A place to Remember a message from the task force Chair

Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial

The Canal is referred to as an engineering marvel that has stood the test of time. The great link between two Great Lakes was built by men who toiled in extreme conditions to connect Canada and the United States to the growing global economy. The Fallen Workers were fathers, brothers, uncles and friends and now, their efforts will never be forgotten.

As Chair of the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial, I would like to acknowledge the many people who have come together to build this important monument. Through the efforts and cooperation of various levels of government, labour, the marine and shipping industry, local media and community, and led by campaign chair Greg Wight, the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial is a testament to the dedication of a small group of people who came together to ensure that those lives lost so long ago, finally received their long overdue memorial.

Memory slowly fades with time, but now the Fallen Workers of the Fourth Welland Canal will be remembered for generations to come.

Walter Sendzik Mayor, St. Catharines Task Force Chair

Mayor Walter Sendzik @WSendzik City of St. Catharines @wsendzik /MayorSendzik www.mayorsendzik.ca

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial PB 1 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember

Monument Dédié aux Ouvriers Décédés à la Construction du Canal Welland

Le canal Welland est reconnu comme un chef-d’œuvre d’ingénierie ayant résisté

à l’épreuve du temps. Cette connexion a été bâtie par des hommes œuvrant dans des conditions extrêmes dans le but de rapprocher le Canada et les États-Unis de l’économie mondiale en croissance. Ces ouvriers décédés étaient des pères, frères, November 12, 2017 oncles et amis, et maintenant, leur contribution ne sera jamais oubliée.

En tant que président du Groupe de travail sur le monument aux ouvriers décédés à la construction du canal Welland, j’aimerais profiter de l’occasion

pour reconnaitre les efforts des nombreuses personnes qui se sont regroupées Dear Friends: pour ériger cet important monument. Grâce aux contributions et à la coopération des différents niveaux de gouvernement, des groupes syndicaux, I would like to offer my warmest greetings to everyone attending de l’industrie du transport maritime, des médias locaux et de la communauté, the unveiling of the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial. et sous la direction du président de la campagne de financement, Greg The Welland Canal, which opened in 1932, is an incredible feat of engineering. Wight, le Monument aux ouvriers décédés à la construction du canal Welland Linking Lake Erie and Lake , the canal plays a crucial role in Canada’s témoigne du dévouement d’un petit nombre de personnes qui se sont prosperity, generating an annual economic impact of $222 million in the Niagara mobilisées pour s’assurer que les vies perdues il y a si longtemps soient enfin Region alone. honorées convenablement. However, this remarkable endeavour was not completed without great loss. Between Avec le temps, les souvenirs s’estompent, mais à 1913 and 1936, 137 workers lost their lives in the construction and dredging of the partir d’aujourd’hui on se souviendra des ouvriers canal. This monument will ensure that the sacrifices of the Welland Canal workers qui sont décédés lors de construction du canal are never forgotten. I am honoured to join you in the unveiling of this memorial, and in paying tribute to all whose lives were lost. Welland pendant encore des générations.

I would like to commend the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial Task Force, and everyone who contributed to the creation of this monument, for their dedication and generosity. Please accept my best wishes for a memorable day.

Sincerely, Maire Walter Sendzik Président du Groupe de travail sur le monument aux ouvriers décédés à la construction du canal Welland

Mayor Walter Sendzik @WSendzik City of St. Catharines The Rt. Hon. Justin P.J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P. @wsendzik Prime Minister of Canada /MayorSendzik www.mayorsendzik.ca

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 2 3 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember

Regional Chair Alan Caslin and honour the dedication of the fallen workers of the Welland Canal and their commitment to building a thriving Niagara region. The Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial honours their legacy for future generations.

Le 12 novembre 2017

Chères amies, chers amis,

Je tiens à présenter mes salutations les plus chaleureuses à celles et ceux qui assistent au dévoilement du Monument commémoratif en hommage aux travailleurs morts à la construction du canal Welland.

Le canal Welland, ouvert en 1932, est un brillant exploit d’ingénierie qui fait le lien entre le lac Érié et le lac Ontario. Ce canal joue un rôle essentiel à la prospérité du Canada, générant des retombées économiques annuelles de 222 millions de dollars, Commemorative Message From uniquement dans la région de Niagara. Niagara Regional Chair Alan Caslin Toutefois, cet ouvrage remarquable n’a pu être achevé sans de grands sacrifices. Entre 1913 et 1936, 137 travailleurs ont perdu la vie durant la construction et le dragage du canal. Ce monument veillera à ce que les sacrifices des travailleurs du On behalf of Regional Council, I’d like to sincerely thank Campaign Chair Greg Wight, Community Partners Canadian canal Welland ne sombrent jamais dans l’oubli. J’ai l’honneur de me joindre à vous Canal Society and Welland Canals Foundation and all the donors and volunteers of the Task Force who have come pour le dévoilement de ce monument commémoratif et pour rendre hommage à together to enrich our community through the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial. Respect for Niagara’s rich toutes ces vies perdues. history and those who built and shaped it is critical to moving toward our future, and it is truly inspiring to see Niagara come together to honour those who lost their lives creating one of Niagara’s defining and enduring features. Je tiens à féliciter le groupe de travail du Monument commémoratif en hommage aux travailleurs morts à la construction du canal Welland et toutes les personnes qui ont The construction of the Welland Canal is one of the most impressive feats in North American contribué à la création de ce monument, pour leur dévouement et leur générosité. Je infrastructure, and the continuing impact this project has had on Niagara, economically, vous offre mes meilleurs vœux en cette journée mémorable. historically and culturally, cannot be underestimated. Today, over 40 million tons of cargo

Cordialement, traverses the 43 kilometres between Lakes Ontario and Erie, and none of that would have been possible had it not been for the sacrifice of those we honour through this memorial.

It is important that we remember every one of the 137 men who lost their lives in the construction of the canal. To read their stories is to read our own. These were sons, fathers, brothers, husbands, who worked day-in and day-out to make Niagara a better place. As we try to do the same in our day, let us keep them always in our memory.

Le très hon. Justin P.J. Trudeau, C.P., député Office of the Niagara Regional Chair Premier ministre du Canada [email protected] | 905-980-6000 ext. 3247 | niagararegion.ca

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 4 5 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial A PLACE TO REMEMBER

TASK FORCE CHAIR Shortly after the Veil was installed, I had the opportunity to stand between it and the Gates Walter Sendzik of Remembrance. It was a brilliantly cloudless day and I could see myself as well as the Lock Mayor, St. Catharines Gates reflected on the Veil. These images caused me to reflect on the past two and a half years in which I’ve had the CAMPAIGN CHAIR privilege to act as Fundraising Chair for the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial Task Force. Greg Wight My association with the Task Force began when I was approached by Mayor Walter Sendzik shortly after I retired from Algoma Central Corporation in April 2015. The cause was compelling, COMMUNITY PARTNERS and it provided an ideal opportunity to give back to the industry and people that I worked with Canadian Canal Society for the last thirty-five years. Our goal was to raise all the funds required for the design, construction and installation of the Welland Canals Foundation Memorial and surrounding park. The Welland Canal Fallen Workers Task Force is very pleased to be able to report that the overall fundraising target has been achieved. This awe-inspiring Memorial unveiled today is the result of many donors and supporters. We are pleased to acknowledge the support of the Government of Canada, the Niagara Region and the City of St. Catharines, who together contributed more than 50% of the project’s funds. The project succeeded because of the support of labour, corporate companies, local service clubs and foundations, historical societies, individuals across Niagara, and the families of the Fallen Workers. Donations have been made by companies who operate in the Great Lakes marine industry, by Seaway workers, by the sailors working on the vessels transiting the Welland Canal, and by many more labour associations and unions. Many of our donors are in Niagara, but many are national, with ties across North America. I am honoured to have been a part of this historic initiative, fulfilling a promise made at the opening of the fourth Welland Canal in 1932. We all reflect well when we remember these men and their contributions.

