Lunar and Planetary Science XXXI 1346.pdf MORPHOLOGY OF LARGE VOLCANO BUILDING FLOWS ON VENUS: EXAMPLES FROM SIF, GULA AND KUNAPIPI MONTES. J. E. Guest1 and E. R. Stofan1, 2, 1Department of Geological Sciences, Uni- versity College London, WC1E 6BT, UK (
[email protected]), 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109. Large volcanoes with basal diameters greater than These flows are much more common on Gula Mons 100 km and heights normally between 2 and 3 km are than on the other two volcanoes. Flank eruption sites a characteristic form of volcanism on Venus. They are are less common at Gula Mons than at Sif or KP Mon- built of lava flow fields of a variety of forms and tex- tes. As at Sif, flank eruptions originate at pits, frac- tures. We have divided the flow fields at Sif, Gula and tures, and from small edifices. However, more flows at Kunapipi (KP) Montes into three general types based Gula appear to originate from the summit, unlike the primarily on planform shape in Magellan radar images: major fan flows seen at Sif. digitate, fan and sheet flow fields. Each of these types The main cone of KP is made up of shorter more has at least one sub-type. Most of the flows fields are numerous flows, compared with the outer apron which compound, consisting of more than one flow. Some consists of fewer more extensive flows. The far major- flows appear to be simple flows, but where flows of ity of flows at KP (82%) are sheet flows, with the re- similar radar backscatter properties are adjacent they are maining 18% of flows having digitate morphology.