Student 631. Suzanne M Gothard; UM Alum, PCAP Associate and Former Staff 632. Cheyenne Pettit; Graduate student- history 633. Julie De Ford 634. Nicholas Haas; New York University 635. Jeff Edelstein; Alumni 636. Matan Kaminer; Anthropology 637. Maxine Williams-Gboizo 638. Salvador Vargas; Student 639. Kim Angulo 640. Anne Pitcher; Afroamerican and African Studies and Political Science 641. Carol Gray; Detroit Urban Research Center, U-M School of Public Health 642. Tara Weinberg; PhD Candidate, Department of History 643. J. Carlos de los Santos; Romance Languages & Literatures. UofM 644. Pierce Gordon; Alumnus, Aerospace Engineering 645. Tracy Neumann; Alumna (BA 1998) 646. Gregory Parker; Staff 647. Cam Bishop; citizen 648. William D Lopez; School of Public Health 649. Kevin M. Kruse; Princeton University 650. Alyse Erman; Alum 651. Beth Fowler; Wayne State University 652. Chrysanthi Leon; University of Delaware 653. Dyjuan Tatro; BPI Alumnus 654. Alec Hershman; Washtenaw Community College 655. Jerry S Walden; Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 656. Patricia L. Selby 657. Katrina Fischer; MSW Graduate Student 658. Timothy Oleksiak; University of Massachusetts Boston 659. Padma Chirumamilla; School of Information 660. Mary Naoum; Alumnna (Bachelor’s & dual-Master’s) 661. Adam Stone; Alumnus 662. Westley Montgomery; University of Michigan Student 663. Sergio Kauffmann; Teatro na Prisão - UNIRIO (BRA) 664. Matthew Guariglia; University of Connecticut 665. Patricia Doyle; Restorative Justice Ministry Kolbe House Chicago, IL 666. Brett A. Seabury; Emeritus Associate Professor, School of Social Work 667. Carlin; retired 668. Darren Mack; MSW student at Hunter College, Directly Impacted Social JusticeAdvocate 669. Kellie Beck; UM Student 670. Spencer Schaefer; Alumni of SMTD, 2018 671. Claire Zimmerman; College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Taubman College 672. Lia Jacobsen; University of Michigan, School of Social Work 673. Laura Sager; Justice Strategies 674. Jane Holzka; PhD U of M 1992 675. Meghan Oster; Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education 676. Tajuana B Johnson, esq; The Alliance of Families for Justice 677. Kenneth Tilp; CITIZEN 678. Janet Maylie; Department of Theatre and Drama 679. Christopher Ratté; Department of Classical Studies 680. Elizabeth Traison; PCAP associate 681. Melissa Newman 682. Veronika Bayer; College of Engineering 683. Matthew Yettaw; Staff; Alumnus of CSHPE- UM School of Education 684. Alexandra Minna Stern; American Culture and History 685. Jesse Yeh; Department of Sociology 686. Geila Rajaee; Doctoral Student, School of Public Health in Health Behavior Health Education 687. Kristin Bailey 688. Scott Stonington; Assistant Professor, Anthropology, International Studies, Internal Medicine 689. Allison Shelters 690. Nick Adams; UM - School of Education 691. Monica Lewis; Graduate Student 692. Brent Heard; PhD Candidate, School for Environment and Sustainability 693. Tyrone A. Stewart; Newnan Advising 694. Eni Mihilli; University of Michigan Law School 695. Ingrid Diran 696. Andrea Valedon-Trapote; PhD student, Department of History 697. Aaron Dora-Laskey, MD MS; U-M SPH 2017 alumnus 698. Jenna Brandemihl; Community 699. Joseph Behnke; Student 700. Cyrus O'Brien; Washington University in St. Louis (UM PhD, 2018) 701. Magdalena J Zaborowska; LSA 702. Meenu Deswal; Department of History 703. Debbie Sorkin 704. Tia Clinton; University of Michigan 705. Arthur Endsley; PhD Candidate, School for Environment and Sustainability 706. Natalie Holbrook; American Friends Service Committee 707. Stefan Szymanski; School of Kinesiology 708. Adrian Griffin; University of Michigan double alumnus 709. Jillian Gross Fortgang; Alumni 710. Emily Huang; J.D. Candidate '20, University of Michigan Law School 711. Coty Bentley; MSW Candidate 712. CJ Greer; U of M School of Social Work/School of Education 713. Sophee Langerman; Undergraduate, department of anthropology 714. Janie Paul; Emeritus professor stamps school of art and design university of michigan 715. Garrett Felber; Alum, University of Michigan 716. Jared Eno; UM doctoral student in Sociology and Public Policy 717. Judith Gertzog; University of Michigan Student 718. Margo Kolenda-Mason; PhD Candidate, Department of English Language and Literature 719. Rebecca Wyss; University of Michigan School of Law 720. Jessica Donahue 721. Stephen Ratkovich; Staff at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 722. Linroy Marshall; University of Michigan 723. Shannon Patrick, MPH; Alumni (School of Public Health) 724. Adrian Vallens; Student, University of Michigan Law School 725. Elizabeth Nelson; Graduate Student 726. Rachel Rafael Neis; Associate Professor, Department of History and Frankel Center for Judaic Studies 727. Sophie Hunt; Alumna, Department of History 728. Emma Rosen; Michigan Law School 729. Elizabeth Walz; PhD Student, RLL-Spanish 730. Matthew Setzler; UM alumnus 731. Michael Abrams; University of Michigan Law School 732. Keith Bouschor; Student 733. Kylee Sunderlin; Senior Staff Attorney, Brooklyn Defender Services and Michigan Law School Alum 734. Carol Jacobsen; Professor 735. Caroline Merkel; Student in LSA 736. Patricio G. Herbst; Professor, School of Education 737. Howard Stein; Professor, Dept of Afroamerican and African Studies and Dept. of Epidemiology, University of Michigan 738. Helen Fox; University of Michigan 739. Derek Wolfe; Alumni 740. Scott Haeck; J.D. Student, Michigan Law 741. Anthony Moffitt; Alumni '07, '11 742. Noah Meltzer; Student 743. Molly Brookfield; Vice President, Graduate Employees' Organization 744. Courtney Colon; Graduate of Ross BBA Class of 2016 745. Miriam Saperstein; Student at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 746. Emma Share; University of Michigan School of Public Health and School of Social Work graduate student 747. Emma Holcomb; Student, University of Michigan Law School 748. Anita Gonzalez; Professor of Theatre, Chair of Dance 749. Nathan Ulman; LSA Undergraduate Student 750. Noah Hagood; School of Public Health BA Student 751. Taylor Spencer 752. Neil H Shadle; Citizen 753. Danielle Dillard; Detroit Justice Center 754. Jared Boot; Alumnus 755. Samuel Barbash-Riley; UM SSW Alumnus 756. Laura Van Tassel; University of Michigan Law School Student 757. Steven Kurtz; Romance Languages and Literatures 758. Shannon Sullivan 759. Carlos Gonzalez; Associate Professor 760. Bonsitu Kitaba 761. Ashlyn Angell; Student, Michigan Law 762. Natalia Madrigal Martinez; Student 763. Jeffrey Lockhart; PhD Candidate, UM Sociology 764. Sophie Karpf; Law school 765. Alexandra Ladwig 766. Anna Lemler; Michigan Juvenile Justice Youth Advisory Board 767. Andrea Krieg; Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Elmhurst College, Michigan Alum '09 768. Jessica Lowen; Graduate Student Instructor 769. Christopher Harper; University of Michigan 770. Kristy Cooper; Alum 771. Dominique A. Canning; PhD Student, Department of Linguistics 772. Edwina Caywood; Community member 773. Dicle Taskin; PhD Student 774. Jacklyn Thomas; Alumnus 775. Amanda Allen; Citizen 776. Samantha Adams; English & Women's Studies 777. Jillian Myers; Dept. