■ / • ■

'Aretagc D «llj Net Preu Ron The Weather * For.tha Waek Ended Fonenot O. ■. Wontfeor B«t«M dm * 8, IM l FMr mad eool tonight. I je m U - 13,330 flO. aiindsy portly, eloody, worm .. BlemiMr of the Audit ond more hnrnld. High in 80r. BanM of Oradntlon / • M etnQ hesm hr^A C ity o f V illage Charm

si - - (pL. LXXX, NO. 231 (TEN^ PA G E ^T V SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN^, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1961 (doailfied AdTortltihg^n Pago^D. PRiCE FIVE CENTS State News Roundup

t a j on Sales Ni^ier Today

HartfordNJuly 1 (fP)— Life became ‘A litras bit more ex­ pensive for jiist .about every­ body in Connecticut today as many state ta.xes \jver&^ ad­ justed upward. . Businessmen are being hit by Iraq[^,penies Forces a number of the tax hikes, but - the consumer comes in for'xhls share too. , Seen N ear If you went shopping today, yoU probably noticed the sales tax Massing ^ Border was a little nippier than usual. For NHRR That’s because it'1s now 3V4 per cent. It used to ■ be a fiat 3 per Pamascu.s, Syria, July 1 (JP)— Iraq (odaj” denied maa.slng cent. Washington, July 1 (/P)— troop.s on its southern'border with Kuwait or iif'aii)' part of If you’re trying to give up High government officials to­ Iraq, .Baghdad radio said. smoking, you .may find R a little day exiweBsed the view that easier. The tax went' up from The denial came in a statement by the atete-owned iTaq three cents a pack to five cents— the New.York, New Haven & News Agency, It also denied reports Iraqi yessels fired on a difference of 20 cents per carton. Hartford Railroad Co. may Iranian boats trying to move food to Kuwait. Beer, wine, and hard liquor ate founder soon unless some hew also a little more costly. The ex­ form of federal financial aid Tunis, July 1 (/P)—Tunisia today expressed its “ total sup-' cise taxes on these alcoholic bev­ develops. erages has doubled. - \ An Interstate Commerce Com­ port” for the independence of the Persian Gulf sheikdom of On liquor, for instance, the ex­ mission source said a bai^ruptcy Kuwait. , A cise tax on a gailon used to be I'l, proceeding for the New England but now it will be 32. This means line might conceivably be\onIy Nairobi, Kenya. July 1 (/P)—The 24th infantry brigade is a fifth of liquor will probably be "days away.” at,’least 30 cents more than be­ . During the last two years, the sending 200 British soldiers, from this East African colony fore, counting both the higher New Haven has been leaning on to Kuwait. A squadron of Hunter jet fighters flew to Ku­ excise'tax and sales tax. the iCCs authority to grant gov^ wait from Nairobi. All of the taxes that have gone ernment repayment guarantees on up >vere raised by the 1961 Gen­ private railroad' borrowing, and By COUN FROST ■ ^ eral Assembly, to meet Qov. fohn has obtained such guarantees on N. Dempsey’s request for addi­ more than 823 million worth of Kuwait, July 1 (/P)— British aircraft carrier landed tional revenue in the fiscal bien­ loans. riries and tanks in Kuwait today and a dozen Hunter jet fight­ nium that sarted today. But mors and more atrongl.v In ers flew in’ to help guard this oil-rich sheikdom against a Terry McClelland tells newsmen on San Diego pier spout terror recent months, the ICO has taken aboard raft at sea. (AP Fhotofax). threatened invasion from Iraq. 4h, Sweet June ♦ the position that state and local The government radio an.;*’ .Windsor Locks, July 1 (Ab — A authorities in the line’s service area have thA first responsibility houncedy Saudi Arabia also is send­ right, gladsome lass June was. ing troops to bolster Kuwait ’The chart-watchers at «he for providing tax relief and other Terror, Tragedy at Sea forms of assistance. against the annexation claim that Weather Bureau are understandr Iraq premier Abdel Karim Kassem Sheik Sent ably proud of her. In 30 tries Last month, the New Haven advanced a week ago. - she gave you a balmy potion of turned to the. Treasury Department Accompanied by two British, sunshine and the crabgrass less in an attempt to get 85.5 million frigates, the 22,000-ton aircraft car­ Help P lea Boy Says Two Men than its customary ration o f rain. as a firet installment on a project­ rier Bulwark put ashore a de­ For those who must have it ed million disaster loan. tachment of .52-ton (jenfurion tank.s spelled out in drear figures, 'he ’liiis qction was based on a and about 750 men. These were sun waa out 55 per cent of the series of setbacks experienced by about 600 Marine commandos and To possible time at thq^ weather sta»- the New Haven last -winter when a ’ISO-man- squadron of the Dra­ On Raft Went Crazy tlon here during the month. ^ ' , severe weather and a maritime, The rainfall was -about 2.75 goon Guards. London, July 1 (;iP)— Brit­ strike In New York City virtually The frigate Loch Alvii sent of­ inches as against the usual 3 62 disrupted Its freight business over ain staged its show of force in Inches for the month^--^ ficers ashore by helicopter to con­ a long period. fer with British aftd Kuwaiti ju- Kuwait today in the belief gaU'Didgo, Calif., July 1 (IP) —^encoiSitered heavy’' swells. They ’The temperature/mean ranged But opposition to such a loan, This excl&sive closeup of Sir Abdullsh As-Salim As-Sabah, ruler A _ husky iA-year-pld boy. who tried riding at anchor that night. from 65 to 69 aj^Uind the stale — of Kuwait, was taken in his palace as hejread messages of sup- thorltlcs in this former British pro­ this might calm the Kuwait- "The sea anchor was pulling on was raised by Sen. A. Willis Rob­ tectorate. wiUched two man die aa they drift­ pleasingly norinal. ertson, D-'Va., chairman of the Sen­ port from his countrj’men. Picture by AF. Phatographer Robert. Iraqi'crisis without any need the boat," the boy, mumbling and Rider-Rider was among first permitted' by the sheik in two Rlfile-bearing aheiks Bwarrqe^, ed oh g fUmay raft, was recovering dazed from sedatives, toM ,news' ate-House committee on defense in fron> the desert by limousine, to go further. production. That group has juri«-> ' yeaits. (AP Photofax). "Her M a j e s t y’a government in a h a r t a l today after three days men. "Two big swells picked Up the HpdamoMler Fined awearing to help the 66-year-old- ^ ctlop .ey sr tundavlliandlfiA.JPi!^' earnestly hopes that the -necewiity Jiaa8,and p u lM tlw bottom^ut ntUhjg. ,~air..AI»dulla>»- as- "Grandpa (Bradford) said to cut mastar ^ 8t. James salooT !h^B ^ aalim Aa-^bah, defend the oqy- to Tnakc use o f • thtirfotcr'wiM -Art" Terry McCMlaiid, a blond high lUrst arise,” the Foreign Office said. “It school athleto from Huntington the raft loose liAhAs been fined 850 after plead- rRoT>ertaon erfUdzed tha* ‘loan erelgnty of Kuwait against Iriiqr Thp thfee fishermen got aboa^tT Ing guilty to the charge of cruelty guarantees already given the rail­ trooiM and armor r^>ori;?d mass­ Is Intended that it should be with­ Beach; O ^ . , -was rescued yes­ to persons in Superior Court. road under other legislation and drawn as soon as the ruler (Sheik terday by a ashing boat 90 miles a six-by-three-foot raft of balM ing across the • border. wood and cork. Its bottom ponsist' Leonard W. Francis, 42, was added in a June 22 letter to di­ Sir Abdullah As-salim As-sabah) southwest of San DiOgo. . . charged specifically with putting Minister of State Bader Abdulla considers that the' threat to the Transferred to a submarine, he ed only of rope netting-through rector Flank Elllis of the Ofhes of one of the pupils at this private Civil and Defense Mobilization: Moslems Battling Mulla announced the sheikdom, independence o f ' Kuwait is over.” arrived last night in San Diego. He whicli a few timbers were lopped, school for boys, into a gas clotnes "Certainly the Office of Civil jiuit south of Iraq on the Persian was pronounced In farlly good con­ and water sipped through the bot­ Guirs northwest coast,, has re­ The' statement referred to ths tom continually.. dryer on Feb. 5, 1959, and turn­ and Defense Mobitlhation and the arrival of three warships, about dition at i'liospttal. ing on tte gas for a few seconds. quested an emergency meeting of ’They- tried, "to attract several Secretary o f the 'iVeaaury have, no 760 fighting men, 14l-- Centurion He told newsmen a rambling tale Fellow students helped the boy the -United Nations SecurRy Coun­ about three terrible days of ship­ passing vessels Wednesday, their authority whatever to make such Police in Algiers cil "to investigate threats from tanks and 12 hunter jet.fighters to first day on the raft. Although out of the dryer. State’s Attomey loa!^ under the Defense Produc­ bolster the 'sheik’s 2;400-man army wreck, thirst, delirium, death, John D. LaBelle told the court. Iraq likely to endanger the se­ hunger, heat and blinding glare Of they waved rags, and poles, ho one tion Act.” curity and independence of Ku­ and armed Bedouin tribesmen Judge Thomas B. lio la n d s^d ’Robertson apparently won sun, sea and sky. stopped. wait.” against the threat of invasion by He and his companions — Rus­ ’They had no food or water, only this action by the defendant was Algiers, July 1 (/P) - - HundredS'^Moslems, has been the scene of a "serious error of jodgmenl." He Km^’ait is a candidate for U.N. Kuwait’s big neighbor to ths sell Bradford,' 84, ,pf, Huntington a few packs of cigarettes that (Gontinned on Fags ’Three) of Moslems swarmed into the rightwing violence and mob north. ^ ^ Beach, his mother’s stepfaUier, Hartman grabbed before leaving said "moderate punlahment'” was struts of Algiers today and fought demonstration by both Moslems membership- It also wants to join necessar.Y to caution him against police in an anti-French outburst and/Europeans. the lO-natioh Arab League, a Mid; ‘ The Foreign Oi^|[fe^Jiti>ld the ac­ and Alvin Hartman, 57, of Nearby the boat. tion was taken at'tlw^.ipqueat of After watting in'vain for rescu­ similar acts in the future. The French News Agency said Ineanwhile, public' transports die East organization in which Santa Ana, Bradford’s friend — set the sheik and that U.N.'Secretary- out for a month’s fishing cruise off ers under a blinding hot sun, Hart­ Francis drew a suspended in­ NEA Supi^rls thret Moslems were shot dead and tion and shipping was snarled as Iraq, the United Arab Republic Mexico last Tuesday. Bradford was man "went- crazy on the second definite sentence on another two wounded. One policeman and Moslems stayed off the job in'' and, Saudi Arabia are the most ,a plastering contractor, Hartman day,” Terry said. charge of cruelty to persons for a French Army lieutenant were re­ obedience to an F IN call for a powerful members. (Continued on Page Thrs8) 'a hod carrier. "He started falling in the water allegedly having beaten a pupil Order Against ported wounded. ' strike.___ _ _ It-was-annqi.uiced in Cairo that, After Setting out from Newport with a switch for forgetting to The fighting broke out wlWn the ’'B y ” mid-nforning little more the Arab League ,Council wilT hblJ Beach in their 36-foot boat, they (Continued on Page Two) wear his rubbers. Moslems waylng rebel flags and than half of the big city buses an extraordinary ^ession Tuesday It was complaints fromiparents Bias in Class chanting nationalist slogan.^ mass­ were operating, these manned by to consider" KuwAlt’s application. that Francis waa too severe in his ed in the workers’ quarter of the Europeans, and at the big-Algiers Britain announced that its help Bulletins discipline that caused State Po City- port area Moslem dockers were on was being sent at the urgent and lice to begin investigating the Atlantic City. N.J., July 1 (>P)— Traffic was largely tied up and But One Statistic Stands Out For the first time in six stormy strike. formal'TequeSt of Sheik Abdullah Culled from AP Wires headmuter'B methods. Howeveri the huge dock area crippled as Authorities said it was still too under an agreement signed at the several.days, after he was arrested years, the National Education As­ Moslems responded to s strike call sociation today stands on a firm soon to estimate how effective the ending of the protectorate last earlier this year, parents of other by the rebel FLN (Front-Libera­ strike was. In administration week, It is notifying U.N. Secre­ MACMILLAN ON IRAQ pupils said they were satisfied platform. of support for the Su­ tion Nationale).' ' Amateur Drivers Factor preme .Court’s desegregation order buildings, many Moslems failed to tary-general Dag Hammar^jold of Caine, England, Jnly 1 Uft their sons were being treated prop­ One report from- the predomin­ report for work. of May 1954. the situation Prinie Minister Macmillan said erly at the school. antly Arab town of Blida, south­ Mosletn shopkeepers rolled down The British Foreign Office said' tonight “I still trust that threats 'Three days before his arrest In the last hectic day of a hec­ west Of Algiers, said Moslems tic week, the.. NBA yesterday their steel shutters in several sec­ against Kuwait are no mora In Holiday Road Deaths . ---- ;---- • on the march and that five had tions of the city. (Continued on Pago Three) than words w d that the gov.- (Continued on Page Two) adopted its strongest-ever policy bu n wounded in fights with-pollce. statement on the issue which since Swinging clubs, police riMhed emment of Iraq will refrain 1955 has split northern an'd south­ groups of Moslems in Algiers from any aggressive action." In By THE ASSOCIATED PBES8 < >two weeks later, between 8 p. ern affiliates into bitterly warring a speech in this West England American motorist last night Friday, May 26. and midnight Me­ where defiant yoJiths shouted the Not $28 Million or $28 \ camps. - slogans of the rebellion against coniinunity, he added: “ We must started rolling out on the highways morial Day, Tuesday, May 30, take no risk and in view of the in volume to enjoy the long July It took two hours and nine min­ French rule.. - there were 462 deaths in traffic, a utes of debate before the NEA’s language that Is be)ag used and 4 holiday weekend. record high for this holiday.' News Tidbits 'Authorities reported that tne For 450 to '<80 of them it will representative assembly could port of ,city of Ors*i to the west, ’indication of nsUttaiy: 'Iwild-up Deaths during the holiday week­ from the AP Wires agree, oh a ' resolution which Tractors which may thun 18ii IfM.sralt, wa be their last outing.'The National end increased 35 per cept above wa* the scene of a Moslem strike Safety Council as yet has not cal­ pledged ’’continued support ’,of khe but there -were no -reports of .vio­ have thottghf It r l^ t to respond those of the non-holiday weekend U.S.'Supreme Court’s decisloiil on to the uHjMlf epd fornial request culated a definite estimate of the lence. j two weeks earlier. - - National Council of Juvenile school desegregation.” I holiday highway toll but says its Laat night, Mohammed Yazid. Reparations for Castro ’whlch .t iK s M r .has made to ns This 35 per cer.t increase exceed­ Court Judges imanimously adopts In comparison to previous «^n- spokesman for the rebel FLN called that W#4|lGpM8'*'glve him some figpire will fall somewhere within ed the Ssifety -Council’s average for resolution com.pjalnlhg o f “teler yentions, however, harmony from Tunis headquarters for a protectidaSly strength.” that range. -holidays, Its figure is 25 per cent. vi’sloh prognunl devoted to themes reigned supreme. In the end, the demonstration July 5 against pro­ The council’s traditional, esti- Why are. these samplings made Key We.st. Fla,, July X UPt — • were .Mrs. Eifeanor. Roosevelt; Pr. of crime, violence, brutality, sex, resolution was passed by.a large posed French partition of Algeria; ' Milton Elsenhower and Walter Reu- c l u e h o u s e d e s t r o y e d ' mates and the attention that news two weeks prior to a hpliday? To an(Tsadism” . . .Ship owners,' marl- Fidel Ca.stro has been served majority, although the white'af­ Presumably emotional elements notice that it is incompa table with ther,_head; of the United , Auto Soiitilingtbn, July 1 (/P)— A media give to the accounting of keep the fib r e s aa close to norn^al .time union representatives, and filiates ii] the southern states were among the Moslems did not want to holiday fatalities has dome in for as humanly possible. Traffic vol­ the national interest of the United Workers, -- private swbnming and recre«» government fact-finders settle almost solidly against it.. Wait ahd took to the streets early Hooker served.aa a link between tion club house was-'destroyed criticism of late. While some safe­ ume is less likely to be normal a down to a weekend of rough sail­ States to pay him an indemnity In other sections winding up its today in the steaming summer the prisoners and the committee today in an early-momlng fire ty campaigners insist the warn­ ing In an effort to navigate their for damages caused by the April 17 99th annual convention, the NEA heat. ^ j invasion of Cuba. since the 10 men arrived h'ere Sat­ of ; ujndetermlned origin. The ings have a salutary effect.->^ oth­ (Continued on Page Two) way to end o f two-week national also: French President Charles de- urday, less than 24 hours after-the ers maintain that extraoi^nary maritime strike. Castro's inslstance on repara’-. tHiildlng was unoccupied at the 1—Approved a resolution ur; Gaulle,' on a grass-roots tour,, of tions dashed all hopes of a negoti­ time and there were no Injuries. attention is given to death| totals I* Ex-mobster Mickey Cohen, a a.broad program of federal sap- Lorraine , has told crowds that un­ (Continued on Page Three) lover , of lavish living, sits In, bare- ated relea.se of 1,197 invasion \ woman who lives near the '' that would mount up whet)ier or port for education:"AilUtsu^^es- less a suitable settlement of the prisoners. not a.holiday were Involved; jail cell, awaiting sen^encin'g bn frame building dtscoveripsl the 11 Persons Die ident Kennedy’s 3-year, 82^5^l)llllon 6-year-old Algerian war could be John Hooker Jr., executive sec­ fire at 3:05 a.m. and called po­ One statistic stands out. The eight counta of income tax eva­ reached, the French would divide program to build classrooms and retary of the dlftbanded Tractors lice and firemen. Patrolman Safety Council reports that the sion . . . In report to ^grisiature, raise teachers' salaries was not spe­ the countify between Moslems ana In Single Cr^sh Nevada attorney general’s ‘ ASSOCIATED PRESS of millloh dollar baby-sellhig busi­ ^ (Continued on Page Three) This wotild mean that the Euro­ Life Sentence ness. peans—proteet^ IFrench mili­ feels'it cannot send Dr. Castro when he arrived. There was no news by the press, radio and tele­ Traffic ...... 49 tractors, money or cr'edits for in­ Immediate estimate, of damages B^ttxg ...... 1 Speculation rife concerning State tary forces—woUId stay in the big vision has been a major, if not demnity. Not 828 million or 838.” Hartford,, July 1 (/PI — Arthur which Fire Cbief Charles J. the major, factor in produ<^g that Drowning- t Controller' Arthur Levitt as pos­ cqastal cities while the nine mil­ sible opponent of New York City Hoboes Stage Gala lion Moslems Would be left in the The Cuban prime minister offer­ Culombe, the slow-witted killer, Liiik said blight., reach 825,000, dedrease'.. ' . ■ - ’ Miscellaneous ...... i ed on . May 17 to exchange the Total ...... S3 Mayor ^ b e r t F. H^agner in Dem­ arid Interior. today began life impHs^ment for' Link said he iVould request ths Figures collected over the years ocratic primary . . . Japanese. With the temporary breakdown prisoners for 500 heavy bulldozers. ■a murder for which li«r*\yas once 'State Fire Marshal’s office to by the Associated Press support Convention Dance Later he said he. would accept A speeding pickup (truck last Prime - Minister Hayato Ikeda, of the French-Rebel peace talks-at sentenced to die. Inves.tigate the 'caiise-.of the fire. the council’s position that holidays fresh from talks with President Eviah-les-Balris, France, and the lighter tractors as an Initemnity night roared down the wrong side )Calamazoo, Mich., July 1 for Invasion damages, ■ .provided,, 'It was an apologetic. grjUeful arS'greater killers than ordinary Kennedy, says the United ^tates is threat of partition over them,. Al­ TEAMSTERs $TBIKE.. ^ days. The death toll any day of of a 4-lane highway and smashed Nearly 509 hoboes cloud their nar their value was 828 milltoii. > Culombe that .stood before Su­ into a station .wagon, killing 11 in quandary whether to resume nu­ tional convention with a gala geria’s Moslems have become in­ perior Court Judge Thomas E. New York, July; 1 (Jf)~ — A the week, any month of the year clear testing. j It was his Inslstance Ion in- teamsters strike tW t threatens persons in Nevada. dance laat nig'-'t and broke, camp creasingly edgy. 'denin’lty that wrecked all hopes for Troljnd yesterday and pleaded is scocking; over a holiday, it is Fresh downpours lasKedI Central App4tently today’s sudden erup­ --to tie up nearly a billion dollars It was the worst jsuto accident today, aome leaving by the tsHdi- a solution. guilty to second degree murder. even more so. - ' - Japan today after a dayis respite tion of shouting Moslems was the In New York area construction To establish some yardstick in Nevada’s history.! ' tlonal VSidedoor PullmaA and the In declining to reconstitute itself On June 19 the U. S. Supreme from torrential rains,. Uiai have sunburnt thumb,’’ but most by blow-off many feared would occur. began at 13:01 a.m. today w4th whereby the public can gauge the -,’The Nevada highway patrol said 1 in the wake of Ca^tro’g rejection of Court reversed Culombe’s 1957 killed 344 persons in past week . ' bus. |i’ Strong detachments of .riot po­ conviction foi; first degree murder thp expiration of contracts b e -. holiday toll in relation to the nor­ the trucll; was heading south on a its final offer of 500 light tractOES, Rocket flzzlei breaks off U.S. at­ During yesterday’s business ses­ lice have long been ’on harid in Al­ th^ committee sai^ through'-Hooker on the grouiids that his ponfeeskm tween l^iOcal 282. of the Team­ mal toll, the Associated Press northbound lane of U.S. ; 91,-v. thie tempt to lob "beer can satellite’’ giers and other cities of- the coun­ sters and soiTte 160 consijracUon t sions of the "Knights of the Road,” that; 1 ' bad been Illegally obtained. has been making s u i v e y s two major highway between Los. -An­ into orbit to study tiny space bul­ try, along with nearly half a mil­ firma City Deputy Labor Com-., orgartlzatloiTof a “ Colored Knights t"By thus changing the cod’rse of A t the time of the original trial, weeks, before each major holiday; geles and Las Vegas, when it hit lets that might imperil astronaut of the.Road” was unanimously ap­ lion French troops. ' , missioner Jentse' J.. MsFaddea. the station wagon. the negotiations by Injecting the Columbe and Joseph L. Taborsky- New Memorial Day, night. proved by the executive committu. But both Moslems, and right- coitcept of indemnity, Dr. Castro said there w^re hb prospects for July 4, (Labor Day, Thanksgiving The wagon was crammeh wi^ Luxury e^ta^ of Soviet UN. Jeff Davis, "King of the Ho­ wing Eurojieans who want Algeria were known the “Mad Dog Kill- Immediate settlement and; that j sought to.give the impression that em.” Jaeing blamed for a series of and Christmas...;, • nine "persons 1— three generations uelegation gaiea> up for auction in boes,” nameti Matthew.K. Martin,' to remalii French, have taken to the humanitarian intern of private some effects jpf the strike will, be : These surveys! cover the identl- of the same family, " r h o truck, Glen Cove, N.V; ,.-. . Wayne Dres- 411 Mitchell PL, Kadanlazop as the streets to demonstrate theii* six^ l|rutal holdup-slayings in a felt “rylthln hours” at SoiiMi' citizens was proof KUHt. brief Span in 1956-1967. __ oal miinber ot days and the same equipped with a camper top, car-, bach, 16, faces I life. imprlsonmMit "King of the (Colored IKnights of ,causes. ■■ -V. ,. ' "Th'a made‘’acceptance of Dr." building sites. Involved are 8.8M span of hours. Over the 102-hour ried an adult couple... for fatal shooting- of his foster th e; Road.” Davis, who h^d pro- Algiers, however, has )>een rela­ Castro’s tenna incompatible with They were convicted Of two of truck drivers whe\ deliver 'I period between 8 p.m. Friday, May All died before ambulances ar­ father last Jan. 7 . . , Lightning, poud ths group, said: ' ’ tively peaceful In the ^laat two our national honor and our role as thma And condemned to' the slec- rtale to bulhUng 4Uak 0| 13, and midalghtTuesday, May 16, rived.. AU were .from , atrikes i n * y o n dairy farm near 'T reeogniu that a eolore<|i mkn weekai The big- seaport city of priyata citizens,” Hooker tohl- the trio chair." After one half-hearted 1,200 deUver readysasin aanfl wwt there wei^ 841 deaths in traffle. JaekaonviUs, n a . MUfaig 18 eewa Oran, the. only metropolitan area prisoners. gravel, while tha W lfclu g 'llt / Over the 103-hour holiday period \ .(OoBtlaned c F y a Two) aMldng ahalter from atomi. j[Ooatiaiie4 oB F(V* Tbn*). where Europeans outnumber the Tlin i^embsrs of the oomnilUet ' (Continued oh tu g* Two) handle otherotbe------mni H.: / :

