THE OF A RURAL LINE b y David Marcham e d i t e d b y John Marcham A large number of railroads pass through the Finger Lakes Region, home of the Elmira, Cortland & Northern, shown on this 1898 New York State rail map. of a Rural Line ELMIRA, CORTLAND & NORTHERN RR 1867 TO 1967 AND ON b y David Marcham e d i t e d b y John Marcham DeWitt Historical Society Imprint of The History Center in Tompkins County Ithaca, New York 2009 DeWitt Historical Society Imprint of The History Center in Tompkins County Ithaca, New York 14850 © 2009 by David Marcham All rights reserved Text composed in Hoefler Text and Engravers MT Designed by Mo Viele, Ithaca, New York. Printed and bound by Internet-First University Press (IFUP), Ithaca, New York, in the United States of America. The materials in IFUP are being published as part of a new approach to scholarly publishing. The con- tents, including manuscripts, are freely available from this IFUP repository within DSpace at Cornell University. The URL for this book is listed on the inside back cover. These online materials are available on an open access basis, without fees or restrictions on personal use. However, any additional reproduction or distribution, even for educational or not-for-profit use, requires permission and license. For more information, please contact dcaps@Cornell.edu and see the inside back cover of this book. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Marcham, David, 1931– The Ups and Downs of a Rural Line: Elmira, Cortland & Northern RR, 1867 to 1967 and On / by David Marcham; Edited by John Marcham.
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