Niagara Regional Labour Council Greg Wight Fundraising Chair Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial Task Force


WellandWelland Canal Canal WellWellandand CaCanalnal FFallenallen WorkersWorkers MeMemomorialrial 6 7 Fallen Workers Workers Memorial Memorial A place to Remember tHProEgra fmA ScLLENhedule wORKERS Welland Canal A PLACE TO REMEMBER Emcee: Grant LaFleche, The St. Catharines Standard Fallen Workers Memorial 2pm: Welcome Opening: The Eagle Song, performed by Nicole Joy-Fraser* TASK FORCE CHAIR Peu après l’installation du Voile, j’ai eu la chance de me trouver entre celui-ci et les Portes de l’écluse. Walter Sendzik C’était une journée magnifique, sans nuages, et je pouvais voir ma réflexion, ainsi que celle des Blessing: Reverend Dr. Ronald Hunt Mayor, St. Catharines portes dans le Voile. Speaker: Chris Bittle, Member of Parliament, St. Catharines Ces images m’ont emmené à réfléchir sur les dernières deux années et demie, où j’ai eu le privilège CAMPAIGN CHAIR d’agir en tant que président de la campagne de financement pour le Groupe de travail sur le Speaker: Alan Caslin, Niagara Regional Chair Greg Wight monument aux ouvriers décédés à la construction du canal Welland. Mes liens le groupe de travail ont débuté lorsque j’ai été approché par le Maire Walter Sendzik peu après ma retraite de l’Algoma Performance: Excerpt from The Welland Canal Play, by Kevin Hobbs, Central Corporation au mois d’avril 2015. La cause était convaincante et elle me fournissait une performed by David DiFrancesco COMMUNITY PARTNERS occasion rêvée de donner quelque chose en retour à l’industrie et aux gens avec lesquels j’ai travaillé Canadian Canal Society pendant les dernières trente-cinq années. Speaker: Sid Ryan, Past President, Ontario Federation of Labour Welland Canals Foundation Notre objectif était de recueillir suffisamment de fonds pour couvrir les coûts de la conception, Performance: “For the Workers: They Came to Build” by Penelope Blake. World Premiere, la construction et l’installation du monument et du parc l’entourant. Le Groupe de travail sur le performed by David DiFrancesco and Landon Doak* monument aux ouvriers décédés à la construction du canal Welland se réjouit de pouvoir rapporter que la cible totale de la cueillette de fonds a été atteinte. L’impressionnant monument que nous Speaker: Dereck Revington, Artist inaugurons aujourd’hui est le résultat des nombreux donateurs et sympathisants. Performance: Excerpt from The Welland Canal Play performed by Darren Keay* Nous sommes heureux de reconnaitre l’appui du gouvernement du Canada, de la Municipalité régionale de Niagara et de la Ville de St. Catharines, dont la contribution collective excède 50 % des The Names of the Fallen: Read by Anne Dodge, Suzy Hastings, Roger Stenson, Doug and Jim Oneschuk fonds du projet. Performance: “The Welland Ship Canal Song” by Kevin Hobbs & Landon Doak Le succès du projet repose sur l’appui des groupes syndicaux, d’entreprises, de clubs et de fondations de services locaux, des sociétés historiques, d’individus à travers la région du Niagara, et des (based on a 1930 poem by William McClure); and “Nibi (Water) Song” familles des ouvriers décédés. Des dons ont été reçus d’entreprises qui œuvrent dans l’industrie by Doreen Day and Mashkoonce (Little Elk). Performed by the cast of marine des Grands Lacs, de travailleurs de la voie maritime, de matelots qui travaillent sur les The Welland Canal Play navires qui transitent sur le Canal Welland, et par de nombreuses autres associations syndicales. Plusieurs de nos donateurs sont de la région du Niagara, mais plusieurs autres œuvrent au niveau Speaker: Walter Sendzik, Mayor of St. Catharines, and national, et entretiennent des liens à travers toute l’Amérique du Nord. Chair of the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial Task Force Ce fut un honneur de faire partie de cette initiative historique et de remplir une promesse qui avait All family members are invited to a reception following the ceremony in the St. Catharines Museum. Niagara Regional été faite lors de l’inauguration du quatrième Canal Welland en 1932. En honorant la mémoire de ces hommes et de leur contribution, nous rendons hommage à toute la communauté. Labour Council Excerpts of text and song are from The Welland Canal Play, an original play produced by the Essential Collective Theatre. Director: Monica Dufault* Greg Wight Playwright: Kevin Hobbs Président de la campagne de financement Groupe de travail sur le monument aux ouvriers décédés à la construction du canal Welland Original Music by: Landon Doak Stage Manager: Maureen Callaghan* Costumes Designed by: Roberta Doylend www.stcatharines.ca/CanalWorkersMemorial Performers: David DiFrancesco, Landon Doak*, Nicole Joy-Fraser*, Darren Keay*, Reanne Spitzer *Courtesy of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association

All photos are courtesy of the St. Catharines Museum.