BlANCJHBSTfift EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN- SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1961 V A 9 B - 1 M B 1 B S w o .ki^CSHKSTER EVENING HERALD, Mi^CHESiyB, CONN^ ■V ' ' ;;______. • ' ; ’ V • ■ ; ■ • . - • ■ . —: ...... — : ------■ Not $28 MiUion or $28 BuiOne SiaihticSt(md$ Out Tide, Winds, British PrOt^fkfg Kuwait Obitufary ■■•■«iei»p*i**™w*****w*-i^w**^—** *^ -*T * ** : W eather einwoW on Biidge o WiA Troops Tanks, Jefe Robert U, JUlson Windsor L o ^ , July 1 —The efuses Afnateur Drivers^Factor ^_,South Windsor—Robert L . Jill- U. 8 . WsathsT Bureau marina ad- South dealer (Continued from Page One) .. wllf be nursery for small chli- yisory for today: . / d e c e p t i v e P tA T Eait-West wlnyaMa son, 68; of South Windsor, died TRAPS DEFENDER dr6n. v 'Tldts will be high along the Con- NORTH. . "Her Majeetyfo goveimment earn­ .'V h Odmplng Friday afternoon in' Neo^lngton Reparations for Castro nedlicqt shore today between 11:30 B y AlfrsAAkeifiwold In Holiday Road Deaths estly,thopes that the neceeeity to ■ Mrs. Ma>/I?few of Hebron will Veterans Hospital. Bom in South and 2;S0 p jn . Low tide at OMfiay- g o o d l u c i U tlie normal play cannot halp 7 i 2 answer questions about enrolling Windsor, Feb. 8, 1893, he had livecj IL (Ck>ntmued from Pegs Om ) brpok today is at 7:50 p.m. and-to- you, lookfor something abnormal. O A X 5 make use of this force will not 4-H Club members in camp, ses­ ' '^OiMl^wd from Po*e Onti) morrow a t i a.m: and 8:30 p.m. ywpiRi A lltUe swindle may be just jyl>at arise.’' there all his, life. sions scheduled for August. The committeq had dissolved itself,' a -%lN, Sun eets today at 8:30 p.m. and you hood* WEST Dhowe sailed out to greet the junior camping period will run He was a tobacco grower for Hospital Notes ' W»*k before e holidays If mlUlons rises tomorrow a t 5:19 a.m. South Wlria theVflfat trick with A A 7 SIS. fact of -which the. prisoners were ' « t perebna all over the co^intty are British riiips. (hvwda alorig the from July 80-through Mig. 4; and .many years and, later became a >■ . Boating weather for Long Island tlrfquwn of'hforuVHfcth«p-ae^ 5 A J Aug. 6 tp 'U . Club m e n ^ rs are foreman at Pratt & Whitney Air­ Visiting fioura' are 2 to 8 p.m. not aware when they left Cuba. BlafmlnK to drive Idngr distances Sound to Mbntauk Point-and Block three apade tricks tO w Bw ) the 0 9 5 seafront chatted excitedly about the for all areas except maternity •over July 4 it is unlikely they'll be eligible to attend either week. Ap­ craft in East Hartford. He re­ Hooker said " It was a cnlel IMand: Northerly winds 10 to 16 contract. ' . J A 6 4 A Q I 10 I warcraft. plication forma must be filed by tired' t'hree years ago. where they are 2 to 4:30 and 6:30 takiny any long trips over the R oundup knots today becoming variable et Normally, South ahould lead SOUTH to 8 p.m .; And private rooms trick" for the prisoners to be sent ' weekend e.tarting this eywirig. ■ .4'^ . A q J 4 “We’Ve got the British," a robed July 16. - f ' ' Jillson was a member of St . V ^ 10 knots to'hight Winds becoming spades from the dummy toward taxi driver aaid cheerfully, "'nie Senior 4-H camp will be held John’s . Episcopal (Siurch, East where .toey are -JO a.m. to 8 p.m. here without knowing the commit­ A hon-hbUdsy surveyVi prepara­ .southwesterly 15 knots Sunday. hli own hand. If the suit breaks OXQf ^ Tlsltorii are requested not to tion for July 4 was mkde between (Conttnued from Page One) d Q J 4 IraOia have nothing.” from July 23 through 28. Hartford; of St. Jolm 's Men’s Club; tee had been disbanded. ■Visibility 5 miles' or more today 4-2, the best chance is to find the The British operation is under Evergreen Lodge of-kfosons. South smoke in patient’s rooms. No mPre -® p.m. F rl^ y , June.Jd , and mid­ doublcton ace In Eaat’a hand. ^ A A 7 3 2 Since their arrival on the Coeta- Francis, Irked by the Inquiries of- lowering to 2 tb 4 miles tonight. command of Air Marshal Sir Manchester Evening Herald Heb­ Windsor; Nutmeg F ^ e st Tall Ce- than two I’lsltors at one time, per Rlcan freighter Arenal, the prison- . night Tuesday,' June 20. Traffic Weather, observations—Montauk Bvritch tha apades and act how Wm« North Rest patient. * .... • deaths totaled 362, well below the the State Police, and the embarart- I A Jam Ch'ariea Elworthy, British com- ron correspondent. Miss Susan B. dars.of Lebanon, Manchester; and er.s tensely awaited word on Point,' L. I., clear, visibility 20 this worka Dummy "leads a low ,•mal' end. that Weat ha- this holding. How for the, first time since the crisis It released the text of a letter nard, M ass.: Mrs. Florence Miller, companions. \ - ^ e question is predicated on The only/urviv6» of the crash sonic Service at' the' funeral home ing lot of Manchester High School. ’They left early this morning on the Phlnney-Hunt Educational ucation Commissioner William J. can he try for three spade tricks? was touched off by Iraq’s claim to sent' yesterday by the ruler to Brookfield Rd., Bolton: Rosemarie Unless expressly forbidden to do ? mwsMiceptlon Safety Council was a cocker -spaniel in the back At the second trtfek SouQi leads Kuwait. John Richmond, British political Silhday at 8 p.'m. - tour. . ’The students and their chaperones will travel more than 10,000 miles through the U.S. and Scanlon, Hartford; Henry Cham­ • -. rep li^ v The drtiJis counted over Sanders says tfowna with junior Friends may call at the New­ Canada in their one-month trip. (Herald photo ’by Pinto). ^ so, they could stiU cazTy out their high schools neemnot worry about of the pipKup truck. the Jack of spades. It’s dollars to M., HundfOds of Bedouin tribal agent in Kuwait, requesting Brit­ bers Jr., Andover; David Gochee, mission—assigned by Fidel Cas­ the holiday a r^ those of ^’ictlms PatmJman Richard McDermott doughnuts that West will casually chiefs, flanked by bodyguards and ain’s military assistance,.. kirk and Whitney Funeral Home. Kelly Rd., Vernon. » killed on impact or those who die losing part of their-''state school tro himself—of explaining Cuba’s transportation grants. said the truck went past a high- play his low apade in'the h op e^ at n u IN n retainers, rushed to Naif Palace ’The letter said: 318 Burnside Ave., East Hartford, .■' within a few hours from their In­ today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sunday ADMITTED TODAY:' Francis position in the negotiations to tho Sande.ril-said yesterday After a way/patrol checking station at m , K»» T«e SMS WNm' South is planning a finesse against N rC H TS where Kuwait’s 66-year-old rulfer "In 'View of the military move­ Prize Photo Takeii Kas. 119 Chambers St. American public. juries. The annual toll of ^,200 in- the queen of-spades. West wan. WORH from 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. NEA Supports conference with State ' Attorney Nev., about 32 miles south- m 11,.. Sheik Abdullah, has been confer­ ments which have been imdertaken Bankruptcy BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son Cuban exile sources also have'' ., eludes those who died weeks and General Albert L. Coles that sdme Of Las Vegas, at about 60 his partner to wln-wlth that quee: ring with advisors over the thrdat- by the Iraq government on the ' months after the day of the ac- 2:40-8:80-10:00 4:20-8:18 On Prize Trip to Mr. and Mrs. David Fairbanks. indicated that a "Cuban or Cuban- way will be found to continue sup-' .p;h., on the wrong aid*, of the of spades and return a heart posed by Itaql Premier Kassem, borders of Kuwait and which are Mrs. Violet T. Clough \ 117 Ha'wthorne St.; a daughter to a cident. V through South. Order Against -Amerlcan” committee may Ira plying aid for transportation of roadway. The city prepared for another such as to threaten the security, of Mrs. Violet T. Clough, 90 E. Cem Mr. and Mrs. I*aul Bednarz, Scan- formed to resume the stalled nego­ - The eouncil figures 25 per cent pupils up to and including the It hit the station . wagon 100 Ctiloifibe Starts West will be disappointed in Sua.-Mdn—Plus gdant demonstration today ag;ainst Kuwait, I have decided to submit a ter St., died yesterday afternoon Seen Near Mrs. Clifford Brewer, Cedar of the smnual toll represents vie-. \ Ridge Rd., Glastonbury, won a tic; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. tiations. ' eighth grade. yards past, the station. Wreckage this case, for South’s Jifok of Mon. and Toes. 'Mat. Iraq’s annexation move. . Posters request for military assistance to at Manchester Memorial Hospital Frederick Barton, 95 W. Middle Urns who died long after they Zimmermans Wed 48 Years spades 'will wiii the trick. -South book in a photo contest spon­ Bias in Class Some towns with junior high was strevW’ for yards around the Atlantis, Lost Contineiit” were readied showing'Kassem get Her Majesty’s government in oc- after a long illness. ’Tpke.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. were Injured. Thus, when all fa- M r. and ;Mrs. John Zimmerman, 15 Oaklimd St., were honor now leads hia ^ low . spade, and Bom in Manchester April ,10. sored by U.S. Camera Maga­ Schools ' were fearful that they a. famdy puty at their home last night in celebration crash site. Life Sentence Hoold Of The 7 Saints” ting a kick in the pants and a cordance with the notes which I Stephen Powers. 281 Center St. -'h^tiea. attributed to Memorial The highway patrol fatality list: West’s ace Is played "on air," cap- ^ a n t fist descending on tils head. exchanged with Sir William Luce 1889, she was the daughter of the For NHRR zine r with a color slide (Continued from Page One) Hoboes Stage Gala W^hend traffic are account­ would bo deprived of part of their 48th wedding/«'>'*''®™*'y' ■r*’®**)’ married July 3, tu'Hng' nothing. This gives declar­ she took on a Swit^rland BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr state gradt money because the Stafford S p r in g . The Zimmermans have two daughter In the station wagon: Driver (Continued troin Page One) ■Voluntoers from the desert have on June 9, 1961. late George and Liza Jane McNeil . - \ -. — --—- and Mrs; Otto Mayer, Glastonbury. ed for the toll of 462 ' will have George Neal Gibson, 35, Box 124,- er his three spade tricks. ItTS TUESDAY NIGHT been pouring Into the city for two •‘‘l beg' you to inform your gov­ Tedfbrd. “ (Continued from One) cruise she won last year. tlon,. this is the legislation the state board of education voted last Patsy Pagliaro anlkMiss Jane Ann Zimmerman, a m ^ The phqto was taken from DISCHARGED /'YES’TBRDAY: ConventiW Dance ' frown to d86. i. Monday to limit'* the support to Blg(>eek, Calif., and his wife, Dally Question WITH IHB WtND” days pledg^ to fight if need be ernment of this immediately. I She is survived by her husband, NEA wants. Earlier in the week That would pUt • the holiday daughter, Donnamaita^uxon. Mr. Zimmerman is a retired cus­ attempt, Taboraky .gave up the Dealer, at your right, bids one the upper deck of A- boat dn Mrs. Mary Crandall, M 'White St.; those schools listed and officially Laura, 31. the appeal fight and we# executed against ItaaSem’s claim of sover­ have full confidence that' Her Ma- John (Plough; one daughter, Miss agency agreement with his stand. convention delegates had a message death rate at 5.67 compared with todian at the Community Y. Both are members o/St Mary's Lake Lucerne. ’The 'subject was of guarded optlnlsm from Ken­ Mrs.' Sarah Turkln'gton, 186>-fe (Continued from Page Om ) accredited as “public elementary Episcopal'Church. (HoraU| photo by Pinto). George's brother John, 48: 875 eignty over Kuwait, richest jesty’'s government lyill adopt all Ruth, enough; a son, SherwocKl He inserted into the Congressional the 4.S4 average for any hour In In May I960. measures and will muster their a group of Franciscan monks nedy, saying he hoped to sign such Center St.; John 'Melesko Jr., 71 schools" in the state education di­ Rosewood Dr.. San Bernardino. The chArge (Xilombe pleaded prize in the Middle East. Clough, all of Manchester; a son Record this- week a reply from Summer St.; Miss Mae O’Connell, , 1960. whole potential to ward off the ag­ Harold Clough of Hartford; and in their dark brown garb, talk­ a bill before the end of summer. who is down-and-out and who must rectory. Parents Wilbur Gibson, 77, and guilty to y^as one of'the two counts - More arrived by the hour, many Harold J. ’Warren," (X5DM general 17 Hollister St.; Mrs. Adelaide seek odd Jobs from community to Why is holiday traffic more of a wife, Stella, 75, of 24753 RoSewpod gressors." , ' two grandsons, Harold , Jx and counsel, which Stated: ing and pointing at the shore­ 2— Passed a resolution which in ' It is believed the purpose of this he was convicted on in 1957, that 11 leti SABiuNeJ E flST U lO O D seated in the rear of sleek, chauf' line. King, 109 Greenwood Dr.; Sue community has a much more lUffl- . killer than ordinary traffic ? Aside action was to provide state audi­ Terro^ Tragedy ^t^ea Dr., San Bernat'dino. feured oars, their rifles between Prime Minister Macmillan’s'Con­ George of Manchester. ” It "is. my understanding that effect bars the use of a strike by 1 from & a obvious reasons of crowd; of killing Edward J. Kurplewaki, R ■ ti rR J (• servative regime had the backing Mrs. Brewer and her hus­ teachers to enforce salary de­ Noat*, 59 Fllirigton Ave" Rock­ cult. time finding work than a tors with' some definite list of George and , Laura's ''''‘children. New Britain, a gas station opera­ ■ their knees. Some sat between Burial services will be held from the office of '-Civil and Defense white man . . . our colored hoboea ed reads, excessive dpeed. liquor tier—In of Labor party spokesmen. ’Die the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 band were in Europe for three mands! ville; Mrs. Rachel Hutton, 20 schools entitled to, aid-. Tommy, 'll, Margie, 10, Marilyn, tor. . E L A A U m Sidney bodyguards carrying revolvers in Mobilization has- Indicated that in Chestnut St.’r Wllllard Warren. are entitled to the same rights and -r and fatigue, there's the amateur- W nIW RltTAM AVI. SOUTH OUAfUt lANI I party leader, Hugh Gaitskell, told Main St.; ’Tuesday- at 2 p.m. with their opinion there is not author­ weeks as the result of her win­ 3— Urged NEA officials to initi . ' But this left Junior high school 8, and Sherrill, 7. With his mind, that of a 9-year- Hm San" ® holsters slung knee-high from ban­ ning first prize in a jingle con­ RFD 2; John Behari, 77 Lockwood privileges as th Ir white colleagues, ' '■,.. professional factor. officials wondering whither they In the truck—Leo Hollis Watkins, i Aindemy "A R«isln' newsmen " I do not see how we burial In the E ast Cemetery. ’There ity for guaranteeing a loan to the ate action to meet the growing ed­ old, painfully stalking the words, doliers. could have refused to help." test sponsored by J. W. Fields. S t ; Mrs. Annie Hadden, 709 Mein and the only way I can see th at ’ On ordinary business days the would-be overlooked. SandersnUd B oy Says Men 52, and wlf4 Floree Franls. 49, »j| NEW KIND 5:50 ani 55 "We are ready to meet any ag­ will be no calling-hours, and friends railroad under the Defense Pro­ ucational problems in big cities. ,• highways are used by professional Culombe took time in court to Award. Denis Healey, the Laborite for- Both Hr. and Mrs. Brewer St.; Peggy Messier, Pillsbury Hill, they can obtain these rights la to they may be brought back into the 129, 38th St., Manhattan Beach. gression,” assistant Secretary are asked tP omit flowers.. duction Act.” 4— Approved a motion com­ ' driverstruckers, traveling sales- apologize to state court and police "THE SECRi WAYS" "^elgn affairs specialist, said “1 be­ work for P ratt _ahd 'Whitney mending the Arlington, 'Va,, Educa­ Rockville: Mrs. Judit Hammer, become organized.” • piebun by having each town With Nevada Highway Patrol Super­ officials for the trouble he had - State Talate Hussein told news- .An ICXJ staff report last Janu­ Aircraft. He is 'a supervisor, 146 Maple St.; Carolyn Bragg, Many of the conventioneers left short-haul deliverymen, They intendent Stenovlch said it was the nith Richard lark lieve - the government had np al Mrs. Emma Ruth Robin ary suggested 'that a bamkruptcy tion Association for integrating a JunTior high school certify to caused. ■ men after a'Conference at secur­ •temative but to respond as it has.” and she is . a secretary in the East Hartford; Mrs. Rosalie town with nearly a week’s growth ' sp^d most of their woricing hours the amte that the seventh* and wrorst traffic accident the state had . 4:00. and Mrs. Emma .'Ruth Robin, f proceeding for the- New Haven ■with the Arlington Negro affiliate 1 b^ittd a "Wheel. They know .the On Raft^^nt Crazy He also expressed his thanks for ity headquarters in the palace. " I hope the landing of British research di'Vision. last month. Arlington was -ousted Liszewski, South St., Rockville: of beard. They traveled, too light eighth grades are conducted on ever had. He sdded: ' "getting me out of the mesa I was Hussein said the Bedoiilns had mother of Mrs. Raymond Frank- offered the only way out for its ’The prize winning slide will raads like the hack of their hands,- " I don’t know of any one that troops will deter - Gen. Kassem by the.parent 'Virginia Education Glenn Bump, Broad Brook; Mrs. to carry ahairing gear 'with them. - an ■ elementary school basis' even in” to Alexander A. Goldfarb, the been mobilized- into a National from a formal act of war and so enberger, 48 Cambridge St., Man­ continuing finsneiiai troubles. be published sometime within the Ughtaess of a curve, the near- even comes close.’ SUN.: All Color Show chester, died yestei-day at her Association for admitting Negroes Lucille Dauphin, 6 Fox Hill Dr. Despite the stubble, moat of tbs though housed In a secondary (Continued from Pnge body blit Bradford's body slipped second of two public defenders who NO RE8ERVED8EATS \ Guard to bolster Kuwait’s tiny gain time for a peaceful settle­ However, the commission itself the year. Rockville; Donald Harrison, 15 ly inrialblVdlp that hides ah ap- . It was the first reported mul­ '‘Atlantis, Lost Oontifient" home, 80 Garden St., Hartford, rejected this idea in an unusual to its membership, and the NEA hoboes lived in the lap of luxury school building. from the. raft and disappeared, had mounted his legal battle. army and were being posted at the ment,” Healed said." Griswold St;; Benjamin Bolton, 43 during week-long convention. They . proachint? ckr. the bridge with a and the raft turned over;" ^ e boy tiple-death accident of the week­ 8:358:40-9:45 V after a brief illness. special report. It said that bank- also voted to Investigate the mat­ slippery surft^, the trs^ie signal The 1961 General Assembly-ap- The. boy drank broth and later In a pre-court interview with For your emveiifonae, tickets northern border following reports ”It would be regrettable if everits ter. Bissell St.; Joshua Arnold, Elling­ received board and meals 'without added. "Grandpa got him hack on end that began Friday at 6 p.m New Britain'"Herald reporter may be pnr^ased In advance. Also "Tile danadiansV that Iraqi tanks were massing forced Britain to any lasting inter­ Mra. Robin was born March 7, rifotcy was not the. answer for the beyond a bend in the road. proj^riated '$1^4 inlllion to provide was transferred to the submulne local time and will end midnight / 6 — Elected Mrs. Hazel Blanch­ ton; Mrs. Anna Yaworaky, 17 charge at the Columbia Hotel, elementary schoof transportation the raft slid gave him piouth-to- USS Diodob, on maneuvers in the Catherine Metcalfe. Culombe said With Robert Ryan \ / across the frontier. vention in what is essfentially’ an 1873 ih Hartford, She was the New Haven, since a Court-appoint When a holiday rolls around, the mouth respiration. B u / it didn’t Tuesday, July 4. _ Daily matinee 2 pjn. widow of John Bell Robin. MHS to Adopt ard,- elementary school principal of Kerry St.; 'Mrs. Grace Palicki, 162 compliments of hotel manager aid' to every town ih the state by area. about his decision to plead guilty, I Kuwait’s army totals only 2,400 Arab problem. ed trustee for the railroad "would laaf thiirg they want to do Is drive. work." Hot weather over most of the Eves. 8:00—Sunday 7:30 p.m. 2:00-5:00-8:10 Survivors, besides her daughter face the same difficulties As the Fresno, Calif., vice president and Spencer St.; Mrs. Eileen Welch Eddie Gustos, a "grand duke" in ■" Their places oh the pavement are paying half the cost per pupil up He slept most of .fhe time "I want to provi to the public and men trained and supplied by the "It Is worth considering wheth­ presfdent-elect. Mrs. Blanchard and Son, 23 ’Thompeon St., Rock- the hobo organization. After Hartman ^ d , Bradford, country lured motorists to the the administration that I am go­ er the United Nations , could send here, include - another daughter,. present management In obtaining H'' taken over by an opposite number, tq a maximum of $20. About one- lashed the body t o ^ e raft. aboard the sub and spoke little of highways in droves. The national British. ’The Iraqi army reportedly System of will take over the top NEA post ■vllle. Gustos turned' over the entire his ordeal. He came ashore in a ing to go along with them In any J- an emergency force to police the Miss Eimestine R. Robin In Hart­ o))eratlng funds for the line. * -cbmparativa apiateurs. They are f^ rth oif the cpmmunltles In Con Then, the boy/continued, "my Safety Council expected most of numbers about 70,000. ford, and three nieces and a grand­ at the Denver convention nex' DISCHARGED TOpAY: John hotel to the convention. T ik i rtectlcut, mostly the larger ones, stretcher, sunburned and s h o way I can;” The Secretary of State said Kuwalt-Iraq fronti'dr until the Arab * •'diridb and factory workpra eager grandfather went crazy from see­ the nation's 74 million vehicles to niece of Manchester'. NeW York, J u ly 'l UP—The In­ summer. She defeated Miss Lucille Murphy, 12 Lenox St.; Mrs. Marie many other "Knights of the Road,” to get out on the open roSJ and ^ ere ineligible for aid before this less. He made the decision, he told John Richmond, British political countries have reached agreement ing A1 go cra^. He kept scream­ roll iSefore the 102-hour holiday on hoLV to maintain Kuwait’s in­ Funeral services will be held terstate Commerce Commission re­ Home Rooms Carroll, "high school teacher from Vassilopoulos, 7 Dailey ~-'Gi role is retired from wande'rtng but Mt it up, to blow-'the cobwebs out /ac'action ' by the legislature. He and his mother embraced her, after a lengthy talk with aguit in Kuwait, had given new ing and yelling and falling Into the ends. ITie council said about 10 Goldfarb and the prison chaplain. dependence.” Monday at 1:80 p.m. at the Jam es portedly believes the Neiv.. Haven ■Wooster, Ohio, by a vote of 2,860 Rockville; Miss Claudia' 'Wheelock continues to be active in tae or­ . of their town-driven cars, to cram ------water. tearfully. Terry’s father, Georg# billion miles would be logged over assoraace th at Britain atood ready T. Pratt Funeral'Home, 71 Farm­ railroad ■will be bankrupt iwltiiin a Manchester High School will in-' to 2,054. 55 Grand Ave., Rockville. ganization. McClelland, is estranged from Mrs. 'T was kind of stubborn, but they to send aid-to its former protec­ . Macmillan and senior cabinet telling him: 'Grsjidpa, the weekend.' all talked sense to me.” ' minister remained in London or ington Ave., Hartford. Biuial ■will m atter of days. itiate a home room system and 6 — Heard Ewald Turner, who The 1962 cqnVention will beheld don’t leave me here McClelland and resides at Salmas, Safety council officials estimated torate if called upon. took over as president last night, Hartford, July 1 OP)—The State don The sentence he received was within easy reach because of the be In Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hart­ The .New York times, in a dis­ will provide a jj earlier lunch sched­ at Tonaw^dOi N. T , with Dublin, they covered bet-ween dawn and alone’. Calif. 450 persons may die in traffic ac­ The United Arab Republic’s ford. give them a charge to “Teach for Ireland, scheduled for the 1968 simdown. Bar Grievance Committee will be mandatory for a second degree BOLTON NOTCH tense situation—foregoing their us­ patch today from Washington by ule In the fall, according to Prin­ He foil asleep, 'Perry said, and Terry told hla mother: "I'm all cidents and 20,000 more may suf­ minister of state, Abdel Kader Ha- ual weekend 'in the country. For­ 'There will be no calling hours. Robert E. Bedirigfleld, quoted a tomorrow," meaning the '1970’s, 22 of 35 Killed meeting. 'I n their customary environs asked to punish several lawyers murder charge. Under it the 37- /Routes 6 OMd 4 4 4 tem, said In Cairo reports indi- when/' he awoke, Bradford was right, mother, but I don't want to fer Injuries that disable them be­ year-oid Culombe can seek a pa­ eign Secretary Lord Home studied highly qualified ICC source as say­ cipal A. Raymond Rogers Jr . 1980’s and 1990’s. Turner, a guid most of these are good, careful connected with a plot to defraud dead/ He lashed him to the raft talk, about It.” yond the day of their accidents. • cated "some circles in Baghdad” insurande companiea by phony ac­ role In 20 years. developments at the foreign office.' ing the railroad “can’t test an­ Students will .be assigned to ance counselor fropi Pendleton, In Airliner Crash RATE BOOST SUSPENPED drivers. But i]\ the crush of heavy wltn Haijfcman — and drifted on. After a brief talk >^th news­ ENDS TONIGHT!/ were .considering the possibility of Ore., said ‘"nie first grader enter­ traffic, on strange roads and some­ cident claims. The military attache of the Iraq other week.” home rooms- Alphabetically by‘ IHartford, July 1 (Ji—Tha S ta ti /^Efrly yesterday morning, men, the boy was taken to Balboa AOM. NIMTTZ ELECTED armed intervention in Kuwait and F U n e r a ls The sojurce said her based his grades, he said. He said the ays-- ing school tRls fall will graduate times in vehicles not up to the State’s Attorney John D. LaBelle Doctor Bill Topped THl SOicTACUUUI LOVI STOSY THAT THRILIIB il!Q,fONil that Iraqi troops hsul been ordered embassy. Brig. Abdul Falk, left Buenos Aires, Argentina, July ,1 PubUc Utilities (fomntissloa has /while fog hung low over the Paci­ Naval Hospital. There, a doctor New York, July 1 (/P) — Chester London for Baghdad by plane. An forecast on ,a statefnent by the tem vrill improve conuminlcations from college in 1978. His Influence pace, they Just aren’t good enough. disclosed yesterday'he would ask DilOasaaiCKS / tuMMCsncwa to the Kuwait frontier. ------/...... ■ (/P) •— A twin-engine 'A rg en ^ e suspended a rate increase request­ fic, the raft was spotted by sea­ said he had suffered from mal­ W. Nimltz Jr., who retired in 1957 embassy spokesman said his de­ chief couiisel for ttie offlcq of de within the school, relieve. English on his society will not be erident ed by the Bozrah Light d: Power the State Bar to act while h'e as a Na'vy admiral, is a new vice New York — More money Is \ Hatem appealed to the Iraqi peo­ Sqliastian B. Falcone airliner trying to lapd liva driving In Superior Court presenting men aboard the Ruth Marie, an nutrition and exposure but was parture had nothing to dp with the fense mobillzatliHkiMvho said in ef­ classes of routine work, and’ in­ until the 80s and 90s." Co. The increase would have pro­ ocean fishing boat. ' ' In fairly good 'condition. The doc­ president of Perkln-Elmer Corp. of spent annually In the United States ple not to endanger the fate of the Funeral services were held for rain crashed Inta a .park near the men for sentencing in coim on alcohol and tobacco than on GONE WITH THlflN] Kuwait situation and had been fect it would be illegal for the troduce;- students to classmates - ’This was the 99th annual con duced about 14 per cent m ors Terry was taken aboard. The tor added: "His youth saved Norwalk, Conn. In announcing Arab world by a,cts springing from Sebastian B. Falcone of 64 Taylor city's river front airport last night, -with the accident racket. doctors, hospitals, and drugs com­ personal pory or regional ambi­ planned several -weeks ago to per­ federal government to grant a $5.6 other foa.. those in their own ventlon of the NEA, the world” revenue, or $25,(»0, for the com­ rescuers recovered H a r t m a n's him.” \ Nimitz’s election yesterday, the St., Vernon, this morning at the pany. The PUC said yestirday that Marlow’s and Otlier He wdultt not reveal the/ company said he would be in bined. The totals are $16,600,- .^CUUtKGABIf’VlBGH tion that would Invite "imperialist mit the attache to attend July 14 million “disaster” loan to the New courses. largest professional organization killing 22 of the 35 persons aboard. liberation day celebrations in Iraq. Newkirk and Whitney Funeral a hearing on the proqwtfal wUl ' be Fine Main Street of the attorneys involved.' charge of the Instrument division. 000,000 and $15,400,000,000. Intervention.’ Home, East Hertford. The Rev. Haven under the defense produc In addition, Rogers said, a home with a membership of 765,000 ed­ Most Of the 13 survivors were The four men in court .yesterday placed their cases with the same bias had been boiling for a couple IM M D’OUVIAWllilND Hatem added that the UAR The aircraft carrier Bulwark Hon act. room system will give students ucators. Including roughly 600,000 able, to walk away from the bum- Reid at 10:30 a.m ., July 18 in 'th e ' Stores Open Monday « uuNwi wnMUTioNM. ecTuac. «KJUM> m- MTiwepiDiirmama • which reached Kuwait with tyfo Sherman W. Ajndrews, rector, St. state office building. had earlier, p lea d e d / ^ lty to lawyer. LaBelle said the lawyer of weeks. On' it are state Rep. "profoundly regrets" reported John’s Episcopal Church, East ’The railroad, whose own cash "a place to tie to,” and , will help classfoom teachers. About 10,000 ip/wrecage,, ~ Closed 4th o f Ju ly plotting a phony accUent In Hart­ had arranged for the payment of Roger Eddy, R-Newington, and British fleet movements to the Ku­ frigates today, has been qn a Hartford, officiated. resources have been virtually ex­ alleidate the "loss of student delegates\and observers attended. The plane, qn a flight from Salta ford last November/ "front money” by Haila Sales and lawyers William J. Cfouslns, Ne# SUNDAY: GREAT 3 HIT HOUDAY SHOW! wait area. cruise from Singapore to fhe Per­ Burial was In East Cemetery. hausted, filed an application for identity In a large institution.” and Cordoba in northern Argen­ w Ail of them, L ^ e lle sa id ,. had Service, a West Hartford real es­ HsLven, and Leo Parskey, Hartford. Tak^the Family! A British spokesman at Nicosia, sian Gulf. She left K arach i Pak­ Bearers were friends of the fam­ the loan with the ’l^asury last • Because of the new system, he tina, hit the ground 1500 feet from tate llrm.- Kremskl said yesterday that tha Cyprus, said some British troops istan’s capital, Thursday./’The Bui month. said, one lunch period will be the landing strip. Witnesses satd Kids ihider 12 Free! wark is manned by 76 officer^ and ily- . Marlow’s and Other t : VFront money" la a payment club, at the recommendation of from the base on Cyprus were be­ eliminated, and the entire lunch 3 Area Youths the plane’s landing gear had clip nearly 1,000 enlisted men. The ’Times quoted the ICC ped a clump of trees. ' made by a lawyer to a. client to the committee, will be permitted ing moved to Britain’s Middle East Mrs. Inez M. ’Taylor source as adding; schedule will be shifted from noon Fine Main Street secure his case and also to pro­ to hold a Fourth' of July tourna­ Vcommand which covers the entire In Mock Offices Airline chairman Ramon iMasl' Largely attended funeral serv­ "If the railroad becomes to 1:30 p.m. to 11:01 a.m. to 12:41 lorens said the pilot’s last message Stores Open Monday vide him with living expenses ment on the course. The mayor Arabian peninsula and Persian bankrupt, all lines of the New p.m. The shift moves the lunch while the case is pending. /' ices for Mrs. Inez Miner Taylor, three minutes before the crash was had originally suspended |ill club Gulf, Including Kuwait. British 8 Area Teachers wife of Irving W. Taylor, 143 S Haven except the Shore Line (the schedule to period 4. instead of Two area girls, and, an area boy Closed 4th o f J u ly activitie.s at the course pending Royal Air Force transport planes "All well. Coming in for landing. BARBECUE The four men sentenced • by Main St., were held yesterday at 250-mlle main line between New period 5 in ..the school day. will serve a day as elected officials Everything okay." wfere reported standing by on Cy­ Judge Thomas E. Troland were: settlement of the case of the two To Attend Confab the Watkins-West Funeral Home. York City and Boston) will hayq Rogers said another reason/or of Laurel Girls’ State and Nutmeg Negro applicants. prus. Among the dead was Julio Fer UNITED METHODIST -CHURCH WUIIam~Allen, 31. of 16 Park ’The Rev. Percy M. Spurrier, as­ to be discontinued, arid passenger the earlier 16 overlapping lunch Boys’ State. Today is.theffnal day nandez, public relations manager ROUTE 44-A, ^LTO N Ter., one year m jail, suspended Kuwait radio. broadcasts said 8,- "waves" is that mariy of the stu- of the ' week-long mock 'govern 000 'Rrltish troops were ready to Eight Manchester area teacheW sociate minister of South Metho­ service on the shore line would be of Italy’s IHat .Automobile, Com ,.0|Mmsot«d By Women’s Society Christian Services after 30 days, one year probation. ^HODTES TO REOPEN dist (ihurch, officiated. Frederic •dents do not eat breakfbst and' ment projects. move in. .■;. will take part in the' University of substantially reduced.” pany and a former Argentine offl Lawrence- Fahey, 21 of 869 Hartford, Ju ly 'l Ufi—The Stats P^LEPilANr T H E NAKED Connecticut’s fourth annual sum E. Werner was' the organist. their work capacity Is lowered be­ In elections held yesterday, Les cial. Capitol Ave., one year, suspended The U.8. State" Department said The road currently operates SertirdoVj July ^ 5 pjfh. and 4:30 p^n. Sittings Highway Department- will reopen mer science institute, beginning Burial was in Eaat Cemetery. fore lunch time. lie Carlson, 99 S. Main St.. Man Hospital and airline officials did after 60 days, one year probation. at 5 p.rr). today sections of Routes /'- I \ \ U 3 A L IC j u n g l e Iraq na*! informed Washington more than 1,600 miles of line, in The home rooms will also in­ qhester, an(jl, Daniel W. Little, Adults $1.75—CMdren Under 12, fl.OO "yv\ X Wednesday it would use only Monday. JBearers were Everett Keith, Ralph eluding numerous branches. not say If any United States Notice Jack E. Hutchinson, 23 of '67 2 and 156 which have been cloeed jjEgjnw jgg' EUANOR CHARLTON ’They will be am ong’30 physics clude four classes in the cafeteria. Crow^ St., Rockville, were elected citizens were aboard, but most of Tickets On By W SC8 Members Imlay St., one year, suspended • / -A - i peaceful/neans in its attempt-- to Leander, Edward White, John Bo- ’The Times said the White House treasurers of their respective • \ I .for constnicUon. 'The Old. Lyme teachers. 18 chemistry teachers, 19 nino, Philip Wells, and Clarence In the home rooms, voting' and /he passengers were believed to be Or Cnn Mi s : Herald Lee—MI 8-S089 after two months, two years proba­ porUon of 158 will be reopened per wHARipi mmsm PMTVll ^KERwriHESTON take overX Kuwait. A spokesman received a renewed plea yesterday groups. Yuko Kawawurl, RFD Our Service and said Stat/ Department sources botanists, 26 biochemists, !. -gnd 19 Jeffers. asking the government to Intercede administrative work yrill be taken Argentinian. / Or Mrs. D ^ a e l Ooldsnider—MI 9-1S6S tion. “ ,' manenily; 'T h e. secUon of Route 3 TECHNICOLOR up. During past yeafo, such work Rockville, defeated Carole Lapolt, Parts. Departmoit John GrlQln, 37, Manchester, one TnUR'ilHKWS-fflini •were Incorfoct In reporting early general zoologists to- enroll in the in favor of a loan from the gover­ in Lebanon, ' Bozrah and Frankllni program, financed by a $91,500 Na­ was done during English periods. 14 Rye St., Manchester, for the Cloeed All. Itay year, suspended after four months, will be open for the weekend but It SUN.-MON.-TUES."W “ h lto Warrior”, AH Color! yesterday that Washington had in­ nors of the four states served by office of attorney general of Girls' \Dog 34 Years old one year probation. formed London that an attack on tional Science Foundation grant. the New Haven—New York;' Con Rogers said he disliked using the Monday, July 3rd ; will be cloeed again Wednesday Money Stolen. four English periods a week in State. morning. It will be reopened pet' • MONDAY—HOLIDAY EVE EXTRA PIC • Kuwait was Imminent. The teachers are Michael F. necUcut, Rhode Island and Maasa Detroit — The oldest dog on rec Tobin, 35 Walker St., Manchester, part for routlne»work. Michael Andorsky, West Hart maqenUy/riday morning. chusetts. The governors cabled ford, and Rita Cusumano. East ord reached age 34, The largest CAPITOL i Picked for Peace Corf.s a teacher at Long View School In ^rpni Levine’s similar plea Wednesday. Manchester-High School used the litter was 21 puppies, bom to a Ellington: Mrs. Dorothy ‘T. Har­ home room system for many years Hartford, were elected governors. EOUIPMCNT CO . Washington, July 1 (A') — The MltRDER CA^E TRANSFERRED Hebron The New H aven'has borrowed The ytetorious candidates were St. Bernard In 1895. The longest Peace Corps has selected its first N.ew Britain, July 1 (B--^The Su­ low, 98 Union St., Rockville, and Manchfest^r police are investigat­ $39,159,400 since ■ 1956 on govent- when the schoo'l was located Jn sworn-^n last night by Justice John dog team was the 73 dogs the as Main St., Mandieater, Connecticut woman trainee. perior Court has taken over for the Lucille Kuhnly, 49 Talcott Ave., ing a theft o'f an undetermined ment-guaranteed commercial bank Educational Square. Hamiltdri King of the State Su Army Used in a 1941 test to pull Several young men in ConneCti- _ Circuit Court in the case of Ruffin New Bridge Slated Rockville, both teachers al Rockr, amoun.t .of ;money from Saul Levine loans. Of this, $16,000,000 was guar­ The system was abandoned as a pre'me Court of Errors. 10-ton truck. WEEKEND SPECIALS! cut have been named for aaMgi^.^rrali,~48,’'New'''Britain,”V ho’ls vllle High School': Jam es N. Tan- Fashions at 757 Main St. The money anteed by the Treasury under the matter of policy, however, when" menta in recent weeks, but Georgi- accused - of - murdering• • a youth ■■ who On Grayville Rd. sey. 38 Reed St., Rockville, a was reported taken sometime be­ Defense Production Act, and the the new -high 'school building went aima E. Shine. 23, 74 York Rd., was seeing hig daughter against hia teacher at Ellington High Scnool. tween last night’s closing aqd early remainder under the Transpprta- into use. ' , Kensington, C^orpi'. is the first girl w.isHeS. "nie 'Circuit Cfourt murder , Also," Ulrich W. Eschholz. Moul' morning opening today. tioq Act of 1958. The line still owes H€LD OVER TILL MONDAY It has been found necessary to to be cUIed. charge was dropped yesterday so KITCHEN GUMBAKE ton Rd., Storrs, a teacher at .Man­ No further details were available, $35,523,440 on these loans.- Miss. Shine 4vaa named last night a Superior Court warrant on the SHOWN TODAY AT 8:05-5:50-8:45 replace the"' bridge oh the Gray- chester High School; Mrs. Annie police reported. 'i.- with A.-group of 27: other youn same charge could be served. The SHOWN SUNDAY AT 2:15-5:15-8:15 SPECIAL TODAY, ' ""VUIe Rd. lln Hebron by a .new'ouo A. Wheeler, Hunting Lodge Rd., Boston, July 1 (/P) —- The New from Area men and, womdh wljo wd^l b victim, Raymond Almeda, 19, was Matinee Monday at 2:00 PM .—^Evening 6:00 and 8:40 estimated to cost $10,000. Storrs, a teacher at the Robertson Haven Railroad yesterday asked trained for yrork.ln'GliAna or aome shot May 28 MONDAY School St., will , be partment of Public Utilities a few biennial general council of the Con­ , biidge which was condemned by the host and hostess at the Lutz hours before a" 5 pj.m. deadline, the gregational Christian Churches in Hearing on Bias,.-, STEAMED CLAMS, Drawn luHer Junior Museum tomorrow froqi 2 DELICIOUS SHADY <^EN the State Highway Department road agreed to maintain existing Philadelphia, Pa. New Britain, -July 1 (IP) — X last year. ■ to 5 p.m. : KNDS commuter service as the law re- closed hM-ring has bsen held on obVM FRITTERS Wooden bridges of this type no Driver Crashes qulnes. ' ■ T h e conir'iShtlon began Thursday, tha question of raes bias in the TONITK and :Ia deheddled to end July 2. ’The "BETKBN TO PBYTOM doubt served traffic well enough The Loyal O.range Lodge; and' its The road must satisfy the DPU Stapley Golf Club. . ' PLACE" In horse and buggy days and were After Speed Chase Bellevue,"Stratford Hotel in Phila­ ' With Je ff Chaadler .V Auxiliary \rtll meet on the founds that^lt has earned less than $25,000 ICE G^EAi^ - ; (Questioned 'yesterday Hsy—Uie “ LOBSTERS^ not costly. Cfost of the new bridge delphia is the sce'he of the council, Plai o f St; Mary’s Episcopal Church in each of the last three years. I which be followed by- a meet­ special committee appointed to "TH E CAI«ADUN8'> will be defrayed from town aid . Edwp^rd J. KOhoe, 22, of 240 ihveatigate the 'situation were With Bob«rt B yss "T FISH FILLET ' { " r . Sunday, July 9, at 9:45 a.m. to at­ The road also must guaranfoe ing of the Geqefal Synod of the Everyone’s favoriteAquick and easy dessert. Over Starta Sas. road money alloted by the state. Spruce St., was arresfod early to- no employe will be discharged 4x; Charles Mitchell and Manuel An­ tend services together. Monday is United;Church of Christ.July 3,.to. ",TME SlUTDOWNEBS” ‘ ymOLE POTATO i I First Selectman William E. Leary day oiter a car he was driving was the deadline to makle reservations cept for cause and after a hear-' 25 exciting flavors from which to choose. Buy it drews, the two Negroes whose With B«b«rt Mitcham 7. i said. involved in a collision ^with another for-’-the' picnic at jocean Beach ing. in the economical family 'size half gallon container. membership applications have "CABBY ON ADMIBAt” I HOT JOHNNY CAKE While-work/Oh the bridge is go­ A t U)e synod meeting, final steps car at the intersection of Adams Saturday, July 8. The la\v originally was part of a will be taifen to form the ne'w The plastic lined) containers can 1^ re-used for been rejected twice by the golf ing on. It will be necessary to close St. and ,W. Middle- Tjike. - ■ . - 4-state program designed to aid club. Also interviewed were Henry -1 CORN ON Tw C o b denomiriatiOrii ivhlch nnitea the Coh- , freezing,your own fresh fruits and Vegetables, so parts of the Old Colchester ,Rd., Patrolman (Clarence W. Heritage the New Haven. Massachusetts gregationai .Christian organization bagata, the club president, and begliinihg at the north edgej|oKlhe Carol A. Kilpatrick' of Bolton It^econhiiiy—all around. ap-ested Kehoe, on j a charge^ of >"as named to the Presidents Hon­ acted in concert with Connecticut, and the BNarigellcal and Reformed Charjes'-'J. Roby, the only Negro Iced Watonnelon or Belied Indtan Pudding OrayWlle Rd. and extending)'to the passing a red light and passing a Rhode Island and'New York. lEvergreens and Shrubs at reasonable prices. now In Uie club. : or List for the sqcoqd semester at Church. "'"v., - . 7 northern edge of the Old plchesL stop sign after Kehpe’s car-:^truck the Cambrid^ School of Business, ’The Massachusetts law was- tet Rd. Another road runa'”froiii a car driven by Louis P. Lam- Area pastors Include the 'Kev. The 3-man committee wouitt not Boston.^ . .,1 amended t a provide the) same re­ Paul J. Bowtnan, 70 Prospect St., discuss what transpired at the »WIND8Q $3.95 " H ^ron to (Jolchester through Am- oureux, 23, of 159 CroftJDr. lief for the Boston & Maine Rall^ 4- sftm, which will take care oif traf-’ ji. Patrolman Heritage said he had • . -J, road. RodkviUe, pastor of the Union Con­ meetings. They said they wi]! call Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elsco.tt and gregational Church in Rockirille another meeting Monday of idl the ENJOY YOUR FAVOmTE O O O K I^ AT CXARK’S flc. been chasing Kehoe’s car on W. The B&M, however, declined the McCONVlLLE ENDS TOMITE I T-' • ■ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heck will and -the Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda Church' Notes ' Middle Tpke. at- high speed Just proffe^d aid as restrictive ari'd members of the. clubs ezecutivs1^1 CLABK GABLE •serve as official • delegates to the of""falcottviUe, pastor of Talcott- ♦‘OOWB WITH T B l Congregational church..,’ services bjefore the accident. *. having "undue interference with board. _____ . . H ' Kiwariis Interiiatjonal UonvenUon •vllle Congregational Church. 6 R E E N H (^ V S I S Tha Stanley Qpit C9iib Is■ A pri- WIND” In- Hebron Sunday will be at the \ The Lamoreux car, which' had efftcieijit ihanagemerit.” \ Ptaa lelaetod. NAim '.V “ ■ ‘ . usual time-: Hebron Congregation- bfon stopped on Adapts St. for a at Toronto, Canada. July 2 through Lay delegates are Mrs. Loma Ax vsta organlaatkm whlsh useiISM the 6. Next meeting 'of the Hlwanls MaoLean of Coventry; Luciuq S. ^ 80S WDODBRIDGE STREET—BO f -5947 / U N u n ^ s j; 10 a.m.; Gilead. 11:15 a.m. All fod ligjht, was struc/as it proceed­ 4,000 IHXTTOl^ NEEDED m unlcii^ ehibhcNUN and course. cc club ■will be on Wednesday, July 6. Robinson Sr. of Columbia; Miss :”INN o r s t x n lOM rnn/CNUML^a: IIT"*' church schools are now on vaep.: ed north across the intersection Rangoon—Burma, which cstl- This arrangement makes the (h>6* BAPPiNsaa” NelUe E McNight of Ellington; Ibr your comfort . . (OPEN EVENINGS and Sl^ A Y S.. Uon of discrimination s matter of AIM II9JONN l iRMT ' ‘ 78_NORTH iSTREET, W ILLIMANTIC tlon. The Rev. John N: Cross, pas­ when the light tunfo'd green. No 'rinitiS' it needs 4,000 doctors for its "TEN WHO DABED” ..ssstaeNfli tor, will officiate at both churches. injuries were 1 reported, although Richard T. Stephens, 45 Green 21,000,000 people, is producing Edward ! Bushnell, 70 W. Middle concern for dty officials. Wllfc B risa TECNNKOUNI* For RsserrktkMns—HArrison S-9001 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will both car# were towed away. Mapor Rd., received a distinguish­ only 100 qualified docton a year. ’Tpke., p r. Saifoiel, E . Pond.' 68 The study commlttea was named Alexander St;, and, Donald P. by K a ^ Julius Krem- Irif SlSl AHFAO OF TIU RISI have one service :.only, at 9 a.m., Kehoe posted a $100 bond, and Is ed raUng at Purdue University for Health aMistarits. given a 27- ,GALA-^th OP JULY SHOW (2 PJtt, Oont) With a communion celebraUbn by month course, ’. >• are 1* being trained Rlifiiter, 20S Spring | St, all,.^ f tba eoDtroyersy about scheduled to appear In V Circuit high scholastic achievement dur­ 1 the Rev. Gordon Weeman. There Court in Manchestet July 17,^. ing -the past semester. ' Lto fill the gap. Manchester.

