
“There's no one thing that's true. It's all true." — Ernest Hemingway


a mystery fiction podcast series from PRX's Radiotopia

Episode 2.06 — "Athena Presses On" by Meghan Fitzmartin

Series created by John Scott Dryden Story editor Mike Walker Series written by John Scott Dryden Lauren Shippen Sarah Lotz Meghan Fitzmartin Janina Matthewson Mark Henry Phillips 6.1 RADIO TRANSMISSION 6.1 It’s between a control tower and a plane. It’s crackly, sometimes hard to hear. Clearly an emergency procedure is being carried put, but what’s striking about it is how calm and professional everyone is. CONTROL TOWER ... at the time only ten-thousand feet. HELEN Roger, we are turning left and descending to ten-thousand feet. Wait — this is Flight 702 pilot HELEN MCPHERSON! She’s talking to a control tower. CONTROL TOWER OK, maintain one-zero thousand and... I’ll advise you when you’re over the water. It’ll be very shortly. ANOTHER VOICE (in Danish) You are in the emergency checklist for air conditioning smoke? HELEN Control tower, say again please? CONTROL TOWER Sorry, it was not for you. Control was asking internally. It was my fault, sorry about it. HELEN OK. Please tell us when we can start to dump fuel. CONTROL TOWER OK. Clicks. CONTROL TOWER (CONT'D) Atlantic 702, check you’re cleared to start fuel dump. HELEN Roger. Dumping fuel. Pause. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 2.

CONTROL TOWER And you’re cleared for landing. HELEN Copy that. My approach is... East seventy four... Uh... (to co-pilot) What’s the system showing? CO-PILOT (off) No... (distortion on the line makes the rest inaudible) HELEN OK, we’re going to switch off the — CONTROL TOWER Is everything OK? 702? HELEN We’re going to reboot the primary system... (pause) ... OK, so we’ll go round again and make a new approach, if that’s OK with you. CONTROL TOWER Roger that. I’ll wait for your call. HELEN Altitude. CO-PILOT (Distorted.) HELEN (calm, almost routine) We are declaring an emergency now at the time, one-one-three-two. CONTROL TOWER Roger that. Atlantic 702, just a couple of miles to the landing strip. HELEN Roger. (beat) And we are declaring emergency now. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 3.

CONTROL TOWER I’ll stay right with you. HELEN Altitude. CO-PILOT (Distorted.) HELEN Four minutes and counting... Distorted language comes through on the line. Silence. CONTROL TOWER Atlantic 702? Please confirm position. (Pause) 702? (Pause) Please respond. (Pause) Are you there? The playback ends.

6.2 TITLE SEQUENCE NEWS MONTAGE 6.2 This news montage is quieter, smaller. As if the news cycle is moving on from Flight 702. NEWSCASTER 1 Breaking news tonight... NEWSCASTER 2 ... Breaking news. NEWSCASTER 3 ... Breaking news that’s just come in during the break... NEWSCASTER 4 ... Wreckage believed to have come from the missing Atlantic Flight 702 has been found in the North Atlantic... NEWSCASTER 5 ... has been found in the North Atlantic... PASSENGER LIST 2.06 4.

NEWSCASTER 6 ... has been found in the North Atlantic... NEWSCASTER 7 ... these reports very limited, as of this moment. All we have is... Camera shutters CLICK. FAMILY MEMBER (tearfully) Why aren’t they telling me the truth? WEATHER FORECASTER Storm coming in over the Northeast through the Midwest. It’s said to be a major one, so everyone batten down the hatches and clear out your storm... MORNING SHOW HOST Today we have the perfect pie for the holiday season, exactly what you need to soften those tempers as everyone gets together to celebrate... RADIO ASTROLOGER Be careful, those of you with a Leo moon, this is a very difficult time for you. Things are about to be revealed. NEWSCASTER 8 The search for the remaining pieces of Atlantic Flight 702 continue off the coast of Greenland. Despite discovering remnants of the plane weeks ago, officials have yet to find the black box. RADIO SHOW CALL-IN Oh, come on. It’s so obvious that they’re hiding things from us. I mean, it’s a plane — how hard can it be to find? PASSENGER LIST 2.06 5.