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 8 9 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember tHE fALLEN wORKERS Les travailleurs décédés Artist’s Statement Réflexion de l’artiste What could have been more epic for the early community, and visitors, passionate about the canal, Peut-on imaginer une scène plus épique que celle où la descente fulgurante des Chutes et la remontée explorers than coming through the trees and first could come to find solace and strength and enjoy the les premiers explorateurs, sortant de la forêt, furent rassurante des écluses. C’est dans cet espace que nous encountering the sublime down-rush of the Niagara clarity and serenity it would afford. soudainement abasourdis par la ruée tumultueuse des avons imaginé un paysage inspirant et contemplatif, Falls. Could they ever have dreamed that one day Chutes du Niagara? Pouvaient-ils rêver qu’un jour, de par enraciné dans un temps et un espace où résonnent la this great chasm might be bridged through an Within our site, sandwiched between the roadway le labeur ardu et une extraordinaire ingéniosité, ce gouffre tragédie et le triomphe. Un endroit où les descendants des extraordinary feat of human labour and ingenuity and the canal we created a sanctum. A protecting géant serait contourné, grâce à un système d’écluses et ouvriers décédés, les travailleurs de la communauté et les with a system of locks and canals cut into the grove of trees encircles the Lock. At the south end, de canaux taillés à même l’escarpement, ouvrant ainsi la visiteurs, tous passionnés du canal, peuvent venir trouver escarpment, opening the gates of passage for a huge blade of reflective steel hovers at waist voie au commerce national et international? Auraient-ils réconfort et force et apprécier la clarté et la sérénité national and international trade? Could they ever height, spanning a cut in the earth: darkness on one pu imaginer combien de vies allaient être violemment qu’on y ressent. have imagined how many lives would be violently side, lightness on the other. To the north the Gates écourtées lors de la construction de ce canal, ou toute cut short while building the canal, or what vigilance of Remembrance rise, revealing the names of the la vigilance qui allait devenir la norme, afin que soient Notre site, niché entre la route et le canal, devient un demanded, to avoid such calamities in the future? Fallen carved in steel. évitées de telles tragédies dans l’avenir? véritable sanctuaire. L’écluse est encerclée d’un verger d’arbres qui la protègent. Au sud, une énorme lame d’acier How to navigate these powerfully moving forces and Gravity and Grace come face to face in this Comment naviguer ces forces et ces événements réfléchissant plane à la hauteur de la taille et chevauche events was the question we faced when designing memorial. The epic grandeur of the canal’s puissants : voilà la question à laquelle nous étions une entaille dans la terre : sombre d’un côté, lumineuse de the memorial. It took us deep into the lives of the construction, the tragedy of lives lost, the lives of confrontés lors de la conception de ce monument. Nous l’autre. La Porte du Souvenir s’élève au nord, les noms des Fallen, the history and geology of Niagara and the the community, and our own lives are reflected here. nous sommes entièrement plongés dans les vies de ces ouvriers décédés y sont gravés dans l’acier. saga of the canal’s construction. The key for which It is through these motions of exchange, between ouvriers décédés, dans l’histoire et la géologie du Niagara, we searched lay hidden somewhere between the then and now, durability and fragility, life and death, et dans la saga de la construction du canal. La clé que En ce monument l’austérité et la grâce s’affrontent. down-rush of the Falls and the uplifting transport that the memorial lives and endures. nous cherchions se trouvait cachée quelque part entre La magnitude de la construction du canal, les vies tragiquement perdues, la vitalité de la communauté, notre of the Locks. This is the space we mined as we Dereck Revington imagined an inspiring and reflective landscape, propre existence ; tout y est ici reflété. C’est à travers ces establishing a measure in time and space where dualités : le passé et le présent, la durabilité et la fragilité, tragedy and triumph resonate. A place where la vie et la mort, que ce monument existe et persiste. descendants of the Fallen, workers in the labour Dereck Revington

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 10 11 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember History of the project Historique du projet A promise was made when the Welland Canal was St. Catharines City Council agreed to undertake Une promesse fut faite à l’inauguration du canal Welland le a été invité à présider la campagne de cueillette de fonds par opened on August 6, 1932 to create a memorial ownership of the memorial and responsibility for 6 août 1932 que soit érigé un monument à la mémoire des le maire Walter Sendzik de St Catharines. Il accepta; le projet honouring 115 men who died while building the Fourth its future care and maintenance. A small group of ouvriers qui ont perdu la vie lors de la construction du canal avait son dernier pilier. Des demandes de subventions ont été Welland Canal. Then Minister of Railways and Canals, passionate researchers dug deep to ensure historic Welland. L’honorable Dr R.J. Manion, alors ministre des Chemins soumises, des présentations ont été faites, et des chèques The Hon. Dr. R.J. Manion spoke eloquently the day the information was accurate and complete. Greg Wight, de fer et des Canaux s’était exprimé de façon éloquente à cette ont été signés par l’industrie de la marine marchande, par les canal opened. A war veteran himself, he knew that just retired as President and CEO of Algoma Central occasion. Lui-même un vétéran, il comprenait “qu’en temps de groupes syndicaux, par des entreprises nationales et locales, et “Peace has its heroes as well as war…” Corporation, was asked by St. Catharines Mayor Walter paix, comme en temps de guerre, il y a des héros…” par plusieurs individus, incluant des membres des familles des Sendzik to chair the fundraising campaign. He agreed ouvriers décédés. Dans la phase finale du projet, Plant Architect The reminder of his words, that “we should give a and the project had its final champion. Grants were Ses paroles lors de cet événement, où il a évoqué les ouvriers inc. entreprit la conception paysagiste du site et sa réalisation thought to the men who lost their lives during the written, presentations were made, and cheques were décédés en disant : « nous devons avoir une pensée pour a été effectuée par l’entrepreneur Stevensville Lawn Services à progress of the work…” was what sparked the written by the marine and shipping industry, labour, ces hommes qui ont perdu la vie au cours des travaux… », l’automne 2017. memorial we unveil today. Local historian Arden Phair local and national businesses and many individuals, ont généré le monument que nous inaugurons aujourd’hui. and journalist Grant LaFleche, brought the story to life including family of the Fallen. In the final phases of L’historien local Arden Phair et le journaliste Grant LaFleche ont Tout au long du parcours, les gens derrière le projet n’avaient in a series of articles published in The St. Catharines the project, Plant Architect Inc. undertook landscape fait revivre l’histoire par le biais d’une série d’articles publiée qu’un seul but en tête: rendre hommage aux 137 hommes ayant Standard. The community of Niagara responded design and Stevensville Lawn Services completed dans le St Catharines Standard. péri lors de la construction du canal Welland. Chaque donateur, and more than 2,000 residents signed a petition installation and landscaping in fall 2017 La communauté du Niagara a répondu, et plus de 2 000 résidents membre de famille, bénévole, représentant élu, concepteur, demanding a memorial to honour the Fallen Workers. ont signé une pétition demandant que soit érigé un monument administrateur, chercheur et travailleur a voulu rendre hommage Elected officials from Niagara’s four canal communities Every step of the way, the people behind this project à l’honneur des ouvriers décédés. Les élus des quatre à ces 137 hommes et se sont mobilisés afin de remplir une heard the call and joined together with representatives have had one goal: to honour the 137 men who municipalités du canal ont entendu l’appel et se sont mobilisés, promesse qui avait été faite il y a 85 ans. Niagara, nous avons from local labour and business. A Task Force was born died while building the Welland Canal. Every donor, avec des représentants locaux des groupes syndicaux et des tenu notre promesse – le 12 novembre 2017. and their work began in spring 2013 to select a site, family member, volunteer, elected official, designer, gens d’affaires. Un groupe de travail vit le jour, et celui-ci se design a memorial, and begin fundraising. administrator, researcher and worker has cared mit immédiatement à la tâche en 2013, afin de choisir un site, enough to honour the lives of those 137 men and to concevoir le monument et commencer la cueillette de fonds. A national competition selected Dereck Revington work together to fulfill a promise made 85 years ago. Studio Inc. of as designer for the memorial Niagara, we made it right – November 12, 2017. À la suite d’un concours national, le Studio Dereck Revington The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation inc. de Toronto fut sélectionné en tant que concepteur expedited approvals for the selected site. du site. Les approbations du site nécessaires ont été accélérées par la Corporation de Gestion de la Voie Maritime du Saint-Laurent. Le conseil municipal de St Catharines a accepté la responsabilité du monument et de son entretien. Un petit groupe de chercheurs passionnés a poursuivi des recherches en profondeur afin de s’assurer que les informations historiques soient complètes et exactes. Greg Wight, récemment retraité de son poste de président et CEO de l’Algoma Central Corporation