S'-i- I'.-. -■ -7 . , \. / •V w m i \ m a n c h e ;s t ^ e v e n i n g h e r a l d , m a n ^ e s t e r . c o n n ., S a t u r d a y , j v l y i . i m i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.’ .MANCHESTER, CONN-, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1961 ' ' ; P A G E i r m TT will aM ARd hear the home BBd Mrs. Harold Rsd9s)d wlU M r x aasot la lh s strugtlA Is thl| dou* . / bW standard. * ’ refercAcc many tlmca 1» tm in the family iwrvtea. Oreetert are •Wonders of the IJniverit^ i ! Mr. and, Mrs. Alfred Bunoe. Ushera p liitniitts f nraUi ’X)urs is a peimlaaiv«; qmtim. maothf and years ahead, atwaye are wmiam .Monaghan and .challenged by one that is totali­ UMd.aa a damning indictment, and Cbarlea K n it Xtoaeoa o f the tlay r rOBUgagP BY THB ___ tarian. Ouh system gusrsntsM never with fthe notatlcn tbdt la John White. Altar earo by Mrs. Sea and Spate . ■VOaAUDPBOmNO CO.. IMX esrtain basic rl^ ta to the IncUvUl- Khruaheh«^.if he wen trying to Psrey Bptesr. D -1^ .usl and it Is. these that have made wheedle hU people toward horte OOTtOMltMit OMMpragMiMBi CiHMlii St. gnaaP It. C. Ckneh Roekviae Ms«hs«lst Ohnnk the United States the ‘ focus ot meat, was at least clever eanog^ Links P a b U itM n (SYABlpMaBl 0»T«UHlt) MSfn Jelni F. R mhmr. Fsatar • i49 Orove St. VtNUidad October L U U man’s best tiopt" to adnilt A at, to him, It lookCd^^ is Snrw* St Nrtur D. OtaMr St ■ev. gaaaes T. fPOenaell Bar. la u rsBoa M. BUI. Faster l - USINESS SERVICES 1D)i r e CTORY _____ V ' i lltUe too fa t K. SiJikM SaUc, Partibr Bren Craatai BzeepI It Is popular to aigue, ha said, mSt. Rev. ge«eph R . MeOaiui (Note; Arthur O Glarkd Is bott) has lasted pertiiM k ; ^ o i » jreato, - Rev. Saha A . Begaa 0:90 a.m'.. Morning Worship. yet may barely nave begun, ^ e I BottAT*. Batared M Ibi that “ the fire spread by Commu- an u ^ t e SKslentlit and a fine cm - _____ at HaiiOieetcr. Coon.. 9:30 a.nt., MorhlBC Worship. Ssrmen, "BIssssd Ars Thoss Who came from the sea, whore moat r t I C U n Mall Matter. eilsm can only be fought effective­ SOersinOnt of Communiinl. Ser­ Mourn. atlve writer whoee, ficUon la olmi it remains to this day, and Slowly MaSMa at 6, T, 9. 9, 10:19 and ply a backdrop for clear adenttflo ly with fire. mon, "Froodom—for WhatT” U;30 a.m. . 9 p.fti., Ssaior Touth Fallow* conquered the land. SCBSURIPnON RATES ship. iKpoeitlon. Author. pt many att- Parabla tn Ad^Mq^ “I AiMgtee. The United States 3 pjn.. Annual Confersnes Serv­ thenUo and best-selling book* on It Is dl«iiticult it not impossible to Connecticut ice at The Cathedral of the Pines, Ohurrtl at the AaBtfUiptloa Monday, t:19 P Praysr and imagine how life cotdd■ nave origw MANCHESTER O m Tear .... nniat..«emaih strong and firm. But space travel^ Mr. Clarke 'ha* a 8 U M ontlta • •aao •7>78i. Rindge, N.H., with Rev. R«sk Adams St. aadThOmpaen Ed. Discussion Group. Inated save In a liquid- medium. *5;!8 the United States, in order to pre­ wide and admiring audience among Sea water provides not only n6ur- MANCHESTER Vacation Time Tltrte MonCia B9p Yankee . preaching and the church choir Rev. goaeph.jnsrteD, Faator * laymen and experte alike. His yet- One Hontb ...... l.M vail, must also help others toward providing the music. Rev. FNuachi'T. Butler, Aqilstaat S t Manitos’a.CRnreB ishment*but support and protection W e ek ly ...... Rotten aatile outlook on astronautics and from temperature extnm es; liv­ SEAFOOD AUTO PARTS Hovremut a new permanent? Or a new hair style? We the fulfillment of their pwn high­ By A. H. O. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Midweek Ret. Bomard L. MOQnrk, Faster a knack for drsumatle speculation ing' creaturto need It so badly that k K M B E R o r est purposes.” Service. “Echoes from the 7||h Maaaal at 7,9.9,10:16 and 11:80 led him t6 predict U years ago Choice Variety ^ cosmetic needs fdr your vacation, too! _ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS an land onlniala and plants, have 2 70 BROAD Annual MOeUng” > , a.m, many of today’s space achieve­ \ The Aaaodated Prara la exeluETaly Much of the wisdom of this This session of the General As­ Masses'at T, 9:80, 10 and 11:30 cArried the sea with them In their entitled to the use of republication ot speech, which nobody hsf^lm e to ments. In the following article — Alsra^ A f Your Sendee For all news dlanatchea credited to it or sembly saw a new high tide in de­ North Methodist Church St. Bartholomew’s Chnroh a.m. veins and ceUs. Every one of us Quality fifth in-a series by 12 international­ ■UU spends the first nine monUu. of e 31AOHINB SHOP SERVICE not otharwlsa credited tn this paper hear delivered, wSs obviously mands tor wHat the Assembly it­ .900 Parker St. Biiekley School Andltottam ly fambua , apace sclentiete "and e E^UIPBIBNT and also the local news pupllshad hem- aimed, whether in friendlj: criti­ Rev. H. OSgood Bennett, MitadSter Rev. Philip Hosacy, Pastor Belten OongTegatliMat Ghnreh hie existence In a tiny syntheUo ‘ ' All rlfbts ot repobUoalion ot spedai self began calling “ gold key” leg­ planners — Mr. (Barke describes ■ea, swiftly recapitulating the Seafood e PARTS (l«w end rebnll't) dtapatcbes herein are also resarrad. cal fashion we do hot claim to islation'. This became the designa­ Bolton Center. msui’s evolution from the brink of e ACCESSORIES ------9:30 a.m., Family Worship. Sym­ Masses St 8, 9:16 and 10:80 , Rev. Theodore'ChaatUer Jr., whole story of evoluUca. 99 EAST CENTER ST. know, at a certain young man tion for almMt any bUi. in. which the Sea to Gie edge 6f epScs—Dr. e SUPPLIES ^ I ' n Pull sertlca client ot N. E. A. 8 « phonic service with the theme, a.m. Paster Because we taka it for granted, 43 OAK ST. TEL. MI 3-5009 Ic e , In c. __ who,,. ,a."few months ago, entered I. M. Levitt. Editor »d r ^ l a r au­ e Do Popt Paint, Sappllee,/'^^ Publishers Representatives: ~ n » some occupation or trade sought “America, the Beautiful.” Sermon, thor of “Wonders of the Uni­ we seldom realize the fantas’ io TEL. 30 t-9987 OjRa Satordaye U»tU 5 PAL .Julius Mathews Special Aaeney — 'Maw U:e ' White House” with what to gain for itself the statifs of a "Dahgerous Independence” and the St. Bridget’aJRr'CTXIidreh 10 a.m., Mori|ing Wdrship with technical problems that had to be York. . Detroit and Boston. profeuton; with power to restrict verse” .) • solved when life made the .flist [ .3 MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OI seemed to be an unusual endow­ Sacrament o f the Lord’s Supper. Rev. John-AToelaney. Pastor. celebration ot the Sacrament of its own mem b^hip, and with Church - hour care o f pre-school Rev. Stalky E. HastOlo great jump from the sea to thjit CIRCU 1.AT 10N8 . m ent'of poise and style, who sub­ the Lord’s Suppej. “The Lord’s SEA AND SPACE HAVE Complete power to make regulations for the children.' ' - Rev. Deeals R. HaaSey Prayer” will be sung and fnterr EVOLUnONABY UN M alien, h ^ ile element, the « WM HIGH GRADE The Herald Printing Company, Inc., sequently seemed to behave like conduct o f its members which . Aaslstoata land. / It egme und«, the assumes no financial responsibility for prated by the Senior and Rhythip- By Arthur 0. Clarke' GLASS a rookie not quite ready tor the would have the force of state lawr;' ic Choirs. crushing influence of gravity. It typocraphicfj errors appearing In ad Calvary Church ' That space and the Me have faced the scorching rays of the HEATING K n a r f‘ s e For Auto Windshields vertlsemen'.a ’apd other readina matter big leagues, and who is Jtow, by . The high tide in demand for such •fAaaembHea of Ood) Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10 11, in the Movers Offer Full Service PRINTING tn The Manchester Evening Herald. legfislation also met with a new much In common is n o y almost a sun, the freezing gales of winter. ROTARY OR e For Store Fronts and all the obvious signs, trying to set­ 647 E. Middle Tpke. Chapel at 0 and 10 a.m. . Rockville Baptist Church ' cliche; even so, I Av not think FOOD MARKET The Manchester Moving andf high degree of resistance to it, and, f ~ . Yet the challenge was met by PRESSURE BURNERS ail sizes ot windpwe JOB ANP COMMERCIAL Display advertising closing hours: tle himself down and ^ Iv e r oh his Rev. Kenneth L. QsntafMn, SO Union St. many people realize/Uie • closeness Trucking Co. is able to offer long fully trained men are employed, e For Table Tope B o r H o n A y —1 p.m. Priday. the actual result, for the SfeMion as Emanuel Lutheran Church purely biological meuis; from flesh CALL US FOft f r e e ' 540 E. MIDDLE TPKE. PRINTING a whole, was a stalemate which Pastor Rockville ot the parallel. / and blood, structures developed distance moving service to Its kll full time. In oUier words, when Por Tuesday—1 p.m. Monday. own original p rom i^ Hla success O. Henry Anderson, Pastor ' Rev. Wlnthrop W* Farnsworth ES'nMATfeS » PHONE Sn 9-i296 patrons. The company now moves OPEN 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Por WeAesday —1 p.m. Tuesday. left the central issue— that of how It is not merely that both are that could walk on land and even . movers are very busy, no extra Prompt and Efficient Prlntinj F o r T h a rsd a y - 1 p.m. Wednesday. in this endeavoiy^hls- ability to 9:45- a.m., . Sunday School. Arthur K. Oaard, Intern Pastor enormous bey«Mi^maginatlon, and Open Moaday Thra Saturday families anywhere in New England SATURDAY 8 A.M. to NOON far the state may eventually go sustain themselves in the tenuous men are employed ^to fill In. It ...... Ot AS im a e ' • FFor o r FFriA t i A yy—l—1 p.m. ThursAy. stop reacting to everything that Classes for all ag|s. that very similar technical prob­ FOGARTY BROS. i AM . to 9 PJ«. KnarPs Eoses Summer Meal Problem and as ter south as Florida. A new F o r A t u r A y — 1 p).m: .i Friday. in such directions—unresolved. 11 a.m.,-Morning Worship. .The 9 a m.. Divine Worship. Nursery air. takes training to be able to pack Classined______deadlln lin e : 10;30-a.m . each goes on IH the bleachers and. in This stafemate, with its unre­ • a m ., Sunday Church School lems are Inirolved In exploring W e have had to pay jAhlgh price INCORPORATED SUNDAYS, 7 A.3L to 8 PAt. ^ truck has been added to the equip­ perishable things to insure their Rev. John Zanella,' speaker. for Infants. Serrnon by Arthur with lilhsses for all agM, nursery One of the eoudeet viu^ys to make# ment. Whether you move from one J. A. WHITE A v of pubUcatlon except Baturdayr* the dugouts and to get his mind solved question, were formalized them. This to only a superficial re- for that victory, as any doctor COAL, safety. It also takes training to COMMUNITY PRESS • a.m . No evening service. Cart WUl Gaard, "Before and After.” , Solo through adults. semblimce; ''wore are other points summer meals easier is' to depend cooked, It la full of juice, and not street to another In town or to as oh the ball and . keep it there—are in the action which represented the WUI tell you. A whole legion of CONNECTICUT CORE, Specializing in the finest move furniture so that no scratch­ leave in the ^temoon for the serv­ by .Mrs. Eleanor Johnson. 10 a.m.. Morning worship. of similarity that are much more upon Knarf’s Market, 640 JE. Mid­ dried or greasy as some han^bOrg far away as Florida, the same fine, GLASS CO. 9 East Middle Tpke. Saturday, July 1 fioal verdict,of the General Law ices at tjie Southern New -England bodily troubles, from fidlen arches FUEL OIL, RANGE OIL es are made on items. Manchester all Important to this nation and to Committee, which had the task of 8 p.m.. Evening Gospel Hour. importisnt, and iierha]ps more sur-. to postural defects and ■ perhaps cold cuts and meats dle Tpke. Here you win flpd the careful, Interested service is yours. SI Bleeell Slx-'-Tel. Ml 9-7322 Telephone Ml 3-5727 District Camp in Charltod, Mass. Informal service with hymn sing 810 Broad St.—Tel. MI 0-4639. Moving A ' Trucking Co. has the world. Senator Fulbright. we wrestling with most of these li­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church pristog. even heart disease, has arisen to in toum. freshest fruits and vegetables, all All the supplies for a picnic are Another much eppreciated serv­ special cartons and boxes for Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Prayer Serv­ (Mleoouri Sjmod) and message from the Word. Until quite recently, the sea .was also "available — plates, cups, ice Is the storage of furniture* Fulbright On “Style” aiiould say, has contributed' a bit censing propositions. ice in the lower auditorium at the plague us as a direct result of our attractively displayed. • Lusciqus crystal, silver, dishes, each labeled In the end, it formulated an Cooper and High Sts. regarded as a realm of sllmce, and Incessant flght against gravity. cherries,' pineapples, strawberries, plastic forks and spoons and don't Many times when a person is for < content and destination when Senator J. William ^ PMlbright of sound, constructive CAchlng. church. The Rev. John Zanella, Rev. Paul G. Prokopy, Paster First Itatheran Ohuroh so wiu space. This is true only os forget the soda. There are all transferred out of state it takes “One CaU Does It All” omnibus resolution which took all speidter.. It may well be that our poten­ Gall Ml peaches and crisp .lettuce combine^ you use the deluxe service. This ABC APPLIANCE » found no iTellow aenators,.willing to th? licensing matters referred to it Rockville far as our limited human eare are to make a most appealing fruit kinds of soda to choose from and some time to find a house that is Rev. David G. Jaxhetiner, D.D., tial lifespans are shortened by is the service that takes the work DRY CLEANING during the session and in turn re­ 9 AJn., Summer schedule. Divine concerned. We now know that the this continuous batUe; men may FOR REPAIRS, salad. Strawberries are ripe and tbe kids 'certainly go for it. desirable. Instead of staying In listen to a speech he started to Concordia Evangelical Lutheran F a e ^ town, at extra expense, store your and woiry out of moving. REPAIRS How Horse Meat Will Age ferred them,..to the Legislative Worehlp with celebration of Holy ocean is full of noiees, by which its live longer on the moon than they REPLACEMENT "Suburbia bursting with juice, ready to use ^Frank Obremskl, owner of Grea.t pride is taken by Walter and LAUNDERING mahe the other afternoon, and Council, for interim study and re­ Church Communioln. 'Text, I Peter 3: 8-16. myriad' creatures communicate and ON ALL TYPES OF for a shortcake, or over ice cream Knarf's, is very proud of the high furniture with Manchester Moving As might have been expected, Winter and Garden Sta, do on earth, and longer still in the Perrett and his men to move your Branched At: 19 Mopl* St-M i 9-8879 ende^ up by delivering only part port to the next session- o f the Theme, ‘‘Sanctify the Lcrd God 8:30 a.m., Church Service. The find their way m a reiUm of eter­ weightless environment of a for an easy- dessert. Watetrmelons' quality of beef he carries, "^y a A Trucking Co. until a house is se­ American public opinion Is be'^in- Rev. Paul C. Kaioer, Pastor Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Wuellner, as­ nal darkness. cured. Then the company will move furniture without confusion. If you of It and then putting^ It ail In the General Assembly. in Your Hearts.” Nursery in the epace-station. are unusuaUy’sweet this yesx and steakt^rom hete some time’ and tell the movers what room the 601 HARTFORD RU. REPAIRS ON— parish house during church wor­ sociate professor of New Testa­ And space Is at least u noisy, Today" priced quite low. There is nothing yotir furniture out of storage and. CongfeMional Record. Possibly, nlng to avail itself of the nutri­ In recommending suep study, -There is no doubt that the'ab­ THR m a g a z i n e OF you will see for yourself what, a rugs g;o in, they will place them and in hoping for the creation of 7:30 a.m.. Holy Communion: ship. ment etudles at ths Hartford Sem­ though only to the giant metal more rrfreshlng on a hot day than different quality beef can make. Into your new home. . 209 N. 51AXN SX. GRILLS, ELEOTRIO IRONS, if we had been there, Wis also tious propaganda fact that Nikita 8:30 a.m.. Holy Communion, sence of gravity will make possi­ PLEASANT PLACES there for you.. Tell them where you some formula or yardstick which Monday through Friday, (omit­ inary, guest preacher while the "ears” of the radios astronomers. ble not only new industrial and a ;illce of ■watermelon and, for those Order a qut any size, weight or If you wish, you may call TOASTERS, PERCOLATORS, ' would have, been too busy. But Khruahehev, the other day, re­ Church School, and nursery. In the last 20 years we have dis­ A MONTHLY FEATURE OF Walter Perrett, owner of Man­ want the beds and- they will set might guide future General Assem­ ting July 41 Vacation Bible School Rev. Mr. Jiuchelmer Is on vaca: scientific techniques, but new watching their weight, there are thickness Jjfou desire. NEW SYSTEM VACUUM CLEANERS, what we say from our safe dia- portedly urged the Russian people bly action- on such matters, the 10 a.m.. Holy COmmunion and continues. Closing exercises Fri­ tlon; covered that our planet is YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY practically no calories in .a slice of chester Moving 4 Trucking Co. them up for you. They handle nursery for small children. forms of art, sport, recreation, ar­ NEWSPAPER Knarfs Market is open every your furniture os if it were their LAUNDRY HEATERS, FANS, temce Is t^iat It Is the kind of to produce and- -eat more horse General Law Committee Was not day, 6:30 p.m., on church lawn. drenched with radio waves from chitecture, ways of thought anfl ■watermelon. -You will find sweet day, including Sundays, from 7 and tell him that you wish him merely seeking to take heat off its Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Vesper the stars, nebulae and other un­ WOODCOCK and delicious.^Cantaloupe at to take care of all the details of own and they are genuinely in­ DRY CLEANERS SEWING MACHINES speech we have been wanting meat. modes of existence. Yet toeee a.m. to 9 p.m. These hours make terested in seeing that^ moving is own failure to handle specific Service. known celeattal bodies. The uni­ will not be wholly new, for we will iUanrliretrr Knarf’s. Use a 'slice as a first packing your furniture, glassware Main Plant: 44 Harrison SL somebody to m ^ e, and wanting so Since this was In the same Dally, except Tuesday, 9:30 to Center Congregational Church verse is a cacophony of electrical REFRIGERAnON CO. it particularly convenient to shop a palnlesq operation. Phone Sn 9-7753 All work guarantted measures one .way or the other. 11 Center St. merely be regaining that freedom course to your meal or fill it with here smd if you nm out of food, and dishes. Then you can walk out badly we ly ve made some falter­ speech in which he • proclaimed It was also admitting to itself 11:45 a.m.. Vacation Bible school. cracklings and explosions ■- from ice cream for a superlative des­ of the house and leave the rest to Manchester Moving A Trucking Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, W e d d in g from weight which life lost w h ^ lEuriiing ijeraUi don’t worry, because Knarf’s will Oo. offers freight service in addi­ ing effortsto develop some of Us that Russia, in its economy, had that there are two sides to almost Friday, 7:30 p.m., VacaUon Bible detonating suns, colliding galaxies sert. Do stop in and see the won­ the company's wonderful Ttmving school program. Minister v,,^ it left the sea, and which we can have everything you can possibly tion to regular meving service. already passed every nation except every gold key proposal—that the Rev. Laurence J. Vincent, and jets of cosmic gas. now recapture only when we dive, derful display o r fresh fruits anA service. Every article will bg point here, In these columns. urge to givO respectability and re­ A fqw years ago scientists lower­ vegetables. You will get Ideas ga­ want;.. packed carefully,, itemized, and The-company is also an agent for If the speech was good and nec­ the United States, and was now Associate Minister Hay-Carmichael —or while we dream. (And af^ Having a party 7. Knarf’s Mar­ sponsibility to an occupation do.u Ctiurch of the Naiarene ed sr hydrophone two miles into we dreaming then of the past, or lore’for simple and attractive sum- placed In ypur new home without Burnham’s Van Service, with CUNLIFFE DON WILLIS advancing upon us. the touch / The wedding of Miss Mary Camp­ ket, has a pick-up station for L. T. headquarters in Columbus, Ga. essary, it.w as also a Md speech. exist along with the uige to con-. ' 236 Main St. 9:15 a.m.; only, Church Service. Uto^Paclfic deeps, and recorded the of the future 7) e BOOKS OF EVERY meals. a bit of 'work on your part. It trol Its membership or its compe­ bell Carmichael of McDonough, Sounds that it detected. Faint yet Summer is the season for pic­ Wood so that you can get ice any Through Burnham's, Manchester If . was sad because it emphasized about horse meat was doubly wel­ Rev. C. E. Winslow, Minister The Rev. Mr. Vincent preaching. Ga., to David McKechnie. .Hky of The time will come when we DESCRIPTION FOR sounds like a dream—but it is a MOTOR SALES tition — and that therO are In- clear against the roar of distant 250 TOLLAND ST. nics, and Knarf’s has everything time you need it and in any quan­ dream that can come true. This movers offer moving service all EXPERT AUTO BODY and GARAGE the Senator’s impreuion that one come. ' Sermom “ On Being an American Manchester and New HaVen, took sluggish, earth-bound creatures SUMMER READING tity. stancu in which the instinct to ',9:30 a.m.. Church School classes waves and storms were some ex­ will he looked Upon as amphibians to make a success of any picnic. deluxe moving service is noit as over the country. . _ FENDER REPAIRS f o f the things our . conduct In the We have already noted the first protect the public, and a need for Citizen.” Nursery in the kinder­ place at 5:30 yesterday afternoon traordinary nolees—moons anjl EAST HARTFORD The entire line of S e-a b r o o k 18 Main St., Tel. MI 9-4531 for all ages. garten room. ■'—intermediate forms In the lad— e See Our Tremendoua First of all, the market has so costly ^as you. think. In fact, it You will find It pleasant doing world suffers from Is a lack of the editorial taunting Khrushchev the public to be protected, are at the Presbyterian Church in Mc­ shrieks that could have been pr^ many, cold cuts that your choice Farms Frozen Foods and Sweet businees with Manchester Moving ENAMEL and LACQUER 10:30 a.m.. Children’s Church Donough, G a., der of life that stretches from'-the • BU 9-6333 Selection of Paper Backs costs surprisingly little more than with having nothing better to of­ present along with, the desire of duced only by unknown living crea­ is practically unlimited. These go Life canned foods are featured at A Trucking Co. Work is done REFINISHINGS thing called style. ^ And udiat and Nursery. The bride is the- daughter of sea to the stars. regular service. If .you are inter­ Specializing In the would-be profession to protect . Community Baptist ChurCh tures. Power and Hand Tools e Visit the Folly B Shop wonderfully with potato salad or Knarf’s . Patent medicines and swiftly and carefully. Genuine In.- - nmkea that sad Is the fact that, fer his people.. The first com­ 10:45 a.m.. Worship Service. 685 E. Center St. at the Green Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Turner The conquest of the land was, ested, call MI 3-6563 for further REASONABLE PRICES its own livelihood. Message by the pastor. Theme;' “ Li­ There must be such sounds from Painting and Decorating Tooto Gifts for Every Occasion with baked beansi Incidentally, if cosmetics are stocked for your information. terest is taken in seeing that you. 8RAKE SERVICE as the present administration was mentator has used the horse meat John R. Neubert, Minister Carmichael of McDonough, Ga. the stars. One day—perhaps a hun of course, essential for the devel­ Garden and Land Tools convenience. FREE ESTIMATES What the General Law Commit­ berty.'” opment of intelligence and tech­ you have to pack lunches'each day; You are certain of a fine moving the customer, are pleased—and getting ready to take office, and tag, and it could be that this is 6 p.m., Youth Seiwlce. T ^ bridegroom is the son of Dr. dred years from now—we shall Baby, Household, Party MANCHESTER While doing your shopping at tee was praying for. In its delega­ -and Mrs. Donald Gordon Hay, 240 nology; for both o f these the sea you will find the wide assortment job when your choice is Manches­ you will be, once you have used its RT. 80—WAPPING, CONN. '^delivering its Inaugural Address, something Khftishchev becomes 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service. 9:30 a.m., Morning Worship with pick out from the clamor of the and Banquet Needs Knarf’s Market, tefnemtier that services. FroAt End Alignment tion of the. subject to the Legisla­ Ordinance of Communion. Sermon, Hollister St. is a dead end. Without fire, tnd of cold cuts a real help In varying ter Moving A Trucking Co. Only AT THE DUCO SIGN famous for—as famous as the “ We tive Council, was some formula by Message by the pastor. -. • ■ universe the voices ot our neigh, Invalid Needs you can pick up beer already It was thrilling just about every' “The Staff of U fe." Sunday . The Rey. John A. Hayes, per­ later electricity, there is no' possi­ BOOKSHOP the sand-wlohes you make. Per­ TEU an 4-1223 which it might, in future sessions, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Prayer hors, ..acrofs the deep* of space. haps you are planning a picnic in chilled. The market also has nuts, ' General Repair y / o t k 'body with what seemed a rare will bury you” remark which, de-* Church School for children, cradle formed the double ring ceremony. The search has already begun) bility of ■ scientific progress. ANDREWS^LDG. determine when the public interest anij Praise Service. the back yeard or in one of the pretzels and crackers of all kinds promise of Just that t ^ g —style Uvered within the context of eco­ roll through guade 3. Church decorations were magnolia sooner or later it will succeed. Though one can imagine a purely 97 E. Center Sfc—Ml 3-1038 Bolton coincided sufficiently with the spe leaves and white candles. submarine culture (the porpoises PARKING IN REAR roadside rest areas. In that case, to go with the beer. —In our world conduct. ■ nomic competition, has since been cial interest to, merit positive ac­ . South Methodist Church We have now learned—and this CAMPING Do try shopping at Knarf’s The bride, given In marriage by is'another great surprise that may yet develop one) It would be nothing would taste better than . But before anybody thinks we to frighten little children in tion. Rev. LaWrenoe.F. Almond her father. Wore a gown, ot white trapped forever In the Stone Age. haunburgs and hot dogs broiled Market. You will enjoy' buying We suspect that no'luch sure­ Rev. Percy M. Spurrier space is far from empty, A| the EQUIPMENT quality merchandise at down-to- MANCHESTER TOURAINE are talking about somebody’s hair­ this country. peau de sole with insets of (Jhan- sea contains all possible elements, Higher civillzatlohs can arise over a charcoal fire. The hamburg Beat fire formula will be devised, and Ministers Ar^ Churches from K narf’s Is so good that when earth prices. School do, we had better let Senator Ful­ We submit that nobody can stop that, after this 1961 stalemate, the tilly .- lace, - empire bodice and so does space, though in forms so only on land, and perhaps the h i p ­ Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, CUSTOM MADE chapel train. She wore a crown of est of all can evolve only in space. MEMORIAL CO. bright say what kind of style he the horse meat label, now it Is be­ state licensing system will begin 9 and 10:45 a.m„ Morning Wor­ rarefied' that it takes special, in­ Air Mattresses, Stoves, Opposite Eae^ Cemetery PAINTS seed pearls with fingertip veil of struments to detect them. As fire and electricity would he im­ CANVAS AWNINGS wab talking about ginning to catch on. If Khrush­ to grow again, with many set­ ship. Meditation, “A Built-in Need St. Bernard’s Church Lanterns backs, but with occasional break­ 27 St. Bernard’s Ten, Rockville silk illusion. Her bouquet consist­ In each case the commonest ele possible and indeed inconceivable to In 2nd •=343 For Best Results We have good basic policies, the chev should ever come to this For God,” by the Rev. Dr. Harqld ed of white roses and lilies of the the creatures ot the sea, so there South Windsor JKadio Today throughs, as in the past. Once a Metzner of .Park Ave. M'etljodist Rev. Patrick J. MBhbney, Fester ment is the same—hydrogen, build­ ^ MANCHESTER Quality Memoriolf Senator said, in spite of the fact country again, horse meat-would be breakthrough has been achieved, it valley. ing block of the universe. Out of must be still more subtle forces Church, New York City, Baby waiting for our discovery and, ex­ Over 90 Yean Experience that we occAsionally lapse from otie of the things which would ap­ is never eliminated, and proceeds, nursery In tow6r and church school Masses at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 Miss Carol Carmichael of Mc­ every hundred atoms in sea water, SURPLUS SALES CO. In a vote of 489-343, B oltonf League will play the Bolton Jarvis Donough, Ga. was her sister’s about 66 are hydrogen; the propor­ ploitation when we become crea­ ' WDBO—IIM them. But such good policies are pear on the placanto against him. over the years, to strengthen and for nursery at Susannah Wesley a.m, „ 169 N. 3IAIN ST. 1:00 A. J. at Midday voters yesterday defeated a pro­ team at the Bolton echool diamond PAUL'S maid of honor. Miss Jean Hay of tion is higher still in space--95 out tures of space. ' • Pupils Listed tomorrow -sA 1 p.m. No Atoierican orator on the glories widen itself. The long-range trend Hall during 10:45 service only. Sacred Heart Church at Depot Square 3:06 Jerry Bishop SnoS . likely to succeed only if. we pur­ Manchester was a 'nridesmaid. of a hundred. When we look out at the stars •- S:06 Art Johnson Show posal to authorize the Public Build­ CoH Ml 9-5807 PAINT SUPPLY of the American way of life will is in one direction. Beginning Wednesday and daily Rt. SO, Vernon Open Daily to 9:00 P.M. 8:05 Raynor Bhines In the Bolton Junior Baaeball sue them with consistency, bal- With the legislative mood stiff­ Rev. Ralph Kelly, Pastor Both attendants wore white or­ There are storms .in space;as with these thoughts in mind, w# ing Commission to secure prelimin­ League, M and M Oil team defeat­ 645 Main Street through JiUy'14, 9 to ll;J 0 a.m., J. FARR—MI 8-7111 ^ On Honor Roll 13:06 Raynor Shin8t ,1. - anM, and poise of our own. neglect the opportimlty to point ening from session to session, we Vacation-Church School. ganza dresses with embroidered there w-e on the eea, and they may can see Earth's present tribal con­ 1:00 Newa, Blipioff ary plans for a junior high school. ed Sheridan Oil laet night in a A. AIMETTl, Prop. out the horse meat alternative. may never reach the ultimate des­ bands of pink rosebuds, and car­ be far deadlier. From time to time flicts in their true perapectiye. To­ . W TIC— 1680 Harrison S t, Manchester Tel. MI 9-0300 “Cuba, Laos, the Soviet cosmo- Masses at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. 1:00 Uohltor A total of 861, voters or 56 per cent tight game, 1-0. Steve Hinds tination of that long-range trend. ried nosegays of roses. the sun blasts out streams of day they are all-important, b'ut the Students named to the Ells­ pitched a one-hit game for.M and . nout," said Senator Ftilbright, We may come to the moment our-, gSeend Cougregatlonal Church charged particles which go hurtling time'will come when men will re­ 1;J0 Home Decorator of those eligible, turned out to vote _ .But one can, if one wishes, Dr. John Hay of Northampton, NOW 2 FAIRWAYS worth Memorial High 'School Hon­ U30 Saturday Matinee Mi Barry Sheriden got the only “none of these by itself is a threat selves when, finding ourselves at .385 N. Main St St. Fnuicis of Assist Chnrch pMt the ..planets like a wind be member them, if at all, only for the 1:46 Grandstand Bandstand on the three questions, which were imagine what the. eventual result l^lBlSter, Rev. Felix M. Davis South Windsor — Mass., was his brother's best man. SEE US FOR: or Roll for final grades include; hit in the game front Hinds. Jeff to our national security, or to the a loss for a proper pundh line, we would be If the gold kty rush Ushers were the Rev. Oiarles tween the, worlds. These “ solarj ironic reason that they forged the f« bring you X 3:00 Cleveland at Boaton identical to those voted on. at the Associate Minister 'Rev. James F. Glynn, Pastor plasmas” ihay prove more of 'a tools for the ‘conquest of space. e Alumbmin Roll Up Awnings Spe'eial Honors: Lillie 6:30 Special Report Feb, 20 referendum -when they Maxwell caught for M and M. For long-term sudeess of our poUciA. drag in the horse meat angle. ■' . should ever be placed wide-open.; Shank of Milford, Conn., and Rob­ 6:20 Strictly Sports Sheridan Oil, Bob Hutchinson WATKINS-WEST Fo r The Best In Mrs. Richard H. PInney Rev. Raymond B. Yaskauskaa hazard to space travelers than thel (Dr. Levitt’s regular column ap­ Voriefy At Its Best! e Venetian Blinds Nancy Ellison, Peter Kenny, Kath­ .6:30 Dominion Day were 29 votes lost during the vot­ ',‘But by exaggerating their sig- Before all this comes to pass, Everybody in the state of Connefct- Assistant Pastor ert Walton of Belvldere, N.J. a Storm Doors pitched and Dave . Southerlin much over-'ratod meteors pears next -week. In two weeks: leen Kingsley, 'Virginia Bolatrldge, 7.30 Monitor - ing process. however, it might be appropriate 'icut would have to have, A license 9:30 a.m.. Morning Worship. Ser­ A reception took place at the Next to Popular-Market SComblnaHon Windows 10.30 Jazs caught. FUNERAL • niflcance and reacting to them in­ of one kind or another in order to The most slgnlficsuit link be­ Brig. Gen.“ Benjamin G. Holzman, 11:16 Sports Final The results on the other two WOrtK CLOTHES mon, “ The Life in the Spirit.” Masses at 7. 8, 8:15, 9, 9:10, home of the bride’s Uncle and aunt. tween Sea and Space, however, is Open Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. till 9 Edward Brunner, Carol Carter, On Monday, Bolton Dairy 'will judiciously, we disfigure our na­ to take one last look at the beit earn a living, and Would have to Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Carmichael USAF, describes the engineering Manchester Awning Co. Elizabeth Coffey,. Harold ' Cum­ 11:30 Btarlight Serenada' questions were: Question 2, on rrs Nursery for children during wor­ 10:15, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. an evolutionary one; they repre­ feats in nature that mart ^ k s to e World Oreeh Stamps e 1:00 Slan-olf play M and M Oil at thfe dairy field. SERVICE tional style and undermine our account we have been able to. find abide by th§ -riiles of the ^ ild to in McDonough, Ga. after the 6ere- 195 WEST CENTER ST. mings, Kathryn Dlmlow, Marilyn W H A Y -9 1 0 transferring 35,000 from the re­ ship service. sent two stages of a process that copy in his race -to the stars.) serve fund for use by the Public At a meeting of the Bolton policies.’’ of Khrushchev’s actual discussion which ho belonged while he was mony. After a..- wedding trip to Telephone MI 9-3091 \ Dzen, Bertram Higgins, Jack ItOO'L’Iub 91 United Methodist Church of Bolton Established 1940 \ 4:00 .Sound Stare Building Commlssfon, yes, 336;ino, Property Owners Association ORMAND J. WEST of horse meat. It was in last Sun­ earning that living. This would be Rt. 44A and South Bd. <3ape Cod. the couple will live i t Mewer, Patricia PrestUeo, Judy As such injudicious reaction, the the ultimate end result of a trend The Salvation Army 86 Sheffield Ave., New Haven, 7:30 Saturday N'lebt Dance Parly 476; question 3, to authorize the Thursday night, members made Morry's day’s New York Times, as a Reu­ Rbv. Carlton T. Daley, Minister RSman, Michele Stewart, John 8;00.,Nlght Flight ^ plans "for the campaign to be fol­ Senator cited the demands o f some which has already corhe rather far M l Main St. after July 17. 12 no Now'S sign ofl 'Board of Education to apply for Director FAIRWAY Creagan.aEileen Doocy, Laurenefe lowed for the referendum yester­ ters despatch, and the quotation in Connecticut. But even while we Maj. E. Walter Lamle, •Itate aid for building, yes., 336; no, ^Americans that we make up for 10 a.m.. Morning worship. Ser­ Mrs. Hay Is a graduate of Rarkowski. Ed Dta, Cynthia* Sleep­ W P O P — 1410 MEN'S STORE from Khrushchev on.hofse meat picture this extreme result, we ’ Offlcen-ln-Charge Georgia State College for Women, Slain Street, KUnchester 1:00 News 469. ■ , day. Headquarters for the BPOA 142 E. CENTER ST. ' ' Aueh blows by snap judgment com­ mon. "At- the Door jsf the Church” er, Joyce Wehren,’ Susan Zagorski. 1:10 Lou Terri 747 MAIN STREET once again find two sides involved. Mllledgevllle, Ga. Mr. Hay received e Open Hmre..and Frl. TlU .B. e. Both those for ahd those against was at Mortimer Harlow’s home mitments elsewhere. went as follows; Nursery. ^ High Honors: Kathleen Colbert, 2:00 Conn Ballroom at Bolton Center. It was reported Alancheater’e Oldest On the one hand, this would be a; 9:30 a.m., Sunday School for all his B. B. degree, summa cum iaude, 6:00 Newa Weather the Board of Education proposal Next to Entrance to State To the contrary, said the Sena­ Dorothy Daley, Maureen Dimlow, 6;16 Conn Ballroom at the meeting that of 32 petitions “Oomrados. you must look at dispersal, by the state, of its own ages. ' , . St. Johnfs Episcopal Church from Duke University, Durham, to build a junior high school on With Finest Factlitlee 'Theater * . iaWnj.aking power to a long list o f Judy Gardiner. Alfred Hopkins, 7:00 Bob Scott Brandy St. worked actively before made out requesting that the vote tor, “henceforth we mtuit endow horse breeding qs a factor in the 11 a.m,. Holiness Meeting. Mu- Rockville ' J N. C. He is a member of Phi Beta Basil Karmazyn, Leslie Manning, 7:30 Newa. Weather private groups, and it would seem OPEN ALL DAY 9;00 Ray Somers the referendum to get out the vote. on the school be by referendum,' our actions witl^,^ greater wtsddni, production of meat. There is no iSic by .the band and a ypcal solo Rev. James L." Grant, Rector Kappa. He received a bachelor of 'to closS down on the ideals of pri­ 5,000 AUTO BODY Joan Mikolite, Beverly Nsudzus, 11:00 News all were returned with about 527 . Judgment and consistency t h ^ need, I tlilnk, to repeat that horse by Mrs. Robert Mear on a little too much fat in it. True, music by the band. Message by Randazzo, Karen Slusarz, Helen 2:16 Showcaae ol Mualc feat, of the plan'which they felt S P A G H E m ...''Events that bften develop vl-lth be­ I may hqye been mistaken as* I potential core for the supposed Maj.- E. Walter Lami'e. FEATURING A COMPLETE LINE OF:— 2:30 Mutual Newa Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ e Custom Furniture modern lack of dignity and mean­ 8:30 a.m.. Holy Communion and Thomas, Paul Watson, Peter 2:36 l.,ocal Newt and Showcass provided best for the minimum wildering speed. w’as judging.the fat content by the morning'' worship. Sermon by the Zamuka, Thomas Burke, Beverly 3:05 News needs of the children of town.' ton eorreepondent, Grace McDer­ Slip Coven and Draperies RAVIOLI ing, and the resultant'psychologi­ First Church of Christ Sclen^st, WRirlpool Walkers, • NATIVE FRESH FRUITS and VEGCTABLES VICHI'S 3:10. Showcaae ol MualC Much Interest ja being shown In mott telephone Mltrtuill 9-6566. Made to Onler _ *The answer, of course, is poll- look of it; > [ cal discontent, in the,process of pastor. Delnicki, Jeih Ellis, Judith Fischer, 3:30 Mutual News - ■ Masonic Temple • FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS PACKAGE STORE Ronald Gobble, Robert Hurd, Bon­ 3:35 Ix>cai News and: Showcast party caucuses to i be held in 10 Complete SelMtion of filatorimle, ’ OPEN DAILY We must develop Mlicies “Anyway let's speak: in earnest; earning a living. Wed,, 7:30 p.m.. Policy meet­ ing between Windsorvllle and Ver­ I Drytrs 20 BISSEIX ST. nie Jbnes, Kathryn K.oatek, 4:05 News ' dayd at which neW members will 7:30 A.M. 11:00 P,M. .. against which we can properly Horse m o^ is a nut^tious, tasty • RREADt CO LD CUTS, SOFT DMN4(S 4:10 Showcase of Music " FREE ES'TIMATES 11 a.m., Sunday Serylee, Sun­ non Churches a.t the paraenage. Dorothy Kupchunos, Judy Longo, 4:30 Mutual News . be selected for the Board of Edu­ SUNDAYS day School and Nursery.' I P d C M 09 Lr W, • PLENTY OF WATERMELONS Report Favorable evaluate our'initiatlves' and pur re­ and cheap product. 'There are Jeffrey Mannnlg, Gloria Miller, 4:36 Local Newt and Sbowcasa cation. 203 N. Main St., Manchester •.% “ 4 P.M. to 10-..30 P.M. 8 p.m., Wednesday meeting. i Merrilyn Niederwerfer, Ralph 6:06 News 50 9-6324 -i sponses to critical events.'^ VV.e ;fnany people in this republic and A Thought fof Todiay„ TalcottviUe Coiig. Chpreh .. SfrviM„Thof> lot 6:10 CBS—Calling American. Selectmen appointed ..Rayinond CLOSED MONDAYS Reading room hours at 749 Main Onl'SewageTlant must also develop style. elsewhere who are used to eating Sponsored by the MOnchesfer Rev. Robert K-. Shlmoda,' |lrllnletor MODERN Russo, George Ryan Karen 6:30 Mutual Sports - Cooper as' moderate of the ref­ St., ‘ 'Tuesday, Friday. Saturday, 276 OAKLAND ST. Schweir, _Wllllam Sturdevant. .p., ■ 6:36 Local Newa and Showcase erendum zincis' James Hassett, “It Is style—our performance as thfs kind Of meat. In fact, they Council ot Cbnrchea i' 11 a.m., to 4 p.m.;. Thursday 11 5:60 Spdrta Special The chlorination process at the 10:45 a.m., Nursery opens. P o tte rtp n ' -Jr W ^ MANCHESTER T V SERVICE - Honors :.7-Thoma8 Coffey, Nola 6:00 CBS News elected at the town meeting, was a nation and a gireat power--that like it. Let them eat it to their a.m. to 9 p.m. 11 a.m., Worship seiylce will Collins, Peter Hawkins, Kirby 6:10 CBS—The Sound Story unable to be present. " Manchester a a a g e treatment ■ ’’God” will be the subject of the 190 Center St.—Uor. Chnlrcli 40^ CENlTEB ST. 6:16 Showcase'Of Music ColUhsvUle Teem Here dStermlnA the-credibility of- our hearts’ conteqfe— • In- Hebrews 10:25 we read, ‘^At celebrate Holy Communion. Mr. Holcombe, Janet Lane, Sharon plant on Olcott St. is working well,- lesson-tsermon. ,- Corner of Oiiswold St. 6:30 Mutual Newa The. Collinsville team of the Berube's Ostrinsky i policies. In the present atiiiggle, ,, “Of course, this Is a question of us Uo.t hold alqpf from our church DUC0.andDULUXRfflNisHIN6 Simpson,': Bruce BralthwaJte, Bar­ 6:36 Local News and Showcast TYPEWRITER SERVICE ' The Golden Text-Is from Deut. 7:00 CBS News Farmington Valley Baseball according tq.a report eubmitte^ to style is as important as power.” , one's personal taste. -TTiose who meeting as some do”. bara GasekI, Patricia Krawskl, 479 Middle Tpke. E. 3; 24, . ■ . TRL. 5n.Jl-2205 , WiUlam Rbhlin, William Roman, 7:10 Mitch Miller General Manager Richard Martin Since World War II, he said, our This is an admonition which we 166 MIDDLE TURNPIKE^ WEST 7-:6S CBS'News and Sports fifanchester DEALER IN W ASTE do not like It will not eat it. Scriptural selections will include Edna Ryan, Constsince Starr, Lin-, 8:06 Showcase and News by the State Bureau of Sanitary f;. • * ' ‘ poUcy, though it may have seemed “ But as ■ there are' people who do well to heed. There, is a help in Ps. Il0:33. I M OTOROLA ■ 1 MANCHESTER da Dinse, Virginia Doocy, Jane 10:00 Dance Remote Hseer muu 11:00 Mutual News Engineering. HEBI'ILT TYPEWRITERS Correlative passages from '“ Sci­ Griffin, Ehane Heritage, Pamela u d ear to us, has been "blurred, in delight In eating horse meat I attending a service of divine wor­ ' ,. rr:06iM usic BeVond tpe Stars. h ea lth capsules A periodic check \yas. made re*- ROYALS, WDERWOODS, MATERIALS and IRON ship which can be had in no other ence artd Health.wi.th Key to fha W E ^ ILLB E 1 SALES and SERVICE ■ Mancheatw Holcombe, Marie Kuehn, Patrick 12:06 News ‘ cently .of the primary treatment L. C. SSn'THS. Etc. Uie view of others by our diplomat­ must A ll on'you to Increase its 13:16 Blgnofl Michael A Petti, M.l). ■ a Way— there are advantages and Scriptures,” by Mary Bak*r Eddy, MERRILL’S MARKET McLaughlin, Walter Pasay, Peter — f ------plant;'.;""" ...... ' ic performance.” » production. include page 227: 14-10. We servloe all makes of TV, ^ - - pli We Handle Stationery Along benefits in publlQ; wwrshlp Which Mitchell 3^7043 Poulos, Evelyn Sheteneky, Josep parts are In good-order for We': will oot buy any newspaper ' - H* listed' as “lapses”, in our be­ "I am saying this also because can be ralized In no other manner. 84 OAKUM ST. ' Radio add Phonographs Swift, Clinton' Adams, Susan WHAT ATTRACTS With Office Machine Supplies during the month of July. St. Mary'sirsr't EpiaIpiscopal Church Deaths Ldst Niffht any repairs which might be need­ Your Mail List At Desired havior oiir former; attitude toward there) are iriany herdsmen in .this So out of all the htfun God gives CLOSED ALL DAY iCrandall, Stephen Dawson, Wayne SHARKS 1 ed, for the evaporator, the report the neutralist ha^pns, the "im­ hall. I do not want them to think you during each week, dedicate - Churchurch luid' Park Sts. iDeming, Carol-Jean Filip, Cath- Rev.. R om u L. 1 Harding By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said. Residual records are also . A. J. BERUBE, Prop. 781 PARKER ST. petuous” al|lth(l|aviral o f-a id for that'old Khrushchev has changed one to Him—not only, because Itlls ierine Froet, Patricia., GullbfauH, good. His day, set apart for worship, but Priestiln-iCluirge OPEN SUMDIlYS " Emily LaVaaseur; Wendy Noor- Wilton—July 11' (JFi — George MI 9-3477—5U 3-6342 'Tel. MI 3-5735 or 5U 8-5979 B gypfs AsWan|Dam project, tlw his opinion about horse-meat and because it will help you in the dendorp, David Scribner, Suzy Martin'van Slyke, 81, retired poll tical editor of tl^ old^New York Slogan b ln n With “msasive pmltted the subject in his speecl^” week ahead .of-you. 7:30 a.m.. Holy Commti'fiion. tauback, Walter Strong, Sandra Sun, died yesterday In^'i nursing Trains Sole, Link talistion” and ths- recent invaslt^' There are obviously touches and T' . Submitted by 10 a.m.. Family Service. Holy .(iison, John-Woodcock. whew n*« i Rei4 K. Ejnar Rask Communion with sermon j by - the a.m; o - - to p.in. and TUESDAY, JU L Y 4 t Garden Club Elects home. VanI Slyke, who was a poll Of Cuba. ] -referiences in these, remarks which 1 12:30 2:30 6 tical correspondent for the New Waahington — The World Bank Rev. Mr.' Harding. Nursery at 41 j ;■ ■ jThe Avery ..Heights Garden has made a 32,OOOjOOO loan to ' It-should be our “style,” .he said,, made sense to Khrushchev and his -Park St. Younger children .will be CAib has elected Mrs. William York Herald' before. Joining the to he shre that we behave better audience, but which are not ex­ so THAT'WE MAY ALL Sun,'retired in 1950. Thallahd for railway moderniza­ dismissed from this service into the Myahrall, president; Mrs. , Rich­ tion. The li^ai railroad, txdth 2,175 ' than w.e think the Soviet. Union is plained to^ us,' notably his joke 44 Tax Liens i care of yolun-teers. \ OPEN /ULY 4th, 0 JUN. to 1 You nimo the job. . wo hivo Jutt the rijlM Du Pont ard. Barrell, first vice ' president; New York—Fred Keating, 60. , Dirily,' 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer in HAVE A l^NG HOLIDAY WEEKEND film and liaudeville msgician route miles, is the only year-round behaviiig. about being a Kazakh and ^is ref­ Point for It... in cokw to mikh enyth«|l Hovo s Mrs. Richard Dolan, second vice, means of interregional transpor­ the Memorial. Chapel of the Na­ question on color?. . . whit 0) uot?.. . how to do HT who billed himself as “ The May But, he said, “it is suggested erence to the herdsihen present.' Placed by Town president; \Mrs. Robert Hale, sec­ tation in the country. . tivity. ; 1 — . CALL US for expert help on your next piintini job. retary; Mni. Edward i Zak, treas­ fair Mountebank,” .died In a hos with somie frequency that United We Would say, however, bn the FRESH MEATS--OOLD cuts pltal Thursday Forty-four Hens w re recorded THiesday, 8 jt-iu-, Holy Commu­ BnjQy The Holiday urer; Mrs. Richard Haggett, his­ • I Ml a-6563 States pdiclej would be flnproved basis of these remarks, ’^ a t nion. . ■ ' Detroit, 111.—Earl C. Smith, 75 M'AR ON LITXERBUOS eF A O K IItal in th e town clerk’s office yerter- torian; and Mrs. William Jones,' former national first vice presideht Hartford, July 1 (JP) — Connecti­ an infusion o f the mors mis- Khhishchev was indeed talking up . Wednesday, 10 a.m., Hely Cejn- nbmiiiSUng committee chairman. ACCORDIHG TO A RECWT * i dajr afternMU at 5 o’clock against union in the Memorial Chapel of FRESH FRUITS -VESETABLES of tl)6 American Farm Bureau REPORT, A LIGHT-SK(NHEI> cut, driven will be given g little tsctlA omployed by the hoTM meat. .Put, If so, he AtTeaat 1 ' Drive Carefully ! Membership in ths club la open <5weei*a'dc, property ownars wlio had no^ paid e Nativity. 723 MAIN 8T„ {MANCHESTER PHON® Ml M501 Federatlpn; died yesterday -1'; PERSON WEARING A PARK prodding to remind, them not Jo that with some sp- d e s ^ u credit for employing a re-i to ail residents of South Windsor. throw litter on the highways, John the taxes due on the propertjt *^67 CI^SiD WfDNiSOAY AT NOON Por further information call Mrs7> SWIM> SUIT HAS THE fiSostlon ws could b ^ t the Com- markably ^ f t sell, v- owned O ct 1, 1060. . • t John’s Polish Nalloaal RtiY T H rP A IN T THAT’S WORTH THE Wtft^K OEOBGE F. THOMIEN .! "^1 GREATEST CHANCE OF ' J. -Tynan, commissioner o f motor David Lyon, SO Spruce LSne. vehicles, said yesterday that am«a- .j pwnilsts « t their own giztis. I He Will BO such eredit, and Paul Cervlnl, couector of.) rev­ .CathoUo Oliureh DcCORMIER MOTOItS > (Greenwich; July 1(F),— Funeral . BEING ATTACKED, ESt^CtALLV CAU AiOUT 04IR DOIVnUIS eervlcee were held today for George sage from Goy, John N. Dempsey ^ *^nOs, I think, totally m i«es ttis the-fart that be may ^have got enue, directed that the -liens be '' 19 GolWagr St. Manohretor Eyeolag KeP'ald IF SHET SWIMMING ALONE. recoded. Tile total amount \ of Walter A. Hyaako, Pastor 286 BROAD STREET* ^ F. Thomsen,, former chief of the polntlng;put that It costa the state MoiM*i|ter IliBno l cbucklais In Rulaia vrlU net alter South Windsor eorreepondent. 1 ’^ ^ »»**’**■.■» — ** ISOOtOOO annually to clear away fast Is that our freot- taxes involved In tfae 44 la . ' ------. .. • c ■ A m a Y . O wimY. r ( € » . PAINTS C6s Cob Fire Department ’Thoni- Lo o m Kada, , telephoue, KItohaill yttw will be mailed out with every ■ l i t jptTsiis^ Indssil pgr greatsst wbat ha gets outsida Russia. Tou ibe,2«0.71. 0 Msssos at 9:80 and .J0:80 a.m. ■m, 48, died yesterday Ih Green- 4>nMk. ' ■ ■f vHcH hbspltal. 9baitaae!iSwteele