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan 778. Matthew Trosper-Scherer; Community member 779. Richard Durance; Alumnus 2011 780. Alex Basler; Cornell University 781. Kyle Southern; Doctoral Candidate, School of Education 782. Eve Hillman; Undergraduate Student LSA 783. Christine McGavock 784. Jessica Best; Alumni 785. Ian Ogden; University of Michigan Institute for Social Research / Survey Research Center 786. Chris Opila; Michigan Law Student 787. Leslie Stainton; Lecturer, Residential College 788. Drew Krinitsky 789. Anthony Mora; Associate Professor of History, American Culture, and Latina/o Studies 790. Nicole Honey; University of Michigan Medical School 791. Dara Watkins 792. Danielle Ziaja; Student 793. Kathleen Bachynski; Alum 794. Anat Belasen; PhD candidate Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 795. Andrea Hodgins-Davis; LSA EEB 796. Shari Johnson 797. Lauren Rudewicz; English L&L PhD Program 798. Genna Goist; University of Michigan student 799. Verónica Rabelo; Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University; Alumnum, University of Michigan 800. Shane DuBay; Postdoctoral Scholar, Michigan Society of Fellows; Assistant Professor, Dept of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 801. Stan Kowalinski; student 802. Simeon Newman; Doc student, Sociology 803. Nina White; UMich SMTD Undergrad 804. Yin-Long Qiu; Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan 805. Kate Powers; JD Student 806. Donna M. Valenti; LIU 807. Jeremy Rotner; Ford MPP 808. Noel A Vest; Washington State University 809. Anna Hall; University of Michigan Law School 810. Joanna Larson; EEB Department 811. William Toms; B.A. Economics 2016 812. Sophie Bright; First Year MPP Student (Ford School) 813. Kaitie Giza; Alumna, Staff - School of Social Work 814. Daniel Lyons; Graduate & Medical Student, EEB/Medical School 815. Catherine Badgley; Residential College; Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 816. Margaret Hlousek; University of Michigan Law School 817. Sharon Grim; PhD Student, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 818. Samuel Burns; Alumnus 819. Shenu Reddy 820. Amir Fleischmann; Political Science, PhD Student 821. Mark Robbins; Ph.D. Candidate, EARTH Department 822. Alexander Tye; Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 823. Erin Emory; Student, Law school 824. Ben van der Pluijm; Professor of Earth and Environment, Univ of Michigan 825. Kirk Townsend; PhD Candidate, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 826. Thomas E. Moore; Emeritus Professor of Biology and Curator of Insects 827. Michael Mueller; Graduate Student, Mathematics 828. Carrie Darden; Law Student 829. Raya Samet; UM-Dearborn Mardigian Library 830. Juli Highfill; Professor Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures 831. Rachel Clark 832. Sarah Gutin; University of Michigan School of Public Health 833. Kenzo Esquivel; Graduate Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 834. Carlos Perez-Vivaldo; LSA Psychology 835. Fred Kraus; Research Scientist, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 836. Eleanor Foster; School of Social Work 837. Lauren Whitmer; PhD Candidate - Social Work and Anthropology 838. Luis Zaman; UMich Complex Systems and EEB 839. Brenna Goss; LSA Student 840. Georgina Hickey; UM-Dearborn, SSCI 841. Quinn Blackledge; Undergraduate Senior in Psychology and Crime & Justice, Member of the Prison Creative Arts Project 842. Whitney Miller 843. Chanelle Davis; Student 844. Tommy La Voy; UM Law School Student 845. Jennifer Hill; Law School 846. Jim Carter; Department of Romance Languages & Literatures 847. Mara Page; Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences 848. Catherine Brown; Residential College & Comparative Literature 849. Allie Horwitz; Law Student, Michigan Journal of Race & Law 850. Matthew Rudary; Alumnus 851. Lisa Kim; UM Staff, alumna 852. Jeff Pituch; LSA optiMize 853. Eric Hanss; University of Michigan - Ford School of Public Policy 854. Alana Pollard; SMTD 855. Tasmine Clement; Student employee 856. Tom Fricke; Department of Anthropology, UM 857. James Saulsbury; University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology 858. Morgan Schiele; LSA Undergraduate 859. Eric Lotke 860. Kristel Fernanda Sanchez; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 861. Peyton Goethe; University employee 862. Denise Mortimer; University of Michigan Alum 863. Yopie Prins; Professor, English and Comparative Literature 864. Lauren Holden; Michigan Medicine 865. Yvonne Combs; University of Michigan 866. Kirby Snow; Student 867. Lauren Holden; UM Alumna; Social Worker at Michigan Medicine 868. Marion Van Dam; LSA Residential College, Semester in Detroit 869. Susan Reverby; Wellesley College 870. Terrence S. McTier Jr.; Ohio University, Assistant Professor—Department of Counseling & Higher Education 871. Dhruti Patel; Law Student 872. Kelsie Thorne; Department of Psychology 873. Fantasia Williams; Graduate Student 874. Marissa Houston; UM Alumni 875. Naomi Andre; LSA 876. Dominic Coschino; UM Undergrad 877. Maisie L Gholson; Assistant Professor, Educational Studies, University of Michigan 878. Katherine Carson; student 879. Tonya Kneff-Chang; University of Michigan, School of Education 880. Michail Kitsos; Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Middle East Studies 881. Tae Lim; PhD student 882. Min Hee Kim; School of Social Work & Sociology 883. Evan Major; BA '05, MSW '15 884. Hannah Rubashkin; University of Michigan Law School 885. Victoria Green; U-M Staff 886. Cozine A Welch Jr; PCAP 887. Emily Fletcher; Ford School of Public Policy & Ross School of Business 888. Nikesh Dahal; PhD student, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 889. Aisling Zhao; Student, University of Michigan Medical School and School of Public Health 890. Kori Desano Smith; Student @ Umich 891. Elizabeth Barrios; Alumna (PhD, Romance Languages) 892. Anna Herscher; University of Michigan undergraduate student 893. William Randall; University of Michigan Law School Student 894. Jasmine Knowles; Graduate Student 895. Derek R. Peterson; History and African Studies, University of Michigan 896. Jennifer Frederick; Psychology and Women's Studies 897. Will Glover; University of Michigan 898. Rushil Walia 899. Elizabeth S Berger 900. Internal Institute 901. Madeleine Carnemark; MBA/Ms, Ross School of Business/School for Environment and Sustainability 902. Susannah Bannon; Ph.D. candidate, the University of Texas at Austin 903. Anne Ogren; UM Student 1988-89 (Masters in Music Education) 904. Austin Goff 905. Jonah Rosenbaum; Michigan Law School 906. Jim Stehlin; LSA c/o 2017 907. Antonio Espree; Guest expert 908. Elizabeth James; Program Associate 909. Joey Valle; UM Grad Student 910. David Sernick; Student 911. Freddy Ordonez; Graduate Student, CEE department 912. Vince Mountain; Professor, Dept. of Theater & Drama 913. Annie Hyrila; PCAP 914. Jonathan Schwartz 915. Sheela Lal; MBA 2019 916. Kara Crutcher; UMich student 917. Aaron Gladstein; Graduate Student, Materials Science and Engineering department 918. Sean Burnett; Student 919. Kelly Slay; University of - College Park 920. Allie Romo 921. Carolyn Wu; University of Michigan student 922. Kristin Foringer; Doctoral