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 12 13 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember The The union representing thousands of Ships’ Officers Canadian and Marine Pilots across the Merchant country. Guild members focus With the dedication Service on transportation safety and of this memorial, Guild the protection of Canada’s The St. Lawrence marine environment. Our Seaway Management Corporation Members conduct the safe stands with other movement of ships through members of the the Welland Canal. This work community in recognizing the is made possible by those contribution of who paid the ultimate sacrifice the 137 workers during the construction of this who died extremely important shipping while serving to construct the route. The Guild is very proud to fourth Welland Canal. be a “Platinum Crane Sponsor” of the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial Project.


Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 14 15 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Remembering

We remember the 137 workers who lost their lives during the construction of the Welland Canal, a feat of engineering that has forever changed the communities of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.

Algoma Central Corporation is honoured to support the Welland Canal Fallen The Algoma Mariner transiting Workers Memorial. through the Welland Canal.

The Welland Canal plays a pivotal role in our community and the Canadian economy. Algoma Central Corporation acknowledges the significant sacrifice the workers and their families made over the course of its construction especially those who lost their lives as a result. This memorial plays tribute to them and allows our community and visitors the opportunity to understand and appreciate the historical significance of their sacrifice. Algoma Central Corporation honours and remembers these fallen workers and is proud to be a part of this important memorial. transformingtomorrow Short Sea Shipping is OUR BUSINESS. dofasco.arcelormittal.com @ArcelorMittal_D facebook.com/arcelormittaldofasco @arcelormittal_dofasco

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 16 17 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember 1920 25. David Macdonald 1899 toronto, Ontario, Canada 22 Jun. 21 26. Michael Wacpnovick 1894c poland / Russia 27 Sep. 26 1921 27. James Sharpe 1895 niagara Township, Ontario, Canada 17 Feb. 25 28. George Mitts Anderson 1891 Solf/Sulva, Vasa, lääni, Finland 08 Mar. 30 29. John Seaman 1866 Holbeach, Lincolnshire, 06 Jul. 55 1922 30. Luigi Rantucci 1865 ovindoli, L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy 14 Jan. 57 we remember 31. William Thibeau 1890 River Bourgeois, Nova Scotia, Canada 29 May 32 tHE fALLEN wORKERS 32. Alexander Chisholm 1897 Rear Long Point, Nova Scotia, Canada 06 Sep. 25 Given Name & Surname BIRTH YEAR City / Town / Village / Municipality DATE OF PASSING AGE AT PASSING 1923 33. Antoine Cherriere 1888 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 11 Mar. 34 1. William Burt 1877 , Ontario, Canada 15 Jun. 36 1914 34. George Stackew 1883c Austria 27 Jul. 40 2. George Robinson 1893 kew Green, Surrey, England 23 Jul. 21 3. John Patterson 1859c diocese of Clones, County Monahan, 05 Aug. 55 1924 35. David Kennedy 1885 dumbarton, Dunbartonshire, 03 Mar. 39 4. Stana Benasho 1891c Russia 19 Sep. 23 36. Otto Monsson 1886c sweden 24 Mar. x38 5. Giuseppe Fiore 1896c italy 26 Oct. 18 37. Ivan Marohnić 1899 Zlobin, Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Croatia (then Yugoslavia) 29 Apr. 24 6. Stanko Dupalo 1885c Rujevac, Serbia, Austria-Hungary 02 Nov. 29 38. Benjamin Kellett 1854 Wyke or Farnley, Yorkshire, England 17 May. 69 7. Osip Pakalo 1890c Russia 18 Nov. 24 39. Manus Dugan 1870 Pennsylvania, USA 03 Jul. 53 8. Arthur Wilson 1886c Sheffield, England 07 Dec. 28 40. Attilio Caseron 1884 italy 05 Jul. 40 9. Giovanni Moretti 1873 Rocca San Giovanni, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy 30 Dec. 41 41. Giovanni De Biasi 1880c Conegliano, Treviso, Italy 13 Aug. 44 42. William Douglas 1892 charney Bassett, Wantage, England 15 Aug. 32 10. Estafy Eliashevich 1895c Russia 12 Jan. 19 1915 43. William Hutchison 1880 ireland 16 Aug. 45 11. Comelio Mastericola 1895c italy 27 Apr. 20 44. Thomas Lindsay 1865 Fall River, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia, Canada 25 Aug. 59 12. James West 1872c ontario 20 May. 43 45. Wilfred La Croix 1902 Calumet, Quebec, Canada 08 Nov. 21 13. Edwin Crowe 1886 Port Elgin [now Saugeen Shores], Ontario Canada 10 Jun. 28 46. Gorman Larocque 1899 Calumet, Quebec, Canada 08 Nov. 25 14. Giuseppe Farris 1891 nughedu, Sassari, Sardinia, Italy 14 Jun. 24 47 .William Gordon 1871 Grantham Twp., Ontario Canada 09 Nov. 53 15. Carmine Aiello 1883c italy 08 Aug. 32 16. Antonio Montemurro 1892 mangone, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy 10 Sep. 22 17. Albert Wellard 1891 Tossorontio Township, Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada 06 Oct. 24 18. Nicola Nicolazzo 1896 Conflenti, Catanzaro,Calabria, Italy 08 Oct. 19 19. Hudson Payne 1864c Goulbourn, Ontario, Canada 20 Nov. 51 1916 20. Richard Gardner 1896 selkirk, Manitoba, Canada 28 Feb. 19 21. Joseph Foster 1873 north Dorchester, Ontario, Canada 20 Mar. 42 22. Wasily Procopovich 1887 Grodno, Rynek, Russia 30 Jun. 28 1919 23. Benjamin Price 1876 Harton, South Shields, Durham, Durham, England 16 Jun. 43 24. Reginald Finnemore 1896 stoke Newington, Hackney, , England 25 Jun. 22