NEWSCASTER 9 One of the passengers on-board Flight 702 was internet security specialist Conor Le, who had been hailed as a hero when he exposed the global virus attack known as the WannaCry... RADIO JOURNALIST It seems like maybe 702 is going to join the ranks of unsolved mysteries. NEWSCASTER 9 ... But sources close to the official investigation claim that he was being investigated by authorities for his links to a Russian hacking group known as the Elysians.

6.3 INT. CAFE — DAY 6.3 Kaitlin types on her computer, and then it rings. Click. KAITLIN Marianne? MARIANNE Did you get it? Do you trust me now? KAITLIN Where did this come from? Is it even real? MARIANNE Listen, I haven’t got long. But I swear to you, Kaitlin, it’s real. (then) Kaitlin, 702 crashed. KAITLIN No! B— but you told me you spoke to Conor. MARIANNE I — I did. He’s alive. Some of them are alive. I need your help... PASSENGER LIST 2.06 6.

KAITLIN Where are you? MARIANNE I’m not sure. It’s cold here and... dark. I don’t know where they brought us. But 702... I’ve seen it — and I’ve seen the passengers, and it’s wrong what they’re doing. KAITLIN Tell me — tell me what they’re doing. MARIANNE Wait, I’m out of time. Click. The line goes dead. KAITLIN Shit. Come on. The ringing tone. She clicks a key. KAITLIN (CONT'D) Marianne? MARIANNE Conor... he said, “Athena presses on.” KAITLIN (shocked) What? What did you just say? MARIANNE “Athena presses on.” Do you know what it means? KAITLIN It was something he made in high school. A video game. MARIANNE Athena is the Greek goddess of— KAITLIN Of war. I know. MARIANNE Yes. Right. But she’s also the one people looked to for justice. (MORE) PASSENGER LIST 2.06 7. MARIANNE (CONT'D) I want that. These people... they deserve justice — Marianne’s audio garbles so much that we can no longer understand anything she’s saying. KAITLIN Marianne? Marianne! The line goes dead. Kaitlin breathes heavily.

6.4 EXT. CAFE — PHONE CALL — DAY 6.4 The ringing of a familiar phone number on speed dial. Kaitlin is recording. (Note: this conversation takes place in a mix of English and .) MAI Hello? KAITLIN (softly) Chào mẹ ạ. A painful beat. MAI (aching) Kaitlin? Phải là con không? Is it? It’s you. KAITLIN Mẹ ạ. Khỏe không mẹ ạ? MAI (holding back tears) Of course it’s you. Con rất là vô ơn. As if we haven’t been searching the world to find you. This is hard for Kaitlin to hear. KAITLIN Listen, Mom, I— MAI Kaitlin, do you know how worried your father has been? He’s not doing well, then you disappeared, just like... Just like... PASSENGER LIST 2.06 8.

KAITLIN It was safer this way. OK? I— MAI I don’t care about being safe, I care about my daughter! This is a lot for Kaitlin to hear, and she’s not sure she believes it. She definitely can’t talk about it right now. KAITLIN Do you remember Conor’s old system? MAI Old system? KAITLIN Yeah... It was a computer that he built from scratch in high school. Look, has — has anyone come to visit? Or touched it? MAI (realizing, angrily) The first time I hear from you, and you call because you need something? KAITLIN No, that’s — oh god. OK, I know, I’m sorry, I — (beat, not sure she’s sorry) I just need to know if it’s there. MAI Mẹ không tin nổi. If you want something from this house, you can get it yourself. KAITLIN Mom, please. He made a sort of computer game, remember? Called it Journey of Athena. I just need you to turn it on, you don’t even have to play it. I just... want to see if I’m right. MAI Well, I want to see my daughter. KAITLIN I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me. (MORE) PASSENGER LIST 2.06 9. KAITLIN (CONT'D) (gently, trying to appease her mother) I mean, there’s a whole passage in the Bible about not worrying. MAI Our Savior clearly didn’t have children. (regretting immediately) Kaitlin. Con ơi. Please. A BEAT of silence as Mai tries to compose herself and not cry on the phone with her daughter. Kaitlin is uncomfortable. Parents crying is always unsettling, especially when it’s about you. KAITLIN All right. OK? I — I’ve gotta go. MAI KAITLIN (CONT'D) Kaitlin? I’ll see you soon, Mom.