student, UM 923. Sarah Yousuf 924. Nina Dutta; University of Michigan Law School 925. Nosakhare Edoimioya; Mechanical Engineering PhD Student 926. Avril Prakash; Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 927. Patrick Riley 928. Julia J. Barron; University Student 929. Alyson Grigsby; LSA Undergraduate Student 930. Teresa Wisner; MPP 931. Dana; Ford School of Public Policy 932. Alejandra Gallegos-Ordaz; Student 933. Benay Rubenstein; Director of College Initiative Upstate, Ithaca, New York 934. Eliza Webb 935. Anne Gardner Remley; UM Alumna, 1952 936. Persephone H-V 937. Sarah 938. Daniel Grodberg; Former University of Michigan Student 939. Elijah Manson; Student 940. Alexandra Reynolds; Student 941. Morgan Lindback; Graduate Student, University of Michigan Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 942. Jennifer Dominique Jones; Department of History 943. Taylor Mattson; Graduate Student - Ross School of Business 944. William Cooley; Student 945. Miclan Quorpencetta; University of Michigan alumnus 946. Aristotle Alsua; University of Michigan School of Law 947. Elijah Zagorski 948. Netta Berlin; Classical Studies 949. Allison Bernstein; University of Michigan MBA/MPP 950. Mary K Gallagher; alumni 951. Laura Milstead; Master Public Policy student 952. Kristan Sock; MBA 1 953. Joe Garcia; Grad student 954. Ian Bridges; Student 955. Latresha staten; Ross School of Business 956. Gabrielle Alves; MBA Student 957. Kathryn Henne; University of Waterloo 958. Rita Shah, PhD, Assistant Professor of Criminology; Eastern Michigan University 959. Catherine O'Donnell; MBA '20 960. Dominique James 961. Annabel Allen; Student 962. Rachel Leonard; UM staff 963. Laura Malecky; Ross School of Business 964. Nicholas Thompson; MBA Candidate - University of Michigan Ross School of Business, Alum - College of Engineering 965. John G. Deikis, Ph.D.; Licensed Clinical Psychologist 966. Amirah Patterson 967. Kaitlyn Selman; Assistant Professor (criminology/sociology), Framingham State University 968. Erica Meyers; Student (Undergraduate) 969. Lisa Dengiz; MPH graduate, MSW graduate 970. Heidi Bennett; Staff, Institute for Research on Women & Gender; Student, School of Education 971. Sasha Bishop; PhD Candidate, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan 972. S. Lee; UM undergraduate student 973. Laura De Palma; Alumna 974. Abby O'Leary; Sibling of student 975. Sabaina Kamara; MBA Student 976. Kate Hutchens; Librarian, University Library Special Collections Research Center 977. Andrea Bahena; student 978. Victor Landry; Alumni 979. Hector Figueroa; Ph.D Student; Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology. 980. Ylana Miller; Duke University 981. Susanna Campbell; University of Michigan, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 982. Kristin Roberts; Alumni 983. Maya Barak; Assistant Professor, Criminology and Criminal Justice, U of M-Dearborn 984. Rosie Sharp; Graduate Student - Ross & SEAS 985. Kevin Goodman; PHD and Masters Alumnus 986. Jannice Newson; SEAS 987. Audrey Jacobsen; Student 988. Taylor Coleman; Graduate student 989. Kenneth J Litwin; Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Michigan-Flint 990. Frannie Shepherd-Bates; Shakespeare in Prison/Detroit Public Theatre 991. Londyn Gage; Ross MBA student 992. Alex Serwer; Ford MPP student and Ross BBA alum 993. Vilma Mesa; School of Education 994. Maria Ibarra-Frayre; Alumn 995. Joseph Serafini 996. Sarah Clark; Associate Research Scientist, Department of Pediatrics 997. Vincent Hutchings; Professor of Political Science 998. Charisse Wilkins; Stephen M. Ross School of Business; Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 999. Sara Berlin; Community Member 1000. Daniel Shoup; UM Alumnus 1001. Linnea Carver; University of Michigan MS/MPP candidate 1002. Ashley Makala; Community member 1003. LaKaylia Kea; student 1004. Abraham Baca; Graduate student 1005. Emma Thomas; Ph.D. Candidate, History 1006. Emma Mayville; MBA, Ross School of Business 1007. Connor McCarty; Ross School of Business MBA Student 1008. Chelle Jones; UMich Sociology 1009. Efrén Gomez; Student 1010. Daniel Andrew Birchok; Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice-University of Michigan-Flint 1011. Sara Forsdyke; Department of Classical Studies, UM 1012. Charles Kargman; MPP Student, University of Michigan - Ford School of Public Policy 1013. Thea Marriott; Law Student 1014. Scott Tompkins; PCAP Sponsored Affiliate 1015. Daniel Echevarria; Law School '21 1016. Ketti Cadet; MBA 1017. Lizbeth Diaz; Undergraduate student 1018. Jenna Barlage; Student 1019. Riyah Basha 1020. M. R. Easley; student 1021. Cynthia Wu; Associate Professor, Department of Gender Studies, Indiana University; University of Michigan PhD '04 1022. Kristin Poling; Social Sciences Department, UM-Dearborn 1023. Erich Bobeck; U of M undergraduate student 1024. Ariel Friedlander 1025. Robyn J. Burnham; Research Museums Center, University of Michigan 1026. Jason Roberts 1027. Allyssa Garza; Student 1028. Devon Davis; University of Michigan student 1029. Audrey Gilmour; LSA 1030. Rylei McAllister; Student 1031. Joshua Riley; University of Michigan Student 1032. Meredith Kahn; University Library 1033. Rida Khan 1034. Mohammad Shaikh; Senior 1035. Phil Bianco; Alumnus 1036. Meredith Reynolds; Student, University of Michigan Law School 1037. Christine Zaccack; Ross Student 1038. Simran Jagirdar; Unify student 1039. Jason Young; Associate Professor, History 1040. DeLon Slaughter; Omega Psi PHI 1041. Lucy Peterson; Department of Political Science 1042. Su’ad Abdul Khabeer; American Culture and Arab and Muslim American Studies 1043. Sean Smith; University of Michigan School of Social Work 1044. Kerry Martin; J.D. Candidate, University of Michigan Law School 1045. Alexandra Greer; Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 1046. Michael Barnes; Ross 1047. Savannah O’Neill; Alumni 1048. Cathleen Behnke; UM Alumna 1049. Nancy Munoz; MBA Student - Ross School of Business 1050. Lauren Day; Student 1051. Samuel Rosenblum; LSA 1052. Caitlin Graziano; LSA/RC Alum ‘07, PCAP Associate 1053. Lanice Avery, PhD; University of Virginia 1054. Sloane 1055. Trenton Cox; Student 1056. Vivian Madu; UM Alumni 1057. Jean Selby; Community member 1058. Sagan Blue; University of Michigan Alumna 1059. Mickenzie Andrews 1060. Julia Brown 1061. Kaitlin Kahler; student 1062. Hayley Wank 1063. Shanmin Sultana; Student 1064. Daniela Mancilla; UM Student 1065. Basil Alsubee; LSA 1066. Mariam Khawaja; University of Michigan School of Public Health 1067. Timothy Rigotti; Student and Employee 1068. Eric Langewicz; Student 1069. Michael Andrews 1070. Mason Andrews 1071. Nadia Fanaras; UM Student 1072. Zahra Dawson; Undergraduate Student 1073. Charley Sullivan; Doctoral Candidate-History 1074. Marissa Lobbia; Student 1075. Alec Below; Student 1076. Max Cornblath; LSA 1077. Danielle Dros; Student Life Staff 1078. Enrique Valdivia; University of Nevada, Reno Libraries 1079. Ahmed Mitiche; CMENAS 1080. Mark Montague; Information Technology Services 1081. Sylvia Simioni; PhD Student, School of Information 1082. Lena Knezevic; MSI, School of Information 1083. Arcelia Gutierrez; University of Michigan 1084. Amel Omari; UMSPH, Health Behavior & Health Education 1085. Colleen Andrews 1086. Ryan Ruggiero; MPP Student 1087. Edward L. Platt; University of Michigan, PhD Candidate 1088. Ethan Shirley, JD; PhD student, Dept. of Earth & Envt'l Sciences 1089. Cynthia O’Connor; Student 1090. Paul Conway; University of Michigan School of Information 1091. Annie Mintun; University of Michigan 1092. Donna Murch; Rutgers Universty 1093. Adam Balden 1094. LaMar Thompson-Hightower, LLMSW; U of M School of Social Work Alum Class of 2016 1095. Samantha Gilmore; Berkeley Underground Scholars 1096. Tariq Luthun 1097. Karthik Ganapathy; University of Michigan 1098. Emma Hess; Student 1099. Jessica Camp; Assistant Professor of Social Work 1100. Gabriel J. Rodriguez-Rivera; University of Texas - Austin 1101. Nuha Mahmood; Public Health 1102. Hunter Levine 1103. Kimberley Hoff; MSI '09 1104. Emily Zonder; College of LSA, Department of Sociology, Semester in Detroit Program 1105. Natalie R Warsinger-Pepe 1106. Moe Fitzsimons; lecturers 1107. Lisa Tencer; Alumni 1108. Martin Murray; DAAS and Taubman College 1109. Mario Medina; Ph.D candidate, Mechanical Engineering 1110. Erin Lavin; Romance Languages & Literatures 1111. Jacqueline Antonovich; Muhlenberg College (PhD, UMich) 1112. Nicole Bettè; Alumna 1113. Dr. Christina Quinlan; De Montfort University Leicester 1114. Julie Herrada; Curator, Joseph A. Labadie Collection, Special Collections Research Center, University Library 1115. Larry M. Gant; Professor, School of Social Work; Professor, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design 1116. Je Donna Dinges 1117. Morgan Whitcomb; Ph.D Candidate, Applied Physics 1118. Karen Woollams; Research Process Coordinator, ISR Survey Research Center 1119. Jan Wright; UM Alum 1120. Debra Wright; Alumnus 1121. Marie Campbell; Decarceration Advocate 1122. Molly Radosevich; University of Michigan 1123. Laura Yakas; School of Social Work 1124. Daniel Hack; Dept.of English 1125. Glenn Leung; Physics PhD Candidate 1126. Vaishnav Kameswaran; Ph.D. student, School of Information 1127. Bryan Redden; SEAS MS in Environmental Policy 1128. Blue Koffron; UM Student, Junior standing 1129. Prash Naidu; Anthropology 1130. KT Lowe; University of Michigan alumna, class of 2008 (BA, LSA) and 2011 (MSI) 1131. Alicia Vara; Community 1132. Lauro Ojeda; ME 1133. Jesus Hinojosa; Applied Physics 1134. Gary Graca; Medical School 1135. Mike Hegeman; MPP Student 1136. Audrey A Anderson; WeROC (Washtenaw Regional Organizing Coalition ) 1137. Jacqui Hinchey; Survey Research Center 1138. Ronald Grigor Suny; University of Michigan 1139. Anna Muller; UM-Dearborn 1140. Bethany Donovan; Graduate Student - History Department 1141. Tyler Newquist; School of Public Health 1142. Nicole Lewis; Graduate Student, Physics Department 1143. John Ramsburgh; Staff 1144. Mari W; alumnus of University of Michigan 1145. Ivan Tibavinsky; PhD Candidate, Mechanical Engineering 1146. Irma Guzman 1147. Fatema Haque; Staff, Alumna 1148. Aaron Stark; Staff, ITS 1149. Barbara Ransby; University of Illinois at Chicago 1150. Mary Walle; UofM Alumna, PCAP Associate 1151. Travis Williams; Ph.D. Candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures 1152. Brian Leakan; Student 1153. Rickie Solinger; Historian 1154. Mary Ann Wattles; Ann Arbor resident/tax payer 1155. Kelly McRae; Michigan Medicine 1156. Jonatan Martínez; Ford School of Public Policy 1157. Tara McManus; Umich Alum 1158. Keith Larsen; University of Michigan 1159. Farina Mir; Department of History 1160. Rebecca Welzenbach; University Library 1161. Stephanie Muringer; University of Michigan Graduate Student - Higher Education 1162. Sara Rose; Graduate 1163. Brian Iezzi; UM Graduate Student 1164. Mark Stover; Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Choirs, University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre and Dance 1165. Eric Klein; UM Alum 2004 1166. Sioban Harlow; Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health 1167. Mira Vale; Department of Sociology, University of Michigan 1168. Kevin Hawkins; University of North Texas 1169. Kathryn Unger; A concerned senior citizen of Michigan,a mother and grandmother of college age children 1170. Matthew P Spooner; History 1171. Sam Mead; Wayne State University Music 1172. Rachel W; Student 1173. Eugene Rogers; University of Michigan/EXIGENCE 1174. Kendal Exelby; Friend of a student 1175. Elizabeth Anne Wroughton; Evaluation & Research Analyst UC Berkeley 1176. MaryEllen Rieck; Department of Political Science, PhD 1177. Michael Atzmon; UM College of Engineering 1178. Salem Elzway; PhD Candidate, History 1179. Roxana Taginya; UM Alumnae 1180. Jacob Wright; Member of the wider Michigan community 1181. Aaron A. King; Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Compex Systems, Mathematics 1182. John Girdwood; UM Flint Sociology Adjunct 1183. Luke Hodgson; Community Member 1184. Demari Miller; University of Michigan LSA 1185. Pete Woiwode; Alumni 1186. Laura Bovoletis; Staff 1187. Heather Colohan; Staff 1188. William Tunde Osilaja 1189. Rhonda Moats; Survey Research Center 1190. Allison Sponseller; Alum 1191. Ian Fielding; Department of Classical Studies, U–M Ann Arbor 1192. Brittany Essink; Ph.D. Candidate, Aerospace Engineering 1193. Eitan Paul; PhD Student, Ford School and Department of Political Science 1194. Crystal Green; PhD Candidate, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences 1195. Jessie Sahakian; Alumni 1196. Steven Moore; Doctoral Candidate, Political Science 1197. Kristen Glasener; PhD Candidate, School of Education 1198. Alexander Furnas; University of Michigan, Political Science 1199. Christine Convery; SPH 1200. Sarah Piell; student 1201. Kymberley Leggett; Prison Creative Arts Project 1202. Anna Wood; Graduate Student Spouse 1203. Amy Marzulla; Alumni 1204. Kathie Gourlay; Alumna 1205. John Gourlay; U. of M. alumnus 1206. Sarah Bratton; Student 1207. Megan Behrend; English Language and Literature 1208. Charles Logan 1209. Emma Dolce; Ford School of Public Policy 1210. Sage Renstrom-Richards; Student 1211. Nancy Cooper 1212. Jason Smith 1213. Elayna Swift; University of Michigan - College of LSA 1214. Tad Wysor; Washtenaw Regional Organizing Coalition, Huron Valley AFL-CIO 1215. Erica Parkinson; MSW Student at U of M 1216. Ryan Rosario; U of M Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering 1217. Stephanie Stoneback; Undergraduate Student (LSA Honors English) 1218. Edith A. Lewis; Emerita Asociate Professor of Social Work and Women’’s Studie 1219. Desirae Simmons; Community Member 1220. James Toy; UM alumnus 1221. Elizabeth Temkin; University of Michigan Law School 1222. Hugh Goodman; Alumni 1223. Myra Visser; University of Michigan Prison Creative Arts Project 1224. Mary Ann Franks; Student 1225. Katie Schultz; Assistant Professor, School of Social Work 1226. Hannah Procell; Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Advocacy Fellow 1227. Anne Patterson 1228. Jason Setting; Student in the College of Engineering 1229. Andrew Goddeeris; Alumni (LSA, Taubman College, Law School) 1230. Junior Louis; MBA Student 1231. Courtney Weber; University of Michigan Alumnus 1232. Apollo; USI 1233. Molly Raynor 1234. Martha Vicinus; Professor of English and Women's Studies, Emerita 