.;.v 1

ttA O lS E I BIANCHESTER EVEN^G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1961 , IfANCHlSTBR EVENING HERALD,'MANCHE8TEB, CONN, SATURDA^ JULY 1,1961 # A G B SEVEN ..— ^—:— ------,, , ....------^------fcii;,...... — ...... -,r?' I BUGQS BUNNY OUR BOAlUHN^aoUSB with MAJOR ROOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ^ it t ONLV IWC) • r TMOVK 7?VWJ f > ENP 0* TH' 1 ' The r uAuui’v?!^! r 1 1 m B a h a m os / Herald Ang^ AOOSS^ 4Wei|bt et India Bf Earl YOST 3 Italian atream Sets AL Mark of Um BMinu OEmplOTen OeolU isM^iuA oMiojiar » ‘Pal Joey*^ "l^pmes Back 71t,l«.a wlntw 7Shaipeni a — ma raior anew iflMlMli fa Vdmmmr, a. For SoutkpaM’8 IlS Compound 8 Iroouolan U 4 fYUMo,. Mporto lio wM •then • MalcuUne rtaf MoMrfaOla roewtly m th^ To flaunt Milwaukee 'IdExpunfcr nickname SwlMrAlpo. A . »««U MMteaot^ ^ith l^h Win ISETorlotUnf 10 Larse hawk HtiUard for yMura eiHWeetred JIiw llBentaanew INTERNA'nONAI, UfiAOVK 12 Woody plant! boiofaqi teaiM weArinlr tho col­ MMoto on oT the jWiiiBdMli^r OrgMi wltJi New [rk, July 1 the Milwsukde Brgwi figured Standings New York, July 1 (/P)—Thfi ;17 Major (mualc) 10 Point a weapon w. Pet. 22 Breathed noi^ 34 Entice 42 Riba, for a home Arid oft wkikof St. . . they’d heir fill of Joey . Jay. when they . ewaBped ... him to AMERICAN LEAGUll way thirfgs are shaping -uh,. .Utfaranfuo . in aleep soundman initanoo Jtm (Dodgw) Dowd, toranr local Norman’a ...... 10 1.000 'xoSeotttrti. SSranchman't 44 Appears Cincimlgti, they must be up to here with the bii^y/young right- Paganl’a ...... s .867 W. L. Pet. GJB. the only thing Whitey Ford ■bo^old 24 Writing athlete and now rellrad and re­ .649 BY V. T. HAIVlUN Implement delicacy 48 Musical terai -Kmider'ilow. ^oey had only a 24-24 record forjsevfn years IntW^era , 4 .444 Detroit ...... '..46 has to worry about kn rout# |ai VtmMe talnta 88 Usher 47Blnrahomo el ding fa Vetw Beach, Fla., visited with Jdilwsukee, and he never won» ' - — y i - : “New York ....$6 .626 28 Cicatrix Anaaldi’s ...... 2 .222 to his first 20-victory season I (ab.) 28 Brad 39Medicinal ben MSetama fiiende In Mnaoheitef ttils Week, more than nine to any. one season in . Aceto A Sylvester .. ,2 Cleveland . . . .48 .666 llSComttaty tiUa 30 One who dOHUItary 82Huaieal Dowd, a find golfer, reported hne plsck- Pirates, _ , .200 .6SS MfbfOTttai dlrarthm before last winter’s deal. ^ Wratea, wwntog to a Baltimore •.'..40 8 his own arm, not enemy of Me steady parinlire during the But the Reds’ Pal Joey became a row for ths first time .to xn®** Boston ...... 88 .514 bata. Th* ahtubby little semth- SSBamKiea than s month, came from .behind Scoring runs In every Inning' but 27Colnafo winter eeswon was Billy Hetman, 10-game winner and VeatsUilwau- the third, undefestM- Norman's Chicago ...... 88 .507 paw, nagged by arm trouble to* l29SouUi ^ . former Natioiial tMgue second kee a second time last nignt, pair­ to the ninth entost ths tllsats on trounced Aceto'A Sylvester, 18^1 Washington ..S3 .440 past couple of yeara, has breezed I American baeemsB nnd now a coaieh with the ing with reliever Bill Henry fOr *n an error by WlUe MeCovoy and s last night at Verplanck Field. It "laneae City ..29 .408 so far wjille working and Winning I wood aorrel two-out singls by Bill mmbbb .392 31 God of flocka nr Boston Red Sox . . Render aake for l i ^ t ahutdut as Ciactonatl shook was the 10th straight triumph for Minnesota . . . .29 oh a regular four-day rotation i32 Operated ^Jack Dempoey’e age: Answer, 66. a riump and cooldd ott the Bravef, two-run, 'two-bUt; singls by BUI the league leeden and gives them Los Angeles . .28 .378 that has kept the New York Yan­ iSSTbw (Utln) The former world’s heaTywelght Virdon. Roberto Clemente drove to a three and a half game edge, in .Friday’s Results kees in contention in the Ameri­ SdRoIiietaiit ehampton'waa bcm June 24, ises Mlwaukee wgs the hottest dub the first two Buc runs off loser the atandinga. Detroit 6, Bdtimore 6 (12). can League; . . , ' - |37Speech . . Honor of throwing bnt the Aret in the Nstiongl League, winning Mike McComUck (7-7) ydth a I Impediment BUI HUinskl hurled a dazzling New York- 6, Washington 1. Whitey put away his,i4tli vic­ 140 Clothed ball at the AltStar basebaU game eight of 10, before Ctoetonstl came triple ,snd s homer. Elroy Face two hitter as he fanned nine bat- Clov^and 10, Boston 2, tory, top total in the majors,; by Idl^dgry Monday, July SI at Fmway Park to town for s four-game aeriSs. But (4-3). was ths winnsr to relief, tera and walked but two for his ' Minnesota 8, Kansas City 2. - winning his eighth in a row, all in ition wlU be iiven to Ted WUDaana, for­ the first place Reds, after losing after giving up the Olsnts’ go- fifth win of the summer. HUinskl Los AngelM 10, Chicago S. consecutive xtarts, with a five- idSDiega mer Red Sox great, now a oon- three to s row at Chfcago, bounced shead run to the top of the ninth. had retired the first 14 batters to i45Mom(din dyea Today’s Games - hitter last night as the Yankeez Bultent and pwllo relailons rep­ bgOk to form and retained s 2H- WUUe Mays douhlad and scored row befo|:e Tom Hassett broke Detroit (Brace 1-0) at Baltimore whipped Washington, 5-1. 48 Fruit tainfe lead with their ninth victory l48Malt drink resentative with' Sears. twice for the Olanta, coming serose the.spell with a single to leftfleld, (Brown 6-8), 2 p.m. , . That made Ford toe Flrit AL carnival 49 Aasembla n 12'.games with ths fttth-plsoe HUinskl also paced Ms team at Washington '(Mathias 0-1) at BY DICK TURNER Braves. with ths tyliig run to tbs ssventh jefthander ever to win eight games troopt Proud of his 1661 custom con- on Jim Davenport’s ground out the plate getting four hits includ­ CASH DOWN— ^The Tigers’ Norm Cash goes sprawling New York (Stafford 0-8), 2 p.m. to one month. TTwee righthander* 181 C g ^ 'I The Los Angeles Dodgers re­ ing s pair of two-baggers. Mark iSSIoud . vortible is lioule Pantaleo Jr., qt and eountliig Mmto in the ninth after a pitch just misses him in Detroit game. The first Chicago (Wynn 5-1)'at Los An­ —CJhristy Mathewson, G ro v e r 12 Norman St. who has won aeV- gained second place, by besting Johnson and Bob Murphy both geles (Grim 6-7), 'll p.m. PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER MVmeAto »hUadelphls, lO-S, wbUo PttU- on Davenport's sacrifice fly. baseman’s bat went flying. ■ Cleveland Alexander and Jack 68 Vendor . oral tropbiee at autorama, and homered for Norman’s with John­ Minnesota' (Ksat 2-7) at Ksn- Chesbro—hold toe modem record YOU 3. It was toe Chlsox’ third straight CcmnecUeut PtMloe C9ilefa wlU three and gsvs up sU ll.MilwaU' (4); Roberta and Kelly. rM.nm.VM. 9 kee hlU. He struck out six. The homer — s grsndSlem. Bob LUlla ley of St. Louis and Chris Craw­ loss, after winning 12 in a row and ' combine forces to assist to raising Crawford, anmrUng under a ‘ ‘has NA’nONAL LEAGUE 19 of 20. Braves who had hit home runs to then lined s three-run double NATIONAL UCAOUE ford, from Piedmont, Calif., both W. L.- Pet. G.B. BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBKI.L money in the state for the Jimmy the Cards got their other six in the Spotting Nessiff Arms an early seek places in the quarter-finals. been’’ tag despite his youth, vowed Fund. It is hoped that a sizable each or their last 10 games, left after his victory over Pietrangeli: CHnclnnati ...... 45 28 .616 11 runners stranded. Henry got eighth.. Southpaw Ray Sadeckl 2-0 lead, Morlarty Bros, came on McKinley, seeded eighth, takes Los Angeles ...... 43 ' SI .581 YANKS - SENATORS — Ford MOM SHOULD check wm be realised for presanta. ‘‘I’m out to show that was no V/i (14-2), whose top winning year the last oiit, retiring Ed Mathews (7-4) was the winner, giving up in the late tontogs to triumph on Waiyen Jacques, a young Aus­ fluke. I’ll be in there with all I’ve San Francisco ... .41 31 .569 S'/] AT LEAST TELL ME tlon Sundi^, July SO at FenWay the Cubs’ runs on two-run homers The Oilmen picked up stogie tsl was 1956, when he had a 19-6 r*e> Park on OonneoUcut Day when \rith taim men on bass. tralian member of the barnstornt-. got to. prove we’re back in the Pittsburgh ...... 36 Sl .537 6 WHY I'M BEINir M m M by Jerry KtodsU and BUly WU USB to the sebond and fourth tog Lamar Tech (Tex.) squad. MUwaukee ...... '83 83 .500 S'/J ord, walked three and- struck out / . V. - the Red Sox meet the Chicago framee to tie the score and won it big time agaih.’’ eight, blanking the Senators after; PUNISHED T-l White Sox. ^ ^ ^ PmATBB-BIANTS — Ths third Uamt. Crawford, giant-killer of the men’s No American man played yes­ 81. Louis ...... 81 88 .449 12 with a two-nm uprising in the bracket with a third round vic- Chicago ...... 28 . 42 .400 151/, they scored an unearned run In terday, but three U.S. girls— the first Inning. Roger Maris and Top four etrik^ut plJ^itog art- fifth. toiy over third-seeded Nicola Pie- Karen Hantze^ Miml Arnold and PhUadelphia ...... 22 45 .328 20 Brian MtknUitz, with a homer, trsngeli, plsyi lYO Pimeiitel, the Mickey Mantle drove to all of toa lets m 41m Nsttoasl League are and. Art Huntington and Jay How­ Justins Bricks—all advanced to Friday’s Results Yankee runs. Mantle batted in l.:9IO06lffN0O$lVlpW membera of the Los Angeles Dodg­ Y ears 4tf Frustration Ended lefthanded Venezuelan having his the last 16 without mussing their ist. Louis 11, Chicago 4. NJlEW W AS-m iFICl ard, with a pair of doubles, paced best-ever season here. - two on an toside-the-patk homer er staff. Sandy Konfsx sets the hair.' Los Angeles 10, PhUadelphia 6t as New York came from briitod U pace with 127 followed by Stan the victors. Ted Blskeslee had r Said McKinley, stUl living down Karen, only American girl to ooupl# of . two-baggers, for Nsa Pittsburgh 4, San Francisco S. a three-run sxith Inning agUast WUliSins with W. Don Drysdsis 62 the racket-toseing incident in the make seeding lists this year, ClncInnaU.4, MUwaukee 0. ■ad Bob CMbson 91 . . . Proof that alff’B. Davis Cup series in Australia that scored an easy 8-S, 8-2 victory loeer Dick Donovan (3-8). New-Aided Confidence Moriarty’s ...... ;010 12x—4-6-8 Today’s Games .' . ■U-star and AU •America athletle cost him a faw months suspension: over Eva Duldlg,, an Australian Cincinnati (Hunt 8-8) at Milwau­ teama are the bunk Is the fact a NssslfTs ...... 020 000—2-8-2 ‘‘I reckon we’ve got to the schoolmarm.. Miml swept past TIGEBS-ORIOIES — The Th ' Cataldo and Sproul; Jacobs and kee (Buhl S-5), 2:80 p.m. gers blew 4-0 and 5-4 leads befora ^ Manchester High > etndent, who States the best up-and-coming Karen Herlch of Germany, • 6-2, .San Francisco (Sanford 8-S) at never playbd a basebaU game this Makes Winner of Jay Barry. bunch of youngsters of any coun­ t-X, and Justlna put out Britain's ending toe' Orioles’ wiiuilng strsak ■^.u.i.r.Loaa Pittsburgh (Friend 8-8), 1:30 p.m. at five on a doiible by Steve Boros spring, was given honomUe men­ try, and wS'Il be showing the Rosemary Deloford, 81-, 6-3. St. Louis (MUIer 1-1) at Chicago T-l. tion on the aU-atar OCIL team world this year «r next The only American to bow out and a pinch single by Charley *Ho rain In two months. . . 110 degrees In the shade! Cheney Tech ofBcISls have beea (Ellsworth 2-5), 2:30 p.m. Max'well -off reliever Hoyt Wil­ We didn’t have this kind of weather before Milwaukee, July 1 (^P>—A. change of scenery and steady ‘ ‘Maybe the top ones come from In yesterday’s tropical sunshine Los Angdles (Drysdale 6.5) at JUDD SAXUN ilY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDPIELD informed that the schoid has been work was all Joey. Jay needed. After years of frustration Australia this yeaY—but' you take was Rat Stewart, the model from helm (6-3) in the 12th. Baltimora they etopped the nuclear tests. 7-t Philadeljihia (Roberta 1-8), .8:05 scored its five off starter Jim Bun» - chm- raised to dweeMlcatlen frmn Cleee with the Milwaukee Braves, he has blossomed Into a big win­ toe top 20 to the United Stgtes and Indianapolis, who lost to second- p.m. / ' . O to Ofaea -B effective In Septem­ play "them'against the tbp 20 of seeded Margaret Smith, ' the nihg, •collecting two on,a fourto- ber . . . Wee Feebler, local third ner for the Cincinnati Reds. any other country you’ name—and statuesque Australian chan\plon, Sunday’s Schedule iiyning home run by Gus TY'iandds. baewnen irith Trinity last spring, Jay . turned In a brllUant display early inninge,” he said. "This year, we’ll win.” , 6-8, 8-0. Los Angeles gt. PhUadelphia, 1 :S5 Terry Fox (3-0) was the winner, LITT1.E SPORTS BY ROUSON Is playing to the Jlartford Twl> of clutch pitching against his for­ I’ve started 15 games and haven’t p.in. getttog. Triandos on an inning*, Iwowa rAvma. PAYWIS Leagne wKh the Bast Hartford en- mer teammates Isgt night as he reUeved yet." ‘ St. Louis, at Chicago, 2:80 p.m. I evn . ending doubleplay after toe Orioles . try 'i . . BUI Oorooran, former local hurled the first-place IMds to Although he appears to San Francisco at Flttabnrgh (2). had.- tied it- in the eighth, and boxer and tepnis enthnsiaet, writes 440 victory over toe Braves. throwing harder than when with 1 p.m. blanktog toe Bitxis on two hits ths from Eastman, fQa;, Where he iia- The 25-yesr-old right - hander, the Braves, the 220-pound Jay de­ Scoring Record Not Expected Cincinnati at MUwaukee (2), 2:80 rest Of the way. now msldnr hlS'home. v . signed by toe Braves for a $40,000 nied it. p.m. • • • ■ ■ * bonus in 1953 and traded'to* toe "AhtusUy, Tm not doing any­ Reds last Winter, surrendered 11 INDIANS-BfiTO SOX A flv^ Attendance vkt! Fenway Park is thing dlffarmt,.’’ he said, “ rm just III Women’s Open Final Round run fourth toning, ciq;>ped by a ‘^10,000 leas than the figure last hits and three walke, but bore a lot more confident." year on a corresponding date and down 'and worked hie way out of Tslktog to nieniselvee Frustrated Boxers three-nm homer by Mike De La Hbz, wrapped up Cleveland’s third O.P, W 6«1 A,fun, C—.,' for a like number of games, How- jams. Finally, with two out and Jay’s second shutout of toe cam­ Springfield, N. J., July 1 — sver, the front office isn't too two on in the last of toe ninth, he paign left toe Braves muttering to One thing appeared certain ^ the Will Meet Tonight victory in 12 games. Woody Held ,l6to_Women’s NationaljQpen, Go_lf was four-foNfour and also batted / alarmed as Cleveland and Detroit gave way to relief specialist BUI themselves. MUwsukse coUected at Should help lure' .itans to weekend Henry, who preserved toe shutout. least one hit in every inning and (toampionship went into Its final to three jrwui"for'1QMlSdSahi, vtoo two rounds today there will be no Atlantic city, N. J., July 1 (iP>— ^ ’4 B. C. BY JOHNNY HART and games next week . . . New The victory was Jay's 10th in 14 had two lynners on baae to four Harold Johuson, the NBA light togged loeer BlUy Muffett (2-5) York, too, is just 10,000 behind lest decisions with Cincinnati. He felled different frames. But Jay, who scoring record. and two relievers for 13 hits. Only a phenomenal sub-par scor­ heavyweight champion, and heavy­ BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE year at the box office but with De­ to win more than nine games to pitched LltUe . League and High weight contender Eddie Machen, a Gary Bell (5-8) won' it, shutttog troit, Cleveland and Boston mov­ any season with toe Braves. School baU In Opnnecticut, proved ing spree by one of the co-leaders out the Red Sox on'four hits untU SOiL.^'lOU WERE ALWAYS A Hoyif MANY'^ftolNSiOF SAkA at the halfway point would enable couple of frustrated fighters, take m m ; YBU, A MEMBER OP OUPQIMN FAMILY, ing into the huge park the Bomb­ Oenfidenoe Key too tough in toe-clutch. it out on each other tonight in a they scored t'wo imeamed nma ia WFAKLINS, A FOOL, AtO ARHON'misi BEACH ? J ^ IV E HUNDRED AfOaXTrSlLUOr^ a GENIUS,'pergR^ her to match the' 287 record set by STOOP TCCaLECT RANSOM FOR-fflE ers should show an tocresae before ’Tm' a lot more confident npw. . In being blinked for toe third non-tiUe, television fen-rounder at the ninth. INCRATC/ NOW NDU glTRAV the first All-Stsr ga»-ie break Jay said, explaining hla euepess time tote year, toe Braves had a Hitting Hard Mickey Wright of DaUas, at the ALUMNI LEAGUE • J ,■ SDIXRUiaSf _,m./i.;— r . Cofdera, all for the winners. Skip CAPTAIN e a s y *' BY LESLIE t u r n e r Second nine holeS-'at the ElUni Hutchlnsoh three years, ago.l But Ohaaaels Srl^^l. -r '" Kuhdall, Frank Taroiso and Paul .-iO* MR. ABERNATHY KAI,.vi()N JONKS and FRANK RIIKiEWAV he admitted unhappiness over toe p.m.—Fl|^t Of Week, THAfd AN HOUR PLIdNr. WFU." ton Ridge Country Club courde 10 Khoury got them for the Toolmen. AMOS,and .club’s performance. MaelieB VS- johnibn, I'MVERysoBRy! Y Nor a t THEnA\ERAeSEO mir m_L THey’RB .airbornb to GOOD UKK> were opened .this morning at 10 '1 Methodist ...,.235 100 x—11-14-3 Flint Open Becantes Seramhla 60N! WK’tL o'clock. Full day schedule includea 'Til make no bones about how I CfiianariS. Shively Uses Whitewash Brush Mai Tool'...... 1.000 0,02 4— 6-10-3 I HOPEIDU DIPNY ALU m y & ^ VERY quickly!! ssewu AT a fashion show—for the women— feel," he remarked. CjHappen ah'd' Steeley; Keiinedy, MINOWArnWG! Ap6AR..t EfiTABLlfiH ALI8I5!- TNEMcKEE at 3 o’clock, plus a golf pUnic at "Our guys are iiot playing hard Sunday— Mell^y (3) and Khoury.':...... Without Palmer and Player PlAVlTl ■ I, the same hour. Tonight, -a ,coqk- enough. Something's going on. I 2 pja.—Yanks Vs. Senatora, As Valeo Blanks Moriart^’s 5-0 tall nour Is listed tat 7 o’cli understand (Krnie) Broglio is a CSiaanel 8; WKNB S«0. Flint, Mich., July 1 (;P) — Mlnus^ little overweight. Certainly, they 2 pjBr—Red Sex ve. Indians, Cary Middlecoff and Doug Ford,,, with dinner following at 8 o’cloeik Arnold Palmer and Gary Player, tieri with six. others at 143,.itf« to* plus dancing . • . Senior Athle ahould nikke every effort to keep " Oiuuinel t, W n c 1080. the wealthy Flint Open has be­ ■'Hr,- their weight under control" Former Wesleyan University acei^thrown out at the pldte trying to only'Flint Open leaders hold­ TTophy, top sports award, at 2:S0—Major Leagne BasebaU. Hastllngs S.hively applied the score OK .Leo Cyr’s _ . single. . . come a scramble among those pro ing 1961 chamiiiOnUiips. Middle­ RockvUle Hlfih waa won by Cliff ' Lot of Deolalone phaaaelSS, . whitewash brush to Mortarty Bros, Berry and John Llptak both had golfers used-to cliasing the, two coff' 'won toe Memphis Open and Edwards, outstanding baseball Busch declared it’s been k "hel­ as Valeo Mach whipped the Oil­ two hits for the winners. None of Fltchtog^WIiitey Ford, Yan­ 'masters. Ford toe "500" FesUvaL » . "shortstop, and fine basketball per luva rough season” with Injuries men, 5-0, last night in their Hart­ the Oilmen was able to" come up kees, became second lefthander to —'Of the 16 leaders — thdse bet- Casper, a CaUfotnian- wj)h to former . . . Parkade Lanes real- and iUneasee to such key. players ford Twilight League gane at Colt major league history, fifet Jn Sport Schedule, with more than one bake knock. ,tering par-144 after two rounds— impressive string of aabceases, is . Ized $153.80 for the Cerebral Palsey as Larry Jackson, Hal Bmlto. Park. Shively held the Oilmen In Next week Moriarty’s meets American League, to win eight only two have been victors this the only~ leader her* among tha Fund, with AU Masters. Charlie Julian Javier, and BiU White.'‘The chgck throughout as he effectively East Hartford on Wednesday and games in one month, beating Sen­ year. Nobody in the top eight en­ first five money winaSrs. „ Cnark, Anne "Hobto - and Diane oiwner said the Cardinal brass faces scattered five hits, fanned, two and Royal McBee on Friday. ators, 6-1, with five-hitter. ■•i WllUa the house winners in lout: a lot of decUions to get the club * Sunday, Jply 2 tering today’s third round has Doug Sanders, with torse 1961 did not issue 8. base-on balls. Vsloo’a (J) Hitting — Jim Schaffer: Cards, been a 1961 champion. victories and third to cash win- 'V ney play, Mtuuiger Bernle Oiovino reedy for 1962. . r - Legion, vs. Portland, 2:80, OvAl. The, loss .' was seventh to nine’ ab r h po a e rbl Musco, Sb 4 0 1 1 4 0 0 made first niajor league home run There was a three-way jam-up 'nlnge, hais had his dimcultles wlto - ;r i| | J STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRlKJGSf reports . . . . New York Giants Catcher Smith’s playing days are . . Monday, July S fames for Moriarty’s. ■ Rialej-, rf __ ...... 4 0 1110 0 a grandslam toat beat Culst U-4. Warwick Hill*. He stood at I4il and Baltimore Colts will each re­ over because of a heart ailment and Army A Navy vs. Gus’s, 6:15, LeagM leading Valeo -did all of Kowalsky, lb ...... 4 1 0 7 0 0 0 in first pla.ee. Billy Caspir, Dave 4rM//SZ.4M>/AXl^nlL„ I IH AKPH? ON BE AS HASTY AS DAVY JONES ceive a $37,500 guarantee for tak- Llptak C ...... 4 1 ,2 a 0 0 0 Ragan, and Johnny Pott com­ National Open (Mampleii .cisna — a:"*' aiaja'iii^ fkE SUAKK SHE TAUfilGD WTTH ^Y LEFP and McViLLIAMS Javier, a .293 hitting, speedy sec­ Nebo. their senring off RoniUe Simmons Dunn. If i...... 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 Races Htelp Slate Littler, No. 4 on. the PGA m c i^ Ing part to the Albie Booth Me. ond baseman, .ia on the disabled (Manor vs. Htfd.. Nat, .6:10, in two I innings. The Bloomfield Sullivan, vet 3 1110 0 2 pleted yMterdsy’s second list, WM at 145, tied for SSnd. > ('jfifSCfHABt WILL SC ALL OfiHT, 8UT iTS A ■/ou wwrr mc to keep w/ MY MARiHE INSURANCE ^ WOOLP YOU GET REACry mortal exhibition game at Yale, list. Jackson, an 18-game winner Charter Oak. team tallied twfoe'‘ to the second Berry, saf...... J, 3,1 2 2 2 1 2 , Oceanport, N.J" (i’)—In 1946, the with 14W — four under par dlf COMftANY WILL HAVE TO WY ’ Wllllamn.-2b, 3 0 first year of t^iorOughbred racing i(tosp«r,. Ragan and Potto wera' 60CX> THIHd MOU KMCW HC I .SHUT, WKK? TAKElA CRACK ' TO BREAK OUT AYE, .Simday, Septl 10. Each squad last year, has never regained win­ AfiJ vs. Elks, 6:10, Keeney. ' frame and sewed up the decision Mallnsky.l3b 1 0 the (par-'M Warwick HUlrTOourme. TO APPLY ATOUgWiauCT./ OFF MBAmV ON A SHIP I, A T f iJ t O V M G the 0/W/A/G at Monmouth Park, the' State of ChtspSi; and Potts fired 68s, whilf . hot as toey soared Into . aaLiavF u/a« •mv-ri an ' WY SUSPICION? member wlll'ket only "$60 under ning form since hla jaw waa frac­ Tuesday, July 4 with three more runs in the fourth. Shively, p ...... 3 0 lie lead p u t first-round MCO-sSt- GfAfi, MARCO. National Foot&ll League riUei, tured in a Spring training game. With two out to thafa'cond, Sim­ New Jersey received $978,404.10. Ragfin hgs 69.. BOV.' SuUlvan’s vf. Optical, 1:80, WSd- ..V.... 2S S 73111 In 1960, the sUU’s take wks, ter Joe (JampbCll. Campbill had A ' Broglio, a 21-game winner lest mons walked Danny SqUiVan. Ron HarUriy’s (0) 1 Three more of this year's also-i 76 for a 143 teUL ■ . . ya5r,_atands*S-8 apd Llndy. Mc-> dell. Berry hit a line drive :to leftfield Cyr; aa ...... $7,833,845.^0. In 16 yeara the stalte' i>ans were one stroke behind At 141 Manor Moriart/a, 1:80, D. .Simmona. 3b has recei'ved $84,3a«,0(K.22. ” ■ .m, lAi .ml *’“ tting and pltcWng w*ro,Pott’a Dispute* TTteory ^ Danjel, oncp’ the greatest ireUef which waa misjudged sind went for ManecEia, 3b .. Don January."[Al Balding and man in basebaU, ia struggling to Buckley. a two-run homer; i . potato. At oiiS s ^ ha.hstf FaganI's" vs. Norman’S, 1:89, MSiarty. Ihi ., Lee Raymondi^.'" '*‘***‘^ o h e ^ tt greens to grow , aMd Los Angeles (ffi — Earl Avertll regain his -pinpoint coiitrOl and Two hits, two errors and a base Sartor, r( ...... Hurled in Brooklyn Jsickle riurker', otoer^ neUdOham- neMed onty 27 putts. , and Kan Hunt.'of toe Lbs Angele« Verpianck. , ' pn balls all figured in Valeo’s Sylyeiler, cl ,, moving fast ball. Army A Ngvy vs. ;PAF, 8:80, Avery, c Rochester,! N. Y. (JF) '— Clyde plons,' had 142s. ' S^Mper, form er H h tta U Opra Angela disregard toe, right-lefty Whits stortned back’ after an in­ three-run uprising in the fourth. Oaenon, If ....(. Palmer has won. five and Player Waddell. ■ i ■ King', manager of the Rochester ktog. and winner of tha-'ftrst fUnt theory used by midst basebaU man- jury vid he, Ken Boyer and 40- Sullivan's bases loaded btogle good Rean, I f ...... 0 ,0 three of tha 25 previous m a jo r agieni. Avertll hit nine of his first year-old Stan Muslal are' carrying Medics vs. Auto, 8:80, Ruekley. for tw6 RBI’S waa bi); blow of the R. Simmona, p 1 ’o Red. .Wings of the International Open in --1998, iwed (his sMUgr ^ Lawyeri vs. Antaldl, 8:80, Vsr- Leai^e, woi^ked to 201 major tests on toll year’s pro tour. The coming out ot tra^ to taktag M i '5.' 10 homers against rlghthsnded toe club at bat. A 20-y«ar-old left­ Toiale-...... 24 0 6 «1 0 SMILint planek. . Totale-...... league '^mefi for the Bro(Myn two leading 1961' money , vvrinam ■barn«( the lead. - ’ pltdhlnit this Mirtog. Htmt’s finst hander, Ray Sadeckl, .la leading toe OagnoB Out at Plate Vaico’iValeo’s ...... A ...... oao^~ u aklMped toe $53,00Q;ogllnt eVent Yb algbt> honnars wars sgainet right- staff iritb a Z..4 record after an 11- , Wsdaesfiey, July A . Moriartye bunched three of their Do^ m jmd toe-Ctectonatl a eda Tha geld trsa out gA-tlto top t l ' LeglOii V9. RoekvUl% 6:15, West ‘ i to toe-'Clxto ftime but atiU as a relief pitcher from 1944 to prepsr* for to* British Open start" proa and g«« JtotototolTgto^ffto band«na. Beth ^'vaiiu and Intot 4 vfeto^. over tot Oubs at Cailea#o tog July 10. ' third round. -J' ^ / bat righthanlBA lycstsrday. Side OvgL I ed, to score, (jhuck Gagnon was % ■ 1 -t' F. .y . ,»r- - •_• ^ • -v..w» - . - J*. . • » - '