6.5 INT. RORY’S CAR — DAY 6.5 Kaitlin’s recorder CLICKS on. RORY To be clear... You really think this woman referenced a video game your brother built as a kid? KAITLIN She said she spoke to Conor. RORY And you believe her? KAITLIN I believe her because I believe Conor is alive. Beat. KAITLIN (CONT'D) Ugh, yeah. You think I’m crazy. RORY No. I don’t. I know you’re not crazy. I believe you, Kaitlin. I haven’t known you for very long. But that’s why I’m here. You’re... (MORE) PASSENGER LIST 2.06 10. RORY (CONT'D) you’re a very impressive young woman... Rory’s PHONE starts to RING. KAITLIN Oh please... RORY That’s why I’m driving you... KAITLIN You gonna get that? RORY Uh... Nope. He cuts off the ringing. RORY (CONT'D) Annoying client. (deflecting) So what do we know about this Marianne? KAITLIN My guess is we don’t know anything. RORY Has she come up in your research? KAITLIN Has she come up in yours? RORY (sighing) Kaitlin. I thought we were past this. Don’t you trust me? KAITLIN You’re driving me home, aren’t you? CUT TO:

6.6 INT. RORY’S CAR — LATER 6.6 Rory is broaching a topic they haven’t talked about yet. But it’s been on his mind. RORY So... What did Homeland Security want to talk to you about? PASSENGER LIST 2.06 11.

KAITLIN I told you. They threatened my parents’ immigration status if I kept looking at — RORY (cutting her off) Right. Yeah, yeah. And that’s horrible. (then) But you were in there for a while before I could get to you. KAITLIN They think Conor... They think he did something. And I’m not... I’m not sure they’re wrong. RORY And you think the answers are in this computer game? KAITLIN Look, I don’t know. He made it as a high school freshman. And it wasn’t very good, shocker. But it was a game that he made, you know? No other kid was doing that. It started as a school project, and I think we were doing a segment on Greek gods in one of our classes. He just... fell into it. RORY Dedicated obsession. A Le family trait. A BEAT as Kaitlin silently fumes at her parents. RORY (CONT'D) So what does this computer game prove? KAITLIN That he told the mysterious Marianne about it. RORY Or he told someone about an old computer game he made years ago, and that person told Marianne. KAITLIN OK, but what about the recording? PASSENGER LIST 2.06 12.

RORY The plane crashing. You know how easy it is to mock up that kind of stuff. Rory’s PHONE RINGS. KAITLIN Yeah, but there was something about her. He CLICKS off the ringing. KAITLIN (CONT'D) It’s not much to go on, but if we want to determine if Marianne is a credible source, we have to check the game. Rory’s PHONE RINGS again, and once again, he ignores it. KAITLIN (CONT'D) Another client? RORY Yeah... KAITLIN Wow, you can afford to turn down clients. I’m impressed. CUT TO:

6.7 EXT. LE HOUSE — DAY 6.7 RECORDING SOURCE: KAITLIN’S RECORDER Kaitlin and Rory walk up the stairs to the Le house. RORY Why are you hiding behind me? KAITLIN I’m not hiding! I just don’t have a strong need to go first. RORY But it’s your parents’ house. KAITLIN Look, there’s a... back way. It’s probably unlocked, we could use that. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 13.

