Programme EN

The Church in Europe after the Pandemic. Perspectives for Creation and Community

Friday 25 September 2020

16:00 Opening of the Plenary Assembly

Moderator: – Rev. Martin MICHALÍČEK, CCEE General Secretary

Presentation of the Holy Father’s Message

Opening Greetings – H.Em. Card. , of the Congregation for

16:30 Introduction to the work – H.Em. Card. , CCEE President

16:45 I Working Session Religious consequences, pastoral and ecological, after the coronavirus. Summary of reports from the Bishops’ Conferences – Prof. Pavel AMBROS, SJ, Theological Faculty of Olomouc University (Czech Republic)

17:30 Conclusion of the Working session

Saturday 26 September 2020

10:00 II Working Session

Moderator: – H.E. Mgr Stanisław GĄDECKI, CCEE Vice-President

Approval of the 2019 Plenary Assembly Minutes

Religious Area: the religious consequences of the pandemic Debate on the theme of the speaker’s intervention

11:00 Break

11:15 III Working Session

Various questions on pastoral care for migrants in Europe – H.Em. Card. , Under-Secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section in the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Presentation and approval of the 2021 CCEE Budget – H.E. Mgr Stanislav ZVOLENSKÝ, Archbishop of Bratislava, member of the CCEE Finance Commission

12:00 Angelus and Conclusion of the Working session

15:30 IV Working Session

Moderator: – S.Em. Card. , CCEE Vice-President

Pastoral Area: the pandemic and the life of the Christian communities Debate on the theme of the speaker’s intervention

16:30 Break

16:45 V Working session

Ecological area: implications of the pandemic on society, work and care for creation Debate on the theme of the speaker’s intervention

17:45 Discussion and approval of the final message

18:00 Concluding words from the Cardinal – President

18:15 Closing prayer and conclusion of the Plenary Assembly

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