1235. Shalmali Jadhav; Department of Comparative Literature, University of Michigan 1236. Ania Aizman 1237. Rafael Rivero; Graduate Student, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences 1238. Amelia Hefferlin; Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 1239. Dominique Butler-Borruat; Residential College 1240. John Cameron; Resident 1241. Greg Olszta; Washtenaw County Poor People's Campaign 1242. Nicole D’Angelo; MSW, 2015 1243. Meagan Burt 1244. Paul Christine; Resident Physician, Internal Medicine 1245. Jacob Cutler; Student 1246. Nancy Byers; Michigan Citizens for Justice 1247. Shawn Barrera-Leaf; Parent to an UM Alumnus 1248. Andrew Brown; LSA Alumni 1249. Elliott Kurtz; Alumni UM SEAS 1250. Shana Schoem; Alum 1251. Theresa Zettner; Alumna 1252. Darian Razdar; University of Toronto, University of Michigan (with BA) Class of 2020 1253. Danielle Williams 1254. Hayley Albright 1255. Dorothy Herter 1256. Kurt Huber; UM Alum 1257. Elizabeth Ahola; None , except born there , gave birth there , go there , children work there , ect... from Ann Arbor 1258. Michael RJ Koscielniak; PhD Candidate 1259. Nicole Patrick; 2016 School of Music, Theatre & Dance alum 1260. Jonah Siegel; Alum 1261. Colleen Fitzharris; Michigan Law ‘13 1262. Michael S Richardson 1263. Vicki 1264. Christine Chalifoux; Department of Anthropology 1265. Don Campbell; Citizens for Justice 1266. Daniel Blinderman; Political Science 1267. Shubhangi Kumari; University of Michigan 1268. Doris Crawford; University of michigan retiree 1269. Chef Cheff; interested party to this injustice 1270. Tom Xavier; Potential Patient 1271. Vincent Paviglianiti; Class of 2005 1272. David Frye; Lecturer, Anthropology, University of Michigan 1273. Elizabeth L. Carter; Alumnae 1274. Susan Hope Dundas, BA, MSBS, PA-C; Alumna, Class of 1996 1275. Mercedez D Dunn; Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology 1276. Andre Zapico; Alumn 1277. Sara Bursac; UMich Alumna, PCAP Associate 1278. Julia Sobesky Carey; UofM alum, PhD in psychology and Neuroscience, instructor of psychology 1279. Dana LePage; U Mich 1280. Mark Carey 1281. Audrey Hansen; Romance Languages and Literatures 1282. Dominic Bednar; University of Michigan, PhD Candidate 1283. Christopher Arku; University of Michigan Student- MBA 1284. Syeda (Fiana) Arbab; Alumni 1285. Timothy Corvidae; Alum 1286. D. Korbin Felder; AFSC Michigan Criminal Justice Program, University of Michigan Class of 2014 1287. Andrew Westphal; Alumnus 1288. Jacob Agus-Kleinman; Alumni 1289. Amanda Hill; Good Jobs Now 1290. Dr. Kristin Dunkle; School of Public Health 2000, Rackham 2003 1291. Angela Burchard; alumni 1292. Isabel Sandweiss; U of M alumni 1293. Abbigayl Burtis; Student 1294. Chuck Clemons 1295. Jennifer J Schwartz; School of Social Work Alumnus 1296. Sara L Ahbel-Rappe; Professor of Greek and Latin 1297. Joshua Simon; Alumnus (BS, LSA '90) and Staff 1298. Amanda van Brenk; Alumni - LSA 2004 1299. Ruti Levtov; PhD Health Behavior and Health Education, University of Michigan School of Public Health 1300. Susan L. Douglas; History Staff 1301. Rebecca Bowles; Shared Services Center, U-M 1302. Howard Brick; Louis Evans Professor of History 1303. Scott Spector; Professor 1304. Lisa Leininger; Michigan Medicine staff 1305. Darnell Ishmel; Alumni 1306. Aiden Ramirez-Tatum; LSA 1307. Emma Haldy; LSA & UMSI Alumna, University Library Staff 1308. Nikolas Midttun; Graduate Student 1309. Joe Haldy; Michigan Medicine 1310. Clare Croft; Associate Professor, Dance & American Studies, University of Michigan 1311. Ashley Munger; LSA 1312. Margaret Hicken; Institute for Social Research 1313. Anne-Marie Sweat; Concerned Citizen 1314. Chai Montgomery; Ann Arbor Resident, former employee, UM Hospital System 1990-1999 1315. Sara Feldman; Alumna 1316. Ruiqi Tang; University of Michigan Medical School 1317. Sandra Momper; U of MI-Social Work-Ojibwe Indian 1318. Jeff Irwin; State Senator District 18 1319. Lara Unger-Syrigos 1320. Awilda Rodriguez; Asst Professor 1321. Greg Kelly; Michigan Citizen 1322. Myles Durkee; Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan 1323. Alexander D. Chouinard; Staff 1324. Staci Gusakova; Psychology & Women's Studies 1325. Sueann Caulfield; University of Michigan 1326. Megan Mueller Johnson; Staff 1327. Melissa Burch; UM Department of Anthropology 1328. Annette Beauchamp; Graduate Student, Joint Program in English and Education 1329. Aaron Holman; Alumni 1330. Julilly Kohler-Haummann; Cornell University 1331. Jacob Saldinger; UMich Chemical Engineering 1332. Elena Williams-Moreiras; From the city of Ann Arbor 1333. Angela Bruns, Ph.D.; University of Michigan 1334. Brittany Simmons; Current Graduate Student/ Undergrad Alum 1335. Daniel Ghastin; Alumni, BFA 2016 Interarts Performance, Stamps School of Art and Design, School of Music Theatre and Dance 1336. Alexis Stanton; LSA '16, SPH '18 1337. Devon Sparks; Alumni 1338. Ramya Raghavan; Alumni (LSA, Class of 2006) 1339. Priscilla Lindsay; Professor and Chair 1340. Michigan Student Power Network 1341. Lauren Eriks Cline; Postdoctoral Fellow, English Language and Literature 1342. Lilly; Parent of a child that receives care at U of M 1343. Krishna V 1344. Kayla Chinitz; Undergraduate Student 1345. Calvin Wu; University of Michigan 1346. Jacob Brooks; LSA 2015 1347. Anna Stasek; Alumni 1348. Monica Tsuneishi; University of Michigan 1349. Maya Chun; Alumna 1350. Judith Ann (Buersmeyer)Brankiewicz; Alumnus 1351. Jennifer L Nathan; Alumna BA '06 1352. Kimberly A. Bender; Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Michigan-Flint 1353. Eric Touchberry; U-M Facilities & Operations Information Services 1354. Charles Gushue; Program Manager at AKF Foundation for Culture and Environment 1355. Malcolm Tulip; Head of Directing Dept. of Theatre & Drama, Stamps School of Art and Design 1356. Jason Keech; Michigan Medicine Office of Development 1357. Scott TenBrink; Alumni, Staff 1358. Margaret Rohde; Alumna, MS Information Science 1359. Laura MacIntyre; Faculty, University of Michigan - Flint, Department of Sociology 1360. Erin Markey; Alumnus 1361. Claire Shimberg; MLaw Student 1362. Brittany Belding; University of Michigan Student—LSA 1363. Erica Britt; Associate Professor of Sociolinguistics, University of Michigan-Flint 1364. Alexandros Demetriou; Alumni 1365. Lawrence Wentzel; University of Michigan Library 1366. Margaret Woodard; Former U of M Stamps Employee 1367. Will Strayer; Alumnus 1368. Brittany Dowe; Alumni (2016 and 2018) 1369. Mark Sandstrom; U of M staff at ISR 1370. Rosemary Sarri; Professor of Social Work Emeritus and Associate Research Scientist Emeritus 1371. Zinaida Miller; Seton Hall University 1372. Tom Garrity; University of Michigan Law School 1373. Arman Haveric 1374. Alexander Wood; Med school 1375. Alana M.W. LeBrón; Alumni 1376. Mary Browning; retired employee of the U of M 1377. Mindy Nathan; Alumna 1378. Aaron Foote; Leo Lecturer I 1379. Ben Vassar; Student 1380. Kenneth Nadolski; Class of 2004 1381. P D Myles; MI United 1382. Diego Leal Ambriz; Ross MBA student 1383. Caroline Passal; Undergraduate in the school of LSA 1384. Jonathan Farran; UMich Student 1385. Kate Mendeloff; Lecturer IV, Residential College 1386. Joshua Fitzpatrick; Student, College