RORY We are not sneaking into your house. Rory’s phone RINGS. KAITLIN Now is the perfect time to take that annoying client call. Rory CLICKS his phone off. KAITLIN (CONT'D) God, this was a bad idea. RORY (getting annoyed) It’s a bit late for that! The door OPENS. MAI Can I help you? RORY Oh uh... NOTE: At this point, Kaitlin has put the recorder in her pocket and has forgotten it’s recording. KAITLIN (kowtowed) Uh... Hi Mom. MAI (emotional) Kaitlin... You came. I— KAITLIN No hug? MAI Kien! Mai turns around and walks inside. FOOTSTEPS lead us INTO:


MAI Kien! Con gái về này. Kaitlin! Kaitlin về này. Nó ở đây này. Oh, why don’t you come inside? We don’t want to heat the whole neighborhood. KAITLIN Come in, Rory! They go inside. MAI Can I take your coat, Mister...? RORY Murray. Rory Murray. Uh, thank you. Thank you, Mrs. Le. She takes his coat. RORY (CONT'D) Actually, Mrs. Le, we spoke a while back on the phone, and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Kaitlin’s told me a lot about you. MAI (to her husband) Kien. Kien! (to Rory) Let me go get my husband. KAITLIN (instantly on alert) Is he OK? Do you need help? MAI (biting) I can manage. Mai walks to the back of the house. MAI (CONT'D) (in the background) Kien. Kien. Kien. Anh ơi... RORY (whistles) So this is where you grew up, hm? Seems very nice. (then) A lot of crosses. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 15.

Rory’s phone RINGS. He SIGHS and clicks it off. RORY (CONT'D) You take after your mother. KAITLIN You haven’t met my father. RORY Yeah, fair point. (beat) It’s hard to imagine you growing up in Kansas. New York is... it’s very different from here. KAITLIN And exactly what I needed. Big. Anonymous. Not part of the only Asian family in the neighborhood. RORY At least you weren’t alone. KAITLIN (snapping) What do you mean? RORY You had Conor. KAITLIN Yeah. Sound of Mai helping Kien into the living room. He has a breathing apparatus. KAITLIN (CONT'D) Bố! Kaitlin hurries to his side. He hugs her, more welcoming. Mai carries the emotional labor in the family, but Kien and Kaitlin have a special bond. KAITLIN (CONT'D) It’s good to see you. I’ve missed you. MAI (gentle) Let him sit down. Kien sits with a THUD in a pleather recliner. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 16.

KAITLIN You need to get rid of this chair, Dad. It’s... peeling. KIEN Never. I taught you and Conor to read in this chair. Rory’s phone RINGS. MAI Mr. Murray, please answer the phone if you need. I’ll go make some tea. RORY Oh, you really don’t have to — Rory cuts himself off, as Mai WALKS to the kitchen. He clicks off his ringing phone. KAITLIN (to Rory) Sit down. Mai returns from the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil. MAI So, Mr. Murray — RORY Oh, please. Please call me Rory — MAI Mr. Murray, are you involved with our daughter? KAITLIN Mom! RORY What? MAI Is that why she refused to see us for months? Rory’s phone RINGS. KAITLIN No! RORY I’m so sorry. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 17.

Rory clicks off his phone. KAITLIN No! God — if you would just listen to me — MAI How can I? You won’t talk to us. KAITLIN Well, this is why! You’ve already made up your mind about everything. I’m dating Rory, I’m ruining my life, Conor’s dead. (then) You’re always wrong. About all of it. Kien SHIFTS in his leather chair. KIEN Kaitlin... But Kaitlin’s been saving this up for months. KAITLIN Conor’s alive. But you gave up, didn’t you? Not when the plane crashed. You gave up when he went to London. What a disappointment he was, right? And then the plane crashed and he was a problem you didn’t have to deal with anymore. God, you could play the distraught parents and at least hide your shame. RORY Kaitlin... KAITLIN (on a roll) If I listened to you, if I were like you, he would have no one. You don’t deserve us. (then) Because how long until I’m a problem you don’t want to deal with? Look, I’m not the perfect kid you wanted, so you’re gonna abandon me, too? (beat of silence) Yeah. I’m gonna go upstairs and find Conor’s computer. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 18.