Avtb Diirlac Bdiiool - 7-A THERE OUGHtA BE A LAW B Y P A G A L Y mnd S H O R T E N BestssadAcciggbriss 4g ______HoBsehold Goods El Robing Without Board 63 Summer Home* For Rent 67 Hoimea FOif-’Sale ^^2 / llQute for Sale 72 Hougea For Sale 72 Houses For Sale ' 72 Three Rooms Fimitarf I—MAPICHESTER Special — $4db LARSON’S Oonnaotlbat’a Hut tt- Urn CLBiOiANfSB on 1850 ThorapaM FURNISHED ROOMS i—completa GIANT’S NECK HBIGI*8—Priv- MAN(3HB8TER — N serT chooH ; FIVE " ROOM ' ranch, -flrepiace,. COVENTRY Payolk Still with" Us eanaed dilvtng adioal tralaad — boats. Ons 18 foot Saa Coaster and FROM MODEL HOME light housekeeping facUitlaa. Cen­ ata beach association. Secluded bus, stores. Good shaded yard. 8 btiUt-lils tile bkth, garage, hot down Will buy * this Immaculate 6 six room Cape, 2 unfinished, tec Oettlllad and approved'H now of- IBfBHS BttUan'WMiTf »«9U one 18' foot Oft SboTO. H. O. trally located. Children accepted modem 4 room cottage, hggt, hot bedroom Colonial, attic, reodption water' oil heat; large lot, 30 days roonri' Cape for $13,200. Good loca­ room, oil heat, garage, large lot, fMliig olantaan and vmruTHERtZMi AiHiMarw PLACE . Schulse; Inb., West Rdi, Ellington, - _ Coit Over $700 —limited. Mrs. Dorsey, 14' Arch water, sleep. 7. $70 weekly.''July hall, pantry, recreation room, occupancy, $17,800. Charles Les- tion, ntce-yard* don-'t wait; call us several fruit trees, lake Jtririreges, DICK KLEtNER ^ontd a chart: This guarantees that whed matruction for toanagara. TR 6-8707. S t, Manchelter. ' 15, August 19, Aukuat 26, Labor modem ba(h. Good roof. Steam perance, M I '9-7620. now. The Ri F Dlmock Co., MI priced si $12,800 with a low, low Newsiwper Ente^rlse Assii.' your record Will be heard aevsnl Ml 8-6078. ^ EUl^MMiMEr n e v e r 3EEai USED Day weekend, 3 minute.' to beach. oil Heat. New burner, new 72-gal­ 9-5246. Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702, down payment- v...... - times a day in several hundred 17 FOOT THOMPSON boat, fully PI 2-8142, MI 9A77^ . . lon hot ^ ater heater. Oak floors. COLONIAL, ?2 Bowers St.— Fea- Johanna Evans, MI 9-6653. New York-^(NEA)—Some' prople cities. equlppad, lUce now, 85 b.p. John­ Sale Price $ 8 ^ turing paneled den with Jalousied CHARLES W. LATHROP say it. Is worse than ever; iwme Apartments—Flata— 2- oar garage. Amesite drive, The whisper aroiUid is .that you Gance—Senses—Stinsce 10 son motor, 1100 lb. capacity Mas­ ANDOVER LAKE — Al) ebnven- Price $16,900„ ' Escott Agency, windows, aluminum s i d i n g , n —Manchester Attention! $600 MI 9-0384 say It la Just about the same; POTINIIMS ter craft trailer. *TR 8-8512, 18 Pay Only $4 Week ' Tonement5,i 63 ienceg, fireplace, screened porch, storms and awnings. G.E. HM down for a newly redecorated everyone-seems to agree on one can bfiy a spot in one particular’' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS MI 9-7688, ,/ Top 40 tor $100. To make It into •toURBBSIILOtMM Range Hill Dr., Rockville. Baori«cing complata bedroom, patio, hot water, rOatonabie. JA water oil heat . 2 very large bed: Cap$ with aluminum aiding, large fact; ' 8 j15 A.M. to 4:80 PAL V Twp-CAR OARAGE for sale. Call g e n e r a l RENTAL agency, J. D. 8-5067 Or PI 2-7201. BOLTONLXKEFRONT home—two rooms, beautifully landscaped lot, amesite drive, choice location. Lots For Sale ' 73 the Top id.costs $200 more. Thera IHEOWME M P.m f i b Er g l a s AlbrUh complete Uvlng .room and kltobea Payola Is still a prime force In is also an unwritten rule that thdse MI 8-5188 after 5 p.m. decorator funJture from model dis­ Realty, 470— Main Itraet, M3 bedroofhe, real neat and clean, yard, basement garage, mlnute- This won’t last long so call the American music. ^ th 85 h.p: Gale motor.tor. NM 8-5129. COVENTRY La k e —4 room cot- Double lot, beautiful grounds. from all schools Owner, MI R. F. Dlmock Co., MI 9-5245. Bar­ TWO B ZONE lots with city who advertise In the publication FOR RSINT—Large 8 stall garage in 18W: ie and Hwrty trailer U»' play home. We trill give you trie tage, hot water, shower, $50 week. water. UnloliiSt. Manchester. When H)e congressional Invest!': stand a much better chance of COPY CLOSING TIMB FOR CLAS$1F1ED ADVT* delivery and tree storage up to ons Oversized garage. Minimum of 9-5051. bara Woods, MI 9-7702. Johanna MONDAT Xkn nUDAT M:S0 AJL-^Tin|DAT • AJC. with walk-up loft for storage. MI- eluded. MI 8-6258. f u r n is h e d Apartments, heated, Available July and Autuzt. PI .^work required to keep this home ------‘ - ’ -- i'- . , Evans, MI 9-6653. $2,350 each; MI 9:8495. gallon 18 months ago put payola.' making the charts than those .who 8-2687. y*sr, • . ^ two room.. Kitchen aet. refrigera­ 2-6452. \ SECLUDED custom built 7 room on the front pages, many Amer­ don’t. Of course, some o f the in tip-top condition, T. J. Crockett, 7',4 ACRES, high elevattoh, beautl-.^ tor, gag range, bedroom aet. Free Realtor, MI 3-1577, home, recreation room, outbulld- m —CAN YOy- top this?' Complete-r icans were shocked- They shouldn’t charts result from legitimate rs- PLEASE READ YOUR AD BolldliiE MAterisIS NORITAN'S - gaa, electricity. Adult., Low rent. CAPE (X)D—New .8 bedroom \.ebt- ' Inga, 900 foot frontage, suburban, ly redecorated 2-famlIy duplex, fui view, minutes out, trees, only have been: It' was a known and searcK. 47 443 HARTFORD ROAD- mr "W tm t AAi” u * takaa «*er ife« pbwM m • eoa- Businen Servlns Offered 13 Apply apartment 4, 10 Depot tage', modem conveniences, 6V.r- MANCHESTER —531 Vernon St. reasoiiably priced Carlton W. 6-6, separate heating systems. 2- $2,500. Carlton W. Hutchins, 50 reported fact of musical life. The ASSORTED USED lumber, biltld- MI 84634 looklng bey, $90 weekly. MI a-$80 9-5132. Until the music business or soma «M laM 0.'n» aitrMrttMr akiwM nwl hU «d tiM FIBST DAT IT Square^______New 7 room Colonial, 12x23' Hutchins. Mi 9-8132. esr garage, large lot. Selling for naive assumed that the mere 'act Of the people In it change, there Is APPKAS8 BBPbBT CIUIOJBJ9 tai ttioe f»r th« Mxt buwr- ’TREE PRUNING, removal and lot ing and plumbing Buppllca, radia­ Before you bin tilmlture any­ $17,600. Will show a return on in­ of public exposure would auto tors, pipes and nrs bricks, doors where—shop at Itorman’s. CAPE COD, Dennisport — 2 bed­ paneled family room, 1% bathe, 3 We s t m in s t e r r o a d , 6o foot little that can be done altout pay­ Hoa. Tb« Herald, le reepoaaible for oalf ONE looorrect or omitted clearing. Call Frank C. Noble Jr., r q CICVILLB:—24 Grove Street. — large bedrooms, built-in G.E. oven HOME - OWNERS vested capital of over-18%. Shown matlcally end it. MI 9-6053 after 5. ■ and windows. Open dally 8$M roautlful redecorated 2-room fur­ room cottage, one riilnute from frontage. Inquire 46 Westminster ola. It’s so surreptitious that no Inorfltiir tor aay adTerttneaieBt aad oafy to the esteat of a UNPiPAINTED FURNTTUBB, com- and range, dishwasher, disposal, by appointment only. The R. F. It didn't. Payola has changed. chi^rges of ’’comrrieccial bribery” p m ., 8-4 Saturday Yard at SUM nished apartment.. TR 6-9594. beach. Aug. 12-8ept. 2, open. $86 Good houses, priced right are 'Dlmock Co., MI 9-5248. Barbara Road or call MI p-0007. n o d ” laoertloa. Brron wiileii do aol ieooea tka oalno of Place oft North Main St. Cboman’s itei V Sdoctilection. Desks, 'chests, weekly. PI.2-8qO. garage, % acare, beautifully land- It has gone underground ___ , stools, corner cupboards, BEAUTIFUL 3>/4 room apartment, EAST HARTFORD — 2 adjoining ten dirtier. But It’s still there; anybody's books. As one man says, many extras, $24,900. By appoint'- buyers waiting. Why not list yours MI 9-5653.. industrial lots. Tongren Agency, Surprisingly, the going -rate la washers dryers and electric bookcases. Just the thing for sum­ first floor, heat; hot Water, garage, LAKE (^AFFBE — 4 room' lake- With us NOW. . , "You can’t legislate* againat gifts," rangea. M l 8-6678. mer cottages. All at King's low 'electric range and refrigerator. front cottage, sleeps six, teievt- meni. Irving BayCr, Builder, MI MI 3-63-21. roughly the same as It always Tomt cxioPBBAndN m ax 3- 6396. IV- :-BOLTON—$16,400. 8 room farm If anybody, asks queations, p4y- OiajBonds— WatchCH— prices. K&ig’s Department Store. $118. Available July 1. MI 4.-0238. Sion, boat, shower. A few week, J. D. REALTY CO. house, 4 bedrooms, large .modern was—frohi $5 to $25 per play, de­ ola Is merely a gift—a bottle of BE APPBB01ATia> Dial Ml 3-271T OOBMA APPLIANCE Servlear-Ra ■I i-l I.. '. * ■ ^.I.— I ■— II I ■ ■ available. MI 9-0710. NINE BEAUTIFUL, approved I ^ pending on the popularity of the Jewelry 48 TWO La m p tables-wlth lamps, end BOWERS SCHOOL area—8 room 470 Main St. MI 8-5129 kitchen, modern bath, " dining on paved road, near school, five, whiskey, a necktie, a crisp new pain all makes refrigerators, room, 20 foot living room, . plus disc jockey, the sire of''the city, $10 bill. freesers, washing machines, dry; table, pictures, 'W o*^^*’®*'** b ir c h STREET—4 rooms, .econd SANDWICH, CAPE COD—5 room ranch, fireplace, dining room, ‘ minutes from. Manchester, the affluence of the recorlkcom' LEONARD W. TOST, Jewalsn roaster oven, garoen tools, hose. cabinet kitchen, 8 oedrooms. WEEK END s p e c ia l s den, 3 bedrooms'and living room Schwartz, M.L.S. Realtor, AD Lost and Fonnd Aatomobiles for Sale 4 ers. raniges, oil and gas burnera. RejMUrs, adjusts watches expert- floor, no furnace. Ml 9-5229, 9-8, cottage, all conveniences, TV, near pany. X , Because of /Sll these under-the- MI 9-0055. AU worii guaranteed. JOaV/UMlLLtlL Ml 8-1278. ______; / beach. Available August -12-19. Shown by appointment. Marion E. ' completely redecorated, hot water 6-1241, CH 2-2865. counter shenanigans, one legiti­ xuble ^ c a s Open ‘Tuea- Robertson, Broker, Ml 8-6953. 8-bedroom colonial, on nicely baseboard radiation throughout, One reason this evil exists 1s Che LOST—Huge pocketbook. vicinity OUR'GRAND OPENING ' MS’MAN er, THREE ROOMS, heat, hot water, Call MI 9-692$. nature of the business. A recon mate record executive sayi; St6T/A/dtaHfH liuradaj KrrcBEN BET, white, table, 4 electricity, garage Included, sec­ landscaped lot, living room with artesian well; one acre lot with BEAU'HFUL ONE acre wooded Howerd-Johnson, Manchester. Re­ WAS A s u c c e s s - CHAIN Sa w work — Trees out. fireplace, big kitchen, delightful cannot become a hit until the pub­ ."Pop music today is the biggest R easot^la ratoo. OaS PI 8-7558 evenings UN Spruce chrome and black chairs, good ond floor. 245 N. Main Street. $80. 40 TURNBULL RD.—8 room Cape, large trees and a magnificent lots, magnificent view in Bolton. ward. Please call MI S-1870 after h e r b lic hears it.-The public can’t hear crap,gmie In history.” ARE A PEW MORE CLEAN betweep 1:80-4:50 or spy tiine condition, leavrlng state, $25. CaU MI 9-8229. ______Wanted *toTten| 68 large ll’vlng room, dining roomi dining"area, finest" location. view. Shown by appointment only. For further information or ap- • p.m. ______• CARS TO SELECT FROM kitchen with bar, ceramic .tile Call the R. F. Dlmock Co., MI ointment to see call the' R. F. it until it's played on the radio. Saturd^ or Sunday. Fuel land Peed 49-A MI 8-2600. 4- bedroom colonial, large living NOTICE IS HEREBY given that. THREE ROOM apartment. Includ- INTERESTED In renting 7-'8sroom bath down. Recently adde^->;-3 bed­ room, dining room with built-in 9-524,5 or Rlchg.rd Dlmock, MI limock Co., MI 9-5245. Di.sc jockeys get hundreds of rec­ 1959 THUNDERBIRDS ^2995 SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired Millinery DresainakinK 19 Hehi Wantad— Female 35 Hel0 Waniedr-Blale 36 THREE YEAR old, like new, Frigl- . ing heat, hot water, and gas for house with possibility o p ti^ to rooms with built-in lavatory iip; ^-OOOS. g ords a week, so there is bound to Pass Book No. E S516, ismed by hutch, bright kitchen, foyer, many SEVEN LOTS, city water and aew- The Savings Bank, of Manchester (21 hardtops, power steering, from the shop. Can take care of ,dgife. EHectric stove, Q60. Older cooking, electric refrigerator and bu^. Call MI 9-7423. Finished recreation room. Beauti­ extras including extra lot, 2-car ga­ be pressure to pjay certain ones, braked, seat, a x ^ clean, FOR DRESSMAKINO and altera­ SALESWOMAN' — Experienced MAN OR COUPLE fo manage tur- STANDINa HAY—good quality, 14 refrlf^rator and washing machine, atov. Call MI 9-7737 from 4-6 p.m, ful targe private yard, $16,900. MI V - MANCHFSTER-6 room rancherage, good neighborhood, near Payola Is one forrfi of that pres- has been lost and application has all your upholstering needs at acres. 215 Oakland St. MI 8-1360, rage, centrally located, been made to said l ^ k for pay gnat savings. Call CH 3-8378. tions, call Lyn Kratske MI S-0683 women’s wearing apparel, 4 or 6 key farm, free 6 room house and Call.MI 8-8408. ■ H-0060. with attached. gat'Sge, $21,900. schools and bus line, $2,600 each. Hu're. There, are others—a visit ment of the amount of deposit. 1957 FORD . $895 any time. . day week. Apply Tweeds, T7S Main $300 a month. Wife may earn ad­ TWO FURNISHED Roofni, auto- Busineaa Propert.r For Sale 70 5- bedroom colonial, A-i condi Spring St/hrea, % acre wooded Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7620. . from a star on .what Is known po Hardtop, radio, heater, automatic AMESITE DRIVEWA'YS construct- St. ditional money if derired. Apply COMBINATION GAS and stove, matlc washer. 37 Park. Rockville. 15 rflMSTLE RD —5 room ranch, 2 Hon, modern kitchen., dining room lot, 16x2i( living room with fire­ lltely as a "promotional tour"; a Garden—Farm— Dairy THREE LARGe lots, city -water edh-resurfaced—sealed. Superior Connecticut ' State Employment complete with electric pump and TR 5-8274. FOR IIALE—Restaurant, bar and bedrobms, exceptionally large liv­ and living room, al] aluminum place, walk-out basement, alum" fancy mailing piece with a cheese­ Products 50 pipe, $50. MI 8-7791. ______and sewerage, $5,000 each. ^nooncements Z 1956 CHEVROLET , $895 pavers. MI 8-6S1S. Movinig—^Trucking— Exparienced Service, 806 Main St., Manchester. , grill, excellent yearly gross, choice ing room 'ivlth fireplace, attached storms, in quiet residential area inum combination w i n d o ws cake picture of a girl singer; a Q--Which Is'the oldest of the A public employment senice, no TWO-ROOM completely fumlahed location, $12,500. Call the R. f “ ; garage with aundeck. Call owner, Charles Lesperance, MI 9.-7620.', 4-door statitfn wagon, S cylinder, Storage . ' 20 STRAWBERRIEiS—Pick your own, BARGAINS —‘ Westinghouse com­ Exceptional 5',4 room ranch, lot throughout, amesite drive, Gam- tclephone-'call from the artist; Christian festivals? (A.LA.) — AUTOjilOBILE LEGAL powerglide, radio, heater LAWN MOWERS sharpened and SEWING MACHINE free charged. apartment, hot .water, pfivate Dlmock Co., MI 9-5245 MI 9-6211. No agents. repaired sales and service, pick bring your own container to Voipe bination washer-dryer. Westing- bath. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main 150x440, 3 beautiful bedrooms, bolati built. This home Is In a.s SOUTH WINDSOR—Builder's at- telegram; a Christmas gift; A—Easter. AssodaUon, Special Representa­ MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ perfect condition as any- house we birthday card. tive, C. W. Barnett, 28 Otis St„ up and iaelivery. Complete line of Rd., Bolton. Carl Balkus, Jr. house electric stove. Small refrig­ St.______oversized living room with fire tention. 18 iicres wooded, Avery 1956 DODGE $595 ing Company. Local and long dis­ OPERATORS place, dream kitchen, owner will have ever listed. The R. F. Dimock St. 65 acre.s and 3 acre gravel bed. •' Payola i.\ perhaps the strongest, . Manchester, Conn., aD S-7424, Toro riders, reels, and rotaries, Help Wanted— erator. Reel power moWer. Gray Farm and Land For Sale 71 Q — What provision h u been Royal 4-door, V-8, automatic,, tance movii^, packing and stor­ PICK T O im own strawberries, 35c painted bedroom set. -Gray for­ WEST SIDE—8 large rooms, stove take back mortgage. Co., MI 9-5245. Barbara Woods, MI Industrial lot or lots on Route 6. most pois'onous of- the pressures. .power .steering,- extra clean------garden and lawn stropllea. L A M age. Regular service throughout AND TRAINEES DON’T MISS THIS ONE made for the president of the Equipment Corporation, Route 83, . :_^ .MaJe o r Female 37 quart. Pepe’s Farm, Tinker Pond mica kitchen table. HoUywood and refrigerator, heat and hot DEVELOPKRS.Or. Jnveators — 100 9-7702, Johanna Evans. MI 9-5653. West Side Realty, MI 9-5315.- And the most succes.sful. Since It New England States and Florida. Rd., Bolton, MI 9-8832. Charming S-bedroom ranch, close United States after he leaves Of­ Pcnonalt Vernon, Conn. TR 6-7809, Apply bed. Miscellaneous tables, bu­ water, $85 monthly. MI 3-8607. acres with over iKW "foot front­ has had to'g o underground,, disc fice 7 ------S 1955 m e r c u r y $695 MI 3-6563. HAIRDRE^ER for Thursday, Fri- to parkway, lot beautifully land­ BoLt ON - COVENTRY . Andover jockeys no. longer are on record day and Saturday." Apply Schultz reaus, lamps, books,"'etc. 50 Ply­ age, less than U''mile from Route Quality construction plus -Ideal scaped with trees and flowers, love, A — He’ll receive $25,000 a year . ■ Monterey ' 4-door, power steering, STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, SPARKLE STRAWBERRIES—Best ATTRAtTnVE 3 room furnished COMFORT AND VALUE Lake—on or off lakefront. Reason­ BLjgclROLOX Bales and Barrloa, AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- MANCHESTER MODES, Beauty Salon, 983 Malq St., Man­ mouth L-ane. 6 'in Andover. Originally part of a ly kitchen, living room with fire­ company payrolls as "consult­ banded - repreeentaOve. Alfred automatic, radio,' heater. Must see fireplaces, flagstone terraces. for freezing, pick your o ^ , 26c apartment. Living room, bedroom, development. Libera) financing. location, expandable Cape Cod, able. West Side Realty, MI 9-5315. ants." Nor do chocks change for life, plus $50,000 a year for this one. ■ * - • ‘ moving, Mcklng stonge. Low INC. chester. ML 34951. quart. Novelll Farm, Mouptain place, tile bath, very best of con­ Are Inherent in this attractive Cape office expenses. Amell, SOS ftanry Sit. TsL MI Reasonable. Call >MI 8-0796. lu ^ e kitchen. Main St. location, John A. Cagianello, MI 5-5384 . or -hands. Payola today Is strictly rate on long distance moves to PINE ST.. MANCHESTER Rd., Glastonbury,' second floor, heat included. $90 plastered walls, fireplace, ame- struction. with front and rear dormers. Living UMBO.______48 Btatos. Personalised service. MI WANTED — Elxperlenced men's Wanted—^To Buy 58. evenings MI 3-7806. room with fireplace, formal dining cash-and-play. ’•FITZGERALD ALL KINDS of clocks repaired, per month. Available July 1, Ml . Beautiful ^rbedroom ranch on lot Resort Property For Sale 74 Q—At what age are- federal 5-5187, CH 7t1423. CLEANING woman twice a week, tailor or seamstress for alteration STRAWS ERRlES-^Pick yoUr own, site drive, HoUlatW School dls-' room, cheerful kitchen, twin-size As always, there are record RIDE WANTED from Manchester ' ANNEX, INC. antiques included, work guaran­ WSl BUY, SELL or trade antique 9-5781. COVENTRY—120 acre farm^ 7 125x250, large assumable mort­ companies that do not pay It, and judge.s eligible for.retirement? Center to Twin Hill section of Cov- teed. MI 9-1962. 6 hours weiekly. Apply Thomas work. Apply Stein’s Stores, Shop­ 35c quart. Michael Kurys, French bedroom and bath on first floor. 'BOLTON LAKE—A 5 room cottage, Tslcottville Ave., Vernon MANCHESTER Package Delivery. ping Parkade. MI 9-S370. and used furniture, china, glain, room house, very reasonable. Ton- trict, just off ^atn Street. gage near Lake Street School. disc jockeys who do not accept It, A--At 66 with. 15, years seiw- entry. Route 44‘A. Call after S Division of L. P. Fitsgerald, Ip c-L r OoUa Co., 251 Broad St. Rd., Bolton. NEW DUPLEX, 8 rooms, available gren Agency, MI 3-6821. Space for 2 large bedrooms and full Uynwood Drive, winterized, has Light trucking and package deliv­ stiver, picture frames and old ^ Exclusive with bath on partially finished second company water, located near the But many on both sides do. Ice or 70 .with 10 yeairs service. p.m., PI 2-6S30. Tolland County’s / ;OME LANDSCAPING, lawn coins, old dolls and guns, bobby August 1. Picture window, birch maintenance, hedge pruning. Con­ ery. Refrigerators, washers and WHAT DO YOU need? A new sum­ GOOD PICKING, plenty of berries, cabinet kitchen, ceramic tile bath, floor. AH this in a convenient Man' beach, immediate occupancy. Ap­ There are today approximately Oldest Ford Dealer stove moling specialty. Folding mer wardrobe? Another car? pick your own, 2Sc quail. 617 collections, attic contents or whole OWNER MI 3-4777 J. D. REALTY ' Chester location on a well e.stab- ply Edward J. Holl or your own 3,000 record companies—most of Q—What was the length of Gen­ (Opposite Vlttner’s Garden Center) tact John E. Whltham, MI 9-7090. Situations Wanted—' estates; Furniture Repair Sendee. heat, hot water, Venetian blinds, .Houses for Sale 72 AatCMDoMIeB 'for Sale 4 chairs for rent. MI 9-0782. Freedom from debt? Wishing is Female •' 38 Gardner St. storm windows, attic, cellar, cen- 470 Main St. MI 3-5129 lished lot for under $16,000. Call broker. Tel. MI 3-5117. them with their offices In some­ eral Sheridan's famous ride? COMPLETE CAR polish. $6.95. TalcotMUe, Conn. 'rel. MI 8:7448. BOWERS SCHOOL AREA—6 room one's'hat. They each put out from ^ MI 9-5324 TRUCKING—14 foot heavry plat­ not enough.,Do something about STRAWBERRIES—Pick your own. -tral location. Ml 9-7885. A—About 20 mjles, Winchester Special till July 6. Bob’s .Atlantic it now! Earn $2-$3 an hour at work YOUNG MOTHER wishes to care home, fireplace, large cabinet FIRST TIME on market — West one to 300 single' records a year. to/Cedar Creek, Va." .Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. form truck with one-ton power lift Aldo Pescb, Hebron Rd., Bolton, ROCKVILLE — Owner transferred. Side—2-famlly, 5-5, 8 bedrooms 'on WEST SIDE REALTY A LOT FOR sale at Columbia Lake, IMS WILLY8 JEEPSTER. Call h k Service, 128 E. Center St., MI especially kuited for housewives for children in own home days. WANTED TO BUY—16" tricycle RtXJCVILLE-14 Laurel St-.. Beauti­ kitchen, formal di.iing room, 2-car You can produce a record for $500. i O-OtOi after • p.m. 9-8347. gate. Call Mil 8-0613. MI 8-6712. garage, beautifully landscaped Must sen.- 7 room finished Cape each side, porch, oil heat, revenue Coiin. MI 3-6355. 1953 PONTIAC, in good running with aa little as 2-S hoqrs spare Please call PI 2-7769. for 5 yey.old, MI 9-3877. ful 2 and 3 room furnished apart­ If It clicks you could make $100, Q—What new action ha* been time daily. CaU BU 9-49» today. ment. TR 6-8607^______yard. Marion E. Robertson. Bro­ with 4 bedrooms, IVa baths, on $160 monthly, city water and sew­ MI 3-1395 MI 9-5315 000. A^ would-be record company OLDlSt CARB meebanlCB ape- condiUon, $175. Call MI 9-9103 af­ WOOD REFINISHING — Good STRAWBERRIES—Pick your own, wooded lot near Henry Park erage. Priced at only $14,900. AMSTXDN, LAKE—Treed lot 78x175, taken relative to the Panama Ca­ PalntifiK-^Papering 21 HIGH SCHOOL graduate wishes to 20c quart. Bring containers. Louis ker, MI 3-5953. need buy no equipment; Every fa­ nal Zone? ' . . . elala, .flxlt youraelf ca n , always ter 6 p.m. workmanship, reasonable rates. baby sit, part or full-time, July NEW SPACIOUS modern 8 room aluminum storms and -creens Charles Lesperance, Ml 9-7620. heatalator fireplace, (ull modern Help Wanted— Male 36 Pag^oll, Box 280, Rirch Mountain GIRL’S ENGLISH bike, reasonable. SOUTH WINDSOR — 3 bedroom bath, knotty pjne interior, assum: cility Is rentable, from the re­ A—The President has ordered a goM aelectloa. Lotdt behind our Call MI 8-6761. and August. MI 8-8903. Call MI 9-3877. apartment, stove, refrigerator, CAPE!—6 rooms, exceller.f location. low price of $13,900. Cantor k EIXTERIOR and interior i^alnting, Rd., Bolton. Goldfarb, Realtors. MI 8-8442, TR BIGELOW STREET—Large 9 room ranch, half acre wooded lot, Rea. able mortgage,' Full price, $7,900. cording studio to the press m at Panama's flag flown in the U.S.- ofOM. Douglas Motora, SSS Main. decorating, ceilings, floors. Clean MARRIED MAN with car to serv­ heat, hot water furnished, Close Freshly painted. Private back -prints th ^ labels. 1953 FORD,' 2-door sedan, 8135. ALL TYPES of screens repaired, 16 YEAR OLD girL experienced to yard. One-car garage. $16,500. 5-624'4, house, four bedrooms. Real big aonablv priced. Owner, 53 Brian West Side Realty, X I 9-5315. controlled Panama Canal Zone. Can MI 9-1885. workmanship. Free estmates. No ice established FliUer Brush cus­ PICK YOUR own strawberries, 281 to Manchester High School. With 4o many companies and so NEED A CAR and had your credit Call MI 9-4533 for free pick-up. babysit part or full-time, July and Rooms Without Board 59 Adults, teen-agers accepted: $135 Philbrlck Agency, Ml 9-8464.,. deep lot. Walk-out basement, ga­ Rd.', ivrr 4-1450. - turned down? Bliott on down pay- Fast service. Job too smair. John VerfEdlle, MI tomers, Manchester - WiUimantic Hillstown Rd. 25c quart. Bring PORTER STREET — Center «n rage, tool sheds. Ideal for - large BOLTON—First lake -:-ts'Bterfront much -product, the pressures on Q—In what volcanic eruption 1949 FORD, color Burgundy mist, August. MI 9-6464. per month. MI 3:4787. mantT Bankrupt? Repossesmon? ,3-2521. / area, $90-$100 weekly to start plus own containers. FURNISHED R(>OM for rent, one $12,800—3 Bedrbbm ranch, flrs- trance Colonial Cape, 5 generous family. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, MI 55 FINLEY STREET 5-room cottage which can be the, disc jockeys are steadily In­ was it aaid that the diiat thrown 1953 OldsmobUe engine, $150. Call expenses. Odi PI 2-6488 or CH block from .Main St. Call MI easily winterized. Marion ^ ftob- creasing. ’.'If you want to get your Don’t give up! See Honest Doug­ PAINTTNQ AND p^>ertianging. AVAILABLE July 1—3 room apart­ ptace, storms. Small cash assumes size rooms, screened porch, large 3-1577. from the volcano could be seen las, gat the lowdown on the lowest JA 8-5828 after 5:30 Hoaseh'old Services 2-14()6 for perscfial Interview ap­ STRAWBERRIES—pick your own, 9-6746. living room with fireplace, formal ertson. broker. Ml 3-5953, 'x record played," says one execu­ Good clean workmanship at rea- Situations Wanted—Male 39 25c per quart. Soma, Birch Moun­ ments, first floor, stove, refrigera­ $98.50 monthly. Carlton W. Hutch­ Excellent custom built 2-year-old, throughout the world? down and amalleat payments any­ Offered 13-A pointment. tor, heat, hot water, utilities fur; ins, Ml 9-5182. dining ' room, one-car gafage, BOLTON—Large 8 room ranch, at­ 8 rooms, 8 bedroom split level with tive, "you can buy a play any ■ A—The eruption on the Island of 1948 CHEVROLET, 4 door, excel­ sonabla rates. 80. years in Man­ tain Rd., Bolton. PLEASANT, large heated room, tached double garage, 4 bedrooms, where. Not a small loan or finance lent conditicm, $65. Two girl's 26" t w o ’ COLLEGE students derire free parking; on bua Une, 146 Cen­ nished, life bath and shower, full pSrklike yard. This property tn top 2-car garage. Features Include (ull thne.” Krakatoa near Java in 1883. company plan. Douglas Motors, RADIO-TV REPAIRS aU makes. chester. Raymond Flake. Ml RANCH—8^ rooms, 8 years old condition throughout, $17,800. patio, acre lot. excellent neighbor­ Wanted—Real Estate 77 balloon tire bicycles, excellent 8- 8287. PLASTIC MOLD MAKERS exterior house painting. Reason­ ter bt. MI 8-8002. kitchen cabinets: Call MI 9-8448 plaster houae, 1’4 baths, squared tn.V radio stations today are n s Main St. Cars, . phonographs, changers. able rates. Quality work. Recotn^ between 5-9. *■ Bowers School area, family siz$' jPhllbrick Agency, MI 9-8484, hood. Price reduced for quick and rebutted shingles, picture,book what vs known as "formula" sta­ cmidition, $15 each. PI 2-7613. Flowers—Nursery Stock 50-B kitchen, plastered walls, caat iron sale, $18,800. Goodchild-Bartlett WISH SOMEONE to handle Honest, economicaL Guaranteed 80 EIXTERIOR PAINTING. We spe­ ■TOOL AND DIE MAKERS mendations. Call PI 2-7001 or Ml . GENTLEMAN—Comfortable room, kitchen with stainless steel -double real estate? Call rhe at Ml 9-03^ tions—they program from the Top 1N2 ENGUSI^ Zephyr ~ compact days. Famous for service for SO 9:0007. ZINNIAS, Calendula, Salvia, straw centrally located, shower, bath, TWO ROOM apartment, heatf' hot baseboard heat, 1-car garage. This BOLTON LAKEFRONT-,, Contem­ Realtors, BU 9-0939, MI 3-7925. oven, recreation room with fife 40, charts of the big hits published ear, 4 new tlriM, S195. Clark Motor. cialize in commercial, residential, porary ranch, 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, for prompt and courteous service. 1953 BUICK, In good running con' years. Phone MI 8-4537. Potter- industrial, and trim Jobs. Big or Must be experienced, flowers, marigolds, dahlias, ager- parking. Call at Russell’s Barber water refrigerator Center St, Ml house offers you those little extras place. Beautiful high elevation in all the triuje journals. Another SalM, 801 Broad St., NP SrlOU. ~ . ' IF YOUR price range i s .$26,250, Joseph Barth, Broker, RUG and dltion, $150. Call MI 9-2315. ton’s. small we do them all. Joseph' All benefits atum, sweet alyasum, also to­ Shop, comer Oak and Spruce.' 9-6105. that make a houae a home. $19,600 ultra modern kitchen, 3 large bed­ with ■view. Large trees and storage form of payolaNg to buy your way SO hour week mato, pepper, cabbage and celery Philbrick Agency. Mi 9-8464.. rooms, 114 baths. 2-zone heating, inspect thj. 6’ 4 room ranch, Ver­ U57 FORD Ctmsul convertible. “ET.I FLAT FINISH Holland wlndaw Dionne, contractor. Call MI 8-0484. Dogs— B ird »—Feta 4 j shed. Vacant. CAgH WATTING for property own- FORD 1956 wagon, 9 passenger, plants 35c dozen, 3 dozen for $1. ROCKVTUK—Elimlshed room for SIX ROOM duplex, near Center, thermopane windovva, garage non, ulJrtL-modern kitchen, built- eri;’'Please call us before ypu buy cellent condiUon. $575. Call MI good condition, must sell. See and shades m ade to m easu re. AU Apply POODLES—Black,' brown minia­ $100 monthly. Adulte only. MI SIX ROOM colohial In the Porter space for 2 cars, Marion E. Rob­ in atpVe and dishwasher, 1>4. baths, UPHOLSTERY 8-6788...-^* EXTERIOR—^Interior, house paint­ Open Sundays and evenings. Pon- rent on first floor at 12 School St. Priced below o'wner’s cost or” sell. Speedy service. J. D. make Household Goods 51 46 HARLAN S T R E E T *^ room tant, 3 or more family, unheated- Z. WHITE (’Turnpike Market. IndY of TEL, Ml 9-1752 EXTERIOR and interior painting. teng Call M 9-1467. 8-2822. 3-6441, ______twol bedrooms, IVa baths, formal preferred. Evenings, .BU 9-3825. 16 Constance I5r., Mancheater. hoye guaranteed. Phone MI 8-4587, Pot- Cape, fireplace, V/a baths, full filed an application dated June 22. 1961, 1950 CHEVROLET V-8, standard Paperhanging. Wallpaper books. Re!nT a t a p e recorder as low Sa dining room, large Jmng room — $12,500 WILL BUY this five room BOLTON-COVENTRY LINE or 1958 VOLKSWAGEN convertible, terton’s, ISO Center S t 66 RUSSELL BT.—Wanted—middle, basement, enclosed porch, garage, ranch with oversized garage in with the Liquor Control Commission for' Htlft, .excellent running condition, Wallpaper removed. Ceilings. 60c dttily. Marlow’a, 887 Main. Call plus porches and-'du' conditioning. CLIENT DESIRES 2-(amily house a Beer Permit , for the sale of alcoholic excellent condition. MI S-4823. WANTED aged couple or lady and gentleman FOUR ROOM duplex, pantry, bath, wooded lot 76x150. Marlon B. Bolton. Lot is 100x200 with big Ml 3-5747 $845. CSaifc Motor Sales, 801 Broad SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired Floors. Good clean workmanship. ^ - Articles For Saif 45 MI 9-5221. I This house hag to sell and is Only $13,600, Large 5 room ranch, in Manchester. West Side Realty, liquor on the premUei Turnpike Mar­ for ..loom and board. MI 9-5459. hot water, parking. MI 9-1051. Robertson, Broker. Ml 3-5968. priced weli'feelow market. T. J. trees, VA or FHA With minimum MI 9-5315. ket, Inc.. 151 West Middle ^ rh p lk e , B t, i q 8-2012. frota the shop. Can take care of Fully insured. Reasonable rates. plastered walls,, fireplace, alum­ Manchest'er. Trailers 6-A Residential real estate sales j:br- HOME MADE ravloU, fresh or TORO LAWNMOWEIRS at reduced Crockett, Realtor, Mi 3-1577. down, T. J. Crockett, Realtor, M l all yotir jipholstering needs at Leo Pelletier, MI 9-8326 or MI ATTRACnVElLY furnished room COVENTRY — Year lease, RANCH—514 rooms, 3 . bedrooms, inum combinations, walkout base­ The business is owned b.v Turnpike la n PLYMOUTH, excellent run- 9-5082. son, an excellent opportunityunity.for/an f6r/ re­ mowers. Bolens 7 b.p. Ridamatic COMPLETE kitchen of 9 overhead 65 RUSSELL ST,—2 furnished bed­ 3-0805. ^ ______$13,990; Call McCarthy Enter­ living room, aluminum storms, Realtor region. . , Dated June 33. 1961. 1585 CHEVROLET pick-up, half p.m. BU 8-5726. placements, umbrellas r^iaired, ton, very good cvmdition. MI WARREN E- ^W LAN D, tractors vritb ovger 21 attachments. cabinets, 89" sink, base cabinet rooms^" also bedroom and ' ll'vlng prises. Inc. MI 4-1539, John V. $3,000- assurqgg,. $105 monthly on EXECUTIVE or professional — men’s shirt collars reversed i^d room with meali or kitchen privi­ THREE ROOM heated apartment, Panders, BU 9-8044. check this 7; room custom built Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 . Aato' DriviiiK School 7^ Electrical Services 22 Realtor . Used mowers and tractors. Parts with 5 drawers, aJl wav chrome this 2-year old home. Robert replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ and sendee. Capitol Equipment fixtures. CaU MI 8-14ll.’ leges, MI 9-5459... atove and refrigerator furnished, Wolverton, Broker, MI 8-1914. ranch; 1>4 baths, lots of extras, ing Shop. adults only. Cal) MI 3-7894 after 6 $8T.