Introduction to Phase Diagrams*
ASM Handbook, Volume 3, Alloy Phase Diagrams Copyright # 2016 ASM InternationalW H. Okamoto, M.E. Schlesinger and E.M. Mueller, editors All rights reserved Introduction to Phase Diagrams* IN MATERIALS SCIENCE, a phase is a a system with varying composition of two com- Nevertheless, phase diagrams are instrumental physically homogeneous state of matter with a ponents. While other extensive and intensive in predicting phase transformations and their given chemical composition and arrangement properties influence the phase structure, materi- resulting microstructures. True equilibrium is, of atoms. The simplest examples are the three als scientists typically hold these properties con- of course, rarely attained by metals and alloys states of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) of a pure stant for practical ease of use and interpretation. in the course of ordinary manufacture and appli- element. The solid, liquid, and gas states of a Phase diagrams are usually constructed with a cation. Rates of heating and cooling are usually pure element obviously have the same chemical constant pressure of one atmosphere. too fast, times of heat treatment too short, and composition, but each phase is obviously distinct Phase diagrams are useful graphical representa- phase changes too sluggish for the ultimate equi- physically due to differences in the bonding and tions that show the phases in equilibrium present librium state to be reached. However, any change arrangement of atoms. in the system at various specified compositions, that does occur must constitute an adjustment Some pure elements (such as iron and tita- temperatures, and pressures. It should be recog- toward equilibrium. Hence, the direction of nium) are also allotropic, which means that the nized that phase diagrams represent equilibrium change can be ascertained from the phase dia- crystal structure of the solid phase changes with conditions for an alloy, which means that very gram, and a wealth of experience is available to temperature and pressure.
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