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 18 19 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember 1927 71. Ira Mahon 1878 North Wakefield, Quebec, Canada 28 Jan. 48 72. James Saunders 1890 northwich, Cheshire, England 23 May. 36 73. János Koran 1891 Pányok, Abaújvár, Abaúj-Torna, Hungary 29 May. 35 74. Leo Romkey 1898 West Dublin, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada 29 Jun. 29 75. Francesco Plantedi 1883 mangone, Consenza, Calabria, Italy 15 Jul. 44 76. Antonio Collini 1912 Silvi, Teramo, Abruzzo, Italy 26 Jul. x15 77. Elmer Wylde 1906 Welland, Ontario, Canada 28 Jul. 20 78. Peter Boyle 1896 Wigan, Lancashire, England 08 Aug. 30 79. Marcin Wachowicz 1901 Zabrze, Poland 13 Nov. 26 80. Achille Bisson 1898 St-Cœur-de-Marie, Mégantic, Quebec, Canada 10 Dec. 29 81. Henry Nealis 1891 Royal Road, York County, New Brunswick, Canada 10 Dec. 36 82. Robert Lethbridge c.1878 port Hope, Ontario, Canada 20 Dec. 49 1925 48. Murdo Murray 1901 Stornoway, (Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides) Scotland 23 Jan. 23 1928 83. Rocco Fraracci 1885 castropignano, Campobasso, Molise, Italy 17 Jan. 42 49. Ross Campbell 1891 Humberstone, Ontario, Canada 27 May 34 84. James McCoy 1890 lyndoch, Ontario, Canada 04 Feb. 38 50. Stefano Costantino 1895 mutignano frazione of Pineto, Abruzzo, Italy 30 May 30 85. Carlo Bianco 1898 san Vito Chietino, Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy 04 Feb. 29 51. Donald MacDonald 1899c scotland 08 Jun. 26 86. Lorne Whitwell 1895 stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada 04 Feb. 32 52. Rocco Iannizzi 1892 mammola, Calabria , Italy 31 Jul. 33 87. Andrew Harkness 1889 belfast, County Down, [Northern] Ireland 17 Feb. 38 53. Elzéar Lynch 1866 Rigaud, Quebec, Canada 01 Aug. 58 88. Péter Szolonyik 1901 buj, Szabolcs, Észak-Alföld, Hungary 10 Mar. 26 54. Lionel Lynch 1905 chute-á-Blondeau, Ontario, Canada 01 Aug. 20 89. Giuseppe Mattei 1895 Civitella Roveto, L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy 29 Mar. 33 55. Thomas Alder 1879 earlestown, England 09 Aug. 46 90. Edward Morin 1904 quebec, Canada 05 Apr. 24 56. Charles Phillip 1906c Hungary 18 Sep. 19 91. John Bode 1901 Hungary 01 May. 27 57. John Kruzle 1899c croatia 16 Oct. 26 92. Charles Lynch 1890 unknown 07 May. 38 58. Josip Ostarijas 1897c Klenovnik, Croatia, Varaždin, Yugoslavia 20 Nov. 25 93. Mihály Bajusz 1892 Rakamaz, Szatmár-Ugocsa-Bereg Co. or Szabolcs Co., Hungary 23 Jul. 36 59. Timothy Brady 1876 usA 12 Dec. 49 94. Luigi Boccioletti 1894 mombaroccio, Pesaro e Urbino, Le Marches, Italy 01 Aug. 34 1926 60. Frederick Bagnall 1908 birmingham, England 17 Jan. 17 61. Amos Pearce 1892 twp. of Grantham, Ontario, Canada 18 Mar. 33 62. Daniel MacDonald 1873 stayner, Ontario, Canada 26 Jun. 52 63. Alvin Watt 1907 Haliburton, Ontario, Canada 05 Jul. 18 64. Giuseppe Martinelli 1890c italy 08 Jul. 36 65. Alexander Penteskul 1881c bukowina, Austria 12 Jul. 45 66. James Horton 1878 Gainsboro Twp., Ontario, Canada 22 Jul. 47 67. Stefan Jusko 1898 Raslavice, Prešov Austria 25 Sep. 28 68. Carmine Pirro 1898 Guglionesi, Molise, Italy 08 Oct. 28 69. John Swan 1905 Arbroath, Scotland 23 Oct. 21 70. János Wodilla 1881 Výborná, Prešov, Hungary, aka Austria 01 Nov. 45

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 20 21 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember 1930 123. David Radford 1880 the Delph, Brierly Hill, Stafforshire, England 27 Jan. 49 124. Andrew Ryan 1883 nethergate, Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland 03 Apr. 47 125. Sheldon Hansler 1902 north Pelham, Pelham Township, Ontario, Canada 19 Jun. 28 126. Edward Smith 1902 power Glen, Louth Township, Ontario, Canada 19 Jun. 28 127. Lloyd Tice 1904 Township, Welland County, Ontario, Canada 19 Jun. 25 128. Albert Corkum 1902 northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, USA 30 Jun. 27 129. Elmer Hines 1908 Dunnville, Moulton Township, Ontario, Canada 03 Jul. 21 1928 95. Joseph Carrig 1899 kilrush, County Clare, Ireland 01 Aug. 28 130. Richard Macallister 1870 calcutta (now Kolkata), Bengal, India 24 Sep. 60 96. James McArthur 1866 ireland 01 Aug. 62 131. Francesco Berardi 1884 mangone, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy 27 Oct. 46 97. James C. McArthur 1892 Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland 01 Aug. 36 98. Samuel McMullan 1904 Urble, Dervock, Ballymoney, Antrim [Northern] Ireland 01 Aug. 24 1932 132. Henry Benson 1879 Homer, Ontario, Canada 07 Apr. 53 99. Chester Overholt 1876 louth Township Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada 01 Aug. 51 133. Michaël Onyschuk 1896 torskie, Zaleszczyki, Ukraine 30 Jul. 35 100. TheodoreSmalko 1890c ukraine 01 Aug. 38 134. John Hawthorne 1879 collingwood, Ontario, Canada 18 Oct. 53 101. William Talashkevich 1890 Russia 01 Aug. 37 135. Luther Kuchenbecker 1895 duluth, St. Luois County, Minnesota, USA 20 Oct. 37 102. Alexander Wilson 1894 Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, Scotland 03 Aug. 34 136 .Harry Watt 1911 Haliburton, Ontario, Canada 03 Nov. 21 103. Léon Dion 1894 beauce-Jonction, Beauce, Quebec, Canada 03 Aug. 34 1935 137. Samuel Brennan 1896 merritton, Ontario, Canada 27 Jan. 38 104. James Sawchuk 1906 ukrainia, R.M. of Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada 03 Aug. 22 105. John Simmons 1876 Point Anne, Thurlow, Township, Ontario, Canada 20 Aug. 51 106. Charles McInnis 1903 Souris, King’s County, PEI, Canada 29 Sep. 24 107. Joseph Dumoulin 1897 Grenville, Argenteuil RCM, Quebec, Canada 20 Oct. 31 108. Mike Koner 1869c Austria 21 Oct. 59 109. Károly Kádi 1890 Ugod, Veszprém County, Hungary 14 Nov. 38 110. Robert Thomson 1908 Larkhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland 23 Nov. 19 111. Steve Kopinak 1910 macKenzie Township 34, Saskatchewan, Canada 05 Dec. 18 112. Luigi Fratangelo 1879 castellino del Biferno, Campobasso, Molise, Italy 08 Dec. 49 1929 113. Fergus Nottingham 1895 utica, Reach Township, Ontario, Canada 22 Mar. 33 114. Fernley Bassett 1905 Wixenford, St. Mary’s, Plymstock, Devonshire, England 06 Apr. 23 115. William Stanbury 1906 palmerston, Ontario, Canada 26 Apr. 22 116. János Fater 1904 pusztaszentlászló, Western Transdanubia, Hungary 15 May. 24 117. Daniel Lengjel 1895 Yugoslavia 15 May. 34 118. Joseph Stahl c. 1863 believed to be Peoria, IL, USA 06 Jun. x64 119. Thomas Pollard 1895 newfoundland, Canada 07 Sep. 34 120. Archibald McKinley 1885 belfast, County Antrim, [Northern] Ireland 03 Oct. 44 121. William Bassett 1885 Blackdown, Mary Tavy, Tavistock, Devonshire, England 11 Oct. 44 122. Folco Paolozzi 1883 colle San Magno, Frosinone, Lazio, Italy 21 Oct. 46