of Engineering 1387. Brad Hammond; Center for Japanese Studies 1388. Eron Cayedito; Navajo environmentalist 1389. Stephanie Alvarez 1390. Griffin St. Onge; University of Michigan Undergraduate 1391. Cindy Gao; Student 1392. Ian Robinson; Residential College and Dept of Sociology, U of Michigan 1393. Union Council of Lecturers' Employee Organization (LEO), AFT-MI Local 6244; University of Michigan 1394. Anthony Landers; Berkeley Underground Scholars 1395. Dr. Fiona McMaster; Alumna 1396. Eric Miller 1397. David Porter; Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Michigan 1398. Carolyn G Madden; Friends of Restorative Justice and University of Michigan 1399. Mahal Stevens; Student 1400. Sophia Villarreal 1401. Graham Branch; Ann Arborite affected by UM policy 1402. Dr Jenise R DePinto; The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY 1403. Kyla McMullen; UF 1404. Elinor Epperson 1405. Holly Honig 1406. Alison Chan; Detroit resident 1407. Megan Flattley; University of Michigan alum 1408. Avery Blanks 1409. Jeanne Paul; Former Adjunct Faculty, UM SSW Alumna 1410. Colleen Roberts; University of Michigan Law School 1411. Cassidy Schmid; Alumni/Staff 1412. Ana Lucena; LSA 1413. Philip M. Tuchinsky; Ann Arbor resident 1414. Ruth Burke; Former Graduate Student 1415. Camilla Harris; Doctoral Student 1416. Emmanuel Solis; Undergraduate 1417. Sarah Kavallar; Alumni 1418. Katherine Wroughton; U M SSW alumni 1419. Michaela Kotziers 1420. Caleb Freestone 1421. Camilla Miller 1422. Lauren Marshall; Alumni 1423. Helen Vuong; Alumni family member 1424. Jeff Sorensen; Director for Social Innovation, U-M LSA 1425. Yahya Alami Hafez; American Culture 1426. Hannah Hudson 1427. Scott Elliott 1428. Seeta Chaganti; University of California, Davis 1429. Bill Dobbs; U-M alum and publisher The Dobbs Wire 1430. Alex Brown; Alumnus (BA 2012) 1431. Maya Alwan; SMTD Student 1432. Emi Kaneko; Alumni, Prison Creative Arts Project Associate 1433. Maggie Shelledy; University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 1434. Jeffrey Nash; UMSI Alum; Former employee 1435. Amit Weitzer; Alum 1436. Haydn Lambert 1437. Jeremy York; PhD Candidate, School of Information 1438. Jon Riley; UMSI 1439. Kim Erbe; UIUC 1440. Viktoria Walda Byczkiewicz; concerned citizen, former USC faculty 1441. Logan Middleton; Education Justice Project, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1442. Cookie Woolner; University of Memphis (UMich alum) 1443. Nicholas Aquino; Alumni 1444. Molly Reno; Alumnae class of 1972 and former employee 1445. Khadiza Begum; Student, Sociology Department 1446. Ember McCog; MS Environmental Justice ‘17 1447. Ruma Banerjee; University of Michigan 1448. Jean Fitzgerald; Alumna 1449. Olivia Horgan 1450. Laura Brillman; Alum, Class of 2017 1451. Carissa Scurlock; UM Staff Member 1452. Abigail Allman; School of Social Work MSW candidate 1453. Olivia White; Student 1454. Frann Michel; Willamette University 1455. Allison Libbe; LSA Undergrad 1456. Apryl Pipe; Eastern Michigan University Federation of Teachers 1457. Cassie Hazelip; U of M Class of 2012 1458. Katherine Wright; Department of Sociology 1459. Joanna Courteau; UUAA 1460. Emily Ehrmann; School of Public Health 1461. Susan Balto; University of Michigan Graduate Student 1462. Gordon Fitch; PhD Candidate, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 1463. Betsy Ford; School of Public Health, Nutritional Sciences 1464. Hilary Pummill 1465. Kevin Boehnke; Research Investigator, Anesthesiology Department, University of Michigan Medical School 1466. Ebony Reddock; Program Manager, School of Social Work 1467. Kelsey Muniz; UMich Student 1468. Susan Ashmore; Prisoner Creative Arts Project, Friends of Restorative Justice 1469. Heather Mooney; Wayne State University 1470. Kit Parks; Alumni 1471. Alexandra Teodorescu 1472. Scott De Orio; Alumni, PhD in History and Women's Studies 1473. Angela Indigo Davis; Graduate Student 1474. Eric Tennen; Alum (class of '98) 1475. Elliane Siebert; School of Public Health Undergrad 1476. Yuxiao Lei; Undergraduate Student 1477. Jose Casas; University of Michigan 1478. David Goldberg; Instructor 1479. Jane Wong; Michigan Medicine 1480. Taylor Murray; Student in College of Engineering 1481. Johanna Tuthill 1482. Joshua Krell 1483. Danyel Tharakan; College of Engineering Undergraduate Junior 1484. Eryka Swank; Student of School of Public Health, and Employee of Michigan Dining, Law Library, and UHS 1485. Melanie Sadur; University of Michigan Alumna, class of 2012 1486. Lena Hoppe; Undergraduate Student 1487. Kevin Hu; School of Public Health 1488. Ashley Nowicki; Student 1489. Annie Freitas; Operation Restoration 1490. Morgan Perry; Community Member; University of Michigan Alumnus 1491. Amina Khan; Prison Re-Entry Project at UM 1492. Ani Turner; Altarum 1493. Brooke Harris; Alum - 2008 1494. Tanay Bapat; Student- University of Virginia 1495. Alyiah Al-Bonijim; Student at the University of Michigan 1496. Jordan Falby; UMSI Alumni 1497. Rosario Elizabeth Hernandez; School of Social Work 1498. Nichollas Dawson; University of Michigan Law School 1499. Christina Wong; University of Michigan Law School '16 alumnus 1500. A. Meade; Undergraduate Student 1501. Jillian Li; Student at University of Michigan 1502. Kasey Downing; Student 1503. Bruce M Maki 1504. Aziz Fall 1505. Ebony Johnson; Graduate Student 1506. L'Tanya Marshall 1507. Katherine Bromm; student at U of M 1508. Molly Aronson; Ford School '18 1509. Griffin St Onge; University of Michigan undergraduate 1510. Enrique Rodriguez; Ph.D. Pre-Candidate, Environmental Engineering 1511. Haley McCrary; Altarum 1512. Yosef Gross; Student, University of Michigan 1513. William Arrington 1514. Gregory J Makris, MD; LSA 1994, UM Medical School 2000 1515. Laura Wernick; Associate Professor, Fordham University (Michigan Phd Alumni) 1516. Zehra Hashmi; University of Michigan 1517. Stefan Johnson; Student 1518. Olivia Johnson 1519. Meghan Brody; LSA Undergraduate 1520. Jocelyn Aptowitz; U-M SMTD & LSA Alumni 1521. Selin Levi; Student 1522. Tala Al-saghir; UofM Student 1523. Ionia (Lindsay) Marciniec; U of M 1524. Cynthia Edwards; UM Alumna 1525. Omar Ilyas; Co-founder of Prison Re-Entry Project 1526. Jessie Dijkstra; Resident of Washtenaw County/concerned citizen 1527. Sarah McDonald; University of Michigan Law School 1528. Onawa Gardiner; MSI 1529. Shobita Parthasarathy; Ford School of Public Policy 1530. Lynn Medow; Concerned citizen of Michigan 1531. Sanjana Murali; University of Michigan Alumni 1532. Mary Heinen McPherson; PCAP/Alumni 1533. Megan Garver; English and Education, PhD Student 1534. Tamara Milton; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan 1535. Rachel Aleks; Cornell University 1536. Rachel Petrak; Department of Sociology, Department of Management, University of Michigan - Flint 1537. Wendy Barlage 1538. Matt Oches; LEO 1539. Norma Martinez; Alumna (MSN, BSN, BSE) 1540. Evan Harary; University of Michigan Law School 1541. Veronica Portillo Heap; Student, University of Michigan Law School 1542. Edith Lerner; UM Law Student 1543. Stacey Bishop; History 1544. Wilder Erb 1545. Kieran Todd; Research Associate, University of Michigan School of Nursing, Center for Sexuality and Health Disparities 