-7J MONTHLY, immaculate excellent grounds, garage, $26,500. CALX OR SEE me for a good deal PREPARE' FOR driver’s test. GTtS!E.|lSTIMATES—Prompt serv­ 575 Main St. ;MI 8-1108 Co., 38 Main. MI 8-7958. OB a 1861 Ford .or Falcon and A-1 ice on an types Of electrical wir­ p.m. split; Tgcreatlon room.' Garage, BOWERS SCHOOL—Spotless cus- Ken dstrinaky. Realtor, MI 3-5159. MANCHESTER Ages 16 to 50. Driving and class HAROLD A SONS, Rubbish remov­ huge lot, 414% mortgage, Carlton used ears. Walter O. Parker. L. P. room. Three Instructors; No wait­ ing Ucenabd god insured. Wilson WE HAVp^AN opening for men in- ’CEDAR clothesline poles installed tom built, 6 room home, garage, al, cellan, and attics cleaned. our safe's department to work with end reset, all sizes. 1956 Chevrolet . FOUR ROOM apartment, heat, do­ W. Hutching,:^ 9-5133. VERNON—6' room cape, 4- finish­ BLUE RIBBON HOMES ntagerald, Inc., 73 Brooklyn St., ing Manchestar Driving Acade­ Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold Ellectrical 0>., Manchester, MI large rooms, parkltke yard, run­ COME O) jsiir shies manager, experience sedan, low mileage. MI 8-1853. # SEPTIC TANKS mestic hot water, spacious ed, oil hot water heat, assumable RodtvUle. MI 8-5824. my. PI 3-7848. Boar. MI <>;«»4.------8-4817. Glastonhury; ME S-7876. (COVENTRY—To setUe esti(C'' Re: ning brook, $16,900. Carlton W. helpful but not necessary. If you CLEANED and INSTALLED grounds. Woodland St. Adults. Hutchins, MI 9-5132. mortgage, $81 monthly, $13,000. can qualify, we will train you. • Available July 1. Call MI 8-2171 or -duced to $12,900. 5 ropm house, West Side Realty, MI 9-6315, OVER-SIZED CAPE ... Living MORTLOCK’S Manchester's lead­ main highway three acr'es.^f land, room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, 18M F o r d Sunllner convertible. ing driving ocbool. Three skilled Buildlng-Contracilug 14 Bonds-Stochs Mortgagcs.^l This job. offers high ea,rning po­ 1960 WEBCOR tape recorder, • SEWERS MI 3-8470 after 5:30. TOLLAND—Very close to parkway, Can IQ 8-6752 alter 6 or Saturday. tentials. Guaranteed salary while slightly used. Call MI 9-1496. ;~ MACHINE CLEANED newly" decorated, new.heating sys­ new ranch on lot 150x200, 5>4 VERNON—8!4 room ranch, assum­ ceramic tile bath. Second floor. 2 f courteous mstrUctOTs. Class room MORTGAGE MONEY —We can THREE ROOM apartment, 170 Oalk tem. Call MI 3-2785 week days. able mortgage, 4(4%, $83 month­ bedrooms, tile bath, Full basement. Instructions for 16, 17 year oldr. CARPEtiTTRY—Roofing, remodel­ learning. If you are reliable and rooms; baseboard hot water heat, supply any amount of -money for unairqid to work, apply in person LOAM SALEl—Rich, clean $14 loam St., 3 large rooms on third floor, nice cellar for recreation room, ly, walking distance to school. Hot water heat. Attached garagd. Telephone Mr. Mortlock, Director ing, repairs. No Job too small. Ed for $12.50. Also, fill, gravel, sand • INSTikLLATlON heat furnished. Available July 1. NEW CAPES and Ranches. City Asking $12,000. West Side Realty. $23,500. — , Stasiak, PI 2-7564. ~ ^ ■______mortgages. Term's to fit your between 9-12 a.'m. at New Elngland low taxes, immediate occupancy, Saw Essy D^ytimer ' of Driver BMucation. Ml 8-7888. needs. Handled with strict confi­ and stone. Miller Sand A Gravel. SPECIALIST' MI 9-7624. gas, city water, landscaping, MI 9-5315. Storm Specialists, 190 Middle 90’xl50’ lot, formica counters, 10% down payment, $12,990. Can­ NEW RANCH...5>4 rooms.' Ga­ ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ dence and expediency. J.' D. Real­ Tpke. W MI 3-8603. tor ft Goldfarb, Realtors, MI 3-8442 ty, 470 Main St., MI 3-5129. , 1 FOUR libOMS available July 1, knotty pine cabinets, ull base­ BUSINESS property—plans for 3 rage, plastered walls, ceramic tile ; Chair Protectors! modeling, all types of carpentry. completely renovated, $65. J. D. ment, metal hatchway, full insula­ •TR 5-6244, offices on ground flohr and live MI 4-17(». TOOL MAKERS and all around HOTPOINT ^frigerator, 10 cubic Town and Country bath with large -linen closet. All machinisfk wanted, group insur­ foot, good. I condition, Sonatone Realty, 470 Main St., MI 8-5129. tion, colored bath fixtures, ceram­ SIX ROOM Cape Cod, shaded lot, upstairs. Ideal for doctors, law­ cltv conveniences. Lovely location. ' Business Opportunities 32 hearing aid,; never used. '33 mm ic tile, hot air heat, sixth unfin­ yers, dentists, etc. No parking $17,950. . ■ ^ 'S(SS*st* MASON CONTRACTOR and ce- ance and paid holidays. Apply Wil- - DRAINAGE CO. SIX ROOMS, completely furnished, outdoor ffreplace and patio, 2-car ment work. CaU MI 9-5451 between camerja. MI 3-8922. ished room in-Cape, built-in oven problem. West Side Realty, MI UNUSUAL opportunity—Establish- co Machine Topi Co., Rte. 6 and ’ modern, on bus line, large yard, garage, ame.site drive, city waitec SIX ROOM CAPE . .4 fini-sh'ed ' 4-9:30. 44,- Bolton, Conn. Ml 9-4^43 " and range in Ranch. Only $12,490, and zewer. Call MI 9-0995 or MI 9-5315. ed Rubber Stamp business in BARGAINS—Work benches, clocks, garage. Adults. MI 9-7770. $390 down. Call McCarthy Enter­ rooms, 2 partiall.v. Liring room. , 3-1753. ] MANCHESTER — 4 room older dining room, bedroom, _ rerarnic Manchester. Can be operated on a ESTIMATOR wanted to take off bells, 'desks, motors, transfer tT • ... prises, Inc. Ml 4-1589,, John V. ~ Roofing—i^Uding 16 part-time or full-time basis. Cgn mason materials, experienced. files, visek. Oill evenings, MI Panclera, BU 9-8044. SEVEN ROOM colonial—1',4 bath's, home, nice yard, excellent loca­ (ile bath^ Garage, Center entrane’e. also be operated from present lo­ 3-6847, \ FOUR ROOM apartment, neab tion, full price $9,800. Short way Bay window. $15,900. w r Write resume, P. O. Box 833, Man­ business section. Call MI 3-5117. 2-car garage, 2 fireplace.s, bullt- A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding, cation Or out of your own home. chester, Cpnh. BOWERS SCHOOL—« room Eng­ 1ns, dishwasher, garbage disposal, out—3 bedroom ranch, half acre painting. Carpentry. Alterations , Priced very reasonable. Owner MOTOROLA s t e r e o , 1960 model, lish Colonial, 114 baths, large land, full price, $12,900. 3 bedroom To See these Blue Ribbon Homes cost $350, asking $200. Reason Join­ large porch, large - lot, ample call and additions. CeUinga. Workman­ ' will teach you how to make the BARBEtil—Full or part-time. Apply HEBRON—4 room apartment. Call kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, large shade trees, city water and sew­ split level, excellent location, nice ing seivice, MI 8-2539. WANTED wooded lot, 25x50’ outdoor swim­ condition, full price, $13,000. Many ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. stamps. For more information call Russell’s Barber Shop, corner Oak , t' . ' MI 8'-()946 a3fter 5 p.m. erage. Charles Lesperance, MI MI 8-4860. CH 2:6982. and Spruce St. ming, pool, tennis court, ijs-rbeque, 9-7620, > more home.s $5,900 up. Call the STEREO RECORD player, auto­ 1-car-garage, $28,900. Philbrick Ellsworth Bitten Agehcy. Real­ BARROWS & WALLACE matic changer, 4-speed,-practical­ (Offiqe open 9 a.m. tn 9 p.m.) B ID l^LL HOME Improvement MACHINIST GDC ROOM duple:t, adults. Call Agency, MI 9-8464. TWO-FAMILY—8 and 6—On Igrge tors, MI 3-6930. MI 9-5524. Company-all types of siding and Help Wanted— Pemale ! 35 ly new. Ml 9-1^90. ' Linotype - Inteftype 55 E. Center St. lot (150x1501. House in good shape, ' ~ ~ 4. ofing. Aluminum clapboards., a after 4, MI 3-5M0. S ix ROOM CAPE, breeze way .and ” MI 9-5306 FASHION demonatratora $20-$40 To set up and operate new heat, aluminum siding, porch, specialty. Unexcelled workman­ ■\v garage, full shed dormer, 2 full garage. Lots of extras. Owners QUICK OCCUPANCY ship. MI 9-6495. profit commission. No d eliver^ lathe, baths, wooded lot. easy walking Or collecting. Bieeline Style Shows. . Business Locations distance lo schools, bua, anti shop­ anxioua ‘ to hear your offer. T.- J. 19 ACADEMY ST.—6 rooms, ex­ Read Herald Advs. ^ Qperatoir Crockett, Realtor, MI, 3-1577. COUGHLIN ROOFmO Go. - All Party Plan Sensation. ' Samples milling machines, r For Rent 64 ping. Don’t miss this outstanding cellent location, 2-car garage. types of roofs'and. root repalrinj furnished free. MEdford • 8-t477, value, $15,900. Philbrick Agency, 3.'55 W.’sMIDDLE TPKE.—Excel­ CHARMING 6-ROOM SPIJT iproializing in Twemy Tear Born MU 8-9006. ‘ EXCELLENT spot tor any business Ml 9-8464. NEW ARRIVALS ed Roofs. Call &Q 8-'7707. grinders, etc. lent. Cape, 4 rooriis plus 2 expan­ LEVEL. •- High eievatlort, or office. Center of town, plenty sion, nice-corner lot. Priced to s'ril. screened eummei*'house, pro­ 3E9TIC TANKS PART-TIME of parking. 5U 9-5229 9-5 SIX ROOM ranch, 2-car garage, 2 , IN MANCHESTER ' CLERK-TYPIST ^ AND fireplaces, built-ins, 2 full baths, fessional landscaping (all Roofing and ChimneyjB 16>A THE NEWTON CO. BUIIJJING LOT—100x600, good shrubs- and flowers In full PERSONNEL ’ AIR CONDinOTTED large one city utilities, hot water oil he'at, ,, Neat Well Located—Value location. 56 Elm Street t - Mancheater PLUGGED SEWERS room office, 100% Main-Street lo­ excellent neighborhood, immedi-^ bloom now). Priced to sell In ROOFING—Spe,clallzlng repairing ’ Packed;' low, low- twenties. Immediate Interesting position in small EIXPERIEINCED roofer, strip shin­ DAY WORK cation. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main. ate occupancy. Must be seen to be Exclusive with MEETING'' roofs of bU itinda, new roots, gut­ appreciated; '^Charles Lesperance, occupancy. ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ department for a qualified typ­ gles," esurpentry. Call after 8 week WaslilRe Cleaned Finished 6 room Cape “with : ■ > - - ■ „ , : ■ '..r ist, recent high school graduate STORE—Corner Spruce .and Birch MI 9-7620, , ' I charming living room and fire­ ARTHUR A. KNOFLA. paired. Aluminum siding. 80 days only. MI 8-0916. Septic T obIcs, Dry Well.. Sewer Apply :• ■ .. V considered. Pleasant working . St. suitable for shop or office, place,. formal dining room; spa­ Realtor years’ experience. Free estimates. Line. InstaUed—^I I a r • Water- ■Rested. Call Saybrook, EX 9-6033. BOLTON—Fern wood Drive—large p r e f e r ; o n e f l o o r ? Yts, it's "town mooting" tpdoy an^ Call Howley, Ml 8-6361, MI S-0?6 Conditions, excellent behefit cious kitchen for work and eating, MI 3-5440 MI 9-5933 These eye catching 6-rooin program. Write P. O, Box 1512, proofing Done. ■% 5>4-room Ranch on lot 150x200, ri lEuFttlng F bR RENT—Corner of Eldridge full baaement excellent condition, V 'a baths, huge bedrooms, excellent ranch'es on Grandview St. Hai^ord, stating education, ex­ NOTICte closets, alum!nu(n combination ovj^day in tho pogos of this nows- and Spruce St., small store suit­ $17,900. T. J, Crockett, realtor, SEVEN ROOM Cape—on bus line, will suit you to a "T” , Famll.y 2697' Heating and Plniubing 17 perience and salary require­ windows and doors, full shed dor­ A public hearing wlii be held by MckiNNEY BROS. able for beauty parkir, real es- MI 3-1577. . . larxe fgmlly room,' modenr kitch­ room-kitchen cbmbjnation,. ments. ' tate, aniaii businesc. Rent very mer and city utilities. Asking popor. PLUMBING AND beating-.~ re­ the Town Planning Cobamlasion of Swweragt Dispwsal Co. $16,900. 1 en, dining room, 3 or 4 bedrooms, dining room, Uvlng~ room! modeling Installations, ropalrs. „ reasonable. Inquire 188 Wood­ VERNON' — Cape, garage and with old brick, raised hearth. Mancheater, Connecticut, Monday ISO-182 Pearl S t—MD 8-8808 breezeway, commercial zone. Ask­ basement finished in knbtty pine, All work guaranteed 25 years ex­ evening^ July 10, 1861, at. 7:30 land St. MI 3-8474. . Trim 6 > room Cape being com­ garage, W(x>ded lot, close to firci»lace, S bedrooms, 3 baths, Horo's whoro ovoryt^ y comos to perience. 24-hour service. Call CLERK-TYPIST ing $16,800. Tongren Agency, MI 2-ca'r garage. We’ve said P.M. in the .hearing room of the Spring Special! WOODLAND ST., Manchester; -• 3-6321. pletely redecorated, fireplace, schools and shopping, $16,900. Phil- Earl VanCamp, IQ 0-4749. Opening in small department for Municipal Building on mbdlviaiona 2,400 square feet of office ipace' beautiful screened porch off kitch- brick Agency, MI 9-8464. enough, drive h.v and see'the got tho town, stoHi, national _and ■ 8204 ' titled: to be erected in the next 8 weeka, LENOX STREET — Nice clfiSh.,6-, ,en, ceUar„play area, aluminum California styling In New 10-20 capable clerk-typist with good.typ- MANCHESTER—6 room cape, fire­ CnScbei a colorful and attractive Radlo-TV R«mair ihg ability, Aptitude for figure suitable, tor insurance and profes- room Cape for $13,200, Central to cbrhblriatipn windows, fenced yard, 'iRri'gland settings. Priced Jn worid nows. Horo's whoro nino ont “Bryan Farm, i Wilbur Cross everything'.' Plenty of trees. T. city utilities. Asking $14,500. place, plastered walls, full ceram­ the^ Upper 30’s. Immediate Rua up this pretty, young day- set of (phalr protectors trimmed work is essfentlal. • " Pkwy; Mknchestfr and South AMESITE PAVING iional use. Will alter plans to suit ic bath, upstairs completely fin­ thpar la no timel Yoked charmer with gay bird motifs (embroidered Senricei 18 ■ i''® COLONIAL , tenant. MI 9-5043. ( J. Crockett, realtor, MI 3-1577. occupancy. Windsor, Conn. Property of J. 1, a DRIVEWAYS a WALKS a PABKINO LO ^ These are Just 2 of our many ex. ished in knotty pine with built-ins, of ton,pooplo start thoir shopping that la Ohichad la with V WOSa belt in counb'Oross-atitch). TV SER{gGE—AU m ak^. Honest, RANCH cellent listings In all price' cate, roomy 'Hftthen, aluminum storms Pattern No. 2697 has dlrectionz' COMPTOMETER R. Stitch Assoc.’, Inc. Scale BONNER ROAD — Vqcant 6-room RaqxNnd a w lalmuna t with Patt-O-Rama is Guaranteed 80 day. F a m ^ tor L. Griswold, C.E.” Houses For Rent 65 tras. Owners anxious to lell.- T. young family. Spotless. $16,500. 3 unfinished up, full hath, H a t e 10. U . 14, 16, 18, 20. Bust terfly trim; meamiring instrucUona service sin ce-1831. Phdne MI Opening for comptometer oj ' Large Idtoheh, living room , FREE KTIMAfES • ,«CAU ANYTIME J. Crockett, realtor, MI 3-1577. .Robert Wolverton, Broker, MI within 3 blocks of stores, ^ bb tw st 8% yards for fitting; graph of blrd.ihotlf; 9-4587. Potterton’e, ISO Cenyr Bt “ Re-subdivision Middle Heights, FOUR Room home $100 per mpnUu THE ,9-1914. " now in tho storos. , atitcb itiuatratlons. tor with good figure aptitude, i with fireplace 8 . bed­ schools, bus'line yet a quiet pany offers excellent benefit pro- Scale 1’’ — 4QV June 1847. Sub­ Riferences and lease required. VERNON—5!4 room ranch, garage, street only steps from all 05c in obina to: To (order, send 25c in coins to:- , CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, mitted by R.-^MlIler:;‘ rooms, plastered wbiU, \ THE PRICE IS RIGHT ' -Plulbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. large assumable 414%; mortgage. ELSIE MEYER AOENCY, $12,800-7SIX r o o m colonial, nice > Mancheater Blve- Anne .Cabot, The Manchester Eve­ ' available all hour*. Satisfaction gram, g i^ wages, modem air con cost iron baseboard bimt, condltibn, picturebook kitchen; eonvenlences. $600 dowu pay­ dltloned office. Apply, .Save on''closing coats, Tongren ment on tills $18,800 home. . itM AVE. 4MY ning Herald, 1)150 AVE. >OP guorantead. Call Ml 9-U15. All interested perrons may at­ gim ge 8 yearn aosa.' . 1 ,1 SA 9-8808. T ■ ' 4 ^ J. I , -I ■, '/ '.V/ 4 . ■•r SATURDAY, JULY 1, IW l f j i o i i n t i mancir^Bfor 1|»ralit .’»r BuildingUnit About Town Rockville-Vemon Heard Along Main ^ Street Backs Repairs OaaM T. Banavig«, ion of Mr. And on Some of Manche»t«r*a Side Streeta, Too Dust Settles Business Bodies and M r^ J omiAi BaMVig«t 38 HUd- im Sti'hM been elected preeident It Finally, Beglstered ^ber of things — as pockets often TTVB 'OOFTIM 80U> For Schogl^ flCileiUMlaOT Society o( Engineers A young lady placed her penny do. Among them was a handker­ In Parking Indies Air, Inc., of Puerto Rloo, fmUmiti^ a t Raneseimtr Polytech­ hoe announced Its Intention to pui^. into a parking meter on Main St. chief. The building commJUea recom­ nic Institute for the next academic and then informed a local police­ Undisturbed key and-kertdiief chase five Rotodyne turbo-jet year.' Bana'Mge is a senior in the man friend that the meter was k e ^ compi^y the whole day. LotDispute compound helicopters from The mended isfaty renovations of ele­ department of electrical engineer- broken (because it didn't register) the evening, at home, the KStrisn AlrerEift Corp. of Bloom­ mentary schoblg, and referred other ta*. ■ man pulled the handkerchief from Dust settled yesfinday, at least field for eervlce throughout Pukr- and asked .him not to give her a to lUi - - ...... proposed changes to the board of ticket because she was going into h'a nbeket in anitlclpatlon of a for the time being, In a yaar-old CO, the Virgin Islands of the There will be ho meeting of the Unltad BUtes, and the Caribbean Keduaction. after an inspection tour a restaurant to have lunch and sneeze. Rockville land dlspute-and ieal- o f three elementary schools lest Manehpater Wates Tuesday eve- would be back very soon. . it took him a long time tp figure aresL. . jUng Mcause of the holiday. The out how the lipstick got on the clum chloride did the trick. The Rotodyne is a 504k> passen­ .When she arrived back at her ger, 200 miles an hour, vertical ^ e ty aiid health measures reb- board of directors will meet Thurs­ car, -lo and behold,! A parking handerchief smd much longer t0.ex- Workmen yesterday spread the __ mended to the board of to ec. day at 6:80 p.m. a t the home of plaln it to l^wlfe. , take-off airliner which la especial­ violation ticket has on the wind­ calcium chloride compound on the ly suited to operate in the rapidly tors by the committee included ad­ Mrs. Yvon Michaud, 34fl Hill St.. shield. ditional exlta, for the Manchester East Hartford. - f A Shaded Vlqw pEurklng lot east of KockvHle!s developihg Caribbeari area, which The bffeheder was'thep quite of­ In many cases cannot provide run­ Green and .Robertson Schools, and fended,, it was reported. A t the po­ A young woman in a Manchester Boardwalk block to lay the dust, office reported to work last M6n* ways adequate for present day the installation 'tft ventilating fans lice station, she’ said she had al­ literally and flguraUvely.^ flxed-wlng aircraft. for toilet rooms vrijerever needed, ways put pennies in the meters, but day with a "tan," \bhleh co-work­ The parking Jot has been a bone ers were a bit more inclined to con­ The committee Agreed "agreea that for some reason, they never reg­ of contention, bfetween the T. F. - ELT SEGALS MOVING furniture and wlnSriv shades, istered parking time for her, she sider a supbtmi. Rady and do. printing firm and Through Thursday, the, woman, Mr. arid Mrs;’ Ely SSgak 130 which had been requestkff by the WESTOWN said. So. she said, "I always leave Sunline Inc., a reW estate cor- Elizabeth Dr., are moving to board of education,' were not mat­ two or three pennies on top of the still quite rosy-skinned, 'stuck to poraUon, for more than a year her story and the co-workers kept 'Toronto, Canada this weekend. ters to be brought before the build­ PHARMACY meter to protect , me. V following bulldozing work wnlch where Segal will become vice ing committee. «S9S|artford Bd.—MI »-994d “Little did she know that little tongue in- cheek. T' leveled the uijpsed area for even­ The partitioning of a classroom girls and boys collect pennies from cm Friday, however, she said president, in charge of advertising Very little a ^ u t the "tan,'! until tual parking puirxjses. and merchandislrig of Towers of in Nathan Hale School for a new To maidtgin onr continuity top.s of meters for penny lollipops. Rockville Building Inspector Ro­ Canada Ltd. administrative' office was also She said she never read the signs asked about it. land P. Usher said the iise of the referred to the board of education, ■»— po.sted bn the meter and therefore “ft all came off," ahe admitted Segal has been employed by the of medicaK^i^ce we are calcium chloride will meet the Towers firm since 1047, beginning since It entaUs Installation of furni­ didn't know that parking meters with a sigh. requirements of the State Building ture, and not actual building. The wniild only take nickels.. Code, and more draistlc action will as manager of Manchester Mills at X " ' \ coirimlttee. however, gave Its ree-. Open All pdy She paid the $1 fine. ' Isolated Comment the Green. \ \ h The defeat of consolidation, In not have to be taken. The couple's new'address wlU be ommendatlori to all of the proposed In the'meantime, the Rady com­ xlnoiges. ” Key and Kerchief Vernon Monday sparked no funny pany and Sunline will await dis­ 125 Stratheam Rd., Toronto.. The committee decided that bids SUNDAY A young office worker had oc- comments except perhaps one, position of Superior Court suits should be taken on a new heat­ cassion to do some work out .of from that practiced wag, Charlie SKOB8KY SUBMITS DESIGN destined to determine title to por­ A design study of a. high, per­ ing system for Hollister St. School,' hours, 80 she borrowed an office Pitkat. tions of the parking lot land. a JriTlOb previously estimated at 245,- kev from her boss. ' Pltkat, superintendent of the formance helicopter has be«l sub­ Rockville sewer plant, which is Signs at the entrance forbid pub­ mitted by Sikorsky Aircraft to the 006. She popped the key Into her lic use. Accompanying the building com­ handbag, .which contained a num­ aftuallv outside the city limits in U.S.' Army Transportation Re­ the Vernon Fire District, said, Usher told members of the City, search Command. mittee on Its tour last night were Notice ber oT thing — a.s handbags so Council two weeks ago that he William H. CiTrtis, superintend­ oftea-do. Among the things was a “now I know how Berlin feels." The twin-turbine craft has a new There's a problem, though. Ber­ would give Sunline until the end of low-drag fuselage with completely ent of schools; Douglas Pierce, WE HAVE DAILY lipstick with a loose-flttihg cover. the month to lay the dust, or he biuilness manager of the board of In due course she returned the lin is famous for being supplied by retractable landing rear. Per­ N - • i' would have the lot paved and.send formance includes speeds up to 224 education; - and Katherine Bourn, DEUVESY TO THE key. and the lender popped it into airlift. ^ „ the bill to Sunline. board member. ht.«i pocket which contained a num- A Non. miles, an hour, payloads as high as Usher reoommended^piwlhg by ',000 pounds, a,ferry range of the city as the last course of ac­ ,400 mllea BOLTON tion, pending council approval. Health Departmehl Eight Nigerian Officials The council took no action on FUEL HANDLING ROOM his suggestion, members Indicat­ A "white room" for groimd fuel In New "Quarters ing they would leave It to handling equipment was opened AREA To Study Town Governmhit Usher. this month by Hamilton Standard, Sunline bought the Boardvvalk division of Tlnited Aircraft. Corp. The Manchester Health Depart­ business block two years ago and In Windsor Locks. ment moved across the street yes­ Eight government officials fromf>ager Richard Martin, andihia re­ began bulldozing the parking luea The room initially is being used terday. - Noyv it’s in the treasurer’s rilloe LENOX Nigeria will brighten lation to the townspeople and the last year to make room for 196 to clean and assemble components board of directors, said Robert T. cars. of propellant transfer units for the in .the building .across from tha Manchester Monday, Tuesday and McMillan of the International Co­ However, the Rady company, Air Force’s Titan n missile. Manu­ Municipal Building on Center S t PHARMACY Members of the highway depart­ Wednesday when they visit the operation Administration. which prints the Rockville lioader, factured by the division, the units Lucky winners In the Red BaU Jet-Shoe contest poke with spon­ a weekly newspaper, claimed own­ pump and meter liquid fuel from ment moved thte furniture from, the 299 E. CENTER ST. town to see how Its government In a letter to General Man­ sor Mrs. Lillian Gustafson, owner of Gustafson Shoe Store at 705 office occupied by the building in­ operates. . ager Martin. McMillan said the ership of p i^ of the property end storage tsinks to the missile. Main St. Michael Audette, 9, of 42 Lancaster Rd. displays his took the claim to court The “white room" provides ex­ spector’s staff to the roomier Of­ TEL. Ml 9-089« They will be especially interest­ officials would be wearing their practice pitching, field and Joseph (Joey) Swensson, of 97 Pros­ fice occupied by Treasurer Leroy' ed in the duties of General Man- native clothes. . An earlier suit between the tremely high degrees of cleanliness pect St., tries out his go-cart racer. (Herald photo by Pinto)), printers arid the former o'wners for assembling the equipment. Norris and his staff. ~ .i The delegation Includes Augus­ of the Board'walk prroperty, Louis Room temperature and humidity Mrs. Marguerite Wood, secretary tus Adebaio, senior a s ^ ta n t sec­ S. La'vltt and Theodore Scheitlin, are strictly controlled, and the (Jeorge Hammond, Harry Uchten- in Groton. CRMCA Presidint of the health department, said ahe retary; Mrs. Agnes A. Adesigbin, over the (Muna title problem IS air is purified. steln, . Anna Chanda, James De- William Thornton, who is also was pleased with her new quarters, senior assistant secretary in the part-of the UU^tion pending In Only authorized personnel are Mari, Harry Lasher, Ephrlam president-treasurer of Manchester although she would miss her ministry of education; Emmanuel the Superior Court, allow ^ In the room. Gauthier, William Fitzpatrick, Sand A Gravel, was master of friends of many yeara In the build­ Oluwdferl Akpata, chief conserva­ -Pool Sets Beoord Joseph McDermott, Joseph Cohen, ceremonies at the outing-dinner. ing department. tor of forests in the ministry of ag­ The appearsmee of 1,211 young­ COUNT BITE IMREOTOB and A. L. Michaels. Thomas F. Finn of 313 Spruce The first aid kit, supplies, re­ riculture and natural resources; sters at the Horowitz Memorial Alvin J. Hlrschfeld, 81 Moun­ St., supervisor In P ratt & Whit­ frigerator for drugs and a desk Adedetum Kayoda Degun, acting Poor In Henry Park Thursday set tain Rd., has been appointed to — , f BRIEFS ney Aircraft’s process develop­ have been placed In the vault in senior secretary in the ministry of a new record for pool attendance, the board of directors of the Enrico Monaco of 60 Glen- ment laboratories joined the the treasurer’s- office, she. said. The finance: William Gascoyne, sur­ according to Director Donidd P. Oount-Rite Corp. of America in wood St. arid William, F. Smith of PAWA Quarter Century CHub on desk will be for the use of the veyor general In the ministry of Berger. Hartford. 33 , Evergreen Rd., claim super­ June 14. Mimlclpal Employes Credit Union lands and housing; Adelewuela The former high was recorded He le a . certified public ac- visor and assistant district claim Paul Buettner of 169 Autiimn account books, which she keeps Gkanlawan Kanmwl, the team last year when 1,200 children irlslt- countant in Hartford. . manager, respectively, for the St. manager of Goba’s Flowers at track of. leader and director of auditing; ed the pool In one day. A graduate of the Bentley American Mutual Liability Insur- 1122 Burnside Ave., East Hartford, Fabian A. O. Shoga, under secre­ Berger said the iununer swim iince Companir's Hartford office, has been accepted ks a member of 21.6 MILLION CONTRACT tary in the ministry of education, ming program, which began Mon­ Sst week attended a claims repre­ the Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Washingrtbn, July 1 (ff) — The and Sunday Olayinka Somefun, day, is picking up momentum, and sentatives meeting at the New Association (FTDA) and will han­ Remington Arms Co., Bridgeport, government printer in the minis­ that classes for mentally retarded Ocean House In Swampscott, dle international flowers-by-wlre Conn., received a 21.6 million army try of home affairs. or physically handlcapp^ children as., 'With 70 other regional men service. The FTDA has more than ordanance contract for the manu­ will begin some time next ■week. ilscuss company plans and pro-, 11,000 members In North and facture of small arms ammunition He said registrations for the spe­ grams. South America and 18,000 members yesterday. The work will'be per­ cial swimming instruction should Raymond Vincent Lavery of 40 in 189 countries In Europe and formed at the Lake City Arsenal, be filed 'without delay. The dead' Packard St., has been certified as Asia. ' ' Independenceice, Mb. line Is Wednesday. an “Operator of Sewage Treat­ Clrcas Comes to Town ment Plants” under a program, of The Hunt Bros. Circus will come voluntary certification by the New to Vernon July 10 for a one-day, England W ater Pollution Control two-show _ stand at „the_. American AssociaUori. Lavery Is foreman Legion Field on West Rd. at the East Hartford Sewage The appearance Of U)e circus Is Treatment plant. ■ being sponsored by the Polish Joseph Bre'ault; Manchester's American Citizens (PAC) Club. assistant assessor, will Join some The circus will have appeared In 200 municipal officials concerned Manchester July 8 for the benefit with real estate values when ttiey' of the Lutz Junior Museum In that meet .at the University of Con­ town. necticut, July 9, to start a four- day, 17th annual school for Con­ necticut Assessors* and Board of Tax Reviews. Bond Bid Opening The Connecticut Ready Mix Oven cooking Concrete Associatioh, Inc., held its is easy today... Set for July 11 Alvia I. Hlrschfeld annual outing last Monday at fhe School of Accounting and Western Griswold Hotel and Country Ciub A notice of sale has been made New E n g la^ College, he received by the town for 21,165,000 In gen hla master’e degree in buslneaa eral obligation bonds, to finance administration from Rutgers Uni­ versity. the West Side sewer project, the He is an evening school in­ addition to Mary Cheney Ubrary structor at the Unlverelty of and the Improvements to older ele Hertford, and ie treasurer of the mentary schools and B a r n a r Newton Co. In Manchester. Jimior High School. He lives in Manchester with his Bids on the purchase of the wife, Sylvia, and their two sons, WORTH SHOUTING AROUT j>onds~will be opened at noon July aged five and three. 11. The bond Issues Include two 12 MARINE INSURANCE AGENT year issues totaling 2160,000 for Jeremiah J. Collins of 171 St. ^ OUR the sewer, one 8-year Issue for the SUMMER John St. has been appointed marine SALE! schools and one “18-year issue for special agent for 'The Hartord In­ MODERN so’s home heating the library. surance Group In ConriectlcuiC, and The bonds will be dated Aug. 1, Rhode Island. He succeeds B. J. our way 1961. Casey Jr. who has Jollied the staff • Storm Windows ’ri Doors They will be awarded on the at the Hartford Group’s Training You get premium quality basis of the hlghesjt bid for the Center. MOBIL • Awnings ’n Canopi.es Mobilheat wi^ KT-98 . . . the lowest Interest rate, but no " bid Collins has been associated with most completely effective fuel for iSiss than par and accrued In­ the company’s inland marine de­ . oil ad^tive in u ^ today*'And terest to the date of delivery will partment at Hartford since 1957. A • Jalousies ’n Enclosures- be considered. The town reserves graduate of Bulkeiey High School- you grt premium Sendee. Au­ Jhe right to reject any and all bids. tomatic deliveries . s bal­ in Hartford, he also attended the anced payment plan and many University of Connecticut’s School other extras "designed to make of rnsurarice. hone heating rtally eaty. ' 26-TEAR WORKERS Pei^onal. Notices Michaels Jewelers recently hon­ 14. ored about 25'members of its 26- Mobilheat aT-oo Year Service Club at the firm’s In MeiMriam Annua! Employes outing at'Holi Ike dean>od^ Is lovlos memory of our father. Alex- odrfrfhre' ander- aifford. “ llff ■ irho • paaaed------away------July----- day Hill, Cheshire. OVER 20 YEARS'I experience IN CAR 3. 19S3. The group included, Saul Uch- Beyond the sate our loved one tenstein,' Harold Beaulac, Don- SERVICE W ork. Tratiwd ot Mobil TVoln- Finda. happineaa and reat.^ ajd Boisvert, B. Garstpn, Merle . ■<» WE'GIVE And there la comfort In tha thousht Mahoney, William Turcotte, Mil­ That a lovlns God knowa beat. dred M. Duni), Frank' I>eMari> ing ^eol'CNid Heonsod to core for di your GREEN STAMPS The Cllffonl family. Howard Michaels, Ernest Game- Hn, Frank Sellers, Carme^i Conte, minoir r« ^ ra . — Anna Spiridi, Charles jMkowskl, John Korzenko, Klngdon Gorton, 1 NOTICE MORIARTY A. Wallace, Napoleon Mathleu, L. T. WOOD CO. BROTHERS ICE PLANT A Complete Carter Chevrolet Inc. 301-31S Centsr St. 51 B18SELL STREET " Come In Now Tnra East From Mabi ''St. Marlow’s and Othei' Line Of ■ U29 MAIN STREET ~ ' M l 3-5135 — . At State Theater ^ Fine Main Street For Fast, Efficient, Stores Open Mpnday MOBIL Sales and Service T, Closed 4th of July I Products :e Wilt Be Open All Day Saturday -iFer HoiMst CLOSED All Day Monday TEL. EeOfiomicol Ropdn on July 3 and Tuesday, July 4 Ml 9-9B14 ______RodiOi TV, Stnrto, Pbonograpii Appli JBNtai OF ADAMS Fhoae BDMM827 iJO Center SL—Oor. of Ohnreii A / ‘V ■ ■ 'V * \