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 22 23 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Memorial designed by / Conception du monument: Dereck Revington Studio

1. The Plinth - A place to pause and 1. Le Socle - Un endroit pour se recueillir remember. et méditer.

2. The Veil - Above a cut in the earth 2. Le Voile - Au-dessus d’une entaille a wall of steel hovers: its southern face, dans la terre plane un mur d’acier: son reflective and black, addresses the versant sud, contemplatif et sombre, se events of the past; the northern face, tourne vers les événements du passé; mirrored and polished, reflects the son versant nord, poli tel un miroir, reflète present and looks to the future. le présent, le regard tourné vers l’avenir.

This memorial honours the 137 men who Ce monument commémoratif rend hommage 3. The Lock and The Timeline - The 3. L’Écluse et La Ligne de Temps - Lock recalls the cut of the canal into L’écluse rappelle l’entaille du canal dans were killed while building the current aux 137 hommes ayant perdu la vie lors de the earth while The Timeline marks in la terre, alors que la Ligne de temps la construction de l’actuel canal maritime de Welland Canal. Thousands of workers were stone the number of fatalities per year indique, de par des pierres, le nombre de employed in Niagara during the Canal’s Welland. Entre 1913 et 1935, des milliers of construction. décès au cours de chacune des années construction, which lasted from 1913 to de travailleurs sont venus dans la région de de construction. 1935. They were from 16 countries, many Niagara. Originaires de 16 pays différents, 4. The Gates - Like a book of steel new to Canada: their arrival and industry plusieurs étaient de nouveaux au Canada. into whose pages are carved the 4. La Porte - Tel un livre d’acier dans reflected a time of nation-building. The Leur venue et leur contribution s’inscrivent names of the Fallen, The Gates of lequel sont gravés les noms des ouvriers Remembrance rise from the The Lock décédés, la Porte du souvenir s’élève names of the Fallen stand as a testament dans une époque d’édification du pays. Les bed, echoing the partially opened mitre du bassin de l’écluse, faisant écho aux to all of the workers and their families who noms de ceux qui ont péri témoignent des pertes de vie, de la maladie et des blessures gates of the flight locks. portes busquées des écluses étagées, were tragically affected by loss of life, fatal légèrement entrouvertes. illness, or injury. qui ont si tragiquement touché tous ces ouvriers et leurs familles.

Dedicated on November 12, 2017. To learn more about the Fallen Workers and Inauguré le 12 novembre 2017. Visitez le Musée de St. Catharines et le Centre the history of the Welland Canal visit the St. Catharines Museum and Welland des Canaux de Welland pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs Canals Centre. aux ouvriers décédés.

Many communities came together to make this memorial. Thank you to: Algoma Central Corporation Niagara Regional Labour Council This memorial was made possible with the individuals, businesses, and labour associations who made donations; ArcelorMittal Dofasco Ontario Paper Thorold Foundation funding, time and tireless commitment from/ to the Cities of , Thorold, and Welland; and to the many Canada Steamship Lines Rankin Construction Inc. Canadian Merchant Service Guild Seafarers’ International Union of Canada Ce monument commémoratif a été rendu possible dedicated volunteers and families of the fallen who helped to bring the 2 1 Fednav St. Catharines Standard grâce au financement et à l’engagement inlassable 4 stories of the Fallen Workers to light. 3 Groupe Desgagnés St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation des personnes et groupes suivants: Heddle Marine Service Inc. Unifor Local #4212 Plusieurs communautés ont collaboré à la réalisation de ce monument. McKeil Marine Merci à tous les individus, à toutes les entreprises, et à tous les regroupements syndicaux qui ont fait des dons, aux municipalités de Port EMS-Tech Lower Lakes Towing & Rand Logistics Colborne, de Thorold et de Welland, ainsi qu’aux nombreux bénévoles et Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Rotary Club of St. Catharines aux familles des ouvriers décédés, qui ont contribué à mettre en lumière Kirkpatrick Stoneworks Ltd. Sterling Fuels leurs récits. Letko, Brosseau & Associates

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 24 25 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember w w w . r a n k i n c o n s t r u c t i o n . c a St. Catharines, ON: 905‐684‐1111 Hamilton, ON: 905‐525‐5153


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Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 26 27 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember REMEMBERING WITH GRATITUDE THOSE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES BUILDING THE WELLAND CANAL.

IN HONOUR OF THE NOBLE SOULS who made the ultimate sacri ce to build the Welland Canal

Canada’s renowned engineering masterpiece Ontario Fonthill, Smith, Mark ©

Telephone: 418 692-1000 Fax: 418 692-6044 mckeil.com 21, Marché-Champlain Street [email protected] Québec (Québec) G1K 8Z8 www.desgagnes.com

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 28 29 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember The Merritton Lions Club RR#2, 2235 Hwy 20 E, Unit 27-28, is proud to support this Welland ON L3B 5N5 Canada important community project and help remember Tel: (905) 892-8142 the Fallen Workers. Email: Mail @ WHMS.ca

Honouring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for a cause that would benefit so many into the future.

Honoring the MV Lemoyne was the first vessel to transit the Fourth Welland Canal on August 6, 1932. 137 Fallen Workers. — CSL REMEMBERS — Their Memory and sacrifice continue to shape the IN HONOUR OF THE FALLEN WORKERS Niagara peninsula. who lost their lives or were injured during the construction of the Welland Canal.

Kirkpatrick Stoneworks Ltd. 432 Queenston St. cslships.com Proud to support The Welland Canal FallenSt. Catharines, Workers Memorial...ON L2P 2Y2 A PlacePhone To 905 Remember. 682-3862

5920-CSL_ADV_Commemorative_Program_VF.indd 1 2017-10-19 2:21 PM

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 30 31 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Gone, but never forgotten

Letko Brosseau is proud to support the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial

Remembering The St. Catharines Standard is proud to have played a role in the creation of the Welland Canal Workers Memorial THE WELLAND CANAL’S FALLEN WORKERS to ensure the lives lost building this iconic economic artery in Niagara will never be forgotten. Raising important issues is what local journalism is about, and why The Standard has served this community for 126 years.