RORY Uh... I’ll come with you. KAITLIN No! Look, I — I need to do this alone, OK? Why don’t you just... talk to my mom and dad. Kaitlin and the recorder walk out of the room and INTO:

6.9 INT. LE HOUSE — CONOR’S ROOM — DAY 6.9 RECORDING SOURCE: KAITLIN’S RECORDER Kaitlin stands in Conor’s room for a minute, letting the memories wash over her. Kaitlin takes a tentative breath. Then: KAITLIN OK, Conor. Let’s do this. She said it was in the closet, right? Kaitlin walks to the closet and OPENS it. KAITLIN (CONT'D) Bingo. She takes it down. It’s heavier than she thought it would be. KAITLIN (CONT'D) Oh, shit! She struggles with its weight but gets it down. Plugs it in. KAITLIN (CONT'D) OK... She PRESSES a button and... SLOWLY THE OLD HOMEMADE COMPUTER WHIRLS TO LIFE. KAITLIN (CONT'D) So... It hasn’t been tampered with. Kaitlin lets out a small, happy laugh as the COMPUTER BOOTS UP. CONOR (distorted computer voice) Are you supposed to be here? Are you truly a seeker after Athena? If you are, enter your password. (MORE) PASSENGER LIST 2.06 19. CONOR (CONT'D) If not, begone shit-head, and stop messing with my stuff... KAITLIN (laughing) God, you sound so young. TYPING. CONOR (distorted computer voice) So you made it... Do you want to start a new game, or pick up where you left off? Kaitlin presses the ENTER key. CONOR (CONT'D) (distorted computer voice) Picking up where you left off. (beat) Athena sees a cabin in the woods. Do you press on or go in? KAITLIN I remember this level. I hated this level. Kaitlin presses the ENTER key. CONOR (distorted computer voice) Athena goes in the cabin. She sees a woman there. What do you do? Kaitlin types. CONOR (CONT'D) (distorted computer voice) Athena asks, ‘What am I doing here?’ MAI (distorted computer voice) You have come for answers. KAITLIN (laughing softly) I forgot you got mom to do this. MAI (distorted computer voice) I have plenty of answers. It depends on the question. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 20.

Kaitlin types, reading out what she’s typing in. KAITLIN Is... Conor... alive...? MAI (distorted computer voice) That is not the right question. Kaitlin types. KAITLIN Is... Marianne... a threat...? MAI (distorted computer voice) That is not the right question. A BEAT as Kaitlin thinks. Kaitlin types. KAITLIN What is Elysium? A BEAT. Triumphant 8-bit music. CONOR (distorted computer voice) Hiya Kait. If you’re here and you typed in Elysium, I have to tell you, you were right when we argued. I’m mixed up in some bad stuff. Don’t be angry with me, Kait. And don’t believe what anyone tells you. If you’ve come this far, you are getting close to the truth. You know yourself, Kait, and you know me, and you know what to do... Silence. Kaitlin hits the keys. KAITLIN What? Oh, come on. Don’t stop there. CONOR (distorted computer voice) Traveler, will you drink at the well, or will you wait and order wine at the inn? PASSENGER LIST 2.06 21.

KAITLIN Come on. Damn it. I don’t understand. CONOR (distorted computer voice) Traveler, will you drink at the well, or will you wait and order wine at the inn? She hits another key. KAITLIN Who is Elysium? MAI (distorted computer voice) Invalid question. Kaitlin types again. MAI (CONT'D) (distorted computer voice) Invalid question. Kaitlin types some more. MAI (CONT'D) (distorted computer voice) Invalid question. KAITLIN Fuck! CONOR (distorted computer voice) Do you press on, or go home? Kaitlin presses the enter key. CONOR (CONT'D) (distorted computer voice) Athena presses on.

