146 DORIN-IOAN RUS - WEATHER ANOMALIES IN TRANSYLVANIA WEATHER ANOMALIES IN TRANSYLVANIA, THE BANAT AND PARTIUM FROM 1813 TO 1818, AS REFLECTED IN CONTEMPORARY SOURCES VREMENSKE ANOMALIJE U TRANSILVANIJI, BANATU I PARTIUMU OD 1813. DO 1818. GODINE, KAKO SE ODRAŽAVAJU U SUVREMENIM IZVORIMA Dorin-Ioan RUS Received/Primljeno: 12.12.2020. Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Accepted/Prihvaćeno: 30.12.2020. Jahrhunderts im südöstlichen Europa, Original scientific paper/Izvorni znanstveni rad c/o Institut für Geschichte, UDK / UDC: 551.583.16(493.21)“181”(093.3) Universität Graz, Heinrichstraße 26, 8010 Graz, 551.583.2(493.21)“181”(093.3) Austria
[email protected] Summary The article is based on documentary sources from the Romanian, Hungarian and German ethnic groups from Transylvania, Partium and the Banat. These include newspapers, chronicles, and notes in liturgical books. The article offers an overview of weather variability in 1812–1818, like changes in temperature, precipitation, and storms, which led to higher food prices, and to a food and livestock feed crisis. The period under examination begins in the summer of 1812, when very low winter temperatures and a cool summer were recorded in these provinces. It includes the summer of 1815, when Europe witnessed the first effects of Tambora’s eruption. It ends in 1818 when the administrative measures introduced to combat the food crisis and famine were not needed any more. The natural events depicted and recorded in the above-mentioned sources were part of the worldwide weather extremes, which are presented here in their regional-European context. Keywords: Tambora’s eruption, historical climatology, Transylvania, chronicles, Orthodox liturgical books, rural population Ključne riječi: Erupcija vulkana Tambora, historijska klimatologija, Transilvanija (Sedmogradska), kronike, pravoslavne liturgijske knjige, ruralno stanovništvo INTRODUCTION This study focuses on the weather anomalies from 1813 to 1818 in the Habsburg provinces of Transylvania, the Banat and Partium, as reflected in contemporary documents.