The Jabugo DOP, Only a Step for Its Registration by the EU

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The Jabugo DOP, Only a Step for Its Registration by the EU eComercio Agrario Actualidad del sector agrario The Jabugo DOP, only a step for its registration by the EU The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Jabugo is only one step away from its registration by the European Union Commission, having concluded the deadline so that from any country in the world it could be submitted allegations to this mention of quality, which means that it is only necessary to close this Community procedure. On the other hand, the Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Ham of Huelva has announced its provisional figures of pigs identified in the meadows, sealed pieces in dryers and hams and pallets certified before their departure from the warehouses, during the year 2016, and has taken stock of the actions of the year. The most important of all what happened in 2016 is that the Commission of the European Union published on November 1th1, 2016 the request to change the name of the PDO Ham de Huelva by DOP Jabugo in the Official Document of the European Union (DOUE). After the end of the opposition period at the international level, and since it is hoped that there will be no allegation, it is awaiting the registration of the Jabugo PDO in the coming weeks 1 / 3 eComercio Agrario Actualidad del sector agrario As for the data for the year 2016, first, the number of Iberian pigs identified in the registered meadows was 21,215, a number that Guillermo García-Palacios, president of the Regulatory Council, considers positive, since the number of pigs controlled in this montanera 2016/17 "supposes a stability to be similar to the one of the previous montanera". Secondly, the number of sealed pieces in registered slaughterhouses was 78,530, an increase of 57%. For the second time in the history of the PDO Ham of Huelva the pieces that have been sealed only correspond to pigs fed exclusively with acorns and natural pastures Thirdly, the number of hams certified with the highest quality designation, Summum, of the DOP Ham of Huelva stood at 28,545 and accounted for almost 98% of all hams. Garcia-Palacios has taken the opportunity to remember that "the DOP Jabugo will only have a single and maximum quality designation: 100% Iberian acorn". Certified hams and paddles have been marketed by the Iberian pork cellars registered in the following municipalities of the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park whose pastures are declared Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO: Aracena, Aroche, Corteconcepción, Cortegana, Cumbres Mayores, Jabugo And Santa Olalla del Cala. The estimate of the economic value in the market of the total number of certified pieces reached € 12,753,188.35 in 2016 Source: Regulatory Council of the Appellation of Origin Ham of Huelva YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: ??The organization of the 9th Congress of Spanish Denominations of Origin will fall on the Jabugo PDO 2 / 3 eComercio Agrario Actualidad del sector agrario 3 / 3 Powered by TCPDF (
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