Landscape As An Arena Integrated Landscape Character Assessment – Method Description The Swedish Transport Administration Address: SE-781 89 Borlänge, Sweden E-mail:
[email protected] Telephone number: +46 771 921 921 Title: Landscape As An Arena – Integrated Landscape Character Assessment – Method Description Authors: Tobias Noborn, Radar arkitektur & planering AB (editor and graphic design) Bengt Schibbye, Schibbye landskap AB Emily Wade, Landskapslaget AB Mia Björckebaum, KMV forum AB Emy Lanemo, KMV forum AB John Askling, Calluna AB Oskar Kindvall, Calluna AB The team of consultants is working under the name of ”Befaringsbyrån” Date of publication: June 2018 Version: 1.0 Contact: Ulrika Lundin and Johan Bergkvist Publication number: 2018:158 ISBN: 978-91-7725-325-9 Printed by: Ineko AB Cover photo: Pekka Kärppä FOREWORD The Swedish Transport Administration has the at developing knowledge and methods in the area. port Administration based on earlier characterisation overall responsibility for creating a transport system The material presented here is the fruit of a research methods, but it differs from these in some respects. that is sustainable over the long term, and efficient. project extending over several years, ‘Including What the method adds are the regional scale, a cross- The transport system has a considerable impact on landscapes in long-term spatial planning’, as well as sector working method, access to decision guidance the landscape as a result of the building and manage- of several related development projects and practi- at an early stage, and the view that the landscape is an ment of roads and railways. For the Swedish Trans- cal trials in applying and evaluating the ‘integrated arena for planning and thus the very prerequisite for port Administration, therefore, a holistic approach landscape character assessment’ tool.