VIDBO eVBKy WEKK—AIX MUHTO «■»■»¥«>, H. t . 5lOMN8PN • O o l , la c .

“I’d Mien, working with h male Some people are inclined to say of epiaiodea not aeen in that ver­ cl^orus — the saihe one I use to­ that, the public doesn't know what sion. day — for .some years. Td used' constitutes good music, but they’re “Victoria Regina” ia a'character them to back Up Quy . Mitchell on wrong. Technically, the public may atudy of Queen Victoria, "preeent- hM hit records, and we. had a hit of not be 'ab le to ^ v e a definition ed humanly and Intimately, with our own back in 1953 i— ”The Tel- but su'oconacioualy, they know satire, humor, tears amd great ro­ low Rose of Texas,” which was fol- when they hear it.” . mantic implications,” Schaefer owed iip with some other good sell­ Harking b a^..to hia first ’’Sing said. He considers MIm Harris ers Just usii^ the ihale. chorus. So "the ideal choice to portfay the With tiM eancel&Uon oC so^ segment conducts not only the Along” telecaBt^^^Usr comments, mhay TV m iIm —new and old the idea for the albums was bom, “A .remarkable amount of the little lady of.Wlndaor." This la one ^ow’s gang but direcU his con­ but we were ail stuck, for a title. of the most-sustained and arduous ■like — weatenu, - private eyea, ducting to home viewers as well. mall we received-was from par­ aituatioh comedies, adventurea ahd "One day, I was haying a meet^ ents commenting on how this was roles: In toe history of modem Bach program is built around a Ing with Robert Allen, a young one of the few shows, that the drama. It calla for toe actress ta iwUiologiea all Included—it’s in- general theme —- such as the build­ successful song writer of such hits HNUi .toe reign of Britain's mon­ taraatlnc id note that a new TV ing of the nation’s railroads and its whole family could wat<^ togeth­ allow, "Sin* Along; With Mitch” sis ’Chances Are’ and ‘Moments To er, and all enjoy at the saM time. arch from 1837 to her diamoi^ effect on American life, nostalgisr Remember,’ and mentioned this Qood songs are eternal InNdura- Jubilee in 1897. win return td NBC-TV on a weeh- for forgotten scenes.-o^ America, peoblem. Half In. jest, Allen said, "Victori«( Regina” will be Miss ly-baais becldning; Sept 38 from 10 songs of the sea. In alt .apropos Uon and appeal to pMple olN all td .1 1 pan. ^ ■■WTiy don’t , you just call it ’Sing agas. It’s the popular ^Uef t^ t Harris’ sixth performance on setting a group of songs MUtral, Along With Mitch?’ And that’s kids only go for what I call ’w ^ “Hallmark Hall of Fame.” She has Ifttoh 'MUIer'a .progrram of aroUnd the general theme is pre­ how titles are born!” tean’ ■ music or, if you’d ]Wefer, ipkared in "The Good "Fairy," Hamiliar, aincable tunea was first sented, with choral selections al­ . "I thlnk'one of the reasons oe- rock and roll. . That’s not Arie. le Lark,” “U ttle Moon of AP- praaentcd pa a single broadcast on ternating with solos by the guest hiild. the success of both the al­ What is true is that a'lot.of radio “Johnny Belinda” and "A *Tronl Startime" in the Spring of stsrs. bumsTV series,” Mitch station owners and dlao -Jockeys QollV House.” Her Broadway IMO. PuhUc respenae was dvar- "About three ysacs ago,” Miller says, ’Ttk^tlutt the .songs are/M presume that this ia true, and oreditS\ Include “htomber o f the whMmingly favorable and the net­ recalls, "Some one had ah idea to musically ^v^id and excelleht' i they .program their stationa that ■Weddlngv” “I Am a Camera,” “The work signed Miller and his "Sing record an album of World War II we call m akV ^em . Most uses, of way. But the true teat ia in the Lark" and^^The Warm Peninsula.". A lW Gimg" for a series of aeveh songs ahd cell it ‘Bariacks Bal­ songs of an emy vintage today record aalea. And here, rock and additional programs, on alternate lads.’ While it sounded like the find the firtlsta d^Jierately ”hok- roll really, does not do that well rridag nighto, beginning in yanu germ of a good idea to me, I ihg” .them iq> in an ancient man­ ary, 1981. on a hard cash baaia. Retired general coulijn’t see the sense of limiting* ner. They either use orchestra- Many kids don’t Uke good. :iiU- Af£er the premiere in January, an entire album of songs to Just tloM of the. times or their Idea of slc today simply because they're T o M e^t Preiis NBC switchboards in New Tork, thdM from the Wsr, tlamby cut­ what the .song m i|^t have sounded not given the opportunity to hear Philadelphia and Washington re­ ting down your potential audience. Uke and deliver the music in a or become acoikinted with U. ported a deluge of favorable caUa. I suggested broadening it ts in­ kidding manner. We take this .tiu- Once they do, -you’d be -amaaed Gen. Thomas D. VYhlte, who iw- During ensuing weeks the audi- clude any songs that might reach sic serioinly . . . But, basically, at their poaitive reaetton. As soon tired as Air fo rct chieKof staff anoe approval was further eapress' someone's memory enough to have vdiat I’m trying to say is that we yasterday after 41 yearsm ili­ as the disc Jockeys and radio sta­ tary service, will be the g tiw bn ad by thousands of letters, post them sing, along with the album.” Just’ present good music in the tion programming executives be oards and telegrams. "At that time,” oontlnuea Mitch, truest sense of 'the word. "Meet the Press” Sunday, Juljr 8. Ueve this, you’ll hear much i>et- Hs will be interviewed ^ Singled- .out for praise from ter .music on radio.” Charles Corddry, UPl; Jack Ray^^ viewers were the 26- voices of the mond. New York Ttmes, Peter “ Slag Along Oang," prOfessiivak, producer and permanent been used for Mitch Miller’s series Jutie Harris panelist of "Meet the. Press.” ' -of recorded "Sing Along” albums. Ned Brooks will moderate the Despite their portly builds and program, a presentation of NBC balding pates, Mitch decided to use ' To Star in Newa, which will be a live color the same singers on-camera. Audi- enoe identification with the sing;ers broadcast from 'Washington. was immediate .and the “average’ ^ ^Victoria appearance of the group contribu­ T()m Poston of "To Tell The Truth” thinka someone should In­ ted to the program’s maim appeal. "Hallmark Hall of Fame” wHI vent sn ash tray that resembles a Xn .addition, attractive female vo- open Its n th season on the NBC- livlng'room rug... ealists, such as Diana Trask and TV Network next fall with a 90- InsUe Vggama, were signed as minute color- produi^on of Lau­ guest stars on the series, and eight rence Honsman’s, "VlctcJria Re­ exceptionally attractive girl dan- gina,” starring iit-the 8FOBTS PAGE FOB cere were chosen to proVide added title role. WERE OF JULY lal TO JULY Mfc Visual appeal. Producer-director George Schae­ 8ATUBDAY. Ji;i.Y let Bach program closes with a fer announced today that the play U':4S Wide Wurld Of Spuria S "Sing Along” segment In which Ohadlapla Ruwliag SS will be recorded on color tape ear­ Tbit Weak la Mparla S song lyrics ape superimposed on ly in August after three weeks !pf i Baaebalf S the picture, so that the viewing rehearsal. 'The broadcast d&te, Yankee*, v*. Waahiiigtim 2:M Baseball S audience can easily sing along. other leads and additional cMting 2:M Baseball ' M Conductor and host Mitch Miller wyi^be announced soon, he said." TV Bare of the W eek\lS , 4S Introduces each segment of the s!m Rig Time Wreslliag S "Vlctorik. Regina” was first pro­ 'Batnrday Wreslliag 18 program, and in th«r”Stng Along” duced on Broadway by Gilbert Wide World of Sporte 4S. M I Pia Bntlere M 'Miller. In 1935, with I FIghI Of The Weak S. M. U giving one of the-most niem or^le Eddie Macheii, heavyweigbL jierformances of her career. The va-Harold Johnson, NBA light hcavyweighl champion, 10 play was a smash hit and, .after a round heavyweight contest. lengthy run,'toured~for~two years, Alfholigh a u>p rawinamtsiKK returning to New ,York In 1938. er for five- years (currrenlly No. 3). Oregon!* Eddie MocheO- The play introduced Vincent Price has been unsuccessful in get­ to American audiences In the co- ting a title shot. Combination ^ h i n e k starring. role of Prince Albert, the boxer-puncher,, the 197 pound Hsichen looked .impreesive ia royal consort. A luitive of St. trouncing big' Mike Dejohn ia ELECTRONICS Louis, Mo.', Price had performed April . lie also gave No. one previously only ih, England. contender, Sonny I.iston, the LABORATORIES toughest fight of his career, Schaefer ^ted that Housman’s losing a close 12-round ' de­ original play , contained 42 scenes, cision. In Philadelphia’s TO of which made up the Broad­ adonis-like .Harold JohnsCa, 277 BROAD who. holds the NBA version of way version. The "HaUmark”' the. light heavyweight tlUe, production will include a number H achen m eets a brilliant isno experienced boxer with a lethal blow in either (tsL It wlir be a close fight betweas two cautious boxers with John­ son's greater speed ahd su­ perior boxing skill gaining him TW O -W A T SATURDAY Television PROGRAM the decision. (Complied by Stanley Weston, Boxing Illun- RADIO DISPATCH U:» if Elsa T:N Perry Masaa S Laredo.” .Paladin la forced Into a trated). ' _ — . ? ^ym ond Burr .In "Tbe Cake of deadly sbowdoWn with a gunman IS;M .Hake.TbaS-Spara SS. IS ro« N i«rr the Calendar Gii-i."- Mason tunis who feels he must shoot it out to CARS Wide Werld ef Bpmrtm calendar-art , phoiorrapher to preserve bis reputation. (Repeal) _ — SCNDAT, JULY tad , CaadlepiM tfewlias prove hia point in derendini; a bauble Faainra ----St' Ills Baseball _ , S UlN ThU Is UOssa bnildins contractor. (Repeat). Yankees vs. Waohlngtoa "The Big Treea", KjriE-C^glas, t:M Baaabalt S . iN>r Better Be^vlee Detcotlve’s Dlarv . Bahanaa (Color) B. M Double Faatnm ... ''" x M tiW BFU Na. t ^ lorne Green, Pemell Roberts, "19M ". Edmsnd O’Brien. Michael ’ Red Sox vs Cleveland Watch Mr. WissrU Dan Blocker. Michael Ijutdon ip.. RedgrSva. 3:M Baseball M The lavlslble Mss “The Mill". . Cartwrighta heliv MONDAY, JULY Srd 1:M DsTev • UaUsth neighbors who are being duped by -MtSI Unnsmaho s ISiM Main- Kveat S ttciasea Pieties Theatet' an evil hired hand, . (fiepeat). James Ameas stars, Dennis This Is Social Scearltr Weaver featured. The trail of a , 'TUESDAY. JULY «th The Boariaa-tS’ev' ' s. tS. SS man wanted for murder leads 1;M Baseball S Rea RaasoB In “Bold Editton.” Marshal Matt Dillon and Chester Yankees vs Detroit 1:W This Week Is SiMrIs S , - Seafeh for slayer of veteran newa- 1:M Baseball S Amerieass At Wsrk IS . man. (Repeat). to BIkader. a town ruled by, the 1 ;U BBseball—..... t iron fiat of a lone man. -W* j Red Sox vs Wasbingtoa. JOHN L lENNEY StM Cherkmata S (Repeat), . 4:M Rsme Of Tha Week U Yankce.-i .vs. WasbinatSii . Doiig McClure. THURSDAY, JULY S4h ' S;et Baseball S 'Sebastian Cabot. “Terror , From .. OITha Week 8. M. SS Batatniajr Fealara XI IStM C^amea T bealev s 7:11 Eiags or Geif SS G. LEROY NORRIS The East." Britioh-bom mission­ (Color) 7;M Rammer Sparta Spactacalar S FlBbtlng Coast Uuard'’. Brian ary arrives ia the United States Donlevy .Forrest Tucker. "Sina- Tambataao Tarrllairy S 9;M Wreatilag IS ASSOCIAm__- from China and seeks the. help of Playboy's Paatbaosa M FRIDAY, JULY Tth Ina Guns". Ella Raines. Vauelm ■ CheeJeraate. Inc., to protect a man 8:M Blvardala Daablaa SS Monroe. - from assassination. (Repeat). ISjM M a la TfiU S aara 4S. SS AdventSre Serial M Tall Man M. M BnaremSster Eli Albert vs. Stan fnSurance o)