1546. Travis LaFalce; Sociology/Criminal Justice undergraduate student, UM-Flint 1547. Nicole Skinnion; Student 1548. Paul D. Reingold; Law School Faculty 1549. Jordan Yunker; University of Michigan-Dearborn Undergraduate Student 1550. Elizabeth Michaelson; Undergraduate Student of Earth and Environmental Science 1551. Reem Khatib; International Studies LSA Student 1552. Damaris Stroker; Student 1553. Marita Ky; LSA Student 1554. Emily Atkinson; University of Michigan Lecturer 1555. Gabby Lowenthal 1556. Sophie Le Pottier; PCAP volunteer, UofM undergraduate student 1557. James Coatsworth; Law School Alumni 1558. Tirza Mullin; University of Michigan Law School 1559. Alexandrea Somers; Ford School Student 1560. Anna Gagern 1561. Rebeca Yanes 1562. Karlie Stanford; Student 1563. Jordy Garcia 1564. Moisés Salgado; La Casa 1565. Laine Putans 1566. Gwendolyn Williams; Our Lifeline Incorporated 1567. Jean Federico; Mass Collaborative 1568. William Cross 1569. Ruth Zweifler; Chair,Student Advocacy Center of MI/Ret. 1570. Juan Chomali; Student (College of Engineering) 1571. Lisa Marshall Bashert; UM Alumna '81; Poor People's Campaign 1572. Miriam Saperstein; Student, university of michigan 1573. Marjory J Weldon; MI CEMI 1574. Yodit Mesfin Johnson; Community Member 1575. Leena Ghannam; Undergraduate Student in LSA 1576. Kathleen f Curley 1577. Sherri Johnson 1578. Jim Mogensen; Community member 1579. Mary Garboden; Community Member 1580. Renee Swanson; U of M alumni, member of Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing 1581. Aloka Narayanan 1582. Gretchen Grey; Parent of 2 students currently enrolled 1583. Carol Myers-Scotton; Emerita Distinguished Professor, University of South Carolina 1584. John Kistler; MSPN, PREP, Carceral State Project 1585. Bob Baker; member of prison reform organizations 1586. Emilie Baker; member of prison reform organizations 1587. Anne Brown; WeROC 1588. Neil Shadle; Retired Professor, Meadville/Lombard Theological School 1589. Lynn Scott; Michigan State University retired faculty 1590. Mary Ann Hergenrother, Ed.D; Friends of Restorative Justice of Washtenaw County 1591. Kathy M Friedrichs; Alumni & retired staff 1592. Melissa Almonte; Law Student 1593. Kari Nilsen; Um alum 1594. Millan Bederu; University of Michigan Law School 1595. Emily Yang; UM-SMTD 1596. DeAnna Hoskins; JustLeadershipUSA 1597. Edwin Klein; University of Michigan Medical School and School of Public Health 1598. Layla Hak; UM Student 1599. Kate Warner; Associate Professor Emerita, College of Architecture and Urban Planning 1600. Karalyn Grimes; Action of Greater Lansing 1601. Jean-Pierre Seguin; alumnus - B.A. 2015 1602. Frank J. Bertram Jr.; Michigan Collaboration to End Mass Incarceration (MI-CEMI) and Friends Of Restorative Justice (FORJ) 1603. Ralph Jones 1604. Lois Pullano; Citizens for Prison Reform 1605. Elizabeth M. Calhoun 1606. Erik Kauppi; Employer of U-M students and grads 1607. Lynn Drickamer; Retired staff 1608. Amber Fischer; School of Social Work 1609. Paula Campbell 1610. Sofia Nelson 1611. Paloma Contreras; Anthropology Department 1612. Lora Girata; University of Michigan 1613. Jaime Justina Nelson 1614. Anne Garcia; Washtenaw Community College 1615. Carly Marten; Senior in LSA 1616. Alyssa Sorresso 1617. Sharon Monod; Social Justice, UU Church of Greater Lansing 1618. Jacquelyn Miller; Staff, Michigan Medicine 1619. Kathleen Kyndely; Retiree, University of MI School of Nursing 1620. Brandon Alford; The Ruth Ellis Center/U of M Alumnus 1621. Jenny Kropf 1622. Rebecca Weiland 1623. Walter Shelley; Graduate Student (Outside of the University of Michigan) 1624. Amy Craven; Student 1625. Elizabeth Grobbel; Alumni (BSE, MSE) 1626. Violet M Skrzypek; MI-CEMI Member 1627. Sara Charboneau; Student 1628. Lauren Havens; University of Michigan Library 1629. Janet Cannon; alumna 1630. Laura Thomas 1631. Anne Tsaloff; Student 1632. Kate Shonk 1633. Sudeepti Rachakonda; University of Michigan Alumni 1634. Matt Tjapkes; Executive Director, Humanity for Prisoners 1635. Juan Lopez; MSE 1636. Maren Spolum; University staff & alum 1637. Emma Ottenhoff; School of Social Work, University of Michigan 1638. Emily Howard, Ph.D.; Alumna, English Language and Literature 1639. Jennifer Triplett; PhD candidate, Sociology 1640. Angela Marie Kimber; Master's Student, 2019 Aerospace Engineering 1641. Madsen Zimbric; University of Michigan Medical School 1642. George Kling; Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 1643. Dee Whitmore; Families Against Narcotics + Macomb Homeless Coalition 1644. Abbey Gothard; alumni 1645. Heather Martin; Youth Arts Alliance 1646. Rev. Renee Roederer; Community Chaplain, Ann Arbor 1647. Rachna Reddy; Anthropology 1648. Jeffrey L. Duncan, Ph.D.; tax-paying Michigan citizen 1649. Nancy E. Taylor; retired employee of English Language Institute 1650. Hala Abbas 1651. Jawad Bouhamdan; Staff 1652. Neda Saker; parent 1653. Maya Youness; student 1654. Sam Youness; Parent 1655. Canyon Bosler; PhD Candidate, Department of Economics 1656. Marci Soifer; Alumn 1657. Feng Zhu; Ph.D. candidate 1658. Mani Samei; Undergraduate, Residential College, MSPN 1659. Julia Gerson; University of Michigan staff 1660. Tanner Ellis; Student 1661. Alexandra Murphy; Department of Sociology, University of Michigan 1662. Phoebe Engel; UM LSA Student 1663. John F. Buckley; LSA English Language & Literature 1664. Ken Ludwig; LSA 1665. Keith Levin; Department of Statistics 1666. Eli Savit; Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School 1667. Larissa Sano; LSA - Sweetland Center for Writing 1668. Erin Kinney; Alumna 1669. Elaine Lande; LSA-CSP 1670. Corinne (Bethune) Sprague; University of Michigan Law School '10 1671. Michael V. Radtke Jr.; Alumni - BA in History & Political Science 1672. Henry Zurn; Law School 1673. Missy Kloos; LEO intermittent lecturer 1674. Craig l. Wilkins; architecture + urban planning 1675. Leslie Sobel; UM alumnus 1676. David Frye; Lecturer IV, Anthropology, U-M Ann Arbor 1677. Stephanie Chang; Michigan State Senator, District 1; Alumna - BA 2005; MPP/MSW 2014 1678. Janet Dunn; University of Michigan-Dearborn 1679. Clara Trent; Independent 1680. Robert Harris; Evs Michigan Medicine 1681. Ayman Khafagi; Previous employee abs student 1682. Frances Walters; Michigan Law alum 1683. Travis Radina; Staff 1684. S. Kerene Moore; Alumni 1685. Ian Roederer; Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan 1686. William Connett; UofM ISR Retired 1687. Elizabeth Zollweg; staff 1688. Christopher Matthews; Residential College 1689. Hassan Ahmad; LSA ‘18 1690. Benjamin A Phillips; UM-Dearborn LEO IV 1691. Ronnie Richardson; Ann Arbor 1692. Tatiana Calixto; LSA 1693. Connie Brown; Faculty 1694. Jeff Gaynor, Alumnus 1695. Matthew Z. Robb 1696. Roger Gerstle, MD; alumnus 1985 1697. Nicholas Buckingham 1698. Raquel Castañeda-López; Council Member, Detroit City Council 1699. Aaron Suganuma; Community Member 1700. Fernanda Eberstadt; Distinguished Lecturer, University of Michigan 1701. Edith Chana Kieffer; University of Michigan School of Social Work 1702. Katie Scott; Washtenaw County Commissioner, District 9; Registered Nurse University of Michigan CVICU; UMPNC Area Representative 1703. Emma Davis; UMFlint LEO 1704. Mary