6.10 INT. RORY'S CAR — DAY 6.10 RECORDING SOURCE: KAITLIN’S PHONE Kaitlin and Rory close the car doors. The rain is coming down in buckets. RORY So... PASSENGER LIST 2.06 22.

KAITLIN So, what? RORY Well, you were pretty hard on them. KAITLIN Well... maybe they needed to hear it. Silence. RORY Does it make you feel better? KAITLIN Yeah, I feel great. This is exactly what I wanted to do with my week — face my disappointed parents. RORY Look, you’ve been on the run for months, letting them think you’re missing or worse. And now you go home, not to see them but to check no one broke into your brother’s old homemade computer game? KAITLIN Why are you pushing this? RORY I don’t know, I — I can see that they love you, and they’re frightened of losing you... and I bet it eats them alive. But... they don’t know how to react. They don’t know how to help. So... they just — they act as best as they can. Even if it isn’t perfect. KAITLIN Yeah, I don’t expect my parents to be perfect. I expect them to trust me. RORY It’s not you they don’t trust. KAITLIN What do you mean? PASSENGER LIST 2.06 23.

RORY Look, Kaitlin, we’ve all done stuff in our past, you know? We all have reasons to blame the decisions of others on ourselves. KAITLIN I don’t. RORY You do. You’re just too young to realize it. KAITLIN (screw you) Wow. RORY I’ve not met one person that doesn’t have a single regret. KAITLIN Yeah, that’s their fault. Not mine. RORY How?! How is it their fault? KAITLIN Because of their actions. RORY Oh, you think people have clear-cut motives, that there’s — there’s right and wrong, it’s black and white. But people are rarely that straightforward. They’re always hiding something, even the best ones. (then) You’re not very forgiving, are you? They drive on. The silence stretches... then, the recording stops. CUT TO:

6.11 INT. RORY'S CAR — LATER 6.11 RORY Are you going to talk to me now? Beat. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 24.

KAITLIN He’s alive. He really is alive. RORY Because you played a video game? Rory’s phone rings. RORY (CONT'D) (switching his ringer off) What was on the game? What was it about? How do you know? His phone rings again. He sighs. KAITLIN Will you just answer it? RORY (answering) Yep... We cut to the call, initially recorded from Rory’s end, then switching so the voices are both being recorded down the line, as if by a third party, maybe the NSA. PETRA Rory, hi. I’ve been trying to reach you. Your office said you were out and about. RORY Yeah, sorry, Petra. I’ve been kind of busy. I’ll call you when I get back to New York. PETRA No no no no no, you need to hear this, Rory... The Fort Lauderdale helicopter crash three years ago? Your last case before you left the firm? RORY (wary) What about it? PETRA Well, it could be coming back to bite you. RORY (defensive) How? (MORE) PASSENGER LIST 2.06 25. RORY (CONT'D) The NTSB were in agreement that pilot error was the most likely cause. PETRA (butting in) Mm-mm-mm. They didn't sign off on it, Rory. RORY Well, they as much as signed off on it. Look, anyway, this is ancient history. It’s out there for anyone who wants to plow through it all. PETRA Yes, but someone from the maintenance crew has come forward. RORY What? PETRA He’s saying there was a congenital fault in the airspeed indicators that you knew about and didn't disclose. That you pushed pilot error as a smokescreen. RORY Where the hell are you getting this from? PETRA Let's just say “the top.” RORY Look, whatever's being alleged, they can't prove that I— PETRA You want to test that? Rory... If the NTSB runs with it, it could ruin you. It could ruin us. We're not just talking disbarment here, but possible criminal charges. This could be very bad for you, Rory... Unless... RORY Unless what? PASSENGER LIST 2.06 26.

PETRA Look, Rory... I’m not at the office. I am calling you as a friend, OK? Off the record. RORY OK... PETRA They said there is a way through this for you. If you were to leave off 702, they said that they’d... put this at the bottom of the pile of things they have to look into... Silence. PETRA (CONT'D) Do you understand what I’m saying, Rory? RORY Yeah, thanks Petra. I hear what you’re saying. PETRA No, I need to know you're going to act on this, Rory. I am serious. RORY (Christ) OK. PETRA Good. I don’t like this any more than you do, but you need to act on this. RORY Yeah. PETRA OK. Hangs up. Resume recording source: Kaitlin’s phone. Car. KAITLIN Who was that? Beat. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 27.