PA6S POtm ttANCHfeSTEK EVBNlhG' HSItALD,' IfA l^H ^E R . CONN.! ATUkbk^* Jt)iV it Miller Double«= THURI^DAY T elevision PROGRAM H'ead Hunter As Chefs Helper Bara’S Hallywaed » 3. Baal McOaya •- ¥ «:M ThU h Oar ralUi lU U iaa.D ^r Marla "The Glg^o." Grandpa's ‘awsat- In S:U Tawa doog.her hunting in K oom- hmck, more than 30 people pouf \ Thia Oar FalUi t:W FelU The Oat • g rl friend leave home draased : f;U Cmdaia KaSterae •A l Haekiaberry Raaad • ^ Jivel, th e ir psurehts ju m p -to Con­ perntlvoly civilisM nreg known an into the eatery across the street \ BraakfssI Time FUpay The CUwu If clusions. (Repeat). S\M Has BieharSe Shew Mr, t?d. H Playhanaa . If HoUywood. from the NBC color studios. Al- \ . Bamser Haem Medio If Wrestilag H tho«igh business picked up-at-the Y Featare Nawa- -1—M 1:11 B reaaer ■'-■■■ : __ Yf H in t UGle — offlciai|ly B)te'g:’‘c<«- hash house, service was slow, be- ' Anaaaao • :U Behtad Closed Daara ff Great Ghest Talas teetant researcher" for “Seven caoae there waa-~only dhe waiter. -S;SB-t.eaSey Taaaa------Saeial Sacarlty U (Color) "William Wllaon" by Ed­ Keya” on ABC-TV—was coined by S-.IS Laarel a Hardy S;3I Weather. Mews aad Sparta 3 gar Allan Poe. adapted for tela- Mitch Immediately, made friends Casjiala Kaasarea ^ TUhtrapa “ vision by James L>ee, (Premiere) b g bong, Carl Jampel, execuMTS sHth the chef and now has access • ;W ^Harried daaa 1:31 News aad Waathar '■ The Ttatasehablaa . , *i M -produoir,- etrentor of the daytime Wertf' Bahia Head IS Robert Slack ia "The Undar- . V' not only td the kitchen, but to' the "U Ain't Hay". Abbott A Ooalollo Clahhaase SI ground Court." Eccentric widow game show: pdta and pans if he wants to pitch Maraias Shew SI Hallday Blchamya tt shares automobile ride with gang­ - Form er - New 'Toricer, Monde, t- l ^ia with the. day's menu. And he M:M I Lacy __ JJ • :tt Newa S. I. 31. M ster. (Repeat). . blue-eyed Ula revels in being able Say Whea IS. W t- S i Sparta Parade t l Millisa Dollar Movie 11 did recently when' spaghetti was HaeTS ir' J T-.ll The'__ dim " Baekaa Ihaw f "Alaska Highway." Rlcliard Ar­ to roam from Disneyland to China- . order of the day.. ll.-N Videa Villasa _ Weat Falat ..f lan: town .in ber search for new facea Flay Taar Haacih M. W Mlliraa Daltar Marla II After dishing/out and serving "French/gey.'^ . Albert Dakker, 11:11 Greacha Shaw H. M for the riiow.. tColor) ^ ■ X. TV BGPOBTS . I about eig;ht orders of spaghetti, Vaa Ashed Far H . . ✓ * Erelyn Artke™; „ "Imagine being able to vioit discovered that the kitchen ll:M Deable Rxseeare t Weather add Nawa M "Rescue—WIth.Yul Brynuer.” Aa The Filrr U RH:b« « . IS Nawa. Weather aad Sparta N on-scene report on.the pligfat of Southern Californtm’s faa^biatlng didn’t have the proper grated (Colori Nawa mai Waatbarmaa 41 the world's 15,00().000 ' rrfugsas touriat.attractlons during the oAce cheese to go with it- He dashed Gale Siena Shew I. n Uaeararad told throu^ tl^ odysaeg 6 t In o - Teday'a Wamaa tion-picture star._ B ryaaer___ to hours,” she explains, adding that 'aoioas to the supermarket, pur­ Teoay'a 1 :ii “ Klaga 0( GalT' M Marl, Germany, LInx. A i^ r ia , 11:11 Caareatratiaa - Sparta Camera such wldeapread roving la her chased a large chunk of parmesan Tsar Sarsrisr Faebase Wlnhipeg. Csmads, Amman: Jor­ pleasure only when Jampel neetta ehesae and grated it himself. Lass Thai Bab Nawa dan, -and other points aa special 11:11 Lara at Ula 1;M Sasamer Sparta Spactaaalar I consultant to the Untied Nations contestants filling Unusual apeiti- A large ]ar lalMled "M itch's Trail ‘.r Ueaaaaaaaaaa "International GymnasUcs." Top High Commissioner (or Refugees. dcations to match unusual prises. Caataaflasa . I, IntemaUonal pysanastic alara from . Edwhrd R. Murrow la narrator. Cheese'' now sits in the Mtehen and . Japan and the 0.8. wilt he aeea in (Repeal). ‘The time 'Seven Keys’ needed the. chef keeps it filled. IS:II Naaibar nwias I competition. The man competed Bearcb Far Tamarrsw ' at the Unlrerslty of Maryland, 11:11 Tha T h ird Man I parents with Vt or more children, li Caald Be Tea- C>>liege Park. Mo., and the worn: SUaats Please 43 I did my head hunting through (Colon . en at Bouthem Comtectient Col­ Ernie Kovaes.. .. boat. (Part .. __ II). MCa Muaici«nn ITrtt-Thr Oaidlac UsM lege, New Haren, Conn. ^ "OiTphans- of the Storm." ...... 'pedliH;rlcians. When the' weekly lt:M Newa Day RasaM DnUnws *5 Crinith'n spectacle of tha FrencK screening of contestants was hakf, 1;M Baai SaNar Barton MacUme, Don Collier and ____Revolution______starring iJllisu) and Faaiara _ " I . a Jo^ Oaynor In "Aaaassia.. Dorothy GISh w th JoSe^ Schlld- we had a docen families on tap. all . M-ual-C begiiu' and ends with At Hama Wiib KiMy , kraut, Monte Blue, others, having more tlian the desired pro­ M and C and a number of the Young gunman ia - hired ta . kltl MaHaaa Tbaatar—Fart Iv Marsnal Caine. (Repeat). Shstgaia Mads geny head county” emcees of ABC-TV’s daytime game ■teria Blae Angels I Mike Hammer shows display much musical talent. l.:M Ar ihe Warld Taraa Oaestward He!' _ M, Il-:t3 News, Sparta A Weather And Ui%’s quaUfications for the/ Risbway Fairal "Babs Meets Phyllis Brady.'- Big News cam r ahe hdorea T Among the amateur instrumen­ Saeial Neics WHh KHiy Fearing competition from ' Bill a Newa A Weather - v- talists b^ind tbe 'scenes are John­ Daaea Tima childhood sweetheart. Babs seeks 11:11 Jack Faar Shaw “Not much tniining," she laugh­ This-la The Ufa Hawkeye's aid out of her predica­ (Colpr) ed. “I had the flrot of my thriBe ny Carson (‘‘Who Do You Trust") 1:31 At Hama With KlUy ment. (Repeat). Enrapa's Fiaeal Movies 4k dnnns, Bud Collyer (“Number tA I Face The Faata "A Kid For Two ~ children when I waa 17 and have daa-Mrrray Shaw i:ll Oenaa BeM Shaw I. tl. 31 Bun ^ Please") on banjo, Don Morrow • (Color) Liite becomes soniewitat harassed - Diana Dora. always been prOud of l>eing a wife (“Oamouflage” ) on harmonica and ' Day fa Caari S. II. for the household when Donna F sa lara 43 and mother. At Koifee Klatsche, Novella 3:11 Haaae Party and I^. Alex decide to diet and 11:33 W srid ’s Best Movies f riends used to say 'Gee,' you’d be erary { Jack Bailey (“<)ueen for a Day”) l.aretta Yaaac exercise. (Repeat). M. Pulham. Esq." Hedy La­ greates a t the piano or on bsiss, comet or Saraa Kaya I. M. liSI'DIek Powell's Znaa Gray Thea­ marr. Robert. Young. great at something,’ but this heiid te r I , , t l It:33 Jaek Paar Shaw 33 gun bla trombone. 3;M Diek Pawall Flayhaaaa (Ciolor) hunting "Irka never thought of as Tasax Dr.' tlajaae "The Silent Sehtry." During the that something. file age For this 'dream" orchestra. Qaaaa Far A Day I. M. H ■Clrll War. a rebel and a Yankee 1:33 News S3 Hig I Jack Narts would likely write the J:M The Vardtct la Yoara agree to an unusual truce while "When my husband’s .(Jay Ml- arrangements . in “Seven Frera Tbaaa Baata on duty in the raonnialnous waste- ed by I L'aaarctiRat RaiMataad » lands of the West. (Repeat). The Air Forpei is naming; one of cheals, TV packaging execuUve) reled g Keys!" Wba Da Yea Traatt B at MsMeraea 33. SI business necessitated our move .to 4:M Baaser Aady (!ene Barry in "D ebl of Honor." its new Atlas intercontinental bal­ pajama Make Ream Far Daddy Bat leanu that payment he re­ listic missiles after the hero of California, I got a new outlook on their 8< Amrriraa Raadaiaad ceived (or, grubstaking a prospe NBC-TV Network’s “Whlapering life and started job hunting at She < Scott Brady of "Shotgun Slade" 4;U Be Oar OBaat to r ia part o f a stolen gold ani] agencies. My chief attribute waa asserts that a man who can drive 4:3a Rdse Ol Nicht' ment. (Repeat). Smith” police-mystery series. death i safely while kissing a pretty girl love of people.” ous. is not giving the'kiss the attention The proudest moment ot Lila’s “Mr. it deserves. professtonal life came recently killed h wlien a prospective contestant; at this me FRIDAY Television PROGRAM the conclusion of the interview, re­ she saj Here*# Hellyweod 88. 8# tlon against gangsters who’ mur- marked: "You have done more for read tt i : U T hwb Cri4»r 5:< Featare Film \ . I dorod tier husband. (Rei>eat). me in an hour thaij any psychia­ friend; Y>#t Dave O errow A f T e M y “Ohina’a Little Devils/' Paul Tba Flialatuiiea ». 4U 85 Kelly. Harry Carey. "In The Dough, Fred and Bai> trist haa in a year.” hospita Heritage t Fopeye Theater 8 ney in novel disguises, sub for Ctoror \l’- . 9:t# MemenU OfX'omfoH i First Shew 88 their wives in a TV bakeoff con* waa "i 1:t6 Weather 2t ‘ "Thf* Square Peg. Norman Wis­ teat. (Repeat)^-.' Arricelture News t dom. ^Friday 5nte Hop 18, coiild hi 1:3# Tbie Ifl UGoea I Karly Show 8# Riverdale Doabiea 82 BrWdy Nu^lu^(^d wise. H Bnilq.eee Report 8 ‘ Hidden Gune*’. Bi-uce Bennett, Five 8Ur Jubilee 88 unless i 1:S5 Daiveriiity Of The Air^ 8 c The Admiral and Swabby (Color) Popular and country 8:## New* 8 ; ' Show ^ ■ * 4# music program from Spr^ngfieid, T%al ‘V’ Torso Sheri: Thla Oar F*lth 8 5 :M RIa T ia T la 4#. U Mo. *1 thprltie ELECTRONICS 9; N 17 Sunset S trip 8. 48. 58 8:15 BreakfaMt Time -8 5:W Felix The Cat 8 Richard Long in "The Laurel Scott Brady’s well-proportioned Mrs. H Captalae Kaaicaree 3 8:t9 Beet OfThe Foal 8 LABORATORIES 3 Canyon Caper.-" Rex Randolph is “V* torso, his strong legs .and mits. ‘ #:•• Hap Richard* Flippy The Clown '18 implicated in murder when black­ U n til W( Romper Beam 38 Sapermaa 4# mailing columnist names inno­ athletic app^rance are no acci­ —^Feotiir© ______8# Ne#a S cent mun Just bf>fore he dies. < Re­ which 1 Alm aaao #8 8;H Mstthant 8# peat). > dent of birth. The rugged star of ed. 277 BROAD 8:85 Leoney Taaea 4# Newar'eel 58 The l,awleaa Years 88, 38 The V 3:15 Tsiuirel A Hardy 8 #;85 Weather News A SporU S' James Gregory in “Kid Dropper,” "Shotgun Slade”, the adventure Captola KoaKaroe 4# Behlad Cloaed Ooera 4# Ruitsky tries to stop a long-run­ TV series, has spent moet of his his dec SHOP STAN€k'S t:8# 1 Blarried 8oaa 8 8:8# Newa A Weather. 8 ning - underworld war between Welsh. M ovie ^ ^ Robin Hood 18 mobtitera Jack Kid Dropper and life busily engaged ,In improving Ingway FOR" The WetbAcka". Uoyd Brldyeo. C'labhonae 82 little Augie Goren. his body through activity in sports. Nancy Gates F ilm '5 8 Teenavllte Friday Nile i world t TBLBVISION M oralailaa Show 6:48 PolitlcaJ 28 8:88 Charles i^yer Theater Hqying spent mrfit of his life in Mary g 1#:#8 1 X ave Lacy ^ ■.N 8:45 Newa...... -Ar 8 t. 88 ..TY.. FlayluMseL__ Hollywoodi -JSrady- has - made, ex- - 'Henri RADIOS *80 7 Whea rMlUieiY'*L- Dollar rMevfe. Saale . 8:55 SpoHa 48 "Red Btalilon In The Rockies” tensive use of Ills swimming pools, the moi 13:33 Videa Vlllaca T:88 Death Vaney Daya 8 18:88 M.. ik a .. e l Shayac, 88. 88 as . well as of the nearby Pacific he love -PHONOGRAPHS PIsy Year Haneh S3. 33 Loekap 8 Richard Dennihg in "Murder (Coror) MilHea Dollar. Movie ^18 'Round My Wrist.” Shavne in­ Ocean, for ’"«ttnokt^daily, aquatic And th( ADTO RADIOS Yes Asked. Far II •'In Thbt' Comer '. ^oU Bradv, vestigates’. a tangle of aomestic sports, Imposed td^mxing While ill fotimj ) 11:3 Doable Rxpoaare ' Annabel Shaw affairs which leads to murder. the 'Navy, he kee,t>s up his Interest nedy t« Plus Dependable Service The Price i.Is B ic h l * Weather, fsocal News ’22 (R e p e a t), (Color) Newa A W eather 88, 48 Twilightw iiiffr Zoae in the ring by g < ^ a few rouijids bobbed OalS Storm Shaw FUm 5S "A World of Difference” . Howard With friepds a t a Bocal gym. "To I I \ i; MHO. v \ I 1 s ,v ■^i i;\ u 1 Academy PlayhSaaa 1:15 Social Secnrity 28 D uff. Man finds himself project- I^e actor’s fa'worlte athletic d/c- ' a quiet T1!S3 YOSf SsrpMsa Faekass Sporta Camera 88 ked into the completely u i^ a m ilia r lent wo CoBceBtrstlaa l^ w a role of a motion picture actor tivlty, however, is handtfall. He Lava;That Bab! 1:88 Rawhide ^8 surrounded by co-workers whom pre8.tea most oif his friends into "Acrosi .Eric Fl»*ming,.idint_Eastwood In he fails to recognize. (.Repeat). Trees," lt;M l-ave al U fa-'''' Robert Taylor la Tbe .Detectives service as 'opponents for extended Tralh ar..ChBse<|Beaear ■ “ Incident o f the, C^hampagne. Bot- ■ It wi tie.*.’ T ra il ^ a « F■^avor a vor order.*ord< hla 8.’ 48. 58 sessions on the handball courts of C'smMsflags "Bad. Apple.** J*rap set .for crook­ hunt, ri PETS! IS'tM Hsarrh Far Tomorrsw Sedalia-bou0d cattle drive to .nUt the Hollywood 'YMCA. When he It Caald Be Yen aa many milen as possible be- ed cbp.when Capt. Holbrook sus­ rens ht • PU PPIES ' tWMm Itself and -a p a ir of pects be is mastehminding a wave has .time, Brady also enjoys a (Color) of burglaries. (Repeat) round of golf, riding ’through artful t BIRDS Namhar Please 8. 48. Bpirators transporting # load of 13:43 The Uuidiac Light stolen nitroglycerin in ,a wagon 18:88 Feraoa To Fersoa 8 mountain trails, suid a game of and Pc ^ ^ TROPICAI.^lS«r 13:35 News Day BapaH Host Charles CoMIngwood will tennis. ' thor of 1:33 Bast 8fller ' « S8 visit Hcret»n star Jayne Mansfield, the Sea F eatare- Bonnie Burns. Yvonne Lim e In her husband and their three chil-. Badminton, anyone 7 I J ^ ftM ICINflEY At Heme With Kitty “How To Handle A Man.” Chris dren al.so w ith bandleader Spike It wt Is offered a Job ns m anager of, j Jones, his wife and (hair four Id w o 6 d b r id o e ST. Mavis Mallaao . . wm...... a new ^..--'''MANCHr.STER M avis big IHorida hotel. (Repeat children. remlnle 1:33 As the World Taras BM Mnsteranh The loaw And M r. Jeaea 8, 58 MI 8-80*0 Highway Patral Pablio Defender. James Whitmore in *‘A Quostibti friend Beelal Nates With KHty 1flatty*a Funday Funnies 53 of Guilt." Jones tacklea.-a cage lous w! Daaos Time S "Cage J^cight!’.-Casper frightens •Involving Juvenile delinquency. Anx, Questions? big no: F sltlr F a r T oday most of the anim als In the. xop (Repeat).^ " 1:U Al Hhme WMk Kitty but finally finds two fHends. a ' M^phnat .48 sea ari( vfsrr - ' - ■ ' 2:33 Facairbe Faetp baby elenhant ""apd his mother, lt:88 Ntma. Weather A -Sporia 8. 8. 48 ■ a Cuba ■ Jma Marray 8hm other stories. Big Mews 28 Tt wl ' - ■ '-f GLAPYS CLOSE . (Coi<)F) 8:88 Harrfetin A Boa . 8, 48. 5^ Newa aad Weather 88 Q: Who wah' the actor co-star- , Day ta Goarl s;-' 33. Pat O’Brien. Roger Per^ in 11:15 Feature 5*i|m ' S ring ...with Ann Solherri' when she. Ernest 2:33 Haase Party "Poor Little Rich Guy." Despite " M y Son. M y Son." Madeleine vate ft Loretta Vonag SI. If earTYer re8ervntlons. lla rrlg a ii^ Sr. Carroll. Brian Aherne. mside ,‘*Malsle” in 19387 Virginia Bevea: Keys decides a rich man Is entitled to Jack Paar Show 33 P . ■ I). set for ROLAND KAUCHESNE S:33"nis gfillioaalra defense ns well, as a poor man. 11:28 W orld'a Beat Movies 8 But I Toaag Dr Malaae (R epeat). "Hunchback Of Notre Daone •A.; Robert Youn,^. around AT Dasea' Far A Day 3. 33. M One Happy'Family . 82». 88 Charles I..aughton. Maureen friends 3:33 The V)>rd)(4 IS Years Dick Sargent. Jody Warner In O’Hara. Q; Where was Audio Hurphy From Thee#* Roots "Love Me. I.ove Mv Duck.” Dick Award Theater lx>m and how old is he? Susie R.. dtstresi Coaaectleat Boadoload runs Into opposition from Lbe lt:S8^ark Faar Show cent Cl CAME0 BEAUTY ^ Who Do Voa Tm el? distaff side of the fam ily when he. 12:58 Newa aad W eather A: Audie. Murphy was bom 'in 4:18 Raayer Andy Show • wants to go duck hunting. (Re- 12:5.1 Moment ef Neditatioa (jooper. Make Reom Fer Daddy peat). 1:88 News Texas on Jime 20, 1924. . hunting SHOP American Itaadetaad %>#te 86 , - "8 Hern inf 4:15 Be O ar Ooeet Martirf’ Milner. George Maharls. M l 9a2742 t;33 The Edge at Night "Absence of Tears:” BHnd "The MUIloa Donar Bfovlo dow asks Tod Stiles and Bus New Sii8{>en8e M ystery ‘Some U ke It Hot‘ Rea.ly SM Main St.. Blanebeater 'One Body Too. MUn_Iurdock to buy her a gun which Haley. Bela Gugooi. she claims she needs for protec- "Nip House on -B«e Riviera” JJko It Hot"-~a halt: a full-hour, mystery-suspense ser­ hour iweeli^ situation (xnnedy 6"PcMC«fi9ar ies co-starring John Hriclcaon and serieS'DUed on the award-winning Richaird Andenlon S4id set against 1950 motiem picture and present­ S6PAN a backdrop of the boauty, glamour ing mo\^ leads Jaoh Lemmon and intrigue of the French Medi and Tony. CurUs as guest etars of. 12 MONTHS or |2.0dD MILES GUARANTEE terrahean coaujt—wlU be' a prime the premiere episode—is now bi' time prasehtatlon on- the .NBC produotioh as a prime time pre- Mian b o La n d MOTORS <^369 Center Street teleihsion network, during the sentatioi) on the NiBC televWOa Amid 1961^9 season. netwotlc lo t tba4BBl-43 seMoo. * tunes, ■1— ^ «■ opened ventior a new B-'. of the ] Hoffi packed Uon ha \old Jo) 'retary- where soufihei egates Hoiffi needed, conduc ODposit deliit of ark, N. dldata ; '1 • A ' # - •■•A 'I

Ayerftgc Daily Net Preaa Rtm The Weather For Week Knded June 8, 1861 F o r e t ^ dt O. S> Woaiber 13,330 ' Fair and eooler tonight. l « i r In the SO*. Tuesday.mootly oonnjr aad Member of the Audit Bureau-of CSrcnlatloB mild. High'around 80. Manchester— A City of Village Cha^m

VOL. LXXXj NO. 232 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 3, 1961 (Claaolfled Advertising on Page 12) PRICE FIVE CENTS State N ew s .s.- • ' .' Roundup

Court Orders New Trial for Liquor Dealer

Middletown, July ^ i l P )— The Appellate Division of the Cireqit Court today ordered a new trial for a liquor dealer NHRR Fails convicted'of selling beer to a Some Ships minor,,. The dealer, Willfiim Phillips, per­ mittee of Phillips Colony Restau­ On Interest Go Free as rant, 482 Farmington AVe-v Hart­ ford, was originally tried and-'Con- victed before Circuit Court Judge. For Bonds Joseph F. Danriehy In Hartford. In' his appeal, he cited what he called errors in three rulingrs on evidence Harifordf . July 3 (iP h— arid other grounds. ■ Yurk, ^(trly 3 (/P)—The Chail’inffn, Eugene S. Lough- federal government today The appellate division. In an lin of the ' ^ t e Public Utili­ oplrilon written by Judge Bernard went into court seeking a A. Kostcki, dismissed alT of the de­ ties Commission- said today Taft-Hartley injunction to fendant's arguments except those that he “ could not imagine’’ on the a'dmissability of the boy’s end the i8-day maritime the bond holders not'-a^king strike. ■ testimony on his age. to put the railroad into" bank­ The question of . the boy’s age President Kennedy, opposed -I n ,^ was absolutely essenfial to the ruptcy if. their intetest is not principle to u.se of the' 'Taft-Hcut- case, the judges said. Since a rec­ paid. On the other hand, he ley law, hevertheless called upon ord of birth was available, they reaffirmed his stand that it.s provisions in the face of a spilt between seamen'.s uriion groups .added, the state should have' pro­ bankruptcy is not the solu­ duced it in court, '■ tliat has hopelesaly snarled rnari- "In recent years the tlirie-hon- tion for the railroad’s prob­ tinie negotiations. ' ored rule of allowing testimony of lems. . ' On direct orders from Kennedy, a witness .as to his own age has who is ' vacatiortlng .at Hyanris been rendered practically obsolete New York, July 3 (flP)-^The Port. Maas., U.S. Atty. Robert M. Morgenthau filed a complaint un- in this state through a thorough­ financially - straitened New ERNEST HEiWINGWAY going revision of our laws pertain­ the Taft-Hartley law in fed­ ing to vital statsitics,” the opinion Haven Railroad' failed today eral district court here. . saild. to meet ?1.7 million in inter­ If .granted, the injunction would The tribunal cited a 1943 Con­ halt the strike o f some 80,000 sea­ est payments due on its men for a period of 80 days. necticut law which provided for bonds as reports circulated the first time that a birth certifi­ A quick hearing on the complaint ^Papa cate or other document properly that the line may founder wa.s .scheduled. certified by a local registrar or the soon. Earlier, Labor Secretary Arthur State Health Department could be The New York Stock Exchange, J. Goldberg recommended to Pres- - regarded as prima facie .evidence taking official notice of the delin­ ident Kennedy at Hyannis Port of age. quency, notified traders the two People jam both sides of street in Manila as ope'n! cfir, second from front, carrying Gen. Douglas Mac- that the Taft-Hartley law injunc­ Killed by n tion be sought. The two conferred bond issues involved hereafter will Arthui\ passes under arch with welcome sign un'the general's return to the Philippines today. (AP sell "flat.” Photofax via radio from Manila). during the morning at the pres- 111 to 118 This meant buyers and sellers ident’a summer home thqre. Sun Italley; Idaho.. July 3 (fl, — Cooper commented when bhe Hartfort, July 3 (Ari—The State were on notice to disregard ac­ The Pre.sident, in announcing ths Novelist Ernest Hemingway, a lit­ hkard of the death. Once. Hem' Motor 'Vehicle Department's daily crued Interest in arrivi^.a decision to' seek an injunction, erary giant who ranked with the Ingway told Cooper he wasn’t feel record of automobile fatalities as price. Chance of Wdr over Berlin .said it should not interfere with greatest of his age, died of a shot­ ing well, and the late actor re­ of last midnight and the totals on The NYSE said it acted after M acArthur efforts at settlement of the dispute. gun blu t In the head yesterday at plied: "I bet i ’ll beat you to the the same date last year; being informed by the paying The President said reports ^ven &e age of 61.. | bam ." Cooper died In May. 1960 1961 agent that no funds were on hand him “clearly manifest that a con­ His beloved wife Mary, awaken­ Hemingway, son of a physician, Killed ...... i n 118 to meet interest that fell due at tinuation of this strike imperils ed by a shot from the double-bar­ was bom In Oak Park, 111., July the start of business today — the Returns to Gen. White Suggests the, national health and safety. reled gun, found the | body clad In 21, 1899, married four times and Quick Draw first business day follovdng the "I have therefore directed the at­ pajamas Just off the Ifvlng room of interest delinquency date of last torney general to seek an Irijunc-, had three sons. His father. Or. Sharon. July 8 —A Hacken­ Ih'elr secluded retreat house. Clarence E. Hemingway, also suf' Saturday. tion against this strike. . , She caUUd a doctbr alth^gh sack, N. J., man shot himself in the In Washington, an Intersts.te lines "While an injunction will restore fered from high blood pressure "ind leg yesterday. State Police said, Partial Mobilization death apparently wa« instantane­ diabetes. He' was foimd dead of a Commerce Commission source said the maritime Industry to full op­ ous. while practiciing "qulc draws” with a bankruptcy prooesding for the Manna, July S (ip^-^Gkiheral of eration and return the striking his .22-calib«r cavolvec.___ _ n-. 1,600 mile New EStigland' Hne con*- members to work for S iwridd of "Mr. Hemingway accldcntMly ' ^TCbutDiiied on Page Nine) the Attox D o u g 1 a ■ MiacArthur killed hUhself while cleaning a gun Luther F. -AlIstonv-^4, of cetvably ml^t be only “days Beriini^. -Jul.r 8 ■ - television (NBC—Meet the ^ e ss). thorities today, planned to talk with (By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) loans to stay afloat in recent ter Fillpino-Amehickn defeat he Fire Chief Dies suffered at Corregidor and Bataan. eyes of our country and of the said if the Russians or Eltist Ger­ GOLF CLUB SUSPENDED Mrs. Hemingway if a doctor per­ T raffic'...... 819 years, It still owes $35,523,440 cn free world are upon us—and mans try to blockade Berlin again, mits. "It’s still hn open questloq Boating ...... 81 Berlin, July S (/P> — George J. these loans MacArthur arrivi^ at Manila New Britain, .July 8 CD — An Skene Sr., 62-year-old chief of the International Airport on a special that we can not be too well he would be in favor of breaking Impartial committee appointed Until We complete dur investigation Drowning .110 A special meeting of New Ha- prepared for the missions that which Is still In progress,” he add­ East Berlin Fire department, died U.S. military jet * pfovided by It with ground attack rather than to Investigate chatgM of dis­ n . - Miscellaneous j ...... 66 Ven directors was Set for Wednes­ may lie ahead of us. ed. last night at New Britain General day. President Kennedy for the 10-day going over it with an air lift. He crimination against Stanley Golf The woman who was widowed by Hospital. sentimental journey to the Philip­ added: "Maybe we ought to do it Club recommended- today that Total ______.526\^ Washington, July 8 (Ari~Gen. both ways.’’ his death, the former Miss Mary He had been admitted to the hos­ (Continued On Page Seven) pines, which he has "known so long the group’s privileges at the mu- Welsh, also a writer, married Hem­ pital during the afternoon. and loved so well.” Thomas. D. White, refilled Air Asked if h e . thought a Berlin . nk-lpal links be suspended lnd«ffl- Traffic accounted for some 60 Force chief of staff^ says •'There is ingway In 1946, They traveled the per cent of accldent deaths as hun­ Skene leaves his widow, four The Philippih'e government war is certain to turn Into a riu- nitely if two Negroes are not ac­ world together. He called her Miss sons and a deughter, among others. a fair chance” of war. breaking clear war, White replied rio. But cepted for membership by July dreds of Arnerlcans were killed In brushed 'protocol aside to give out over Berlin. Mary and she called him Papa. a mounting Fourth of July holiday MacArthxir the sort of welcome he said: 15. The S-man committra wae Hemingway's violent death amid toll. Trip to Rerifember T News Tidbits usually reserved for chiefs of And as one way of emphasizing "I think that if the Soviet appointed by Mayor Julius J. the mountains sud hunting grounds danger to Americans he suggested Kremski to look Into the .dispute. The traffic death toll, since the Stratford, July 3 (/P) — The heat .state. Sharing it with him were Union should join in, it is almost he loved shocked the literary world proved too much for 15 members from the AP Wires his wife; Maj. Gen. “Courtney a partial mobilization. Inevitable that it would degenet- Upon receiving the report, apd there were expressions of pro­ start qf the courit at 6 p.m., Friday Kremski promised to follow the was ' approximately' 25 per cent of the Preston Scout House Band Whitney, a longtime aide, and the "I don’t think we have had a found regret from President Ken­ of Preston, Ont. very firm expression of the deter- (Continued on Page Thirteen) reoomn endatiolls “ to the letter.” nedy to the obscure neighbors he higher than estimates made by Ruling Revolutionary Institu­ Philippine ambassador -^to t h e The band members collapsed United States, Carlos P. Romulo, hobbed nobbed with In Idaho. the National.'Safety Council. The tions Party retains control of Mexi­ IRAQ CHARGES THREAT "To Hemingway, this was home— council had estimated that 450 p e ^ co’s politics by sweeping unevent­ and his wife. sons might be killed In highway (Continued on Page Seven) Pre.sident and Mrs. Carlos P. Baghdad, Iraq, July 8 (D . a quiet retreat far from the turbu­ ful- national election to name 178 Iraq today termed the landing of cidents during the 102-hour period deputies and five state governors. Garcia were at the airport to wef^' Didn’t Quite Mean the Same lent world of "Farewell To Arms,” British troops in Kuwait a di­ "Across the River and Into the which ends at midnight Tuesday. Thousands of persons, mostly com e' the ilIuatrlou.s o'ri soldier personally. The country’s top of­ rect threat to Its security and Trees,” ;"For Whom the Bell Tolls.” If the death rate during the first No’ Herald blacks, are in. jailin Johannesburg, oalled on all Arabs to ilnitei . It was here that he came to half of the period continues, a South Africa, following three days ficials and members o f the foreign hunt, relax and Work. To local citl- of biggest police “anti-crime cam diplomatic corps also were on against "this tyrannical Imperi­ council official said, the final toll Tomorrow [, tiberty’ Provide alistic aggression.” lens he was as well known as the could pass 550, topping the record palgn" in Sputh. African history.. hand. Full military honors were artful bearded hunter as the Noble Rod Laver of Australia, twice- given MacArthur. who onca com­ toll of 491 during the 4-day Fourth The Manchester Evening S FROM STATE INJURED and Pulitzer prise winner, the au­ ftf July holiday in 1950. beaten finalist, establishes himself manded the Philippine. Army. thor of the brilliant "Old Man arid Herald will not publish to­ as strorig title favorite by beating Many thousands more lined the :e for America Uniontown, Pa., July 8 W — A -“ This holiday weekend is a pe­ station w-agon carrying 10 per­ the Sea.” riod of extra danger,” said George morrow, Independence Day. Luis Ayala of Chile '6-1, 6-3, 6-2, motorcade route leading' to Mal- It was here that he worked on in Wimbledon, Ekigland, tennis acanang Palace, Garcia’s residence sons collided with a tractor Drive carefully! trailer on • Summit Mountain a new major novel, and a book of (Oiqllnued On Page Seven) championships. w’here MacArthur will stay. - By J.AMES MARLOW ^ The proof: Tomorrow millions reminiscences of his youth. A close At least 10 new “satellites,” mis­ The airport was splashed with (A. P. News Analyst) of Americans who rejoice in cele­ early today. Five persons were friend said 'Hemingpvay >Vas ser­ cellaneous pieces o f the "Transit American and Filipino - flags. A Washington, July 3 1.;^) — Just brating .the stirring words in the hurt, all of them occupants of ious when he boasted he had "a rV-A” navigational a a t e 11 i t e huge .banner proclaimed "Welcome, 185 V*»rs.ago tomorrdw, Congress Declaration of Independence still the station wagon and residents big novel, all about the land, the United (Church of Christ launched by the Navy hist Mabuhay (Long Live) General let loose a revolutionary idea ,.lt practice discrimination and segre­ of Chester, Conn. Most serious­ sea and the all?' stashrid away in Wedhesday, are whizzing in iitk- MajcArthur.” . didn’t fully believe Itself, a fact gation' against Negroes, even per­ ly injured was James HulL 12> 'a Cuban bank as ‘Urisurance." ety:^plit orbits jaropnd earth .. . Among the -welc’npiers . was a which makes It a little easier to un­ haps while they celebrate. who received maltiple lacera­ tions and. pimslhle fractures; H e' It will be here that they lay Repl Abner W. , ■ Sibal, R-Cririn., delegatidh' of aged veterans of derstand th* revolutions of today. j The lesson fronv it all-applica- Is In fair condition a t ' Union- Ernest Hemingway to rest In pri­ says “ there is no reason for iles- the Philippine RevoIi|tion against This was the idea: ."That all hie to what, has happened.here and vate funeral . seradces tentatively Church Detegates Meet peratton among commuters and men are created equal . . . with town Hospital. Vincent L,,Hull, the United-States ajfter it took' is happening around the woiild 47, driver of the station wagon^ set for Friday., other New-Haven Railroad pasaeri-; over the islands from ‘Spain at the inalienable rights . . . among them now—Is that when'men,' any group But soma of the. people he knew gers reyarding a breakdown^'ln iffe, liberty and the pursuit of hap­ and his three other ohildren, Vin­ turn of the’^ century. They were of men, white, black or yellok’, cent Jr., is, Gynthia, rivn,, and around here thought "Papa” -u s To. Seal Historic M [erger service for the forseeable future.” dressed in their high collar striped piness.” , have power they don’t yield it eas­ friends called him—seemed a bit Acid-laden air mass that hitriyA Neither Congress, which) ap­ Lewis, one, -were Seated for uniforms with straw- hats. ily, but abuse it. i minor Injuries. ' distressed and’ traced It to the re­ over New York City for 10 days The revolutionaries were defeat­ proved those words in the Declara­ in l953 may hav4 helfed to cause Some recent examples: What the cent cancer death of actor Gary ed by troops uftder the command tion of Independence oh July 4, Negro strong men have done to one Cooper, his close friend ahd local By GiXIRGE \Vt RNELL preceded the formal conclave. *‘Our from 170 to 260 deaths, says d- 1778, nor ,-who AIRLINER HIJACKED (AP ReHglon Writer) church’s one foundation is Jesus of General MaCArthur’s father. hunting companion who prhtrayed erally aided research team in New General Arthur MacArthur. wrote them, really believed "all" (Continued on Page Nine) 5Iiami, Fla,, July 8 .-(D— , Hemingway heroes In the films. Philadelphia, July 3 —^They’ve Christ the Lord,” the massed York...Lynn S. Atkinson, 66, 'le- men are created equal. Aerial hijackers shot a Cuban company sang with vigor. tired bridge and dam buildt-r, MacArthur, ""who returned in militiaman riding as ''Fbard "They’re both In the bam now,” finally made it. 1946 to witness the birth of the They believed. 1^ George Or- After 21 yeaps of negotiations, The new church embraces about leaps 12 floors to hla death in. Los tvell’s phrase, that some people aboard-.-a Cuban airliner today 2.000,000 Ohristtans. Angeles because of sn)og-affected republic, on Tuesday will be the' and forced the pilot' to. fly to referendums, lawsuits, delays and principal speaker at the 16th an­ are more equal than others. other preliminaries, representa­ It brings together Lutheran-Cal- .lungs that , made life “ miserable,” The Declaration calmly Ignored 2,000 British Miami. Police threw a eordon- vinist traditions of the E. ‘arid R. jxillce report. i ’ niversary celebration. aroiind the plane when It land­ Hoffa Sparks tives of twp .branches of| American During his stay the general will slavery, with whcih -the colonies Protestantism met today to wal Church, with its roots in Germany, Government , spokesman a g y s were loaded at the time. And even ed here and the 16 passengers and the liberty-stressing Pilgrim final toll of Satu^ay’s Moslem dis­ also visit .Mme of the scenes of •Jefferson, troubled though he was Guard Kuwait Were hustled Into Immigration their historic merger. I historic battles he directed, in- Re-dection Bid "W e’ve reached the climax of traditions of the Congregational orders In Algiers is 18 dead and 91. about human bondage! bad slaves at Miami International Airport.'. our. years of planning,”! said the Christians, with their origins in Injuired ..... Gen. Phoumi No^avan, of his-'OWn and considered Negroes Kuwait, July • 8.. UR—More than Newsmen were not allowed to England. strong man of Western-backed (Continued on P4ge Thirteen) talk to thehi Immediately. The Rev. George C. Kirk, 4 S CoCongre- inferior. '' 2,000 British troops stood guard in Miami Reach) Fla., July 3 (/P)— "The life of the United Church Laotian government, says he -is And the Founding Fathers, fol­ Kuwait today., ready to counter unidentified Cuban pilot report­ Amid guady tiappings and jazs gational Christian- pssto^ of Mris- Mich, \ will be enriched by bringing not worried about chancea that lowing the Declaration with the any move by Iraq against the little edly fold Inlmlgratlon authori­ tunes, James ■ R. Hoffa today gether these two traditions," ci Communists will eventually take Constitution ratified in 1790, still sheikdotri. ’ ties that theishooting broke out opened a special Teamsters con­ new church, whose consti­ Premier Replaced mente(l ..lhe Rev. Dr.; F. W. S^roe- over in Laos. didn't consider "all’.’ men equal 'The last of the cppimandos and In the I cabin la few minutes af­ vention summoned, to elect him to tution is to be declared in force ter he {took oH on a flight from hero Tuesday, is the United dev, president of the E. and R. French farmers,--attempting to- Their Constitution not only didn’t paratroopers afrived' last night. a new 5-yeor term as president Theological Seminary, of W^ebster Junta in Seoul Havana to iVaradero Beach, Church of Christ. force' concessions from govern­ By end slavery, it permitted-slaves to completing a 2-day landing opera­ of Uie nation’s biggest labor union. CuIhi. It con>bines Gpngregational Groves. Mo, ment, parade aboard tractors in lie Imported until 1808. tion that sparked cries - of protest Hoffa .marched through the The Rev. George S. SiucW Jr. Seoul,' Korea, July 8^(>P)—Lt. Christian Churches and the Ehran- two Normandy towns . . . First 1 All this was done neatly, with- from the controlled press of the packed Deauville Hotel, conven- Edgebrook Cominunity (Coh^ega- group of long-range Soviet bomb­ Gei|. ehang Do-young resigned o iit , ondk mentioning slaves or Soviet Union and the United Ara^ ONE-MAN ^lUNTA SEEN i-tlon hall arm-in-arm-wiUi 72-year- gelical and Reformed Church, the tional) Cjhurch, Chicago, said the tod$y (US premier and head o f the first church merger in the United ers,for Indonesia's Air Force ar­ slavery. Republic. WasUington, July 8 (D —U.S., \old John English, Teamsters sec­ unprecedented merger of separate rives in Jakarta. military junta, saying he -was States to unite denominations of ["The failure to use elthe^ word A force of Saudi Arabian- troop^ otfirlals today tjewed the retary-treasurer, to the platform lines of Protestantism also sets an \ Rain -send Britain’s hottest spell making way" for stronger lesder- different structure and origin. Isl significant,” Burton J.\ Hen- also arrived to bolster Kuwait’s de­ resignation of Lt. Gen. Chanit where Murray I'Dusty) Miller, example for further healing of of «(;eather since 1947 . . . Marilyn ship in the dciye.lor honest gov- dtiick wrote In 1937 in hl4 book fense, local military sources said.' do-Young from the leadership southern Teamsters chief, led del­ . "The spirit of unity .here is be­ Christian divisions. Mon^x>e reported to be continuing ernriienLand economic stability. on the Constitution, "Bulwark ;pf It’s size was not disclosed: of South Korea’s ruling niilU egates in cheers.' ' yond anything that has preceded “ It brings encouragement for the^ on her way to Bpeqdy recovery Maj. Gen. Chung-hi, 44, •the Republic,” but ”It betrays the ’The government «kspalched a 3- tary Junta as the start ofi* eon- Hoiffa's colorful, although un­ it,” Dr. Kirk said. "All the debatea, continuing uniting of I^rotestahtism' from grail bladder operation in New prime organlierf of the. military sense of apology, of shame, with mari mission to the United'Nations BolldsUon.power' In$o ''th* needed, re-election campaign was 'and difficulties, have faded.” ( across lines where there are sig­ York City, i opup that, put Ohang in office' in which 'the makers approached ’ a Secqrity CoUncil in New York to handa;«t4|f6e maal The iclels'!- conducted against only phantom ^ Approximately 750 delentes nificant differences," he said. - California Amcricani Legrion de- May, becaipe chairman of the dangerous aqd even disagreeable argme Sheik Abduljah As-salim As- ^ Gen. PnJt Hl, opposition. Milton J. liiss, preal-{. and visitora gathered for opemng The constitutional convention jiuuids fuU-scale Investigation, of junta— the supreme council for na­ subject.” . / , - Sabah’s;charge that Iraq’s olaim to who siicMeds Cheng dent of Teamsters Local 478, New­ of the new church’s general synod, comes after a long sequence of ob­ United States State bepartment tional reorganization and the real It took a civil war to wipe out Kuwalt.threatens«( the independence man-of the Supreme Os< -for '' ark, N.J., had announced as a can­ with the • Rev.~ Dr.. AbraHain stacles and interruptions. . . ..Many New York-CIty artists, center of political', power in South slavery. But even that couldn-'t of the little,territory, undei- which Natlonali Reorgaalsetloii, stUl didate against Hoffa. Akaka, Honolulu, leading a special Two protracted lawsuits ’ have l^einv llriiven from their-.garrets by Korea. *niis makes him leader of establish as a fact in all Ameri­ lies the world’s largest proven oil has e; strung group ef ;*Mng' ' But there was no I4ss campaign service of prayer for its fu t^ . plagued the process, one of .them city ordinances, \arb considering the nation in nairie as well u In can minds ' the ' high-sounding reserve," ■ coloaels to eoatsad wMli -Som e rousing hymn-singing, at sttrikie to hack np "denuuidS| to r words in the Declaration about the Jimta befhr* Iw (OoBtliiiied b n Page .levea) an. Infom bl nansion»ilnnt *’nigl)t. (^nttnoed M Two) more hespitnbln treatment. ' ' (O oB tth^ an Page Ihlrteen); I ' men equal. - i ' (Oea te —a m Pag* lUiUei^ tboritjr ta .a a fiia iii

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