Travaglini; alum 1705. Samuel Wright; Employee 1706. Abdul El-Sayed 1707. Bronwyn A. Hunter, PhD; University of Maryland Baltimore County 1708. Jeff Spakowski 1709. Kelsie McVeety; University of Michigan 1710. Joshua L La Vigne; Alumnus of the University of Michigan 1711. Elizabeth Cetnar; LSA Undergrad 1712. Dallas Rohraff; Michigan Medicine Staff 1713. Ibrahim Awad; U of M alumni 1714. Shaelyn Kerr; Student 1715. Holly Roseborough; Staff 1716. Daniel Kruse; Alumnus 1717. Lincoln Hoey Moore; Alumnus (2008), Application Review Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Admissions 1718. Sean Harris 1719. Jeff Edelstein; Alumni 1720. Mary Lavigne; Parent of alumnus 1721. Phillip Wachowiak; U of M alumnus 1722. Lyndsey Covert; College of Engineering undergrad 1723. Amanda Vallillee; Student 1724. Carrie Ross 1725. Jeffrey Thiele; CoE Alumnus, Roger M. Jones Fellow '17 1726. Shawn Perttunen 1727. Constance Kelly 1728. William K Mitchell; UofM Dearborn Alum 1729. Elena Perkins; Alumni 1730. Peter Calloway; Law school alumnus (2016), LSA alumnus (2013) 1731. Jayanthi Reddy; UM Alum, College of LSA 2007, School of Education 2014 1732. Haley Bash; University of Michigan Ross School of Business Class of 2014 alum 1733. Marcus Brown; Alumnus 1734. Caroline Bell; Law School Alumna 1735. Emad Ansari; BA ‘10, MPP/JD ‘15 1736. C. Tyler Huntress; UM Alumnus, BSE Mechanical Engineering 2015, MSE Mechanical Engineering 2016 1737. Claire Madill; University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2015 1738. Fatima Almusawi 1739. Marissa Houston; Alumni/former staff member 1740. Morgan Suntken; Student 1741. Claudia Walters 1742. Cameron Jeffery Spitzfaden; Rackham Graduate School 1743. Samantha Rosati; Student 1744. Pamela Yaacoub; UM Dearborn ‘13 1745. Jacob Gibson; Undergraduate 1746. Jason Ye; Alumnus 1747. Christopher Fort; Graduate student, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures 1748. Joshua Skodack; Alumni 2012 1749. Ashley Rapp; UMich School of Public Health 1750. Allison Carroll 1751. Amy Cox; Grand Valley State University MSW student 1752. Norman Orabi; University of Michigan Medical School 1753. Clare Pierce-Wrobel; Alumni 1754. Bradley Novreske; State Prosecutor, Wisconsin. MLaw Alum 1755. Areeba Jibril; Student 1756. Reid T. Murdoch; U. Mich. Law Class of 2016 1757. Stephanie Green; Alumni 1758. Anne Jackson; UMPNC 1759. Benjamin Curl; Michigan Nurses Association 1760. Malik Salman; U of M admitted student, Class of ‘23 1761. Christine M. Brzezinski; U of M Law School Alumni 1762. Elijah Haswell; Student 1763. Christa Sanchez; UMPNC 1764. Tracy Birchmeier, BSN; Michigan Medicine 1765. Caroline Soyars; University of Michigan alumna and staff member 1766. Maya Ragsdale; University of Michigan alum 1767. Razeen Karim; Ross Business School 1768. Nasr Abdo; GSI 1769. Joshua Rivera; Poverty Solutions 1770. Kathleen Hurley; Current grad student, undergraduate alumni, student staff 1771. Daija White; Student 1772. Sammi Goldsmith; Alum, University of Michigan Class of 2018 1773. Keemya Esmael; UofM student 1774. Austin Fisher; Alumni 1775. Julie Quiroz; Ann Arbor resident 1776. Nina White; Department of Mathematics 1777. Christian Wire; CoE student 1778. Trevor Bechtel; University of Michigan 1779. Danielle Capitan; Alumnus 1780. Olivia Gilmore 1781. Farah Erzouki; BS 2014, MPH 2016 1782. Jean Richmann; Alumna 1783. Ben Iuliano; Alumnus 1784. A.J. Ashman; University of Michigan 1785. Marisa Kiefer; Alumna 1786. Michael Henry; Alumnus 1787. Savannah; Community member 1788. Shanmin Sultana; Student 1789. Eli Yazdi 1790. Dr. Joseph Grange; Postdoc, Physics, LSA 1791. Madison Murdoch; U of M Student 1792. Emily Wall; University of Michigan undergraduate student 1793. Jamaica Jordan; University of Michigan student 1794. Kit Solowy; UM Alumni 1795. Allison Shimmel; Former student and current employee 1796. Shawn Danino; University of Michigan Alumni, Master of Science Information and Master of Public Policy 1797. Zoe Proegler; Alumna - 2018 1798. Jena Johnson; Earth and Environmental Sciences 1799. Tahir Abdullah; Doctoral Student in History 1800. Jessica Gingold; Lawndale Christian Legal Center 1801. Mary McGuire; UM alum 1802. Jamil Khondker 1803. Kira Appelman 1804. Eman Abdelhadi; New York University, U Michigan Alum 1805. Mark Chung Kwan Fan; Staff 1806. Julie Houck 1807. Christian F. Casper; Program in Technical Communication 1808. Ali Bacharouch; Student 1809. Deborah Rose; Local Ann Arbor Resident 1810. Jacob Lederman; UM-Flint 1811. Keith Thomas 1812. Andrew C Dane; Michigan Law Alumni 1813. Daniel Semaan; University of Michigan Medical School 1814. Kristen Hayden; Earth and PiTE student 1815. Hannah Cottrell; Current Medical Student and received my BS 1816. Sade Richardson; Alumna 1817. Marina Haque; Medical School and School of Public Health 1818. Michael Machesky; Student 1819. Packy Colgan; UMich Graduate Student 1820. Christina Duncan; Employee 1821. Zachary N Robinson 1822. Benjamin Keller; Sophomore at UM 1823. Anna Stabnick; UM undergraduate student 1824. Andrea Mora; School of Social Work 1825. Ashly; University of Michigan School of Social Work 1826. Reid T Murdoch; University of Michigan Law '16 1827. Taylor Pahl; MSW Candidate at UM 1828. Dominic Sweeney; LSA Alumni 1829. Alexis Hill; Independent 1830. Mara Taub; coordinator, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights 1831. Pamela Maturo; Graduate of The University of Michigan, BA, MSN 1832. Amelia; SSW 1833. Adam Paberzs; U-M Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research 1834. Natalie Suh; Freshman, LSA Honors Program 1835. Terrell Watts; University of Michigan Student 1836. Alexander Stephens; Department of History 1837. Chanese Forte; UM SPH 1838. Gabriel Colman; U-M staff member 1839. Helen Rhines 1840. Ana Celia Zentella; Professor Emerita UC SAN DIEGO 1841. Michele Laarman; Sociology undergraduate; University library employee 1842. Swathi Komarivelli; Student 1843. Jon Quintal; UM-Dearborn 1844. Leena Ghannam; LSA 1845. Feng Zhu 1846. Lenore Goldman; Donor and Alumna - Residential College, LSA 1975 and School of Education 1979 1847. Robert Lindsay; University of Michigan 1848. Leah Schneck; Alumna 1849. Kayla McKinney; Black Student Union 1850. Anabel Sicko 1851. Olivia Perfetti; Student 1852. Brenna Goss; LSA student 1853. Brent Green 1854. Mark Brown; MI-CEMI 1855. Sophie Ordway; Incoming Student 1856. Frank Dennis; MI-CEMI 1857. Katharine Dennis; MI-CEMI 1858. Joseph Williams; Metro Detroit Out4Life Reentry Coalition 1859. Dana H Dew 1860. Becky E Conekin, PhD University of Michigan; Yale 1861. Amy Spade Silverman; Alumna 1862. Alan Eladio Gómez; Arizona State University 1863. Dr. Grace Gamez; American Friends Service Committee- Arizona 1864. Jay Cummings; Michigan Conference United Church of Christ 1865. Megan Wilson; Doctoral Student, Classical Studies, University of Michigan 1866. Jasmine Kaltenbach; Student 1867. Aldo Pando Girard; Civil Engineering and Vocal performance student 1868. Madi McCullough; MPH/MSW Student and GSI 1869. Walter Cohen; Professor of English 1870. Sarah Thong; Student 1871. Eleanor Gamalski; BA Class of 2014 1872. Katey Carey; PitE & Residential College Class of 2017, Semester in Detroit Program