The paper would like to congratulate the task force, local historians and members of the community whose Rand Logistics, Inc. and our affiliate companies are proud to support the Welland Canal Fallen Workers hard work and dedication ensured the 80-year-old promise Memorial, honoring the 137 men who lost their lives during the construction of the Welland Canal. to memorialize our “peacetime heroes” was fulfilled.

To subscribe to the Standard call 1-855-533-5594 RAND LOGISTICS, INC.

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 32 33 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember AFM/FMEC 298 ATU 1582 ATU 1602 BUFA Great Lakes Pilotage Authority - Provider of professional, progressive and reliable Niagara Regional Canadian Maritime Union COPE 343 marine pilotage services that are safe, environmentally sensitive, efficient and economical. CUPE 150 CUPE 151 Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs – Fournisseur de services de Labour Council CUPE 157 pilotage maritime professionnels, progressifs et fiables, qui sont à la fois sécuritaires, respectueux de CUPE 1263 CUPE 1287 l’environnement, efficaces et économiques. CUPE 1295 CUPE 1757 CUPE 2977 CUPE 4156 CUPE 4207 CUPW/STTP 536 It is with the acknowledgement of the unfavourable conditions the Welland Canal Workers faced that the We remember those Who died UPW 574 Great Lakes Pilotage Authority values their accomplishments and place in our history. More specifically, CUPW 614 building the Welland Canal CUPW/STTP 628 for the public recognition of the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial so that their deaths are ETFO TBU Niagara remembered for future years to come. ETFO OTBU Niagara FEESO D32 WE rEAFFIrM OUr COMMITMENT U64 IAMAW C’est avec reconnaissance pour les conditions difficiles auxquelles ont été soumis les travailleurs lors de la lodge 171 TO CONTINUE FIghTINg FOr IBEW 636 construction du canal Welland que l’Administration de pilotage des Grands Lacs reconnaît leurs IBEW 914 réalisations et leur place dans notre histoire. Plus particulièrement, par la reconnaissance publique du IFPTE 160 hEAlThy & SAFE WOrkPlACES OECTA Elementary Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial, afin qu’on se souvienne de leur décès pendant de nombreuses Niagara années. OECTA Secondary Niagara FOr All WOrkErS. OPSEU 211 OPSEU 212 OPSEU 214 OPSEU 215 OPSEU 217 OPSEU 242 PROUD SUPPORTERS OF OPSEU 243 OPSEU 270 THE WELLAND CANAL OPSEU 294 FALLEN WORKERS MEMORIAL OSSTF 22- OTBU OSSTF 35 Power Worker's Union 1000 Rotary unites problem solvers PSAC Niagara Council SEIU 1 around the globe behind one goal: SEIU 2 to do more good. Our members are Teamsters 879 UFCW 175 driven to bring communities together UFCW 633 to create lasting change. Connecting UFCW 1000A Unifor 199 to make things better — that’s what Unifor 4402 people of action do. Learn more at USW 948 USW 4957 rotaryniagara.org USW 6200 USW 6304 Connect with us, at noon on USW 6399 USW 6428 Thursdays at the St. Catharines USW 6444-01 TOGETHER, WE Golf & Country Club. USW 6444-04 USW 6460 USW 6519 1 Ormond St. South, Thorold USW 6728 USW 7012 [email protected] USW 7049 USW 8190 niagaralabour.ca USW 8777 Club of St. Catharines USW 14241-1 USW 14241-3 @niagaralabour USW 14241-8 @StCathRotary Workers United 234

Rotary unites problem solvers around the globe behind one goal: to do more good. Our members are driven to bring communities together to create lasting change. Connecting to make things better — that’s what people of action do. Learn more at Rotary.org. Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 34 35 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Platinum Crane Sponsor $25 000 Platinum Crane Sponsor $25 000 Gold Hard Hat Sponsor $15 000 Gold Hard Hat Sponsor $15 000 Silver Pick Ax Sponsor $10 000 Silver Pick Ax Sponsor $10 000 Bronze Glove Sponsor $5000 Bronze Glove Sponsor $5000 Iron Spade Sponsor $1000 Iron Spade Sponsor $1000 Thank you to our Donors Thank you to our Donors Platinum Crane Sponsor $25 000 SILver Pick Ax Sponsor $10 000+ Algoma Central Corporation Hilliard and Dawn Radford ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc. Niagara Community Foundation

Canada Steamship Lines Platinum Crane Sponsor $25 000 Canadian Merchant Service Guild Gold Hard Hat Sponsor $15 000 Silver Pick Ax Sponsor $10 000 Bronze Glove Sponsor $5000+ Fednav Bronze Glove Sponsor $5000 Iron Spade Sponsor $1000 Anne Connon, in memory of Michael Onyschuk Group Desgagnés Deloitte Heddle Marine Service Inc. Marine Clean Ltd. McKeil Marine Merritton Lions Club Niagara Regional Labour Council Redpath Sugar Ltd. Ontario Paper Thorold Foundation Seagulf Marine Industries Rankin Construction Inc. Stikeman Elliott LLP Seafarers’ International Union of Canada Walker Industries St. Catharines Standard Walter Hiltebrand Marine Services St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation

Unifor Local 4212 Platinum Crane Sponsor $25 000 Gold Hard Hat Sponsor $15 000 Silver Pick Ax Sponsor $10 000 Bronze Glove Sponsor $5000 Gold Hard Hat Sponsor $15 000Iron Sp+ade Sponsor $1000 EMS - Tech Inc. Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Kirkpatrick Stoneworks Ltd. Letko, Brosseau & Associés Lower Lakes Towing & Rand Logistics St. Catharines Rotary Club Sterling Fuels

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 36 37 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Platinum Crane Sponsor $25 000 Gold Hard Hat Sponsor $15 000 Silver Pick Ax Sponsor $10 000 Bronze Glove Sponsor $5000 Iron Spade Sponsor $1000

Thank you to our Donors Iron Spade Sponsor $1000+ ADM - Agra Industries Allied Marine and Industrial Inc. Michael Anderson AON Reed Stenhouse Inc. Bell Marine & Mill Supply Canadian Canal Society Corporation of Professional Great Lakes Pilots DanNel Coach Lines, in memory of Archibald McKinley Dilts Piston Hydraulics Eckler Hamilton Port Authority Historical Society of St Catharines International Shipmasters Association, Lodge 20 Sheri Laekeman Latcham PLC Foods Lundy’s Lane Historical Society The Marine Club Marsh Canada Brian McMullan Ontario Construction Company Norris Ormston, in memory of *Alex Ormston Arden & erika Phair Port Weller Marine Rigel Shipping Canada LOCAL 4212 St Catharines Firefighters Association, Local 485 Snider Dock Services Representing the Operations, Maintenance and Clerical Employees of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (Welland Canal) Villa Charities (Italian Canadian Fallen Workers Memorial) Niagara and Cornwall Regions. Greg and Anne Wight Keith Wood A special thank you to Sheri Laekeman and the Claridge family for all their time and dedication in raising awareness about this important initiative. *Remembered for their contributions to the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Project Matthew Rupay - President Rory Dempsey - Chairperson Erik Maddocks - Financial Secretary