RORY They want me to leave off. KAITLIN What? RORY 702. KAITLIN Who? RORY I don’t know. I’ve been receiving calls for some time — mostly anonymous. Now the people I used to work with are calling me, too... KAITLIN How can they tell you what to do? RORY They’re threatening to bring up some stuff... from the past. About me.... KAITLIN Oh... (beat) Yeah, I heard about that. RORY You did? KAITLIN Yep. Online, when I was checking you out. You acted for the company, and there was a lot of criticism about the way it was investigated... RORY Well, that’s — that’s not quite the — KAITLIN You blamed it on pilot error and the guy lost his job, lost his family... He lost everything. Is it true? RORY No, it’s — KITLIN The guy killed himself. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 28.

RORY Look, I was just representing my client. I was doing my job. KAITLIN “Just doing my job.” Do you even know how that sounds? They said you were disbarred. RORY Nope. I was suspended, that’s all. Just for a few months. KAITLIN And that you should have gone to prison. RORY Look, what’s actually going on here is that we’re getting closer to the truth. The fact that Homeland Security are threatening your parents, the fact that they’re — they’re digging up my past — it — it means we are getting closer. KAITLIN But I haven’t committed a crime, Rory. Silence. Rory scoffs. KAITLIN (CONT'D) What are you even doing here? I mean, why are you doing this? RORY What? KAITLIN This. Coming to Kansas with me. Is it to make you feel like a better person? Or maybe it’s just another opportunity for you to make a quick buck? Or are you watching me? Beat. RORY What? Rory’s phone rings. PASSENGER LIST 2.06 29.

RORY (CONT'D) I’ve got to take this. (he picks up) Zara? ZARA Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! (beat) Dad. RORY Listen, Zara, I — ZARA I’m not going to listen to you anymore, you piece of total shit. How dare you tell Pete to stop taking my calls... RORY Wait! Wait a minute. Just slow down. Where are you? ZARA I’m on my way to Connecticut to him. RORY No, I — I don’t think that’s a good idea, Zara. The line goes dead. After a moment, he collects himself. He’s a little embarrassed. RORY (CONT'D) Look, I am not spying on you, Kaitlin. I swear. I’m here not just because of my clients, but because I believe in you. You are... decent, determined... KAITLIN (skeptical) Right. Very noble. RORY But sometimes... KAITLIN What? PASSENGER LIST 2.06 30.

RORY They’re going to push for the most obvious solution, and they’re gonna win. KAITLIN What are you talking about? RORY It went down in the sea. Manufacture fault. There have been others. The 737 Max — two crashes. In both instances, the black box flight data showed striking similarities. In both cases, the pilots struggled to control the plane. The automated systems were literally working against the pilots’ instructions. The obvious explanation... is that the same happened to 702. KAITLIN What about the video game? RORY What about it? KAITLIN It’s a real break. And it proves Conor is alive. RORY Does it? KAITLIN It proves that Marianne is genuine, that she was telling the truth, and that the cockpit recording is real. RORY I’m a lawyer, Kaitlin. It doesn’t prove anything. Silence. KAITLIN You’re going to do what they say, aren’t you? Leave 702 alone. You’re giving up. Because you’re scared of what might happen to you. RORY No, no. I just... PASSENGER LIST 2.06 31.

KAITLIN You need to think about things? RORY Yes, of course. I really need to think about what the next step should be. Silence. KAITLIN Fine. (beat) Look, I appreciate the help, really I do, but I think when we get back to New York, we should probably just go our separate ways. If I can’t trust you to see this through till the end, then I can’t trust you at all. I’ll handle this myself. Like always. CUT. MUSIC. End of Episode 6.