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 38 39 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember we also thank the following members of the community for their generous donations Donor In memory of Donor In memory of Donor In memory of Donor In memory of fallen worker fallen worker fallen worker fallen worker A. J. Kuchyt Services Brian Finora David Keefer Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Irene MacGregor John Amiss Alan Fox S. John Kees P. Malaguti Isabel Bachmann Maria Freeman BEN Kooter Marine and Offshore Canada Ronald and Marilyn Barry Marguerite Gadsby George Anderson Allan Kovach L. A. McClelland Rebecca Beresh David Radford Helen Gerencser KÁroly KÁdi Shirley Kovach Wayne McCulloch Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Bill Bird Maria Gilmour *Alex Ormston Linda and Henry Kurki Pat and Linda McGarrity James Bradley **McKinley Rankin Mr. and Mrs. William Goul Grant LaFleche Francie McGlynn John J. Broderick John Lester Simmons Robert Halfyard Theodore Smalko, David Langois Louis Merrick Theodore Talaskevitch Tom Brooks Laura Laporte Antoine Cherriere Tina Mosley D. and S. Hastings *Alex Ormston C.S. Elliott and Sons Ltd. Lan Le Kevin and Nancy Munro Joseph Stahl Suzanne Hastings Canal Society of New York State Victoria Lee Shirley and rOBERT Munro Joseph Stahl Carole & jOHN HewItt Rebecca Cann Frank Leslie Gino Naccarato Hoadley/Lombardo Sheila Cann William Leslie oLD oAKVILLE pROBUS cLUB Thomas Hopkins Raymond and Irene Chartrand Achille Bisson E.M. Lewis Douglas Oneschuk Horizon Air Freight Shirley Christian Edward Albert Smith Joyce Little *Alun Hughes Greg Oneschuk Laura House Carolyn and Harry Collier *Alex Ormston BUCK Longhurst Ontario Genealogical Society Richard and Nicole Howe Achille Bisson Des Corran *Remembered for their contributions to the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Project Jennifer Hunt Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch David Cramm *rOBERTA Styran Karen Hunt Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Dandar Susan HuIzinga Mary and Charles Davidson Margaret Jackson Gail Delucia June Jobson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dennis John Deere Retirees Association Cecile Dillon Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch David and Joanne Jones Ronald Duhaime Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Karen Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duhamel ZORAN Karaklajic Stanko Dupalo Edgewater Crane Rentals EXP Services James Kaufman Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Richard Fink Kaupp Electric *Remembered for their contributions to the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Project ** iN MEMORY OF

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 40 41 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember we also thank the following members of the community for their generous donations Donor In memory of Donor In memory of Donor In memory of fallen worker fallen worker fallen worker Jean Ormston *Alex Ormston Michael Roussakis Diane Szydlowski Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Edwin Pearce Kathleen Rutherford Brian Taylor Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Pearl Peritalo Gerald and Betty Sandwell Paul Therrien Point Abino Lightstation Seamont Brokerage Ruth Thompson and Transport Dennis and Janet Price JAMES McArthur Sr., Bill and Charlotte Trainor JAMES McArthur Jr. Robert W. Sears Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Betty Ralph wALTER sENDZIK St. Catharines Barry Reid Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Vaughn and Lynda Smith uNIFOR lOCAL 444 Carolyn and Harry Reid elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Eleanor Snider Unifor Local 1106 Joy Reid Elzéar Lynch, Leo Lynch Edward Stark Unifor Local 27 Retirees Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roger Stenson Wainfleet Historical Society Mary Wakil William Robinson W. Stevens Steve Wansleeben Julie Rorison Stoney Creek Historical Society Joan Warkentin Carl and Lu Rose Joan Strachan Jeffrey Weiner Alan Rouleau Janet Street Robin Weir Gilles Rouleau John and Susan Suk Rob Welch *Remembered for their contributions to the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Project Barry Weller Sharon Willms John Lester Simmons Gary Wood Keith and Gwen Wood William Francis Bassett Francis Fernley Bassett Katherine Woodard John Jr. and Jillian Woodilla JÀnos Wodilla Bob and Carol Wylde elmer Wylde Ed and Betty Ann Yuhasz Brenda Zadoroznij Michael Zuberec

*Remembered for their contributions to the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Project

Welland Canal WellaNandd Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 42 43 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Research Committee Other volunteers Thank you to THE Task force John Burtniak JennIFER Douglas & Research Committee Dennis Gannon Brian Jaworsky Alex Ormston (deceased) William Jurgenson Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial Task Force Arden Phair Kristen Sullivan Robert Sears Mayor Walter Sendzik, Chair Patrick Little Community partners Greg Wight, Fundraising Chair Mayor Ted Luciani Bill Stevens Canadian Canal Society Vance Badawey, MP Mayor John Maloney Design Selection Panel Welland Canals Foundation Chris Bittle, MP Gerry Miele Bruce Allen Rebecca Cann Arden Phair Danny Custodio TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED BY Mark Cherney Kathleen Powell Stuart Green DANNEL tRANSPORTATION Zach Dadson Julie Rorison Kim van Stygeren tRANSLATION pROVIDED BY Jim Given Robert Sears Bruce Williamson aNNIE bOUCHER Oliver Hiltebrand Bruce Timms Michael Zuberec Julie Hughes Bruce Williamson Sheri Laekeman Design and Construction Team Memorial design by Dereck Revington Studio Inc. fORMER members: Landscape design by plant Architect Inc. Malcolm Allen Karen Moncur Veil and Gates construction by mARiani Metal Fabricators Lisa Bastien Maggie Riopelle iNSTALLATION AND lANDSCAPINNG by stevensville Lawn Services Rob D’Amboise Dave Schulz Rick Dykstra, Barry Sharpe Special thanks to: Founding Co Chair Dereck Revington, Jonathan Tyrell, Chris Grawey Lisa Rapoport, Eric Klaver, Brian McMullan, Carla Lipkin, Florin Novac Founding Co-Chair and his crew, Wally Healey, Rich Barry and his crew.

Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 44 45 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Construction of tHE fALLEN wORKERS Memorial

Community is the foundation of our business Deloitte is proud to support the unveiling of the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial.


© Deloitte LLP and affiliated entities.

In memory of 137 fallen workers


Photo credit: Paul Pattison, St, Catharines Museum, 5663-N

Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial_Walker Ad-02.indd 1 10/18/2017 11:28:36 AM Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 46 47 Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Honouring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for a cause that would benefit so many into the future.

Proud to support The Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial... A Place To Remember.

In memory of the 137 workers lost.


Welland Canal Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial 48 PB Fallen Workers Memorial A place to Remember Welland Canal Honouring a promise made 85 years ago. Fallen Workers Memorial The St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre at Lock 3 is proud to be the host location of the Welland Canal Fallen Workers Memorial

Heroes in Peace: Building the Welland Ship Canal exhibit on until spring 2018.

Open 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission by donation.